Newspaper Page Text
Throne Will Accede to Request for Crcation of Constitu? tional Cabinet. tlm icro rekln, l>cembnr 8.?lt m-niw *nfe lo an nmnci: lo-nlcht thnt the nnrlent nbaoluto resimr- iu China nll! eslet only lilstorlcully nftcr the Clilnrae New Year In January, 1011, Ii la nild tliat ttkc throne Iibb decided to ?ccedfl to the losolutlun of tho Imperial ncnate praying fnr the Immedlato creatlon ?f n renetltutloiinl rnhluet. Pollttoal rvents in China liavo moved ??Itli a rspldlty thnt api-aiK revo* iulloimrv when It la coiisirlend that the proVlnelAl ii.'cmbllrg, rrpresentlnjr tho lirst jiep toward popular government in the emp're's hlatory of 1,000 ycara, were Inntien ,-Hi(d t.i recently as October 11, 1809. Tho mperlal si nato met on Octobor 3 Inst. lle Kmprcjj Downpcr luirt rleerecil thut laral repreanntatlva lepls'.ntlve body. hnou-n na the Imperial I'lirllament, be lecl in I01B, nt tlio end of a nlne-year bf preparation. However, tlie peop|a Impatlent, and tlu- senate soon nftcr ? t waa orpnnlzed demanded' tlie iiiimcdiuta cenvocatlon ->r a genornl pnrilament. Tho throne and prnnd council yloldcd to tlie cx t- nt of nrlvanelnp the dnte for thc Inaugura? tion of Parliameut to 1913. it WHf at tirst thought that tho aenale, one half bf tlie memberahip nf whleh waa appointed by tho throne, woulu be riibaer \loiit, but early it developed a strlking In dependenoo and cxhlbltcd a splrlt thnt waa BlmoJt rrbellloiia. Whr-ji recently thls attl lud" waa chang-'il notnhly, the general bclief tvas thal the body had been lntlmldated. An increased number of troops In the strreta was mistnken ne an evidence of tho com?rnment's determlnatlon to auppresa the, aetivitles of tho provlnclal dclegutes and their supporters. It appears now that these and others who urged a still earller meetlng of Parliarnent had no intcntion of abandoning tholr cam 1-atgn. At h scrlos of secret sesslnns it wa* decid? ed thal they would not further tolcrato n grand council, which was not responslblc to the imperial senate and would not execute thal assembly'* resolutlon. Thc senate decided to rellovo Prlnce Chun, thc regent, of uhsolutc power, and make tho country a constitutional empire forUiwlth. Tlie reported compllauce of the throne la regarded as a eompromlse. Tho Penate wlll not press for an lmmedinte Parliarnent. hut pronosea to conduct tlie government on a. Bhiglo chamber basis untll 1913. It la underrtood that the venerable Prlnce Chlng. of Boxcr memory. tho prosent power behlnd thc throne. wlll n-tlro and that Duke Tsal-'Xsc wlll bctomo prlme minister. RICKARDS FAILS TQPR0VECHAR6E (Contlnued From First Page.) niaclc. glvlng the depth, and Insisted that had they cut thero they would havo found lt; that when ho went back ho found it in two hours. Todd Chnrgcs Cnlled. Thc Todd charges were Hicn t-allcd up. Councilman Rlchards, after dis claimlng any spite. or antmoslty agalnst Mr. Todd, told in detail of hls experience. having asked for an esti? mate for cuitlng thc stdewalk on both sldes for two blocks on Q Street last June. Mr. Todd told hlm offhand lt would cost $200, and later said it would be possibly $;S00 or $::.">0. Mr. ?@ Its double strength 9? eutsthearffeebill ? ? in two? Its superior ?? quality givesit ? a value double ? its prtee, m^.~? The Reily Taylor Co. w New Orleans,U.SA. Oak Flooring Order your Oak Flooring dlrect trom factory. Grade and workman shlp guaranteed. End matched, hol iowbacked and bored for secret nall ins. Secure the agency for your clty. J. A. Glenn Lumber Co., ?\Vaynesboro, Va. Complete . Thc best of Bath Tubs, latest devicea tn_ Uoscts, Lavatories and every con ccivable Sanitary Plurabitig Fixturc for the proper fitting of the home, tbe office or a public building?large or small?ia in our stock. McGraw-Yarbrough Co. Plumbers' Supplies 122 S. Eighth St., . Richmond, Va. Out-of-town orders shipped quickty ELECTRIC Shoe Shine 9lP 726 East Main Street. | IV Successful Advertlsers .icnds on tlie advice and service of train* ed experts. Our agency furnishes these* (Correspondence sollcited. Free plans. | Freeman Advertising Agency Mutual Building, Rlchmond, - Vkainla. wa figi hln tra. of ? Ihe thls to told tion Ile urei the allo hav: Jl that whi attc poss urer moV had part quir Com urer muti sho\ He an him but and tlje up 1 pald clty amo M deft that grac Btre for exca of 1 r W^W^^TORCHMH JOOSBS TME BEST , msumntu. Fr Sutu Sutu Vnrl. S .V. Ilun Wln Wln Woa 12 ii :: P. Max P. Jlln P. Mca Nor) Dafl Deti M Aeci Sl Bxc Acci Ju co.