Real Contest to Wrest Govern?
ment From Control of Spe
, cial Interests.
Will Continue Appeals for Sup
pott of Progressive Re
i publicans.
Washington, D. <:., January r.?Sen
?vtor La r'oiletto, of Wisconsin, Up&U
his return to Washington lo-iiiBiit tryiii
an extensive campaign Uli? through
Ohio, Mlcmgan, Illinois and Inulana in
tho interest oi the Republican progres- |
elvo cHinputgu. said:
"Everywhere the people are aroused. |
The^- arc determined to have some voice
In tnelr government. They unuersiund
tho real contest to bo to wrest our gov?
ernment fioin tiio control of the spe- ,
ctal Interests.
"They are not only Interoated to
learn tho details of misrepresentation,
but entirely In favor of Instrument*!
which .-.hull give to thim th-: means
to compel real representative govern*
men I?the nomination of all cttndidnl' ??.
from coroner to l.'rcsldont, by direct
vote, the election bl United Ktat- s Sen?
ators by direct vote, the Initiative, r-;f
?lendUm and recall.
"The peoplo recognize that only
through the Instrumentalities can the I
'nereaslng concentration of business 1
and political control In th-: hands "I
a fe\ men be arrested and effective
measures devised und enforced to re?
establish the business of the country
upon a sound, honest, economic basin
of actual value, fair to big business
?ad to ?mall business alike and ]
to the public.
"It Is my intention to continue ?!?
appeals to the peoplo to support the
progressive Republican cause and to
take care of their own Interests. I
? hall return to Ohio. Michigan, Illi?
nois and Indiana, and go West ol the
Mississippi River to Kansas. Nobri ?
U.l. Iowa, the Dakotas and M'nncsot i.
I shall also mukn speaking trips Into
New England, into New York and j
other Eustern Stntea."
London and American I'lnnucler* >?>
Exploit Mineral Enterprise*.
London. January '???Should the 010. -
OOO.?60 trubt reported to be in forma?
tion by a well-known London finan?
cier and two powerful American
groups to exploit African mineral si d
Mnnnclnl enterprises, wdth special
ertne? to Rhodesien mining Inter, its.
become a reality, the African World
states thot It Is obvious that Its In?
fluence on Kal.irs and Rhodesien.- 11
bn Immediate and far-reach! tig.
Reports ore current In the city that
the Intention to create a dlnrr.": 1
share trust Is at the back of the Mg
buying movement of diamond shares
which has been aggressively renewed
tho past few days.
' .10 Sunday Observer says that B>r
nato brothers have been its prime
movers all along, and the fact tr.m
tho buying by them, on behalf of
De Beers Company, embraced shares of
some less known companies give? a
rather definite color to the story. The
absorption of tho Koffyfontoln, It says.
In a cann In point.
"It 's, perhap6. difficult to see. In
view of the government's controli'rif
interest in the profits," it adds, "how
34th St E, at Pari Ave.
Opens Jeaaerf H\
In Residential dtat^t <u>,
Murray Hill. Pou? sv????*
from N.Y. Cenv. KY,, EN. H
tr H and Paul*, Staiisav ia,
the heart of ihe theatre ar>4
shopping ditttlei. Scbv.iy m
tlen ad|oinli>g the hotel.
Smite Room with l?alh-i3, i t,
S3 and Id per d?V;
Double Rcvem with Ut?i $.?>,
SC. 5 7 and 10 per d*v.
Doubl? Weoioom with U-i:a:.;f
01 dretslnli.foorfl and Ublh^ff,
00. 09, 01 0 end tl 3 r^r iiiv:
.Suites?Salon. BcsniXMn, a^i
Change that old-fashioned, unsanitary
plumbing to the modern, Up-to-dato
sanitary fixtures. It means comfort
anl health to you.
MeGraw-Yarbrough Co.
Wholesale Plumbers' Supplies
133 South ElBbth Street, Richmond. \ ,,,
We make a specialty of Artistic'
W. Fred. Richardson,^
Stornier an* Tranafer Department.
