Newspaper Page Text
Want Ad. Rates ONE CENT PER WORD ?when paid in advance. No Ad. taken for less than TEN CENTS. _ NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE CENTS when phoned in or charged at the counter. Classification not guaranteed after 9:30 P. M. FOR BUSINESS CON TRACTS Phone Monroe 1 for the WANT AD. MAN to call. L"St7~KKT\\ KK.\ Id 1! YV I0S/T BROAD iirid (Kit? WobI Oi'?ee, one lady's doublo-ciinc gold watch, Klgln hl?vc hieht. Liberal rewnrtl >f returned. , )V,, h. CARLE, uhj \Ve?i Broad; lost, WATCH si: \l. ol: FOB; LARGE topaz setting, gold mounted; stone b"i?l In by very small strips of gold around edge. Liberal reward if finder will return to OHAS; A. CHAW' K?hl?, I7'J8 <;i"v< Avenue, or Ki?h leenth and Cary LOST I'OgTcETBOOK. bktwbbn Qlnter Park und I limb School. Re? ward if returned to HILL PI REC; TO lit COMPANY; 82ft Mutual Build? ing, C?STi COLLIE PUPRYi FOURMQNTJIS old; answers lb name '.'Captain": lour White feet, white Up on tall, white KlreuK nround neck and down fore? head, lit uard if returned to Post-1 tmistel . W'.\ 'i' !?; Ia KKW MM HI-CLASS salesmen, capable of earning from $125 in $150 iff-r week. Address I) 22?. eare Times-Dispatch. W \ N ted ASSJ sta N T KI ;<*; I ST K. I tS 1 i druggist; good opportunity for a hard-working, honest young man. Best of references required, PISOr PLE'S PHARMACY. Berkley; Nor? folk, ya. WA NTE D. an INTE ENTO BOY about sixteen years old Apply FOREXf AN, Times-Dispatch I If111 _JKIoor._ WANTED, WHITE BABBER. APPLY at once._1319 Hull SI reel WANTED, YOUNG MAN BETWEEN 14 and is. to help distribute hand bills. Apply Oil E. Kranklin before 'j a. m. WANTED, ASSISTANT OB KKI.L roistered druggist; married man preferred. References required. MONTICELLO PHARMACY, Norfolk. I Vfli_ ??tJN? MEN TO Q??lTlFY AS ??r ng<-- managers, repairmen, chauffeurs, i demonstrators, etc. You can earn ; (100 to $100 per month, and learn Ina few ?v ks You pay only a part down, the balance when you are placed In a position. You can come either by day or by night. ,Vo teach you by actual practice. We can place you In a good position as soon as competent. . Get outside, healthy work r:nd good pay. I/eayc the- stut fy offb e, 111 health and poor pay. Call and see us NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE : SCHOOL. II West Main, near the Jcf forsb Motel. _ ?' w' > M i: X V\ a N t1: D K?R fab M work, witli Home knowledge of plow? ing; wages paid. Apply tt> 12. M. Si JT1 i K.Kl.ANl >. Churcji Road Va wanted! two ';r-':> cigar-mak> ers, RE1DSVILLE CIGAR CO.. Iteldgyllte, N. C._ Y\ WTKi?. YOU NO MAN. IS TO 20 >?< ars of age. lo work In wholesale produce commission house. Must write a good, quick hand and be able to operate a. Smith Premier typewriter; Address, In own hand? writing, i> 211', carp Tlmeij-rdsp.uch. COLORED' MEN "CAN LEARN the automobile business, day or night, at SOUTHERN auto SCHOOL, 413 Brook Avenue. r.O.JOV E RNMKNT' . p O S I T I b N 9 open, Write for list. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE; Dep'L p,s0-c. Rochester, n V._. WANTED, for U. S. ARMY." ABLE-; bodied, unmarried men. between ages of and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temporate hab? it..', who can ?peak, read and write th? English language. For Information ap? ply to RECRUITING OFFICE; 820 East Rroarl St., Richmond, Va.; l?l Sycamore St., Petersburg. Va.. or Columbia Bulld Ing. Granby St.. Norfolk. Va? il EN WANTED; age IS-35; for firB men, $100 monthly, and Lrakemen. i $S0. on nearby railroads. Ex- I i'erlence unnecessary; no strike ' Positions guaranteed competent ! men. Promotion, Railroad employ-1, lug headquarters: over 400 men sent to positions monthly; state ago; smid j stamp. RAILWAY ASSOCIATION, <aro Tlmes-I dspate.h, ^ttiiattoiT? WMntcb. tf\s\t. ?iANrT?^Tl\1fTs^oLD. ti riif. f. v f.a iis experience on the road selling feed | for largo Western house, desires position either on the road or in the city. Best references. Address J ?121, care Times - Pispa t rh. P?sTti?N OF BUILDING FOREMAN: j no objections to leaving city; good references. Address P 217. earc Tlrnes-rdspateh. _ Wa^tkt'x ?r^oscV:. POSITION AS clerk In store; would prefer on rail? road; references furnished. Address I m. o. W.. Box 2i>, Krederlcksbtirg, Va. ?XS'ANTKD, a POSITION as t.