OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 30, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1908-01-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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nf safi! eensuK. The snld censtis wns
frftiululenily taltcn nnd rcsultcd in the
rt-porl thnt thero wcro. more than fi.noo
ln!:n.b lunts |n Hrlslol. und a corpora
tlon ourt wns cstabllshcd for Bristol,
nnd W, F. Rhea wns elected Judg<:
"I cbnrge that there were not more
than .2,91!) Itihal llnnls, ns wns shown
by the TJnlled Stnles consus of lSDn.
HBid that Judge Rhcn well knew nt
lhat tlmn that when iho censtis flrst
above rcfrrred to m-iis taken tbnt there
wcrc-. iint rniytMnft- like- hs many ns
5.000 Inhahltttnls in Bristol. nnd wns n
jinrty to tbe frnudulenl tnklng thereof.
or nt k'n.'t knew .thnt tlie sttme hnd
been tnken frnudulently, but he, novor
Hir-less. a.'-cepted thc bpncflt thereof,
nnd acrcpted tho Judgcnblp nf tlie snbl
courl. wli'cli was established pursuaiit
lo sald fraudutent ceneus.
lltnts nl ilrllicry.
. "2. I cl.nrge that on thc trlnl of tho
rpse of ii.o Commonwealth i.s. Jordrin,
Judge Rhea dc-i.vercd n very remurk
nl'-lc declslon. whlch rcsultcd ln sctting
salrf Jordan free. Thut the said ilccl
fcion crealid n storm of Indignbtion
mid cr.ticlsm, and many people at tno
time. brlltved and charged thut said
'leclslon had been proetind by brlbcr.v.
I do not preteiul to know, and 1 do not
contend tnat theso cbarge-j were justl
flnble. but I Inslst thnt a judge iiiuput
v'hom'such charges have been made is
unlit for a posltion on ^hc Stnte Cor
I.orntlon Coinmfssion.
."'?. t charge that In the races for
Congress between Judge Rhen nnd
General James A. Walker In 1S9S and
- itino tbe Donocrat fl party ln tho Nlnth
.Dl?trlct of Virginia \mis gutlty of iitim
otoiis electlon frauds wh ch Increased
the vote of Judgc Rhea snd decrensed
thc vote of General Walker. That
Judge Rhea nldcd, abetttd and encour
n.exd som.,' nf these frauds nnd knew of
many others; thnt ho nccoptcd tho
.'beneflt of sald frauds and nccoptcd hls
fpat ln Congress ln both the sald elec?
tlons, woll knowing thnt' General
Walker 'bad been rcn'Iiy elected: and
1 fur'her charge that thc frauds re
ferred to wcrc of such a nnttire l? show'
that nny one who partleipated ln theni
nr knowlngly aeccpttd the benefits)
thereof. la uniR for the hltrh posltion
to whlch Judge Rhea nspircs; and I
further charge that whether ..this bo
true or not, it Is the oplnlon'and !u<
!kf of numcrotw p?rrons throuirbonl
the Nlnth District that ll-c- mntte'-?
.above rcfc.rivd to do render him unlit
for sald ffosltton, nnd ibls'alone should
' fo>; euffieiunt to prevoul his eonfiimu
-_ Effort lo OIwiikp Vote.
"A. 1 charge further that'in the race
f.ir Congress r.etivecn Juuge R|ita und
"Colonel C- Kl^rtip ih liac the unollicial
"reports, tsli.cii on thc nigiit of the.'uIeCV
ticin and tho day itfte-'x the election
were recelved ut tl.c iicadquarU-rs of
'fcdtn political parties, showed1 thut
Colonel hic-mp l.ad l.tcn elected hy
c:mall majorlty, to-wlt?about 100; thot
tberetipon a concoeted niovemcnt was
I'.iauguialed by Judge Rhea and some
e-f his foliowers to chatige thls rcsult:
71 at ln Scott county tne ccrtthcates nf
ihe htdgts of election were mutllated
r.nd forged so as to change the vou
:by 136 votes; lhat in Buchanan county
'tbe cerUficr.tes of thc elect on board
was mutllated and cr.tngcd before it;
reached the office of the Secretary <>f j
ti.e Mate, so as to make a dlfference
? cf 10U votes in Judge Rhea's favor:
that In Washington. Russell and Smyth
countlcs Itte electlon eommissloners.
vhen th?y came to count the vot?-.
".were induced to leave out and refuse
to e-ouni without any jiiMlflable cause
whalever dlvers prerlnrts which hnd
p'.ven majorlties for Slemp, so that thi
vote ns certified by them charged the
rt'Stilt in favor of Judge Rhea. In
Wnshlngtin county 79 votes, ln Rus
arll county. 110 votes, and in Wythr
county 112 votes. ar:l thnt the aKCrc
f.vte result of sald scverul frauds was
nwh as to give Judcre Rheii on tbe
face of the returns some 200 or 30S
"Ithrn I'nrty 1i? Fruud."
"I further charge that Judgc Rhei.
?wa> a party. or at least knew of all
. or some of the sald frauds. but never
tpcless he did not repudiato the same
or any thereof, for some days there
after: that the said frauds ralsed a
storm of indlgnnnt protcst on tlie part
ot both Democrats und Republ'cans
Ihrouirhout tbe district. nnd Colon.-l
Flemp instituto'i mnndamus proccee'.
iiigs m the Supreme Court of AppeaU
cf Vlrclnla. and lt was a foroeone
con.'iuslun thal the said court woultl
cerrect the same, and that not until
ihis was done and not untll Judui
Rhea saw the liandwrltinc on the wall
d!d he ever ralse hls voice to rcpudi
pte the ssld frlends or nny nf them.
And 1 further charge that r man whe
would so act ls untit for a hlgh judi?
clal posltion.
"5. I further ehartre that tbe gen?
eral reputntion of Iu fc? Rhea tbrou.-r!.'
out the Ninth District Is that he ls ar
unsorunulous politlcfan and is there
lore unlit for judiclal oflice.
