Newspaper Page Text
CONTROL RIVETED (Continued From First l'age.) I iiuestlon ?TT??t the ?tfccT of the step I In 1899. "Tho effect was to rivet the control , of one hand over tho twenty com- ? panics, a control that neither death, taxes nor financial ruin could rend. Before, the separation of tho utock of one of the certificate holders would have disintegrated the control. By this reorganization a perpetual. Immortal clement was accorded to the control." l). i.i CliHe I'oNtponed. [Special to The- Tl.B-?lMptttch.l Washington. I> <:., January 10.?The case of Virginia against West Vir? ginia, Involving tin- collection of some? thing like ?3'l,UOO,OU0 alb-god to be due tho fir-t named Man- by West Vir? ginia, which was set lor argument in the Supremo Court of the United States to-day, will not be reached foi : a week or ten days. The big Standard oil case is not yet I ended, and there arc several others that ' win have to bo taken up beforu thu Virginia case can be heard. Just how near tho case came to j being settled It-uked out here to-night. -Attorney-tjeni-ral Williams, of Vir-; ginlu, anil Attorticy-Clonorul Conley. of West Virginia, were sitting Inside the, bar. when some- one ..aid: "Why don't you nun got . together nnd settle your ease?" To this Mr. I Conley '? aid 1 "Mr. Williams, how much will you take to call the case off?" "Oh, about $10,000,000." the Virginian, said. "Well, give me a blank check," Mr.; Conley replied, and I will sign It" .lust then lunch hour arrived and negotiations worn broken off. Upon reassembling they were not resumed. I'. II. Med. Several Buildings DrHtniyril. [Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.1 1 Roanoke. Va.. January 10.?The fire; st Wllcoe, W. Va., this morning de Btroyed the following buildings and 1 their entire stocks: Talinago & Scott, merchants. 120,000 stock: t;. Hymnus! A Rons, general merchandise store. ; with 125.000 stock; barber shop, loss 1000; negro restaurant, 5 leu. TotZ tt- Foroman, merchants. $7.''00: Carlos L>rug Store. 110,000; B. II. Powell, sa? loon nnd large warehouse, containing about 120.000 stock. I. Mlchaclson, res? taurant. lOSa Jt.Oefi is a positive safeguard against tooth decay. Makes your teeth white at once. Tones up the mouth. NEWEST PLAYER MUSIC. 88-NOTE. Large stock at cost price. Conic early tfi get best selection. LEE FERCUSSON PIANO CO.. 119 East Broad. This May Manton Shoe in all Leathers Parrish Bros. ! ? 21 W. Broad Sample Shoe Sale NOW ON $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes $1.98 Porter's Specialty Shoe Store, SIT-'.'in North Fifth Street. $100,000 Furniture Sale NOW ON J?RGENS' Entire stock reduced from 20 to 50 per cent. HAVE YO U bEE.N THE New Method Gas Ranges AT Pettit & Co.'?s Tonic in a high degree PANACEA Mineral Spring Water. Try It. You will lie convinced. Owens & Minor Drug Co., Richmond, Va. W. E. Armstrong it Co., I'etcrshurg, Va. TT FURNITURE COMPANY SPECIAL SALE 1429 E. Main St. 117 W. Broad St. Before Taltint; Inventory Sale Now on Direct Action Gas Ranges Have No Equal Sold Only by I Ryan. Smith & Co. !l THE BC&T Vj1lTf7^rii^t^5lw^_1 REAR-ADMIRAL EDWARD BARRY QUITS THE NAVY IN DISGRACE His Request for Immediate Retirement Is Accepted Instantly. DEMANDED BY OFFICERS If Guilty, as Accused, He Faces Fifteen Years' Imprisonment. San Francisco, Cat., January It;.? Hour-Admiral Edward B. Harry to-duy hauled down his pennant and relin? quished command of tho Paclllc llect, to Hear-Admiral Chauneey Thomas. The ceremony was marked by all the for? malities inscribed by the regulation's, but peculiar and grave clrcumatuncoa to which report ascribes Admiral llar l y-a sudden request for retirement, robbed tue occasion of the spontaneous and personal features which custom al? ways made a part of such incidents. After receiving the orders detaching mm from the command of the lleu-l. Admiral Barry made a short speech to the assemble,] olllcers arid men, ex? pressing a warm feeling for the West Virginia and regret at leaving tno cruiser. Instead of Immediately going ashore, as Is customary, the admiral retired to bis cabin, where lie waited until night fall, when be stepped Into a motor launch awaiting him, and was taken to the naval landing, Willie he was walling In his cabin Admiral Harry received an Associated Press representative, to whom he de? nied In general und emphatic terms stories which have been published con cerntng the reasons for Iiis unexpected retirement from the navy. Admiral