* A SHIER oi- assistant cashier of some bank in Virginia preferred; seven years' experience. Can furnish, the best, refeiences. e 218, care Times-Dis? patch. iTx pei:iT:x<Jkii yoTTn?;~"man~\ykFh n<jat appearance and good address, desires position in ati office where there is some bookkeeping. City reference. .1 120, care Tlmes-Dis * patch. W A XT ISO, POSITIOTC 17T~Dmrcl STORE by young man: live years' experi? ence, flood reference. Addrss i-: 2?C, eare Times-Dispatch._ [WANTED; POSITION! BY; YOUNG maR Mod man in shoo, hardware, whole Pale or retail grocery store. lSxperi ence in nil. Box 700. Jt KfTLS'FhflTKi-? A SS ISTANT PHARMA - cist wishes position anywhere in Virginia; i( years' experience. Ad dross h) 2.">'<. care Times-1 )lspatcb. """^Ip jitautcu, Jfctnnlc.73" .W A n T K D. /FHtST^CLASS WOMAN stenographer from March 1, for an out-of-town position. State age, ex? perience, qualifications and salary expected. Address K 2?4, care Times Dispatch._ [WANTED; SERVANT TO cook and wash. References._117 Kart (Jary._ expe1Vi^:n7^^^ iroii mil lin'ery department; must be excep? tionally good. Apply at once. DREY KUs CO., "01 IS. Broad._ 81x GOOD SOl, IC I T') R. S; W ? NT ED FO11 household necessities and patented specialties for this city. A guaran ' toed salary of $2.60 per day Is paid, ?' but hustlers make much more. A deposit of $r> is required when con? ti rating. Address, stating quallflca ' f ions, etc. and traveling manager will call, GKO, o. CLOWS CO., care OeneraJ Delivery. PANTRY WOMAN WANTED. WHITE; Applv to STE.WA.RD. Hotel Rich? mond._ _ ;W ANTKDr~AX EXPERIENC'eD NURSE. : Annly H? n. Meadow. "l^cal (??tatc for.^nt__.s pryE-u^ToiJirpi'toi'K'R selG rent or Insure. We will 'do the rest. i D. n. walker & co.. Real Estate and Insurance. No. 1 'Mutual Bulld ! Ing (entrance corner Ninth and MalD , "( EtrcetB). feituati'on? ftf?anteto, jfemale. mite desires clerical position. l 471. eure Times- Dispatch. WANTED,: AT ONCE, A POSITION TO teht'h small children; music If de? sired Please State terms. Add rem Box 2?;. Mi ?. W . Fred?fl?kab?r?*, Va._ ^r.lp, itmle an? Jftmalt. YOU'" A It ^VXNTtaT" FOft (iOVB RN inent position; $s0 inunth. Write for list of positions open. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. js'j c. Kochestcr. N. V._ WANTED. WHITE" MAN A NI > \V I FE on farm; man for gottera] work, wifo to cook, (?('?.; also slnsjle, ??ber, In? dustrious men and tenant to crop on shaics: reference required. F. C JOHNSON. ?jwrtnegg (?pportunihe?. ext H A O R Dl N A II Y O I' V O It tun IT X. General merchandise business near Baltimore, on main line railroad; fourteen thousand cash sales ah i nuaily. Stock about thirty-flvo hun I dred dollars. Post-ofllee In building. Thiity daily milk shippers. Owium I retiring, Address POSTMASTER* j Monk ton, Md._ I YOUR rent accoun7 praced with n. W. howe & son Insuros hi storesulIts._j_j WE can repair YOUR AUTOMO idle springs, body, top, cushions, wheels and paint in the finest man? ner. r. M. BOSIIER'S SONS. IG S. Ninth Street. boa RIVING H?US P3. WANT ON e v I ("pine and see us. We can fix you op al any pride end on almost ?ny terms. NOONANDSON realty CORPORATION. Business and Prop? erly Exchange, 28 North Eighth, i.i.i.\ i'!;c-i i< ?nj:i;v, r i: st a i; r a nt" oyster room and Icecream parlor, well ilttod and dolli gn fine business, averaging s:r.<? month. Machinery and plant, with fixtures, cost $3,.100: stock cost $f>0n to $7-io. Owner will acccpl $2.300 for everything if sold lintnodlately. Sure fortune to steady worker. NOON a ND??N REALTY corP?R?VTlONi Business and Prop? erty Exchange. 28 N. Eighth Rtr'eet. BUSTne'SS PROPOSITIONS OF all kinds ..Ii our list from 1300 to ? 18,000. If yovi want to buy. see us. Wo can flhd you what you want. If you have ? business to sell phone Madi? son 815. and wo will call nn you. ? '. W I .or P. N'oonarifl.^n Realty Corporation. Business ami Property Exchange. 28 North Eighth Street ^ol inters, ana sanlrsmp.n. S A i. k sm A n w \ ntli V 'to sell fouri t-alcndars and novelties for a'dvertlsr Itit'. Commission 2f> per cent, and :?" 1-3 per cent, Address RAND Mr. NALLV ft CO., 10-42 East Twenty ;'ecr?nd Sti eot New York Cityi_ V\VnTKD. 'TO RENT RlKjM''i."iNr"s'E''-' ohd llnor, 20 or 2.*> by 10n feet; will; take three or live years' lease. Give Ideation and price. Address B 190, care Times-Dispatch. WANTED, BY COUPLE; ; TWO OR thr.eo furnished rooms for light housekeeping: prefer one room auf ta? ble for kitchen; unfurnished; other furiiitfhedi In Toply please ?t?te lernt?, with Htid without heat. Ad? dress D 211, care Times-Dispatch. i^oorns for gent irof W Af E R - H E A T eI >' 11A iA. V, oo.M. with hoard, twenty-five ner month. Apply 410 Wosl Grace Street. '1 W ? ? CO N~N rfi ffi N i; l"t ? r Ni si IE 5 rooms suitable for housekeeping, 101 West Grace. CLEAN; NEWLY FURNI si i Bb ROOMS. Photid Madison 2200-J. Transients, permanent; baths; central. the WELLINGTON. ; East Clay Street. S14 EASTCL AY? W ELL '*'"'' NfiSH E D front rooms. Luge, small; tran? sients. . _ _ Til RE Eiv SU NN Y;. B OO MS. FURNISIIED Or unfurnished, with or without heat; one square Jefferson Hotel. Address E 2C7. care TlmesfDlBpatch. BRIGHT, SiTnn?' ROOMS, SECOND story, very convenient to bath, witli private family. Apply 171? Park Avenue, or 'phono Madison 1S86 l. GIVE US YOUR PROPERTY ;TO SELL, rent or Insure. We will do the rest. I). N. WALKER <fc CO, Real Estate and Insurance, No. 1 Mutual Build? ing (entrance corner Ninth and Main Streets). _ _ YOUR REN T account placed with n. w. bowe &. son insu.?s best results._ i L\NDSOME, SICCOND-STO it Y fHONT rooms; hath; nice meals. 