Horse Returned Winner O*
Athlete, Mule and
Jncksonvllle, Fla.. December 2
A contest unlquc In Bportlng eve
v di 1 id, d ai Monerlef Park to-d
when tho nmhagemenl provlded ns
nddi .1 holidti .111 ra< llon, b spei
handlcap novelty race, ln whlch v
tested the speed and endurnnce of
athleto fool runner, a thoroughbi
rnr. horse, .1 mule and an automob
The winner wa 1 nui ned In Ma
11 ? ? ?. thi 1.1. ? horse, favorlto in 1
bi tting .?" 2 io ... <?-1.ndi 1 the han
cap Qditlon as n qtfired tn c>n
six furlongs. Elghl longths back co
thi li . started tom- ann
? furli :.- : om iio> ,?. ire, while t
r ni ? r, n I10 had "...?> yards to negot n
flnll : .-.I third.
The aiitoinoi.il,.. whlch waa n ked
a- and one-i Ighth mlles afl
a running start of a slxteenth of
dlstant traller, probat
il weath
sndance was t
lho I cal court
?bi cnclosi r. b
tlu sloti track.
. oks handled D hea*
?ti. ;.. t'orlte n Inning,
Firsl raci?-maldens, two-year-ol<3
trlliuir. slx furlong, purse $400?Agm
(20 to 1), lirst; Al. Thorpe (1 to 2
??? Detlnitc (0 to 5), third. Tlm
s?selling, flne. twi
- rtb race?1\* o-year-olds. pur*
$500, -i\ furlongs- Moncrlel (6 to 1
flrst; Patrlck is to 11. second: Ue
V Ine (3 to i 1. third Tlme. 1:11 :;-.-,.
Fifth race?handlcap, M00, mai
7: ulo horso and automobilc, novelt
ra.Marlo Hyde (2 to r.i, slx fnr
V firsl: Slmon Sllck, mule (1 to
out), four and a half furlom.-s, bci md
tv. W'll'ams. Marathon runner n 1
11. 550 yards, thlrd, Tlme, 1:16 2-1
JTorty-horaepower Stcarns, N, lt. i-'ui
ton, ono and an < Ighth mlles, also rai
Slxth race?selling, purse $400, three
yoar-olda and up, .-!>: and a half fur
1< ? La Sallo (3 to I I, flrst; Asplri
(10 I" I), .second; Starboard (6 to li
third Time. 1:22 2-5.
Seventh race?selling, purse $10f
threb-year-olds, mlle and 0 slxteenth?
"EHs-nbethali (15 tn 1). flrst; Ardr
(even . second; Rtonemnn (7 to l)
third. Tlme. 1 :r.o r.-r..
Hunters Have Seven-Milc Ride
Over Slippery, Frozen
Thi .. , ; ivas at WestBVook, aiul
proved one of the mosl sucoessful run*
of ihe season. Tlie hounds wero east
ln the OTnter property, and tlie run
made throtigli Joseph Bryan Park,
MorriSon's, Blaclcweirs, by Bethloheni
Church, (Hrough Burch's, to Broad
Street Road for thc flrst check.
The hounds wero then taken to
Cnanttjly for artoTTicr east. and tlie run
fnrough Chantllly, 'Grlnhell's and
A\ ilhams's property, 011 Patterson Ave?
nue, to fhe Country Club of VirginTa.
The going was tln- worsl ..1 the
tfeasoh, ln many places the ground
?wai fi-ozen hard, whllo in others it
hnd thawbd slifflciently elther to make
lt very slIppeFy, <*Tr for the horses' to
br-ak through the crust. Notwlthstand
Jng Ints, tl' ruTt wl.s a last one, and
*was thoroughly enjoyed bv all. The
Eiason's work had piit thc hounds in
ppiemiTd condltfoh. Thoy packed well,
and gavo beauflrul ton?T)e, nnd were
very fast, and to ftillbw <,heni elosely
tor a sevou-miK'-.i-Tirc a- hunter bad <>?
have speed aml staylng' quallties. The
flnlsh at th,.- Country Club ls spec
tacular and attractlve. aml always
draws a large crowd, Miss Fannie
Crenshaw was thc only woman rider,
and wns well up in front throughout
thc- run.
ThOSe ridinir wore
O. Younf
High: plr<
Hood;' MJ
101mon ,on Grandoe; w.
?? ' of fox hounds, on
? W. Gfaves, whlp, on
1'. Harrls, whlp, on
iydnor, whlp, on.Robln
"i Powhatan; John '.\ik-n
Frances; \V. il, White.
#rancfi, on I,
on N
?.n,he, l:iv."l>if|r Hunt. of Petersburg,
-HOnt next .saturday. The ru? will be ,'
the prettlest of the Deep
courses, fliilshing al the '
V- rge fleld is expected to
om the Country club ,,- :
th rollowlng tho hounds I
the h-.nl at va,-,,,,,!, Vo\'v-- ''"", J?in i
rrnc-sa-rriy ,he whole run.
r. n ci
come 0
ind se
llncUejis.hintdl Wlns Uunt
ton. Mass., December 2G.?Gcorj
enschmldt, tho Russlan wresti
' lefeated Dr, Bon f. Itollc
=. ui- nri-i i_ one nour sevon
twenty second; the seco
en 'uli, ites and twenty-three
B, wlth a-n-arni gr.il, and a
THE 1911 REO
Is a big, pdwerful, handsorrjc, four-cylin- !
dei car, with thirty to thirty-fivq actual
horse power, fifty miles an hour, fast on
nills, light-off like a thoroughbred as soon
a you open the throttle and with all the
Ect-there-and-pack abllity that goes with
every Reo ever built.
