Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market New york, lleceinbrr 8.?The cotirsn of to-day's stock market gave little lllnt untll the ClOSe Of the more hope ful feelliiR which la sald lo eXl8l In flnanclal clrcles. Tradlng durlng the greater part of the session was dull and dlstlnctly Irregular, The profes Btonal rllqne was rather moro in olined tn buy thnn sell, hut In the early hnun; ndvances were inol with sales. London had senl over n higher range of prices and Un- local openlng was fnirly firm. Reoesslons soon wlpeii out these galns after which buslness fell off to Inslgnlflcani pronprtlons. By mldday another rally wns on, hut thc lack of interest then shown was used as an excuse to rald the general list. United States Steel fell to 70, the lowest prlce ?f thc present move? ment. hut wns sn well BUppbrted tit that level that It rrbounded nlmost lmmedlnlely and restllted in an all round Covering movement. which maintalned to the close, when hest prices of the day, wlth some very materlal net gains. wore reglstered. News of the day wns wlthout very Important bearing upon seourltles values, although the fallure of the Bank of England to reduce Its dis I'ount rate wns received with somo dlsappointment. Yesterday s depresslon on the Paris Bourso, which seems to liave been largely inlluenced by the course of events here, was another factnr that made for discouragement. To those ndvorse condltions must be ??dded the monthlv statement of the r,.pppr Producers' Assoclatlon. which reported a decrease In stocks on hand. due prlnclpally to a further cur tallmcnt of output ns there wns a large falling off ln domesttc consump? tion. Additional shlpments of currencj to interior polnts wero ma'de by tha local institutions, nnd the cash loss ifor the week ls very largo. In the bond market. which was gen ? firallv flrm, the features were ?en board Air Llne adjustments, on which it had been decided to pay tho full seml-annual Interest, and lssuos of the N*ew York Central and Pennsyl vanla systems. Total sales, par value, ?were $2,110,000. Total sales of stocks to-day woro 727,000 shares. New York, December 8?Money on call flrm: 3(?3 o-S per cent.; rullng rate. 3 1-4; closlng bld. 3 3-8: offered at 3 1-2 per cent. Tlme loans dull: *lxtv days and nlnety days, -l<ff4 1-1 per'cent.; slx months, 4(fT4 1-4. Prlme meroantlle paper, 5<i?5 1-2 per cent. Sterling exchange barely steady. wlth nctual buslness ln bankers' bllls at $4.S250<7TM.S260 for s'xty-day bills. and at S4.S555 for demand. Commerclal hllls $4.81 3-4(?rS4.82. Bar silver. B4 1-S. Mexican dollars. 46. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. By Richard W. Mauir, 6lork and Bond Broker. lOlf. E. Main St. Richmond, Va., Decembor 5, 1510. SALES AT BOARD. Vlrginla-C.-irolina Chemlcal pfd.?1 at 12014. | STATE SECTJRITIES. Bld. Asked. ' Vlrginia Ss, Old. C. and R., 1932.... *<! SS'4 Centurles, 2-3, C. and R.. 109!. S9?i SOV2 RAII.ROAD BONDS. A. V. L. R. R. Con. Tr. 4 p. c... 93 ? C. and O. R. and A. Gen'l M. 4'4s.. 100 Georgla Pac. lst 6s, C. 19B.113 'Georgla, Sou. and Fla., 1045.103 Georgla and Ala. Con. 03. 1045.... 10S Norfolk and West. Ry. 49. :9r-6.... 9; Nor. and West. Ry. Poca. 4s 1044.. V Rlch. and Dan. Gold 6s, C, 1915... 104 Seaboard Alr I.lne 4s. 1050. S4 Efaboard Adj. 5 p. c. bonde, 1015.. 76 Southern Railway lst Ss, 1034. 107 Western N. C. lst 6s, C. 1014.... 105 STREET RT. STOCKS. Par. Va. Ry. and Power Co. pfd.100 71 Va. Ry, and Power Co. com_100 23 RAILROAD STOCKS. Par. Atlantic Coast Llne com.100 113 Chesapeake and Oliio.100 jco Norfolk and Western com.100 96 It., F. and P. Dlv. ObMg.100 270 C76 KouthoNi Rallway pfd.100 59 Southern Rallway com.ICO 21 BANK .\.VD TRUST CO. STOCKS. Plrst Natlonal.100300 -Merchants Natlonal.100 G7S ... Natlonal Bank of Vlrginia.100 1*5 ... Planters Natlonal.100 675 ... Savings Bank of Rlchmond_26 63 l.'nlon Bank of Rlch. ..mond_50 230 Vlrginia TruBl Company.100 l'JO ..'. MISCELLANEOUS. Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. S p. c.100 121 r.7 Va.-Car. Chem. com.106 60 Quotations for Inlcrest-paylng bonds ar? at a prlce, to which Interest must he added Income bonds and certlflcates of indebtcd I ncts are flat. COTTON MARKETS. Now Tork, December s.?Tho cotton" mar , ket was very nervous and unsettled to-day 'wlth prices brcaklng sharply under llqulda , tion following the census report. The close I was easy at,,ja.