70S Frank? lin. _ FOR! RENT, ; SINGLE FURNISHED room._109 n. Seventh Street._; [?t-i:nish'ei'""lo-.'-m. im:r month: also hall room to gentlemen. Ad dress CENTRAL, care Times-Dis? patch._ FOR I RENT, a NICELY FURNISH El ? room, first floor; private family; hath, phone and all conveniences. Monroe 119I-.I._ FOR RENT. ONE ELEGANT FRONT room, with good hoard: also hall room. 112 E. Clay. Phone Madinon 291'.._ FOR RENT. ONE NEWLY FURNISII f(\ parlor bed room; latrohe heat, with use of phone. Also hack par? lor for rent. Apply fi -V Sixtli Street. EXrg'e! ill:ated. f u r n i s h e d rooms: also small room In rear for colored. 710 e. Franklin. jf lat? for i^nt^^_~! pa"irr y^leavTng^cTty"'\vants "~f?> subrenl seven-room fl ad. including bath: decorated; and all modern im? provements. Call 721 a, North Meadow Street, or phone Madison 79 91_-./__ FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING FlaAT; furnished rooms, between Main nnd Franklin: 7 North Sixth_ Winter"_J S e ~C ?^n i PiTa n J> MACH IN E R Y 55 of nverv description bought at full value. CLARENCE COSBY, 1523 e. Gary St. Phone Madjson 3526._ wais^'edt TO BTJYT~FOn casil HOUsb hold goods in any quantity. Phona Madison 3S5L_ WANTED. USE OF F?RNITURE F?R its care a.nd preservation. No cliil tiren. M 295, care Times-Dispatch. V^\"NTE D, ONlTTi?RSE." ABOUT 6 TO S years old. wclKhinsr about 1,000 pounds. K 4(11, care Times-Dispatcii. WANTED, TO BUY A LIQUOR Li? cense. State lowest cash price. 2S25 N StreeL_ WANTEdT^T?" BUY a LIQUOR Li? cense; state lowest casli price. 2S25 M Street._ WANTED. TWO old FEATHER beds. Will call and pay highest cash prices for same. A 101, care Tlmes Dlspatch._ ? Coal rnifc WXqqIl rr- ^iQcKORY sVov'e "wood, DO YOU WANT A LOAD OF THE best hickory wood in tho city cut to stove lengths? You can get it by 'phoning your order to Madison ?lit. Deliveries promptly made. VIR? GINIA-NORTH CAROLINA WHEEL COMPANY._ _ LONG'S^VOOD IS EXACTLY LIKE ALL good, dry, heating wood?it lasts, and your work goes on smoother. Jilg coal makes ashes after It burns. Madison 1060 and 1070._ PH? N~E US YOUR ORDERS for wood and coal of quality. Wo are here to please you. Madison 600S. NORTHSIDE WOOD AND COAL CO., G10 North Sixth Street. Seal f?ta^iOTariteb YtDUR RS5NT ACCOU N T ii '^PLACED with N. W. BOV/E & BON lnsur?i I beat rosults. DAILY PUZZLES Something apropos of ground hoc day. A.VSWKIt TO YESTBltDAY'S I'I'/.ZhEl Sewing. JFor ^>ale. ruft'sal!-:' one uoriihi; truck, in good condition. Apply "> BRuOK LAND wood and co ad CO., coo North Avenue, Brookland Purk, Va. se< SpFii?~i iand ~g?ahanteed ha w mill machinery, planers, shingle mill, lath mill, resaws, stave saws, boil r rs. engines, gasolene engines, hang? er?, pulleys and shafting. 1. BLU KORD ,V CO., Hast Cary St reft. FOR WAGONS. GO; t? : RICHARDSON PROS:. r.lG Brook Avenue. ]?* i n kFt"a"\: t oS u">is l'C k p a intino done at It. II. RUSHER'S suns, 15 South Ninth Street;_ LUMBER. LATHS," SIll'NGLES. SASH, blinds, doors. WOODWaRD & sun, Ninth and Arch, Richmond. Va. FOR: SALE. AS AvWHOLE OR AN 1Nt t-roHt in an established, fully equipped paper-box plant in Wash? ington, j). c, making all kinds of inade-up boxe;-; also folding, suit, florists and laundry boxes. Reason for selling owners operate another large paper-box factory and cannot give proper attention to this plant. Good opportunity; will sell at a very low figure. Address .f. E. SMITH. j; E. Smith Co., 6 North Central Avenue; Baltimore, Md. we HAVE THki M?ST sty DISH rubber-tire top buggies for the least money that can be had in town. Call and investigate. A. MEYER'S suns. _731 e. Cary_ ,WK AltH ST ill AD VK RTISING WHAT I we sell and guarantee to s?dl what we advertise. We have op our floor and warehouse as follows: Two high grade business buggies; two high grade runabouts; one medium grade phaeton; three surreys; two top bug? gies; one laundry wagon; one single truck wagon; one light, top. delivery wagon; one special. large body, heavy platform wagon. Special low prices on abovo on account of re? moval. In addition to the above wo are offering our regular stock of ve? hicles, harness and horse goods, and guarantee every article as the best obtainable value for the money, or ybu can