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Judge Witt Holds That Coal Company Does Interstate Business. In order to make a test which would . operate throughout the State. Judge I Witt, of the Hustings Court, yostcrduy morning Instructed the Jury to brinvr I verdict of nrft guilty in tho case agulnat the Chesapeake and Ohio Co>il Mini Coke Company, charging it with ? oing business without the proper 11 - ? onse. Motion was made by Common? wealth's Attorney Polkes that tho vor dlct be set aside, bill It was overruled; ;!.. titan noted exceptions, and the case ? ill ^(i (?? the Supreme Court. The uoul company Is? chartered in the Stlilv of Sfew Jersey and claims that it Is exempt from certain taxes that ?>. required of companies In this State, holding that 11s business in this city is interstate, being on the commission I-.tsls. CONS^Fe^ < it.> ami Mate Kit In r by lielutcd HoncMy of beuten Seanoii. ftli hniond Is not without a eonsei*nco. Thete I; a tiiun with on'- somewhere in town, hot he hasn't mentioned nle name or . a his a cid rests. N'uvcrtheleak he bent $110 to Commis? sioner of the Revenue O. A. Hawkiha In tho' mull yesterday. Tho send or Btdtes that ho! ,s . onaclcnco ?tricken over having dodged taxes to tho city and State, and he sondi the city of niehmonO II.CS and the, State of Virginia ?*..I2. Ordinarily Mr. Hawkins doe* not receive money. It Is ids business to ..".->!' against people. Captain Frank Cunningham i taken the money?or if anyliody doesn't want t., pay him lie can, by having a penalty I ! I ded, with Captain T. C. Wal ford. I Mr. Hawkins turned over tho city's share j and had it credited to the contingent futtf. ] tin < lty having no "con?clence fund." &? j has the United Stuten Treasury, not bet?r.; | having hud the need ot such an account In, the administration of Auditor "Warren. Tho ?tat*^? shale er conscience monsy is the tax en an income of JUS. QUARANTINE PRESCRIBED \ ii i.lnlri Cattle Iilne ft?r 1011 Ualil Dovin by State Vcterlnnrlnn. Proclamation has just been issued by State Veterinarian .1. t?. Cemfyhough setting aside, ttb !'? t!.'- annual custom, a certain part of the Stale an within too quarantine ili.o tor Texas >att!e tick. A? recently an? nounced, the counties of Cheater fie Irl and l-'luvahna have been taken out of quarantine ? : dat-i Muich 15. iir. Kcrhcyhougli'e proclamation le as fol iow*: "The following counties ar* ejuarant!n''d. namely: GrcentsvllJo, Die or Wight. Nanin mond, Southampton. H-uss'-x, Hurry and that portion of Vork county not. included In Dru-J ton Magisterial District of aairf county and that r?rt of Warwick not included In the i Newport Newa Magisterial District of the] -um county. r:olr? nnd Regulations. "'I the spread of cattle tlr'^s ' ? 11a t . - tnhuiatua) and Te?.na cattle t^'-er In Virginia: "1, No cattle i-hnll be move!, o*' allowed Tafce What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PillF of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu? matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period? ical Pains of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "I htve csed Dr. Miles' medicines for over 13 years and nnd them excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills in the Louse all the time and would not think ot taking a journey without thern, no matter how short a distance I am going. I cannot praisr. them enough." Miss Lou M. Churchill. 63 High St., Penacook, N. H. At all drugglato. 26 doses 25c, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 20 Years An Elegant Type of Genu $1.25 bottle?$5.00 gallon. Imported direct and bottled by 504 E. Broad Street. iLWiumiiiiiinimi^iii M? ill ??J " Lucca Olive Oil " IN EVER"* ANTRY WHERE PURITY PREVAILS. CHASIE TRAFIER!, Importer Mad. 4220. 