Main and Bolvldero Sts.
Hauling, Packing and Storing Hljjr.
Grade Household Goods.
Phones: Madison 843, day; Montau
342. night.
See Our Great New Store
New and Stock.
Sydnor &
Seventh and Grace
tho Premier Company, which Is, of
course, tho chief oompetltor of Dc
Deers Company, can be brought Into
euch a combination, unites tho gov?
ernment Is willing to acccdo to tho
reorganization of existing conditions.
As mutters stand at prcaont the Pro
niler Company has been compelled to
dispose or Its output. Irrespectively of
trade conditions."
Daughter of Richard Croker
Brings Suit for Divorce
Against Husband.
New vork. January T.?Ethel Croker
Broen, daughter of Richard Croker,
has brought suit h?re tor absolute
divorce from John J. Dreen, the stable?
man she married April 28, 1B10. A
motion to frame tht Issues in the case
for trlul will soun be handed up in
the .Supreme Court.
It was made known yesterday that
the evidence on the trial will show
that detectives In the employ of nieh
urd Croker have been shadowing Xreen
for months, watching r.ny possible de?
parture from proper "behavior during
his Ion? separation trom his-..wife.
Among the places where these de.tee
tlvea say they got evidence I'JFt Au?
gust was the Hotel Orand Union* To?
ronto, and a. yacht clubhouse til
I'etcrboro, Canada.
llr'-<.n was trailed all over ru.:1,-iii
on his trips with the horsis belonging
to J. Ri Stralton, a member of parlia?
ment Bre.eh wlii defend the still v.g.
ofously through his attorneys. Olcott,
Orttber. Bonyngc & McManus. His
wife's lawyers are NI'-oll. Anable, Lind- .
vay ? ruller.
An '-ffort will ho made to k -ep toe
proceedings ns secret aB possible. Some
attempt at noerecy wa* revoaled ye.<
lerday, when report'-rr w;n'. to th<
county clerk's oflice verify their
Information that the s-.ilt bed been
tiled. The suit was ll-ited under a half
number in th<- county cle.'!<'.?? file*
This indicated t;iat th3 ? !erl: who re?
ceived the papeis 111 the suit for filing
bad k< ;,t th"-n hidden In B drawer for
a day or two until the current h!>
numbers had gone by. He had not
even had a tile number k?pt rt-servp-i
for r later private filing, at Is some?
time* dene b; clerks in the office.
Mrs. Urcen'a action preceded Brcen'i
mil or $100,000 against Richard Cro?
ker and her brothers for tho aliena?
tion of his wife's aff?ctior.e.
In this suit Bret-n traced life history
of hin rnarrtairo and related how his
wife was spirited out of the country
on the Adriatic within a month after
their marriage. At the time the alien?
ation suit was brought Mrs. Bre.-n was
said to be In Paris with her sister
Florence, the I)u-;i as dr. San Mar
tlno. *
In April !a:st ,t -Aas reported that
Mrs. Breen had brought ? suit In Hud
ton county, N. J.. for the annulment of
her rnar:-iage on the ground that ut the
time of her mairi^ge. by Justice of the
Peace Samuel Bnglcr, at Hoboken,
Rretn had falsely stated that he was a
resident of Sew Jersey. The til.ng of
tht- New York cult Indicates that the
New Jersey action hat been discon?
tinued. !
Both Mrs Bre.-n and her husband,
who was a riding teacher and stable?
man at I.?urland's. made many conlilct.
lng statements after their wedding.
Both of them at first dinled It. Late.
Breou admitted the reports, and de
rlurod bitterly thut he had made a
mistake in der.plng the wedding, be
ctuee his denials maae It easy for his
wife's family to separato them.
HAT IX dog's SKIX.