"RcEpectfully submittod,
"J. C. NOEL."
Objet'tcd to Spfclflcallous.
Mr. Irvlne. of counsel for Judgt
Rhea, aske-d a rccess to confer witl
reference to thc amended paper. an:
at ll:27j.bc and hls assoclates returned
Mr, Ipvii.1* .ypffkc brlefly for Judgi
? Rhea. urgiiig objectlon to some of th>
ppecnlcatlons and walvlng it as u
others. He declared thut tho electlo'
matter refcrrod to wa* purely politi
cal in Its nature, Judge Rhea, hc ue
ctared, was not dodgli-.g anythlng l>
elther electlon case, but that thos
' contests had been thieahed out and do
? "These charges," he sald, "nre agains
the canvasslng boards ln tho countle
referred to nnd not ugalnst Judg
Rhea, and wo emphatlcally deny tha
he knew anythlng conceniing what 1
alleged to have takeui place."
Mr. Irvino characterlzed thu specifl
"These "Well Hnown Medical Mon ?peaK Froan Experi?
onco With. Its Use in Their Own Persons and Pra
* ctice. Are They Not Competeat Witnesses?
James L. Cabell, M. D.t A. M., LL. D., formerly ProjcssorofPhyaiolngt/and
Surgeryin the Mcdical Department of the Universittj oj Virginia. and Presi
hnown tluarapeu .ic resource. It should be recognized by the pro.es>
slonas an article of Wiaterla rVJodlca."
Dr. George Ben Johnson, Richmond, Va , Ex-Prcsident of Southern
Burgical and G yncologicaL Assoctation, Ex-Prcsident Mt dical Society ofVirginia,
und Pro'exsor oj Gynccohgy qndAbdominal surgery, Medical College of Virginia:
'ln all forms of flrignt***. Disease, exeept those hopelessly advanced, its good
effects are pronounced. I believo it has heep the meana of prolonging many
lives ln this trouble. Almost any case 01 Pyelitis or Cystltis will be alleviated by
it and many cured. I have had evidence of the undoubted Disintegrating Solvent
and Eliminatinupowers of this water inRENAL CALCULUS, and I have known
its long continued use fo permanently break up the gravel-forming habit. It is an
pgent of great value in the trea'ment of >./6um?nuWa of Pregnancy, and is an
' -excellent diuretic in Scarlatina and Typhoid Fever.'r
- ? E. H. jP.ntj.-A, MA?M. D? LL. D., Prof. OHficial Surgeryjbi the Chiccgo
.BomeopatliM MedicalCollege, andAttending Surgeon to Cook County Hospital,
5En5. ffiHjBIJFFAL6 I.THIAWATER ?S,____ fe"
proved espenal y t'ffu*actouBmRneum_ri_m, Gout. and a/Tection* of the KrY/nev and
Bladder generally, including Bright'? DUease. I have never used tt for the re*
ttioval of stone, pref errtng to operate for that; but I have found it ezceedingly
valuable after operation in correcting Uric Acid Diathests, and thus preventinc
For sale by the general drug and mlneral water trade. Additional Medica
TcBtimony on request.
"Berry's for Clothes" 1
Our frlends, the ladles, are1
seeing to.lt that all members of j
their familles take advantage i
of our Blg Sale. /
Just as attraetive things for
the boy as the man?a sult or
overcoat for each at the usual
prlce of one!
Come ln and see.
catlon ns to general reputntion ns ab
surcl, and ln spoaklng of that ns to un
tinscrupulous p'ollticlon hc wanted tof
know If thc .Senator from Leo 'would
like to be tried on such n charge.
Afternoon SckhIoh.
Tho commltteo took a recess at noon
untll 3 o'clock, and upon recohvonltii.*',
Captaln Buliltt wds iecognlzed to re?
ply to Mr. Irvlne.
lie declared that many of tho objec?
tlons urged to- the new charges wcrc
tcclinical. Hc read from the reeords of I
tho two conlcsts botw'oen Judgo Rhea]
and the late General Walkor. lo showi
that though Judgo Rhea. held the seat
the mtthods of the electlons w-iro
sharply crltlclzeel by thc commlttees
of the House of Reprcsentatlves in
tholr reports. He contentled that tho
Issuo there wns mercly the numbor of
votes cast, whlle here It was tho flt
ness of the man.
"The evldenee to tinscat a man hold
Ing a certiricate of electlon," he de?
clared. -should b much stronger thr.n
that to prevent conformation for thls
h:gh judiclal oftlce."
Captaln Bultitt charged that Ui tho
Rhca-Slemp electlon the flrst r.:turns
showed a majorlty of about 400 for
Sb mp. and that there was a concert-i!
effort on the part of Judgo Rhea and
hls frlends to change the result
Rcturnn Wcro Mutllated.
"The Scott county returns were
mutllated and forged so as to make a
dlft>rence of 1SG in Rhea's favor." hc
contlnued. "The returns of Buchanan
county were changed after they had
'. been certified by thc canvasslng board,
? and before they reached tbe office ot
1 the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
| "Tho returns of Washington. Rtissoll
j and Wythe were changed, and these
I'- things were not slmply done. but done
us a rosult of conccrted action on the
part of Judge Rhea and hls friends."
Captaln Bullctt contended fcr thc
! admission of tbe general reputntion
i spoclflcatlon, arfd rcferred several tlmes
I lo Wharton on Evldenee, ln support oi
| this contcntion.
He asserted that character was the
I real Issue involved, and submitted that
j it wus competent to c-slabllsh this
j general reputntion.
Judge Phlegar repllcd at some length.
Don't Wnnt illni in FmIkc Light.
/'Wo do not propose." he declared, In
openlng, that Judge Rhea shall bc- put
ln any false light here or that this
Investlgation shall go on ln such a way
ti.at lie shall he stubbed ln the dartc.
! I venture to say that no Democrat who
| has always stood with hls party ln that
dark district wlU ever come here and
say that Judgo Rhea ls an unflt man
for the place to which he has bcei
nurned hy the Governor.
