Newspaper Page Text
Want Ad. Rates ONE CENT PER WORD whe:i fiaid in advance; No Ad. taken or less than TEN CENTS. NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS a/hen phoned in or charged at thei counter. Classification not guaranteed! after 9:30 P.M. FOR BUSI NESS CONTRACTS Phone Monroe I for ih? WANT; AD. MAN to call. los.' anii ,iiouno. L?Js>'r." ay coi.'oniai. 'i'iik.-ti'K.''Vh between tliare and Madlson ana j Grncc Street*. gold ;?nti.ju-* breast pin. i-'ivc dollars reward lf returned tn r,'H SVost Orace. Phono .Madison _72'J._ _ Lost. tuesday evening, a Pul Betft vi (0. B. '!'?> FraternUy pirr, dlamond Khaped; s>-ttliig pearls antl emeralds. Howard If returned to AUTHI.'K H. HIUNKLEY, 100 Enst Maln Street. ?j^eljj Qjj.xawuii. iilau Denti-i't--' wanted. [;i:c. isTEuwii dentlst at once; salary no object to right party. Apply or wrlle .to j 27 Oranby .sir.---!. Norfolk, Va._ tA.MI'ITIOl'VV'H N'i MLNTO HKCOMK travellng salesmen; experience un neceisary. Write for partlculars. BRADSTRBET SYSTEM, Rochestor, N. V._,_j Wanted, white men to work. on our packlng grounds. W. T. HOOD &? CO.. OJnter Vark. Y~OU ARK WANTKD FOR OOVKfuN rnont position; |S'> month: wrlto for list of posltions opon. FRANKLIN 1N8TITUTB, Dept. r,37-A, Rochestor, N. Y._ _ WANTEU A ' YOUNG MAN IN EACH town tn thc Unlted States, who cnn furnish references. to take our homo study course In automoblle enBineer lng and act as our representative while studylng; our course Includes r trlp to WushinKton und B post gra-iucte courso free to thoso repre? sentlng us; an opportunlty to earn money whilo studylng; wrlte foi* full partlculars. THE AUTOMOBlUS COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON. INC, Box 14, Washlngton, D. C. _ jjWANTED, 5>:T;I :ui ENCED BOUiv keepor and offlce man; must be com? petent, strictly sober and >?{ unque*-* tloned lntcgrlty: one wlth knowledge o? typewrlter preferred, but not es sentiai. Addreas, givin*? age, salary expected and all partlculars, i< 2bo, WANTED, BRIGHT. ACTIVE SAIiES girls for all departmonts, wlth or without experience*. references rc quired. Apply MILLER & RHOADH, "WANTED. GOOD. RELIABLE WOMAN cook; comfortable -teain-heatcd room on place if d'eslred; gooa wages. Ap? ply 2105 Grove Avenue. WANTED. EXPERIENCED- SAX.ES ladles. Apply to BROS.. Flfth and Broad Streots V. .\STKl\'~ BXPERIENCED SBAM Btresses for o-jr jilteratlon depart? ment. Applv to THALHIMER UROS.. Flfth and Broad._ WANTED. A WOMAN TO DO WASH ing antl ironlng and general house work: can live on prernlses. Apply, wlth references. P. O. Box 73. WANTED, ASSLSTANT TEACHER fJV vo-lce ln female college; must/ uc Baptlst; moderate salary thU term; f-eiiri full partlculars, tesUmonlalii, photo_ SHERIDAN'S TEACHERS' AGENCY. Greenwood, S. C._ WANTKD, SALESLADIES AND EXPE rlenced bundle wrappers. Apply D. & E. MITTELDORFER._ -FERYANT WANTED: GENERAL house work; famllv of three. Apply 250SA West Grace Street. &it\mtitm& (BBantzb, f emale. ?r6un<5^i7a'dy of'"ex'piTrience"'d~e^ slres position as stenographer; can Xurnisli references. Address D -GT, care Times-Dispatch. experienced "COLORED NURSE wants position. Apply li- East Mar wsmsm IWANTED.*, AT. ONCE, TEACii"ETtS wlth flrst grade certificates. for one room rural ^cliobls. V1HG1NIA TEACHERS" BUREAU, Manchester. mjv*._ ;_ WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED SAL-ES man to carry a well Introduced lino of hand-colored post cards and art plctures as a side proposltlon on a commission basis; Vlrglnla und adja oent territory: reply wltl*. references. THE LAMB1N-WENIGMAN COM pany, 1802 N. Robey Streot. Chicago. WANTEdT"\ PRACTICAL DENTLST. Address DRS. HAM1LTON & SI'EEIl, DENT1STS. INC, -J:il Maln Street, N'orfolk, Vnu _t_ TEACHERS FOR JANUARY OPEN ing.s, schools and colleges; some ex? cellent openings already; others com? ing dally; also good openings tor immediate work. SHERIDAN'S TEACHERS' AGENCY, Greenwood, 6. C. WANTED, TEACHERS TO COACH glrl, 15, ln course for hlgh school; Latin and French or Qorman; hours afternoon or, Address K isn, care Tlines-Dispatch. _ wqa?KMi-xi^f-iv.-v,vTMaTt*xqgTywij^g;gs^By?c*aujmjiii<?i??3*i Sooms WLnnttb. ^'XnTED'"'' IMSrEDIATEU'Yr. FOIJK rooms for light housekoeplng; by lhe month. .1. L. McSPARRAN, Tweltth und Clay. Madison TH _ WANTED. ROOMS ON EIRST FLOOR; sultable for eye speoWUIst: on Graco ?>r Franklln; between Flfth and Henry. Addresii DR, IC. S. BLAC1C _ AVELL. 