return at our expense. Give us a trial. THE B RI STOW - WO R - _SHAM co.. 1117 and t435 EJ Main St. FOR SALE. DOUBLE and SINGLE trucks, open and top delivery wag? ons of our own make; buggies, sur? reys and runabouts. We have the goods and the price. You don't have to wait for them. Call and look us over before buying. B. C. BRISTOW & CO.. If, n. Eighteenth._ DRUG "STORE for SALE.?an old, established drug store at Houston, Va.. the county scot of Halifax. Latest soda water apparatus and tine trade. a pharmacist can And a part? ner here If desired. Apply to B. e. IIEDDERLY, Administrator, Huus __ton. Va._ carnations. THREE DOZEN for SI; sweet peas. $1 per 100, delivered Saturday. Phone Madison 2-S1-.J. vv\\:7TT;rT to exchange five passenger, 40-horsepower touring car for Hupmobile, Flanders or Ford (roadster). Reason for exchange, want lighter car. Address r 1. cars \ Times- Dispatch. ~ Bxal estate for"ffcale."~ gilA cb STREET CORNER lot 30x145 f"'-t, $65 per foot. Apply 615 Brook Avenue. $To1TwTlD BUY A~H?i:SE IN FIRST class condition, rented for $0.50 a month. Madison 1467. for sale, flo YD,: AVENUE and Main Street lots, near the Soldiers' Home. Madison 15 67. FARMS j AND TIMBER LANDS; OUR new catalogue contains 400 farms and timber lands; best bargains In Virginia. I pay your railroad fare. Write for free catalogue. Address J. R. EDAM. fJox 267. Charlottesvll^, Va._ FOR SALE. THREE BEAUTIFUL homes, located in Burkevlllo, Va.; climate delightful and healthful: IS passenger trains dally In all direc? tions; site of homes most desirable In the town. Three churches and a high school, besides manufacturing interests. Terms easy. Ideal homes for drummers. For information write. T. o. SANDY. Burkeville. Va. BOARDERS FOR SECON Dt STORY front and other rooms; also table boarders. Apply 200 East Grace; DlisIRXBl7E~FR?NT ROOM. 312 SOL'th Third; also single room; heated; table board a specialty. WHEN YOU COMB to RICHMOND stop where you can get a nice, clean, comfortable bed for 50 cents; special attention to ladles traveling alone, i 1002 East Clay. WANTED. S ONE ; OR TWO REFINED young men to occupy room with board; comfortable hall room, suit? able for ouo gentleman; private family; home comforts. Madison 308-J._f?17 W. Main._ _ PER.\ 1 ANENT, tRANSIeNT~AND~ ta ble boarders. 935 West Grace Street. Madison 5731. EXCELLENT BOARD, FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. Apply 811 i Park Avenue. j WANTED; GENTLEMAN TO ROOM I and board: table board a specialty, j_10 3 E^_ Cary._ WANTED, WITH REFERENCES, TWO refined gentlemen to board: large, sunny, furnished room. Also large, unfurnished room for couple. l*0;> _West Grace Street._ TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, WITH board. 209 East Franklin. jSonro wumtiti.; a YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DE slres board In a private family, near car line, or In centre of city. Refer? ences exchanged. Adress a, P. O. Box- 142. Richmond. Va. rTUMAN HAIR l/??QHT AND SOLD at HDGHES'8. 209 North Third. your rent ACCOUNT p LACED with n. W. bowe & SON Insures best results. _ NOW is the-tjme~to have y~5ur automobile painted for spring. Tho best work at r. h. BOSHER'S SONS. 15 South Ninth Street. J?w?rP"=:?et rm? iL ate sfotnrJL wantbdT't^'WtI fi rty "brown Leghorn chickens. . Address F 305, care Times-Dispatch._ BABY CHICKS?R. 1." reds AND r a.r red Plymouth Rocks, $10 hundred; strong, hienlthy. mixed breeds, $$ hundred. Addres VIRGINIA poul? try yards. Jetersvlllo, Va, _ ?iatfct?. n"l?wTur k' s'fiok sthn i' Ax'rT hat Cleaning romc/ved from 810 East Main to 720 East Main. Separat?, loom for lad tea. WANTED. THE V?tii TD KNOW that Jtihnko Bros.. Jewelers, 913 Kost Main . treet. buy. sell, ex change and remount dlanionda In the latest styles. Old gold and nll ver taken In exchnngo. CITY PROPKRTV, BUILDING LOTS and farms wanted tor auction sales, We have been most successful lately In selliti"; property under the ham no r. and can sell yours. NOONANP SON REALTY COR PO R A tI ON, lUisi riess and property Exchange, 28 North Eighth Street. .L W. Lord, auc-r tl oncer. your rent account placed with n. w. bowe & SON insures best results. BE^f* automobile pa lTnriN<; 17ONE at lt. II. bosher's SONS, 15 South Ninth Street. _ tc7!uy~?7{Tends and the public: This serves notice that I have sev? ere,! my connections with the VVash b?rn-Cr?sby Milling Company; of Louisville, Ky., as local manager, and have accepted the State agency for the sale of Seal ?>t Minnesota flour, the best made, and solicit your patronage and Influence, A. s. B. JAMES, No. 1113 East Cary Street. Phone Monroe No. 2"! 7. RADGLIFFE ENTERT A1N M EN t at Highland Park School, Friday eve? ning, February 3. 