Newspaper Page Text
The Shirtwaist Sale Is Meant to Close And at the rate of spiling that began with the starting of the sale yesterday morning we shall Out All the Stock / !.?v. few,/f hinder the v **" display of incoming autumn lines. Remember, IT IS A DISPOSAL OF SUMMER WAISTS THAT COMPRISES OUR ENTIRE STOCK. All at Practically One-Half Price White Shirtwaists "t every kind and description will be found in the sale ? ? newest and prettiest low and high neck Waists of the season; u.. ?- I fine white lawn, shcci lingerie and batiste, rrisp voile and marquisette, ii uli and trimmed in various becoming ways. And buying them AT THE RATE OF TWO WAISTS FOR TIIF. PRICE OF ONE, as you do in this salt il will pay you to buy?even to put away for next spring. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY' Sale on second floor. SI.25 and $1.50 Waists are now.79c Handsomest $1.98 Waists for.98c Waists worth up to $2.50 for.SI.50 The SJ.00 Finest Waists are.$1.98 $5.00 to $7.00 Waists for $2.98 and.$3.98 JONES IS PLEASED WITH CAMPAIGN Nearly Worn Out With Effort in Pittsylvania?Expects Success. HMr?r and physically weak from his strenuous experiences In Plttyl county, Representative W. A. Jones came to the city yesterday morning-. Iis addressed a large audi? ence In the open air at Chatham on Monday, and In endeavoring to make all hear, he strained his voice and nearly brought about a collapse. Ha will not. however, speak again until to-morrow night at Clifton !*orge, and lie hopes to he fully recovered by thut lime. Mr. Jones left Richmond yesterday. Mr. Glass, who spent Tuesday night here, went t" Lynchburg yesterday morning to spend a day on business. He will return In time to deliver an address in South Richmond to-morrow night. Crowd at Country Place. Mr. Jones counted more than inn i ? rsons lit Bachelor's Hall, In l'lttsyi vanla, on Tuesday, although there Is no town there. lie found that the audience paid especial attention .to the address of Eugene Withers, who pre? ceded Mm and dealt laainly with the nerd of Senator Swanson. Mr. Withers told his hearers, most of whom are tobacco growers, of the tjiowi r and relentless grip of the to? bacco trust, and of how It fixed tho price of their product and closed tho factories of Southside Virginia. Then he called attention to Senator Swan son's purchase of the slock of this trust and of the opportunities he had to vote so as to make his Investment more profitable. Mr. Jones said that the people who beard Mr. Withers were so much in? terested In this that the criticisms he himself made of Senator Martin were overshadowed. Since his speech at Louisa on Mon? day of last week, Mr. Jones said, he hay been especially eontldent of the mccessful result ot his campaign. IN POLICE COURT Record Look* Uke Crime Wave, Only There Isn't Anj Wave. George Washington, colored, wan held yesterday la Voltes court for the next grtr ; jury on. ? charge of entering and robbing the, Store ?? Ratc'.llfe A: Tanner, r.orle'-i. V ** " Alonsa William?? colored, was also sent to the grand Jury, If" is accused of hav tnr feienlotiily assaulted John Accy. Ro&ert Loney. colored, and M. Good? win, white., were each fined f)10 and costi for cruelty to animals on charges preferred by Agent E. C. Taylor, of the S. P. C. A. Eddie Williams and Percy Coles were ar. ralgned or. two charges of enterlne and rcBblng the stable of the W. II. Harris Grocery Company. They are. alleged to have carried off a quantity of provisions on July 4, and were so successful that they did the same thins or. August 3 Cole* waived examination and was sent on to the HiiltlngS Court. The case of Williams was continued until September :. w. Scott Hunt was arraigned on a charge of sellir.K clgnfittes to boys under the a,?e of sixteen years III* case was continued. P. B. Heller and P. K Teaser were sum mo.-.ed to appear in court on September l to show cause why the buildings at 1821 and Ulo Venabla Street, should not be raz? ed, as reromm-mled by the Building In? spector STOLE HANDCAR Fnusnal < Inirice In Polle? ( iitirt \ c .i i ? i -1 Chnrle? Neikf. Charles -Vein ft** yesterday morning ar-. raigned before PoMce Justice Crutchtteid en the unusual charge of stealing n hand rar from the yards of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. N"clsr was having the ef his life 'pumpini:" the car over the varl \ous portions of the road He u as nqt care. IV. what tracks lie traversed, and when fourd by employe* of the road was rolling slon* the mnln line, Imperiling hit own and 'he live* or pastenger* of incoming trains. Justice Crutthtteld rlfl'-rd him un? der a bond of |S0O foi rix monihs, and this was furnished by L. nennlck. < a-i oi f.jir f on tinned. In otdei ;,, -,e< arc additional witnesses Fol Ice Juatice Crutchfleld yesterday con? tinued the 'Sf t,f James I.yie. the colored driver, who*, wagon tan over and killed Louis Manelr.i ;a attert.