Newspaper Page Text
DAILY?"WEEKLY?SUNDAY. mm SminiM OfQce.SIC E. Mala Street Fouth Richmond.lOiiO Hull Street Petersburg Bureau...!lt? N. Sycamore Street JLynohburs Bureau.Il? Eishth street BT MAIL, Odo SU Thica One POSTAGE PAID Year. Mob. Mo?. Mo. Dally with Sunday.JC.CO JIM }1.60 .61 Dally without Sunday. 100 x.uo J.00 .35 Sunday edition only. 3.00 1.00 .to .Z3 .Weekly (Wednesday). 1.00 .60 M .? By Tlrnea-Diapatcb, Carrier Delivery 6er Tlce la Richmond (and auburba) and Foteri fcura?? One Week. Dally with Sunday.15 ceota Dslly without Sunday.10 conte Eunday ouly. 6 ceat? Entered January 27, 16C6, At Richmond, Vs., ai aecond-clo-es matter under act of Coa v" ??? of March 3. 1S7S. TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. AYCOCK KOlt THE SENATE. Charles B. Aycock has announced his candidacy for United States Senator from North Carolina. In a letter to Colonel Nathan It. Whitfleld, of Kin ston, he sets forth with engaging frankness the considerations which have led him to soy that If the pcoplt of North Carolina want his services ;i i Washington they can have them. He is a Democrat, and has "always stood on the National and State Democratic, platforms without question, believing as 1 do that the assembled wisdom of the Democracy of the Nation and State is far greater than my own." Ho "can? not under any circumstances enter Into a canvass with a view to presenting to North Carolinians my own deserts." They are already known to the people of his State; but when the* time comes for the opening of the campaign next year ho will tender his services to tho party organization to do battla In behalf of Democratic principles. Such speeches as he shall make then, how? ever, "will be made in the service of the Democratic party and without re? gard to their possible effect upon my own personal interests." Rend this from Governor Aycock's letter to Col? onel whitfleld: "I shall make no campaign looking to my select Ion 'or the aoitatorshlp, ISy financial condition Is such that it is absolutely essential that 1 pursue my profession as a lawyer with un? abated energy until such time as the people shall lay other duties upon me. I iuivo no money to spend perfecting an organization, and if 1 had it I am convinced that the greatest evil of. this day, politically, is the "use of money In securing nominations and elections, and I therefore would hot use It If 1 were able to command a fund requisite for such purpose. ]n addition to this reason for refusing to attempt an organization In behalf o? my -candidacy, I have, a feeling that the senatorshlp would be worthies:-, to me If secured by any such methods. If. 1 shall go to the Senate 1 must go free from special obligation to any set of men, and/ therefore, under equal obligation to every man. Going to the Sonate In this way would put me In a position to give to the people the highest service of which 1 am capable. 1 shall therefore entrust my candidacy, without reservation, to tho people of the state, and shall hot seek to shape their selection by organization or by personal nppeals to them." If the people do not elect Governor Aycock after that statement from him, they are not what they have cracked themselves up to be. There Is no clap? trap -about ? It or about him: if they want him they can have him, but with his hands untied so that he can be of use tr, them after they take him. We have read nothing more refreshing than this letter of the first citizen of North Carolina touching n matter of the lar'gest-tmpf.'rtance to the people of that State, In which he expresses a. willingness to servo them: his proper Eenso of the dignity of the ofllce of j Senator; his purpose to organize no j campaign In his own Interest to obtain It; his honorable confession that his I necessities compel him to pursue his ! profession, and his honest and cred? itable view that "the greatest evil of xh'.s day, politically, is the. use of money In securing nominations and elections" It Is an even bigger and better thing really to enjoy the dis? tinction of being a private citizen with clean hands than to be a United States Penator who has become such by the use of money or resort to any of the cheap arid unworthy methods which neve so often resulted in the attain? ment of this high place. Jf the North Carolinians are what they used to be it will hot he necessary for Governor Aycock to say another word. We have not the least Intention of taking pari In the Senatorial cam? paign In that State. Thorn are four candidates for ihe office, till very good men, wo believe, and all Democrats with variations; but we do not mind saying that Aycock Is primus inter pares, and that It Is such men as he thai would restore the South to some? thing like its old-time strength and ? glory in the councils of the Nation. WICKF.U WASHINGTON. The Northern Presby terians are mak? ing trouble !;s;;'.in. At their Gcneiai Assembly, now In session at Atlantic City, they have been discussing the abounding wickedness prevailing In the city of Washington and have made sug. gestloris which they hopo will result In the better observance of the Sab? bath Day, not only I:: the National Capital, but In all parts of