Newspaper Page Text
THB DISPATCIf rOUNDHD IN l?0. TIIK TtMEfi FOUNDHD 18M. WHOLE) NUMBKR 18,435. KICIIMOXI), VA., SATURDAY, .DKCHMBER 31, 1910. THI" AVK.VTIIBR TO-T)AV?Fnlr. PRICE TWO CENTS. GLAD LOEB STORY SAWUGHTOFDAY Dr. Calisch Declares Club Incident Reveals Modern Snobacracy. SAME CONDITIONS IN RICHMOND, TOO Rcscnts Opcn and Evasivc Dis crimination Against Jewish People by So-Callcd Exclu sivc Hotcls and Clubs, a Spccics of Social Folly Bcncath's Onc's Noticc. Toiirhing nn Jhe rofusal of tho I'nion League Club, <>r Ndw i'ork, t" recolve Wllllam 1/ il. Jl . ;i ii l.eraiiso nf tho <?.ion undcrstandlng 'hat b" wi. a iow, i?r. i: n. Callach; ln nn addresa ?<: Betb Almbah Templi last nlght, d'-.-ii; vlgorously with prenent iiiiv conditions, condemnlng ? form ot dlacrimlnatlon against Jewlsh people and doplorinp "thn oututrctchlng flngcra of tho dead hnrid ol a modicval rcliglous untlpathy" whlch i.s noted at -1 < r: opari ne elaewlt i JOWS, fl tO go ,-i to Hnd t 1 to th'- action ?xclUHlvc hotols, clubs and .?.,.-<? h iu New Vork nnd dlacrlrhlnatlng tn alnsi "liiiit yon do not hav'o aricl mlles friom Rlchmoml conditions. Wc Have thla aame ?oit of anobocracy ln our own falr clty,' h<- sald. Dr. Calisch began by ???.-.-iii2 thit lt was obvloua -hat the ihcidcnl of 'he rcjcctlon ' f Wllllam Loeb i.y tho Unlon Lcagu Club waa tho occasion ..f "..??? *--rmon. fl ????? llkewlae patent that tbon of tl tbat ? r Mr. ,'? <-f Jewls! inent Thnt with Is tbo the probabl* waa thc bcl niui'lad lt }l fai ? thal bi stion Jew, tno uned wltich xv publlsjiod stntenipnt that i-eipifin of hta rojertlon rf tbat he wns such. 1 i:- b'eeri publlshed. It is a unr- B0-i iil' .1 excluslve Ifotola, clubs c?/i apartment houaes In Now York C Iy aiul elaewherc havo dlaerlralnated against Jews, Somo do 10 openly. some ovnsivcly. Homo try i., aoften the Indlgnlty of thelr of fense by uslng tho words 'Ifebrew' or 'lsraelltc.' Thla ls only ndding Ig norancc to lll-will. Wo are Jews. We want ,0 ?"? called such, for good or for lll. Wo aro not tlrl'led i,y tbo evident presuinpt'oti that whon wp aro to he llattered or plar-ated we are Hobrews, nnd when wn aro to be tlamneil we are Jews. Incidentally also I wlsh to add that you do not hnvo to go a thousand miles from Kiehmond to find tnesc con? ditions. We hnvo thls same sort ot snobocracy in our own fair city. "I shall not stop to make argument wlth this species of social folly,, not merely bocause obediencc to tlio Blb llcal injunction to 'answer a fool ac? cording to his folly, lost he becotno wlso ln hia own oybs" Is here imposslble for lhe reason that thoae who are guilty of this folly aro not amonable to ar gumi.nts of justice, fairness .or reason, but beeause mlne own sell'-rcspect will not permit. I readlly admlt that social afllliations are a matter of personal feellng, of congenlality und of incon tostable clioice. It is an inclubllahlc rlght that a person should control hls own social companiqnahtp, just as hc has tho right to invito to his house whorh he will and shut out whom hc will, and none can say him nay, liiMiliiug nud I'njiiMt. "But preciscly here is tho rub. It ls Juat here that we Jews feel and rcscnt the lnsult and the injustlco done to us as a people. For tho dlscrlmlnatioii against tlio Jews is not personal nor It is sald to be raclal. Ir reallty it is roliglous. Tho Jew wllc abandons his religion, who proyes falsc to thc faith of hls fnthors and gooi over Into tho arms of the cliurch, ht and his children flnd wide opcn thc door that is in tlio face of tlu loyal anrl obsorvant Jew. "To our Chriatlan ncighbors whe practlco modieval higotry under this modern form of social ostrac.Ism, I have nothins to say further thati this: Wr Jews ltnow our position, as wo know tlie purpose for whlch wc exist as i soparato people. Our prophets anc aages in olden days have outlined thc part thar wr ,-irn to play lll lho grenl century-onmpasstng drama of the do velopmont of human civilization. Tra dltion 'and hiatory and our own expe? rlence havo conilrincd the leachlng. 