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MERCHANTS AFTER To Ask for Protcction Againsi People Who Get Goods C. O. D. and Rcfttse to Pny. WANT R..F.&P. LAW REPEALED Work of Bureau That Inquires as to Reliability of Customers to Be Extcndcd. netail merchants of Rlchmond nro rlgoruusly nt work ln nn effort to se fure favorablc actlon by the, General Assembly on n serlfts of bllls deslgned to Improve trada condltlons nnd ro movc opportunltles for fraud that aro costlng dealers thousands of dollara each year. Ono of tho'mensures wtll make lt n felony to pass worthles.-j checks, another relates to. lllnornnt merchants, nnd a thlrd touches the vexod questlon of flre and nuctlon sales. Froni the popular polnt of-vfew, iMW.vor, probably tho most interost Ing of all ie n blll whlch wlll soon be offered provldlng that the tltlo to goods dellvered on memoranda?C. O, X). or the llke?shall remoln vested in the merchants until payment ls made, and that tho retentton of such goods en tho part of customers, who at the came time refuso to . moet ..tho bllls, ehall constltutc a mlsdemennor. lt happens many tlmes In the life of the merchant that when a parcel sent C. O.. D. ls dellvored tho customer receives lt at the door, goes promptly Jnslde tho house nnd does not return. After waltlng somo timo the porter rlngs again. and tho customer, porlmps with somo dlsplay of hurt dlgnity. tnlls the negro thnt he wlll see the proprfo tor In porson nnd pny. The porter may reply thnt he hns orders to brlnp: elther the goods or thc money back, and the customer may slnm tho door in hls fac\ Fearlng arrest for tres pass. the porter does not attempt to invade the house, but leaves. Mer? chants state that thousands of dollars worth of goods Is lost annually ln thls way. The proposed blll, whlch ls belng drawn wlth great care by n promlnent Rlchmond lawyer, will open the way to effective proceedlngs In thu crlmlnal courts agalnst thls customer, which way does not exlst under the present law. Anuual Meeting. The annual meeting of thc Netail Merchants' Assoelntlon of Kirliniond was held lnst week, and was fiill of interest to the lnrgo attendance. The offlcers who served the assoolatlor. so faithfully durlng the pnsl year were alt undnlmously re-clccte.l, ns follows: Prexlilenl, T. A. Miller. Flrst Vlre - rrp(?iil?nt. -iniinct f oln-n. *??-<-,.i>>! VIce-PreMdeiit, 1\ llliniu C. Xlimldl. Trrn*>urcr, I. II. Kaufmiin, Secretary. V. A. C'lurke, Jr. IJIrcotors?1,. O. MIlK-r, MoNe* ?| t*:il!ii-i,<-i-. Itapbr.el I.evy,' S. I*. ?Ioiii-h. E. A. lllctrlch, S. V. OwenW, ' II. II. Tiiin Ic.i, -.con Drtlelbnck, Fretl .liirsjenH nml l?. A. lliicbnnun. Presldont T. A. Miller read hls an? nual report. rovlewiiig the work of the Vvar nnd making valuable suggestlons for the work of the future. Reports from otlier nnToc-rs and com? mittees were read, all showing that prreat progress has been made during the twt-lvi- months. Wnnt Clvll Court. Mr. Moses Thalhlmer presented a bill i for tlie creation of a new clvll court, and asked tho associatlon for Its ln- i Jorsement and for the appolntment of a speclal commltteo of llve to pro- j aent the matter to the Legislaturo for j Its conslderation. Mr. Samuel Cohc-n warmly supported ! thls measure, pointing out tho advan? tages to be derlved by rotall merchants from the new court. The associatlon unanlinously Indorsed the blll, and wlll send a commlttee to the General AsEembly. Mr. .Thiilhinver also presented a reso? lutlon Indorslng the blll now before tho Leglslature provldlng for the repeal of the act preventinK any railroad from parallellng the Rlchmond. T-'rederlcks burg and Potomac Railroad. Several members spoko In bchalf of thls bill. and the indorsement was unantmous! A speclal commlttee of fifteen was ap? pointed to appear beforo tho Legisla ture in connectlon wlth thls