OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, March 01, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1910-03-01/ed-1/seq-8/

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Mevo York
Stock Market
Kow Tork, February sf*.?Tho stock
?tiarkct to-day wns not chanired easen
.ially from thc dull nnd drlftlng mnr
ltcls of last wook. Tho rlso ln pilces
was tho coniploment of thc fall on
?aturday. whlch wns h.ised upon tho
hogalblllty that lho Supreme Court
would hand down a declsion to-day
In tho American Tobacco case. Ilic
cieaxing up of this uncertalnty witli
tho dlsposltlon of tho caso wlll be
?tvelcoinctl all thrniiKh thc financial
world. , .
Varlous liHppenln_s wcrc passed ln
revlew nnd canvassed to-day tor their
posslblo hcnrlnd on values wlth the
hope Of lnduclnc- some niovcmcnl of
prli rs. Th- market remalned, however.
almost wholly In professlonal hands.
Somo of thc bear covering- of porta
may hnvo <bcon due to modoratlon of
tho' strain ln the riilladelphla sltua?
tlon. 'J'ho labor sltiiallon thcrc ls
viewed more for Its sympatlictlo. in?
fluenco between tho railroad and va?
rlous branches than for its own im?
The crops also came in for considora?
tlon. and thc strenctli of tho whent
market i^ave forco to tlic further re?
ports of weather damafrc to ihe win?
ter wheat crop. Thcrc. was nothing de
cisivo enoufrh from thc Iron and stoel
trade to shape sneculatlve opinlon
delinltely, but sentiment in that in?
dustry was porccptlbly more cheerful
than earller In the month, and thls
was a factor in tho firmer undcrtone
of thc sto.-k market
Tho featuro in tho money and ex?
chango mnrket was tho furthor nd
vajico in the forolprn exchange rates
beforo the demand for remlttanco for
the payment of remalnlngr Qbligatlons
ln London. Timo loans wero called
Bonds firmer. Total sales, par value,
S2,"i23,0"0. l.'nited States bonds were un
changed on call.
Total sales of stocks to-day Tyere
Xew York. February 2S.?Money on
call. _ 3-4(013 ner cent.: closed offered
at 2 3-4. Tlme loans llrm and fairly
nctive: sixty days, :t l-_ per cent., and
nlnety days. .1 l-l'ffi .1 3?1 per cent.: six
months, H 3-AiirX per cont.
Close: Prlme merckntllo paper, 1 1-2
ff.5 per cent. Sterllng exchange strong,
closed stcady, wlth actual buslness ln
bankers* bills at $ l.stSOra $4.s. .oo for
Blxty-day bills, and at 4.8716 for de?
mand. Commercial bllls, $4.84 1-8?
$484 6-8. Bar silver, 50 1-2. Mcxican
dollars. 4 1.
Rlchmond. Va., February 2?, 1
North Carolina Is, C. 1310. !?n
Vlrclnla 3s. Old. C. and R., 1932... S9
Centurics. 2-3. C. and R., 12-31.... S3'._
A. C. T.. R. R. Con. Tr. 4 p. c.i. 96
C. and O. R. and A Gen'I M. ?*.?.? 102
Georgia Pac. lst 6s. C. 1522.113
Georgia, Sou. and Fla.. 1945. 108
Ga. and Ala. Con. 3s. 191". 104
Norfolk and ".VcrI. Ry. 4a. 1996... 99
Nor. and West. Poca. 4s, 1941. ?10
Rich. and Dan. Gold 6s, C. 191".... 106
Seahoard Air I.ine 4s, 1""0. "-3
Southern Rallway lst 5s. 1901.109
So. R. Dev. G. M. 4s A. 1956. S0
Western N. C. lst 6s C. 1914.10G
Vs.. Ry. and Power Co. 5s. 19.1. .. 92
Va. Ry. and Power Co. pfd....100 69
Va. Ry. and. Power Co. com_100 _1"_
R., F. and V. Dlv. Omllg.100 _50 290
Southern Railway pld.100 6">
Southern Rallway com.100 :'j
American Natlona.100 170
Broad Streel Bank!. .Z 40
Bank of Klchmond.100 126
City . 25 3I'i ...
First National.100 300
Merchants Natlonal.100 5S0
National Bank of Virginia.100 190
Natlonal State Bank.100 190
1'la.nters National.100 550
Savings Bank of Rlchmond? 23 62
Union Bank of Richmond.50 210
Vlrclnla Trust Co.100 10S
Amer. Tob. Co. pfd. 6 p. ct.1<vi 93
Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. S p. ct ?100 123
Ya.-Car. Chem. com.100 54
Va.-Car. Chem. lst Mort. 5s, 19.3.. 9S',_ ...
Quotatlons for lnterest-pajing honds ar
at a price. to whlch Interest must bu addcf
Income bonds and cortiticates uf indcbl.d
___ are flat.
New York. F<*bruary 28.?The ontton mar
kot had a further sharp advanca and, tak
ing thc day as a whole. probably showci
inore actlvltjj, and greater strength than a
any prevlous\lm'e since the January brcalt
Thc close.,'waS" a" little off from tho bes
under rcalizing. bul steady at n galn of lli?