the country under their ecclesiastical jurisdiction. BccatiEo of the prominence of Wash? ington in our national life, the Sab? bath Observance Committee think that den of Iniquity should receive their first attention and they have set forth some of the things which are done there that should not he done anywhere, as, for Instance: "On Sunday retail stores are open In many parts of the city, building opera? tions and street repairs go'on accord? ing to the will of thii crintrnrYor: news? papers are publish*.', both morning and afternoon, und tire\ <;rl<d out through tut, etreelB as op_ ptW days. Theatres and f> nnd 10 cent shows nnd saloons are In full blast. "Sunday Is a popular ?linner and luncheon day In Washington society. Some Washlngtonlnns placo tho blame for it upon the diplomatic corps, whoso ?continental Sunday' Is gaining ground with the smart set of Washfngton. Nearly every Sunday sees half a dozen smart breakfasts at the Chovy Chase Club and an equal number of big din? ner parties: also match golf games un? der the supervision of the club. 'The sentiment that laboring men should strike for a six-day week us well as an eight-hour day Is growing and meets tho approval of labor lead? ers" All of which is respectfully submit? ted, and much of which Is undoubtedly true. Among tho resolutions embodied In the report was one to the effect that college presidents and faculties be re-1 quested to abolish Monday morning j recitations so that students would not! have to study on Sunday, and It Is not | at all unlikely that this part of the re. | port will have the unanimous approval | of the students. Objection has been j made by a number of ministers to tho stringent recommendations of the com? mittee and particularly to the abolition of hot meals on Sundny so that tho servants might rest, and they protest that what is wanted is a sane Sunday nnd not the Sunday which some of us used to enjoy. The stricter the better,' say we?can't make it too strict to suit us; but we doubt that any substantial | progress is to be made by attempts to' legislate morality Into any people, par-! tlcularly Into the people of Washing? ton. However that may be. a bill was in? troduced in the Senate ycstordd.v pro? viding, for tho proper observance of Sunday as a day of rest In the District of Columbia. It will not be satisfac? tory to tho people who have started this reformatory movement. For ex? ample In tho first section, It is pro? vided that "persons who are members of a religious society who observe as a Sabbath any other day In the week than Sunday shall not be llnblo to the penalties prescribed In this act (which cro line or imprisonment, or both in the discretion of the court) if they ob? serve as a Snbbath one day In each seven, as herein provided." That would never do, of course, because while it would compel the Jews to ob? serve their Sabbath, the only .-'ab bath In fact authorized and commanded by the Almighty, it would permit them to carry on their business on Sunday, which Is the day tho Presbyterians wish to observe. Some of the clergy of Washington have been much offended by the evil prominence given to thai city by the Sunday Observance Committee The Rev. Dr. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of Si. Margaret's Episcopal Church, doubts that "Washington Is more guilty in the matter of Sabbath desecration than any other Eastern city;" Mgr. .lames F. Mackln, pastor of St. Paul's Roman] Catholic Church, declares that "the' observance of Sunday In Washington Is an orderly nnd as dignified as in any city of similar size in the United States," nnd the Indies who hove given dinners on Sunday are practically, a unit in holding that there Is no harm in giving dinners on that day. It is n very lilfncult thing to handle and we doubL that it can be effective? ly reached by legislation. It can be reached only by bettar training In the family, and the more severe the legis? lation the less practicable will It he of enforcement. Wo notice that sev? eral trials for heresy are to be settled by the. General Assembly at Atlantic City and the. disposition of these cases will be watched with Interest by nil outsiders who will be curious to see how much these people believe In what they teach. Last year. It will he. recol? lected, thai the bars were let down for at . least one young divinity student who was goin^ to the Far East as a Christian missionary, although on his examination he was frank enough to say that he did not believe In the deity of Christ. Going to China to prdnch Christ without believing In Christ seemed to the lay mind a very remarkable mission for this evidently very sincere young man to undertake LET HAWAII WAIT. Into Congress there has been In? troduced it concurrent resolution which would put the Hawaiian Islands on tlie main road to statehood. The measure will have few supporters at this time, for li will ho generally looked upon :ls unseasonable and pre? mature Hawaii was annexed to the United Slates in IStiS, and became a territory two years later. Since their ? organization as a territorial posset:- j iSlori <>i tills country the Islands have made some progrc-Bs, but they are not j