500 West Main St ? WOOD WORKERS. Carry alargo stock nnd fill orders, >i{? or little, promptly and at right /rices Of all the varying forms of satisfaction one gets in the pur? chase of a Hardman, none is greater than the certainty which lies behind the Hardman name. Write us for free catalogue. WALTER D. MOSES &CQ., 103 Eait Broad Street, Oldest Music Houoo in Virginia and North Carolina. I to be moved, from the abovo mentioned quarantined territory of this State, or from \ tlie quarantined territory of any other State, as defined In the regulations of the Unlt'd I States Department of Agriculture and amendments thereto. governing cattle tranfi portatlon Into that portion of Virginia, not Included In the above-described quarantined territory. "Any person, or persons, moving cattle In I violation of rules or regulations of the State i I.Ivo Stock Sanitary Hoard, according to law, Is subject to a fine of from J10 to flW for each animal so moved, of allowed to be moved. "By order of board. "J. <; P?RNEYHOUGH., ! v "State Veterinarian." HOLD.SUMMER SCHOOLS Teachers Will Eo Instructed at Twenty-one 1'olats la State. Twenty-one summer schools for the publlo school teachers In Virginia will be held d'ur. Ing the coming summer. Thirteen of these Will he for the Ir.MrucMon of Whlta teachers and eight for colored teachers. The term for I the School of Methods will begin June 15 at j the University of Virginia, as will also that for the colored teachers at the Union Uni? versity. These will. last six weeks. All the summer srhools f'jr white teachers, with th? dlnifle exception of the University of Virginia, will b"irln June 'SI. Following Is a Met of the places and names of those who Wl'l conduct the schools with the addresses o: the conductors, prac? tically as published in The limcs-Dlspatch a month ago: j Big Stone Gap?Superintendent J. IL Hlli mati. Coeburn. Chase City?Superintendent iL R. Jones, Petersburg. Covlngton?J. H. Saunders. Richmond, ! Bellevye School. Emory?Superintendent S. R. McChesney, Brletol. Fafmville?Dr. J. L?. .farm an,. Farm vide, F redet leltsturg?Supe: int^nd-nt J. P. NeT, St??hton, Galax?V. H Pltzpatrlck, Roanoke. IIa rrlsonburg?Prof, Julian Burruss, HarrlhOiiburg. Luray?Superintendent J^mes G. Johnson, Charlottcsyille. MartlnsviiK?N. P. Painter, Ruunoke. .Vetvport News? G. Shawen, Norfolk. University of Virginia?Pro/. Bruce R. Payne, University. Winchester?J. D. Harris, Amelia. For colored teachers the institutes will be held as follows: Cambria? Prof. E. A. Long. Cambria. Chaee City?Superintendent J. B. Terrell; Chase City. Danvi?c?Prof. t>. Webster Davjs. Rich? mond. Hampton?Dr. G. P. Phe nix, Hampton. MannsFEs? Prof. L-. V. Hill. Manaseos, Petcriburg?Prof. J. H. Johnston, Peters? burg. Richmond?Dr. Gesrge A. Hovey, Rich? mond WILL SPEAK AT SUPPER Important SeSfdous of United Commercial Travelers To-Morrow. Addiesses will be delivered before the Richmond Council of United Commercial Trfaveierf nt a supper at Murphy's Hotel cn Saturday night. The speakers will be Wil? liam T. Dabney, business manager of the. chamber o( Commerce; James P. Whytc, of Swift /i Company, and Rev. John J. Wicker, pnMor of Leigh Street Baptist Church. The organization will meet at ^mtthdeal Hall at P. M. for a business e?s.-lon. and officers will be elected for the ensuing year. Thero W??< also be a discussion as to the attendance, of the council at the meeting of the Grand Council at Huntington, W. Va., in June. Supper will bo had at 6 o'clock, and the addresses will be In the dining-room. At 8 o'clock the council will return to the hall and a class of twenty candidates will be Initiated. MEET AT BRIDGE Question of Approaches to New Structure to Be Discussed. The bridge subcommittee of thn Council Committee on Streets will meet this after? noon at 5 o'clock nt the north end of Mayo's Brldgo to inspect the ground and determine on the plan for ur>proaches to the bridge. City Engineer Boiling has had several alter? nate plans staked out. The board of engi? neers recommends that the streets at either end of the bridge be raised to the level of the new structure five feet above the- old, but as there are i/jany railway tracks and much damage would he done abutting prop? erty, it is believed that a compromise plan will be agreed upon. SUCCESS IS MIRACLE Dr. Straton Soys Christianity Would Have Failed Without Guidance. Christianity's success is a miracle and divine guidance alone has brought the faith triumphant through the ages, according to Dr. John Roach Straton in his sermon at the First Baptist Church last night. With? out divine favor, ho said, Christianity would certainly have failed. A large congregation heard Dr. Straton with Ihe utmost attention. The meetings are noticeably growing in intorast each night. Tho inusle Is an attrac? tive feature of the. Services. It is under the direction of Shepherd Webb, the organist. Webb