- pet ,decllne of S@31 polnts Ihe openlng wa* etosy at a decllne of 3 Kohits on.December and nf lOffi 10 polpts on the general llst u'nder liquldation and bear pressure, inspired by the report of thoCen eus Bureau showing 10,139,956 bates glnned t? December 1, compnring wjth ft.^,?*". 10 the same date last year. Llverpool had betn relatlvely flrm prior to the local openlng, owlng to n-duced estlmates of thc Eas| tn dlan crop and continental buylng, bui New Orleans broko sharply 011 the census figures nnd before the end of the ih< flrst pricc* ?howed a net :oss of from 15031 polnts. At this level the markel ????,? .. .?.v.,.r!n; hy some of the early sellers, support of Jan \iary by spot houses nnd forelgn buylng, but after 11 rally nf ? or 9 polnts prices wrakened again under ronewed liquldation, wr.n tho market closed ai practlcaliy tno lowest leve! of tho day wlth the late trart lng suggestlng a reductlon In the long lines of some of the bull leaders. Tha amount ot' eotton reported glnned was not much over expectatlons, >-?.,,*, 1 nn the national glnners' report publUhi ! ? ln the week, but :t reflected siwh ;i large M-in 7ilng for the perlod as tn ghakn confidence ln the many Southern rej.r,.-? Indicatlng that less than 10 per cent. ol tho total crop remained to be ginn.-d n^ter m ( |p questlon. Morebver, tTir. total amount gln? ned to December 1 proved the Becond larg? est on record. and the flgur.-s evldently dls turbed the vjewa of uome "i the long Inter ?--? - who had prevlously Intended to c.irrv ngalnFi 7.011 last year. Cotton futures ope H.i: 14.51 n.ct imddllng uplandi 14.1 . mtddling gulf, 15.05 Sales. 7,000 bali >. Cotton, quh I ? ??? Idd Inn nel recelpts to bales: groif, ' bal ? salei, 7.-'?, i.,i( Mon|0|nMMf|irrrTr??w>.*.^-.^.w1rm..-FnM...lM?|?r.. Thomas Branch & Cq > (Establliherl 183SJ MEM BKRS New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchang* Private \Vires to Principai Marketi Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York. By THOMAS BRANCH _ CO., Bankers and Brokera. Oj>en. High. Low. Closlng. ?,___? Open. High. Low. C'O"'"*, 8ALEB. Bld. Asked. BALEB Bld. Aakea, 2,40c Amer. Agrl. Chcm., com. 43*4 ?. 4?fl *_ ?|r,,,? J'800 (,rrnt Northern Oro ctfs 64% 66% 64 !jj jjj! MOAlHe-Chalmer. . .% 8% 8% 8% *% ,MW {"{. Mltrop.llun,:;i:.;;: '26% *2o% 'ii. 20 W Alils-Clialmers. pfd. 27% .0 |.|m int. Metropolltan, pfd.. 55 6314 6.4 f,l<JJ '""'i* 8,100 Amnlgnmate.i Copper ... 63% 6.1. 61_ 63% 6.. ? Int. Mer. Marlno. com.. ... Wt h& .W Amerlian Can . SH 0 8% sli 0 Internatlonal Paper ....'___ 'lVi 12. I2_ _ 1.1M Ameflcnn Can, pfd...;.... "% 77% 7fi?< 764 'j int. Paper," pfd. . ... M 1,400 Amer. Car and Fonndry. 4.V_ 4P?fe .'? 40 ?i 1.400 Kan. City Houih., com.. gou ^t< ro% l"?-? Amer. Car and Foun., pfd ... ... ... 112% Ilfi :tm Kiuipns Clty South., nf<j w. i? ?4_ '*?' 2.000 Amerlcan Cotton Oll. 67U 67% t-_ K?? 57 t8,250 LoIiIrIi Vnllev . X77 Amer. Llnsoed Oil, com. Ml? '1*4 600-LOtilBvllle _nd Nashvllie* 34] Amer. I.lnsee.l Oll, pfd. _"?* 30 l.'tt! Manhnttnn.133 000 Amerlcan Lqcomotlvo ... 3f>'i ?6% 36% :':>'. J8W j,iv>i jt0? Kan. and Te..aB..?. anu Amer. Locomotlye, i>fd. l"l% 106% im Jin? Knn. nnd Tex., pf_. 6.' (? Amerlcan Malt, pfd . 32% S3 32% "-' 34 2,200 Mlssotirl Pncinc . 451. 7.001 American Snielting . 73-% ~r>\. 71% !_V6 73% l.OOO Natlonal Lcnd. _i-2 5,975 Amerlcan Beel Sugar? 36% 88 36$ 37% 87% 5,200 New Yordc Central.110% WO Amerlcan Sugar . 111'. I14-. HSVfc 1" U'. N. V.. Ont. nnd Western . Amrr 'IVl. and Tel. Co... 139% HO', i:K>. IU", I I""- I.i??> Norfolk and Western... mi 1.0 Amerlcan Tobacco, com. 404 .7 41. \<n |,,t h,v?i Northern Paclflc ......... 113% 400 Amerlcan Tobacco, pfd.. .)', 9-lfi U3% W W% 100 Paclflc Mail . 31 700 Anaconda Copper . 39 40 3i> :?. "?:", c,400 Pennsylvanla .'127% ..'- Atchi.son . 90?j 1<? 98% 99% 100% :..<) People's Gas . 104% i.i Atlantlc Coast Llne.115 lln . il.". iil Ih". r?o Pt-ossed Steel Car. 20V4 A. c. I. of Connectlcut. 223 227% Pressed Steel Car. pfd. I.0C. Baltlmore and oblo. 105% 106% _04?i 105 105% lf_ Ry. Steel Spring, com... ,11 ;;i 31 "H.i 1.200 Brooklyn Translt. 74',. 7-i'j 7395 74% ?% 145,200 Readlng .1441/. n_ 142% 144% 1 '? Otiadlun Paclflc . 192 192 191-". 192M l'-""-''. G00 Republic Iron nnd Steel .w? 80% 30 30% ??" Central Leather . 31 31 30^ 30', 30% ROO Republic 1. and S., pfd.. _?>% _!** 92% 93% '.? 100 Chesapeake and Ohlo.... .