Newspaper Page Text
Social and Personal MISS LOUISE WILLIAMS, of Richmond, hau been appointed . r maid of honor to the chief sponsor for Virginia. Mrs. George W. Nolma, at the annual rounlon of Con? federate Veterans and Sons ot Vet? erans, to be hold In Newport News. Ootober 17 to 19. Miss Grace Dalton. of Norfolk, will also be maid of honor to Mrs. Nohns. The First Virginia District will be represented at the reunion by Mrs. Charles E. Parker, of Newport News, sponsor, and Miss Etta Sinclair, of Hampton, maid of honor. Miss Sally C. Gullen, of Farmvllle, will bo spon? sor for the Fourth District, and will have as her maid of honor. Miss Vir? ginia B. Paulett, of Farmvlllo. The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth Districts have chosen as sponsors Miss Sadlo Hays Mullen, of Martlnavllle; Miss Emma Greer, of Roanoke; Miss Bossle C. Slbert, of Luray. and Miss Elizabeth Boiling, of Ablngdon- Asso? ciated with these sponsors are the fol? lowing maids of honor: Miss Anna Lee Simmons, of Martinsvllle; Miss Elsie Fleet, Lynchburg; Miss Mary Harrison. Harrlsonburg, and Miss Sarah Bell, of Dublin. Va A number of hostesses In . Newport News and Hampton will entertain in honor of the maids and sponsors. Brilliant Reception. A largo delegation from Richmond Chapter, United Daughters of the Con? federacy, will attend the State con? vent nolof the Virginia Daughters to be held In Roanoke, Va.. beginning Tuesday evening, October 3. The president of the Virginia Di? vision, Mrs. Nathan D. Ellor, will welcome the members of Richmond Chapter, who will be In attondanco. Other prominent Roanoke Daughters snd hostesses Include: Mrs. S. J. Evans, Mrs. N. H. Halrston. Mrs. C. a Gookln, Mrs. W. T. Bush, Mrs. R. J. Wright. Mrs. H. T. Parrlsh. Mrs. Delos Thomas. Mrs. W. W. S. Butler, Mrs. Dexter Meadows. Mrs. C. C. Ellis. Mrs. W. O. Llpscomb. Mrs. S. B. Pace, Mrs. N. D. ElUr. of Lynchburg; Mrs. C. R. Williams and Mrs. I. B. Boone. A brilliant reception will be ten? dered the State delegates and the William Watts Chapter. U. D. C. on October 4, from 4 to 8 P M.. In tho The Flour That Gives Universal Satisfaction. J. B. Mosby & Co. Fancy Linens one-third to one half less than regular prices. Go to Chasie Trafieri for pure imported Olive Oil. Mad. 4262. 500 W Main Si Ladies' House Slippers 25c ALBERT STEIN 5th and Broad See the special design Bed? room Suit in our east window. 1 dozen Heavy Gold Plated OP j SAFETY PINS.\ ?DC| Worth three times the peice. Mail orders. Stamps or coin. . Smith & Webster, Inc. Jewelers?Opticians, 612 East Main, - - Richmond, Va. Reliable Furniture! at Jones Bros. & Co., Inc., 1420 East Main Street. msmsssBEssssmm "EXCELSIOR" GAS RANGES are sold only by Rothert & Co., Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers for POMPEIAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Genuine?Pure?Healthful LET YOUR CHOICE BE AN ALERT HEATER hey require least fuel nnd Klve mot heat. Ryan, Smith & Co. MASONIC TEMPLE. ? -: ? . -f - ? - . Tailored Shirt Waists, $1.00 Mannish styles, with soft col? lars and cuffs, solid white or pink striped effect, in nice qual? ity madras. home of Mrs. T. A. Roberts, o'f Roa hoke, House Party at ?Woodstock." A delightful house party has been going on for about two weeks at "Woodstock.- the country home of the Misses Hunter at R?ther Glen. Caro? line county. Tennis, driving and nut? ting parties have made the days seem | ^ all too short, while dancing In spa ! clous parlors has rendered the even- \ tngs most cnjoyablo. Members of the house party were: Miss Louise Mlchaux, Miss Rosa War- I burton. Miss Grace Edmunds, Miss ! Mary DcJarnotto, Miss Charlotte De- I Jarnetto, Miss Ellen Hunter. Mies Florence Hunter, Miss Kitty Winston, ! Miss Josephine Winston and Miss Sarah Coleman; Messrs. Madison Ml- | chaux. Morton, DeJarnette. Arnold | Ricks, H?ge Ricks. Leslie Hall. D. 8 I N.i Georgo Junkln, U. S. N.j Lunsford Hunter, U. S. N.; Max Hunter, Morris Hunter. Richard Coleman and James j Hunter. Ml?? McCoruiIck's Wedding. Tho old Dover home, the residence of Mrs. H. R. McCormlck. near Middle burg. Va.. will be to-day the scene of tho wedding of Miss Catherine Rey? nolds McCormlck, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Pcndlcton McCormlck, of Hamilton. Loudoun """county, to j Thomas U. Connor, Jr., of Birmingham. Ala. Tho wedding Is an event of State-wide interest on account of tho prominence and popularity of the young couple. j Of Interest In Richmond. Miss Nina Wylle will be the bride's only attendant at the marriage of j Miss Mary Montgomery Wylle, daugh? ter of the late William A. Wylle, to | S. Blunt Mason. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mason, of New York. The i wedding will be celebrated Wednes- j day, November 15. at 6 P. M., In the' home of the bride's mother, 817 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. The prospective groom is the nephew of Mrs. J. Caskio Cabell, of this city, j which was the former home of his j parents and the scene of their wed ding. I Mini Sherman's Weddlr.?. Regarding a nuptial event of inter? national Importance, the Washington Post says: j "The we lding of Miss Mildred Sher j man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Sherman, of New York, and Lord Camoys. of England, 'Is to be a New York affair, early In December. The offtclul announcement has not been made of the wedding date, but it | was learned to-day on good authority 1 that It would probably be on Decem- | ber 5. "Lord Camoys has been here for the j last few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L Glllesple, the ] latter a sister of Miss Sherman, and during his stay many of the details i for the wedding have been arranged. All details, however, have not been completed, but It Is said that the cere? mony will be performed at the New J York home of Mr. an dMrs. Sherman, and that it is to be a quiet affair. j "The mother of Lord Camoys is to come over for the wedding." In Honor ot Mrs. Muthlnson. In honor of Mrs. Axel Mathlason, of Georgia, pleasantly remembered as | Miss Mary Hays, of Richmond, Mrs. John H. Wight, of Baltimore, another Richmond girl and a sister of Mrs. Mathlason entertained at her home, "Wildwood." in the Greensprlng Val? ley. Tuesday afternoon. Tea was served on the spacious porches to about fifty guests. To Return Snturday. Mrs J. Taylor Ellyson will return to the city on Saturday afternoon, | having spent the month of September with her sister, Mrs. Jordan, of Au gusta county. Mrs Ellyson Is recalled to the city by important work in connection with her duties as president of the Asso? ciation for the Preservation of \ ir ginla Antlqultes and as vice-regent of the Virginia room at the Confed? erate Museum. Tennis Tournament. The closing tennis tournament of1 tho Y. W. C. A. Outing Club will take place on Saturday, Septembor 30, at 3 1 P. M.* The tennis courts of the Union Theological Seminary will be Joiined I for this occasion by the Athletic Asso-i elation of the seminary. The plavors are Miss Gertrude -renshaw, Miss Louise Burker, Miss Katharine Brown, Miss Bertha Atkinson, Mrs. Frank j Duke, Miss Katharine Hawes. At the: close of the tournament the visitors ( are Invited to tho home of Miss Hawes. where all specimens in the following! conmstft will be. exhibited: Leaf, flower, photograph and poster. Prizes for the leaf and flower contests. 'Nature's Garden." by Neltje Blancha, a hand- j eomely bound book with splendid flow? er cuts. Prl/.os for the photograph oontott, '".Cripod," for best plcturo of a group: album for best landscape; the prize" Cor the poster contest, a picture, whlctuwlll bf given for the beat poster advertising the gymnasium classes.: poster to be Judged by Its advertising j value. The winner of the tennis match will play the Norfolk Associa? tion Saturday October 7, on thu nem inary i ourts. The Nowlan cup goes to the association winning this match, j Hull?Hiirimm. The w?ddlng of Miss Clara Earle Harmon, daughter of i%?r. and Mrs. W. j A. Harrison, to Dr. E. G. Hall, son of I M . Rpd Mrs. T T. Hall, was celebrated Tuesday, September 26, at Ebenezer Church, Crlttenden, Va., Rev. E. M. Jordan officiating. The church was decorated in (lowers and palms, and the music was directed by Mrs. R. H. Atkinson. The bride wore while messaline and a tulle veil with orange blossoms. The attendants were tho maid of honor, Miss Grace Adams, In white, and the bridesmaids, Misses Madellno and Earle Taylor, of Richmond, In blue and pink; the bent man, C. C. Smith, of Newport News, and the groomsmen, W. A. Harrison, Jr.. and R. C. Harrison. Dr. and Mrs. Hall will spend their honeymoon North and reside. In Rock Ingnain- county when they return. Among the. wedding guests were -J. T. ttalj, Rndford, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Jennings and son. of Roanoke; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burfot Taylor and daughters, Miss