Newspaper Page Text
STIipgnmp^f tigJiE^ ?i?patrh Bullae?! Office....9U S. Main Street ?outb Richmond.10? lrull 8tre?t Petersburg- Bureau....10? N. Sycamore Street Lyuchburg Bureau.116 Eighth Strcot BT mail Ona Six Three One POSTAGE PAID Tear. Moa. Mo?. Mo. Dally with 6unday.?8.00 t*.00 ?1.50 .M Daily without Sunday.... 4.00 2.00 l.:o .K Sunday edition only.2.00 .00 gt'celcly (Wednesday)...., LOO .60 .? ... By Times-Dispatch Carrier Delivery Ser? vice In Richmond (and suburb*) and Pe? tersburg? One Weell Daily with Sunday. ib centl ' Daily without Eunday. 10 cents Sunday only. 6 cents Entered January 17, 1905, at Richmond. Va.. as aecond-claes matter under act ot Congre? of March .->. 1ST9. MONDAY, DECEMBER II, 1911. A VMTP.D FRONT. Our supreme opportunity to secure an emeient anil economical city gov? ernment comes to-morrow night. The Board of Aldermen will have It within Us power to close the whole matter and clinch the whole proposition by voting for the ordinance Just as It comes from the Common Council and by votinp down all amendments. If an amendment should prevail the whole plan would go hack to the Common Council, and be liable to vicious alter? ations and' the excision of the vital features of the plan. If the plnn us j It stands Is adopted to-morrow night, oil that will be left will be tho for? mality of the approval of the General Assembly, and that will bo given ns it mutter of course. The people arc agi? tated over this plan, they have been stirred to a realization of Its abso? lute necessity for the city, and the sooner the matter is settled the bettor. The beet Interest of Richmond de? mands that tho unamended. ordinance | he passed to-jnorro'vr night by the Rnard of Aldermen. For this reason. It is highly deslrablo that the citizens and the live o-gnnizations of Richmond present a united front at the City Hall, All should be agreed that the ordinance as It stands is what the pcoplo want. There should be no di? vision in the ranks, and tho whole ! line should "rlgl.: dress" on the ordi? nance unamer.dcd, as the form which , is best and most desirable. Every body agrees that the Fire and Police1 1 ?cpartments should ultimately be tin-I der the administrative board?why not pull together for It now? By stand- j ing for the unamended ordinance, tho people will get what they want, will j .?-.tvc time, money and trouble. Why I put off for the future what can be done to-?tiy? Why refuse to exchange a future benefit for a present one? Let the citizens nnd their organiza? tions unite for the ?.inaruciided ordi nance. Cease this cross-firins. this scattering of nttack: Line up. Stand together. If an Individual were offer? ed two things as gifts and refused to accept one because he thought It best to take It later, he would be deemed Impractical and foolli-h. Why should Richmond, being offered two bonellt?, refuse one on the ground that It could be ncceptod Inter? Let us stand topet er, present a united front to-morrow nlt-'lit und se? cure the unamended ordinance. BETWEEN two stools. Assuming/ and wo hope It Is a violent assumption, that, as predicted by Wash? ington correspondents, tho Democratic majority in the House of Representa? tives is preparing to "put up to" tho Republican fonatc and th* President a dollar-a-day b^FC'Icq pension bill, which would cost the country tome $45,000,000 a year, iho Providence, r. I., Journal eays: "A more unwise proposition has rarely received serious consideration In the national Capitol." The Journal draws it mildly. A more blundering proposition, little rhort of a crime, It any, fcgatnst the party and the nation, lias rarely received serious considera? tion there. If, continue? our Providence contcni porar'y, the Democrats pass tho bill in the House, and succeed, with the aid of tho Insurgents, In genius il through the Senate, Mr. Tnft will be r-xpectcd to veto it, as he certainly ought to do. "Nor," in the opinion ni the Journal,! "would he stand any the worse with Ihe cotintry In consequence " lor "the' American public Is thoroughly opposed j to fo egregious and Indiscriminate u Sr,tV ' Jn tho.?t conclusions wo heuit And It perchance the President Should . approve, the bill, the responsibility for' the "grab," for a miserable political trick that would result in Buch out? rageous roUbery of the tax-poyers, would fall upon the Democrats. There; fore, in the event of either presidential veto or approval, the pari} will have "bitten off its nose to spite its i Clearly, an 1 aside from Hie liypodilry und cowardice of such political let; il? lation, uh lb- latter Is Involved in ftar. of the "soldier vote." ibt- pio.iosltion carries the danger of the part) :i put? ting ltst-lf in position to fall between two stools. "Unwise!" Boetlun stupid? ity, forsooth. oyster CONSERVATION l.