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FAIR ASSOCIATION IS ORGANIZED IN ORANGE Annum Exhibition* Mill Ue Given. Relics of War UctWecn Stute? l'ncurt?cd. I8pccial to The Times-Dleoatch.l Fredcrlcksburg, Vn, March 27.?The Fair Association of Orange county haa been organized, io give annual exhibi tionn, the following being the officer? for tho first year: W. W. Sanford, prca ident; Georgn \V. Barbour, T. K. Bow. 13. G- Leigh, vice-presidents; M. C. War? ren, uecrotary; V. P. Shackcltord, treas? urer; Directors?George T. Marshall, T. L. Gillum, Dr. J. S. Andrews, E. V. Hoffman,-.13. ?F. Summers, W. F. Jones, lt. D. Browning, .). N. Andrews, Leo rannlll, 11. O. Lyne, 13. J. WoodvlUe, G. E. Wangli, AVIS????? DuPont, L A. Rhodes, IT. T. Holladay, B. F. Solby, ft. P. Iloberton, Ch?rlc? N. Harris and N. 'A. W?lfel. V/. G. Beano, of Lancaster county, lost a cargo of 50,000 feet of lumber i in a atorrn a few dayB ago, when the schooner on which the lumber was loaded .was wrecked in the Chesapeake Bay. Harry L. Marchant has been appoint? ed farm demonstrator for Middlesex' county. Edward Brown, of Stafford county whipj plowing, upturned a rille barrel an old canteen and an old knife, rel? ics <->f the War Between the States. The knife waa in a perfect state ol, [ preservation except for the rust on the blade, and on the handle' was cut the Initials H. A. N. The handle is of walnut wood, and had become, petri? fied. It Is evident that these relics were left by some of the Federal'troops during their encarjpmcnt In Stafford county, near this city. In the sixties. While on his way to this city from Spotsylvanla county, William F. Kent ? had his log broken. Becoming cold, lie walked beside his wagon, which was loaded with railroad tics, stumbled over some rough ground, fell, and the wheel of the fftgon passed over his left leg, breaking It above the ankle. FOUR BURNED TO DEATH. Washlncrton Minister Oets Distressing Ncwi From Ills Son. [Spoclal to The Times-Dispatch.] "Washington, N. O., March 27.?Rev. J. B. Bridgers, pastor of the Methodl6t Episcopal Church, of Bath, N. C, this county, received a telegrem this morn? ing fro .i his son, Rev. L. B- Bridgers. s. traveling evangelist, stating that h's wife and threo children had been burned to death last night at Mlddle boro, Ky, .Tho wire gave no particu? lars In regard to the deaths. Rev. Mr. Bridgers, the husband and father of those burned. Is expected to arrive in Bath some time thH week. Miss Bridg? ers, a sister of the bereaved husband, '.lyes in Portsmouth, Va.. and has gone to Mlddlesboro to attend the funeral. R?V. ?Ii B. Bridgers was appointed by Bishop .liCndrlx to Bath circuit ?t the last district conference held in Eliza; both City several months ago. A UeSted Deserter Held. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.'] Danville, Va., March 27.?Eddie Wil? son, a young white man, is being held In Jail here pending the arrival of a United States army officer, who will come for him. Wilson was arrested here charged with being a desert'; from the army the early part of the winter. He was at work here in the cotton mills when arrested._ Great Victor Factory All the New Records Ready for You To-Day Victor Machines, Victrolas On Easiest Terms Phone Madison 3 1 3, or call in and hear the Victor in the Richmond Vic? tor Home. Walter D. Moses & Co., Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina. With Big League Teams in South Kansas City, Mo., March 27.?Joe Birmingham's squad of the Cleveland American League baseball team de? feated tlic Kansas City American As Boclgtion team to-day. .Score: R. H. E. Cleveland . 12 15 0 Kansas City . 