yet ready for tho conferment of those; tights nnd privileges which belong t<i full members of the Union. The population of Hawaii consists chlofly of natives, Chinese and Jap j ancee, with a good sprinkling of I Americans. The Americans tiro by no (neans strong enough in numbers to nil. the islands In a crisis. Hawaii is ambitious, but It Is not asking too j much of her that site wait longer. A PINl-J RECORD FOR RICHMOND. ! There are now only two cosos ol' typhoid fever In the city of Rich? mond; a week ago there was not n single case. The death rate last year from tills cause was l>7 to the luO.OUu of population; the death rale tills year lias been 20 to the 100,000 of popula? tion. Tb-', type of the disease, ho far as there ban been any manifestation of it, has beer, of the mildest form, only two of the cares having proved fatal, and they only after the patients had been In tho hat.da of tho surgeons for other treatment than that neces? sitated by this malady. Good water. Improved tanitutlon, active work by the health officers nnd the adoption of preventive mMfMr'-s have practi? cally driven the disease out. of this town. The total number of deaths from typhoid fever-In the regiutratlon urea of tho United States in 1909 was 10, 722. Tho death rate fell from 25.3 to 22 per 100.000 population, a* marked reduction from that of tho previous year, and nearly one-third lcua than the rate shown for tlia live-year period 1901-1005. Even with ttiis reduction, however, the deuth rate Is Rtlll twice as large as that in England and Wales; ' but the conditions have so greatly Im? proved that there Is grout d for hope that the disease will ho eradicated so that residence and travel In this coun? try. *Vill be as safe in this respect as In the best regulated countries of Europe, where tho disease Is becom? ing practically negligible as a menaco tc public health. Such, at any rate, is the expectation of the health au? thorities of the country. The conditions In Richmond, as thoy are In all Souchorn towns, have been hard, there being so largo it. number of indifferent, not to say dependable, people here, who have always been careless of their surroundings. The record made by Richmond Is one to be proud of," and with' Improved sew? erage and an abundant supply of puro water, und with cleanliness of living. It is certain that till the foci or this dread disease will he destroyed aha tho community delivered from its l a vages. The health officers, under tho directions of x/r. Ennlon Williams and Dr. Allen W. Freeman, bollevlng that It is cheaper and moro ellicaolous to prevent than It is to cure, have direct? ed their efforts to tho removal of tho causes. COULDN'T RUN OVER TJIF, WIDOW. Miss Minnie Belle McCrackon, a lass of twenty summers of South BuLler, Pennsylvania, has sued Samuel Leroy I'ortertleld, a railroad engineer on tho Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, for 55,000 damages for breaoh of promise to marry her. The story, as told by the New York World, la that the en? gineer and tho lady agreed mon a code, ono toot of the locomotive, whls tlo meaning, "I love you dearly;" two toots, "Be back to-night," and three toots, "Marry you to-morrow." When the three toots were sounded, Miss McCrackon got her trousseau ready and waited, but waited In vain fot? her lover, who went off and married unothcr girl, a dashing widow down at Clarion. Hence the suit for dam? ages. But what was the engineer to do when a widow got on the track, and he found that the only way he could shoo her off was to take her In, and In adopting this course, much as wo will all sympathize with tho love? lorn maiden at South Butler, we must look at the case In the light of rea? son, as tho Inter-Stntc Commerce Com? mission certainly will do when the ense reaches that tribunal, nnd give the prisoner the benefit of the doubt. GOOD ROADS I BETTER FARMERS. One result of good roads, according to tho Savannah News, Is that they have "raised a higher standard" among the farmers. Heretofore, it hus beon thought, declares our contemporary, that the easiest way to malto bettor farmers "and put agriculture upon a higher plane was it, nave the embryo farmer pass through agricultural schools and colleges and gat the science of It. That is an excellent plan, but it is interesting to learn, that "the building of good roads is bringing about very much the. same result among who have never spent a day in an agricultural col? lege." An illustration of this fact ,ln Georgia Is to be found in Sumter county, where within the last three years the county commissioners have constructed almost 150 miles of smooth and sightly sand-clay roads. Chair? man Frank Sheffield, of the Sumter County Commissioners,, testifies as to the Influence of good roads on farms and farming: "It Is this way: In the first place, good roads are an object lesson, but that alone would not bring about tills result; !t required self-interest, and that has come in the shape o? In? creased values of land." Land In Sumter county which sold three years ago for $15 to $20 the. acre now sells at from $10 to $00. The. re? sult Is that a man who three years ago owned a 100-ncre farm worth $1,500 to $2,000 to-day, has a property worth from 54,000 to $0,000. Iiis In? vestment capital has trebled or dou? bled. "He mu?t got moro interest and more profits, consequently, to m.ike It pay." This fact has resulted In double and sometimes greater Increase In the yield on ninny of the Sumter county farms. The farmers aro terracing their lands better than ever before, building walls where they aro needed, ploughing deeper, using more fertilizers und in every way contriving to mnko the same land yield two or threo times as much as formerly. In three years the good roads built have more than doubled tho property values of Sumter. They are still go? ing upward. "MY WHITE POLKS." It is n groat pity that Albert Bush nel! Hurt. William Lloyd Garrison the last, and some of their kind were not In Gnstonio, North Carolina, n few weeks ago when there was a notable dinner Illustrative of the kindly rela? tions subsisting between tho whites and tho old-fushionod colored folk's. At this dinner tho hosts were former slave owners. The guests were their former slaves. Those who dispensed ] Hie hospitality were those who had | worn the uniform of the Gray Immortals and their wives and I daughters. Tho guests wero the "mammies" and "uncles" of "bofo' "do wah" limes'. These guests were made moro than welcome, and everybody had a good time and felt at easo and at home?a condition loot is none too fre q'nont In the rein lions of the present p cncrutlons. Tho tlo of affection that binds the former slaves and thoir former own ors Is yet strong, though tlio nuinbor of each-Is growing very, very small as tho days puss on. Tho fidelity of the slaves to their owners fifty yoars ago is a prldeful memory 10 both races. Thcro wero times when the slaves hod It within their power to perpetrate fearful excesses, but be It said to their credit, that thj cloud of suspicion never rested upon them. None or few of them could have given the diction? ary doflnltton of "trust," but the black men and women lived that "trust" bet? ter than any have yet defined It. The striking recoil of the black man's fidelity to the helpless family of the Southern white man in the sixties 13 one of tho very best reasons why now and hereafter the Southern people should with patience and with appreci? ation strive to adjust racial relations to the end that there may bo a renais? sance of tho amicable rolatlons of the old days. Not the least tine part of that great epic period was that played by tho colored people. The Gastonla dinner was a pleasant occasion. The white-headed old white men saw to it that the white-headed old negroes had a good dinner, the best that the land ufforded. After it was all over they all sat around In <-lto "manner of friends and neighbors,'! and swapped reminiscences of the days that were. These were lauduiores tcmporls actl above crltlc'sm. "Old Miss" and "Mammy' sat down sldo by side and talked about the children of tho years that are Hod, some dead these many decades, some In haU forgolton graveyards and some on tho field of honor. The.i the old men, white and blaok, told of the hunts and chases and the happy times of their youth when they fared forth together on pleasure bent. The white people at Gastonla agreed with the son of a Confederate soldier from Georgia, Henry Grady, In hXa sen? timents: "I want no better friend than tho black boy who was raised by my side, and who Is now trudging patiently with downcast eyes and shambling figuro through his lowly way In lifo. I want! no sweotor music than the crooning of ' my old 'mammy,' now dead and gone to rest, as 1, heard it when she hold me In her lov'ng arms, and bending ; her old black lace above me stole tho cares from my brain, and led h\e smil? ing into sloop. 1 want no truer soul than that which moved the trusty slave, who for four years walle my father fought with the armies that | barred his freedom, slept every night at my mother's chamber door, hold? ing her and her children as safe as If her husband stoo l guard, and"ready to lay down his humble life on her threshold. History has no parallel to the faith kept by tho negro in the South during the war. Often five hun? dred negroes to a single white man. and yet through these dusky throngs the women and children walked In safety, a-d the unprotected homes rested In peace. Unmarshaled, the black battalions moved patiently to the fields In the morning to feed the armies thoir idleness would have starved, and at night gathered anx? iously at the house to 'hear the news from marste.r,' though conscious lhat his victory mode their chains en? during. Everywhere humble and kind? ly; the bodyguard of the. helpless, the tough companion of the little one; thai observant friend; the silent sentry In his lowly cabin; the shrewd counselor.) And when thV dead came home, a I mourner at the open grave. A thou-? sand torches would have disbanded I every Southern army, hut not one Was] lighted." Of such were those whom "my white: folks" ho .ored at Oastonla. .TAPANOPnODIA. If there should ever be war between j Japan and the United States, Japan j will not provoke It. That Is the opln- i ion of Henry P. Bowie, an eminent California