>% ..% 79 ._% s.% 4,000 Rook laiand . 29?J 29_ '>?- 29% 400 Chlcago Great Weatern. 21% 22 21% '.1. 2lft 100 Rock Island, pfd. 0_-i 00-li ?.'< r,? Ch). Great West., pfd. 43% H. :?m Sloss-Sbeffleld . 49 4., IS'i 48% S.OOOChl.; MI1. and St F3Ul... 120% 121% 11. , 121% 122 11.-.-0 Southern Paclflc .112-i; 113 IIP* ll'.,T? 1,070 Chlcago and Northwest. 144% 144', M.1% 143% lUtj 1,200 Southern Railway . 24-v. "2l?i 24% 24M I' - ciev.. c-ln.. Chl. and St. L 64 ?4 51 k, 67 TOO Southern llnllway pfd. r,9 50 N> i''*1. 1.600 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 31 31 30 30% .?.;, Standard oll . ... ... 611 2,600'Colorado and Southern.. fifi r?5% :a iYv, -r^; ico Tenhc-sseo Copper . '.".it-i 3P, 33% 34 Col. ..nd South., ist pfd. ... 72 7.". 800 Texas Paclflc . 25%| ffi'i -i". 1,300 Consolldated Gas . 133% 182% 131 182 132% 110,000 Unlon Paclilc . 167-i [68% ItW "1?-'? 1,190 Criiclble Ste.el. com. 12 12 12 12 1214 300 Unlted Slntes Uubber... 33 33 32% 32% _? Cruclble Steel. pfd. 77 77 761. 76% 76_ 242,600 Unlted States Steel. 72% 7238 70 72% 400 Delaware and Hudscn... l*2-\ 16_li 162% 161 163 600 Unlted States Steol, pfd 116% 315. 115% H&% ""'-tlllor. See. Cor. 31% -1 Ts 31% 31% 32 2,100 Va.-Car. Cfiemlcal . 60" 60% 59. 60% Kric \"a.-(.'nr. Clicmlcal, p.d. 1,600 Erle, 1st pfd. 43% 43-ii 43 43% 13'? 6<_ Wabash . 15% 1 Fed. Min. nnd Sm., -,?fd. ... ... ir, r_> 1.3CO Wabash, yfd. ;si% r 600 General EJlectric . 161? 151% 160% 151% 152 350 Western tfnlon . GO^" ' 2.11. Great Northern, pf:l. 121'H 121^ 120K 121% 1-1% * Total saleg for day, 77.T'00 CLOSINGBOND QUOTATIONS Ills-Clialmers ".st 3s (bldl.?.... 75'i mcrlcan Tel. and Tel. conv. 4s. VX\\ mcrlcan Tobacco 1;. 80 mcrican Tobacco 6s.10S tchison conv. 4s (bld). 104 tchison conv. 5s (bld). 10S tlantlc Coast Llne lst 4s (bld). 93?i altlmore and Ohlo 4s. 88 entrn) of Georgla 5s. lOfitl hesapeake and Ohlo 4t^s. 04't hesapenke and Ohlo conv. t\$t (bld)... 70 hicago, B. and Qulncy Jolnt 4s. 95?i hicago, B. and Qulncy gen. 4s. 97 ock, 233,178 bales; export to the Contlnent. ?6 baiesj coastwise, 5.974 bales. Total-to-day at all ports?Net recelpts. !,230 bales; export to Great Brltaln, 1,888 ales: to tbe Contlnent, 13,976 bales; to apan. 1,5a bales; stock, 1,051.998 baies. Consolidated at all ports?Not rccelpts. 16.6X9 ba'.cs; export to Great Brltaln. 138.43S ales; to the Contlnent, !0?,4K balcB; to apan. 1,739 bales. Total since S,?ptomber 1 at all ports?Net ecelpts, 4.850,663 bales; export to Great Srltaln, 1,675.979 bales; to France. 306,33V ales; to the Contlnent, 1,280.280 bales; to apan, 35,62? hales: to Mexico, 600 bales. LOCAI. MAKRKT QUOTATIONS. Furnlshed by I.evy Commlsslon Co.. Com? mlssion Merchants, Rlchmond, Va. Richmond, Va., December 5. 1910. ACTIAI. WHOLESALE QCOl'ATIONS OI' MARKET. LIVE POULTRT. 'urkey... It). IS ft 13 ?hick^rs. cholee, small, Ib? 14 Jp 1j 'hickens, cholce, medlum, Ib.. 14 rhtekeus, large. lb. '3 lens. per lb. lt tooslers, eaeh. 35 ? 4<i leese, fat, large. each. 75 3> 90 ieese. small, each. 60 lucks. large. young. 14 ir 15 >ucks, small. young. 13 DRESSED POULTRY. (Head and Feel Off?Undrawn.'t rurkeys, cholce. lb. 23 l-owls, lb. ? 9 1* r'hlckcns, lb. 14 ff 1? Ducks, large and fat. lb. 17 Ducks, small and thln, lb.... 14 <gi 15 Seese, fat. lb. 12 Q 13 DRESSED HOGS. Hogs. small sizes. lb. 10 !iogs, large nnd medlum, lb.. SUf? :?'? Hogs, sows and stags, lb. S Hogs, boars. lb. 7 Sparerlbs and chlne. 12 & 12! Country sausage, lb. 13 GAME. Wlld turkeys. 23 Rabblts. No. 1, each. IS 9 20 Rabblts, No. 2. each. 10 EGGS?CRATED. ln crates. nearhy, fresh, doz.. 31 [n crates. other peetlons, doz.. 30 julnta eggs. doz. U BUTTER. Famlly, cholce. fresh, lh. 2S Merchants'. fair, lb. IS LIVE STOCK Vea'.s. cholce to fancy. Veals, poor to fair, lb. Calves, runners, lb. Kheep. lb. r.ambs. spring. lb. .'?attlc. fair to prlme, lb.. Hogs, lb. COl'NTRY.CURED HAMS. Ilam~, well smoked. amall.... 22 ? Kams. well smoked. large, lh. IS @ H1DES. flinl. lb. salt. lt>. i, salt, '.b... w. ni'.'" 14 lb. 2S WOOL. Brlchl Nn. 1, w.-ished. lb. 25 Brlght Nn. 2, washed, lb. 23 <Q 21 Ch., unwashed^ free of burrs.. 20 Ch., unawshed, lightly burry.. 1" Ch;, unwashed. medlum burry. 15 ?? MISCELLANEOUS. Dried apples, lh. 4% Onlops, drv, per bbl. 1.75 ? 2.25 Potatoes. cholce. bus. 60 <rv 55 Apples. bbl. 2.50 & 4.50 Blackeye peas, No. 1, bus. 2.50 Q> 2.65 Walnuts, ptr hns. 60 MARKET CONDITIONS. Live I'.'