Harry will leave shortly for New York, where ho expects to make his home. Ask* for Full Iteport, Washington; D. C. January 1C.? Secretary of tho Navy Meyer this af? ternoon telegraphed to Hie Pacific coast for a full report on the allegation that the retirement of ftcar-Adtiilral Ed? ward B, Harry was caused by the de? mands for his resignation by officers of the flagship West Virginia. Tho Navy Department declined to say to ?a horn the demand for a report had been sent, but It Is assumed that it was directed to Hear-Admiral Thomas, the new commander-in-chlef of the Pa? cific fleet. Not until the complaining officers bt the West Virginia have been heard from will the Navy Department be In a position to determine whether there shall be any proceedings In the case of Admiral Harry. If It should be decided In the affirmative, the mere fact that the accused officer has Voluntarily re? tired would not shield him from pun? ishment In tho case of a court-martial resulting In conviction. Under the regulations, which specifically define the punishment for ca m offense, a per Hi :i convicted in such a case. If an otli < ( r, would be liable to the severe pen? alty of confinement not to exceed, fif? teen years and expulsion from the ser? vice; cutting oft all retired pay. There Is no record of the trial of a naval officer under these cdnd'tlons, though many bluejackets have suf? fered conviction. Admiral Barry's request for retire? ment was received by the Navy Depart? ment by telegraph last Thursday, the fact that It was received by wl.v, 'n stcad of by mall, was by no means unprecedented, and excited no iurpl clon on the part of officials as to the probable causes for the request. Secretary Meyer approved the appli? cation on the day following Its receipt. Tho President promptly approved the request, and the department tele? graphed the fact to the admiral on Saturday, detaching him at the same time from tiie Pacific fleet and order? ing him to his home. In accordance with the established custom. Iiis retire? ment dates from January 13. By operation of law. Admiral Barry would have, retired In October of the current year, ills pay as a rear-admi? ral was JS.O00, while his retired com? pensation would be three-fourths of that amount, or ?6,000. Wants to Avoid Scandal. San Francisco, Cal. January Ifi.? Hear-Admiral Chauneey M. Thomas, commander of the second squadron of the pacific licet, arrived yesterday, hav? ing been given rush orders at Santa Barbara Saturday to go to San Fran Cisco with Us flagship, the cruiser Cal? ifornia, to relieve Ucar-Admlral Ed? ward B. Barry, pending action on Ad? miral Barry's request for retirement. THE WEATHER. Knrerasil \ Irglnln?liicrensliig cloud liless, followed by rntn or .mow In i>cKt portion by Tuesday night t Wed? nesday probably rain and warmer] moderate northeast mill east winds, \nrtb Carolina?rnlr Tuesday; Wed? nesday Increasing cloudiness, probably rntn In %?e?t portion! moderate north? ern^ nnd east winds. COM DITIONS YESTERDAY, .s a. M. temperature. 30 11 timidity.? M Wind, direction .North Wind, velocity . 10 Weather .Clear 1" noon temperature . 36 :t P. M. temperature. 3S Maximum temperature up to 3 P. M.? 3S Minimum temperature up to a P. M. SO Mean temperature . 31 Normal temperature . 33 Deficiency In temperature . I Accum, excess in temperature since January 1 . $8 Accum, excess in rainfall slnco January 1 . 40 CONDITIONS IX IMPORTANT CITIES. (At S P. M. Kastern Standard Tltne.> Place. I ber. II. T. Weather. Abilene .,.61 6S Clear A she vllle . 36 12 Clear Augusta . I? rui Clear Atlanta . 4 1 ?? Cloar Atlantic City- 22 28 Clear Boston . 12 IS Clear Buffalo . II IS Clear Chicago . 22 22 Cloudy Charleston . 48 fi6 Clear Gnlveston . 3S 62 Cloudy Huron . HI is Snow Jacksonville .... 52 68 Clear Jupiter . 66 7 1 Clear Kansas City. 21 2 1 Hain Knoxvllle . 3S 12 Clear Louisville . 32 32 Cloudy Memphis . 1? lo Cloudy Mobile . 60 71 Cloar New York . II 22 Clear North Platte.... 24 3 1 Clear Norfolk .- 32 36 Clear Oklahoma . 30 ? 34 Rain rittsburg . IS 20 P. cloudy Knlclgh . 3S 4 1 Clear Savannah . 48 58 Cloar Snn Francisco... 50 56 Clear Tampa . 6S 76 Clenr Washington .... 21 30 Clenr Wythevlllo . 2S .: I Clear MINIATURE ALMANAC. January 17, 1911. HIGH TIDR. Sun rlsesj.... 7:14 Morning..;. 