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KSS&^i^gg^ WHOLE NUMBER 18,760 RICHMOND, VA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1911, THE ?UTHKR TO-DAY-Flr. PRICE TWO CENTS. ITALY SERVED 1 ?ITH THREATS OF HUMILIATION BV TWO POWERS Germany and Austria Have Made Represen tati ns of Their Dis? pleasure at Her Irocsdure CABLES GUALD _D AND WAR REPORTS ARE CONFLICTING Impossible to Tell What Has Happened During Early Days of Struggle?One Report Says Prevesa Has Been Taken, and Another That Turkish Navy Has Been Annihilated?Turks Hear That Italian Cruiser Is Destroyed. PARIS, II1.TOBEH 2.?THE AGENCK FOURNIEll AT MIDNIGHT SENT OUT TUB FOLLOWING no.MK DISPATCH DATED OCTOHEll li "A TE LEO II AM FROM CONSTANTI? NOPLE TO THE TRI BU N A HAYS THAT ALI. THE CONSULS AT THE DARDA? NELLES HAVE TELEGRAPHED THAT A NAVAL BATTLE IS GOING ON IN THE STIt AITS. REPORTS OP GINS ARE HEARD AS FAR AS THE DOS? I'tlORUS." .T iaO O'CLOCK THIS MORNING THE SAME AGENCY SENT OUT A HOME UISPATCH, DATED OCTOHER 2. SAVINGi "NEWS OK THE DESTRUCTION OP TUB TURKISH FLEET SEEMS TO HE < ON FIRMED." - i i Reports Conflicting. i ?iiHinii, Ociobtr i.-?1:111 -of a pe rfeo? luaxc of conflicting report* and rumora It in utterly lmpo?alble at the present ?Inge to nlft tlie sralua of truth con rernlUK the opening daya of the Turco Icaliau War. It appear* even doubtful whether there ban been any actual oc? cupation uf Tripoli, and It la practical? ly certain that ther? hua been no bom bnrdmrnt by the Italian warahlpa. It seems also certain that the re. l>ort<-d destruction f the Turkish fleet its untrue. In fact, the only result of the first three daya' hostilities which ran 4ie vouched for is the destruction ot the Turkish destroyers by the Duke of the Abruzzl's ships oft Prevesa. The Tripoli cable Is closely sealed; so that it is impossible for the outside world to know what is going on there. The Ottoman government clearly is not in a hurry, and the most signifi? cant news of the day is the decision of the Turkish council agnin to appeal to the powers, und in the meantime huspend offensive measures. Late to? night this new appeal had not reached the British government, u:<i there is nothing to Indicate that the attitude of the powers has undergone any change. According to the Dally Telegraph's Rome correspondent, however, Ger? many and Austria have already made unofficial representations to Italy of their displeasure at her procedure, and that if these representations are Ignoreu they will be followed in an? other shape by "humiliation to Italy." According to information from dip? lomatic sources, the landing of the Italians at Prevesa is greatly resented by Austria and Germany, and had much to do with their reported change of Attitude toward Italy. Turkey's internal politics probably accounts In-a large measure for her hesitation in taking the offensive. Said Pasha, the new Urand Vizier, continues his efforts to form a coailt'on minis? try, but finds the task one of almost insuperable difficulty. Blockade la Proclaimed. Washington, October 1.?No. cs was received at the State Department to? night by cable from Ambassador Irish? man at Home that the Italian govern? ment issued a proclamation of the blockade of the coast of-Tripoli Sep trmher 29. Another cable from Ambassador Irishman stated that the refusal of Turkish authorities In Tripoli to sur? render to Italy had boon followed by orders from Rome to commence a bom? bardment. Consul Wood t ? Tripoli cabled that an effeotlve blockade against Tripoli and Cyreoe commenced at sunset yesterday. New Note to PoTrera. Constantinople, October 1.?.It is of? ficially confirmed that the Italian nciuadron has bombarded Prevesa, but the landing of Italian forces there la denied. It is announced from Jattlna that two Italian warships yesterday bombarded tho port of Reschadle, and the torpedo boats lying In that harbor, one of which was damaged and landed lta crew. Tho Italian sh'ps entered the port and shelled the town,: several houses being struck. After taking (ConTfnued on Second Page.) ATLANTA WILL CELEBRATE Many Military Organisations Will Attend Unveiling. Atlanta, Ga., October 1.?North . and South will become more closely link? ed than ever during