Prominent French Society Woman Vic- }
tlm of Remarkable Fraud- |
Paris, January 7.?The ronowai of
the fanhlen lor small dogs has just
led to a remarkable case of fraud, the
victim of which la one of the best
known women In Paris socloty. It
should be known that toy dogs have
once again come into special favor
In Paris, partly on account of the
restriction of the tramways and un?
derground and district railways con?
cerning the right to take a dog with
cne while traveling a'oout tho olty.
Tho very largo muff so mueh in
fashion has given many women an
excellent ni"ans of evading the diffi?
culty, while otherB buy aiik bags spe?
cially made for tho purpose to carry
their Belgian grlffonB from place to
place. Nevertheless, the demand for a
? mailer dog ts constantly growing.
Walking up and down the fashion?
able e'do of the Avenue de Bols de
Boulogne the other morning was a
man who had several toy dogs to 6how
off, ostensibly for sale. Ono of the
smallest of them was a particularly
diminutive specimen of the griffon.
Finally a woman stepped up to ask Its
price. The men made the little dog
perform seVe1! 1 tricks, and then, af?
ter some m. iUie?' conversation, In?
formed her that ho had a still more re?
markable specimen in hla coat pocket.
He then fished out a little creature
scarcely more than half tho size of the
The woman concluded what she
thought was a bargain and what the
man 'sold was i sacrifice, She put the ,
little oik- In her shiift", went oft" to
luncheon, and o.> getting home again
:>ulled him out from his hiding. For
a minute or two th,.- animal showed
fear, but then; t? her great amazemer,;
and that of her servant, the little grif?
fon suddenly started toward the win
low and ran up one of the curtains
with the speed and agility no; at all
unlikj the best known o/jalltles of
mouse. The butler and footman wer
balled, and there was an exciting
chase'about the drawing room before
the little wonder was captured. The I
new owner was, then rather more hor- '
rifled than surprised to find that her j
griffon was nothing eise but a rathe.- j
oVersized rat vhat had been sewed !nlu> |
A dog's> Akin
Signs t'P '?T Mnety-Xinc Years.
Following the move nia.lo yoars ago
by Weber and Fields, Shield and Root, i
two Richmond dancers, who have cov-j
o-ed al! dancing territory east of tho!
Mississippi Fiver, have decided to split, j
Bhelld-FIWhugh McCabe?started his
! dancing days In this B.lty, and after j
winning all the prizes offered on am- l
I a tour nights at tho motion picture
houses h? was barred on the ground |
that he was u near-prbfes?l?hhl. That
was exactly what ho was clogging fo/.
so ho set out?with Root?to go upon >
the reu! vaudeville stage, and while It,
j lasted the going was good. W ord |
Comes now from Ohio that Hhelld and
the Duplt-r Sisters. Who did a whirl
I wind turn at the vaudeville theatres
In Richmond, have .been sicrned up for
ninety-nine years, and they will shorl
lv put on a sketch which winds up with
the scarcecrow dance. Root quit tv.e
utugc and went to work in Cincinnati!
but the senior member of the firm still
has the bug. fo he Iirs taken on twa
DtiPler Sisters, of Columbus. O.. and
thuvvnr? soon to step unnn tho big
1 clroult the contract specifying that
'sb'lld Is to carry the bidder.
Write a Four Line Jingle Now and Win a Prize
oys and Girls Are Sending Them In Rapidly
This contest is absolutely Free.
All First Week Jin^l? must be delivered at the
Purity ice Cream Corporation's office, Jefferson
and Carv Streets, not later than 12 o'clock 'I httrs
day, January 11, 1912.
Tin- name of lite First Prize Winner will be
published Friday, January 12th; the Second
Prize winner will be published Saturday, January
iJtli; the Third Prize winner Sunday, January
14th, and each day thereafter the name <>l a prize
winner will be- published in rotation until the
seven prize winners of the FIRST week contest
have been Printed.
A soon as the lir.-i week contest closes (Thurs?
day, January 11th. at. noon) ihr SECOND, week
contest will begin on that date and iiour. Thus:
After the first lot of Jingles have been received
there wfll be daily announcement of prize
winners, in rotation, for the preceding week's
contest, and v.e will receive entries for the next
week's contest.
