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flood beeide the two motormen and| platnciolhcs men riding In threes andj fours over the system stood ready to repel attacks upon crews and passen? gers. One detachment of detectives was attacked by a dozen or more men vho mistook them for passengers. Two i'f the detectives were dragged to tho street, but when they showed their re? volvers and shields, their assailants took to their heels. More than a dozen cars were pelted ?with missiles, and In each case blood was spilled. Mrs. Dena Delsengrum. of Yonkers. a passenger, was taken to a hospital probably with a frac? tured skull. A dozen persons. or thereabouts, were rendered unconsci? ous by flying stones, while many more sustained lacerations and bruises. The l Utting became so serious late to-day that many cars were turned back to the barns after having gone ltss than half way to Coney Island. Mayor Gaynor probably will bo tisktd to intetvene. AEROPLANES VS. WARSHIPS Jtnttle Practice Will lie Held With I Oreat Atlantic fleet. Washington. D. C. August 0.?Bat? tle practice between aeroplanes and battleships, a mode of warfare which the navies of the world have begun to Investigate, will have its tlrst trial in connection with the United states Navy manoeuvres of Provlncetown, Mass.. a week from to-ntorrow, when a series i f tests between Hying ma? chines and the guns ot the great At? lantic fleet o..ttle?hlps will take place. Heretofore the battleships have had some practice at aerial targets sus? pended from iLrge box kites, but these trials did not approximate the actual conditions that would arise when an noroplnnc In free flight sonrs over a Heet The aeroplanes will be fitted with pontoons, enabling them to rise from end alight upon the water. The aviaU'ra will try to drop dummy bombs on the decks of the ships, while the naval gunners will try to keep their machine guns sighted upon the long enough to enable thent 1 to cluiin a theoretical hit At night the Searchlights will try to pick up. the aeroplanes, a task realised to he i vastly more difficult than the discov? ery of a boat on a' flat surface. Then ) one of the swift scout cruisers is to ! be sent out to sea. and an aviator will endeavor to locate- her and report'1 her position by wireless to the llect off the coast. An attempt also will be ' made to use the planes to convey | messages, between the ships and the; shore. PRESSURE ON SENATE Favorable Action on Peace Treatle? 1? | Ueaired. [Special to The Times-Dispatch ] ! Washington, August ?;.?i reasure is I being brought to bear on the Senate to bi t favorably on the arbitration trea? ties recently slgnen between the United States and Great Britain and the United States and Prance. The only hitch apparently at the preset t time is the fear of the Senate that some of its treaty-making preroga? tives may be endangered by the new conventions This is denied by Secre? tary of State Knox. "While the scope of the treaties just signed." he declared to-night, "has been enlarged to Include questions of vita'. Interest and national honor, ex? cepted In the arbitration trentlos now) in force with France and Great Brit? ain, the relations of the Senate to the arbitration proceedings remains the s.irne as in the treaties now in force as will appear from the texts." Both the President and Secretary Knox are highly desirous of having the treaties passed by the Senate be? fore adjournment. Thanksgiving Service. East Northfleld. Mass. August 8 ? Three thousand Northfleld conference delegates Joined to-day In a special thanksgiving service over the recent signing of the general arbitration treaty in Washington. The event was taken is a fulfilment of tho scriptural ?.vop'.iesy that war shall cease, and llngllsh and American delegates Joined fervently In the service. WOMEN REFUSE TO BE DIVORCE CASE JURORS ?ohl My! Not" Su>u Spokane Matron. ??I Think Our Place Im at Home." Spokane, y^a-sh., August 6.?Ten wo? men drawn, fox Jury duty at the cum- j ing t-rm Of the.Spokane County Su-| perior Court eleclare' they will not' serve, unless compelled to do so by law. Mrs Sarah Wltherell, the first wo-j man drawn for the venire, voiced the! sentiments of her sisters 'n saving i that, while women should use their franchise in voting for good govern? ment, she believes