5 S 2 Batteries: Falkenberg, Young and Smith; Powell, Owens and James. Wiu Out In Ninth. Chattanooga, Tonn.. March 27.? Hummers three-bane hit scored D^u LNO WAI.TtJ _J* ft If^you are tired of foeino"tu.rneci down" when el I j/ou want ij ? a. c hanc ce ? o nn a i<e a, > i v/ I neg. Qeton board.a Santa Fe TburijtCar (wide berths, drejjing*roomj for ladiej. jmoking compartmentj for~ entlemerV) ardenjoyan ineypen/ive trip to San Joaoaia Valley, California, wh there'5 a fine, livirxcj; the land, and home, ofj/our own. ere, a. Until April 1 0 Railroad fare only S33 from Chicago to California. Double berth in Santa Fc tourist sleeper, $7 extra. Stop-overs allowed for Grand Canyon and Salt River Valley, Ariz.; also at all points in California. Person? ally conducted excursions. Fred Harvey meal service. Gm. 0. Dillard, Gen. Agt., 377 Broadway, New York City. Also write C. L. Seagraves. Gen. Colonization Agent. 1009 **?Jllhoway Railway Exchange. Chicago, for San Joaquin Valley book and ?t six -months' free subscription to 7*/ir Earth. " O'er Hill or Vale, They Never Fail." Has all the good qualities of the largest Electric Trucks and is built to satisfy the demand for a light delivery vehicle. T/hcy arc easy to operate, economical to run and particularly adapted to the require? ments of GROCERS, n Ali 1011 S, I.AlNnitlES, CLIS AX IS IIS, COVFKCTIOXEns, PARCEfl DELIVERY, It ETA 11, I\J EH CII A.NTS, ETC. Ti- attractive and a good advertisement for the progressive es tablishn Electric fmicles will do your work better than horses at consider? ably less-expense. Kerip pace with the times?use. the Electric Vehicles. . , Virginia Railway & Power Co., v .- Seventh nnd Main Streets, Richmond. Va. Publicity "Bureau' of "'Richmond. bcrt from first with the winning run in the ninth inning in to-day's game between Chattanooga and Brooklyn. Score: R- **. E. Chattanooga . 2 6 ~ Brooklyn .3 6 * Batterie.?. Covaleskie, Demaree and Ulsans; Barger, Schardt, Fisher and Erwin. Win by Timely IIIttlnj? Nashville. Tenn.. March 27.?By timely hitting in the sixth inning the Chicago Cubs scored five runs this of ternoon and took the game easily fro*ro the locals by the score of 8 to 4. Southerners Fall to Score. Charleston. S. C, March 27.?In the first of a two-game series, the local Sally League team was defeated by the Philadelphia Nationals 10 to 0. Detroit Weak at Bat. Memphis, Tenn.. March 27.?Memphis was belter than Detroit at th6 bat to? day and won, 4 to 3. Detroit Colts Win. Dallas, Texas. March 27.?The De? troit colt team defeated Dallas to-day 2 to 0. Wlllett pitched the entire nine innings for Donovan's squad, and was never In trouble. The same teams will play to-morrow. Hnrd-Fought name nt Atlnuta. Atlanta, Ca., March 27.?The New York Americans won In a hard-fought game with the Atlanta Southern Leaguers here to-day, 10 to S. Athletics Win From Columbia. Columbia. S. C, March 27.?Tha World's Champions to-day defeated Columbia by a score of 7 to 3. Lord and Baker made home runs. Austin I.ones to Xerr York. Austin, Texas, March 27.?The New York National second team defeated the Austin Texas League team here to-day, 6 to 4. Meridian Team Defeated. Meridian. Miss. March 27.?The Min? neapolis team of the American Asso? ciation defeated the Meridian team of the Cotton States League by the score of 7 to 1. WIXS CHAMPIOXSHIP MEDAL. Gilbert N'ickoll? Makes Remarkably Varl Card of 141. Pinehurst. N. C. March 27.?A r? markably fast card of hi won the championship gold medal for Gilbert Nieholls, a professional, in to-day's thirty-six hole round of the open event of the annual united North and South golf championship. Donald Ross, pro? fessional, was second in 14S. and his brother, Alexander, third, In 151. Walter J. Travis, former British and American champion; William C. Fownes, Jr.. national amateur cham? pion, and Charles Evans, Jr., of Chi? cago. Western open champion, were first, second and third among the ama? teurs, with scores of 155, 151 and 1?2. Bout I? Called Off. I Memphis. Tenn., March 27.?An eight round bout, between .Tack White of Chicago, and Joe Mandat, of New Or? leans, scheduled to take place to-day, was called off because of an Injury sustained by the Chicago man. In walkimr about his room at a local hotel White stepped on a piece of broken glass, cutting a deep gash In his right foot. The wound Is not con? sidered serious. MbtslNNllipi Coll OK? I.OM'N. Clinton, Miss.. March ?7.