Jingles mu=t be written plainly on one side of
tin- paper only.
jingles mutt not be more than four lines-.
Write ae many Jingles as you plta3e.
Fach Jingle m?st contain the words "Velvet
Kind" and refer to ice cream.
Each Jinijle must be written on a separate
piece of paper.
Deliver as above personally or by mail, sign full
name and residence addres?.
It's pure and sweet and wholesome,
These three and more, 'twould seem,
The answer's clear; just listen,
It's Velvet Kind Ice Cream.
You Write One-To-Day
no it in before 12 Noon, Thursday,
january 1 Uh. You may win one or more of
i L
d it
the first week prizes.
First Prize?Best Jingle, 55.00 and one
gallon Velvet Kind Ice Cream.
Second Prize?Next best Jingle, $4.00
and one gallon Velvet Kind Ice Cream.
Third Prize?Next best Jingle, $3.00
and half gallon Velvet Kind Ice Cream.
Fourth Prize?Next best Jingle, $2.50.
Fifth Prize?Next best Jingle, $2.00.
Sixth Prize?Next best Jingle, $1.50.
Seventh Prize-r-Next best Jingle, $1.00.
The above list of prizes, Cash and the
Velvet Kind Ice Cream, will apply to each
week's Jingle Contest until further notice.
See Rules and Conditions. Read them
AM CORP., Jefferson and Gary Sts., Richmond, Va,
Watch Our Ad. Daily.
Write a Jingle To-Day.
Prize winners will be announced
daily, beginning Friday, Janu?
ary 12th -the first prize winner
one day, the second prize winner
the next day, and so on.
Phone Mon. 1862
You Have Four Days for
Your First Jingle
Entries for tbe FIRST week con?
test closes at 12 o'clock noon
Thursday, January llth. Write a
four-lino verse and send it in
Phone Mon. 1862
- i
Clark Howell Says Time Has
Come for Dixie to "Quit j
Hanging Back."
Washington. January v.?Calling up-j
on the South to rid liself of the ob-'
session that a Southern mar. cannot be
elected President, Clark Howell. of
Georgia, oldest coniimuoernan In point'
of service on the Democratic National I
Committee, rearhe-d Washington to-day
and set politicians thinking about the.
??favorite sons" below Mason and Dlx-j
on's line.
"The South has been eating in the)
kitchen for fifty years." said Mr.'
Howell. "Now that we have been in -1
vitod to come up In the parlor we all'
hold back, while the rest of the coun-J
try !s willing." ? i
Mr. Howell has committed himself to1
none of the candidates now in the race
for the Democratic nomination, out his
general review of the situation will
bring cheer to the supporters of Oscar
Underwood, Champ Clark and other
candidates who do not come from "up
North." . i
Cull* It Struuso.
"It's a strang': thing." said Mr.
Howell. "The t-outb has been doing
::enEiicf for fifty ycors and iv? have
held tenaciously to the prejudiced Idea
that It would [be u political blunder
to nominate a man from our section.
The North, and other sections of the
country, have long alnce forgotten this
old obseusiou. but H still lingers In
the South.
"A friend walked Into my office the
other day. 1 uakt-<i him whom he
favored for President. He named one
of the Southern nien mentioned, but he
riualllled his indorsement with this
significant ?t?temoiil:
" '1 wns for this Southerner, but
since 1 ctv.ne to Atlanta everybody
holds up hands In horror and laments
the fact that a Southerner cannot be
"I wonder how long we are to be
burdened with this peculiar Idea which
exists nowhere else in the country?"
asked Mr. Howell.
"The President named a riouthernor
tor the chief Justiceship; he appointed
a Georgian to the highest bench: he
has just selected a South Carollnlun
to head the Marine Hospital Service;
Southern men are being named for Im?
portant position^ every day, but dow.i
our way the people stiii cling to tho
olii fetU' that a Southern man cannot
'ja President."
?t? York for lllni.