.iltrv?ln goud demand under mod ,,. ?? ., ,]pta Dresscd Poultry?Recelpts Of turkeys hi ivler and maricet unsteady; ither class actlve. Eggs?Contlnue scarce and i-i hea,ry d.-nvind. Butter?Market eaj. ler nnd lower. Qamo?Rabblts In good de ?mand; alao wlld turkeys. Apples, potatoes, hldes and wool ln good demand. NEW YORK I'RODUCE .MARKET. Now Vork, December S.?Flour?Quiot, bui steady. Rye Flour?Flrm. Buckwheat Sleady. Buckwhoat Flnur and Cornmeal Steady R.Flrm. Barley?Flrro. Wheat Gasy; N'o .: red, 07'jic olevator and BSHic. ( ... b. afloat. Futures closed V-i-\''. net low i l-Stoads Rosln?St. B and Rl ':;. . l^ast- ri in, il2tj ;':!: do and Krclghts vln'g tn unload h ? wcaltnoss 1 lijido BUppcr net ower. De 7.03O7.05; Feli ?7.W: April. 7.1 MIICAtiO 4JU.VN" MAISKIT. Th OPEN AN ACnOKT WITH Tho Union Bank of Richmond 1107 EAST MAIN STP.EET. 51.00 MAKE.S A HTART. 3 PBR CENT. INTEP.E8T. -hl., Mll. and St. P. deb. U tbld). 92',j Chicago, R. I. and I'ae. Ry rfg 4s....... S9 Denver and Rio Grande reg. 5s (bld).... 50 Erie conv. 4s, scries "A" (bld). "0 Krlc conv. 4s, serles "B" (bld). 6<>S Interborough Metro. t'-s. 79\ Inter. Mere. Marlne 4>ts. 61 Kansas Clty Southern lst 3s... 73^ l.oulsvllle and Nash. Un. 4?. !'8>i Missourl Paclflc 4s (bld). 76'fc Missourl Paclflc conv. 6s (bld). 92 Norfolk and Western lst con. 4s. 03% Norfolk and Western conv. 4s. 09'/j Pennsylvanla conv. 3'6s (1915). 95?, St. Louis and San Fran. gen. 5s. 86 wero all bearish. A weak close r<\sulted. with last prices '.ic. to &094c. below lapt night. Corn showed a net loss of V4@Hc ln saSHc; oats llnished 54c, to !4?Hc olT. md provlstons unchanged to 10c. advance. Thc leadlng futures to-day ranged as fol? lows: Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. WHEAT? Dec. 92Vi '??'-'-. 9174 92 May . !?'.'. >'.', Wi Wi July . W\ 9"-: 33*4 33?s CORN? Dec. ''4 l?*S 13V! t": Mav . 47?i I7\ 17'i 47?f July . 4S?? 4vi IS IS'.J OATS? Dec. 3114 -l'j 3IU Sl?j Mav . 34?4 *?3" 84 S4M July . 3454 3154 31 .11 MESS PORK?Per bbl. Mav '..'.'.'.'.".7.7.'. *. * 17' 17 17.2.7 17.17 17.30 LARD?Per 100 :bs. Dee. 9.S7 .fan . 9.82 0.90 9.82 0,?7 Mav ...^. 0.70 9.77 9.70 9.7J ~HORT RIB SIDES?Per 100 Ibs. .lan.0.60 0.72 9.60 O.e.'i May . 9.30 9.10 9.30 9.37 Receipts?Wheat. 18.000 bushals; corn. 810. XXI bushels; oats. 22'.SOO hushels. Shlpments A . it, 40.100 hushels: corn. 130..S00 bushels; oits. 166,200 bushels. Cash grain closed: Wheat?No. 2 red, 94U '?'? , Nn. 3 red. 920 M'-'.e.: No. 2 hard. 95? :-,:C' . No. ?? hard, 32095c: No. 1 northern, tl.O601.OSV4; No. 2 northern, $1.0501.0714; No. 3'northern. $1.0101.07: No. 2 sprlng. Wc. ?$1.06: No. 3 sprlng. 93c.031.04; velvet chafl". 9 j M.03: durum. 8309254c, Corn?No. 3. 4;-.?-. ? No. 2 white. 4Si,je.; Vo. 2 yellow. oOi;. ?..??>,-? Nn. n, 4S04S54C; No. 3 new. 4I'j?i '.-,:,'? ; No. 3 white, 4>fl4Se.: No. 3 white. new. 1454045'Ja; No. 3 yellow. oOii50t(.c.: Nn. r, yellow. new, I6?46%c; Nn. 4. I7<"i n1 : Nn'. 4 white. (7 04754c.; Nn .( white. new, 12*4 Ti(3Uc; No. 4 yellow. 17':. w I-.-.: No. 4 yel? low. new. (i .-ii' ? '--!-? Nn. 2. ::'.';?: Nn. 2 white. 3363354c.: Nn. 3 white. 32? Q :;.'?%-.: No. 4 whit". 31V4032UC.; st.indard. 32%@33c. - Baltimore, Md.. Decembor S.? Wheat? Easier; spot. contract. 96%c.; southern on grade. 97c. Corn?Easier; spot. contract, 545xC; new. S2Ue. Oats?Scadv: N"o. 2 whlt... :>'?.'? Rye?Flrtnj No. 2 Western, dnmestie. IUCII.MOND GRAIN MARKK1. Rlchmond, Vi,.. December 8. 1910. WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS ON 'CHANGE, WHEAT-Car lots. No. 3 red, Western.$1.01 No. 2 red, Virginia. 98 tp tii No. 3 red. 96 0 97 Steamer . 92 ? 95 Vlrginia tbag lots). 80 0 97 CORN?Car lots. No. 2 white (new). 0 M Whltc. on tho cob (now). OATS?Car lote. Wlnter seed (bag lots). 55 ? RYE-Car lots. No. 2. 0 YirginU (bag lots). 81 ? 8S CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET. (Sales at Union Stock Yards.) Richmond. Va., December S, 1910. Report of thu llvo stock market for th wek endlng December 5: Recelpts?Cattle, 201 head; calves, 46 head sheep, 47 head: hogs, 3,569. Best steers. 5',i'.'i6c: a lot of extra hlgh er; medlum to goud; 4%@5Kc; common t fair, 4<!74"..-.; o::en and stags, 3*i '?"' 45-je.; ol ."?:?? and very rough oxen. 25603Vic: he; hei -? $5.40; medlum to good, 4%.0SKc. common to fair. ?Xt <] V~-.: bulls. 