Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market New York. Docembor 28.?Oporatlons |n the BtOCk market to-day born thr famlllnr holiday n*pert. Buslness was yestrlcted even more than usual to tho l.etter known ISSUCS, aud ln thoso fluctuatlona gcnerallj were so harrow i to rob thoni nt any slgnlflcance room wm bearlshly Incllnod, bui i . fallure of presstire to brtng out t-M.-k; during the early session caused the shorl Intcresl to halt. Several ef. made to deprcsa Unlted Ktati I, bul that stock hold llrm Igh Valley held barely ? . .: ,:? thc the..advam ed In pome quaxters thal yestorday'a Increase !n tln dividend from G to 10 per Cent, n'nntfalty not ontt' showed n lack ol .:..-? ? ?: on iho part of tho new Interest) In control of that property, ip prove harmful lo IIn ad g< :>? rally In nands for Increased frelght Thnt the Independent iron and steel i ? ? ?< msikiiiR further cuts in jtrtces, Advlces from thc various cell -. ? ol actlvlty m thla industry wore p.nornlly dlscouraglng, and one of tha recognized trade authorities announced greater than usual char t terlzes present conditions. It was ^ i-ofnclfilly stated thal the l.'nited States Steel Corporation COntcmplatCS Fhuttlng down mon- blaat furnaces In t e near future, and tlils move. lt is Vclleved, wlll lie of brlef duration. Fdrther galns in cash were rnade by 3 al !ln3nehil Instltutlons and thc casler money conditions were attestcd In botli call and tlmo accommodatlons. ; The bond market was barely steady nnd less actlve, 'reflectlng tho marKet for stbckp, Total sales, par value, $?.', : 000, Unlted Stntes bonds wcrc im nged. Total Balea stocks for the i.,... w . re :'i 3,200 shares. New York, I lecember JJ.?Money on cail steady. 3 l-4@2; rullng rate, o 1.1: closlng bld. .",i-t; offered, 33-8. Tlm, loans casler. rates nominal; slxty and tilnety days. 1 per cent.; slx month.-:, 1. TJrlmt mercantlle paper. Z to 5 1-2 por ?? i Sterling exchange, Bteady, with ; buslni .-.- ln bankers' MHs at r I : . ?? for slxty da) bills, and I :;? J' 8545 for demand. Commerclal 1 s. $4.81 3-40 1.82. Bar i llver, .". 1 3-8, ) ntcr<-si paylng bcnidB are :h Interesl mus: bo addnd. 1 cortlflcatea of iudebtcd rOTTON MARKETS December li,?No chuniji mrket The ] Ittlo |< trade ' wlth ' scali I jtton futur? ernber .... Jiin Thomas Branch & Co lEitablUhed ISJSi New York Stock Excnange New York Cotton Exchange ??rivate Wires to Principal Markets Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York. By THOMAS BRjVjNCH Ai CO.. Bankora and ilroKera. Open. High. Low. Closln**. Opon. ftlnh l.ow. Clodlng. *? 6AI.E3 " ' Bld. Aaked. SOO Great Northern Ore ctfa 66,4 -.r.'" ? i ?"*' f,v Illlnui* (Vtitrnl . K!l 183 mm llit. .Mi'lropnlllliu . I9T' pi'-j, iv, llt*** ''?''? 3,100 tin. .Mclrniirilltiin. pfd.. :.|?i j-i*. ,?;?