8:15 o'clock. New oleclrio lights. Come! Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 rents. ' ^^sVrwlNG >1A C I11N KS." " ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT OK STAN D ard machines just received at tiie new Standard ofllce. 529 West Broad Street, Machines of all makes re? paired; good second-hand machines cheap. GARLAND II. CLARKE. Agent. Phones: Monroe 2626; Madi? son 2:'-20-L. i ring. MEN'S SHOES. WHO LE - SOLE d, $1: half-soled. 75c; ladies', 60c; chil? dren's, lOf.., and up, according to size. Every pair sewed: no nails or pegs. Best leather. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 715 E. Main. Phone Monroe 26*57. MAT TR. fcSSK^ HAVE YOUR MATTRESSES REMADE now; sanitary methods used; reliable work. BYDNOR & HUNDLEY. 711 East Brood Street- Madison 3204. IF YOU WANT YcJuit HAULING DONE quickly and promptly at an;/ hour. night or day; call EPPS, the Hauler. Phone Madison 1S51; night, Madison 5703-L, Wagons furnished by yearly contract. WATCIt K17FAIRINtL TOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR cleaned by WM. TOB I EN, JR., is a guarantee that It is done properly. Twenty years' experience. Cleaning, 1; main springs, $1. 408 Et>?* ?road treet. 4)1 work guaranteed. bakery". ; CRE?S PUFFS. 2r,c. ,\ DOZEN: 20c. pies only 16c.; 100 lemon snaps, 35c; angel cake:-. LOc. each. DRINK A RD'S. 423 1 -2 North Sixth. THE MOST POPULAR TAILOR IN TOWN IS II. LEWIS; 2o2 NORTH FIRST STREET. 'PHONE MONROE "5G5 m. goldstein, ladies' tailor and suit manufacturer, southwest corner seventh And fankltn streets. OPPOSITE post-office. 'phones madison 5175 and monroe 1053. CLARK'S BAKERY. GOOD THINGS-GOOD THINGS?ALL to be found In the sweets at CLARK'S. Pound cake, raisin cake (can't be heat for the money), in fact, till kinds of large and small cakes; any kind of pies. And you just should try our bread and rolls. You will be sure to come back. 1706 East Main Street. ~SA FEST THE M?SLER SAFE COMPANY BANK safes, the Ranganlso screw-door and Corless lire and burglar proof vaults, tire proof safes, etc. Address for catalogue and estimates, G. T. CRALLE, Box 36. Blaokstone, Va. Richmond^ Va.. January 14. 1911.' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Broad Street Bank, Richmond. Va.. will be held tit their banking house on TUESDAY. February 14. 1911, at 10 A. M. ANDREW M. GLOVER, _Cashier. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE sToOK holders of the Richmond Transfer Company will be held at their ofllce. S09 East Main Street, at 12 o'clock noon WEDNESDAY. February S. 1911. W. T. DAR DEN, _Secretary. Southern Ice. Corporation, Richmond, Va., January 28, 1911. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Southern Ice Cor? poration will be held at the office of the corporation. Room 403, Mutual Building, Richmond, Va., on WED? NESDAY, February fi? 1911, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and for tin? transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting. C. E. /.OLLI KOFFER. _Secreta ry. WORK IN MARK AN D~ PAST master's degrees Is expected to enlighten ail Royal Arch Ma? sons, who are cordially invited to attend a stated convocation of Rich? mond Royal Arch Chapter, No. 3, at the Masons' Hall, on Franklin Street, THIS EVENFNG at 7:30 o'clock. By order of the M. E. H. P.. _GEG. F. K EES EE. Sec'y._ ~^~:U~\Sx7nFt' NOTICE.?A STATED yyfv'eommunlea tion of Joppa Lodge, /VnNo. 40. A? F. & A. M., will be held at the Masonic Temple THURSDAY. 2d inst.. at 6:30 o'clock P. M. Members of sister lodges and tran? sient brethren are fraternally invited to be present. Ry order of the Worshipful Master. GEORGE C, JEFFERSON. Secretary. Table UTIote Dinners Saturday nnil Sunday evenings, O to 0 o'clock, $1.50 each. Richmond, Va. Th6 most magnificent hotel in the South. European plan. Rooms , single and en aulto. with and without baths. Spacious sample rooms. Rate, jl.50 per day and upward. GRADUATE NURSES C03S CALLING Miss iM c Isa?c' Pleads tor Organ? ization and for High Standards. OWE DUTY TO THEMSELVES Opportunities in Fight Against Tuberculosis Depend on Personal Care. Opportunities, responsibilities, organ-1 izatlon and other things appertaining to their work wore discussed yester? day afternoon by the members' of tlie Graduate Nurses' Association of Vir? ginia, now in session in Murphy's Ho? tel, in its eleventh annual convention. Miss Ethel Smith, of Norfolk, presided. Several s<n addresses were made and there was much informal discussion, all tending to the enlightenment of tho nurses present. Dr. Douglas Freeman, wlio was Hie last speaker on the pro? gram, and, by the way, one of the only three men present, spoke Interestingly on the fight against tuberculosis, and took