jury duty is a man's work. "1 ve.ted because I am a taxpayer," she added, "and because 1 had the i right to vote " Mrs. Flora P. Atchlson ' Said: "There are certain coses where It is all right for n woman to servo on a Jury, but they are scattered. I will not serve if called. My home Is the place for me. I am not an advo <-ate of the erjual suffrage cause, al? though I think that women will he nbls to accomplish much good w'th their votes." Mrs. E. G. Hubbard told her story In a few words- "I prefer to stay at home, for 1 think that Is the. woman's jdaee. Women Jurors on a divorce case? oh. mV ho\" ? NEARLY A BATTLE Force? of ninneo und Estrada Almost In Claah. Jlia-rez. Mexico. August r,.?Hostili? ties between the forces of General Jose rtc la BlAico and those of Colonel Es "Berry's for Clothes' THIS IS FOR YOU (If you're 16 to SO years) A special suit designed by us for young men who realize that the unnatural shoulders and padded figures are no longer the leading style. The skill of our designer has retained the chesty athletic ef? fect and smooth full front. The colors and patterns are for young men not wedded to past traditions. $l2.7S%Ior the $20 Suits. $17.78' for the $25 and $28 Suits. Tubular Silk Scarves, 50c. tnda wore narrowly averted here this a I ternoon. The men became InvolveJ In a war of words as Blanco'* fo--.V! were em? barking on a special tri#n for Casas Grandes, where they will be stationed; Actual combat wa* preven'od by the ! hurrying of Blanco'i m*n Into tnc car*. The trouble apparently .vis a renewal of old animosities between Blanco'* forces and those of OrOtCO, which Estrada's present command was taker. 'General Blanco took with hint COO ' men, which will constitute the garri? son of Casas Grandes. Four hundred and fifty men are left to garrison this city, under command of Colonel Es- j trada. I WOMAN ARRESTED! FOR WITCHCRAFT "Nature Cure" Teacher Prose cuted by Landlord, Whose Chil? dren Began to Lose Appetite. Allentown. Pa., August 6.?On the j accusation of George Kipp, of this city. Mrs. Emma Immerman, other- | wise Munn. late of New York City..1 ?was arrested charged with being a1 Witch, and she spent some time in the city lockup as well as in the countv jail. She came here several weeks ago and hired a room at the Kipp home. Which la located in the nnest residen? tial section of Allentown. and started in business as a fashionable dressmak? er Her associate was Dr John F. Kloss. ti "naturopath" physician, of Bethlehem, and they were together al? most constantly. At times, it is said. Mrs. Immerman dressed In men's clothes, and several nights ago they got into conflict with the police in the city park for sitting on the grass They explained that they were devotees of nature treatment, which Included sitting on the grass, perfectly wet. They accumulated a class of dis? ciples. Doctor Kloss teaching the men and Mrs. Immerman paying attention to the women. About this time the Kipp children began to lose appetites, and the fam? ily became disconcerted over their guest. Night before last they left a note on her f>ed asking her to please to pay her room rent of one week's standing and depart, since they were afraid of her as a necromancer. Mrs Immerman claimed a credit amounting to more than the room rent for mak? ing a dress for Mrs. Kipp. Alderman Bower managed to adjtist the case, and advised Mrs. Immerman to depart from town, but she declares she will bring civil suit for being falsely accused of witchcraft. CRUISER IS STRANDED Goes on I,edges XeBr Where Nlobe Was ,, Impaled. , Halifax. N. S.. August ...?A wire? less dlspat' h received here to-night said the British cruiser Cornwall is i stranded on the ledges o? ?'.'/. pe Sable. I a few miles from where ih-5 Canadian flagship Nlobe went on th-' racks July SO. The message stated that the Corn? wall was not taking water, and ?ppa rfntly had sustained no serious dam? age. KILLS SON-IN-LAW Formrr Sergeant of Police Does Mur? der With Knife. Shrtveport, La.. August 6.?Appar? ently ins inc. I. V,'. Elnxweiler. a former sergeant of police, to-day cut the throat of hla son-in-law. William Burnham. with a pocket knife, sever? ing the jugular vein, and killing him almost Instantly. I.inxweller is held In jail. -?? - --?.-.