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Results of Hotly' Contested Election at Washington and Lee. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Lexington. Vn..~May 22.?Friday the student body of Washington anil Dee University elected officers for the ses? sion 1911-12. The polls opened nt 9 A. M. and balloting aion tin tied until ji:30 P. M. Sevjrnl of the olllccs were hotly contested for. nnd during the en? tire day the campus ?'as m scene of streniiouj activity. ; Harry Moran, the varsity's star base bnll pitcher, was- elected chairman of ihe Athletic Association, without op? position. .!. T. Hobson, Jr., was elect-, td president of the student body. The 1 mos: hotly contested race <>f the day | was for president of the Una) ball. There wrro three candidates for this honor, and B. reter?, of Memphis, j Xcnn., was elected on tin- llrst ballot. | having received mor votes-than both of his opponents combined The re- | suits of the election are as follows: For ['resident Student Body. .1. D. | Larrlck. 214: .'. I' Hobson, .lr.. 256.: Vice-President Student Body, M. Brown, j ?73- P. R. W'tt. Jrij 194. secretary" i ?ludent Body. W M. Miller, 290; P. W M?r v. 17rt. President Final Ball.! Ci. 13. .-eters. 266: R. W. Pipes. 127; R. i A. Waddlll, 121. Chairman Athletic: Committee. Harry Moran. 190. Vice-] Chalrmas. Athletic Committee, VV. D. I Webster, 215; D. C. iwoomnw, 302. Sec- j retarv Athletic Committee. C. D. Ordo- i man."410; ... F. Burke. 9S. F.dltor of; Rihg-tum Phi. H. P. Baldwin, 217; S. ; P Harman, Jr.. 291. Malinger Ring turn Ph>. F. W. McWnhe, 332; ".I. R. Mcfov, ITS. Editor the Calyx. Hen j Kaden. T.96: .1. E. Marlin. 10S. Mnna- ; ger the Calyx, D. B. Owen. TieG; .1 A. j Hanna. 140. ACCinEXTAl.l.V DROWNED. Nesrro, HI With Smiillnox. Doses I.Iff? William Prctlniv Arrested. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.;] Suffolk. Va., May 22.?Fever-mad? dened from smallpox, nnd confinement under quarantine. Jerry D.mnhtry. colored, forty years old. wandered on the river front, was stricken with epilepsy nnd drowned. The body was found to-day. The coroner's Jury j-o turned a vorillct thai It was acci? dental drownlngj The quarantine to-day was lifted from every residence In tho city which had been flagged bocouso of smallpox contagion. William Protlow to-day was arrest? ed for stabbing Henry Cherry, and held for ten days to nwn't the result. Pretlow thrust a peanut knife Into Cherry's thigh. The bladebroko off nt the handle. The steel was Imbedded so firmly in the bono that tho etrongtb of two poUcomon and a doctor was required to pull It out with a monkey wrench. F.PILEPTICB WILD OO TO M1W COLONY AT I.YNCHnURO [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Staumon. Va., May 22.?A special car of epileptics will leave Staunton I to-morrow morning for tho now i rolony at Lynohburg, eriorted by the i superintendent of tho Western Stato j Hospital. Dr. J. S. DeJarnette, with a number of attendants. There will bo j th<rty-nlne patients, and others will I go latnr. as accommodations at tho rolony are increased. Ml SHOT TO PIECES Nerves Were at the Bottom of What Mrs. Martha H own Had to Endure for Years, Till She 'Found Out How to Help Them. Sevlervllle. Tenn.?"I never did be? lieve In patent medicines," writes Mrs. Martha Hown, of this place, "until 1 began to take Cardul, and It cured me. "Cardul saved my life, after the doc? tor had failed to help me. Since taking lt. I am stouter and weigh more than' J ever did. and look and feel like a now woman. "For six months before c began | taking Cardul, I could not do any-: tiling, nor hardly sit up. Now I can do' nil my housework, go where 1 please! and It don't tire me. "I used to get frightened at anything! and would Just fall down In a faint.1 and was so nervous, but now I am bet- ' trr than I have been in twelve months, atifl the. doctor, who is my own brother,! cays he never thought to see me look- i Ing so well." The benefit to he obtained by tnklng' Cardul Is not confined to any one part of the body. The whole female system Is benefited?the whole constitution built up. A pure, vegetable extract, es? pecially ndap'od for woman's ailments, f.udul Is the one remedy that all wo? men should have In Ihe hotis?, and use it h' ti needed Your druggist knows Do Yon Think she doesn't like- candy? Try her with si box ol Liggeti's to-day. SOc. per pound. Polk Miller's, The Rexall Store. Special sale of Silk Dresses, $4.98, Sd.98, $9.98. Worth SI2.50 to $20.00. Solid Silver Tea Spoons Of exceptional!; ? i weight and various Sandsome designs f\f\ Vi dozen to sei . ?)D?Ul/ Worth Iwire ih. price SMITH & WEBSTER, Inc. Jewelers-Vlpilcians, 612 E. Nluin St. Sunday-School Union Associa? tion in Yearly Session at Petersburg. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE IN JAIL Thrilling Runaway and Narrow Escapes?New Church Dedicated. Tlmes-Dlspatch Bureau. 10? North Sycamore Street, | Petersburg, Va., May 22. I Yesterday was Sunday School Day j In the Methodist churches In Peters- j lun g. The annual meeting of the Meth- , odist Sunn: y School Union Association; of this cltv and vicinity was helu in ] Market Street Church In the afternoon, | and was attended by a large asscm- j Mage. The association comprises eight, schools, and most of them took part; in the admirable program arranged, for the occasion. The annual report of the president. H. W. Smllhey. was a paper of much i Interest, and contained a sketch of the i work and progress of the union. The reports from the various schools, for the past month showed the fol- j lowing statistics: Average register. : ?j. IS!; average attendance, 1,774, or 79 . per cent.; collections. $222.50. There! wore forty-five conversions In the schools during the month, making a | total of 250 conversions for the yeai : In the schools. Olllccr* Elected. Officers for the ensuing year were j elected as follows: President. R. W. Smithey; Secretary, A. P. Bradsher; Assistant Secretary. J. B. Pettus; Treasurer. K. 11. O'Kennon. Tlie vice presidents?one from each church? will be elected at the next meeting ot the asso'ifttlon. -' tilgt'- Street Anniversary. The annual meeting of the High Street Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday school was held yesterday morning, and the occasion was cele? brated with appropriate exercises. Officers were elected and reports were! submitted. all of very gratifying character and showing the school to be in prosperous condition. This is the largest Sunday school In the city, hav? ing an enrolment of about 700. Tlie re? port of the secretary showed that dur? ing the past year the average attend? ance was SO per cent., the highest re? cord in the history of Hie school. liirUct Street Anniversary. The anniversary of the Market Street Methodist Episcopal Church was also celebrated yesterday. The reports of the board of managers, the treasurer, the secretary and the librarian were read, all combining to show that the school Is in fine and growing condition Officers were elected as follows: Pres? ident of Board of Managers, J. B Young; Vice-President. .1. R, Perclvall; Secretary, H. E. Wright; Treasurer ol School, J. W. Scroggln; Assistant Su? perintendent. W. B. Harrison. Board ot Manager?C. Nunnally. A. P. Bradsher. H. E. Wright. T. St robd, \V. M. Lewis, C. R. beatti, J. A. Bin ford, C. E Evans, Walter Spark)in. F: W. Tucker was chosen vleo-prrs ident of the Sunday School Union ar,d J. J. Prlcnard and Leland Young wer? elected representatives to the union The Quarterly Conference was re? quested to reappoint G. Cleveland Wright as superintendent of the school. Attempted Suicide. C 2 Crump, of Richmond, who was arrested Saturday afternoon on a war? rant charging the theft of a valuable gold watch and chain, the property of W. B. Harrison, and who was this morning sent to the Hustings Court for trial, attempted to commit suicide this morning after being removed from the Police Court room to the station cell. Crump denied the larceny, and declared that he did not know how the watch and chain got in his pocket. By some nieans he got hold of a piece or covered wire, one end of which he wound around his neck and the other end he tied to the top of his iron cage. He stood on the Iron bed In the cage to do this, and having done it he step? ped off. The wire whs long enough fur his feet to rest on the floor, but it is probable that he would have strangled but for the fact that his condition was discovered by a fellow prisoner, who called for Chief Hagland and the sta? tion keeper, anil Crump wus rescued Crump, it is said, had carried the wire around his waist; Tli rt I ling Ituuuwny. Robert Ullliam. Sr., clerk of the