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Though Incomparably Best, Burk Clothes cost no more, actually less, than tlie inferior sort soltl clsc wherc. At $12.50 you can buy here Suits and Overcoats in a wide range of fabrics and pattcrns, of better materials, better tailored and more distinctivc in appearancc than $4.00 more will obtain at any other place. At $15.00 Burk hand-tailored Suits and Overcoats, made from high-class fabrics, brimful of style, honest workmanship and skillful dc signing. Suits of all pure Worsted, fancy Scotches and black unfinishcd Worstcds. Overcoats in thc new effect fancy grcys or blacks. Wonderful Clothing $15.00. At $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 the Suits and Overcoats offered here are cmphatically be? yond comparison. They cxcmplify the advantages and bene iits of the Burk "Maker to Wcarer" selling proposition and our greater mercantile power. They possess tailoring char? acter found in 110 other ready-to-wcar clothes al ariything like thc price and are made from fabrics lisually contained in Clothes costing anywhere from $5 to $7.50 more at the average store. Burk & Company, 808 East Main Street ENTICED GIRLS E Show Men on Trial in Fedcral Court on Serious Charge. Greensboro. N. C. December 8.?ln the United States Court, at 3 o'clock Ihls afternoon. District Attorney Hol ton called the cases atfainst Charloa Quasler and Joseph Naplor, the two proprietors of travellng shows. who are under lndlctment, charged wlth en gaglng ln the white slave trafflc, by induclng young girls from their homes under promisc of lucrativo and genteel ?">nployment. In defaull of bond the men have been ln jall two months. Apparently tht-y wi>r?- not exclti-d. and took their seats besldc their attorneys. \V. I*. Hynum, cf Greensboro, and and Stewart. <jf Charlotte. Standlng just in the rear was a long lin^ of government -wltnesses. twelve of them being young women. who are nlleged to have bce-n entlced from their homes, and have been In custody of thc government as prosecutlng wlt? nesses for over a week. Uttle tlme was required to secure a Jury In the two bllls of lndlctment, the defendants are charged wlth con Spiracy to bring certaln young girls Complete jtocK on band. A\aHe your ^elections early. Tn flll tbe Kealm of gbristmas Gifts, Cbere's ttotbing Cbat Quite Cakes tbe PSace of Cbese WE CARRY Reliable Watctjes of every descriptioo from tbe inex peosive to tbe njost costly. fiundreds of Styles jMLjff i ? f C/VN PURNI5H Cases io all sizes and n7aHes. Witb Eijint Walt baro or otber rpovernents. Latest Designs F#v^ls & x< ?.??:??? w? YJ ??'xV 4. 1 25-Year Gold-Filled Elgin.?.$16.00 I 4 Solid Gold Highly Jeweled Elgin . .$25.00 2 Solid Gold Fighly Jeweled Waltham.$35.0<* ! 5 25-Year Gold-Filled Elgin or Waltham... .$20.00 3 25-Year Gold-rilled Elgin and Waltham. .$21.00 j 6- 25-Year Gold-Filled Elgin or Waltham... .$18.00 7 Solid Gold Elgin or Waltham. $22.00 WE BUY DIRECT FROM HEADQUARTERS AND SAVE YOU THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT. "BUY EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE." Catalog. ? We want you to see the new edition of our illustrated catalog, because there is more to show and to say. Wc send it' free to any ad? dress. J. S. JAMES, 7th and Main Gft Mail Orders Prompt ly Fllled.?Anything pic tured here forwarded im? mediately, postage prc paid, on receipt of the price, and delivery guar? anteed. from the clty of Danvllle into North Carolina, wlth lmmoral purpose. Other counts charge that two girls were enticed from Baltlmore into North Carolina. The conspiracy counts are drawn under the old statute, 5.40, and tho other counts are under the re? cent act of Congress, known aa the white slave trafflc act. The flrst wltness examlncd was _n eighteen-year-old girl from Baltl? more, who told of her being induced to leave her mother, under promise from one of the defendants of $25 a week to take part In a show at fairs. She was a dressmaker. Sho arrlved flrst at Wlnston. during tho recent fair. Sho