lawyer, who . has lived In Japan for nine years and who makes a vigorous protest In the San Francisco Argonaut against the malady which had appeared sporadically in different parts of this nation, and which the Boston Globe calls Japanophobla. Mr. Bowie enumerates the various small reasons for the American fear j of Japan, and shows that they are all unfounded. It Is true that Japan Is working day and night "to' make her army and navy stronger, but "are we to be deluded Into the belief that Japan, with her great war debt and with two such powers as China arid Russia for profitable enomies at no dis? tant future. Is unprovolccdly going out of her way to antagonize her earliest and best friend and largest customer ?tho United States, the most wealthy and powerful nation on the globe, with a population twice and a half that of Japan and with resources of money and materials of war practioally illim? itable? The idea, is preposterous." Those who seek to keep alive Japanophobla do this country no good. It almost gives ono the shivers to think about how the residents of Mon? ument Avenue must bo suffering from the cold these days when all the rest of their friends and. neighbors are fairly melting. It was learned yester? day from the best authority that "It was so chilly Sunday nigJU up there that blankets were required to make one comfortable." Down at Old Point last week, as we are also credibly In? formed, two blankets were none too much to keep out the cold. The crop of June'bachelors is flour? ishing. A New York court has sustained a man who kicked a bill collector out of his office. This decision is much more popular than the Standard Oil deci? sion. Get ready to buy commencement presents. . ', Denver has started upon nn elabor? ate post card campaign of advertising. Half a million cards will be sent through the malls in tho next three, months, ',1'heso cards.'If piled together, would make a stack ini feet .high. If placed on end they would strctch\ al? most forty mllcfl. Each of tho 40,000 school children In the city will be given five 'curds to moll to friends. Business houses will send them broad, cast. Tho cards will contain pictures of Denver anrf Colorado oconery. Tho post cards has found high favor as a means of publicity In lato years. The Montgomery Advertiser says that "aftor awhtlo thore won't bo a slhglc Democrat holding ofllco under a Republican administration. *' That seems hard, but tho Advertiser goes on to say, "becauso thero won't bo any sucn administration." Correct. Tho trouble with that professor who Is trying to dig proof out of llio Wyo River?that Bucon was Shakespeare is that he failed to carry any of tho IChariotie historians with him. Voice of the People Preserve the Confederate Rolls. To the Editor of Tho Times-Dispatch: Sir,?1 have Just read the communi? cation in Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatch of the 15th Instant from Bedford City, Ya., signed by Mora Klngsley Hurley, about the lack of Confederate records, e'tc. Many years ago, while 1 was a citi xen of Missouri, I thought of this lack of records, and I determined that I would do what 1 could to perpetuate tho names and fact of service In tho Con? federate army of thoso brave men und gallant boys who wuro in my company during the war. fortunately, I pre? served some two or three pay rolls of my company?Company 1'. Second Regi? ment, Virginia Artillery?and from them and memory 1 madj out an al? phabetical list of about 170 men and boys, who .wore with nie from the first rovclllo to the last tattoo, noting the deaths, the wounded, tho killed, etc.. Including a sketch of the company's service. Us officers, etc.. reoorded whole In a first-class book, ledger slio, UBing the best ink, that which Is gen? erally uBed In recording wills ajid deeds. I sent thij book, to my father, then living. Colonel R. H. Allen, of Lunun burg county, Va., inclosing an order of the County Court of the county, and asked him to take the book and order to the County Court (that was when we had County Courtsl. and mako a motion that the court recclvo tho book, enter the order on its record book, and place the Confederate book among the archives of tho county, which was done. I also wrote out In tho book u good tleal about the war. its hardships, suf? ferings, privations,- eta, making in all quite 100 or more pages of written mutter; and In the clerk's o?leo of the county that roll of honor will femaln. Men and women a hundred years henco?yes. a thousand years hence? can place their (Ingers on this or that name and say, "Hero is my an? cestor's name, written by tho captain of the company in which ho served during tho terrible War Between tho States. 