the three days' celebration here of the Old Gate City GuarC. beginning October 9, attending thu unveiling o( a peace monument commemorating the guard's famous Northern peace tour after the close of the Civil War. Military organizations from North? ern States are coming to help the Old Guard celebrate. Among them will be the famous Ancient and Honorable Artillery of Boston, the Boston Light Infantry, the Putnam Phalanx of Hartford, the Old Guard of New Yorto, the State Fcncibles of Pennsylvania and the Governor's Post Guard of Hartford. The monument, the beautiful bronze creation of Allen O. Newman, will be dedicated by Governor Simon E. Bald? win, of Connecticut, and Governor Hoke Smith, of Georgia, will partici? pate In the exercises. Among the Speakern at the dedication ?'111 be Mayor Rcyburn, of Philadelphia; Mayor Smith, of Hartford, and Mayor Preston, of Baltimore. Prominent among the Southern mili? tary organizations coming here for the celebration will be the Fifth Mary? land Infantry, the Richmond Light Infantry' Blues, the Montgomery True Klues, the Mobile Rifles, the Washing? ton Artillery, of New Orleans, and several Georgia organizations. Mrs. Mathew T. Scott, national presi? dent of the Daughters of the Ameri? can Revolution, will 'be a guest of honor at the celebration, and her es? cort will be the famous Putnam Pha? lanx. The monument will be unveiled by Miss Kalherlne Erwin and Miss Gladys Byrd. of this city, assisted by six other young women. The first day of the celebration will be devoted to the Informal reception of the visitors. On Tuesday, the sec? ond day, the monumnt will' be un? veiled, and afterwards there will >?> a monster parade. The feature of Wednesday, the last day. will be th<i j decoration of visiting officers and sol-? dlers by one hundred of Atlanta's i fairest young women. A souvenir medal will be pinned upon the coat of] each visitor. ? TANGLE IS AGGRAVATED Legislature Will Drag Through Loos Recesses and Uo Xotfclng. Springfield. 111.. October 1 ? The spe- j rial session of the forty-seventh Gen- I oral Assembly of Illinois, which re- j cessed late In June until October, will be reconvened at noon Tuesday. In i accordance with a "gentleman's agree- , ment," no effort will be made to trans? act business on Tuesday. It Is planned to meet and adlourn for one week. In j the Interval the House and Senate , leaders will endeavor to formulate j some plan to guide the deliberations ! of the special session. | But one subject of legislation?deep waterways?was named In Governor {Jensen's call for the special session.. No otrier subject may be taken up un? less the call Is amended, which. In the opinion of Attorney-General Stead, Is Impossible. Governor Deneen has been urged to enlarge the call to Include Initiative and referendum legislation and appro- I prlatlon for the Illinois Public Utility j Commission. It 16 said that Governor Deneen '? favors enlarging the call or Issuing I another for a second special session, j which cannot be called until the pres- j ent one adjourns. The tangle Is ag- 1 gravated by the fact that the ant!- I Deneen members are opposed to ad- ! journlng the special session until the 1 Iyorlmcr ease finally Is disposed of at Washington. The special session prob? ably will drag through long recesses until next year, despite the belief that no deep waterway legislation will be accomplished by the special session. MACHINE HITS STONE PILE Turns Turtle and Owner Is Killed In? stantly. I Philadelphia. Pa.. October 1.?Harry Slater was Instantly killed and Charles Carver, an attorney of this city and the owner of the automobile, and an? other Philadelphias were painfully Injured -when the automobile crashed Into a stone pile which was hidden by the shadow of a group of trees on the Shore Road at Absecon, N. J., to-day. The motorists, who were on their way from Philadelphia to Atlantic City, j failed to see a signboard warning ve? hicles to the back road because of the condition of the Shore Road, where contractors are resurfacing the road? way. The automobile was making high speer, and when the stone pile was -first noticed It was too late to avoid the crash. The machine struck the obstruction with terrific force and