\ NORTH CAROLINA. .Sentiment In North ? Carolina 1? sroused over fish'and oyster con.ei va tion. There U to be ;< tonvi ntion ut Ncwbern thin' week, which will have for its cxciusiv; object tin.- considera? tion of ways .und' to con ? i'vt the two groat jiafural products of the waters of the Old North State! The Newborn Dally Journal says in Oils connection: '?It is lime'that the selfishness ih/.t has prevailed in certain localities, tvhlcli has prevented legislative action, ?Hall be overthrown, .and the entln Hinte reap the benefit* from the Ittli ana oysters, which, with intelligent conservation tnothod*. means millions of roveuue to this Commonwealth." That a conservation policy pays lias been shown before In North Carolina. A few yoars aero there was almost a totnl disappearance of tho game bilde and wild animals that previously had made Eastern Carolina famous as n great hunting- ground for quail, turkey, robins, doves, bear, deer, possums, squirrels and other game. To remedy j the situation strict game laws were j passed, and their enforcement has been rigid, with tho result that a wonderful j chance haa come about. This year hunters say that gamo has not been so plentiful In the section for many years. Conservation has brought about tho change. Instead of harmful and pro? miscuous slaughter of game, there is "good shooting," and game Is secured in such .1 way that hunting becomes a real sport. Wanton destruction has been stopped. Conservation applied to North Car? olina's fish und oysters means that these splendid water products would bo a continual and Increasing source of wealth to the people. Tho Newborn convention has a chance to do a great work for the Stato, and It Is to be hoped that It will follow tho advlco of tho Newborn Journal: "Thero must be ai giving way of personal or locality self Ishnes.-?, and laws enacted that shall lie enforced, that will mean a fish and oys? ter industry to enrich the State for all time." In. both of the past two sessions of tho Legislature The Times-Dispatch used every argument In Its power to induce Virginia to enact laws that would go to the root of our oyster prob? lem. And we take this occasion to declare again that no natural resource In this State litis ever been more abused, mishandled ana riogleeted, to the loss of tho whole State, than the oyster In? dustry. Under proper regulation, oys? ters alone can he mode to produce $6,(100,000 a year Income for the citi? zens of Virginia. But good laws aro absolutely necessary, and good oyster laws seem an impossibility for Virginia Legislatures. NOT THE PRESENT ELECTORATE. Ton thousand three hundred and sov enty-three voters this year broke all records under tho new Constitution when they paid their poll taxes, dis ihorglng the find condition for voting. That fact is very significant, because it means that the people are taking more interest in their government and are waking up to a realization of the improving power of the ballot. .Sonic opponents of the new plan for a better form of city government baso their opposition on tho assertion that the present electorate la not qualified to fOloct the right sort of men for the proposed administrative board. They say that the ofllceholders constitute, with their nllies, n majority of the present electorate, and that such an electorate would not choose the best men for governing Richmond. This argument Is fallacious and is not based on facts. The electorate who would vote for members of the administrative bourd would bo the. electorate qualified in December, 1812, to vote, because the change docs not go Into effect until 131.1. There is still ample opportunity for all to'qualify to vote for members of the administrative board. There la another registration for thorn. Thero Is plenty of time for the securing ot an electorate who will select good men, and we believe that such an electorate Will unquestionably bo secured. A SENSELESS DESTRUCTION. I'rom tho woods toward the north of the city came troops of children and grown people yesterday, with their jrms full of holly branches and holly berries. They have to a great degree stripped the forests around the city of t!.?sii holly trees healing berries. About nil that are left arc the trees