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DANVILLE FAILS 10 SPOP TIGERS Three Straight for Roanoke Keeps Champs Safely in Last Place. Danville, Va.. August 0.?Roanoke madc It three straights from the Champs by taking the game this af? ternoon from the locals, 6 to 4. push? ing two men across In the ninth In? ning. The locals made a hard try In their half of the ninth, but the best they could do was one run. It was I'erryman against Hull, and the form? er lost the game, owing to base." on balls. Danville started off like a winner scoring two runs In the llrst. but drop? ped behind In the fourth and fifth, when Roanoke made three runs, and the was never able to overcome the lead though thr; box tied the score In the sixth. The locals did not play with the vim that Roanoke did, and thereby hangs the tale. The acore? Roanoke. A.B. R Olnn, cf. 4 1 Shaughnossy, rf. 3 1 Pressly, lb. 4 2 M< Cauley, 3b. 4 1 fS. Cooper, c. 4 0 Tltman. If . 4 6 Shields. 2A>. 4 0 Sefalu, sh. 3 o Hall, p. .1 0 Totals .33 f> . H O. A. E. 2 10 0 13 11 1 12 0 0 2 110 16 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 4 2 1 10 2 1 0 27 12 1 Danville. A B. R. H. O. A. E. Bowen. 2b. 4 1 1 2 2 1 Kaufman. If. 4 1 0 5 1 ? Schr?der, lb. 4 1 3 9 0 0 Jackson, cf. 4 0 0 1 1 0 S. Griffin. 2b. 4 0 0 0 1 2 3. Cooper. 3b. 4 1 2 > 4 1 lioyne. rf.4 0 3 0 0 0 Mace, e. 1 0 1 3 0 0 Hudglns. c. 3 0 1 4 2 0 perry man, p. 2 0 a a l n ?Mayberry . 1 a 0 0 0 n Totals .36 4 11 27 12 4 ?Batter for Pcrryman In ninth Score by Innings: R. Danville . 2 0 n n 0 1 0 0 1?4 P.oanok*- .0 00 2 1 0 0 0 2?r, Summary: Stolen bases?BhaUgh riessy (2), Fefalu (2), Tltman. Schr?d? er J. Cooper Sacrifice hits?Ginn Shaughneasy. Tltman. Pcrryman. Two bat hits?Shuughnessy. McCauley, Ginn, Bowen. Mace. Three-base hits ? i ressly. Double plays?Cefalu to Pressley. Shauphnessy to Cefalu Left on bases?Roanoke. 10; Danville. f>. Rage on balla?By Pcrryman, 5 (Shaugenossy. Pressly. McCauley, G. Cooper, Cefalu). Struck out?By Per ryman. S; by Hall, 5. First base on errors?Roanoke. 2. Danville. 2. Time. 2:05. Umpire. Render. Attendance 300. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At St. Paul: St Puul. 2; Milwaukee. 0. At Columbus: Columbus, 6: Indian? apolis. 2. At Minneapolis: Minneapolis, 7. Kan Sns City. 6. At Toledo: Toledo, 4: Louisville. 2. APPALACHIAN LEAGUE At Morris town: Morristown. f.; Asbc vllle, 1. Live Advertisers will recognize in the Richmond Boosters' Tour An opportunity to help Richmond while helping themselves. * C. E. Ivey, Sec. and Treas. Richmond Adver lizers' Club. "The Richmond Boosters' Tour affords opportunity for the livest advertising campaign ever at? tempted in Richmond. The great volume of publicity which it will secure for Richmond, and for each firm participating, could be pur? chased only through the expendi? ture of possibly 510,000, while the quality of the publicity will be such as no amount of money could buy, it being editorial and fiure news matter, which is not for sale by the press at any price, except as inspired by friendly feeling and admiration for such a progressive and up-to-date movement." Apply for reservations at once. List closes September 1. Phone Monroe 1 and get full details. Your Attention Is Directed to the New Style Victrolas Drop by for a cool, pleasant half hour in our Victor Parlor and hear the Victrola. All the new and old records. All styles Victors. Best Terms?Most Courteous Treatment Special Prices on Record Cabinets Walter D. Moses & Co. 103 East Broad