turned a complete somersault. Slater was hurled across the road, landing on his head. His neck was broken and he was dead before either of the other occupants of the car reached him. The Injured men were able to re? turn to their homes here. RAPID CHANGES PREDICTED Variable Weather ' la in Store for | Coming Week. Washington, October 1.?Rapid tern- J perature changes will be recorded this \ week In Northern United States and moderate temperatures in the South and on the Pacific coast, announced the Weather Bureau's weekly bulletin to-day. The week's precipitation will be above normal, except on the Gulf and the South Atlantic coasts. The bulletin makes this forecast: "Unsettled weather and general rain the first part of the week east of the Rocky Mountains, crossing the Rockies Monday, the Central Valley Tuesday and the Eastern States Wednesday. This disturbance, followed by lower temperature, probably attended by frosts in the Northwest and other States from the upper Mississippi Val? ley eastward. No indications of a West Indian disturbance." PLOT IS CRUSHED (inlet Restored in Portugal After Roy? alist Uprising. Washington, D. C, October I.?Quiet has been restored throughout Portu? gal following- the discovery yesterday of the Royalist plot against the gov? ernment, according to official advices. Vice-Count D'Alte, -the Portuguese minister, to-tday received the follow? ing cablegram from hls^government: "The attempted Royalist rising has been completely crushed. The prison? ers being sent to fortress at Lisbon. Government 'will prosecute them for rebellion, and have them tried without delay. Complete order prevails throughout the country. Congratula? tions to the government ore pouring In from all Hides." SpecialTrain M ake; First btop at Henderson Early To-Day, CHARLOTTE HEADY WITH GLAD BAi.D Big Receptions Planned at Hotel and Clubs on First Night Out From Richmon d?More Than One Hundred Busi? ness Men to Invade ' Two States. With' more than a hundred men | aboard, the R'chmond Boosters' train [ pulled out of the Main ?trcot Station r over the Seaboard Air Line Railway j at 12:15 o'clock this morning on Its! way to North Carolina. M<>-.t of tho how-dye-do folks were In the arms of j Morpheus, for Henderson. N. C, the', first stopping place for the Boosters,! will be reuched early this morning, . and all wanted to be rested and ready . for the work in hand. The train Is composed of four Pull- j man sleeping care, two diners and a; beaggage coach, In the last 01 which i the Boosters carry their material for : boosting. M A. Stephenson Is the man ? i at the throttle in engine No. 57. He will take the train as far us Kaleigh. where he will be relieved by another ; man. Engineer Stephenson knows the ', j road as he knowc his prayers, and. ? is one of the best men on the Sea-board Air Line Railway, anj that is why I the lives of more than a hundred pas 1 sengers traveling on a through spc-ct-il I train were Intrusted to his care. Now in Chamber'? Hand?. I . J. P. Klrkpatrick. conductor, is In charge of the train, and he will be I with the party until the return tb j : Richmond early Thursday morning. R. I l Vaughan-Lloyd. district passenger' I agent, will be In direct charge of the I whole train, and W. T. Dabney. some 1 times called "Colonel BUI." or "Sentl ! mental William," business manager of I the Chamber of Commerz is booster ln-chlef. that duty having been placed In his care by The Times-Dispatch, which inaugurated and planned the boosting tour. But the suggestion was met with such surprising and cordial acclaim that It was deemed better to make It entirely a Richmond Boosters' tour, and so the Idea wes suggested to Ute Chamber of Commerce. Business Manager Dabney. at once sow thV pos? sibilities of advancing the cause of Richmond <by such a means, novel and unusual though such a means may be. and took hold of the plan with all his accustomed vigor. So The Tlmes-Dls patch Is now numbered, not solely as the originator of the plan, but as one i of the participants In a general move? ment for the advancement of Rich? mond. Others Wanted to Enter. As soon as the Idea of boosting Richmond in her own State and in the lister State of North Carolina was first suggested