matter. The associatlon vigorouslv opposed Postmaster-Genera! Meyer's parcels post blll. now pendlng in Congress. How Tbe*- ]'ny Bllls,. TJl! .rJP?rt .from the "?oolatidri'B eredit Informatlon bureau showed thls departmont to be ln a flourlshlng con? dltion. and to Vavo developed into ono of the most valuab.o features of the org-ni.utlon's work. Thn department furnlshes the members wlth Informa hm, ?,, ?, ll0W custome''s Pay their bllls. and has proven so useful durinir the past year that steps were taken to put It on a hlgher plane of ta\ clency for thc coming twelve months ?.n. KPeu V* m,eeUnK ot thc associatlon will bc held about the flrst nf Fobruary to eonslder certain amendmonts to th. constltutlon, after whlch the annual banquet wlll be held. -al TO HAVE BANQUET Notfil Speaker to Atldrens V, M. C. \.\ Worki>rH Here. To T-erpctuate an organlzation which' l^b fPlondid work m ralslng the rumi for thc new Young Men's Chrls? tlan Assoclation building, thc leader.s ?v.. \mov<3me',t announced yesterday X,1 a ba-n<iuet wlll bo glven here, pob sibly ou tho evening of Januarv 31'st. frnJ!?. tlme a **>*&*<* of nationul Importance ?ill be the guesr of honor. me i.jcai campalgn, twelve monthf H?Vf?! "'" "r t!l? mosl renwrkablo of J2.>u,< 00_wbK Mibs.rlbeo i? nitoen riavs the } vr.nSl "' ll"J ovont adverUsing t?> :J f mo"st "'b'-twtlai manner !Jl "ITt^ ttVOUBed ?>*,e-,S people of Rlchmond, and reatinlng' tho ?rreat valuo derlved from unlty bfpur PObt-. thought aud action. thu organl .allon ha? brc-n mado permanenL *FO? lowing are tho offlcers: - Presldent, N. D. Bllls; pjrH't vir? ?Presldont, o. .1. Sands: Second v -,-" Presldent, C. A. Brown; Secretary Thomas .P. Bryan: Treasurer i ?-:' Jamofc.; Captalns?D. 1:. Mldvette" M "M. McGuire, R. S. Tuck, S. V \V|],V H. V,'. Meck. S. AY. Bahlke, E. N New' man. II. P. Powell, "W. D. l"jUkt.' and , C. J. Blllupn. Tho naino of tho prlncipal Kpt-nlur ut the banquet. whlch wlll probitbly bc held at the .I?fftrson Hotel. huss no been announced. The ,program, how? ever,. "wlll b? mado publlc wlthin tht next fow duyh, BIDS TOBE SUBMITTED THIS WEEK FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING tf,<;25_on^*^''? 'FiTOiW'-ff'??!'.. * ; ':- ( fi- ?!? T1:fjff"'-,!ta_i" v-vis?,^.?,t!^Jr^??^A'ill__f'r*-v ftf^lr- mn$F^' ? ?*?*. Tpf'J? 11 I ' ' U ' ' ' S ? :' -3- .. **_W_B'_" 7_m_ta_. ? ~ ''N-^.-.ygt" 'T-Wia-M _^W_i i ?T^'^*^\il(-! ' '?" ?*"*.'" Jr'F iLll' * - * "H**! '? ' ? M-XJl " 'I ? -j . !t^T ' VANr* ' ' ^f JMU*i .__ j ACCEPTED DESIO" FOIt JTEff HICII SCIIOOI,. Itl.l* wlll lie Miilimli-tcil thls week for Ihe new llluli Seluiol btilliling, whle'.t wlll oceiipy prnctlunlly the entire hlnek lioiiniUil hy Mnr?.linll and Clny nnd Eiuliib atid fflntlr, Street*., The plnnx tlrnwn by Archllccl t Intil.-s K. Ilrynnt, nml ncei*|iteil by Ihe School llnnnl. vrl'.l imike II poMMlhlc for tlic coiitrnetiir* to keep tvltliin 1he mmiNo be nnpronrl - tetl, whlch l? ?.'i.'O.Qiin. Work, however, wlll not lieprln until tlic money ln mail.* iiriilliihli* by Clty Cotinill. Thnueli tlic IhiIIiIIiik wlll Im* liii.tonlii_r In nppenrnucc-i It ls' wllhiuu the frllls nntl fiiiiey trlramlngK ?o h?* found nn moat strtic lures of tlmt clinrtictcr. Wlth tliree slorlcs nuil tt bnsement, there wlll hc ninple room. Eipeclnl nttciitlon lint been Klvcnto tlie mntler of llght nntl vcnlllittlon nnd to the- nrriinKeinriit of tlie Intrrlor. LITTLE GIRL, BURNED WHILE PLAY ING, DIES Seyeii-Ycar Old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hersman Meets Tragic Death. GRASS AFIRE IN FIELD Child's Clothes Caught Before She Was Aware of Ap proaching Flames. Cnlching tlre at about 5 o'clock Sat urdny afternoon from hurnlng grass ln n fleld near her home, littlo seven ycar-old Julla Claibornc Mcrsinnn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvin B. Hersman, of No. 2202 