<, ? ??! t-l'j Int. Mer, Marlne. com. i'j i'w' Internatlonal Paper .... 12% 100 Int. I'nper, pfd. ."ii 200 Kan. Cft.v Sotlth., com., 81V4 Kanaaa Clty South., pfd ... 16,300 Lehlrrh Valley . IS0M H?i tjoulsvllloand Nnshvlll-' U8? Manhattan . Mo.. Kan. bnd Texas. ..." ... 31 MO., Kan. and Tex., pfd. ... ' iV.'i' 100 Mlasourl Paclflc . lf,', 45u V, 16$ 300 Natlonal 'jead . 68 ,?>; h'VJ 100 N, v. Central, s IV?%... nm; mjw j,..-., mdik i"i N. V.. Ont. and Wo?torn w\ :?*' 1,1. 10 i"' Norfolk nnil Western.., W", pm ???-, uyi*' I.00S Northern Paclflc . u<;?. m?i* Paclfli Mall . i.i'" Pennsylvanla . 12S*A {?'&*: Pcoplo's Oas . " * 100 Preased st--.-l Car. 30 '30 '?;,, :tti ' >i Presaed Steel Car, pfd. Fly, Stoel Sprlng, com. 01,200 Readlng . l.-.'n-, iV,o:. ,'.... 200 Republlc Iron and Steel 30>,4 soU an ftepubltc I. ond S., pfd." 100 FlOcl* Island . 2914 '.'?'.,. ttOCk Island. pfd. " '* SIoFB-Sheltleld . 6,300 Southern paclflc . lisu ii.:,i- jji: 900 Southern Railway . 20% 2*1*1 100 Southern Railway, pfd. lin, _tl .-, B Standard c?l 1 .017 r.17 lOOTennesa.oppcr . 34"* 34U '1 Texas Paclflo . * 31,000 Unlon Paclflc . 170*;, {j^t j,.... ( nlted States Rubber. 11.100 Unlted States Steel. ?'\ 'j_u M0 Unlted States Steel, pfd 116*4 *j8ft h* 300 yn.-Car. Chemlcal . i;iu, e,v% nn Vn.-Car. Clioniicol, pfd.* J Wabash. 300 Wabash, pfd . 34% j'-fa ^ j>i western t nion . 731*, y^l ~? _Total sales for day,;*{??o0 share: CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS Mlis-Chalmers lst 3s Coldl. 7?H i American Tel. and Tol. conv. 4*. IM Amerlcan Tobacco ia. 8014 American Tobacco 6s.103U j Atchlson conv. Is. 105'' i Uchlson conv. 5s. lOSTi Ulantle Coast Line lst 4s (bldl. 01 t'rooklyn Trnnslt conv. 4s. s''*' ' Vniral ol Ocorgla 5s. 106H 'hesapeake nnd Ohlo 4Hs. 101'i | 'hesapeake and ohlo conv. tifcs. nt'4 'hlcago. I!. nnd Qutncy .tolnt 4s. !'?'?: rhlcago. B. and Qulncy gen, 4s. '17'i I r*otton. qulet; mldd'.lng. ."..15: cross recelpi-s I W balee; sales. 1.4m bales; stock, 266,.".',? : iles; to the Contlnent, 120 bales; export ii Ise, 5,069 bales. !???:,: to-day al .iii ports?Net recelpts. :'"?; bales: export to Greal Brltaln. .'.oo iles; t.. France, 12.723 bales; to thc- Conti ^nt, 0,120 bales; to Mexlco, "15 bales; stock, | ports?Net I CCipts ".?',*? bales; exprirt l,. liroat Brltaln, 1,939,950 bales; to France, 47.SI.: j bales; to ihe Contlnont, -..470.:'.'t*i bales; to lapan. ;,1.>75 bales; to Mexlco, 1,215 bales. | New Orleans, Deeember 22.?Ppot cotton steady and unchanged; mlddling, 1415-lSe. I Salei on tlio spol 1,230 bales and 900 t.. ar- i rive. Futures qulet and steady, unchanged I lo 1 polnt lower compared wlth yesterday's ijoie. Aii--. ihe call the trading months ihowed a rango of only a .oupli- of points, | Irst beliijr a polnt abovo and then a point I yesterday's close. At thc end of tho :,-? !ni:' hrnir of business priceB were at aj ? :inc of 1 polnt, The market was dull. [ i throughout thi mornlng session. j r-grami from Encland were, flrsl of ihe weekly statlt- | ol wcr>- encnuraglng. a.