which are not bearing berries. The result Is that the woods are. largely denuded of this beautiful tree, and holly Is becoming scarocr and scarcer every year. If thin! senseless destruction keeps up there j will soon be no more holly trieb around ItlchmolVd. Molly berries look ever so nntch better on tho tree in the woods than in the house, anyway, if sowo conservation of this beautiful and graceful tree is not effected, soon it Will olu out of our woods and no longer be a fair green thing to see In the groves that were "God's first temples." livery decorative holly btanch moans h denuded tidily tree, and If WC woulil have our woodlands filled with iioii> trees th ;y one., were, we must prac? tice ii little conservation. TIlltL'K I l NUAMENTALS, la nii article oh the "iyjs Angeles Sentences and After" the Chicago! Ilccord-IfCTulO, addressing ..pelf espe? cially to tin: "alter" duty ? . libor ami capital, respectively, and tho lesson of the cut... to tauh Interest: says to the out; "Labor should resolve to '-discourage sternly ail talk of ciass ! conlllci and all advocacy of violence am! lawlessness as means of bettering j working cniitiitlftiid ot securing iecog reis should Oglli/..; tnv ?ridld and cVCry way ntitual uh? In three brh C in) comprise' pr.-ttv taue) nectstaary to the rt lut. lern of capital and Itil Interests not only <,\ i merits* i.m of i in > <? \, mmm monious ? eis timm in t I dustrlftl endeavor and out which neither endeavor nor prog? ress can attain to tho fulness of Its capabilities for benefiting: both capital and labor, and thu v?st Outside multi? tude dependent for comfort nnd hap? piness, directly or Indirectly, on both. AETEn TUB MANOnU, WHAT! To a current rovlew Stephen Bonsai contributes an article which throws some new and Interesting lights upon the revolution In China, Its causes und tho ultlmato consummation to which It trends. The artlclo is headed, "The Passing of tho Manchus," who, Mr. Bonsai believes, aro destined soon "to (lee across tho Munchurlan plains and the marshy 'banks of the Sungarl to ] rejoin their cousins, tho IIun-Huses, who have always remained in their ancestral fastnesses, and who arc also bandits, hut In a small way of busi? ness." Mr. Bonsai views the situation, its promised developments and the finality to which he Is convinced tho upheaval will come nt close range; and for this ho Is unusually well equipped. He has enjoyed especial advantages for studying intelligently the workings of tho Oriental mind, particularly tho Chinese, and for unalyzlng Oriental policies, inspirations and ambitions. In addition to having served long as a newspaper correspondent In tho Far Hast, ho has been at times in the diplomatic corps as secretary of lega? tion, and charge d'affaires at Poking, Tokyo and In Koroa. Mr. Bo a] traces the revolution, or. ruthor. the Immediate conditions which l have most potently contributed to its outbreak at this juncture, and its di- I rectlon against the Manchus, to Chin? ese contact with Western civilization, which has been very costly to the Chinese peopl->. He points out that In the last sixty or seventy years tho Chinese, have paid across the counter to the representatives of the "new civilization one thousand million dol? lars In compensation for wrongs and injuries," many of which he doubts were consciously inflicted. Further? more, "this pecuniary atonement," he notes, "has not been accepted as pay? ment In full; one by one Chinese prov? inces huvc been absorbed by the predatory powers, and tho area of China has lti tho last century 'been re? duced over 60 per cent." This at first blush appears an as? tonishing statement, but reference to history and details tho writer gives of the territorial aggrandizements at China's exponso bears It out. At ono time Chinese civilization and Inlluencc were rognant from the Arctic Sea of Eastern Siberia to the Burmese shores of the Indian Ocoan. Now Russia, as Mr. Bonsai cites, has absorbed Kastern Siberia und provinces of Manchuria; Japan has taken Koroa, provinces In Manchuria and Formosa; Franoe has acquired Annam. Tonking and Cam? bodia; England has annexed Buimuli end sections of Thibet, while Germany, to "conclude n by no means complete-, list of our depredations, has raised its flag and mailed net In Chantung, the very heart of China, and the home of Confucius." That le, Germany has In? vaded and desecrated tho Innermost shrine of tho old civilization. The Manchu dynasty is, Mr. Bonsai demonstrates, the direct and morn visible