*;s polnts as comparn! with thu last price
of Saturday. The opening was llrm at a
advance of 64.21 polnts. There was a re
ncwal of thc demand for near months tror
leadlng spot Intercsts and houses credlte
wlth doing business for the old bull lead.n
Some of ihe local traders w.ro Incllned t
sell on the advance on the tbeory that th
market had opened betier Ihan due on Liv
rrpool showing, but offerings caused 011I
Flight reactions, and the .enoral upwar
tendency of the market was asslsted by rc
poris of a better spot demand from th
South. BulllBh Interior movement flgure:
talk ot large engagements for March shii
ments, still unfilled, and further rumoi
of a bull deal in ihe aclivo sprlng month
During ihe afternoon March contracts sol
ai 14.70 and May at 14.S2, ur -*lf__ point
hi.her, and m<>re than lo. a pound abo\
t'::< low leyel of last wook. Tradlng hecair
less active at thls advanco aiul prices cai
ed off to :',.":: for Mav under rcalizing. cloi
lri? a: thal level. li was rumored 11.ai 1!
old bull crowd Btopped notlcoa on ai lea
.0.000 baUs en Friday, and ocean freigl
< reported a further Inquiry fi
freight i . tor shlpments from New Yoi
wore 13, t
d 17.":,! la
agulnst S
Thomas Branch & C
tEetabliahed 13J3J
New York Stock Exchan
New York Cotton Exchan
Private Wires to
Principal Mark<
Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York
By THOMAS BRANCH & CO., Bankers and Brokers. Bld Agkef),
SAL-EF: B15;-_1snk_?a' aMJuBi ODcn Hlgh. Low. Cloalng.
Open. Hlgh low. Cloaln*. open. nir* J4,
. . i -i.?.,, ~? 4>i>i -17 200 Illinols Central . 142 H- "?.. .-, ?.m.
,mfM,VfU",nC,"r SJ 'i* 11% 12% 5.W Int. MrtropolUnn. ?1% ?% r' &/ ^
1 A *s'Eft?.' ' . '- wi 42 &00 1nt. Motropolltnn, pfd.. G4% '??;- ?$ ?ga_ if
Allla.i'halinera. pfd. ... .... ... j'J \" . ? , t r,,?rn?,.?/..., ponor... V.Yh IM* ??'??? I2% l-<
..... r n's:' h*L?fJ^nP?i?;. '-VY 'i-t< "r,-.: 76. 77 :W Internatlonal Paper .... 13% H?4 ?"?' ?-7t _.U
U'SS A_^_I?_-.*_tt^lCoPper "?? $_. i lil li. % int. Paper, pfd.j. .,-? -il &1 ???
' J SOOKnn, Clty South., corrt.. 87 3i ?" $/? r?'J
lm Kunsaa Clty South,, pfd ... ... ;??. v,i" ....
100 Loiilsvllle nnd Nftshvllle 161% "2% ",- igi^ ]m
.?a V"'"; *""* ~".". '-^vr '"" e- . i .i . , ? .* 160 Mnnhattan . 133% l''*-1'*? 1 "? * '..- ie
4?> Amer, an Cotton '?????? ? *? ?# ?,_, ?f** Metro. Ktrect Rallway '' '
600 Amorlcan Locomotlve ... 50% 61 ,60% w_ ? 1M >i?. k-??. ?nr| Texns..
American < an, pf ?????;? ;?;'- ;? = : ?? &, ^,, iw Knnsns Clty So.u.h,, pfd ... ... ???.. .S?? , !,
Amer. Cflr and Foundry* 93 63 03 .Vn.<-' ?,?? Loulsvllle nnd Nftshvllle 161% M?i ?? \s& \m
Amer. Cnr nnd I'oun.. pfd ... ... ... li;.i ??, ',,??,.,?,,,,,,??? . i:i.y_ 135*% l-'* I?2% ^S
600 Amorlcan Locomotlve eu? 0 ov? "'?='. 10On Mo., Kan. und Texas
-MO Ani-r. I.oromo ve pfd... 11 I I. I 11 Mo, Knn. nnd Tcx., pfd.
4 Amer can Tobacco, com. 40o 4. ?);- m "? 1,000 Norfolk and Wostern.l.
^AlhS.^r-Line--^ & ^ f_ f_? f.g.| ^' ' f.=
100 A. C. I* of Connectlcut. 280 250 250 260 2,-w r-pogeopios uas ,......
8 A (;. L. of Conn. war'is. 150 150 lfiO Last day 100 Pressed Steel -Cax.?....
300 Baltimore nnd Ohlo. 11194 IU llli ?"? "-HS* vC"s?lStortnfl^ com?..
2.710 Brooklyn,Rapid Transit. 74% 75% 74% .76 , <;;' = !**,,,,,? ,P , ?!?..
2,300 Canadlar,',Paclflc .im3? i" '?? ? ??? ?(! iioo Republfc Iron and Steel
:^:-i;,^a1?'eR^ bhio.-::: p ? S* ; ^s^K'ti^""^":
llaoo Chlcago Great Western ?n ffl? ?tt n% g ".-W Ko? K . -?;;;;_
1,100 Chl. Great West., pfd.... 6. .'.'_ o f^s 68 '*'''* ' ' ' . .* .
4;70OChl.l MII. nnilSi Paul... Ml% MgM M4V4 Mg.Mg 10iM0 f^9, eSrh?C f ^rlur".:....
