OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, February 02, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1910-02-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Gas Rairaes
reduco kltchen labor and pro
ducn best rnstilts at the Kmallest
cost. fiold only at RotheN's.
Priced from
.00 to
Rothert & Co.
Fourth and Broad Street*.
?_???? III ?.?MBBW?B?
1 ' ?' ?*?
Construction of Double Track and
Tunnel?Contracts for Cars
and Engines.
[Special to The Times-Dlspatch.]
Roanoke, Va, February 1.?Blda were
opened to-day by Chlef Engineer
Charles S. Churchlll, of tlu- Xorfolk
nnd Western, for the construction of
About Roventy-dvc mlles of double
tracklng in West Vlrglnla nnd Ohlo
nnd Ihe construction of a 1,700-foot
tunnel '.a ihe hrancli line from Bluff
Clty, Va., t.i laeger, \v. Va. The blds
were for bulldlng tho double track
between the followlns polnts ln West
'? v;
. ..- and fttty engint . Tho tota!
nuioun: of the contracts e.xcecd J3,
0. These are the largcst orders
glven "ut by ,i Southern rallrtad slnce
The bids call for immedlate dellvery,
a.s the business of the freight and pass
enger departihents ls Increasing more
rapldly than tlie company has rolllng
stoejc with whleh to handlo lt.
Tho successftil biddcrs were Amerl
c.in Car and Foundry Company, llunt
Jngton, Vf. Va., 1,500 all-steel, tifty-ton
coal hopper cars, 500 steei side and un
fierfratne, forty-ton stock cars.
Western Stcel car and Foundry Com
pnny, ifegewlsch, ill., GOOall-stecl flfty
ton gondola cars.
naldwln Ivocomotivc Company. Phll
adrlphla ranch, forty freight engines
ot heavy type.
Richmond Branch, American Locorno
Ilve Company, ten passenger engines
9f tho Paclfic type.
F'liiiiiii-liii Condltlon of Itond.
The stntenieut of tho Norfolk and
vVestern Railway Company for the
S.cnth of Dcccmbcr. 1909, made publlc
:o-day, shows total earnlngs of $2,786,
?r>S.5L', an Increase over Dercmber, ]90S,
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That'* Why You'ro Tired?Oat of
,5ort??Have No Appetite
j-wffl put you right
in * lew days.
I Aeirdoiy.
iooutcu, Iniligcstioa, tnd Sick Ht.-.Ascne.
\jEennlnf muat bear slunature.
Your Watch
Conglant wcar means that its
dclicatcly balanccd whccls need to
be cleancd and oilcd and any par
ticlc of dust taken away.
If it's a.chcap watch it's neces?
If it's an expensive watch it ia
ili'prc necessary.
Bring it to our experts. Vou wiil
receive vcry prom.pt servicc, and the
coal wiil bc modcratc.
Rcpairing is a specialty with us.
J. T. Allen & Co.,
Fourteeuth and Main Streets.
nf ?403,r,7?..'!3. Total cxpenncs, $l,70n,
277.70; Increase, $22fi,270.20; net oarn
IrigH, $1,'); In'-reaso, $ I 8I.:|00.I.1.
l-'or rd.\ iiioiillin endlng Docember m.
1900, Ihe lota! onrnlngs wero $17,329,.
910.09, ii/i Increase over l.he sarriQ perlod
of 1008 ol $2,829,340.98. Total cxponscE,
f 10,131,GSOiTO, an Incroane of S1..13H?
372.74; nel earnlngs, $7,198.:isn.23, ar,
Increase of $1,290,9118.21.
Iliitimuiy Ten III Mccla Wllli Plnniler lu
i)ini\iiie Vnrtl*.
(Speclal lo The TltnoR-niiipiileh.]
Jianvllle, February I,?One horse was
kllled. another serlously injured, and
un otnnlbllfl of the houthern Trnnsfer
Company, wtilch ls owncrl by V.'. 1-5.
Ilighflll, wns demollshcd nt an early
hour thla morning na n result of he
Ing struck by a Southern rtatiway
trnln nt the Cralghead Street crosslng.