occasion to pay a high compli? ment to what he characterized as tito noblest profession of nil?certainly, the noblest in weich women are and can 1)0 engaged. Nurse* mid Anesthetic*. The order of the program wns changed somewhat, and Miss Alice Brti ton. anesthetist In the. Protestant Hos? pital of Norfolk, spoke on - The Admin? istration of Anesthetics l>y Women." Her opening statement, was that the average practicing physician and hos? pital Interne knows less about the ad ; ministration of anesthetics than the trained nurse, and that the latter, through experience. Is better fitted to perform this office preliminary to an operation. Her constant training in (ids direction affords her more opportunity to learn the best methods, teaches her how to manage the patient, and gives her that experience* from which she knows how to treat individual patients. Her favorite method. Miss Bruton I said, was ether dropping, which she described in technical terms. One of the first requirements of the anesthet? ist, she said, was the exercise of consid? erable tact to get the patient's confi? dence, on which much depends. She argued against the practice of some physicians of talking "at" the nurse during the administration of the anes? thetic, saying that it was best to let an experienced nurse administer it in her own way. The general discussion which followed favored the practice ot permit ling trained nurses to administer anesthetics. Advice to Young Nurses. Miss Isabelle Mclsaac, an earnest wo? man, well versed in her profession, talked on "Opportunities and Respon? sibilities of the Young Graduate Nurse." She said that there arc nearly 100. 000 trained nurses in the country, and that they have serious problems to confront, and must, therefore, work in harmony. Site spoke of the first or? ganization, the Association of Super? intendents, founded by Miss Hampton, later known as Mrs. Robb, whose whole heart interest lay in her work? and in the beginning of young nurses. Miss Mclsaac spoke strongly of the need for system, organization and co? ordination She referred to the fact that all otlier great works ef mankind are the result of correlated effort, and 'she pleaded earnestly for the organiza? tion of nurses throughout the country, each nurse to become a member of her alumnae association and then join I tiio Association of Alumnae. Without proper organization, she said, It was impossible to effect good work and to 1 achieve the best results. She look shots at the commercial training schools, which she said are formed only for financial results, and the nurses from which are, as a general thing, not only incompotent, but of a low moral standard. Found Incompetence. She told a story of one highly trained nurse, who went into such a hospital to nurse a private rase. There she found utter incompetence, no regttialions and I the nurses without practical or theo? retical knowledge. She asked one nurse what text hook she used. The latter evaded an answer. Then she asked another, one who had hut recently en? tered. The young woman was chewing gum. On her head was a p'le of hair. I little of which was her own, except by purchase. "I don't know. Von can search me," she flippantly answered the trained nurse. "It Is such so-called nurses as these Who bring odium sometimes on our profession," said Miss Mclsaac. "The greatest obstacle with which we havo to contend." she said, "is the ntirso doubtful In efficiency and in character." She pleaded for State registration. I paying that there should be some stan? dard which would bo recognised every? where, something by which the (rain? ed nurse, as well as the public, could be defended against Imposters or in? competents. ?'Yours is the greatest profession ?*il'0i3E?5T?MAIN STREET. N ; ! %rPMON^ HAD^0H,3i29; i I FOR SALE, A Brunswick Household Refrigerating Box, $200 f. o. b, Richmond. This is an Automatic Ice-Making and Refrigerating Box, suit? able for household purposes or for a small butcher shop. It can be. seen by applying to TOWER-BINFORD ELECTRIC AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 5 Governor Street, Richmond, Va. Atlantic Ctip &e?ort? AND COTTAGES HOTEL AND SANATORIUM ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Aiwtyoopan. Always ready. Alwaynbany, \ F. L YOUNG. Gcn'lManaM* The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS Open daily trom 10 A. IL vo I P, Id. Admission 2ta Froo on SAturda/a. KSS??