.00 ( hlciiKO nnd Northwest. lo? IW* loj . J >'> s "''??* ???,- ^ ., .... Rallway .
900 Colorado Fuel"andjron. M 30% a.-r, U 30? M0Jjuthw" Rallway, pfd ...
1.300 celorado and Southern.. 63 64% 62^i MW M sundnni Oil ....V...617% 618
Co. and South.. lst pfd. ?> --- Tennesseo Copper. -.-.;
Col. and South., 2d pfd.. ... ... ??? ?? ?' .M Texaa Paclflc . 20% *-'
2,200 Consolldated Gas.1?% I4o_ H3?4 1? ^a" 67100 Uhlon Paclflc . i-**"'t >M
Delawaro and Hudson... ... ... ... U* ,;?"? "?, gS Ued States Rubber... 43% I
400 Den. and Rlo aran.. com. 40 40 40 ^ ?? V' -,n s Slccl. Sl? m
Den. andfRlo Gran.. pfd. ... ... ... m w ???? _? ted States Steel,.pfd lip% 12?
100 Dlstlllers' SCC Cor. .d33 31*H 31% Jl.s - ^o Va.-Car. Chemlcal . 53*}, Cw
1.BO0 Lrle. -;' ?? -.' ?rf'? %,. Va.-Car. Chemlcal, pfd.. ...
200 Erle, lst pfd........- 40% 4, 4-. 4z ?<? joo Wabash . ^ :1
Ked. Min and Mll.. pfd.. ... ... ?-? " <|? ,,?, Wabasll, pfd. 46% 47
100 Genera Electric . lolVi) lo_a Jojrt ww '?_ Jaoo Western Unlon . 7" '"'*
1,300 Groat Northern.xpfd...... 136% 13.. 136% 137 137% 1.300.wowern yn d ^ M|500_ghares.
600 Great Northern Ore ctfs. 60 b?V. t.O COU 6j,.
American Tobacco 4s. 81 li
American Tobacco 6s. lOo'.i
Atchlson conv. 4s. 116',
Atchlson conv. 5s. 117".
Allanllc Coast Line lst 4s. D4
cemial or Georgia 6s (bldl. I0S*<
Central Leather 5s.I. 100
Chesapeake and Ohlo ref. es. 10414
Chlcago, B. and Qulney gen. ls. 99*i
Chlcago, R, I. and Pac. R. R. col. 4s.. XI
chlcago. II. I. nnd Pac. Ry. rfg. ls- 01*4
Colorado Mldland ls. 77!j
Colorado and Sou. rcf. and ext. 4!is.... QS%
ba'cs; to France, 668 bales; to the Contl?
nent. 7,**67 bales.
Total slnc<- September 1 at all ports?Net
recelplB, 6,014,011 bales; export to Great
Brltaln, 1,634,803 bales; to France. 7S2.124
bales; to the Contlnent. 1.917.442 bales; to
Japan, C'.0"l bales; to Mexico. 13.S19 bales.
New Orleans. La., February 2S.?Cotton?
?m->o1 cniion, stcady, '.e. hlgher; mlddling,
14?c Sales on the spol 2.6CO bales: to ar?
rive 17u bnies; hedged cotton, 4c0 bales.
Cotton futures opened stcady al an adVance
Bf I3@16 polnts on the old crop iiinnlhs
and S on the' now crops. Cablcs were fav.
orahlo and Mio weather map was bad,
showing too much rain in tho Eastern bell
and too Uttle in the Western. Both Llv?
erpool and thc contlnent wcrc good buy
cra ln thls market and sent over bulllsl
messages. shorts were lnclincd to cover ot
rum'ors of a strong bull deal In the Maj
posltion in New York. nnd also on dlsqulel
Ing accounts of tho inadequacy ot the stock
al both Bremen and Llverpool. The mar
ket ?as dull. but very stcady during thi
larger part of tho morning session. Arouni
tho middle of thc morning thc old cro;
months stood 22024 points over Saturday'
closlns. Oifcilngs of rlng scalpers on th
kn~ slde were qulckly absorbed by a gen
cra" demand. The new crops wero not vcr
active hut October scored an advance o
13 polnts and held thc rlso well. Privat
cablcs irom Llverpool were -ullish an,
English oporators sonl over a consldarabl
number ol buying orders for March an
I Mav apparently for thc account of spln
ners Much of the steadiness of the mar
I kei was due to reports from Texas of
| good spot demand at a maicrial advanc
ln the afternoon session thc niarkr.t wc
very dull, but In splto of the inactivll
rrices were sent to new hlgh lovols f.
the dav. the old crops rielng until ihey we
23033 polntB over Saturday's cioslng, whl
thc new crops stood 15$j 17 polnts up. The
was Ultle cotton for salo around tho rin
and a moderate demand seived to ho
pj-lces up. Bears bought more llinn thi
sold; bulls made no aitcmpl to force tl
market. The cioslng was stcady at a n
advance of 21fi'_ points on thn old cr<
nenths and 9310 on the new. Cottc
futures closed sieady. Cioslng bids: Marc
II'VI- Mav. 14.76; July. H-."4; August, 11.0
September, 13.15; October, 1.'.53; Decembc
12 36.
i Furnlshed by E. XV. Evana & Co., Comml
sion Merchanls.)