to the leading mer? chants, business and professional men of the city Is was received with an enthusiasm that surpassed the most j sanguine hopes. In slang phrase, they "came across" Immediately, and lOSi leading business men at the smoker 1 given by The Times-Dispatch In the j Jefferson Hotel Friday night en-! thuslastlcally went up for their reser- ' vatlon slips, and all with one accord | promised to boost for Richmond as she had never been boosted before. Many others have since expressed a desire to be numbered among "those "present," but the party is now made up, and the others can only await the boosting tour which Is promised for next year. , All through North Carolina and all through Virginia the glad hand and the welcoming smile is awaiting the how-dye-do folks. Receptions are in j preparation In every city, town and village through which the special train will pass, l^ed iby their mayors and the heads of the Chambers of Commerce, the leading business men?in other words, the captains of Industry?of the cities In which the Boosters' train will stop, will meet the Richmonders with open heart and open house. In Char? lotte and In Wlnston-Salem, N. C, where the Boosters will spend to? night and to-morrow night, respec? tively, smokers, with the bands play? ing and banners flying, have been ar? ranged, and the mayors will welcome them In not speech and turn over to them for the while the keys of those prosperous North Carolina towns. Railroad 3Ien lu Party. H. F. L'eard, division passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, ar? rived In the city yesterday, and be? came /so enthusiastic over the trip that he decided to accompany the Boosters to Charlotte no that he might help the good cause along. C. B. Ryan, general passenger agent of the Sea? board Air Line Railway, Is In the city, haying come to give the Boosters a good "fare-ye-well" and a pleasant trip over those long ribbons of steel stretching through the two States. On the baggage car of the special Pullman train are Inscribed the words,] "Richmond Boosters' Train ? Thej Tlmes-Dlspatch Stands for Progress." In Raleigh. N. C, the people are all agog over the coming of the Boosters, and the Mayor, with his committees from the various business organiza? tions, will be on hand to smile his ready welcome. Comes now word from Charlotte, whore the how-dye-do folks will spend the night, that the Great? er Charlotte Club will see to It- that the reception to be accorded to tho Boosters is In keeping with the "Char lot re way of doing things." Mayor A. C. Bland will meet the train In his au? tomobile, and receive Mayor "Davy" Richardson and escort him to the Sei wyn Hotel, which will be the Rich? mond Boosters' headquarters, for the night. Reception in Charlotte. The entire executive committee of the club, which numbers twelve men. Including the officers, and numerous j members will constitute^a reception ' (Continued on Bevenjlv ?o?M ? HIS DISAPPROVAL In Sermon H e Condemns j Proposed Political Chances. URGIiS PEOPLE TO OPPOSE i HEM Direct Election of Senators Hej Calls Dangerous, Recall of Judges Insult to Judiciary, and Referendum a Resort to Mob Law. I Baltimore, October 1.?In the course' of his Jubilee sermon, delivered at the; Cathedral here to-day. Cardinal o.o-j bons expressed unqualified dtsappro-j val of three iiYiportant political pro? positions which have commanded a large share of public attention: name? ly, the election of United States Sen? ators by direct vote of the people, the referendum proposal, which has come up In several Western States, provid? ing for the submission of legislative! enactments to the voters for ratifica? tion, and the recall of the judiciary. While it !s the cardinal's custom to preach on the first Sunday of the month, his discourse to-day was In the nature of a prelude to the religious celebration of his golden Jubilee as a priest of the Catholic Church, and tha silver anniversary of his cardlnalate. which begins on Sunday, October 15, and continues until the 19th. Duties of Laity. Defining the duties of his brethren of the laity, he exhorted them to be faithful'in the practice of their re? ligion and urged them as citizens of the United States to take a patriotic