-on The c*s? will be again called next Wednesday. MAY PLACE BAN ON MOVING PICTURES Councilman Lynch Will Intro-j duce Ordinance Excluding Chil dren Under 14 Years of Age. Actuated by recent condemnation of moving picture shows for youns. peo? ple. Councilman John J. lynch, at the next meeting of the City Council, will Introduce a resolution prohibiting chil? dren under the nRe of fourteen years from attending such performances un? less at'ended by their parent* "r guardians, and providing a line for its violation. Following Is the text of the ordinance. "That It shnll be unlawful for any owner or keeper Of a licensed moving picture show or theatre; or other placo where moving pictures are exhibited for compensation, to admit to such show or exhibition, any minor under tin- age of fourteen years, unless, ac? companied by its parent or guard Ian. "Fvery person violating the provis? ions of this ordinnnce shall l?- liable to a line of not less ihan fl'> nor more than for each offense, recoverable before the Police Justice of the city of Richmond." Undoubtedly, there will be great op-; position to the ordinance from those Interested In moving picture shows, many of which are scattered through the city. On the other hand, however, much complaint has been made <>f the alleged evils of such amusements, and] Mr. Lynch believes that his ordinance will become a law. Around the Hotels -ii_ Lexington?S. S. Hart, Chatham; A. 1-, Gardner, Danville; G. L. Bngllsh, Danville; Rev. N. Richards, Virginia Beach; J. A. Reynolds. Danville; l> Somers, pestling; St-ott B Appioby, Jr., Norfolk; A. L. Harmon, Norfolk. J. E. Woodward, Louisa. L O. Wright, Vir? ginia. Murphy s -C. R. Mason. Cllllhowte; John ft. Johnson. Christiansburg; A. Hunter. Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan, Greenwood; Harry Ginger, M. 1?.. South Boston; IS. F. Cage- South Boston; T F. Roilge.--. South Boston. Mr. und Mrs. R I, Watktns and child. Virginia; Mrs. W, W. Robertson, Miss 1211a M Manning. Bmporla; .1. It. Kpllng. Norfolk: K. T. Bates, LOVlng ston; F C. Moon. Lynch burg; C- H. I >a\is, Wllllainsburg; w. B. F. Cole. Frederlcksburg; .1. O. Fa'aon, Dispu? tants; W. II. Jones. Norfolk; Mr. and Mis Uoy Jours, Bowling Green; W. It. Tyt ??<.-. St;,union. .1. S. Odendhal, Nor? folk; B. F, Odch, Appomattox; John M. Bcntty, Danville; R. C. Kllmartles, Pe? tersburg; F. J. Merkllng. Charlottes vine, c R. Wallace, Norfolk: u R. Huhbard, Rice. Park- W a. McDanlel, Salem; C. is. Headley, Winchester. Richmond?A. IS, Jones, Farmvllle; C. .1. King. Marion; Lee W. DeBerry, Blackstone; Malcolm K Harris. Ban vllle; R. W. Peatross, Danville. Gilbert?Mrs. is. m. C. Slley, Dlllwyn; R. O. Shnltoti, Lynchburg; Thomas is. Dennis, Mattoax. Stumpfs- a. B. Rand. Virginia; R. C Carnal, Virginia; Charles nindley. Pnmplln; w ti. Puhltng, Lynch burg; RuftiH I. Cray. Virginia. C. I' Shoek, Portsmouth. Jefferson j. \v. Menefee, Graham, N. <? . a. m Dlckson, Plttsburg; <;eo. H, Nash. Durham, N. ?'.; IS. O. Muse, Durham, n c. Ii I. Reck, washing ton; Albert Weatpfal, New Vork; IS, R Bnrnett, Atlanta; H. L. Phil bin, Balti? more. ii. S. Stiles, Washington. |> <; ? O. N Gabriel, Chicago. <:. ?, p0y, New Bern, n ('.. Joseph B Robinson, Nor? folk, Vi?.; George B Morgan and wife. Atlanta, Ga . ii. L rap,-*. Atlanta, Ga.; IS. H Wilkinson, Bristol. Tcnn.; .1. p. Buchanan, Marion, v., , ||. w Lewis. Virginia; r, II Russell, New Vork; W. F. Day, Jr., Baltimore; C. \v Cally, riputlt Cnrollnn W. P.. Wilson, South Carol Inn; \\. ii Detroit; G. C. Rtlbsbll, Pennsylvania. T. II Price, '??'licago; Thou. I\ Whit* New Vork W n Jeffress, Philadelphia; H. C Davidson, New York; H a. Ktlburn. New Vork: E, I> GrlAVri, New Yorit s. W Harrison, Now York; a. j Madden Wllkcs Barre, l?a.; W. .1. Cashwell Abbottslilirg, N <? F llarrv Orass, Maryland g. w Veakie. Baltimore; 11 M Scheer, Newport News. Va.j a. W. Martin. Baltimore, .1. h. MarstOn and wife, Greensboro, N. C.j William ' -load Virginia; Frank H Diithe, Cincinnati, <> . s. Lee Weaver, New i ork. =30> CX