courts; .lohn B. Evans, City Sergeant, S. M. Green, Sr.. and Roberl K. Brunei,) merchants were among the pall-bear- j ers at the burial of the late A. S. U?rin ach, In Ulandford Cemetery yesterday. On their return troin the oemeters ? they were the Occupants of a hack I driven by Alex Valentine, colored, the', oldest driver and one /if the most care-i ful in tlie i-iiy. Instead of returning by llio usual route, down Main Street, they decided to lake the rond leading by the city pumphouse. On entering the dov/h grade of this road the hames slipped from the collar of one of the horses, diluting disarrangement of the! harness, and the carriage bumping! against their heels, caused the horses I to kick "lie! run away. The driver! managed to keep the horses In the road, and the occupants kept their' seats though at the curves In the road j the carriage swayed violently and was! , in danger of upsetting. At the curve! I hear tin- pumphouse bridge. Hm drlvei \ j fell from his seat and the horses kept on until stopped by running Into a 1 luj r bod wire fence, on the edge of. a j i ditch. Th<- occupants of the carriage! were fortunately not hurt, with the' I exception of Mr. Brunei, who had on? j of ins fingers mashed by the slamming j of the door They wore saved by the ! action Of the driver in keeping thr [ I team to the road. Valentine was se-1 verely cut und bruised by his fall, and one of the horses was badly cut by getting entangled In the wire fence. Had the carriage been upset and drag? ged, a different story might have to be told. I x ill i n (Inn of a New Church. The new Methodist Church at Carson in Dlnwiddle county, was dedicated yes? terday with Interesting ceremonies nnd in the presence of a large assemblage Bishop Alphous W. Wilson, of Balti? more, who was expected to preach'the! dedicatory sermon, could not be pres- I ent. and tlie Re.v. James Cannon, Jr., j D. D., discharged that duty. Presiding; Elder J. K. Jollff preached at the af-' j ternoon service. A splendid dinner ; was served to the people. A collection I was take up to clear off the Indebted? ness on the church, and $1.400 was J raised, sufficient to pay the debt. ". in. Aniiniili on Wife. In a quarrel with his wife on Sat? urday at their homo on GUI Street, Frank Howard (negro) made a vicious assault on the woman with a razor. Injuring her very severely. One slash are " D-E E-E-LICIO US! " Almost melt in your mouth, while ordinary Toasted Corn Flakes are tough and flat. Buy the Big Quality Red and White Package (above is exact size) 10 GENTS the price you have been paying for the little one of the razor inflicted a deep cut on! the left arm, extending from tho top. of the shoulder to the el how. It rc tjuired twenty-four stitches to unite] the gaping parts. Howard fled and lias; not been caught. Died lu Hospital, j Mrs. Lillian Soward Hall, wife of i N'athaniei 15. Hall, died in the Peters- i burg Hospital on Sunday after a few j days' Illness. She was operated on! on Thursday for appendicitis. Mrs., Hall wus In her twenty-ninth year, i and was much esteemed. She Is sur-1 vlved by her husband, one daughter,j parents and several brothers and; sisters. Heavy Robbery In Money. Tho saloon in Halifax Street, of: which K. CJ. McCoy (colored) is pro? prietor and Richard Dil lard is miina {They Inhale it and Die 2>1A.TJRER'S Insect Powder Npitr Falll. Died At Vrmi All UruaeltU. lOo and ?8< D. MAUKEK * SON CO.. JbUadJlphln. "Spring Tonic." Long Island Malt $1.50 Dozen. NUTRITIOUS APPETITE CREATOR. Hermann Schmidt 504-6-8 E. Broad St. ger. was robbed some time Saturday | nis'iit after midnight of between S3f>U and $400. The money was taken from the safe, which Is an old one, and does not fasten. The police are of opinion that the robbery was an Inside Job There was evidence of breaking out, but none of breaking in. The thief left a box containing $23 in sliver coin and several gold and ?llvcr watches In the cellar. It Is supposed the thief must have been concealed In the house when it was closed Saturday night. Judge Went to Hold; Court. Judge .Mullen being detajned In Roa noko all the week by the trial of Mayor Cutchlns, Jude J. F. West, of the Third Circuit, will preside in the Hust? ings Court this week, beginning on Thursday, when the criminal docket will bo taken up. Stute Council, 1). of fi. The fourteenth annual session