JVant Ad. Rates. I ONE CENT PKR WORD when paid tn advmnce. No Ad. taken for lesi than fEN CENTS. ! NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS whon phoned j_ or charged at the counter. FOR UUS1NES3 CONTRACTS Phone Monroe 1 for tha WANT AD MAN to call. _ jlosr anb .ifounu. |;'"~p.e\\"a'r'h" 'l'i'i:' anv informa tion ln lho recovery nt cigiu palr of pnnts nnd two roats stolon from my tnllorln. catabllshment lnst Wednesdav nlght. A. LLTTO, 1S0_ _. Maln St._ iOST, FULL GROWN SETTER PUP py; malc; whlto and brown. Flndcr ?vill ple_?_ ph"n<-' Mndl:--<>n II'". i. is'E friday v.v i :n i n? *.. bi ,a<" i< horse, ivciKhiiiK between seven antl ris-ht hundred; ono ewollcn Jolnt nn rlght hlnd lesr. Reward It re? turned to ti. L. HOWARD, BumpaBS, Vn., It. |\ D. No. .'._ l/JST.- fiuLl/""WATCH 1'i'H, BUCKLE and hrart. wlth B. !?? W. engraved, Reward If left at thla oflice,_ __ ibST, SILVER CROSS BROAD STREET between _.*hth nnd Twentletfi StB., or on Rroad und Twenty-tifth Street ? ar. Reward if returned to .14 N. T went iotliL._ loST, ON HULL STREET CAR NO 440, at 3:30 o'clock thls afternoon, bundle of laundry. Reward If re? turned to VIRGINIA PASSKNGKR AND POWER COMPANY. Seventh an ii p, rrv Streets, Manchester, Va., ,i. ll. Crowlcy._ 1 i |? i : \ 1.1 : \': \ M M .LN * 1 I ?? 1 V ? ar. between 7 and 8 P. My. Saturday, ,, shopplng bagr, contalnlng pocket? book wlth little over $20, two brca.t plns, etc. Liberal reward if returned to 1505 Floyd Avonue._ liOST PENDANT GOLD MEDAL, marked. enamel letters, "Va. A. Am. Oarsmen. Engraved 1S94." Flndcr pleaso return. to Tlme.--l*js""at?h. CAME TO~'MY PLACE ABOUT NOON Friday. February ..", small female Collle* dog; owner can have same by provlng '"property and paying for thls ad. ELMER F. AEFELDT, Prook lllll P. O., Va. ?f^elp WLmtto, -Jflale. _ \,\ \"n __?1?, " M EN * oiC~ \\ 6 StS N""' W1 Ti'j aro willlnc to work ut home. either nll or sparo time; write me for par tlrulars; pays well. YOUNGE, Box 779, New urbiti..-. hullvTiee: ".'" T<>".j.-?-,"ri;ii Week" Moncv's yours. Not an old, worn out proposltlon. Entirely new. FiPlrl untoiiched, Experience un necessary. Every famlly wild. Money pours ln. Free sample to active agents. john Mangoid. Tenneasee: "Sold five three days; mado i>i? pay? ment on liouse." Mrs. Nolken, Me.: ?Send six; best thlng for women cver Invented." A vacuum cleaner for $8.50. Consider tbe tield! Women have watched, wished, longed for it. Woman sold four ono evening - protit, $17. Agents selllng two to ten each day: proflt. S',0 to $2.-,D per week. New horric vacuum cleaner; one persuii opera tes. No motor; no electrlclty. New model. Double act Ing* constant su. tion. Cleans car __ts, rugs, mattlngs on lloor. Pow? erful currenl of air through carpet i . up dlrt, dust, gerihs. No more .-...-.-?? dustlng, housecleanlngi ? ? ? ? _ |?? iivc mlnutes; sells ' .' elght Si a\ powerful. i '. ..-.-.? ifi pront 5 , ; ? , ... ;- ; i: ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., 92 Alinsl LMdg., Cincinnatl. O. _1 CIV1L _ El t VIC E 1" Sl I' LO Y ES A RE I pald well for easy work; examina-1 tions cver* month; export advice, sumplo questlons and Booklet 164, descrlblng posltlons and lelling ras-1 Irst and qulckest way to secure them free- wrlte now. WASHINGTON CIVIL SERVICE .SCHOOL, Washing? ton. i>. C._ WANTED. YOUTH WITH SOME EN perlonco in prlnting oflice: good, steady positlon: glve reference and partlcular., THE GAZETTE,, Wil? liamsburg. Vn._ Tl I?:N ~" W A NTED QUICKLY 3 Y BIG Chicago mnll order house to dtstri buto '" catalogues, udvcrtlso; y:i wceklv; $50 expenso allowance. MAN? AGER, 1210 Stato St., Chlcago, GOOl'ri'AYiNO "MTUATIiiN nl'i.N Cash weekly made copylng, check ing. attendlng advertising material for vour locality; no canvassfng, Dept." S7. PANDORA MFG. CO., Lon U"n, unt. GOV ERNMENT 1 'OSITIONS -< '11ANCES neve,- better,ito seauro one of tho thousands pP.jft.ppoHltniont* to be made; full 'partlculars as to salarles, posltlons. dates of oxatnlnutions ln Rlchmond; sample questlons, etc., s'ent free in circular !>S. NATION? AL COR. INSTITUTE, Washington, D C\_ SAWM ILL SU1 "ERINTEND ENT,~" 1,800; ofHe,. man, Galvoston, $100; stenog? rapher, 57": four mari salcsrhen, *S0 and ? spensi i . cxpi rlenee not re? qulred. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEAR 1NG HOUSE, llouston, Ti sas. WANTED. HIIU'K l,\ YKKS \T A_l_uT can National Bank Bnd Ryland and Franklin. BURROLv-US ?_ MAN EIN. A PROFITABLE MAIL ORDER BUSI ness can be started home evonlngs; quiek returns; arnall Investment; no time for Idle curiosity seekers. if ? "ii really mean business wrlto ROBERT BREDE, 353 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MEN (OR WOM EN) $4 A ' I >A Y " SURE ;,ll year ralslng mushro'oru. ln col? lars. sheds, boxes, otc.: big market; free Ulustrated booklet. IIIRAM BARTON, West 48th St., New York. WE WILL PAY ANV M.\N a STRAIGHT salary of J85 per month and ul] Di lt 66, Clu Mix.\-rnix."fii tO Im :,, -li.it- lv i>. ' ENTRAL -, Rochcster, N, BNT MILLINER 316 East Broad r_l OGR VPHER, "ii- young man, Homo clerleul ind good salary Addri A 371, Ia:-: BETWEEN :;f, famlliar wlth Ust write good, VOUNG WHITE MEN AND ,-ork In n-.Ji.-,.,|, t . Wl. ,_?, |, boyi not afraid of work, i v.-"v\: permanently uud i.