The total dnmagc suffered by Mr. Hlgh
mlll ls placert al fc?,twcen $."><I0 and
$800. Tho two horses were hitched to
the omnlbll*, atid were lled 011 Oralg
I hoad Streot nt tho end of the Southern
| I.'nllwav Statlon, waltlng for passcn
gers on ihe Incomlng traln. At about
4:30 o'clock. ihe horscs evldently be?
came frlghtened, when north-bound
traln No. :io, which was runnlng be
I hlnd time, reached the railway yards,
The horse* dafched across ihe track,
and ln KOine manner escaped belng cut
off by the railway gatcs at the cross
1 Ing.
Kiiiickril From Trcstle by Trnln.
[Speclal to The Timcs-Dliipiitrh.]
Fayettcvltlc, N. G, February 1.?
Evandcr Barney, a nosrro plumber, was
knocked by a traln from a trestle on
tho Atlantlc Coast Elnc here last night,
and very sorlously hurt. IIo was taken
to the Hlghsmlth I-I.ippltal.
Judge Connor Mnkr* Order in I'n 111011*1
suit Agninnt Tobacco Tru*t.
(.-"peclal to Th^ Tlmcs-Dlepritch.J
Ralelgb, N. C., february 1.?Judge
If. C. Connor. in the Federal court is
suc-s ?n order maklng W. M. Carter
a party defendant wlth the Amerlcan
Tobacco Company. and Ihe Wolls
Whltehead Company, ln the famous
BUll of tlie Ware-ivramer Company
agalnst the Irust for $2,500,000 dam?
ages, for destroylng the business
through trust mcthods of flghtlng com
petltlon. Carter had a prominent hand
In dlrocting the flght of the trust
agalnst the V.'are-Kramer brands of
I'mi-.-rdlngx lii-tli,nrd l,y Clty of Xetv
l??rt Ncvt* to Kxpnod (itinnhed.
[Speclal to The Tlmcs-DIspatch.]
Newport News, Va., February 1.?
In the Circult Court of Warwlck coun?
ty to-day, Judge John B. Thornton.
of Prince Willlam count)-, sllting by
the Gdvernor's deslgnatlon, quashed
the proceedlngs instltutod by the clty
of Newport News for thc annexa'lon
of certain terrltory sltuated in Ellzu
beth <;ity and Warwlck countles, on
thc ground that notlce had not been
legally scrved on thc board s of super
vlsors. The notlces were sorved upon
the chairmen nf the boards and the
Commonwealth's attorneys. The court
BUStalned thc contentlon of eounsel for
thc defense that each member of the
respectlve boards should have received
j notlce. This declslon tles up tlie an
I nexation proceedlngs for about ?lx
eek The city wlll have to go
j through wlth the ffirni of giving notlce
of proceedlngs atrnln. Ai the rcsl
dents of the Bouievard section, in
Ellzabeth Clty county. deilring 10 come
? into Newport News also served notlces !
? only upon the chalrman of the Kllza- 1
| bcth Clty Supervlsors and the Com
1 monwcalth's attorney. these proceed- j
' Ings probably wlll be witbdrawn and
relnstltutod wlthout thc formallty of j
a hearlng.
1 Warwlck county wa? reprcsentcd in
court by Commonwealth's Attorney
Wllcox, J. Wlnston Read, of this city,
; and Judge E. E. Chrlstlan, of Rlch
I mond. and Commonwealth's Attorney
J Montaguo and S. Cordon Cummlng
j reprcsentcd Ellzabeth Clty county. i
Clty Attorney J. A. Masslc appeared j
for the clty. and O. D. Batchclor for
the Boulevard resldents.
Xmro Trles lo smb "Whlte Farmer.
tSpecial 10 The Timcs-Dlnpatch.]
Danvllle, Va. February 1.?Conslder
alro excitement wus created at about
noon to-day on L'nlon Street. caused
by an attempt by Arthur Wilson. a
young negro, reslding near Oak Grove,
this county, to cut W. C. Witcher. a
well known farmer of New Oesign.
The negro appeared to have been drlnk?
lng, and cursed Mr. Witcher, who
struck hlm. The negro wlll be glven
a hearlng before the Mayor to-mor?
fornier rinidiilnir KxpcrlN to Com
pletcly Vlndlcatc Hlnmclf of Charges.