Helen Cardozo John Mwreur, all of Richmond; Dr. C- C. Smith, Newport News: P. C. King, of Not folk; Mrs. P. Q. TUlman and daughter, Opa, of ?or ' folk, and Dr. Raby, of Drumbulh N C. I - In and Out of Town. I Mrs. Andrew Jackson Montague spent the. week-end with Dr. and Mrs. '"William Ho skins, of Newport Newa. Miss Mary Johnston and Miss Klolse Johnston left last night for a two weeks' absance In the Virginia moun? tains. The Misses Cunningham, who spent the past winter at 210 East Franklin Street, will leave In October to Join their brother, Richard Cunningham, at Covtngton. Va., where they will make their future home. Mrs. C. Huntley, of this city, and Miss Madeline Huntley, of Old Church, are visiting relatives at Staunton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge R. Jennings and family are guests of friends iu Danville. Va. Messrs. Sanford and Hampton Flem? ing returned from spending the week? end with relatives In Newport News. Mrs Anno Moore, of this city, Is the guest of friends in Frederlcksburg, Captain Shcrrard Coleman. of the United States Army. Is spending somo time at his old home In Louisa county, which he is visiting for tho first tlmo In several years Mrs. Charles V. Meredith Is spend? ing the week with relatives In Balti? more. Md. WUllamsX-Van Pelt. [Special to The TImee-Dlspateh.] Harrlsonburg. Va., September Frank B. Williame, of Newport News, and Ml?? Bdna Von Pelt, daughter of Jacob Van Pelt, of Harrlsonburg, were married here to-day. BROUGHT BACK TO NORFOLK TO ANSWF.Il LARCENY CHARGE [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspaitch.] Norfolk. Va.. September 27.?F. B. Walker, former secretary and treas? urer of the Walker Construction Com? pany, who was arrested at Lake Sar anac. N. Y.. upon a warrant sworn out SWEET SLUMBER BROUGHT BACK Mrs. White, Unable to Sleep, Tells How She Brought Back Natural Sleep. Gastonia, N. C.?Mrs. Ellen White, ol this, city, says: "I suffered for several years with womanly troubles. I could not rest at night. I began taking Cardui, the woman's tonic, and before I had finished one bot? tle I could sleep well. It just acted like a charm. Since taking Cardui I have been in better health than for 10 years. It is the best medicine I ever used. It did me more good than the doctors. I can certainly recommend Cardui to all suffering women, for I have been greatly benefited by its use. It will build them up. Cardui has been worth its weight in gold to me, for now I am well and hearty." No matter how long-standing the trou? ble, Cardui will help. It is a tonic remedy. It is prepared for women to bring relief from womanly ailments. It helps sleeplessness, one of the most common symptoms of nervous break? down. It helps build nerves and system. Made from strictly vegetable ingredi? ents, it has no ill effects on any organ of the body, but acts naturally, gently and safely. j You can rely on Cardui. It will do for you what it has done for thousands of others. It will help you. Try' it. * N. B.?Write to Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions and 64-page book, " Home1 Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper on request. Fall Opening, showing dainty, new, fashionable styles. F. W. D.tD.NEY & COMPANY, Third and Broad Streets._ SEPTEMBER IS MOVING TIME. See Us First for Furniture. Sutherland & Cherry, Inc. 310 East Broad Street, "Wrong Side of Street." Machinery Built Rapid Re.palr Work. Richmond Machine Works Inc., Successors to MAYO IRON WORKS. INC.. Mad. 11SC. 2*?4 E. Main St, HAVE YOU SEEA" THE New Method Gas Ranges AT Pettit & Co.V Get Everything Needed for Comfortable Traveling at ROUNTREE'S 703 E. BROAD STREET rr X Men's Underwear for fall, in all the want? ed weights, in white, grey and balbriggan color, from 50. v. per garment up. in Norfolk, charging grand larceny, arrived this morning in tho custody of I an officer and gave bond for $2,500 for his release. He was accompanied by his wife, who la 111. and whom, he claims, he went to see instead of mak- j lng an effort to get a,way with the j funds of the company. President Dow ley, who owns three-fourths of the j stock of the Walker Construction Com? pany, Issued a statement to-day ? pressing great confidence in the in? tegrity of Mr. Walker, and saying he wa^ surprised when he heard a war? rant had been Issued charging him with grand larceny. lit CKI.VUHAM COUNTY SCHOOLS will. BEGIN TERM MONDAY I [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Arvonio, Va.. September 