Judge Phlegar took up the charges
one by one, and entered a general dc
nial to most of them, going Into mut-li
de-tail a.s to others. He asked lf lt were
pos.sible that gentlcmen would contend
that because XV. J. Bryan's name was
on tho Scott county ballot as a candl?
date he should therefore be set down
as an unfit man for President.
He sald Judge Rhea was willing to
nccept Captaln Bullltt's suggestion to
lot hls nelghbors say what they
thought of him. They had already
spoken on the subject, he declared.
Shovrcd Record nt Polls.
He subinlted the following figures,
showing the Democratic majorttles
Bristol clty, the home of Judgo Rhea,
has given Dcmocratlc nomlnees for
Congress slnce 1894:
18S4. Morrtson . 1 IS
ISOu. Wllliams . 31
''1803, Rhea . 47"
1000. Rhea . 77'!
II* K. C. I.EVY. M. ?., Chlef Ilcnltb
Olllcci. ,
In view of the provalence of irrip,
the following stiggostlons ns to how
tho disease can best be nvoldcd are ln
order. Orlp is known to bo due to a
spoclilc gcrm, but In tlmes of witlo
upreael Infoctlon It is probablo that
practlcally byery one Is cxposcd lo tho
Irfcntloii," nnd that vltal rcslstancc ts
UMinlly the detcrmlnlng factor. i'h-ery
thlng that tehds to lower "tho general
tone of the system ls, thereforc, llablo
tu cause thc dcvclopmcnt of the dis?
ease. For thls reason excesscs of all
klnds are to bc avoldcd, ns well as un
duc e.\-posure. Clennllness ln pcrsonul
lulblt Is of tho titniost Importance.
Tho tooth brush ls thu grentnst cnemy
of all dlscascs of this' klnd. Tho
tecth and mouth should bo thoroughly
cleansed several tlmes every dny, but
ccrtalnly at least nn arislng ln the
mornlng and going to bed at nlght.
Whllo undtie exposure ls to bc avnld
od, It ln eijually Important to avo<d
nlttlng or slecplng In llly vontllated
rooms. It ls now gcnerally admitted
that moro "colds" are. contracted ln
warm. close rooms than in cold rooms.
Avold gettlrtg tho feet wct. Get as
mtieh exerclso as possible In tho open
air every day, and slenp in n room wlth
the rvlndows open nnd tlio body wesil
protoctdd by covers.
A most prollflc sotirco of grlp. as
well as of ordlnnry "colds" ls found ln
nny condltlon of tho nosc whlch forcos
mouth-brcnthlng. lf breathlng can?
not bo comfortably carrled on through
Iho noso, somethlng 1" wrong, and rt
competent spoctnllst shoulil at onco ho
constilted. In fact, no singlo thlng Is
of more geiieral Importnnce, especlally
for chlldren, not only ns a precuutlon
aRtilnst grlp nnd colds. but alBO against
far more scrlous uffertlona, especlally
Biillil Up Vllfll ItrMntnucc.
Although, as stated nbovo, practl?
cally overy ono is esposed to tho gcrnis
of grip |n tlmes of epldemlcs, thuy
maklng the best llno of protectlon tlio
buildlng up of vltal rcslstnnco, nt tho
samo tlme It ls also necessary to avold
taklng Into the system overpoworlng
numbers of the germs, whlch may
r.ouse even a strong person to.contract
the disease. For thls reason thc foi
lowlng precauMons mn.v bo added to
those alrnady given. Do not sleep ln
tho same bod wlth a porson who lius
tho grlp. and prc-fornbly not In tlio
Biimo room. Do not klss a person on
tho mouth whllo Iio hns grlp. Do not
drlnk from tho same glass or nat from
tho same etlslies untll they linve bcnit
thoroughly wnshod In hot water.
lf, In nplto of nll precuiiUons, you feel
tlio'beginnliiffs of grlp comlng on, go
to bed at onco nnd nencl tor your eloctor.
Remember thnt there Ih no moro troucli
erous diseaso and scnrccly any llkcly to
glvo rlse to moro serlous compllcatlons.
A few dnys of proper treatment at tho
start often rosults In recovery whoro
neglect would havo resuitcd ln a longr
coiitlnucd Illness, serlous compllcatlons,
and posslbly even death.
Avold ull patent medicines, not only
for grlp, but iihclor all clrcumstances.
They may happen to sult one case ln a
hundred, but usually they not only do
no good, but, on account of tlie alcohol
and oplntes whlch enter largely Into
thc composltlon of all patent mcdlclhos
e*>cept thoso whlch nro practrcally In
orl, they are llkely to do nn lmmenso
amount of linrm. i(
T.02. Rhea . *US
1901, Wysdr . 171
100(5, Bruce . 235
"This Ls what Judge Rhea's nelgh?
bors thlnk of hlm," declared Judge
_>lilc_rar, nfter readlng tho figures, "and
he ls not afrald to have them speak
as to hls character."
Scope of tlie Inqulry.
When Judgo Phlegar bad conelndad
hls remarks the commlttee held an
oxecutivo sesslon, nnd later announccd
the .ollowlng scope by which tho
Inqulry ls to bc governedi
The Jolnt committeo, in executive
si'Sslon. havlng carcfully consldered all
ilie specin<.nti_n,_ mude under the res
olut.op adopted by the committee on
yesterda.v, is of oplnlon tliat thc sp'ecl
ilcallon contained in sectlon 1 Is suf
ticiently deflt.ite, and wlll . permlt the
Introcluctlon of all legal evidence, di
rect or clrcumstantlal, tending to sup?
port those specltlcatlons.
Tlu- commlttee Is of tlie same opln?
ion in roference to the speelflciitlon in
sectlon 2, and wlll permlt any iogal
evidence to be Introduced, whether dl
rect or clrcumstantlal, which tends to
prove the charge made tn sald section
out decllne to reach thc concluslon that
sucli a charge made agalnst ii man.
however innocent he may be. shoull
iintlt hlm for a place on the State Cor?
poration Commisslon. To do that the
charge must be sustained.
