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Greater Richmond's Greater Newspaper WIBATEST WANT AND I1K.m, US TA TIS MEDIUM IN VIKGI.NIA. ANW ONE OK THIfl ?BST IN AMBlUOil, Want Ad Rate* In effect June 11,1911. Dally, one ceut per word when wald In advance. No Ad. taken for leas tiiau ?tn cvnta. Ono and one?half cents a ivord all claaslflcatlona except Situation Wanted fur Sunday. Situation Wanted, out cunt ? word. No Ad. Sunday tnUeu (or !??? ?Uun ntteen ceute. No Ad?, taken for than twenty ?vc ccutit when phoned In or charged at the counter. 1'tione ordera nut guaranteed. Clansltlcatlon uut auaxuntccd attei ? i:w 1?. si. Kor buataeaa contracts, aead lot the w'am Ad. pbuue Slunroe u_ sLWt an'o jrouno tf&ftiri^'uciiiiS. no -i^ri^itteir mond tor NortolK uuoul 3u ycare ago, contracted yellow fever and died. Information leading to relatives on j Weber or llu?baru hUIo will pleas?. notify ic. M. aU KU Kit, Law Olllee, IU7 ; East Market Street, CharloltesvlUe, i '?a. ? Ijdp CCJtanteD, a?ale ^^AsTkTu.'"b uirXC ?"~A?i'iMi.^Al?LE: bodied, unmarried men, between age* ot 18 and 30; citUons of United dtstes, of good character and temperate hab? its, who ensi el'eak, rcail and write the English language. For informa iion, aic>ly to itecrultlng Otllcei. S?O East Dh... l Street, ltlchmond. Va. *W A N ^[B?TIy?Uvla ?J3N:TO LKaRS the auiomobllu business; poelllona aucurud conrvclcni graduatus. UlCli MU.ND A?'l'r HCUUOi? uUJ Urauaiu Btreet._ 7.0uo OOVEKNMKNT JOBS OPEN. Write for free Hut. FItANKMN IN? STITUTE. Dopt. 376-l, KuchVBlor. N. Y._ YOU' A Uli w7\N~niIi FOR OOVBRN m^nl Job; ISO inunth; sand puatal f'jr lUt or positions op?,n. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 375-l. Rochester, N. Y,_ feituationo tUantrb, *&aU rWA^TED? "posit i on UV "e xt' e ill en"3 cd bookkeeper imd general olllce man. Address d t>s6, caro Timon DUpatch. _ Xiou8k~*paintek nbeds work, iq years at the trade. Cull or drop U card to me. 212 Baft Main Street., Richmond. Va._ _i [Wanted, position ?"h shippino clerk, good icference ua to ublllty. Ilox 1R.1. city._ &ttuation0 ttrtantf?, j-rmale 5C LAtlY DESIRES"i^BlTto3T^?Afl stenographer; good references fur? nished. Address Box 043, Warrenton, n c._ ~ &?Tfc?ore~?nb ~fea Irsnuri und printing salesman. State experi? ence and territory travelled. knox VILLE LITHOOHAPHWa co.. Knoi vllle, Tenn._ ?wflS?tdti: foV&Jtz STSKT?tE?T in~hi 'ck t s gh a m^" GolfJP ty. good 750-acro farm; only about four miles from railroad station, near j church and good schools; also near Store und mill. This farm la well ! adapted to corn, wheat and fruit, and Is well wnterod and about 200 acre- of standing limber. Have Just refused Jl.t'JO for the hickory tlm; alio from 3.000 to 4.001 feet of poplar limber. Place could bo puld for in cord wood from the place. This U well worth 120.000. hut If riold lit once can be bought for flS.000. Has good house on It, and most all of necessary outside build? ings. Easy terme and best of rea BO| ? fur (?elllnif. Address k 739, care Time i-Dlspatch. Richmond. Va. ISUal C?tatc f-ot Bent If? a VTED7^TEV.CNlrT^l^M^OT^iT .-trnhlo wholesale house near Four? teenth and Cary Streets. Rent very attractive. Bldetraek on corner. D. OaULUVAN, Madison 203^_ 6IX-ROOM HOUSE; UP-TO-DATE: Barton Heights Phon* Madison t?C-2-J._ SoatMng ? if a"l l "i^rdIntTTi ou s eT "TTea son - able rates. 1003 West Grace Street. K EMBERS of THE L^?Ts1JaT?"RE will And flrst-class rooms and 'coard at MRf). A. B. CAMM'B. 320 East Graoe. &oom0 Jf?tTRcnt lfr^CY^'URNISHEr5~ROOMS week up; central. 808 Bast Clay. LARO K. BRIGHT, FRONT ROOMS; good size single rooms, with wrate. M North SlNth. _ >V ANTED, GENTLEMAN OCCUPANT for nicely furnished room, convenient to bath; centrally located; references. Phone Madison 6071._ caantfo WANTED, YOU TO KNOW THAT THE EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY 18 A STRONG COLLATERAL BANK; CAP? ITALIZED AT S3O0.O00. ALL BUSI? NESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. SECOND FLOOR, BRYAN BUILD? ING, EIGHTH AND BROAD STREETS. A beautiful, HEALTHY qirl] baby, about one and a half years old. will be given for adoption to] responsible couple. Apply to II 660,1 care Tlmeu-Dlspntch,_ wante'd. burroughs adding" ma chlne; must be In good condition. Kindly state lowest price and full particulars. h 6c7, care Tlmes-Dls _patch._ .wanted, to borrow $5.000 at b per cent, for four yearK on Improved city real estate; nrst mortgage given. Address L ?