Greater HIchiuond'a Greateat Nevrapaper 1 GRRAT15ST WANT AM? RBAL KS? TAT? MEDIUM IN VIRGINIA, AM? UM; OK TllfcJ ?BST l,\ AMERICA. Want Ad Rates In EfTrcl Juoa 11, 1ML Dally, one cent per word when pnlil In udvaucc. Nu AU. taken fur lens tliuu ten venia. One nud ouc-linlt centa a word nil cluanincatluua exvviil ?ltuutluu Wuuted for Suudur. Mtuutiun Wuutrd uuc vcut a nrurd? Nu Ad. ?uailur taken for Ivaa lliun Ufteeu vesta. N? Ada. lakru fur lean than tncntr Ore venta uiieu yliuncd lu ur charted ut tliv vuuuter. l'ljuov ordera uut guarauteciL CluaalUc-ulluu uut uuuruulevd ufter Uillo r. SI, For Itualucsa coutracta aeud fur tliv W uui AU. Mailt utionr Muunui 1. 'ftfLiy VAUUltltU. jticUi WANTED, YOUNG MEN TO LEARN llle uuluinuim-- uusiuesS; positions oe CUl'c-u COIUPetOlll ?l'uuuaicd. lilCll .ii'j.Mj otllijUL., 91? \v. lirouu Street ,WANTEDr AN < EXTER 1 ENCED MAN cook, two experienceu waiters unu women tu assist Kitchen worK. lozu tust -Main i>lie?t.__._ .WANTED, CLERKS BY U. S. Gov? ernment. RicninonU examination o<-p lumuer 21; pi cpai utioii tree. l-'KA.Niv LdN lNe.ri'1'U'i'ia, Dept. -iia Ui Uocliebler, N. v._ WANTED' i OK U. "aT^i.-Ml, ABLk. budicd, unmarried men, between kges ut aignteen unu inirty-uve; citlsona ut United Suites; ut good chan.ater unu temperulu habits, wan cun apeak, read ana write me Englisn language, l or iniorinauon api>i> iu heciuitiug Olhcer, S20 K. Hruud St., Richmond, ur li>l N. sycamoro at., Petersburg. Va. yt a nti-Fd,~?~fi rst-c la ss Will t e barber at once; goud pay. 5?! West Broad._ x?'u ARE WANTED KOK OOVBRN ment position, . Promo? tion. Address 1*. O. Box Ttj. Chi < ago, #>tlp ?KHanteb, jfrmale. \\ XntedT ' mammy' nurse "for child one year old. Apply, with ref-! erenccH. -18lg Prove Avenue-.' i en i? eiTTkncTvuuni; lai.y type- j setter on straight type; give, expo- '? rlerice and references. CLaREMONT _ ?erald. Clsremynt, Va._ APPRENTICES TO learx FRENCH I dresaruttlng. dressmaking, design? ing and millinery: Ilrst-clnss posi? tions furnished after learning, send for booklet. NEW YORK ACAD? EMY, HIS O, Washington. D. C. t?uualtOHS &&lant??. ifcmaie YO?NQ LADY OF EXPERIENCE !'!". Sires position as bookkeeper; best references, h Ot, earn Tlmes-Dis , ??? _. iSgcnt? ?S?anti?. A') i'.NT^V ANT I.DTTC?SPIiTISnI' T? r. 11 hlgh-gradd safe and vault work, of fifty-five years' reputable atandtng Apply to GEORGE a. CARNEGIE, 3?1 : aln Street. Norfolk. Va. situations, ^cole??lonal. \ i".\ Si~>GV's't?T> i:n't "DKslfiKs'pos^ t'.on as teacher of piano in s.-nool or private; reforencus exchanged. 1* 16K. C?re Times-Dispatch._ want cd ?r i: a cTFi-: it, with expf. rtence and holding tirat rradc c .a Lot-k Co.; a high-grade, remunerative security. Address saLKS manager, care u. I.. Barnes Safe and Lock Co., City. JN "order to take carfi~of"otJlt ever-Increasing business, we require. l>oth men and additional capital. Tills is an exceptional opportunity tor a man of ability with 110.000 to Invest to become Identified with one of the oldest and best known manu facturinK companies In the city. The position offered is a pleasant one with good salary attached. If you have the money anil ability and mean business, address ut one- Post-Ofncu' Box No. l.'j. City._ ?"i3.???" STOCK^K N EW PATTERNS In negligee shirts must be be sold at cost. This stock Includes patterns Which will please the most fastid? ious of men. Also a good selection of straw ha is at and below cost. M. _11. GAP.NKTT. Eighth and Main._ EXECUTORS' NOTICE.?THIS C?TT ! pany having qualilled as executor of j the estate of William Joseph Ander? son, deceased, ull persons hawing I claims against said estate are re- I uuesu-d tu present them, nnd those ! Indebted to the estate will please make payment. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Executor of William Joseph Ander? son. ' WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW thnt JAHNKE BROS. Jewelers, S>12 lOaHt Main Street, buy. sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE LATEST!" STYLUS. Old gold and sil vr always tuken In ewnunite. iteai IJ L WATER front homo; all modern con.'unlcnccs, overlooking Konicas Monroe. Hamp? ton Roads; boating, buttling, fishing, large lawn, shade trees: two minutes' walk to car. For further information address S. H. W., cato Postmaster, Ruck roe. Va. fv'ANTiSS; TCT RENT""a 'F^RXi'SflED housa In tho West End from October 1 to a prll 1; must have at leust four lied rooms; references e?ch8nged. Address "CONFIDENTIAL," Box City._ Wianttb. fvOfNTKDT^ro^MUV KUK i.A&lTi^UJLl?'t^ hold Koods In any quautity. Phone MadiHoc 386L_ SECOND-HAND MACHINERY OH Of every descrlptlrn bought at full value. CLA HENCE COSBY. 