Not Giillty on One Count.
In reference to the spec-fications
mnde ln sectlon 3, the committee, after
carifully wtigl.lng the arguments of
counsel on botn sides, and readlng the
reports of the Commlttee on Prlvileges
nnd Electlons ln the Congress of the
United States, nnd belng notltlcd tliat
tald reports have been acopted by Re
publlcan Houses of Representat.ves
are of oplnlon that all matters proved.
or whlch mlght have been proved ln
sald contests. are concluded by tlie
report of the commlttee and the ac?
tion of the House of RepresentatlveBi
and aro therefore of opinion thut it
would bfc improper to liear any testl?
mony touchlng the matters and thlngs
set out In sectlon 3.
The committee Is of oplnion tliat tlie
-peclflcutions set out ln sectlon -t are
suttlclontly deflnite to glve notice to
Judge Rhea and nut him on his de?
fense. and wlll hear any legal evidence.
idircct or c'rcumstantial. whlch tend-J
I to prove said charges and to connt-ct
Judge Rneo wlth thc charges set out ln
I sectlon 4: but tlie commlttee does not
rench the concluslon tbat the fact that
?harges ' -ve been made against a miin
untlts 1 * for a Judlcial posltlon. As
herelnly . ??<? stated the charges must
be sustained.
Tlie committeo ls or oplnlon tliat the
ypecltlcatlon and charge made ln sec?
tlon 5 nre not of such a character as
to justlfy th*; commlttee ln maklng
Innuiry in reference to them. and
tlu-refore rcfus-e to conslder the chargc
nnd speelflentlons In sa'd soctlun: but
the committeo wlll receiv. testimony
nf the general reputatlon of Judge
RhPa as o man of truth and Integrlty.
The body at <*:1"> o'clock took a re
cess untll'S o'clock.
Night Scuolon.
Senator Echols preslded at the nlght
sesslon. and as soon as lie called tc
order Captaln Bullitt read the follow?
lng as un amendment to specitlcatlor
"In view of tho decision of the cora
mlttot- on the objectluns made to tlu
charges (Ited by me agalnst Judgt
Ithea, 1 beg to amend specllcatlon a
so as to read as follows:
I "X further charge thnt the genera^
reputatlon of Judge Rhea tliruughou
thc Ninth District is that he is ai
! unllt person for n posltlon on the cor
poratlon Commisslon. _.,**_., *?
Senator Noel asked that thc follow?
ing witnesses summoned from facott
county by the prosccutlon be el-s
charged. us it wns found that_thej
would not bo needed: W. D. bmlth. W.
S. Cox. I. C. Coloy. C. C. Boatright and
"At'th|?sr point Judge Phlegar object
cd to the proposed amendment to tbe
speciflcatlons offered by Mr. Noel. and
Captaln Bullltt defcnded lt. The rt
tult of thls was another executive ses?
sion to determlne the questlon.
Lnld Strcss on Jordnn Cnse.
The amendment was not allowed.
Captaln Bullltt now proceeded Wltlt
hls openlng statement. though he sa el
the grounds for tho contentlons of the
prosccutlon had been vather fuilj . set
out in the debate whlch hacl formerly
tiiknn nlacc. Ho. however, lald stress
upon" what ls known as thc Jorelan
case. ln which lt Is contonded by the
prosecutlbn that Judge Rhea improp
t-rly sot aslde a vord ct for murder in
hls court. antl released the prisonor on
Forccast: Vlrglnla?Falr Thursday,
eolder in central nnd east portlons,
Frlday falr. not ciuite so cold; light to
fresh north lo northeast wlnds.
North Carollna?Falr Thursday, eold?
er t-xcept ln extremo west portlon; Frl
fair, warmer ln western portlon; fresh
north to northeast wlnds.
Riclimond's weather was cold and
partly cloucly. Ibinw of thc thormo
mc-ter: .. .,
'j A. M.3S C P. M.4
12 M.3S 9.P. M.;
U P. M.41x12 Mldnlght.JE
Average;.35 2-3
Hlghest tomperature yesterday.41
howest temperaturo yesterday.;><
Mc-an temperature yesterday.?<
Normal temperaturo yesterday.3i
Departure from normal temperature. 01
(At S P. M. Eastern Tlme.; '
Place. Ther. H. T. Weather.
Ashevllle .30
Augusta. 52
Atlanta . 40
Charlotte . 42
Clnclnnatl . lt>
Davenp.rt ,..,,. 50
Galveston ...... 5S
Hatteras . 40
Juoktoiivllle .... 02
Kansas City.... 58
Memphis . 88
Nfow Orleans.... 60
Oklahoma City.. 82
Plt'sburg . 12
Raloigh .42
Savannah ,.-. 58
St. Paul. 52
Norfolk . is
T&mpa . liti
Washington .... 2s
Yollowstoiiu .... ai;
January 30. 1908.
Sun rlse?,,.....7:n HIGH TIDE.
Bun sets.5:30 Mornlng. .. .!:?'
Moon I'lBca..8:30 Uvenuig**. ,2iJ
bail, tlie latter not havlng been heard
of ln Bristol Rlnce, ,,, ,_? _?
This is the ltem ln the olmrgo rc
latlng to- suggested brlbery. Mr. Ir?
vine repllod, maklng tlie opeiVIng state
mont for Judge Khea.
Ho drnled Tn to-to th* charge that
Judge Rhea hnd had any Improper con?
nectlon wlth the tnklrg of thc census
In Bristol, after whlch he was elected!
judge of tho Corporation Court of thfttl
clty. and coming to tlie Jordnn case. |
he declared that if it could be-proved
that thero wero Improper netlons on
the part of Judgo niica ln the maltei.
he would not accept lhe posltlon of
Corporation Commlssloner, and lt
would be tho duty of the committee
to brand blm. Wlthout Impugnlng the
molives of the gentlemen maklng tho
charge, IMr. Irvine said it was an ab
soluto falsehood whlch liad grown up
ln tho heat of n liltter political cam
ps'gn, and whlch hnd been denounced
and rosontfd bv Judgo Rhea the onlv
tlme lt had bec-n made up to now.
