Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market New York. August 23.?The stock market to-day lapsed into Its extrem? dullness of tho early summer;. Trans? actions were almost the smallest of Hiiy "lay for some weeks, and business WAS Of the most perfunctory character. Such tendency as the list manifested at odd intervals was mostly In the di? rection of lower pliers. Indeed, a number Of new low records were ?s tabllshed for the movement, Southern Pacific i-nd American Tobacco prefer.* red coming In for that belated distinc? tion. Prom the ilrsl hour. In which prices fell abruptly, except In Cana? dian Pacific which tried to recover son;.' of its recent severe decline, the market rose anil fell, sometimes wlth ?h a ope-point range, but oftencr than nol changes were h'Orc circumscribed In fact, from 11 /clock tint" an hour he?.,re ihe close, only 111, ''00 shares changed hands. ..nd the total output, was less than 1:76.000. such discussion as the day evoked deal: largely with the policy of econ? omy and genera! retrenchment to which many ,.f the large rcMrottdi und other: rested interests are clearly commit? ted A rather pessimistic Int.Mvl.w. attributed to the of 'he Atchisnn road, was in line with th's program and confirmed the belief row generally prevalent that conservatism and ex-| t;e:ne euutlcn in money spending are to guide all corporate undertakings I for the balance of the year, if liot for p longer period. The adjournment <>f Congress passed! by utterlj Ignored. :ind interest now hinges oh the utterances of the chief; executive of the nation In *.ns forth-; coming lou- A new turn vat given to the Moroccan situation oh cables from Paris announcing thai discussion of that matter Is to come up on Frl-I day. and Berlin advices reported a subsidence ol anxiety over that cues-| tlon on its Bourse. The labor situa? tion at home continues rather criti? cal in some railway t.uortere. parti? cularly on the southern Pacific and Il? linois Central lines. The day was de void of crop news, but all signs point to general bettermenL News respecting tbe steel and Iren Industry was somewhat conflicting. A few of . tbe railroads have placed ord? ers for very mode-ate quantities of rails, but other products ere being of? fered at lower prices, as a result of ?which the valumc of business for tho year may attain to last year's propor? tions Front the plants of the United States Steel Corporation. In the Pltts l.urg district, came word to-day that the perctntage of activity Is smaller than last weeks, and that no marked increase is looked for until Septt mber Conditions In the copper metal trnde er? regarded with no small degree of satisfaction. There has been a very large demand recently, largely from domestic consumers, and one of the largest producing companies said to have marketed all its output since April i Relatively more firmness has; he-en shown by copper securities in the, recent decline than in any other class of stocks Further unsettlement was shown by the market in the lust hour, with an? other drive against th" active group chiefly Union Pacitlc, Southern Pacific and Atcheson. The movement was stig gestue of short selling, but was halt? ed before It had gone very for. and | ?wi.s lolloued by further stagnntion The closing was dull, with a heavy un? dertone. In rhlch a majority of stock recorded net losses. The bond market was eHSler. Total seles, par value, amounted to $1,IB6. uoo. United States government 2 per rents, advanced 1-S on call. Total sales for tbe day. 271,Son shares New York. August 2" ?Money on rail steady; highest I 1-4 per cent, lowest, '2. ruling rate, 2 1-4: last loan. 2 1-t, closing bid. 2 t-S; offered at 2 l-i. Time loans steady; sixty days. 2 3-4Si 3 per cent.; ninety days. 3: six months. 3 1 -257 3 3-4. Prime mercan? tile paper. 4 1-4 to 4 1-2 Sterling ex? change firm, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $1.83*0 for six -day Mils, and at $4.$610$ 84.8615 f? de? mand. Commercial bills. SIAI. (Bar Silver. T2 1-4 Mexican dollars. 16. nrv ii.Mojm stock market, n> Richard W. Maury. Ftork and Bond Broker. 10!f, r. Main Street. Richmond, va., Aufftisi SALUS AT BOARD. National Rank of Virginia?le at Jjo, STATE SECURITIES. Rid Asked. Virginia 3?. Old. C. and R . 1932_ SS Va. Centuries. ;-3, e. and Ft , 195!.. RS tSVi RAILROAD BONOS. A C. 1. R R. fon. Tr. 4 p e.... 5? C and O. Osn'1 M . 4S?. !9e2 . 101 Georgia. Sou. ani Fla., . 1? Georgia ar.i Al%, con. t?. sue_ 105 ?No.- and West. Ry. la. 19M. !? Seaboard Air Lint 4i, ISiO. K7 Seaboard Adjustment 3?. 1M9. Eoutiie.n Railway ist iwt. :,? So. R, Dev. and <S. M. 4?. 1JC6. ,,' Weitem N. c. 1st SS, C.. 1914. 104 ... STREET RAILWAY BONDS. Va Ry. and Power Co. 1934_ 9& STREET ?V. STOCKS, P>ar. Va Ry. and Power Co. pfd_Id Va. Ry. and Tower Co. pfd_lie sofc ... RAILROAD STOCKS. par. Atlantic Coast Line com.KO Its Chesapeake and ohKi.KO Norfolk and Western fom.100 10J ... Itouihe-n llut'wu) pfd.100 CM; .'