> (At P! Uuft New Gah Mofc Ath. i Tan | ChU Rali Jacl Nor II at lv--. Ash Wy Phl. K:n i-l.l Mei , tfYWJL 'Borry's For Clothes" The thought of Chpistmas is n the back of every boy's brain ust now. He knows what he wants al? ready?he isn't looking intoour jv.indows for nothing. Practical things? A Berry Suit? A Berry Overcoat? Berry Shoes? Scarves? Caps? Rain Coat? Rubber Coat? Sweater? Bath Robe? Play Suit? Pajamas? Gloves? A Suit Case A Trunk? All packed neatly with Xmas ard ready for the Troo. i?^fewf^c?__U^?^?^ Ichards was then a mcmbor ot tho, rcet commlttee, and wlth tho con-Aiu nt of the committee, ordered tho lv ork done out of thc "Marshall Ward ' as " i. Bids were secured privatoly and I tr 0 turn contract i-lveii to E. Kellara at -10 cents por cublc yard. On his I In rn from a vacation trlp ho found se e earth had been cut for 167 feet dl one s de. less than onc-slxtli of tho ! se 101 c job, and the work stopped. On ! he quiry he found that there had been ofl id out f ... for tho amount already ne. . tn 1 ... _l out and measured it," said lfti .. Ivichards, "and l couldn't see I Mi lere Su cublc yards had been ex- ne vated, und asked Mr. Todd to meet ha me Er to ga to olC cla wa cei 1 No fiol cej sor \x-1 F. _ spe pai cou nlg con bef lam Clu clu i on tho ground, which ho did. __? fused to go over the work, and itcd ho had already measured lt in ass sectlon., and if I was not satis d I could appeal to the Clty j_n icer. XVcut to Mr. Dolilng. I demanded that he go over the rk wlth mo aiul he refused again. 1 ? . ,'? Clty Engineer iioliiug and <t him tho circumBtances. Mr. Boll r weat out there wlth me and meaa :d the work. He said it was hard get at it exactly, as the dlrt had sn moved, but we went bv the marks Iron pole:-, and Mr. Bolllng stated lt the clty should have pald $167 ? what had b.en done instead of >0. I was more liberal ln mv meas jments, but Mr. Bolllng said he cer nly thought 1 had reason to believe ! p'e mistake had been made. Later Mr. ! u'l lltng told me he had asked Mr.'I'Ha dd for his book to tally, and Mr, ;ld got it and said he did not nicas i in cross sections, and the fact s that Todd could not explaln his tres at all, and Mr. Bolllng told l he would have to send thc con etor back to make up the umount work and keep the clty from being loser. I was nut satistied with ; action. and reported the matter the Street Commlttee. Mr. Tode I me he had measured in cross soc LS and would nol measure again. told Mr. Bolling he had not meas i in cross sections, and then told Street Committee he had mado wances to contractors without Ing measured at all." r. Bolllng conilrmed in the main part of Mr. Rlchards's statement ch related to himself, but called ntion to the fact that lt was -ini ilble to make any accurate mcus nents after the earth had boon ed. Mr, Richards admltted that hu not gone to the head of the de ment for hls flrst cstlmate, as re? ed by resolutlon of the Street mlttee. Hc stated that hls meas nent had been only an approxi :? estlmatc from the vlslble slgns ving what earth had been moved. had thought that there had been overpayment. Mr. Todd had told ho had not taken cross sections, mado his measurements in bulk, th- Clty Engineer instructed that contractor be, sent back to make he amount for which he had been . Mr. Richards inslsted that the was yet fully ?75 behind the unt paid out. Mr. Todd on ihe Stand. r. Todd took the. stand in his own :nse, and brought out the fact Q Street had never been fully led, hut had been opened by the et car company for a rlght of way cars to Oakwood Cemetery, tho .vations being only to tho side .ho car tracks, so that what he HE WEATHER ireen-t: Vlrglulu?Fair Frlday nnd rduy; Ui.lit, vn.Iuble wluds. irth Carolina? l-'nli- Trlilny and rduyj llght ivcst wluds, bccomlng able. A dire wus and nes! Bau bers Petc and repo\ char Stat is p the pltal Tl tho mon in r CONDITIONS YESTERDAV, M. temperature . lidlty . d, direction .P d, vclocity . ther .Cl ioon temperature . M temperature . Imuin temperature up to _ M. Imum temperature up to a M. n temncrature .', * nal temperature . clency iu temperature ...... clency ln temperaturo slnce arch 1 . _m, deflclency in temperature nco January l . ess in raanfall slnce March i'' um. exceas ln ralnfall slnce muary 1 . .7 SI "W. ear 42 U 296 .uo As onco Cluu was tho : Mr. the lock' easy a ni robb follo but was enou Du hear somi was Ing i moiii whei lars dug Mea< moii. Th Bow Stat been The man pres nnd cup! niiiii pose .IHTIONS IN I.IPORTANT (<vn 8 P. M. Eastern standard Tlni" lace. Ther " alo . -Ji) 11. T. Orleans. .'eston .11 dle . K trita . il lPa . 16 rlotte . 16 elgh . ia Ksonvllla _ so folk . its tnras . II ' West .'. B I evllla . ::,; thevlllo _' _n Weather Clear ? 