Street Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina. Pertinent Comment By GUS MALBERT. Back home to-day after our r,ear trlumi>hal march upon Lynchburg. Though thwarted in our desire to get rid of at least four games In the se? ries?there were just that number played ? wo nevertheless hold our heads high, for we are secure In the knowledge that we did the best we could. We won a game, but why blame us for that. Slattern-Jawed Philanthropie Stark Is the ono at fault. He made us a present out of the goodness of his heart, snd It was ns much a surprise to us as it was to any one else But we are home again ?home to carry on the warfare, and if link be with us and the hruckrnlllerize enough of the games, and the Bed Sox <jult being so peevl?h about their honored position" where tlicy can get a most excellent view of the procession as jt passea by, we will yet achieve the glorious end which Is our goal. Two games were played In Lynch burg, and the first came our way by virtue of the gra,clousness of the S. P. Starke referred to above. He was guilty of a wild heave or two, which more than offset the surplus number of blngles which Dutch Hevelle al? lowed S. P.'s fellow-players. Dutch horseshoed his way through so nicely I In the first that Manager Cowan ; thought he might have something In his hip pocket; a rabbits loot or something equally as potent, and sent j him back to bring home the last, j By this time, however, the Shocmak | era had been fully advised of all that . l>,:tch bad In the s?hop and really on i tlcipated what he was going to serve, i while Bruck allowed the Colts to eke out the thlnfi which the doughnut surrounds. .There was nothing of peculiar Inter-j e'st in either o fthe games. Aside from the surprising announcement that Richmond won a game, tht wire's ! buzzing was as monotonous as of yore. | j Hanks or Hogue will probably start J against Busch, and he will doubtless use .Hamilton or Hanslfan. _ i j An Ingenious young person who had t much time on his hunds managed to ' saw off the following chunk working I up an appetite for breakfast. With reservations we commend it tu your tender mercy. This is how It Jerks: The Fun?' Lament. We that go out. day by day, Read the dope and watch the play. Raise our pipes nl this sad song, Something's rotten, something's wrong. And the universe Is gone to smash, j What's the use of going out, If we cannot get the clout. If we alt and watch them drown. I Three men on and one man down, And the universe all gone to smash. Take the men and stack them up. Fit to win a challenge cup! Martin, Dobson, Prlost ami all. Play the game and play good ball, But the universe still goes to Bmash. Mac and Mattls in the garden. Need of no man ask a pardon. Then there's Scrap Iron, on whose | ' brow Weight of worlds is brooding now. | But the universe still goes to smash, j Wallace still can catch a fly, Rtill has got his batting eye, But each day it looKa the same. If we play, we lose the game. And the universe still goes to 1 smash. Mr. Bradley, hear our plea, I Give us baseball fit to see Ere tho last- fopd fan's disgusted. Ere the management is busted, And the universe clean gone to smash! j Plttsburg Is now In the lead in the I National League. Despite the fact that the Pirates are going strong, no less 1 a person than Edward I.yon, just re- | turned from looking them over, de- j elnres that the Cubs will be first tin- j der the wire, and he is backed In his opinion by no less a person than Er? nest J. Lannigan. than whom no mnn Is better qualified to