<: Im ,-;-. Apply to W. T CO... Old Domlnlon Nnr.e opida ?. iu,- line, iFT \VA.'"Ti:i' Ti)' PREPARE foi pexl railway iiuiil. cu.totni ? post-offico examlnatlons; "600 i, . i..',"0 yeariy; annual vacatlon: short hours. Common educatlon sufflciuni polltlcal influence unnecessary ? Wrlto Immedlatoly for examliiatloi schodiili'. CandidateH prepirod fr,-, FRANKLIN' INSTITUTE, Dept. 89' M, Itochester, N. Y. wanted, experienckd black sinltl, helper. AINHLII3 CARRLVO CO., H ?. EtghtU ht, jtycijjlOaslantco, Malt. ?AANTFl'i, " A MAN W IK) "FNDKIl stahdn tho wlioloimln ilnuor nml liinll order btistnos*. Addresa A 102, enro TltncB-Dlapntch*. i AIAUK KiO.000 IN FIVE YFAI'-* IN tho miill order b.lslncHH. Began v/llh *N. Setld for free booklet. clla r.ow. IIEArc.'.'K. ?l.'l. Lnckport._T\ V. MEN WANTED; EXPE11tEN* *I?'. I' N - necessary, for flremen or braltemon on nenrh'v rallroads; aecouni Irtcreas Ing busincss; no strike; age, 20-30; good vlslon; I80-J100 monthly; pro? motion; 1,621 men sdni* to posltlotia ln 1009; send Btamp; stalo age, wright. height. HA1IAVAY ASSO? CIATION/ care Tlincs-Dlspatch. rtNV lNTELLIGENT PERSON M"a_ earn jioo monthly oorre*po?idlpg for newspflperS; no canvimsing. Send for pattlculars, PRESS SYND1CATE, Lockpcrt, N. Y._ 3ALESMEN WANTED, $26 WEEKLY. nnd expenses or comnilsalon; experi? ence unnocessary; oxfeoptlonol oppor? tunlty, NON-INTOXK.ATING BEV El'Ai'E CO, Clnclnnatl. O. ivTN t i: n, f i it sf V i ?Vss~ Ti oi f" i*nr n t - er. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 3 Governoi St. . _, W ANTEI'T-'lEST-i L.ASS WlIITE BAR ber; S13 per week. ahd hair over $IU. Appiv J. c. kitciiie, Salisbury, N. C, Bcx 41._ W ANTED, A REGISTERED P1IAR maclst at once; one experlenced, re lla.lc and good hublts; glve refer? ence. Address PHARMACIST, Box 4 2. Lynchburg, .Va._ WANTED A F1RST-CLASS PHOTO graph prlntcr; must undcrstand ma nlpulatlon ot dcveloplng papers, and be able to do tlrst-claaa commercial work; civc reference nnd state. sal? ary expected. Address \\ M. 11. b'ARIS, Box 233, Lyn-'hluirg. Vn._ WANTED, A GOOD- WOOD TURNER. Applv It. A. SIEWERS, corner Canal and 'Belvldcre Sts. iVANTFI',""i'Ol'NG.MAN. EXPERI cnued ln typewriter factory br offlce; ono who knows; good lncome; nien tion experlerice. Address E 536, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch; X5NG E X PERIENCiiD BOOKKEEP er, auditor and aCcOlintant, now em? ployed. wlshes change for better; want to feel interested and take the busincss at heart and push same ns my own; can tako chargo of corre spondonce, ercdlts and colloctlons, and ean bc rclled tipon: good man for the right place. X7" 515, caro Tlmes-Pl; pat.-h._ T i : - IV Wl 101,1.-. \FU t I_V!\ dealcr, a bov to chock out cars on rallroad. Addross, ln own hand writing, A 401, care Tliues-Dlsputch. VANTED. YOUNG MAN WITH EX perlence ln retall ; correspun rt, :,,,. iu -i... weeks, nnd beeome trav. eling salosmen; hundreds of good openlngs; wrlte for om* frec book. "How to Succeod ua a Salesman," and secure i posltlon as traveilng salesman wlth :i rellable ftrmi R1SAD STREET SYSTEM, Dept. 505,'Rochcs ter. N. Y. _ '.!?; "Y'll'I*.' OWN HOSS?MAKE $1.00 daily silvcrlng mtrrors. Any one . 'OUNG MAN TO CALL ON CATIIO lic fainlllcB. B 113, caro Tlnics-Dls putch._ _ iV \NTED, A GOOD -10B '.'oMI OSITOR; _(",o VEIt.V.M KNT EMI'LO~YE_?W"aTcTED ? Write for Richmond examination schedule; preparatiori free. FRANK I.IX INSTITUTE, Dept. 303 M., Ro chester, X. Y. vanti?:i'. ' i:xi? iinienced furnt ture repalrer. Appli* 1IOME I'UR NISHLNG CO., 217 \\ tst Broad. .VANTED, V< lUNG MAN AS : ASSIST - ant Ijookkeeper; state salary ex? pected; expi'ricnee; give references, Apply in own handwritlng. A :;!)0, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. Situation. MantcB, iHalc. SVANTED, BY~A REAL _.IVE -SAJ-ES^ man, position wlth a rosponslblo house; ean accept position by tho flrst o? tho month; satlsfactory ref? erences, K ":!5, caro Tlmei-DIs pafch._ YOUNG MAN, 35, DESIRES POSITION In offlce or otherwlso; salary m> spe? cial object to begln wlth; slmply wlshto 1.mployed. Addroas D 506. ir.. Tiines-Hispateh. WANTED, POSITION AS MANAGER by flrst-class tnarried man; have had practlcal experience in butter-mak Ing and truck gardenlng; undcrstand i otbeds and cold frames, lirsTLEl'. Box .3, Mllford, Va. P O.SI TI O N WANTED ?? UNREGISr ter.'d drugglBt; six years' oxperlenco, wanta posltlon at once; sobcr and ln dustrtous; best references. Address DRUGGIST, Genorai Delivery, Lynch? burg, \'n '.'< \N'l*i:i.i, POSITION BY ENPERI onced .^hiiM?iii? clerk; well up ln lypowritlng and bllling. E 537, care TlmeH-Dlspatch. WANTED, BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION as asslstanl bookkoeper or utiier wlso; Knowledge of stenography, ete.; excellent refbrenccs; moderato Bal ury. Address D 09",, caro Tlmcs Dispatch, COMPETENT ACCOUNTANT, CORRE spondetu and Btenographer; seven yeara' experience In rallroad otlie.es, deslres u.i paying posltlon, where umbltlon nnd abillty counts. Address :d, position by i'oju'cticn'i seeper; i^.j.mI pen man; uso type' rc terencus, Addroaa B 525 flmei -Dlspatch. WANTED . BV EUEQTR1 clan, famlllar wlth ins'tailation an> lnaintcp-.iiue ,,f olOotrlO light un powor plantB. Addiesa k 'C2S, ear Tlmes-Dispatcli, fUST-CEASS CAluTlAGE:SAND WAt! On .'ini'li want.- '..mii; state Wftgl win pay. Addresa it 400, curc Tlme: DlHimlc h. _3>ftuatfoit0 WLantct), i-Ialc. WANTED. IIV ' ItElllsTEltKI) DEClD Kist oi' experience, posltlon in wholcsalo or retnli drug Iioub_i cn pniiic or taking chargo of busincss; gimil references. Address F., Box 51, Colieord. Vll. WANTED, SMALL SET oT'TfuOKTTTO keep tlmt wlll take pnrl of each dny, by experlenced bookkeoper, P 550, enro TlmeSrlilHpateli, A FARMi.lt, WITH 'LONH EXPEIII crn e ln potiUt'>'i gardonlng .mi niirsci')*, nnd ueu-i.i1 rarm cnrperl try, deslres 11 m"', i p istiiun -i.