'Icar hous :lou> isas City., uhoma .... nphis ..,,, .1 < 'luudy P. cloui Clear Cloudy t'loudy Clear < .ear P. clou <'Iear Cloudy Clear Clour 'iiui: T.tiii.i:. December 1910. II . in;l. had ln chargo was not only sldowalk cxcavatlons, but for a part of the\ roiulwtiy as WjflH, maklng an tlon over n wldth of twenty foot of eloplng embankment. Mr. Todd so.ld hls flrft estimate wus entirely off hantl, based oll memory, and on the fact that lho clty was then paying ubout 2T, rents per yard for oxcavat Ing. Bosldes the natural excavatlon, he sald, thero was a great oxcosb of lOOSfl oarth dumped on tho slde by tho car'company, und ln maklng sowor, wator and gas trenchos. Ile had wrltten to the varlous de? partments that thoy must bear tho cost of that rortiovul, but Mr. Rlchards had told hlm "not to bother," but to go right ahead wlth tho work, that he wns anxlous to have lt pushotl. Mr Todd asserted that ho had ncver told Mr. Rlchards that hc had measurcd lt In cross sections. "I say you dld," rcsponded Mr. Itlchards, wlth hoat. "I told Mr. Bolling I had taken mcasttretuents," resumed Mr. Todd, and ho road hla measurements from hlc lotobook, but asserted that that wa* icfore nny work had been done, and ;hat he had not made special measuro nents for tho two cash nllowances nade to the contractor, ns tho usual iustom was to moasuro up such Jobs is a whole when tho work was cotn ilotod. Tho contractor went hack and ut a small amount more. und measurc aents show that at tho contract rate ic hnd now nnrned $862.60, which was l s close as lt was possible to got to ho ward approprlatlon. "We had or ers to stop tho v.;ork wlthout exceed ng that fund," sald Mr. Todd. Mensured Ity Eye. Mr. Daily, of 1103 Oakwood Avenue, . /?as called by Mr. Rlchards, and tes- ' llled that mcasurlng merely by eyo. c thought the ground pretty level all t ver, but admltted that tho embank- ] icnt ran out toward the car track. Contractor Kcllam, who dld the work, >ld of taklng measurements wlth Mr. odd and Alr. Bass beforo the work egan. Ho testlfied that except for nd weather, hc had never stopped ork untll notltied, and that conflicting otlces as to the amount of work had Dst him about ?200 of idlc tlmo for ls teams. Mr. Kellani thought that at tho tlme ! the payments he had dono approxl -atcly enough to earn what was pald. e sald ho had often had nllowances om tho clty and from other employ 's, somcllmes ln exco3s and some mes far below the actual amount. io clty paying all contractors motith as tho work progresses. Moro than ilf of thc eaxMi moved. ho sald, was itsido of tho curb llne. so much in ct, that do ono could have stood :tween the bank and a pasaing street >r. He thought that o ono could uld tell by eareful measurements how uch edrth had been taken away, hut t, ld cll by crcful measurements how cj uch was there, and sald hc knew ho ?d done all thc- work hc had now en pald for. Mr. Bass told of assistlng Mr. Tod.l tho meusurementit beforo thc work igun.directly contradictlntf Mr. Daally to the bank runnlng out to thc car icks. B; Jame_s PhilUps. now Deputy Building \? spector, formerly an lnspector on a ti wer run out Q Street, sald that thc tl rt in some. plaees had been' banked ?, von feet high. and that on his iob %l had had trouble lu keeping thc dlrt ? {, tho car tracks because of slides. ~i Mr. Fergusson and Mr. Don Loavy II Slight thc committee could formu- ',? o a report from what It had heard. i~ '. Todd said he had two moro wlt- c. sses to present. but tho committee ?; d heard enough, and adjourned to :.,\ ot next Wednesday niuht in the Cltv ?' gincer's oflico. ln executive session, e hear Mr. Bolling's plans for reor aizatlon and begln work on a report the Committee on Streets. Ofilcers Elected. CP' [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Vlu Uexandria. Vn., December S.?Thc S'-' ,1-ncndship Voterans' Fire Asso- ?,e' tion, of which George Washington D? s a member, has elected these offl- wl a: tor \ M. Bradshaw, president: 31. B Au rris, vice-president: James H. Mans- chl d, recordlng secretary; J. W. Chaun , llnanclal secretary: AV. T Eraer . treasurer; A. D. Brockot't, J. T. Iliams, .1. II. Trltnyer. trustees- p. , Gorman, J. AV. Chauncey. Dallas ^ ' ?ton, commlttee on engine: B Na catley, Willlam Humphries. Frank adr -wood, commlttee on appllcations. lor -"-? at Golf Course for Asheville. shevllle, N. C. December S.?A etacular llnish to a publlc cara- Tc ;n, for an efghteeu-hole golf chi! rse in this city, was reached to- 'flve ht, the sum of $S00 was glven to I iurc ipleto a $40,000 fund, flve mlnutes ,y aro the option on tho necessary ,,,"' ls. held by the Asheville Country ^i h, explred. At a meeting of the'??ti ), it was resolved to secure tlie wer News of Petersburg aimes-Dispateh Bureau, 10!) Nortli Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va., December S. meeting of the special board of ctors of the Central State Hospital held at that inslitution