Mr. H Interview is slgniitcartt
when placed parallel with that of a
member of the Now York delegation
In the House, who said:
'?The Now York delegation in tho
convention would swing to Oscar Un?
derwood after the first few ballots if
th? South would only keep his name
before tho convention und put up a
light for his nomination. 1 am not a
supporter of L'hderwood at this time,
but there Ik no denying the fact that
lie Is gradually gaining strength all
over the country.
"Other sections have forgotten that
there wc3 a war; they would rather
vote for Underwood than somu of the.
candidates proposed, but the South,
still clinging to an obsession that hau
prevented the nomination of a South?
ern man for a half century, hold.s
back and harms Itaelf. It Is tlrrin for
tho South to tvake up: to eome out of
the trance."
Thore Is no den) Inj- the fact thai
thore Is considerable L'nderwood talk
ay tho Democrats gather in Washing?
ton. His nome was mentioned along
?with ?hose of Wilson, Harmon and
Clark to-day. one delegate expressing
the conviction that Underwood Is gain?
ing strength dally, and that Wilson
and Harmon "have each lost 35 pc?
cent, of their support" In the last
sixty days.
Man Clolmlnc lo lie HrolHrr-ln-l.avr of
Brodle \A Duke Arrested In Vtibevillc.
Ashcville. N. C. January 7.?Charged
with forging the name of a former
county commissioner to a note for $50,
upon which he received the money at
a loci- bank Clarence B Rochelle, of
Durham. N. C, who declares that he
Is a brother-tn-law of Brodle l> Duke,
of that city, was arrested h-re vester
day, and Is now In the Runcombe
Countv Jail in default of a bond of
The alleged forger has bejn a guest
at a local boarding house for several
days, and has been in search of em?
ployment in this city, it |a reported.
Macon, Ga., January 7.?While check?
ing up his day's receipts l\ II. Smith,
ticket agent at the Union station, to?
night was held up by two white men. .
who maoe their escape wjth between
J1.50O and 12,000 lit --ash. The rob?
bers overlooked two sacks containing
about 9300 In sHver.
Smith's attention wab attracted when i
a voice said, "Look here!" Turning j
about he round himself covered with ;
a revolved. The other robber then*'
bound and gjgeed him. After raking in j
all the paper money in sight the rob- I
bers made their escape.
Th* ticket windows had been closed
for the Slight, and the men had en?
tered by a side door. None of the
station employes saw them enter or
depart, and there is no clue to the
identity of the robbers.
IVants to Climb Mountain
Wife of Professor II. Parker," who I? to ntnke his third attempt tl conquer
Mount McKinley. Mra. Parker wished to accompany her husbnnd on hi* per?
ilous, trip, but no uuionnt of pernuu ?Ion would Induce him to permit her |
to aii?r,. fite dauaera which hr will encounter. . 1
Formed for Merger of Valuable
Water Power Sites in Georgia
and Carolinas.
Atlanta. Ga., January ???Announce?
ment was made here to-day that a
bonus of $123 In (stock In the new
Georgia. Railway and Power Company
will be given to each shareholder In
the Georgia Railway and Electric
Company, a local corporation, for the
lease of that company. It Is stated
that ?10,040.000 of the new company will
be necessary for this purpose. The
Georgia Railway and Power Company
Is capitalized at $2 7.000,000 and plans
io merge a half-dozen valuable water
power 3ltcs In Georgia und the Caro?
The mannor in which the huge stock
i.-ii>ue will be applied is announced as
follows: $2.000,000 first preferred 0 per
Forcen??: Virginia?Incrcoelng cloud
In cm, followed by rsoit late .Monday
uftrrnnou <>r alghtt Tuesdny snow, uutj
finite no cold. luorenNUig cast winds.
North Carolina?IncrenuliiK nloudt
nr.v fullowrd O? anon late- Monday nf- ,
feraoon or nlgbt: Tueedny rain, fol-1
lowed by elcoriug uud colder; moderate
to brink east nindn.