"It Speaks for Itself."
an<l Captured the First Prizo? Publlo
Till; 10C. CIGAIl FOIt r,c.
11 VJ\, a, F",lfcr.- '^orto Rican Wrapner.
*-*??? Ior U by name at your dtaltr.
fhe bdyei wlio knows the difierenc
ln automoMl.5 will own a
&fa&0 Jones Motor
lar lo.
Allca Avt. and Broad Stro?t.
350 Varieties of
New Year Beverages
Largest and most select stock in thc etitirc State.
riic care and discrimination in thc choice of thc best
havo been household words.
This vast stocl< facililates sclcctions for all purscs. Send
for Price List.
1204 East Main Street
No Branch Houses. Phones: Monroe 882, Monroe 883.
Ea'rlj' Ordering Will Avoid Delay in Prompt Delivery.
Out of-town orders should hc sent in at once.
Thero la always one pecullarity about
slebratlon?llie "obits" ln
? than sports.
riably clalm moro
pown in Norfolk tliev played .1 game
tlled "Gtiess where I am nt." lt ls
il .1 good game, nnd most everybo.lv.
tcept the lntroducors nf Iho game,
'" - '? i' up or declared that they
Now In Lynchburg tliey had n real!
, game, Whlle dodging the floatlngl
Island on the top of the creamy Vuie-j
tltlo boverage, they shouted wlth glec
fu] voico: "You i-nn't bluff us; von
can'l hinrr us." Whlch. proporly ln
torpreted, means that Lynchbrtig will i
liavo a ball ?team in the Virglnltt
League next season.
Danvllle nnd Roanoke both sent the
same message: "Me, too." j |
"1 nm constralned to voclfer.ite." i i
?ald the aviator, "thnt an empty box
is no Christmas present for a man ofj
parts. Tho tlme has como when prac-i (
tical Jokes are no longer ln fashion, i I
And to add to it all, I kneu that the j
box was empty all of the tlme."
The man who drew that very good! \
oartoon of Jtmmle sullivan ls named j f
.Mil.ito.ih. For iiome unaccounbable j \
reason hia namo was left off of tholv
j Ai-iulemj-?Kyrle Itelleiv ln "nnffle*."
RIJou?*The .loy Rlders," matinee
j Hllll i-:-.lll.
Tlie l-'iiimleM <if Fnrcea.
"When a Man Marrlea" la an amus
? .k, but its dramatlzed verslon.
if th
lamingly funny playa imaginable.
Lhout u single serlous word or even
rgestlon, ii is really a farce, a
m, gcnulne farce that gallops and
ghS its wny through Lhree ucts
absurd sltuatlons and rjdlculous
naglno a house full of dlnner
Sta iiiiarantineil for a whole week;
oung man dlvorced from hi.s wife
trying to keep tho fact from hls
aunt, upon whom ho is utterly de
tlent, hy passlng off a perfectly nice
na his \yirc; add tho real wlfo,
1 "wai lust passlng by an.l droppertlp
o aoc the cook," and tho nieo girl's ' f
ethoart, and the aunt herself. Coop
witli thom a near-Englishman and | w
wlfe, who fnncios thal sho has j h<
,'chlc power," an onterprl'slng bur- i Ul
une a-burgllng; and a I dr
? sleepy policeman', who came a-spart
; Ing. Parcol out io all. save tho un
j fortunate burglar, tasks cbncernlng
whlch they know less than nothing;
dress them ln odds and ends; vaccinate
thi whole outflt, except the hungry
burglar, so thal tho men wear warn
| 1 ii ti slgns on their arma aml the wo
| men limp. ilaki- the women cook. sew
aiiii darn, and the men serub, wash
and tend the furnace. Then conceivo
Innumerable really comtc sltuatlons
nnd happenlngs, und you hnvo "Seven
.Although yesterday's was thc flrst
appearance of this company, the per
formance was unusually smooth and
????? y. The ivalta were long, but tho
wholo performance occupied only two
hours aml a half, aud the settlng. was
heavy and unusually good.
Herbert Portlor, aR .lanies Wilson.
the uint-fooler, aml Wlnona Shannon,
the perfectly nice girl, carrled off tlio
honors, Fortlor was fat. funny and
easy. and- Miss Shannon was attractive.
funny and easy. Morceita Bsmonde,
wtih her psychlc control nnd her com
pelling eocktail, Rot mnny laughs out
of lu-r fat part, and r.ordon Burby, the
?,iolie,.iiian, jiiid Tex Chnrwate, t,"he
second-story man. played thelr bi'ts
Well, The others ln the company also
seenied to please thc house.
Some of those namea do not souhd
nl together huinan. They are very
probably mlsspelled; but thoy are
copled literally from the program.
whieh is almost lnvarlably more or less
full of mtsprints.
