Newspaper Page Text
years old, who wn? calllng on Thr shootlng oceurrrd nt Beotll m.'ii' here. I'.ivo, who has been pnying nl trptl "to tho c 1 tl for sottic tlme. says Miootuit- wns aceldentnl. He wns tn in ln I n t: b shotglth belnnglng to riettd Blrl'a father, he says, whon cliniKc lu one nf the bnrrel*' oxplor enterlng the left slde of tho glrl i kllllng her InMnntly. Sho fell act II,i- body of her father, who wns Sle Ing on tlie COUCh lll tbe > amo nvMl Dove made tn> nttompi lo esci He Wftlked to hlfl home apd awnt the arrlvnl of Sherlff Vlett, of no vlll*. Ile Is hold wlthout ball. Three .Miinlrr*. Greensburg, pa., December 20.?' atrlke-rfdden coal flelda of Westmc land county are in the throe sor ri ing. the rCBUll nf largo quantitios Hqttor that havo been shippcd into Various mlnlng camps. The thlrd in der (n twenly-four hours was repor to thc cOroncr to-day In the death Tony Carclno, a strlker, who wns f merly employed al Osborne, n sni mlnlng town of the Youghlougheny * Ohio Coal Compan**. Mlko Calcer snd John Nathan are belng sought the State police. Carclno *vaa llving in a strlkr Camp and was shot lo death last nt* when there waa an assauit upon t camp. About Beventy-flvo shots w< flrod. and Carclno was found later w threo bullel holes ln hls back. There have heen repeatod domar for thr Stale police all dny from vn ons cectlons of the conl flelds ln tl tecllon. Twolvo wero sent to Bradc vllle slx to Madison. two to Clarldi two to Adatnaburg nnd four to Somi set. Tho authorlties fear there i\ be a general outbreak all over the c< flelds beeause of liquor the men ha obtalned. Chrlstmas Kve Trngedy. Asheville. N. C, December "i",._xe. of d Christmas Eve tragedy in Swn county reached here to-day. where Oscar Clark sio.t tnd almost Instanl kllled 11. .1. Calhoun, and then turn his revolver on J. P. Calhoun. a brot er. lnflloting wonnds from which t latter dlod ai the Mission Hospital, this clty, last nlght. ? The doublo tragedy was onactcd ne the post-ofllce at Hryson Clty Satu day nlght, and ls sald to have been t OUtCome of a Chrlstmas celebrali. wlth whiskey as ihe motlvo pow< Clark, an unmnrrlod man thirty yea old. was anitisirjg hlmself by ilrlng revolver or-.- tho heads of passers-b when D. J. Calhoun remonstrated wl the shooter. Words and tho kllling fi lowod. The slaln man's brother. J. Calhoun. arrlvod on the scene a fo minutes later. only to be shot do-i with two bulleta ln hls abdomen. Clin made his escape and is now belleved be ln Tennessee, ?"nlni iu V'noe of Flre. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.1 Wilmington. N. c? December 26. During Chrlsfmas servlces at St. Jain. Eplscopal Church, lights from a "Sti of Bethlehem" far above thc alt; set a mass 'ot green decoratlons o flre. Reganiiess of tho Immtncnt coi flagratlon, the lnrge nn'd fashlonabl congr'egatiori kept their scats, the bi cholr sang several hymns-, and ibe rei *or Rev. A. II. Mllton. cnlmlv dlrected volunteer flro corps, whioli came foi ward and flnally extingulshed th flames. The regular service then pro ceeded. Drink* t'.vnnide of Potasalam. Washington, Pa., December 20.?Be fcauso her parents refused to permlt he ?n go to the home of a married slstei where she was to meet her sweet heart, Anna Howard, aged elghteer daughter of a wealthy farmer of Han Un Statlon. commltted suicido b. drinking cyanide of potassium to-da'j Tlie family had gono away to celobrat the holiday, leavlng tbe young glrl a homo wlth a four-year-old nephew "Where she obtalned thc poison is un known. Before kllling herself tho girl wrot. r noto to her parents, glving thi names of thoso sho wlshed to be pnll bearer.s and deslgnating the psalm Blie wanted .-sung at her funeral. Murder nnd Sulelile. Dancaster, Ohio, December 26.?Jeal OUSy of a girl whom he had not seei for two years, Oscar Kmlcr, of Clevc land, to-day shot and probably fatall: wounded .Miss Emma Deods and com mitted sulcldo whon he waa surrotindct by tlie police. Emler quarrelod with another mai over Miss Deeds two years agu ani way soverely cut. Ile loft Dancastcl ofter recovwing fjoni hla woiinds am TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS. ALWAYS BUY THE 6EN0INE SOLO BV ALL LEADING One Size only, so*a Bottle Removal Sale Now Qn| Don't Talce Chancsa jrith ytur advertiaing appropriaticn L. icure the aervices of an agepcy who haa made a succe,^ fo- others. Advice and ?ilans free. \ Freeman irevertising Agency Miitu:'\ Bmldinft, JUch-norijI. - VirjiLnia. her. iml ep f^>C_y^ THE bBERRY SHOE NOW FAMOUS I ot-1 You'll get. more fop youri ?fT_l0-S?*^sln The B^rry Shoe st ? im * $8.80, $4 and $8 than ln any ur-l shoe on the market. 