[Special to Thc Times-Dlspatch.]
Staunton, Va., February 1.?Captain
Wlillam P. Kent. late candidato for
Governor of Virginia on thc Rcpubll
can ticket, who has a home hcrc. was
asked whethcr It is true. as statcd by
the Roanoke Tlmes, that hc is prc
paring to enter suit against Congress
man Carter Glass. of Lynchburg, and
also agalnst many of the nowspapcrs
of tho Stato for publlshing alleged de
famatory statements ln thc campalgn
of last fall. He sald he could not.
Imaglne where thc Times got its its
Informatlon, and decllned to admtt or
deny thc accuracy of thc statement. ;
Ho dld admlt, liowever, that he has ;
recontly returned from Kentucky, and
that he has prepared a statement |
whlch hc thlnks wiil bo a complctc '
vlndicatlon of tho charges hrought
agalnst hlm by Mr. Glass. He says
he has forwarded this statement to
several of the State newspapers, which
have promised to publish it, and to
mako edltorial reparatlon for the in
justicc dono him.
Jevrcler Arrested In AVest Vlrsiinia on
Clinrgc of Grnnd Iiareeny.
[ Special to Tho Times-Dlspatch.l
Eoanoko, Va., February 1.? C. C.
Tostorman, a well known Matewan, W.
Va., Jeweler, was taken to Ohlo last
night before hls West Virginia friends
could coniinonce habeas corpus pro
ceedlngs whlch would keep hlm ln that
Testcrtnan, who has been located for
some time In Matewan, it ls sald, so
cured jowolry from Llndenberg, Straus
& Company, of Clnclnnatl, subject to
examlnatlon, and failed to clther pay
for tho Jewolry or return it. This
caused his arrest on a charge of grand
larcony. Tho prosecutors clalm that
tho jowolry for whlch ho had not pald.
and whlch ho had not returned, was
valued at $3.7Sri.88.
Tho arrest was accompllshed only
? by rnmarkablo quick work on tho part
of tlie dotoctlveM who wout after the
man. His friends had propared to sc
cure a habeas corpus wrlt thls morn?
ing, but wcro provontod from dolng 30
by tho Ohio dotcctlves sendlng a mon
to Charloston who necure.1 requlsitlon
papors from the Governor of the State,
ln splto of the fact that he had to
awake the Governor and secure hl3
slgnaturo after nildnlght.
Testerman wau lirst arrested on a
technlcal chargo of belng a fugltlve
from JuHtloe, , ...... ? ? ' s
Prompt Service
Best Material
Skilled Workmanship
Lowest Prices
Give Us a Trial
Phone Monroe 2830
and we will send for your
Albert Stein,
King of Shoes,
Fifth and Broad
Virginian Chooses New Route
Which. Will Open Up Rich
Coal Fields.
[Speclal to The Tlmes-DIspatch.j
P^oanoke, Va., February 1.?The Vir
ginlan Rallway maln llno is soon to
tto changcd between the towns of Sur
veyor and Sweeneysburg, W. va., on
Palnt Crcek, a dlstanco ot about ten
milcs, an.l iho work of constructlon.
whlch, it !g sald, wlll begln In the
sprlng, wlll necessitate the exDcndl
ture on thc part of the Virglnlan of at
least Jl,.".00,000.
The gradc on the Virglnian mall linc
botwccn Surveyor and Sweeneysburg
is about thc heavlcst on the road. and
It haa long been known that the com
pany's englnccrs have been seeking an
easier route through that sectlon, and
wlthln the past few months a prcllm
lnary survcy and locatlon has been
comploted. whlch wlll greatly reduce
tho grades of thc Palnt Creek country,
and also open up a tcrrltory controlled
by the great Guggcnhelm Interests,
which ls rich ln coal.
Tho present llne of the Vlrginian
passes through tbe towns of Harper
.Station and Eccles, and other mlnlng
towns that have sprung up slnce the
completion ot the road. and these wlll
be left far to the east of thc new maln
It I? piobable that thc present llne
wlll be left ln formation with a paps
enger and frcight service.