Two biu- houses chuckled and chortled.
or laughed an.l rour'er, throughout thc
play, provlng the wlsdom of ihe man- j
agemenl ln selectlng "Seven Days'-' for
our "merry legal holiday." XV. D. G.
Thc UIJou's Joy lllilc.
George 'Sidne-y, better known as
"Busy l/.zy," rode into the Bijou yes?
terday wlth "The .loy Rlder," whlch
broke all apeotl limits for fun, and
wlii.-n ended without a broken neck
S.veral .jaws wcrc almost fractured as
tt resuit of loo much laughter right
aft-r the I'hristmas dlnner. Sldney
has wilh hlm tho best company whicii
haH appeared in tlie Broad Street play
house thls season. The faree ls one
big Bcream; lt could nol have beon
more clover if th<- author had spent
another your in the wrltlng, Sldney
and Dlck llume, who has heen with
hlm for severiil years, are by far the
i.esi comedlans that the Biiott over
brought to town. And, like old wine.
they improvo wlth age. Their bur
leaqua on the Jeffries-Johnson flght
waa great, Mlss Carrio Webhor.
known ln prlvate llfo as Mrs. Sldney.
was more attractive than ever, and
there has not been an actress at a blfi
gor theatre this winter who could out
ilo her ln the matter of gowns. Tho
gowns are ln a class hy themselves.
Mlss Wobber is just as graecful aa of
old, and her work yesterday was over
ihe heada of manv of us who go rogu
larly to the BIJou. Most of Ihe songs
were new and catchy. Tbe chorus
ivas good to look upon, though lta
gowns appeared a bit wllted when put
alongalde of those displayed b.v the
leadlng woman. The whole productlon
Was worth any inan'a tlme. Nobodv
OUld see It aud go away wlth tho
' lues. "Busy l:*./.y" has sot a. new
ivorld'a record for aititude. and other
Bijou sliowa must come hlgh if they
io|.e to reach bi. shadow.
Ivyrie Ue-llew, lu "Hnnie-i."
Kyrle llellew. who oontea 111 bls most
famous play, ?TtaftleS," to the Aoad
?iii-,-. to-nlght an.l Wednesday and
Wednesday matinee, la an actor of rare
Inlah. Not pnly ls he Intonsoly popu
;ir wiih audiences, but among thi ao
ors thomaelvea Mr, Bellow ls perhaps
iu- greatest favorlte. Nur lt ia aur
Ho u?vur "suws the alr too mncn
lf t
a i a
lf I
IV 01
reproduction, nnd he does deserve somo
mentlon for hls work.
My old friend Georgo Tlunt Is In i
town wlth a cholco collectlon of anec
ilol'K about thc flghts out in Prlseo. I
Karold English, anothej*. Blolimmul bov.
nov.- nn tho coast. la also back for tho
holldays. Ile snw tho Moran-Nolson
Mght, and states thnt Nelson would
ltiVc won lf he had beon Ihoro wlth
Iho puneh. No reason to doubt that
Archle Hoxsey has at last broken
lie altltude record. He sald he would.
Mirl lhe CO-Stltdont Of ^he la meiited
lonnstone has made good. Here's hop
ng lie always Ille;! hlgh and landa
Wilh tho holiday season gone, and
nth the approachlng meetlng in Nor
olk staring ns in the faco. lt looks
S If there wouhl he something dolng
n tho ball playing line shortly.
Cortalnly am tlred of wrltlng a lot
f stuff which is as hard to wrlte as
i Is to read. Give mo something real,
nd then watch me go to It.
Albert Thomas Turner. a New York
aitor, says that he is golng to walk
rom tho hig city to New Orfeans. 11^
?111 pass through Richmond on hls
ith hls hand"; never "tears a pas
on to tatters to spllt the oars of the
rouniilings"; never ?'mouths"; never
struts"; never "bellows"; for' he Is
Iways a consummate actor. a master
f an art whicli some crities are prone
? call a "forgotten" one. He has the
ttest volce of any llvlng actor. and hii
race le provt-rhial. .Mr. Bellew Is
HI remembercd as the greate'si actor
the pasl quarter contury. lils
nnieo has beon famous those fourteen
sars. But nowadays there are no
ich Jullets on tho stago as there wero
hen Mr. Bellew played Roraco to
ary Andcrson's Jullot.
Phlladeliihla, Pa., Dec?mber 2?.?The
iw police regulatlon empowering the
tib physiclan to stop a bpxing bout
lien ho deems it necessarj*. was on
rced for the flrst tlme hore to-day
the National Athletlc Club, when
ill McGovern, of Brooklyn, was pre
nti'il from continulng ln hls match
th Pddle O'Keefo, of thls clty, after
had been knocked down in tho
th round. O'Keefo wns knocked
wn by McGovern In the Ilrst and
Ird rounds, whllo the latter wns sent
the floor in tho third and flfth
unds. After thc last knockdown, tho
yslcian at the rlngs-lde refused to
rmit McGovern to conti nue, although
tho judgment of the referoe, both
*n were In shape to go the full slx
In.the maln bout, between ?Franklo
idolo, of Plttsburg, and Eddie Mur
y, of Boston, thc former, although
twclghed, put up a good fight, and
i.s entitled io a draw.
Cnrre Achim-tl Defeated.