27.?All the | common and graded schools of Buck? ingham county will begin the session: of iail-12 on Monday. October 2. In? cluding the high schools, the number I of white and colored schools In the 1 county will about equal the total ot j last year, which was something in ' excess of ninety. ; The following white teachers have been elected to teach in James River ? District: Mr*. Lizzie G. Forbes, the Forbes School; Mrs. Clara Robertson, the Gunter's Mountain School; Miss ? Augusta Twyman, the Wlng'na Road School: Misses Janle and Annie Fltz patrlck the Spe.ars Mountain Schools. Miss Edna Wright, Miss Nellie Stln I son, Misses Sallte Wood, Cora Wood, I Annie Gay Gllliam, A. B. Minier, Ida I Miller. Emma Hasklns. Mary Patteson j and Lucy Rosen will teach other. ' schools. So far only four colored teachers have been elected In James River dis? trict. There is a great dearth of col? ored teachers in all the districts of the county. This is due mainly to the , fact that the colored teachers are un? willing to take the examinations, and thereby forfeit all chances to get car-l tlflcatea. I BOYS STEAL HORSE TO GO CHESTNUT HTNTrNG [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Harnsonburg. Vs., September 27.?Har rlsonburg bar two youthful horse thieves. Waller McCary. twelve years old, and Teddy Jenkins, nine years old, unhitched J. N. Arey's horse near the Kavanaugh Hotel. Jumped Into the rubber-tired buss? and drove away into We?t Rockingham. Telephone messages traced the youngsters Hbout ten mils* dlstanct, where they stop- ,' ped for the night. Magistrate Downing fined Walter 12.10 and will send him to the Reform School at his next offense. Teddy was excused on account of his tender age. The boys aald they Just wanted to go i I chestnut hunting. The boys beat the horse I unmercifully, taking turns riding In tb? [ buggy and nn the hone's bock. The animal in a bad condition. AUTOMOBILE SCOCTfl WILL START ON MONDAY [Special to Th< Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Bristol, Va., September 27.?The automo | bile scouts of the Brlstol-to-Wasblngton Highway Association will start on their tour ?f Virginia on O.-.tobtr 2. Thore will ! be five or il\ machines and a party of about I twenty. Including road experts and news? paper men. The party will spend two days on the trip between Bristol and Roanoke. Va., and will stop in to attend the convention of the Southern Appapachlan ! Good Roads Association. Krom Roanoke the trip to Washington will be via s\honandoah Valley. A different route will be taken on the return trip. This trip wll[ be largely for the purpose j of educating the. people of the Virginia 1 counties up to what will be required nf ] them In order to construct the proposed road. Barn nnd Stables Destroyed. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) Charlottesvllle. Va.. September 17 ? The I barn and stables of J. R. Elam, a well known real estate man, were, with their contents, totallr destroyed byl nre at 2:30 o'clock this morning. The buildings were valued at $2.t00 and were Insured for 11.TOO; two automobiles at $2,500, and Insured for | $1.530; five horses at about $1.000, uninsured; carriages and buggies at 11.500. uninsured, and a quantity of hay and train. The stables were located on Belmont, near the Chesapeake and Ohio coal bin. The tire was discovered by a Chesapeake and Ohio engineer, who gave the alarm. The fire I company responded promptly, but tho flames had gained auch headway that effective work was Impossible. Home Stripped of Silverware. [Special to The Times-Dlspaitch.] Norfolk. Va., September 27.?The 1 theft of $1,000 worth of silverware ! from the home of M. Ho In. 448 Ward Avenue, was reported to the police i department this morning, when It was : discovered that the ware had been i stolen. The family was at home, and ', there 1? no evidence as to how an en I trance was forced. Detectives work? ing on the case believe the silver was taken by some one secreted on the inside and passed to an a-seompllse on the outside. Mrs. Hofflln said every piece of sliver in her sideboard was | taken. Will Erevt .Monument. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) Bristol. Va., . September 27.?Prominent ] business men of Bristol hs>v? organised an ' association looking to the erection of monument here In memory of the Confed- | er.itc dead. Many unmarked graves of Con- i I federate soldiers dot the local cemetery, anil It Is proposed to erect u morfument at cost of not less than $2.000. Among those I who spoke In favor 0f the plan at B mass- [ meeting held last night were Judge Archer | Phlognr. Colonel James M. Barker, Major A. D. Reynolds. Robert Burrow and , I Dr. Charles C. Carson. The association will | proceed to raise funds. State Nnrmnl Opens. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) Harrlsonburg. Va.. September 27.?The State Normal School at Harrlsonburs open? ed Its third year'this morning with a big increase in attendance. The enrolment will pass the 100 murk. It Is thought. Students ore coming In on every train. New teachers this year are Miss Ruth i Hudson, graduate 0f the Bard Avon School I of Expression, of Baltimore; Miss Margaret V. Hoffman, graduate of Woman's College, Frederick. Md.. and Miss Julia Starr Pres? ton. Aged Woman Injured. [Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Harrisonbiii g. v'a., September 27.?Mrs. Nancy A. Landes, seventy-six years old, suf? fered a broken leg and arm In a driving I j accident near Edlnhurg. The aged woman, ( who was helplcus from the effects of a broken hip of a year ago, was In a pitiable 1 plight whetj the horses ran away yesterday, j Her condition Is serious. Smith?Reynolds. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Harrlsonburg, Va.. September 27.?To-day I at McGaheysvllle. Kocklnghnm county. John Warren Smith, a banker at Wllklnsvllle. Go., and Miss CJ,ara Ald^a. Reynolds, daugh? ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, were i married. Move Talk of Annexation. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Alexandria. V?.. September 27.?The question of taking tho surrounding territory adjacent to the city Into tho city again Is .being agitated, and it Is more than probable that It will ho considered )>y the City CouncU when that body reconvenes October 10 K*xt. &fter the annual summer reoestt, SPLENDID RECORD BY CHURCHES Nothing But Good Reports Will | Be Submitted at Annual Conference. ALL OBLIGATIONS MET Several Changes Will Be Made in the Petersburg District. TImeB-DlBpatch Bureau, 109 North Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va.. September 27. The Rev. J. K. Joltff. presiding elder, Is now engaged In holding tho last quarterly conferences ef the churches on the various circuits In the Peters? burg District, prior to the meeting of j the Virginia Annual Conference, which | begins its session on November 15 In j Salisbury, Md. So far as held, and they arc an Indication of what all will be. the churches are making a splendid showing this year. Tholr financial obligations have all beon met, the contributions to misslkns have been very liberal and all tho branches of church work have been fully sustained and advanced. Every church reports Particularly the Ladies, Not only <pleasant and refreshing tr, the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet, ening to the system. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial it all cases in which a wholesome, strength* ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the paint caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis? faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex? cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita? tions which act unsatisfactorily. There? fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company?California Fig Syrup Co.? plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price SO cents per bottle. The Up-to-Date Up Town Store We invite the public to call and inspect our com? plete stock of Fancy Grocer? ies. Wines and Liquors for cooking and medicinal uses. The Pure Food Store. Geo. McD. Blake & Co., No. oo Broad Street. a??? School Shoes and Stockings N. W. Cor. 3rd & Broad' it wont hurt ijouif ijon Take - guarantee for Indt&estion Consttpallon^sp?psliTg> A Liquid After Dinner Di?estanf A.