On the present sectlon of the Vlrgin?
ian. whioh, it is said. wlll be aban
doned. the grades are heavy, and there
aro ' numerous high trcstles that the
railroad's cnginecring department ls
said to have iisted to hc rehuilt, and
thla ls sald to have had much to do
with the deeision of the Virglnlan ofll
cials to bulld a scction over which tbe
hcavler and larger coal tralns can bo
r.andled at a smaller operatlng ex
Thls linc will also save the bulldlng
of severai branch lines, whlch would
have been necessary later on to reach
some of the Guggenheim propertles.
It is said that the rallroad company
wll] recelve bids for the new work
wlthln a few weeks.
& Sons,
215 E. Broad Street.
Our Annual
Sale Now On
Special Prices on
and Rugs
Odd Pairs Lace
Curtains & Portieres
' Axminstcr Rugs now $19.50,
$21.50 and $22.50.
Tapcstry Rugs, 9x12 feet, now
$10.75 and $12.50.
Muslin Curtains
Now 54c, 64c and 98c per window.
Low Prices
Prevall in j Every Department.
Carpet House.
Mrs. Lawrence C. Phipps
ibe RcocllCff Plttsburg Wltli ( bildrru.
Ile Wrlte? They Are _nlnc t?
Kurope Togethcr.
I'ittsbiirg, February 1.?It has been
learned here that a reconclllatlon haa
beop effected. between Lawrence C.
Phlppa and his bcautiful divorccd wlfe,
Genevlevo Chandler Phipps. Mrs.
Phipps reached the Hotel Schenley
from Denver Sunday with her two
chlldren, Mclen and Dorothy, and went
Into secluslo.n,
A lctter received by a local buslness
man from Mr. -Phipps" a fow days ago,
urging the reclplont to greater haste
ln closlng a deal, sald;
"With my famlly I oxpect to sall
from New York for Kuropo ln a very
few days, to be goue at least untll
_irs. Phipps refused to say anythlng
obout tho reported reconclllatlon, but
during the evenlng sho had a long dis.
tance telephone conversatlon with somo
ono in ..ew York, wliero Mr. Phipps is
supposed to be, prepating for the Jour
noy abroad.
The reconclllatlon .w/ll be placed to
the credlt of Mr. Phipp3'n millionaire
uncle, Henry Phipps, wlio slnce the sop.
aratlon of the couple, flve years ago.
and the kldnapplngby Lawrence Phipps
of hls chlldren rrom the Hotel Majestlc,
ln New York, has striven to havo the
young folks make up "for the clill
drens' sake."
binco tho dlvorcc Phipps and hls wlfo
havo boen llving ln Denver with the
width of the citv separatlng- their llno.
homes and tho clilldron dlvidlng their
tlme between father and mother.
Harrlsonburg.?Drs. J. M. Beidlcr
and ]?;. r:. Miller liave returncd from
thoir tour of inspectlon of hospitals in
Roanoko. Lynchburg. Richmond, Nor?
folk. and other places. and the result
of tho vlslts will be made known to
the board of trustees of tno Rocking
ham Memorlal Hospital at their meet?
ing on February 3. "Work on the hos?
pital building will be begiin in the
early spring.
Norfolk?Chief of ihe Sccrct John
Wil&ic, with headquartcrs in Wash?
ington, has pronounced samples ot
nicklos sent on rccontly by Deputy
United States Marshal J. E. West, in
chargo of thc Norfolk offlce, to be
genuino and not counterfelt as has
been suspected. The speciments were
submlttcd to a tcst in Washington by
thc authorities with tlic above result.
They are colns of the specles of 190S
whlch have been clrculated in large
numbcrs in Norfolk rccently, and werc
supposed to be "phoney" moncy. Such
a report, however, appoars to have
been nn erroneous one and the warn
ing of the marshal's offlce. sounded
severai days ago to bankcrs, mor
chants and others, has now been wlth
Lynchburg.?"Warren H. Manning. a
well-known Iandscape archltoct of
Boston, spent yesterday at tho Prcsby
terian Orphans" Home bcyond Rlvcr
mont, whcre he was taking notes and
observations whlch will cnable hlm
to funish plans for tho laying out of
I tiie grounds and arrangement of
bulldlngs thero, all to work ln har
mony with a complcte scheme which
will bc sufficleut for all tlme. .Mr.