$?, care Times - Dispatch. WANTED. to buy for CA3H HOUSE hold goods In any guiiniKy. Phone Madison 3851. DELICIOUS AND "?T'PETIZINtI TAY-S ? lor's pork roll, at your irrocrr'-'. 1 ittTSian '"h?iiT"*twtjTiTiT"""ANu "s67d ni HUOHI?a'R 30? Nortl; Third TRUE ECONOMY.1* NO BONE OIt FAT. Tavlor's pork mil, ut your grocer's C?iil an? ?liooD IF ' ! I lAi> * ALL Ti U;r"TESTlaigni AlTS of good housekeepers ami the few men of good Judgment that express theinselyos amout i^oncvs wood it would bo int'-restlnu an-l worth even more than 10 cents. If you will or iler this week or next ( will send dry onk ami pine and tho best oak and ,,lne slabs ever ?oUI and coal that burns. long's, l^lifi West flroad. LvJUiiiu t.UtinfcU WXS'fiS'DT ^I^?^^G^ufcvfSHED rooms, centrally located, south of Broad. Ajldress 1205 1-2 West Main. ^fTnED LADY wishes RO?if, WITH or without board. In refined family lietwecn 000 and l.f.OO blocks west. * References exchanged. Phono Madi? son 3781. _ automobilts lor S>ale weil runabout: used as demonstrator: annlnment complete. Apply MANAS II G-ViJ MOTOR U.\n CO., Mnnassas, Va. DAILY PUZZLES What kin? of paper? ANSWER TU VKSTKRDAY'S PUZZLE. Poker, 6'01 fealr i ^W^^N^'^T? '^S?IT roI\ aUSBBU : tires put on pronptly, at RICHARD? I BON,'BROS'?. 616 Brook .Vvnnu?. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS delivered In Virginia and North Car ollno, 11.40 por thousand, sure ncud ors; bunchod In lots of ?U plants. ENTERPRISE PLANT CO., Meggens. : a c._ FINE CARRIAGES. 'BUSINESS BUG gle?, all kinds ot wagons, carriage' and wagon repairs, automobile re? pairs, automobile painting. Good work. Kousoiiublo prices. W. O I HM ITH &. CO, i 14 N. Klfth Street. TWO .SECOND-HAND RUNABOUTS, one top buggy and several wagons, til In good repair and patuted. , oru baigulns. A. MEYER'S SONS. 731 _East Cary Street. KOTT SALE. MY GENERAL! MEIlCAN tile business In Sussex county, forty- ! five mllo? of Ulchuiond: right miles of the Atlantic r;oa<,t Line; aljt miles of th<5 .Southern Railway; an estab? lished stand of twenty-fivo years: fifteen to twenty thousand dollars' trade; books open to Inspection to any ono that means business; four to live thousand dollar stock, which can be reduced to suit buyer If they wish; terms will be made very easy. Address: II 651. care Times-Dispatch. NO ?r??ch AT BREAK FAST TIME. Just slloe and fry Taylor's pork roll. At ye?ur grocsr's. YOU, ALWAYS FILL THE BIDE WHEN you ?*nt Btnlthtlcld sauaugc. F0R~SIA LB, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF business wagons, top and open, for every use. Lowest prices. Easv terms. A. MEYERS SONS. f?OtfC(0 El3cTTtTc^garageT^MM-TaN*d~ m ?ES Etreetti.?Wo have opened an up-to date and well-equipped electric gar? age for tho care of electric vehicles and storage bnltarlcs. RAUCH * LANG ELECTRICS, WA verley electrics, Phone for a dem? onstration, and let Mr. Smith t.-ik wttb you. W. C. SMITH 4 CO.. Vino and Main. SI 4 M. I fth Street. TAKE NOTICE! I HAVE THIS DAY appointed I". P. Wright my agent to conduct the bakery business at 2000 Venablo Streiet. to buy and sell for cush only. W. R. ROBINS. January C. 1012;_ JEST THE RIGHT THING IN THE right place. Taylor's pork roll. At your grocer's. WANTKD. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that JAHNKE BROS., Jewelers. 912 East Main Street, buy. Bell, axehasgO and remount dlumonds In the latest styles. Old goiv, and silver always taken In exchange. 23tt0?iu00 ?bpjiocrunitUg loXns""5n diamonds] jewelry, silverware, etc., at legal rate of interest. pawnbrok? ers' tickets redeemed. busi? ness confidential equitable loan society. eighth and broad 8treets. bryan bldg. salesmen. BANKERS. BROKERS. DESIRED to co-OPERATE IN THE organization of a hlgh-clata business proposition. Charter and large amount capital already secured. Has International scope and already as? sured successful operation tual prom? ises exceptional profits. Board of directors consists of bankers In live Southern States, treasur.