G. M. Co.'s "Pear/" Roofing Tin Is fit for any house?a match for .my sort of weathor. GORDON METAL CO., Richmond. Va. WELCOME GIVEN SENATOR MARTIN Cheering Crowds Follow Car? riage in Impromptu Parade in Broad Street. MAKES SHORT ADDRESS Senator Declares He \\ ill "Pay Respects to Slanderous Attacks." Returning to the capital of his state from a session of Congress in which lie has played n prominent part as lead? er of tlie Democrats of the upper branch, Senator Thomas s. Martin was given a demonstration last night of, Which he was very proud. Mis friends had only a few hours" notice of the tinio of his arrival, and beyond beluted newspaper announcements, no adver? tisement was given the aftali. Including the people who met Sen? ator Martin at 15Iba Station at 7:16. thos.> who lined up at street cornel's during the inarch down Broad Street, and chose who gathered about his car? riage in front 01 Mtirphy'a Hotel, piob ?bly 2,000 persons cheered him. The line of inarch wus led by men carrying red fire, follow* 1 by the blues Band and the carriages containing Senator Martin and his friends, with automo? biles end pedestrians. Cheors went uj< at every corner, the principal demonstration being given at the hotel. With the Senator in the tlrst carriage Were Major James D. Pat ton, .lames N. Boyd and Egbert O. Leigh. Jr. In tho1 other were Representative H. O. flood. Or. Oeorge Ben Johnston, James W Gordon and l* Morris. Called on for Speech. After sevural shouts had gone up from the enthusiasts in the crowd, and scores of people hud pi issed for? ward to shake Senator Martin's hand. I there were calls for a Speech. Stand- ! ing in the carriage, the Senator sind: "1 am profoundly grateful for this manifestation of your continued confi? dence and support. Assailed from tho rear by the tongue n| mttUce, falsehood and slander, while endeavoring to dis? charge the duties of the high und re? sponsible posllli n entrusted to me, I bevor doubted tho justice und sense of fairness Of the Virginia people. When assailed and when my motives were Impugned for refusing to abandon my post of duty, I was able to pursue the even tenor of p.y way without alarm or anxiety as to what Hie result would be. "If 1 needed any other reward than the consciousness of rectitude and fidel? ity to duty. I would rind It In the mag? nificent greeting you have extended to me to-night on my return from the laborious duties of a long session of Congress to take up the work of my campaign. The session Is ended; ad? journment was reached on Tuesday, and I will lind an early occasion to pay my respecla to the slanders circulated throughout lh< St..te for several months past. "My felldw citizens, 1 thank you from the bottom of my henrt for the. greet? ing you have given me." I lav Man) tollers. APphtlng from the carriage, the Senator was occupied for some time In shaking hands with those who crowded about him Iii the hotel lobby After securing supper he went to headquar? ters, where lie was visited by a stream of callers until a late hour. Mr. Flood wIP be in active t barge of headquarters and of the campaign until the day of the primary. S. L. Ferguson, who has been In charge, who has been attending the fuenral of a relative, came to the city last night. Mr Flood said that the only speech so far arranged for Senator Martin, aside from his address at the Academy ..f Music on Monday night. Is one which he will deliver at a barbecue t-j be given In his interest at Arlington, Nelson county, on Saturday, September 2. The Senator, however, contemplates making speeches in Avcomac and Lou doun counties, these being the points, he is advised, where there Is serious opposition to him. Mnrtln in ConKress. "The extra session Of Congress which has Just ended," said Mr. Ylood lust night, "will be of great assistance to the Democratic party In the nation. Jn that session Senator Martin became the leading figure. Splendid work was tlone by the House of Representatives, but Mr. Underwood and the other lead? ers there had with them a united and enthusiastic majority. Senator Mar? tin, on the other hand, became the leader of a divided minority. He has welded It into a compact body, called to its aid the Progressive Republicans.' and has secured the passage of every bill sent to the Senate by the House, in tho face of a Republican majority, When the conferences were held as to these measures. It was the usual course to have them end with the de-! cislon to leave u io Martin. Me