[Special to The Times-Dlspatch. |
Brlstol, Va., December 2'*>.?Charles
ickenschmldt won two falls ln suc
sslon from Carro Achrned. the
irklsh wrestler. ln the Harmeling
ieatre hero to-nlght. The Ilrst fall
is accompllshod ln thlrty-seveh mln?
es, and thc second in ten. In tho
:ond fall Achmed's anklo was
?enched and hls log almost broken.
.okensclunldt was thlrty-slx pounds
avlor than his opponent.
omen of Fashion Will Now Be
Calied Upon to Substitute
Turkish Trousers.
.'ew Vork, December 20.?No moro
lical change in tho dress of woman
i ever beon board of than that ca
d from l'aris yesterday declaring
,t one of the biggest Pronch dress- '
lflers has relegated petlicoats to
atfjo aml that thc smartly dressed
man of the moment will wear a
dltiod Orlental TurklifJi trouaer cos
'he short -11 vod lmbblc sklrt, in oth
words, lastod just long enough to
e the dressmakers and mouldors of
men S fashlons tlme to Invent n gar
ut just a littln more outre and ox
ordinary. When Mary GardBn ar
ed hore a few weeks ago sho had
her wardrobe one of these new
?klsh trousor gowns. Sho declared
ihc tlme that lt was not mado es
lally for hor, but waa "the inode."
- reporters la.ughed and would noi
love the merry Mary.
But Doucet wlll bring this trouser
ss out. and every smart woman
1 bo wearlng thom ln Parls before
month Ib out," Miss Garden said,
tho prinia donna wa.s rlght, even
he was radloal, Por the cable from
ls says that the loose-flttlng panta
1 skirts nre tho very latest thing,
all women who would br in iho
le must wear them.
Wlll aurely slinpllry the suffra
te. quostion, for now woman vlll
tho trousers before she gets lhe
ot, and it will probably so'ttle hor
us as .a cittaen more quickly thnn
indments to the Constitutlon,
rhe oetticoat brlrande" can no lon
bo used as an opprobrlous cplthet.
10 an- wonderlng If "Turklsh Do?
ts" aud "Pall Malls" wlll go wlth
Intiovation in woman's attlrc, and
ho wlll have Blde uookets.
t nU evi-nts the Turklsh trousors
here for European aud Amerlcan
non, nnd all New York wlll be
ing wido-oyed lo Boo who wlll hfi
lirst woman to welcome the Now
r. lj> them.
.-???VVIUIiy |K
Must Get Together if
They Would Avcrt
Former Minority Leader Wil?
liams .Mny ;*c Called to
Close thc Breach.
"nst Con
ory as a
ever tha
il a re
to bc
11 have
[Special to The Tiihes-Dispateh.]
Washington, December JU.?-Tho
"short sesslon" ot tho slxt-.
gross Ih going down in hl
"do-nothing" Congress, wh
prospect for a lively thr
may havo beon a few weo
Before the present sesslon began
thoro wns evory lndicatlon that tho
three months following would be tho
most interesting seen, from
viowpolnt, ln many years.
markablo cliango has (al
There aro many reasons 111
llove that when the prc.
ends on March ?! nothing
bcen dono but to pa?s tl
approprlatlon bills and the lnsignlfl
cant measures of other hlnds that
are allowed to go through tlu legis
latlve mlll Just to flll up the tlme.
On Thin lee.
There nro two reasons why noth?
ing is going to be done at this ses?
slon. Thc Democrats woro novor
before treadlng on thlnner Ico tnan
they are at thls partlculnr tlme. The
iroiiblesome "rules" question is Ihreat
enlng to cause 'serious sjtrlfe Insjdo
tho party llnes beforo March I comes
round. Tho Democrats cannol agree
lmoiig themselves on a polley. t^ome
rvant lhe much-talkod-of conunltteo on
lommlttoes, some want the Speaker to
sontlnue namlng the committee and
omc don't know what they want,
5omc are opposed to having thc "stoor
ng" committee ot the- Houso, whlch
s to bc selected by the eaucus to bo
ield next month, composcd of any
nembers whoso votes were with tbe
toptihllcans when tho tarlff blll was
icfore Congress last sesslon. The
vhole situation, so far ns the liemo
rats are concerned, ls a most dcli
ate one, and lt would not take much
o cause a big explosion Insldo the
Another reason why nothing wlll be
one thls sesslon Is that with many
lepubllcans to go out?thoso who at | l|
resent hold the upper hand and those j
?ho have really been "dolng things" ''"
or many years?thero Is a feeling , ''
iiat it ls useless for them to enter
pnn a plan of nccomplislilng any
ilng wlth only two months left to
?rve in Congress. These ltcpubli
ins say?those who will not return
) ih>- sixty-second Congress?that the
mc ig too short for them to accom
llsh anythlng elso whllo here. and
mt so far ns posslble they wlll slm
ly put the finishlng touches on what
ley began before.
"With this situation it is apparent
mt little wlll be accompllshed here
iirlng the next two months.
Whnl the DemoerntH .Vceil.