-rs of two largest railroads and others. In? dorsements unlimited. Personnel of stockholders commands additional capital. Thia proposition offers un? limited opportunities to high-class salesmen, bankers and brokers re? gardless of location. Salesmen must furnish reference and complete In? formation regarding former employ? ment, etc. Territory will he assigned and protected. Address PRESIDENT, P. o. Box No. S37. Norfolk. Va. GOOD WILL AND FIXTURE3 OF AN established dental practica in small town, with exceptional country trade, no opposition. Reason for leaving, have taken office In city. This can be bought cheap. For full particu? lars address i>R C. L. D EVAN BY, Clarksvllle. Va._ MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS AND Jewelry at lowest rat's of Interest No charges for storage. N. F. JA? COBS & SON. 218 N. Ninth Street. JUST PHONE I S IF YOUR GROCER does not keep Taylor's pork roll. P. A. HE IN OLE & CO.; pisjtjbujprs._ COURT BALE OF~A~VALCABLE DAIRY and stock farm In Orange and Atbe mar'.e counties. Virginia. On FEB? RUARY I. 1911, we will offer for solo at public auction cue of t"ie tinost dairy and slock farms and equip? ment in the celebrated Piedmont sec? tion of Virginia, containing 305 acres. Experts have pronounced the farm a most valuable location for extensive orchards, including the celebrated Albemui'10 pippin apple, Buildings now and modern. For descriptive book? let and other information write to OEO. L. BROWNING and V. R. SH ACKELFORD, Special Commls sinnei.i. OratigO; V "a shoe" it Iii 'air ing. 75c. HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES, 60c. ladies: every pair sower; best leath? er; no noils, m pegs. Jtoyal rub? ber heels. 25c: Tred-Air rubber heels. *0c,j lentbcr heels rebuilt like now, 20c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 7IC E. Main. Phone Mon? roe, 26C7._ UPIlbLSTBRJNO. FURNITI'l;i: REPAIRED AND POL Ished. nuittrc-sscs renovated, antiques bouctbt and sold. LEVY, tho Uphol? sterer, I2."i Weist Broad. "~"irlottf 4?oc ISUnt FOUR-KOOM FLAT. WITH BATH, 517 West Clav? Street, second iloor, ;i per month; unexplred lease; owner leaving city February 1. Apply 417 West .Clay. __ FOR RENT. FLAT OF THREB.ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. Applv A; M. WALKUP, JR., No. 301 S. Fourth Htreot. The Valentino Museum ELEVENTH AND clay STREETS. ? Open tally rrom 10 \. m. to i V. m. Admission, '..'Go. Free on Saturdays. ECHO OF M'CUE CASE IN SUPREME COURT Liability of Insurance companies for Policies on Lives of Men Executed for Murder May Be Decided This Week vVaahlngton, January 7.?"With mono I than 100 cases undor consideration, the I Supreme Court of the Unltod States Is oxpectcd to hand down many lmpor I tant decisions Tuoeday, when It prob? ably will announce opinions aifter tho holiday recees. Moro light may ho shed on the anti? trust problem by decisions In the St. Louis brhU: ? case, tho "hard coal" suit against the. -principal anthracite coal carrying railroads arid, coal-producing companies or Pennsylvania, and the "cotton corner" case, arising out of I transactions on tbe New York Cotton i Exchange. Tho validity of several F?deral laws may be determined. Foremost among I ihass Is the employers' liability law. which has been under consideration by j the court since last February. A sec? ond decision rnuy be rendered regard I lug tho validity of the "Cannock amendment" to the lnterstat? com | inercu lawe. wheroby Initial carriers wero made liable for damages or loss of goods, whether occurring on their I lines or those of connecting carriers. Tho fntc of a score or more of State j laws may bo decided. Of these, the constitutionality of the Orogon . Ini? tiative and referendum system has at? tracted tho most attention, because tho ruling of tho court will be applicable to lav/e In nearly halt tho Stsles of tho Union. Foreign corporation law? of Kansas, New York and Texas may b3 passed upon. Othor laws under consideration arc the "hours of