Dchlrit for Juilgc ltlicii.
The speaker absolutoly denled tbat
Judge Rhea had any connectlon with
or knowledgp of irregulnrities ln tho
several olectlons referrcd to ln the
charges of the proHCcutlcn. and said
that ln tbe lart one. wlilch Cplonel
Siemp was his opponent, when Irrog
tilnrltle8 had been dl*covered, he is?
sued a statement saying he would not
accept. the certlflcate of electlon lf lt.
had been award^d him.
As to the final sp"ctfIcntlon con
cernlng the trutli and int'g'lty, Mr.
Irvine sald If It should be sustained.
lt would be the duty of tbo committeo
i ti recommend tho roject'on of Judgo
I Rhea's appolntment. He. however. de
I c'ared that ho would be able to show
l that the appoliuee hed a most honor
lable record am^ng those who knew
i hlm bert. and thnt the charge would
I he wholly unsu-talned by the evidence
of t>>e other =lde.
Wli'ti Mr. Irvjup had eondudod with
nn elooticnt tr'bnte to Judg" Rlr-n's
I character, Captaln Bullitt asked thnt
tlu* commlttee ri?c untll :? o'c'nek t'-is
affrnoon. in order to allow the pros
.'cut'on timo ?n which to eonfer with
witnesses. Thi" was granted, and
Judge Phlegar stated that. as preyl
nuslv announccd. he would have tn
leave at once to keep an Important
rnirfsremont her^tofore made. nnd
would probablv nnt be nhle to return
durlng the pendency of the case.
Asked for the MInnten.
Senator Noel asked that the Secre
i tnry of the C.->nimonwr*allh be sur>
i iioe'naed 'to pmduc<* tlu* nbstrnet*. of
the roturns ln tlie Rhfti-Plemn elect on
in lf?i>2. nnd that the clerk of the su
preme Court be subpoeraed to bnng
forth the record in the maniiamus pro
ccedings which followed before that
trliiunnl in the matter.
Thc- commlttee at 0:15 P. M. roso to
rceonvene at :t o'clock this afternoon.
when the flrst witneses will be put
on by lhe prosecutlon._
One of tbe Fonltircs of Testlmony in
Grent Graft Trlnls.
HARRISBURG. PA., January 29.?
That Archltect Joseph M. Huston means
to take care of hlmself nt the- expense
of his four co-defendants In the Stnte
Capitoi consplracy cases now on trial
ln the Dauphln County Court. Is ap
I.nrent from the testlmony to-day of
his hrother. the Rev. Samuel C Hus?
ton, of Phlladelphla, a re-tlred Prcs
byterian clergyman, who was called
ns a witness for the Commonwealth.
The Rov. Mr. Huston testinod that
when hls brother went to Europe In
the sprlns of lflOfi on business for thc
Stnte. hc left wlth him signed blank
aichitcct eortiftontcs and a power of
attorney. Contractor John H. Snnder
son. ono of the defendants, soon ap?
peared with a bill, supported by an
nflhlavit, purportlng to be in proper
form. for which he asked nnd obtainr-d
cvrtincatlon of the archltect by the
brother's 6lgnature.
The Commonwealth exhlbitcd to the
jury two of the sofas. a table and two
clcthes treos, supplied by Sanderpon
for the Capltol under the "per foot"
system. One of the sofas wns meas
urcd and was shown to be slx feet
long. Sanderson bllled thls sofa to the
Tell If You Know a Gooil Thlng
"When a man flnds the true fooe
value of a preparation like Grape
Nuts, It ls no more than nclghborlj
tn tell It to others.
-"I should feel responsible. to a de
gree." wrlto,, an Ohlo man, "for inucl
human suffering were I to wlthhok
from others the knowledge of the bon'
erits I have porsonally derlved fron
the use of Grape-Nuts as an artlclei o:
Two years ago I began to feel t
general tondency to collapse?hnd fre
quent blllnus attacks, was troublec
wlth consttoatlon and vertlgo, als<
rush of blood to tho head causlng tem
porary bllndness.
"Llver and stomach in bad eondl
timi. annotlte and sleep becamo ver;
Irregular, memory began to slln away
logs became shokoy and I found It no
cessary to use both hands In drlnklm
from a cup.
"Prevlnus to thls tlme T was in th
L hnbit of eatlng all I wanted of what
] ever wus sot before mo. , When th
l trouble came I tried medlolno wlth
) out. help, but I gratlually grew so won
I had to givo.up a lucratlvo govorn
mont posltion. ,.,
"Whatovcr I ato dlsagreod with m<
untll mv wifo began'..feedlng mo o
Grape-Nuts food. At. flrst I ate i
sparlngly untll I'found it did. not hui
me. then gradually Increased th
amount as mv appetlte demanded. Fc
many months I havo virtimlly Uved o
Grane-Nuts, fruits and Postum. ?.
"The rssult ls gratlfylng ln the ej
treme. None of my former dlfflcu
tles troublo me now, In eatlng. slfe-r
y Ing, action of bowels and kldneyi
y o-rrvthhur goes like clock worlc?ii
dlzzy spiills, no congestion or orai
no lack of mompry, no trembling i
llnibs. ,T .
"I wolgh moro than'for ye?r* a a
62) and enjoy long walks whloh ^vei
formerly imposslblo. No thanks t
me.ilclne, but all thanks to Grupi
Nuts and Postum." . "Thore s a Re.
Samo given by Poutum Co., Batt
if) Crook. Mlch. Reiid "ThO **>??* t0 AVo1
lg J villc," in Pks.s.
Slato at elghtcen feet, and waa paid
for It at the rate of J18.10 "per foot."