. t'ouilitm Railway cum.!0u S-. " !.'?. BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS. Amer.inn National.100 1 so P.road St ret t. :'j j-j 7^ First National.109 Merchants National.10)700 .? Mechanics and Merchants..._;oo rg, .*"?' Natioi.a: Bank of Virginia.100 200 SO! National state and cltj Bank..loo U( Plan-er? National. :?? 75-? Havings Rank o>l Ru-hinond_3? 73 -j Union ha-.-.V. r,t Richmond. &o 300 Vlrr.nls J'ruet Company.100 IB0 1N6TJ RANCB COM PAN I ES. Vlrrinla F!.-e and Marine.. 2f <9 MISCELLANEOUS. Tob. Co, p.M 4 p e. y, American Loco Co. "\ Va.-Csr Cheni. p!d i p r.lio in iii Quotation? tat Interest-paying bond* are at a price to whl Interest must be added Income bond, Mi.ficatrs of indtbttd cese are BOND LIST. Allls-Cha'.mers t?. . . ,,<, Amtrlcan Tobacc0 Company 4s..."..'!'. tM' American Tobacco Company if ........ "jS At.antic. COSSI Line 1st Is..... !4 I A. C. L.-L. and N. 4s . Atlar.ti- Coast Line tone ?, ibid.'""' I.'t Chesapeake and Ohio enrv. It^s Noifolk and Western .on\ StaboAid Air Line 4s. fea:.c-)o Air Line ad), -s tbldi ftttttthern del: Tel. is. Southern Railway dev. is. 6oul!:ern Railway :.s. laiii 1 '"it! open AN ACCOUNT WITH The Union Bank of Richmond 1107 EAST M.4IN STREET. 81.00 MAKES A START. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York Sales. Stock. Allls-Chalmers . AltU-Chalmers, ptd. (>/*?<-< Amulmimatcd Copper ... GO** Amor. Agrl. Chein., com. ... W Amur. Beet Sugar, com., ?l3? <v? American ('an . 10 i'<? American fan. pfd. 84*4 lfrj Amer. fur an i Foundry, :oi? Amur Car and Nun., pfd ... American Col ion Oil. Bv THOMAS BRANCH & CO. Bankers, and Brokers. Open. High. Low. Bid. Asked. Sal ca. Stock Closing . 614 "Vt 19 1914 60*4 Open 9 100 American Linseed OH.. 100 American Locomotive ? Amor. I.rficiMiiotive. pfd. 200 Amer. Mali Co., pfd. 40'4 2,400 American Smelting . 71 1'? American Stiffs I . 114T? 1,200 Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co... 133*4 ICS American Tobacco, com. 373 1,400 American Tobacco, pfd.. 9'?.4 100 Anaconda Copper . 30 ?.','.100 Atchlson . loi's 200 Atlantic Coast Lino. 122*4 A <'. L. of Connecticut, "fif") Baltimore and Ohio. -??> Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Central Leather, com... 9,848 Canadian Pacific . BOO Chesapeake and Ohio. lint Chicago Great Wester 3.40O Chi.. Mil. and St. Paul... IUVj tin Crucible Steel Cor., com. 1114 Crucible steel, pfd. ?00 Chicago and Northwest. ."'?(Colorado Fuel and Iron. SCO Colorado and Southern.. 1,000 Consolidated Has . Delaware and Hudson... IO0 Den. and Rio Gran., com. llf. Den. opd Bio Gran., pfd. 100 Distillers" Sec. Cor. t\S00 F.rle . ?r?l Krle. 1st pfd. Fed. Mln. and Sm? pfd. General Electric . Great Northern, pfd . 124H S00 Gr er. I Northern Ore ctrr. 17*, reo Illinois Central . 140 gOO Interboro-Met. 1614 100*4 '.331, 73*4 19'-, 14114 28=? ta>* 13.,12 5314 31% 30 tr>?i r.i?, 10 9 34? 133*4 373 ?014 103*4 I'.; 19'-. 114*4 I1T4 iii'i 29*4 t&'4 13616 UM 3l?i 12414 47*1 140 lMs H? S4-m 9 36 U '4?14 70? a 114*4 133*1 3-iS SS'i 36 104?. 122*4 I?0V4 75*4 232 73\ 191a 114', 11T4 ?114 20 6S14 31*4 6(?,4 63 bl<4 10 S4 sou 11614 5314 36V.. 104l.j 39 70*4 Hl'4 133*4 ."AS low* 7?*i 2l><t 7.".' ~ IV-1 111 11*1 M 140'.. "<l 49'i 13814 161U 24? A 33'i 31!~ 29'?. 1?U iro 124' i 47 139" . 16 H 10', 84% 3":'s 116 3 Hi 914 36*4 107 41 70*. ? 91-i 3614 104 ft 123 243 1?0% 233? 71 20 114', UK 81*4 HU? 30 19% 137 1SS 24? M 31*4 29*? 4f*-i >''? -j ir.4 12."', ' 17% 110 I6V4 47?? UilVi 143'.? ivo lnt"jrboro-Mel.. pfd. Int. Mer. Marine, com... International Paper ? 100 Int. Paper, pfd. Kan City South., com.. 2.2'X> I.ehigh Valley . IO0 Louisville anil Naahvllh Manhattan . 240 Mo. Kan. and Texas ... :i!', Mo., Kan. und Tex., pfd. ... 800 Missouri Pacific . 4P National Lead . 1,200 New York Central. I'M'., 100 N. V.. Ont. and Western 40 1,100 Norfolk and Western... 102*4 1,900 Northern Paelllc . H?W I0<> Pacific M?ll . 29 1,826 Pennsylvania . 12014 People's Gas . 101 Piltsburg Co..l. com. IS>.? Pressed Steel far. Pressed steel Car, pfd. Uv. Steed Spring, coin. 31,900 Beading . 1?'? 300 Republic Iron and Steel 26*4 100 Republic I. and S. pfd.. 92 1,800 Hock Island . 100 Roch Island, pfd. Sloss-Sheffield . Southern Pacific . ."..70o Southern Hallway . 40) Southern Railway, pfd '.23 Standard Oil . Tennessee for per . fiO ? Texas Pacific . 76.M? Union Pacific . 300 Cnlted States Rubber... 7H 70,650 United States Ste "1. '-'?? 2,600 United States Ste?l, pfd 115*4 100 Va.-far. Chemical . 65% 420 Va.-far. Chemical, pfd.. 1181? Va. Hy. and Power, com ... Va. Ry. and Power, pfd. ... ion Wabash . 14'4 300 Wahash. pfd. 30 ?jio W\stcrn Union . ?7?M Total sales for daj'. '-' Tolal sales fui week (three High. Low 41*4 tl'T-i 26'4 ?214 29*4 68*4 170*1 47*4 va H3V? 31'? 12 102*4 119S 121 is'. 111% 26*4 26U 19^4 68*4 60S 171'v 37*', 115*4 :?<? 