Park Avenue. was so badly injured about tho back and limhs that, although three physl? clans worked over hor In a desperato attempt to savc her llfo. sho dlod nearly seven hours later, Iu company wlth a crowd of llttle boys and glrls, .lulia was playlng ln the Held, whioh is at the end of the block on whioh her parents' home stand8. Often before tho chlldren had atnused themsolyes hy settlng fire to tho dry weeds and grass whioh covered lhe vucant lot, und a ten-year-old boy thought to cntcrtnln the others by re? peal lng the trlck. Clothes l.'uuxlil Fire. ITnconsclous of tho approaclilng flames, the little girl sat on'a rock un? tll tho fire was qulto up to her. Thc others, In the midst of thelr play, dl>l not uotlce hor perll, nnd ln a moment her fllmay dress was nbluzc*. tfho jumped up and threw off her cap and c-oat; but her other garments had also caught. and the llames r-apidly sprcad over her. Attracted by the chlld's screams, a lady rushed to the window of a nearby houso and threw a heavy blanket to her husband, stundlng below. Hc caught tho glrl and put tho blanket about her. finally p-xtlngulshing the liames. Little .lulia was horne into the house and n physlclan was summotied. Two othero came latf-r. but dosplto thelr efforta sho dled at 1:50 o'clock 1 yesterday mornlng. Mr. and Mrs. Hersman were pros 1 trated by the tragic death of thelr I only daughter. The funeral servlces I will be h#ld at 12 o'clock to-day from j the resldence, and interment wlll bo I made in Ilollywood. ESTATE IS SOLD Hl-itorU- PInee Where ."00 Keilerul Sotdtcra Pnrlslied, One of thc most hlstorlc estates ln Henrlco. the old Garthwrlght home stead. ln Varlana Distrlct, has been sold for a division among the helrs. and bought by Mr. "SVllliam B. Frayser. former county treasurer. The farm, whlch contalns 122 1-2 acres, has been In the Garthwrlght famlly for more than a century. Durlng the war It was the scene of carnage and bloodshed. On the b>vst of authorlty it is statec1 that. 000 men perished hore In Butler*! dash lo capture New Market helghts .On September 2t>, 1S64, two dlvls ions of Butler's army comblned at Deoj Bot tom, and moved dlrectly across tlv Garthwrlght farm. As tho Federa forcc-s passed out fron* Deep Bottom they wero dlscovered by tho snin.ll hand ot' Confedorates, who. for a short tlme, poured a wltherlng fire upon them. Tlio Cphfederat'es were finally drlven out. and thc helghts were occu? pled by Butler's army. General Butler was pcrsonally in commaud at this charge and stated that after the fight tho dead bo-ftes of his troops were so thlck on tho ground that ho had to S-uidc hls horse wlth the utmost care to keep from st>?pp)ng upon them. STILL SEARCHING Iluuer O'oe* Out Every ihiy to Tjooli for llody uf Buraex. llobert Bauer, tho young man wlioso horplc, but frultless, effort to save Edward Bar'nos from drownlng about u week ago, mado hlm one of tho most j talked of porsons in tho clty, finds j that the honor it; ln somo respecta un j empty ono. Ho was out of a job -tvhen i he rlsked his life for hls friend; und I'dosplt4) hls offorts slnce, he has boen ! iinablo to land one. Bauer ls a grano j lithlu paver hy trade. but us thoro I seems nothlng In ihnt' llno now, ho Inughlrigly tidya that untll ha joinn the plteh'lug staff of the Norfolk toam I at a gopd round salary, ha is open foi any klu<i ot4 eitgagetnent thut will brlnR ln an honost dbllar. | A good part of his tiiiM slnce tlu i unfprtunalo death of young Bames hai heon.occuplod wlth thc ? seivrch for hli tlliody,.' Late last- nlgut^no had juht re! ? tun-iHd froni n day of "drugglng nm ? drcdglng uiong tho.'