The other sofa also mcasurecl six fect,
and wus billcd and paid for aa con
tiilnlng nlneteen and one-half feet.
The table liad been bllled under ltein
22 in the schedule at $18.40 "per fool,"
insteatl of under item 24, nt $10.10. ns
colled for by Sanderson's contract. Tho
clothes treo was liliiod as oontainlng
cne and one-half feet, at $18.40. nnd
should havo been ftirnlshc/i, tho Com?
monwealth claims, for $5.53.
Tliint DiMrlct Member OfTerw Mcnsiiro
IinpoHtng Muuy IteNlrlflioiiM.
WASHINGTON*. D. C, January 23.?
Reprosentatlvu Lamb, of Virginia. to
day introduced o blll to r.riulre all
inllroads engaged lu interstate com
niorce to ostftbllsh a tinlform standar.l
ot road bed w.tliln five years. to abOllflh
nll grade crosslngs v.-ithin tlve years
such rallroads as shall attaln a cer
tnln volume of tralllc to doubi* track
thelr roads wlthln live years: all rall?
roads to put in operation a tinlform
system of autotnattc blOcks and slgnale
wlthln one year. and prov'dlng thet
hereafter all passcnger cars shall bc
constructed of steel. andno cars other
wlse constructed shall1 be kept in use
nfter five years from the passage of
the blll. By way of nenaltv the bill
orescrit-rs fnr each violntlon by a rall?
road company n flne of $1,000 ard for
ench violatlon by an pfflclnl n flne of
S'-'.ofto or one year's Imprisonment, or
Il*plilM*r*? Suntch S3.000. But Lcnve
Pncknuc Contnlnlue S lli.niin.
MANSFIELD, O.. January 2r?.?Short
ly after mldnlglit last night two
mnsked men entered tho ofllce of thc
Adams Exprcss Compftriy at tlie Union
Statlon here, knockod Wlll'am Dopew
the pg^nt, unCbn*?cloiis, and got away
wlth $3,000, whlle nearly fifty pag*
nongers s-ioil about the statlon wait
ng for tralns. A Ivig contalnlng $10
0(H) ln gold lylng near the $3,000 wa.*
overlnokeii by thc robbers.
Telegrnms wc-rc sent to the pollce of
all ncarby towns and as a result Johr
McCuo nnd Joseph Stevens wcr.> tnker
Into CU?tody nt NV*w London. They >*-.f
the sack taken from the oxpressofflct
coniainlng $3,000. SteVcn? the pJilct
say. confessed nnd impllcated Ceorgc
Alcuin.y. AccordinR- to Ktevens's stftrj
tlie money arrlved late last night frori
pclphciH. O.. und was consigned to i.
bank at Hamllton, O. Stevens sali
i Mc.C'.iniy. a frlend of tlie agent. tlpnet
off tlu-. arrlval of tlu* money and cook
ed up the scheme with hlm and McCut
to rob tho otTico. As soon us this in?
formation was w-lred hero McGltity
was locked up. He donles the charge
Sald Ho TliotiKht U? ilrnttu-r Uud De
poslteil Money for Iiim.
rSneelal to The Tlrnea-Dlspatrh.l
MOBILE, ALA.. January 23.?J. B
Barclay, of Lexlngton, va.. a repre
sentatlve of thc ltowc-11 Advortlslnf
Agency, of Washington, waa arrestet
to-day- on a charge of drawlng a draf
on the People's Bank of Lexlngton fo:
$l,.0O, when he knew that no fund:
were on deposit for hlm there.
Three checks wero passc-d by Bar
clay on two local merchants and t
hotel. and from the latter place he ob
talned $12 change after settljrg hl
board blll with a $30 check. Barcltt'
declares he thought hlh brother, J. M
Barclay. ln Washington, had depositet
tho funds nt Lexlnston.
"t'ontb CnuKht ln Slmftlng nt riiciiiliti
Coinpany I'liint nml Killed.
[Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]
NORFOLK. VA.. January 29.?Eugen.
Small. Jr., a nlneteen-year-old boy
cmploycd at tho Vlrglhla'-Carollni
Chemlcal Works. Pinner's Polnt, wa
caught In a sliaff, and beforo asslst
arice could rrach hlm wns buried t.
tho" celllng of the bulldlng falling
Uventy feet from the machlnery an.
Instantly killed.
The shnftlng w.ts revolvlng 250 tlme
per minute. and It Is declared tha
the body was whirled around for te
or flfteen seconds hefore hls clothln
gave way nnd relr-ased lilm.
-.- ?
Snpreme Court Declsion Miikes -Vull
Tlielr Cull for I'rliiutrles.
COL.UMBUS, O., January 20.?Th
Taft t'orces won a vlctory when th
i Supreme Court affirmed thc dcclslon
of tlie Common Pleas Courts of Frank
Un and Allen countles ln the two care
brought to tost the valldity of th
Bronson prlmary1 election law. Thi
declsion holds the law valld. and make
the call f-ir the State prlmarles Febru
ary llth regular, thus upholdtng th
condition of the Taft element in th
After tho declsion, Prosecutor Welt*
of Allen county. sald he proposed f
carry the case to thc Bupremo Coui
. of the United States at once.
Frlghtfnl Ileconrse of Stiirvlng Peopl
tu Xortliern l.nplaiiil.
STOCK HOLM. January _!),?Serlov.
fanilne condltlons are. pravallod ln tli
Iron mtnlng dltitrict of Northern Lar
land. Acoprdlns to n dlspath t
?I'Jag.ns .Nyliotei;-.from KirUtni thelr
liabltants ln thc parlBh of Vellfelmln
have gono tff tbe exti'eme of sluaghtei
Ing dogs and oats for food to prevei
starving to death, >?* ,-.* .,".-' ,,?;,?,
Reports from the dlntrlcts bf Vestei
norriarid and .Vesterbottcn . ln Lapltn:
last fail showed that a famlno wt
threatc-ned ln those dlstrlcts wboi
delug'ng ralns- bad done...great dan
ago to the \yheat cr.opa; -.;-,;
" ?__,.