Judge. Univer? sally the Mackmen are selected for first honors in the American, especially In view of the fact that the Tigers are j now playing minus their captain, Mo | rlnrlty being out of tho game because I of a spike wound. Cobh Is known to i bo slek. and should he collapse In the ! near future. It will not be surprising j to see Detroit drop even lower than j second place. Robert Fnnlngton, or Fnrmln^ton. or Farrington?his chlrography Is not good?declares that he wants to meet any 150-pound mat artist In the State of Virginia. Ho has several victories to his credit, and can be found at 8012 Taylor Street. A meeting of the Cardinals team In the Central League, has been called for to-night at 8:30 o'clock. The meet? ing, is to be held at 200 West Broad Street, and all of the members of tho team are requested to attend, as sev? eral matters of importance will be considered. Orestc Vessella and his Italian Band, whose concerts on the Steel Pier at Atlantic City delight thousands of pleasure-seekers, can be heard in your own home with as much enjoy? ment as though you were at the popular seaside resort. And beside this noted organization you can hear on the Victor such famous bands as Sousa's, Pryor's, U. S. Marine Band, Kryl's Bohemian and other of the greatest military bands on earth. There's every other kind of music and entertainment too?over 3000 selections from which to choose. Hear your favorite selection today at any Victor dealer's. And be sure to hear the Victor-Victrola Victor? $10 to $100. Victor-Victrolas $50 to $K0 Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, X. J. Always use Victor Records played with Victor Needles?there is no other way to get the unequaled Victor tone. | SHOW HORSES GIVE JUDGES MUCH WORK ClassesWell Filled and Animals Perform Uniform, ly Good?Darkness Comes Before Decisions Reached?Jullian Morris Scores Heavi? ly in General Classes. Charlottesville, Va.. August ?.?The, first, day of the eleventh annual ex- I hlbltlon of the Alhemarle Horse Show Association brought out some of the best horses ever seen In a Virginia show ring, according to competent judges Twenty-three classes were shown, and competition was so close that it was dark when the ribbons were pinned On the winners In the final event. There were twenty contestants In the Corinthian class, and six clean per? formances. First money went to Al gotna. a winner at Madison Square Garden last full, and conceded to be the best hunter In America. Another RUnhelin Farm entry to capture a blue was Paradox, In the class for thoroughbred hunters The silver plate presented by .T. An? derson Chisholm. president of the Alhemarle Association to the ladles' best harness horse, was captured by Alexandria, a fine type of harness horse, full of class and manners. Ga? ronne, a superb type of ladles' mare, was second In this event. Miss Amy K. Dupont. of Wilmington, had an? other consistent performer In Lady Cemblo, who won the blue In the novice harness class and that for har? ness horses 151-2 hands or over. Julian Morris scored heavily with David Gray and Keswlck, winners at Olympic show. In London, while his hay gelding. Confidante, won blues lit the combination saddle and harness and gentleman's park hack classes. \ The half-dozen cavalry?horses from Fort Meyer, exhibited at Olympin. I London, were not at their best to-day. i The chestnut gelding Poppy, ridden 1 by Lieutenant Adna Chaffee. curried off the blue In the class for green hu liters. Mrs. Allen Potts won first money in I sporting tandem class, with Pretty Maid at the wheel. David Gray and ] Mate were second. i The two entries In the four-ln-hand class gave such a superb performance that the judges divided the purse, and '? pave each a blue ribbon. Lee Hechlnger's tenm was conceded to be the be.