Manning expeets to have his report
rcady for tho board In about thlrty
days and, If accepted, all future build?
ing? will be ln accord with Mr. Man
ning's plans. Mr. Manning bas donc
simtlar work at thc unlversity of Vir?
ginia and at tho Virginia Military In
stituto, whcre liis work has bceu high
ly commended.
Wlnchester.?Elaborato preparations
havo been made by the Charley Rouss
Flre Company. of "Wlnchester, for the
cclcbratlon of the blrthday anniver
sary of thc lato Charles Broadway
Rouss, tho nlght of February 11. A
banquct will bo glven and spccchcs
are to bc made by Unlted States In
ternal Rcvenuo Commissloner Roy E.
Cabcll. of Washington; Francls B. Lco,
of the cditorlal staff of tho Trenton
(N. J.) Amerlcan; Attorney John paul,
of Harrlsonburg, Va.; James Alston
Cabell. of Richmond. and Dr. Edwtn
Alderman, presldent of thc Unlversity
of Virginia. Judge Thomas "W. Harrl
son. of Wlnchester, wlll serve as toast
Portsmouth.?A jury at Carthage. N.
C, Mnnday rendered a vordlct for $30,
000 In favor of the plalntlff in a sult
for $7ti,000 injurles brought by Krnest
Duvall, of Park View, agalnst thc Sca
board Alr Llno Rallway. Ho was a
baggage master, and was Injured in a
head-on colllslon near Southern Pincs.
N. C, Maroh 13. 1009. His back was
broken and ho Is now helpless, bolng
paralyr.cd from the hlps downward. It
ls stated that an appeal wlll ho noted
by the rallway.
Alexandria.?The now slde wheel
ateamor Three Tllvors, which the
Maryland Htccl Company, at Sparrows
Point. Baltlmoro, ls building for tho
Maryland. pelawaro and Virglnia Rall
Way Company. Ia expectod to go on
her bulldor'a triol trlp oarly next
month. Sho is of thc sanio general
type of tiio romalnder of tbo Maryland
Delawarc and Virglnia fleet, with thr
oxooiltloii that she bas about twenty
flvo moro statcrooms,
Danvllle?Numcrous eomplaluls huv<
been mado recontly of tho awindling ."
farniors ln tho city by a claas of yount
men. both whlto and colorod, wht
loltei-around. tho warohouses and lt
the'i?uacco dlstrlcts and prey on th.
vjsjtors 'from the rurai soctk.ns. .?
large prrcontago of tho farmors, ln
cludlng both whlto and colorod. wh.
arc swlndled, are caught whllo soarch
Ing for whiskey. A. vory oon,m(.-..
w the Crowd
See for yourself the great array of
handsome, valuable, useful and or~
Being offered to the readers of
Every one is welcome. Any one can secure one of
the articles. If you will see them for yourself you will want one
or more of the premiums. If you have already secured one, get
after another one, get after severai more. The offer will be open
START NOW. You're not too late. Clip that coupon on page 2.
You need 30 of them of consecutive dates, with a small cash payment,
to obtain your choice of the articles. GET BUSY. The coupons must
be cut from the daily and Sunday Times-Dispatch.
916 East Main Street, Richmond, Va.
i method Is for one to approach a far?
mer and volunteer to buy hlm a bottle
! of whlskey for 50 eents or $1. The
! farmer parts with hls money, and often
? never sces tho whlskey or thc party
I to whom ho glvcs hls money. In a
j number of cases tho thlrsty vlsltors
j have paid for packages whlch they
supposcd contained whlskey, but
learned aftcrwards that they had been
duped into btiylng watcr.
Itoanoke.?It ls authorltatlvely an
hounced from llolllns that thero are
no new dovelopments and that the only
cases of scarlet fevor at thc institution
have been rep.orted. The two youns
tadics who now have tho fevor are
gettlng along niccly. and no other
cases aro expected. It can bo statcd
that the college has mado publlc
everythlng connccted with tho dlseases.
and it Is expected that tho young
ladies who left wlll soon return to
thc college. Tho exerclsca are golng
ulonjr us usual.