--The hawa ball team of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College defeated Mis? sissippi College here to-day 5 to 2. Victory for Princeton. Princeton, N. J., March 27.?Prince? ton defeated New York University In a seven-inning game here to-rtav by Ithe score of 10 to 5. NO APPROPRIATION . FOR BOYS' CORN tL?B .Honey Withdrawn by Supervisor*. Who Claim Tlint Politics la - Being Played. (Special to The Times-Dispatch. I Statin ton. Va.. March 27.?The Board of Supervisors to-day withdrew an ap? propriation of $400 for a boys' corn idub. The board recommended Nathan Parkins for appointment as instructor, but T. O. Sandy, the State representa? tive of the Department of Agriculture, recommended to the. department an? other person, and the board claimed politics was being played, and with? drew tho appropriation. . -The board' raised the county road "levy from SO to 40 cents on tho $100. which will Increase the road fund 41G.: 000. .ludge Letcber, of the Circuit Court, went before the board and urged that the -old tail be hold, and a new lot be bought and a modern Jail erected. Ho severely criticized the present anti? quated jail. "Travel, Travel Little Star" Victor Purple Label Record No. 70033. Twelve-inch, $1.25 It is only natural that such clever, versatile and amusing comedians as Montgomery and Stone should join the ranks of exclusive Victor artists. And for their first number they have sung the funny "Travel, Travel Little Star", which is scoring a big success in their produc? tion, "The Old Town". . This Victor Record is a perfect copy of their voices and mannerisms, and can be heard at any Victor dealer's. Ask him for an April supplement which contains a complete list of new single- and double-faced Victor Records with a detailed description of each. with the April list off new Victor Records \ To get best results, use only Victor ISeedleo on Victor Records And be sure to hear theVictor-Victrola Now wasn't It a great Improvement? We play 'cm a sain to-day. Bet a kopec that we win. Did you notice Jlmmle Sullivan? Guess he wasn't there with the trusty willow. Two times up and two bln glcs where they were not. George Cowan also got his In the right place, and so did Lodge. Guess we haven't got a likely brace of catch? ers. .And, folks, take youv hat off to h'g Hall. lie came here, paying his own way, went into the box yesterday and pitched a great game, allowing but two hits in his three innings. And not a run would have resulted if there had been clean fielding behind hi in. Don't want to be hard on Clauser, but he doesn't look like league timber after yesterday's showing. Six errors are quite a bunch to have in one game, and there could have been sev? eral more charged but that the leniency of those scoring made allowances. It may be that the boy Is suffering from stage fright. If he is, he wants to get over it. I would like to sec Sullivan try Baker at short. Martin at second and Pfahler at third. Bv the way, Pfahler is going to play third to-day if yesterday's arrange? ment holds. Farrell's line-up will be about the K?me. McCabe is sore all over, and that's why he has not shown up to such good advantage. Notice the way that boy Raker is hitting this season. He Isn't bragging about himself as a sticker, but Is will? ing to wager that he does a great deal better than he did last season. We came pretty nearly getting Dan? ny Kauft, only he is homesick and wouldn't stop in Richmond. Pretty good showing for only two games together, and it is going to bo even better to-day. Don't forget that we outbattcd thorn. Any Lady May Do It At Home. Costs Nothing to Try. livery Woman tn the World May Save Some Drunkard. At last, drunk no more, no more. A treatment that is tasteless and odor? less, safe, absolutely so; heartily in? dorsed by temperance workers;* can be given secretly by any lady in tea. coffee or food: effective in its silent work?the craving for liquor relieved in thousands of cases without the drinker's knowledge and against Iiis will. Will you try such a remedy If you can prose Its effect, free to ybhV Then send the coupon below for a free trial package, to-day. FltEE TRI A L PACKAGE COUPON. Dr. .1. W. TTalnen Company, 1200 Glenn II dir.