- iiinn dger or nub'nrdinu'o on 11 good fiirm.! AdilreHH c ns. care TlnU's-Dispfiicb, S f i' I-: it in t E N i> i: N T?POHITIO.N wanted by young mun ua Bupcrln*| tcndeiit, general foroman o*r ofllco wnrker ln bulldlng, rallroad or gen? eral constructlon work; clvii aiul i-oiifltructioii englncer; rnllnblu es tlmiitor; llftoon years' experience handllng lubor nnd outslde work; conci'Oto a specialty; no work too hard; references. Address D 51", .are Tltnei-lilspat.il. WANTED, BY NORTHERN MAN. farm to work on shares; CTicBter: tiebl- or Hanover countles prefcrred, E 571, enro Tltn'cs-Dlspnteh. an i-.xrKUi i;mi;i> stf.nVhju.m'iiei: doslrOs a posltlon In a Virginia town near tho mountalns. Address REY NOLDS' SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, 1440 U st., N. w.. Washlngton, D. C, jfytip (fU^iUEi^jrEinaie. IfOUNU LADIEij AM/ Ulkuo Lfi^atiC Ing positlons wlth pleasant our roundlcgs and good pny cannot do better than wrlte o: apply to THU WHITLOCK BRANCH. Twenty-thlr* and Ct>ry Ftreets. Richmond. Va. HAND CIGAR ROLLERS WANTED: onlv experlenced; steady work; good wages. lfi N. Seventh St. WANTED, CHAMBERMA1D AND D1SII washcr. Apply DAVIS HOTEL WANTE1'. COOKS, CHAMBERM AIKS. waltrossca, nurse... housekecpers, laundrcsses, butlers, drlvers, farm hands. ele. fiiif.u E. Broad, wa"nte"i ri'LM 'Es~fou " iioi >7-7 Ex? perlenced cooks, chambermalds, la? borers. far mhands, cte. G4H>i_ E. Broad St., Phone Madison 4654. COLORED SERVANT FOR NORTH; wages, 520. 122 Nortli Elghth Street. *\v~vnt"ed. a goUd coblZ AI 'PLY _a? 024 Floyd Avenue. WANTED. EADIES.FOR CONGENIAL. permanent outdoor employment: $r> lier week nnd commlsslon. HENRY REBSCHER; Dept. A 31, Rochester, N. Y. LADIES, SEWING AT HOME MAKING shlelds; materlal furnlshod; rcllable women 512 hundred; stamped en? velope. partleulars. WAYNE SUP? PLY co., Dept 508, Detrolt. Mlch. WANTED." 1;,' UI f ;.' n'" 4 J11 'LS~T O M . VK E paper boxes; experlenced prefcrred. Apply POHLIG BROS., Twentv-llfth and Franklin Sts. \V A NTE1 '. B Y A WHOLESALE HOUSE, a ulrl about lfi ytv.rs of age to keep stock. Address E 513, care Tlines Dlspatch. WA N TE I). -VN EN PEE1E N i' ED COOK nt 2210 West Grace. '.VANTED, GIRL,"!* WTIO, ARE EXPE ilonced pat.ei i.on n ? kers; also some boglnner*: sl.vit'y empluyment und rood ? .?;??*. Api?!> lo TIIE RAN ;?>I,I'II PAPER BOX ro.. Ross st. LADIES.' SEvYlNii AT 'ho"m"e~mXkING Bhlolds; materlal furnlshed; rellable women. f t _ hundred: stamped en vclopo partleulars. WAYNE SUPPLY CO.. Dept. 40S,_petroit, Mlch. ARTIST, WANTS WOMAN FOR MOI ?'-' ,'. Address D 401. care Times-Dls ADIES. TINSEL CARDS AT HOME; i ;:i mako $2"i weekly; .-] per _ay guaranteed; outflt frec; send 10c for beautiful samplc nnd Instructtons. MONROE CARD CO., 1613 Monroe st.. Ballimore, Md. WANTED, THOROUGHLY EXPERI? ENCED WOMAN SKTRTMAKER TO SUPERINTEND MAKING AND DO F1TTING OF NEW SKIRTS: NONE l'.FT THOSE THOROU.HLY EXPE RIENCED NEED APPLY; BEST WAGES AND STKADV EMPLOY? MENT TO T..F. RIGHT PARTY. J. B. Mosby ? CO., THIRD FLOOR. WANTED, YOUNG LADIES TO SEW. Applv Monday between 9 and 11. 2II E. Cary. V. A N T E D. E X P E RI EN C10 D COOK, I wlth clty references. Apply at 2 10. Franklin. between C and 7 P. M. WANTED. EXPIORI EX~CEl~(";nTLR TO make paper boxes. Applv WILSON I'AI'El: BOX CO.. IS Governor St. &ttuatum_ WLantzb. jlfemate. LADY' Bi m )l< K EEriER^Xx"fy"l^ENrO'G rapher deslres position ut once; real estate or wholcsalo prefcrred: expe? rience and -.o. I references fur? nlshed. Address E 514. care Times Di patch. A LADY THOROUGHLY QFALIFIED deslres position as housekoeper. Ad? dress A .''*7. care Times-Dispatch._ a" ti ioiiuu't ifi ly ex perTencED stonographor deslres to change posi? tion. Address A 401, caro Timcs Plspat'-h._, ?H)elp, i^lalc anb Jfcmalc. WANTED, I',oOKKEEPERSp_TE~Nl3rJ raphers, hotel applicants, housckeep ers, prlnters, palnters, lumbermen. mllliners, salosladics, cashlers. sales? men, blacksmlths. PIEDMONT EM? PLOYMENT AGENCY. Durham. N. C. wT;~ft:nfslf all-kinds of help for Richmond aiul Stato of Virginia; whito help for housework a spe cialty. Colored men antl women wanted for Northern homes, and but? lers for thls clty; wrlto or call for full partleulars." SOUTHERN IN TELLIGENCE OFFICE, 211'.L-N. Slxth Sireet. _ . $rofe__fonui *i|eip Wlmtib.^ \vTyi ED', TEACI l lORS^F'tJir SEP'1'EM~ ber ongagenients; those wisliing the widest range of posslbllltto's should write Dept. lf 1. INTERSTATE TEACH ERS' BU REAU, Atlanta. Oa, THEVfRGiNIA~TEAC'tIER&* BUREAU supplies prlvate and publlc schools wlth teachers of nll grades; also inatrons and housekeepers, on short notlce. REV. R. W. CRIDLLN. Man? ager, 33 East Tenth Street. Manches? ter xra. 