3V40454C, a few extra fat, iV.c.; eows and calves, S! ftCO per head; vea'l calves. S60S: runnen (3.50 5.00; shoop, 30454c.; lambs, 406c; e* tra, 6'ie.; best hogs. S?S'i,4c; medlum t good, $7.6008; town and sta'gs, 6V407>/to. chicago. 1||? December 8.?Cattle?Rocelpt -?- i head. Markel alow and weak. Beove ;i 100.7.20; Texas stoars, $4.1006.25; Wester steers $1.1006.20; ?lockers and feeders, ?:;. ?5.00; eows nnd helfers, $2.20?6;i0; calve $7.0009.00. Hogs- Recelpts 32.000 head. Mai Kei slow at decllne. Light. J7.1507.57V mlxod, $7.1507.53; heavy. $7,1507,53; rougl $7.1507.30; good to cholce. heavy, $7.30?i.5 plgs $6,6S?7;45; hulk nf sale*, $7.40<4i 7.:. Rhcep -Recelpts 25.QM head. Market Btron Natlvo $2.2504.30; Western. $2.G0?4.2 lambs natlve, l.2j?6.30; wctorn, $4.u0if)6.: New York Docomber 8.-*-Bc'e.vee?Recelp ,S05 head. 1-Vollng steady. Calvos?V.< -,-lotH 821 head. Vcals. $7011.00 per 1 .ouhds; ctills, $5; barnynrd nnd fed calvo I4(Si500 Sheep and Lambs?Rccelpts. 5,1 ii i-i Sheep :t"'i i '-'?"?: culla, $302.50; lamb . r5?6.85; culls $500.50, Hogs?Recelp ,957 head. Fc( Ing firm, ">e. higher. IIKHMIINII TOBACCO MARKET. Ricliniond, Va,, Dccbmbor 8, 1910, Brlghts?Rccelpts continue lighi and ma ket ilnn nt unchanged tiudtatlqns. Da PIrod?New,- Recelpts continue llght ttl markel tlrm al prices quoted. Sun-Cured Fair recelpts nnd markot falr'y actlve price.-. quotcd. DA RK ST EM M1NO-NEW i.,,-? .$ :. oo ?/ 5 :. . 10.00 )WN BH1PPINO?NEW. 0 s ?i 1 '?'? " 0-f. W'ruppers . '?-W BllIOlITS. SMOKERS?Common . 7.00 Medlum. 9-0" 0 H l.-i?? . 12.00 0 1.1 ? I "['TUlie-Coramoii . 11.00 0 12 Uedlum. 130? 'lt M I,,,.. . 16.00 ? IS Fancy . lSM ? :n K1LLERS?Common . s.oo ? io Medlum . 11.00 ?12 Good . 1-00 U 11 Flne. 14.(0 0 16 WRAI'I'IJUS-Common . 15.00 0 17 Medlum . 1S.00 ?20 Gnod .?. 1500 ?j 30 Flue IU.. 82,50 <? 37 St. Louis S*wc.t_rn Jst sold 4b.. KeHhoard Air Lino AdJ. 5b. Southern Paclilc conv. 4s. Southern Railway ."?!'. Southern Rallway gen. 4i. U. S. refuntllng !s, rCKi-terrd.... U. S. refundlng -?. coupon. t'. S. 3s, reglstered. _. S. 3s. coupon.102 U. S. 4s. reiflstcrcd. 115'.. U. 3. 4b, coupon. 116% Unlon Paclflc conv. 4b. 103 U. S. Steel 2nd 5s. 103% Vlr?lnla-Car. Chem. n*. 100 Wabaih l?t and oxt. 4s. 6-',i 107% VXfli 100\ 102 Fancy . 40.00 ft 45.00 SUN-CUKED-NEW. Lugs, common to good. 5.00 @ 7.00 J.ugs. good to prlme.7.00 !fi> S.50 Short leaf. S.00 0 '.0.50 leaf. 3.00 (!}' 11,50 Wrappers . 12.50 ?25.00 1'rlmings . 1.00 ijj 3.00 miscellaneois markets. DRY GOODS MARKET. Xew Tork. December 8.?Thc cotton goods market rules milet aud steady. Worstcd warp taroad/oth for fal! 1.11 are to he _iown shorily at slighi prlce reduotlons. Thu cotton yarn markets rule <iuiet. NAV.VI, STOItES. Wilmljigton, N. C, December .-.Splrlt. Turpentlne?Steady at 73V4C.; recelpts 23 casks. Rosln?Steady at ?".._.; recelpts 123 harrels. Tur?Firm at $2.60; recelpts 259 luir rel?. Crude Turpentlnt.--Flrm at J4.60O5.00; recelpts 4 barrcls. Savannah. r;,i.. December ..?Turpentlne? Firm at H'i .Tt'.i-.; sales 450 casks; recelpts 363 casks: shlpments 1.0S1 casks; stock 16,_."> casks. lto-iu?Firm: salo. _.0ir. barrels; re? celpts. 23 eask:-. Rosln?Steady al ?:...".: re? celpts 2,895 harrels; shlpments 4.S70 harrels; stock 77.0S3 barrels. fjuote; M. $5.70. MARINE IXTKI.I.IOKN. E. Steamer chandise a Steamer James Rlv scngers. V Steamer James Ri\ stngers. I Jarnes Ri\ sengers, I RICHMOND, DECEMBER S, :010. ARRIVED. Bcrlteley, Shelly. Norfolk. mer nd passengers. Old Domlnion I.ine. Tocahontas. Graves. Norfolk an er landlngs. merchandlsc and pas Irginia Navlgatlon Company. Aurora. Barrctt, Petersburg and er landings, merchandlse and pas hillipj Llne. SAILED. Berkeley, Shelly. Norfolk. mer md passengers. Old Domlnion Llne. Aurora. Barrett, Petersburg <ind er landings, merchandlse and pas hillips Line. Condition nf the Treasury. Washington, D. c, December S?At thc beginning of business to-day the condition of thp Unlted States Treasury waa: Worklng balanco In treasury offlces, $33,. 1 ??'?-?. In banks and I'lillipplne Treasury V" ?