*> :hey Indlcatcd that mllls were taklng large Lton. These were supportlng market Around thc mlddle .-. the mornlng ih*- trading months were 4 points undcr yostcrday's last quotations. At noon pricea were J fi .1 points under yester? day. in the afternoon session very Iittle buslnesa was d..r.e. At 2 o'clock prlccs were d polnt under yesterday's close. The markel closed stcady at ?? net decllne of 2*"f3 points. '.'Iiwing blds: December H.9S; January, 15.02; March, 15.30; May, 15.51: .luly. 15.62. RICHMOND rilODl'CK MARKET. I'llles* iitherwUe stuted thrsc quotatinn-i ire ? holcsale prices. Order> lllled from btnn-s iu small lots nre charged uxtru, FLOUR? Heaw reeelpis and market very lull. WHEAT? Recelpts contlnue llght and narket qulet. I'OItN-Continues qulet. j DATS?Steady. RYE -Vcry dull. HAY IV Ith llghter r, i elpts our market Is llrtn I or me best grades, Low grades very dull I iml stocks .-i.-eumulatlng. ATPLE8?Actove; moderate recelpts. POTATOES? '.eeclpts modernte; market ESGCIS Receipta increaslng; market not BUTTER- Tablo butter eontlnues ln good lemsnd, Lower grades contlnue plentiful , im.i ,n fair demand. POULTRY?Rccelpti llberal: market lo lay about steady at prices quoted for both RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK?Wheat. 13, 50 busl . corn, 13,214 bushels; oats. V',3!2 lushels; ry. 3.000 '? ushels; flour, 5,5'.'7 bar els; hay, 121 tons; mlllfeed, 323 tons. POULTRY?HVE. Per pound. e and lat... 1! and ihtn. 12 13 11 Sj 14 12 <5r POtTLTKY?DIMCSSED ;eya, tair tOBOOci'....'.. tucks. falr to good. 15 (3 16 hlckens, large. lt ?f 15 hickens, small,,. 15 ? 1fi hlckens, mixed Klzrs. 14 # 16 lona . 13 it- 14 eesc . 13 ij 15 Drawn poultry from ltf2c. a pound more undrawn. Undrawn preferred. BUTTER. iinli:c family paeked. 2*> holci dalrj paeked. 25 Iholce ???.or.- paeked. 22 ?> ' :.,|. ng . 17 ?? 1 EQGS. r.iles.. nearby, freth lald. 31 rates, othci nectlons. 31 tabblts, small. 10 4i ftnbblts, damaged. 8 4f "qulrrelo . 6 ? skins. lb. IB S lo shlp green hldes without! .. 20.00 .. 16.50 . 11.50 'tgi 15.00 .. 1S.50 .. 17.50 . II.0U (o 15.011 .. 15.00 . 13.50 .. S.Oii l.KMi r OUAN .V('l I ??i I Chlcago, n. I. and Pae. rty. rrs. ls | Denver and nio Cirando rrf. ;"a. Erle conv. 4s. lerlea "A". Erle conv. ls. series "U". Interborough Metro. i':s. Inter. Mcrc. Marlno 4t-s" ibld). 6314 Kansns Clty Southern lst ?,* itdtli. 73H t.oulsvllle nnd Xash. Un. ls (bldl. 91'i Mlssourl Paclflc 4s rofTeredl. 77", Missourl Pnclflc oo'nv. .".s. M'". Norfolk and Western lst con. 4s. <(8?i Norfolk nnd Western conv. ls. 100?, Pennsylvanla conv. HUs (ir>'..", 1. fi.'