Suit for Caiie___'onK, Obtnlni'd Itesol
lu Lurnext Verdict Kninru,
,'.NE"W YORK. January 29.*?A ve
(iiot ror $3Si,.cs. the largest ever rei
dcred ln the Supreme Court of Ne
.orU ln a nroce-dlnr*; of this klnd, W"
awardfd Tiuirlow Weed Barnes by
r"i*y AW'"5' '" suit agalnst tho Ame
Ican-Chltia Devtiopment Compan
Barnes sought to recovor $000,0
from the syndlente, whlch he decliu
wa*3 duo hlm for obtalning ln 18
Don't Lose lt.
Until February ltt (Saturday) You Can Get
Your tooth reeiuiro an abraslve tlotilrlflce llkj Paato or Powder oc
caslonally In ordor to rcmovc stalns, tnrtar, otc.
Dontiats rocommend a tldiilel Dontlfrlce for dnlly use wlth oithor
Paslo or powder two or threo tlmosa week, for thelr mechantcal cloans
Ing propertles.
That'a whv you are glvon a chanco to try thoso dellghtful neces?
sary toilet preparatlons.
Good for a 25c tubo of PRO-PHY-TOIj Tooth PASTE when
slgnecl by the purchaser of- a bottle of PRO-PHY-TOL Tooth Wash
(25c or 50c slzc), bought after Jan. 20th and beforo Feb. 1, 1008
Big. Customor.
"T" Address.
T. A. Mlller.
Chllclroy Drug Co.
J. Ulalr's.
Trngle Drug Co.
T. T. JcffKes.
A. 8. Briggs.
J. 1'. Baueir.
Park Ave Dr. St.
A. 13. Johann's
Wngner Drug Co.
F. W. Koenlg's.
H. H. Wallls.
Mlller 4 rthoads. Wood & itlnlter1.
Founiurean T. & Co. Psrtln'r. Drug Store,
It. L. Bookar. Warron'a Dr St.
Chesterfleld Phar. liomcopathlc Phar.
.Icrforson Phar. -i.it & Grnnt's.
Irvlng L. BaveridKft. Wllll.lm's Phar.
A. Gruonwald. A. II. Rob!n>.
H-t n- r Drug Co. T. N. Curd.
r.eonard's Phar. FirnyBer Drug Co.
onon Co. Turnor'n Pharmacy.
C.'ralg's Drug Store. Thompeon'a Dr, St.
' Hogg's Drug Storo P.. L. Harrlson.
Shlold'g Pharmacy.
Owhik & Mlnor
Poythross & co.
Polk Mlller Dr. co
J. T. Lewls.
Peoplos' Drug Storv
Paragon Pharmacy
Manchester -Stofcs.
Washington & Early.
Welslgerfc And'son.
City Assembly Passcs Two Im?
portant Resolutions Whilc in
Special Session.
Make Appropriation for Compil
ing Statistics Concerning
Manchester Burcau. Tlmes-Dlspatch.
No. 1102 rluh otrtot.
The Clty Assembly last nlght con
curred With the Board of Aldermen ln
the two resoiutlons which were passed
by that body on Tuesday nlght, one
relatlve to the support of the Caton
blil, now pendlng in tlie Legis'ature,
, and tho other in connoctlon with thc
ume.nuim.nt of tno charter ol the .Man?
chester and Richmond Kree Uriage
; Company.
Botn of these matters are of cxtreme
' Importnnco to tho city of Mancnesior.
I 'the measure concerning the Caton bill
; is a resouit lon wh.cb provldes that the
j members of tho Legislature from thls
I district be urged to further Its pus
ange. It also carrled ??> ith lt a J.inl
\ resolutlon providlng for the approprla
I tion of $50 for ti.o purpose ot coiiij.ii
! Ing statlst.os concerning Just what the
; iidditlonnl revenue to the cltles and
countles throughout the State would bo
>hauld thn blll bc adopted.
Tho Caton blll provldos that the
i taxes on tho rolllng stock. shops and
? depots shall bo pald to the cltles and
i countles where located and not at ler
I inlnnls, as is now the law.
t The cltv af Manchester under the
I blll will recelve n conEldorable amount
[ of taxes .innually, and thls will bo
on the Increase each year.
Tho other resolutlon whlch concerns
the Manchester and Rlchmond Free
' Bridge Company. Js one of Importance.
i slnce it will enablc this company to
' <>rect a brldge should matters bc shaped
j up before tiie next Legislature meets.
Wiikclleld for Conneil.
John S Waketleld. former member
! of the Clty Assembly. from Flrst Ward.,
'j and ex-president of that body. v-io-has
i some tlme sinco moved to the Third
| Ward. has announccfi that he will be
a candldate for the Assembly from that
' ward In thf comlng spring electlon.
Messrs. Godwln and Lindsay. from
I the Assembly, whoso terms explre in
itho sprlrg have not yet been heard
,; from as to whether or not they will
M stand for re-electlon.
There are; two other candldates tn
the tlold, the?e bolng Messrs. W. T.
Hart and Walter Franklln.
' PcTHonUls nnd Brlcf?.
There will be u special mlsstonary
sorvlco at the Presbyterlan Church
thls afternoon.
Through a mlstake thc name of
Captaln Tlllerv waa omltted from the
Ilst of thcsc votlig in the Board on
Tuesday night. He voted for tho hlgh
iicense. , ,
MIss Madgc McCaw, of Alesandria.
is vlsiting the Mlsses Owens on Perry
Mr.'nnd Mrs. Chnrlesi W. Page and
their son, of Chlcago, lll., are vlsiting
relatlves In tbe clty.
Tho Cholr Gtiild of Meaele Memorinl
Church will have an Important meet
ing Mondav afternoon. February 3d,
at tho roHlrience of Mrs. B. G. Hlll.