"What tho Democrats need," said an
d-timer around the Cnpitol a day or
vo ago, "is a liberal injection of com
on sense. The way they are rowlng
nons themselves over the question of
immitteo appolntments is nothlng to
hat wlll happen when the eaucus
oots unless, ln tho moantlme, some
an can be found to htirmonizc all
rces. It seems to me that although
lamp Clark has not yet beon formal
elected Speaker that he should be
?nsultecl and hls advice talcen reKard
g tho future polley of the Demo
ats In the House. I cnn readlly un- I te
rstnnd just why ho would not want |
give his opinions beforo ho is mado
icakor, but If the Democrats would
alize that his advice must he fol
wod and hls counsel actod upon I
ink they would be able to harmonlze
.Inhn Shnrp Williams Comlng.
While nothlng authentlc can bc
irncil concernlng the matter, it has
en ulnted around the Cnpitol for sev
al days that unless tho Domocrats
it together John Sharp Williams,
rinerly minority loador, may be In
ced to" come to Washington and get
i Democratic friends in llne.
Although there was considerable
irring under tho Williams leader
lp on the Democratic sido of tho
mso, it Is belleved that thc MIs
jslppian?who w'll soon go over to
e Senato to succeed Senator Jloney
jould do much to pour oll on tbo
>ubled Democratic waters. He un
ubtedly has a vory persuasive
sthod, and this no doubt would be
srted on tho Democrats lf he should
ni e.
The 4'niioii.s?Anil Whnt Thenf
rs tho eaucus to sottlo the Issues
it how have dlvlded the Democrats,
wlll there be blckerings and dis
iBfaction throughout tho entire
.ty-Secona Congress, which will ho
Democratfc Congress so far as the
use is concerned? It is belleved that
loss tho present dlssatlsfaction is
pped early that instead of growing
s the present gap wlll become
to 1
$1 i
of *,
ln 1
.1. A
of y
old i
to 1
ourlng Car, $700? Roadster, $600.
1627-29 W. BROAD ST.
Guaranteed Knglno Service.
Prlce, tfl.'ioo to $2,500,
Wl[al ,:,lo'"r C*-r Co? l>I?trlluiter-i
iiimiimiS "'' st- ?'l'"?o Mon. 1213,
ir so Years thn Houso of Quality
itraus, Gunst 8c Co.,
Dif.tll.lera and Blunders ot
Pine WliiakleB.
)rink Old Henry
a Long Record I'roves Ita Ment.
Worth Auto Sales Co., 439-501
W Main Sl. Phone Madison 7066
larger nnd larger, wlth the resiill |
the eireetlveness of tho DotnOOl
mny bo cOHSidorably loBseriod.
P. II. Met
vun Attend Meeting of Ainerlenn
iitieni Assoclatlon,
Prlncoton, N, .1., December 21
Woodrow Wilson, Oovernor-oleet
New Jersey, left hero to-day for
Louis to uttotid tho conventlon of
American Polltlcal Assoclatlon,
whieh be ls presldent. Ho wlll reii
lo his lmnie l-'rlday next.
Ur. Wilson doeB not expect to mr
nny written answer ln replv to ti sta
men expected to be issued by Jdh
Smlth, ,ir., nt Newark to-day ln
gnrd to tlie Dnlted Sti.tes seniitors!
from thls State. Mr. Wilson. who
sunportlng James 13. Martln'e,
opjiosltlon to Alr. Smlth, for t
honor, will dellvor un addt'esa
jersey city early ln January, n
ho hay* tbat. lf Mr. Smlth's expect
statoment roqulres nn answer ho prc
ably wlll make ono ln tho course
hls add ross.
nonri'is ArtE taken ahomiii
.Norfolk, \'n., December 20.?Beft
dayllght thls mornlng and whlle
the residonts of Ocean Vlew wc
asleop, tho bodies ot Louis St. Ch
and James O'Connor, the two saili
from the barkentlne. Kingdom, w
were drowned ore Ocean View Saturd
night, were taken from tbe poroh
tho Ocoan Vlew hotel, where they h
laln ln their shrouds sinco Sunday n
carrled back to the Kingdom by tiu
former shlpmates. The Kl'ngdi
Welghed anchor soon after siintlso a
passed out of the Capes.
No nnnouncement waa mado by t
members of J.he Holy Ghost nnd 1
Band aboard the Kingdom as to wli
WOUld be done with tho bodies of tl
lrowned sailors.
\nnouncement Is Made That th
Sum of $100,000 Has Al?
ready Been Pledged.
?N'cw york, December 20.?Rov. Rufi
1. Macurda, of tho First Splritualii
ocioty of Xew York. states that
emple, costing $500,000, wlll be erectc
hortly by tbat socloty. Wlthln
hon tlme more than $100,000, he di
larca, has been pledged by a groti
f wealthy peraona, nmong them se\
ral mlllionalres, who are intereste
1 tho apirit cult The ediflce will b
amed "Tcmplo of the Dlvlna Inaplra
During yeaterday's meeting of tii
?rst Spirituallst Society of New Yorl
eld In thc Llncoln Arcade, Mrs. !?'
onroe Hand, of 321 West Seventy
xth street, who was an actlve mem
^r of many women's clubs before he
jnverslon to spiritualism, and wh
ow ls the presldent. of th.- soclety
ade the announcement of the comlni
inpie to the audient/?.
