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Sheer Lingerie Blouses Replace the Heavier Shirts for Midsummer ? The Yoke a Feature?Sleeves Are Longer?A New Waist With Lace Gir dle Worn Outside of Skirt lf anynne lhinl*B for n moment thnt tbe shlrtwnist or dressy blouse has lost lu favor thls stimuiertliiio let them but con Blder tho popularlty of tlie siunrt tailor tnndo nnd the voguc of tlie jumper dress. And what is the result? Simply thls, thu Uressj* blouse, be it a lingerie confectlou or a dnhity sllk nfl'ulr, lias never been bo important a part ot womuu's coBtumiug ns lt la now. When the-se Jumper dresses flrst became tlie fashion tlie very shnllow openlng nt tlie neck seemed to necessltnte only a hnlf body gtrlmpo vrlth sleeves, but wlth the graduul reduction of the jumper io a mere skeleton of Its former self tlie Uu gcrle waist becamo Its Insdparuble ac conipaniment Even wlien the Jumper ls not of skeleton formatlon mnny wouieu wear a lingerie waist Instead of n regu? lar gulmpe, uverrlug tlmt they nre more comfortable and nover pull up out of plnee like thc gulmpe which comes Just over the bustllne. Those of us who ncceptcd tlmt severe tnllnred shlrtwnlst of tlie early spring, uattily trimmed wlth llttle plcatlnga and stlllly cuffed and collnred, aud wore lt wlth such uu ulr of smartuess in com? pnny with chlc tallor-mades all Gprlng, were only too glad to return to tlie "old love," the lingerie blouse, when tbe un? usually c-ool spring Jumped wlthout wnrn lag iuto the beat of summer. Closely woven linen and mndrns waists uud Htillly siarclu-d jueckweyr nre all right lu mod? erato v.-euUief, Uut ulnck nnd ulas, wben tbe tliermometor begins to clluib their Bmartikcss ls 110 substitute for the com? fort uud coolness embodlcd lu the sheor lingerie or sllk blouse. Aud so lt Is witli tlie summer tnllor made. Many American women huve elected to follow the I'arlsienne ln tbe mode of street dress thls season ln thnt they do not dlscard the cont of tbelr street suits In warm weather. Thla fiiucy has led to tbe present popularlty of thc coat suits of linon aud plque, whlle thu whlte nnd light toncd mohalrs und serges nre logioti in thls type of cosluuilng. Tho Ideu ls, of conrso, to make tlio clothlng ns light ns posslble. Here agnln tliu lin? gerie' blouse is callod into requlsltlon, aud wlth lt not lufrequeutly tbe stiff blgh embroidered eollar nnd lingerie bow whleh seems such u tlttlng acccssory to tho tai? lored costume. Hnnd embroidered blouscs whlle still highly prlzed nnd hlghly priced, tno, for thnt matter, nre not ns popular ns they were laat season. For wliat reason nr Little Frills of Fashioru iteieel j-uiaili- Juvenlle undenveur ls iit Uuctlng much attentlon und a greut deal of trnde theso days ln the better Bhops, Mothers who formerly hud all theso llttlo glirments made ut lioino aro uttructed to thls dulnty lingerie for their little peoplo which bo closely loseiubk-s tholr own III coDStrucUon and trlmuilng. A featuro of lhe small glrl's pettlcoata 1? tho dust rullie, acting us a proteetlon for tbe luco or enibroidei-y trlmmlug, wlilch by reason of the length of tho Bklrt very often comes ln cootuct wltb the hose support ers and ls torn. Older glrlB weurlng longer dresses tlnui thoso whleh coine Just below the turn of ihe bnco uro very apt to destreiy tho petticoat trlmmlng wltb tho heels of their shoes unlcss tho dust ruffle ls used. Kiiitiiii comblnatlon eurmenu'*' or unlon sultu ure* belng ebown for mlsBes uud chlldron us young aa three vears. Tbo litll'j pantiilon. aro flulshed wlth u dulnty laco frlll. Thoso gurmenttt ure not only rur cooler uud vastly more eomfortablo for tho small growlng bodies, but thoy reyirescnt n Buvlug ot labor wbleb every mother will l>o qnle k lo approclnto, liiiKl'ilB Coat* liro u dulnty uddltion to buby'H summer rvardrobo, Tbe.