'of! T,i?t's why fhey'pe famous. oi- j Wlnter lasts are ready. , went to Cleveland, where ho has been l employed ln n chaln factory. Me re j turned to Dancaster on Saturday to I spend Christmas, nnd thls afterilonu iwent to soo Miss Duods. lils jealousy ( wns aroused by her receptldn of hlm. i I.nilor drew a revolver nnd shot the | girl four tlmes. One bullet cntered the I race and looge.l in tho brain, while j the others entered her left slde. Shooting Mny Prove Fatal. fSpocial to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. | Amherst, Va.. December 26.?Sunday j ovening on what Is known as "Need i more," nt Amherst, Wllliam Martin, j colored. who lB said to have come ' from Lexington, shot Joe Rlehoson I also colored, who llves at tllls placo. . Ihe man was wounded fn tho left slde and R is not believed tTial ne wlll re i .over."*'After tho ,<*Tiootlng Martin made Us eseape, nnd so far nothlng has bei n heard of hlm, though efforts aro belng mndo to apprbherfd hlm. T'nlnl Mistletoe Berrlr-i. BokOBhe, Okla., Decembef 26?Three children aro dead and two others are declared to bc dying hero as a reaull or eatlng mistletoe berrles. Durlng a Christmas celebratlon at tho homo of Frank Wrlght. a farmer. two of hls children aged llve and four years. were dlscoyered feastlng upon the berrlcs. Physlclans were sunimotied. but their efforts wero unavalllng. Tho children died thls mornlng. To-day three chil? dren o? tbe nelghborlng fal*m of Ben Jamln White heenme 111 from tbe ?amc cause. Ono ls dead and the others will dle within a few hours, physl? clans declnre. Two Kllled ln Flgh-tlng. Waycross, Ga., December :g.-Two pcrsons aro dead. a third Is wounded nnd a fourth ls reported to be badly hurt and probably ln a dving condi? tion. ns a result of flghtlng In nnd about Bachlett. southeast of Waycross yesterday nnd to-day. Tho dead a-e Walter Allen and Den?r Crews. Mlen wns shot through tho heart by Walter i'r.-bv.s. who wns in turn shot by the ? lylng man as ho fell. I'lirce-I oriH-reil Fight, Moultrle, Ga., December 26.?Madl? son Matthews, aged twenty-foiir years ls dead, Fabe Watson is dying". and Watson's father. Reuben Watson. is SUfferlng from serious stab wounds. as a result of a three-cornered fight with knives near Hartsfleld, thls county, Christmas Day. The coroncr's iury decided that Matthews wa.-, kllled by Reuben Watson, and that tbe killing! was justlflable. The cause of th.* troublo is not known. Aecldenlnlly Killed. Selma, Ala., December 26.?-Will GI1- ! mor, son of J. ,\I. Ollmer, was Instantly killed near horo this afternoon by Dr. ! Joseph Allen, a dentlst. Dr. Alloii was dlsiiiountlng from hls horso whon the trlgger of hls gun caught on hls cont. The chargo of shot penotratod young.' Gllmor's broast. Mnbs 111.. Wife. Wellston, Ohlo, December 26.-?Al tho; homo of u slck nelghbor, Mrs. Uwis Boggs, thls afternoon, Frank Buckley, J aged twenty-elght, a mlner, stabbodj hls wife. aged twenty-alx, causlng fa- j tal injurles, Ho orderod Mrs Boggs, to leave her bed and go out in the' snow, and thon drove hor husband out. Buckley threatened to kill nny ono who "tried to arrest hlm or to mlnister to hls wife. The polico wero calied. and Patrolman Henry Shlr'es shot Buckley through the heart. Ruckley's two little children wero wltnesses of tho crlme. Klll-i llcr V-xnllnnl. . Clayton. Ga.. Deeember 26.?ClalnV ing thnt she acted in self-dofenso when tittaeked wlth a knife, Martha Wooton to-day shot and Instantly kilTc'd Samuel Algary. Seven porsons who witnessed tho troublo nro in Jall awaltlng a prellmlnary hearlng. Four Children lliirnod. Montreal, Docembor 26.? Four small children of Ovld Barll, of Athabascn land cou'nty aro ln the Ihroes of rlot wlilch destroyed tlio stor.e and homo or their father early Christmas morning. Both of the parents wero severoly burned. Twelve Kllllnga. Charleston, S. (*., rici-i.mb.--r 26.?Tlie Christmas season in South Ctirollna "the weather.~~ l-'orccitwti For Vlrgiiilu?l'nii* Tiich dn,\, excepl Im-iil ruluN lu sotitkWCKtt I WednoNilnj unticttled; IIhtIu to uioder llle miuiii ullllls. For North ( liriilliiii?LoeMl rnlns | Tucsdny, e\oo*it fnlr ou thc consti \\ educnilay fiiii-- llght to nioilcrate lnoutb wlnds. LOb\biTio\a \ KsrioituAV. Fair. Thermometer at mldnight, is. CO*VDITIONS l\ IMI*QHTANTVo1TI_S. (*r\t s P. M. Eastern Standard ti. i Place, Ther. II, Ashovlllc . 38 ! AuguHta . iv Atlanta . 02 BostUn . "S ;>?> \ U ?bui, 11 i.-nv.-r . 28 i (lalveston . ii l j llaU.'iiiH . 4,i Jucksonville .... B2 Junlter . 62 Key West . 61 Know Ule . ;:| Loulsville . ns Mobllc . ,-?; New Orleans,... i; i nv? i'ork. .''2 Norfolk . isj Oklahoma . ls Plttsburg . :;ii Raleigh . n Snvniinali . 00 Tnmpa . ;,c Washlngton .... ;;? Wllmlngton 1 I I A Ta in 11 P. rlim ('lear Cloudy ('l.-ar Clear Cloudy I' Cloudy Clour Cloudy cie>ar Cloar tiiji*' r\ in,|.;. December ST, into, Morning tlde. 13*48 Kvfciitiif lirla......,. 