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Please send inc. absolutely free,' by return mail, in plain wrapper, so that no one can know what It eon tains, a trial package of Golden Remedy to prove that what you claim for it Is true In every respect. Name .,. Street . City .,. State. Just a, case of too many errors, and they -were made at one point. What should please every fan is the way Sullivan keeps his men informed what to do. He watched every play yesterday, and was coaching every minute. Some catcher, too. Dutch rtevelle's arm must be mighty sore. Imagine Dutch doing the un? derhand stuff. Bob Pender need hove no fear about holding his Job In the Eastern League If he keeps up the standard of work he has done here thus far. Not a sin? gle criticism could be found, even it we were looking for it. Made just one mistake yesterday, and that was when he announced that Revelle would go in for Richmond. Wait for the amateur league season to begin. Then watch for some real baseball. Charlie Cowardin Is In our midst, and he denies that he is writing sports on the Roanoke papers. 'In fact, he denies that anybody is writing sports in the Magic City. Had a visit from W. C. Thatcher head of the Spaldlng agency in Wash? ington. He is here to try and give a pennant to the Richmond Amateur Baseball League, which will doubtless be gratefully accepted. Also he promised me a score book with my name on it. The Richmond Bowling Association will banquet its members and the press next Monday night. Frank Bll lcy is goln?r to be toastmaster and Zack Woodall and Jay Lewis are down for toasts. Zack will speak upon "The Pleasure of Attending Bunqucts." and Jay will discourse upon "How Quick? est to Recover From the Effects of a Banquet." The association, or as many of the members as survive the speeches, will reorganize into a permanent body. AMUSEMENTS Academy of Music? Dark; Bijou?"The Thief,"' nintiuce and nitfltti Lu blu?Vaudeville. Good Performance of Fatuous Play. Again the Bijou has proved itself to be a great Institution. Last night the management presented one of the mas? terpieces of one of the world's great? est playwrights?"Tho Thief." by Henri I Bernstein?and presented It with a company which, for the most part, was exceedingly satisfactory. Those who havo never seen this famous play will do well to visit that popular priced playhouse this week and learn why the piece has been one of the great successes of tho last few years. Blanche Shirley, as Mme. Voysiri, | gave an intelligent, careful perform- j ancc, and. in tho big second act. held ' the house throughout a most trying! j<ccnc. Isabel Sherman, a woman with a wonderful figure, read and played I well and pleasingly the part of Mine. ! Lagardes. I\ It. Mcrsomc overplayed 1 the detective?he was so apparently! "acting" all the time, llullott Thomp? son was smooth, easy and convincing in the difficult role of Richard Voysin. So good was ho that the would-be helpful suggestion is offered that he use more of his very good voice, especially at this season of the year, when half of the house can't hear because of the unavoidable coughing of the other half. The usual noisy Monday night audience packed the house. It clat? tered down the aisles until nearly 9 o'clock, but it sat In tense silence during the big moments of the .second ? ict. and showed its appreciation by numerous curtain calls. Altogether, an excellent perform? ance, w. d. a. A Ft lie Birthday Party. i Although the Colonial Theatre, this week, is only three years, old, it is .giving a birthday party of full grown i up size?a show so good nnd so popular that tho attractive playhouse is not large enough to accommodate the I crowd which clamors for admittance, i Manager Lyons wept hitter tears last night beca?80 his house Is not as largo las the Hippodrome, for there were hun? dreds on the sidewalks who longed to 'sec the beautiful ami shapely Uos<> Seldom billed to do everything but read i and write, while swimming under wa? ter in a plaleglfiss tank. The ladv