- f--? Buffalo Lithia Springs Hotel Open June 15th to September 30th Only. The buildings are on the cottage plan and are sufficient for the comfortable accommodation of two hundred and fifty persons. No Malaria. No Mosquitoes. Bifftalo Lithia Springs are located in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, in the ''Buffalo Hills," 500 feet above the level of the sea, and are reached from all directions over the Norfolk Division of the Southern Railway. This water is prescribed in all Uric Acid Conditions, Gout, Rheumatism, Calculi of the Kidney and Bladder, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Gastro-Intestinal Disorders, Neuralgias, etc. For full information and pamphlet of Medical Opinions and Clinical Reports write to BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS WATER CO., Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia. National Association to Send Out Tons of Literature in New Propaganda. MANY MARRIAGES ERROR1 -, I Real Causes Cited as Placing Any Separation Above Im? proper Wedlock. Moundsvllle. W. Va., August 6.?That any kind of divorce Is better than a j bad marriuge Is one of the tenets ofj the recently-formed National Divorce] Reform Association, of which Attorney IS. De Forost Leach, of this city, the author and lecturer, who probably has given the subject more study and thought any any other man in the world, is president. Under his direction a great educational campaign will be conducted by spreading broadcast through the country tons of literature. An advisory board made up of one member from each State 18 to be named to make a study of social con? ditions in his own State and gather data to be used as a busls for uniform i divorce luws In the States. The association is the outgrowth of! the National Congress on Uniform Di? vorce Laws, which met in Washington j and Philadelphia n 1906, when, ac? cording to President Loach, under the guise of securing uniform divorce leg- j Islatlon certain Interests secured ihej adoption of a recommendation which sought only to Increase the difficulties of securing divorce in States having', lenient lnws. Mr, Leach insists that the enactment of uniform divorce laws without well-established data concern-' ing divorce causation was worse than foolish. ] "Often." said Mr. I.each, "a lawyer is consulted about the qu'okcst and i euslest way to dissolve the matr'- I monlal alliance which has become in- j tolerable, regardless of the comrnls sion of statutory offenses. Even when; an offense has been committed there| Is always another reason. Drastic Laws Heepen Evtl. "To test these views. I sent out S.onn letters to physicians throughout the [ t.'nlted Stales, asking fcr opinions on several phases of the divorce question, four.dofi on their experience as prac? ticing physicians Ore of the queries was: " 'What are (he actual primary causes for divorce? Court reeorc!3i show Infidelity, desertion, etc., but are these primary or secondary causes " "Eighty-nine per cent, nf the physi? cians who replied were unanimous in saying that Infidelity, desertion, etc.. are not the primary causes for di? vorce, hui that the real causes may be generally expressed as being 'Im? proper marriage and unnatural marital conditions." "Many people, either from religious prejudice or pure shallowness, think that when they urge drastic or re? strictive legislation in divorce matters they are working toward morality, when. In fact, they are usually doing exactly the opposite. There Is no! virtue In Bush legislation, and may be much harm, for divorces cannot pos? sibly he conducive of more Immorality and scandal than drastic legislation has proven Itself to he. Then. too. any klrd of divorce is better thin a had marriage" RUSH CANAL FORTIFICATION Prospect Is Thut Work Will Be Com -plctcil Within n Year. Washington, August C.?The formi 1- | able task of fortifying the l-sn.tmn Canal is almost certain to progress with a rapidity without prj.'