1:2.', S; n-oi proved a bloody one, and twelvo Ings liave heen reported from sort of the Ptnte within throe dnys. J persons hnve lM,oii wmmded mnn less seriously during festlvltles. B of tho vlotlmu aro wlilte. Flnd? Children llurued. Gl.iHgow, ICy., December 26.?On turnlng homo from nn orrnnd to Mrs. Robert Boles, of Wlsdom, found her home ln sshes, and ln corner of the rulns the oharred bo of her throo yotlng children. XV Mrs. Holes left home sho covered fire nnd locked tho doors. Tho ehilt hnd nppnrently tried to escape, wero trnpped. BURNED TO DEATH WITH NEW DOLL IN HER AR Bxploitlhg stnvc KaliiK blaslng oil Meeplng < blld?I'lnnies Ctl< Off n'escue. New Vork. December 20.?Sex year-oltl Lena Trellkler, whose li. Is a llttie frame cottago at: Hofft Boulevard nnd Trottlng Course X.i Elmliiiisi, i? r? worn out wlth the eltement of Christmas early last ov Ing, klssed her granclmotiier. who nlnely-onc yoars old, good-nlcrht. wn? put to bed in hor room on the t ond floor. Her eyes wero hnlf closed. ns tumbled Into her little bed. wlth n r doll clasped tlghtly In her arms. I: moment she was nsleep. That i about S o'clock. A few mlnutes later tlie oil stovo her room exploded. sendlng the biaz fluid In a shower about. tlio room. So of It fell on the tace and hair of pleeping chlld and her dolly. Tho ploslon awakened Lena. She shrlel with pain and I'rlght. but beforo : could stir tho flames liftd snffoca her. The mother and four older chlldr who were on the flrst floor, heard l ssploslon, followed by the glrl's c luit by the time they reached the sta way Ihe fire had spread to It nml <" tliat avonuo of resc'ue, l.'psta they could hear the feeble cries Ihe Mod grandmolhcr. who wns hc top lloor. At thls moment patrolman Fettig. ihe ISImhurst Statlon, hurst ln t ront door. H"o dashed through t l.inies up to tho second floor, but w mlted at the door of the child's ro. u- a barrler of fire whlch mado e rance Imposslble. He then went to the floor abO' ind selzing oi.i Mrs. Trehklor in 1 ii'ins carrled her to safoty. Then t ir-omen arrived and soon extinglllsh ho blaze. They found the burnod hody of litt ,eua ln her bed. the doll stlll in h rms, but biirned almost to a cinder. \RGUES WITH THE POLICE WHILE PALS ROB SAf lookoul Sliuulntcs Drunkcnuesii n KugHgCB the Aftention of Pnlrolmcn, Mlddlotown. N. V., December 26. 'he local police decided to-day th onsiderable theatrlcal talent is i-n ilng to waste in th.- person ol iiidcntltio'd man who finally persuad hem early yesterday mornlng, aft ing nrgument, thut he was nol drui nough tn bc locked ui>. it w bvlous, when they met hlm in fr'o l a department store on Main Stre hat he was suffering from an exee I' eonvivlslity?at least it struck rhe hat way then. But he argued tr, sin ood elToet that they ovontually d Ided that he was sober enough to 1 llowed to go. Tho policemen's judgment as in tl ranger's sobrioty was vindicati hen they dlscovered later that whi p was arguing, his pals, belleved ave ntimbered tliree clovor prol'e onal cracksmen; wr^-e ripplng tl ICk out of the safe. in thc store. Tiu jt $200. but overlooked a box coi llnlng S750. i;vlt|entl.v thoy left hu edly, for they abandoned son urglars' tools of the latest patter toluding an Instrument known to tl uder world as u "can-opener," di gncd for ripplng out the back or ife. The police are now eonvinced tiu io man who ?imulated drunkenne; ns their lookout and that lils lotld ai Jirienls were what Inforined hls ai unpliccs that the police were nea >mo of the tools loft behlnd wei rapped in a New Vork City news ip.-i- of December 2.1. and this, wit ie faci that it was a city, and not all cdltloh, convinces the pollco thu o men were New Yorkors. IRUSADE AGAINST SMOKING ,-crxt'er nf 7Aon Clty Proceeds Affalun the "linli'iieiiili-iiis." Chicago, l lecember 20.?Wilbur Glon illva, overseer und sucgessor to .lo>? exander Dowlo. opened up n ne\ tisade against snioking in Zion Cit sterday, Taklng .cognlzanco of th islenee of :i new factlon. known a e "Independents." who have not l>ee raid lo smoke in puhllo rocontly, h llowed a general circular 011 the sub 't wlth personal letters to alloge iders. In each Voliva announeeri he woub sin prosecutlons lf the "perniciou bit" was not Instantly abandonec i rountains & Elsewhere Ask for !*he Original and Getiuina K The Food-drink for Ali flgas. \l restaurants, hotels, and fountains. )elicious, invigorating and sustaining. Ceep it on your sideboard at home. Don't tfavel without it. quick lunch prepared in a minute. Ite no imitation. Just say "HORLICK'S.' No GomS$8siQ ob* Trust IHE ARTISTIC iohmer Piaim? ^EE FERGUSSON PIANO CO;, 119 East Broad. N utherland & Cherry :>eclal?Odds and ends ln Furntturo, 1 Bods, Mattlngs. Stoves, etc. Cheap loso tnem our. 810 EAST UHOAD. lational Cash Registers . FOR SALE iXV and sccond-haud, from $30 un. iasy monthly uayuients. All fully laiitt-cd. 