was rcscued at Charlotte. An advertisement ln a Italtlmorc newspaper. Inserted by Quaster, Octo? ber 1, calling for good looklng girls to take well pald .ngagements to travel, experlence unnecessary, was presented Mr. Hamm.r-ly, of Baltimore, told of having gone ln search of the girl. in response to her urgent letter to her mother ln Baltimore, golng lirst to Klng. ln Stokes county. The show had left, and he found the girl In Charlotte, and took her home. Before court adjourned for tlie day, twelve young girls from Danvllle, Va.. ; were sworn, lt belns understood that I these wlll be wltnesses to show how the defendantB had tried to entire them : from thelr homes during thc Danvllle j fair. but had fnlled. Court adjourned I untll Frldav at this polnt. Judge Boyd ordered that thc Jury be kept together. saying there was so much talk and excitement over this unusual case. he thought thc jurors had better be kept where they would not hear the matter dlscussed by out sldera. PURD NEGRO PRISONER Boy Se.fvihg Fivc-Ycar Term foi Maiislaughtcr Relcascd by Governor. DATE FOR RATE HEARING R., F. & P. Case Comes Up Janu? ary 24?Farmers' Institutes Near sRichmond. Oovernor Mann yesterday granted a condltlonal pardon to Ben Staplcs, colored, who ls servlng a term of flve years ln the penitentiary for tnan slaughter. Staplcs was convlcted ln Albemarle county. The petition asking for clemency in this case was largely slgned by clt Izons. and was indorscd by the prosc outlng attorney, as well as the Mayor and Chlef of Police of Charlottesvllle, whero Staples llved. The papers say that the boy was but eighteen years old at -tho tlme of the kllling ln De? cember, 1O0S, that hls assallant was oldcr and larger than he, that he had prevlously borne a good reputatlon, and that the petitloners believe the ends of Justlce wlll be met by a con? dltlonal pardon, conslderlng that part of the term has been served. His prison record has boen good. DATE SET~F0R HEARING R., F. & P. Passenger Rate Caae Comes 1 p on January 24. The State Corporation Commission yesterday set January 24 as the date for the hearing on the petition of the Richmond, Frederlcksburg and Poto? mac RallroaM Company for permisslon to Increase its maxlmum Intrastate passenger rate from 2 td/3 cents per mile. Thls petition. which was recently niod, set forth much the same claims whlch were adduced ln the hearing on a simllar rcquest on the part of tho Washlngton-Southern Railway Com? pany, another branch of the Rlch mond-Washlngton system. These are to the effect that thc purely intra? state buslness of the company ls done at a loss to the stockholders, and that to glve a reasonable return on the in vestment, the road should be allowed to charge 3 cents per mile. The practlee which has grown up as a result of the discrepancy between intrastate and interstate rates, wherc by passengers buy thelr tickets to and from Alexandrla, Instead of to and from Washlngton, is known the coun? try over. In the case of the Washlngton Southern. the Corporation Commlsslon denled the petition, but entered an or? der permltting thc road to charge a rate of 2 1-2 cents, whlch ls unlform with the charge of thc other trunk llnes of the State. The Wnshington -outhern was not, however, satisticd wlth thls declslon, and took an appeal to the Supreme Court, where the case sitate to Buy? Shares in the Argus Gold-Mining Corporation, While the Stock is Selling at 30c Per Share?Par Value $ 1 Nature has provided the Gold, and all that is now necded is the proper machinery to develop it. And for this reason the directors have decided to sell 50,000 Shares of the Treasury Stock at the specially low price mentioned above. When this has Been placed, not another share will be procurable at any such price. The new machinery will develop over 90 per cent. of the Gold containcd in the rich deposits of our mines. From present indications this allotmcnt will not last long, so our advice is to get in on the ground floor and take as many shares as you possibly can. By Way of Illustration You get You pay 100 Shares .