-y uro mndo of tho flnobt lawn Insertod nnd frilled wlth fluo Valenclonnes luces uud liiiiid embroidered. lVhere a t~llk llnlng ls liot used lu theso little guniientH, u little Juoket of flne silk ilanuel may bu taeked Un placo to fflvo lhe ueec??:ry warmtb ubieui the i>)ii)iili|.-i'i. Colored SocI.h for small boys aud rensons women prefer those lncey con fections lt were Indeed dlfflcult to tell, but tho fuct ls very evldent thnt they do. Shopkeepcrs tell tho sume story, and further assert that tbe number of Prench blouses sold bo far thls season ls com? paratively small. Nearly all French waists carry some of thls flne needlework, and doubtless therein lles tlie cause of limited snles. A'ery dalnty chlffon satin and Bllk blouses nre mude up with flne laces along lingerie lines, and are desiguated as sllk Ungcrle blouses. A fenture of thls summor's blouses ls the yoke. Sometimes lt ls cut separnte on round, square or pointed lines, nnd Jolued to the blouse with flne laco or em? broldery lusertlons, but more often lt ls the yoke effect attulued wlth lasertiona und niedalllous or motlfs of laco or em? broldery. And uot only ls lt a front yoko but a back yoke ns well. Thls latter ls shallow and ln no wlso conforms to the Bhaplng of tbo front yoke. Sleeves huve dropped from abovo the turn of tho elbow to several inches below and vastly more becomlng nnd docldely moro practical ls thls new sevon clghths length. Cuffs nre sevoral Inches deeper thun lust season and qulte a llttle looser. Somo are so constructed thnt the fulness ls tucked Into cuft form und tbe lnser tlotis whlcli run up aud dowa extend to tbe lnce frilled edge. The dark toued sepnrato blouse ls not wlthout fuvor in tlm summer's fasbions. There aro many times when such a waist is better ndnpted to tho occaslon thun tho whlte lingerie or sllk blouse. The new? est of these uro of dark toned chlffon mounted over white or some llght colored sllk. Plain and fancy sllk Utilngs are used. The checked uud atrlpod linings tire very effeetlvo when draped wlth a transparent chlffon or net. Strlped sllk uud Btrlped chlflon uiuke one ->ery charm? lng walBt ln wlilch a plaid offect is cre uted by using the two materlnls on oppo Mte ways of lho goods. For Instance, thn Kllk Ls cut on tbe cross, whllo the outer material, n satin strlped chiffon, is cut 011 the lengthwlse. Blouses ot thla typo nre mado wllh n Bheer lawn body llnlng llght llitlng and carefully boned to the ilguro, er tho sllk foundatlon ls Jolned to n l'eutberbone glr dle whleh laces Buugly about tbo waist und linlds thc blouso neatly ln place. TUe slmplor the modo the better the style of Biioli blouses, for tho nittteriuls uro such thai any great umouiit ot oluboratlon would dcBtroy tho artlstle Blmpllclty. glrls ure worn inore than whito or black. Vulo ptuks and blues aro tho fnvored plulii eolors, asldo froin tho rich browns whlch littlo boy and llttlo glrl wear wlth BiindalH or Bllppora of glossoo golden brown kld. But very pretty, nnd oxceed? lngly new uud aiuart aro thoso novelty checked und Strlped bQcUb ot whlto over plalded or strlped wltb golden brown, navy blue, bluck, red, palo