Newspaper Page Text
Greater Hlehuiouda Urcalcat Netrapaper SriiF?Timp^ 4$SS2S} ?i^p?lrh GREATEST WANT AND HEAL ES? TATE MKDIt M IN VIRGINIA, AND ONE OP" THIS UKST IN AMEIIIOA. Want Ad Rates to Effect June 11. Uli. Dally, one cent per nrord nhtn paid In advance. Nu AU. taken for leas tbun tea cents. Uue und ouc-halt ccntn a word all eluaMUcatloua except Situation Wanted (or Suuduy. Sttuutlun Wuiited one cent a irurd. No Ad. Suuduy tukco for u?s tlinu ttftceu cents. No Ada. taken tor lean than twenty (lie ceul* phoueil In or cbnrued at the counter. Pbuiio ordere not gunraoiced. L Inaaltlcutluu not icuarvuieetl after Ui3<> 1'. A. Kur bualueaa coutracta aeud for tbe \\MUI Ad. .it ut i uuuue Suunia l JUsi aau Jfounu. BTRAYED, FUttM .Mi RESIDENCE. A livor-cuiureu ana wiuu potniei uuk. jiuii name ot ownei ana Hivntnond city tag un collar, lie ward tor his return or information leading tu um recovevy, w. B. iAibuit, n. i<- No. i, uieu Alien, v'a. _ L?S l'. THURSDAY, AUGUST IV, cameo brooch. Finder return to F, C. TYNUAUU 1102 t.ast .Main Street, and receive idf reward,_ LOST.' " POCKET BooK NEAR MUK I<ny'8 Hotel or Fall Giuunus. n re? turned With contents to Ij'jI Oecatur btruet tun iiuiuib reward. ^tyeiy, ?Auaiiieo, itlau. [WANTED, COATMAKEHS at once; Steady work. Addicts WILLIAM \v AUj, Wilson, N. C. WANTED] foil ~DT~!s. AllMl, AiiL-r. budicu, unmarried me:., between i.geu oi elgnleen ana tbirty-uve; uitiaons ot Uulted status, ui guud character and lallipuralu liubltb, win, cur, apeak, read ana write me Bngllen iuuguage. 1-or lulunuallwu uWi tu ivect uiung Oltlccr, ?2U 13. Bruad it.. Richmond, or Iii N. Sycamore at., Petersburg. Vo. BUY WANTED for OFFICE WORK, must write plain uno uc quick at figures. AiidrcHi, K. Dux ^ . j. _ .WANTED, YOUNU MIAN BOOKKEBP^ ur uno collector, permanent; ?tat? age. .iiid experience und salary want, tu. ti 'ill, caie Timus-Piapatcli. Ranted, men and boy.s tu take thirty uayt. course in our machine Sliupu; learu ujtuiii'jtiile business; accept guud positions. CHARLOTTE AU'lU oCHUOL, Charlotte, C. "jmtST-CJLsAJfS, E?LL ' REGISTERED druggist, experienced and reliable; goe-d PaV l" rlgul man. FLLTCH. ER'S l'HAKMACY, l'aik Avenue ana KobllidOU struct._ IVw'r.iitlA.NGEK.'i W?NTEL? AT '.'NCI.. hignest wage ijuiu. Apply to ja?, '1'. HILL, ?>J'J x.uat Main _alrccL._ [WANTED, A PARTNER WITH itY eral uiuusjiiid uuimrt, iu engage with um in marketing one ui ttte bait electric Inventions ut the mie, enuuiaca by suine- ut tile hignest ui tlclalo and DUSUieSS men Ol liiC clll , H..jji satisfactory profit tu bustiicas. uuaiiiuas ?.uiianK tp ,Ji? unsolicited, au unuoual opportunity tot party With small cubital lu secure a lllc tinie puaitiun with very satistaciory Income, Rlcaae. no triilera or curi? osity soekors tuko up our time. Ad Uicsj L 4-:', care TluiCB-i.'lal'alcti. WANTED, ?G?D- SALESMEN IN each town tu roprescnt a large manufacturing company; guud saiar> ana cuinmiasiuii. muht be in position tu purchase trom ?i.iuu tu Sj.j'ju ot the compaiiy'a ? per cent stock; com? pany is the larseai of Us kind m the bouth. Address oAL.Es? MANAUElt, i-.kjx 1-3. City._ 7i.N ESTABLISHED RICHMOND CON ccni will iftve lucrative- pu.-.itiun to inan who i-an invest live tnousaud 1 uoilars, The Investment secured and I returned at the enu ot a year, with 12 per eeia. piuiit ijuarantebd, if thej arrangement is nut ihutually satis-, factory. L its, care Times-Dispatch.I \VA.V1 i:i>7 at ONCE, ssIX MoDDERH; . general line ui castings; steady ! work to good nun. pico? work and open shop; none but suuer men need ! apply. ASdreaj lt. E. ATKINSON, 1'. O. Box Sat. Norfolk. Vs._I Wanted, men to" learn the bar-I ber trade, best paying work Within reach of ?iuor men; wonaerful de-! rnand fur barbers, booklet mailed' free RICHMOND BARBER COL? LEGE. Richmond, Va._ VoL are WANTED FOR GOVERN ment position, <s? month. Send pua tul for list uf poaitlons open. FRANKLIN institute, DepL 41? h. Rochester, n. Y._ . W?N1KL?. " two "WAITERS," APPLY davis hotel._ DRUG CLERK WANTED. must BE able to register in Wen Virginia. scott BROS., Charleston. W. Va. (wanted, young m a .\ t? cut paper stock for printing; oillce, one experienced In trimlng small labels. Apply In writing to j 281, care Timea-Dispatch. 4?