1 may add that'we have learned. thc les aon. Wc rcallze, perhaps better thar you do yo'ur'solvea, tlie malnsprlnga oi your actions toward us. We really.' that, In apite of a twentietli centurj enllghti'iinient, thore are still eloudi of doginatic ,-tssiimptlon that lleck th' hoiizon where the sun ot clvll and rc llglous llberty is beginnlng its Journo toward tho zoiiilh. Ei'ror clies hard nnd nonn so hard as rellgloua error Feellng is strongot' thnn logU w know thut, thougli your reason woul promptly deny tho Itpputatlon, ye you are nouo tbo loss, ln your utti tudo towards us. not only in thls liu othor thlngs, under tho 8iibconscioui dominnnco ot a tbcologicai inortinali that roaches out from lhe grave o nmdlevalism lo lay Its ? iaiuiny liole , Upon thc heart of thp llving presont. l'nrl of Our Viiiliniiil l.lfr, "It is not to bo expected of hiimni nntnio that this hold wlll bo shakoT i off at onco. Tho warming current o '-., t growing recogniilon ol human bro (32 tberliood iimiu gradually reiease it /?j.Rut inean wlillc w<> would have you cnll aldcr thls: Wc Jews aro part of you "^(JoVtluVed, ^~ThircJ|' Vage.JT_ TURNS1IDERER ii JEALOJUS RAGE Virginian Kills Wife and Stepdaughter, Then CommitsSuicide. TWO CHILDREN MAKE ESCAPE Defenseless Women Are Shot Down in thc Kitchen of Their Home?Assassin Dcclares In? tention of Wiping Out His Family, and Begins Firing. [Special to The TlmeF-DiMiatcli.] Baltlmore, Md., December ?,<).?In a flt of. Jealousy, drlven onward by liquor, William P. Strlckler, a Vir? ginian, declnrfn's that he would wlpe init hiu famlly, shbl to death hls wlfe and stopdaughter, and thon sent a hull through hia head. The crime wns com? mltted shortly before 2 o'clock tlils laftorrioon In the kitchen ot the Strlck? ler homo, -117 East Lafayettc Avenue. Strlckler waa taken to Ht. Joseph's [Hospital, whero he dled shortly after mldnight ? lils Hkull sustalned a com I |...und fraetiire from tlie forco of the IS callbro bullet. Tho dead are: IVIIIlHm P. Mrleklrr, a Drrman, the I murilrrer nnd milrlde. Mrn. Flora Strlckler, aRed thlrty i rluhl jriir?, formerly Mr*. Flnrn Kite, i of Ku-'nniiu'nnh nn.l llnrrleonburtj;, Vn. She- t-TIM *>l...( lliroiiuh tbe I..-M.1 nml I left Icb. IIIhh ICuIn Klle, nued plnetecn re?r?, i -ttepdauffhter i>f Strlckler, ?hol througb ! Ibe li.-ii.i. thr- bullet rni.-1'l.ii; nn Inch ! I.. I.I...I thr* >-nr. Two children ln the j-'i.nne who es i raped thr- aasaBSln'sj1*0-*illets. ara Claronce Kite. aged flf,J?"jVyears, and Miss Myrtlo Kite, aged rozteen years. r<>ii. rniMii nl IICu "-'??. Wlth Strlckler un^onso ?, at the | hospital. Captaln GlttlniS ? of the j Nortbeastorn Distrlct, stationed a ! poll. eman beslde hls l.ed w)th instruc : uons to retnaln there untll death came j or Strlckler recovered sufficiently to i be taken to jall. fv.rnner Caruthera ls i.mklng a thor ough Inveatigatlon of the clrcumstanccs leadlng up to the dual tragedy. Motberleas, and wlth thelr father. from whom thelr mother was dlyorced. j in a remotc part of the eountry, the two furviving ctilldren?Clnr-Mice and M--trle?are b-:lng taken care of at tbe home of Mrs. Oeorge Smith, 1932 North Patterson Park Avenue. The children havo not realized the' enor nilly of the crime. Probably the saddost man in Baltl? more to-nl?rht ls Rale'gh Newman, nlanco of tlie murdered girl. He boards at 1322 Patterson Park Avenue, and he shares the grlef with the two chil? dren. lio i* nearly heartbroken, for an engagement between him and Mlss Kite had extsted for slx months and tbe weddlng was to have taken place ln the .sprlng. The killing of tho two defenseless by Strlckler was one of tho most covvardly deeds ln the history of Baltlmore miirdem. They were shot down wlthout being glven an oppor? tunity to escape and with thc (lnal shot the assassin attempted to end his own exlstence. Strlckler was a fire? man employed in the greenhouscs of Cook Bros.. near Ellicott Clty. Re? cently ho and his wife quarrcled over trivlal matters. Mrs. Strlckler was of a pcaceful disposltlon, and on nu? merous occasions she refused to an? swer her husband when he endeavored to start a quarrel. Three days ago thero was a quarrel between them over vislts made to the house by Mr. Newman. Mr. Newman is a painter and decorator, about twenty-six years of ago. Qiinrrel Over VInU. Last nlght Miss Kula and Miss Myr tle visited Newinan's boarding house. and this visit Strlckler found fault wlth. and to-dav he upbraidod his wlfe. Mrs. Strlckler defended her daughter, and a blttor quarrel ensued. Strlckler had boen drlnklng, and for a whlle ho sat near the kitchen door. Mrs. Strlck? ler was scwing and her daughter was presstng a sklrt. Suddenly, with the oxclamatlon, "I'll klll all of you." Strlckler wliippe.i out a revolyor, atmed at thc frlghtened stepdaughter, and fired. She dropped to the lloor wlth a bullet in hor braln. The mother at? tempted to reach Strickler, but she too. was shot down. Death to mother and daughter was instantaneous. Tlio two childrcn In the house managed to escape just as Strlckler turned the weapon on himself. Strlckler came to Baltlmore with bls family eight. months ago from llarri sonburg. Formerly they lived in Shon andoah. v.