'Phono 557R. Situation-. :_)i-ofe__ional. an" u rg'anTst"'of*'Xiiflity, with experience, would like to secure a position; best references. Address C 101. caro Times-Dispatch. Srient- ^SiantcD._l iTi'iTi i -?; i Ia d e"*a"g i . N c V-'x V: vvvS 6 r e house orders from merchants, busl? noss men, general publlc; mon, wo? men, boys and glrls; big commls? sions; pocket samplea: splendid smc llno; opportunlty. Address V. C LioFTWicii. Roanoke, Vo, 13.00 A DAY?SELL HOLT'S M.1LF bottle opener: new inventton; a sab in everv liome: Inolose 10 cents foi samplo.' NATIONAL MDSE. CO, fill N. l'ayson st., Baltimore,' Md. V_ Ai'lF.NTS - MAK10 GOOD MONEY. HAND llng our inventlon; snwll k'.rtlole eusiiv carried; blg demund; Hold un Umllod. For partleulars addrcs TRE1TT, 302 Broadway, New York. WANTED, i:? lOO' AtiiWl' TO LIVE Ot iiiv boat with mo aud ioilclt order for eniarged plctures along rlvoi Address .1. H. II., care of Postnmstoi Sturgoon I'olnt, Va._ MEN 'l'o < A LL i)N WoMlONAND DEM onstrate a money-savlng, work-s.iv iuK. iiaiented liouseliold artlclo tha solls for $'-? Half proflt, Not soli in stores. Exclusive agency. Nov men selllng seven to twenty a duj Samples loanecl to men who want t work, S- ti C1IASI0, Mllwuukec WIs. Ing 'j.vl'i 3. ct"-.; ???'??, i" '!?'" .JftVS0 profits, pormiincnl ilivl?l*?nd?: ?rrtl? Cfttefl voiiH $.". tfoi . credit. r L1-.1UI l-:it, .aii l-'i.-inklin Sl ? N' _ *orlt'. ATTENTION I?ONE PINT OF >nLTC mercred Into ono pound of butler; won_S..ui new dVscovery; n,mi y size machlne makes threo pou "'? " two mlntltes; no chemlcnls used; pine food nb.olutel- . gets Juat as hnid. look.-. lho iftnie, used tbo same and lii swocter ..nd lii ? thi 1 "'?'" 0,2'" ?" erv butter; a Oodsend to every rn11. Ily; four cents ii pound; thlnk v.,,ai (bis suves ln um year: 86 sworn toBllmonlnl.. IllustrsUed circulara and agont'a credit terms sent freo to any one. |-amliy .-iz,- miichlno aoio on paymenta li.oo monthly. ?''?"?','?!_ BUTTER MERGER CO-, ?S Henry btree', Brooklyn. N. Y, a t; en tTT-^FF: ee sample si'lvei: shlneand big lllustrated catalogue fit putonted articles easlly carried ann domonstratcd; every housewiro buys. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY LO., - al myra, Pa. AOENTS, *fiO WEEKLY; WE MANC facturo tho beat n 1 db case mado; n wonderful selh 1 ; '-" " >" ?'"" '"'?' <-ent. proflt, tnlklns unnecossary, our copyrlghted "Trust Scheme En velopes do the work; general agents 1 can make over $100 weekly; ?'?nd Ic (postflgo aud packlng) tor a free 25c sample; partlculars free; buy direct from the factory at whole salo. PATY NEEDLE '-'O., Si Unlon Squurc, Somcrvllle. Mass._ AGENTS, BIG MONEY: NEW lWC'JO plcture .lack Johnson: samplq, 10c. Photographlc r.hinn nlates,.- plllow tops, portralts, rrames; catalogues free. BERI.1N ART ASSOCIATION, Dept 193. Chlcago. WE PAY *sn A MONTH SALARX AND rnrnlsh rlg and ' " i"*"ses to ln trodtico poultry md tock Powaers; new plan; stead; ivorK. BIGLEH CO.. N 961, 111. AGENTS MAKE GOO PER < ENT; PROF It selllng novelty Ign cards; mer? chants buy 10 to 1.*n slght: 800 varietles. Catalocie free. SULLI? VAN CO.. 40.7 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. WiT_TART VOU H'.I.LING DIAMONDS. Don't fail gettliiK our liberal offer; $:, dallv suro. CARBON DIAMOND CO., Syracuse, N. Y. Mentlon paper. WANTED, RELIAB LB" WO RK E R S who havo sold Insurance, books or canvassed; experience not necessary; pay $2u to $100 upwards: glve phone number. Address D 504, care -Imes-Dlspat, 1 GENERAL AGENTS AND CANVASS ers to 1"" selocted for carcfully se lected speclaltles ln every city and town I" Unlted States; onc article ulono good for $7.50 per day: wrlto for proof in a few words. GENERAL specialtv CO., 1119 Earmers Bank Bldg.. Plttsburg, Pa. _ HUSTLING AGENTS YOUR OPPORr tunlty; our go id appeal to the housewlfc; wrlto tor catalog to-day. ALLEN SPECIALTY '" . 12, Station - B, Buffalo, _ BE A CHEWTNG GUM MANUFACTUR er at vour home; no machlnery neces? sary; 400 per cent. proflt; big de? mand; partlculars free. R. .IENSEN, Box 880, Denver, Col._ JUST OUT -I'VUKY' I'SLU ol' pen and Ink, every farmer, tnechanlc, clerk, buya on" slght; vest-pocket secretary; jrroatest combination tool ever Invented; contalns marklng polnt, pencll. flie. compass, knifc. dlvlders, rule, T-square, pen; 150 per cent proflt for agents; sample, 10c. ROSE CO., 47J" Park Avenue. Chl AGENTS UAXTKI' OUR SUN-RAY mantlo kerosene burners sold at prices that defy competltlon; 100 candle power; nt all screw collar lamps. Send for partlculars; outtit free SIMPLEX GASLIGIIT CO.. 23 Park Row. New York. _ AGENT*** WANT 1 "li-^T~Ti-TT\~DAN DY coal oil lamp burner: liRhts brlgluer than gas or electric: guaranteed to pleaso or money back; postpaid, 50c. HUN MFG. <'".)., 1012 S. Jefferson Avenue. st. Louls, M<>. Circular free. A G EN T S?MAlvE GOOD MONEY handllng our Inventlon; small arti cle. easlly carried; UIk demand: fleld u n limited. For partlculars address TIU'ITT. ""-' Broadway. New York. ENTEP.PKISING" 'AGENTS" W'aNTED to handle tho best kerosene mantle lamp on tho market; unbreakable mantle; bears all competition. CON? TINENTAL CO., ""01 Broadway, Now York._ $90 MONTHLY AND "EXPENSES TO advertise, leavo samples and collect names. Wrlte SILVERTON CO., G 7s. Chlcago. AGENTS?66 2-3 PER CENT. PROFIT Introducing guaranteed line hoslery for mon, women and chlldren; latest ond best agents' proposltlon: sam? ples free. THOMAS MFG CO., 4020 Siate St.. Dayton, O. AGENTS?WONI )E 11FUI 7~\ NVENTION; big money selling Canchester kero? sene Incandcscent lamps; burns wltli or wlthout mantle; six times brlght^ er than electrlclty, gas or acetylene at one-lcnth cost; burner nts any lamp; saves 7.", per cent. oil; no trim? ming wlcks; showlng means sell intr- beware of Imitations; outtit fnr nlshed. CANCHESTER LIGHT CO., _(> Statf St.. Dept. 911 C, Chicago. AGENTS' LEADER FOR 1910?MON key wrench, plumbers" pllers: tlfteen tools comblned: most wonderful com? bination cver made: sample free Xor examination. FORSHEE CO., B 07, Dayton, O._ A tl ENTS ~Y>'.'