>uuatioii? '?'Haiuc?. ?lalt. REGISTERED DRUGGIST. THOR oughly qjallfted to manauje any size drug business, wants position as manaBer or olelk; can show results. Address L 4C4. care Tlmes-Dlipatch. V'aNTED, PO.SITin"nrTvS~B?OKkeei~ cr and Btonugraphor by young man with experience, can furnisn best references. Address THO. a. BONO, Lumberton, n. C. ?circular" sawybr waInts posT tlon; name salary, capacity and lo? cution. Address e 772, care 'j'lincs piapatch. IceTrk?m maker. FiRKr-cLas??": experienced In catering; wanted steady position. &2 Bank .Street. Norfolk, Va. IV iSITION WANTED IN 1IUSIN ess house by a young man with ex- i perlence In a general store; will work for lo\\- wages. Address K D'j4. i rnro Tlmes-Dlspalcli. . I TV A NTED.""i'?S IT 1 ON a S ~RO?k K E EV- J or or general olllco work, by niiin with years of experience, now em? ployed. Address I) 740. care Times Dispatch. w anTED. BY YOUNG MAN~WITH I seven years- ex|iericnee, position In retail store; city, town or country. Best references; sober and Indus-I trious. Address C. H. j.. liilO Park i Avenue, Lynchburg. Va. fo?NG LADY DESIRES POSIT1TjnT\H typewriter opnrator; experience on several makes, rapid and accurate copyist; not a stenographer. L> 7.'lS, rare Times-Dispatch. jFlATBN PRESSMAN~-PR??> READ er?Young man of several years' experience with best weekly In Georgria, desires position. john G HERRING. Tlfton. Ga. 7?UNG man WANTS~~TOs1t7?N as hotel clerk; two years' experience. a.lrlreas H 264, caro Times-Dispatch. DETECTIVE SEEKS W?rITbYId?y'; I city or other towns; rates reason? able. Address FANSLER, 416 Th.rty-thlrd Street. Richmond. SITUATION as OFFICE "manT?rR I or credit man; 16 years' experience tip-to-date methods; best referencos an to qtinlltlcutions and ability Would Invest in attractive proposi? tion. Address W. C. HARROW, Gen __frj>l Dollvory. Plttabtirg, Ph. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT ?TciTex" petiencod bookkeeper desires posi-i tlon; capable of taking- entire charge! of oiiice; unqtiostlona'ble roforencosl us to ability and character. Address D till, caro 'fimes-D'spatch, ' ?dp tHHanteo, Jfemale. vTantiI^dT's BK v a n 'f "Vor "'ebb kl no und general house work; small fam? ily; references required. Apply 831 Chamberlayne Avenue. Ginter Park. I'lmiH! Madison 4921-L BK A TRAINED NURSE: STUDY AT home: ??urn $25 weekly; thousand* wanted; free Information. rtOCHES? TER NUItSES' INSTITUTE, 12S6 Koolioster, N. y. Situations (iHlanic?, female. ! WIDOW of" REFINEMENT desires] a position as housekeeper, companion or eurctaker; beat references. Ad-i dress J 303. cure Tlmes-Dlspatch. wanteD. ItY~ 16JCPEIt 1 ENCED~~stlT- , nographer, position about the middle 1 of September. Address E 404. carol _ Times-Dispatch youno la 1 > v. kx per 1 kmcro book - keeper, desires position; best refer* dices. 11 ",80. care TTmey-Dtspatch. | waNTEdT ~I'll VsiCI?NS;~ 'UU.ECT- ' Iner; also bills ot all kind* and loca? tions. Prompt returns. Address At _5:t7. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY STE nographer; three years' exporlonci . spoedy, accurate; wishes 10 estabilsh In Richmond; excellent references.I X, General Delivery, Petersburg*, Va. ^tuaTio^^ WANTED. POSITION AS TBAChTeR for small children, or companion or housekeeper. Address L. -if1)! Bast Grace street, City. A TEACHER OF"THREE YEARS' Ex? perience desires position In private family. It. F. i). NO. 3, Box r.a. Scotts _vUle. Va._ A LA D Y OF EXPERIENCE, ?ND holding first-grade certificate, de? sires position as teacher in primary or grammar grades. Testimonials and references furnished, Address MISS EDMUNDS, Bo.\ I'ji. Houston. Va. I-Hi_USt-_B3g?S 4>roftS3ionui jiyctp (Lilantco. WAXTIll >'. A 1 UM'K, MALE'" AND 60 female teachers for long-term; rural and village schools Salaries good. SOUTHERN T E a c H E It s' I AGENCY, Columbia, s. C. ?>oimiL!Vii snu -^-aits'iieu. Wanted, sa lesman calung on i general stores and manufacturers tu; sell kerosene und lubricating oils as a aide line. Will pay tjooo oonimb-1 slons. Address P. o. Box 19S, Ricli-1 tiion?, Va. _I iuat (t staie tor ss>au. f v.- , fi iak.S'in "west End; modern In every way; If in? terested. oa.ll Madison 8605, or write C 841. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. TIDEWATER Vilt<;in 1A Kaum BAR gains. We cun suit you. Wrli? to-day. SuMMERVlLLE TRUST CO., inc.. Newport News. Va. Ft/p. .salio, in wYjpDLAND h El' illTS, 0110 lot, 124x118, cheap lo quick buyer. E. h. N Eli LETT, 125 East Tl.ii teeiith Street. FOR SALEl BEAUTIFUL WATER troni home; all modurn conveniences, overlooking Fortress Monroe. Hamp? ton Roads; boating, bathing, llsblng: large lawn, shade trees; two minutes' walk to car. For further Information address S. H. W- care Postmaster, Buck r"c Va._^^^^^^^ i\ e a l ?state ilia onteo. T\\\nted;"'t?'" rent" ""six' to'eight thousand square feet of floor space foi light manufacturing. Address L 4j.', tare Time--Dujiuleh. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR BADE with BLANTON i- CO., lib-. Bast Main (Hear first floor Travelers' _iilUlltlilleT*._' YOl It PlVlipEP.TY k< -k sale with BLANTON -? CO., llos East Main (rear first floor Travelers' Huibi.n-_ -deal estate tor S&ent 'flat' .v . .5?' nohtii t\vEntV eighth Street, six rooms. Lath, etc.; t<, be newly papered throughout. 