"I am glad," she said. "to announci
u 1 ? a Christmas gift thnt sufli
ont money has been pledged to mi
? bulld a splrltuallstlc temple ln Ncv
ork City. I am not at liberty to maki
10 name of the donors public, as :
thelr wish to remaln unknown ln thi:
ft to splrltuallstlc progress ln thl:
Srvernl Sltes ln VIeiv.
"In a few weeks I shall be able t(
!1 you more deflnltely about th,
ans for the erectlon of the temple
'hile we have several -itoi In mind
B have 11.it decided deflnltely on tiu
10 to bulld. The church will be on,
the finest In the clty, and ln con
ctlon wlth thls, thero wlll bc classc
rrled nn for the development of splr
lalistlc truth."
Following the meeting, Mrs. Hano
oke at length regardlng thn proposed
"While f have been a spirituallst all
r llfo, I have only bocome actlve ln
? work within the past few year-.
iciit two years ago T had a vlslon. I
is tolj to bulld this temple, and that
3 money would be assurcd to me. t
irted the work lmmedlately nt tho
lowlng meeting of the ladles' aux
iry b.v pliulng a box for a collcc
n on the hall table. Of courso, the
>ney collected thls way waa a mere
fle, but lt establlshed tho chaln of
night sent out. Many spirltualists
1 tlie same vlslon as myaelf."
Hna Slrnngo Story <o Tell.
Throughout the country thls thought
: Into circulation. I cannot tell you
,v we found each other at last,"
d Mi*. Hand laughiugly. "That Is
ither' story, whlch I wlll tell when
work ia oc.-ypleted. But It ia on?
the moat wonderful proofs of apirit
;nomona that has ever been known.
r deslre is to help humanity. XVr
nt to go beyond the present plans
spiritualism as concelved by the
ill cmind, to rellevo it of the stlgma
eommereiaUsm and faklng whlch
public mind associates wlth apirit- .
lor. Mr. Macurda stated that in all j
babllity the. temple would be ait
ed in thc central part of this clty.
further added that the now rellglon I
ild include the publication of a book j
be called tho "ICey to Immortallty." I
iiulo Morro CinlniN Thnt Hc Wan
Itobhed b.v thc I'nlr.
ennie Duval and Pearl Jones, both
to, were arrested laat nlght and
ted up on the chargo of having
en an overcont valtied nt $10, cash
tho amount of $13, a watch charm
th $2.50, a pair of gloves worth
ind a. Virginia Railway and Powor
ipany badge, llsted at $3, from An
o Morro.
orro said ho had heen in the hablt
?iaiting tho Jones woman occasion
, and that hls coat waa laid down
ici- apartments last nlght. Duval]
e in, and tho two wont out to buy I
ethlng, tho woman insisting on !
ring the ovorcoat. Ho became un-j
? when they did not return soon,
reported the matter to the pollco.
m arrostod tho woman had several
irs. Duval, who ls spending the
:laye in tho city, said that he knew
ilng about it
Mnrahnl vQults His Joli.
iblin, Oa.. December 2U.?F.rastua
10UI, marshal of itoekledge. this
ity, who shot and killed Tal aud
. Thlgpon, when, as was alleged.
threatenea' to run nim out ol'
1, has quit hls |oh. n*. j?Ld iJOen
5lva.l two days when the tragedy
rred. Claude Thtgpen, the thlrd
her who was shot, wlll rocoveivl
eld's predecesaor also reaigned.
Ilauiled that Old Mnn Ono.
jrgo Cariington, colorod, was ar-1
?d last nigiit 011 the chargo otl
tlng at Davld Oray, .v number|
oung negroes were shooilng llre
sa on iho atreet, and when Uray
1 u complaiiil, Qarrlngton ls al
I to havo said, "I'll juat hand the
iiun one," nM Whlppcd out a pls
sendlng .-, bullet inio tlm houso
mfortably clojso to thu "old man."
'gt | Statc Law Limits Bequests
Religious Organizations to
$2,000 Income.
d !
Boston, December '.'6.?Tho Chris
Sclcnco authorlties horo are prepa
thoy say, to rcslst any nttompt
break Mrs, Eddy's wlll, based on
ground tliat by Sectlon ? of Chaptei
of tho Miissarhuseit ?. stfttu'to bcqtl.
to a church are limlted In amount
b- tliat the Income of such bequests s!
nnt i-xceod $2,000 a year.
It ls stated that the causo of
Christian Sclcnco Church wlll bo ba
on Sectlon l of Cliapter '.tl of tho
; vlsed laws, whlch says that deace
Wardens or other olllcers havo a ri
to hold property.
"The questlon ralsed hy this mu
diseussed sectlon lias been carcfi
etudicd," said ono ln authority, "i
we flnd there la no piinalty lUtacl
to lt, and. thero ls no provlslon t
tho boquest should bo vold If exc
"There havo been numorotis conv
ancos to the dlrectors and some fr
them, and theso convoyanccs have bt
passed .n by th<5 best conveyancers
the clty, and there has boen no qu
tlon or objectlon to the rlght to hold
.Nn Declslon ln State.