plnk aml bluo. These novelty eoclia may lie worn with bluck, whlto or golden brown Bllppora, but thoy should iu every case match the little dross. I'lnln socks nro worn wllh checked und plalded dresses, whllo fun cles uro best wlth frocks of plalu niato rluls. Plno OliightilUN ln varl-ee.lorotl eliecks unel plaids aro iniido unusually attractlvo thls summer by liund ombrolelorlng aciil lops Wlth n liuttofiholo utlteh urouml tho e.lgo of tIie eutout noek of tho Jumper dress, llkewlso tho nrmhule, or the .sleeve eups uud bortlie, iiiuiiy ot tlio proltle-st frocks followlng thla inoele. Itusslnn blouse dresses ure freeiuenlly irliiiined ln tliis maiiiiei' nlso. l'lfiue. aro belng used oxtenslvoly ln i hlldren's dresses of tne jumpor und ItiiS' i-lun lilouso type. Kven tlie stnplo llneut hnvo boen forced asldo hy tiioso fabrlcs, whleh, ln tlie now crossbur weuvo, un especially attractlvo, lMcjues ei? not wrln Uio llko linen, uud thls ln ltself is qultt enough lo glvo ihem tho.h- prusent pros tlgo us miiiorluls for clllldrcn's, us wol ns grown-up's tallored suits. I - ( 41 ? ? .1. ) lu-,-:-f^MyJS /--1--r--p-; <?$* *2& Midsummer Millinery Modes* .'??* *& UiniHiial Interest hns henn nwnlioned ln HiIb year's nildsiiminor nillllnery by the urrlval of somo Btrlklng noyoltlea from forelgn Bhores. Mcmt of us havo loug Btnco tired of the mushroom, wlilch, ln thu eurly Benson thought bo fetchlng, hns been bo overdouo us to mnko lt posltivcly ofl'enslve in mnny InstnnceB, nnd wo nro Just -ln thu mood to gVnsp iiuytlilng whlcli emius ln iho way of a novelty. The llrst dlvergoiico from tho mush room wns tlm broad brlmmed French sailor, wlilch mnde Its appearaiice ln the oarly dnys of Muy, and thls, wlth its vnrU.iiB trlininliig of ribbons, feiilhers, wlngs, qnlllH nnd Ilowers, wns followed by tho French shapo whlcli the I'nrlst eiinos call the "Cloebe," nnd we Amerl eaus deslgiiute ,,B Uio "jjell." Thls im ineillately becainu tho accepted typo ol ultra inldsuiiimer headwear. Tlio crowi of this new modol |B somo four lnclii'H li helght, aud ihe Bloplug brini froqiientl*, iittnlns a width of seven Inches. lti tiliimilngB vnry und nre 'moro. ur icui voliuninouH. imi it (Ioch not, however. don voy tho Impicssloii of over trliiimlng probably lieciius-. of tbe fnct tliat then Ib no liiternitugllng of ilowers nml feath ers, though rlbbons nro uaed Wltb both of thoso. Tho llower trlminod l'.oll Is porhnps the prettler, though thoro are seen somo very smnrt ostrlch trimmed affairs, und hoth nro equally Brnnrt wltb tiiljored stroet suits ur llngorlo frocks. As yet uo ri'ully niliisuiniiior hut for wonr exeltislvely wlth llngorlo frocks haa mndo lts appeniuneo. Kvorythlng whlch hus couip out hus boon Iniitiedlatoly appi'o prlnted by ihe inllor-mado glrl, Wliq wciiih her lluwerhcdecked aud plunio-ladeii ehnpeiiu na nonchiiiitly witli hor novor. est tullor-iuiido aa wltb hor llngoilu/gur don frock. Another new ahnpe, nnd ono whlch ls .not us extieinu nn the "Clooko" or "llell," ls tho du Natured Cloeho, or Hatterod llell, na wo on thls sldo nro pleased to cnll lt. Thls is moro of a sallor than tlm "Cloeho," tliu brim only uloplug a trlllo und belng wldor on tho sldou than ln front or thu back. Tho front brim li froin two nnd u bulf to threo Inchos wlde, nnd ii llttlo lo tbo left nf tbo ceutei front turiis off of tbo faco, inaklug thc brim stlll unrrower nt thls polnt. Thon ls n sllght haiidenu tn tho bnck ^iisod (U il fouiiihitioii for tho ti'luiinlnt; ruthei