-t park four-ln-hand. and R. L. Thomas'? a splendid road four in-hand. Intense heat cut down the attend? ance. The Judges were Or. R. lister Jones, of Culpept-r: Charles R, llooff. of Laurel. Md., and Harry W. Fprat ley. of Klberon. Vn. Captain McCoy, 1'nited Stales Army, will Judge the chnrger class to-mor? row. Summaries: Coach colts, two years old and un? der?First, colt. P. .1. Robinson and f'.on. Chnrlottesvllle; second. Moon* light. l>awrence Humphries. Char lottesville. Hackney colts, two years old and tinder?First. Tretty Boy, W. B. Bul? lock, Manassas; second. Balblnus. Buckeyeland Stock Farm. Galted saddle horses?First, Black Beauty, W. Euitene Graves. CharlottS vllle: second. He.-ret. George W. White. Bed Hill; third. Tatnall. !,. Marsh Walker, ivy Depot; fourth. Mltthhall. L Marsh Walker. Alhemarle roadsters?First, Raster Lily. K. J. Ward, Chariot tesvtlle: second, Scotch I/id, A. W. Rhodes, Charlottesvlllo; third. Carlton, Mrs Hollls Rinehart, Rirdwond; fourth, Major Bill. Gordon C. Nelson. Chnr? lottesvllle. Infnnt Jumping class, best perform? ance over Jumps not to exceed three nnd one-half feel?First. Megan tic, Lewis Garth, Chnrlottesvllle; second. Tncknhoe. Fred W. Scott, Afton; third. Aviator. James N\ Andrews. Gordons- j ville; fourth. Maxlmus, Mrs. Allen Potts. Gordonsvllle. Pair hnrness horses?First, Alexnn- | drla nnd Lady Clmbeo, Miss Amy R. i Dupont, Wilmington. Del.; second, Miss | Brighton and mr,.te, Lee Hechlngor, | Washington; third, Wilton and Even? ing News, -1- Anderson Otisheim, Chnrlottesvllle. Hackney stallions, three-year-olds and over?First, imp, Hoaeham Gold- j finder, W. B. Bullock, Manassas; sec? ond, Night Hawk, Daniel It. Andrew's, Charlottcsvllle; third, imp lion-ham ] Admiral. W. B. Bullock; fourth, imp Bossal, Esq.. W, B. Bullock. Green hunters?First. Poppy, Bnited Plates Government. Fort Meyer. Va., ridden by Lieutenant Adna Chnffce; second. Borderland. Wilbur Oaborne. Gordonsvltle; third. Megantic. Lewis i Garth, Chariottesvllle; fourth. Turk. ! ahoe. Fred W. Scott (R. E. <"i. 1agent). Afton. Novice harnes? class?First. l.r-.dv Cemblo, Miss Amy E. Dnpont, Wtl I mington, Del.: second, bay mate. Lee ! Hcchinger. Washington. D. C.; tlilnl. j Buckeyeland's Pride, Buokeycland Stock Farm, .T. Ft. Andrews, proprietor; j fourth. Sultan's Signal, Hechinger, j Washington. Ponies In harness, over thirteen hands, not exceeding 14-1-2?First, Daffodil. Mrs. Allen Potts. Happy Creek Farm, Gordonsvllle: second, Queenie. Miss Helen Brnddlsh. Univer? sity of Virginia; third. Dandy, Dnv'-. & Wood, Charlottesvlile; fourth, Drlvpony, Thomas H. Oliver, Moor I mans River. . Indies' green hunters, over Jumps j not to exceed four feet?First, Aviator. James N. Andrews. Somerset, second. I Maxlmus. Mrs. Allen Potts: third. Midway, Wilbur Osborno; fourth. Mill - j wood. Julian Morris. Combination harness and saddli j horse?First. Confidante. Julian Mor i rls: second. Martini. Mrs James N. An l drews. Somerset: third. Silver King, ! Mrs Robert B. Crawford, Keswlck. Thorouglihred hunters?First, Para. I dox, Blenheim Farm.. Baltimore; s.