1561-'65." On that roll are tho names of quite a number who lived In Brunswick, Dlnwlddie and Nottoway counties, as well as those who lived In Lunenhurg. What a contribution to history would such, rolls be. If every captain In every county In Virginia, and. In? deed, In the whole South, had done what 1 did! Is It too late to do go now? There are yet living a sufficient, number of the "old boys" to make out a pretty good list of their commands, If not all, a large number of them, procure an order of court to have them recorded In a suitable book, and placed In the clerk's olilce for sale keeping. It is a shame that so many men and woman born since the war, now with families of their own- can't tell in whose company their fathers oi brothers served during the war'. A few clays ago 1 read In the Petersburg Index-Appeal two letters from a widow In far away Arkansas, asking for In? formation about her dead hiisband's service in the Confederate army. His name was Tim Parrlsh. My brother in New York saw the letters, sent the paper to me, marked, and I immediate? ly wrote the widow, asking for a de? scription of her husuand, etc. I have, no doubt her husband was one of my soldiers, ana his name Is recorded on the roll of honor In Lunenhurg county clerk's office. It will be a grotlflcatlott to me, should It turn out that Tim Parrlsh, of Arkansas, was the Tim Par? rlsh of my company, to , give her an affidavit thut her husband was a Con? federate soldier and that his name Is on I.unenburgs roll of honor. Is It worth while, Mr. Editor, to make out such a roll of honor In every county in the State7 Will tho day ever come wnen our grandchildren and their grandchildren will not care to know from whom they arc descend? ed? I hope not, but I do sometimes "think that it is strange. Indeed, that young men and young women now liv? ing don't seem to take much interest in Confederate records. Respectfully. C. T. ALLEN. . Cochran. Brunswick county. Doenn't Llko Mr. Urynn. To the Editor of Tho Times-Dispatch: Sir.?This Bryun rule or ruin policy is. becoming somewhat serious. Some? how his dogged persistence in whinlnsrl over and hounding around the Demo? cratic party Is unendurable. Tho par-I ty must surely have dwindled to devil-j lsh small proportions to permit this man to define (?) what Democracy is, and then tell who shall bo voted for. His brazen ? impudence In Interfering with Virginia politics and dictating as to whether we shall or shall not elect Senator Martin tops tho intlnite of Insult. If the thing were not so hid? eously brazen-faced I swear It would bo really comical. ? Ho has well-nigh disrupted the party, and if allowed to continue his lead-er Ing, will finally bury it. If the solid South Is ever dissolved?which God forbid?It will be through the-loadings of Bryan; verdict, died of n Bryan. He has led three Republicans into the White House already, and will con? tinue to fill that houso with tho same kind so long as the Democratic party Is sillv enough or fool enough to sub? mit to his L-o-a-d-e-r-s-h-l>p?save tho mark. "How long wilt thou abuse| our nation, O- Catiline?" He docs noti Pretend to lay claim to the least mod? esty; then why should he expect others to respoct him"? As sure ns you're born, that fellow Bryan is tough. I move wo send him to Haytl and there ? lot him die. Can It be possible that this Willing .1. Bryan is on the payroll of the G. O. P.? It smells mightily tlwu way to mo If ho Is not ho ought to - he. "I charge thee, Billy, ning away am? bition; by that sin fell tho angels." '.'Love thyself last." Live and let live. Lot the party alone. It has a fair chanc/i for.success, now. Don't spoil It. TV.' P. G. After Almfer Street, Llhtlcu Sirccf. To the Editor of Tho Times-Dispatch: Sir,?I admire very'much your nlp qtieneo in behalf of Shnfer Street. Don't you think something ought to be dona for Linden Strcol. which lends to tho front.door of tho City Auditorium, whore nil tho great public gatherings arc held? It aeoms to mo that the city owea It to herself to ? pnvc this street nicely from Park Avenue to the \uditorlum, and then to keep 11 In i every respect and always In tho pink [0f condition. Don't vmi^owliiim.v Our Home Office has recently purchased 500 SMITH PRE? MIER TYPEWRITERS at an extremely low price. In order to move these machines at once they have authorized us to sell these machines at $25.00. The regular price is $35.00. These machines last as long, look as good and equal the work of anew machine. We guarantee them for one year the same as a new machine is guaranteed. The Smith Premier Typewriter is well and favorably known as one of the most durable typewriters on the market. This is an exceptional opportunity to save TEN REAL DOLLARS on the purchase of a typewriter. Do not hesitate, but call to-day. We also handle all makes of FACTORY REBUILT TYPE? WRITERS and a full line of Typewriter Supplies. Operating the Typewriter Exchange, 605 East Main Street, - Richmond, Va. Daily Queries and Answers Cnrurirlc Hero Fund. . t. What ia thu address of tho society] supported by Carncgto which awards j medals for heroic deeds? i 2. JIow may proper proof bo submit? ted for their consideration? 3. If merited, aro they awarded gratis7 "A. B. O." 1. F. M. Wllmot. Pittsburg, Pa. 2. Cet up testimony and havo it sworn to before notary. * ? 