11814 47H? IiB'h 41'4 ittt*4 10214 Bid. Asked. Closing 42 42', I 41? 10 11 474 I7H 29V4 M 16414 164*4 143 144 1 i3i 13!? ; 3114 SU., <?'7 OS 1114 U*4 I 5114 5 10314 104 1 10 4"Vi 102'.'. IV3 I Iib*4 30 31 120*4 121141 l<?'., 10.| I"- 19'; 31H 32 97 100 3.' 32 '^ 143*4 14311 26*4 26 ? 9? v: 19*4 68! 1 24*4 169*4 37 V, ST*4 11614 M'i 118 4*'.. 42 11114 2814 6SV4 596 31 ?4 2414 16914 37', 7SU. 11$ 'S <fi H'4 29V. l*?-i 1414 30 30 7314 -514 '4.800 shares. davsl. I.4KJM? vV,:ire? fulled Stales Steel Ss. 10IH Vs.- Brown Bros, ctfs. lbld>. 60 i'?.-'"ar. Cham. 1st ?S. SS*? It's hash deb. 4s. ?.'?? Wabssh-Fltt?. 1st (s. 44 rannma ikw 3s. 10"'.? COTTON MARKETS. New Tork, August 33.?II was another I qulst day In the cotton markst and fluct uatlor.s were again comparatively narrow with an early decline, followed by a rally, and with the close, steady avt a nat advajica | of from points on near months and of 5 3 6 points on active naw crop positions. The market opened steady at an advance j of t point oa August, but generally 16 4 I points lower, nnd during the first few mln- 1 utes active new crop positions sold from i : ;r ?! polst? Under the closing figures of yes? terday as a rosult of scattered liquidation and local bear pra&surc encouraged by I easier cables. Receipt! to-day 16,016 bales against 6.3IS 1 last \\*ok and 7,7'.*2 last year. To-day's re- t cciplg at New Orleans. Ml bales asjalnsl r.ttt ; last week and 341' last year. At Houston j to-day, 10,171 bales against 6,364 last week I und <At: last year. I'olton fuluirs opened and closed steady: Open. High. Low. Close. I.'.fin r.'.3< 11.32 ILK IL43 11.31 11.21 11..1* II. ?7 n <??. 11.33 11.30 11.41 11.31 11.43 . 11.61 ; ILM I point*. 1 Auj; list .I September . October .11.2? November . December .11.32 January .11.27 March .1.11.33 May .311.0 July . Spot cotton closed quiet, net higher; middling uplands. 12.70; middling gulf. 13.96. ' otton. (tutet: middling. 12.70; gross r?- I ccipis, SiC bales; block. >?.77ii bait*. Tool to-doy et all ports?Net receipts, 16.021 bales: export to the Continent, 'J'V? j hales; to .Inpnn. NO bales; sto, k. 1SS.94? baits. Consolidated at an port*?Net receipt*. 60.1? bales; export lu Oreal Britain, 7.ISI bales; io France, z,H4 bales; t? the Conti- j ?lent, 20,650 bubs; lo Japan, ICO bales. | Total since September I hi nil ports?Net i receipts, 6.60S,33: bales: ?xpert t? Great I Britain, 3.270,369 bales; to Prance. 903.311 I bales; to th? Continent, ::.0:iJ.i)ll bales; to Japan, llt?.r.T^ buies. t?. Mexico, 1,073 bales. New Orleans. La., August 23.?An early decline in the cotton market to-day, due to disappointing cables, was followed by an advance on reports of crop deterioration in both Texas and Oklahoma, and the loss was regslned, a net advance or 1?J points be? ing established for the more active months late In the morning. The final pmc nf (he day compared with yesterday's dosing were 6 points down tu 6 points up. LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. (Furnished b> Levy Commission Co., Com? mission Merchants. Richmond. A'a.) Richmond. Va.. August ;:<. lfdl ACTIAL WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS (?F MARK KT. LIVE POULTRY. choice, small, lb_ choice, medium, lb., larxr. lb. 16 ft It 4i I? 41 i? 30 Hi Chlcksn?, i Ihlj kens, i.'hlrkena, Hens, lb. Roosters, each. [Sucks, large, young, lb. I'utks. small, old. lb. eoas. tn crates, nearby, fresh, doz.. In erat.? nearby, fresh, doz.. In era',>. other sections, doz. Guinea eggs, doz. ni'TTKR. family, choice, fresh, lb. Merchants', rair. lb. LIVE STOCK. Vesta, choice to rancy. Ib.. . Veals, poor lo fair, lb. 6 Calves, runneti, ib. 6 Sheep, lb. 3 Lambs, spring, lb. 6 Cattle, fnlr m prime, Ib. 3 Hogs, lb. 7 , OUNTRV-CUHBD BACON 17H 64 1 ?4: *H I 6 I 74 II? vll si .cd. unall, lb 11 linnis. we. Fides, we bb ouldets. Dry flint. t>i> sail., s?H Orten, Ib. smoked. Urge. It/.. smoked, lb. well smoked, lb. .. H1UKS lb. lb. en. 'ged. lb. ib. Tai Beeswax . won.. Rrlght, No. I, lubwas ,ed. lb. f rignt. No. 2. :ubw??hed. Ch? unwashed, free of burrs. C'h . unwashed, lightly hurry, i I... unwashed, medium burry Ch.. unwashed, heavy buriy. Markt i Conditions ?Market i live. it 16 0 ISViO 154 O 17 O 16 is 1?4* ?4S 6 <U 0 O 34 ft o e 17 e o ontinucs It ! SB? tollK I'ltODt < F. MARK BT. ,w York. August 33. Flour?Steady with ,dr trade and no change In quotations. Rye Flour and Cornmeal? Finn, Rye and i Harley?Nominal. Wheat-Irrrguler: new, i No, 2 ted. SMiC; elevator and :i6c. f. o. b. I afloat Options Dosed only 'iliSc. net h gher. September, v.r. . December, $1.01;l May, 11.MH. Corn?Eaayj No. 2. 7l'ic. ele-j \ator. domestic basis, to arrive, and 70'?c. ! f e b, afloat. Futures closed nominal, i < '?'s Firms standard w hite, new, 464c. Pork?Steady. Lard?Easy. Petroleum, j Rosin ar.rt Turpentine ?Steady Wool?Quiet, j Molasses?Quiet Rice?Quiet and firm j Hugar- Raw, llr/n, refined, firmer, "'offer- ] Futures closed steady, but a net decline of | ItrJ polnta. Spot, quiet, Rio. No 7. 