$ 30.00 ; 200 Shares . 60.00 500 Shares ...... 150.00 1,000 Shares ;.:.300.00 Par value $ 100.00 200.00 500.00 3,000.00 You can either pay cash or 25 per cent. cash and the balance in three equal monthly payments of 25 per cent each. $59.94 Per Ton Was recently assayed from "Run of Mine" orc taken from one shaft in our mine; this is far^above the average of any other mine in this country. With the installation of the nfew machinery of the latest improved type, the figure will naturally be increased?so it is to your advantage to buy stock now while the price is low. Call at our office or advise us when and where our representative can see you and explain the wonderful possibilities offered in this truly rich mine. Remember: After this 50,000 shares are sold that positiyely not another share will bc offered at the low price of 30c; par value $1.00. Out-of-town people can buy this Stock by mail. Send check with your order and the Stock Certificates will be mailed you promptly. For further particulars and detailed information, address Manager Argus Gold Mining Corp., Temporary Office: 702 Mutual Building, Richmond, Va. COUPON, CUT OUT AND MAIL TO-DAY Manager Argus Gold Mining Corporation. 702 Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va.: Dear Sir,?Please send me your prospectus and other information regarding your proposition. Yours truly, Name .-.....-.. Address._.. is awalting a hearing at the January; HOLDING INSTITUTES Two Farm*.-' JleetlnRfi In Chesterfleid County Yesterday. The farmers' instltute forces of the Department of Agriculturc operated close to ltlchmond yesterday. In the morning a meeting was held at Cen tralla, and in the afternoon at Ches? ter, both ln Chesterfleid county, on the Atlantlc Coast Llne. The conchtu.-g serles of Institutes for the year was begun out of Dan? vllle Monday morning. The trlp for three days was over the branch of the Southern between Da-vllle and Stuart, in Patrlck county, two institutes a day being held. Then a hurried trip was made to Richmond, in order to nll ye3terday's dates. J. J. Owcn. the director of institutes. took the force to Centralia yesterday morning and came back to the city for a few hours. He said that splendid crowds hud attended tl - meetlngs at practically all tho points on the South? ern, and that the greatest interest had been manifested. Points on the Coast Line will be vis ited until Saturday afternoon. On Mondav morning a new start wlll be made on the Southern out of Norfolk and runnlng to Danville. The serles 111 end on December 20. INCREASES CAPITAL Rallroad lu Wlse Couuty "Wlll Spend Addltlonal Hal.-MIUlou. _n amendment was issucd yesterday by thc Stat<* Corporation Commission to thc charter of the Interstate Rail roal Company, Increaslng its capital .ock from $1,000,-00 to $1,500,000. Thls is taken to mean that the company wlll bulld additional llnes or clse add nia lerially to its equlpment. The rallroad is in Wisc county, con structed for the purpose of getting to ?nd from coal operations. The main Une :s from Norton up to Stonega, 15.95'miles long, whllo there are two small branches. ono from Mud Llck Junctibn to Roda. 3.3 miles, and thc other from Arro Junction to Arro, 1.11 miles. requisitTotTgranted Prl-oner Must Go to Wa_-_n_ton, Bur rlug Posslble Ilnbeas C'orpus. After considcrlng the protest of Jos cph Gardnor, allus M. Cohen, wanted m Olympla, Wash., for securlng prop? erty under false pratenscs, Governor Mann yesterday declded to grant the requisltlon asked for by tho Exocutlve of the Stato of Washington. Under Sherif. Strlnger left yesterday after? noon for Norfolk. Whlle the Governor could not see hls way clear to refuse the requisltlon, ln astnuoh as tho papers wero regularly mado out, lt was stated that tho prls? oner mlght make appllcatlon l'or hab cas corpus from the Norfolk courts. The contentlon on tho part of liard ner was that tho proceedings woro an attempt to collcct a dobt lnstoad of a matter of crimlnal prosecutlon. DEALERS WILL NOT L0SE Publtsliers