"There has been no declslon In tl
State under sectlon 0, and thero Is
ponalty provlded lf tho church recolv
more than thc mnn speciflod ln sectl
It wlll
thnt many cburc
Income i xcoeds
In a declaldh
li li-; i
i .li.
by the Sclcnth
_???'. bequests who
0 a year.
the Chief Justl
(Massi, K'i? thls Btatement ls found:
"\Ve havo never had ln Masaacb
setts any leglslatlou prohlbltlng cha
itabb- gifts to trustees or corporatlo
or providing any kind of cohveyance
bequest to corporatlons shall be voli
ir soctlon '.' ls held good, ii ls claim
thut tho beirs-at-law may have tl
bequest set aslde unless there ls
corporal.- body speclllcally authorlzi
by law i.. hold n larger amount tlu
that mentioned by thc statute. '11
Importance to the helrs-at-law ln th
Ilne of attack on the bequest. If
should bc a'doptcd, Is that, It Is clulti
od. il would not ln any way lmpei
their rlghts undcr thc trust deed whl<
provldes that they should lose the
Ihteri st lf thoy contested tho wlll.
Thr. polnt of lhe situation Is sald
:' ? the legal question regardlr
thc capaclty of the Pirst Church I
tako the bequeat would bc ralsed I
the law courts and that no direct a
tack need to be mado on the wlll 1
Thc net result, however, would l
that If lt should be declared that tl
Pirst church of chrlst, Scientlst, coul
not take the property it would" ir
evitably go to the helrs-at-law.
f'hiirrli N..I riH-iirpornled.
It Is admitted that the church 1
i d Im orporati d In n gular form. bt
no questlon haa ever been raiserl a
to tho right of the board of dlrector
to hold property, an.l u |s antlcipate
by many that tha fight. ahould thci
be one, will centre around the lnter
pretatlo-Q of the various sections c
chapter ."17. Whlch deals wlth donn
tiona and conveyances for rellgiou
and charitablo uscs. Sectlon 9 pro
vides thnt the deacons, w/irriens o
simllar ofllcers of churchea or roijgiou
societles shall, |f eltlzena of thla Com
monwcalth, be deemed bodles corporat
for tho purpoae of taklng and holdlm
in successlon all gifts, grants, be
quests and dovlces of real and per
sonal estato, either to them and thel
successors. or to their respectiv
churches, lf incorporatcd, or to th
poor of their churches.
Davld ?*tnrr Jordnn Snjn thi
Are In Control,
Chlcago, Docember 26.??
All Europ
ia in hnck to its "uncles." Therefor
there will he no war for many year
to come, because the money lender
wlll not permlt anything whlch wll
Impalr thc loans thoy have made
Brlefly, these are the concluslons o
Davld Starr Jordan, president of Lc
land Stanford Unlverslty, deliver-*.
last nlght in a lecture on "The Olc
Peace With Velvet Sandaled Feet," a
Abraham Llncoln Centre.
"All olvllized natlons aro 'owned*. ol
'controlled.' " Dr. Jordan sald, "for thej
say there Is a dlfferencc between own
ing and controlllng a rallroad, thougl
somo of us cannot quite grasp the.dls
"The men who make the war loans
control all thc clvlllzed nations. Thc
Spltzenbergor ls not controlled. Neith?
er is the Fijl. The 'uncles' of tho klngf
control the others. Empcrors and
klngs and parltamcnts may not declarc
war to satlsfy a whlm, to defend their
honor, or even to right a wrong, until
they havo secured the permlsslon oE
their 'uncles.'
"There Is no danger of war, but
there is grave danger tliat the war
dobt will bo doubled. Europc's war
debt ls ?2G,000,000,000. Onc-third of
all the monoy of the world lsduc on
tho war dobt of Europe alono.' Tho
Rothschilda, and othor monoy-londing
famllies absolutely control thc situa?
"Nlno-tcriths of the war scarcs in
Europe and elsewhero aro mado by
crafty statesmen and a yellow press
to dlverl tho attentlon of thc peoplo
from roforms thoy are domandlng.
"Whon the powerful of earth flnd
themselves hard press'ed by tho peoplo
they lssue a call to tho mob to go off
somewhoro to plundcr and murder, for
Iho mob always is ready tu joln In tho
man hunt. And thoy llght tlll the
people forget what lt was thoy want?
ed. ?
"Tho spendlng of monoy for arma
monts, tho borrowing of enormous
sums and shouldering tho debt upon
future ge**-t*tratlons, i.p bo takon in
tai.xes from the poasnnts, la somothlng
more than a quostion of linanco?lt is
a moral quostion.
"The placlng of a tyrannous burdon
on tho poor of futuro generatlons ls
only one of tho lndlctmcnts to be
brought agatnst war."
.'Ire und Pollce Hcud**uiirtcr? Wreckcd
nnd Ttvchly PorNOUN Injured.
Now Orleans, Da., Deccnibor 2fi.?Ad
?ices to tho Plcnyuno thla morning
rom Buonos Ayrca, under dato of tho
!*ith, siaiy that u bonib placed ln tho
Ira dopartment building of thnt placo
i.xplodod yesterday morning, wreqking
iu- flre und polico department liead
liiiirtors and serlously injurlng twonty
looplo. No dotalls aro glven ln tho
I'liHeriiiini liiliii'i-il,
[Speoial toThoTlmos-DIspatcb. |
Alexandrla, Va., Docember 2li,?Po
Ice'imin Gayton Arrlngton, ono of tho
ihlost members on thc force, yrsior
lay inornliig fell down a (llght of
tops whllo patrollng his beat, and
iroko hls hlp.
ia a synonym
for the name
Our cars have a heauty of
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There is no reason why
your car should not bc beau?