132.50 per month ? J- A. CONNELLY & CO._ FOR RENT, CONVENIENT TO HIGH school and church, six-room house jjti tract 46 acres; five dollars month; Address "W." care Postmaster, Green Bay. Va._ FOR RENT, IN WOODLAND HEIGHTS, house containing ueven rooms und bath; pantry, staei range, electric Hehls, front, hack and side porches. Price, $800 per year Address K 3?X. care Times-Dispatch._, STOIt B NO 3?1 NORTH FI FT H Street, adjacent lo the best shop ping dtsti let, ?02.50 per month, heat ? included. .1. a Connelly _ co. FLAT NO. -70S EAST BROAD Street six rooms, bath, etc., *20 per month. .1. A. CONNELLY fir CO. No. gel SOUTH BELVIDERE STREET, brick dwelling, eight room?, bath, etc.; $-.T, per month. J. A. CON _Nj-.lly fit CO._ FOR ItENT. ATTRACTIVE DWF.:X lnif -f nine rooms and two bath rooms; large lawn and table garden, Forest Hill Park; will rent for one year beginning September 16. 1SU. Address l 4 77. care Times-Dispatch. FOR RENT, 415" E A st MARSHALL; fiTSt-clars stand for grocery or meat store; has been occupied for several years as furniture store. Possession September 1st. Apply AMERICAN HAT COMPANY, Fifth and Marshall Street._ 32?2?A.RK AVENUE. 9 ROOMS. BATH, etc., hot water heat: J4? per month j. a. CONNELLY CO._! FOR" RENT. H'.M'Ve. FURNISHED OR unfurnished, * In Ginter Park. Call before Wednesday night. Monroe -4.1'S_ J rlAooms for j^ent. VEIV jDESlitABLE, LARGE NICELY, furnished room, all conveniences; centrally located. 309 East Grace Street. Phone Madison Cii'.'2. wanted! young gentleman Share nice front room with another, board cc.nvenlont. 112 South Fourth Street._ ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS on second floor on Graco Street Piione Madison isoo. FURNISHED MALI. Ri >OM. PRIVATE family 507 North Sixth .Street. nTcELS'-FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without iboard. 71 8 East .Mar? shall._ T?lt RENT, TWO LARGE ROOMS, with largo closets and private, bath, third floor, electric lights, hot wa? ter heat, also one second floor side room same eonveniences with pri? vate hath; gentlemen preferred. Ap? ply No. JOS E. Franklin St. LARGe7~KIiltNLSHed FRONT ROOM; ?.'ULM Stuart Avenue. Phono Monroe _f, IG._ NICELY' FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; private fuiully. I'hone Madison 7393. 218 East Franklin. IXRt^Er^icfR.Y^F?TwiSHED ROOM"; transients. 3:12 East Franklin Street. Monroe 1?09._ WELL FURNISHED ROOMS Fc5r gentlemen or marrlod couple; hath and telephone. At 113 East Frank* lln. _j?oarD ?_3?antea. YofiN'a lady Wants' 'board'* b y September 1; south of Broad; cen? tral; reasonable; references ex? changed. Address C 670, caro Tlmes Dlspatch._ YOUNG-LADY, WHO CAN FURNISH excellent references, wants board and room In private family; must bo centrally located. P. O. Box 191. city._ WANTED, TABLE BOARD by TWO gentlemen, near twenty-two hun? dred?block Park Avenue. Phone Mud lHon 7,'ti0-J or 6C05. DAILY PUZZLES Found on a farm. ANSWER T?7 VISSTB?DATI PI'/.ZLB Cherokee. Jf or &ale. FC>R~~SALE. LARGE DIBBOiX"7fIRE ami burglar-proof) safe; double doors, with combination lock; Inside chest for money and securities, with tlmu lock: suitable, for small bank or largo mercantile house. Bor ex? act dimensions and price, address Drawer 924) Roanoke, Va. ch"kai\ ?ll- kCNDb or second hand mechanical tools. Apply JEF person l.OAN OFFICE. 1705 East Main .Street._ t i- sal*. "'? iifc'?K "soar it u's line second-hand trunks, suit oases,; hand bans. etc. Apply JEFFERSONi IAJAN OFFICE. 1705 East Main. ? FOR S?"Le. "" SURREYS, l'.l 'N A ROUTS I and top buggies. We handle first-, class goods. Your order solicited, i THOS. H. DUKE & CO.. 804 Drook i Avenue._J FOR ~SALE. THtfliuST complete! and up-to-date lino of business and pleasure vehicles that can bo seen in the city. Call and Inspect our line. Lowest prices. a. METER's kons, 731 Bast Gary Street. >? k sXTk7~w??den~~bed7~ppr1n~? and mattress; excellent condition; coal heater, reasonable 1'hono Mad? ison 5416. S "F< )'r sA le ~colttS~ARMORy ""PRINT ? Ing preBB, 10x10; can he been at 506 Bust Main Street. _ FOR SA le. ~ON f: UPRIGHT-*PIANO IN good .condition. 22 South Harrison Street. _ ? _ for sale. che?pT m. cask by register, computing scale, oll tank nnd typewriter. B>,x 2'.>7, City. "for kale. ONE THOUSAND loads of bullding und concrete sand; will sell delivered. Apply JOHN R. PRIMES', Library Building._ Fi >r SALE. ki/jkv DOUBLE-DRUM hoisting engine, IS or 20 horsepower; In good condition; boiler attached. Address l 4 54. caro Times-Dispatch. for" .sale." remington " type". writer; first-class condition, $35 c ish. Apply ~,Z'j East Main, second floor, frone_ To r s? lb" combination desk mid dresser; antique. ?06 East _Clay^_ FOR SALE CHEAP, -some very flno revolvers and guns. Apply JEFFERSON loan OFFICE, 1705 East Main. STRUCTURAL IRON. STEEL AND pipe of every description cut to order. CLARENCE COSBY. 