.i, St. L,ou|* and Pnn Fra"n. K*n 5s. SK}; KUKCK PEAS. 1.75 BbACKEYE REAS No. 1. per bus. 2.40 ?-'.00 CHERRIES? P ?? -.1 inroi dry orrl?r.. ItASPBERRIES -Per lb... Bl.Af'KBERRIES ., WHOrtTLEBERRIES . WOOL? Tubwashcd, free nf burrs I'nwashed, fr??p of burrs cMrlno, umvashed. Burry, j'O sc. per lb. >es. DVCON? Hams, small. Hams. iaree. Sldes, smokod. okr DRESSED HOGS. LARD Country, primo, TAI.LOW?Per lb. WALNUTR?Per bus_ POTATOEP? Weati 1 n. caskcd, bus.. W. i'i.VKiXs- r'.-r Id,. CABBAGE?Per ton. COUNTRY. PRODUCE? PBATHER8 WAtDNUT KBRNELS?Bui CHICKEN COOP8. TURKEY ('(11IPS . i-:.;.; CRATES. BUT T B R Ii UCKETS?Do? WHOLESALE. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. sw York. December L't?Flour?Qiilet and ' dy. Rye Flour and Barley?Flrm. Buck at Flour?Du 1. BuckWheat?Qulet. 1107 Enst Mnlu Street. Members: NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. CH1CAGO IIOAHD OF TRADE. ?. L. RODEN. Manager. ? "I am a partisan, and by that I mean to say, when I am connected with or interested in an institution or enterprise I work for its up building." In these words one of the best men in Rich? mond recently expressed himself. He is at the head of a strong institution, and he at tributes its prosperity largely to the co-opera tive spirit of his associates and stockholders. ln our opinion he spoke a parable, and we mention the matter because 1910 has been a good year for this Company?made so by the co-operative spirit of associates, stockholders and friends generally! It is our ambition to make the year 1911 the most prosperous in this Company's history, and to-morrow we will tell one way in whieh YOU can assist in its accomplishment. RICHMOND, VA. Cash Capital, $1,000,000.00 ?umnmjmwmmummi Seaboard Alr Llne Adj. .*??. 7<Pi Southern Paeiric conv. ?-. **?? ooutnern Rail*yay 3g (bld). ltwu frouthem Fialhvnv gen la 7*i; };. s. refiinding -2s, re'-rtit'-jred!.".".'.""!! 100*4 i. 8. rufunding 2s, coupon. ioo* n. s, .!?, reglstered. io"' U. S. 3s, coupon. IOi. .' f ,'"? -egistorcd. llji., i . o. ls, roupon. , 11SU Unlon Paclflc conv. 4s..............'.'. lo'l " unlted State* stcei 2nd ??.i**n Vlrglnia-Car. chem. 5s tbid..100 Wahash let and cxt. 4*. 63*i Bantoa, No. I. Uytc; mlld, dull: Cordova, 13"i@15"'c. Butter?Easy: proeess to epe clal, 20?2oUc. Cheese?Steady and unuhan.* cd. Eggs?Fltm; State. Pennsylvanla and nearby heimery, whlte, fnncy, 50c.i do., gathered, whito. 10048c.; gathercd, brown. 38*? 40c. Potatoes?Steady; Malno, per bag, $1.50*!rl.62; southern, 75c.9tl.25. Cabbage*? Steady anri unchanged. Frelght* and Pea? nuts? rit?hanged. Cottonseed oll pasy under local professlonal selling and In ayrnpathy wlth lower hog products. Tradlng wns ipilet and or a pre hollday character. Future* closed 3fr u points r.el lower. December, 7.30*77.15: jan uary. 7.:6'ii 7.27; February. 