-hcre they have relatlves. Tbe relatlves have. been notitied of tbe tragedy; Mr. Newman, fiancce of Mlss Eula, caine to Baltlmore about four mopths ago from Ilarrisonburg. his homo. Mrs. Strlckler was formerly the wife of Er ncst Kite, now of Ollfton Forge. Va. The bodies wlll be held waiting ac? tion of Virginia relatlves. LIvcd ln HarrlsonburB. [Special toThe Times-Dispatch.1 Ilarrisonbiirg Va., December 30.-? Mrs. AVilliam Strlckler. formerly Mrs. Kite, who, with her daughter, Eula, was killed to-day in Baltlinoro by hor husband, camo from Page county, and worked here ahout a year ns a Uress maker. Sho left for Baltlmore in March, She was quite poor, and moved from placo to place, but dressed well. Huleigh S. Newman, who was en KiiKod .JsMrEula, is a natlve. of West BockJHHBfh, and lived hero wlth hls HdoprelDBrarenls. Ilis wlfe, who was Miss, lllggins, ls hero now with tholr three cbiidren. Newman Ir a painter, aud was a member of the town band. He has nover been dlyorced, FORMER FRIENDS FIGHT Ouc In Wounded Fntully, nnd Other In lujurrri. Atlanta, Ga., Ooeomher DO.?ln n tliroe-eurnored light on tlio Weat Slde. George A. Murray was fataliy wound? ed and C, M. Moon seriously ln.lurod. The battle oeeurod In Moon's cablnot shot, when Murray v^jitered suddenly a.nd began shootlng, two bulleta strlk Ing Moon. At thls Juncturc J. T. Bras welli Moon's fatlioi-ln-linv, apponrod, aud flruwlng a rovolvor, shot Murray, Ihe slmt. lodglng ln tho abdomen. Murray and Moon were ho*oiii friends untll about. a year ngo, whon, ', it is alleged, trouble. aroso over. Hoim'c Hattcjillonajta iSxfl,* Murray*. * BATH-TUBBARONS Department of Justice Refuses to Accept Compromise. THEIR PLEAS ARE UNHEEDED Wickersham Detennincd That They Must Go to Jail, and Hc Will Do His Best to Put Them There?More Sugar Frauds Un covered. Washlngton, Docember nn.?Attor? neys for some ot the lndlviduals ln dlcted as membcrs of lhe so-callcd "bath-tub trust" for alleged vlolatlons of tho antl-trust act, criiic to tho Do? partment of .rustlco to-day in the Intercst of tholr clients, who, ln the ovrnt of tholr convlctlon, and of the courts acceptanco of tho declared policy of Attornoy-Gcnoral Wlcker sham to "stand for no moro fines," nre threatcned with Jall sentonces. Thc trlo of lawyers wan headed hy Ru?h Taggart, of Nov/ Vork, and in cluricd also Wllliam Lt. Carpcnter and l,rvi Butzel, of Detrolt. After an hour's conference wlth XV. s. Kenyon. Mr. WIckersham's asslstant and "sneclal trust buster." to whom tho Attorney General has delegated the whole niat? tor wltn powers to act, the lawyers went away. They decllned to discuss thn purpose or result of tho confer? ence; but lt was atithorltatlvely stated at the dopartment that they had' been glven no reason to belleve tliat the Attorney-General would consent to the accptanee of a plea of guilty and the impositlon of fines rather than Im? prlsonment. Mny Export Scnfonrc*. They were glven to understand, It was sald, that jail sentonces will be inslsted upon and were lnformed thnt their clients wlll he expected ln the T.'nlted States Clrcult Court at Detrolt on January 4 to give ball in the sum of $4,000 oach. The attorneys for the indicted men Indlcated that thoy would not mako it npcossary for the govern? ment to start fifty removal suits to get thc fifty defendant3 together on that day. The offor of compromise, said to have be?*n t?