. rlver, but lo m I purpose, -.. ? MR. GILBEBrDRilPS DEAD IN HIS HOTEL Conversed With Friends in Lobby, Retired to Room and Ex pired Instantly. Mr. E. Henry Gilbert dropped dead last nlght shortly before 10 o'clock In hls room at Gllbert's Hotel, Eighth nnd Franklin Streets. of whlch he was thc proprletor. Death was quite sud don, and camo ? as a sevbre shock to hls wlfc nnd family. as well as to n number ol" guests In tho house with whom Mr. Gilbert had been convers ing a few moments previously. For tho past three weeks he had been somewhat Indisposed. an attack of grip runnlng Into complicalions. lu the last day or two, however, he had ( been considered much better and had i beon ablo to move about in the hotel, I although he had not boen out of doors. 1 Last nlght he joined tho membors of I his famlly. at supper, eating lightly. I but Heemlng to bo in good spirits. For about two hours after supper he sat ; iu tlie hotel lobby tallting with some i pcrsonnl friends. Shortly before 10 ; o'clock he started for hls room wlth j out asslstance. and hla wlfe followlnjr a moment later round hlm fallen across tho bed already dead. Hls pbyslcan stated that death was from; heart fallure, n.nd must haro been '? almost instantancotis. "Wns Well-Kuoirn. .Mr. Gilbert was born ln IS65 in Ilockbridge county, Virginia, whero hc .spent most of hls life, belng assoclated ; wlth various enterprlses for uphuild i ing that county. Including the found I ing of Buena Vlsta. For four years he j was postmaster of that town undor i President Harrlson. Nine years -ago i ho moved with his family to Rlchmond j and bocamo tho manager of the Al i hambra Hotel. whlch he operated for i four years wlth considorable success. j At the end of that perlod ho purchasod , the present property. and Improved It , by tho addition of two largo wlrg4*. Early In I'lOt! Mr. GUbc-rt aci|Ulre<l n lense on the Ford's Hotel property, : whioh he operated in connc-ctlon with :his otlier hostelry under the name of j the Powhatnn Hotel. Later hc disposed jof his hoidintffs to hls partner, Mr. M. S. Dlcken, who has slnce con? ducted thc Powhatah. Cnndldrt-le for Councll. Mr. Gilbert had. taken a dc-ep inter? est in public affalrs, and at the tlmo of his death was a candidate for thc I City Council from Madlson "Ward. I He marrled Miss Jennle B. Hbgan, . of Rockbrldge county. twenty-two j years slnce, and ls survived by hls I widow and soven chlldren?Clarence. | Henry, Hettte May. Eva Huntington, i Eita Vlrglnia, Gcorpe Dewey, Bertle and Florence. He t'ls promlnent ln Masonlc circles, holdlng membership In the Shrlners, Knlghts-Templars. Elks and ln Bluo Lodge of Masons. Ho was past-master of tho lodge of Ma? sons at Buena Vlsta. and a member of tho State Assoclation of Pust Masters, The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. Korclsn Mlnalon Day. Forelgn Mlssloii Day was observed yesterday by the Sunday school of the CracQ Street Baptlst Church with ap? proprlate oxerclses; under dlrpctlon of Professor XV. A. Harr.s, superlntendent. A solo by Mlss Pattle Isaacs, and other speclal muslc, wlth a recltatlon by Mlss Marle Lacy, wero features of the day. A letter from tho Hov. Dr. R. J. Wlll 'nghcun was read to tho school and brlef remarks wero made bv the pas? tor. thc Rev. Dr. D. M, Iiatnsay. ANNIVERSARIES OF SOUTHERN GENERALS tiKXKRAl, I.r.Ji CUXKHAL JACH*?*, e AFTEA DR. M'DANIEL Offers Him Assistant Pastor, Stenographer and Any Salary Hc Will Name. CONGREGATION IS AROUSED Held Meeting Yesterday and In? creased Minister's Salary to $5,400 Per Year. Much concern has been aroused among the denomlnation ln Richmond over tho posslble departure for other flelds of labor of the Rev. Georgo W. McDanlel, D. E*? pastor of the Flrst Baptlst Church. Dr. McDanlel has un? der considcratlon a call from. the Flrst Baptlst Church of Oklahoma Clty. Okla., a large and flourlshlng congre patlon ln a strong Baptlst eommunlty. and has us yet glven no Ind'ratlon of hls flnal dete-rnilnatlon, although he admlts that much pressure Is boing brought to