?dent in the construction of fortltieations. > r/ officers just returned from the isthmus are immensely pleased by the pros? pect of the work's completion with'n a year if Congress provides the neces? sary funds. This result Is expected through the employment of the vast army of skilled labor and the mechani? cal resources which Colonel Goethals h?s got together to build the canal. The 10,000 tons of cement construc? tion required for a singie fortress ml^ht in the ordinary course employ contractors a year or more. Yet tho canal builders would think nothing of moving that quantity of material and putting it in place in & few days. Al? ready Colonel Goethals has bogun the cc.nstruction. The big guns are now bftlns; mare at the army arsenals and by c-rivaia contractors, and should be In place at least a year before the llrst vei .el passes through the canal. The gener;:! staff of the army already Is turning it? attention to the selection and early dispatch of troops to garrison the fortifications. SPIT OX SCHOOL DESK SLIVER. First Litigation of ltn Kind United on .lugged Furnishings. Sunbury, Pa., August 6.?.lohn Bird has brought suit in Northumberland County Court against the school direc? tors of Washington Township. lie wants them to pay a doctor $10 for removing a splinter from the leg of his brother, whose tlesh was penetrat ? en by a splinter in a desk he occupied i at school. ttonal Organlaatlon for Intor-Raclal Goodwill." Among tho Japanese speakers was Klo Sue Inui. who Is a graduate of tho University of Wisconsin, and be? ing vice-president of tho Groat Lakes Arbitration Society, he spoko for that body. Ho also translated into Eng? lish several speeches made by his compatriots in their own language Mr. Intil was voted tho man who made the most effective jokes of any speak? er. He attributed tills fact to his American bringing up. AMERICANS BUSY ATRACEC0NGRE8S Best Speeches Attributed to Delegates in London From United States. Eondon. August S.-r-One of the things noticed by nearly all the visi? tors to the Ursl Universal Races Con? gress just held at the University ofl London In South Kensington was the Dtimber and ability of the delegates from the United States The speeches made by the various Americans made a great Impression on the congress, in spite of the fact that the addresses by all speakers were above the mediocre. And it was not forgotten either that to a prominent United States citizen, Dr. Felix Adler, the credit is due for the original conception of the Idea of such a gathering. "The Fundamental Principle of lnter-Itacial Ethics, and Some Practical Applications of It" was the title of Dr. Adler's address to the assembled congress, and, in addition, his pronouncements at separate meet? ings of Ethical Society t delegates to the congress were thought highly of. Dr. Gilbert Heid, a New Yorker, who has spent thirty years In Shang? hai, China, made a fiery extempore speech in the early part of the second session, which came like a veritable bombshell to his hearers. He asserted that Americas and Europe's attitude toward China will lore- China to arm herself In earnest, and the result will j be inevitable Armageddon. Fred C, Croxton, of Washington, cx- j pert at the Bureau of Labor, and Pro- . fessor W. .Ictt La nek contributed a I paper on "Wages and H?rnig ration" during the time allotted for t >e dis? cussion of special problems In Inter- | racial economics. David Lubtn. United States delegate to the lilt ir iatlonal Institute of Agriculture in Italy, gave an account of the work of that Insti? tution. Mrs. Edwin Meid, of Boaion, I received an ?v?tlc?i when s'.t.; tlollv- | ered her speech dealing with th3 alms: of the American School l\>a-;4 League , nnd its activities at 111* proeont time.' A considerable number of prominent j English educators who heard Mrs. \ Mead's address had lntervlu-vg wl'h 1 her "n the subject at the con- : islon j of the congress. evldv.Ui>' for the pur- i pose of trying to arrange a similar *r- ? ganlzation In this country. Perhaps the two m>st illuminating contributions to the discussion on the [ color question were thoso of Dr. W. E B. DuBols. a negro, late professor of history and political c-jnomv In At? lanta University, and Charles Alexan? der Eastman, M. D., an Indian, of Am herst, Mass. The closing speeches of the proceed? ings were delivered hv two Americans, Louis P. Lochner, of the University 'of Wisconsin, and Edwin D. Mead, of Boston. "The Cosmopolitan Club Move? ment" was Mr. Lochner's subject, and he Is well qualified to deal with it, as he Is the general secretary of the! .Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs Mr. Mead's paper dealt with "Interna ALLEGED BANDIT IS CAPTURED Salt Lake City. Utah, August fi ? .Tames Mays, thirty-six years old. who claims to be an automobile repairer, recently from Portland. Ore., is under arrest here, charged with being the bandit who held up a coachload of passengers on the Saltalr Railroad last night. The hold-up occurred as the train was nenring Salt Lake City from the resort, ad three persons were shot and slightly wounded. The bandit finally was knocked from the running board of the open coach, and, although pursued, escaped in the darkness. Later Mays was arrested in the rail? road yards a short distance from the scene of the robbery. He denied all knowled ;e of the crime, but to-day he was identified by four or five of the passengers who had been held tip. Including the three who were wound? ed. In his pockets was found a coin carried as a pocketplece by one of the victims. This coin has been positively identified. The three persons wounded by the bandit tire all recovering. Mays says he was scuffling on the train and was pushed off. ChnrKe He Struck Officer. Clarence Gilbert, proprietor of Gil? bert's Hotel, was arrested early yes? terday morning on a charge of as? saulting Policeman Gary, and Inter? fering with him In the discharge of his duty. The officer was called into the hotel on business when the alleged as? sault occurred. He was promptly hail? ed. WHOLESALE PLOT TO POISON CHILDREN - Fulton, Mo. August fi.?What coun? ty officers believe to be a plot for tho wholesale poisoning of children has [ been unearthed at Concord, In Callo , way county, and as a result two men I and a woman were arrested there to. day by order of the prosecuting at ; torney and brought lo Fulton to bo ! arraigned. The persons arrested are j Lee Boyd. a farmer, his wife, Mrs. Anna Boyd, and JeiTor.-.on Woods, a horse dealer. The children whose lives were en? dangered belong to families whose < members tstihed In a alandor suit recently brought by Mrs. Boyd aga'nst ' Dr. W. B. Ellis, a physician of Con i cord. Mrs. Boyd asked $16.000 dam [ ages, alleging that Dr. Ellis had de? famed her character. The Jury brought In a verdict for the defendant. Tho first alleged attempt on the lives of the children was made several ' weeks ago when a package of chewing gum wan found in the yard of Ed? ward McPheeters, a nephew of Judge ; Robert McPheeters, of Fulton county. ' Less than a week ago another pack? age of gum was placed near tho gato of the McPheeters home. A three-year old child of the family was detected in the act of putting a piece of the gum in Its mouth when an older mem? ber of the family Interfered. The gum was sent to a chemist, who discovered thut It was sprinkled profusely with strychnine. Twice since then pack? ages of gum have been placed near the McPheetera's home and each of Ihem was found to contain strychnine. After the second paokage of gum was found the McPheetera's homo was I watched. The placing of the gum on the premise.s of people In the vlclnty of Concord has become frequent tho last few days, and at least three more families appear to have been included In the poisoning plot. All the gum has been found and has been preserved and will be examined by a chemist. ? All the families on whose premises the poisoned gum has been placed have small children. To-night bond was fixed at $1,000 for Mrs. Boyd, and $2,000 each for Boyd and Woods. All gave ball No preliminary hearing will be held, and the -;ase will be docketed for tho September term of court. OF "EASY MONEY" U. S. Attorney Wise Could Pick Up Fortunes If He Would. BRIBES ARE PLENTIFUL I Would Be Required Only to Ad? vise Fines Instead of New York. August 6.?Two years and four months ago Henry A. Wise j was appointed United Status Dlslri' t Attorney for the Southern District of ? New York. During that time he hus secured cash payments to the govern? ment of $5.500,000, and his office ex? penses have been less than $200.000. Ills friends declare that there Is no other government official who can ap? proach this record. Just before Mr. Wise came Into of- | flco the feus of the department were i abolished. Had they not been abol- ' Ished Mr. Wise, who has the best ' record for convictions of any United ; Slates district attorney for this dls- I trlct, would have profited by over $400,000. His actual compensation fori the two yoers was $20.000. "It's really less ri^n that," said Mr. j Wise yesterday. "1 am PVild with Washington checks, and to get them cashed costs me $10 a year, so you can figure my salary at $9,990." In one case called to the attention of the court. Mr. Wise showed that a bribe of $15,000 had been offered to him in the trial of the United Wireless Telegraph Company. Ho sent thc In- j dieted men to jail. In several other cases offenders have offered Mr. Wise 'arge sums If he would advise the court that a fine bo imposed instead of Jail sentence. In? variably he has brousht these cases to the attention of the court and sc? oured convictions. .Some UIk Collections. Here are some of the cases In which Mr. Wise has collected for thc govern? ment: From the sugar trust. $3,100,000; H. J. Duvcen, $1.215,000: II. & J. Roson herg, $50.000; Sleeper Trunk. $100.000; wire trust, to date. $00.000. Besides these there are pending other large settlements in the wire trust.' lumber trust, leather trust, box board' trust. Benjamin Duveen and the mag? azine trust. Mr. Wise has not lost one hlg case. Th.- fntlre record of his office is twen? ty-live cases In which a verdict of not guilty wus returned against some 500 tried or settled by the payment of a tine. Bach week sees a How of $5"0 and |1,000 hills Into the office of th* clerk of United States Commissioner Shields, and it is a joke around the! Federal building that the banks have; to send there for large blll.i because of the number used to pay fines. Mr. Wise has made It exceedingly: dangerous lo operate got-rlch-qulck schemes in New York, and by his of- i forts has protected thousands of In? vestors throughout the country. He has secured Jail sentences for several bucket shop men. promoters of fake j schemes and officers of corporations who simply wish to sell slock and get out. To a reporter Mr. Wise said: "If I was to pick out the best thing 1 have done in the public interest it would be something to which little at? tention has been given In the public press. I believe that I have done more real good In crushing out a number of these fake medical concerns than In anything else. "One year ago the newspapers of the West were flooded with notices of va? rious concerns in New York that would guarantee to cure anything. I havej now secured Jail sentences against two of the largest firms, and the manager of another has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentence. "Men and women throughout the country suffering from rheumatism or kindred complaints would he in? duced to send their money here for a j sure cure instead of visiting a local physician. There were numerous pa? thetic instances where a man in the last stages of consumption would he induced to send his entire earnings to one of these firms and would re? ceive In response a box of absolutely worthless pills "I do not think that this will be done any more. In each case we have tried we have secured jail sentences for the persons indicted. It is lucky I am not a judge, or I believe I would find that some of these quaekB were guilty of murder. We hud testimony in one case of a poor man who sent his week's earnings to a New Ytrk concern and received a bottle of pills that would do no good. He kept on using these pills, and at the same time Infecting all those around him. when any physician would have told him . what he should do for nothing, or at most a $1 fee." An to Prison Sentences. In regard to thc action of tho courts recently in accepting fines from de? fendants in smuggling cases or where the charge was a violation of thc anti? trust law, the district ntt</f-ney de? clined to make any comment. "I cannot criticize the Judges," he said. "In op?n court I have again and ngain declared that n Jail sentence should be the only penalty, but the Judges probably know better. There Is no doubt that the poor offender is being sent to jail and the rich offend? er given a fine, hut the judges prob? ably have some good reason for this. I can make my plea In court arid can get an answer in court and '.hat's all there is to the matter." Mr. Wise Is a grandson of Governor Henry A. Wise, of Virginia. He v. ?.s graduated from the Virginia Military Institute In lSflfi and later from the New York Law School. He was major In the Fourth United States '-'j'uptoer Regiment during