13*?c.; Santos. No I. 13', U 14c, j mild, dull; cor. do\a. lltltC. nominal. Hulter -Bareiy I steady and unchanged. Cheese--Firm and I ?.et.ged. Eg/ts-Irregular. Potatoes? Steady; Southern sweets, beat. 1293.60.! Ca ibaires?Steady snd unchanged, Peanuts. ? Very firm. Freights?Dull. Cottonseed oil wa> a tnfle lower for spot, but higher on futures, latter being Influ? enced by covering, the steadiness of cot? ton, light offerings and (he steadiness or , kindred products Spot closed t paints und future* 2^4 points net higher ' August, (.?;.<*?.!?; September, 6.7903.31; Oc- ' toheir, f..?t!nf ?4; November. 6.?0'<1 ;..i3: De-' comber 6.6001.61; January. S.6O06.M; prime' nominal; prime summer yellow, g sol), j 1.6/1 prim* w.n'er yellow. 6.90 bid: prime summer white, i Vs bid. ritK At.O (?RAIN MARKET. ' hlcago. III., Aug.isi 21 Wheat tradera to. day pin varying COnStructlOni on the all* r.-.variant Canadian crop news, the not re? sult bring a limited trade and a closing gs-ln of miVic. In oncoa. Corn and oals closed practically at yesterday's final ns urcs. while provisions dropped from I'.ifjMOc. Leading foturti ran^oi .is follows: Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT? Hept . 50?. 91 90S 60Vi Dec . X. 95 tj MS 94-, May . 1.00?, U?l?s I.COW C?RN Sept . *4 ?I 63', M'i Dec. M<* 6|1? May . 64 M/, 63*4 ** OATS sept. ?J ?:'? ? ?<* Dec. MS 44S t*S ?Vi May . 47^3 ?TS 47S CH MESS PORK?Per bbl. Jan.18.30 16.30 ie.26 16.30 LARD?Per 100 lbs fept. 9.10 9.12 9.05 9.12 Oct . 9.32 Si: 9T.0 9.17 Dec.?90 8.92 ? 90 8.92 Jan.8.83 8.87 8.80 8 83 SHORT RIBS?Per 100 lbs. Sept.8.9? 9.00 8.87 8.98 Oct.S.97 8.97 8.92 8.92 Jon. . S.32 8.3: S.S0 8.32 Receipts?Wheat. 244,000 bushels: corn. 399. 000 bushel": oats. ,".f"i,o?<i bushels Shipments ? heat. ?5.(on bushels; corn. H6.0eo bushel 1, bals, 2.*>ti.0i?j busbelsj Cash Rraln closed: Wheat ? No. 2 red. 90), '?>?;',. ; No. .3 red. 90? OOHc ; No. 2 hard. SaviKe.; No. 3 hard. VSii 9?Hc.: No- 1 sprlnc. old, $1.1849 MSt-: No. I northern, 11.14? 1.IS; No. 2 northern. 81.0891.10: No. ? northern, nid. 81.06? 1.11: No. 3 northern, 97 grft.93; No. ! sprint, 94? 81.03; No. 3 spring, 98? 81; ^elvel chaff, 9!tT8l; durum. S8?9Sc. Corn?No. 2. sr.'? it Mlic.: No. 2 white. 63*ic; No. 2 yellow . ?3*4 ?1 84c.; No. 3. *8!iO 831&C.; Noj 3 w hite, ai-c.; No. 3 vcllow. *3'i ??? r.3??e.: No. I. S2?*2*4e.; No. 1 white. 88c.; No. 4 yellow, S2440631&C. (Jats ?No. 2. 40'? ? 40Sc; No. 2 white. 11*4,? 42'.tC: No. 3 white. 114" 41\c. , No. 4 w h-Jte. I06 4O-V-, standard. 4!\j 'I! ?2c. Ba'tlmore. Md.. August ':3?Wheat ?Firm, er; spoi. contract, 9l'*c.: southern on grade :? >.?!'..'.''jr. Com?Quiet; spot, contract. 6Sc. oats-Firm: No. 2 white, new. 43V3 43??e ; old. 14c; No. 2 mixed, new. 4I082HC. Hy#? Firm; No. 2 western, domestic, 81?92c. RICHMOND CHAIN MARKET. Richmond* Va.. Aupus: 23, toil. W HOLESA LR QUOTATIONS ON CHANGE. WHEAT?Car lots. No. 2 red. W?strin. 'ci 8 94*4) 1 No. 2 red. Virginia. ft 93U ' No. 3 red. ?| 92t, I Vtrsuila. bag lot?. 83 fj 91 , Virginia, has lots ifor seedl 92 ?J 95 1 CORN?Car lots. No. S while. 'tt 73V4 No. 3 while. 721,'ii No. 2 mixed. 72 'y No. 3 mixed. ttt 71* Virginia, bag lots. 73 if 75 ?VTS-far lots. No. 2 mixed. .. it 44 No. 3 mixed_ . 43 0 No. 2 white. '?) 44*1 No. 3 while. ? 44 Winter seed, bus; lots. 55 ? 67 RVK?far lots. No. 2. ? 98 No. 3. t& 94 Virginia, bus lots. 92 9 9? RICHMOND HAY MARKET. Richmond, V?., August 22, 1511. The quotations are as follows: No. 1 Timothy. 24.00 No. 2 Timothy.23.68 No. 3 Timothy. Nomina' Lighl lover, mixed._ 22.50 O i"3 .'O No. 1 clover, mixed. 21.30 No. 1 clover. Nominal No. 2 Clever, mixed. Is.00 No. 2 Clover... Nominal STRAW?Compressed . 7.50 Loott-preited, large bales... S..".o r>> ?.o? J SHUCKS?Compressed . Nominal j Loose-pressed. :an;e bales. Nominal Load your cars so thai hay at doors rcprt,-] sent* contents, and thus avoid rejection, j This market Krudes hay !n accordance with the rules of the National lla> Assoola lion. CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET. 1 sales at L'nlon stock Varda.) Richmond, Va.. August 23, 1911. ? tepori of the live stock market for th? ending August 21: Receipts-Cattle, 878 head; calves. 178 head, ?ticep, 20? head; hoi;'. 219 head H'm atceri. Sc.; medium to ?ond. 606V*e.; common to fair. I'rHHc; best heifers. 60 , >'?c.; medium to cood. I!4?4,<c.; common to 1 ?air. J?i -U 3\.-; best cows. 40<ttc.; medium: ?o gouil. >?2Se.; < ominon 10 fair. !02Hc:| -nils. 3V4?4c.: calves. 807C. Cow? and1 Calves- Quoted at $25080.00 p?r head. Best' nogs. 7'-. ??7\c.: rows and Staus. 5?6<sc., j ?est lambs, q ?.- ; common, 4*/ ttje.; sheep fhicapo. in.. August 28.?Cattle?Receipts! 20.090 head. Market steady. Reeves, Ji.lOgjt j s.10: Texas steers. |4.80?8.45; western steer $4.2808.88; stockera and feeders. 82.1008.80; cows and heifers, J.' 25?; 8.10: naives, 66 O 8.7.".. Host? Receipt! 