107 South Thlrd. _^_ WANTED. BY DECEMBER 1. FUK ntahed. heated room; south of Broad; oaut of Fourth; state terms. Address G 248. care Times-Dispatch. ~ - W*jM**M*gMB**g*IBF ' ^XN^Dr'^blnciOMTJER 'ir^FlRS't' floor Hat or oottugo of four or tlve rooms; wlth sorno yard; inust ? bo good locatlon and convonUmt to fli*st class car serviee; would prol'or west of Laurel Stroet, between Main and j B-rouB; slato monthly reiftul. Ad ! tfress !?' 117, cure Tlmes-Dlspatch. Booms fov Eent. TU'n HKHIHT HASE.MENT itooM.S. turnlsbed or imfurnlaluxl: liitrobo Jicnt: u?r- nf phono; also "no fur nltilioil hull ronin. Apply ?'? Norlh Sixth .Ureet. i-nrt !!i;::t7<>m; iiai'k i'Aumiii ued room; titjwiv furnished nnd heated; u?n of phone, Ai?piy No. 5 North Slxth Street._, laroiC KURNi^uEb Vhont room. TRAYlOR, 2321 stuart Avenue. I'h'ono Monroe B46, NICELY.FURNISHED''" BOOM. 14 North Slxth Streot; onet side of streot, _, for rent, 'tiiukk " attracti) w fronl rootnfl ln a beautlful homo, wllh unucloua Brdundei situato.. on '/"' llno, ln ono of clty;s be?l suburbu; ciin l)e rented with or without board | bv deairnblB persons; prlvftte bath, electric lights, phdne. Address u 265, care Tlrnesi-DlBpaich, ROOM~S FOR TIIANSIKNTS: Olli EAST Aliii-Kliiill. 1'" MndlHon 'jr,;il-L. _ FURNISHED FIRST ll.woit i'RONT rooni! all modern convonlonces, -i>2 Souih Thlra stri-f.-t, Monroo "*"?"?? iUal 'istatc 'QManttn. your rent account placed wlth N*. W. BOWE &. SON Insures best results. jReal '<&sta;e tor &ettt. RE-ri/rs TU ],.\M)1.0i:fi- --.-KKv ICE to tenants. .1. A. I.UN.M'.UA' .'c ' -W. foi: i.Isakf.. mv two new .stores. wlth baSements, adjolnlng Chester ii-1-1 not'l. on went Hldc Sycamord Streel, (llmenKiotiH each 24x42; steam; heat, clty water, gas and electrlclty; ! Kianoilthle lloor tn basements. Most > dcsirable business location ln the clty. Apply to DR. 11. G. LEIGH. j Petersburg:, Va. ! Poii re nt. ivuer of private home ln suburbs; sultable for llghl housekecplnB; pleasantly located. Address Box ics, Ashland, Va._ RE.-'l'LTS T^TlAND LORDS -m-.K\ ICE ti, i..iiAnt.~. .1. A. 1-ONSKIJ.Y oi CO. MODERN Al'AKT.MENT: 2007 MONU iiieni Avenue; nlne rooms, etc; heat lncluded: rciluccd rental. J. A, CON? NELLY & CO. i?? ri:nimf i:11 1101':sBj GINTEIt PAiiiv; clKin rooms, etc; very cheap. .). A. CONNELLY A- CO._ NO. 3 EAST CARY STREET; NJWia i-ijniiu, bath, eTc. -J. -\. connelli & CO._ NO., 009 EAST BROAD STREET; SriC ond uml third tloors; excellent loca? tlon for photographer. J. A. CON? NELLY A: CO._ Nros?rufi~*( EAST~ GRACE STKEBT; admlrably located lor a club or a large boarding house; cheap rental. .1. A. COXNIvLI.Y & CO, FOR RENT FRONT OR BACK I'AllT of smrii for oltlce. ,">'U Went liroad. ORACE ST1: 13ET HOUSE; WE8T END; all modern Improvements: to rent from January 1; party leavlng town; nlne rooms and two batns; reterences requlred. Answer D H'ii, care Tlmaar _pispatch._ tfc'OR RENT, COUNTRY.? STORE. IW ihriftv community: establlshed trade of twenty-flve years; live mlles from three rallroad statlons"; gooa oppor tiinitv f',r lnihtllng merchant Wltn small capltal: P. O. ln bulldlng. W, _W. MEREDITH. Xetta, Va. ^eaT estate tor &>ale. i: e si'"i ,-rs fo 1.ANM.0ltuV? s"i-Ti'f<~iCT. 10 tenants. .1. A. CONNELLY & CO., WEST ORACE STREET HOUSE; near Robinson. Apply 613 Brook Avenue. FOF. BALE. WEST END LOTS?PLOYD Avenue; Grace Main .Streets; wlll trade lor smajl lmproved prop? erty. Apply oli Brook dvenue. FARMS AND" TTMBER" LANDS; OUR new catalogue contains 400 farms and timber lands: best bargains ln Virginla. I pay your railroad fare. Wrlte for free catalogue. Address J. R. ELAM. Xiox 267, Charlottesvllle. _Va:_ _ JS.TuO BL'V's BRICK"UWELLING. JJJ.NE rooms, two baths, on Hanover, rents for J480; direct from owner. A 15, care Times-Dlspatch, |3TsolTFoh~ul^TC^3AlrEn['l'OjfE ON Thlrty-fourth street, tiviir Broad; wlll rent for J30P. A.nxlous to oell; direct from owner. A 16, caro Tlmes-Dlspatcli._ yotJr kent ac75o~tJnt flaced v.lth N. W. BOWE & SON insures beut restilts."_ H PER CENT. INVESTM EN T?N E ss frame dwelling, South l^ombardy Strcr-t; price. $6"0; rental, $S4. J. A. CONNELLY & CO. GROVE AVENUE HOME; DETACHED; brick: large lot; vapor heat. etc; a very desliable residence. J. A. CON NELLY & CO._ GINTER PARK DWELLINC. OF EIGHT rooms: all convenlences: lot ll)l)x:_50; prlce. ^6,000. J. A^ CONNELLY & CQ. NEW, ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOUSE, one block from West End School, containing seven rooms, pantry, j bath and stailonary washstands; ?3,100. 