yesterday. the usual monthly routino busl i was transacted. Commisslonet seman presided, and all the rnem were present. Robert GlUlam, ol srsburg; R. B. Cooke, ot Norfolk, J. G. Bohannon were present. The ?rt of Superintendent Drewry ved 1,463 patients under hla ge, wlth none ln the jails of tho e. Every appllcnnt for admission romptly sent for, notwlthstanding crowded condition of the hos I. 10 number of patlents recelved at hospital averages about forty per th. Important improvements are irogress at the hospital. Arrest of Alleged llobber. i was stated in this correspond , the store of David B. Meade, at rch Road, ln Dinwiddie county. entered severai nights ago aud safe was robbed of $'.00 ln money. Meude was absent at supper at time, and he had left his safe ttn c-d, making the robbor's Job an ono Suspiclon was dlrected to )gro named WUlls Lewls as the er and he was arrested on the. wing day. He denles hls guilt, tho maglstrate before whom he taken thouglit the evldence strong gh to send him on for trial. irinR the examlnation Lewls was d to tell a frlend that ho had ? money concealed, and a search made for lt, without success. Be oonfronted with thls assertion, he lowledged that he had somo _>v buried, ajid showed the ofllccra ?e it was. Some eight or ton dol ln bright silver quarters weru UP, bellevod to bo a part ot Mr Jc's money. It is thought otber _ys aro tiuried elsewhere. New Cocporatlou. ,e charter of Incorporatlon ol mun Bros., Inc, lssued by tho e Corporation Commlsslon, han recorded ln the clerk's offleo here. lUCO.porators are: John C, Bow presldent; C. H. Bowman. vlce irlont- E. R. Bowman, secretary treasurer, all of Petersburg. The tal stock i.s llmited to *.0,omi anini, $50,000 maxlmum. Tho pur s of lhe company aro to conduet eneral butoher buslness, packins ie and atorage plutvt. Park ?'<>r Colored People. ie matter of ostablishlng a sep GOOD NEWS for thc coffcc-wreck. "Thore's a Reason" Ue.ui "Tlie Road to WcllvilK-' iil [ikgB. Buy your coming "debutai es" a Bepry coat for Christma A Bepry coat means o u loors and pink cheeks ft hem cold or storm. The greatest vnriety of stric y man-tailored garment ome semi-fittcd, full a n hree-quarter lengths, in tl ovliest pattern s and shade nd of thc newest fabrics. Chinchilla ln three shades. White serge with black ve et collars in all sizes. Prices, $6 to $18. Sweaters for evorybody. Mahdleberg Rain coats fc roraen. CMM J?'"??r il^ . Tvlces of a golf expert, who wi trvcy and lay out tbe 100 acres no *ld by the Country ClUb for a flrs ass eightecen-holc course. SHARE H0N0RS OF AIR irrler nud Moi-.mii Furnish Seniti tions of Dny's FIlKhts. Memphls, Tenn., December S.?Bet irrler and John B. Moisant shart mors in affairs of the alr to-da lelr dylng furnished the speetacuh igo to the afternoon avlatloto prt am. ln altitude Barrler outdlatancc sisant, raountlng 4.200, but for tot; ne ln tho air. .Moisant had the a< ntago by flfteen mlnutes and te uonds. Moisant went to tho 400-fot --el. Barrler was aloft thlrty-fot nutes and thlrty-slx seconds. Itolan Garros. ltene Slmon and John . Isblo also mado fllghts, but c orter duration and nearer to th ound. Accepts Call to Georgla. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Uexandria, Va.. December 8.?Th lgregation of the Second Presbytc n Church at a meeting last nlgh epted the reslgnatlon of Itev. J. I ?'ler na pastor, to become effect!v member 31 next. Bev. Mr. Sevlo 1, January 1 next. accopt the pas ato of the Presbyterlan Church a gusta, Ga. His successor will b >sen at a later date. ? - ? flilnry Herbert WHI Speak. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. J lexandriu, Va., December S.?Hilar Herbert* former Secretary of thi ?y. wlU, Monday uight, dellver ai ress entftled "Remlniscenses," be s the members of the Cameron CIul .ce Camp Hall. Nnturul Gas Defctroyg Ilome. nipleton, Pa.. December S.?The Infan 1 of Alexander French was kllled an< othor members of hls famlly wero ia a when hls house. was blown to plece i nutural gas exploslon to-day. Th< ly was asleop' when tho exploslon oc ed. The floors dropped Into tha cellar ilie ivracked building- taklng flre wai ely consumed. Two adjolnlng divclllng! also burned. arate and excluslve park for colored people has been pendlng In the Com? mon Council for somo weeks Thls SSt" _ha. W?_ Sta."t8d because of the _rr..H_f V,e. Central Park, the Prettlest park ln the city, was fast mucl. togthOVelCroWdcd ",th n??e, Ai , 1,1 ""-', annpyanoe of tho whltes. ti,_ ""oek's meeting of tho Council been ,'UV-Ue . t0 whlch tIle mtLtter had been referred reported ln favor of _. .,*? ?-..*;?<? esamatlnar the cost at *?.