7.27 li 7.3.1; March, 7.nii.i 7?v,; Aprll. 7.3(07.38; prlme crude, 6.33(j 6.40; prjmc summer yellow, 7.8507.50; prlme wlntor yellow. 7.75'?.*.00: prlme summer whlte. 7.30*5*7.65. CHICAGO (JRAJN MARKET. C Icago. III.. December 22.?Becauie of less molsture ihan expected In lhe drousht dls ? I ? Southwesl; wheat pri.e> tlghtened up to-day. The ,?!?.?> wns ;it a n.\ ?a|n ,, ?jfl ?ic. Corn flnlshed wlth an advancc of ?*. Vi '-?' ic. over laul nlght. and ?ats up ',? . lo '. * >i?-. Provlslons decllned 7*4? 15c. compared wlth yesterday** prices. The leading futures lo-day ranged as fol Open. High. I.ow. Close. WHEAT? Dec. ai?J M", rili, niH I'OIIS OATS? Dc<. 3IH .11"i 31H 31s' Mav . 34 3IH 31 34'? .luly . ol', 311. 31 31 MESS PORK?Per bbl. Jan.19.80 19.92 to.'n ioo:, Mav .IS.60 18.00 18.55 1S.7J LARD?Per l<Xi lbs. Jan.10.SO 10.85 10.73 10.80 M.iv .10.37 10.10 10.30 10.32 SHORT RIBS?Per 100 lbs. Jan.10.6H 10.70 10.57 10.62 Mav . P.!>o 0.07 0.00 O.OO Receipts?Wheat, 28,800 bushels: corn. 552.7M bushels; oat?, "v;.rm, bushels. Shtpme.nts? Wheat, 26,100 bushels; corn. 550,130 hushels; oats, 1 1,10(1 buahel*. rash crain closed: Wheat?No. 2 red. 33'i .? *? 11...-.; .\o. -. red; il',?03'....; No. 2 hard, SV"0'V.; No. 3 hard, B*.Vi@8*c.; No. 1 noriii ern,;; No. 2 northern, Il.02i9-1.CHH; N'o. 3 northern. $101.03; No 2 sprlng. Ooc.'i* 81.03: No. 3 sprlng. Kr.\ 51.02; ve|y*t rhaff, 90c.@$1.00: durum. 53e>92c. Corn?No; 2. 46H 'n i',\r.; No. 2 new, 16% 0'63{a j N... 2 whlte. H'r'il.'.V.; No. 2 yellow. 4S_0^7c.; No. 2 yellow, new. 16*4 ' <?'?"'?<?? ; N'o. 3. I5',i@46c: No. 3 new. 13V Uc.; No. 3 yellow, 46Uli47c.; No. 3 yellow, new, i:\ g I4<?c.; No. 4. f3(fjMSV4c.; No. I new, I1G ii.'...: N'o. 4 whlte, 1504516c.'; Nn. 4 whlte. new, ll'."!i 12'ie.: No. 4 vellow, :?'.? 1514c; No. i yellow, new. 41?i**" 42146. Oats?No. 2. .'H'i'.i 31 Vw N'o. 2 white, __ -H 33'ic.: No. 3 whlte, 32032*?c; No. I. **V(ii :?:?.?.; No. 1 while. ."'l'sW32c.; standard, 32'>.'<n Tlaltimore. Md.. December 22? Wheat ? Flrm; spot, contract, 96c; ?outhern on grade '?r, .< 05.*ir. Corn?Flrm; new. 50'4c Oats? Sti idy; No. 2 white. S-.'33",.'r. Rye?Flrm; No. 2 western. domestlr. S6St"SSc. 1UCII.HOXD CiRAIN MARKF.T. Richmond. Va., Deccmher 22, 1010. WHOLESAIjE Ql'uTATIONS ON "CIIANGE. W'HKA'I'?Car lots. No. 2 re*l, Weslern..'. 'R $1.02 No. 2 red. Virginia. X> "r .00 No. 3 red. 07 li 0? Steamer . 03 # 36 Virginla ihag lots). 80 <fp P6 CORN?Car lot.. No. 2 while. -ji 62Vi iftaaitctar. jftaarataL ffilnuwtiah Every Man, Woman and Child in Greater Richmond and the South SHOULD KNOW THIS FACT NOTE IT WELL THE OF RICHMOND 1107 East Main Street IS THE OLDEST, STRONGEST AND SAFEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE SOUTH Write for our booklet, "Banking by Mail." Capital ...-.-. $219,750.00 Surplus.--...?.,._.?.,.?