1IJGHLAND PARK; EIGHT HOOMS. bath, pantry, hot and cold tvater: wlred for electrlclty: one squaro from car line: 5900 cash; balance $30 monthly: prlce. $-,900. FARM ON JAMEb RIVER. OOOCH land conntv; on railroad; 650 acres; 150 in rich rlver lowgrotinds: eight room dwelling and outhouses, ail nesv and in perfect condition: one of the finest farms 'at nn exceptlonal bnrgain prlce of $ir>,000. We can sell it In two trncts. GARRETT & CO.. 1009 East Maln._._ WANTED. TO SELL FOR STORAC.l'., Chase upright piano; a bargain; Storago Depuruuent, W. KRED ltlt.'H ARDSON, 601 West Maln Street._ I FOR SALE, 9S0 ACRES VALUABLE timber land; convenient to railroad: only $10 per acre. DR. BUAhH, Gev mantown. N. Y._ ?\VANTED. TO SELL AT ONCE. HARD Ware business at Lucrosse, Va.; junc tlon oi" Seaboard and Southern ltuil roads; splendid location for good hardware and implement man; good back country and centrally located; ail necessary bulldlngs ana ware houses. W. W. MEREDITH, Nctta. Va. ra_m0u?_w____t* Wiunttn. AVANTED, WiNDOW AND HOUSE eleanlng, carpet and muttlng lay ing, wax'lng and stulning floors, ren ovatlng caruots, and rugs on floor made like 'new. WILLIAM JOHN? SON. Monroe. ?120._j_ WAnFeD," SEVERAL GOOD i-'UESH mllk eows, at once. SOUTHERN DAIRY. 1138 Hallfax Street, Peters? burg, Vn. -Phone- 729,_ YOUNG MEN WANTED TO STUDY. sliorthand nnd typovrlting; great demand- for our graduates; easy sys tom; flndst equlpment> reasonable rates offered. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEaE,_ WANTED, TO BUY FOR CASH, HOUSE hold goods lu any quantlty, Phone Madison 3S51. WANTED, YOU TO SAVE MONES BY placlng you.'.1 order for awnlngs wlth us now and let us have them read> for Spring, as prices wlll be hlgher then. Call Madison 7397. SOUTH? ERN TEN'I' AND AWNING CO. Mimama^wxvwim*n*KxzsaiirM*?m<*~"''.*-~~ni*Man Coaljmb TE&ooU. Er^\^L6SG"iS rn^'vfooiT^S^XiJi, over Richmond and suburbs, because he sells so much wood; oak, pine, hlckory or slabs propare'd to suit every atovo nnd lireplaco; try the leader. Yard, 1508 West Broad. Phono Madison 1009, PHONE US YOUR ORDERS FOR wood and coal of quality. We aro here to please you. Madison BOOS. NORTHSIDE WOOD AND COAL CO., 040 North Slxth Street, DAILY PUZZLES Whal prccious stone? ANSWEIl 1*0 VENTr.llDAT'**- rv/.zi.e. Jnde. ci.(i;-iN(; ni-r ~df' I'Hi-V'Bi'siNESs*'? Nov.*, lmproved tools, shaper, lathe and drlll press; one electrlc motor, typewrlter, offlce fixtures, three brand-new ears on hand?one near about flnlshed; wlll sell the whole buslness an lt stands way down be? low cost; reason. proprletor Is en? gaged in some oth"r buslness. Ad dres VIRCINIA MOTOR CAR CO., Petersburg, Va. ? _ FOR SALE'.' MORSE TfilOCERY WAU on, harness and license; a bargain; would suit peddler, baker or but'her. Apply 306 East Canul Street._ FOR , SALE, FIVE TRUCK HORSES, welght 1,200 to l.tiOO, live to elcht yeurs ?Ad: also one palr of llve-year nld dnpple gruy horRos, sound and well broke; one chestnut sorrel. K?n tucky-bred trottlng mare, seven years old, sixteen hands hlgh, welght 1,050 pounds, fearless and handsome; sult doctor; slngle truck harness, two grocery wagons, runabout and har? ness. W. A. JONES. 306 East Canal Stt-soL_ WE HAVE NINE MILES OF GOOD team '-srt and small car work; also about slx thousand yards of stone masonrv on the Le.xlngtun and East? ern Rallroad, ln Letcher county, Ky., whlch we can let to responalble con? tractor.- at good prices. WINSTON & CO.. Room No. '.'-o American Na? tional Bank Building. Rlchmond. Va. FOK~'" SALE, ' BEAFTlFlfL TONt-U llardman upright piano; mahogany case; six months' light use; party I leaving town reason for selllng. Ad? dress K ',*>7, care Times-Dispatch._ HANDSOME MARBLE MANTELS AND marble tlie, taken out of old Fost Offtce building; prices low lf sold *t once. CaL Madlson 5312. _ i FOR SALE, COMPLETE SETOF BANK fixtures; good as new; at a bargain. Address Box 547, Rlchmond. Va._ ! FOR SALE, TOP BUGGIES." |46, $85. $75, $S5; runabouts, $35, ?fio, 375; surreys. $110, $125, $175. THOS H. DUKE & CO.. &M Brook ATenue. | TYPEWRITERS RENTED; THREE months, $5. wlth prlvllege of appiy ing rent on purchase price. AMERI? CAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. 605 East Main Street._ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A WAGON of any descrlptlon? Call to see us and we wlll supply you. Largest tock and lowest prices in the clty. *.; EaSt Can -''? MEYER'S SONS. 7:.;l i ??? --'.>? U-r.-D -i:IKi Y-s" Runabouts! Selllng cheap tor cash to make room for manufacturing de? partment. If looking for bargalns, see B. C. BRISTOW & CO.. 15 North Eighteenth Street. _ NU. 1 LANE SAWMILL OUTFIT COM plete: bollers. engines, wood-work I ing machlnery. shafting. hangers 1 and belting; second-hand; guaran? teed. 1. BLUFORD & CO., l.'OS East Cary Street._ [FULL LINE OF .SURREYS: CAN GIVE you any grade, froni lowest ln prlce to hlgh grade. To see thnt we can i show what we advertlse. don't fall lo fee what we nre offering. BRIS? TOW-WORSHAM CO? %*} 7 East Main. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF styles and prices can be found on our floor. We have the low price and can j dellver the goods. Don't forget the speclal bargalns we are offering in hlch srade buslness buggles and runabouts. BRISTOW-WORSHAM CO.. H17 East Maln. COLUMBIA DOUBLE DISC RECORD**-, 65c; cyllnder records, 15c: grapho phones on easy payments; repalring. TALKING MACHINE CO.. 207 North Flfth Street._ j lumber. laMis.' sniNGiTres, SASM. Vllnds, doors. WOODWARD a SON, | Ninth and ^rgb._Klchmona. ' WANTED. EVERY ONE TO TRY Samoset Chocolates; for sale at all i flrst-class dealers. QATHKIGHT i CHILES CO.. Wholesale Dlstrlbutors. ipOR SALE. ONE HANDSOME STEEL range; new. For partlculars. phone | Madison L3S0-L._ forVsabe,: an old established drug buslness at Norfolk, \ a; good stand good, clean stock; good drufi and soda business; nearly all casn trude: owner retirlng on account of i health to take up outside work. Au. diess WILLIAM J. \VinjK Bank of Commerce Bulldlng, Norfolk, N a. ?FOK SALE. SECOND-HAND WHITE steamer; tive-passengei'*. fully equp ped; tn good runnlng order; Will demonstrate; very cheap -to quick buyer. Address Lock Box 701._ PORSALE. OXJYOKE, $2: CROSS-OUT saw 75c. IHO West aiarshall. TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OF VE hlcles, will sell top buggles for $15; rubber-tlre runabouts, $G5; exten sions to surreys. $135; rubber-tlre phaeton. $175. THOS. H. DUKE & CO.. 801 K,r.'j"'CiMltM.?uiJ~ tn?l \\TAl*JT"EDr^HB~"FuBi--C TO""KNCAV that Jahnko Bros.. Jewelers, 912 East Moin treet. buy, sell, ex? change and remount dlamonds ln the latest styles. Old gold and sll? ver taken ln exchange._ STENOGUAPHY A\D ltOOKKE*!iPlNU thoroughly at reasonaole tul Dcr rates; day and evoning sessions. Telephone, call or writa foi* partlcu lars. MASSEY BUSINESS COL? LEGE._ SHIRTS' TO OXvQER?FALL AND WIN tor shlrtlngs are belng shown by ui ln all tho desirable patterns of both foreign and domestlc weaves. Flne dress shirts, as well as colored; pajamas and uMorwear mado to measure only. on the prernlses. Call or wrlte for samples. CREERY StHRT CO., INC, 713 East Maln Street. XV, S. Conptable, proaldent and treasurer. THIS IS TO NOTIFY THE MER? CHANTS OF RICHMOND WHO MAY HE MAKING OR SELLLNG ANY AU* TICLE IN THE SHAPE OF A BUST FORM FOR LADIES' GARMENTS TIIAT THE SAID MAKING OR SELLING IS AN INFniNGEMENT ON MY PATENT, NO. S833G7, ISSUED .lULY GTH. lfHO, AND I WILL HOLD SUCH PARTIES RESPONS1BLH FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE ME BY THE . SAID MAKING OR SELLING OU SUCH ARTICLES, EXCEPT THOS'*. MADE AND SOLD. OR'AUTHORIJSED TO BE MADE AND SOLD, BY ME. M. GOLDSTEIN, RXGHMOND, VA. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES ARE DELI olous: nak for them. YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACEC wlth N. W. BOWE & SON insures best rosuUtv $lcrj.onal?. SADTJ L E II <> R H 12 S .MM i.i li irt Schulenbnrg hegs i" anm <?? ? nm he Ih prepafed to handle lli i mddlo Iioimcs; ample excerlencti and guar? antee* Bfttlsfaction; rldfrig lesSonS taught! saddle horses foi hlre, Ad drcsS SOUTHERN STOCK ?> \ Iti ?s-. Rlchmond, Va._ HBSULTH TO LANDLORDS ;iu K E to tenants, J, A. CQNNELH ,. cu, TOUR EVENINOS .'.tli. v"ALUABLK, young mnn; lnvest them wlth the loaJing business school >i tln ,;ity; If you* learn more yu i i nn ? irn more. Send or call for cal tlogue to-day, massey R'i^.':':-;? ;/'? '?'? ? ?'? iiTFman" hair ootroTr:-, sold at HUGHES'S. 209 North Thlrd. TI1IS IS ONE OF MANY OF "I'l: LET? TERS RECEIVED FROM OUR CUS? TOMERS, Wllo MAKES lll-:i: OWN SUITS HY USE "I' '"'ll PATENT BUST FORMS. SHE CAN DRESS BETTER THAN ANY ONE POH LESS MONEY, IF VOI' WANT To HAVE ri'-TO-DA'i'E. STLYI.-II HUlT UU1 TIIE OOLDSTEIN BUST FORM AND save FROM 60 to ;:, i>r:.: CENT. nrsT FORMS for sale at little BROADWAY. 212 N FTFTI1 STREET. RICHMOND. VA., NOV. II, 1010. MR. GOLD8TBIN: DEM'. S I R. - 1 ' M R I M I'l.Y OHARMED WITU THE SUCCESS. I'VE HAD WITH THE GULDSTEIiN PATENT BUST FORM AND TIIE LN STRUCTIONS THAT CAME WITH SAME. ANV ONE VVANTING Ti> MAKE THEIR OWN TA!l/ii;[',|, sl'lts 1'OI'I.H REST ASSURED TtlES WrrPLI) BE SATTSF1ED Wl'ltl TMEIR IN VE8TM BNT. I HAVE NEVER HAD VNY TN STRUCTIONS FROM ANY o.N'E. HAVE MADE FOUR SUITS AND CAN ONLY SAY I AM MORE THAN PLEASED. WISHING ALL i.iAT HAVE THE 8PUNK TO J?ATRONIZB YOU PERFECT SUCCESS, I BEG TO REMA1N ONE OF YOUR PLEASED PATRONS. ASK YOR DEALER Foi: SAM08ET Chocolntes; tlie best sold ln Rich? mond; 60c per lb. YOUR "RENT" "ACi'OrNT I'LACED wlth N. W. BOWE & SON insures best reuilt.r. m_m_mmmMmm ,?.?,? 