^ QftUlJBip. Auction Aat?s._ <TOg JBaj^-j r.18 East Broad Strcot. f EXECUTORS' "AUCTION SALE OF WALNUT AND MAHOGANY FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS. 4 MOQUET CARPETS, SMYRNA RUGS, ENGRAVINGS, old CHINA ORNA? MENTS and VASES, BRONZES. FRENCH CLOCK, SILVER; CHINA, GLASSWARE, FAMILY CARRIAGES AND PHAETONS, DAYTON WAGON, HARNESS, HORSE, COW. ETC. As executors of tho estfcte of the lato Charlo3 Sacl2er, we will sell at the residence, No. 1220 Brook Road, TO-DAY (THURSD AY), FEBRUARY 2D. BEGINNING AT l":3a O'CLOCK A. iL, all of the Household Furniture, Vehicle.-, Horse. Cow. etc., belonging to the e.-Uate Sale positive, riin or shine. Ladles Invite,] to attend. Take Ashland electric car to door (see schedule), or ten mlnutos' walk ?about eight squires* from corner Clav and Munford Streets to Brook Road. TERMS: Cash. M RS'. I.ENA SA ELZER, CHARLES A. BROT IG AM, Executor*. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. and the noblest, of all," Raid Dr. Douglas Freeman, in opening. "J once wrote an article denying an assertion that a wo? man's moral susceptibilities are 'lulled by becoming a trained nurse, and ever elnce I have been . looked upon as ri friend of the nurses." He was up plau ded. Mis talk was on the fight against tu? berculosis, which he briefly und clearly outlined. He told the nurses that their first thought in taking up a ease must lie the care of their own health. They could not be too careful, he went on. ?s to their bedroom technique, as the people in the house would follow the nurse's example and do what she had done. Ho also earnestly recommended that nurses co-operat? with the medical authorities. But he laid especial stress on the fact that nurses must care for themselves, in order thai they might, endure against. Infection from the white plague. He thought that hard work might reduce the mortality In five years to almost nothing; The morning session was devoted to business, to the reading of the presi? dent's report and to the collection of dues. The convention wilt end this morn- i Ing. Mrs. Tilden Smith will talk on "the Care of Incubator Rabies"; Miss Isabel Stuart, of Teachers' College. Co? lumbia University, New York, on ?The 'Training of Hospital Administrators arid the Relation of the Hospital to Social Service Work," and Miss Mary I .lohnston will speak on "Why Nurses Should He interested In Kqual Suf? frage." The session will close with the re? turns of election. C^EWc^EDi^ RENT LIST 1118 West Ave.. 11 rms.. (furnished)$800 1122 W. Main St., S rooms. -ISO ISO- CJr?v? Avenue. 7 rooms. 4 00 2608 W. Main St.. 0 rooms. 360 202 N. Strawberry St.. 7 rooms.... 330 1 7*_'7 Floyd Avenue, 7 rooms. 330 ill Fourth Avenue, s rooms. 330 .'tot; s. Belvldere. in rooms. 300 1110 W. Marshall St., 10 rooms.... 252 615 Beverly Street, 7 rooms. 216 SI2 S. Randolph Street, 7 rooms.. 'J00 13 North 29th Street. 7 rooms... ISO Cor. West and Wallace Sis., C rms., ISO 111 12. Marshall Street, 6 rooms.. ISO 14 S. Lombardy St., 7 rooms. l?tj Bellevue Apartment, No. 1. 7 rms., 420 316 E. Byrd. 1st Hat. 7 rooms.... 400 1020 W, Main St.. 1 rms.. 1st Hat.. 270 510 N. FOurtli St.. 1st flat, 6 rms., 2 10 3012 Bi Broad St.. 5 rms, 2d flat.... 200 510 N. Fourth St., 3d tlat. I rms.. ISO 1000 N. Boulevard, 7 rms, 1st flat. 180 30C S. Belvldere. 4 rms.. 1st tlat. $13.50 300 s. Belvldere, 5 rms.. 2d Hat, 13.50 1514 N. Dickinson, 5 rms., 2d flat 0.50 90S W. Main St., 2d Hat, 7 rms.... 150 401 I-:. Franklin St.. 2d fiat. 7 rms 000 Per Alo. 2205 E. Main St.. 5 rooms.$20.00 SIL* Randolph St.. 7 rooms. 15,00 1305 Asltiand St., r> robins. 15.00 SS00 i Block) Taylor St., il rooms, 15.00 - Stewart und Dittlepage Sts., 3 rooms. 12.50 1 706U Taylor St.. 0 rooms. 12.50 32)3 N St.. 0 rooms. 12.50 S35 N. 17th St.. C, rooms. 12.50 701 Buchanan St.. 7 rooms. 12.50 2104A Taylor St., 4 -ooms. 10.00 2100A Taylor St., 4 rooms. lo.oo 2110A Tavlor St.. 4 rooms... .... 10.00 1503 N. 22d St.. 1st floor. 4 rms.. 10.00 737 N. Fourth St.. 2d floor, I rms. 10.00 1631 Rcvrlv St.. 7 rooms....- 10.00 314 S. Fifth St.. 0 rooms. 10.Oo 3000 Uhaftln St.. 2d floor, I rms.. 10.00 1110 W. Marshall St.. 3d floor, 3 rooms. lO.oo 1503 N. 22d St., 2d tint. 3 rms.... S.00 300J Nine Mile Road, 3 rooms.... S.00 -Holllna St.. 6 rooms. 7.50 102 1 Randolph St.. 5 rooms. 7.00 1120 Graham St.. 4 rooms. 7.00 SlOOLj Lester St., 3 rooms. 6.00 2708 E. Main St.. 3 rooms. 6.00 1209 .lames St.. 5 rooms. 6.00 2009 Beverly, 6 rooms. 15.00 Phone Man, 2100. Mad. 3107. 30 N. NINTH STREET. saer iXeal (Esrtate for g>aje. BROAD STREET STORES No. 3 East Broad Street. No. S West Broad Street. No. 202 West Broad Street. No. 209 West Broad Street. No. 312 East Broad Street. No. 50-J East Broad Street. No. 800 West Broad Street. No. 820 West Broad Street. .1. A. CONNELLY & CO. T.-D., 2-2-11?It _ FOB SALE. $3,000 Will buy a splendid Home in Barton Heights, renting for $360. Eight rooms, fifty feet of ground, and all modern Improvements, GREEN ?