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Motor Company, Inc.
"Cars of Character"
Richmond, - Virginia
Thr Itrv. McKelvey Also Accased of
HefcrrliiK to Men of III* Kloek
RH ?"right YV'nilH."
Now York, December 26.?rtev. eur
ence B. McKelvey, pastor of the'Meth
odlst Church at Nav'oalnk, N. j? re
slgned yesterday after an lnvestlgatlon
by Itev. John Handley, D. D., superin?
tondent of tho Naw Brunswlck Distrlct
of the .Methodlst Conference, nnd
church service was auspended.
?Mr. McKelvey la charged wlth refer
rinR to some of the women members
oi' his church as "old hens" and to
some of the men ns "tlght wada." The
offlcial bonrd of tlie church chargeo
also that Mr. .McKelvey had falled to
make an accountlng of money raiaed
by him for improving thc church bulld?
Mr McKelvey. ou the other hand,
declares that the church owes him 111.1
ln back salary. II... gaya that the only
money contributed by membera of the
church slnce last September wns $lo
from ono parishloner and $.'. from an?
other. I'rlor to that, ho aald, ho spent'
overy dollar donated by membera in
improvements that wero aorely needod.
He says the church was ln a fright
fully n-glo.-tM stnto when he took
hold a yr.,r ago.
Mr. McKelvey ,-idded that hia salary
was i-o small that ho and his wife and
three chlldn-n had been unable to llve
on It. even wlth extreme economv if,.
recalled that thls was not the flrat dlf?
ference between pastor und totiKtcKii
tlon ln the Naveaink Church
. "l ,r.eca,ll.00 I Bem eman."
he said, -who waa jent hen to asaum.
charxe. and on obaervln* .-onditloua
an.l learning tbe smalinosa of tbe sal?
ary, went away wlthout even unpack
Ing hia baggage."
-I. M. Johnson. Webster Swan an?i
Oearge XV. Palmer, member.-. of tbe ofli
clal board. grave out a statement re
garding tbe trouble, whieh said ln part:
"I; haa reached our eara that the
Rev. Mr. McKelvey haa aald we aro In
arrears with liis aalary. Thla ia not
true. Another matter needlng a little
adjustment is the fact that we have
been unable to get a aatlafactory state?
ment of moneya collected bv him, for
whieh a formal demand waa made at
tho last quarteriy confercmo."
Itev. James B. shaw, of Ocean Grove,
has been appolnted to the vacancy left
by Mr. McKelvey untll the new seasion
of thc tonferenie.
Around thc Hoteh
Murphy's j. t. Oodaey. Cumberland:
i' B-,.Steger, Puluski; Joseph Sacks
Lynchburg; t, p. steurnes, Xewpo.t
^wnV' vm"'1 u"'S- rW8lt0r TutnCl
Vke Vi,i'rs' ,'; ^-Livlngston.
i" '-' ,- Z.?.1 Vire'nia; Watklns
n^r/n' /'""""""Ie; Herbert. Wing
fle d CharlottesviUe: Mr. and Mrs A.
M- rhompson, Tatum; .Mr. and Mrs i
A. Domlng, Norfolk: C: Abel Ports
??u ',:, D*V p' brlght, Iumporia: J 0
fni'ii ''^ }Z0l,3.tnn'. M' J'-- SWell, Nor!
rolk, G. P. Crawford, Norfolk- XV C
fofk ynKrCyf^?' C' R "*w'?. Xor
fo k; ii. _ Finlayson. Xorfolk
to, ??mSndrU n' "'"srener. Urbanna:
John S Barbour, Falrfax, Frank Crews
Norfolk; .Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hubbard
Esrnont; B. Christlan, Mrs. C. P. Chris
tian, Lynchburg
LeMngtoii?ir Culbreth. Dillwvn: J.
B. Hadlow. Gordonsville; Dr. and Mrs.
,i.,.-i; ^UC.kerL ^'oebus; James XI.
Hl.inks. Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs P T
Jones. Mount llolly '
?'Davls?Mattlo llhomas. Darivllld: J. o.
Iwctor Alexandria: B. I. Johnson
Newport News. '
vii^UTrf'SrT-L^r- Broohw. Chariottes
vllle; H. C. Warren. Orange; R. n.
Booker, FarrnvUle
C.Ubert?-A. B. Arvln. Moherrln: Mr
"n,i ^"^Immas-J. .Meador. Esrnont
Y\. XV, Volllns, Norfolk; Mrs. Susan
Smlth, Roanoke- Mr. and Mrs r *t
Hancock, Old Point. . ' ?
AVnlked Into Trouble.
"Rud" Bradley. a young colored boy,
walked into a Christmas flght yester?
day and t?ot a roclc bosido hls head.
Dr. Harshbarger, of the arnbulanea,
found that he had concusslon of the
braln and probably a fractured skull.
Ile was tnken to the City Iloino.
William Brown was arrested laat
nlght, charged wlth having thrown the
rock and also with being a susplolous
_ ^musfemienrg^
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Glee Club
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wlth Carrio Webber.