bear by hls friends In the Southwest to have hlm return to that eection. Itiilseil HlK Snlury. Yesterday the congregatlon of tho (Flrst Church held a meetlng, and as a mark of Its appreclatlon of the i servlces of Dr. McDanlel, voted to ralse Ihls salary ?1.200 a year, making the j total $5,100, the largest salary pald I to a Protestant mlnlster in Rlchmond or in Virginia. Members of tho church hero express the hopo that sufllelent lnfluenco can be brought to bear on their mlnlster to lnduco hlm to atay in Rlchmond, where his work has been Bigrially successful. By hls energy and abillty. Dr. McDaniol, who is but thirty two years of age. and who has been prcachlng but eight years, has ralsed hlmself to thc front rank in his de noniination. Throe years ago he came to tho First Baptlst Church ln this city from tho Second Baptlst Church. of Dallas, Tex., where he had a remarkahly successful minlstiy. Since he has been hero the congregatlon of the Flrst Church has sleadlly increased, untll duriiig recent months no preacher in the city has as regularly addressed more crowded | houses. Accompanylng tho lncrease In ? mc-mbership has been an lncrease In financial abillty. Duriiig the last year tho church gave "*p3it.000 to all causes. |Dr. McDaniol has serVed liotlce that 011 jr.Cxt Sunday a collection wlll be taken ifor the new Woman's College, and that Itho congregatlon wlll ' be expected to jgive $40,000. From Inquiiies made yes I terday, lt seems probable that the sum iwlll be rc-alized. ' ' Attractive Cnll. Dr. McDanlel. ls a Toxan by birth. and retalns hls love for tho open air life of the plalns, spendlng his vaca tions in horseback trips Into the pan handle of Texas on open atr preachlng expedltlons among the cowboys, aiiiong whom he is recognized as a great hero. The call comes from the First Bun ..tlst Church of" Oklahoma ? Clty. th< caplial of Oklahoma. tho largest and most vlgorous, congregatlon in that rapidly growlng placo, wlth a new church buildlng seatlng 2,300 people. Thft Invitatlon practlcally allows Mr. McDanlel to name his own salary. and offers hlm tho services of an asslstant pastor and a prlvate stenogvaplier anl secretary. Dr. McDanlel himself was out of tho clty yesterday, MAIN STREET RENT BY BURSTING MAIN [0 Assemble on Lee-Jackson Day and Hear Sermons by Rich? mond Pastor. Servlces In honor of Leo-Jnckson Day wero hold In a number of clty churchcs yesterday. At tho Second Baptlst Church the pastor, lhe Rev. Dr. JV*. R. L Smlth, pronched tho annual sermon before R. E. "Lee Camp, Con? federate Veterans, tho members in tholr gray unlforms occupylng seats In the centre of the building. Dr. Smlth made touchlng reference to the anni? versary occaslon, nnd very tenderly referred to the rapldly thlnnlng ranks of the camp which was before hlm. j Another lnterestlng servlce in honor I* of the anniversary occaslon waa held in tho afternoon at Monumentnl Epis? copal Church, when tho rector, tho I Hev. J. YV. Morrls. mado a flttlhg culogy of Genorul 1-cb beforo tho battallon of thc Rlchmond L'.ght Infantry Blues, wlio attended jn full dress unlforin, under command of Major E. XV. Bowles. I In St. Paul's Church the Leo window \ was apprdprlately draped. SeliooU Clcme To-Dny. Januury lflth having fnllon thls year on Sunday, tho hollday fcatures of the I occaslon will be observed to-day. All j schools wlll bo closcd, as wlll the banks ond a number of the business houses i of tho clty. Though no formal exer j clses havo boen arranged except the canipflre at Lee Camp Mall to-nlght, It wlll generally bo observed as a hollday event. ln several of tho schools thero wlll bo memorial exor clsc8 thls mornlng, ln which the scholars wlll take part, nnd to whlch thc patrons aro Ihylted; An elegant program was rendered at tho close of tho sesslon on Frlday by Bellcvuo School in honor of