Hill rendered a solo last night, and the congregational singing was inspiring. MARION HARLAND SPEAKS Addresses T. W. C A. Workers In Membership Campaign. In an address yesterday before a rally of tho membership workers of tht> Young Wo? man's Christian Association Mrs. Torhutio (Marlon Harland) declared that the sister? hood of woman Is stronger than the brother? hood of man. She- spoke at length along this line. Mrs. Terhune Is the guest here of her brother, S. II, Hawes. Yesterday's meeting was for the purpose of adding impetus to the two weeks' campaign which Is now being waged by the Y W. C. A. to Increase. Its membership to 2,000. The outlook in aaid to bo bright. Building Permits. Building permltB were J.ssuod yesterday as follows: Thomas Gussln, to orect a two-story brick tenement, two stores, 1214*1216 East Marshall Street, to cost $3,375. - - George Schoen, to erect a three-story brick dwelling on tho north side of Park Avenue between Sharer anil Laurel Streets, to cost ?lo,00?. Li. B. Campbell, to erect a detached two story frame dwelling on the north side of McCarthy Stieat between Canepa Street and Oakwocd Road, to cost $l.C0O. Qualifications In Chancery. Mrs. Lonlso Whiting Clarke, qualified yes? terday in the Chancery Court as administra? trix of Edward Doremus. The estate ia val? ued at f1,000. Mary Anno Unit qualified as guardian of Louise IT. Hall. Adeln Arrlght qualified as n:;ceultiv of the will of Gutscppe Arrighl, The estate Is val? ued nt $3,">,&G0. Fined for Carrying Gun. Lennlo Hnrrls, colored, was lined $20 and coeta yesterday afternoon by Magistrat? T. ?T. Puryonr in Ilenrlco county tor carrying a concealed revolver. About Two Hundred Employes of Two Lynchburg Concerns Refuse to Work. [Special to The Tlmes-DIspatch.] Lynchburg, Vs., .March 23.?About 200 employes of the Southland factory, of the Craddock-Terry Company, und thq Jefferson Strtet factory, of the I George D. Witt Company, struck this ? morning, leaving their work at &' o'clock. The strike was In conformity ; to a resolution adopted by the cutters . an<l Btttchera at a meeting which hiU?l hav?j i,eon held last night. The exact number of workers leaving their work could not be secured to? day, but it |k understood that the num? ber who unit was considerably lesr. than one-third of the working force of the two factories. While no statement was given out at the office of the company to-day. it is understood that the work In the facto j rles will not bo sorlotisly^nlndered, as ' new* workers tiro being employed in the I places of the strikers. Repair Building of C. & O. Burns, Causing Loss of $40,000. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Clifton Forge, Va., March 23.?The big repair shops of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, at this place, were to? tally destroyed by fire to-night. The blazo was discovered shortly before ? o'clock, hut. the flames already had great headway before the alarm was sounded, and the firemen made little headway in their fight to save the building. There Avas a heavy wind blowing, and the big frame structure was soon reduced to ashes. In thej shops at. the time there were about) thirty cars, on which repair work was in progress, and these were totallri j consumed Tho loss is estimated at] about $40,000. The main building of the shops] caught lire, but the bl&zo was extin? guished before much damage was done. A great deal of lumber, machinery and other material, storr-d in the yards, was damaged, and this will add to the loss. Arrangements had been made by the. j railroad company, beginning to-mor I row. to increase the force of men in J the shops, but this fire will undoubted? ly interrupt these plans. The men in the repair department will probably be laid off until the structure is rebuilt, and it is understood that the work of rebuilding will be started at the earli? est possible moment. General Super? intendent .1. W. Knapp aided In th work of preventing tho spread of the Cat cut qthsrtifn and purgatirei. The? arc bfssS ~-haah?usMceaair/a Try CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS Purely Te^eUbk. Act ffsctjr 00 the efiainate b??, sootlic the delicate ct thebowd Can Can idpalWo, BBmi* BM*i Sick HtjUathe txA Icatscttlsi, u rriTfaw know. Small Pill, Small Doso, Small Prico ' * Genuine rouubwr Signature