- REDD, 30 North Ninth Street. Cheap Very desirable dwelling on Broad Strict, between Thirtieth and Thirty first Streets; arranged In two complete fiats. Price same us cost of building. GREEN & REDD. 30 North Ninth Street. gUittton jgmle?. Jfuture ?ajt>? I: ' T h e'' Va 1 e ri m he" "a tmt fo"tT* CoTT"'" . Auctioneers, 61S East Broad. AUCTION SALE OF fine quartered OAK". AND WAtir nut bed room, dining room and parlor furniture. clark .ikwel oas range. crockery And glassware, carpets and RUGS. ETC., AT NO. lioo WEST AVENUE. At tho request ol Mr. W. S. Gunn. win) is declining housekeeping, we will sell, a* his residence. No. HOO West Avenue. TO-MORROW, february 3d. commencing at 10:30 o'clock, his Household Furhiture, consisting of a very handsome Quartered Oak Hall Rock, with long mirror: fine Br?ssel4 flail and Stair Car pots, Hall Chairs and Tables, handsome Walnut Parlor Suit, eight pieces, newly upholstered and In perfect condition; Parlor Pic? tures and Ornaments, Ax minster Drug? gets. Leather Library Suit, handsome Quartered Oik Dining Room Suit, con? sisting of a beautiful Sideboard, with large plate mirror; handsome China Case, eight-foot Dining Table and six High Back Dining Room Chairs, all to match; assortment of Crockery and Glassware. Cooking Utensils and Vesr sels. Clark Jewel Gas Range. Kitchen Tables and Chairs, fine Alaska Refrig? erator, handsome Polished Oak Bed Room Stilt, tine Quartered Oak Mirror Door Wardrobe. Walnut Marble Top Bed Room Suit, Walnut Wardrobe, Chairs and Rockers. Toiler Sets, Pic? tures. Clock. Ornaments, three good Room carpets. Hair Mattress. Pillows and Bolsters, and other Furniture, etc. Sale positive, rain or shine. Ladies invited. the valentine AUCTION co. Charles A. Rose Co.. 0 North Ninth Street. G61 sari ?- Nash. Tenth and Main Streets. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE No. 252! East Franklin St. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, y dated December 2S, 1.909, and recorded <n the office of the clerk o? the Chan? cery Court of the city of Richmond. Va., In D. U. 205 B. page 2S6, to the undersigned trustee, default having been made in the payment of the debt herein secured, and having been re r( ties ted by the note holder so to do, 1 will, on the promises, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1911, sell at. public auction all that lot of land In tho city of Richmond. Va., at tho southwest corner of Franklin and Twenty-Sixth Streets, known as "No. 2521 East Franklin Street, beginning at the corner of Franklin and Twenty sixth Streets, thence running west wardly and fronting on Franklin Street j twehty.-Tiine feet tour inches, thence I back southwardly along lino of centro of partition wall between tenements Nos. 2521 and 2519 forty-nine feet six Inches to centre of wall on offset, thence west wardly along centre line of said offset five feet seven and one half inches to the out edge of the wall of the wing of No. 2521, thence south? wardly along western wall of said wing one hundred and eight feet eight inches, more or less, to the wall of a biick factory, -thence east along lino of said factory thirty-five feet four and one-half Inches to Twenty-sixth Street, thence northwardly along west line of Twenty-sixth Street one hun? dred and flity-eight feet to point ot beginning. TERMS: This sale Is made subject to the terms and provisions of a deed of trust dated November t. 1909. and recorded In the Richmond Chancery Court clerk's office in D. B. 204 a, page 22S, to secure the aggregate sum for principal and Interest of $3.250, which is a first Hen on the property; cash sufficient to nay all costs and expenses of sale, a)] taxes to day of sale, and a debt of $742.11. with interest thereon from December 2R, to 10. until paid, at the rate of f. per cent, per annum, as well as any surplus that may remain to the grantor and his assigns. HUGH F. ROSE. Trustee. CHAR LBS A. ROSE CO.. OOLSAN Sr. NASH. Real Estate Auctioneers. J&eal ?c?tate" Sf^iEig for sale.'; Grove Avenue Lots Between West and Tilden. 179.9 feet deep. Below market price. Grace St. Corner Lot $95 Per Foot Hanover Street Lots Near Park. Cheap to close out for an estate. 3 E V E R AL DESIR A BLE Hanover St. Dwellings $5,500 and Upwards ; N. W. BOWE & SON, ?i N. Eleventh Street. TWO SMALL DWELLINGS j On Church It'll. Renting for $21 per I month. Good location. White tenants. Owner w'H cell cheap, as he wants the. motiey. i GREEN & REDD, 3? North Ninth Street. FOR SALE. 1 100 Feet on the Boulevard This Is the. cheapest piece o* ground >rt this beautiful thoroughfare, und can bo bought at a price Hint is sure to enhance. Vaughan & Company, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. No. 3 N. Elevontb S