oc? cupies now a more important position] in the nation than any Southern man lias filled since the War Between the States." Senator Claude A. Swanson will come to this ell) to-day, as he had some matters to settle -u Washington before his departure Beyond his speech at LawreneevlUe Monday after? noon, he has as yet. It is understood, mnde no engagements VAXDVMAKER IM UNy.n WHKN BOILER EXPLODES ?'heu a syrup boiler at the plant of the Dixie Manufacturing company. His East Franklin Street, exploded yesterday after? noon about t:M o'clock. P. D Uaroody. a i andymaker, twenty-threa years old. of mis Eaet flroad Street, was severely hurried about the nrms and nerfc. Other employes In the place at the tlma escaped unhurt. Uaroody was attended by Dr. Huleher, of the city ambulance. Negro Loses fingers. Philip Thomas, colored, of 111 Fouth Adams Street, had two flngera so badly mashed yesterday morning when his arro .aught in the traveling-wheel of n derrick at Brown's Marble Yards. Madi? son and Main Streets, that It was necea ?ary for Or. Huleher. of tha city ambu lance, t0 amputate them. Building Peirnilti? The following permits were Issued In the offti e ,-,f Building Inspector Beck yester? day: Oeorge W. Holmes, to repair frame dwell? ing. !10: St. John Street. |21?. C. B. Kepler, to hrlck store, til North Rlxttl Htraet, Installing freight ele? vator, 1141. Officer* Will Meet. The Officers' Association Of the Pirst Ii., ti* lion, First Infantry, will meet to? morrow night In the armory. Trie Officers intend to get together early tbia year and prepare 'or arorfc in tho uni?iii,itn? ?<? .... Montague On Ellyson Former Governor Andrew Jnclt son .Montasrue, In tllnrnlsslOK the contr>vcr*y with I.lctitcnnnt-Gov ernor J. Taylor Kllyaon. chalrmnn of tbe State Democratic Committee, ?cave out the following ntaiemeut yeatrrdnn "Mr. ISllyaon'a reply I? unrcapon atve nntl futile. :ic wishes to leave the question of Iis vrrnclty ro the people. He hon thla right. He niuat also leave to tb?* people I be question of hla lrlriiUshlri for Gen? eral Lee. "I he people remember, end (he people aro Just." HEALTH WORKERS STILL IN FIGHT Care of Patients Forced to Leave Catawba Sanatorium Is Serious Problem. While confident that the people of the Commonwealth will support health workers in the present crisis In tuber? culosis work, officers of the State Health Department and of the .State Antl-Tuberculosls Association are seri? ously concerned over the difficulties encountered In securing suitable homes for patients leaving the Ca? tawba. Sanatorium. In obedience to the rule adoptod by the State Hoard of Health, limiting the slay of patients at Catawba to six months, many patients have left the sanatorium und have scattered to their homes. The State AtUI-Tuber culosis Association is making every effort to secure proper resorts for these patients, but Is met at every turn by obstructions which delay the work. The Catawba Heller Association, which Is raising money to erect build? ings for tht; treatment of those com? pelled to leave the sanatorium, re? ports the receipt of many donations, but its officers have notilled the Health Department that at least addi? tional must be forthcoming before enough money will be In hand to care for the patients who otherwise have no proper place for treatment. Health authorities here are co-oper atlng with the Catawba Relief Asso? ciation and are urging all to contrib? ute to its support. All aie agreed that a more worthy cause has never been presented to the people of the State. New patients tire reported arriving daily at the sanatorium to take the place of those who have left under the the six months' rule. The waiting list is almost exhausted, and the Health Commissioner yesterday Issued notice that new applications would receive early attention. Prospective patients are Urged to make immediate implica? tion lo the resident physician, ca? tawba Sanatorium, Va. SEEK BROTHERS Mother A?u? Postmaster to Und Edward and Wlllium Hummel. Assistant Postmaster 1. W, Toiler .Is seek? ing to locate in Itlchmoml kldward a us William Hnmmel, cf Harrlsburg. who have been making their home with their grand? parents. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, formerly of Laurel Street, but whose address I? now unknown. The mother of the two boys is seeking to locate them that they may be advised of th* death of their father. Samuel Harris is also using the post offlco for the purpose of finding a surgeon who was connected with Libby I'rlson in the spring of ISSi. No name Is given, und Mr. Kuller Is at a loss to know what to do. However, he has turne,1 the matter over to Colonel J. V. Hidgood, keeper of Virginia Military Records. "eahonrri Air Line Karnlngn. Approximate gross earnings of tbe Seaboard Air Line Railway for the second week in August show an In crease of 121,798 as compared with the corresponding week last year. TEXASTO PRESENT HOUSTON PICTURE Portrait to Be Given to Virginia With Appropriate Cere? monies. Out of respect to the State which gave to Texas her greatest citizen, the Legislature of the Lone Star State yesterday voted to present a life sized portrait of General Sam Hous tcn to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The resolution was adopted In the Texas Senate by unanimous vote. The portrait, which hangs In the Senate chamber at Austin, Is regarded as h splendid and valuable likeness. It will be transferred to the Capitol Of Virginia with lilting ceremonies. A deputation will travel to Richmond to make the presentation, probably head? ed by the Governor, and arrangements will be made here to have a suitable reception for the visitors upon the oc? casion of the presentation. General lloupton. whose life story Is as absorbing as n novel, was born In Virginia. He was the hero of the battle of San Jactnto, and his encoun? ters with General Santa Annn are still remembered by the people of Texas. He was twice president of the repub? lic which was formed prior to annex atlon to the Cnlted Slates. OFFICIALS MUST SETTLE MONTHLY County and City Treasurers to Hereafter Make Prompt Payment to State. WILL PREVENT ALL DELAYS Crowds Attend Institutes and Ask Speakers to Lome Again. In order to place the funds of th" State where they belong?In the treas? ury?and to guard against possible losses by defalcation or bank fail? ures, State Auditor S. It. Donohoe to? day inaugurates a new plan of pro? cedure. He will hereafter require all city and county treasurers to settle on the tirat day 01 euch month, In? stead of keeping the tunds in their own hands until the time cornea for tile regular balancing o( accounts. Letters addressed to each local treasurer in Virginia will ue sent out to-day by Cuplain Donohoe, in which lie announces that he will avail himself 01 the privilege given him un? der tiie law. to begin the now deal at once, he requires each olhcial to make full settlement of nil Slate funds in his hands by September 1, Sontetliuca Causes Trouble. No reuson exists, in the view of the Slate Auditor, whj the elty and coun? ty treasurers should hold lunus which belong in the Stale Treasury in their own hands. While defalcations on tho part of local ottlcers have been very few, there is h temptation to handle this money for the treasurer's own purposes, with the Intention pi repay? ing It when the. lime comes for set? tlement. The history of llnanclul trusts Is that some of these repay? ments cannot be made when the day of reckoning arrives. Again, more or less State money has been lied up be? cause of local bank failure..-. Which have caused lcgul proceedings and de? lays in payments, which would have been avoided in great measure had monthly settlements been required. By this means the State, und not the treasurer, will have tho use of the public funds. Auditor Donohoe hus ample means to enforce his ruin but does nut ex? pect to 0e cullod upon to exercise tho penalty, since he believes all the treasurers will settle regularly and promptly. Commissions are forfeited when settlements are not made ac? cording to law, and In addition the treasurer is charged inteicst at the rate of 15 pur cent, a year on all amounts delayed in forwarding. Cguotea Statute. . The law on the subject, quoted by the Auditor In his letler to the treas? urers, Is as follows: . "The Auditor of Public Accounts msy call upon any county or city treasurer once in every thirty duyg after the llrst day of July of euch year for a settlement, under oath, of the amount of State taxes collected bj him, and such treasurer shall, within live days ufter the receipt of such call, forward sucli statement to the Audi? tor and pay Into the treasury the amount collected. If any treasurer fall to make any statement required by this section, or to pay over or account for the amount due, as shown by sal 1 Statement, within the time prescribed, lie shall forfeit his commissions on all ?ums that should have been or were unbraced