New Location, N. W, Corner Third and Broad. Electrical Shoe Shine 5c A T. GRAY CIGAR COMPANY'S STORE 836 E. Main Streef. EsW FURNITURE COMPANY SPECIAL SALE 1429 E. Main St. 117 W. Broad S tiu w arti?giT ?? mbp3w M CT ***^ BMBBBB f >~T ityT/^TV. tSBKKOStBfUtm iL Goldstein LADIES' TAILOR AND SUIT MANUFACTURER, S. W. Corner Seventh and Franklin Streets, Opp. P. O. Madison 5175. Monroe 1035 CYIIXDERS nEBOREVJ 'AT YOUIt PLANT. Richmond Machine Works (Incorporated) Suecassors to Mayo Iron Worka, Inc., > Madlnou 4180, -lot Haut Mttiu StrccL That means YOU. The free, independent American citizen who has the means and the intelligence to gratify his taste in a simple, normal way is a KING?-nothing is too good for him. The richest, biggest man in the world cannot buy anything more delicious, more wholesome or more nutritious than and Strawberries?the most luscious product of the American garden combined with the cleanest, purest, most nutritious cereal food. f. Nothing so wholesome, nourishing and strength? ening in Spring or Summer as Shredded Wheat combined with berries or any other fresh fruit. Heat the Biscuit in the oven to restore its crispness; then cover with strawberries, raspberries or other berries and serve with milk or cream, adding sugar to suit the taste. A dainty, delicious delight for the palate that is tired of heavy meats and soggy pastfies. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream and a little fresh fruit will supply all the energy needed for a half day's work. Try it today. THE ONLY CEREAL BREAKFAST FOOD MADE IN BISCUIT FORM flames. The origin of tho fire Is un? known. Father and Sou Drowned. Ta.mpa. Fla., March -3.?AlbertMacy, superintendent of th" Tampa Electric Company, and his ten-year-old son. Robert, were drowned in the back water r,; the Pillsboro River this af? ternoon. The hoy was poling a boat When he fell out. The father spranc after Iiis son, and both went down ] together, The bodies have not been i recovered. Hungary Han U'0,Sr?0,700. Budapest, Hungary. March 23.?The official census shows Hungary to have a population of 20.S50.700. This is an increase in ten years of 1,596,000. Police Court Cases. In Police Court yesterday morning Esnan tiel Kaln was convicted of carrying conceal? ed weapons. He was line ?.> and required to give security for one year In the sum of $100. Kaln drew a pistol while engaged la a row at ICS Mayo Street several days ago. Thomas Williams, colored, got ninety days for stealing 510 from A. Coles. He noted an appeal. Charles Scott, colored, went to jail for six? ty days on the charge of stealing brass to the amount of $3.60 from Clarence Cosby. Jennie Clark, colored, paid J25 and gave security of 5100 for ninety days for beating Lucy .Smith. l>oturo on Holy Land. Dr. Ii. M. Wharton; of Baltimore, will de? liver his famous lecture, "A Horseback Bide Through the Holy Land," at Grove Avenue Baptist Church to-night at S o'clock. Mr. Bush, who has been leading the chorus dur? ing the special meetings, will remain in the city for the lecture, and will sing "The Holy City.'? The lecture I? under the auspices of tho Ladies' Aid Society of the church, and the many friends of Dr. Wharton and of the church are Invited to be present. Many Are Baptized. Twenty-eight persons were baptised r.t Grove Avenue Baptist Church last night as ! the result of tho revival meetings just end- j ed. In which Dr. II. M. Wlurton. or Baltl-I more, did the preach Frig.A good many others, are to he baptized Sunday night. Bev. W. | C. James, Ph. By, the pastor, made a ?h?rt talk preceding the ordinance. Goes to t'owhatuu. Arthur Ford, rocenjly arrested here on a felony charge from Powhatan. was turned over to the authorities of that county yes? terday. AMUSEMENTS Academy?Blllle Hurke, in ??Susanne." Tiljoti?"GrnuKiurk." LuSiln?Vaudeville; Ulli!? Burke To-MglH. Miss Hillie P.nrke. one of the most charming; 'of American actresses, will present ".Suzanne," her latest comedy ? success, ttt the Academy of Music l"- j night und to-morrow, matinee and I night. The piece is an adoption from! the French, and under its original ti? tle of "Lo Marriage do Mile. Beule- ' mans." it was one of the big hltsi in i Paris lost summer, it is the work of two prominent Belgian writers. Franz ! E'onftoii and Fernand Wieheler. C. Had- ' don Chambers, the