service law" for rull road employes In the Stafo t>f Wash? ington; the Missouri antitrust law; the North Dakota drainage law; tho Kan? sas "black powder" law: the New York Iraner tax law; tho Montana law tax? ing hand laundries; the North Caro? lina law regulating the receipt of goods by railroads, end the Arkansas law, requiring railroads to pay within thirty days claims for live stock killed by trains. Several gcnornl question* of law may bo decided, such as the validity of the transftr or allotted lands by thousands of Oklahoma Indians, and the liability of Insuranco companies for policies on the llvos (<f men executed for murder. The latter point arose In the c.ise of .1. Samuel McCue. Mayor of f'.harlottes vltle, Va.. who was executed in lPOB for the murder of his wife. News of Petersburg. Th-; Timea-Dispat i. Bureau, ?> BolllngbrOOh Street. Phone JIS5. Petersburg, V?,, January 7. Robert Gllllairi, .lr,, member ot tlio i House of Delegate? from this city, will vote against an enabling act to sub? mit tile question of State-wide -prohlhi tlon to a vote of th* people, lie be? lieves in the principle of Viral option, as <lo tho great majority of his con? stituents. Mr. Gllllarn is also opposed to the renewal of the penitentiary con? vict contract. Senator P. H. Drewry, of this district, while he has not pub? licly committed himself, will. It Is bo lleved, oppose both the enabling act an,l the convict contract. Senator Hchbs, of Prince George, and Delegate Thomas E. Clarke both favor option, with regulations. Oe the best m?ans of controlling the liquor traffic. Six Inches of Snow. Snow fell to depth of between six and seven Inches here last night. The ground was dry and hard frozen, and there was no melting of the snow as It fell. There was good sleighing during S^CEtflltJ? Headquarters, Commander)' ot St Andrew-. No. 13, Knights Templar. Richmond, Va., .lanunrv 0. 1S12. j XG BNERA L ORDERS: ?Sir. Knights,?Attend a stated conclave Of tho commandery at your asylum In the Masonic Temple. MONDAY. Slh Inst.. at 7:45 o'clock P. IL, In citizen's dress. Members of Richmond Commandery. I No. 2. and all transient Sir Knights are J courteously Invited to be present. By order of the Eminent Commander. J. O. HANKINS. Attest: Captain -i 1 en oral. GEORGE C. JEFFERSON; _Recorder. The Savings Bank of Richmond. 111" E. Main Street, Klebmond. Va. 1 THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this bank will be held at the banking house THURSDAY, .January 11, at 4 P. M.I _JAP. M. HALE. Cashier. I THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I stockholders of the Virginia State! Fair Association, Inc.. will be hold JANUARY t, 1012, st 6 P. M.. In the Assembly Room. Murphy's Hotel. Richmond. Va. W. DOUGLAS GOR? DON, Secretary._ I Virginia State Insurance Company, Richmond, Va., December 29. 101L THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE etockholcrs of this company will be held at the office of the company, in the city of Richmond. Vn., on THURSDAY, January 25. 1512, at 13 i o'clock noon. WILLIAM R, MILLER, _;_Treasurer, j Bank of Commerce and Trusts. I Richmond, Va., December 28. 1911. ?THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of tho stockholders of this bank will be held at Its banking rooms, No. 001 East Main Street, on TUESDAY,! January &. 1912. at n a. m. RO. M. KENT. JR., I _Cashier, j Richmond, Va., December 16. 1911. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the*, stockholders of the Union Bank of Richmond. Vs., will be held on THURSDAY, January 11th, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, ot their banking house, 1107 East Main Street. GEORGE W. CALL. _Cashier. Richmond, Va., December 8, 1011, ! THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of thy Planters' Na? tional Bank, ot Richmond, Va., will be held at 12 o'clock M. on TUES? DAY. January 9, 1012, In the bank building. RICHARD H. SMITH. j Cashier. National State a: d City Bank"! j Richmond, Va. ! I THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of th'y bank will be held TUESDAY; January 'j, ms \ at 12 o'clock noon. In tho bank build i ing, 1109 E. Main St., at which h?ec*> mg there may be considered una I adopted changes or amendments of I the articles of association. I I JULIEN H. HILL, Cas'.Her. National Bunk or Virginia, i Richmond. Va., December ?, 1011. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING I of tho stockholders of the National I Bank of Virginia will be held TUES? DAY, 'January f>, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, at their banking house, cornur Ninth and Main Streets, Richmond. Va. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TilL stockholders of the First National Bank of Richmond, Va., for the elec? tion of directors and for such other business as may properly come beiJro said mooting, will be held in tiie di? rectors' room of said bank, No. tint East Main Street, Richmond. Va.. 12 o'clock noon, TUESDAY, January oth, 1912. JOHN M. MILLER, JR., _Cashier. Virginia Trust Company. Richmond, Vs., December 27, 1911. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE atockholders of this company will bo held at the oltice of the company in the city of Richmond, Va., ou TUESDAY, January ic, 1010, at 12 o'clock noon. L. D. AYLETT, _Secretary. Richmond. Va., January 4, ifii2. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stoekhold'-r? of the Christo Manufac? turing Company, of Richmond, Va.. for the election of directors and for such other business as may proparly come before said mooting, will be held at the office of t'no company at 130 Virginia Street, 4 P. M. MONDAY. January lf>. Business of much Im? portance will eonio before this meet? ing and every stockholder Is urged to be present. (Signed;, IL B, CHRISTIAN. VrosldouL to-rtny, and n number of slashing Partien wtro out enjoying the rides. Valuable Hing llccoverrd. A valuable diamond ring was stolen about October 1 from the room of Miss Spencer, a tralnod nurse at tho Peters- j burg Hospital, and last night It war] recovered. A negro boy entered o ] pawn store on Sycamore Street and borrowed a dollar on a ring. The ring , was sesn to be so valuable that the police were at onco notlftud of the transaction by tho pawnbroker. A de? scription of the boy was given, and he was so?n niter arrested at, a colored moving picture snow. Through him tho possession of the ring was traced I to a tecond party, nnd thence to a I third, a young nusro woman named j Heathen Henuur.'on, ivho waa arrested I as tue tine;'. The Henderson girl was In tnu liaDit Of taking clothes from tu: hospital to bu launuercd by n?r mother, ana on thu day the ring was lust was in Miss Spuncor's room. Sje denies the charge of stealing the ring, und ex? plained thut sue :ound It in a basket of cioihes. Tho ring U valued ut I15i>. Felonious Cutting mid Anauull. Arcnie Thomas, a negro, was ar- j icsied lasi night on a aoublc charge I of telonious culling and ussaull. Tho truublo occurred ut a pool room on Halifax Street and about a trivial I mailer. Hubert Harris was cut over the lefi templu and on thu left check j by Thomas, and llulua Meads, who be? came interested In the game, was ! knocked in the head with u small Iron bunk, thrown by Thomas. Ulu scalp waa cut open: Neither of the negroes is seriously hurt. I'crHonu] and Otherwise. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mcl. RulBn and Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Worth left last even? ing lor Savannah. Ua., to attend thu wedding of Lieutenant W. R. Nicl'.ols. U. S. Ah to Miss Josephine Stevens, of Savannah, which is to take place on Wednesday. Lloutenant Nichols Is h i native of Petersburg, and a brother of j Mrs. R?ttln and Mrs. Worth. Soou to Retire. I Judge Walter A. Watson, In leileru to the candidates for the Judge.