'iWtittiiatitouti. " " ^Twe"re"i'Cw itiN'o".'' TPC HALF SOLE MEN'S SIIOBS! ludii-s'. 60c; children's. lOo and up; evcrv pair sewed. DREW'S ELEC? TRIC SHOE FACTORY. .10 East Muln. Phone Monroe 2jj.iT._ KUB ITOU1. WHEREVER ACHE On PAIN IS LO cated?stlffness and sorcness of rnus cles or Joints?rub lr Frayser*g Great Nerve and Bone Llnlment. and the pain dlsappears: tbe greatest all. round llnlment ln use for man antl beast; try It?don't surfer?hero ls the rlght help; 25c bottles, at drug glsts'._ PERFECTION OIL HEATERS. NO ODOR: NO SMOKE; ABSOLUTELY guaranteed; japanneil. $:;.'>0, nickel plated brass fount, };:.7.V HOWELL BROS.. 602 East Broad Street. HAGEY KING HEATERS. FULL LINE: ALL STYLES; THE BEST heater made: $1.50 to *7. HOWELL BROS. 00^ East Broad. COMET HEATERS. SE:E OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING vour self-feeder; full line open Franklins and coal stoves. HOWELL BROS.. 602 East Broad Street. JUPITER GAS LIGHTS. 59C. COMPLETE MANTLE. GLOBE AND t.urner. i9c; a wonderful bargain. HOWELL BROS.. 602 East Broad Street. _. GAS HEATERS. IDEAL SIZE FOR BATH ROOM. $1.50; all styles and makes. Ilo\V EL1. BROS.. 602 EaHt Broad Street. FLOOR STAINS. WE CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE llno; it is a pleasure to show you and tell vou how lo treat your floors HOWELL BROS.. 60- East Broad. -- WATC K RETPAIKIN O. YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OF cleaned by WM. TOSIEN, JR, ls fi guarantee that it is done prbperly Twenty years' experlence. Cleanlng JI; main springs, JI. 408 E??<t Sroar Street. Ml work guaranteed. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that Samoset Chocolates are stmplj Irreslstible._ OPTICIAN. IF Y'OUR EYES FAIL YOU. SEE DR H BREITSTEIN. the Optleian, lli East Broad Stroet. Hundreds ge relief; why not you? MOV1NO. D. BOWLES, 210 EAST BROAI Street; rellable piano and furnlturt rnover; furnished on nhor notice. Phone Madison 4984. MATTRESSES. HAVE YOUR MATTRESSES REMADI: now sanltary methods used; rellabli work. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY,. IV East Broad Street. Madison ;1204. HAIR. LADIES' SWITCHES?BARGAINS TO day; hair swltches; flve thousand t< chooso from; all real hair; bargains come to-day. THE RELIABLE HAII STORE, -21 East Broad Street. II AIR. PUFFS! PU FF*s1 PUFFS!?THUbfc pretty hair ptiffs; made from ladles own eomblngs or out hulr; charges very moderate. THE RELIABLI' HAIR STORE, 221 East Broad Street HAIR. HAIR CUTTISW? ARTISTIC HA11 cuttlng; o.lilldren'B hair cuttlnir par? lors- 'artistic hair cuttlng by ar Eneilsh avtist. THE LADIES' RE? LIABLE HAIR STORE, 221 East Broad._ HAIR, DOLL'S WIGS1! DOLL'S WIGSl?-HAVU them made beforo tho Christmai rush from vour own eomblngs or cut hair. TIIE RELIABLE HAIR STORE 2_.M East Broad Stroet._ HAIR. T ADII-'.S. YOIIpTinViR?YES, WE RE ' inuk'o nnd dye hair swllehes, puffs etc ? charges very moderate. Tlll RELIABLE HAIR STORE, 221 Ettsl Broad Street._ HAIR. LADIES, YOUR HAIR IS IMPORTANT Your out hair or oomMngs made Intc beautiful .swltches, pompiidours, "wlgi or front pieces ln tlie most artistic manner; charges very moderate. THI' RELIABLE 1IA1P. STORE, 221 Eusi Broad Streel._ HATR.. CHILDREN'S HAIR CUT?-CUT IN Tiil: must artistic manner. THE RELIA? BLE HAIR STORE, 221 East Broac Streot. ____ HAIR. LADIES, YOUR HAIR?IF YOU WAN'l linitatlon hair goods don't come; tho> aro. tlear at any prlco; wo sell roii hair ut linitatlon prlcos; come to day; bargains. TIIE RELIABLE 11 Air STORE, 221 East Broad Streot. HAIR. LADIES, YOUR HAIR?-WE lU'ARAN too ovory iirtlde we sell as btiliif: puro hulr: our pi'lees very low to? day. THE RELIABLE HAIR STORE 221 Eaat Broud Street. $?us(tie?te ?pportunitfcEu RESt'l.'r-! Tn I.VNDLOnpS^-HERS'lCE to IrniililM. ,|. ,\. CONNELI.1 fi. CO, WANTED, MEN OF IDIBAS WHOHAVB some Invuntlve ablllty. GREF.LEY A McINTYRE. Patent Attorneys Wash? lngton, D. C_ YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACED wlth N. W. BOWE & SON insures bssl results. ItENT Ol I! SERVICES AND WE'LL i.iil VOUr iii.iiii-rtv. .1. A. CONNIM. RENT nn: services and WE'LL renl I'our pr.rty. J. A. CONNmur l.y ,<? CO. _ REULTS TO LANDLORDB? SEKV1CE in tenttnts. .1. A. CONNELLY & '-'Q. DO YOU WANT A SAFE INVEHT .nt, wlth Bpectilatlve features profnfslng large protitsv if so. sonti for free Interestlng book nt rnfpr motlon. M. & m. inv. co., :;u Juln cy Bulldlng, Denver, Col._ ir.