English playwright, author of "Capta-ln SJwift" und "The Tyranny of Tears." has made tho long- i lish adaptation for Miss Burke. Wrestling Match nt AHUevlllc. Ashevlllb, N. ('.. March 23.?In a han? dicap wrestling match here to-night George Wackenschnddl threw Dr. p.. r. Roller once in sixty-nine minutes, und wrestled after an intcrmdssion of ten minutes for eleven minutes, without' overcoming the doctor. The first fall was made oh a bar lock. Ilnckoitsohmidl ha.l agreed to throw pullet twice within ninety minutes. Davidson Defeat* Lennlr. [Special to The Timos-Dlspatoh.) fciavidaoh, N. C, Mutch ?Davidson defeated Lerioir College here to-day by the score of 7 to J. Th?- local team showed up in tine form, and had the visitors outclassed from the beginning. New York Americans Will Not Get Into New Grounds Dur? ing This Season. New Vork. March -3.?Although the New York American league Club has bought the lan 1 for a now park just over the 1 In idem River at Klng'ft Bridge, and some grading work has been done. President Furiell, It if announced to-day, hns decided not to attempt the completion of the grounds, Including the erection of a line new stadium, until next year. The lease of the present grounds on Washing? ton Heights does not expire until 1013, and when difficulties were found in the way of completion of the now park In time for use the latter part of this season h? was planned. President Far roll Is understood to have decided that it would be better-policy to postpone the northward move altogether, until next year. 3 CALLED OFF Good Field of Sprinters Out, but Track Conditions Pre? vent Race. Jacksonville. Fla.. March :::!.?The thirl race at Moncrief Park to-day brought out a good field of sprinters, but it was called off on account of track conditions. A. race of a mile and seventy yards was substituted. The fourth race, a handicap, was a feature. Aylmer, the winner of the Florida Spe? cial, was withdrawn, and Red Wine was made favorite. Deseomnetz, which was carrying top weight, won, however. Summaries: First race?selling. two-year-olds, four and a half furlongs?Irish Town (7 to 2) lirst, Tilford Thomas (10 to I) second, Yankee Lotus (:i to 1 > third. Time, :.i<>. Colleta. Lady of Palms, Nan? nie McDee, Gangnant, Chessniate, Hy nicka, Stylennt, Traymore and Little Dutch ran. Second race?selling, three-year-olds, fix furlongs?Bayer In ("> to _) first. Kinnollon (12 to 1) second, Myrtle Million (even) third. *rhhe, 1:15 Ldna Collins, Oakley, Sugar Lump, Co letter. 13arl Scuff, Semiquaver, Charley Strauss. Amerlcaneer, Golwick, Arch Duke. Kastern Star and Outcast ran. successfully maintained our su? premacy in the adjustment of Eye Classes and Spectacles for a quar? ter of a century past, and our un d equaled facilities for rendering the best optical service obtainable keep pare with modern and advanced methods. Prescription Work our Specialty The S. MAIN AND EIGHTH -AND? Optical Go, BROAD AND THIRD l Kodak Headquarters Special midwinter prices for re upholstering parlor suites. You can pay us in weekly or monthly installments. Our IB read has a homelike flavo. Best ingredients, improved facilities expert bakers arc the "reasons why." 516 East Marshall Street, 501 West Broad Street Third race?selling. four-year-old* and up. mile and seventy yards?Henry Hutchson (4 to 1) first. Joe Ro*o (S to 1) second. Lewis Reil to 5) third.] Time, 1:48 2-.">. Mamie Algol, Starover, i Gold Dust, Heart Pang and Christiana ran. Fourth race?three-year-olds and up.i one mile?Deseomnetz (0 to 2) first. Llla Bryson feven) second, Red Wine (out) third. Time, 1:12 3-5. Leamence j and Judge Monck ran. Fifth race?selling. six furlongs, three-year-olds?Marie Hyde (IS to !>>, first. Royal Onyx (S to 5) second, Mark Antony (event third. Time, 1:15 2-5. Dr. Barkley. Grandlsatmo. Hivcourt. Von Laer. Ida D.. Sandy Hill. Hiram. Starboard and The Moat also ran. Sixth race?purse 5-100, four-year olds and up, selling, one mile and sev? enty yards?My Gal (3 to 1> first. De? tect (0 to 1) second. Brevltc (3 to 1) third. Tlnif?. 