part In every measure that contributes to the progress of the Commonwealth. "No man should be a dron In the so? cial beehive," said Ills Eminence. "No citizen should be an indifferent spec? tator of the political, moral and eco? nomic questions that are agitated around him. "At the present moment there are three political problems which are, en? gaging the serious attention of our public men. "It Is proposed that United States Senators Bhould be elected by popular1 vote. Instead of being chosen by the Legislature, as is prescribed by the Constitution. "it -is- proposed' that the^acts of ?ur Legislature, before they have Che force of law, should be submitted to the suffrage of the people who would have the right to vote. "It is proposed to recall or remove an unpopular Judge before the expira? tion of his term of office. "No one questions the ability', the sincerity, and' patriotism of the advo? cates of these changes in our organic j laws. But I hope I may not be pre? sumptuous in saying that In my opln | Ion, the wisdom of the proposed amendments must be seriously ques? tioned. Destroys HulvrarU. "The election of Senators by the \otes or the people Involves the de ioCiaction of a strong bulwark ugams. I dangerous popular encroachments. The ? reason given for the contemplated i change is that many of our State Leg I islatures are charged with being venal, and that it is easier to corrupt' the Legislature than the whole people. In reply 1 would say: If you cannot trust' the members of the Legislature, how can you trust their constituents from whom they spring? If you can? not confide in our Legislatures you can not confide in our Legislatures you can in human nature Itself. It a few of our Legislatures have been found guil? ty of bribery, it is most unjust to in? volve all the others in their condemna? tion. I have sufficient confidence In the moral Integrity of our Legisla? tures to be convinced that the great majority of them have never bent the knee to Mammon. "To give to the masses the right of annulling the acts of the Legislature, is to substitute mob law for estab? lished law. "To recall u judge because his de? cisions do not meet with popular ap? proval, is an insult to the dignity, the independence, and the self-respect or our judiciary. Far less menacing to the Commonwealth Is an occasional corrupt or Incompetent Judge, than one who would be the habitual slave of a capricious multitude, who has al? ways his eur to the ground trying to find out the verdict of the people. Ita Wisdom Tested. "The Const'tutlon of the United States is the palladium of our liber? ties and our landmark In our march of progress. That Instrument has been framed by the anxious cares and en? lightened zeal of the fathers of the republic. Its wisdom has been tested and successfully proved after a trial of a century and a quarter. It has weathered the storms of the century which Is passed, and It should be trust? ed for the centuries to come. What has been good enough for our fathers ought to be good enough for us. Every change, either In the political or rell kIoub world, is not a reformation. "Better to bear the Ills we know than fly to those we know not of Every man that runs about waving a new panacea for social evils 1st not to be worshiped as a political and moral reformer. We all remember the story of Aladdin and the wonderful lamp. Better to tr?st to the old lamp of the fathers, which has guided the stepB of the American people for four gener? ations, than to confide in every ignis fatuus that may lead us into danger? ous pitfalls. Do not disturb the politi? cal landmarks of the republic" At the beginning of his sermon the cardinal referred in grateful terms to the civic demonstration in his honor here last Juno, which was attended by President Taft and leading members of the co-ord'nate of the Federal government. Continuing, he ?aid: "It is very natural that on an ocoa , ?C?utiaue4 or ?SS?fiB, WILL MEET IN ATLANTA j City Official* to DUcoaa Problems of ! Municipalities. Atlanta. Oa., October 1.?City offl- \ clals from all parts of the United States aro expected here this week to attend the fifteenth annual convention of the League of American Munici? palities, which opens