of the Slate Council of Virginia, Daughters of Liberty; will convene in this city to? morrow morning, and will continue through the day. Tho body will be welcomed by Mayor Cameron on lie half of the city and by W. A. William? son on behalf of the local Councils Responses will bo made by tho State Councilor. Miss Willie Russell, of Dan? ville, and State Secretary Bradley, of Richmond. Soventy-flve delegates are expected. William IT. Wtllcox, of this olty, will be tho next State councilor. Dtnwtridlc Registration. It has heon reported, here for sev? eral days that the qualified vote of Dinwiddlo, by reason of. tho interest In politics, has been Increased this year to l.iOR. and the report has caused a stir In politics In Petersburg, where ?.hero are two candidates for the State j Senate, against John x. Harris, the, Dlnwlddle candidate. OenernI News. The Confederate veterans who went from Petersburg to tho Little Rock reunion have returned homo. They wore greatly pleased with their re? ception. There will he ten graduates from I the Petersburg HJgh School this year? i six girls and four boys. . . Eitter Struggle Between Rival Factions for Norfolk Post mastership. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Norfolk, Va., May 22.?National Commlttecuian Alvah H. Martin and the forces identified with the Cahell Crupper-I.owry wing of the G. O. P. party In Virginia, have locked horns I in another hitter light over tho Nor I folk post-office, and both sides have i carried the struggle to the Whi.e The new kind?Obelisk Flour Is now .a 15 per cont. patent. The only ono , in Richmond. Try it. Go to Cfaasie Trafieri for pure J imported Olive i OIL I Mad. 1220. 500 West Main St House. ? President Taft wrote National Com- ] mlttucman Alvah H. Martin on Friday, | saying lie could not appoint his man, S. B. Carney. He told Mr. Martin hp would name any first-class citizen, satisfactory to him and the adminis? tration. To-day Mr. iUfiiln sent to Washington the name of Major Clin? ton U Wright, assistant postmaster. No sooner had the Progressives, or anti-Martinltes, got wind of the Mar? tin move than a formal protest against the appointment of Major Wright, signed by eight of the city commit teemon, was wired to the White House. The fight this time by the Pro? gressives will he upon National Com mltteeman Martin. The last time it i was made on Carney. Martin's "right bower" In Norfolk county politics. Carney lost, but the fruits of the victory appeared to he with Alvnh H. Martin, because the president said ho would be glad to appoint any first class citizen recommended by Mr. Marlin.-If a Martin partisan goes in office It means tho Martin domination of Second District politics will be maintained, whloh will render doubt? ful tho fight made by Royal Cabell and Joseph L. Crupper to wrest con-, trol of the State organisation from Congressman Slemp and Martin. A. Gordon Stephenson is mentioned as a dark horse in the post-omco race to-night. It Is not . holleved that Branch Johnson and Captain H. B. Nichols w'll get the appointment. These two led the fight on Carney. YOUNfJ WOMEN IN.TUIIED. Horse Runs Avrn-y, Throwing Them From RuicfQ-. fSpeclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Staunton, May 22.?When Chesapeake and Ohio train No. 21 from the West enmo In at 10:30 o'clocy yesterday, Fnglnecr Johnson reported to the police an accident at. a crossing sev? eral miles out on tho Hebron Church Tlond, and said he would pny for doc? tors to go out and- look after the peo pie hurt. He didn't know exactly what had happened. Rescuers found that Miss Xancu Trimble, of that neighbor? hood, and her niece and guest, Miss Gladys Glass, of Clifton Forge, had been thrown .from a buggy on their way to church and both Injured. iSie horse, passing under the Chesapeake and Ohio bridge, had becomo fright? ened at the train and ran, smashing tho buggy. Both young women suf? fered severe bruises, but are' not thought to be dangerously hurt. No bones were broken. Both were brought to Staunton for treatment. Ceo. McD. Blake & Co., Inc. 00 Broad Street FANCY GROCERIES The new high-class up? town, store. SPECIAL HAMS. HAMS. We offer 400 Virginia Cured Hams, that are sweet as an Nut. ot too fat, nor too lean, but just right, at 25c per pound. Geo. McD. Blake & Company, Inc., 00 Broad Street Phone Monroe No. 512.