-n<*?red by the vlsiting lawyers, wns in effect that thc fitandard Sani tary Manufacturlng Company and othor defondants in the clvll action should appear before thc United States Clr? cult Court at Baltlmore. and consent to the permanent injunction the govern? ment asks. If tho govornment would be satlsfied wlth fines and no Jall sen? tonces in the criminal uctlon. It waa pointed out that ari effectual dlssolu tlnn of the offenslve cornbination tha government charges would be effected lf the Injunction were agreed to. The Department of Justlce, however, th'nks tho comblnntlon ls as good as dlsaolyed. Thls week it. loarncd that four concorns ln tho comblno sent out notlces to the trade that they woro no longer partlos to tho alleged price tixlng agrconient. Tho recent declaration of Attorney General Wlckershnm, following tho wlndow-glass trust case in Plttsburg. that ho would Insist on prlson scn tonces ln all future convletions ln antl-trust cases, was the answer to the second propositlon. Troubles Only llcguu. Washington, Docember 30.?"Whon tlio grand jury now lnvestigatinp the sampllng of sugar at Now Orleans llnishes lts work, it wlll bc found that tho frauda against tho govornment thoro havo boen golng on for at least tlfteon years." That statement w.ib made to-day by an ofllctal of the customs sorvi'-e who declared that all the suspected frauds would be found in the sampling of sugar and 'n the polarlsooplc tests whlch riottrmlno tho saoeharlne oon tonts upon whlch tho lmporter pays duty. An Investigation of alleged "draw back" frauds at. San Franclsro is also imminent. In fact it Is known that a prollminary Investigation has fur nished ev'denco which loads Troasury oulclnls to bollevc tho frauds at san Frnncisco wlll ocllpso those. at New York, whlch the Amorlcan Sugar.Ko flning Company offered to settlo for $700,000. Ono offlclal of the Treasury Depart? ment sald to-day: "The troubles of tho sugar Importers havo only begun. Tho riiscovories of tho frauds have only startod." BOSTON GETS MEETING Amerlcan Dar AnmocIiiHoii "IV111 As . ru-mblc In Thnt Clly. Chicago,' Decembor 30.? Boston was chosen to-day as tho placo for holding the 1 PI 1 conventlon of tho Amorlcan Bar Association. The dato was aet as August 29-30-81. Tho executive com? mitteo, in session horo to-day, decided upon tlio tlmo and placo aftor consld? erable dlscusslon'. Tho committeo members who mot woro: Edgar Farrer, Now Orleans; George Whltlock, Baltlmore: Fred erlek E- Wadhams, Albany. N. Y.: Charles F. I-ibhy, Portland. Mc; John Ilinckley, Baltimoro; Charles Henry Butler. Washlngton, D. C.: Ralph XV. Brec-kenridge, Omnha, Neb., and l,ynl*i F. Ilelm. I.os Angolos, Tol. A numbor of othor business matters charnctorlzod as uf no puMlc Intorest by tho committeomon, wero ad.lustcd. SHEvlS-t-RgE AGAIN Julla"" ICiittner ,\o Longo"* Wife o "Afllnlty" IBiirte. Now York. Docembor H0.?.rulla Kutt nor obtalned, In tho nppollato dlvlslor of tho Statn Suprenio Court, to-day, at iiiiniiliiiont of hor marrlage to Fordl muid Plnne.v Earle, at Vonlco, Ttnly on March 17, 1008. Karle wns dlvorced from Mary Eml lie r-'ishhai-ker In Parls ln 1008, on he suit for desertlon. ITi-r failuro tr t.ranscrlbo a portlon of tho docroo li tlio i-oglster whero thr- marrlage wai recorded untll threo months nfto Fiarlo's miirrlngo to hls second wlfr siifipmirled tlio divorce Cor that pnrlod -4 ii il g.ive the socotid Mi't*. Enrlr- ground; to '.'oiitest tho,..,vulldlly of. hor jaar <|rla_Ot.;, ?-* SEEKS TO ESCAPE Indicted Banker Robin Swallows Dose of Hyoscin. BELIEVED HE WILL RECOVER Exclaiming, "I'm a Dead Man; I've Taken Poison Tablets," Hc Collapses as Hc Enters Criminal Courtr, Building, Where He Was to Have Been Arraigned. Nctt Vork, n?*ocmlior ,10.?Uith hend rect, shoulders S'liinrotl, nnd eye" ' Icreled nt tlie bnflrry nf rnmernn ii-iilnc-d on hlm, Joseph O. Knbln, tho Indicted linnker, ntriipert from hl* nls ter'? home *hl? tniirnhiB I" fnor nr illli; 11 nn*nl, rnliii In thr knmvleilRe thnt li'- Iiinl invtnllnv-ril n ilnfic uf liTofi-ln, thr siiluli* nnd riondly nlknlold rvlth trillch llr. Crtppen klllcd hl* wife, ; llrlle 131 more. IIc coltnpied before hn COUld bc inKi-ii Intii thr courl, ulili thn I rxrlnmntlnn i "I'm n dend mnn; ISo tnkrn imiIhiiii tablcln." The case wa.s postp"ned ln tho great cst excitcmbnt. a stomach pump waa I hurrledly brought Intn plny, and the : (slck man was carrl?d flrst to the I prlson hospltal adjarent nnd later to Bellovuc, -whoro hc Iles to-nicht ln the [prlson wanl. No chargo of attompted I suicide Is ontered against hlm, and it Ils thought