6:19 Sun sets. 4:45 livening-7:04 j Roar-Admiral Thomas at once re-| llevcd Hour-Admiral Harry as com-J inander-ln-chief of the Pacific licet. In pursuance of tliese orders, Admiral ' Hurry lias requested Immediate rctlre I tnoht from the service, under the rule ? of more than forty years of service. I The cause of Admiral Barry's sudden 1 desire to leave the service, after liav ? lag held the post of tleet commander ? j for only a few months, is the subject | Of a great denl of gossip ami specula? tion in naval and club circles here, j I Stories reflecting seriously on the char ! actor of the retiring admiral were cir? culated to-day, and naval officers In port have taken cognizance of them. ITherc Is an intimation in these stories j that the admiral has been forced to j retire. Ilenr-Adiidrul Dcnlr? Humors. In speaking of these rumors. Ad I inlral Barry said . ' "H Is not true that I have been j ! forced to retire. Other men have ask- i i Cd for Immediate retirement before. I j The reasons that have caused me to do this are partly public and partly private. "The man who Is triumphantly vin? dicated under such circumstances is as much a loser as If the charges wert proved to be true. I believe that by requesting immediate retirement 1 caul save the navy a scandal." The stories concerning Admiral Bar? ry pre of a nature reflecting upon his j moral character. According to reports published here, the admiral sent his request for relief to Washington fol? lowing a conference with the staff and line officers on board the West Vir? ginia Tuesday night. At this confer? ence, It Is reported, the suggestion was made that a loaded revolver be sent to the admiral's cabin, ns a him of possible solution, hut this sugges? tion was lost when a vote wus taken. The officers present then took an oath of secrecy on condition that Admiral Hurry forward his resignation to Washington at once. Instead of resigning the admiral re qdested retirement. After that fact became known the alleged subject of the conference leaked out until all the sailors of the tleet were talk? ing. Admiral Thomas held a conference with District Attorney Q, M. Flckert shortly .ift' i- he arrived, but ho definite course of action was decided on. District Attorney's Statement. Mr. Pick er t said: "My office Is investigating the stories regarding Admiral Barry, but I am not prepared to say what action we shall take. Even In case of an offense committed within San Francisco Bay. I there Is a question us to whether the county courts would have jurisdiction. I have consulted with Admiral Thomas, but there Is nothing definite to say at this lime." Hear-Admiral Edward Buttevant Barry, U. S. X-, who succeeded near Admiral Giles B. Harber. V. 8. X.. as eommander-in-chlef of the Pacific fleet last fall. Is a Now Yorker born and bred, ami for years has been one of the best known officers in the navy, j Ho was born in Xew York October 29, I1&49, his father being Garrelt Hubert i Barry and his mother Sarah Agnes Clover Barry. He was educated .it the I I.f-splnasse School and St. Francis Xavier College. Xew York, and at the I'nlted States Naval Academy, Annapo? lis Rapid Blue In Service. He r^cejved his appointment to the Naval Academy in isii?, and was grad? uated as a midshipman four years later. The year following he was pro? moted to ensign and became a master, a title now obsolete. In less than six years after leaving Annapolis he was a lieutenant. In March. 1Sf? 7. he was commissioned a lieutenant-commander, a. rank that corresponds with that of lieutenant-colonel In the army. He became commander In isn't, captain in I90B an da rear-admiral in February, lflon. The career of Admiral Harry has been one of ceaseless activity, most of it afloat, for more than thirty years. As a cadet he saw nearly half the world on the old men-of-war Macedonian and Savannah. In the two years following his graduation from the Naval Academy ho was continuous? ly at sea. In 1S71 ho was ono of tho officers on board tho old warship Wor? cester when that vessel was sent to I'ranee with provisions for tho needy of that country. In tho next half-dozen years he saw servtee on board tho old Wabash. then the flagship of the Euro? pean station: tho old Brooklyn, and tho Wnehusett, In their day famous units of tho Atlantic and European fleets. Aids to nenrgranlztng: Training System. In 1S7.1, when only twenty-six years old, Barry, then a lieutenant, was niado a member of tho board, appoint? ed at that time to reorganize the sys? tem or training in the navy. He was one of the youngest officers ever se? lected for so Important a duty. Tn lSTii he was ordered hack to sea duty and assigned