_ 600,000.00 Assets over.-~.~.. 2,000,000.00 J. B. BEASLEY, President. GEO. W. CALL, Cashier. DIRECTORS. B. Alsop, R. T. Arrington, Chas. Davenport, J. B. Beasley, Samuel W. Tompkins, T. W. Pemberton. High-Class Service tf~ DROGRESSIVE business men recognize jU* the importance of patronizing a bank such as this--a bank whieh is willing and able to meet every reasonable demand of its depositors. Com plete facilities, convenient location. Large and small accounts invited. Z?!o Compound Interest Paid in Savings Department Bank OF Commerce and Trusts No. 3 whlte. ?? 51'4 No. 2 mixed. rt? 51*4 No. 2 mixed. (?, 50*4 Virginia (bag ;nts). 50 Q 52 Corn on thc cob. 51 'h 53 OATS?Car lots. No. 2 mixed. .*!>> No. 2 mixed. 35 No. 2 whlte.%. 5S No. 3 white. 4J 3714 | Wlnter seed (bag lots). 55 rjl 65 1 RYE?Car lots. i No. 2. ($ k No. 3. (m S5 j Virginia (bag iolsi. 51 @ RS CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET. (Sales at Union Stock YardB.) Richmond, Va., December 2:, 1910. Report of the llve stock market for ihe week endlng Deeember 19: Recelpts?Cattle, 333 head: calves, 03 head; sheep. 74 head; hogs, 6,428 head. 13est steers, 6*41960.; one oxtra lot highers medlum to good. 5@5Hc.; common to falr, 404%c; best heifers, 6Vie.; medlum to good. 6@6'ViC.; common to falr, 3H 0 W{c.; cows, medlum to good, 3*&04*4c..', common to falr, 2*,&03!4c.: oxen, 3f?4Uc.; bulls, 3','.?4'/4c.; calves, .7(?'So.; extra, hlgher. Cows and calves, ?23-it per head. Sheep, 30Ec; lambs, 5',i'o6Uc.; best hogs, 8.35; medlum to good. SrSSUc.; sows and stage. 7?Sc. Chlcago, III., Deeember 22.?Cattle?Re? celpts 8,000 head. "Market alow and weak. Beeves; $4.63S7.30; Texas steers, S<.-"5<5'3.30; "WcBtern steers. Sl.10-tt6.O0: stockers and fecders, $3.45Co 3-SO; rows and heifers, J3.5O0 6.25; calves. $7.230 0.50. Hogs?Recelpts 28, 000 head. Market weak to oc. lower than tho openlng. Llght, $7.55(?)7.'I0: mixed, $7.6H (h7.W>; heavy, $ 7.03: rough. J7.35i8i7.70: gi.nd to choice heavy, J770iff'7.''3; plfs. il.lOtg) 7.90; bulk of sales. t7.75fi7 7.90. Sheep?Re ceipts, 20.000 head. Market 10'-i'20e. lower. Nalive, ">2.60(a 4.30; western. $304:20; year l'.ngs, $4,7506.50: lambs, natlve, (i6.50ilJ6.70; western, $5(96.65. New York, Deeember 22.?Beeves?Recelpts 1.2S1 head. No trading; market steady. Salves?Recelpts 161 head; 110 sales; market steadv. Sheep aud Lambs? Recelpls 2.61S head. Sheep. 32.5018 4.00; lamhs, S5.5O06.4O, Hogs?Recelpts 1,801 head; nothlng dolng. Market nomlnally steady. RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond. \'a., Docembor 22, 1910. Brlghts?Unchanged: qulet, but flrm wlth llght recelpts. Dark Firod?Now.?Recelpts heavy and market weak al prices quoted. Sun-cured?Recelpts eontlnue heavy; market about steady at unchanged prices. Noto?b\uctlon sales will be suspended after to-morrow. Wlll reopen Tuesday, Jan? uary 3, 1911. DARK STKMMING-NEW. t,?? .? 