he wlll recover, although I tho action of hyoscin la slow. and much wlll dopend on hls vitallty. Hls Act I'nuccn. [ Tho tlmo at whlch Itobln took the drug ls fixed approxlmately by the testlmony of Dr. Austln Fllnt, counsel for Robin; Dr. DoUiso Bohlnovltcli, hls slster. and thc two detectlves from tho dlstrlct attorney's offlco who rode with hl mfrom hls sister's house to the Criminal Cotirtg building. Dr. Fllnt told the court that. as nearly as he could ju^go from the symptoms, the poison had been ln Robln's Fystem about three-quarters of an hour. when he col lapsed. The two detectlves were posl tlvo that Rohln swallowtd nothing on tho way to court. Dr. Hoblnovltch sald thnt her brother was in tho hablt of taklng hyosrln in small doses to counteract tho effects of mnrphine, ?wh.lcb ho "sod *o deadon tbe ta'bbing pains by wMch gall stones ? mako themselves known She kept >ho drug In her houso and she thought hor ? brotner swallowed twelve tablots. At | Bellevuo to-nlght the examlning sur l goons estlmatcd that Robln had takon | about one-trt?ith of a graln. Robln soemed In good health thl3 mornlng. better than at nny tlme sinco . hls troubles camo upon hlm. Tho first 'slgn of lllness was whon he staggered ! on stepplng froni hls automobile to tho j criminal courts bulldings. In tho ole vator he wenkonod so rapidly that the. j detectlves had to Hft hlm to a couch. 1 There hc sank lnto unconsciousness j and was not revlycd untll the stomach i pump had beon worked vigorously. Its ; prompt use undoubtedly savod lils llfe. I Outslde, the oorrldors of tho criminal I courts building falrly hummed wlth ex i cltemcnt, but in tho Court of General I Sessions Itself, Judgo Crain was trans actlng business as usual when XV. F. Jcromo stepped rapidly down tho aislo. Court tn Infornied. "Your Honor," he began hurrledly, "I am here ln the Robin case. It ap? pears that the defendant has taken a drug. Hn cannot be stimulated. An ambulance has been summoned and surgoons are now pumplng on his stomach. The circumstances aro un avoldablo." Dr. Austln Fllnt, retalned by Jerome, was calied. The asslstant dlstrict .at? torney .Tskod what Robln had said. "He sald." answerod Dr. Fllnt, '"I'm n. dead man: I've taken polson tablets.' I found hls face flushcd. tho puplls of his eyes dllated, hls pulso 160 and feeble. He told'me that ho had swal? lowed tho polson three-quarters of an hour prevlously." On Informatlon that the prisoner could not posslbly be arraigned, tho caso was postponed untll tho roceipt of further advlces as to hls condition. Robln's frustrntod attempt to-day leaves the questlon of hls sanlty still open. Thoro were no further developments to-day ln connection wlth either the Northern Bank of Now York, or the Washington Savings Bank, both of whlch are ln tho hands of tho Stato Banking Department, but the State De? partment of Tnsurnnco took ovor tho affairs of the Tltlo and Guaranteo Com panv, of Rochester, N. Y? and a large forco ot accpuritants ls at work on tho ledgors of thc many lnterwoven com? panies which Robin promoted. ASKS INVESTIGATION Ccorglnn Wnnts io Know Who'Pnlil ftoosevclt's Huntlng F.xpenscft. Washlngton. Docembor ao.? rhf African huntlng trip, us organized ant. carrled out bv tho Smithsonlan lnstl? tution "via Roosovolt" is tho subjocl of tho latest proposed congrosslona investigation. The suggestlon wns ro eclvod here to-day by Representativt Unlnev, of Illinois. wrnm a eltlzen of ; licoigln town, who r-;forred to suol an Inquiry as a "public sorvlco" ani to the Smithsonlan ns a trash hcai inst Hut lon. Mr. Ralnoy i-- tho Domocnu. who ra; rontly lntroduced a resolution to ln nulro into tho niiinner In which Mr Uoosevolt obtalned his trnn?portatlot nnd supplles on hls ti'lps about tlu country whllo he was ProsldenJ. Mr Ralnoy purpoeeB nt the oatllest op iiortunlty to press thls resolution though lt was roforrod to tho liulei Commlttoo and promptly plgi-onholcd Tho Georglan. whoso lqtter camo to d.'iv, declares thnt an exiension of suol iiu Inquiry to Inclutle tlio way ln whlol the Afrlciin hunt expedltlon expens, wns borno by tho Smithsonlan Instl lullon "would show waste, oxtrnvu giuico and siniiindct'liig ut puhlli monoy." "The ratltt'ud travellng oxponno; come off tho owners of the oorporii tiotiH, and Ihoy get enough to do bo sldes di*;idhi':idlng n Uoosovelt,'* thi letter addml, Tho Smithsonlan hn: never reported the cost of tlio expedl tlon lo I'oiigress. lmt did submlt a re port tliat fiiSU sftitiK and. l,31i?. phooli ofi.