. NTl: lTtcTseLL $ 1 BON native herbs for GOc. P. MELROSE, Columbus, O. AGENTS. SEND FOR FREE COPY OF "Tbo Thomas Asent," tho greatest ngonts' paper ever published; fllled wlth im.y-tnaklng plans: "no llcenso tax" dccision of Supreme Court; polnters to agents; every ngent in tbe 1'nltcd States should havo n copy ai once. Address to-day, "THOMAS ' AGENT," 4020 Wayne Avenue, Dayton, O. AGENTS WANTED?BIG MONEY; EX penses paid; no experience requlred; variety portralts, bromldes, photo pillow tops, ::ur*: ? frames at our fac? tory prices; credit given: catalogue nnd samples tr,,. RITTER ART HTl'Dln. W. YaM Buren, Chlcago. IR. MR. AGENT, GET BUSY; SPRING IS here; become a "Davls Agent" and gei th,* coln; It's a clnch to make $.0 weekly; after vou see our swell new sprlng snap and toilet articlo combinatlons you'll seo why: a $1.2,') prcmluin free with oach SOc sale: other valuable premiums for larger sales; wo manufacturo our own goods; tbat'a why you mako largo prollts. and our' proposltlon beats anything 011 tbe market; 100 per cent. to 300 per cent. proflt. Robert Alexander. n Kentucky ngent, made $21 in cIkIu hours. You can do as well; get busy?don't wnsto another day 011 "dead ones"; workers given oxcluslvc territory. Wrlte. DAVI8 SOAP WORKS 11-10 Carroll Avenue, Chlcago. feolicitorg nntt Sbaltfimtn. COM P'Et I-.N T. EX Per i'eNCED f RAV EJL1NG SALESMEN TO SOLICIT OR DERS PROM DEALERS AND CON SUMI5RS POR HIGH-GRADE AU? TOMOBILE LUBRICANTS. SPECIAL OU.:-. PAINTS, OREASES, ETC,; READY SELLERS; SALARY AND EXPENSES; EXCELLENT OPPOR? TUNITY POR AI-YANCEMENT. TIIE IAN?)U.U l;i:i'lN'lN?-i CO.. CLEVE S AI i\:.~ M \ v \\- A j*;T |.;p7'to rSELL GRO ,cers, drug_ists, confootioners; $l'ij lnonthl:.,.1 expenses. CALIFOR? NIA. CMDER AXD EXTRACT CO-. 272 Lefllngwei^, st. Louls, Mo. _ ___ SAl.l'.sMAv T(, i.Ki.vfK.sKNf I_\"RGE concern inatiufacturlng a hlgh-grude oubIiip nacklng; stato partlculars. siam,i:v. uo Nansau St., New Yorlt. SlESM'an": ai'tive SlANfOAN MAKW u'|,1,10**ey in thls dlstrlct; glve cx \o ,7"V- A'ldress A 400, care Tlmcs j&oUcitors! ana _talc0m.i? ? AM I D LAI-.UI-. \l \\( ' p\l_ TtfRI'R wnntM livo siiieHiiinii to sell Rlchmond dotller. Une pollflllOs and cleanerH; csiabllshed fourteeti yenrs; onl.y nan. oxploslva iiutoiiiobiio po.ish; easlly tlcmonstrnted; orders run $10 to $100; biK repeater; LOa Angeles saiesmnu clearlng $l.soo; 90 per cent. com inlssinn advanced; jipw, stiercssful selllng plan; everythlng fufnlshoil; wrlte iikc, experience, whnt llnes ;,,ld. IlilCHI'.STRR CIIHMICAI. CO? Itochcstei-, N. Y. ,'E WANT TWENTY-FivB 1'IHST ?.?inss Miilesmcn before April 1 to I utnllo oiii- iim ; reference must ne.11 puny application. UNITED STATES t\ imi* ci, Wdsttlold, Mass, i i-; ii a v e Ideal side line for s.ilcsmeii now cuiployed wlio cannot carry addltlonal Bamplos; as proflt? able ns a trunk llnc; wrlte ns, H. G. gIMMERMAN & CO, Chlcago._ VANTED, SALESMEN OP ABILITY and neat apppRranoe to call on all merchants ln thclr territory; e' gnnt Sldo Une. convenlent le carry; good commlsslons; prompt romlttnnco BELMONT MFG. CO.. Cincinnatl, U. A LESM EN WANTEI >."'!'< 1 SELL GRO cers, druguist-. confectlon.n s;,-fl3S monthly and expenses. CALIFOR? NIA CIDER AND HXTRACT CO.. -, 2 L'-tllngwell. Si. I,,,uls. Mo._ ?BARN SALESMANSiHP; EARN $1,000 per year; furnish' students posltlons where they can earn 5100 per nioiitb whllo studylng. PRACTICAL SCHOOL Ol'' SALES MANSHIP. New llaven, Conn._ (Tanted; WI D E- A WA K E AGENTS und general agonts ln all unfllled terrltorles to sell great bath inven tlon. Combinea shower, shainpoo nnd niossago In onn article: loo.uOU al rca.lv sold and Llic fleld 1" barcly tbucned; 250,000 will be sold thls vcar. Oiii be used on any klnd "f ttib and has Slphon utti ciiment tor homes wlthout bath-rooms. .). A. Dnv.iii, Virginia, sold $:::>" for flrst nn, Weeks, ii. .1. Buckley, Mas.-iach.u Betts, sold $i,S0u tirst three months. EverybOdy buys lf shown. No bath room" complete wlthout It. Drop your dead Une and ?tart sprlng wlth llve seller. Thls Is your opportunity to own a prlvato monopoty on greatest seller Of tlic day. Wrlto at onco for terms and territory. You wlll for ever assoclate thls advortlsemont wlth prosperlty. TIIE PROGRESS COMPANY, Rand-McNally Bulldlng. Chb ago. III._ VANTED, REPRESENTATIVE SIDE llno salesmen to sell hlgh-Krado lm portcd llno post-cards; 110 competl tlon; big money makers; references. KAWIN _ < 'i.MPANY. Chlcago. ; X1' E R1ENCED .-I 'EC1ALT Y S ,\LI 1S - men to handlo our razor excluslvely or slde Une; Uberal eorrtmlsslon. THE WARD SAFETY RAZOR CO., Chlca? go._ VANTED, F1RST-CLASS SALESMAN for Virginia 10 sell BtaplC line on ab? solutcly now and exceptlonal terms; one havlng successful speclalty ex? perience preferred, Attractlve year'a contract. eontalnlng llboral weekly advanco clausi ; references rcn,ulrod. MILES I'. BIXLER CO., Cleveland, O, ?ALHSMAN. EXPERIENCE!' IN ANV Une, t0 sell general trado in Vir? ginia au unexcellcd speclalty propo sltlon; vacancy after March 1. Com? mlsslons wltb *::> weekly for ex ponses. THE CONTINENTAL JEW BLR_ CO., ' *?