on October 4. The convention will be In session for three days. A feature of the opening session will be the annual address of Mayor Darius A. Brown, of Kansas, president of the league. Mayor Samuel Carson, of Jamestown, N. Y.. will deliver an address on the subject "The Future City." Other scheduled speeches In? clude "City Government by Commls "lon." by Professor Ford H, McGregor, of the University of Wisconsin; "What a Live City Can Do Under an Anti? quated Charter," by Mayor J. C Haynes. of Minneapolis; "The Stand? ardization of Municipal Business," by Fred H. Cosgrove. comptroller of Omaha, Neb.; "Long Time Bonds for City Improvement," by Mayor H. C. Thompson, of Chattanooga: "Law En? forcement," by Mayor Marcus B. Cul lnm. of Duluth; and "Municipally Owned Public Belt Kallronds." by Mayor Martin Behrman. of New Or? len nr. The election of officers and the se? lection of the next meeting place will occupy the closing session on Fri? day. BANKER HELD FOR LARCENY D. A. Sullivan In Also Charged With Forstery In Third Degree. New York, October 1.?David A. Sul? livan, the Indicted head of the defunct Mechanics and Traders Bank, of Brook? lyn, was relndlcted yesterday on thret counts, two charging grand larcen\ and the third forgery In the third degree. The $6,000 bail demanded upon his arraignment was furnished ] by the Rev. John T. Woods, pastor of i the Holy Cross Church, of Brooklyn, which the indicted banker attends. The flr?t count charges Sullivan with Improperly using a check of $20.000 j given the Mechanics and Traders Bank t as collateral security for a loan, to | procure a loan from the Home Bank of $25.000. The second charges that he I appropriated to his own use $12.4S? In bonuses which should have sone Into j the bank's coffers. The third charges j him with destroying two credit tick? ets covering the latter transaction, and ; [ also charges Charles N. Smith, former j cashier of a branch of the bank, with aiding him in so doing. Smith was not arraigned. District Attorney Clarke I explained that Smith had turned State's evidence, and would appear when i ! wanted. WELL-KNOWN LAWYER SHOT Said That He Wounded Himself While Cleaning , Pistol. Chicago. 111., October 1?Curtis H. Remy. for many years well known as.a corporation lawyer, died here to-day ; from a bullet- wound Inflicted while ; he was in hiB room in a downtown i hotel. At a hospital Remy said he had [shot himself while cleaning his revolv Remy was bom in Hope, Ind.. In 1SS2. He Is survived by a wife, from whom he had been separated for two years, two sons and a daughter. Remy form? erly served as attorney for the Big , Four and the Chesapeake and Ohio ! Railroads BODY FOUND IN SHANTY Victim Formerly Was Wife of .Phy? sician at Tampa. Jacksonville, Fla-, October 1.?The ; badly decomposed body of a woman j identified as Mrs. Marlon Boykln. for ' merly the wife of a phystcian of ; Tampa, Fla-, was found here to-day i In a shanty located in a deserted , brick yard. The body has been placed j In preservatives pending a coroner's ! investigation. ? It Is alleged that the woman was I driven to live in the shanty by an Iri ? curable drug habit. Two drug fiends, 1 said to have lived In the building. ' were arrested several weeks ago and placed under treatment. FOUND DEAD IN BEDS i _ j Caretaker of Church, His Wife and Daughter Murdered. Monmouth, 111.. October 1.?William E. Dawson, his wife and one daughter, were found dead In their beds to-day. the skulls of each crushed In. Dawson was the caretaker of the First Pres? byterian Church, and when he failed to open the building for services to? day, four men wentr to his home and found the bodies. There were no evidences of a strug? gle, and tho murderer Is believed to have killed each with a single blow. The police have no clue. CROWDS ARE DENIED They 9eek Sight of Girl Accused of Killing Sister. New Orleans, La., October 1.?Annie Crawford, charged with killing her sister, Elsie, with poison, spent an un? eventful Sunday In the parish prison ; here to-day. No one was allowed to : sec" her and no relatives called to pay i a visit. i The prison officials were besieged i with crowds seeking a sight of the ac ; cused girl, but no one was allowed to 1 enter. j It