the Spanish War, and was an assistant district attorney for three years before being appointed to t-ho head of the department. WILL ATTEMPT FLIGHT New York, August 6.?Harry N. At wood. the aviator, announced to-nigh: that he received a telegram *o-nlght from Victor G. Evans, of Washington, offering a prize of $-10,000 for s. suc? cessful flight from Milwaukee to New York. Atwood said he w.oul 1 leave to-morrow for Milwaukee :o start from thttre on August 11, and hoped to make the distance, in ten or twelve days. The first scheduled stop Is Chicago via Racine, which is down on the schedu'e as an emergency station. Leaving Chicago probahly the next day, Atwood's Itinerary will-lead him through La ' Porte. KlkhtN-t, Bryan, Ohio, Toledo. Sandusky. Lorulne, Cleve? land. Ashtahtiln, F.rle and various New ,York State cities to a landing on Coney ; Island. Times-Dispatch Pony Contest Nomination Blank Counts 1,000 Votes I hereby nominate Address. Age. As a contestant in The Times-Dispatch Pony and Cart Contest, subject to the rules of the contest. (Name of person making nomination.) Under no circumstances will the name of the person making the nomina? tion be divulged to any one. This is for our information only. CONTEST STARTS AUGUST 7. In The Times-Dispatch Pony Contest I Cast 5 Votes for Name. Address. This ballot mutt be voted before August 15th. WILSON LEAOS IN WHITE HOUSE RACE Poll of Congress Democrats Shows Governor Harmon Second in Line. Washington, August 6.?Of the 267 Democratic Senators and Representa? tives In Congress a poll of all but the fifty-one absent from Washington as to their preferences for the Democra? tic nominee for President In 1912 has been taken. The result follows: Tor Oov. Wilson, of New Jersey.... 45 For Oov. Harmon, of Ohio. 3". For Speaker Champ Clark, of Mis? souri . 26 For House Leader L'nderwood, of Alabama ._^. 17 For Oov. Polk, of Missouri. H For Gor. Marshall, of Indiana. 14 For Oov. Fobs, of Massachusetts... 2 Total positive rtrst choice ex? pression .153 Absentees from House nnd Senate. 51 Declined to express preferences.... 51 Number who have optional prefer? ences and favor Wilson. Harmon or Clark . 7 Non-committal, with preferences for Wilson (3). Clark (1). or Har? mon (1). Total number of Democrats In House und Senate.267 Geographically the poll Indicates no sectional preferences except, perhaps, in the case of L'nderwood. whose ad? herents are. almost without exception, from the South. Wilson and Harmon have champions In every section of the country. Marshall and Folk are "na? tive son" candidates, and their follow? ers are held together by convention or primary pledges Among tho optional voters. Wilson or Harmon scores two. Wilson or Clark score? three, and Wilson, Harmon or Clark two. Underwood, as a second choice, shows a total of twenty, which, added to hli seventeen positive votes, puts him above Harmon and next to Wilson. N'ewlands, of Nevada, while recorded as non-committal, is nursing a boom for himself as candidate of "the slope and intermountaln States." He expects to bo a factor in the convention. In writing the platform, even though his boom does not meet with any success. DEATHS BOLTON?Died, at her residence, near Laurel, Va? yesterduy, M P.S. MAR? GRETS BOLTON. aged forty-nine years. She is survived by threo sis? ters and one brother. The funeral from residence TUES? DAY, August 8, at 5 P. M. BRUCE?'Died, Sunday morning, 2:30 o'clock, ut her residence. 313 South Third Street. ANNA BYRD REEVE, wife of Robert E. Bruce. Funeral from St. James Episcopal Church TO-DAY at 4:30 P. M. In? terment Hollywood. MAKER?Died, at the residence of her parents. 329 South Pino Street, at 5:10 A. M. Sunday. August 6, 1911, LULA A., daughter of William A. and Mollie Johnson Malier. In the twenty-first year of her ng*. Funeral from Pine Strict Baptist Church THIS IMondayi AFTER? NOON at 4:30 o'clock TURNER?Died, nt his residence. Mal vern Hill. Henrlco county. Va.. Sun? day night, August fi, at 11:20 o'clock, after a long Illness, MR. JOHN W. TURNER, In the seventy-ninth year of his age. Ho Is survived by his wife and three children. Walter P., of Roswell, New Mexico; W. Ernest and Mary W., of Richmond: one brother. J. Wall Turner, of Philadel? phia, and one sister. Mrs. C. F. John? ston, of Gordonaville. Va. Funeral notice Inter. TIG NOR?Died, Saturday. August 5, at 6 A. M.. JOHN T. TIGNOR. aged six? ty-four years. Funeral will take place at 3 o'clock THIS AFTERNOON from Woody's Undertaking Parlor. 