Charlottesvllle. ? Monday mornhXi;
lohn Uussell Woods left to join hls
parents, Br. and Mrs. James Woods,
in Cliina. IIo goes wlth Dr. and Mrs.
Plilllp Evans, of the Southern Baptlst
MIsslon, who, wlth their thrce chil?
dren. are rcturning to Yangchow.
about sevonty mllcs from Llng Ivlarig,
from Dr. Wood's rnisslon. Tho little
boy has been at Panlops wlth his
aunt, Mrs- Sampson. and ln Baltlmore
under treatment for splnaJ. troublo.
.Mayor Cutehlns Instruuts Pollce to En
forcc Byrd Laiv.
ISpcclal to The Times-Dlspatch.]
Roanoke. Va,, February 1.?Mayor
Cutehlns has instructod tlio pollco to
be more watchful in cases of persons
arrested for drunkennoss, wlth a vlcw
of ascertalnlng where tho ltquor was
secured whlch resulted ln mtoxlcation.
Under thc Byrd law whlskey cannot be
sold to an habltual drunkard or to a
man who ls under tho Influence of
whlskey; In the past Mayor Cutehlns
has pursued a policy of loavlng to
wtves and other relatlves of tho drunk?
ard the duty of warning tho saloon
man, but ho does not propoao to ad
licrc to thls policy any longer, as cases
of drunkonnesB whlch have occurred
ree'entiy havo tnollnbd hlm io. beliovo
thnt somebody was to blamc for al?
lowlng tho men to havo llquor. Ua
proposes to mako a tcat of tho matter.
lf an habttual drunkard should laiul
at pollce headq.uarters an investlgatiou
wlll bo mado to ascertain where hc
purchased tho whlskey that iutoxi
oated hlm.
\. 0, VnlliMiiiI Giuii-il ANSOcIallini.
I Speclal to The TImea-Dlapatoh.1
RalOlgll, N. C, February 1.?The
oxocutlvo comnilttee of tho North
Caroilna Natlonal Ouard Associatlon,
in sesslon here to-day, doeldod to hold
tho annual sesslon o( tho associatlon
iu Ralolgh Aprll G aud 7.
| nliiii Men Wnlk Olll When .\nn-l iilun
Wiiiiiiin Uperntor l? Glven vi'ark.
[Speclal tn The Tlmeg-Ulapatch.]
Inirliuin. N. C, l-'eliruiiry l,?Thoi'O
>] wus n niiulaturo striUe. lu tlu: Sciiiun
tl I'linici-v- tlilii 'morning. Tliree. coni
- 1,0-iiioi-s and- one lluotypo operator,
I nieinbora of the Typogmpbloal Urilon.
l wnlltod OUt. Tho coufllct Is beiwei-n
?> tho local unioii aud llu- employer ln
l regard lo emploi'tng a young woman
- Qomposltar; who was inui-tmUui. The
i unioii iii.-n dcchled to stand by thc
uniiin laws, and thn proprietor was
n ecpially delcitnlncU as \o whom he
would cmploy, and deflcd tho union
by posting a notlco to that effect. Tho
strtke wlll not affeot tho work, as
vacancies will bo fllled to-morrow
by othcr employes.
lli.il>- In C'renintcil.
[Spcclai to Tiio Times-Dl6patch.]
Charlottesvlllo, Va,, February 1.?Thc
body of Baron Edward von Graves
Ende, wlio mct a tragio dcath at Crofcet
last week, has been crcmated ln Wash?
ington. Tho baron, as his last re
iiuest, asked that hls remalns be cre
matcd, and hls ashes scattercd on ihe
poorcst lilllstdo on hla farm. Thls
wlsh, lt is underatood, wlll not be car
ricd out by hls brother, Count Storm,
of Boston.
C. tv. O. I'usnciiKcr Traln In Wreck, Uut
l.iiilr Daningc In Ilone.
ISpcr-lal to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatch.]
staunton, Va., February l.?Tho
Chesapcakc and Ohlo local, No. 14, due
ro at S o'clock last nlght, ran Into
landslldo a short dlstanco west ot'
Mlllboro, dlsubling tho eiigino and
slightly damaglng tho coaches.