-c | ond, Gloversvllle, Julian Morris: third, I Tucknhoe. Fred W. Scott. Richmond: fourth. Yellowstone-Regent. United States cavalry, Fort Meyer. ! Saddle ponies, thirteen hands and under?First. Brigand, Mldloch Pony Farm. Trevllllans; second. MerrylegS, I Miss Lucy Day Martin. Charlottesvlile: third. Tar baby, Thomas S. Martin. Jr : I fourth, Black Beauty, Mldloch Pony I Farm. I Gentleman's park hack?First, Con? fidante, Julian Morris: second. Mar I tint. Mrs. Jame? X. Andrew?; third, Silver King. Mrs. Robert B. Crawford. I Keswlck; fourth. Enchantress, United I States Cavalry. Fort -Meyer. I Sporting tandem?First. Mrs. Allen For SO Yenrs ttie House of Quality. Straus, Gunst & Co., Dlstlllora and Blenders oi Pine IVhlaklea. Drink Old Henry lt? Long Record Proves Im Merit. ?the instrument that has Victroiaxvi . , . . Mahogany. $:oo created such a sensation in r?u,rV!Ted^\,3&i? Circassian walnut, $250 the musical world. The Cable Piano Co. Oitofk ?uperlor ndvnntaffrH to i hi.-h.ii n - piircliimrrM of Victor Talking Machines Records and Supplies The lnrsest stock in Richmond to draw from. Ample and commodious soundproof rooms and a service that Is unexcelled. STANDARD PRICKS?EASY TERMS. -i.: Eilst llrnnd. {'Otts, second, .lulliui Morris; third. Blenheim Farm, Baltimore. l'air roadsters?First. Cary and Carl* ton, Mrs. llollls Rlnehart, Blrdwoou; second, Lady Beverley und Lady Au? gusta, Hai? & Taylor. Indianapolis; third. Faster Lily and Christinas Day, ?. .1. Ward. Charlottesvlllo; fourth. Sunshine and Sunlight, Hale & Taylor. Hunting class?best pair over regu? lation Jumps, abreast ? First. David Cray and Keswlck, Julian Morris; sec? ond, Pair. Blenheim Farm. Baltimore: third. Oloversvllle atiYi Piedomnt, Julian Morris; fourth, Quandary and Enchantress, United States Cavalry. Fort Meyer. Harness horses. 1516 hands and over ?First. Ludy Cent bio, MIsh Amy E. I Dupont. Wllmlngtoni Del.; second. Imp. ! Heacham Ooldflnder, w B, Bullock, j i-Manassas: third, Grand Slain. Lee | j Hechinger, Washington; fourth. Imp. I Bossall. Esq., W. B. Bullock. I Corinthian ela-V?horses ridden by member <>f organlxed hunt club, in full hunt colors ? 1'lrst. Algomn, Blenheim I Farm, Baltimore; second, Keswlck, I Julian Morris; third. The Virginian. J James N. Andrews. Somerset; fourth. I David Cray. Julian Morris. Ladles' harness horses, driven by a lady?First. Alexandria, Miss Amy E. Dupont. Wilmington: second, Garonne, I Buckeyeland Stock Farm; third. Wem? bley King. Gerald J. O'Brien, Keswlck; fourth. Mottle Chimes, Miss Amy E. i ittpont. Hunters and Jumpers, over Jumps I not exceeding four feet?First, David Gray, Julian Merrl?; second. Taconlte, [Julian Morris; third. Cygnet. United ; States Cavalry. Fort Meyer; fourth. ..Irxtlne. Untied States Cavalry. Fort I Meyer. j Four-ln-hand?purse divided and j bine ribbons given lo teams owned by j Lee Hechlngpr, Washington, nnd R. I* Thomas, Charlottesvllle, CROP PROSPECTS I WORST IN YEARS Decline in Condition Is Trace? able to Drought and In? tense Heat. I Washington, August 9.?A tremen- j l dous decline in the condition of crops generally throughout the country, and traceable to drought ami intense heat,: occurred during the last month, as In- j [ dldated by official figures and esti? mates made to-day in the monthly crop1 report of the Department of Agrloul-' turo. The report to-day Is the worst, i as to general crop conditions, that the ' department has issued for any single | month since IDOL The area most seriously affect od ex? tends from New York und Pennsylva? nia wustward to the Rocky Mountains, embracing all of the great corn, wheat and hay producing states In the c?un- i try. In the Southern States, with the exception