Lee Jackson Day. I The rooms of the school were tastofully decorated with Confederate colors and picturcs of Gen? eral Leo and General Jackson wero displayed. Muslc and recitatlorts mado up thc program. Tho picture of Gen? eral Lee was unvc-IJed by Alvln Me Auley wlth suitablo musical accom panlment from tho school "The Boyhood of Lee" was tho tltle of a naper read by Mlss Oharlotte Dad raun, and appreciatlons of Lee were re pcated froTfn various standard authors. All lhe songs rendered were of an appropriate nattirc. A number of par? ents and friends were present at the cxerclses, whlch wero groatly enjoyeil, AsHOciatluii to Meet. Tho Hollywood Memorlal Assoclation wlll meet thls mornlng ot 12 o'clo<-k in tho parlors of the Second Baptlst Church. Tho meeting of the assoclation on the anniversary of General Lee's birth has become an annual event. Tho custom of celcbrating the blrth? day of Gei*ral Leo as a hollday, and aa a tlmo for approprlato ceremonlco ln the schools has grown rapldly in recent. years, untll ln Vlrglnia it has como/ to be almost uVilversallj* ob sorved. The present anniversary is the one hundred und flrst. i Stream Poured Through Big Hole and Flooded Thoroughfare for Some Blocks. SITUATION WAS DANGEROUS Water Supply Cut Off for Some Time in Portion of Citv. Hy the hursting: of the sixteen-lcch water maln opposlte the post-ofllco early thls mornlng. Main nnd Cary Street3 and all the intervcnlng blocks betw.jon the bruak and the Muln Street....Statlon were deluged by a flood thnt looked not unllke .1 moun taln current. The break oocurred a few mlnutes nftPr mldnlght. and lt wns 1:30 o'clock before the water was cut off, and then nearly half an hour before lt ceased to flow. Before 12 o'clock passersby no ! ticed a bulge ln thc north sldo of the jstreet, between the west entranco to i tlic* post-offlce yard and Eleventh I Street. Tho street continued to rlse I until lt hnd come up at least half a ! foot ln places. and then of a sudden the earth gave way, and a spout of water shot Into the alr. JMrecl Flooilvd. Wlth tha rush of water the liolc rap | Idly enlarged, until it was several feet j square. und the stream, flnding egross ! grndually ensler and easler, gushed < forth as lf from a geyser, and raeed i down Maln and Cary Streets and tho In '?? tervenlng slde streets, until most of lt ! wus lost In sewera and in Shockoo Creek. i Fortunatcly, only ln a few places dld : the torrent rlse over the paveinent, and | then only for a few feet. It poured ! Into tlio cellar of the barber shop at | Twelfth und Maln Streets, nnd prob? ably Into the cellar of T. C. Sublett's cignr store, on the samo corner. Maln Street waa flooded between the | break and Seventeenth Streets, ncrous llts entire wldth. and Cary Street was j In the same condltion between Twelfth jand Fourteenth Streets. No other iccllars probably were flooded, but the jMaln Street ow] car had to dlscon tmuo Its run and use the Broad Streot pine to reach Church Hlll. Slow Id Coming-. Pollce Sergcant Kerso -and Offlcer Xewman. tolephoned Into the nlght oITic.3 of the Water Department, but lt was nearly en. hour and a half later before a man arrlved to cut' off tbe current at the various points. Actlni? Superintendent Davis came at last wlth two men. They cut off the supply at Tenth Street and at cross lntcrsectlons at four other points below. The broken maln ls connected with one as large as on Broad Street and lf the supply be cut off from thc West Hnd on account of a break lt must also be cut off from tlic* other slde. slnco tho supply in tlio Broad Street maln would be forced back, on the princlple that water seeks its own level. Mr. Davis could not explaln the causo of the break, unless lt were be? cause of faulty constructlon ln the Plpe. The main Is a new one put down last year, and is guaranteed for 300 pounds;. hydrostatlc pressure "'to the square Inch. ' I-Ic sald tho break could not havo been caused by electrolysls, as tho main has not been long enough ln the ground. Daningc to the street will probably -be found to bo qulte cxtenslve, as thc cobblestones wero forced up to a height of soveral .Inches for a distance of flfty.or sixty feot from the brcak Ing point. and then sank as the. pres? sure waa relleved. These wlll probably havo to be taken up for that dlstance and relald. 