than us a menns by whlcli to tllt the hat at nu angle, nnd on thls la posod miiiiy loops of soft rlbbon, the loops extotidlng well around tlm sldes of tho hut aud lllllng tu tho Npiico between tlio hoad aud tlu; very wlde brlm nt thls polnt, A very uew Idea lu jnHllnory ls tbo under brlm faclng, or llnlng. AVllllo vory froquently thls llnlng Is In tho namo color as tho hnt tlio Fronch uro using It Inn coiitriisllng color of sllk or nioiiBSPllne, If the hcnvy sllk Ib used thln faclng Ib put ou plnln, but wlth tbo liner bIIIeb uud triinspiireiit moussnllnes aud chlffon the materliil ls Bliiri-ed ? over a feuthurbone cord ut tho edge. A vory Biniirt hat of thls typo seen lu ono of tbo Kclcct Bhops along ih'ondwiiy. rocently, wus of n tlne whlte chlp wlth under brlm faclng of very soft whlto satin ishlrrod to wlthln an Inch of tliu edgo of tlie brlm, On tho left sldu of (lio cri'wn wero posod two hugo whlte roses wlth green fulliigo, aud '?tround tho crown overlupplug ench other wero lurgo whlto velvot louves, . ivlilcU forin Bon of u erowi| biiudlng, tlio Icnvoa belng pluceil rntber preclsely. Tbo bun deau iu tlio huel: wns trimmed .with luops of wldo whlto sutln rlbbon.** Still another of bhicl: chlp showed tlio faelnjj of deep phmi colored sllk, whllo tbo trlm nilng coiislsted of plnk ribbon on thc bandeaii uud shndcd plnk roses on tht crown. Tlio vogiic of heavy lilnclt trlmmlngs stll contlnues, nnd very mnny of tho bol slmped hats, especially thoso for tho von young glrls, are trlmmod wlth scarfs o rlbbon, swiUhod about tho crown. aud tln Islied ln tho back with o hago bow wJilfil Ktiuids out from tho crown aud droopi downovej tho brlm, glvlng that sloplni llno nt tho bnck whlcli Ih now consldcrei Bo'Binnrt und whloh Is nccentunted by thc very sharp, cut-away coats ultra fiishlon idiles aro now weiiring, Creloiino ns u trimmlng for hats ns wcl ns suits haa been used nhrond all sonsoi and by tho vary excluslvo houses on thi Bldo. Hroud lirlniB aro fuced wlth these furnlturo coveringa und wholo crowns ar oflen mado of;thom. Cfotoune rlbboiiB nr nlso vory Bintfrt, and tlicM |lnd ovon mor uso than tlio ploco cretonnoB, -Somotimo tho puttoni of 'tlio crotonuo, especially l lt Ib vt;|*y Inrgu-?Btieli ns u hugo roso, I cut out und uppliijuod on tho brlm o crown. ' Whllo sldo trlmmlngs nro a feature o Description of II lustrations* Thc Slller Illotmc In Moell.ih. The lingerie hlouso doea not carry all before lt thls season ns lt bas In pre vloim.. yenrs. Soft silks aud siitlus ara ibied extenslvely In dreSBy blouses mada very much on thc Btylo of the lingerie blouse. These ure very often called silk llngorlo blouses. Flne laces oro Inserted, inotlfs aro upplled, tucks aro run ln hlouso unel sleeves nnd flne embroideries run riot over the front aud ln tho cuffs and collar. A very pnlo yellow I.oulslno I* used ln the plctured modol ln comblna? tlon wlth butter colorod lnces, nnd Uie blouBo front, collar nnd cuffs are em? broidered In dalsy design, with silk lloss of n tnatctlliig sliude. Tbe long shoulder effect la nttalnod by the use of the wldo hue lnsertion, nnd the sleeves nre ahlrreel on tbe upper nrm making a doublo puff. lt will be noted thnt tho sleeves are al? most full length. Hliliel Kiiibrolelerlcx the l'rottU-Mt HIouitCH. Tlie dnlntlest lingerie blouses nre those whleb enrry flne hand embroideries. Bllnd effects nre llkcd even lietter thnn cyelet work. Women hnve tired of tho pcek-n boo waist, nr mayhap the ndveree crltl