1623 East Gary Si n et. Richmond, Va._ FOR .-ALE." BECOND-HAND GUAR anteed boilers, steam, gasolene and! kerosene engines, planers, stave BSVS and joiners, lath mills, lathes, Mcestacks, forges, drill prosses, pulleva. hang? rs, shafting and bell? ing, i BLU FORD & CO.. 1538-42 East Cary Street. BE V ERAL IJ 3 ED FORD CARS WHICH we have taken In exchange fur latest models. These curs now being thor? oughly overhauled and will pnlnt if desired Win si nd Instructor homo j with out-of-town purchasers. FORD AI .'TO CO._ FOR SALE. THREE SHARES OF st ick of the R L. Barnes Safe and Lock Co., par value $100. at a dls counu Address X. Y. Z.. caro Post? master, North Emporla, Va._ 7.T E AM" 11 BATING P LA NT CO M PI. ETE. with boiler and radiators good as' new; one set Jones wagon scales, i. HU FORD & CO. _' _ FOR SALE. ONE 4-I'ASSENGBR TRAP jr.". ONE OPEN DELIVERY WAGON, |B5. These are bargains. THOS. H. DUKE & CO.. 804 Brook Avenue. CH< ?ICE TOUNO WHITE WYANTJOTTE cl ?. -kins. Flshcl strain. Apply to c. E. BIBB. Short Street, near North, Forest Hill Annex. ONE LARGE SECOND-HAND SAFE; lit good order: will deliver same. Address QUICK-CASH. Post-Office Box 123, city. BOARDERS FOR DESIRABLE ROOMS?, also table boarders. 209 E. Gruce. DELIGHTFUL ROOM8, WITH BOA RD; also table board. 401 East Grace. WAN T b"5, BOARDERS FOR BEA? tlful Large and small rooms. Apply 103 East Grace. DAROB AND SMALL ROOM. WITH good board. 508 North Fifth Street. BOA RT"> ICRS WANTED AT 317 BAST _Franklin. MISS PAUWRE._ PERSIAN ENT. TRANSIENT AND TA tnble bonrders. 936 West Grace Madison 5731. WhT?i Y??" COM e"~TO RICHMOND stop where you car. get u nice, clean, comfortable bed for 50 cents: lea ?va? lor, bath and phone free. 1002 Eaal Clay._ MRS. CHARLES K. BOWERS, 115 Bast Frank Street, handsomely ap? pointed rooms, with board; table board a specialty. FLAT OF FQUR NICE ROOMS FOR elO; 21 South Cherry. Apply 127 South Laurel._ for rent. MODERN SECOND apartment, nine rooms, tiled bath? room: six largo closets, pantry, etc.;! two porches overlooking broad lawn;i separate ontrance and back yard; steam heat, detachod building; half block from car lino. Owner occupies j first apartment. Possession at once. LT. 17 Grove Avenue. five-ROOM UPPER" FLAT\ with' bath nnd pantry. No. H11 ti East Mar-1 shall. I flat, six roomsTwith bAtlf pos? session . September lBt. Monroe' FOR REXTT, ATTRACTIVE BACH - \ elor apartment of two rooms and bath In Shenandoah, Allen Avenue nnd Grace Street; possession at once. In building._ FOR RENT, FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS', with beat and bath. $22.50, or six rooms for $25; In nice condition. Lo? cation No. 1722 Grove Avonue. Phone Monroe 1388._ to 5 entlbmen! deTmgThtful apartment of three rooms and bath.I Franklin Street, central. Madison I ?16S8. FOR RENT, SEPTEMBER 1, SBCOND floor flat, four large, bright rooms. In excellent condition, to couplo or small family. 1024 Went Main. ftoomg iKlanteu. WANTED, two or three l.ioht housekeeping rootna; furnished com? plete; permanent; references. Ad? dress F 877, care Tlmes-DIspatch. w"?iNTT}b, room BY Q r AD?XtE nurso; physician's family preferred; ntate lermS; best references. Ad droua L iitt, care U'lrnes-Dlapatch, _fl^onaUL_ LA IM ICS. I AM NOW FULLY ESTAB? LISHED AT MY NEW LOCATION. 303 WEST GRACE, AND AM TAK? ING ORDERS FOR FALL AND WIN? TER SUITS, FOR WHICH I HAY ? JEST GOTTEN IN A LAIR IE AS? SORTMENT OF GOODS IN THE LATEST WEAVES AND COIX)RS. I ALSO HAVE IN THE MOST AD-! VANCED STYLES. WHICH I AM i FULLY" CAPABLE OF CARRYING OUT TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE. H. LEWIS. LADIES' TAILOR. 303 WEST GRACE. PHONE MONROE I 2665. FORMERLY OF 202 NORTH ! FIRST. EARLY" FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. LADIES, WE REG TO CALL YOUR AT- I tcntlon to the fart that the Ilrm of ! BUDMAN & DAVIS is now ready toj take orders for your fall suits at the j reduced price of $35. We have a i supply of material that will sur- j prise the woman who cares for style. Our workmanship Is the best. A call 1 will convince you and wo feel sure f you will tako the advantage of this . offer. Rospoctf -.illy. BUDMAN * DAVIS. 940 W. grace. Phone Madi? son 6UH. HUMAN HAl7> EtOUGHT AND HOLD at HUGHE.S'S. 20? North Third. JBusimss ?pporromtrej?._ FOR RENT. BUILDING SUITED FOR largo livery and sulu business. In new but deslrablo section Wash? ington, D. C; Just the chance for horse man. Address owner, W. F. NASH. Washington, D. C._ WE WISH TO GET IN TOUCH WITH people who havu from $5uo to $6,UO0 to invest In thy S per cent, preferred stouk of one of the oldest, most widely known and progressive manu-j faclurtng companies in Virginia The' business has been in existence thirty years, and has paid large and contin? uous dividends. Wo also have several good positions to offer to our In? vestors; salary from S150 to 1300 per month. For full partlculara write at once to SALES MANAGER, Box 123, Richmond. Va. WANTED?