-melv valuable remedy for lung troubles, wants a partncr or part ners wlth 3500 to Jl.oni); n fortune nnn certalnly bo made. Address J.Mi, care Tlmcs-Dlsputrh._ lii.AHDERS FOR ' S F.c6Vd~ STO K i" front and connectlng room; slngle or en sulte; statlonary washstand and dresstng room attached. Apply 209 East Grace._ MRS."""CHARLES K. BOWEKS, 115 East Franklln; han Isomely appolnt? ed rooms, wlth board; large, well ventllated dlning room, Openlng on Socond Stroet; meals by day or week. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. MRS. SMITH. 301 East Grace Street. _ HANOVER CAFE; OPPOSITE JEF ferson; patronage sollclted- Ameri? can plan; entrance, Adams Street basement._ FURNISH Et) OR UNFURNISHED HOT water heated rooms; slngle or en sulte. wlth board. IU) West Grace. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR transleiit and permanent boarders can be secured wlth MRS. HORACE WELLFORD .IONES, 200 East Frank lln Street. _ AN EXPERIENCED LADY TEACHER of shorthand, typewrltlng and Eng llsh wlshes board ln prlvato family in Vlrglnla; references exchanged, Addreas TEACHER, Brookneal. Va. YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE BOARD IN prlvate family; central locatlon; re plv, statlng terms. Address K Xio. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. _ 5u?tton^al^^j)t??ap._ By A. J. Chewnlng Company, Real Estate Agents and Auctloneers. At the request of the non-rcsldcht owner, wo wlll offer for sale at public auctlon, upon the prernlses, I That Attractive Detached Dwelling No. 121 W. Ninth Street BETWEEN PORTER AND BAIN BRIDGE STREETS. MANCHESTER, ON THURSDAY', NOV. 17, 1810, AT 5 O'CLOCK P. M. This house is ln good condltlon and in a splendld locatlon; convenlent to I two street car llnes, schools, churches I and everythlng deslrable. j Thls sale should attract the atten j tlon of every one seeking a profltable investment or comfortable home. TERMS: Easy and announeed at sale. A. J. CHEWNING COMPANY, Auctloneers. A. L. Adamson, Real Estate Auctloneers, 911 Hull Stroet. AUCTION SALE OF ONE OF THE BEST HULL STRttiEl' BUSINESS LOTS IN WASHINGTON WARD. RICHMOND, VA. At the request of the owner, I wlll sell at public auctlon, on the prem'ses, on THURSDAY'. NOVEMBER 17. 1910, AT 4:30 O'CLOCK P. M. The above lot fronts 50 feet on the north slde of Hull Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, runnln:*; back 165 feet to an alley. Now that Mayo's Brldge is to be im mediately replaced by a new Fre* Brldge. It is an assured faot that thls lot will almost double ln value during the coming year. Unfortunately the present owner is compellecl to sell. Let his los? be your galn. TERMS: Liberal and announce at the sale. A. L. ADAMSON. Auctloneer. By N. W. Bowe & Bon, Real Estate. Auctloneers. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSES ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TAYLOR AND ROWLAND STREETS. In executlon of a certain deed of trust. dnted Aprll 17, 1908, and record? ed In Rlchmond Chancery Court, in D B 19G-A, page 499, we wlll. at tho request of thc henellwiary therein, theue havlng been default ln the payment of a portion of tho debt secured thereby, sell at auctlon, on the prernlses, on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1310. at 4:30 o'clock P. M., that rertaln lot of land, wlth tho two two-story frame houses thereon. sit? uated at the uortheast Intersection of Tavlor and Rowland Streets, fronting 47 "foot bv a depth of 120 feet to a 15 foot allev. Tho Improvements consist of two two-story flats, well arranged. This ls good rentlng property, and should attract persons wanting a good Investment. TERMS: Cash. ^ ^ ^ , Trustee. . By Pollard & Bagby. ' AUCTION SALE OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF Thirtieth and Marshali Streets Ov,,. of THE VERY BEST CORNERS ? ON ?CHURCH HILL. ANDKNOWN \S N'O. -!!-" EJAS1 MARSHALL ' ' STREET. We will sol] nt auctlon, on the prem iSe3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH. at 1:30 P.'M.. tho above mentloned P1TherVot ls a beauty. front I'orty-tour Mt*. feet by one hundred and flfty-flvo H551 feet. There is a small houso of about siv rooms on tho lot. Thls \j a choice piece of property. . TERMS' At sale. POLLARD & BAGBYi Auctloneers. ? By The Valentlne Auction Co., 818 East Broad Street. Cigars, Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing, &c, at Auction To-Day, Thursday, Nov. 17th ? .Wo will sell on the main floor of our auctlon siilesrooms, No, GIS East Broad Stroot, commeiietiig. at 10:30 o'clock. about 15,000 higlT-grado Cigars iu box lots several cases Men's arm Ladies' Shoes. lot of Dry Goods, Notlons, Men's Clothlng, Ovorooats, otc. Salo posltfvs. Trade Invited. THE .YALlilMTLSE AXICTION CO, &U?tton &ales. ^future 5?apfc By Edward S, Rose Company, Rfn| BStatS Attctloneors. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 22 ACRES. WITH A SMALL FRAME DWELLING THEREON, A il O ll T SEVEN MILES NORTH OF RICH? MOND AND NEAR TIIE UROOK TURNPIKE. By virtue of the below mentloned deoree, we ?iu fteil by auction in front '>r the Henrlco Clfcuft court house, on MONDAY, THE 21ST HAY OF NOVEMBER, JOH), nt !_: o'clock M.. the proporty located a.s abovo. The. steady rls<? In the valuo of land In thls grmving Sectlob Con llrius us ln tlie bellef that nny one purchnslng thln tracl wlll ln the near future real'lee ?< good proflt therefrom, TERMS; r)ne-thlr<i ln cash, the re?i due ln slx and twelve months, and to he evldenced by notes of ine purchaser or purchascrs, wlih r, per (ont. per annum added and tbe title to the prop? erty to be retnlned untll tha whole purchase money shall have boen pald ;mii 6 convayanco dlrected by tho court, or for nll cash, at the optlon of the purchaser. ALBERT o. BOSCHEN, L O. WENDENdl.'RO. Special Commlssioncrs. EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY, Auctloneers. ln the Clreult Court of Henrlco county: .1. H. Wlnfrey. svtio sues, vs. Charles E. Nunnally, ,idmlnl?tro.lor, et als. Decree of November 1. 1010. The bond requlred. of the special i commlssloners by thls decree has boen] duly given SAMUEL P. WADDILL, Clerk November 15, 1910. TRUSTEES SALIV OF 32 3-4 ACRES OF LAND. MORE OR LESS, NEAR To AND IMMEDLATE? LY NORTH OF THE TOWN OF ASHLAND, VA., ON R.. F. & P. R R. The improvements thereon consist of a new two-story twelve-room frame resldence, wlth modern Improvements: a new barn, carrlage house, chlcken nouse, wood house. dalry house, spa cious new concrete cow barn and a two'-room frame tenant house. This is a very dcsirable acrcage property wlth bright prospcet*. nnd nffords n rare opportunlty to all persons want uig a good investment. In executlon of a deed of trust, dated May K. 1910. recorded ln Deed Book 53, page 79. Hanover county clerk's ofllce. I wlll, at the request of tho benellcla rles there, default havlng been made In thc payment of a portlon of the In debtedness thereby secured, sell at auction, on the j,romiSHs, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER J2. 1910. at 3 o'clock P. M.. the real estate de? scrlbed in sald deed. TERMS: Cash. STONEWALL J. DOSWELL. Trustee. By N. W. Bowe & Som Real Estate Auctioneers. Attractive Monument Avenue Lot ON SOUTH SIDE, BETWEEN LOM? BARDY STREET AND ALLEN AVENUE. AT AUCTION ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1910. AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. We wlll sell. ou the premlses, thls i beautiful, well located lot, sltuated be i tween the Stuart and Lee Monument? I and adjolnlng the new resldence of Dr. ! E .1. Mo*elev. Jr. It fronts 30 feet and I runs ba.-k 1S0 feet to a broad alley. I TERMS: Liberal and at sale. Real Estate Notes FOR SALE Secured by first mortgage on Richmond City Property bearing good old 6%. $ 500 $ 400 Green & Redd, 30 N. Ninth Street MONUMENT AVENUE LOT ?10x130 feet, near corner, at $170 per foot. A bargaln, HARRISON & GRANT, 7 N. Eleventh Street. Grove Avenue Home Modern Twelve-Room Home; corner lot, 60x170 to alley; wlll trade fov small plece ot property ln soo<r lo eality. CHAS. A. ROSE CO. $6,500 Hanover Avenue netuclied New T)wellinK. S large rooms, hol water heated, electric llghts, ote. near Kowland Street. HARRISON St C.RANT, 7 N. Elovotuh Stroet. &?il Csitate. R g N TA t: 5 ; S A li B 5 s .;,:-;i/-i^'UO;AN''5\.V,\::7.:V, !....' 1013 rTAST';MAIN 5TREET1 :? .' ':--?'? ?,'.-, iPHONE.;MAD||!QN '^9---.''>;;;:, _jftwl Cfitatc for ftent. Green & Redd RENT LIST BY THE YEAR. .,,., ,,, Possession at Onee, Per Ann, ? 1-. \v. Clay st., 11 rooms. $.|SC 180;! Orove Ave., 7 rooms..' lor ,'t 0. clay st., s rooms. :\?i ZtiOS W. Maln St., 9 rooms . ;|RC .-I"-. N. Slrawbnrry St., 7 rooms... .130 1603 W. Maln St.. 7 rooms. nor, 812 S. Randolph st., 7 room:--. U0( 2820 Mn,; Mlle Hood, A rooms..., ISO 13 N. llftth St., !> roomc.NlSO 2413 10. orncc st., 7 rooms. 300 2411 !?;. oraee st? 7 rooins.30G IKMi XV. Marshall 8t? 7 loom*. 216 O'JI W. Clay, ? rooms. ISii FLATS FOR RENT, Possession at Once. I'erAnn. O0G W. Maln gt., 7 rooins 1st nat, heated . id 003 W. Mnln St? 7 room?. lst flat, heated . isn !?"? W. Maln St.. 2d nat. 3 rooms, heated .. _ (5C Bellevue Apartment No. I, 7 rooms", 420 Betlevue Ap.irtment No, :',. 7 rooms, .'!Hn 1020 W. Mnln St.. | rooins. 