Rcuulred to Take Buck 1)1* placed -chuolliooks. Notteo to rotail book deulers in Vlr? glnla was issucd yesterday us follows by Secretary U. C, Stearnos. of tho State Board of 1-Ciueatlon: "Tho recent high school contracts wlth tho State Board of l_ducatlon re quiro tho publishers of textbooks to tako nll the shelf stock ln merchantubl. condltlon whleh ls dlsplaced by tha books cmbraccd ln thelr contracts off tho hands of tho dealers. of the State and to credit tho dealers wlth tho net cost of such books. "At a meeting of the Stato Board ol of Educatlon, held on October 1, lt wus dotormtned that tho books to bo thus rcdeemed were those on tho shelvcs of retull dealers at tiio tlmo-tho contracts were slgned on September 9, and ap pllcd only to books which should be offered to the publlshers on or before January 10. 1911. "Tnis action does not apply to the exchange of books ln the hands of pu plls, which wlll contlnue up to Septem? ber 15, 1911. "Thls notlce is glven in pursuanco of the order of the board," MILITARY ORDERS Instruction* Issued IleKttrdlnjjr Inspec? tion and Cnrc of Property. Expliclt Instructions as to the care ot military property, the annual inven tory inspection, the charges for short ages and the rules as to requlsltions were Issued yesterday ln the shape of an order by Adjutant-General W. W. Sale. The order follows: Commonwealth of Vlrginia, Adjutant-General's Office, Rlchmond, December 3, 1910. General Orders, No. 39. I.?The terms of paragraph, VII., O. 0. Xo. 24, this offlce, June 17. 1910, aro amended to read as follows: An annual lnventoried Inspection wlll be made of tho property of all organlv-atlons before tne lst day of December of each year, and also for thc purpose of ascertalnlng (a) Llst of deflciencles, wlth cxpla natlon as to how they oecurrcd. (b) Llst of unserviceable and ob solete articles which should be re? turned and charged off tlio organlza tlon's property accounts. (c) Abllity of the quartermaster CASTORIA For Infsnts and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignature Everything for the Xmas Holidays Raisins, Nuts, Candies and Fruits 1 lb. Santa Claus Seeded Raisins 8c 1 lb. Cleaned Currants.10c New Citron, per pound.16c . Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.20c New Virginia Buckwheat, lb....4c Granulated Sugar, lb.5c Stag Brand Gelatlne.5c Wine for Jelly, quart.20c Quaker's or Mother's, Oats, pkg-9c California Asparagus, can.20c Fresh Eggs, per dozen.28c 4-String Broom .25c 81.00 bottles Duffy Malt Whiskey.85c Swift Pride Soap. 7 for.25c Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.20c Large Ncv Irish Potatoes, per peck, 20c; or, per bushel- 75c Cream Cheese, per pound.20c Try our 40c Green or Mixed Tea lor cold tea. It's regular 60c kind. Extra Large Fat Mackerel, 6 for.. .25c Old Virginia Herring Roe, in 2-lb. cans, 2 for.25c Smoked California llams, per lb.. .14c Elgin Butter, per pound.32c Early J?ne Pcas, .1 cans for.25c Hamilton Roasted Coffee, 1-lb. packages.17c 3 cans Tomatoes for soup.lpc Best City Meal, 20c peck; or, per bushel.75c CWpped Beef, per can... ,8fi s. ULLMAN'S SON, TWO?STORES?TWO 1820.22 E. Main. 506 E. Marshall. Two Stor???Phoues at Each. :ergeant and efflclency of hls work. } (d) Precautlons taken by command ng offlcers to care for and preserve' lubllc mllitary property. (e) Facilitles of organlzations for aking care of property. (f) Whether the terms of G. O. No. 14, c. s.. this offlee, havo boen fully Jomplled wlth, where clrcumstances ?equlre. (g) Any other matters pertaining to ho questlon of preserving ai ' caring or public military property. , II-?Thls inspoctlon is to bc a horough inventory of all public mlli ary property ln the hands of each >rgani_ation. Thc inspectlng offlcers are requlred p personally count and report upon hc condltlon of each class of articles 11T,, ?_a .?8Bj?n of tho organl-ation. III.?The report of the inspectlng ifflcer must be submitted ln dupllcate ictore tho close of each cnlcndar year IV.?Pursuant to a resolutlon adopt :d hy the Mliltary Board of Vlrginia H a meeting held November 25, miO, ind effectlve from dato of January 1. 