to the Pacific fleet, of which. In later years, ho was to be? come commnndor-ln-ehlof. In 1878 and 1SS0 Admiral Barry, then an officer on tlic old Alaska, was In j '??Ulli Puclflo waters and was one 61 the witnesses of the attack of the I ChllcHll torpedo fleet oh the Peruvian cruiser Union in the harbor of Callao. lie also witnessed the sinking of the | Chilean erniser I.oa. Prleo*, ?5c, SOc. andfl.OO. from a merchant whose goods have been models of purity for years. And remember that with my experience I am in a position to buy the best from the United States and foreign distilleries. Mail orders a specialty. Wc pay tlie express. Importer and Dealer in Pure Distillates, 1204 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. Phone Monroe 882-883. 9Z^;lJ JHOE ? ?> \ uooa as the Name. Virginia Mads F. W. Dabney & Co. Try a Pair To-Day Special Suit and Fur Values AT Baylor-Yarborough Co.'s, 207 East Broad" Street Eiliger Crystalized The selcrtetl tentler sterna with the real ftlnger taste, in scaled tin boxes 15c, 25c, 50c. lermann Schmidt 504-8 East Broatl Street. Phones: Monroe 101 to 106. In baking methods which gave the world Uneeda Biscuit also resulted in a Revelation in soda cracker quality* You realize this the moment you open the royal purple package and find soda crackers so tempt? ing and good that they cannot be resisted* NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Z8 Psackatga (Never sold in bulk) SHEEHAN CHOICE OF PARTY CAUCUS (Continued From First Page.) nomlnat "it; one. 'that would express the greatest contrast possible to that made by the Democrats. Assemblyman Goodwin defended Sen? ator Depow DUPONT NAMED AGAIN Me Will Succeed Himself ns Senator From Delaware? Dover, Del., .Iannary It;.?In a cau? cus which was attended by thirty of the thirty-one Republicans of the two brunches of the Delaware Legislature, lat- to-day, Henry A. Duponf. was again named as United States Senator from this State. Senator Dupont prac? tically had no opposition, only one vote, that for Governor S. M. I'enne will. being cast against him. To-day's action will he ratified when the Legislature meets in joint session on January ".4. FITZHUGH WITHDRAWS .Senatorial Situation in Tennessee ?iro?s More Complicated. Nashville, Toim.. January l>i.?Tho Struggle for the seat of James U. Frazler In the United States Sennto assumed a new aspect this afternoon when the announcement, of the with? drawal of G. T. Fltzhugh, of Shelby county, became known. Fltzhugh had been the favorite candidate of those Independent Democrats who have most ardently supported State-wide prohi? bition and election laws. There are abundant signs that all of the Fltzhugh vote and some of the Republicans will not accept Frazler. In fact, It Is said to-night that the Republicans will suport Newell Sund? ers, Republican State chairman, or Hnl Hayes. Republican chancellor. The Regulars, outside of the live for Frazle*. will present a solid line for McMillan to-morrow. It was sure up to tho time Fitzhugh's withdrawal announcement was mado this afternoon that Genoral Luke H. Wright, ex-Secretary of War, would I enter the race to-morrow, but when that came there was expressed a de? termination by tho Wright managers to glvo McMillan a further opportu? nity. As summed up. the situation to? night is this: Wright will not enter the contest to-morrow. Tho Republic to vote will be again cast for a. Republican The Independent vote will bo cast, part for Frazler and part for Luke I.ea, the acknowledged fusion louder, who has not yet given his consent to his friends to use his name. The Regulars will make a supreme effort lo elect MeMIUin. EXPECT DEADLOCK IN IOWA ltnllotlng for United States Senntor !regln* To-liny. Des, la.. January 16,?Iowa legislators returning to the city to? day, following the recess taken Thurs? day, say there Is no Indication of any break in the ranks of candidate for. lulled States Senator, and a dead? lock Is certain when the first bal? lot is taken at noon to-morrow. The Democrats will suport Claude R. Por? ter, of Centervllle. Senator Voting will receive a num? ber of standpnt votes, There aro a number of other candidates. Tho tlrst. joint ballot will bo taken Wednesday noon. (Continued From First Page.) War. congressman Gordon, of Ten? nessee, to-day introduced a joint reso? lution calling on the Secretary of War lor a report In tho matter, lie wants full Information from the time the law ?an passed, about live years ago. to tho presont Hinte. I'. II. McG. For Vote on Hill linger. Washington. January 1?.?