of Virginia and North Caro- I lina, ample rains served to maintain j generally favorable conditions through? out the*past month. These conditions I ' thus far continue to be favorable. Conditions In the Pad lie Northwest States are regarded as excellent, ill- i though during July that territory suf? fered from a brief but excessively hot 1 period. The figures contained In to-day's report indicate a material slump In the prospects of nil crops. The totul production of the principal CrOp? as Indicated by their condition on August l is as follows: I Crop. 101 I bus loin bus. Corn .2,620,221,400 8,125,068,000 I Winter wh't". 105,140,000 161,044,.i Spring wheat. 200,615,000 231,300,1)00 All wheat ... 664,704.700 695,443,000' Outs . S17.S00.O00 I.I26.76"> Olio Barley . 139,352,400 162*227,000* . :(0.t!77.f)00 33,039,000 Potatoes .... 3311,811,000 Buckwheat ?. 14,498,000 17,239,000 Tobacco . 600,688,000 984,439,000 (pounds) (poundsi Klaxsci'd - :'J.s'.M).ctMi ll.llrt duo Bice . 2.*!,070,000 24,510.060 (pound.:i (pounds) Hay . 49,129,000 60,978,000 (Ions) (tons i ?Preliminary estimates nf crop re? porting hoard. The figures for winter wheat In ; Virginia and North and s.>,!?:??. Caro? lina follow: Winter wheat? Protluc Statea, Yield. t|on, Quality. Virginia . 12.0 9,652,000 92 North Carolina. 10,6 7.787,000 o:t ?South Carolina. II I 5,632,000 00 The ngures for corn in the same States follow; 10-vr. ?State.. 1011. loin. Ave. \ Irglnlu . 70 SO SO North Carolina . 78 Ks v,t| i South Carolina . SO so 93 I CAROLINA ASSOCIATION At Charlotte; Charlotte, 4; Spartan burg. 3. At Greenville: Greenville. 2; Greens? boro, 11. At Wtnston-Salem: Wlnston-Salem, 7; Anderson, ? ? .:tnn Hitter Released. Tole.lo. O.. August !?.?Charlie Hlckman, outfielder, who ha* been with the Toledo team for thr'-.- years, was Riven hi* nncon rlltlonal releaie tins afternoon by Owner W t: Armour. RUkman'a legi have gono ; in htm. He hit over ..W thus far this rear hill wai unable to rover any territory in tho fteld. Last Outing to the Mountains VIA Norfolk and Western Railway Tuesday, August 15, 1911 ROUND TIUP RATES I Lynchburg.S2.04) I llonnoke .S.i.oo Christiansburg .93.80 Bast Radford .13.7B Wy'thovllle.SI.-5 Marion .94.00 Bristol.S5.00 Special train will leave Richmond I 11:00 A. M, on above date, running ! Through to Bristol and stopping at Bedford, Montvale, I nine Ridge and at all stations west of i Iloanoke. Return en Friday, August IS, 1911. For full Information, apply to C. A. j Overton, Jr.. City Passenger Agent, S38 Bast Main Street, or to C. II. IIOSLEY, _I'i-'trl.-t l'.is.-ftiger Agent. Can Cancer Be Cured? IT CAN The record of the Kellam Ho3pitatt without parallel in history, having cured to stay cured permanently, without the use ol the knile or X-ray, over 90 per tent, of the many hu nil reds of sufferers from cancer which it has treated during the past fifteen years. \\ e have been endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Virginia. We guaran? tee our cures. Physicians treated fiee Kellam Hospital 1617 West Main Stret, RICHMOND. - - - - VIRGINIA It is all-important that your Plumbing Fixtures should be of the most modern sanitary pattern. It is an assurance against much sickness and expense. We arc the headquarters in Richmond to which you should comC. McGraw-Yarbrough Co. Plumbers' Supplies 122 S. Eighth St., - Richmond, V* Out-of-town orders shinued ouicklv W. Fred. Richardson, I t M it M DlltrcCTOIl AND BMBAI.MER, Mntn ami Hclvldere Streets. Phones, MadUon 843, day; Uonro* 842. rl?-ht.