ctetn to whlch thls wnlst wna subjected? we cnnnot sny, hut certaln lt ls that thls suuuner's waists are far from what mlght 1 classed under thls title. Val. all-over mckes tho yoko of thls wulst of a flne handkerchlcf llne, Uie embroideries whlch outllne tho yoko extendlng upon tbe laco aud down the front ln plastroa effect. surroundlng tho croscent shnped medal llon. The Bleeves aro Binall puffs, In? serted with vnl. entre dcux nnd flnlabed wlth a luco trlmmetl cuff. The yoke ex tends around ln the back nnd the lower portlon of tho wulst is tucked flnely to luiiteh tbo front. Idngt'ric llnt ot TUIm Summer Time. The bnbylshness whlch onco character Ized the lingerie hat ls consplcuous by lts absence In thls year's lingerie modela. Of course, the lingerie hat for the small tots antl growlng glrls is stlll seen wlth lts wlilo ruilled brim nnd crown euclrcled wlth n ribbon snsh, but tho llngorlo bat for the growu-up ls made over n wlro frame, tlie samo as a straw bat, und moro often than not, there ls a deep blndlng of silk or satin. ThlB sallor shape witli a low round crown haa a wblte satin blndlng over whleb the polnts of eyelet embroidery ure uppllqued, and the handenu ls trimmed wlth soft whlto ehlffou satin ribbon loops ou tho left sldo nnd iu tho back, nnd a rosotto of thls ribbon wltb whlto lllacs and plnk moss roses nre set a little to the left slde. The liiindeau ls n trlllo hlgher on the left slde, llftlng the hat lo a be? comlng angle, > thls senson's rnllllnery, lt Is to be noted thnt tho sniartost hats nre those In whlch tho trlmmlng sturts froin the center frout of tho crown, belng equally dlstrlhuted on both sldes of the hnt. Tho bandouu, or cachepelgne, ls used to a very llmltod ex? tont, and only as a foundatlon for tho support of under brim tiiinmlngs. Theso under brim trlininlngs, by tho way, con? tlnuo ns full and volumlnous ns wo saw tbera in tho flrst models. Tho deep back brhns of nearly all of tho popular Bkapea requlro a moro or Icbb olaborate hair dresslng. Even thouab tho spaco bo? tween tho head and tho hat brim Is well fllled In wlth flowers or rlhhoiia, thls solf samo trlinmlrig noeds somo sort of a support or bulanco lu tho wny of curls or. puffs to preaorvo tbo perfect contour of thn hend. . French women nre weuring ntiineiotis puffs und frlsottes, ns they cnll thom, und vury frciiuontly thoso nro iittnohed to tha hat nnd worn only when lhe hnt la worn. Theso aro worn only fnr street wear or indoors ut a rocoptlon, or ou somo such occaslons when tho hnt Is uot ronioved. Thls ar riiugotuent savos no ond of troublo, for lt does away wlth tho necesslty of ro droeslng the bfllr when thu hnt ls re? moved, tho street hnir dresslng of puffa nud curls lioing out of proportlou i.o tbo slzo of tho head wlthout. tho hut, Aiiothur heeiiiiilng ahupe, und onu whlch will bo worn moro by mlsses nnd young mntiona Is Um sun-down, n shapo very slinllar to tho old-fashloned sun-down whlch our grtindinotberg ' woro, and for whlch tho moilei'ii hnt ls named. Ils trluinilng ls qulto aa slmplo as lts shapo nnd iiuine, belng but n long length of ribbon, silk or velvet, drnped nerass tbo frout of tho crown over tbo sldes of tho hi'lm und lylng In a how nt tbo baso of tho hoad. On thls ribbon. Is tackod lt wroath of flowers, and tho back, whlch' Is lil'led Just over so ulightly, lu fllled lu wlth Ilowers or moro of tbo ribbon. Theso hats aro" iiartlcularly charmlng wlth dainty summer frocks mado._ ln quulut Jupuneso or emplro styjea.