&K YOUR DRUGGIST Dreyfus & Co. Now showing complete asso*1 ments oj Early Fall Suits. TH[CAWSHnimTRUHKMA^ - WHO UNDERSELLS SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Gunr intceu. gratifying Increase In memberetitp. East Dinwlddlo Clrouit reports a. net addition of over 100 rn membership; Emporla reporta over 100 gain, and Prince George Circuit a large Increase. The dlstriot so a whole ts going to make a splendid report to conference this year. Ohnnges In the District. There will be several necessary pastoral changes In tho Potersburff District this year by reason of tho expiration of the four years' term of service. These are the Kov. J. T. Bos man, pastor of Market Street Churoh; tho Rev. W. J. Watt, of tho Mecklen? burg Circuit, and the Rev. R. H. Marks, of Lawroncevllle.' These are the only cortaln changes to be made, but possibly In the making up of tho appointments for tho entire oonferenco others may bo decldod on. Bishop Kilgo, of North Carolina, will prcslda over tho conference. In Search of Hin Dnnghicr. D. T. Murray, of near Raleigh, N. C, accompanied by his son. arrived In this city this morning In search of the for? mer's daughter, Eva, eighteen years old, who left her home about Septem? ber 1 with R. C. Lockney, of Raleigh. Mr. Murray heard yesterday that his daughter was In Petersburg, and he came directly on to locate her, which he did with the assistance of the po? lice. Ho discovered that his daughter and Mr. I.ockney, who had come to Petersburg after leaving homo, were married in Hallfax. N. C, on Septem? ber B. and the marriage llcenso was shown as evidence of the marriage. This settled the matter. Mr. Docknoy has secured permanent employment In tho cigarette factory, and they are boarding. Mr. Murray and son return? ed bom; this evening. For Aliened Ansnult. The Hustings Court was engaged all day In the trial of J. B. Hpzlcr, indicted for alleged attempted criminal assault on July IS on Mrs. Frances K. Gibson, of Chesterfield county. On account of the delicate nature of the case, tho public was excluded from tho court? room, and only one witness was al? lowed In at a time. The accused was ! defendd by Lasslter |i Drewry. Mrs. I Gibson told tho Btory of how she waa attacked and thrown In the road while returning to her homo from the city; of her scuttle and screams and of the I aid that came. She identified Hozler j as her asnullant, and other witnesses Identified him as the person seen near Mrs. Gibson. The defendant testified In his own be? half. He said that ho ts married and that his home is near Hampton. He come to Petersburg- on July 17 on bus? iness. On the next morning ho took many drinks before and after break ' fast, and know nothing Mntll Ma ar? rest at the Appomattox Station, shortly after noon. He absolutely remembered nothing of the alleged assault and did not remember ever having seen Mrs. Gib? son until she faced htm In the Police Court. He was not accustomed to drinking, and really did not know whether ho committed an assault er not. The Commonwealth consumed the greater part of tho ?nornlng in .oro senttng its evidence, many witnesses being placed on tho stand. Wltneosee for the defense testltled at the aftor I noon session, and there were a num? ber of them. They testltled mostly as to the good character of the accused. Mr. Hozler has done much business N^ith Petersburg merchants, and they gave him a good character. Sole of Centre Hill Property. The suit of tho Centre Hill Corpora? tion against the trustees and the A:ut:r tenn Bank-and Trust Company, Involv? ing the sale of twenty-nine lots of the Centre Hill property, will come up for hearing In the Hustings Court to-mor? row on a rule Issued against the cm - \ poratlon to show cause why the prl [ vate offer of S37.000 for the propoity by tho American Bank and Truot Com? pany should not be accepted. The con 1 tentlon of the corporation Is thut the lots would bring more If sold sepa? rately than If sold ne a whole. The trustees deem the offer of $37,000 a good one. and will ask tho court lo conlirm It. A Good Record. Detective D. P. Eanes has been a member of the police force of this c'ty for twenty-three years, and has made a fine record. For the first time dur? ing that long period he is now tem? porarily off duty on sick lea vre. Taken to Dlnwlddlc. Sheriff Galusha, of Dlnwlddle, came In to-day for the negro, Arthur Pryor, who waa arrested here last night. Pryor oscnped from the county Jail In June last, and has been since wan? dering about in North Carolina. He only recently returned to Virginia. There was a reward of <25 for his capture. Gcuernl Xew? Note?. Judge R. W. Arnold, Mayor of Wav erly. who died this morning in a hos? pital In Norfolk, was well known and had many friends In this city. He was the Republican candidate for Congress In thl9 district at the time of the memorable Venablc-Langston contest. Tab Robinson, a citizen of Ettrlck. was fined In the Police Court this morning on a year-old warrant, charg? ing him with card playing. Miss Jean Grecnway Trlgg, who