152S B Cary S? Phone ' ladlion 3628. WANTED, ?- ROOMY, ONE-HORSE spring dray. Address D 171, care Times-Dir.patch._ W A~N T E D. SECOND-HAND STEEL wnter tower, not less than thirty feet high, und carry tank of not loss thun 1.600 gallons. Address J 977, care ?? Timcs-Dlspatch. y. 't DAILY PUZZLES' Found In a stable, j ANSWER If YKSTKIDAT'S IM y./.I.K. Halt p. i n): SaleT one r ?2-HoiTsT-n?ow1?V{j auto marine engine; llrBt-claEs con- ! dltlon; cheap. L. HOSE & CO., 420; Brook Avenue. WANTED. TO HEED ONE BARK MILE, j with pulleys and shafting, complete:| two setj corn burrs, with pulleys and ?baiting', complete; one boiler and engine, 10C horsepower each. I'ur 1 particulars apply to FARMERS' CO- I OPERATIVE GUANO CO., Black stone. Va. CHEAP. ALL KINDh .OF ?ECOND hand mechanical tools Apply JEF? FERSON LOAN OFFICE. 1705 East Main Street. SEWING MACHINES?THE STAND - ard Machine otllce Is permanently located at 529 West Broaa Street. All kinds of machines repaired. GARLAND H. CLARKE, Agent. Phone Monroe 8626._ STRUCTURAL IRON, STEEL AND pipe of every description cut to order, CLARENCE COSBY. 1523 East Gary Street, Richmond, Va._ FOR""S?LE. V. IDE BARBER SHOP. J For information <;,ll West Broad. FOR SALE, A HANDSOME STEEL; EN graving of the "Burial of Latane," with a complete history of the in- , cident. MRS E. T. SLAUGHTER, No ; 215 E Street. N. W? Washington, D. C._ STEAM HEATING PLANT COMPLETE. \ with boiler and radiators good as new; one set Jones wagon scales . [ 1 BLI KORP, & CO._1 FOR SALE, A "SLIGHTLY USED SAFE, j fireproof and standard size, an un- , usual opportunity ro buy a first-! class safe for a very small sum. 1 ? Address .1 5SJ, care Times-Dispatch. OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR BARGAIN DAY. THE FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS ON MON day ran ha v.- half-gallon Spray for II, one quart spray nnd atomizer; for SI, six bottles liquid soajj for $1. Magic or Radium Spray, head ofTlce 5 North Seventh Street, phone Madi? son 210.'!. SOUTHERN SPRAY OF- i F1CE._ F<"iR SALE "T\ L.\i:GE "STOCK OF BUO" gles. surreys, phaetons and runa- . bouts, high class, low prices, also a few second-hand buggies In good or? der, cheap. A. MEYERS SONS. 731 j East Cary Street ?Rooms for -uent. LARGE AND 'SMALL. HNICELY FUR- ! nlshed rooms. 710 East Franklin. I NICE LARGE. FURNISHED "p.OOMS | at :-,2 2 Easl Franklin. Monroe 18 tHaia tat s?cit,. F?'r" ft Ent.' ftDCf ?F ~EIGMt'K1 >OMs. nrst-class condition, everything mod-' erti. faclhg Libby Hill Park. Ap ply JOHN R. grimes. Library Build? ing. ! ______SJcrsonalg*^^ _____ SPECIAL FOR LADIES.?II. LEWIS,! THE MOST POPULAR LADIES TAILOR IN THE CITY. WILL RE? MOVE l'l(o.\| joj N FIRST .STREET TO S03 W. GR CE. ON AUGUST 5 IN IHK MEANTIME WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SUITS AT REDUCED RATES AT 202 N. FIRST STREET. HUMAN 11A1P BOUGHT AND SOLD at HUGHES'S. 209 North Third i)ou:vtt:- G?f- r.v.V ~?ivz artocfe W ante!?. 1 . L eg hotX X "p*ULLETS* weighing from one and a half pounds to two und a half pounds, in lots of from 20 upwards. Will pay i a small advance over market price. Write, stating the number you have and their agis. whether white or brown. Address MANAGER GLEN At:von FARM, Stearnea. Va. Coal anb vWUooo. : BIG REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF ! wood. Now is the time to put in your Winter's supply of the best hickory stove wood in the city, cut to pro? per lengths, ready for use; burns longer und makes hotter tire than anv other wrfod. Phone Madison 411. vA. AND X. CAR. WHEEL CO LONG HAt WOOD THAT BURNS FREE and makes quick heat, just the kind for summer use, also filling up cel? lars for next winter at summer prices It's fine. Yard: 1500 West Broad. Phone: Madison 1069. KINDLING 'W???T-EXCELLENT FOR light cooking, $1.50 half-cord. Phone Madison 177. SAMUEL H. COTTRBLL A: SONS. dummer jBogrbrng. KLNLO' -H !"A RM--RHAUTIF?I," SUR- ? i roundlngs. rellned people; good food,; pure water, easily readied from all points, Address AY'LETT EVERETT, I Cismont. Va. v iHiscf Uaneous. UPHOLSTERING AND "M^TT^tEl?SEs" I PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES AND ODD pieces reuphoistered. Mattresses renovated neatly. Sanitary methods; Reliable work. SYDNOR &. HUND? LEY. 711 East Broad. Madison 3204. SHOE REPAIRING" ! 