in sucli statement." Blank statements are required to be Stade, and are sworn to, so that there :an be no mistake about th<- amount lue. In addition to the forfeiture of com? missions, as stated In the foregoing .aw. "every treasurer who docs not ?ay the revenue Into the treasury ai the time prescribed by law, shall be .?harged with interest thereon at tho /ate of 15 per cent, per annum from, the time the same was so payable." Crowd* Attend Meetings. Letters received at the Department of Agriculture from Institute Director J. J. Owen Indicate that large crowds are attending the series of farmers' In? stitutes. The speakers are given the usual good attention, and In nearly every cose invitations are formally extended to hnve another such meet? ing at the earliest convenience of the department. Court Meets September S. The autumn term of tho Supreme Court of Appeals ,>f Virginia has been called for Friday, September 8, at 10 A. M. All of the Judges of the court are reported well and resting profita? bly from their vacation season, and nre expected to be present, it is un? derstood that the Btaunton docket ts about tlie usual length, whloh means that the court Is likely to be In ses? sion there for about three weeks. Mr. .Innen Iletiirns. Clerk H. Stewart Jones, of the Su? preme Court, has returned from his vacation, and. was at hlc office yes? terday. Says He Bought Cond*. A Adams was arraigned yesterday In Ihe Police i.'ourt on a charge of buying stolen souls. Ho Is alleged to hnve purchased a quantity of meal said to have been stolen from S. O. Palrbank & company by Louis Johnson, colored. Johnson has been arrest? ed on the theft charnc. Both cases wer? continued until next Tuesday. -rrrrriTrrnrnrn ?TmrwmMrwwrtm^winr mriminmmtrwnwimi natitwTTTiimrf n I LOYAL FRIENDS Are the greatest asset that a bank or any other institution can accumulate, and the , AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK of Richmond, Virginia, counts among the most loyal of all its friends and satisfied customers a gentleman who called on us a few days ago and said that although he was going away to live, yet he wished to leave his account with the American National. Loyalty in this case coincided with appreciation of his hest business interests. Incidents like this prove why we number among our assets THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS t 4 ' Suits Worth Up To $30.00 Now $14.75 It's the final cut on our fine suits and gives you an opportunity of getting the most exclusive cloth? ing at less than cost of manufacture. $3.50 and $4.00 Straws Now $1.45. Gans-Rady Company BIG GAIN SHOWN IN TAXABLE VALUE Richmond Will Get Increase of $74,000, or 18 Per Cent., This Year. Nearly $7.'. 000 more In real estate ntirl personal property taxes will bo realized by the city of Richmond this ycnr than was the case of 1310. The, personal property boolts were tiled yesterday by Commissioner of the Revenue u. A. Hawkins, with the Audi? tor of Public Accounts. From property taxation tho total revenue for 1911 will be $489.161.60. l^ist year It wns 1414,668.37, making u gain of ?74.?06.83. By far the biggest part of this In? crease, which amounts within tho compass of one year to neurly IS per cent., comes in real estate. Inasmuch as there Is no now assessment of lands thin year, this simply means that tho new building:) erected within the year reach an enormous total In value. It serves to emphasise the extent of the tremendous building operations In Richmond, The Bain In revenue from the in? crease In personal property values Is $ir..763.38. against I5R.S41.97 In real 08t?te, in 1911 the taxes from realty will be 1277,656.74, a|ul from personal property, $211,604.86, l-'or lust year the figures were: Realty, 12H.71I.77; from! personalty, $19f..S41.30. ARRESTS LAST NIGHT . Aged Woman, llellevnl Demented, Taken to City .lull Hospital. Jon'.?