Tho traln came to a stop near a hlgh
ombankment. Thero wero about forty
pasacngera on board. All escaped In
jury, but got a good shnking up.
A frelght cngine pullcd thc train in
one hoitr late.
Culoncl Crnighlll Advlses Agnin.it Ob
Htructlon uf \iivlgnti.iu.
[Speclal to Thc Tlmcs-Dlspatch.]
Lancaster, Va.. February 1.?Colonei
W. E. Cralghill, of the Unlted States
Engineer Curps, has sent notlces to a
number of persons ongaged in pound
net flsheries ln the Chesapcakc and
its tributarles warning them not to
obstruot navlgatlon with their nets,
stakos and similar devices used ln
oatchlhg fish. and lnformlng them that
any Infraction of tho Instructions wlll
bo roported to tho Unlted States Dis?
trlct Attorney and proceedlngs instl
tutod against them in the United
States cuiirts. It la understood that
Colonei CralghlU's warning to the fish
ormen resultcrl from complalnts flled
with tho War Dopartment at Washing?
ton that ccrtain persons wero violatlng
tho statutoa on tho subjoct. Tiie
penalty for obstruetlng navlgatlon is
a fino ranglug from $iiOfl to $-.500, or
lmprlsonment not exceeding n your.
l'npcr Still Huriicri.
[Sneolal to The Tlnies-Dispatch,]
Frodarlcksburg, Va., February 1.??
A papur tnill in I'lmonlx, N. Y., be
longlng to T. C. Sweot, formerly of
thls city, nnd hla brother. Klrk Sweot,
was dostroyod by fho a fow hlg_ts
lloiiinii I'nn.llc, Oareleasly Ilaiulleil,
?Scta Off Kcg nt Gunuowdcr.
1 Speclal I ii Tho Tiui. .-DIspnL'h. I
iviuh Bottqm, Va., February i.?Tba
?sli.re building of William Itoppers,
who ls ongaged in tho marcarttUo Utisl
ness ut Whlto Head, x. C, ton miios
south o{ here. waa blowu up yesterday
mornlng by the oxploslon ot n keg of
gunpowdor. Both sldcs ot tho huii.i
1 np; werc almost completoly blown out,
leavlng tha upp'er story "f tho build?
ing nuiiiiiy supporto.d by the corner
lK.xts and ends of the building.
Thiv.i t.r four iiion, lt Is reported,
?wero lu tho storo when the luvld.-nt
oeeurrod. nono of wh.mi uro tliought
to bo fatally iujurod. Murtln Pool was
budly burnod and shftlwii up. and wlll
probably loso his eyeslght. Mr. Hop
pers and the others prescnt, cscaped
wlth sllght Injurles. The powdor was
ignlted by a Roman candlc in tlio
hands of a carelcss boy.
Children Cry
Seed Oats.
Tho New "Washington."
Burt, or Nlnety Day, Rust Proof,
Swedlsh Select, Appler. Bancroft
Whlte and Black Spring.
All first-class stocks, recleaned,
and sent out in new bags;
Our large warehouse and seed
cleaning equipment give us ad
vantages for supplying
The Best in Farm Seeds
at as reasonable prices as first
clnss seeds can be sold.
Wood's 30th Annual Seed
Book gives full information both
about Farm and Garden Seeds.
is8ued monthly, gives current
prices of farm seeds and Reasona?
ble- information as to crops best to
plant for success and profit.
Both publicitioiis malled free on
request. Writa to-day.
Seedsmen, ? Richmond, Va.
Are deprcssing. paintul and aanoflnfb
Do not neglcct a cold. Treat lt at oooa
and ward off sorlous conipllcatlous
that wlll ussurcdly folloiv neglect.
Act qulckly. They rcduce fever, relleve
.ill ui'liiiiil pains, do not depress tho
heurt. They aro thc ilreatest of all
spcciflcs for colds. Fully _>uarantecd,
I'rlce, 25c per box?mallnblc.
831 East Main Street.
W'm. Ii. Tanner. Jno. F. Tanner,
Tanner Paint
and Oil Co.,
Oldest and Largest
Paint Manufacturers in
the South.
Telephones Madlson 3'W and 1797,
141") E. Muin Street.

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