1.11, charges Will be made and de lucted from tho funds allotted from the mllitary fund of Vlrginia to or ;anIzatlons for expenses, to covei- all shortages of public mliltary property for which they aro rcsponsible and cannot account for ln such manner as to enable the stato to obtaln relief for tlie value of such charges agalnst it by tho Unitod States gov? ernment. All organlzations being re? qulred to retaln on their property ac? counts such shortages, until settlement is made wlth thls offlee. V.?Thc officer or offlcers to conduet the property Inspoctlon herein ordered will be designated ln orders by this ofllco at such tlme as will enable them to complete and report results of their lnspcctions withln thc tlme pre scrlbed. VI.?Tho terms of paragraph 12, G. O. No. 24. this offlee, June 17, 1010, are amended to read: No requlsitions will be honored un? less made Immediately after the an? nual Unlted States Inspectlon. and th annual State; nnd annual Inventory inspectlon. herein ordered, and the officer making requisltlon wlll be careful to apply for only such articles as are reported deficient by the In? spectlng officer, as these articlos only wlll bc replaccd, and ln no lnstance except where the shortages aro ro ported to bc not duo to ncgllgenco or gross carelessness. Tlie requlsitions for deflclencles found at the annual State and annual invcntorled inspections will bo com liined and sent in before thc close of thn calonda.- year. Bv order of William Hodges Mann. Governor and Commander-lro-Chlef. WM. WILSON SALE. Adjutant-General. Delegates to Conveutlon. Commlsslons were issucd yesterday to thc. following'named persons to rop resent Vlrglnla'at tho convention of the Amerlcan Soclety for Judlcial Settle? ment of International Dlsputes, to bo held in Washington, D. C, on Decem? ber 15-17: John Stewart Bryan, George L. Chris? tian, A. B. Dlckinson, Artlutr L Adatn son und Fred R. Scott, all of Richmond; Charles Hall Davis, Petersburg; W. S. Copeland, Newport News: S. lloth Tyler, Norfolk; James R. Caton, Alexandrla, and Robert A. Hutchlson, Roanoke. Looks Into !,-?-. Actlng undor orders from Adjutant Genural W. XV. Sale, Colonel C. A. Dempsey, Unitod States Army, retired. went yesterday to Emporia to examine Into tho amount of the loss suffered to mllitary property In tho flre of Mon? day night. Onrter?-Parhum. [Special to Tho Timcs-Dlsputcli.l Danvllle. Va., - Decemher 8.?Mlss Graco Al frlend, Parhum and Richard LVirter were married hero thls ovenlntr at tlie residence of tho bride's pa? rents on Main Streot. Dr. W. J. Young. of tho Methodist Church, offlciatlng. Mr. and Mrs. Carter left on tho earlv morning traln for a honoymoon trlp to Palm Beach and othor winter re sotts throughout tho South. ?_-????. Busy Buy at Gretna Green. ISpeclal to Tho Tlmes-Plsputch.j Brlstol, Va., Docombor 8.?To-day Rev. A. H. Burroughs married three young couples of elopers. They wero James X. Blncetlcld und Miss Mary ?;. I.usk, of Crumpler. W. Va.; Roy E>. Glllenwaters and Miss Beulah Klan'ary, of Alley, Scott county. Va., and Wiley Franks aud Mlas Ltllle Carlco. of Georgel, Wlse county, Va. ll in doubt, give the wife on mother A Sellers Kitchen Cabinet The best cabinet made, $22.50 to $37.50, on easy payments. Jones Brothers & Co., 1418-1420 East Main Street. ALWAYS USE TheiCf^i ICar raK1 Always Ready TAXICAB UATES Subject lo Chnnge Without >TotIce. Ouc or Two l?u?scnjjers, Buy or Mght. First mile or fraction tliereof .50 centa (Each additional paasenger, 'JO cents). Each quarter mllo there? after .10 cents Each six minutes of wait? ing .10 centa Pleasure Ridlng.sfcl.OO per hour Special Knte* for WeddlUKa, The ntrvM und Sovlul 1'uiu-tloiis ou aiiiillentlou. Monroe 7S0 llny Phone. Monroo 7S? Mght Phone. ??ASK Mlt. HOWMAX." VlIKil.MA TAXI-SKKVICE CO. WE HAVE IT IF ITS MADE OF LEATHER. THE ROUNTREE LEATHER SHOP, 703 East Broad Street. HEALTH for you On Solid Foundation Results Guaranteed Ask Your Druggist About MILAM