-? Buri h?i?. colored, wo? nrr<l)i d la*-, night by Officer Powlkei and taken to tie Kirnt Police Station, where a charge of stealing sr. overcoat Crom Edward Davis, olso colored, was placed rm the docket opposite bla name. nc was balled for his appearance tn police Court this morning. Leslie Lewis, colored, twenty-five years old, was arrested on a charge of assaulting Victoria llrown. He was nu'n to the Sec? ond Station. Rebecca Holt*, fifty years old, believed to be Insane, wss taifn Into custody by Offi? cer J. C. Napier and taken to the City Jail Hospital. Charged with stealing clothing from Wil? de Morris, Jnnlus Baton, colored, wus taken to the Second Station. STILL HAS 25 CENTS Committee *|icnt Remainder of ?1,000 on Jevielers' Convention, Accounts of the Committee on Advertis? ing Richmond were audited list night, and it was found that of the 11,00(1 appropriated for the National Retail Jewelers' Associa? tion 'J> cents remained unexpended, the ac? count of the convention snowing an ex? penditure of IW?.T6. The cominitteo recommended an appro? priation of 11,CM towards the entertainment of the National Pnint. Oil and Varnish As? sociation, which is to be in session In this City during the first week of October. CHARTERS GRANTED A chapter nas Issued yesterday by the State Corporation Commission to Rynn. rlmlth e-- Co. (Inc.). Principal office. Rich? mond. Ir.c.irporators: William T. Ryan, pres.dent and general manager; Herity O, BntliCk, secretary and treasurer; Joseph C, Brooks? all of Richmond. Capital stock: Maximum. 1100,000; minimum, 1^0.009. Ob? jects and purposes; General furniture bus. Inesa An amendment w.ia Issued to tho charter ? >f Uta Blue R'.hlon Orchard Company (Inc.), Increasing the maximum capita) stock from fS0,f?>" to fllS.OOA, and tha minl iiiuin from $16,000 to Sii.OW. IXVITi; 1,400 ATTORNEYS TU OFFER SUGGESTIONS More : hnn l.tfO lawyers In this circuit have been asked for sugsestlons by the committee, composed of William P. By num. of Greensboro, N. C. j Judge L. L. Lewis, of Richmond, and Ot-orgo L. Whlt luck, of Baltimore, resp-ctlng the revision In tho pleading and practica In equity In the Cntted ?tutes cotirta. letters asking the expression of views h&ve been mailed out by Deputy Clerk Claude M. Dean, of the United .State? Circuit Court of Ap? peals. The committee from the Fourth Circuit was named by Judge Nathan OoCf at the Instance of a committee of the Su? preme court. THIEF CABBIES OFF IIOISKIIOI.D FOtNLSIIINGS The thief who entered the home of Charier Mi-r-lellan. iI3 North Adams Street, was undoubtedly preparing to thoroughly equip a sl.-eplng apartment. It was re? potted to tbu police yesterday that the fallowing a-.tlcleii had boon stolen: IA xi sofa pillows, one feather bolster, two largo pillows, six small pillows, twelve medium size pillows, one hat, ono pair of shoes, one duck dress, one black suit and tw? silk wrappers. Revrlle's Condition Serious. The condition of ".Dutch" Rrf:vclle. wall known pitcher of thjri Richmond club, of the Virginia I.eatrue, who is 111 from typhoid fever at the Virginia Hospital, last night was said to be serious. lire Department Promotions. On account of th-i death of Ii. L. Powell, fireman, grade A, Engine Company No. 1, last Saturday, the following promotions arere Ordered by the Hoard of Eire Com? missioners: In Company No. 1, Q, II. An? derson from grado B to grade A; Meyer Kate, from substitute to fireman, grade B; J. O. Belcher was promoted from grade B t0 grado A, and Alexander Angle, from substitute to grade B in Engine Company No. 13. It was doclded to place tho now Knox nutomublle fite englno in commission with? in tho next few days. The men detailed to run It are reported as fast rounding into shape as expert chauffeurs. Superintendents to Confer. A conference of the superintendent* of the five Slato hospitals will be held at Ocean View to-morrow. The end of the fiscal year Is approaching, and tho meeting Is designed for discussion of needs and recommendations to be embodied In the forthcoming annual reports. Dr. C. J. King, of the Southwestern State Hospital at Xtnrlon. and Dr. A. S. Prlddy, of the State Eplleptlo Colony near Lynch burg, were in the city yesterday en route to the masting. VACATION TIME For tickets, baggago and Taxl-Cab Service CONSULT The Richmond Transfer Co. 809 East Main St. Richm??rL Vau Governor's Escort Will Be Picked From List of Local Applicants. In reference to the boys' parade on October 10, at. which time Governor Mann will head the- lino from the Capitol to the Fair Grounds, It was Mated at State Fair hoadtjuurters last night that tho escort committee of boys would embrace none but Rich? mond boys Laboring under a misap? prehension many country boys and youngsters from other cities have ap? plied for places on the committee. The Boys' Corn Clubs of the state Will be tho principal escort. No one but a member of one of those clubs can get In this section of the parade. There will be representatives from more than forty clubs, embracing sev? eral hundred young farmers. The