.Special Local Outn for Yesterday, j
12 noon temperature . in 1
P. M. temperature . 34
Maximum temperature up to & i
P. M. 31 I
Minimum temperature up to &
IV M. Iii'
Mi un temperature . "4 !
Normal tempeinture . ^ I
Deficiency In temperature . 14 1
Deficiency in tcmpdrature since
Mulch 1 . 110,
Accum, deficiency in temperature
since Jaiiunry l . . 50
Rainfall last twenty-four hours.. .'J3
Deficiency In rainfall since March
1. lttll . u.sT
Accum, doflclcnoy in rainfall since
January i . i;
Local tUikcrvntlon S P. M. Yenterdny.
Temperature . 20
Humidity . 75
Wilid?direction .N. E.
Wind?velocity . s
Weather .?.Clear
conditions in importa.vt cities.
(At S r M. Knstern Standard Time, i
Fine*. Thor. H. T. U.T. Weather.
Asheville _ 21 32 24 Clear
Atlanta . 34 3S 21 Clear
Atluntlc City. 16 IS is Clear
Boston . 10 12 - Cleat
Buffalo . 2 J 2 C'iear
Calgary . 20 2 4 Cloudy
Charleston .. 40 4e 32 Clear
Chicago . -2 -3 -H Clear
Denver . 4 *. -2 Cloudy
Duluth .-IS -18 -34 rioudv
Qalveston ... 34 2s itoln
Hat.terns .... S3 10 ::; Clear
Havre . pj pj -l Cloudy
Jacksonville.; it; .". i |i ituin
Kansas City.. -4 -l -to p. cloudy
Loulsvillo ... 4 l -s P. (load
Montgomery.. .1?; :is CleaT
Now Orleans. 10 12 40- Raiu
Now York- ic 20 Ifi Clear
Norfolk . 76 32 22 Clear
Oklahoma ... 30 20 ??> Clear
Pittsburgh l s 4 Cleat
Raleigh . 34 10 IS Cloar
St. Louis - 0 o -10 Cloudv
SI. Paul .-it -!:: -2ii Cloudy
San Francisco 53 5-1 :<o Cjotidy
Savannah ... -!0 I" 31 ".jCloudv
Spokane . ti 16 . 2 Clear
Tampa . el ? ? 10 51 Clear
Washington.. 16 24 to Cloar
Winnipeg: ... -S -4 -24 P. cloudy
WythevlUe .. .12 21 .. Clear.
cent, stock to buy and cancel tho
$1,000,000 stock of tho Atlanta Water
and Electric Power Company, owners
of "null Sluice"; 110.000,000 BOCOnd
preferred 4 per cent, stock as bonus
to shareholders of the Georgia Ruil
way and Electric Company; 910,000,000
common stock to acquire title in the
new Georgia Power Company, and
$5,000,000 common stook to acquire
additional water powers, organization,
fees and othar expenses.
The State Railroad Commission has
authorized the full stock Issue, and the
work of organization. It. Is stated, will
proceed as rapidly as possible.
AuDtinl Election of Oflicera.
Ashevllle, N. G, January 7.?At t ie
annual oloction of otllocra of the AShe
viUe Club, which was held last night,
the following wcro chosen for tho
coming year: l-'resldent. .1. W. Studei'i
Vlce-Prcsident, .1. G. Merrlmon; Secre?
tary and Treasurer, William J. Fitz?
gerald; Executive Committee, W. it.
Patteraon, Daviri Gudger and John a.
Nichols. After the election of olli
rers, tho members of the club enjoyol
one of the moi>t sumptuous aprotii's
in the history of the organization.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Has No Equal.
Antiseptic, Purifies, Cleanser.
Make- gums hard ami healthy \
delightful mouth trash.
Druggists, 51? E. Broad.
Mad. 3199. Hourly Deliveries.
commemorating this site of
; Richmond Machine Works, Inc.
Successors to
I Mad. 118?. mo* ?. Main St.
Why pay money j.nu atUl jjfTsr? Tr> *t