-Renewal of the tight on Richard a. Unlllnger, Secretary of the Interior. Is contem? plated in a resolution introduced to? day by Senator Purceil, which seeks to. forco action on the report of tho joint congressional committee that Investigated the charges made against tho Cabinet officer by Olfford Plnchut, former chief of the forest service. Tho report has boon in the possession of both the Senate, and House for some time, but no action has been taken on It, both branches apparently being willing to let the matter remain as It Is. Tho resolution, in part, road: "It Is tho sense of the .Senate that the Undings and conclusions reported by certain of tho members of said committee to th.P effect that Mr. Rich ard a. Rnlllngor, Secretary of the In? terior, has not been true to the trust reposed In hint as such secretary; that his administration of thnt office hns boon marked by n lack of fidelity to the public InterostH; that ho Is not 'deserving of public eontldenco and should not longer bo retained In that olllce. arc based upon and In sub? stantial conformity with the. evidence roported by the committee" Tho majority report of the commit? tee, signed bv all the rtpcubllcn'n members with 'tho exception of Iteprc- I SClitntlvc .Madison, of Kansas, exon-1 crated Mr. Halllnger of the charges,! while the Democratic members In a minority report declared the Chargen: to have been sustained by the evl- j dence adduced. Mr. Madison submitted an individual report slightly differing from the minority Undings. Senator I'urcell Is a member of the Ballingor-I'lnchoi Investigating com? mittee, and in response to an Inquiry he said that It was ills purpose to! press tho resolution to a vote If pos? sible, lie will speak on the (|ties tl?n to-morrow. I Final Argument? Mude. Washington. January 16,?The final arguments In the light for national recognition of the exposition of loir, were made before the House Commit? tee on Impositions to-day. Governor Sanders, of l.oulslnnn, appearing for Now Orleans, and Ueprosontntlvo Kahn, of California, for San Francisco. May? or McCarthy, of San Francisco, In? cited the committee to come to San Francisco. Post-Ofllrr mil Reported. Washington, .lanuary 16,?The post ofllee appropriation bill, approximat? ing $253,000,000, an Increase of more than $9.000,000 over the current ap? propriation, was reported to the House lo-day by the fost-Oflico Committee, 'l b.- plan Is to consider tho bill in the House Immediately after disposing of the pending army appropriation bill. HYDE BACK AT HIS DESK Wnlts All liny Hut mil* to Sec the Mayor, Now York. January 16.?Charles H. Hyde, the city chamberlain; returned to his desk to-day, and made fresh and amplified explanations of his lone; absence?but not to the Mayor. Tho ?Mayor did not see him. although Mr. Hyde waited for his former law purt alt day. Mayor Qnynor was tvt St. James. I,. I., ami dbl not come to town, although lie was expected up to a late hour. "Don't you think your absence at Ibis time has rather put the Mayor In a holo?" Mr. Hyde was asked, "I hope not." was the reply. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt him for tho world. lie has been my friend for twenty-two years. Ho may bo ? llspiea.seil. hut he. will understand that 1 have been sick. The whole reason for toy going away in that I was a sick man tinder espionage. Hut they wero not. really after me; It was to get the- Mayor that I was followed." i [Jydo was shown a published .state? ment that ho hail neglected his du? ties. "That's a lie," ho answered, hot ly. "There never was n city chamber? lain who worked so far as I did. I uas at my desk constantly until i was taken III." Working on Schedule. l.lttle Rock, Ark.. January ltl.?Tho schedule committee of the Southern League, consisting of Pr?sident Wil? liam Kavanaugh. C. C. Colsson. of Mo? bile; F. 15. Kuhn, of Nashville. nntl Charles Krank, of New Orleans, spent neurly the whole of to-day In vain effort to frame a schedule for l!)ll. To-night President Kavanaugh said that probably it would require all of to-morrow to finish the task. WBSBUBBBSBESWBBBBia We beg to announce that we have inau? gurated a SPECIAL CALL AND DELIVERY SERVICE for the convenience of our valued patrons. When you break your glasses, phone us, and we will send for them, repair and return promptly. PHONE Madison 4432. Main and Eighth Streets. Broad and Third*Streets.