-'-'.;'?" The total balanco in general fund was $S5.!S3.3_: ordlnary i-ecelpjtu yestoraaj were L'.5C1,_1: d_bursomontn were 11,-76, CCO. The deticit t? date this flscal year h $8,433.3-9 as agalnst $_.530,033 at thls tim< iast year. These flgures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactlons. Cotton Clnninj- Hcpori. Washington, December S.?The cot? ton glnnlng report of the Census Bureau. issucd s_L 10 o'clock thls morn? ing. shows in.i.i3,3S0 bales, countlw. round bsles as half bales, ginned frou the growth of 1310 to Decemher 1 compared with s,S76,SS6 for 1909, 11, OOS.O.l for 190S, nnd S, 343.396 foi 1907. The per cent. of the last three crops glnned to Decemher was 88.1 for 1909 S4.1 for nnq, and 75.5 for 1907-... Round l.ales inclitded thls year' ar> 101,652. compared with 134,393 fo 1909, 201, |S(l for 1908. and 154,636 foi 1907. Sea island cotton glnned for 19D was 66,634 liales compared with-77,591 for 1303. 68.396 for 1908, and 55.299 fo 1907. and dlstrlbuted as follows: Flor Ida, 23,649; Georgla, 35.405, and Soutl Carolina. 7.580. By Siates the number of bale glnned ls; Alabama .1,062,62 Arkansas . 625.03 Florida . 54.30 Georgiti .1,626.49 Loulslana . 218,77 MIssissinpl ..'-. 970,20 North Carolina . 61.,19 Oklahoma .,. 828,84 Soutl! Carolina .L036.4S Tennessco . 2"?9-? Texas .2,795.33 All other States . 56,60 Trade Report. Bradstreet's to-morrow will say fo ; Richmond and viclnity: 5 "Trade ln most lines is of a satis . factory volutne, and traders as a- rul H have optlmlstlo vlews for tho neu : -future, Dry weather has retarded th ? marketlng of loose tobacco in the sun "cured belt, and slightly loss money i !' in circulation locally. Dry goods an ; notlona continuo falrly actlve, consld i'lerablo fllling-ln orders .being nolci *| Manufacturers of stovo.. and range ? havo had n good fall trade. and buy - I liift wlth them Is stlll brisk. Produc 01 and fruit are iu good demand an 1107 En?t Mnlu Street, Members: XEW VORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. C1I1CAGO BOARD OF Tlt-DB, E. L RODFiN. Mamersr. Thc fac that the charter of thi Company is perpctual makes i especially desirablc as Exectitoi because, unlike an individual, i never dies, thercby assuring a pei mancni executorshtp. Virginia Trust Co_ Richmond, Va. Capital.$1,000,000.C finrntiiL finuntitti*_^JffnanttoL_ Life Insurance Company of Virginia lncorporated as a StockCompany in 1871 Oldest - Largest - Strongest Southern Life Insurance Company Progressive - Conservative Issucs the Most Liberal Forms of Life and Endowment Policies from $1,000.00 to $25,000.00 With Premiums Payable Annually, Semi-Annually or Quarterly AU Policies aro Clear and Definite, and as Liberal as Safety Will Permit, and Their Values Are Absolutely Guaranteed. Insurance in force September 30,1910 ? OVER $71,000,000.00 Assets September 30, 1910 - ? ? OVER 6,000,000.00 Capital and Surplus September 30, 1910 ? ? OVER 1,100,000.00 JOHN G. WALKER, President cool weather has favored the hand? llng of such product.. Manufacturers and wholesalcrB of shoes continuo to secure good orders. Dealers ln 1oys and holiday goods report buylng well ilp to the average. and retall trado In general has a morc favorablo aa pecL Collectlons are fair." ._B)tcamlJonw. fw E I E S Hamburg Amerlfcan Pleasure Cruises To lslands of Perpetual June Thrc. dollghtful erulsee, Icavlng Nov>- Tork. JANU? ARY 24. iFBBnXJAJVV 23 and MARCH 36, 1011, by the 1.,500-ton 8. S. Moltke, largest _tean_.hlp satling to the Saanlah Main. West Indles, Panama Canal and Bcrmuda. Two crulsee of 2S days' duraHon. $10. and up. One cruise. 16 days, 886 and up. AUo crnlsea to the Orient, South Ai-.-rlr-n. Around tbe "World, Up the Nile. etc Wrlte for lll_._tra.ed bookletR, HAMBTTRG-AMT-RIOAN LINE. S. H. Bo-vman, 708 E. Main SL; C. ?- Alley. care Rich? mond Transfer Co. Rich? mond. Va. OLD DOMINION LINE Lv. Richmond foot of Ash St. dally.7:00 P. M. Leave Newport News.5:00 A. M. Arrivo Norfolk .6:00 A.M. Connects wlth main llne steamcrs leavlng Norfolk for New York dnily except Sundayi 7-00 P. M. Conneeilon al?o made by N. _ XV. Ry. 3 P. M. and C. & O. Ry. tt 4 P. M. Night Llne steamers .top at Claremont to land or receiva passengers on slgnal. V1KGLNIA NAVIUATION CO?Jamea Rlver by daylight for Norfolk, Old Point, New. port Newa and all Jamea Rlver landlngs. Steamer leaves Monday, Wednesday and Frlday at 7:00 A. M. Frclghi recelved for r.i) Jam_ Rlver landlngs. Vnbi TlcUct Offlee, 821 E. Main Htreet. Baltimore Steam Packet Co Equlpped with wireless telegraphy. TO BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH VIA NORFOLK AND OLD POINT. Leave Richmond Dally Includlng N & XV. Ity. 3:00 P. M., Norfolk 6:30 P. M. C. _ O. Hy. 4:W P. M., Old Pn>!