75c HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES. 60c I ladies,: every pair sewod; best leath? er; no nails, no pegs. Royal rub ! ber heels. 25c: Tred-Alr rubber heels. I 40c; leather he vis rebuilt llko new. 1 26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 716 East Main. Phone! Monroe J667._I I TENTS ~AND AWNINGS. KEEP COOL; SLEEP IN A TENT. WH make them any size. Prices reason? able. H. E. COPELAND CO. INCV Awnings, Tents nnd Flags. I hone Madison 2576._ CLEA'NING AND PRESSING. CALL LA TOUCHES. MONROE 2419, when you want high-class cleaning, pressing, etc. 6 South Second Street. FINE UNHOV.ST BRING AND TtfAT TRESSES. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND UP holntcrcd: mattresses made oyer Ilk* new; furniture and china packed and shipped. JACOB'UMLAUP. Phone 8292._, BOARDERS^FOlT BEAUTfrl?TLARGE and amali rooms. 103 East Grace_ DELIGHTFUL ROOMS AND EXCEL lent table board'. 210 East Grace StreoL FATE OF STATEHOOD MEASURE WILL BE DETERMINED TO-DAY j jflLlUZON-A. WltX ZKAVi ? ;R?P:R? >VXXTATIVIS I R1P2I S*?KT A.TIVB1S ^ XEW MEXICO ^ POPULATION 327. 396 WILL HAVE IO IE, A, 113,02p S?Q.KlLESj CAPITAL, tPhCOEJVCIX C API TA!L, 0 TLfC roK *7 MAPS AND STVTISTICS OK ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO, THE SISTER TERRITORIES. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] , Washington, D. C, August 6.?A poll; of the Senate Indicates that the Joint'i resolution admitting the Territories of j Arizona and New Mexico to statehood | will pass the upper house with colors Hying when It comes up to-morrow for consideration- Only some unforeseen (ontlngcncy. say the hackers of the j measure, can defeat the favorable leg? islation conceded on all sides. If the resolution does pass the Senute It will end a fight for statehood that has en? dured for over sixty years in the case Of New Mexico snd for nearly twenty in Arizona So sure are the backers of the meas? ure, that success awaits them in the Sonate that lurge delegations from New Mexico and Arizona are to-day | preparing to celebrate the history making legislation on an extensive seal*. Conference with their respec? tive delegates. Ralph Henry Cameron, of Arizona, and William H. Andrews, of New Mexico, are in order, and every? where about the hotel lobbies groups of enthusiastic Westerners are dis? cussing the optimistic outlook of to? morrow. f'nuse of Long Delny. The cause of the long delay in ad? mitting New Mexico and Arizona to statehood lies in the ultra-progressive Constitution of the latter. Exception was taken by the legislators in Wash? ington to the Arizona provision for I the recall of the judiciary, and In many ; quarters the Initiative, referendum and [ recall features in * general were also viewed askance. The- antagonism that I these progressive features called forth, j I coupled with a refusal of certain mem-! J ber-i of Congress to permit the admis? sion of either Territory separately, for a long time defeated their efforts to gain admission to statehood. To obviate discussion upon that moot question, the recall of the Judiciary, the United States Senate, 1ft Its vote to-morrow upon the Joint statehood resolution, will lack on an amendment providing that the recall provision of the Arizona Constitution must he con? strued as not applying to the judiciary. This amendment must he agreed to by the people of Arizona before they get statehood, but as their Constitution provides for Its amendment at nn> tlmi within thiee months they will probably Interpose no objection. State? hood ;.l the present session Is the wish of every one in the Territory, and the recall of the Judiciary can be left out, or put back, as the majority wishes.! once statehood is attained. The Arizona Constitution Is modeled | largely after the Oregon Constitution,' and Is admitted to be. by those who, have examined It. the most modern of all the present day popular government "experiments." It provides for the Initiative, referendum and the recall. I which Is extended to include the. Judi? ciary of the Territory. It was this last! feature that President Taft opposed, and while he has been committed all along for statehood for the Uwo Terrl- j torios. he Insisted he could not and would not approve this extreme con? stitutional provision, and it is to he cut out to secure