31.000 h'.irt. Market, steady a: opening prices. Light. 57.23*3 7.80; mixed. }7.10''?7.80; heavy. I?. 95 97.7*: rough. $6.95fi MO; good tn cliolee heavy. 87.:''37.70: plgr. 18887.80; hulk of $7.25'rj 7.60. Sheep?Receipt? 23,000 head. Market steady. Native. $2.35 It 3.?0: western 83.889 3.7S; llnga. 84 -15.75; iambs, naalve. $408.88; west? ern, }4.7?75 7.00. New Torte. August 28 ? Cattle?Receipt*, 2,17.-, head. Steers. $4.60'5 7.60; Steckers. 14; culls. $314.75; ro?^. $1.25 g. 4.85. Calves?Re? ceipts 7.366 head. Veals. $78976. culls, $5 rji 6.00: grvs-uers and buttermilks. 8494.78; a few feeders *u 83; southern and western calves, $407.00. Sheep tnrl Lambs? Receipts 10.?29 head. Shoep. $13 4.00; culls. $1.50. lambs, 84.80 ^7.35; culls. 84.00. Hogs?Re oelpts 4.730 head. Market steady tn firm at US. 15. RICHMOND TOBACrO MARKET. Richmond. Va., August 33. 1811 Quotations ?n the Richmond Tobsccn Ei inange: BROWN S tl IPP1 NO ? r n or O K red. Lugs .8 7.50 ft I 8.75 Short leaf. ?00 tr 10.60 Long leaf. 1000 <3> 13.50 Wrappers . 13.0? -h 15.00 BRIGMTS. 3MOKER6 -Common . . 00 ? \ Medium . 9.00 0 11.00 Flue . 13.01 et 13 00 I CUTTF.IiS--Comn-on . 12.00 Q \1 50 ' Medium . 14 00 3 18.80 ! Fine . 17 80 ft 18.50 I Fancy. 18? S 20 00 ' FILLERS--Common . ?.00 <t 10 <V) Medium . 11.00 a ls.oo . tiood . 1188 JI 13 50 Fine . 14.00 Q 18.00 ' lVRAPrEBt-Commuti . 15.'* 17.08 Medium ._ 18 00 0 20.00 I flood . 28.00 <} 30 00 Fine . 33 40 t> 37.50 . Fancy . 40 '0 3 46 00 ' aCN-CURED?new. Lugs. comm"n tn good. 6.50 41 7.00 Lugs, good '<? prim*. 7.60 C ?50 Short leaf. 9.00 fj 11.00 1 Long leaf. 11.00 ? 14.00 Wrappers . 11.00 Z 16.00 I Primings . LOO 9 3 00 MIX KI.I.ANKOl s MARKETS. PEANUT MARKET. (Furnished b.. Rodger*, McCab* tt Co.) Petersburg, Va., August 18.?Peanut*.? S Farmers' .Ppanlsh. firm at $115 per bushel: 1 No. 1 shelled Spanish. 7.-. pe: ;.nund; No. 1 j shelled. Spanish. 805HO. per pound. Vir- J glnlas?Firm: bunch. 5*?.. per pound; fancy handplcked, 4H4?*5c. per pound, extra prim* 4c. per pound: prime, 3\c. per pound: ma- , chine tucked. Sl*04e. p?r pound; shelling, stock, 3e. per pound. DRV GOODS MARKST. Nur York. August 23. ? A stead> demand for cotton goods for prompt and nearby j ?hlpiuent! characterised the primary mar? ket during 'be <l.iv. Flannelettes and ging- 1 hams were called for In fairly gnod-slzeil quantities for quick delivery, and rapped goods, such as canton flannels and dome* tics, were wanted also. More inquiry was! In evidence for print cloth*. but only a ' moderate volume ot business was put ( through. Worsted larm were quie t with I quotation* Irregular. A slight movement was discernible in spot yard*, and prico* are rather firmer on numbers that are In ' ?ihall supply. NAVAL STORES. Wilmington. N. c.. August 23. ?spirit* Turpentine?Stead) at 50*ic.; receipts (9; caMks Rosin ?steady at $5.30: receipt* 165 ; barrels. Tar?Firm at $2: receipts 5S bar- i rcls. Crude Turpentine?Firm ?t $2<?t4. 60; receipts 2.. barrels. Savannah', Oa., August 23.?Turpentine?! Firm at 52c. ? sales 1.209 casks: receipts ?rT'J i cask*; shipments 2fo casks: stock 31>39 casks. R?Sln?Firm: sales 2.047 barrels: re- 1 eelpts I.6J3 barrels: shipments 2,818 barrels: Slock 108,946 bnrrels. Quote: D, $5.v?4j 5.90.1 - MARINE I.NTP.LIJC.ENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND. AUGUST 23. 1911. i ARRIVED. Steamer Berkeley. Shelly, Norfolk, mer- | rhandise and passingers, Old Dominion Line. ; SAILED. Steamel Berkeley. Shelly. Norfolk, mer- I chandls* and passenger*, Old Dominion Line .-?.can,er Pocar)ontSS, Grave*, Norfolk and I James River landings, merchandise and pas- | sengcrs, Virginia Navigation Company. I Tackelt l-'nrm la Sold. I Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Frederlcksburg, Vs.. AuRitst 2a.? The small rarm of fifty acres in Staf? ford county, about ono mile from this' city, ?'iclonpinp to Mrs. Charles K. . Tacken, was sold here at auction arid purchased by B. I* I'oyton. of Stafford county, for 34.325. 1 It Will Pay You To adopt the plan of keeping a reserve account with us, subject to check, upon which 3% interest is allowed. Write us, if you live out of town. Virginia Trust Co., Richmond, Va. Capital One Million Dollars BEAT PHYSICIAN Wife Appears Against Him, With Dr. Leonard A. J as low Much Battered. OCCURRED IN HER HOME I-Mrs. Betts and Medical Adviser Explain She Had Telephoned Call tor Lattcr's Services. New York. August 33.?Louis Bctts. whose wife In a suit against him for a separation tolu Justice HI.