'JVo .Vlel't Watcuumn. Mr. Davis explained his apparont tardinoss in arrlvlng /by stating 'that lt wns some tlnio before he recelved the message tliat "Tie was needed, and thon had to dress and get two men to como wlth hlm. He. sald that the ofllofi of llio Water Pei'jartmcnt does-. hot. mahituln a nlght wutchman,; or tho damage might havo beon repalred soonor, nreaks of thlR extent ln ,water malnf. aro of very Infroquent -ocoiir ronce, ho said, und therefore a watch mau. is too rarcly ribedod to bo of niiich servlce. '? ? So groat was tho water pressure that It gushed ' und btthbled anil spbuted wlth tho force of a blg artostan spring, nnd tlui oenaslini, was bonpficlal ut loust lu thn opportunlty lt afforUevl for olisorvntlnn us to tlio wat'pv. iivot suva In. Hlchmond. fjaiul dunos wero dlstrlbuted uboulM'aln Street. malnly an far down as Sevontoenth, Tho grouteiit volumo'of wnter^tut'iied down Eleventh, Twelfth- -and ?Fourtaunth Streets, nnd down Cnry to SUookoe . Creek,..whloh diivrlodlts odded hUi'doli to" tho I'lvor, ' ALUMNI MEET. AND E BILL Sons of V. P. I. Dcclarc Rison Measure Is "Umvarraiifced Attack," on School. COMMITTEES ARE NAMED Statement Issued Last Nlght by Chairman, Setting Forth Po? sition of Institute. Rlchmond alumnl of the Vtnginla Polytechnlc lnstltute met Saturday nlght ln tho parlors of the Jofterson Hotel for tho considcratlon of Impor? tant mntters, ' Thc gathcring was enthusiastlc, and lhe sesslon wns tho most largoly at tended over held by tho local chapt,cr. Mr. P. M. Fry. prenldent, occupled the chnlr. Dr. Paul R. p.arrlnger, presl dont of Iho lnstltute, dlscussed tho blll lntroduced ln the-Leglubiture by Sena? tor Rlson, looklng to tho removal of Iho geologlcul department of tlio V. V. I. to tho University ot Vlrglnia, ninklng It a part of tho latter Instltu llon. Tho blll was roundly denounccd as on linwarrantod attack on tho .ln nlltute, nnd a committee of five, com poscd of Alr. H. M. Smlth, Mr. Isaac Dlggs. Mr. P. M. Fry, Mr. Arthur Can non end Mr. Tom Watson, wns ap? polnted to walt on tho leglslatlv0 Com? mltteo on Schools and Colleges and make a strong effort to klll the meas? ure at once. A commlttee of publiclty, wlth Mr. George Hutchlnson as chalrman. was also appolnted to present the slde of tho Vlrglnia Polytechnlc lnstltute in the Stnto press. The move was alleged by thoso present to be tho flrst In a serles of attacks on lhe work belng jdone hy thc lnstltute, and the hopo wiiR generally exprcssed that lt would !bo nlpped ln the btid. | It wns declared that thc Uiilverslt*/ iof Virginia hus nnsumed most of tho credtt for thc geologlcal dlsplay mado j.-u the Jamestown "Exposition, and that the- exhibitlon was, ln fact, nearly en tirely prepared by olllclula of thc Vir [ginla Tolytechnlc lnstltute. ?Stnleinent I-tRue-t. Mr. Ilutchinson, who ls secretary of | tho Richmond chapter, .Issued last nlght tho followlng statement as to tho stand tuken by tho V. P. L Alumnl In regnrd to Senator Rlson's blll: "Brlefly. we are of thc followlng opinlon: We take esccptlon to Ihe uso I of the word "creutlon,"' as tho Ktutu (5<ioioKlcal Survey has exlstcd for ten yearc at the V. V. 1. "Wo can see no reason for tho re? moval of thls department from the V. V. 1? as It ls tho loglca] und best equipped Instltutlon In the State f-w the furtherancc or thls p^rtictilur r<* sonrch work. The work done bv tln survey at the V. P. I. has been of a moBt siitlsfuctory nnture. All llteratU'o publlshed by the survey has been corn plled from work done at the V. P. I? ii"' a IthHtandlng the fact tbnt Piofc-sor Watsop. recently of the V. I'. I., In tho piiblicatlon of hls "Mlneral Retiotirce* of Virginia,' makes lt appeir to the casual obscrvcr that the survey Is loeaied. and tho work done at the University of Vlrglnia. "'We are of the opinlon that the Uni? versity of Vlrjflnia nhoulct conilue Ita work lo the arts and humanltlcs. in ! whlch It exccijs. "That?the V. P. I. should be aa |x!gned all tcchnlcal. Industrlal nnd cp ! glneering work. That the effo'rw of leach Instltutlon should be conllmjd lo ? Iho work for whlch thoy aro espe j dally mlapted. Wo heartily concnr ?with the opinlon orvprcsscd in Dr. Bar jrlnger's lotter t(x_ Scnutor Rlson, nn I"recently publlsdied ln the dally paper.-. "The crylug neod of tho s-outh to day ls for tcelmlcally trained men. JTho V. P. I. has attalned a hlgher jnt.-indard In technlcnl education than !any other Instltutlon In the, land tho divlslon of technlcal education [between tho two schools ln questlon jwould be extremely uviwlso, ua oelther (could maintaln the high standard inecessary through thc division of ef .fort." The Other Slde. j Kvery effort" was made yesterday jtr, secure a statement from Senator . FSItson. but without success. Ile had left Rlchmond. and a telegram sent to hls home ln O-t'-.-i.., i-a? returned undellvered. A telegram was also . [to Dr. E. A. presldent of the Unlvorslty of Vlrglnia'. NTo re sponse was recelved. BOARDERS EXCITED Alleged Attack by Wotnnn, MTie Churges Several Wlfli Pcrsecutlon. Somc-lhlng of a eensation wats caus ed ln an apartmeuf house ln the East End of the rity yesterday afternoon when the was alleged, ln a flt of temporary Insanlty attack <*d several women llvlng on the second floor, and. flourlshlng a carving knife, ran them to their room-4-. They call? ed for the police, and the woman. who ls very prornlneutly connected iu Rich? mond and.ln the Staii>. was arrested spd carrlfd to tbe Cltv Jall. where, after a somewhat lengthy -cyalt. a com mlsBlon of luracy was held over her. and sho wai acciuitted. All thri-uigh. the trylng ordeal the, woman. bor<= her solf wlth ralmness nnd qulet dignltv. ond wns llberated wlthin a ft-vr^mln utes after the nhysiclans 'and mag h-trato had examfned her. In a very rational f-ta.tcment last nlght the woman alleged that slie had been perseeuted by ,Qne of the men and two or three ^i-omen llving in tho house, and that the; her hand at the tlmo tho others fled fvom her she had been uslng in tho kltehen to turn over eggs she was frylng for breakfast She alleges that ?lid went onlv to the door of her kitchen. und did not flourish her knifo or attempt to stab any r.tif, Tho man ln ouestlon. when seen lm-'t nlght. de ntfd that he had over oftorod o,n. in sult to tbe woman or hnd ever been In tho sllghtest way rude to her. IJo oxoects soon fo move to other ciuni ! ters._^_ WEEPS OVER SON Iwitltcr H?lW; Arrvslod J'ov Drunltcii i uom, llrlni*" His Father. ' After a..denperate struggle. Walter llaley, n young whlte boy. was arrest ed Saturday afternoon by Captain Tom 'llnaon and Dotectlve Hergeapt Batley on tlio? charge-ef.drunkenness .indfdl44. orderly conduct. Haloy gave the offl? cers a.hnrd soul'flo just bbhjnd. Ford's Hotel, whore ho had urrlved nfter flght Ing ut.numorous piissersby from lower L'-runklli-i Street, Iils fatherfeaiho up an hc was beinff plucod under nrrest. With teara Mtreamtng . down <hls. Cape, he sald: "T. would ratiior see you -doiid than lltce .thls. Vou'l'l break my heart," ?? ? Miss Eess|o McGehoe,. daughter ^of Jlr. B. A. McGuhoe, ol' tha Ohesaponka niui Ohlo, luw returned. to. liev. hom<? ii'oai the hOBp.ltai, mueh ?improved. -