target of tho revolution, bo cause It has "permitted theso things," and the new civilization has conduced to something like an organized na? tionalism, which represents the culmi? nation of centuries of anti-dynastic fooling, and through which centurlf-s > of anticipation and desire of "China 1 for the true Chinese'' is hoped to ma? terialize. But the w.riter hns small faith that "pftor the Manchus" this na? tionalism offspring of the new civili? zation and Chinese hatred of the Manchu will not turn against China's Occidental "benefactors." "For," ho says, "we would do well to remember that these millions of people who have at in?t aroused, who at last are as? serting themselves, who seem to have escaped all tho tlme-honoref] checks and balances, are animated <ay no feel? ing so strongly as that of n well founded distrust of atid unnatural hostility to the pract'ecs of our civili? zation." An wc havo Indicated, Mr. Bonsai knows, or ought to know, whereof he speaks, Hence, the powers might Inake no mistake In taking precautions against what may come uftor tho "passing of the Manchus." or oven hc fbre, is a development of the revolu- . tion and a phase of the Chinese hope and ambition for "China for tho true 'I ? ???.'? AI any moment the singular toleration and protection extended to foreigners In the empire may prove the thinnest and most deceptive of veneers. RET INTO l/INE. From a communication lately pub lli lied In this paper, It was soon that om .1 the leading manufacturing firms I Richmond has addressed letters to >:.. members ol the Board of Aldermen. Ktatlnc. ti.< fact that fifty-two men In ti e firin'a employ, nearly all qualified voters, are desirous that the four ward and administrative board plun bio adopted this nook by the Board. The opinion of these men seems to bo "unanimous" that tho best Interest of domnnda tho passage of tho nec Im a better form of gov rnmenl f'<v Richmond. Thry want ibis Illing now, and If they don't got it ihey can rebuke fearfully with theli ?of , ?oxi "spring. Hero arc fifty I standing together, nnd fifty Vol' h ''.'iiit, as any Councilman will The example, of (he Stephen Putney .:.',' Company followed at i one \>y other Jinan in Richmond. Tfj ?.?very flltn in the city would ascertain] (ill ipinlob of Its employes und writeI ? ,'?!'). i mi' /; about the result of . '. rrtendoUfl pressure would b/oufcl.i to upon the only set of men who aro to pass upon this measure, now. It Is a wcll-JfnfiwTi fact that th?. business people of the city want a new form of government, because It would menua moro business? like, more econamlcal, moro satis? factory method of transacting the { business of Richmond. A botter form j of government means an Improved city and an improved city always means better business conditions. The business men of the city will be only taking advantage of a good business proposition' if they will get busy at once and ascertain the opin? ion of their employes. And a personal word to tho Aldermen, coupled with a letter to the point, will help mightily. Do it to-day. THE WBAI/TII OF THE POOIl. The report of tho Comptroller of tho Currency sets forth that tho 1,834 sav? ings banks of the country havo 9,794,847 depos'tors, who havo to their credit In these Institutions $1,212,053,503, or 26?, per cent, of all the deposits" In all tho banks In tho United States. ? The av? erage deposit Is $430.09. When wo are told that practically this entire vast "rainy day hoard" rep? resents tho savings of wage-earnerB, whatever else may be conceded In favor cf the postal savings bank system, It cannot bo conceded that Its establish? ment was pressingly necessary to teach the masses "habits of economy, fru? gality and saving," an was so strenu? ously urged by its advocates. In the face of tho facts and the figures given by tho Comptroller, that proposition goes to tho ground as untenable and an unwarranted reflection on tho good sense, economic foresight and thrift of our people, taken as a whole. Germany is the only other country that approximates the United States In tho total of it? savings banks depos? its, this total being a little less than $3,730,000,noo, representing twice the' number of our depositors, but with an average deposit of less than one-half of that over here. v The Comptroller's exhibit Is most en? couraging and enlightening, as' bear? ing on the distribution of wealth among the "poor"?also as showing what those arc doing for tho country'n development by supporting and building up tlnan clal Institutions that, furnish thn moans for such development In certain direc? tions which it Is not within tho prov? ince of strictly "? ommcrclal" and "bus? iness" banks to furnish. A WOMAN'S HA LI, OF FAME. Dissatisfied with tho Hall of Famo In New York and with the names that aro In it, tho Illinois Equal Rights Association has published a list of tho twenty greatest women. Hero they aro: Jane Addamn, Susan It. Anthony, Clara i Barlon. Charlotte Bronte. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sarah Bornhardt. I Carrie Chapman Catt, Madame Curie, 1 Mart- Baker Eddy, George Eliot, Mar? garet Fuller, Lucretla Mott, Florence Nightingale, Ernmellne Pankhurst, Mrs. Raymond Robblns, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Anna Howard Shaw, Harriot Beecher Stowe. Francis E. Wlllard and Ella Flagg Young. A very good list, but why did the sisters omit the name of that gallant champion of votes for women who In a perfectly gontlcman-lllte way drove Brother Walter Addison, of tho Lynch turg News, back to his Innermost de? fenses when he quoted a mlsstatement about Her Cause? Let not the trusty blade of Dr. and Vice-President Anna Blount, of the Chicago Equal Suffrage League of America, be dimmed. Write her name high beside that of Mrs. Car? rie Chapman Catt. and let the band Play "Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own." The weather In Richmond Is always delightful, but It must be said that the weather we have been having lately has been wonderful?a sort of combi? nation of spring and early autumn. When Representative Bstoplnal, of Louisiana, began reading to Con? gress the Persian appeal in French, Representative Buchanan, of Illinois, took the floor to complain that there ?was fo much confusion he couldn't un? derstand a word. Protty neat bluff that! I Voice of the People | Opposes Western Corn. To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,?1 am deeply interested In the matter of damaged corn as a food for both man and boast. The warning Rent out by Mr K?lner, Commissioner of Agriculture, Is both sound and timely. But if Mr. K?lner would go further and put his stnmp of condemnation Abe Martin Folks that are fond o' pets r Iltis neglect 'em. After a feilet' gits all th plr.s out o' n new shirt he's too tired V dress u.v. YESTERDAY WAS THREE SUNDAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS TREES. By John T. McCutcheon. "We want to go to the Stmde.y-3c.hool. Where is it art?" upon all Western corn shipped to this country, he would be nearer the mark. For If 1 am properly Informed, li Is all moro or less moldy, i know of my ?jwn knowledge Unat most of It shipped to this country during the two years of l!?ej and 190S was unlit for use. Meal made of it those years smolled strongly of mold, and you could always smell it in the ears?sometimes at a considerable distance from the cars. It was during this lime and Immediate? ly following It that many reports of horses dying with staggers and menin? gitis occurred. I mentions.I this fart to Dr. Furn.>yhough. State Veterina? rian, and asked him to look Into it. But a far more Important fact or] theory is Its effect upon man. In a | letter of mine published in Virginia Medical Monthly. March 11. ID]*. I ad? vanced tho suggestion that pellagrn, which had Just then begun to be talked about. wag due to the exten- I slve uso of this molded Western corn ' for bread. Tho condltyui fcnen was ' rlpo for Its use. The advent of saw- I mills depleted the farmF of labor, 1 which went to the sawmills t'j work because they could get higher wages and ready cash. So there was a great falling off m the corn crop, and millers bought corn from tho West 10 grind, and country merchants bought meal i made from Western corn. So a largo part of tho population was shifted tu ti:i? use of meal from Western corn. Now, if molilsd corn produces pellagra, as most Investigators say, this West? ern corn Is a very prolific Jiource of I the disease. Miller* here say that Western corn does not crush between I the stones, as does Virginia corn, but : that It rolls like dough under the i stones, and they havo to ralsi" the stones ' to grind It, and Western farmers who reside here now say that for years Western farmers, to get the advantage of the early market, had been gathering and rushing off their corn hefore It was thoroughly dry. How could It help heating In the large hulks, eleva? tors or close car.