3. Yes. ? ?Vo .Mathematical Questions Answered T. G. Pool, of Vlrgillna, will kindly note that wo answer no mathematical j questions In this department. Tbat is our Invariable rule. Dancing; With a Handkerchief. In dancing Is It better form to hold the lady with a white or a colored handkerchief? HEADER. Use the white sort by nil means, as the other might discolor the partner's dress. The social usago of tho colored handkerchief is u very dlllicult art. und it Is always best to use the white kind, although It la unnecessary to use j a handkerchief at all, so far as dancing is. concerned. To I'rmerve Color. Is there any way to preserve flowera in their natural colors? M, Q. The following is the mode in which thv color ran he preserved; A vessel with a movable- cover and bottom la provided. Having ' removed the. cover from It. a piece ot metallic' gauzo of moderate fineness Is flxud over It and tho cover ropluced. A quantity of sand la then taken, sulllclent to IUI tho ves? sel, and passed through a slave- Into an Iron pot, whero It Is heated, with tho addition of a small quantity of. Stear? ine, carefully Btlrred, so as thoroughly to mix tho Ingredients. Tha quantity of stearlno should bo half a pound to lOo of sand. The vessel, with Its cover on and the guUzi beneath It. Is then turned upsldo down and. tho bottom holng removed, the flowers to bo oper? ated upon aro carefully placed on tho gauze and the sand gently poured In, so as to cover the flowers entirely, tho leaves being thua prevented from touch? ing oach other. The vessel 1? thon put. In a hot pluce, where It la left for eighteen hourti. Tho Ilowera thus be? come dried and they retain their nat? ural colors The vessel remnlnlnR bot? tom upward, tha lid la taken off and the sand runs away through the gauze, leaving ihe (lowers uninjured. Slat erM-ln-I.n ?v.' Two brothers marry two girls. Aro ihose two wr.m'-n slaters-ln-lriw? What Is a f-Uter-ln-ln wY M. V. W. A sister-in-law Is the slslfr'of o;v's husband or wife; also tho wife of one's In other; sometimes the wlfa of one's husband's or wife's brother. TO BECOME KNIGHT OF ORDER OF GARTER nv la marquise de foxtenoy. IN spite of the announcement that tho Investiture of th0 Prince of Wal's us a Knight of the Oriier of the Onrter Is to be of a private chfcraiir tor. it will prove to be a more solemn ceremony than anything of the kind that has ever taken place since the reign of Charles II.- It will begin with a chapter or the Knights of the Gar? ter In the Waterloo Chamber at Wind? sor Castle, where the voting prince Will have the gold collar of the order placed around his neck, the star nfllxed to his left breast, the Jeweled garter around his left leg. Immediately below the knee, and the mantle of the order hung about his shoulders. That will complete the ferimony In so far as tho chapter Is concerned. Hut for the t'.rst tlmo In near three hundred years it will be followed by u religious ceremony in .-:t. George's Chapel, which Is the chapel of the or? der. The procession will stc.-t from the Waterloo Chamber; and will be as follows; The Military Knights of Wind? sor: all veteran otllcers of the army, in fulr uniform. Their correct title Is really -'the Poor Knights of Windsor." They are deserving officers, without fortune, who ere given a residence within the castle, as well as an allow? ance In addition to their pension, and other prerogatives. They will be fol? lowed by the choir of St. George's Chcpol, by the Minor and Greater Canons of Windsor, by the heralds and pursuivants In their gorgeously em? broidered medioval tabards, by the pre? late of the Order of the Garter, who la the Bishop of .Winchester, by tho chancellor of the order, who Is the Bishop of Oxford, and by the regis? trar, who Is the Dean of Windsor. They In turn will be followed by Ganor Principal King of Arms, by (tie. Usher of the Black Rod, who Is Admiral Sir Henry Stephenson; and then will come thi Knights of the Garter, two by two, in their gorgeous Garter robes, the King and Queen, and the Prince of Wales. The procession will make its way by the Albert Memorial Chapel, through ' tho Horseshoe Cloisters, and will enter St. George's Chapel by the west door. The religious service, which will be of an Impressive nature, will then take place, and the Prince of Wales will then bo conducted to the stall assign? ed to him as a Knight of the Garter, and from which ills banner will be hung. In the eventng the IClng and Queen will banquet the Knights of the Order of the Garter; and much curiosity Is felt 113 to whether the Duke of Marl borough will be comprised dmong the guests. For on the occasion of the last chapter, held during tho reign of King Edward, tho duke did not re? ceive the customary Invitation to din? ner at the castle, whllo tho .duchess was Ignored altogether, these being manifestations of royal displeasure for the publicity which they, had given to their mutrlmonal differences. Sir Rogor Twysden's nccession, at tho ago of seventeen, to tho baronetcy of his distant cousin. Sir Louis Twysdon of Hoydon Hall, Kent?a baronotcy dating from lflil, nnd therefore, one of the oldest In existence?serves to recall tho extraordinary suit. I mny call It a cause celubre. which took place two years ago with regard to tho second baronotcy of this ancient fnmily: a baronetcy created In 1666. The name of Twysden Is a fnmllinr one to every reader of Thackeray, for it Is tho one which he gavo to his "Com? missioner of the Powder and Pomatum Ofltce." ; Tho first