presidential sanction. Now Mexico etocs almost as far to the other extreme In her Constitution. It is a staid, practically unamendable. fundamental law. containing a variety of the test features from the Consti? tutions of other States, with the ex? ception of the method of dealing with I corporations, in which It stands alone among the States. The New Mexico Constitution provides for a corporation 1 commission of three, elected by the ! people and having direct supervision I over a'.l corporations doing business 1 In the new State. The peculiar fea? ture consists in an automatic transfer of nAtters before the commission to the Supreme Court of the Territory in News of Petersburg. Times-Dispatch Bureau, i 109 North Sycamore Street , Petersburg. Va . August H. The First Baptist Church, following the morning service to-day, received and adopted the report oi the advisory committee to which was referred for consideration the resignation of the Rev. W. D- Taylor, D. D., as pastor of the church. The report, presented by Chairman W. W. Warren, while ex? pressing regret at Dr. Taylor's resig? nation, recognized the fact that he Is going to a field where his services are needed anil w'U be very useful in the cause of the church, and the com? mittee therefore recommended that the resignation be accepted, and the church voteti to accept It. Dr. Taylor is to go to Clarksburg. W. Va. The time of his leaving has not been definitely fixed, but it wMI not be later than the 1st of October. Before the report of the committee was made Dr. Taylor briefly addressed the congregation, in which he stated that he felt It his duty to accept the call to this new field. Ktiunway Accident. Mrs. J. A. Nichols and Mrs. Thomas Harrison, both of Prince George, were thrown from their buggy wli'le driv? ing nlong a county road Thursday afternoon. Their horse became fright? ened at an approaching' automobile and ran. Mrs. Harrison was not hurt, but Mrs. Nichols was considerably bruised. They were given necessary assistance and drove to their homes. Ejection Contest. The contest for the nomination for Commonwealth's Attorney jn Prince George, county Is growing very inter? esting. There are two candidates for tho office?former Judge Timothy Itives. the Incumbent, and D. A. Harri? son, a young attorney of Disputants. It is thought the vote will be clo.-,e. There are threev candidates for the] ofHce of county treasurer, and the peo? ple of the county have to choose be? tween three candidates for the State Senate, who are offering in the dis? trict. In the Petersburg senatorial dis? trict, where the*e are throe candidates for the nomination, the situation is very quiet. Most of the actlvo cah l IdCvh SEVERED MY CONNECTION und retired from tho tirm of E. K. l.anghorne & Co., Mr. E. K. Lang horne succeeding to the nnma und good will of the firm. The copartner? ship was formed for the purposo of doing tho following- contract work on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, as follows: At Reusens, Va.. Abort Va? Gllmores Mills. Va? Buchanan, Va? Basic City. Va.. and Fort Spring, W. Va. The said contracts having been completed in full nnd all obli? gations arising therefrom having' boon paid, therefore this notice. Any partlos holding claims against tho said firm on account of tho said con? tracts must present thorn by maU within fifteen days to the under? signed at Yancoy Mills, Va. V. H. HBIRRING. va suing has uc-en done, though not completed. Snlc of Centre Hill Property. In the Hustings Court to-morrow i there will i,e further proceedings In I the matter of the sale of the Centre! H'll property. The trustees of the! property in question?twenty-nine lots! ?are asking the court to allow them to sell the lots as a whole at a pri? vate offer of $37,000, which they con? sider a very favorable one. The Centre Hill Corporation, which opposes the sale as a whole, has been notified to appear and show cause why the sale as asked by the trustees should not be made. The exact nature of the pro? ceedings have not been made known. Held Up and Itohhcil. William Mines, a colored farmer of Prince George county, while driving! to tho city last night, was held up and i NEGRO ALLEGES VICIOUS ATTACK ISpecinl to The Tlmes-Dlspatcli.] Raleigh, X. C..August C.?With blood | streaming from two deep gashes in his head and a dozen shot wounds in his back. John Hatcher, colored, ap pealed to a police palrolmnn this j morning