2518 East Broad Street. Interment Oak wood. OBITUARY Thomm? L. Moore. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.1 Lynchburg, Va., August 6.?Thomas L. Moore, aged fifty-one, a native of Brookneal, who lived here for years, died yesterday at the Home and Re I treat. HO was superintendent of tho I pipe foundry of the Glamorgan Works, and was prominent in fraternal order circles. His wife and five children ?>"? I vlve. all of whom /live here. REVISION BILL CENTRE Of VORTEX (Continued From Flrat Page.) citizenship by naturalization uro ex? cluded, the bill proposes to give Asiat lo Immigrants the same legal status ac? corded to all other Immigrants. Tho only portion of the various Chinese exclusion lawa not repealed is that section of the act of 18S2, which pro? vides that no State or Federal court shall admit Chinese to citizenship. Senator DUUngham's bill also pro? vides for the exclusion from the United States of "all male aliens six? teen years of age or over, who are physically capablo of reading and writing, but unable to read and write In some language or dialect." It pro? vides, however, that an admissible alien may bring in his father 01 grandfather over fifty-five years of age or a son not over eighteen years of age, whether such persons are lltcr erate or not. The bill makes it unlawful uhdei penalty of $10o for any steam-alp com? pany to bring to the United Statoa any alien of the class mentioned or any alien not eligible to naturalization. The contruct labor provision1 of the. immigration law Is retained prac? tically In its present form, but to the excluded classes "persons who have, come in consequence of advertisement:; for manual laborers published in a foreign country," are added. There Is provision for the criminal prosecution of corporations, companies or person, who solicit or assist In the Importa? tion of contract laborers. The provision of the present law, which permits the Importation of skilled labor if labor of a like kind unemployed cannot be found In this country, Is amended so as to permit the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to determine the necessity for auch Importation prior to Us accomplish? ment. A line of 1100 Is Imposed In the bill for encouraging or soliciting alien immigration. As a further pun? ishment the President Is authorized to prohibit the landtng of passengers at United States ports by steamship com? panies violating this provision. Authority Is given for the deporta? tion of Immigrants imprisoned for crime within five years after arrival, and of those who become a public charge within three year3 of landing. Immigrant stations at interior points are provided for as a means of insur? ing a belter distribution of the lmml ' grants. CARRIED NEEDLE 23 YEARS New Jerney Lawyer Ilia Own Surgeon lu Removing Wanderer. Atlantic City, August 6.?A pair of tweezers were used to-day by Edmund C. Gasklll, one of the best-known law? yers of the State, to remove a needle, which for twenty-three years had been In his body. During that time the piece of steel worked its way from a I knee to a shoulder, where he dlacov I ered it while bathing the ahoulder, be? lieving he was suffering from rheuma [ tlsm. , When a boy of tight years Gaskill ] fell upon his mother's sewing machine and the needle was jabbed deep in i his knee. Doctors were unable to lo? cate it. and he forgot all about It in a ' few days. Recently lie suffered from severe pains in his right shoulder, and to-day discovered the cause. Gaskill's 1 height of six feet eight Inches prob j ubly Is responsible for the long time the needle remained in his body. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A W. Fred. Richardson, FV.VBHAL DIRECTOR AND EM U A I, M Kit, Main end Belvldere Streets. Phonos, Madison 843, day; Monroe 842. rljht. Advertising Ideas Free Wo are successfully handling many large and small accounts In tho South. If you want free Ideas, suggestions and advice ir connection with your advertising tall ua et by letter, 'phone or In pnmun. FKEEMAN ADVKKTISIN'O AGENCY, INC., Mutual Building, Richmond, .. .. .. Virginia.. 'Phono Madlion 2413.