--' land, " ? IEN TO CALL ON WOMEN ANDDEM ohstrate a money-sa* im*. work-sav lnsr, patcntml household article that sells for $2. Half proflt. Not sold ln stores. Excluslve agency. Now men selllng Ecvetl to twenty a day. Samples loancd to men work. S. O. CHASE, Wi: . "EMPER-THO.MAS CO., want travellng men U tlslng fans n-= slde li weekly. Selllng ? ? i! on Apply FAN DEPT. VANTED,.BY' A FIRST-CLASS BROAD Street clotliing house, a cloihlng salesman; one who ls popular and can command some trade. Apply at once: corresponderice strlctly confl dentlal. A ::99. are Tlmes-Dlspatch. TleSwan ;?rANTED. BY LARGEST European manufacturer, to sell pop? ular lace and embroidery speclaltles; samples, thlrty-five pounds; 10 per rent. commlsslon; weekly drawlngs. WILSON, 191 Broadway, New York. Nt'A NI' ESCENT ELECTRIC LAMPS"; a large manufacturer of all klnds of Incandescent electric lamps desires to get ln touch wlth a salesman on a commlsslon basls, to repreeent hlm ln thls vlclnlty; exclualvo tarrltory and pormancnt connectlon to pro ducers; give full details ln answer lng. "ALPHA." care Rudolph Guenther Advertising Agency, 115 Broadway. New York. VANTED, SALESMAN; SPLENDID opportunity for ambltlous young man to get where 1 lose application to business wlll work hlm up. Ad? dress CONI'IDENTIAL care Times Dispatch._ _ ,1DE LTNE SALESMEN TO SELL hlgh-grado advertising arilcle used by banks and merchants as souvcnlra or premiums; $.3 to $50 weekly; Ub? eral commlsslon: open territory; sample free. C. ROPP & SONS. 7,47 Lakeslde Bldg.. Chlcago, 111. _ ?fj NT'e'iV HR"fU~CRADE, INTBLLI (.-??rit travellng salesmen to handle advertising toy; 1111 exceptlonal op? portunity; sample. 23e, prcpald; in? formation free. II. E. SMITH CO.. Indlanapolls, Ind. _ "APABLE sXlE^MAN TO COVER Virginia wlth staple llnc; high com? mlsslons, wlth $100 monthly ad? vance; pnrmanent positlon lo rlght man. JESS. II. SMITH CO., Detrolt, MIch._' V SALESMAN TO CALL ON TIIE AU tomoblle trade. S1MPLICITY MFG. CO.. r, 0 0 7 St. Clalr Avenue, Cleve 1 a nd. O._ _XPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR SIDE Une of selt-gartered socks, patented; prlce no hlgher; btg seller. GRA? HAM CO., 1902 Monroe St.,- Chicago. IIGH-GRADE TRAVELING SALES men to sell hlghcst grade llnc of cal endars nnd advertising novoltles pub. llshed ln America; strlctly commls? slon; an exceptlonal opportunity for hlgh-grade men. II. E. SMITH CO., Indlanapolls, Ind. SALESMEN WANTED?HUNDREDS of posltlons now open, paying $100 to S300 a month and expenses; no ex? perience needed to get one; IC you earn less tlfan $.",0 a week and ex? penses our free book, "A Knlght Oi the Grlp," wlll show you how to ln? crease your earnlngs from two to ten times. Wo havo assl.tert thousands of other men to seoir. good posl? tlons. nnd wo can help you. Write for full particula-s to-day. Addres* nearest oflice, Dept. 700, NATIONAl SALESMEN'S TRAIN1NG ASSN.i New York, Chicago, Kansas Clty, Mlnnc npo11s, San Franclsco, Atlanta. WA~NTED, TWO 1DGH-GRADH SPE olalty salesn.f'ii Btrong on advertls Imr-'ba'-l workers seeklng perma noii't positlon wirth $0,000 to $8,001 aniiuallv wlth old establlshed, htghl; rated e'onoern. Address Ln. Secur 1 ty Bldg., stcLoula^_ SALESMEN?SPECIALTY. THE LIN1 vou have always beon looklng foi staplo; ?sells evc-iywhero over an, ovor agaln: ^,i,plos llght and com mlsslons liluTal NATIONAL MER CA.N11LE CO., .'-"wa Clty, lowa. Uui-iness #oponunttics \\ AN'i'i'i.."Av't\ViVrNEii"wrrirW.T)ol lor establlshed pluinblng buslness good profits. C 4-13. care Times Dispatch._ ~\Y A N T E D, TO SELL IU LF" l'N T E R est ln establlshed wholesale busl? ness, or wlll sell as a whole; excel lont opportunity for hustllng youiu man wltli $:i,000 to $8,000. Will born Investigation. Establlshed trade a idresa wholesale. No. hoi Muit Streot, Lynchburg, Vn. ASK MB HOW VOU UAJN START -' proiltiibio mail order buslness a homo eyenlngs. HEACOCK, Lock port, N. Y. Mutintttti ?_)oportun(t(e^_ mon ii TT, o7\n'E'd' To 'IN V _Nf6lts'"T6 patent good Ideas. JOHN WEDDEIl _ ?UHN.jJiipltallHl. llrooklnnd. D. 0. MONEY TO BACK A GOOD MAIL Oil der business or mannfiicturlng busl iiohs, thnt cnn utIIUo basoment and ofllee spueo now vacant; glvo full partlc.ulnrs ln flrst letter. Address D 400, enro Tlmes-Dlspiiti li. CAPtTAL FURNISHED FOR MERITO iloiis r.Ptnrprlsos; stock nnd bmids sold on eommlBfllon; facllltles for ln corpiMiitlng aml t'oOl'glllluatlOlt 'if companies. .10HNSON .*:? CO. selllng Brokers, Madison nnd Lasallc, Chl I B RO,_ WI' TfAVE OPENINGS TO START wldeawnke mon in nn extremely profltablo outdoor'*buslncss (no can vnsslng or SOlIcltlng) in cltles, tovrns ond countles. You must havn $100 to 1250 or upwards In cash, and good references to go Into thls. Abso? lutcly snfo and legltimate- RAM SEY. Room S09 Bullltt Bulldlng, Phlladolphla, Pa._ WANTED, SEVERAL PEI'thONS TO Joln me wlth 5100 to 51,000 iu small lnvestnient, paying loo to 200 per cent, f". r unnuiii. E 520, care Tlmes Dlspatcli. OTIII "-RS "l IA V E MA DE "MON E V. " WH Y dou't you? Let ua start you In busi? ness selllng merchandlse by mall; mako several thousand doliars un ?iiually; $25 to 5100 necessary; par? tleulars frce. J. & P. EACKEY. 2252 _aSallj>_St., Chlcago. 111. _ STOCKS tSuXltANTEED; COBPORA tlons can facllltato sale stock, bonds, through our plan of guarantee. Ad? dress MARINE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, 45 West 31th St.. Ncw York. WANTED. PARTNER IN REAL ES tato business; llne opportuiHty: own? er wlll se|| cheup to get the man; pleaso don't answer unlesa you mcini business and can give ttrvlcea at I once. Address REAL ESTATE Ol' POETt'NITY, .-ar" Tlme?-Dlsputch. Vvii.I. i.UAN i'i..i ' 'N REAL ESTATE." WIDOW. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. FOR THE NV.XT TEN D/vYS?I HAVE just recelved a special importntlon of fine broadcloths, and can mako you a 575 sult for 550. CHAS.. FISHER, Ladies' Tallor, 212 North Thlrd Street. MONEY-MAI-INO, TAticTsXfiSGMAIL order business at home; any one. nnywhero; largo llno: everything furnlshed; free. booklet tclls how FOOTE, Box B. M. 155, Muskegon, Mlch,_ A COTERIE NEW YORK BUSINESS men offer unusual opportunlty for small Investors, wlth posilbllltlos trcmondous return* for every dollar Invested; act qulck. HOGEL, Em plre. Col. WANTED, A PARTNER WITH FRO.M 50,000 to 510,000 for an Investment paying 516.000 flrst ycar. D 502, caro Time.s-Dlspateb. Vv"AN"tl0D, ACTl'VE YOUNG MAN TO take controlllng Interest and pres Idency of progresslve manufacturing plant; proflts now about 51.000 a year; can bc lncreased; salary 52,000 a year. lnvestnient 510,000; Special tralnlng not rcqulred. f 065, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. M' C. EY~FOR - EVERYBODY? 5112""fo 52.SO0 by saving $1 or more. Why I buy a home? Money to loan; 29 dlvidends of 7 por cent. paid; send tt\ booklet. COMMERCIAL GUAR? ANTEE CO., 28 N. Nlnth. \VOUIJ> LIKE TO'lNVEST FROM'oNE to tiiree thousand doliars In CBtab .?'???1 business, wlth or without ser vli eg, or buy partv out. E 51S, care tch. INTEREST IN A REAL 1 "on the ground floor." ie propertv has enhanced valuf, and wlll .-how 100 P< r cent profit. I need to rais? some Immedlale money: wlll sell part of i.iv interest up to $5,000 nt origlnal face value. a 388, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. FOR SALE, l_\EGE, MONEyTmXkTncT palr.tlng business; proflts blg and growlng: 512.'JOO requircd. D 500. .are Tlme.s-Dispatch. Goob~Iit4^clVii'*r''Bi',si'NEss. estab* llshed and doing a thrivlng business; excellent stand; Wlll sell house, lot and stock ai u sacrlfico; Eastern section of tlie city; if you want to annex a good thlng address A '.'.Hi. ear.. Tlmes-Dlspatch. WE WILL EVENTUALLY CARRY your fire Incurance proteetion. Why not now? Losses adjusted and paid by this agency. CHAS. 10. LOEIIR CO., General Agents and Adjusters, thlrd floor. Mutual Building. Phone Madison 5622. PARTY WITH 5100 AND OFFICE SEE vices can Joln in profltablo specialty business: state experience. Address A 400. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. BE YOUR OWN BOSS?START A mall order business al home; devote whole or spare time: we tell you how; large proflts; everything fur? nlshed; no catalogue outflt scheme; particulars frec. PHOENIX MFG, CO., Box ;!'i5. Providencc, R. I. WANTED. CAPITAL TO PUSH MANU fncturlng business; will net 15 to 25 per cent: Investigate. Address D 402. care Times-Dispatch. MONEY-MAKING. FASCINAT1NG MAIL order business at home; any one anywhere; large llne; everything furnlshed; free booklet tclls how. FOOTE, Box B. M. 155, Muskegon, Mlch. WE WILL GIVE $5 IN GOLD FOR AN accepted name to be used as a trade mark for a manufacturor of drugs, such a.s sarsaparllla, beef. wlno atu! iron. castorla, patent medlclnes. va nllla, lemon cxtract. etc. Address '!?' 517, care Times-Dlspatcli. WANTED, AN ACTIVE BUSINESS man to take Important offlce in large corporation. Salary from 51, 200 to $1,000, depcndlng on man. Must invest $2,000 as evldence of good faith: additlonal lncome on In? vestment large. B 411. care Times ' Dispatch. $er_onal_. LASKA LADIES' TAILORING CO., 201 N SECOND ST.. BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL AS EASTER COMES UNUSUALLY EARLY TIHS SEASON (COMING ON MARCH 27), IT IS NOW TIME YOU WERE PLACTNO YOUR ORDER FOR YOU II SPRING SUIT. CALL TO SEE US, AND YOU WILL BE SHOWN THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF WOOL ENS AND SILKS IN TIIE CITY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY RESPECT. ABSOLUTE PURITY AND FREEDOM from organlc matter?five gallons for 25c?Holly Sprlngs Lithia W ater ?Phones: Madison 6233 and 5621._ a_kTyour grocer for the bes-i saitsago made. It's SMITHFIELD. WE CLEAN YOUR SUIT LIKE NEW for 76c and 51.00. Pants pressed, 10c Ropalrtng reasonable. Velvet col lars, 51.00 up. Ladies' coats llned $1.00 up. Suits pressed, 40c and 50c BBAZLEY, 200 East Maln. Monro< 1674. _ HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT aND SOLD at HUGHES'S 209 Nortb Thlrd. mcTlMOND KEFTNINQ COMPAN Y 1709 East Cary Street. Clty Contru. tcrs. Dead anlmals removed ut once ?Phon? Monroe 3027. Buyers of tal low and. bones. if~y1iu~wTnt~oo1^ set ANDERSON PRINTING CO, 3 Gov ernor St_ _ li'AT IS DANGEROUS: LET ME RE duco your weight. by my Germai method; eonsultatlons free. DR. I 11. LHION, 718 E. Franklin St. BltOTHER ACCIDENTALLY DISCOV ercd root that wlll curc both tobuocc habit and indlgostlon; no, drugs Gladly send particulars of thls won? derful root. D. D. STOKES, Mo< hawk, Fla. $er_onaItf. SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO sito thn old pnst-nfnee. Phone Madi? son ;i20fl. Examlnations and estl r.iates free. / TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIIE SPRING OPENING. WE WILL MAKE SPRING SUITS, ANY KHADE YOIJ MAY DESIRE, FOR 530.00. EVERY CARMENT IS ABSOLUTELY GUAR? ANTEED TO BE MADE IN Tlll? LATEST STYLE AND BY THE LAT? EST IMPROVEMENTS. WE CAN MAKE SUITS MORE REASONABLE THAN ANY OTHER TAILOR BE? CAUSE WE MAKE THEM WITH LESS TROUBLE, AND YOU GET THE BENEFIT. WE ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SILK AND PON GEE SUITS AT A VERY' REAHON ARLE PBICE. M. GOLDSTEIN, LADIES' TAILOR, 218 NORTH FIFTH STREET. TO THE LADIES.?NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THE VERY BEST AT A REASONABLE PRICE. I HAVE ALL TIIE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SAMPLES OF ALL THAT IS NEW IN SPRING AND 8UMMER FAB? RICS. NO QUESTION ABOUT WORK MANSIIIP AND FIT. THAT IS GUARANTEED. CHAS. FISHER, LA? DIES' TAILOR. 