1:49 4-5. Golden Castle. Pulka, Louis Katz nnd Discontent ran Captain Swanaoh fell. In Slow Contest Lafayette Is Defeated by Score of 8 to 2. (Special to The Times -Dispatch. I Durham. N". C. March 2U.?fn a slow j and uninteresting game Trinity ran ' away with l^ifayettc here to-day, de- ' feating the visitors by ? score of S to: 2, and playing an errorless game. Fou- j schee came up in the first arid drove \ the hall to left Held for two bases, and. i following a safe Infield hit by Bundy. | Thompson scored both with a hit by second. After a hit by Spruce, in the fourth, two wilt) throws by Ccthirqull h afforded another run for the Metho? dists. In the fifth* three hits, coupled with two error.-, added three more rVins for Trinity. One run pacli was made In the seventh and eighth. The runs made by Lafayette came in the fifth and seventh Innings, and were j earned. Fa gar pitched an excellent game, and was given very poor sup? port. He struck out twelve men. al- , ; lowed one base on balls. The tlve er- . rors which his companions made were i not to be overcome. j Gantt. for Trinity, pitched equally as j good a game, though .securing only ! eight strike-out's, but yielding live j bases on balls. Henderson played an excel lout, game at first, and Foushee, I Cooper, West and Thompson each se ? cured two hits. Cohovor, catcher, ; played an excellent game and did some j good Btickwork. Both teams play j again to-morrow. ! Score: R. 11. 15. i Trinity .2 ? 0 I 3 0 1 1 *?S 11 0 j Lafayette . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0?2 S 5 Batteries: Trinity ? Log Gantt. and I Spruce; Lafayette?Fa gar and Conoyer. j Summary: Trinity?Two-base hits. I Fouahee, Thompson; Lafayette?WU j Hams. Stolen bases: Trinity. 2. Sacri? fice hits, 1. Hit, by Gannt, I; empire, j Rowe. Attendance. li?O. i PI GILISTIC HXCOL'NTKHS XOT AS IIAn AS FOOTBALL Denver. Col., March 23.?Magistrate Gavin to-tiny dismissed the charge j against Jimmy Gardner, of Massachu? setts, and Johnny ?'Kccfc. of Denver, who were arrested as the result of I their pugilistic contest Tuesday night. I A charge was brought by request of I the Christian Citizenship Union, chars I ing violation of the prize fight laws. Magistrate Gavin suld ring contests j were not "half as bad as bull tights," commonly referred to as football. RICH M0ND~ATH^f ICS WILL TACKLE PIRATES' TEAM - i The Richmond Athletics will pl.iy their flrfit game to-morrow afternoon I at Athletic Park, when they will moot I the Pirates' haaeball team. Athletl? j Park is situated at the end of the Falrroount car Hue. The Athletics arc members of tlije Richmond Amateur League and thpy I expect to put a team in the field thta I aeason that will make a good run for the championship: The Pirates are going to put a strong U*ajn ln the field this year also, and it is expected that when they cross hats with the Athletics on next Sat? urday an interesting game will be the result. DAXVll.I.E BASEBAU/ SQT7AO WILL [(ISFORT NEXT MONDAY [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Danville, Va? March 25.?.Toe Laugh 1 in, manager of the. Danville Baseball Cluh. arrived In the city late this af? ternoon from his home in Woodstock. He was accompanied by Outfielder Me is busy making arrange? ments for the squad, which will report next Monday. Transportation lias been sent for about eighteen players. Work, on the diamond i? progressing nicely, and the bleachers nro being rebuilt, while the grandstand is being over? hauled. TEXAS SPRINTER Wllili BE MEMBER OF OLYMPIC TEAM Sari Antonio. Tex.. March 23.?G-wynn Henry, the Texas sprinter, will be a member of the Olympic team that goes to Sweden In 1912. Announcement to this effect is made by L,. Di Benedctte, secretary of the Southern division of the Amateur Athletic I.Tnion. Henry win be the first Southerner thus hon? ored. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO R i A We have just gotten in a large lot of i Beautiful Diamonds, and have some spe . rial bargains to offer in Diamond Rings. I Gal! and sec them. OPTICIAN. Glasses Fitted Correctly. The Diamond Merchant, Seventh and Main Sta. RELIABLE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures of the tat?, est approved types not only are a com-, fort in a house, but a safeguard against' disease germs. McGraw-Yarbrough Co? 122 S. Eighth St., - Richmond, |U Out-of-town orders shipped quickly. J Take your best girl a box of Liggett's Chocolates the Candy P^r excellency. Sold in 14, 1, 2, 3 and'5-lb; boxes, 80c lb. POLK MILLER'S r EALTH for you On Solid Foundation Results Guaranteed Ask Your Druggist i About