baronetcy, tho ono which has Just passed, through death, from a very old man to a boy, was originally bestowed by King James I. upon a knight of the name of Sir William Twvsdeu. of Roydon Hall, who had con? ducted that monarch from Scotland to London when he came south to as? sume possession of the throne of Eng? land. Sir William had two sons: Roger, who'succeeded to his baronetcy, nnd Thomas, who becamo one. of the lodges of the Court of King's1 Bench, nnd received In his turn a baronetcy from Chnrlos II., six years after tho lntter's restoration. For moro than half a century, and un? til the close of loon. It -was a baronetcy which was marked down In "Burke's Peerage," and In other works of refer? ence, as having become extinct In 1811. But some eighteen months or ,mpro ngo, a claim was put forward, nnd the litigation which ensued sarved to-dis? close a very Interesting; eighteenth century romance. Tt seems that at tho beginning of tho reign of George HI. the second of tho. Twvnden hnronctolos was held by S!r Roger Twloden; who spolt his name with an "l",lnstcnd of n "v." and) Who j was the fifth of his Una- He had .'three aons, the second of whom, Wll'lam, was a lieutenant of the royal navy. Invalided from his ship, ho was nursed hack to comparative health at the house of Mrs. Kirk, the widow of a fchlp'a t'UDiier, (that Is to say, a war ran: orhcer,) at portsea, and falling In lovo with her pretty daughter Mary, married her. llfs family, who wero Immensely proud of their ancestry, <l.itt::g as It did from Ada:a d* Twys 'len, who possessed the estt-tu Ol Twyiendeh, in Kent, in ihc reign oi Edward l.i wore beside themselves with indignation ai this mesalliance, would not regard it as a marriage at all, and declined to have anything more to do with William. In faei. Sir Hoger settled the family estates In such a fashion as to exclude his sec? ond son. William, and the latter's children, by his union with Mary Kirk. The eldest and unmarried son of Sir Roger predeceased him, and so, too, did Lieutenant WilHum Twisden of the royal navy. But Instead of tho letter's son Inheriting the baronetcy and the Considerable estates, went, by Sir Roger's HCt of resettle? ment, to his own youngest son. John P.ipillon Twisden, who assumed the title: a bequest of J5.000 being, how over, lett to the lieutenant's eldest boy. who was described In the will as a "natural," that Is to say. Illegiti? mate, son. This boy, who won christened John, was brought up to the navy, and waa shown, by the evidence produced at Hie trial, to have been the recipient of much financial assistance on the part of his uncle. Sir John Papilion Twlsdon, who evidently was endeavor? ing thereby to atono for what lie knew to be his wrongful possession of the baronetcy and estates. He also left him a handsome bequest at his death. Sir John Papilion Twlsden's own son and namesake succeeded to the bar? onetcy and estates,' and died in 1X11, leaving a married daughter, to whom he bequeathed the entire property, the title being regarded as having become extinct through his demise. It was this title that In the fall of 1909 formed tho subject of a suit, brought by the Rev. John Francis Twisden, of Bradbourn, Kent, and by his aged auni, Miss Emily Twisden, the latter a granddaughter of that Lieutenant William Twisden who mar? ried the gunner's daughter. Indeed, she was nominally the chief party to the suit, since the application to tho courts was not for the baronetcy, but for tho Judicial declaration and recogni? tion of the legitimacy of her father. Tho latter once established, tho bar? onetcy went of Its own accord to her clergyman nephew, but of course with? out any of the Twisden estates. Tho presiding Ju.dgo found In favor of the petitioners. For although all efforts failed to discover tho actual certifi? cate of marriage of tho lieutenant and of tho gunner'n daughter, yet tho cir? cumstantial evidence that the couple, were duly married was of such an overwhelming and abundant charac? ter as to carry. conviction that they were legally man and wife. Tho im? pression that they, wero not married soems to have originated with the re? fusal of the Twisden family to recog? nize tho gunner's daughter a3 William's wife, on tho ground of her humblo extraction; while ho was In such im? poverished circumstances, and so bed? ridden, that ho was unablo to make anv fight for hla rights. Tho trial was of the mo3t Interest? ing description, and entailed the pro? duction and the reading In court of all sorts of family correcpondcnec of tho Twlsdens, dating from a period prior to tho American War of Inde? pendence. Oltl Miss Enilly Twisden died six months later, having lived just long enough to act ns principal in the suit. Without hor assistance, her nephew, tho clergyman, the present holdertof tho baronetcy, could not, ac? cording to the peculiar provisions of English .law, have established _ his rights thereto. (Copyright, 1011, by tho Brentwood Company.) FOR RENT, Safe Deposit Boxes Which afford every safety and conveni- . encc for your valuable papefs, jewelry, etc., when you don't want them; and' handy When you need rhem. National State and City Bank of Richmond