212 NORTH THIRD STREET. I'uJi TI'E NJ-XT TrN'DAYS?I HAVl' JtlSi recelved a special Importation of iino broadcloths, and can mako you a $75 iiilt for 550. GiiAS FISHER. Ladies' Tallor, 212 North Thlrd Streot. LADIES' MIGH-CLASS TAILORINd Cr^_\HV,-.KI'VDK: BEAUTIFUL LINE MOHAIRS AND ROUGH SILKS* PRICES VERY MODERATE; PER? FECT FIT GUARANTEED. _? BROWN 421 W. GRACE. DIflCRIMTNATTNG WOMEN DEMAND ART IN CLOTHES?THE NI-'E TOUCH. THE DISTINCTIVE TONE CHARACTER. 8TTLE AND THI*: FINEST WORKMANSHIP. AL1, WHO HAVE SEEN MY SUITS KNOW THAT THEY EMBRACE THEST3 QUALITIE8 AND ARE AN ADVER TtSEMENT IN THEMSELVE8. n. LEWIS. LADIES' TAILOR. 202 NORTH FIRST ST. PHONE MONROE 2515 "HOW AND WHERE TO SELL MANu" serlpts." price, 60c Contatni much trood advice and 300 addrcisca ot those who buy: wrlte. for clrcular, OO'HRANE PUBLISHINO CO., 275 Tribur- Pldr-.. Ncw 'i---\. LA I' 11:".*?. NOW Ts" THE TIME TO have tallor-made suits at very rea? sonable prices, from 535 up. I h_vn the beat selection* of woollens and cloths for spring and aummer. .'-.'?? question about workmansiiip. (Hal . guarantcd. We also make up . lil of your own materlal ..t very rea sorable prices. Call and see me PAUL KAMSKY. Ladies* Tallor 2lfl North Flrst Strcet. 'Phone Monr->e 65>>. IL L. BAUMGAi'.TNER. PRACTICAL rafe and lock expert, 12 South Sev. enth Strtot. Safea opened and rt palred; combinatlons changed; kevt l made. Expert work a specialty. 'Phone Monroe 3033. j YOUR SAYING- ARE OF VAST 1M portance to you, and should be de poslted In the strongest bank avail? able. Tha Flrst Natlonal Bank. of Richmond, Va.. has for over forty years conducted a suceessful banltlno; business at No. 1104 East Main Street. and has over 52.OOO.O0O of Its own money to protect your savlngs, It allows 3 per cent. Interest on eavings accounts. MEN AND WOMEN! HEALTH IS WEALTII: IF SUFFER ing send for book: worth Its welgiit ln gold: tells al! how to got cured. wlll save you from medical adver? tlslng shark". "OLD GERMAN SI'10 CIALIST." 535 North Slxth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Book free. WANTED, THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that we are the sole owners of tho Southern Tent and Awning Company, and Mr. H. L. Goode ls manager of same, sueceedlng the old companies of Norvoll Awning Company and C. B. Norvell; all work done . ln tlrst class nianner and at lowest price. conslstent with good work. SOUTH? ERN TENT AND AWNING CO.. 400 East Broad. Mark R. Lloyd. H. L. Goode. IF YOU HAVE TASTE FOR NEWS paper wrltlng. or for advertlslng wrltlng. elther scx. I can tell vou In four leasons by mail. often in two, whether or not you could suc ceed, and save your tltno and much money wasted ln cxpenslvo courses. Wrlte now. C. F. DOWNEY, Wutcr burv, Conn. RELIABLE TRANSFER. MILLNERS. 302 North Nlnth Street, hauls trunks for 25c; vallses, 15c, to any part of the city. Clalm checks issued at tho house for your baggage; two men on our wagon. We mako a specialty of moving furnlturo and pianos, 'Phono Madison 1445. WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that Jahnke Bros., Jewelers. 912 East Main Street, buy. sell. ex? change and remount diamonds in the latest styles. Old gold and sil? ver taken In exchange. IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS JOB printing, brlng us your work. AN? DERSON PRINTING CO.. 3 Governor Strcet. WANTED, YOU TO GET OUR PRICES on your printing; we do It good nnd qulck. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 3 Governor Strcet. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN?THIS ls to certify that tlie ilrm of Peerman &, Woodv, uridertakers, composed of J. G. Peerman and II. W. Woody. ls thls day dlssolved by mutual con sent, and that tlio business shall from thls dato bo continued as Hen? ry W. Woody. All partles having claims agalnst tho lirm of Peerman & Woody will present samo to Henry W. Woody for payment, and all partles Indobted to ihe sald ilrm will sottle wlth Henry W. Woody. J. G. PEERMAN. IT. W. WOODY. February 26, 1010. NOTICE--FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY W, S. McCOY wlll sell a genulno block mcersehaum pipe for 35c; tho greatest bargaln ever offered to Bmokers._ ___ S~6UTlT'l*rRN~~DEN"TAL ROOMSe^CJPPO stte the old post-oftlce. 'Phono Madi? son 3200. "Examinutions und estl matee free._ LADIES, TEN MORE DAYS FOR TIIE special prices on all suits. CHAS. FISHER, Ladies' Tallor, 212 North Thlrd Streot._ THE SOUT H E RN U N DER \V Ttl T E li"s" Greensboro, N. C, tho llro iusuranco company wlth a reputatlon of prompt payment and fair deallngs wlth loss clnlmants; nono better; few as good. CHAS*. E. LOEHR COM? PANY. third lloor. Mutual Building. Phone Madison 5022. INSURANCE' AGENTS IN lUCHMOND and vlclnlty, tako noticu?I havo a proposition that will appeal to ycu ? ln the Insurance llne, and If you aro looking'for a chango or wish for nn increase in your lncome, wrlto or call upon me. MR. A. E. LONG, Agent, 20S-210 North Fifth Street. Richmond, care A. E, Long ? Co? Inc<