to take him where he could j have medical attention. Ho said J. H. Council, and his son, Swaney Council, I farmers near Raleigh, met hint In tho j road and beat him up, and then shot him as he ran. because ho had stayed out longer with their horse and buggy In milking a trip to Raleigh, than they thought he ought to. lie says the father covered him with his gun, while tho son knocked him out of the buggy and beat him. an that finally the son took the gun from the old man and struck him twice over the head with the butt of it beforo shooting him. Hatcher's wounds are serious, but not considered dangerous. He had been working for the Councils for a month ACCUSED OK INCENDIARISM, Dr. .lames I.. MeCormlek Charged With Starting Trappe Fire, Easton. Md., August 6.?Dr. .lames Lux MeCormlek. a native of Baltimore, and formerly one of tho most brilliant physlclnns on the Eastern Shore. Is tin? der arrest hero on the charge of start? ing tho fire in Trappe Tuesday night, which for a time threatened the town with destruction. The charge was preferred by State's Attorney J. E-nnk Turner and State Fire Marshal' Thomas .7. Ewell, after an investigation. Dr. MeCormlek was arrested in Trappe yestordny afternoon by Deputy Sheriff John Mcllale. When hrnught to Easton ho was in auch a serious physical condition that ho was taken from the Jail to the Emergency Hospital. The physicians say that he Is suffering from the effects- of an ex? tended period of heavy drinking, and Ih in no condition to be arraigned for a preliminary hearing. cases where a corporation fails to carry out the instruction of tho commission within a time specified- This, it is claim'd by the drafters of the Consti? tution, will do away with the Inter? minable delay which can be brought about In other States by injunotiona sued cut *>y corporations. Political I.lne-Vp. Nominally. New Mexico is Republican by about 5.000 majority, while Arizona is about equally divided between tho two parties, with the Democrats hav? ing n slight advantage. Arizona, however, has a large number of Pro? gressives in both parties, and contains a greater proportion of American-born Citizens than does New Mexico, where probably 50 per cent, of tho people are of Spanish descent, although natives of the Territory, descendants of the early Spanish settlers. There Is r. spirit of concession among all elements in Congress, and whereas a few weeks ago It was practically decided that the question of statehood could watt until the next session, just as well as not. the Territories jointly have waged such a campaign for im? mediate statehood ? that It probably will he given them at this session. As a consequence of the unsettled condition -of tht statehood question, hundreds of telegrams and letters, not only from the Territories, but from every one they could influence In the States, have poured into Washington, begging for action this session. It was pointed out that nil business wns at a standstill, outside capital was not being invested, enterprises all over both Territories were being held In abey? ance pending statehood, and everything was in a generally demoralized condi? tion. This had Its effect, and when the agreement for a vote on reciproc? ity and other m?asures was proposed, friends of the Territories refused to become parties to it until statehood was Included. rohbed by two negro highwaymen. The robbery occurred within a short distance of the city, and nines wns halted at the point of a pistol nnd commanded to deliver his money. He had only some $3 or $4, and they took that, saying they wanted nothing else. Hln- s hurried back to his home, and he and his brother, armed with guns, returned In search of the robbers, and, falling to find them, reported the case to the police. Pemoual anil General. It is announced that .J. ,T. Faison will become a candidate for the Legis? lature in Sussex county on the "dry" ticket. In opposition to the candidates already In the field A new public schoolhouse Is to be creeled at Church Road, in Dinwiddie county, at a cost of about $4,000. Sev? eral other school buildings are to he erected |n other sections of the county soon. The funeral of Henry Clatborne Ramey, youngest son of City Treasurer William E. Ramey, took place from Washington Street M. E. Church this afternoon. Atlantic dtp Kesterts. HOTEL XR?QTJOIS ^ South Carolina Avenue and Beach. Capacity, i'O. 100 ocoan-slde sunny rooms. Private