-jBilaii.ta-Wcr.U'pbtu.lniitij s Accused Banker Attempts Sutctde JOSRTr-n o. noniv. TAKESNOCHANCES Does Not Wish to Jlonor of Altitudc Record. Lose SO HE SOARS AGAIN In Flight, He Beats All World's Figures Except His Own. Los Angoles. Cal., December 30.? Fraring that through aomo technlcal error or overslght the. height record of 11,174 feet, whlch he mado last Mon? day, mlght not stand, Arch Hoxsey, tho California aviator, soarcd into the alr to-day and broko all tho world's altl? tude rocords but hls own. The two barographs he carried regls? tered a height of 10,57;". feet. Thls ls nearly 1,000 feet under tho world's mark he establlshed Monday, but lt is only seventy feet above tho record of Degaganeux, mado at Pau, France, a short tlmo ago. A now record, how? ever, must exceed tho former mnrk by at least 300 feet. Therefore, lf tho In? ternatlonal Fcderatlon of Aero Cluba re fuses to recognlze lloxsey's feat ot Monday, the Callfornlan will lose tho glory and prizes, whlch aggregate nearly ?5,000. Noverthelc38, through to-day's per? formance he wlll have the satlsfactlon of knowlng that ho holds the American endurance. record. Ho was in the. air to-day three hours and aeventeen minutes. Thrill-* for Spectatora. New Orleans, La., December 30.?A cold wlnd prevented any attompts at sensatlonal tlylng by tho group of In tornational Aviators at the Clty Park tournament to-day, but tlie intricato manoeuvres of John B. Moisant and Iiene Slmon furnished numoroua thrills for tho crowds. Molsant's sharp turns ln his Bleriot oxcelled anythlng of tbo klnd ever wltncssed here, whilo ?Simon's glldes to wlthln a few foct of the ground, followed-by qulck ascents, were roundly applaudcd, Aviator In Kllled, Versallles, France, December 30.? I.ieutenant Cnumont, of tho army avta tlon corps. while tosting a new mono plane to-day, fell from a height of ixty feet. Both arms and both legs were broken. .The injured man was taken .Immedlately to the military hos? pital, where he dled to-nlght. Aa soon as ho learned of tho acci? dent, General Brun. Minlster of War, nominated Dieutenant Cauniont for the Leglon of Honor, but death occurred beforo the oross could bc taken to him. A School of Avlnllona. Augusta. Ga., December 30.?What will bo the only roguliarly establlshed school of iwviaitlon ln thls country wlll be started ln Augusta withln tho next ten days bv tho Wrlght Brothers. Frank ' Coffvn. ropresent Ing the Wrighta, who hns been hero for sev? eral days. wlll o.omplote arrangementF for tho institution at o. jolnt nieottjiR of tho clty's buslneas organlzations to bn held to-morrow, when tho clty will pledge half the expense of socur Ing a slto for tho school. Wookly ex Hblilon llights wlll be schednlod. Suf licient funds to secure the project wcrc assured to-night. DR. COOK THANKFUL He TcIIk lliniii'M of tlie "Sweet nen*." ol Thelr H?N|iltiilM.v. New Voil*. Decembor :in.?-Dr. Fred? erlck A f'ook, the travoler, tn tln course of an InU'i-vlow to-day in tlu "Nordlvaot." a local lmnisli paper 1 sends a message of tbanlts to tho Dun "I lah Donplo for tholr reception on bi; arriviil Crum lhe north ln lflOil. Tln moasiigo. "whlch hns been cnhlod lo tln loadlng pnpera in Coponhiigon. fol? lo ws: ? "In responso tu tho offor of tlu 'Nordlysot,' i take lb!s opportuiiity n (bank tlio Danish peoplo tor tholr i|pl form pat.ienco and lo.v.tlty to my ln terost, i hnvo beon iloprlvcd uf much bul Jho Kw.oetneaa of rmuiah hos pitality wlll always roniulu to nurs< HhepJaiyirk of amUltlon," EXPECT HORNET TO ATTACK T Bullets May Bc Flying Over Puerto Cortez Within Forty-Eight Hours. . FIGHTING HAS STARTED Believed Bonilla Is Planning to Approach Town by Land and Sea. Puerto Cortez, Honduras, December 30. ?Vla wirclcss to Now Orleans.?