--.. ihe report was laid ovor until the next meeting, when dofinlte ac? tion ln the premtses will douhtless be taken Iho movement meets with general approval. No sit0 for tho park haa yet been proposed. Automobiles Iu Petersburg. Ihe number of automobiles ln Pe? tersburg whose nufcbers are regls? tered wlth the Secretary of the Com? monwealth is seventy-slx. The num? ber of automobiles llcensed to run in Virginia is 2,-16, of whlch 494 are ln Richmond and 242 in Norfolk. Pc.MOoal and Otherwlse. The Rev. Charles R. Strlbllng. the vew pastor of Tabb Street Presbyte 'ian Church, accompanled by members )f his famlly, arrlved in the clty this iiternoon and were escorted to the >arsonage on Tabb Street. Mr. Strlb ing enters on his dutles at once. ^ Tho resolutlon introduced in the ""omuion Councll some weeks ago and ?eferrcd, provldlng for a committee to nquiro into tho feaslblltty and cost if erecting an up-to-dato City Hall, lo onsonance wlth the dignity and needs if an up-to-date and growlng clty. ias not yet been reported on. The ?esolutlon may bo heard from later. It ls said that the Insurance on the .ipomattox Trust Company's buildlng nd fixtures, destroyed ln last Satur 'ays ilre, upproximates 558,000. Sev iral of the safea owned by tenants in ?urnod buildings hnvo not yet beeu ecovered. t Governor Mann ln a lotter to a iic-nds ln thls clty expresses hl? oarn ?st dlaapproval of frauds in electlons. V,1. ".'?' alul general, and dlsagrees \Itu u,? declslon of Judgo Hanckel in no recent prlmary cases. Christmas shopper* are erowding nto tho clty and making- tholr pur hases early this season. Mlss Annlu Jackson and Percy Tuck ,'.n,.? h ?. I>I?wlddle county, went to , . .. **. . N\ c" tm" morning to be nan led. A number of frlends saw hem off at the depot. C. II. Wostbrook, of the burned oul dy goods tirm of Wood-Westbrook un Pany, ha? accepted u position ns '?lagor of the Miller & Rhoads storo 11 Richmond; lnfiirination hns boen recelved of. J death ln Ne'vv York of James M, ?Utt,. at. une tlme a resldent ot Po i_'r ,ViSM.n'' }vo11 hnowu hore. iTo he i.,' . ts. .1;lrv Jones> daughter.of hf, w. C-R.tain Stophop XV, Jones. of ,, r. . 5" , Ul" *'pniains wlll be brought o Petersburg for burlal. "'"?*?"? i" s,?n spont* ,l"? moulh with Wm. <_. Evans. of Wilmlngton, N. C. if t.iiy Sorgean't J. B. Evans. FEW FOREIGNERS Nicholson's Report Complete' Answer to Observations of European Critics. Waahlngton. D. c., Decembor S.? -.uropoon crltlcs who labor undor tho lmpresslon that tho Amerlcnn naw is manncd ln largo part by aliens nlokod up ln tlio open ports of tho world may cfulckly dlscover tholr error by refe.r ence to tho unnunl roport of Bcar-Ad mlrilI Boglnald F. Nlcholson, chief ot U1.k?DU,'m'-ILU 0t Navl8atlon, just made ??3V.?! ^e a(lmlra-l shows that of tno J0..43 onllsted men other than pctty ofilcers in the naval sorvkc, !)l 61 are natlvo born, 3.4G ure naturallzed and .-il havo declared tholr Intet.tlon ol becomlng cltizens. Thls leaves actu ?illy only a fraclion of 1 per cent. ot aliens resident in tho United States and aliens non-resident inuhe naval servlce, aftor maklng allowancc for ...47 per cent. of natlvcs of tho colonlal possosslons. .14.07 por cent. of Unclo Sam's bluojackots are nctually cltizens ot tho United States. Tho desertlons are rapldly falllng off in numbers, too, and durlng thc last llscal year there wero but 'j,sil. eom pared wlth 3.184 durlng tho precedlng year, notwlthatandlng there were 017 more men ln thc servlco In tho flrst case. The decroaso of discomforts on shlpboard and tho allowanco of moro shore leave and better food aro believod to account. for thl3 deereuse, for lt ls belloved that no class of worklngmen Uve so well as tho onllsted forces of the navy. Nevertholess, to reduce dc sei-tions to a minlmum, publlc sentl? ment must be cultlvated, according to Kear-Admlral Nlcholson, and punish ment must bc mado sure, swlft and so- j vere. Thero was no lack of good recrtilts dfirlng the year. notwlthstandlng the hlgh stundard malntalned. and threo | tlmes durlng the. yelir lt was necessary i to suspend cnlistments becattEc thc full authorlzed strength (44,500 men) had been reached. Altogether, 76,074 m^n [ applied for enllstment, of whom 14.Tr,6 were accepted. The report extiends an ' earnest invitation to Congress to note j thc need of additional oillcers to prop- I erly man the fleet and porform the | professlonal dutles required on shurc and to a recommendatlon that naval ofilcers retlring for physical disabllltles incurred in tho servlce bc retlred at an additional grade. II. de or let i.r vi: B. li", lll --f .In: LETTER TO MOODY Justlcc.i of Supreme Court L'nlte In Touchlng Trlbutr. Washington. D. C. December 8.?A touchlng incident conncctcd wlth the retiroment of Associato Justlce Wil? llam H. Moody from the