un? derwent an operation In a Richmond hospital some months ago, passed through the city last night on hor way to her home In Ablngdon. Tho rally of the Greater Prince George. League at DIsputantn. on Sat? urday, is expected to be a great af? fair. Governor Mann will speak on the agricultural possibilities of the city: Dr. Bonsteel. of Washington, will represent the Department of Agricul? ture, and addresses will be delivered by other persons of prominence. This aftornoon at tho parsonage of Washington Street Methodist Church the Rev. George K. Booker. D. D.. offi? ciating. Miss F.dmonla Duke, of Rich? mond, and John U. Belch, formerly of City Point, were united in marriage. Adverfiite for Candidates. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) Alexun?rla, Va., September 27.?As a result of advertising for a week for a candidate for the poultlon of police? man, tho Board ot Police Commission? ers hud six new candidates before it to-night, together with several others who already wore applicants for the position. The position of policeman in this city pays $?u a month, and the board, after se.vorul Ineffectual efforts to got the rlg*ht man. iesorte<j to advertising for applicants for the po? sition. This is the first time In tho history of tho board that It has bocomo neces? sary to advertise for the candidates for the position. Will Reopen Church. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlsputch. J Alexandria. Va.. Scptembtr 27.-The First Baptist Churoh, which recently was remodeled at a cost of $100.000, will be formally opened Hund&y next. s$tv cral local and out-of-town ministers will bo in attendance. .. Muncure a Candidate. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlsp'ateh.l Alexandria, Va., Soptemher 27.?fl. C. L. Moncuro to-day announced himself a candidate .for Commonwealth's At? torney for Alexandria county ip the election which will be held Novo,nbcr 7 next The Incumbent Is Captain Crtndal Mackoy. With James K. Clem? ents, also aspiring for the position, tho i ttght now U a triangular on* edding SiTver Is the gift that lasts for generation*. Our stock is the most extensive tt can be' found in the city. SchwarzschildBrosJ Richmond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Broad Sts. HIGH HONOR FOD RICHMOND ELK Max F. Linder Is Elected Presi? dent of Association at Roa? noke Meeting. [Special to Tho Tlmcs-DIspaitch.l * Roanoke. Va.. September 27.?Tho convention of the B. P. O. Elks' Re-, union Association of Virginia was brought to a brilliant close to-night with a ball given at tho Elks' Hall In i honor of the delegates and their wives. At the concluding business session to-. j day, Norfolk was selected as the next meeting place. The following officers were elected: - President, Max F. Linder. Richmond; First Vice-Presldont. C. S. Johnson. Roanoke; Second Vice-President, T. C. Conlon. Charlottesvllle; Third Vice President, John O'Connell. Norfolk; Secretary, W. C. Oodsey. Petersburg; Treasurer, John B. BUley, Richmond; Doorkeeper, H. B. Qulnn, Alexandria; Sergeant-ab-Arms, H. H. Harlow. 3 Stauston; Chaplain, the Rev. Edgar.' Carpenter, Alexandria. Max F. Under, the new president, was elected without opposition. He la I past exalted ruler of the Richmond I Lodge, and the honor conferred upon him to-do*' is the highest that can bat given In Slate Elkdom. Resolutions of respect to the memory Of tho late Thomas B. Hicks, of Rt?h-' mond, were adopted. The Richmond delegation left her* at midnight for home. detect lfautte$!\ AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS. OH ELSEWHERE Get the Original and Genuine Liers MALTED MILK The Food Drink for Ail Ages RICH MILK, MALT GRAIN EXTRACT, IN POWDER Not in any Milk Trust ~ Insist on "HORLICk'S" Take a paokngo home Shoe RECEPTUON Velvet Satins $3.50 and $4 I--1 Bromm's Bread Is Not Ordinary Bakers' Bread It is equal to the best you bake at home. And your bread fails sometimes?even with the best of cooks in the kitchen. Bromm's Bread is always good. Pure, wholesome and tasty. Ask your grocer or 'phone to us for a loaf or a pan of rolls? Bromm's cost no more than bread that's not as good. BROMM "OH THOSE HEADACHES" Headaches usually come from eye strain. But if you have the proper glasses they will relieve that headache and make you feel like a new person. We employ expert opticians and give you tht best that can be made and guar> anteed to suit. Jeweler and Opticians Seventh and Main Streets ?Y EVERY