1st (lat, 27') :<'.i,'.'i E. Orace St.. du iiat,5rooms, 2in 908 VV Maln St., 3d flat, r, rooms, 2Q0 3012 E. Broad St.. 5 rooms, 2cl Hat, 2CIJ IB02 W. Broad St? 7 roomB, 2d tlat, 150 316 E,? Byrd St., lst tlat, 7 rooms nnd bath .. 100 281 r, E. Grace St.. lst flat, 5 room's", 216 rtREEN & REDD, 30 N. Nlnth Street. rTaTroehdler; Lawyer, Title Examiner Eleven yenrs maklns tltlo plant ln thls clty. Offlco 603 E. Maln. . 'Phono Monroo i)074. iegal ?otltzs. VIRGINIA?IN THE LAW AND EQUI TY COURT OF THE CITY OF RICH? MOND: Cardoza & Hubard, Inc, and P. L. Conquest Co? Inc, vs. Richmond Rox and Lum? ber Co., Inc, ot als., In Erjulty. (Extract from decree entered on Octo? ber 21, 1010.) "* * This cause ? ? is hereby referred to one of the commlssloners of this court, who shall take. state and inako a report to this court upon the followlng liKiulniea: (1) What taxes are due to the State of Virginla. aml tlio clty of Richmond by the Richmond Box and Lumber Co.. Inc. (2) What assets and property has the said defendant corporatlon, and the vulue of tho same. (II) Who are the credltors of the de? fendant corporatlon, the nmount due to each crcdltor, the debts due by the sald defendant, to whom due, and their prlority, If any. (4) What, if anything. should be al? lowed counsel for bringing and con ductlng thls suit. (5) Any other matter deemed pertl nent by hlm or requlred to be stated by any party In interest. But before actlnsr under this decree, the suid commlssloner shall pubilsh i thc time and place of executlng tha lnqulrles, once a week for four succes? sive weeks, ln some newspaper pub? llshed ln Richmond, Va.. and such. pub? licatlon shall be equivaient to personai servlce of such notlce on tlio partles interested." Ofllce of Commlssloner R. R. Florance, Room No. 9. 1103 Eaat Maln St.. Rlchmond, Va.. November 2, 1310. To the parties to the above styled suit, and ull persons interested: Take notlce, that I have flxod on Wednesday. December 11, 1010, at 11 o'clock A. M., as the time, and my ofllce abovo mentloned as the plnce, for exe? cutlng the decree of whlch the fora golng is an extract, when and where you may attend, and do what Is proper to protect your lnterests. Glvon under my hand as commls? sloner in chancery of Ihe Law and Equlty Court of Rlchmond this 2d of November. 1010. . -__. R. R. FLORANCE. Commlssloner. L. T. AV. MARYE, and HAW & ITAW, Counsel. ^ank^)tatwncnM._ __ STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF Broad Street Bank LOCATED AT RICHMOND. IN THE COUNTY OF HENRICO, STATE OF VIRGINIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 10. 1910. MADE TO THE STATE CORPORA? TION COM311SSION. RESOl'RCES. Loar.s and dlscounts. $1,108,3S3 28 OverdrafUa, secured. $491.03: ttnsecured. $1.192.71. 1.3S3 71 Bonds, securlties, etc, own? ed. lneluding pnemlum on same. 290,9f>1 40 Banking house and lot.... 42,319 25 Furniture and llxlures- 10,000 00 Other cash Items. 103 69 Due from national banks.. 130,230 76 Due from Stato banks, prl? vato bankers and trust companies. 7.S69 05 Paper currency. 69*13 1 00 Fractlonai naper currency, nlckels and cents. 1,105 75 Gold coln., .- 4,432 50 Silver coln.-_. 8,043 05 All other items of re sources, vlz.: premluma. 7,000 00 Tofnl .?1,070,5?8 47 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.5 200,000 00 Surplus fund.- 75,000 00 Undivlded proflts, less amount paid for Interest, exaenses and taxes. 11,340 62 Dlvldends unpaid...... SI 90 l n d Ivlilual deposits _J1;350,2S3 21 Tlmo certlfl oates oT de? poslt . -.376 71 C .? r t 1 f 1 e d checks . 6,015 18 C a s h l o r ' s checks o u t standing .? ? ? 32 03 -l,:j,')8,707 43 Due tt> State banks, pri? vate banks and trust companies .. 10 13 AH other items of Ilabllity, vlz.: Interest reserve.... 1,416 39 Tllt,i .Htl.ti7fl.35tl 47 l. Andrew M. Glover, cashier, do solemnly swear that the above is u true statement of the flnanclal con? dltlon" of the Broad Street Bank, lo? cated at Rio'nnjohd, ln the county <>' Henrjco, state of Virginla. ai the close of business on the 10th day ot Novem her, 1910, to tho best o? my ktuiwicdge and' bellef. , ?'?',-', ANDREW M. CLOVER. Cashier. Correct--Attest: I. 11. KAUFMAN. W. M, HABL1STON, H. F.' GRIMMEI.I.. Dlreetors. State of Virginla, City ot Richmond, ss Sworn to au?l subscrlbed before ina by Andrew M. Clover. cashler, thls ICth dav ot' Novomber, E. L. WORD. Notary Publlc. (My commission explres Feb, 7, 1912.1 The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS OPEN 9 A. M. TO R P. M. ADMISSION 86c Tho Valentme Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY BTREET8 Open dally from 10 A. M ..o * P. li AJmlaalon <l5c Fjm swa, a?.tu*i?-?.