baths, running water In rooms. Elevator. Music. White service. Special rates. tu up weekly- |:.;o up dally. Booklet. W. F. SHAW. Guide ol ATLANTIC CITY Handsomely Illustrated Official Hotel si re-1 and AajUki-munt Guide Book FREE aircei unu Aoiuki-mem uuiuc hook with map?, tide aotl K. R. timetable*, etc. Kill lion United, writetedar. Inclose ftauip. Pi;it I.ll' SERVICE ASS OCIATIOS. Atlantic Clly.X. J. HOTEL WESTMONT Most attractive hotel, with surrounding lawns; close to heach; new Casino and Na tatorium, Capacity soo. Elevator. private bathe, etc.; sea water and tonic baths. modi: a ate rates?Booklet, il. It. 8QMER8, Manager. THE OGONTZ 135 South Tennessee Avenue. C. WILLING HARE. _Rates. $10.00 lo S15.0? Weekly. flTLANTIOClTVOFFlCIALGUIDE So p?Rrj,J2U!ln?tr.\i!?i>? All attractions ami the bad. mat li^ielsOescribt-.t. witii rates.cit> managt?. Sena 10, ?mnii. form?lllnjfrrf.-ni,T. A. V. HIKK1WOU. M*.TIt>W IUIIl!SA?MloxHD6,A?ll?nllct:ity,.'?.J. duly OUlciul Guide. Beware of Imitations ?frumitier Be^orta. NATURAL BR1 DG? H0^ FOR REST AND RECREATION. Virginia's lending Moun? tain Resort. Fine hotel. Write for booklet and rates. Address W. G. HAMILTON, Manager. Red Sulphur Springs Hotel MONROE COUNTY, W. VA. Now open for 1011 to October '. Why not spend your vacation at this famous health resort? OnR- known cure for all stomach trouble, lungs. Rates, $8.00, $10.00. $1^.50, $15.0C per week. Apply to j. I.. Oil,I.ION. Prop, BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS llotetinirt County, Va. I Booklet mulled on application to , ?MHL p. BROWN. The Valentine Auction Co. AUCTIONEERS 6 1 Q EAST BROAD ST. RECEIVERS' AUCTION' SALE OF THE BANKING AND Office Furniture and Pointing Office of the True Reformers' Bank By virtue of a decree of the Chan? cery Court, entered July 29. 1011, In the sun,of the Grand Fountain; U. O. T. R., against .Savings Haul: of the Grand Fountain. Lr. O. T. R, tho un- | derslgned receivers will sell at public auction, on TUESDAY, AUGUST S, commencing at 10:30 o'clock, on the premise-. No. 604-603 North Sec? ond Street (.known as True Reformers' Huiklingt. the following property: BANKING ROOM. One Roll Top Desk, two Flat Top Decks, one Long Desk, six Revolving Chairs, several Tables, line Oak Bank Ing Counter, with metal railing; two Electric Fans. Clock, Safely Check ! Hunch. Oak Hall Rack. Awning, lot i Inkstands. Files, etc., lot Printed Sta- ! tlonery and Advertising Matter. Clocks. Saving Banks, two Standing Desks, etc. 1 PRINTING OFFICE. conrlstlng of iluber Cylinder Press, Cottrell Cylinder Press, two Job Presses, II and IS Inch Dexter Folder, Dooley Papercutter, IS Galleys and Stands, large quantity of Typo, one Proof Roller, otic Dead cutter, four Imposing Stones. one fifty-drawer Hamilton Cabinet. one Perforating Machine, one old Job Press, one new ten-horse power Electric Motor, one flve-hnrie power Electric Motor, large lot of Shafting, Hangers. Pulleys, Belts, etc. Also in Printing Office, two Roll Top Desks, one Flat Ton Desk, one Table, two Revolving Chairs, and other furniture, etc. TERMS: Cash, or one-third cash; balance on credit of six and twelve months, properly secured. B. M. PIDC1IER. WI DDI AM A. MONCURE. Receivers. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. By McCurdy & John.=on. Real Est? to Brokers. TRUSTEE'S SADF, OF HIGHLAND PARK RESIDENCE, COR NF.R OF ENSDOW AVENUE AND HIGHLAND STREET. In execution of the provisions of a certain deed of trust of April 10, lOfin. and of record in D. B. iSTi-B. page 127, records of Henriro Circuit Court, tho undersigned, being required so to do. Will offer for sale at public auction, upon the premises, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1311, at 6 P. M., the real estate conveyed by said deed, consisting of n'lot fronting 35 feet on the northeast corner of Bnalow Ave? nue nnd running back along Highland Street 140 feet to an alley, with a newly built frame dwelling with mod? ern conveniences and in good condi? tion, being lot l in Block 3S on plan of Highland Park. Convenient to car lines and In an excellent location. TERMS: Cash as to cost, and ex? penses of sale; any delinquent taxes, and sufficient to pay off balance of 11.174.07 due on bond, balance In two equal instalments at one a.nd two years, interest added, and secured by trust deed. H. A. McCURDY. Trustee. ?ibtueno ?ottce?. ~T1IE SEABOARD COMrANY. Jers.-y City, N. J., August 1. 