Rich? mond boys will act in the capacity of reception committee. Arrangements were completed yes? terday at fair hcad'iuartere for the production of the Western spectacle, ' Pioneer Days." showing the great West as It was and as It Is. The pass? ing "f the old West Is rapidly wiping away one of the interesting connec? tions of the United States with the strenuous In history. Thts spectacle will be presented with a cast of real ? owboys. trappers nnd Indians, two tribes being represented?the Stou* and the Cherokees. Manager Lloyd has had many ap? plications for premium lists of the fair. Any one can get a copy under appli? cation. NO BEATTIE PICTURES .Major Werner Bay* He Ulli Stop Any At? tempt to show Films, Plspatche* from Norfolk announcing th* exhibition there of moving plcturee, pur? porting to Illustrate the now famous Beat tie murder, yesterday attracted the atten? tion of Major Werner, Chief of Police, and ho said that he wouid slop any attempt n display the 01ms, if it be made, in Rich? mond. Major Werner said that he did not anti? cipate that there would be en> effort by local amusement places to show the Che? terlletd tragedy upon their white screens. Hn pointed out that ail of th? manager* in Ittchniond readily acquiesce, when re? quested not to exhibit undesirable aims. SAYS HE SHOT AT HIM Negro t ausel Arrest of White Man foi Menacing Life. On a warrant Charging that he shot at Harry Will, colored. Joho Kyari. white, thirty-six years old. was arrested yesterda) r.wrnlng ar.d tuken to the Second Polt?.? Station The shooting Is said to have oc? curred Tuesday night, about ? o'clock at Meadow ar.d Broad etreels. According to the story of tho negro h? was cleaning au? tomobtlea when he was startled by the sound of a report ar.d hearing a bullet Whigs nearby. He turned, he said, ar.d taw the white man holding a revolver. He later swore out the. warrant causing Ryan's arrest. MONEY IS APPROPRIATED shed and Oangwn.v f0r Lee of Furmsn Line M III Be Greeted. The Committee on Improvement of James River lust night appropriated an amount not to exceed for the purpose of erect? ing a shed arid gangway on the city wharf for the temporary use. 0f the Furman Lino between mis City and Petersburg. The City Engineer was instructed to get bids ae soon us possible. Officials of trie Furman Line have given nsaurances that the service will be resumed when adequate accommodations are obtainable. Meanwhl'.o litigation with the bondholder 0t the Wil? li TrJgg Company, owners of the Seventeenth street Dock, is being pushed wiUi (the hope of eventually having Vt opened for the uso of general water-bora* traffic BIG COUNTY MEETING Two Hundred Voters Hear Candidates Speak nt GetTert's Ifa.ll. About 2W> voters assembled last night at Geffen's Hall, Government Road, to hear all candidates for office In Henrlco county seeking nomination on tho Democratic ticket at the primary which takes placa September 7. With the exception of L. O. Wendl nburg. for the State Senate; George Watt for commissioner of revenue, lower dl.-trlrt. and Simon Solomon for sheriff, all thoso from tho county at large and all district aspirants were present and spoke. Jake Goffort. who arranged for the meet? ing and who acted as chairman, spoke in behalf of Mr. Wendentjurg. NO BUSINESS TRANSACTED Meeting of Council Adjourned Subject ta t'nll of President. Because there wera only twenty-four members present?not enough to act upon mntters nlready laid upon the tablo?the Common Council adjourned last night without transacting any business. As thero was n0 Immediate prospect of getting a larger attendance the meeting wan Sa/1 .lourned subject to the call of the presi? dent. POLICE WILL BREAK UP SKATING ON PAVEMENTS Frequent complaints have been made to the Second Police Station of children roller ?katlng on the pavements In Grove Avenue near Plum Street. For the past several nlfthts It ha* been necessary to detail a ?pedal offlrer to disperse the skaters, and If they do not stop the practice It Is llko ly thut some arrests may follow. Dump I Ire Cause* Alarm. J-lnetnr Company No. I, at Broad and Twenty-fifth Streets; last night alto til t o'clock responded to a still alarm from Broad and Thirtieth Streets, whore there was a blaze on the city dump. It was quickly extinguished. . THE SAVINGS BANK OF - RICHMOND . . 1117 E.fHAlfcl ST. Do you want to secure your norne?) ?oine and talk with us and we will Iholp you. One dollar starts an ?c- | ACCOUNTS SOLICITED