--hoff, ol the Supreme Court, recently that her husband wan n .successful gambler, with mi Income ot more than 160,000 a year, was arraigned in the York ville Police Court yesterday on the charge of assault and battery made: by Mrs. Bella's |>hystclu,n. Or. Leonard A. Jaslow. of 206 West one Hundred and Twenty-first Street. Or. Jaslow appeared In court with his eyes etied. iilb face badly battered and other parts of his body heavily bandaged. The physician asserted that Hetts and Thomas S/muh attacked him while he was administering medical treatment .to Mrs. Hetts at her home. To West Forty-fifth street, in response to hor summons b) telephone early yester? day morning. Policeman Daniel Burns, of the west Forty-seventh street station. who made the arrest, was at a tixed post at Forty-fifth Street and Sixth Ave- j nue when lie \\ ;ts nltraeitd to the1 house by the screams of .Mrs. Hetts. lie said he found the physician being, beaten by Hetts and his companion, and took all four persons involved to | the East Fifty-first Street .station. Charges and counter charges were: made by all concerned, but Lieutenant ! MsCallum, who was In charge, noting the condition of Dr. Jaslow. placed Betts under arrest An hour later j Betts was admitted to ball, the bond being furnished by John Dunstan, of 103 West Forty-third Street Postponement tirantod. When the ease was called by Mag? istrate Breen Inter all the partlcl- j pants were present. Belts was repre? sented by Michael Delagl, a lawyer, of 111 t'entre Street, who asked for a postponement of the ense for an? other day In order that his associate, Ceorgr Cordon Battle, could appear for their client. This rennest wns granted despite the objection of Dr. 1 Jaslow's lawyer. .Myron S. Yochelson, I of 366 Broadway. Outing the court rr":""!!nib! .Mrs. Hetts. who was attired In a close fitting gray gpwn and was heavily; veiled, sal beside the physician anil glared at her husband When seen ' lust night Mrs Betts declared that : hor husband's action In breaking Into' her home and attacking the was an outrage for which she could r.cvrr forgive him, and that she would testify against him. She declared that ; Betts and his companion. Thomas i Smith, had no cause whatever for j making the assajll and believed !t | was done In order to affect her suit ' against her hnsbnnd "It Is not the first time that he has. attacked a physician, and at one time! in Atlantic City, when he did the snine thing, he made me go to a sana? torium in order to get me out of the; way as a witness." she said "But this time I won't run away for him. ami I don't think he will get off so ensv when the n?? conie? up to-morrow." she ridded. Mrs. Bett? declared that she had always been ". ?nodol wife, hut his. actions forced her to twlng a Milt for divorce In September, ions, when she named three corespondents. Betts, she declared, asked her to withdraw the suit, nromtslng better treatment.; She offered to he reconciled again this year for the sake of her two children, aged eight and nine year?, respectively, but says she was again forced to ?<tr for separation owing to bis neglect, of herself and the chll d ten Or. Jaslow said last night that h>* had onlv taken charge of Mrs-. Bett'H case on August M, and had visited her only 'even times He said she was in a very nervous condition, and that he had been rouuested to tain her case bv one of his patient*. Mrs. K Simmons, or ?l Baal Fort V-fourth Street. ?He.-ause of her suffering 1' got -.ut of bed and went downtown to attend her." he said, "and in nil tny experience In the city's rough sec? tion I never had anything so terrible l.-.pprn to me. If the policeman had not arrived when he did I believed 7 would hn\o been Injured for life by, my assailants." Atlantic Coast Line effective; Jin/Y v. fell. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. ? For Florida and .South: K:15 a. M. and 7:3J P. M.. 1:00 a. M. Chnrlcston For Norfolk: ??8:10 and 9:00 a. M., "3:00 P M., ?:10 P. M., ""7:i? P M. For N. ei W. Ry, West: 6:15 a. M.. 10.00 a. M.. ?:;:?? f?. M.. 9:20 I?. M For Petersburg--. 1:00 a. SI.. 1:15 A. M.. ??i:IO a. M.. MIS a. XL. 0:00 a. M.. 10:00 A. SI.. "3:00 P. 31., 4:10 P. SI. COS P. M.. ??7:00 P. M.. 7:3? P. XL. 3:30 P. XL. 11:15 P. M. For floldtboro and Fa.yctteville: ?1:10 1". M. Trains arrive Richmond dally: i::0 a. M.. 6:40 A. M.. i.h? a. M.. '5:37 a M.. "10:15 a. M.. 1:4" a. M., ?011:41 a. M.. ?2:00 P. M.. ?02:1* P. M.. 6:0ft P. XI , fi:35 P. SI.. S:00 1'. M., 0:00 1'- St.. ""lO::* P. SI.. 11.30 P. M. ?Except Sunday: ""Sunday only. Time of arrival and departure and con? nections not guaranteed. c. p. ca SI PRELL. D. P A. Richmond & Petersburg Electric Railway Cars leave .Manchester, Seventh and Parry Streets, for Petersburg: H. 7. 6. ??. 10. 11, ?13 A. M., 1. t "s. ?. 6. ??6:45, ??, 7. 6, 10 P. M. 11:00 P. M. for (.'beater, 13:00 midnight for Petersburg Cars leave Petersburg, foot ef Sycamore tit teat, for Munchener: t6:16, 6:36, '07:16, IM. 8:35, ?:t?, 10:36. U:M A. M , 11.14., 2.14, t:36, 04:3g, 5:a, 6:36. ?7:36, 8:16. ?:3i, "10:40, U:40 P. M. IDally except Sunday and holidays. ?Carries baggage and express. ??Limited, except Bundaya and holiday* All car* from Petarsjsjrg connect with cars for Richmond. NORFOLK SOUTHERN L?. Norfolk: ?!:? and ?U A. 61.. ?? P. at., tor Eastern Carolina and the South. Lv. Raleigh: ??:? A. M . ft and ">:14 P. afL, for Easiar.i Carolina and Nerfolk. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Norfolk, Raleigh; alto Ooldsboro and Norfolk. oDally -,y Ex. Bun. C V>. tEOHANDE, O. A? American Na tloney Bank. 'Phono Monrua 3631. Richmond. W. W. CROXTON. O. P JL. -Vurfolk. Va. VESS??U?? AIR LTXSs. Southbound trains sohedulad to leava Rieb mond dally: 6:10 A. M.? Local to Norltna 1:20 P. M. ? sleepers and coaches, Atlanta, Birmingham. Savannah, Jacksonville and Florida points. 9:60 P. M.?Sleepers and coaches, nmaiinih, Jacksonville and Florida points 11:13 P. M.?Sleepers and coaches, At? lanta, Birmingham. Memphis and tba South wast. Northbound trains scheduled to arrlra la niebmond dally: 6:tl A. Id.. 7i22 A. St.. t.M P. kite P. at. fiamtiaL financed. OUR NEW HOME The Broad Street Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Mob and BurBlnr-Proof Vault. ninrccTonsi Henry W. Anderson, nenj. P. Alsop, I.oon IMttelbach, T. II F.llett. H P. Orlmmell. w. M Habllston. I. II. Kaufman, Raphael L.evy, Oeo. W. Ml/iter. ,'ohn Murphy, W. P. Rhoads, J. W. Rothert. .1 W. Tyler, John Q. Walker. B. Rand. VVellford. Cnpltnl, Surplim mid Profit*. 91 11',1100.011 w. m. Habllston, Pr?sident, J W. Rothert. 1st Vice-President. ,lno. G. Walker, I'd vice-president Andrew M. Clover. Cashier. KUUNDISI) IIKH. Ssife nepoMtni-y Bosei For Kent. All Fnrllltle,, for Itanklnir. Account* Sollt lied. fflcliinonfl,Fredertcbiifg & Potomac R.R. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. Lwitb Richmond ?6.80 A.M. Bjrd S t. sla. ?6.4? A.M. Mala 6t. St*. ?6-fn A.M. Brr? St. hu. ?730 A.S. StlnlwBU. ?8.40 A.H. Btri 8t. M?. ?1?.Ol noon Brr4 8t. 8t*. 46.00 P.M. Bjt4 8t. 8t*. f4.16 P.M. Elb? button. ?6.15 P.M. ?8.80 P.M. ByrI 8t. 8U. Arrive. Ulohmond ?7.60 A.M. Btr4 (11.1.6 A.M. Lit* SUtloa 411.36 A.M. Bjrd fit. SU ?1.1? P.M. M*lo8t.8t*. ?S.46 P.M. ?7.XS P.M. BrrdfiLHI*. ?0.10 P.M. Hjrd hl. hu. ?9.40 P.M. M?lnKt.8U. ?11.06 P.M. Mala St. 6t*. ?li.oOoluhtBjrdhl.S U. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS?WEEKDAYS. LfST? B/rd 8t. hu. 1.30 P. B. for Fre4tr1ckibirc. Lette Elb* St?. 7.60 A.K.,13.30 P. M. for AiLdsod ArrtT* Brrd fit- Su.ft.M A.M. from Frederlesib'i: Arrlrr Klb? KU. 0.30 A.M.,6.80 P.M.from Asblsna. ?Dally. tWeekday*. (Sundays o*Iy. All trains to or (rorn Byrd Street 8t*tloo (except train* leaving 3.30 *. m. and arrivier II.y> night; ?top at Elb*. Time of ?rrlval* ??3 depa"-turs* 00t gusranised. Read tnc aignt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B.?Following acbeduu C|uti puullshsl a* Information and not gu*r*nt**4> 4:10 A 54. ? Dally?Loc*l /or Clurlo't?. Dur h*m and Rareigh. 10:45 A. A4.-D?ily-Llnil? td?For *il points South Drawing Room H?rtel Sleeping Car to A?h*ville. N. C S:00 p, M. Ex. Sun.?Loca: for Durha-rn and in tcrmeduu autlon?. 6:00 P. M. Ex. Sun ? Keyavill* Local. 11:46 P. 44. ? D?li> ? Llmiud ? For ?11 point* South. Pullman r?au> at P. 54. tork RIVER llsb. 1 H P. A4. ?Ex. Bun.?T. W**t PL. connect? ing for llslllmor. kton W*dL and FrL 6:*0 A. 54.- Ex. Sun. and 3:16 P. A4.?Alon., Was. and Frl ? Loc?l to Will Point TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. From th* Boulh: 4:40 a. A4.. 1:05 P. A4., Silly; s.?. A_ At. ex. Sot. . 1254 Ex. Bun.; 1:00 P. A4. d*lly. From W?*t Point: IK A. A4; L'.5i A. 14 Wad. ?nd Frl.; ?:2t p. At. *.x. Euu. a. a BURGERS. D. P. A.. ? c *j Afa'.n St 'Phone Vlaillaon 154 Norfolk and Western Railway ONLY ALL RAIL LINE TO NORFOLK. BchsdUl* In Effect May 14. 191L Leave Byrd Street station, Richmond, FOR NORFOLK: r.?.10 A At., 'if.00 A. AC, *3:0u P. Ji. M:I0 P. M . oi:00 P. A4. FOR LYNCH B?RO AND THE WEST. ?4:16 A. A4.. 'Iv.ou A. M.. aj .00 p. 14.. 1'. A4. Arrive Richmond from Norfolk, ji; ?5 A. M bit .45 A. M.. ?6:35 P. At.. b'.0:3S P. A4.. ? ll'-30 P. M. From th* West: '6:56 A. A4".. a*-:Wt P. A4*. b::15 P. A4., "6.05 P. M., 'S^OO P. A4, ?Dally. sDelly ex. d..> bSundsy only. Pullman Parlor *nd Sleeping Cats, Cat* Dining C?r?. c. H. BOSLEY. D. P. A . Richmond. Va. ?w. B. BEVILL. G. P. Boicokn. Va. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:io A.?Lo1 si?Dally?Newport N.w?. ..A) A. Local.?Dally?Ch'vlll*. Ex. Sun. C. Forge. tJ:0Ci A.?Express?Dally?Norfolk, Oid PoltnL ?10:00 A>-Local-*Dally?I.:r?ng, Lex. <:. Forge. 111 ;45 A. ? min. Spl. Ex. Sunday?W. sulphur, ?if 0.' p.?Expr*(*? Dally?Cln.-L'vU'.*. t. 00 P.?Expr????Dally? Norfolk. N. New*. 1:00 P?Local?Dally?N. New?, Old' Point. 6:15 p. ? Local ? llx. Sunday?Gordonsvlll*. ?J;U P.?Local?Ex. Sunday ?Lchbg. Natural Bridge, Clifton Forge. ??; u P, -Limited?Dally?Cincinnati, Chicago. ?11:00 p. ?Express?Daily?Cincinnati. L'vllla. 'Sleepers. tparlor cars. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND?Local from East: S:.5 A. m.. 7:50 p. M. Through (rom East. 11:50 A. m. 6:10 p. j4. Local from West: "H:30 A. m.. ,,.?:50 A. M., 6:25 p. At and S.30 p. m. Through: 7:00 a. AI.. 2:45 p. m. James River Line: ?t:K A. A4., 6:16 P. M. ??Daily except SunOS?. riciimunTT and rnnsAi'MRk bay railway COMPANY. Schedule of ?lectrlc trains to and from Aabland. stopping at Intermediate stations upon alrfnal: Lv. Richmond (Bro*d end Laurel St*.). ??:<*, ^ilO. 8:10b, 9:10, "10:14. ?1:10 a. M.: 1:10. 2:10. 1:10. 4:10b, 6:10, 4:30. 7:10, :0::o. 11:45 P. M Lv. Ashlaud. ?6:65. 7b. ?. 9b. 10. "11 a. M ?u AL. ??!, t. 3. 4. 6b. 6. 7. 1, 9b. 11 P. A4, ?Dally except Sunday. "Sunday onlr. bi arrles bag-gag*. ^ jfetcamboata. Chesapeake Steamship Co. Big new ships. "Cltjr ->t Norfolk" and "City of Bulllmor*." Equipped with wireless telegranhy. Tele? phone service throughout tho ships. Stale rooms en suite, with baths. Prices from 7BC to 13.50. Excellent meals. 76c. TO BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH VIA NO'lFOLK AND OLD POINT. Leave Richmond Dally, except Sun., via N. & W. Ry. 3:00 P. M.. Nor<-|k 6:15 P M C. & O. Ry.. 4.00 P. M. Dauy. Old Point 7:15 P. A4. O. D. 6. S. Co. 7:00 P. A4. Dally (one day In Norfolk). V?. Nnv. Co. 6:30 a. M. (Monday. Wsdnes day and Friday). Ticket* at all ofllce*. For stateroom* apply to S. E. BURGESS. D. P. Agent. 920 East Main Streut. Richmond. "ASK MR. BOWMAN" About vacation trips to New York, Ber? muda, Jamaica, Panama, Niagara, Great Lakes. Canada. Boston. Nova Scotia and New Fotindland. Phone Madison 6154. SAM'L H. BOWMAN, Tonrtnt Agent, 708 Bast Main Street. Richmond, Va, You Must Think Right To succeed In business. Doing this involves banking, and your success Inoretses If your check account Is placed where the very best banking service Is rende-ed. Thlnklng rlfrht means deposit? ing in the strong, reliable First National Bank RICHMOND, VA. Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 You owe it to yourself to culti? vate the habit of saving. Commonwealth Bank E. A. BARBErt, JR. Certified Public Accountant. E. A. BARBER & CO. ACCOUNTING, AUDITING, ORGANIZING, SYSTEMATIZING 318 Mutual IliilldlnB. Phone Mad. 6321. Itlcbmnnd. Va. National Bank of Virginia Capital, - $1,200,000 Surplus. - 5 600,000 Accounts solicited Ninth and Main Streets Pay your bills by check. It's the best way. Manchester National Bank steamboats. OLD DOMINION LINE Lv. llicbmond loot of Ash bt. dally.7:ff0P. M. Leite rwiwport News. a. .4 Arrive Norfolk.SiOO A. M Connecie with main nr.- stramere leaving Kerlolk for New York dally except Sunday 1;C1 r. M. Connections also made by n. ,t W, By. 3 P. M. and C. & O. ity. at 4 P. Is. Mini Line atoamara nop at Claremont ta la; d or ierelve passengers on signal. YlttUIMA NAVIGATION (O.-J.mei River by daylight for Norfolk, Old Point, New? port 1t?i and all Janice River landing*. Stiamcr le&vea Monday. Wedneaday and P7lday a: 6:30 V. M. r- c received for all James River landing?. 'Phone Madison ill Main Ticket Office. KI C \!? n utreet. Baltimore Steam Packet Co Equipped with wlreleaa telegraphy. TO BALTIMORE AND TUE NOKTU VTA NORFOLK A NO OLD POINT. Leave Richmond Dally, including Sunday, via N. At W, By. 3:00 P. M.. Norfolk 6:20 P. M. C & O. Ry. 4:00 P. M.. Old Point 1:30 P. M. O. D. S. S. Co 7:00 P. M. (one day in Nor? folk). Va. NaT. Co. 6:30 A. M. (Monday, Wednes? day and Frldayj. TlcXeta at al' offices. For staterooms ap? ply to H. M Uni KIN, Agent. S30 East Mall Street. VACATION CRUISES To via Ifnllrax, N. 8., most delightful cruise ol 1.5(0 miles. Magnificent scenery: Nortnum be.iland Strait, Gulf am. River St. Lawrence and fiir-fnnicd Sagiieniiy River. S. S. "Trlnl c.nri ? from New York, Sept. :'nd. 10 A. M Returning from Quubec Sept. 6lh. Uours Inc. Hotels. Shore Excursions. Lowest Rates. Twin Scrsw S. S. "Betniudlan," 6630 tons, sails Aug. 30 and Sept. 9, 20 and Oct. II Bllse seels; electric fans; wireless telegra? phy. Fastest, newest and only Steamer Land? ing passengers at the dock in Bermuda. For Illustrated pamphlets apply to A. E. OOTKKBRIDGE * CO., Agents. Quebec H. S. CO., Lfd., :3 itrnndwny, New York, or any Ticket Agent, or Ql'EBEC S. S. CO.., Ltd., Quebec. SAMUEL H. BOWMAN, 70S East Main Street. To England, Ireland and the Continent _ . , _ ?, nie Largest ana Finest oirsBrtr c?tl<? Triple Screw mtheweris dSfcfr s,i"' t5W Hlympi^x; French a La Carle Bettanrsnt Tons Turkish and Eleotrto Baaha. Bwtaunina Pool. Four Elevators. GrJBtaeastaaB,Verandah Cafe. PalnOoart The Most Up-to-Date l'irst Serond and Third Class Passenger Accommodations Also Weekly SnlllnKs by Twin Screw Steamahlpa of American Line n v.?piymoHlb?Cherbourg- Southampton Philadelphia?Qnee nslown?Liverpool Atlantic Transport Line New York?London Direct Red Star Line London. Paris via Dover?Antwerp Philadelphia?Antwerp?Boston White Star Line N. Y.-Plrmosth?Cberboarf? Southampton New York ?Ooeenstown?Liverpool Boston?Qoeenstown?Liverpool New York and Boston X?V, Mediterranean Aiores, Maderla.Glbrsltar.Ablers,Villa tranche, Genoa, Naples. Alexandria orm'Xm a jbbojldh'AY. a&w vou.iv> oa local, aohntj.