1911. The Beard of Director* has this tiny do. iclared a semi-annual dividend of TWO AMI ONE-HALF rF.R CENT. (.'"A per cent.? upon the First Preferred Capital Stock of the Company; payable on und after August ; 15th. 1511. to stockholders as registered upon I tho books of the Company at the close of i business on August i"th. 1911. ! The transfer hooka will be closed at 3 o'clock P. M. on August 10th, 1011, and will [ remain closed to und including August 15th. I?ll. D. C. PORTEOI.'S, Secretary. Richmond Colleg An old, strongly endowed College with stan? dard entrance requirements whose degrees are accepted at full voluc by the leading universities of America. Through courses In Liberal Arts lead to degrees of B. A., B. S. and M A., and In Law to degree of LL. B. Character building Is emphasize], and ' the Faculty does not permit the individual to be lost in the crowd. Modern, sanitary dormitories with good I boarding facilities. Equipment of every depnrt is first class. Kxpenses are moderate. For catalogue and information, address : President F. W. BOAT WRIGHT, j RICHMOND. VA. II 11838 ami EDICAL COLLEGE Of VIRGINIA MEDICINE. DENTIST UK PHARMACY. Sevenlj-fourlti Seuion fy-i Sept. 12. Oil. Bx'calUnt Uborttoir sad clinical fUUIUas.' Clunau lalubrloua Lirla* ?xpcatoi mc-Jirsl?. I WiiW for Cftt&toguo S Cfcdlliphst Tm^liu, M. DL, Don, K, -1. > - McGuire's University School, OPP. MONROE PARK, RICHMOND VA. FORTY-SEVENTH SESSION begins Sep. tetnber IS. Thorough preparation fur uni? versity or college. Primary department for small buys with separate instructors. The Principal will be at 7 X. Bulvldore St. after August 20. Catalogues at book stores or by mall. JOHN P. M'GIMKE, Trlnclpal. PEA BODY Conservalory of Music Baltimore, Md. /.. ?1.25 P.M. BjraSt.SU. ?9.10P.M. BjraSt.SU. ?0.40 P.M. Main St. SU. ?U.05 P.M. JUlnHt.SU. ?12.50 night HjrdSt.Sla. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS?WEEKDAYS. Lea?? Bird St. SU. 1.30 P. M. for Frcdertckabnrg. F.llia Sta. 7.60 A. M..S.30 P. M. for Askland. Arrlrr IWrd St.Sta.8.25 A.M. from Fredrrteksb'g. ArrlTQ Elba Sta. 0.30 A.M.,6.30 P.M.from AsblanJ. ?Daily. I V/eskdaya. i Sundays only. All traina to or from Byrd Street Station (except trains leaving 5.30 a. m. and arriving; 13.50 night) atop at Elba. Time of arrivnta and I departures not guaranteed. Road tho signs. i SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B.?Following schedule figures published aa Information and not guaranteed* ??.10 A M.?Daily?Local for Charlotte. Dur. I ham and Ralulgh. 10:4t A. M-?Dally?LtmH ?d?For all polnta South. Drawing Room Buffet Bleeping Car to Ashovllle. N. C. 8:yJ P. M. Ex. Sun.?Local for Durham and In I termedlate slatloni. ?:00 P. M. Ex. sun.? j Ksysvlllo Local. 11:45 p. M.?Dally?Limited 1 ?For all points South. Pullman ready at 9:33 I P. M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.-Ex. Sun.?Tv West PL. conaeet ' lng for lialtliuor* Mon.. Wed. and FrL 1:00. I A. M.?Ex. Sun. and 2:16 P. M.?Mon., w?d. I and Frl.?Local to West Point, TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND i From the South: 1:50 A. at., S.0S P. m., dally, 8:40 A. M. Ex. Sun.: 12:56 Ex. Pun.; ' 1:00 P. M. dally. From Weat Point: 9:m a, I M. Dally; U;35 A. M. Wed. and FrL; 4:26 P. M. Ex. Sun. 8. E. BURGESS. D. P. A.. ?20 E. Main St Thon* Vndlson 4U. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:19 A.?Local?Dally?Newport News. 8:30 A.--Local.?Dally?ch'ville. Ex. Sun. C Forge. f?:00 A.?'Fx pre as?Dally?Norfolk, Old Point. tl0:00 A^-Local?(Dally?L:l?bg, L?x. C. Forgo. TU:45 A.?Mtn. Spl. Ex. Sunday? W. Sulphur. ?2:00 1'.?Express?Dally?Cln.-L'vlllo. M.?0 P.?Express?Dilly?Norfolk. N. New a. 6:00 P?Local?Dally?N. News. Old Point. 6:15 P.?Local?Ux. Sunday?Gordonsvllle. ?C:1j p.?Local?Ex. Sunday?Lchbg, Natural Bridge, Clifton Forge. M::6 P. ?Limited?Dally?Cincinnati. Chicago. ?11:00 P.?Express?Dally?Cincinnati, L'villa. ?Sleepers, tl'arlor cars. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND?Local from East: 5:25 A. M., 7:50 P. M. Through from East: 11:20 A. M., 0:30 P. A. Local from West: "8:30 A. M.. "i:U) A M., 6:25 P. M. and S:30 P. M. Through: 7:00 A. M.. 2:15 P. M. James River Line: "3:35 A. M? 6:15 P. M. ??Dally except Sunday. Norfolk and Western Railway ONLY ALL RAIL LINE TO NORFOLK. Schedule In Effect May 14. 1S1L Leava Byrd Street station, Richmond. FOR NORFOLK: Us.10 A. M.. ?9:00 A. iL, a3:o0 P. M.. -4:10 P. M? b7:00 P. m. FOR LINCHUUltU AND " THE WESTl ??;15 A. M.. 