is probable that the case will be assigned this week. STEAMER DRIVEN ASHORE Unsuccessful Attempt to Flont Strand ed i-lner. Boulogne, October 1.?The steam? ship Koenlg Freledrlch August, of the Hamburg-American Line, plying be? tween European and South American ports, was driven from her moorings to-day by the heavy gale. She strand? ed on a sandy bottom Inside the break? water. The stoamer carried many pas? sengers, who are still aboard. An unsuccessful attempt was made to refloat the liner, and he re? newed to-morrow morning. CYCLONE IN OHIO Barns Demolished, Houses I/nroofed and Orchards Laid Waste. Lima, Ohio. Ootober 1.?A cyclone at 1 o'clock this afternoon demolished barns, unroofed houses, laid orchards waste and caused damage estimated at $100,000 four miles east of here, No one was seriously Injured. The cy? clone swept a strip of country orve jUjX n>U?? ?J.d*~?A& fiVn mUaA j BUT GHOST OF TOWN REMAINS AT SCENE OF FLOOD AND FIRE What Was Once Town of Austin Now Mass of Blackened Water Swept Ruins in Which Are Buried Bodies of Hap? less Victims. VALLEY, WRECKAGE-STREWN, REVEALS EXTENT OF TRAGEDY Five Hundred Men Spend Day Frantically Digging in Torn and Twisted Timbers in Search of Those Whose L ives Were Swept Away When Great Dam Broke ?Impossible to Tell Number of Dead; Some Placing It as Low as 150, Others as High as 300, While the Property Loss Is $6,000,000. Survivors Tell Stirring Stories of Disaster. ? .Austin, Pa., October 1.?Estimates of the loss of Ufe In the flood that ovtr. vi helmed the tonn of Austin yesterdnv diminished to-dny, when an army of ??nlunterr rescuers worked Its way Into the masses of wreckage. In the opinion of many on the ground, the number of deaths win not reach ISO, while the leas hopeful plaic the list uf fatalities at SOO. The property loss will exceed ?B,00o,0Ou, and it ia the general opinion that .the town never will be rebuilt. Two, at least, of the large planta will not be reconstructed, and u majority of the business men of the place have been finan? cially ruined. State officials In charge of the situation, after a hasty canvass of the pop? ulation to-day, expressed the belief that not more than 150 are dead In the wreckage. Only sixteen bodies have been recovered at a late hour to-night. Chief of Police D. K. Baker, however, believea that fully 300 are dead or missing. The 500 men. who had tolled all day In a heavy rainstorm, abandoned their task when darkness approached, with less than a score of the bodlos of the dead found. Reports Grow More Encouraging. Reports from Costello and points farther down Slnnemahoning grew more encouraging as the day advanced. At Costello, while there was a heavy finan? cial loss,'It"'was said that hot more than three persons were dead. Beyond that point no fatalities had been reported. ? The survivors will not suffer from hunger or lack of care, as the supplies and medical assistance rushed to the scene seem ample to care for them. T. jr. Blckncl, national director of the National Red Cross, arrived to-day, bring? ing with him $15,000 in cash for immediate aid to the flood victims. Of the eight Injured In the hospitals, none Is fatally hurt The homeless have all beeij provided with shelter. On the outskirts ot Austin are a number of houses which were vacated by workers in the Good? year mill when that plant was dismantled. These hous3a have been tilled with homeless people. The residents of Keating Summit have taken in the others, several hundred In number. Provisions continue to arrive In large quantities, and there will be no suffering for lack of food. Dawn Reveals Ghastly Scene of Desolation. The curtain of night, which was rung down on the Austin flood scarcely before Its victims had all been claimed and its surviving spectators fully real? ized how great a tragedy the elements of water and fire had enacted in the natural amphitheatre of tho Alleghany Mountains here, was lifted by dawn to-day, revealing a ghastly scene of death and devastation. Austin Itself, yesterday a busy mill town of 3,000 people, many of whom were enjoying tho tine autumn afternoon as a Saturday half-holiday, is only a ghost of a town to-day. Torn to pieces by water and eaten by Are, the wet and charred remnants of its buildings, believed to hold the remains of 300 or more persons, were strewn along the valley edge, plied in rows where the Main Street business section was, or swept in scattered masses far down the ravine. Spectators, many of whom barely escaped being victims of the disaster, and hundreds of persons from surrounding towns looked down from the steep hill? sides on Aust'n, and could seo through a veil this morning the wreckage pt some 400 houses, a score of business blocks, three churches and several large lumber mills, and three miles farther down the river, at Costello, the ruins of more than fifty buildings. The flood did not spend its force until It raced for more than ten miles from the reservoir. Wharton, still farther on, suf? fered somewhat, but is practically intact. The loss of life at Costello, where the residents had more warning. Is beleved to be but three. The property loss in the valley Is estimated at upwards ot $6,000,000. Rains Its Path With Planks and Logs, In Austin, out of the hundrtds of buildings directly enveloped In the deluge, hardly a dozen survive. The furious flood let loose when the Baylcss Paper and Pulp Company's dam crumbled yesterday afternoon picked up a huge battery of heavy timbers in the mill yards at the foot of the dam, and with these thousands of planks and logs rammed its path with terrible havoc. At the t ospltal to-day thare were but eight Injured for the care of the small army of physicians and nurses who poured into the devastated town all night and day. The medical supplier remained unused in the cars rushed here by the railroads. The State constabulcty arrived th'a afternoon and took charge of the situ? ation, which seemed too appalling for the local committee, which had worked all night. Immediate orders were Issued to the railroads to bring no more sightseers to Austin, and sentinels were placed on the chief roadways, with Instructions to pass none but workmen. Hundreds of automobiles and carriages were turned back. During the night searching parties, with engine headllshts, automobile lamps, pine torches and Improvised lanterns of every sort, poked their way Into every pile of wreckage that was accessible, seeking any who might be alive, but scarcely a body was found In which life was not extinct. The night had been one ->f hardship and horror, whlih severely tested the mettle of the men whom circumstances had Impressed Into tlrst aid rescuers of the flood-devas? tated village. In<lin>rentl.v Search for Mangled Bodies. Men who shuddered at thj touch of a dead body at ihe outset Indifferently j searched mangled bodies for papers of Identification ere they had been long at work In the debris. One corpse among so many did not seem ghastly; the sen? sation was appalling. The Immediate scene of the obliteration of Austin covers an area three ! eighths of a mile wide and one and three-quarters miles long. This comprised the business sectlnr. and tho valley residence portion, and was bounded by Main, Ruckaber and Thorn Streets and Costellow Avenue, crossed by two lesser thoroughfares. Nearly a mile above stood the mammoth concrete dam of th? j Bayless Paper and Pulp Company. 000 rtet long, tifty-two feet high and thirty feet thick at the bottom, taprrlng to .i thickness of ihre* feet at tho top. Back of this dam yesterday lay a reservoir of water a mile und a half long and an average of thirty-five feet deep. Directly in front of the dam stood the ptent of the Bayless Company, with four main buildings. Stacked high nearby were 700,000 cords of fifty-inch wood and slabs, and also a portion of the company'* Immense timber stock, totaling In tho Austin Valley 1G.000.000 feet of hard wood and 25,000,000 of hemlock. This, was a nve years' supply, practically the last large cut of the region. It was valued at $2.000.000. A mild stream, Freeman Run, flowed through the town into Slnnemahoning ? Creek, leollrg to the Susqueiiannu River. The town proper was a smart little place of comfortable frame houses and more substantial business building* '? along the main street, which ran from side to side across the ravine. Tha prin? cipal buelners buildings Included the brick structure occupied Jointly by tha I^VntJAlJad^ ' jjj