4.00 <?"?*. 7.00 Short leaf. 6.50 flT S.50 Long leaf. O.oo ? 11.5" BROWN SIIIl'PINO-NEW. r ??* . 100 lie f,.50 Short 'leaf."-?o ? 8.00 ,',,,. n-af. 0.00 r? L'.OO Wrappers .bRIOIITS.. l?'"? * ^ RMOKERS?Common . 7.00 ? S.50 Medlum .I. 3-00 Wl'"0 jVlne. 15.M '<>? 13.00 ??IITTERS?Common . 12.00 ? 12.30 Medlum . "-*10 ?M-M Flno. 170? ''" -*-'1' panoy . 18.50 ? ' 1*11 1 MRS?Common . S.OO ? 10.00 Mediun. .,?? -? 1M0 ...... . 12.50 0i 13,60 j..,,,,, '*,,;.'14.00 1T1 1S.00 wnAl"*PERS?Common . 15.00 ? 17.00 ?Moaium . 1S'?? si -{Xm ?ood. --"'?I)fl @ 3?-00 Plne . 32.50 (f,: 37,60 Pancy . ir)M ? aof ' sUiS-CURED?NEW, Lugs, common to eood. 5.00 m im Lugs good to prlme. 7.00 0 8.60 Shor lesf. s-?" ? lO-BO iZs wt.*. m <ttttl,W Good Business Judgment should prompt you to choose a strong bank in whieh to deposit your money, be it much or little. The First National Bank of Richmond, Va., with over ten million dol? lars of assets, invites you to become one of its depositors. ? ?? ? wr B FACTS, FIGURES, VERIFIED. Systematizing, Auditing, Accounting CHARLES F. HUDNALL, Phone Monroe 431. 1113 E. Main St., Richmond, Va Wruppers .;.,..,.... U.oO fft> 30.00 Prlmlngi . 1.00 ? 3.00 MISCKLLANEOVS MARKETS. I'KANUT MABKETi (Reported by Rodgois, McC'nbo & Co.) Petersburg, Va.. December :?:'.?Peanuts. Spanlsh?Market flrm at $l,13ij por bushei. Virglnlas?KIrm; .iumbo. 3??@4c.! fnncy linnri picked, 8',s>'.; macliiiie plcked, 3tJ'3!ic.; sholl ing atock, -,4c. dry qoops market. New Vork, Pecembei' 2,.?Tlio cntton goods iri?rkutH remains quiet und flrm; eurtall ment ot' produotlon Is bejac talked of froely bv manufacturers. Yarn* rule steady and cfuiet. Glnghams aro belng ordcretf more frecly. Silks for fotmdatlon doths aro In better call. NAVAL STORBSi Savannah, Oa., Deoembor -"-'.?Turpentlne? Flrm at 7G'ie.; sales f.7L' casks; recelpts ISS casks; sblpments U!>T cawks; stock 14.11-0 easks. Kosin-iqim; aalcs 1,030 uarrcla; rcceluta 1,712 barrels; sblpmenls 1.01:! barrels; stock 7S.275 barrels. Quote: D, $5.75. .HA ll IN K I \T R rXIG ENC R; PORT OP RICHMOND. DECE31BER22, 1010. ARRIVED. Steamer Brandon, Ilarnoy, Norfolk, mer I'handikn and passengers, Old Domlnlon Llne. Steamer Pocahnntns, Graves, Norfolk and .lanios Rlver lanclliigD, mcrchandlsu and pas? sengers, Vlrglnla Nuvlgatlon Company. Steamer Aurora, Barrett, Petersburg anc .Janios Rlver lajldlng*, meivlinndlse and paa senuers, l'lillllps Llne, Tug Standard Oil Company, No. 12. Burk, Baltlmore. bargo of oil. Standard OII To. Barge Vlncent, McNally. Ellls, coal, S II. Ilawes & Co. SAILMD. Steamer Ucandon, Harpey, Narfajl'k. nier. cliamil-e and pasiengors.'Old Domlnlon Llne, Steamer Aurora, lianvtt, ['otersburg and James Rlver landingu, mtro^iuidise aud paa. aengers, l'lillllps Llutt,