-- In which It Is ship? ped? I hare never let lit family eat It. and I and several of my neighbors ge all our meal from n country mill some i distance out In the country that grinds only Virginia corn. 1 saw In one of the papers a monl^ ago that In one of our Southern States the secritary of the State Board e>f Health said that people would no longer have pellagra If tihey stopped the use of Western cornmeal. 1 have lost his name, and I don't know wheth? er he e-ver saw my letter or came to the conclusion from observations of his own. But It seems to me the sug? gestion Is worthy of Investigation, so I write this to your paper, hoping thereby to give it the wider circulation and bring out all the evidence there Is In It. P. T. SOL'THALL, M. D. Amelia Courthouse. A Legacy. Son of my body! this I give to thee. Which fluid "ot buys, nor thieves can take sway, A hirtiliright which kind Nature gavo to me? That magic Knot, the mind and body ga y,. With the sweet ioy of Health, and heavenly Hope, A nectar which Is known to him who lives A lifo of faith, and Lovo shall light tho slope To death with deathless life, which Nature gives. Vet. will It boot thee but a bitterness If bettering times shall find thy talent hid, And Honor slay thee for thy useless ncsa, Who 'boasted of his strength, yet nolh ' ing did. Sweet flower of my flesh! my body's bloom Keep soul and body cl?an, and fear no gloom. EDMOND FONTAINE. Charlottosvllle, La Marquise de Fontenoy MISS VERA ELIOTT. whose en? gagement, to Edward Cowlos, I son of David g. Co wl es, of Long! Meadow, N. V.. has Just been announo-! ed, la the daughter of Sir Arthur Ellott, a man who is at one and tho samo lime s Scotch baronet and land owner, and a member of the New York Stock Exchange f:rm of Starr & Co., on Wall Street. His baronetcy Is an an? cient one. having been created by Charles II. on his restoration. In fav? or of the Laird :>f Stobs. who was, n member of Parliament for; his native county of Roxburghshire ill which Stubs is situated. He is a gruudsoh of Gilbert Lliott. of Stobs, commons called "Glbble wl" tho gowden gurtlns." mid of Glbblo'H wife, who was tho daughter of Walter Scott, second Lord of Harden. Sir Arthur, who succeeded his uncle as ninth baronet, a llttlo over n your ago. and who Is married to Ulla, only child or John Burbank. of New York, inherited ulong with the title two country seats In Perthshlro known as Hulrulc und Ituberslaw. along with some 20,00') acres of line shootlr.R In Perthshire nnd Roxburghshire; also a cout-of-arms, on which there tiKUres a castle Kalo and the word "Gibraltar," granted to Generni (Icoritc Augustus Elliott, younger son of the third baro? net, for his historic and successful de? fense Of Gibraltar against tin- allied forces of Franco and .Spain in 17*2. General F.llntt wag creatod. for this feat of arms, Lord lUathtield. a peer nge which became extinct on the death of his only son. In 1813. Lord Heathtleld Is only ono of a larwe number of members of this house of Lliott of Stobs who liHve dls. tingulshed themselves as admirals or uonorals; while ono branch of tbe family, namely. the descendants of Gilbert, a younger brother of the seventh baronet, are established In a particularly prosperous fashion in Australia, Gilbert having been Speak? er of tho Legislature In Queensland. Formerly the. baronetcy was far richer than It Is to-day. <*or the late Sir William Kllbtt, who died last year, had an only daughter of the name of Grace, now n spinster of sixty, und for her sake he converted all the unentailed property Into cash, so ss to provide for her future. The present baronet only came In for the estates which hi,? uncle could not leave away from him. Sir Arthur's family clnlniH connection with notiert Bruce, and he In the llrst, I believe, of his family, to be engaged in commercial pursuits. In New York he makes his home In Bast Tenth Street, and has a country place on Milton Point, near Ityo, Long Is? land Sound, while In London he tins a house on Porlman Square. That ex-Crownprlncess Stephanie of Austria (now Countess of Lonjay, and no longer regarded as a member of the imperlnl house of Ilapshurg, but mere? ly ns the wife of an ordinary Hungar? ian nobleman, whose titlo of count In of modern origin). Is destined to play once more a role of some Importance in tho dual empire, would appear from her recently developed Intimacy with the Duchess of Hohenberg, formerly Countess Chotek, the extremely clever consort of Archduke Francis Ferdin? and, next heir to tho throne. The duchess In Justly renowned as one of tho brainiest women In Austria Hungary, and