OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 01, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1908-01-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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flnfllng tli<! old Vlrftlnln hospltnllty of
tho cnpltnl clty moro congonlnl thnn
tho conventlonal Hi-pnrn of tlio shnw.
llnw Knrcd Wcll.
In tho commorclal renotlon of rcront
months Klclimond has milTorcd losfl
than nlmnst nny clty of ils stsse in tho
Unltod StateB For tlie greator pnrt <>t
the ycar Hh manufnoturlng nnd Joblilng
homos hnvo been londod f,o tliclr full
ont capacity wlth ordcrs, afid thongh
rlnrliiK tho Inst alxty dayn the clty hns
Xelt the reflux influenuo of tiado condl
tlons In othcr pnrtu of tlio country,
3tlll the rccords of tho bnnkj show h
grntlfylng progr?u?. notwlthstftndlng
the compnrntivo iPtup In tho ,apeod
?wlth whlch buslnOBS wns belng con
dticted. Merchants who have revlewed
their Chrlstmns trade nnd lookod over
thelr Btock clalm that the ycar wns un
good ns nny, and many wholeaalo tleal
ors In toya and holldHy Koods prne
tlc'ally sold out bcforc tho liolidnya
werc over.
Soclal fcnturos have largoly conterod
around the dlstlnguished vlsltors to the
clty, and tho ycar has becn ono of
gayety and enjoyment. No hossIou of
the Leglslaturo has been hold, and tho
actlvltles of the departments of tho
Htnte govcrnmont linve becn largely
glvon to pushlng tho Jamostbwn K:<
positlon, whlch hns takon much of tho
tlme nnd attentlon of CJovernor Swnn
son and hls asslstants. Tho admln
Istratlon of tho Stnte Ltbrary and of
the hospltals for tho Insano hns cnllod
for careful Invcstlgattnn, and for somo
changes In the manaBoinent.
In municlpal affalrs tho clty has
made somo progress towards socuring
n. Board of Control, nnd Ih ready to ask
the Lcglslature for soine changes ln lt.s
chnrter and manner of government.
Tho death of Colonol Cnlshaw has dc
prived tho clty of n valuablo nnd efll
clent officor whose plaoc will bo hnrd
to flll. Revolatlons of graft aniong
oorne members of Councll and sonie of
those connected wlth tho Clty Alms
houBe resulted in changes for tho bet
terment of that institutlon.
The Kew.
Looklng forward to IflOS, Rlchmond
?welcomes tho Incoming Legislature,
and looks forward wlth conlldencc to
that measnre of prosperlty which the
futurc has ln store. wlth nn enlnrgcd
area nnd an Increased populntlon, sho
has through 1S07 malntained her posl
tion aa the capital clty of the South.
"Wlth thls sectlon of the country rapld
]y comlng Into promlnenco in the com
merclai and manufacturing world.Rich
jnond can afford to look wlth conflclenco
on the future, nnd totitllizo every op
portunity that 1908 brings for bulldlng
up the city and strengthening lts post
tlon in all lines of trade and civic en
Tol.aci'o Biiildlng Will iSt- Usod As Stnrnge
The Tnbacco Exehange, whose dnys of
utcfulness passed when tlii-' mist got hold of
the market hcre, will be used no more for
tlie purpooes for whlch ii wus intenduil.
Al'eady men are at work tninstorminjf lt to
n fimap.' house, In which capacity it will
b?far more lucrative. In the hcyday of
its progperiiy many n thouHiud pounils oC
thu seductivo wced wns sold on its floor,
but in rccent times It has buen an abodu of
eplcibrs and rau, covorcd with dust nnd
cobwebs. Jn a few dayB the floor will bc
rleaned of the old sumple blnns nnd deskb,
unJ no slsn of its fonncr sclf will bo luft.
Jolio llltclicli ImiirorliiK.
ber 31.?John Mitcliell, of Indianapolis,
presldent of the United lline Work'er'a
of Amerlca, is here to enjoy a pe
riod of rest, whlch will extend over
a period of about three weeks. Jlr.
Irlltchell has gained strength slnco ln.
recent recurrence of lllnoss.
Xo Sucoestior to Ilrii?u.snii.
WASHINGTON, D. C, December 31.?
It was expucted tliat upon the Presi
dent's return from Pine Knot, Va.,- and
certainly following the flrst Cabinct
meotlng thereafter, somo annonncoment
?would be made as to the successor to
Admiral Brownson, as chief of the
Bureau of Navigation. It was said to
day, however, that tlie rnatter had not
been declded at the Cablnet sesslon
and that possibly a oholce mlght not
be made beforo Thursday.
rirm piBBplVes.
The insurancc asoncy tirm of, Bonson &
Ityland yesterday dlssolved Iiy mutnal con
Etnt Mr. Benson will continue the huslness
at the present offlots in the Mutuul liuild
ine under the tirm name of E. L.. Benson
& Company, und the retfrihit momber, Mr.
Charles H. Ityland, Jr., enters tho firin of
AMMiamson Talloy & nyland. Tho twy
yeung men. ?'lio had bcon together for somo
timc. parted good frlends, thero havlng
bien no micundcrstanding or dlsagieument.
I'raine for I'ollee.
Mnjor Louls Werner, Chlef of T'ollce, yes?
terday cvening sent to both statlons a com
r.unicatlon, In which ho complimented the
(lepartment on the good work done diiring
tho past yeaii. ln concluding Maior Weiner
sald: "Wl^cn .olherif have lltolr hollduy you
have to work, bui I hope, you had a merry
Cbristmns. nnd I wish you one and ull u
brieht and happy New Year."
Thougbt It a Kiot.
James G. Lally was arrestod last night by
Pclicemen Ve*t und Qoodman on tlie chuige
of belng disorderly und assJValtlng Mutide
Lplly. He was nlso charged wlth being
drur.k. and the off(cer? had such a time In
am-ttlng hlm that it was said that a rlot
had occurred in Fulton.
Iloliuess Meetlng.
HollnoSB meetiu'gn will bc lield on lo-day
at 10:30 A. M., S:30 and S V. M. in the
West Enil Bescue Mlsslon, N'o. fi"0 Wcst Cary
Ktrcet. und will conllivue dally uiitll January
Sth. All ure weleome.
"Berry'8 for Clothes."
Turnlng overa new leaf Is
an effort, but exercise is good
for one,
Here's a resolution that will
not be much of an effort to
keep and wfll benefit your
Read our 'advertlsements?a
new one every day of the
weok durlng the 366 days of
President Subrnits Annual Re
port and Officers Are
Tho annual meetlng of tho Virglnia
Hlstorlcal Soclety waa held yo'alerday
al'tornoon at 5 o'clock,
Tho prcHldenl, Mr. Joseph Bryan,
waa in the r.halr, aud aubmltted liis
annual report. Throughout the soclety
Is lii a very flourishing condltion. In
splte of the large number of loases by
rteath, seventeen In number, there arn
npw 732 members. There have been
conslderablQ extroordinary expendi
tures for house paintlng, etc, durlng
the year 1907, but after the payment of
all these there romainu a good balance
In the treasury. There Is a substanlial
inerease ln the permanent fund, whleh
now amounts to $5,300. When the bo
quest from the late Edward Wilson
James Is recelved thls fund wlll bu
laised to nearly $0,000.
Other I iii|i(iiniiil Work.
The nanies of numerous donura of
books and objeots of hlstorlc Interest
were glven, and the number of addl
tlons of books and pamphlets waa stated
to bo 463. These Include many books
on Virglnia publislied durlng the year
The president stated that tho rule
of publlshing mainly manusorlpt
storiea In the magazlne had been
adliered to ln 1907, and would be con
tinued in 190S. He gave an tnteresting
outline of the varloua documents to bo
publislied durlng the coming year.
Tho report next paid a trlbute to
the many valued members of tlie so?
clety who have diod durlng the year.
1'ho share of tho soclety ln the Ter
celtennlal ExposlHon at Norfolk, waa
il.?-ril)i'd, and great pralse waa glven
toFthe collectlon shown in the Hlstory
The president concluded hls report
wlth a summary of what haa been done
at Jamestowh Island by tho Associa
tlon for the Prescrvation of Virglnia
Ollleers Elected.
At the conelusion of the annual re?
port a motlon waa mado that a com
mltteo on nominatlons be appointed.
The commlttee reported recommendr
Ing tlu-t the present ofllcer.i and mem?
bers of the executlvo commlttee be re
olected. On niotion this waa done. The
following aru the officers aud members
of commlttee elected:
President. Josoph Bryan, Rlchmond,
Va.; Vice-Presldents, Archer Anderson,
Rlchmond, Va.; Edward V. Valentino,
Hichmond, Va.; I-yon G. Tyler, Wll
llamsburg, Va.: Corresponding Secre
tary and Llbrarlan, Willium G. Stanard,
Rlchmond, Va.; Recordlng fciecretafy,
Davld C. Richardson, Rlchmond, Va.;
Treasurer, Robert A. Lancaster, Jy.,
Rlchmond, Va.
Executlvo Commlttee?C. V. Mcro
dith, Richmond, Va.; B. B. Munford,
Rlchmond, Va.; Charlos W. Kent, Uni
verslty of Vlrginla, W. Meade Clark,
Rlchmond, Va,; A. C. Gordon, Siuunion,
Va.; S. S. P. Patteson, Rlclimond, Va.;
,S. C. Mitchel), Rlchmond, Va.; S. \i.
Vonge, Rlchmond, Va.; W. J. Loake,
Iticlunond, Va.; "\V. Gordon McCabo,
Itlehmond, Va.; "Wllliam H. Palmer,
Rlchmond, Va.; Rt. Rov. A. ftt. Ran
dolph, Norfolk, Va.
Churgetl WUH Ilohliery.
.Inmes Judah (eolored) wns arreBted last
nipht and locked up In the Fhat Pollce Sta
tion on the churgo of steallng $19 from tho
person of Luclan Tatc. The money waa
inK'rh, lt l? alleged, by personal violeoce,
vlucli makes Judah llablc for pulshmorit for
I'.lnliway robbery.
' Finds us still making medicines, which our family has been
doing for more than half a century.
It is our business to make medicines; and we congratu
late ourselves, at the beginning of another year, that our
painstaking efforts to make the best medicines have been,
from the first, rewarded by an appreciative public.
Always pure, safe and beneficial, no changes have been
necessary in Hood's Sarsaparilla or any of our other medi?
cines to comply with the Pure Food and Drugs Act ?
practically anticipated by us years ago, in the origination of
our *formulas.
In merit, sales and?cures, Hood's Sarsaparilla has far
gurpassed all other medicines, and the abiding confidence of
the people in it is the strongest proof of its unequalled merit
as a great blood-puriner, stomach, liver and kidney remedy.
After being before the, public more than a quarter of a
century, its wonderfui power to cure all blood diseases, to
create a good appetite and dispel that tired feeling, and the
confidence of the people in its merit, are demonstrated by the
fact that in recent years it has received more testimonials
than ever before ? 40,366 in two years, by actual count. ^
No other medicine has held so prominent a position in
the medicine world for so long a time.
No other medicine possesses so great merit nor effects
such marvellous cures.
^ Grateful for your past patronage and soliciting a con
?tinuaace thereof, we are, Very truly yours,
?i r t Hoon CO.. Lowell. Mass,
Anntial Staternent Shows Past
Ycar to Have Bccn Unusu
ally Good Onc.
Rcports Givc Complctc Review
of Work in All the Depart?
Post-Office Receipts
Itccclpt* for ycur 1800. . ,?S4.1,SI? 24
lloccliitn for yenr 1000... 270,408 50
Hi-cilptM l?r yenr 1001... 204,827 01
Itecclptfl for yenr 1002... :i:i5,0tll 10
Hecelpls for ycar 1003... !l(l 1,058 10
HccelplH for yenr 1004... :iN4,l<i:i 57
Hceelpf? for ycur 1005... 4117,802 10
Hecolptft for yenr 10011... 488,000 7?
Heoelpl* for yenr 1007... B37,004 00
Incrcnsc over 100(1. 40,051! 14
l??,??i rts ?f iho K'cl?nond post-offlce,
1907 hnfnn.b?|,?n#1"8,ettch year: tI,at for
ln* a ,J &P atlvo'y greator than dur
gures nro an encouraglnir Index to
bnslnesa condltlons ln thls citv Th
ThTPraorcanVV,e ,totals arc g?ven above*
Sbi? r?,cel'u? ?? detall wero as follows
balo of postage stamps, en- """?
ttnTf P,es ancl P?8fal cards..$448,640 91
Sale 0f speolal reriuest en
volopos. iionrififi
Newspnper and periodlcai '9?? 66
POStagO . 91110 -n
Bc]lcrdrent8S posta^ "?"?"?-^ "'&*?*
Mlacenanoous'*'.;'.'.'.'....',\\\ B'9^ l\
TotnI . $517 164 on
no!?? ,r^cl1"3 of tho offlco ovor 10
por cent. increaso:
Postai deposlts from other
t, . ?? (fou'th olass).$111,129 37
Post.-omce warrants .......soOoo no
(?ran1t] \otal .$"958,304 27
ye?r 1906 S ?l *40f-??&M 0Vfir tho
posUlthcard8?-Ve 3tamPS' envel?Pes an<>
Statlon A, No. 215 Wnst
Broad Street, sold .. t 44 FRK 11
StaRV?",BcV No- 241S ="1 44'555 31
? -Broad Streot, sold . 15 0B1 29
Statlon No. I, No. '204 Harrl
son Streot. sold . 4524 15
Station No. 2, No. 2901 wil
llnmsburg Avenue, sold... 4,285 37
Station No. 3, No. 334 South V
PIno Street, sold . 2 90B S9
Station No. 4. No. 601 Nofth
boventeenth Street, sold.. 2,760 93
Station No. 5, No. 330 West
Lelgh Stroet. sold. 117177
Station No. 6, No. 1101 West
<, C'fy Street sold . 2,183 55
Station No. 7, No. 26 West
o.IM,frhx,Str.eet' solcl. M9S 00
Statlon No. 8, No. 2431 Vona
g.^I? Street, sold . 3,01134
Station No. 9, No. 500 East
Marshall Streot, sold_ 18,492 15
Station No, 10, No. 2017 East
Maln Street. sold . 8,608 00
Station No. 11 No. 1301 West
Maln Street, sold. 3 984 95
Station No. 12. No. 101 East
Broad Street, sold .... 25 910 0?
Station No. 12, Barton
Helghts. sold . 743 39
Statlon No. 14, No. 817 East
Broad Street, sold. S,546 94
Station No. 15, No. 908 North
Twenty-ninth Streot, sold 107 45
Station No. 16, No. 1557 West
Grace Street, sold. 512 33
,?,Total .$153,471 83
(The last three stations establishod
wtthln tho yenr: Station No, 14. Aprll
lst: stations Nos. 15 and 16, August
Number of clorks omployed in the
post-offlce, 89; number of clerks om?
ployed by substations, 10; number of
carriors employed, 71; number of sub
stitute employoB, 1G; rallway postal
clerks paid from thls oflico. 89; special
delivery messonger boys, 10; rural let
ter carrlers serving from thls offlce, 7;
number of rural letter carrlers pald
from this oftleo throughout the Stato of
Virglnla, 8S7.
Amount pald rural letter
carrlers ln VifgJnia for the
year .$658,871 82
Aniotint pald substltute rural
letter carrlers for tho
year . 22,478 60
Total .,.$681,350 43
miiiiiiik niviNion.
Pleces of mall dlspatched:
1906. 1907.
First-class .38,916,037 39.456.422
All others .16,891.152 17,756,300
Spoclal delivery ... 35,096 40.924
Total ....55.842.285 57.253,1146
Made up mall!1 rocelved:
1906. 1907.
Pouchos . 48,655 60,243
I'acks .134,132 139,793
Mado up mall dlspatched:
1906.' 1907.
Pouehes. 44.532 45.363
Saeks.189,008 197,22[
Pleces of mlsdlrccted mall:
1906. 1907.
Rettirned to sender.. ...' 83,988 91,05?
Correctod and forwarded 12,102 14,608
?Sent to dead-lotter of?
flce . 4,198 13,396
Held for postnge. 5,364 7,897
Canadian matter sent to
dcad-lottor offlco.,,.. 23 18
DIsposed of as wasto.... 12,706 13,057
Total.118,441 14U,oa.|
?Great Increaso of mall sent to doad
letter offlco Is causefl by postcards
beating partlclos of glass, moial, mica,
Cleanses, prescrves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath-.
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Established in 1866 by
sand, tlnaol or other tilmllar biiIj
stancea, which aro unnmllable, excopt
when Inclosed ln onvelopea.
Dellvcred by oarrlurs. 71,878
Plspatchod. 01.205
Officlal ...'.'.'. 17,000
Hecelvcd for transmlsalon:
Domostlc. 02,208
Forelgn . 5,207
Officlal .V. 2,205
Rullway packngoa, onvelopea,
coiilulnlng lettera and parccla
for tranamiaalon to othor
offices .168,54a
Moncy Onlcr DIvImIom.
Domestlc moncy ordera Issucd:
Number. Amnunt.
1007 ._21,935 $219, M20
1908 .21,0111 108,455
Peos on Hamo,*1907.$1,480
Foea on aamo, 1908. 1,301
Iutcrnatlonal monoy ordors Issued".
Number. Amount.
1907 .?.2,200 $42,080
1908 .'.1,650 30,377
Kees on aamo;
1907 .$481
100B .'.*.'..42^
Domestlc money ordera pald:
Number. Amount.
1907 .,...168,738 $1,072,750
1908 .:....101,611 1,011,761
luternatlonal moncy ordors pald:
Number. Amount.
1907 .282 $5,608
1906 .317 5.833
Surplus money ordor funds deposlted
to credlt of Treaaurer of tho Unlted
1907 .$523,000
1906 .v. 336,600
Romittnncea recelved from other
1007 ..,.$1,487,475
1906 . 1.185,719
Vcternti SportlnK Wrltcr Vlcilin of Em
ploye'a llullet.
ST. LOUIS. MO, Pecember 31.?Al
H. Splnk, edltor of the Dally World
author of the "Derby Winner" and
severat other pjays, and formerly a
sportlng wrlter of natlonal reputatlon,
waa shot and perhaps fatally lnjured
to-nlglit by Vlctor Oroves, an employo,
followlng ?n altercatlon wlth Williarri
Splnk, the editor'a son. Mr. Splnk waa
rushlng to the aceno of tho quarrcl
when Groves drew a revolver and flred
two shots. one of them enterlng the
editor's loft shoulder and penetrating
hla lupga.
.Mr.x. Itnclicl Mlllcr.
Mrs. Rachol Mlller, wldow of Mr.
Georgo Mlller, dled yosterday evenlng
at 6 o'clock, at her residence, No. 700
South Plne Street, in the seventy
eighth yoar of her age.
Mrs. Mlller leaves seven chlldren?
Messra. Hydronimus, John, George,
Charles and Henry Miller, and Mrs. J.
II. Pace and Miss Mary Miller. v
The funeral wlll take place from St.
John's German Evangelical Church,
Elghth and Marahall Streots, at 2
o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Inter
ment will be made in I^ollywood Cem
Forecaat: Virglnia?Falr Wcdnesday,
moderato temperaturo; Thursday part
ly cloudy, llgnt to fresh west winds.
North Carollna-^Fair Wednesday and
Thursday; light, variable winds.
Rlchmond's weather waa clear and
warm. Range of the thermometer:
9 A. M.40 6 P. M.42
13 M.47 9 P. M.42
8 P. M.60 12 midnlght-41
Averago.43 2-3
Highest temperature yesterday. 60
Ijowest temperature yesterday. So
Mean temperature yesterday. 42
Normal temperature yesterday. 39
Departure from normal temperature 3
(At 8 P. M. Eaatern Time.)
Place. Ther. * "
Ashevillo .40
Augusta . 40
Atlanta . 62
Buffalo..?? 34
Chicago 7.38
Cii)<:|nnat! . 34
Davenport., 38
Detrolt. 32
Hatteras., >, j6 ?
jacksonvlllo ...; .5?
Kansas CRy.46
Memph,is .50
New Orleans.52
Oklahoma City., 52
Plttsburg. 34
Ralelgh .44
Norfolk . 42
Tampa . 64
WMmlngton .46
Yellowstone . .,, , 26
January 1, 1908.
S'un rlsas.7:26 HIGH UJ3E.
Sun sets.6:01 Morning.;..-2:23
Moon rises...4:15 Evenlng.,-2:30
Cosmopolitan Shipping Company
Movcs to Dismiss Demurrcr
in Casc.
Qucslion of Control Ovcr Ratcs
from.This to Forcign Laiul
the Issitc.
WASinNOTON, D. C, Pocember 31.?
Tho Cosmopolitan Shipping Company,
througli its gcneral ngcnt, Petor
Wright & Sona, of Phlladelphla, to
day fllud with tlio Intcratute Com
merce Commlsslon ita brlef of argu
mcnt to dlsnilaa tlio domurrer ln tho
eomplalrit ngainst tho steamshlp llnea
comprlslng tjio Baltlc pool.
Tho-1 dofondant Hteainahlp llncs In
cludo tlie Ilamburg-Amorlcan packet
Company, North Germaii I*loyil, Hcandl
navlan-Amorlcan Llno and the AVllaon
(llull) \Ai\o. Tho companles aro
ainong tho largeat ln tho world, and
such Improtant quoatlona are ralaod
aa whether ocenn caniera, nctlng ln
conjunctlon wlth inhind carrlers,
through tho Jolnt Issuo of through bllla
of ladlng at through rates from in
terior polnta in tlio Unlted States to
tfolhts ln Europo are aubject to the
provlalons of tho act to regulato com
morce and tho Jnrisdictlon of tho In
tcrstate Commercc Commlsslon.
Tho llnea are charged with mnln
talning a monopoly ln reatralnt of
trade, poollng, jltscrlmlnatlng bctwoen
shlppera and lo'calitles and tho glvlng
ot rebates. Tho German government
Is sald to be watchlng with zealous
lnterest tho nutcomo of tho mattcr.
It was alleged by tho Coamopolitan
llno that theso defcndant companles,
forelgn in control, "dlctated tho rato,
tho Hne, the manner, the methods, and
overy other conditlon of trade and
trofflo tb whleh tho Unlted States pro
durers, manufaeturer or shlpper must
submlt in ordcr to Introduce lils gooda
lo the threo most imporlant northern
continental ports of Europe."
Defendiintn Ileny Control.*
"In the demurrer the companles de
nled that the Interstate Commerco
Commlsslon has any control whatever
over transportatlon 'from any place
In the United States to a foreign coun
try or over property shipperl from u
foreign country to any place in tho
Unlted States.'"
The Gennan government has been
paying the Hamburg and North Ger
man-ldoyd Unes subsidies for years.
The latter company haa reoelved $1.
000,000 per annum sinco 1S85, and the
forme'r a smaller sum under contracls
that wlll llve untll 1915, by whicli
tlmo theso two companles wlll have
recelved an aggregato of $35,000,000.
Tho 20,000 mlles of Slate railroads
owned by Germany are actlvely asso
clated wlth these companlea, and ac
cord them preferentlal rates for the
promotlon of cxport and import traf
flc. The two companles practlcally
domlnate the ports of Hamburg and
Bremen. so far as American merchan
dlse ls concerned.
The Cosmopolitan Company main
talns that the freedom of the/ Hea is
monopollzed by combinattons, thrcats.
iutimidations and pooling.
Over 100 Coiuuleit Promiae to Nonie Flrat
lloy ItOOSCVCIt.
NEW YORK, Decembr 81.?At least
133 Theodore Roosevelts are promlsed
In a new antl-race sulclde crusade dur?
lng the year 1908. These prophetic sta
tlstics are based upon the promlsea o?
couples who formed tho rush llne at
tho City Hall on the opening of the
new marrlage llcense bureau. .-_
By noon 135 couplea had ofitained
licenses. At that hour the members
of the City Ifall Reporters' Assoclation
becarne enthused over tho sltuotlon. and
thls telegram was sent to President
Roosevelt: .
Law reqtiirlng llcense to marry ln
thls Stato goes into effect January lst.
One hundred and thlrty-three couples
bought licenses in the City Hall be?
fore 12 o'clock to-day. Ono hundred
and thlrty-three couplea promlsed re?
porters that they would namo thelr
lrst boy Theodore Roosevelt. Hie
thirty-odd newspaper men at the City
Hall beg to advlso you that there Is
no prospect of lmmediate race sulcide
ln vour natlve city.
Thosewho bought licenses wlll not be
marrled untll the New Year. The aver
age number of marriagoa in thia county
in one year is 38,000.
Fortleth Annlverwary of 1II? Pr|e?t
lioort to ric Cclebratcd.
ROME, pecember 31.?Tho Pope's
Jubllee wlll bogln to-morrow. On De
cember 18, 1865, he sald his flrst mass.
.To-day tho Pope remarkod that it had
been twenty years since tho opening
of the Jubllee of tho priesthood of
Pope Leo XIII., when 200,000 pll
grima gathered liere from all polnta of
tlio earth to render hlm honor. In
contrast to thls, the Jubllee of Pope
Piua wlll open very quletly and with
out the coming togethor of a multl
Summary of Operations of the Building Inspectbr's Office
AUGUST I, 1907 TO DECEMBER 31, 1907
Number of pormlts tssued in Decembor for new
work . .
Number of pormlts Issuod In Decomber for re
pairs, addltloiiB, etc.
Total number of pormila iesued In Pecomber,
Estlmated cost of new improveinents in De?
cembor ..>.,.. $67,463
Estlmuted coat of repalru, addltions, etc, in
Pocember. 3,508
Total cost of work authorljscd ln Decembor.. 71,031
Averago val'uo of permlt for new work in Po?
Averago valuo of permlt for repalrs, addltions,
otc, in Doconibar . 169.904
Averago valuo of total permits Issued In Pe?
comber . 1,161.413
Aug. lst to Aug. latto
Nov. 30th. Pocombor. Poc. 31st.
No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount.
Brlck dwelllngs.. 64 $230,900
Framo dwelllngs. IU 110,632
Storea . 0 "Uoo
Sheds .208 10,048
Stubles. brlck.... U 0,100
Vt'orohouses and
inanufactoi'leH.. 8
Apartment liouaos 3
Y. M. C. A. blclga.. 1
Cliurchos . 1
Ofiloo annex. 1
Frolght dopot.... 1
Conservatory ... 1
Substatlon . 1
Bollor houao. 1
gunday school... 1
Aug. let to
Nov, 30th. Pecomber.
No. Amount. No. Ambuiit.
$16,100 6
17,760 10
16,278 8
1,140 ..
100 ..
Brlck dwelllngs.. 31
Frame dwellings. 68
Stares . 19
Sheds . 7
Halls . 1
Warohouses and
manufaotorles.. 7 3,710.
Hospltals . 1 7,500
Aeylunis . 1 1VD
Hotels . * 1.904
Churohos . 1 250
Brlck stablos.... 2 2,260
Theatros . 1 2,000
Ofttco buildlnga.. 1 300
$ 7S0
Aug. lst to
Dec. 31st.
No. Amount.
40 $16,8SO
78 19,084
22 | 10,243
7 1,140
1 100
$69,033 $3,568 ,$'72,001
Total number of oxamlnatlons and rcports, 12,
New Work.
1907. No,
August . 71
Soptembor .90
October ........ 91
Novembor . 64
Amount. No. Amount.
Total ......340 $696,731 103 $72,001
Ladics' All-Wool Cheyiot Suits, satin-ltned jackcts with
trimmcd collars; a $16.00 valuc, for $12.50.
Ladles' Cloth Suits, in browns and bhics, satin-lincd jack?
cts, skirts trimmcd in folds; worth $19.00, for $15.00.
Hard-Finish Scrgc Suit3, ncw cuts, skirt with folds; a
$25.00 Suit, for $16:98.
Faulkner & Warriner Co.
Broad and First Streets.
Gcnnan Editor's Conviction on
Libcl Charge Now Seems
' Vcry Ltkely.
The Prosccutor Ccnsures Harden
aiVl Demands His Conviction
and Punishment.
BEUUN. Oocomber 31.?At the open
lng of tho hearlng of tho Harden-von
Moltke llbel stilt thls mornlng the
.ludgo ouestioncd Count Kuno vpn
Molllto as to whethor he had reslgned
from tho army as a rosnlt of the arll
c|os published by Harden ln Dlo
Zukunft. Tho count responded em
phatically in tho ntllrmatlve. The stato
attorney, Dr. Isenbiol, then. opened the
pleadlngs and dernanded tho imposl
tlon of a sentenco of four tnonths* lin
prlsonment ngainst Harden. He de
clared that Harden had assumed that
thoro cxlsted near tho person of the
Emperor a group of men whose influ
ence was detrlmental to tho interests
of tho Fatherland, and which ho felt
himself callod upon to disperse. Among
tho members of thls group were Prlnco
Philip Zu Eulonberg; and Kuno von
Moltke. Harden attacked theso two
men, and, foundlng his accusation upon
the mere word of an hysterlcnl ivoman,
Mrs. von Elbe, the former wifo- of von
Moltke, and upon statementa made by
her niother, Mrs. von Heydon, who was
o.uite untrustworthy. he declared them
to bo possessed of abnormal tendencles.
Clnimn Vlniili'atloii of Count.
Contlnuing, Dr. Isenblel said: "Count
von Moltke, who has been coverod wlth
filth by Harden, leaves thls court com
pletely cleared; he Is without staln, n
nobleman from head to foot. Prince
Zu Eulenberg ls equally vlndlcated.
"I do not know what the Emperor
said to Count von Moltko, but he prob
ably tolrt hini, 'Oo. von Moltke, nnd
clear youraelf; stamp on thls poison
ous snake.*"
Dr. Isenblel, refci;ring to Harden's
motlves, said he believed his artlcles
had been actuated as always, by purely
political purposes, but ln thls instance
he had Injured tlie Fatherland, and he
therefore, merited punishment. In con
clurion, the State attorney said he had
teceived a letter threatening him wlth
deMh lf the verdict of the court was
unfavorable to Harden, and that he
laughtd at tho threat.
Dr. Zello, counsel for Count von
Moltke, said Harden had pe-rmltted
himself to be persuaded Into a re
fjrotiable act, and pictured von Moltke
as a man of an cxtremely gentle and
sj'jnpathetlc nature.
Count von Moltke, speakins; in his
ovrn behalf, said lie had discarded his
army uniform because ho dld not want
It fcesmlrched. He denled that any po?
litical group or camarllla existed near
the person of tho Emperor. The only
Kroup ln tho entourago of His Majcsty,
the count declared, was tho imperial
famlly olrcle, whlch was loved und
honored throughout tho lond.
Positively curod b
theso Little Pills. ,
TUey also relleve Dl?
tress from Dyspepsla, ln
dlgestloa and Too Eeart;
Eattnjf. A perfect rea;
edy forDlzzlness, Mausea
Drowslnesa, Bad Tast
In tho Mouth, Coatc
Tonguo, Paln ln the Slds
jgtilate tho Bowcls. Purely Veffetable.
Genuino Must Bear
Fao-Simile Signature
Pctcrsburg Invcstnicnt Corpo
tion Pays Good Dividcnd
Its First Year.
One of the Oldcst and Most Rt
resentative Citizens?Princc
Gcorge Wedrling.
[Speclnl to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.]
PETERSBURG, Va., Becember 3]
Tho board of Uirectors of tho Pcte
burg lnvoatment Corporntlon, wh
1? an adjunct of tho Chamber
Commorce, at a meetlng to-day
clared a dlvldend as of January liit
0 per cent. flat to tha stockholders
tho corporatlon. Thla umounts
about 8 per cent. pnr annum, aa
average timo of thla collection of
atock subscriotions was about A|
1, 1907. Tbis la a flne showlng, (
needs no other comment than that
Petersburg Investment Corporotlon
fullilllnx fiitlrely the hopes of Its mf
Uenlh or Mr. .Spo<nwooiI.
The death Monday nlglit of Mr.
aeph Edwln Spotswood waa a shock
the communlly, though not altoget
unexpected. lie had been i.l fot
long tlme.
Mr. Spotswood was ono of tlio old
anrl most honored citlzens of Pete
burg. lie was a vetcran of tho Me
can War and tiie Wnr betwecn
States. He served throughout the V
of 1861-'?6 lu the Twelfth Vlrgl
Reglment, Mahone's Brigade, and ni;
a splendld record as a soldier. He ^
tiie lost but one of the two com
nlea of Poteraburg volunteers In
Mexlcan War, Mr. Jo.ieph U. Carter,
th(s city, now venerablo In years i
blghly esteemed as a eitlzen, aurvlvl
Mr. Spotswood was for many years
gaged in the lumbur busineaa In t
city, and untll a few months ago <
an actlve and famlllar rlgure ,?n
istreets. He waa a man of hlgh C
tian princlple and Integrity, and
Joyed the confidence and respect o
who knew hlm. He was Boventy-i
years old, and is aurvlved by hb
and three sons?Willlam F. and B
Spotswood, of Norfolk, and Edvr
Spotswood, of Petersburg. He v
moinber of the A. P. Hilt Camp of
federate Veterans.
Tho weddlug of Mr. James 8V
Gilllam and MIss Virglnia Ruffl
hlstoric old Merchant'a Hope E|
pal Church, In Prlnce Goorge co
was one of tho notable soolal e
of the wlnter. A number of fr
of the young couplo atteiided the
The names of Rufiln and Gilliar
intlmately and promlnently conn
wlth the hlstory and progress of
sectlon, und old Merchant'a
Church, in whlch the marriage
mony was p&rformcd, la one o:
few remulnlng church edlnceaof
Colonial days. The brlde la th(
compllshed daughted of Mr. and
Gcorgo Champion Ruffin, of ?'
wood," near Tar Bay, on James W
Mr. Gilllam is a promlnent cltlze
Prlnce George.
Brlef Petersbug Itenis.
Special revlval services wlll be
afternoon and nlght, beginning to
row. In the Salvatlon Army Ha!
Hlnton Street. ?.i-.v.- i?
There were forty-one blrths in
tersburg in Decembor. Of these
enteen were whito and twenty-four
? Mr. Mortimer Willlams. on acc
of hla buainess cngagements, has
clined the posltlon of president of
Rlverslde Club, to whlch he waa
cently elected.
Petersburg Aerie of Eagles wlll
stall Its newly-eleoted offlcers.
Tuesday nlght, and will celebrato
occaslon with a banquot. <
L. R. Gates, of thls city, has
chased the Petersburg baaeball f
chise of the Old Pomlnion League,
an organization Is to be effected
n flrm basls. Already sevoral
players have been slgned for the
Tho residence of Captaln Asa Roj
In Jefferson Street, was entered Sur
evenlng by a sneak thief and an o
coat and hat stolen from the hall?
Tom Pavls, a negro, Juat out of
Rlchmond almshouso, was arrested
nlght in a pawn shop, where he
pawned the coat
"BANK BYM^l&g:
""FHE particular system which thia Bank cou
ducls enables residents in any part of the
country to successfully "Bank by Mail." 3%
11 interest, compounded semi-annually,
and accounts are subject to your
withdrawal at any time. Having the largest
sutplus and undivided prohta pf any Bank in
the State makes our inducements attractive.
Booklet "D," illustrating thia Bank, sent fre?
to the interested.
T ,CopltaH3OO,OOO,00i
tf~ *l,Q00,00O,OO. S
.; imk Jpftjw ^ ^ *r

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