_ *r30 P. M. O. D. S. S. Co. 7:C0 P. M. (one day In Nor? folk). Va. Nav. Co. 0:30 A. M. (Monday, Wednes? day und Friday). Tlcketa at nll offlces. For atatorooms ap? ply to H. M. BOVI.IN, Agent, S30 Eaat Malo Street. GOING ABROAD? Then "See Mr. Bowman." Winter and Spring Saillngs now ready. He ropreseats all llnes and furnlshes TRAVEL WITHOUT TRO-. BLE to all parta of' tho w.-fd. Writo, call >r 'phone Madison 5161. S. H. BOWMAN. Southern Tourlst Asent, 708 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. PATRON1ZE HOME INDUSTRY. Merchants and Miners Transportatlon Co N'.f.Ik to Ooston, Mass.. _nr! Frovidenee. R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston, iun., Tues. ancl Frl.; for ? Provldence Mon., Wed. anil Hat. at 6 V. M. Pawelgers and frelght taken 'or nll New England polnts. Tlcheta on sale at office C. _ O. Ry.. N. * IV. Ry.. S. H. Eowman. 703 East Main. and Richmond Transfer Co., 809 East Main. j&aftroaDS SOUTHERN ^Il-WAY TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B?Following schedule (lguree publlshe as lnformatiuu and not guaranteed: U;10 A. il.-Dally-Local for Charlotte. Dur ham and Ralelgh. 10:15 A. M.?Dally?Llmit? ed? For all polnta South. Drawing Room Buffet Sleoplng Car to Momphls via Aaho ville and Chatianoosn. 3:00 I'. M.?Ex. Sun Local for Durham and lntcrmedlato atations. 6:00 P, M.?Ex. Sun.?Keysvlllo Local. 11:45 P. M.?Daily? Llmited?For all points South. Pullman ready 0:30 1*. M. YORK RIVER LINE. ? 4:30 P. M.?Ex. Sun -To Weat Pt., connect. Ing for Baltimoro Mon., Wed. and Fri. 6:00 A. M.?Ex. Sun. and 2:15 1\ M.?Mon., Wed. and Fri.?LoLal to West Polnt. TRAINS AHRIVE RICHMOND. From tho South: 1:50 A. M.. 8:0G P. M? dally; 8:40 A. M., Ex. Sun.; 12:55 Ex. Sun.; 2:00 P. M., dally. From Wost Point; 9:30 A. M., Daily; 11:35 A. M.. Wed. and Frl.; 4:25 p, M., Ex. Sun, 6. B. BURGESS, D. P. A., _0 E. Main St 'Phone Madlson 455. Norfolk and Western Railway ONLY ALL RAIL LINIi TO NORFOLK. Schodula In Eltoct October 2, 1M0. _eave Byrd Street Statlon, Richmond. FOR .XJRFOLK: _:00 A. M? '3:00 P. M., '4:10 P. MFOR LYNCHBURG AND THE WEST. ?6:15 A. M., -:00 A. M? '3:00 P. M., -'.2< Arrlve Richmond from Norfolk: ?U:40 A M., -:33 P. M.. ?lltSO P. M. From t_o We-t ?6:50 A. M., a'J:00 P, M., b2:15 P. M., 6:05 P M., '9:00 P. M. ?Dally. aDaily, ex. Sunday. bSundaj only Pullman, Paiior and Sleeplng Cara, C-N Dinlng Cars. C. H. BOSLHY. XV. B. BEV1LL, D. P. A.. Richmond, aV. G. P. A., Roanoke. Va-___ RI^LMONP AND "OIIESAPBAKE" HA1 RAILWAY COMPANY. Sehedulo of aloetrlo tralns to and fron Ashlund, stopplng al lntermedlate statlon upoii slgnal: Lv. Richmond (Broad am Laurol Sts.): 6:06b, *7:10. .:10b. ?:10b. ??10;1C U-10 A. M.; 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:10b, 6:10, 6:2C 7-io, S:10b. 10:10, 11:45 P. M. Lv. Ashland ?6-66. ?:0flb. 8, Ob, 10, "11 A. M., -3 M., "1 2, 3, 4. 5b, i, 7. 8, 9b, 11 P. M. ?Dally except Sunday. "Sunday only. bCurriea basifage. Foreign Exchange If you have Foreign Exchange to sell we can pay you the top of the market. We issue Letters of Credit, Drafts, Travelers' Ghecks, etc.,' available in every civilized part of the world. Come in and let us talk it over First National Bank OF RICHMOND, VA. ASSETS OVER TEN MILLION DOLLARS BROAD STREET BANK 303 EAST BROAD STREET. Temporary location during construction of new banking house. Capital ..... $200,000 Surplui and undivided Profits - $ 110,000 \V. M. Habliston, Prcs.; J. W. Rothert, Vicc-Prcs.; Tno. G. Walker, 2d Vice Pres.; Andrew M. Glover, Cashier. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. With assets of over Sl,700,000, every inducement consistcnt with good banking is offered to its customers. 3 per cent. allowed in Savings Depart? ment. Bank is open till 8 o'clock Saturday cvenings. Stattroans. _ ^ Rielimdnd^FreaBricSsli'fi: & Potoiffic R. R. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. Loavo Rlchmond ?4.60A.M. ByrdSt.Sta. ?6.20 A.M. Byrd8t.SU. ?6.42 A.M. Main St.8U. ?8.40 A.M. Brrd St. SU, ?12.01 noon Byrd St. SU. tl.OO P.M. Byrd 8t.SU, P.M. KIba Statlon Vi.lii P.M. Main St. SU ?8.20 P.M. Byrd St. SU Arrlve Rlchmond rri n\.25 A.M. Elba Statlon. N1.85 A.M. Byrd 8t.SU. ?1.12 P.M. Main fit. 8U. ?2.46 P.M. BjrdSt.SU. ?7.26 P.M. ByrdSt.Sta. ?0.00P.M. ByrdSt.Sta. ?Ki.:!.1 P.M. Main St. Sta. ?12.50 nl?lit Byrd St.Sta. ACCOMM0DATI0N TRAINS-WEEKDAYS. Learn Byrd St. SU. 1.30 P. M. for t'rederlckibnrir. LeaTe Elba SU. 7.30 A. M., 6.30 P. M. for Al Mani. Arrlre Byrd St. Sta. 8.26 A.M. from Frcdorleksb'g. Arrlre Elba SU. 0.39 A.M.,6.30P.M.from Aibland. ?Daily. fWeekdays. JSundays only. All traina to or from Byrd Street Station (except traina leavlng 4.50 a. m. and arrivlne ia.50 night) atop at Elba. Tlme of arrival. and departurea not guaranteed. Read the slgns. . Chesapeake & Ohio Railway l:0U A. 1 Dally?I'ill tralns to Old I'ol.t, i;im !'. \ N.wport New. and N.rfolk. 7:40 A.?Dally. Local to Notvport Newi. t.tO P.?Dally. Local to Old Polnt. 2:00 P. | Dally?Loulsvdl. and Cincinnati 11:00 P. "? Pullmana. t:45 P.?Dally. "St. Louli-Ch''---> Spoclal." Pullmana. l:J0 A.?Dally?Cbarlottesvlilo. Week rtayi ?Hlnton. 6-16 p.?Wculc day.. Local' lo Gordonsvlllo. 10:00 A.?Dally. L'burg, Lex., C. Forge. 6:15 P.?Week days. To Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. trtcal from East-8:Z5 A. M.. 7:M P. M. Through from East-ll:J5 A. M./'.?8?P}.J. Local from A. M.. ?:M A. M., t:20 P. M. Throush-7:00 A. M., 2:45 P. M. Jamea Rlver Llna-?8;35 A. M.. 6.15 P. M Atlantic Coast Line EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1810. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY For Florlda and South: 1:00 A. M., 8:16 A M. and 7:35 P.M. ? ? - For Norfolk: 9:00 A. M., 3:00 P. M., 4.1 1 Vor N. & W. Ry. West: ?:15 A M., 9:00 A U., 3:00 P. M. and 9:20 P. M. Kor Petersburg: 1:00 A. M.,6.15 A. M., 8.1 A M 0:00 A,^M.. 12:10 P. M.. 3:00 P. M. 4:10 F. M.. itoTP. M.. 7:36 P. M., 9:20 P. M. For Goldsboro and Fayetteville: M:T0 P. M Tralns arrlve Rlchmond dally: 4:40 A.M. B-U A M.. 6:40 A. M.. *8:37 A. M., "10:45 A M.?1W I A. M. *S:00 P. M.. ^aSP.lI., 8:0 P. M.. 6:35 P. M., 8:00 P. M.. 9:00 P. M. 11:20 P. M. ? ?Excopt Sundaj. "Sunday only. Tlmo of arrival and departure and conn.o tlons not guaranteed. _ C. 8. CAMPBELL. D. P. A. Richmond ind Petersburg Electric Railwa; Cars leave Manchester, Seventh und Perr Streets. for Petersburg: ??.... ?6 7 8, ?9. 10, 11. "13 A. M., 1. 2. *3. 4, I "6:45. ??. 7. 8. '9. lo P. M. U;00 P. M. for chester, 12:00 mldnlght fo Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Sycamor Streot, for Manchester: ' 5:15, 6:35. ?7:J6, '7:30.^:35. 0;35. *10:35. 11: A M 12:35. '1:35, 2:35. 3:36. '4:35. 6:3a, ?:! ?7:35, 8:35. 9:35, *10:40, 11:10 P. M. ?Carrius baggago and express. ??Llmited, except Sundays and holldays. \ All cars from Petersburg connect wlth eat '{or Rlchmond. _ HEABOARD AfR I.INB. Southbound tralns scheduled to leave Rlc* mond dally: 9:10 A. M.-Loeal to Norlln. Ruleigh. Charlotte, Wllmlngton, 1.-0 P. M. SIcepors and couches, Atlanta. Blrmlnghan savannah. Jacksonville and Florlda polnt 10-60 V. M.?Sloepers and coaches, Savannal Jacksonville, Atlanta, B'rmlnglmm nn Memphls. Northbouhd tralns scheduled ar.-lve Richmond dally: 6:33 A. M., 6:<* 1 M., 5:10 P. M. Mr. Salaried Man! If You Lose Your Position To-day Have you a bank account to draw on to-morrow We Pay 3% Compound Interest On Savlngs Accounts. The American National Bank RICHMOND, VA. National Bank of Virginia Capital, - $1,200,000 Surplus, - $ 600,000 Accounts solicited Ninth and Main Streets TAXTNOTICE Offlee Collector of Clty Taxes. Clty Hall, Richmond. Va., Dec. 1, 1910. Notice to Taxpayers THE LAST HALF OF CITY TAXES. KEAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL, for 1910, is NOW DUE AND PAYABLE at thls offlee. EVERY" MALE twenty-one year_ of age, and EVERY person keeping houso or doing buslness in tho clty, ls as? sessed for personal taxes. Those who have not pald any city taxes during tho year will please call and settle, so as to avoid being" posted as delln quents. ORAD1NG. PAVING. PIPE AND SEWER CONNECTION BILLS aro also due, and will have to be declared de Hnquent lf not pald on or beforo end of year. FIVE FER CENT. will be added to last half lf not pald on or before DE? CEMBER 31ST. _._,_, " ' , Interest at SIX PER CENT. also at tnches to all bills as soon as reported dellnquent. ;?; ,,._ . .. Partlcular attentlon ls called to tho above, as under an ordlnance passed bv tho Clty Councll there can be no avoldance of tho penalty "WASHINGTON WARD TAXES to be pald ln same manner at tne offlee of J P ROBINSON, Special Asslstant Clty Collector, at Tenth and Hull H'"' F. XV. CUNNINGHAM, ? Colleotor of Clty, Taxes. gtlantic Citp fc?*!?-W '^QALEN HALL AND COTTAGES HOTEL AND SANATORIUM ATLAIMTIC CITY, N. J. , Always open. Always ready. Always b__y. ?' _. L. YOUNG. Uen"I-lanaart