is" -all her pross agent claims and very much more. In fact she should discharge the scribe for ti Ring but half the story. Miss Sehlon appoara in black swlm 1 mlng lights, looking enough like An The happiest thing you can do for your home is to let us furnish it with a Standard Prices. Accommodating Terms, Largest Stock of Records It is an added pleasure to sit in one of our sound-proof rooms while making your selection from our complete stock of records. NEW RECORDS OUT TO-DAY 213 East Broad Street. netto Kellcrman. the female human. fish, to be her stster. , In these suffragette days very few women are able to oven sew In their boudoirs, but Miss Seldon performs the trick under water and then devours 0110 of the Chevalier's best bananas, jus-t as though she really enjoyed it. The act closes with a wonderful dis? play of fancy diving, as graceful and artistic a performance as any ono could wish to see. P. F. Anntc ItuKHCll in "Gordon'n Wife." Of recent seasons playgoers have shown a decided liking for plays which show the human side of life as it is to-day, such as "Alias Jimmy Valen? tine," "The Deep Purple." etc. Now comes a new comedy which is quito different from these, but which, like them, deals with things of to-day? "Gordon's Wife," in which Miss Annie Russell will appear at the Academy to-morrow night. The star, who comes hero under the management of Llehle* & Co., appears to have ono of the best roles of her long career. Will Present "The Ulvala." The R'chmond High School Dramatic. Club will play "The Rivals" at the Academy of Music Thursday night. The club has been rehearsing for the past two months, and a splendid perform? ance is anticipated. The cast Is as follows: Lydia languish. Miss Jeanette Stearne: Julia, Lydia's friend, Miss Annie McElroy; Mrs. Malaprop, Miss Terrcssa Johnson; Lucy, maid of Lydia, Miss Maude Randall; Bob Acres. Rob? ert Phinney; Captain Absolute, Will J. Parrish; Sir Lucius O'Trigger. Harold Call sob; Sir Anthony Absolute, Moses Breitsteln; Faulkland, Raskins Cole man; Fag. valet to Captain Absolute, Charles Montgomery; Thomas, coach man, Percy Hamlin; David, valet to Acres, Sam F. Padgett; Boy Otto Ham? ilton. JEFFERSON SCHOOL LOSES TO FISHBURNE Cadets Win !>y Score of 3 to 0?Kacb Tcnin Mnkca Only One Error, [Special to The Timcs-Dlspatch.l Char]ottesvllle, Va? March 27.?Jef? ferson School, after disposing of th? Richmond Academy and McGulre Schoo1 teams last weok, went down to-day be? fore the Fishburne Military Academy nine, from Waynesboro, the cadets win? ning 3 to 0 in a contest which went only six innings, a3 tho visitors had to catch a train. Both teams fielded sharply, desplto the muddy diamond at the. Horse Show grounds. In the third Inning the cadets scored two runs With two bags occupied, Stevens lined out a nice double, sending both run? ners home. Witli two down In the fourth, Moore knocked a home run over the left Held fence. Vandivei pitched a clever game for Jefferson. He fanned live and gave but two basos on balls. Score: R. II. E. Fishburne .00210 0?3 5 1 Jefferson . 00000 0?0 3 1 Batteries: Fishburne?Woods, Fravel and Moore'; Jefferson?Vandlver and Goooh, H Ask Your Dealer " Pompeian" is the purest, best, most delicious Olive Oil in the market for salads, dressings and general uses. Washington, D. C. mm Mm i Conn. Ave. & De Sales St Washington, D. C. American Plan In t lie heart of Fash? ionable Washington, convenient to ail points of Interest. Hlgh-Mlass accom? modations, with best of cuislno and ser? vice at moderate prices. Cars at door to Depot and all Points of Interest. T13UMS INCLUDE MEALS. SlngK Room, *:?.00 per day] SliO.OO per week. Double ltoom for two people, gti.OO to ?s.oo per day; ?35.00 to (50.00 per week. Double Tlooni and IJntli, for two people, 3S.0O to 912.00 per day) 550.00 to $70.0? per week.' Parlor, Ilcdroom An8 Hath, for two people, ?12.00 to 910.00 p*r dayj ."570.00 to yis.'.oo per week. Our ncr addition affords many additional comforts. Summer Senaou HARRIXGTON MILLS, Proprietor. . Ilitrkwond Inn, FITtEPllOOF, Shan nec-on-DclavTisrc, Pa. "?o?l