'll. 6? TMYSOTCi Sales Agen'tj Jih Main Ht. klll lons Inny i nr Ight day, ky? one dles hen Ibe Iron but NEW YORK FEEDS POOR MO NEEOY Thousands of Children Are Given Fcasts and Presents. N'ew Vork, December 211.?Although yesterday was ronlf> riiristmns, tu day. as a wook day, was more gen? erally colebralod throughout the great? er clty. Thero were f?astP for the poor and needy by th? scoro nnd dls trlbiiilon of gffts'an.i good thlngs at f.n . liarllahle institution! I.i 5 were not nbserved ? ? hundred and n'fty lltil. only taxed fjycoum ai tho nn Frank Tllford to tln dren who havo to csr brotherB and slsters v ers work. ? After the chlldren I thing In sight. each wr a seliool satClied contalnlng a drossod doll, a box' of candy, n pair of stock? ings nnd n plcture hook. Flve thou? sand famllies wore provlded wlth food by tlie Salvatlon Army, and thousands of little folks wore made hnppy wlth loy.u, candy nnd oratiifes. The dlstii hutlon took placo at tlie Grand.Central Palace. undor tho dlrectlon of Mlss Evangellne Booth, commander of the Salvaton Army in tlie Unlted States. The Vniunteers of Amcrlca dld not serve dlnner ln a hall, but dlstributed C00 baskets' from headquarters in ??"| Nlnth Avenue. shej ted IUII she iow n a vas iu Ing mej the I where servicos ??rday. Twolvo mothers, wher/ thousand liad boen expected, thc eapnrlty of Murray Hlll llnnor glvon by tenemont chll for thelr little :le th*oir moth ?l eaten every nrescnted wlth A l'enturolrs*. lloHdny. Washington, December 26.?Chriat I mas Monday ln tho national capltal e"' ; was as iiulot as Its predecessor, Chrlst he i mas Dny, Presldent Taft surprlsed hls P''! staff at the executivo ofllces by ap { pearlng thoro for an hour ln thc niorn i Ing and reatftng hla nall. Secretary ""INogol und Secrotary .Meyer. who has ?" Just returned from a health resort ln on North Carollna', where he Ind boen re I cuperatlng from a recent attack of ?* stomach trouble, called on the Presl he dent. Is the afternoon the President and .Mrs. Taft drove around the clty, stop? ping at the resldenco of Admlral Dewey for a few minutes to congratu lato hlm on the attalnment of hls seventy-thlrd birthday. Secrotary and Mrs. N'agel gavo a dln? ner to-nlght ln honor of Miss Helen Taft. Members of the diplomatic corps and Washington ofllclal set entertalned at a number of informal dinnera. Thevpoor of the natlonal capltal en joyed feasts at tho various mission houses, old and young gatherlng for the Chrlstmas dlnner. !:o CbrlMtthns nt Aiv luiti. ISpecial to Thc Times-Dispatch,1 burg, Va? December 2i Will Chrlstmi wlthout klnd to Mi ivhau trade as 'H theii Th passed In Williamsburg slngle accident of nny r the galetles of tlie season. report a.s flne a Chrlstmas ey have ever had. and some as !..-en tbe best month in scbooi of Brtiton Parlah er j j .hm.;i i ,-Ki up annual Chrlstmas en- i ik I tertalnmoni Frlday afternoon. at whlch as f tlme abundant confcetlnns were dis tit .tributed a-mong the puplls. Tbe nn e.t uial entertalnment and Christmas ss treo of tho Methodlst Cliurch wore m glven to-nlght. -h | At tbo Eastern State Hospital i?. e- day the 700 patlents sat down to a ie flne turkev dlnner. The patlents had tneir 'rhrlstinas tree" Saturday after io | "oon ln Cameron Hall. nnd about J.'iOn >d | worth of candlcs, frulls. cakes and ' was dlstributed among- them nll busini I.An entortainmeni was glven at thc me tlme, in which several convales nt patlents took pnrt. \l| Buslness SiiHpeudeil. ?" [Special to Tho Tlnres-Dispatch.] Iivdeilckshing, Va.. Docembor 38.? liserved here ns Christ ia suspended, and -??d without special Incl cor the tline-honored pop tho display of fireworks at many resfdences at nlght. Thero were many family reunion.s at tho wero ser'ved?0 S Chrl3tn,as f'""'e's At tlie Bantisl au.l Presbyterlan aundiij fjolioola Chrlstmas celebratlons were held a1 i? o'clQck to-day. and i . , i'I'i". ""'Hl 'llill*-<; diBtrlbuted to tho chlldren The Methodists hold thoir entertalnmenl and iroatod the Sunday school scholars thls .-.fternoon ik'e Day I'iinsph Quletly. [Sneclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatcli 1 Anmerst, \ a? December 26.?Christ? mas here passed off vory quletly. On iBaturday It. B. .Toties and Walker nJGrogory were aworn iri as special po n|licemen to asslsi Sergeant J. W. llig v ipinbotham tn keeping order ln the town. ' f.I.ate Saturday evening, Edgar Wood. a 'fwhlto man. was arrested for bolng drunk and dlsorderly ln tho street, and placed In tlm Amhorst jail. The town ordlnanco ln regard to shooting llre crackers wns suspended for to-day, and tho small boys took every ad? vantago of thls prlvllcge. n.-Mlliiiil Iteeeptliiii. Bfost, December 26.?Tlio mimlet pality of Brest to-day gavo a brllllant reception In honor of Rear Admlral Miirdocl- and the omcors nf tlio third divislon of the Unlted States Atlantlc Meet; About 700 persons nttended tlio functlon, nnrrooms Open. Alexandria, Va., December 2a.? Christmas wns ohserved hero to-day as much aa yesterday. Thero was a general suspenslon of? liuslnoss. Dur? ing the nfternoon hundreds of rost donts attended Washington theatros. while others .wore out ? distribu'tlng gfts. The barrooms horo to-day kept open all day. as usual. GIVES BONDS AGAINST CUPID Surctles nf Hollo tilrl l,n?e i?Ou ir She Wed* ln Slx Moutlin. Spokano, December 28.? When Miss Margaret Perkins< went to work us telophono operator in a local hotel yestorday Lhe management rerjuired bor u. glvo a. $fi00 bond nol to marry wlthln slx months. The suratlea are Promlnent buslness men. Tho reason Is iliii a half-dozen telephone opera? tors havo married wlthln aa many months. "J nm not engaged, nor do T cxpeo't tu enter into an ongagetrioni during tho oomlllg aix llionths," sald JIIhs Per? kins, a comoly lii'iuiotle. "Of course, I havo recelved a pruposal or two; but i ttlll not ready to Battlo down for life, Tho t\voyaung women worklng on tlio other elght-hour shifts will also ifo requlred to glvo bonds, I am liiformed." INQUEST is*GRUESOME SiiMicniled 'I'lint Itelntlves of nead Miij ltecover from Hiuotlon. Kirkby-Stepheti, Eng? DflCorfihoi" 86,?? Aii Inqueet Into the dlsanter whibh be lell tha Seo tell Express Saturday, near ITawos .liinctloti, wns lield to-day ln a tl!i.\ ln ii lical' tlio spoi when- tlm traln was lUtohed aml iniriicd. So grueaoma was ti,,. inrjueai thal ii had to b,- sus? pended tor atl lli.ur lo enahle tlio rola tlves of the dead io recovor froni thelr ? -' ? 11ii>11. 'I'll.- soli.'itur Cur tho rullroud c.iiupuiiy expressed tlio uompany's re Jall I gret for the accldent, but. aceeptetl t lesponnllilllty for It. lio Say* lt w due to thn momentnry forgetfiilnosn n nlgiialmnn. B.v tho nhl of scraps of chnrr clotlilng, buttons, keys. etc.. ntv bodlor. of vlMlins have bcoit Identltl. hut the evldence ttddllOOd to-day Im caied tliat twonty other persons n misslng and probably woro iittorlyro siimert hy tho flro whlch liroko oul Ihe wrockngc nfter Ihe traln wns il rniled. WHOLESALE ARRESTS Ofllclnlft ? ,rt llnnk nre ( b/n u..,i \\\ VnlnK Illcgnl Meihod*. hlsbon, December 2n.?Former Ti mler .1. Diiclnno do Cnstrn, twelvo fr mer jrovernors nnd dlroctnrs of I Portugtloso Credlt Fopcler Bank, : of them e.\-cablnet. mlnlster*, nnd I chlef nccoiintants, treasurer'and cas ler nf tho bnnk, wore arrosted to'-di 011 a elinrpn of using IlioRni mrtbo ln connectlon wlth tho ndrnlnlstratl. of tho Instltutlon. All of them we released on ball. Cftstro, who ls paralytic, wns unable to appear befo tho maglstrato, nnd his ball was flxi nt $2,oon.nnn. Thls was furnished-I four capftallMs. DYING OF PLAGUE Tlilrty-Two People Siiceumlj ln Ifnu* nnil Slrcet*. Marbln, Marafhurla, l>er?mher 2fi, In tho Chlnese suburb or Pudishu* th.ere wo-rc thirty-two deaths fro bubonie plague In houses and tl streets on Ch.rlst.inns Day. Flght pe: sons sufferlng from tho disease wei taken to the hospital. TREASURYSYSTEIW AS BUSINESS EVIE May Make Money Too* Scarce o Too Abundant, Monetary Com? mission Expert Says. "Waslilngton. December 2?.?"The ln rloponuent Treasury ol' the Unltei Haiei and Its Relatlons t.. tlm BahK if tiie Country" is the tltlo of n vol iiine' Just publlshed by tho Natlonn Uoncs*?ry Commission. This mono ;raph'^vas WrIPten by Dr. Davld Kin ey. professor of polltlcal economy h he Uhivers'Ity of Illinois. The" aet of iS-lrt. whieh required th' ?overnmont to keep Its own funds 'oiind' its jusilAcatlon ln the hatur. ind condltlon of tlie banklng systcn )f the time. whlch mado the relianci if the government on the banks fo inancfal safety dangerous, nnd there 'ore undeslrable. Tlie flrst two stepi tway from the act of 1846 wore taken iccordinp: to thc. author, in 1863, by th. aw estaJjlisbing tho present nationa lanking system. Ilcnceforth the See ?etary of the Treasury niiglu deslg late national banks to tho depositarlei )f public moneys. except roceints fron ?uwt,u*s. National bank notes. more >ver, to bo received at par in all partl >f the Unlted .States ln all payments t< ind by the government. except cua oidk and interest on the public debl "he extent to whieh tln. Treasury has ivailed itself of thc prlvllege of .1, loslt has varled tnainly tccordtng ti he vlews of thc Secretary of thr I'reasury or the Presldent. Dminp the past ten or flfteen years )r. ICinley tinds that there has growr ip a policy of actlve Interfe: r-ncl- v.itl lie money market on the pa:-:. of tl. 'reasury Department. This new policy e belleves, is due to the realization on ho part of the .Secretarles of th< 'reasury and buslness men of the evil nfluences of the independent treasury vstem on buslness. In lSIt", the re elpts and dlsbursemonts of the gov rnment were too small to have any ipprecinblo effect: to-day condition* re very different Thc Treasury is tlie reatest slnglo handlor of money in lie country, and its annual revenuu requently runs much beyond lta ox enditurv. Consequontfy tlie wlih rawal of largo amounts of money rom circulation may lead to monotary tringency and buslness uncertalnty; s sudden disbursement may stlmitlalo nhealthy speculatlon. I'cll lliippirr Mti-r Plungc. Chlppewa Falls, Witt., 'December 20. -.lohn Christlanson jumpe/1 forty feet ?oin a wago'n brldge Into Ihe Ch|p cwa Rlver to-day, with stilcidal in jiit. Ile went under the leo aud ime up 200 feet down Btream at nn Ir hole. Ile grabbed the ice and ?awlo.l o^J. lie went home and said lat thc eold water had taken away io deslre to dle, and made him fe.M appicr than ho dld before tho plunge. I'lght to ii Draw. Metiiphis, Tenn., December 2*.? tmes Barry, of Chlcago, and Toney, of Mvcastlo, pa., fought eisht rather .mo" rounds to a draw beforo tho Ulonal Athletic Club to-nlght. Nelther man secincd dlsposed to lance his oppstient at short range, id thc blows whlch landed true wero m'paVatlvely few. After tho slxth und the fightlng became f-aster,- Barry ndlng choppy rights and left /ings. At tho end Barry had a hlack ed eye and Ross showed several ulses. Carl Morris. Ihe Oklahoma hcavy slght, was al tlio rlngslde to chal ige the wlnner, Kknters I) 'inriied. Boston, Mass.. Docembor 26.?Skat ir out Ihe close o ftho Christmas liday on the Charles River basln, irlo B. Peterson, aged twenty-one ars, and Miss |,|]la Pli'tll, a-go.l twen years. broke through tho thln ft ?night an.l were drowned. The bodie ire recovereft. plles Ainerlenn Mnnoplmie. Vllneola, i-. I.. noceniber 20,?Frank luimacker, a mechanlc, omployed by Uter Xj. Falrchlltl, a consnlting engi er, made slx short straightaway rhts in Mr. Falrchild's monoplane the avlation (leld this afternoon. IV' said to be the llrst tlme that American monoplane, run- by an lorlcan englne, has been aloft. WIM irorcgn I'liither FHgUts, ,ondon, Dec -mber 20,?Actirtg on the tr.uebl.6ns pf his modtcal advlsor, Udo Graliaiiie-'Aliite, who had a nar v escape. from serlous Injury a week ), and whose aeropiono was burnod (day, haa decided to forego l'urthor pnipts at (llghts aerosB the I'Onglisli mncl f.or dlstance in compotlng,for Baron de Foi'pb.I prlee of ?2.O,00n, floes lo .hill f(ir n KIkm. .shevllle, N. C. December 2'1. Ile ise ho was carrie'il away h.v '"' ibpi'ancc of qscttlatory /.eni and un ?fully inllleled the samo u'pnii Mrs. la "Warti, of lliis cl-.y. .laifi.-.s Itaiii is to-nl.yfit coolinp of? in tho clty , eharged Wilh InsuJUng M?'B. XVnvtl. :anisey had called at llie Ward ,io to-day to make a h .li.lav call, TO Cl KK A I'OI.II IN ONK l).\\ ? I.AXATIVK lllltiMd Qulnlno Tab rglats refund money lf it tails to c V. GROV^'B simituiic is on each 1 ill i.nnd wns admitted an u frlend of fur famlly, Ifla "cbun d'lm-res" was it pn ccilcil by nny wnrnlng us hn.kls r* woninii nuddonly In thn prcsol d- of her two small children. Mrs, Wi iiniiii'il'ntoly left thi hoiiRd and tiii-ncrl wlth n. poflooman, who tt Itnmsoy ln chargo. OBITUARY llcnry t'lnr lliiiilbi-i'. llcnry (.'Iny Hookor pnssod a.v, Sunday nlght ln Iiiu home, -112 W .Mnln Stroet, aftor n long Illnesn. Ho leaves n wldow, Mrs. Cnr . N.nthain Hookor, und a daughter, M 111 Maud Dnthum Hooker, bosldcs f< j slsters?Miss Hosa Hooker, Al e- l.oiilse Forbes, Mrs. S. M. Abbott a r- Mrs. RIamIe Chony?und four brothori ir- Oflcnr.LawrCnco nnd Zebb V. Hook ,11 r,f thls clty; ,S. T. Hookor, of C.rcc ,,. ; vlltn, X. C, ,. Mr. Hooker wns forty yeara old, a camo hore from hls nativo town, Groi ?' vllle, -N*. ('., about four years ngo. '"* Innl liad mudc his home slnco that tii dl In lili-hmond nnd was actively engng "0 in business here up to last sprlr a when he wnn irtreed to retlro on t P ...iiiit of falling health. ,1 Mr. Ilookor's d'*nth wlll bo mourn ,., I by fl large number of frlends not or j ln Richmond, but ln inuny North Car I lina cltlos. Ho wus a member I Patrlck Henry Dodge, Odd-ITellows, ^ I 12ts, and took an actlve part ln t . work of ihe order before hls lieal I began to fall. '? Tlu* body will bo takon on tho S: | Atlantlc (.'onst bino traln thls mor ? Ing to Greenvlllc, N. C, where tl n burlal wlll take pluco. II .11 rs. .Inftupbllic Uui., Dl,'1 in ii n. ,i Mrs. Josephine Bass Ivlckman dl. ?. hat her home, 1111 North Twenty-alx 0' Street, Sunday mornlng ahortly uft |4 o'clock, aged twenty-three years. Sl I Is survlved by hor husband, Walter : | Diekman. The funeral wlll take plin irom the Sjecond jjuptlst Church th afternoon at '1:20 o'clock. Funeral of A, Llnwood .Mltchell. The funeral of A. Dinwood Mltchel wlio died at the home of hls niothc 617 1-2 West Cary Street, yesterda j wlll take place from the house th afternoon at i o'clocit. 