'llcOO A. M.. a3:0O P. it. ??:!? P. M. Arrive Richmond from Norfolk. ?11:40 A. M.. bll:45 A. M.. ?6:35 P. M., bl0:25 P. m? ?11-30 P. M. From the Woat: 'O-.W A. Ja".. ai:00 P. M., b2:15 P. M., '6;<& P. M., "9:00 P. m. ?Dally. aDally ex. Sunday, bsundny only, Pullman Parlor and sleeping Cars, Cafe Dlnlug Cars. C, H. BOSLEY. D. P. A., Richmond, Va. VS-. B. BEVILL. Q. P. A.. Rounok*. Va. Kichmond & Petersburg Electric Railway Cara leave Manchester, Seventh and Parry, St 1 vets, Cor Petcraburg: ! ?6, 7, 8. ?9. 10, 11, ?U \. M., j, 2. "S, *, 4, "5: 45. *6. J, S, ??, 10 P. It U:00 P. M, for Cheaior, 13:00 midnight for Petersburg. Cara leava Peteraburg, foot at Sycamore Street, tor Manchester: 16:16. 6.3o, ??7-. 16. ,.:35. 8:35. 9:15. ?10:33, 11:29 A. M . 12:35, ?l:3S, S:*3, 3:35, a4:3S, 6:36, 6:?i, ?7:35, k:3i. 9:35, ?lO-.tO. U:v0 P. II. IDally except Sunday and holiday*. ?Carries bacgago and expreea. ??Limited, except Sundaya and holidays. All cars lrom Peters .rurg connect retth cars for Richmond. ' - SEABOARD All; LINK. Southbound trulls scheduled to leave Rich, mond daily: 9:10 A M.? Local to Norllna. 1.20 P. M.? Sleepers and coachoa, Atlanta, 1,11 mi ni. Savannah, Jacksonville and Floridu polnta. 9:60 P. M. -Sleepers and coaches, savannah, Jacksonville and Florida points. 11:13 P. M.?Sleepera and coaches. At? lanta. Birmingham. Memphis and tha South, west. Northbound trains scheduled to arrive In Richmond dally: 5:33 A. M.. 7:tt A m-. 1:03 ". M-. 6:40 P. St. RICHMOND AND C1I ESAl'KAKE BAT RAILWAY COMl'ANY, Schedule of electric traina to and from I Ashland, atopplng at Intermediate sutlons upon signal: I.v. Richmond (Broad and ; Laurel Sts.). ??:u5, '7:10, 8:10b, 0:10. "lOUO, MSlO A. M.; 1:10. 2:10, 3:10, 4:10b, 6:10, 6:20, : 7:10. u:luu. 10:10. 11:46 P. M. Lv. Ashland, ; ?6:55. 7b. 8, 9b. 10, "11 A. M.. ?13 M.. "I. ' 2, 3, 4, 5b, 0. 7, 8. 9b, 11 P. m. ?Dally except Sunday. "Sunder only. ! hcarrleH baggage. NORFOLK SOUTHERN Lv. Norfolk: '5:16 and *U A. U., a3 P. U , for Eastern Carolina and lbs South. Lv. Ralelgb: *S:15 A. M? 13 und '9:16 P. M.. for Eastern Carolina and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping Cara between Norfolk, Raleigh; also Goldabnro and Norfolk. ?Dally iy Ex. Sun. C. D. LESRANDE. Q, A? American Nations),' Bank. 'Phone M nruo 1521. Richmond. W. w PROXTnN r, p xnrrmv. Va. steamboats. Che sapeake Steam ship Co Big new ships, "City of Norfolk" and "City of Baltimore." Equipped with wireless telegraphy. Tals? phone service throughout the ships, State? rooms en suite, with baths. Prices from 75c to 4J..>0. Excellent meals. 75c. TO BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH VIA NORFOLK AND OLD POINT. Leavo Richmond Dally, except Sun., via N .\ W. Ry. 3:00 P. M.. Norfolk 6:li p. M_ C. A: O. Ry? 4:00 P. M. Dally, Old Point 7:15 P. 2d. O. D. S. S. Co. 7:00 P. M. Dally tone day la Norfolk). Va. Nav. Co. 6:30 A. M. (Monday, Wednos. day and Friday). Tickets at all ofTlces For staterooms apply to a E. BUROE^S, D. P- Agent. 92? Eu?t Main Street. Kichmond. Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Equipped with wireless telegraphy. TO BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH VTA NORFOLK AND OLD POINT. Leave Richmond Dally, Including Sunday, vis N It \V. Ry. 3/0 i\ M? Norfolk 6:20 P. M. C ft O, Ry l:*0 P, U? Old Point 7:30 P. M. O. D. S. S. C?. 7:00 P. M. (ono day la Nor. folk). Va. Nav. Co 6:30 A. M. (Monday. Wednes? day ami Friday). Tickets at uU offices. For staterooms ap. ply to II. M. HOY KIN, Agent. &30 East Mala Street. OLD DOMINION LINE Lv. Richmond foot of Ash St dally.7:00 P. m. Leave ftflwport Sows.5:00 A. m. Airlvo Norfolk.? 00 A. M. Connects with main lino steamers leaving Norlola for New York dally except Sun&^y 7 00 P M. Connections also.mada by .V a W. Ry. 3 P. M. and C. ? O. Ry. at 4 P. m_ Nil tit Line steamers stop at Claremont to laid or receive pusteugers an signal. ?jlittHNIA NAVIGATION CO.-James RH'St bj d.i. light for Norfolk, Old I'olnt. Max. purt News and all .lames River landings. St lamer leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday st fi:30 v. M. Frslght received for alt James River landings. 'Phone Madison 171. Main ticket Office. ?21 tE. ??'n -.trees. ASK MR.B0WIM ffl?VEt-?TROUBlt T?StsMaihSt. Bichmond,Va. The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLA T STItEEXa OPEN D A. 11. TO 6 P. M. AdmUsiun, 26c FREE ON SATUlU>As'si