Richmond, Va.. Februarv 2?. 1910.
Chickens, small, per lb. 23 tfi 2.:
Chickens. large, per ib. ^ ?
Hens, small, per lb. li <a
Hens, large, per lb. 1'A
Ducks, large, per Ib. L
Ducks. small. per lb. 1"
Turkeys, hens. per Ib. -"
Turkeys. gobblers. per lb. 20 ? -:
Gees.-'." cholce.' large. each. R0 ? Si
Ucese, small and thin, each.. 60 _ ?
(Undrawn. feet and head off.)
Turke-s. hens, per Ib. 27 ? -;
Turkevs, gobblers, per lb. -' <?' ;;
Ducks, cholce. per lb. ;-. ? J
Ducks, falr to good. per lb... .0 w -
Geese, cholce, per lb. " f J
c.ilckens, cholce, small, lb.,.. -- ? -
Chickens, large. per lb. 20 ? -
Hens ner lb. 1!> "*
Roosiers. large. each. 5? ? D
EGGS (Crated.)
Nearby, fresh, per dob. fj'j-i
Oth"J sectlons, per doz.5
Cholco dairy. per lb. 23 i? 2
Cholco iamlly, per lb. -?> W -
Cholce store, per lb. -'? ?
Cholce rolls. per lb. 19 <?
Modium grades, per lb. 13
Is. rhc
Veals, fair to good. per lb...
Veals, runners UO to 15 weeks
,r I Veals.
?'> | .quallty
quality .
.ambs. spring.
3 ?
4.00 <8 13.0
5.00 ? 10.C
5 ?
4 ?
common m _ood, lb,.,. 2 (<f
'common to prlmo, lb.. 9 (<?
ns. sidei,
d. r
_, per Ib. 14 ?>
iholcc, per lb. 12 ?_
musl be well smoked.
, , olca t" fancv, bbl.. I.jO ? 6
,,,, ,? on to good, bbl.. 2.00 6 "?
. i-.-,' eholce. box. 2.00 "*> 2
Inues scarce and active. K
rn, Hnd more favorable
Sfe ! Ni ??? i'ork i i bruai i !8 Plour - l-'inn
? noi ilnall* hlRhi r, i:-.. riour -Flrm. Bi
ge .r.: ' :,u'S,,^:::r,-n;:,-i
*; ., S '.::;;::;,,N;;,?r?o,;!in;
I.ifl iai, Optioiu elo.eil Hi. ; v
hlgher, Sla.. *i . ,-., July, Sl.lBVj, C(
Bivad) . si. ;iiu. r, i'n . arid No. I. "6o.;
nomlnal, in ejevator, export basiu; N.
2 08c. .??iiiluul, (, 0. b. afloiU. May,
Denver and Rio Grande 4s. tn*
Denver and Rlo Grande rcf. os. 93!'
Erio conv. 4s, series "A".-? 80
Erle conv. 4s, series "B .
Intcrborongh Metro. I'ss.
Intcr. Merc. Marine 4%*-;.
Kansno City Soulhern lst 3s.
Loulsvillo nnd Nnsh. Un. 4s.
Mlssouri Paciflc Is.
Norfolk nnd Western lsl con. 4s...
Norfolk and Western conv. Is.
Pennsylvanla conv. 3I.a (191.ij.
Reading General 4s.
00 M
July. 76?'c; September, 76'tc Oats-Barel;
steady: mlxed, nomlnal. Options closed un
changed. May, 52?ic.
Pork and Beef?Flrmer. Lard?Strong.
Tnllow and rytrolcum-Stcady. Rosin anc
Turpcntlne?Quiet. Rlce and Molasse.i
Steariv. Sugar?Raw. flrm; retlned. steady
ColYee-Futures closed steady. net unchang
cd. Spot coITee. steady; Rio. No. .. SHC
Santos. No. 4. 9HS_3'ic.* "Hl<l. quiet. cor
dova. 0'...12',ic Buller-Flrm; creamery
specials, 33c; r.tras. 32c; third to llrsts 2.
4i.de. ? hold, second to speclal. 2o.3-c, stat,
da ry. common to llnest. _3??Gc.j process 2.
?? 7i..c Chcese-FIrm; Stalc, full cream
fa'l "made, specials. IT'.'.ISc.; do., fancy.
17Vic- do.. good to prime, lb'.Oleftc:: do.
curront made, best. l.v.fd 16c. do.. c-mmot
i falr 13016a: skims. full to speclal. 3?
?'.,. ISgBS-Weaki State ,-cnnsylyan a anc
ne-irhv hennerv.. white. fancy. SOffHC., do.
ga h.rod. white. B0?S3c.J do., henncry
_r.w? and mlxed. fancy. *?*%*? eath'
er.-d brown. falr to prime, 2?*i-6c
Poiaio.s-Steady; Bermuda. second crop
per barrel. $4?6.O0* Maluc per bag. Sl.lb
1.60; Siate and Western, per bag. $1.20 .l..*
frosted stock, per bag, .-c.'?$1, v.Joirse*
_?__?_ p.-r basket. 25c.?$l. cabhages
F.rm.'Danl.h seed. per *??-**??&<__
UI peanuts-FIrm: fancy handpicked. c.
VlV_fr,la? U5M?5-ic* Virginia, shel.ed, Nos
1CoUo'nsledC'oil was considcrably hlghe
oarlv on covering of shorts and in .ym
7 --*__R7 23* Mav. 7.36f(7.3S; Jul>.. . n !! . i.'
S.pjember. 7.41^45; prime owd.. IS nom
whlle, _^_
Chicago, III.. Fe.ruary_--_ rf,.nrd in th
v'ave of crop damage reports and Int-uentU
creaso in tbe ??>r ,?*"??? i_ al! tt
&?_&&&&& aaa
f,rS..'Vi_n?S, ?" ??? <?""-? T"",;
'???:_? ?..- :.?-:'??1r?..
WHEAT- , 14U 1.15
|.pyt.";:.'.::::::::: im ??<???- --c3 -?w
C'^;r:- ... 65"i 66i(, 65V. ?
July . "' _'" 67',. 65
Sept. '"'">
OATS- ?,, 46Ti 47
?M?a.-: .;?.?.: \\ 4i? ? j;
?rul>. . lill 4LV- WH --!
Kept. .,1 '
MESS PORK-Pcr bbl. . ?4 ..
__,_ ???v.:??'-:?'-?:?' -4:to ^,t -m:
I.AUD-I'cr 100 lbs. nl2 13-2(
May .",:;'.'.rn. 13.27 13.12 13.1'
SHORT"RIBS-Per 100 lbs. .? sft .? _
Mav .J_g 12>J2 12.77 (12.R
^ffiaU?*b_.K$S?oSS! 107,000 bushc
oats, 65,000 bushcls.
Cash Wheat_Nu 2 red ^?Jg.^iJ
3 red. *W??.V.Wfc?.??_i.h/avo. 1 n?rtho.
No. 3 spring. >llu>1.1: vV, ? vellow. CT;
No. a white. 6'4,?0vo swhito 62U?62".
65c; No. 3, 62. 6-A-iC. ? * ; . ... |r 56'_?5"!
No. 3 yellow. "-?i "?- '???,* . No, 3, 46',.
Oats-No, 2 ?'1>"'? .'; . N" "j white, 43V.
No. 3 whitc iBn ???-**?_? -NO
a, , lrehruarv 28.?Whea
Ruitlmoiv. Md.. h-nrui") ? ,.
|!^.Lv0. ""white? 32?mc: .no,.! mlxed. *.
!?..'. nyo?No. 2, western, S3?WC.
fltchmorid. Va.
wuole-alTqIjotVtions bN 'CHANC
^?^rw--".?- ???
No. 2 red. Virginia. ? ;
no- ;i ^.:::::::: 1.25 ?...
Steamer . ,. ,
Virginia (bag lots). l.Oo '? ??
il(.V--Cai- lols.
No - whlle.
No.' 3 whlle.
No. 3 inUed.
Virginia (bag lo's)
. ? '
. 70 ? '
. 70
. 6S',4
. 71 ?
. 70 ?
OATS--'.:ar lols.
*c,. '. mlvei . w
No a mlxed... . "? ?
?; &:c::v;=t-::: ii'S
Winter seed Ibag lots). 50 ?
?\u- "'. . ?
i V3rB|n!a Cbsg !..a; _ S4 ?
111.. February 2-.--CaltIc-Rccc
,1 Markel Btroris 10 lOci hls1
,,-;?,, s 10. cows. "l'? 5.75; helfars.
W--ra?i bulU? ii.?*S.0O, calves, ?3?, b
5-:;ii.,ra-r1.: .r'v:,-,:,;.:, '"i:
l"" "". ?. '.' j, .?V,Vc buichel-S, 'A.
md '? nrf. n.ht mixed t9 70<*J9.7.i ebolco It:
ioi ? ? ;'-' ., ,'... ia"0(d 0.0; bulk ?f sl
|jy. ,,.','..?.,' '..",',',:, p_i_? ci-ipis 17.000 h
? : Market for .henp stronifl lambs -w
$1.31 sheep ?6.-'.-,'.i7.S3: lambs, 47.50*111.30; y.
il f- jliiigs. $7.?"""S.60,
fobruar S. Doovos-R'ea?
01 is. $'..7v.i?;.'.:."; bulls, $1*1
00- ns.11. $1 ????';'i-.' 50. . ''?l'
head. Veals, iifl'IbWi 0
, SOB 0011 rn Air i.u" ". .-"
Southern Paclflc com. la.IO.'.
.Southern Ilalllway r?.1CW0
Southern, Rallway gen. ?........... ,1,,'
United States refundlng U. ^'?<"ed- -
United States refundlng 2a. coupon. 01U
United Statea 8a. registered.
United Statea 3s, coupon...
United States lo, reKis
United Stntcs 4a, coupon. il
Unlon raelflc conv. 4s.... ?
United Statea Stool 2nd 5s. i<W
Vlrglnla-Car. Chom. -??.
; Wnbaah lst am! CXt. ts. '
rnyarrl calvea, [email protected]; good |
Sheep and l.amba?Recolpts.
Sheep' JS06.6O; culls. J4..-.0;
?975- ycarllngs. SS.DO. .Hogs?
Rl'ceh?..s"'rv-S4'"head. Market casler. Light,
to hcuvy, [email protected].
Richmond, Va.. February 2S. 1910.
Brlghts?Mark. t contlnuea .piiel, but Ilrm
at unchanged prlcea. Fair recelpta. Dark
as horcto.
fore. Market Ilrm and steady at ?_ prieea
quoted. Sun-Curod-Recelpta llberal. hut not
ao heavy as last week. Market contlnuaa
activ? at unchanged Hiotatloru for a'.l sound
atock. ._, ..
r ..?, .$ 4.30 <3'$ 7.00
short "iViir".:'.".'.:.v.v.mo f *??<*
Long leaf.: l*;00 ?* 1-!"
.,,_. . 3.00 0 ?.=?
Short ieaf. *?<? f *-f
Ion- leaf . sf0 <Uil2.tr.
WraVors. 10'?? ? **
SMOKERS-Common . J.M <8j (8.?
Medium . 9C0 ? 11'0*'
Fine..... 12.00 @ 13.6U
CUTTERS?Common . H.00 ? '-'^
Medium. W.M Q'.U-U
Finr, . 16.00 4? U-Ot
i-''?v. .1-W ?20.00
,'.?.?, ' .12.50 lf 13.bo
Fine .'.'."'.'.'.'..'... I**00 ^ '.'"'
WP.APPEHS-Common . 15.00 6 17.011
Medium .1S-C0 ? W,W
*A??iU . . 25.00 & S0.OD
CiOOd . m,-n Z -J7 Vl
Vln,- . 3-'.u0 <*''' 3,-;"'
ran1'. 40.00 li 45.W
" "sUN-C-RED-NEW". .
Lugs. common to good. 5.00 9 jjj
Long lear. _ Si.tK
Wrappers . "*VY w oa''?
Prlmlnga . 1,w
(Reported bv Rodgers. McCabe & Co,!
Teteraburg. Va.. February K'?Peanuta.?
Spanlah.?Firm at ;i-K per buahel; recelpta
light. Vlrsiniaa.-Steady. Bunch. 4H?6e..
fancy, I'-C" 4'jr.: miichine picked. '**?.'-'lUc;
shelllng atock, SV.fr 4o.
New York. Februarv 28.?There has boen
some easing In prices on cotton goods, nota
bly on tho heavler qualities. Second hand!
have been relcasing prlnt cloth yarn good!
at lowor figures, I'otton mills are being ad?
vanced to aelliiig agents to curiall thc out?
put. Drrss goods salesmen lurning froir
tho AVest report business slow on futuro do
llvery. Jobbing trado holdlng steady. bu'
wlthout notable Btrength to tho demand
WilminRton. N. C. February 28.?Spirlti
Turpentine?Steady at oSl.c: receipt s
'casks. Rosln?Steady at J3.00; recelpts 11
barrels. Tar?Firm at %2.V>; recolpts la
barrels. Crudo Turpcntlm?Steady at $3.
4.M and %:,.",; recelpta 23 barrels.
Savannah, Oa., February ?.-Splrlta Iiir
pentlne?Quiet at 59?_; receipts 34 casks
shlpments 225 casks; stock 19.*_i casks. Ros
(n?Flrm; sales 123 liarrels; recelpts 652 bar
rels; shlpttietits 703 barrela; stock 1.1,113 bar
rels. Quole: U, $423.
Steamer Brandon. Harney. Norfolk. mer
chandlae ann passengors, Old Domlnlon _lm
Steamer Berkeley. Shelly. Nortolk, mer
chanilise ar.d passengers. Old Domlnlon Tulni
Steamer Aurora, Furman. Petersburg an
james Rlver landlngs. merchandlse aml pas
sensers. Phllilps Llne.
Steamer Brandon, Harney, Norfolk, mei
ehnndiSL- and passengers. Old DomtnlbnLlnt
Steamer Berkeley, Shelly. Norrolk, met
chatidlse nnd passengers. Old Domlnlon I.lm
Steamer MoWack. Cliaves, .lames Rive
lanuiiiKS nnd Norfolk, merchandlso and |>at
Bongers. Vlrglnla Navlgatfoij Company.
Steamer Aurora, Furman, Petersburg an
james Rlver landlngs, morchandise and pai
songers, Phllilps Line.
Treasury Statement.
Washlngton, D. C, February 2S.?Tlie cor
dltlon of tlu Treasury at tho ucginning i
buslnoss to-day ... as as followa:
Trust 1'iiiuls.
Hold col n.$?>S..L,s
Silver doliars. 4S5,m,0
Silver doliars of 1S00. 3--.',
Sllvur certtticates outstandlng. -Iso.iij.ii
llenernl Fund.
Standard silver doliars in general
fund .? 5.830.3
Currcnt llabilliles. ?:?'';,
Wprklng balanco m Treasury offiens Jl.bSO.f
ln bank lo ,,,,'m oi Treasurer of
lhe United States. So.OlS.O
SUbaidlarj ? vei coln. -'l,2M.r
Mlnor coln . !???
Total balanci n genorai fund. Sl.-U.t
11(11 (Ut'SHED TO DEATH.
llogslicad of Toliut-i- Falls on Dollaa Rlc
iirilson, of Dorset.
[Special fi. lo Tho Times- Dlapatch. 1
Dois.i. Va I'. bruarv '.'S.-l'"illas Rlchap
son, tho sl\ vear-old son of l.ewls \S*. Kie
ardson. of ihla plncc, was uistantly lt ll
Ihls all.n ai lhe depot whon a hog
heail o( lobaero, which waa belng put on
a freigln iraln, rollcd frani tlio wagon ?
whieh ii was loaded und fo71 on the bc
crushlng oul lifi almost Iniinodlatoly.
liu; r_, liniu Street,
? Ni'w York Stock E?.cliang
>rk Cotton lcxcharige, Chlcai
lf Trade. Orders oxecuted f
ont or on margin on all e
i. Prlvate wlrea to New Yoi
? and New Oricana.
(Continued From Flrst Pago.)
Imposed by lt would noeeiisttnTe nn ln
luni'tlon In favor of thn rnllroud, nml
!io hoped tliat would not como about,
hoenuso Injunctlnns n.gnlnst n law pro
.?oko un undemocratld nnd unwholo
-omo feellng In tho community.
Declurlng lhat nn eoinpluints had
leon known ns to thc present nponi
lon of tho Richmond, FroderlckKburj?
md 1'otoinnc, he said lliut every coni
munlty la protesting iigulnst lt
ihoultl thc hlll paHS, und tho chartor
io enforced In euch particular, tli?
?itllroad would bo authorl-od under Ua
lerms tn exact 8 cents a mllo, wltli a
lump Bum of GO cents for euch person
rldlng under ten inlles dlstance, ln
.uldlilon to tho regtilnr fare.
Asked by Scnator Strode why tha
Riciimond, Frederlcksburg; and Poto?
mac dld not Btlbrnlt poacofully und take
out an nmendment to tlio present
charter. Mr. Brnxton sald: "If we dld
so, it would cost tho road $7.1.000 a
vear. As guardlans of this property,
'tho ofllcers foel it thelr duty to mnko
a ftght, for It Is but natural that thoy
should try to preserve the rlghta they
havo pnsscsscd so long."
Attorney Mcllwalne, nf Petersburg,
speaklng for the Atlantic Coast Line
urgod thnt tho bill would do hla road
miicli irroparable harm.
Not Driren by ThrcnlH.
Presldent White, of tho Richmond.
Frederlcksburg and Potomac, proiested
agalnsl tbo lmpracttcablllty of carry?
ing out tho provlslons of tho blll to
tho leiter, should It be onaeted Into
law. He dlsliked the Idea of the.
State's coercing the road Indlreclly.
when lt eould not do II dlrectly. Whlle
not statlng tlie terms on whloh he
would consider a compromlso between
the Stato and the rond. he snld thnt
he thought taxatlon would he wlse for
all concerned. "I shnll advlse the
stockholders thnt taxatlon of the road
1)4 boft.-' ho sald. "and I bellovo they
wlll concur In my suggestlon. But
thl? bill wlll liave not "no single bil
of Influence wlth us ln our efforts to
mnko concesslons. Tb.rer.ts do not
brlng about tho hest results."
Engineer Hyde, of thr- Richmond.
Frederlcksburg and Potomac spike
hrlefiv in behalf of the Brotherhood
of Locomotlve F.nglvtoers. declarlng
that it would be Imposslble to carry
out the provlslons of the blll ln opcr
atlnp 1 rains.
"Thls Is the most valuable rallroad
properly south of thc Potomac Rlver. *
sald Senator Strode, ndvocatlng tho
hlll. "and l! oughl to come ln under
the general law, and yleld the exemp
tlons from taxatlon that it now pos
seeses Tho Richmond, Frederlcks?
burg and Potomac hns not shown the
right spirit about bearlng Its Just
share of the burdena ot the State.
Wnnts Sonielhlng r).'lliiltr.
?'Thls blll embodlea what we con?
sider. under the present clrcumstances,
the best way to make the company
come to somo sort of terms. They
want us to let ur, now. s'.nce we have
Introduced the blll, s" that tha com?
pany can advlse wlth Its stockhold?
ers, but we havo no assvrance thal
they are golng to accept tlie terms w?
are willing to make them. Thi* flght
is an old one. and we have learnec
from past experience that v.e ha<
better get somethlng detinite."
After a strong constitutlonal an<
legal argument, Senator Strode closed
Xo action was taken by the com
mittee. but some. deflnlte result wil
probably be ngreed on by the mlddli
of thls week.
nic Clmrlolte Cotton Mill 4o Ro Oper
nted Only Four Un.vn Each AAeek.
Charlotte. X. ('.. February 2S.?Tli
five plants of the Chadwlck-Hoskln
Manufacturing Company, ihe large?
cotton mlll corooratlon of the clt?
will he operated only four days c
each week until further notlce. ac
cording to instruetions just issue
to the superintendents of the varlou
The company operates very nearl
1,000,000 spindles, and looms to mate]
and thls means that tho entire ma
chlnery is beinc curtalled one-thlrd.
The condition of tho yarn market
responsiblo for the curtailment,
KxpONltlon Is POBtponcd.
AVashlngton, D. C February 2S.?Tl
American Exnosltion. which was i
have been held ln Berlin in 1910, hi
been postponed for a year. and
the end there may bo held. instead.
German-.Amerioan exposltion to insu
BUD'po'rt of German lnterests.
Recent opposition in Germany to tl
proposed exposU-on caused the res
lullon of ihe A'nic-riean executlve cor
mittee to-day. At. Its conclusion, He
man Metz, the chairman. Issued a stat
ment sottlng forth tliat postponemo
until 1011 had been deemed advlsabl
Thuiider S|orm nl Lynchburg'
rSpecial to The Times-Dispatch. 1
Lynchburg. A'a., February 28.?T
first thunder storm of the season o
curred here this afternoon. bolng a
companied by heavy rain. The fir
storm last year was seven days earlit
Vrgo Slrodc-Myern Act.
TSpectal to The Tlmes-nispalch.l
Suffolk, A'a., February 2S.?The St
folk Cltlzens! T.engue to-night adopt
resolutlons calllng upon Senator Hr
land and T'elegate AVest to supnc
the Strode-Myers enabling act. K'
AV. w. Staley, D. D., Rev. .1. S. AValla
and Dr. Henry AVood Campbell we
appointed a committee to convey l
resolutlons in person to thc legis!
Scliooncr lu DIMress.
Wilmington. X. CV, Fobruary 28.
Tho schooner .lohn Bossert, C'apta
AVhittier, Georgetown, S. C? to Nf
York, with a cargo.. of lumber, p
into Southport lato yesterday aftc
noon in dis.tress. She reports rou;
weather off tho coast. durincr whi
slie last an nnchor, chaln and wlr
(Formerly the State Bank of Virgin
"? JOHN S. ELLETT, President
WM. M. HILL, Cashier.
Deposits larfie antl small rcccivcrl.
tcrcst allowed on savings deposits,
B, A. BARBl.fl. 12. A. BARBER, 31
?Phone 5321.
Accountlrig, Aiuiltlng,
Orjjaiilzlng, Systematlzlnj;
215 Mutual Bulldlng,
Virginia Trust Co.
Anrl it .hould bc written in thc prime of lifc. Those who are pruden.
and thotif-htful recognizc thc supcrior advantages offered by a strong
Trust Compnny, such as this, lo act as Executor, Trustee and Guardian.
A request on a postal will bring our booklet on trusts. .
H. W. JACKSON, Prcsidcnt.
JAS. N. BOYD, Vice-Pres. JNO. M. MILLER, Jr., Vice-Pres
L. D. AYLETT, Secretary. JNO. II. SOUTHALL, Treasurer
Capitol Savings Bank
South Atlantic
In this strong Southern Lifc Insurance
institution instircs enmfort and pro?
tection to your loved oncs after death,
and it eliminates thc rmbarrassments
that confront thcsc left behind.
Mutual Building
Manager for Virginia.
Local Representatives: M. D.
Hart, Arthur Levy, O. S. Hunter.
5 Per Cent. Money 5 Per Cent. Money
Stop Paying Rent
We will loan you any amount to purchase or improvc real cstate at an aver?
age payment not to execed $9.64 per month, principal and interest, on each
If interested, Ict us explain our plan, and how you can in a short timc.be
your own landlord, or how you can lift that mortgage on which you are paying
an exorbitant rate of interest. If it is not convenient to call, we can handle
your business by mail.
Our Investment Contract guarantccs 12 per cent. per annum for the average
time for thc amount paid at maturity of contract.
Call on or addrpss
Home Life Building, Washington, D. C,
Y. C. Noonan. OR P. H. Mason.
NOONAN & MASON, State Agents,
523 Seaboard Bank Bldg.
Energetic Agents Wanted.
Norfolk, Va.
On thc basis
of ample re
sources, p r u
dent manage?
ment and ser?
vice adapted to
the nceds of all
patrons, we in
vitc your pa
Capital and surplus
That every onc necils a rc.crv.
fund there is no question. Supply
the need by start inR a bank ac?
count now with us, where your de?
posits will yield you a good rate of
Interest Paid on
Savings Accounts
Commonwealih Bank,
12 North Ninth Street,
Rlchmond, Va.
BTHrT-h?4 East Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Capital, $200,000.00. Surplus
and profits, $24,686.13.
'?Strong as the Strongs.t." f
Open isa Account Wlth tne j.
Savings Bank of Richmond, I
1117 East Maln Streot, |
R. A. PATTERSON. Presldent. f
JAMES M. BALL, Canliter. |
Forgct your Avorrics and
your troubles, and in their
place install the ideas of saAr
ing and success, and you Avill
be happy. Start saving with
one dollar or more in
The Bank of
where you will get compound
interest, and the bank will
help you.
Nlnth and Main Streets,
303 East Broad Street,
3914 Williamshurg Avenue, or
Twcnty-fifth and Broad Streets.
Surplus and Undivided Profits, $175,000
AVould be plcasrd to rccelve* the accounts ol cor?
porations, hrms and individuals.
Interest allowed ou deposits in Savinjs Depart?
WILLIAM 11. PALMER. President..
li. B. ADDISON, Vice-Prcaldent.
_1. AV. SINTON. C-nhtlr,
Branch Cabell & Co.
1115 B, Maln St Phone* No_ ?_ and 79M
Membem New York Stock Exchttire. Ne*
York Cotton Exchange and wlucajjo Board ?

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