MIs. Bnlsscnux, of Hnl'fox, ls tho
euest of Mrs. XV. F. Merchant. on Por
ter Stroet. ?'?".-? .?i.'.L,
Mrs. .1. A. Dunnlngton, of Baltlmore,
is visltlng Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mer?
Miss Mnmlo Rlchardson has returned
from West Pot?t. .'. ;?;; 1
MIss Lnttie Vaden Rudd and Mr. Lo
r-an L. Oibmirre wore marrled Tues
rtny nlght by tho Rev. J. B. Harroll
r.t tho home ?f Mrs. M. 13. Brown in
q-u-pnejhoro. The br'de is from Cnes
tort'old roimty. nnd Is well known
in Mnnob<-sler. wbore sho has n wlde
-l""!o of fHords nnd mnny relot'ves.
Tho c^r^rt to bo srlven to-nleW? in
T.onrW H> 11 for the- benoOt of F'fth
dlreet C'-nroh, will em*?rnce solos. ?"*
r-ta nun-tets n**fl ronril"-?. and y*011"
*-v somo r.f RVbm<>r.flr? bo^t_ .t^'H,
-*??? nnrt'-l"otl?e "-'11 bo MI*".?"'
ntnonnt, pnr.r?01 *>'!<.? An*n N *?'???*..
?t'f'tr -T. W. JnV"?"?n, <onn?J. ?. .1
Drt-nrrT A->-n ' nREi. January 29.?In
s S'fcr^ited'^S senator"chatMo?
e| walton. Tho speaker presented hls
- ev'idei ce tiuich as he does ln trylng o
o case reading what he declared was
-rslgned statements, putollo documents
a'Vndsworn nffldavltsin substantla
tlon ofhls-accusatlons that Mr. Fulton
had misused lils hlgh off lee. "
, . ... Licenses tn Vlrgl"lnn?. .
" YBnoeial to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.T
WASHINGTON. D. C, January 20.? Mar.
rluge llconses haye beon lssut>d to .the fc-1
Evorrott W. Johnson, of Falrfnx county,
Vn., and Anna M. Koch. of thla clty,.
Bernke ? C, Traynham. of Rutherford. N.
'J.. and'Anna V. Bawors, of liist' Falls
Cliurch, Va,
John A. Turner and Sallle ffi. Hopklns,
both of B-oadway, Va,
James M. Fltzhugh, of Burke, Va? and
Janle C. Stewart, of thls clty.
LlceiiHe in llluiiinoud Mnu.
[Sit?"'-? to Tho Tl*nes-Dlsna",h.1 ?
ST. LOUIS, M0? January 20.?A II
conse was |*suod hero thls ovpning* foi
tho marrU'pi of llerman Fisher, ol
Rlchmond. va., and Mlsa Lona Groon
of St. Louls.
Flre Drlll Sitvea IIOO Chllilruu.
-.HOOPEIt. NKB., January 20.-4ThrP<
hundred chlldren marchod safejy ot]
of tho schooi bi'lldlrg h.ero when H
was aisooverod that two atructurc wat
a mass of flamos. Seven tcachon
cleverly dlrected the flre drlll. Th*
bulldlng was destroyed,
"Wbere H Itcnlly N Cold. '
MILWAUKEE, WIS.. January 20.?
Tho temperature here to-day was fi
below aero. Green Ray roported 14 be
low; St. Paul. 22: Duluth, 28. and Su*
perlor, 32. The forccast oftlciai pr_*
dlcts continued cold for the next
twenty-four hours.
IVorkmnn DrnpH Froni I-.lrsli-t ti Floor
miil l-'Nctipi** Wltli Urnkru l.eii.
PHILA13ELPHIA. I .... Jtinuarv 29.?
John Fc-ely, of No. 1123 Nor.-*. itowiird
Street, roll down a 1.10-foot elevator
shnft yesterday and landed on his feet.
Feely le em'ployed by a contractor who
ig erecting a warehouso at York Ave?
nue and Wlllow Street. While worklng
on the elghth floor he slippcd and
dropped to the basement.' He struck
ecveral pieces of framework. and thle
In a measure brokc- tho foree of the
fail. Hls left leg wns broken In two
nlaces. Ho was taken to St. Joscph'fl
Men Leuvc tlie Sntirk necnu?. of Lnck
of Advcntur**.
NEW YORK, Janubry 2B.?Jack Lon
don. who has been maklng a tour of
the. world In hls boat. thc Snark. for a
mogaztne, has notlned the publlslierg
that be wlll have to ship a new crew
when he returns to the Island of Ta?
hltl from hls visll to San Kranclsoo.
Captaln Warcin and Martin Johnson,
lils englneer, he says. as well as a
tallor and two Japanese se.rvants, iinve
been bitterly dlsappOlnted at their
fallure to meet with tho advonturts
whlch th.-v were _urn must r-wuli fr?m
a trlp wlth Jack London, and have left
lfoliiM-*t Drmik AKtiln.
W. J. Holmes. the most tlnie-honored
drunk ln Rlchmond, got on another
Jag last nlght. nnd actually had the
nervc to refuse to move when an of?
flcer ordered hlm to stop up llvelj*.
Though not of hls own volftlosi. Holmea
was moved. and was moved into ilie
Flrst Pollce Statlon.
W O R D that word ls
it refers to Dr. Tutt's Llver PilLs and
Are you constipatcd?
Troubled wltli IndlgetUoo?
Sick hcadache?
ANY of these svmptoms and many others
lndicate Inoctlon of tbe LIVER.
You _D_T?e<aL
Take No Substitute.
Some Heating Stoves
lOfo Off V
Some Heating Stoves
Some Heating Stoves
30% Off
Some Heating Stoves
V<2 Off,
:-: AT U
Great Pre-lnventory Sale
Adams and Broad
Right in the Centre of the Stove
?: Distrfct.
Cut Flowers,
Roses, Designs
Mann & Brown,
5 West Broad St, Richmond, Ya,
Phone 3052
Orders filletl promptly; shipped anywhert

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