has converted her hus? band from an indolent man. bent on pleasure and indifferent to things around htm, Into one of tho most Im? portant factors In national politics; <* man, Indeed, of such power that the flr6t question in everything, no matter whether it bo military, naval, political, administrative or social, Is, "What aro the views of the heir apparent about the matter?" Incidentally, It may be added, that ho has done for the Aus? trian navy. What tho present Kaiser has dono for that of Germany, namely, he has been Its creator. Tt will be very Interesting to learn what will develop from this new fledged Intimacy of Countess Lonjay and tho Duchess of Hohenberg. If nothing else, it may holp the countess to get oven with sevornl of the mem? bers of the house of Hapsburg, and even of tho great world of Vienna, court dignitaries and ofllcors of state. by whom ahe has been nubjert?j to affronts of many kinds since hor sec? ond marriage. The reigning Prince of Monaco's oc? tlon In Issuing a <lccreo legitimizing the flf tcen-year-old daughter of his only ?on, Crownprince LouIb, In an ltn portnnl event In this arnac; that II places her In the direct lino of suc? cession to tho principality of Monaco, always providing that her father does . not wed and have o son. The girl's name Is Charlotte, nnd tho reigning prince not only recognizes her as bis grandchild, but officially decrees that she Is from henceforth to be r?gardel as a full-fledged and legitimate prin? cess of his house, bestowing upm tv r I at the same time the title of .rjuchfss Ida Valentlnois. The Solle lav/ loot not evlst In Monsco. So there Is nothing to prevent young Charlotte do Valer tlnola from ascending the throne cf Monaco eventually oh sovereign prin? cess In her own right. I Ther*- have been a great many quar I rols ahout this young girl?first of all, between her father and her moth ! or. a Madame I.ouvet, the crownprince abducting ths girl from her mother 111 order to remove hor from unfortunuto surroundings mid to bring her up as a daughter ot his was entitled in be reared. Then, tho reigning Prince of Monaco objected to his 6on recognizing ! and acknowledging Charlotte as his daughter. Tho church wna Invoked in the matter, und decided in favor of the crownprince. After that, the reign? ing prince took such a liking to his grandchild, that he wished to hnvo sole control of her education, and to cut her off from nil further intercourse with his son, with whom ho had long been nt odds. Flnnlly, a complete re? conciliation has taken place between father and son. about the girl, and also [about other points of difference be | tween .them, and the recognition of Charlotte as a princess of Monaco Is the result. The n?mo of Valentlnois. and tho titles connected therewith, which wore onco owned by the lovely Diane do Poitiers, aro honors of French origin, and wore bestowed by King Louts XIV. i upon Iloiioro II., Prince of Monaco and ancestor of the present sovereign of the principality. Formerly the title of Duko of Valentlnois was always borne by the heir apparent of tho reigning Prince of Monaco; but the father of tho present ruler was tho last to do so, nrlor to his accession to the throne. Incidentally, the bestowal of this title of Duchess dc Valentlnois upon young Charlotte of Monaco serves to call attention to tho long forgotten fact that tho sovereign of Monaco, de? spite the small extent ot its area, has j tho samo right as tho monarchs of the greatest empires, to bestow what? ever titles of nobility he pleases; be It that of duko, prince, marquis, viscount I or baron. In Germany a certain restric? tion Is placed upon these bestowals of ! titles by the refusal of the courts of I Vienna and Berlin to recognize them j in a number of Instances, and even to allow them to be made use of In tho dual empire, or In tho Kingdom of Prussia. Thus, there have %becn sev? eral Germans who havo received titles of count and baron for pecuniary ser? vices rendered to this or that sovereign duke or prince of the petty German ' states, but who havo been punished ! with line, and even Imprisonment, for j making use of these titles at Berlin and Vienna, where they were looked upon and treated by the authorities 1 as tho most ordinary of bourgeois. ' (Copyright, 1911, by the Brentwood I Company.) Eleven Hundred and line East Main Street Is the temporary home of one of Richmond's old and tried banks?a Government, State and City Depository. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK