HE CONIE ATMONCRIEFP Horse Returned Winner O* Athlete, Mule and Automobilc. Jncksonvllle, Fla.. December 2 A contest unlquc In Bportlng eve v di 1 id, d ai Monerlef Park to-d when tho nmhagemenl provlded ns nddi .1 holidti .111 ra< llon, b spei handlcap novelty race, ln whlch v tested the speed and endurnnce of athleto fool runner, a thoroughbi rnr. horse, .1 mule and an automob The winner wa 1 nui ned In Ma 11 ? ? ?. thi 1.1. ? horse, favorlto in 1 bi tting .?" 2 io ... n six furlongs. Elghl longths back co thi li . started tom- ann ? furli :.- : om iio> ,?. ire, while t r ni ? r, n I10 had "...?> yards to negot n flnll : .-.I third. The aiitoinoi.il,.. whlch waa n ked a- and one-i Ighth mlles afl a running start of a slxteenth of dlstant traller, probat il weath sndance was t lho I cal court ?bi cnclosi r. b tlu sloti track. . oks handled D hea* ?ti. ;.. t'orlte n Inning, Firsl raci?-maldens, two-year-ol<3 trlliuir. slx furlong, purse $400?Agm (20 to 1), lirst; Al. Thorpe (1 to 2 ??? Detlnitc (0 to 5), third. Tlm ra s?selling, flne. twi rlonsrs?Mlnd.-nette >a - rtb race?1\* o-year-olds. pur* $500, -i\ furlongs- Moncrlel (6 to 1 flrst; Patrlck is to 11. second: Ue V Ine (3 to i 1. third Tlme. 1:11 :;-.-,. Fifth race?handlcap, M00, mai 7: ulo horso and automobilc, novelt ra.Marlo Hyde (2 to r.i, slx fnr V firsl: Slmon Sllck, mule (1 to out), four and a half furlom.-s, bci md tv. W'll'ams. Marathon runner n 1 11. 550 yards, thlrd, Tlme, 1:16 2-1 JTorty-horaepower Stcarns, N, lt. i-'ui ton, ono and an < Ighth mlles, also rai Slxth race?selling, purse $400, three yoar-olda and up, .-!>: and a half fur 1< ? La Sallo (3 to I I, flrst; Asplri (10 I" I), .second; Starboard (6 to li third Time. 1:22 2-5. Seventh race?selling, purse $10f threb-year-olds, mlle and 0 slxteenth? "EHs-nbethali (15 tn 1). flrst; Ardr (even . second; Rtonemnn (7 to l) third. Tlme. 1 :r.o r.-r.. Hunters Have Seven-Milc Ride Over Slippery, Frozen Ground. Thi .. , ; ivas at WestBVook, aiul proved one of the mosl sucoessful run* of ihe season. Tlie hounds wero east ln the OTnter property, and tlie run made throtigli Joseph Bryan Park, MorriSon's, Blaclcweirs, by Bethloheni Church, (Hrough Burch's, to Broad Street Road for thc flrst check. The hounds wero then taken to Cnanttjly for artoTTicr east. and tlie run fnrough Chantllly, 'Grlnhell's and A\ ilhams's property, 011 Patterson Ave? nue, to fhe Country Club of VirginTa. The going was tln- worsl ..1 the tfeasoh, ln many places the ground ?wai fi-ozen hard, whllo in others it hnd thawbd slifflciently elther to make lt very slIppeFy, <*Tr for the horses' to br-ak through the crust. Notwlthstand Jng Ints, tl' ruTt wl.s a last one, and *was thoroughly enjoyed bv all. The Eiason's work had piit thc hounds in ppiemiTd condltfoh. Thoy packed well, and gavo beauflrul ton?T)e, nnd were very fast, and to ftillbw <,heni elosely tor a sevou-miK'-.i-Tirc a- hunter bad <>? have speed aml staylng' quallties. The flnlsh at th,.- Country Club ls spec tacular and attractlve. aml always draws a large crowd, Miss Fannie Crenshaw was thc only woman rider, and wns well up in front throughout thc- run. ThOSe ridinir wore lluntsn O. Younf Overland; High: plr< Hood;' MJ Quaker 101mon ,on Grandoe; w. ?? ' of fox hounds, on ? W. Gfaves, whlp, on 1'. Harrls, whlp, on iydnor, whlp, on.Robln stlll "i Powhatan; John '.\ik-n Frances; \V. il, White. Campbi #rancfi, on I, on N ?.n,he, l:iv."l>if|r Hunt. of Petersburg, -HOnt next .saturday. The ru? will be ,' the prettlest of the Deep courses, fliilshing al the ' V- rge fleld is expected to om the Country club ,,- : th rollowlng tho hounds I the h-.nl at va,-,,,,,!, Vo\'v-- ''"", J?in i rrnc-sa-rriy ,he whole run. r. n ci c'ubhou come 0 Virglnlr ind se llncUejis.hintdl Wlns Uunt ton. Mass., December 2G.?Gcorj enschmldt, tho Russlan wresti ' lefeated Dr, Bon f. Itollc sti =. ui- nri-i i_ one nour sevon twenty second; the seco en 'uli, ites and twenty-three B, wlth a-n-arni gr.il, and a THE 1911 REO Is a big, pdwerful, handsorrjc, four-cylin- ! dei car, with thirty to thirty-fivq actual horse power, fifty miles an hour, fast on nills, light-off like a thoroughbred as soon a you open the throttle and with all the Ect-there-and-pack abllity that goes with every Reo ever built. VSRBOSA "It Speaks for Itself." WO.V THE RACE. an.?Charles ickenschmldt won two falls ln suc sslon from Carro Achrned. the irklsh wrestler. ln the Harmeling ieatre hero to-nlght. The Ilrst fall is accompllshod ln thlrty-seveh mln? es, and thc second in ten. In tho :ond fall Achmed's anklo was ?enched and hls log almost broken. .okensclunldt was thlrty-slx pounds avlor than his opponent. omen of Fashion Will Now Be Calied Upon to Substitute Turkish Trousers. .'ew Vork, December 20.?No moro lical change in tho dress of woman i ever beon board of than that ca d from l'aris yesterday declaring ,t one of the biggest Pronch dress- ' lflers has relegated petlicoats to atfjo aml that thc smartly dressed man of the moment will wear a dltiod Orlental TurklifJi trouaer cos 10, 'he short -11 vod lmbblc sklrt, in oth words, lastod just long enough to e the dressmakers and mouldors of men S fashlons tlme to Invent n gar ut just a littln more outre and ox ordinary. When Mary GardBn ar ed hore a few weeks ago sho had her wardrobe one of these new ?klsh trousor gowns. Sho declared ihc tlme that lt was not mado es lally for hor, but waa "the inode." - reporters la.ughed and would noi love the merry Mary. But Doucet wlll bring this trouser ss out. and every smart woman 1 bo wearlng thom ln Parls before month Ib out," Miss Garden said, tho prinia donna wa.s rlght, even he was radloal, Por the cable from ls says that the loose-flttlng panta 1 skirts nre tho very latest thing, all women who would br in iho le must wear them. Wlll aurely slinpllry the suffra te. quostion, for now woman vlll tho trousers before she gets lhe ot, and it will probably so'ttle hor us as .a cittaen more quickly thnn indments to the Constitutlon, rhe oetticoat brlrande" can no lon bo used as an opprobrlous cplthet. 10 an- wonderlng If "Turklsh Do? ts" aud "Pall Malls" wlll go wlth Intiovation in woman's attlrc, and ho wlll have Blde uookets. t nU evi-nts the Turklsh trousors here for European aud Amerlcan non, nnd all New York wlll be ing wido-oyed lo Boo who wlll hfi lirst woman to welcome the Now r. lj> them. th Ihe .-???VVIUIiy |K ON VERY 11 They Must Get Together if They Would Avcrt Crash. (- sixty-second Congress?that the mc ig too short for them to accom llsh anythlng elso whllo here. and mt so far ns posslble they wlll slm ly put the finishlng touches on what ley began before. "With this situation it is apparent mt little wlll be accompllshed here iirlng the next two months. Whnl the DemoerntH .Vceil. "What tho Democrats need," said an d-timer around the Cnpitol a day or vo ago, "is a liberal injection of com on sense. The way they are rowlng nons themselves over the question of immitteo appolntments is nothlng to hat wlll happen when the eaucus oots unless, ln tho moantlme, some an can be found to htirmonizc all rces. It seems to me that although lamp Clark has not yet beon formal elected Speaker that he should be ?nsultecl and hls advice talcen reKard g tho future polley of the Demo ats In the House. I cnn readlly un- I te rstnnd just why ho would not want | give his opinions beforo ho is mado icakor, but If the Democrats would alize that his advice must he fol wod and hls counsel actod upon I ink they would be able to harmonlze tter." .Inhn Shnrp Williams Comlng. While nothlng authentlc can bc irncil concernlng the matter, it has en ulnted around the Cnpitol for sev al days that unless tho Domocrats it together John Sharp Williams, rinerly minority loador, may be In ced to" come to Washington and get i Democratic friends in llne. Although there was considerable irring under tho Williams leader lp on the Democratic sido of tho mso, it Is belleved that thc MIs jslppian?who w'll soon go over to e Senato to succeed Senator Jloney jould do much to pour oll on tbo >ubled Democratic waters. He un ubtedly has a vory persuasive sthod, and this no doubt would be srted on tho Democrats lf he should ni e. The 4'niioii.s?Anil Whnt Thenf rs tho eaucus to sottlo the Issues it how have dlvlded the Democrats, wlll there be blckerings and dis iBfaction throughout tho entire .ty-Secona Congress, which will ho Democratfc Congress so far as the use is concerned? It is belleved that loss tho present dlssatlsfaction is pped early that instead of growing s the present gap wlll become B whi locl stol to 1 wor $1 i Con tonl M of *, ally ln 1 cam som woa oasj and Wiu dolli holli notl Di TiaUi coun .1. A they towi man occu brol liutli Ge rosti shoo of y IVOI'l madi legoi old i tol, unco ili th Al; we th, bU fol 111; tlo mo trl thi ha< got hoi sal ani the of phe Oui wa; of put of the ual R pro uat Ho WOl to 1 ourlng Car, $700? Roadster, $600. 1627-29 W. BROAD ST. UB CAIl THAT HAS XO VALAT3S. Guaranteed Knglno Service. Prlce, tfl.'ioo to $2,500, Wl[al ,:,lo'"r C*-r Co? l>I?trlluiter-i iiimiimiS "'' st- ?'l'"?o Mon. 1213, ir so Years thn Houso of Quality itraus, Gunst 8c Co., Dif.tll.lera and Blunders ot Pine WliiakleB. )rink Old Henry a Long Record I'roves Ita Ment. Worth Auto Sales Co., 439-501 W Main Sl. Phone Madison 7066 larger nnd larger, wlth the resiill | the eireetlveness of tho DotnOOl mny bo cOHSidorably loBseriod. P. II. Met DR. WILSON GOES WEST vun Attend Meeting of Ainerlenn iitieni Assoclatlon, Prlncoton, N, .1., December 21 Woodrow Wilson, Oovernor-oleet New Jersey, left hero to-day for Louis to uttotid tho conventlon of American Polltlcal Assoclatlon, whieh be ls presldent. Ho wlll reii lo his lmnie l-'rlday next. Ur. Wilson doeB not expect to mr nny written answer ln replv to ti sta men expected to be issued by Jdh Smlth, ,ir., nt Newark to-day ln gnrd to tlie Dnlted Sti.tes seniitors! from thls State. Mr. Wilson. who sunportlng James 13. Martln'e, opjiosltlon to Alr. Smlth, for t honor, will dellvor un addt'esa jersey city early ln January, n ho hay* tbat. lf Mr. Smlth's expect statoment roqulres nn answer ho prc ably wlll make ono ln tho course hls add ross. nonri'is ArtE taken ahomiii AM) "KINGDOM" SETS ?.\ .Norfolk, \'n., December 20.?Beft dayllght thls mornlng and whlle the residonts of Ocean Vlew wc asleop, tho bodies ot Louis St. Ch and James O'Connor, the two saili from the barkentlne. Kingdom, w were drowned ore Ocean View Saturd night, were taken from tbe poroh tho Ocoan Vlew hotel, where they h laln ln their shrouds sinco Sunday n carrled back to the Kingdom by tiu former shlpmates. The Kl'ngdi Welghed anchor soon after siintlso a passed out of the Capes. No nnnouncement waa mado by t members of J.he Holy Ghost nnd 1 Band aboard the Kingdom as to wli WOUld be done with tho bodies of tl lrowned sailors. SPfRITUALISTS 10 TEMPLi \nnouncement Is Made That th Sum of $100,000 Has Al? ready Been Pledged. ?N'cw york, December 20.?Rov. Rufi 1. Macurda, of tho First Splritualii ocioty of Xew York. states that emple, costing $500,000, wlll be erectc hortly by tbat socloty. Wlthln hon tlme more than $100,000, he di larca, has been pledged by a groti f wealthy peraona, nmong them se\ ral mlllionalres, who are intereste 1 tho apirit cult The ediflce will b amed "Tcmplo of the Dlvlna Inaplra on." During yeaterday's meeting of tii ?rst Spirituallst Society of New Yorl eld In thc Llncoln Arcade, Mrs. !?' onroe Hand, of 321 West Seventy xth street, who was an actlve mem ^r of many women's clubs before he jnverslon to spiritualism, and wh ow ls the presldent. of th.- soclety ade the announcement of the comlni inpie to the audient/?. "I am glad," she said. "to announci u 1 ? a Christmas gift thnt sufli ont money has been pledged to mi ? bulld a splrltuallstlc temple ln Ncv ork City. I am not at liberty to maki 10 name of the donors public, as : thelr wish to remaln unknown ln thi: ft to splrltuallstlc progress ln thl: luntry. Srvernl Sltes ln VIeiv. "In a few weeks I shall be able t( !1 you more deflnltely about th, ans for the erectlon of the temple 'hile we have several -itoi In mind B have 11.it decided deflnltely on tiu 10 to bulld. The church will be on, the finest In the clty, and ln con ctlon wlth thls, thero wlll bc classc rrled nn for the development of splr lalistlc truth." Following the meeting, Mrs. Hano oke at length regardlng thn proposed mple. "While f have been a spirituallst all r llfo, I have only bocome actlve ln ? work within the past few year-. iciit two years ago T had a vlslon. I is tolj to bulld this temple, and that 3 money would be assurcd to me. t irted the work lmmedlately nt tho lowlng meeting of the ladles' aux iry b.v pliulng a box for a collcc n on the hall table. Of courso, the >ney collected thls way waa a mere fle, but lt establlshed tho chaln of night sent out. Many spirltualists 1 tlie same vlslon as myaelf." Hna Slrnngo Story