^1 attack upon Puerto Cortez by tho ro volutlonary gunhoat Hornet, whlch was reported several mlles off the coast lato last nlght, ls expected hourly. Several hundred government troops arrived here yostorday from Togucl cagalpa, and others camo in this morn? lng. Flghtlns has already started at Easquabrados, according to reports whlch reached here thls mornlng. Followlng rumors that the Unitod Statos cruiser Tacoina had slghtod thc Hornet last nlght. the Amorlcan con sul at tho lnstance of Commander Davis. ofthe Taconia, to-day warned all Americans to remaln lndoors after tht trouble starts. Notlce was glvon tht commandanto to-day that the Tacom? to-morrow would land marlnos to pro toct American Interests here. Tho Ilonduran gunboat Tatumbla 1: ln the harbor, but her two ono-pound ors aro not expected to hc of much ust In defendlng tho town against an at? tack by tho Hornot, whlch la reportet as havlng four slx-Inch modern rltloi nnd three machlne guns. The tatumblf ls not consldered seaworthy. Guatemalan troops arrived at Mo rales last night, whlch move Is takoi hero to moan that a land attack lv tho Honduran revolutlonlsts ls ex? pected along tho bordoin East Quabrada Bulas ls a small towi in the department of Santa Barhara slxty-three mlles south of Puerto Cor toz. ln a section whero Manuel Bonilla formor presldont and leader of th revolutlonlsts, has a large followltiR The little mountaln town has beon th sceno of several battlos ln previou revolutionary outbreaks. It ts belleved to be tho plan of Bo nllla to attack Puorto Cortni; wlth th Hornet whllo a small body of troop moves on. tho town from the south. According to rumorsVvhlch havo bee: current hore for several days, Genera I.00 Christmas ls to hoad a large bod. of troops whlch havo been moblllzo. along the bordor and marched agalns the capital after Puerto Cortez and Sa: Pedro are capturcd. Tho poople aro grcatly excltod, an few believo tho nttack upon the tow wlll be delayed moro than forty-eigb hours. AU Reported Qulet. Washlngton, Docembor 30.?All wa qulet ln Honduras yesterday, accord Ing to a dlspatch reoeTved hy tho Nav Department from Commander Andor son, of the Unitod Statos gnnhoa Yoi-ktown, at Amapala. So far as th advlces of tho Stato and Navy Dopart fents show, tho threatened revolutlo has not yet broken In Honduras. HISTORIANS ADJOURN They Select IloiYnlo hh Next Place o Meeting, IndlaiiapollB, ind., neecmber 30. The American Historical Assoolatlo closod Its annual conventlon ln thl clty to-day wlth the selootlou of Bul l'alo. N, Y., us the place of next y?n.r' conventlon, and tho election of ofllcci as follows: Presldont, Wllliam M. Sloaqe, Colun hia I'tilvcrstty; First Vlce-Presideli Theodbre RoosevQlt; second Vloo-Frej i.lent, \V. Ai Dunnlng. Columbia Vtv ver.sitv: Secrotary. Waldo O. Eelan. Carnegio Institution: Treasurer, C. V Biiweii, New Vork; Secretary of Cout .11, C, II. Haskl.'is, Harvard UnlveraUj Ciirator. A. Howard Clark, Siuithsuiila Instltutlon. .i ?? 0 - Wlfe; KIIIn Sclf. I.isbon, Ia., Docembor 30.-?I.ewi Cole, Indlgtiant becauso hls wlfe sue bim for dlvorce, to-day boat tho wi man Itisanslbli* with * uock yoke. thc ? ;.hoi lilint-eir. dylng inatantly. The wt ' man wlll veeovor, VEHENtENT DEH1AL OF RESURRECTION i - Directors of Mother Church Resent Mrs. Stetson's Attitude. SERIOUS SPLIT THREATENS CULT Electlon in New York Church Comes Within Month, and Ex communicated Leader May Be Returned to Power. Her Following Increas ing Daily. rpperlnl to The Tlmos-Dlspatoh.1 New York. Docomber 30.?Tha declaratlon by Mrs. Augusta E. Stetson, tho excommunlcatod leador of tha First Church of Chrlst, Sclentlst. ln thls clty, of hor convlctlon and that of tnany Christlan Sclcntlsts through? out the country of tho Imminence of the rosurroctlon ln fleshly form of Mary Baker Eddy, tho founder of the Chris? tlan Sclence cult, had tho effect t.o-day of forclng tbe dlrectors of the Mother Church of the fnlth ln Boston Into vehement. denlal of thn orthodoxy of Mrs. Stotson's doctrlnes and thoae of her followers who belleve wilh her that Mrs. Eddy wlll mako a demon stratlon of her triumpn over death. even as Jesus Chrlst dld ln Palestlna ?,000 years ago. It also became evldent to-day that. the dlrectors of the Mother Church In Boston. who havo been left as su? preme arblters of tho faith whlch Mrs. Eddy dlscoverod and hullt up, have heen forced to meet o distlnct. llne of cleavage ln the ranks of Chrlsttan Sclcntlsts throughout tho church by thelr actlon, qulckly selzed upon by Mrs. Stetson, ln rtropping from the mantial of tho Mother Church the nam? and tltle of Mrs. Eddy as Pastor Emer Itus, of the parent church ln