*? PARTNER WITH SEV crnl thousand dollars, to engago with mo In marketing ono of tho best olectrlc Inventions of the ago; endorsed by some of tho highest of? ficials and business men of tho city.] most satisfactory profit to business; businos,s coming to us unsolicited, an unusual opportunity for parly with small capital to secure a life? time position with very satisfactory income. Please, no trlflers or curi? osity Seekers take up our time. Ad? dress L 429, ?*nre Tlmes-Dlspatch. _<Iffil a n t?0._ BECOND-HAND MACHINERY OH of every description nought at full value. CLARENCE COSBY. 1621 _ Cary 8t. Phone Madison 3621. HOUSE CLEANING" MATTING LA Y lng, waxing and ?talning floors, win? dows washed; new houses a spe? cialty. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Mon? roe 3120. WANTED" ONE SECOND-HAND LO comotlve, rod type, 3fl Inch gauge. 23 to 2? ton.?, with detachable tend? er; Siro five (5) good logging cars. 36 inch gauge. 30,090 pounds' capa? city. VA. LUMBER AND BOX CO., INC. Petersburg, Va. WANTED" ? GOOD RUNNING FIVE or seven-passenger car, any standard make; will trade city or suburban real estate or 6 per cent preferred stock of a well known mnnulactur lng company for car. Address SALES MANAGER. Box 123. Rich? mond. Va. IV A N t"e D. SECOND-HAND STEEL water tower-, not less than thirty feet high, and carry tank of not lc=s than 1.500 gallons. Address J 377, care Tunes-Dispatch. wanted. to bot Mm cash. UOli8I)" bold goods In any quantity. Phone Mndisor. .861. | WANTEliT] SECOND-HAND ROLLER top desk. Address I) 7.':',, care Times Dispatch. WANTED. TO BORROW 11 r??? FO R four years at i; per cent.; good se-I curlty. Address G 190. care Times DlBpatoh. WANT ED. a "SECOND-HAND NO? 1 sawmill. Call on MR. L. ZBKRING er, Richmond, Va. R. F. D. No. 6. Box 126. filiduUantaus. "SHOE ' REPAIRING. 76o HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES. ?00 ladies,; every pair sewed: best leath- ! er; no nails, no pegs. Royal rub- j bcr heels, 25c; Tred-Alr rubber heels. | 10c; leather heels rebuilt like new. t 26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE i FACTORY. 718 East Main Phono Monroe S687. I WATCH KETPAlKlMtV YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OB cleaned by Wli TOB1EN, JH., Is ? guarantee that It is done properly, Twenty years' experience. Cleaning, II; main springs, $1. 408 Ea?i Uroad Btreot. 411 work guaranteed. MATTR~SSES1 MATTRESSES! WE SEND FOR YOUR MATTRESS IN the morning, make It over nice new. end roturn It to you the same day. New hair mattresses a specialty. JA COB UMLAUF. Phone Madison 3292 LAWN MOWERS. THE BEST IS NOT TOO GOOD. THIS Is why there aro about 600 satisfied users of the genuine Pennsylvania mowers In Richmond. We also carry the cheap stuff as low as $2.50. If you can't find it. go to MctlRAW'S, 1440-42 E Main Street_ DPHOLSTER1NG AND MATTRESSES PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES AND ODD pieces reupholstered. Mattresses renovated neatly. Sanitary methods; Reliable work. SYDNOR & HUND? LEY. 711 East Broad. Madison 32U4. TENTS AND AWNINGS. KEEP COOL; SLEEP IN A TENT. WE make thorn any sise. Prices reason? able. H. E. COPELAND CO.. INC., Awnings. Tents and Flngs. Phone Madison 2576._ PANAMA HATTERS. PANAMA AND STRAW HATS CL_.\N ed, blenched, block, retrlinined AMERICAN HAT CO., Hatters. Fifth and Marshall. automobiles for g-ale FOR"" S A l ilC, ?UTOMOBII?ET ROAD ster; perfect running order; Just right for physician; would exchange for pair of horses. Address E 791, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. CHALMERS" AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE: 1910 Model; five-passenger; looks well and in perfect condition; fully equipped; four new tires and Inner tubes; a bargain lor some one; own? er going away, and hns no further use for it. R. T. MATTESON & CO.. Petersburg, Va. Coal anb Wloob. LONCpHAf WOOD THAT BURNUS FREE and makes quick heat, Just the kind for summer use, also tilling up cel? lars for nex,t win tor ut summor prices It's fine. Yard: 1606 West Broad. Phone: Madison 1C69. KINDLING WOOD, EXCELLENT FOR light cooking, $1.60 half-cord. Phone Madison 177. SAMUEL Hi COTTRELL & SONS. JjoMTTP?Sei^HtlD _.?J? ?frtOCtl liGGSl EGGS! EGCISI^WAN T li 1j pnrty who can ship eggs from own hens. FRANCIS MacDOUGALL. i64s North Allison Street, West Philadel? phia, Pa. _ _ FOR-S?LE, ONE TONY, HARNESS and road car; In good order; can ho seen by culling at 122S West Leigh Street, City. Four Arrests in Connection With Shooting by Moon? shiners. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. ] Winston-Salem, N. C, August 23.? Revenue Utllcer Henry, who was shot In tho left breast, the ball lodging In his back. In Wilkes county lust week, during a raid on moonshiners, was able to leave his hotel to-day for the llrst time. The ball will not be removed unless It gives Mr. Henry trouble. Four arrests have bocn rnade and, \whlle officers were out yester? day looking for others liugllcated In the shooting, they destroyed an Illicit plant of HO gallons capacity. Eugene Lehman left here to-night for El Paso. Tex., to accompany his plster and tho body of her husband. L. E. Unrlow. to this city. The only Information received here la that Mr. Barlow was killed by a construction train In Mexico. Congressman R. L Doughton, of thn Eighth District, was here to-dny, en route from Washington to his home. In Allegheny cqunty. "We left every? thing In mighty good shape," snkl thn Representative. "The Democrats are standing together on all of the Im? portant Issues, while the other fel? lows. Republicans, can't agree on any. thing." Mr. Doughton stated that Chairman Underwood's leadership was able, wise and thorough democratic, nnd hews to the line. Mr. Doughton Is popular In his district, and hta ro nomlnatlon and rc-electlon are con? ceded t,y both Democrats and Itepub 1 leans. HOARD ELECTS TEACHERS 1 OK AM1TERST IllC.n SCHOOL [Special to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatch j, Vn.. August ?.?The courthouse District School Board met In the court? house here yesterday to appoint teachers for the coming session. A very efficient enrps of tetichere was chosen tor the Am h-rst High BchOOl. Prof. C. M. Farmer, of Borryvllle, Clark county, was elected prln ctpal. Miss Annie Fltzgernld. of Black- j a" no, llrst assistant, la a graduate of Blackstone Fotna]? Institute: Miss Ella Waits, third assistant, hns taught In tbe county for aeveral years. Misses Robertson nnd Hilbert, the other assistant*, have taught In this school for several sessions past. Tho Amlierst school Will have live teachers this year lnst'-ad of four, as haa been tho case herutofore. A number of the white schools of tho district ??ro not supplied for tho reason that there no applicant*. Injuries] Trove Fatal. [Special to The Tlnjes-Dlspatch.] Hsrrlsonburg Vn., August 23.?Her? bert Monroe, ten years old, son of John I Monroe, of Brookwood, Augusta coun- j ty, died Monday In the Stnunton Hos- i pltal of Injuries sustained by the kick of a colt. Saturday the little fellow. With his hat over his eyes, run Into tho: lot and accidentally collided with tho | colt, which, startled on,j surprised, kicked the lad Ir. the abdomen, causing] lacerations of a frightful nature. "tyotrtS THE JEFFERSON RICHMOND, VA. Coolest Itrstuumnt In the City. Club IlrcnlifiiM a Specialty. Lobby Cooled by Ilnttery of Electric Fnn*. The most magntflcont hotel In the South. European plan. Ituuma sing'* and en suite, ?Ith and without baths. Spacious sample rooms. ItHI >, II.SO per dov and upward. atlantw ?itp Hcaorw.' Pacific and Arkansas Avenues. Spacious grounds adjoin beach und bourtlcalk. Only medium priced hotel where guests may go from hous? to surf In bathing attire without using streets, which Is prohibited. DM of bath houses with attendant Lo rare for suits Is free. Kivinlng water In room*. Fresh anil sea water baths, ntihllr nnd private. Special rntes SI.SO to (4.00 dally; i SS.00 lo fa 1.60 weekly Including choice ' table supplied from own farm. White Service. Orchestra. Tennis courts and croquet grounds between hotel and beach. Booklet mailed upon requost. PAUL C. ROSECKANS 'IT Wit The St. Charles, ATIANTIC CITY, N. J. it Selecl Lucnllon fronting the 11.ach .. Jth an established reputation for Us excluslvenes* and high-class patronage. Thoroughly modorn and completely equipped. Courteous service. Bathrooms with hot and cold, fresh and aea watet attachments, showers, etc. Orchestra. Extensive porches overlooking th? Boardwalk i.r.d Ocean. Alwaya open. tiolf prlvlloges. Illustrated booklet. NEWI IN HAINES COMPANY. HOTEL IROQUOIS South Carolina Avenue and Bosch, rapacity. 4M. 100 ocesn-slde sunny rooms. I'rlvato bath*, running water In rooms. Elevator. Music. Whlto service. Special rates, III up weekly: IS.i.O up dally. Booklet. W. F. SHAW. -CONTINENTAL? Tennessoe ave.. near Beach; atwayi open. Private baths, elevator; excel? lent table; white service; to I'J dally; 1$ to ?17.60 wkly. Sat. to Mon., 11 Booklets. MARO Alt ET WALSH DUNTAN. Noticed. WANTED, THE rUHLIC Tf) KNOW that JAHNKE BROS. Jewelers. 