'ii-. Snriili Tuck. 11 Mrs Sarah Tuck dled yesterda mornlng at thu home of Mr. Tlller, c Glen Allen, in Henrico county. Tii funeral wlll tako placo from S Mark'a Church thls afternoon at 3:2 o'clock, nnd the Interment wlll b made ln RlVerview Cemetery, (in-. rs i-*. Powell. Itawcs Jj*,; Powell. slxty-three yeni old, dled suddenly Sunday at nls bom [Inear Trevllllan's, Va, He ls survive . ? 1, !,i.- ,wlfe. tiin r.ons and two daugi ters, arid one brother, R. R. I'owcl , r.f i'.ichmond. >lr?. I.eorKr XV. Ollvler. [Special to Tho Tlmes-Dispatch.) Ch-arlottesvllle, Va.. December 26. t Mrs. George W, Ollvler dled last nlgli lat hor home oii West Maln strr-et. Sh i spent the Christmas day ver ? lly in her homo and among hc i I frlend.*?. und seemed unusually wol ? ? :-? returned from a call wbo 1 il selzure took plnce, and deat ? .1 in a few mlnutes from some ' Ihlng like acute Indigestion, followe j ???ii t failuro. i| -Mrs. Ollvler was ono of the .bcs known, muat highly esteetned and uso , ful women in thls Bectlon of Vlrglnl; IHer inirnis were constantly ongugo in good work. She was a daughter .. Charles XV. Pollan] and Frances Bay Ior, and ?a< born Bljcty-two yoars ng Pen Park," tho old Gllmer honu irlottesvlllc, long the bom of Wllliam Wlrt, who married Mlldre Gllmer. H<-i glrlhood was spent li |AIbemarlc county and her young wo In Baltlmore, where niu- wa and ln Norfolk and Peters :,r thi-- years she had livcr Ma(,n Street. survlved by her husband. i i.. or of CharlottesvUle, ani [two children?Charles Pollard Ollvlei nov,- . :i his way home from the r..<*l I Obseryatory, where he has boon as [slstant dlrector of nst-*-noinIcal worl for elghjeeji tnonths: aud Kattiaiim Roy, vlf.. ..f i?r. if Cabell Maddux, 0 j **. A.. cl Wav-l-.iiigion D. <~\ | .Mrs Ollvler v- ? ? n member or . gr< u rrvany organizations. hlstorlca und hencvolent. She was president o tho Alhemarle CI.ter, Daughters o tho Confederacy: member of tlu [Daughters of tbe Amorlcan r.cvnlutior land the Colonlal Dames. Her funornl will tak.- place al Chrls Eplscopal Church, thin clty. bui thi ' tlme has uot yel been decided upon CbarlcH Klng. [Special to Thc Tlmos-Dlapatch, I i .\lexandria, Va., December 26.?-Chas Klng. senlor member and president oi tho tiriii of Charles Klng & Son c... jiii'.. seventy-two yeara old, dled al I o'clock thls mornlng at hls bom.-, 211 [South St. Asuph Streot, followlng a brlef illncss of pneumonia. Besldes lils Wlfo, who was a .\ilsn Laura Tubman, : ln- leaves tho follow-lng chil'lren: Frank T. Klng. Marshall U Klng, -Miss Laura | Klng, of thls cltj . Mrs. Charles Itulfish of CharlottesvUle; Mrs Dledel, wlfo ?( Dr; Clharlcs Dledel, of WaBhlngton' |Mrs. Schnelder, wife or Dr. Klwln O. Schnelder, ..f Washlngton. Tho funeral, havo not yel beon completed, although it Is planned to havo them somo timc Wed? nesday afternoon. i Charles King wns born near Syra [cuse, x. V and in early years grad uated in dentistry. Ile later ioined [thp.l nlted States Army. and at the ! i.iitliri-ik of tho war was connected .with the quartermaster's depU'rtment, .VI tin* close ..f tho wur he loeated m thls city and married here. In 1S77 Mr, KIiik founded tho flrm of which he v. as the hoad, and hnd one of tbe most extensivp wholesale houses in this sectlon of the Stato. He nlso opcratsd a braneh In Ctaarlottosville Up. lo the tlmo of hls lllness he was an actlve member nf the firm. Mr. King was never actlve In'poll? tlcs, although* ho was a Republlcan'. IIo wan u member uf the Chamber of Commeroe and also n prominent me'tri bor of Grace Eplscopal Church, boing a vestryiiian. Tbe Chamber ria? oalled ii. meetlng for to-morrow night to tako action oii lils death. .1. Ililiison Prlor. (Special to The 1 Alexandrla, Vu., Docember 2C?J llanaoh Price, brother 0f City Auditor VI. F. Prlce, n well-known resldent died at noon to-day. followlng a brlef lllness of pnoumonia. IIo was about lifty-tlvo yoars old and utimarrlod. [i"or tlie l*-'*ht thlrty years ho had hold a clorlcal I'osition iu tlio offlce of tho Chief Englnebi* of tho Wur Depart? ment. Mr. Price ls survlved by two brpthera and two slsters. Thev aro Clty Auditor B. F, Prlco. Captaln Mark Piico, -Mrs. John R. Zlnimerniaii and Miss Ellzabeth Price. The arrange ni-nts for tho funeral havo not boen f'eiirgo XV. Hall. [Special to Tho Timos-Dlspatoh.i Aloxandria. A'a., December 2C.?Goo \V. Hall died yesterday at his home' ?129 North Patrlck Stroet. Besldes his wife, ono son and onc daughter sur? vive hlm. Mr.s. Mnry J. ITmid. [Special lo Thd Tlmes-DiBm-tcn.] Norfolk, Vu., Docembor 26.?Mrs. Mary .1. Hand, widow of Samuel T, Hand, Jr., iljod ln Portsmouth to-day nf pellagra. She waa formerly of Bal liuioro. whero Johns Hopkins Hospltal aiirgeons rocontly dingnosoil hor caso . illss Kate S. li. Pritcliett. Mrs, C. K .Adams, -slsters, and T. Harry l">rltrhet t, i brother, nf lialtiinoio, survive her. Itrlicccn 'S. V'rlcp. [.Special to Thc Tiiue.s-Di.sputch.l Green Bay, Va,, Docembor 26.?Mrs. Reboeca S, Prlce died al her home hero ^aiiinUiy mornlng nt ii o'clock, aftor i ll'ngertng lllness, Sho wus in hor ilxty-eighth yoar. Mrs. Price was be lovod by all who knew hor. 