Boston. B.v thelr actlon. the dlrectora have declared themselves ln the matter of an eccleslastlcal dlfference of opinlon in a way whlch threatens to npen wider the breac.h between the "prac? tlcal" and the "vlslonary" devotees of tho faith. No Longer Pastor Kraerltus. Eugene B. Cox. th? mouthpfeee of the dlrectorate ln Boston, said that Mra. Eddy's name had heen dmppe.l from the roll of the offlcers ot tb* mother church fooeause. she was no. longer pastor emoritus. That portion of the church whlch belleves with Mr3. Stetson looks upon this action of tho dlrectors as Indicativo of rank lark of faith, slnco to tholr notion Mrs. Eddy stlll lives and still is pastor emoritus, lor leader over her puptls.' Thero also appeared to-day the flrst deflnlte indlcatlon that the crystalllza tlon of Mrs. Stotson's vlews concerning the inevltable demonstratlon of Mrs. Eddy ln tho flesh forccasts a rencwal of the strlfo between tho factlons ln. tho Flrst Church of Chrlst, Sclentlst, In thls city, when tho annual electlon of trustees shall take placo ln .lanuary. Mrs. Stotson's bellofs have won to her party ln tho church a largo numbor of converts. and tho Issuo of the future control of tho large congregatlon here wlll bo fought out at' tho electlon, whlch Is to come wlthln the month. The publicatlon In thls morning'st papers of Mrs. Stotson's unusual be? llofs concerning tlie resurroction of Mrs. Eddy stlrred Eugeno B. Cox, who ls the chairman of tho publicatlon com? mltteo of the Christlan Solenco Church for the State of New York. Into un? usual actlvlty. He Issued one state? ment on hls own behalf and two he' tbok later over tho telephono from John V. Dlttemore, the clerk of the Mother Church, and a member of the board of dlrectors of the central or? ganization ln Boston. Tho latter state? ments were obtalned at the behost of Intcrvlewers. Thls ls the flrst statement whlch Mr, Cox had ready for tho newspaper men at hls oillco at No. 1 Madlson Avenue, tnls afternoon. "Thore is nothing ln the teaohings of Christlan Scicnce nor the wrltlngs of Mary Bakor Eddy, its dlscoverer and founder, to justlfy any 'statements looklng to physlcal resurroction. and any tondoncy or thought in that dlrec tlon ls abnormal ln a Christlan Sclentlst, as it takes account of thc porsonallty of Mrs. Eddy. whlch she deprocated. Idea llepUKnnnt. "To attempt to delfy lier or make her cqual wlth God or Jesus the Chrlst ts equally repugnant to the normal teach Ings of Christlan Sclence. When asked lf she were tho second Chrlst. Mrs. Eddy said: 'Even tho question shocks me. What I am is for God to doclara ln Hls lntlnlte mercy. Thero was and ?is and ever can be but one God, one Jesus of Nazareth.' "Such autlioritative statements by Mrs. Eddy should forover put at rest any wild and vislonary ideas regarding rosurraetion or renppearing ln hodlly form. Mrs. Eddy gavo to the world Christlan Sclence. a domonstrable knowledge of good, and thls wlll for? over remain. "Statoments tendlng towards the dol flcatlon of Mrs. Eddy and roferrlng to lu r resurroction recently promulgated by one who was oxeommunirated from tho Mother Church by the board of directors ln thelr offlcial capaclty, for Incorrecft leachlrig and practice of Christlan Sclence. should set tle nll douht that has or may exist as to the, proprletv of such exeommunieutlon." lt was frooly said in Christian Scl? ence circlos to-day tliat Mrs. Stetson bad added grcatly to her following by lliilng tho lnck in faith had by many and bv showing tbe dlrectors in Boh ton to bo "on the sldo of mortallty." In thelr franklv material acceptance of tho fact of Mrs. F.ddy's death, In January tlio annual election ot trusteex for the Flrst Church horo wlll bc held. Thore are three rcgularly recurretil v.icaucles to be fllled, and two vnrancles besldes thoso caused hy the reslgnatlon a year ago of trustees who were of tiu- Stetson factlon. ln all, llve of a boanl of nltn* are t,o be chosen: the electlon wlll deter mlne a majorlty of the board. ll/.- Manj- Follo?ver?. M)rs. Stotson's forces aro said to number 800, whlch would ronstttute a majorlty necessary t>> elect llve dl? rectors favorablc to lu r party. If all wero niarshaled ;.l tbe rcdlx \ recent ainmulnient, whieh wll passed bv a two-thirds vqt? of th* <? consre&*-A-c--V th* Stotaonlwia dellb-l