91] East Main Street, buy, sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THK LATEST STYLES. Old gold and sil? ver always taken In e\chana*?. RELIABLE TRANSFER. RELIABLE TRANSFER, MILLNER'S, .102 North Ninth Stroot, hauls trunks for 25c Claim chocks Issued at the house for your baggage. Two men on our wagon. Wo make a specialty of moving furniture and pianos, Phono Madison 1145; residents phono Monroe 2400._ e&calco ^Proposals. ""TTV'HNC'INEE It OFFICE,' $20 SEV enteenth Streot, N. W., Washington, D. 0.i A"?"?t 23. 1911. Sealed pro? posals for dredging In James River. Virginia, will bo received at this office until 12 M. September 22. 1911, nnd then publicly opened. Information on application 'ni u. S. Engineer Offleo, 28 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Vo, ?W. C. LANOF1TT, Ljuut.-Col. Engrs. 9uction g>alc_. ?fn? 53ap. Suction ftalc?, iXtji? 33ap. TheValeitoeAuction Co. ?AUCTIONKCRS O 1 8 EAST ..BROAD ST. Handsome Solid Mahogany Dining Room Furniture, Double Parlors, Five Bed Rooms, Fine Garland Gas Range, Instantaneous Water Heater, Carpets, Matting, China, Glassware, Silverplated Ware, Etc., AT AUCTION At the request of Mr. P. IL Estes. we will sell at his residence, No. 3311 Grove Avenue, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, commencing at 10:80 o'clock, his house}-old furniture, consisting of? DINING ROOM?In sol'd Mahogany, containing a very handsome and costly Table, with massive claw feet and carved panels, round when closed and twelve foot oxtension; ton Imported Vienna Chairs, with embossed seats (mahogany finish), very handsome Mahogany China Closet, oval front and ends, mlrroe oack claw feet; Massive Solid Mahogany Sideboard, with handsome mirror cabinet top. Mahogany Mantel Mirror, Bronzes, Clock. Vases. China. Glass? ware. Silver-plated Ware. etc. PARLORS?Handsome Over-Stuffed Pnrlor Suit. Odd Divan, Lace Curtains. Chairs Rockers. Tables. Ornaments, Piotures, handsomo Wilton Velvet Carpets. KITCHEN_Largo size Garland Gas Range. In porfeot order; Instantan? eous Water Heater (latest improved modoD, lot Utensils, Crockery, Tables. C1''VlvLLS?T^nrgo Velvet Carpet, Stop Carpet, Tables, Chairs. Couch. Piotures. FI VF (5) BED ROOMS?Furnished In Walnut and Onk. consisting of Gham brr Suits Mirror Door and Plain Wardrobes. Walnut Chlffonr.ler, Hair and F, it' Mattresses Feather Pillows. Chairs, Rock?rs, Tables, Iron Beds and Hi r In its Mattings Hugs Pictures. Ornaments, Brass Bed. Mahogany Dr?sser und' Wish stand Toilet Sets, and other Furniture too numerous to montlon. Take"wwthVmptra car and get oft at Stop 7, or walk six blocks west from corner Robinson and Grove Avenue tnln iiositlve Indies Invited to attend. snio positive. """? TUE VALENTINE Mimnv m Heal ?_tatr tor -font. RENT SPECIALS Possession nt once. $600?322 North Harrison* 11 rooms. 5?0?Hermitage Road, 10 rooms. Pos session October 1. ?20?411 VV. (Irace, 7 rooms. 360?515 Third Avenue. 10 rooms. 400?614'/i N. Ninth St., 12 room?. 360?421 W. Main St., store and dwell, lng. 360?IJtOl N. Twentieth St.. 9 rooms. 360?'1201 North Twenty-first Street, 10 rooms. 380?107 W. Clay. 8 rooms. ?r>0?1813 W. Main St.. S rooms. 800?Ol 13 W. Main 8t.. 7 rooms. 300?1611 W. Main St.. 7 rooms. 300?Rallrond Ave., Ashland, 8 rooms. 3C0?981 W. Clay St., 9 rooms. 300?3333 Parle Ave.. 9 rooms. 800?616 N. Tenth St., 10 rooms. 2S8?1403 W. Main St.. 7 rooms. 270?1 100 Dickinson St.. 7 rooms. 270?119 W. Main St.. 6 rms. and store. 240?620 N. T-.venty-soventh St., 7 rms. 240?Virginia Ave., cor. Hums, S rms. 240?816 North Avenue. Brookland Park. S rooms. 240?S207 IV. Cary. 8 rooms 216?401 N. Twenty-ninth St . S rms. 200?3209 W. Taylor St., 10 rooms. 216?116 Third Avenue, 8 rooms. 300?3 S. Fourth St. (offle). FIiATS. $660?1127 W. Franklin St.. 2d flat 8 rooms. 600?1844 YV. Grace St.. 1st flat. 8 rms. 800?1S46 W. Orace St., 2d flat. 8 rms. 600?508 R. Franklin St.. 1st tlat. 6 roomn. Heat free. 640?401 E. Franklin St.. 3d flat, grins. 360?312 S. Third. 2d Hat. 5 rooms, and bath. 460?Ilia YV. Main St.. lat flat, 8 rms. Heat free. 450?910 W, Mnln St., 2d flat. 8 rms. Heat free. 450?401 B. Main St.. 1st flat. S rmi. 400?501 IV. Graco St.?llrst and sec? ond tints?R rooms. 860?Bellevtin Apnrtment. No. S. 7 rms. 360?Rcllevun Apartment. No. 6. 7 rms. 860?Bellevue Apartment. No. 5, 7 rms. 160?Bejlevuo Apartment. No. 2, 7 rms. 130?524 W. Orace St.. 3d Hat. 6 rms. 270?401 B. Main St.. 2d flat. 4 rms. 270?1020 YV. Main St.. Is* flat. 4 rms. J40?fiOS S. Pine St . 2d flat. 7 rms. '.80?209 N. 29th St.. 1st flat, 6 rms. 180?2106 E. Graco St., 1st flat, r> rms. 1E0?209 N. 29th St.. 2d flat. 6 rms. 240?S12 S. Third St.. 3d flat, 3 rooms nnd bath. GREEN A REDPA 80 North Ninth Street. No. 2232 Park Ave. Nine rooms, hath, electric lights, hot water heat, stc. $45 Per Month J. A. CONNl-TLLY" & CO. T.