Supreme Court of tho United States on account of iil health became public to-day, when the court spread upon its records letters which had passed between thc court and Justlce Moody ln regard lo lila reslgnatlon. The members of thc court who sat wlth Justlce Moody sent hlm a letter, to which Justtce Lurton and Justloo Hughes, who have been appolnted re? cently, concurred ln a postscrlpt. The letter, dated Xovember 23 and slgned by Presiding Justlce Harlan and Jus tlces White, McKeuna, Holmes and Day, rca-1: "Denr Brother Moody: "Wc cannot let you leave us wlthout an expresslgu of our deep regret. Tho too few years durlng which wc sat to- , gether ou the bench already had con- - I flrmed the prophecy of your arguments at the bar. They had provBd that your unusual powers would be appltcd. us j I falthfully and impartially to dispaa- ' slonate decision as. when you wero ? I Attorney-General, they had been de- j I voted to an always lofty presentatloit j j of a slde. Wlo grleve that the country so soon should lose services that lt III \ ! can spare and we a companlonshlp ln ! which affectlon was jolned to respect. But you left a sample of your work ln the reports and, we belleve, have earnett the great reward?that the wlse ana good of the future. as well as of the present, wlll say it was well and nobly i done.'" From hls bed, to which tha justlco ls i conflned ln hls home ln this clty, Jus- j tlce Moody responded: "My Dear Brothren: "I cannot let your letter go unan- j swered, but at thls tlme I am unable flttingly to say more than that yourj words reach deep iu my heart and > mlnd and awalten there an lntenso j gratltude to you alL With the expres- j sion of thls and of my respect and at- j fectlon for each Indlvidual member of tbe court, I must be contont." > Mi .Ia he pa 8h ye; clt he M? an BOl wo ag Sh by hei Me tlu. Int lot I Mr at bet Cot ani l'a. Ilft hu: ! dre i K' Hlll Chl ! ?* I tna ' anc for V bod Bch dea i "nl thei her i.itf bee abo yea two of 1 woi Oxf ;-nd St II. ( of i died She duti was vlve ters EXCITEMENT INTENSE Mnrtlal Law Froclalmcd and Jalls 1111 cd Wlth Prlsoucrs. Guatemala Clty, December 8.?A revolutionary outbreak ls throatened in Honduras, and lntenso excltement prevails throughout the country. Mur tlal law has been proclaimed ln the capltal and the larger citles of tno republic, and thc jalls aro tilled with polltical prlsoners. Wholesale arrests of persons suspected of having some connectlon wlth the threatoned up rising are being made on the orders of the Presldent. Thero are extra detalls of govern? ment troops ln Puerto Cortez nnd Celba, and well-to-do restdents iu-o flocklng across the border Into Guate malu. Advlces from Tegueigalpa state that Presldent Davllla last Saturday Issued an order for the arrest of former Pres? ident Policarpo Bonlllo and General Dlonlclo Guietteroz, former Vice-Pres Ident and a close friend of Bonilla. It ls belloved BonlBa and Guletterez aro en route to the United States, where they plun to organizo a revolutionary expedltion. INSURANCE MEN MEET They Wlll l-'orm Conference to Cover .Southern Statex, Atlanta, Ga.. December S.?For the purpose of formlng the Southorn Con? ference of insuranco Companies mor.c than three score of tho leadlng Insur? ance men of the Southern States mct hero to-day for a two-duys' convon- i tion. lt ls tho nurposo to havo thls organization tlll the samo placo in tlie ! Southern Held that tlie Detroit conl'er ence does ln the North. A constltutlon 'und by-Iaws were dis enssed and temporary ofiicers were choson as follows: H. D. Huffakor, of Chattanooga, Tenn., chalrman, and C. ,T, Goodnian. of Jackson, Tenn., secre- ! tary. lt was pointed out by varlous speak ors that the Southern organization wlll not bo antaftontstic to simllar organi zations ln other sections of the country. but wlll- ca-operste witli thom for llie beneflt of Southern insurance compa? nies. OBITUARY Mrs. Stunley Hurt, [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch. J Burkevllle. Vu.; Doconibor 8.?-Mrs. Stanley Hurt rtied at her home ln Burkevllle Monduy aftevnooil, aftor a long Illness. Sho js survived by hor aui.KS Ol'UEO IX ? TO 14 DAYS Vour drugijist will refiuid money if I'AZO OINT MICNT fallu to cure anv chbh of Itrhlnu. Hiinrl Pt Thoi Flu\ near ter tain grea wife 1 r w fuue Vatc the ofllci of 5 who or i Tate [ Al fune Mrs. Davi Alex mon Rev. the : lot, r Al fune wlfe Brad term the I cond r Wi A. M mem from ing - Nine loavt daug 1* Cn! resld counl nlnet Mlllo owne counl [! Frc Mrs. Willi at he a llui years DIND resi MOI UXi twe F FB D D10I1 Un ' m-; lle Gar Joh .1.: ' ??i^^^-?.l.? ? ?l?!