'alwa rottdy ait.i wlllfng to Help any wbo needed asslstahce. nnd was, us 6 .ressoil by ono of her friends. "truly ui angel of mero.v." She was a mem ii'i- of tlie Chrlatlan Church hero for learly forty lyears; was fnr a num, icr of years pdstmastoi* horo, nnd iiiiglit si In Ihl.s county for many ?oiirs. .Mrs. Price was born und roaroil n LuneitbUfg cuiinly, and was a daugh or of RQborl Bolllng, of thnt county. drs I'rii'c hnd many friends ua ovi Iciii'.-d by the large gaihorina ut tho 'iiuerrl servlces hdil nt the Chiistlun 'liuicli horc riiinday nftoriioon at n .'cloik. Thn soi'Nleos wero .-oiiducted by Rtr. A CABLE AD EVERY DAV We Have a Few 1NNER-PLAYER TRADE MARK ' *"" PIANOS Left over from our Christmas Sale which will be placed on sale this week at a SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE. You must come early if you want one. Fjible'Pimo Pjb. 213 East Broad EVERYTHING MUSIGAL; /. I'arker Richardson, and interment was mado In the Prlce section of the Green Day Cemctery. Mrs Prb-e ls survlved by three sons and on<- daugh? ter, aa follow.i: riobort \v Prico I*. tenbur-r; Wlllle n. Price. of Meherrin; riiaddous \. Price. Oreen Day: Mrs Mary p. Berry, also of Green Bay The following pallbearera bfflclatcd; Actlve?_. D. Jones. .';. S. Wing, I'. II. kauffman. S. II. Puliev, n D. Kauff. now. n. B. Wllson. Jr., T. p. shel Honorary?,f. C. Rowlett, It. ll. XV. Wllson. .Sr., It. E. Wlther Borum; william i:. Indrews I Special to Tho Tlfa --i ? .-;. Roanoke, Va.. 1. ???. i i liani !?:. Androws, i ? | i| who retlrcd from bl ? ago, died to-day, aged olffhty iie leaves three sons, on W. K. Androws, ex-Mayor uoke. Another son ls .1. B. n local capltall.-t. It.i'.i-.i WINoii. 'Special to Th- T Hampton. Va., Dece ? Wllson, forty-two yean old hls home. on Hope Street. to Is survlved bv hla wldow chlldren. .lohu SlniMiiirl li. I Special f> Tiie Tlmi - I /,? Hampton, Va., December Stanworth, sijtty-tv o to-day of paralysl tliree chlldren survlve hlm. K. Ile DEATHS ?nty-tl "t, NANNIE L.ITTDETON ANDERSON, daughter of M. D. and Nettle U An il. !-?;, m Funeral notlce later. k .; 11:, ,. Fun DICKMA North at UASS, bcloved tvrfi o! Dlckman, aged twenty i.rin11: -Died, in Camali Italy. November 1%. l?li I.UCHE, father ot P. l>. US North Third .-tr. et. .1' ?SE threo I.I.K ie, of We miss theo from our homo; Joseph Ine, wc mlss thee from thy itir life Street. in DINWOol) Funeral from tho Second Baptist. Cliurch TUESDAY AFTERNOON at 3:30 ..'clock. Norfolk, Washington. r>. c.; North Carolina pnpera please copy. MITCiiki.d Dbd. nl his inot.her's res? ldence. 617 1-2 West coinber 26, 1!M". MITi'IIKI.I.. Funeral from tiie above resldence TUESDAY AFTERNOON at I o'clock. O'BRIEN?Died. at lier resldonce, 203 West Clav stroet. December 25. 101 n. at .1 o'clock P. RI.; MARY ANN. bo loved wlfe of Thomas O'Brlen. Sha ls survlved bv her husband and (V . daus'Iiters?Mrs. -lohn I". Black. Mrs. Thom-is A. Carroll. Mrs. Jumos 11. Dugan, Mlssea Marfraret I* and A? ui-s _, O'Brien. Funeral from St. I'eter's Cliurch TUESDAY at in A. M. Frlends and acqualntancos are Invited to attond. TUCK?Dlod. Monday Jiiorninsr at S:if o'clock. at resldence of Mr. T4llor, at tllonn Allen. MRS. SARAH JANK TUCK. Funeral servlces at St. Mark's Church TUESDAY at 3:30. Inter? ment in Rlvervlew, BECK?Died, ?December 25, 1D10, at 1:45 A. M.. LAWRENCE A. BECK, Funeral from St. Mary's Church ' THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. IN MEMORIAM MUCHALES?-In lovlni* memory of my doar husband, SAMUED MUCHALES. who died December 27, 1905; fivo years ago to-day. Yes, dear husband, fivo lonp yenrs Havo passed since we parted, And yet I miss theo; thy memory ls yet green, And my love for theo is 'ns lastinjr as the Stone that incloses thy mound, BY HIS WIFE, Are You Satisfied? ls the state of your flnances satis? factory? Ans.or. Had you opened a bank account Hve or ten years ago could you not have saved from ten to twenty-flve per cent, of your iucome? Ans.or. Why not start to-day? Capital, Surptus & Proflts, $1,500,(11); Wrlte for hooklet, "Banking by Mail" __m__f____^am__m__m__j_mi