-D.. 8-24-11 ?It. Fraternity Hall 213-15 W. Broad St. Dates open (morninvr afternoon or night), lodges, dances, etc. Special Meetings a Feature All halls ready for ocoupanry at all times. J. A. CONNELLY & CO. Jnimnnal. Money to Lend On Richmond city, stiburbnn and high class farm property. SUTTON & CO. efeummer ^sorts' NATURAL BRIDGE HOTEL FOR IIE8T AMI It BCR KATION. Virginia's lending all-the-year Moun tnln Resort. Fine hotel. Write for booklet and rates. Address _W. Q. HAMILTON. Mannger. Red Sulphur Springs Hotel MON ROB COUNTY, W. VA. Now open for 1911 to October 1. Why not spend your vacation at this famous health resort? Only known cure for all stomach trouble, lungs. Rates, $8.00, $10.00. $12.60. $15.00 per week. Apply to J. I.. BILLION. Prop. BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS Ilotetourt County, Va. Booklet mailed on application to PHIL F. BROWN. The Valentine Musenm ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open dally from 10 A M. to 6 P. M. Admission 25c Pre* ?>n Saturdava The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN ? A. M TO SP. U. _ _AcnooiK_ McGuire's University School, OPP. MONKoE PARK, RICHMOND VA. FORTY-SllVKNTlf HUSSION hrtflni Sep? tember 18. Thorough preparation for unl vordty or rolleg?. Lower School for small boys. Principal nt ; N. Ilolvidere St. Hours: S to Vi A. M.; : to 1 P. M. Catalogues ?I book stores or by mail. 'Phon* Madison 5174. JOHN P. M?UIRU, Principal. Miss Ellett's School For Girls Opposite Monroe Park-?14 N. Laurel Richmond, Virginia Careful attention to little girls. Athletic field outside the city. Basket? ball and boating. Preparatory to Bry-n Mawr College. Certificate admits to Vassar and Randolph-Maoon. Sweat Briar scholarship. The number of students will bo limited. Littleton Female College Our fall term -will begin September 20. 1011. For catalogue, address J. M. RHODES. Littleton, N. a. Lewisburg Seminary and Conservatory of Music In heart of Alleghanles, 2,300- feet above aoa; near Orcenbrler Whito Sul pher Springs; halfway between Wash? ington and Cincinnati, on C. & O. Rail? way. Through trains. Long distance phone. Fine, modern buildings, electrlo light, steam heat, baths, gymnasium, etc. Standard courses, under competent teachers. In Liberal Arts and Sciences, Music, Art, Expression and Business. Refined, Christian Influences. Limited to 12f, boarders. $220 to $350. So.?s!on begins September 13, 1911. R. C. ?ontiuerviiie, President Drawer T, Lowlsburg, W. Va. Offers two-year course In the practical branches, of the law leading; to degree ol LL. B. Location unsurpassed. Terms moderate. Next session begins September 21, 1011.! For catalogue and Information, address W. S, McNEILL, Professor of Law, Richmond, Va. GLOUCESTER ACADEMY On tha Principal's Farm. Bummarrifta. Au Accredited School of the thalTcnaty ? Virginia, Near Olancestcr C. n.. Vs. Thorough preparation for Colleges taita thi University uii for a business Uf*. Spools* attention to backward boys, and the most careful individual supervision. Tha nexl ?esslon will begin September Tth. Oorre spondsncs solicited. For circulars apply te JOHN TABB (Orad. Univ. af V?.>, ?rlaal? pal. P. Q_ Qloucsstsr. V?. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ? vlaS STUART McGUlRE.M.D.. Pres. Medicine- Dentis try-Pharmacy 10th Sesslen Opens September 12th. New building. New equipment Eighty experienced teachers. Excellent clinical facilities. Modern laboratory methods. Descriptive Catalogue on request, PEA BODY Conservatory of Mus ic Baltimore, Md. Recognised aa the leading endowed musical conserv? atory In the country. Scholarships and Diplomas awarded. Circulars mailed. Richmond Cotleg An old, strongly endowed College with (tan* dard entrance requirements whose degrees er? accepted at full value by the leading universities of America. Through courses in Liberal Arts lend to degrees ol B. A., B. S. and M. A., and la Law to degree of LL. B. Character building Is emphasise!, ant the Faculty does not permit the Individual to bl lost in the crowd. Modem, sanltnry dormitories with goof bearding facilities. Equipment of every depart Is first class. Kxpenses are moderate. Fol catalogue and Information, address t President F. W. BOATWRIGHT. RICHMOND. VA. RICHMOND ACADEMY Itlrhmond, Va. Tenth session begins September 18. The Dean la now at president's office, Richmond College. For catalogue, address WM. L. PRTNCB, Dean. Phone Madison 2343-J. EDICAL COLL I or VIRGINIA MEDIC/HE. 0ENTJST8Y. PHAJtMACY. _$<?.?, 'fee.- ih V-4-?i iKjiet Seal I>. I?1tf , .,'nll?T Isbsrsters sal sUslasI fsaUiU??, \ 183O I CUasaU Mlsbrt^u. LlTi-g usaM ?itWl?) '. 1 I: I JWUMktattWM ? f *aXA I Cufctesasr TtKtiMM. P.Pts?.fcJassxeA V?