^^??? I ? ? I I ? m VELOUR FINISH The Latest in Hats Special Price, $1.95 Look like $5 hats; Will wear like $5 hats. Colors: Brown, drab, pearl, nutria, cream and black. CllOice, $1.95 Gans-Rady Company rither and father. Mr. and Mrs. Ned lller, of Prlnce 1-Mwnrd county; her isbanfl, Stanley J. Hurt, of Itnrko lle; two daughters, a son-ln-law, an Hitrl, of N'orrolk: a dailghter-ln w, and several .sisters. Tlio romalns .?re burled ln tho-church burylng ound at Blcc, Va., '.Vcdnesday morn llnild XV. Speueer. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.J Danville, Vn., December 8.?-Nowu is received here to-nlght from llat Orcek, Mlch., atinouncing the death Davld \V. Spencer, of Spencer, a omlnont and wealthy resident of -nry county. At the time of hls ath he was ln tho s'xty-slxth yenri hla age. He was never marrled, but ! tvea the following sisters and others?J, II. Spencer, of Martins 1?; O. O. .Spencer. of Spencer; Jlrs. G. l'elin, of Knoxvlllo, Tenn.; Mrs. B. Peim, or Reidsville; Mrs. M. S. chanan, of Spencer; Mrs. VV, G. Lee, Spartanburg. S. r\, and Mr.". llallos iney, of Montgomery, Ala. The nalns wlll bo brought to Vlrginia ? Interment. Mrs. \nne(li- I? HaKrnfh. [Spoclal t-j The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] 'rederlcksburg. Va.. Uecember S.? a Annetto L. Magrath, wldow ot nes S. Magrath, died at her home re last night from the. effects of a ?alytlc stroke. aged elghty-ono yoars. ?i had been slck for tho past thrcc trs. She was the oldest mttlvc-bortt , Izon of FrederJcksbufg, and from i r chlldhood was eonnectcd wlth the tho-llst Church. She was a teacher, l 1 her connectlon wlth the publlu iooIs hegun itntncdlately attcr thc r of the slxtics. retirlng a few years d on account of decllnlng health. 3 had no chlldren, but Is survived several nleces. She llved here wlth ? great-nlece, Mlss Sallle N. Gravatt. ighter of the late D. O. Magrath. 'hy funeral will bc held from tho thodist Church Friday mornlng. con :ted by tho pastor. Bev. J. B. Jacobs. erment wlll bo made ln thc famlly ln thc clty cemetery. Jlrs, lv. J. Prcaeott. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] llg Stone Gap, Vu.. December S.? i. E. J. Prescott dled very suddenly her home, on Poplar Hlll, about 5 lock Tuesday evening. Sho had n iil only a few days. Mrs. Pres t was about thlrty-slx years old, I was a natlve of Mount I'leasant. , but had llved here for thc last :-en years. She is survived by her band. ... J. I'rescott, and two chll n. Donald and Buth; her father. J. Crlawell, of Mount Pleasant. Pa.. one brother. K. G. Crlawell. of cago. Mrs. Prescott was a member the Presbyterlan Church. Thc re ns were taken over thc Lonlsvlllo NashviUe to Mount Pleasant. Pa.. interment. Kunernl of 1'rofennor ScbmliH. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] ."oodstock. Va.. December S.?The y of the. lato Professor Coopcr D. midt, iirofessor of mathematlcs and n of the faculty of the Tennessee verslty, Knoxvllle. Tenn., who dled ?o very suddenly yesterday, arrlved l to-dav. llo was the son of the B. Schmldt, of thls place, but had i a professor of tho universlty for ut thlrty years. He was llfty-one rs old, and ls survived by his v.-ife, sous and one sister, Mlss Virginia, hls place. Ono son, B. K. Schmldt. the Cecll KUodes sc.holarshlp to >rd Universlty several ycar3 ago, has since graduated there. Mra. II. C TjMon. [Special to The. Times-Dispatch.] lisbury, X. C. December 8.?Mrs. 3. Tyson, aged seventy years, wlfe . well known cltizen ln Sallsbury, 'suddenly at her home last night. attended to her usual househoid es durlng the day. and the end wholly unexpected. She ls sur d by her husband and three daugh and one son. ( iiptnln Thom?? E. Cowbcrd. Special to The Times-Dispatch.] lmyra, Va.. TJecember 8.?Captain nas Edward Cowherd, treasurer of anna county, died at hls home Palmyra yesterday afternoon. af in illness of several weeks. Cap Cowherd was wldely known and tly beloved. He ls survived by his . four sons and two daughters. uneral of Mr*. l.i/./.le C. Yates. Special to Thc Tlmes-Dlspatoti.l arrenlon, Va-, December 8.?The ral of the late Mrs. Llzzie C. s took place this afternoon from Baptist Church. Rev. S. B. Brlton ating. Mrs. Yates was the wldow favor II. C. Y'ates, of Warrenton. was also at one tlme chairman 'auquler County Comm'ttee. Mrs. s dled In Washlngton. Funeral t>f Mrs. Itust. Special toThe Tlmes-Dlspatch.] ?xandrla, Va., December S.?The ral services over the retnains of Marv Locke Bust, wife of Dr. d N. "Bust, of Braddock Helghts, andrla county, wero held this .ing at Chrlst Episcopal Church. W J. Morton. rector, conducted ;ervices. Burlal was ln tlie famlly in Ivy Hlll Cemetery. Funerul of Mrs. Turnor. Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] ;xandria, Va.. December S.?The ?al of Mrs. Josephino V. Turner, of Jl. L. Turner, who dled at the dock Houso, took place thi* af ion. Bev. H. M. Cantcr, pastor of lethodlst Episcopal Church, South, .icted tho services. Joseph A. MUlcr. Special to The Times-Dispatch.] nchestar. Va., December S.?Joseph lier, wldely known retlred farmer, jer of tho House of Delegates Frederlck county, dled thls inora >n hls "stato at Wheatland, near ,*ob. aged eighty-one years. He s a wldow. two sons and Uve iiters. Ucnrj- 11 rent Miller. pocial to The TimeS-Dlspatcih.] poper, Va.. Docomber 8.?At his iiico at .Toffersonton, Culpeper y, Henrv Bront Miller died lu tha y-second year of hls age. Mr. ? was ono of tho largest land i-ti aud oldest farmers ln tho tl w ' Mrs. KlU'ibeth Moutclth. Spocttil to The'Tlmes-Dlspatch.] . doriclisburg, Va., December S.? Ellzabeth Montelth, wldow of un \ Montelth. dled yesterday r home ln Stafford county, aftor rei-lng illness, agod seventy-saven , She ls survlvou by tlvo chlldren. DEATHS SAV?Died, at 0:30 A. M? at the denco or hor graudniotlier, Mrs. iroo Ford, at Laurel Statlon, Va,, 3. GBACE D1NDSAY. in tho nty-ninth year of her age. uneral from ubove , resldence DAY. 10 A. -M. ( urliain, N. C, pupers pleaao copy. ART?Dled, Docember 8, atFrank Purk. N. J.. PETEB 8UYDAM HAB'l', aged elghty-llve years. is survived by a wldow, two sons, rot K. De Hurt. Ciinaan, Conn.; l ll. Do Hurt, Franklin Park, N. wo daughters, Mrs. C. T. Brengle , Ar of kn fu of Ca] Wr MISS LUCY HAYES WEDS' IJouKlitern of Confedernc. Beconie* .Mr?. George llnvt >,.,- V-ling. Colorado Springs, r ol., Decemher 8.-? Mlss Lucy Whlte Haye.% granddatigh ter <>f Jofforson Davis, President of tho Confederncy, and who, following her mother's death two years ago be cutnc dtaughter of the Confoderaey, wns married tn-nlght ln St. Stophen. i-plscopal Church. to George Bowyer Voung of Plucervllle, Col. Mr. Voung ls tho son of the late larvey Young, an nrtlst, who died here about nine years ago. Rev. A H. 1'ai'l. rector of Rt. Stophen's Church, .fliciated. Severai hundred relatlves ind frlends wero In attendance. Following tho ceromonv there was a ?eeoptlon lln tho Hayes residence. Mr. md Mrs. Ybung will go dlrect to thelr lew home In 1 'Jacervllle. UI.I-TS NEXT AT M.WI'ORT J'EWS. -lonlug Sesslon nt Klnnton of Scaboard .Medlcal A?ao..iitlnn. f Special toTheTlmc3-Dl3patch.] __ Klnston. N. C, December S.?-Tho .eahoard Medlcal A-soelatlon closed ts meeting here thla afternoon. ajid o-nlght the members wero enter alned at a public receptlon at the ?esidence of Mayor W. D., Jr. At thc electlon of oflicers thls af ernoon Dr. Clarencc Portcr Jolns. of newport News, was elected president or the ensulng year, and Newport ?cws was selectcd for the 1311 mcct ng place. Dr. R. F. Parkor, of -oldsboro, N. C. was elected secrc ary. How to Destroy tbe Dandruff Germ Uy n SpeelnlL.-. That the dandruff germ ls responslblo or nearly all tlie diseases to which the calp ls helr, as well as for nd prematuro gray halr, ls a w.ll nown fact; but when we rcull-e that t is also indlrectly responslblc for tany of tlie worst cases ot catarrh and onsumption, wa appreclate the Impor -Rco of any agent that wlll destroy :a power. We are thereforo partlcu irly pleased tq give hercwith tho pre cription whlch ati omlncnt Sclentilt nd si-elaiist Btatei he hus found, af ?r repeated tesis. to completely destroy ie d-ndrutt gerni ln from one to three ppllcatlons. This prescription can be lade up at home. or any druggist wlll ut it up for you: ti ozs. Bay Rum. . zs. Lavona de Coiuposoc, !? dr. Men lol Crystals. Mlx thoroughly, and [ter standlng half an hour lt is ready >r use. Apply night and morninK, tbblng Into the scalp wlth the llng.r p^. lt you wlsh lt r.erfumed, add ilf to one teaspoonful of Tokalon Por une, whlch unltcs perfectiy with thc her ingredlents. Thls preparatlon :?* >t a dye. but ls une .ualed for pro oting a growth of new hair and for tstoring gray hair to Its original ilor. CALTIOX: Do not npply where hnlr not desired, nud be iiurc to avold nlcs contalnlug polnonoun wood nlco >1. The Army of Coastipation Ia Growittf S___JLer Evety D_y. CARTER5 UTH-E UVER PILLS am r_.po_.tble?tbe- a ?nljr gwe reBef?? A __ey perm__ei_]jr_ ctn? Ca-otipa-^ t_M. M2-,, lioai me tbemfor Biiw uu, hUgtatim, Siek H___Uc!_, S_B*w _M_. SMALL PELL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRKE .aulne muit bear ilgnatux*. E. Tanner. John F. Tanxwt AINTS, STAINSy BRUSHES Tanner Paint & Oil Co. THE ORIGINALS, 1419 East Main Streot. flion-s Madison 399 _*_ 1791 - Your ~l e you teaching them the rpinclplea thrift/and economy, hablts you mv that possibly may assure thetf ture happlness. Open an account $1.00 In our Savlngs Department. iltal, Surplus & Profits, $1,600,000. Ite for booklet.'Banking by Mail."