-hip to succeed lilm in this dis-trlct. stated that ho expects to tender his reslg I nation within tho next two weeks in I order to enable him to enter on Ills campaign for Congress. There arc three aspirants for tho olllou to be vacated by Judge Watson: Ex-Con? gressman R. C, Sou thai!, of Amelia; Willis P.. Smith, of Petersburg, and | Freeman Epes, of Nottowny. JlinnUrupt ?otice? IN THE DISTRICT COURT ~OF THE UNITED STATUS FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In ihe matter of , Nu. 1Q4C IWARKEN F. SCOTT. I in Bankrupt, j Bankruptcy ORDER OF NOVICE FOR DISCHARGE. On this 3d day of January, A. D. 1912, j on reading th-.! petition for discharge ! of the banartipt, it is j Ordered by tne court, tliat a hearing i he had upon the same on the BT11 DA 1 I OF FEbKL'AKY. A. D. 1912. before 1 court at Richmond, In said district, at 12 o'clock noon; and that notice thereof be published in Tho Tithes I Dispatch, a newspaper printed in said district, und thai all known creditors ; and other pei>one In Interest may appear at the said time and place, and show cause, if anv they have, why the prayer of the skid putitioner should not be granted. And it Is further ordered by tho court, thai tho vlerk shall send by i mall to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them ai their places of residence : .stated. i Witness the HONORABLE EDMUND j WADDILL, JR.. Judge of the said court. , and the seal thereof, at rtlehmond. ; in baid district, on the ad day of Jan i uur.v. A. D. 1012. Attest: JOSEPH P. Bit ADV. Clerk. (Seal of Hie Court.) ALFRED E. COHEN, ESQ., Attorney for Bankrupt. j IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: .ii the matter of > No. ins.". CHARLES E. LEFEW, V In tyinkrtipt. 1 Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE, I On this 3d day of January, A. D. . 1012, on reading the petition for dis? charge < l the bankrupt, it Is Ordered by the court that a hearing be had upon the sainfc on Ihe. 8TH DAV OK FEBRUARY, A. D. 1912, before ; suld court, at Richmond, In .-mid Jdistrlct, at 12 o'clock noon; and that I not tee thereof be published in Tin [Times-Dispatch, a newspaper printed jln said district, and Hint all known I creditors and other persons In Interest .may appeur at the Bold time and place, janci sdiow cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not .bo granted. And It Is further ordered by the court, that th"o clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors. copies said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence ce stated. Witness th-- HONORABLE EDMUND WADDIL1.. JR-. Judge of the said court, und the J"'iil thereof, at Richmond, in said district, on the 3d day of Jan nary. A.. D. 1?I9, Attest: JOSEPH V. BRADV, Olork, (Seat of the Court, v- ? l MESSRS- MONTAGUE & MONTAGUE ?Vltornuva for llankriint. STRUGGLE IN OHIO WILL BE MEMORABLE Progressives Have MUjjrity of Delegates to Const itutional Convention, but Conservatives Are in Determined Mood. Columbus. Ohio, January 7.?- Tho great Stato of Ohio will begin on Tueat clay next tho reconstruction of tnc Constitution. On that 'lay a Constitu? tional Convontlln, recognized by all fac? tions as preponderantly progressive, If not radical, will convene, in this city' tor a struggle in which hotly debated I questions of the Initiative and roforen- - aum, the recall of publlo officials. In? cluding tho judiciary, and tno liquor question will ovorshadow all other pro? posals. The fact that a majority?perhaps as largo as 70 por cont.?ot tho delegates chosen to this convention are classed ivi progressives, wlillo the inoro con? servative clement makes up in deter? mination what it may lack in numbers, foreshadows a bitter and protracted RESIGNS HIS POSITION IN REVENUE SERVICE Veteran Deputy Collector Forced by Condition of Health to Unit. Other Aolicvllle News, (Special to The Tltuns-Dispatch.J Asbovtlle, N. C, January 7.?Deputy Collector T. C. McCoy, of the revenue department, who, with ono exception. Is tho oldest man In point of service In the department In this district, hns resigned hla position, which he has held for the pflst twelve years. The reasons given for the rcslgmulon are that Mr. McCoy'a health is such that he will Jn tho future be unable to spend as much time out of doors as the position requires. No sticcessur has yet been named, and none will bo ehoson until after the civil service examinations are hold hero next month. Tho civil service board will also 'be- called upon to give out ex? aminations for a successor to Deputy Colloctor \V. A. Nltzer, who resigned from the department some time ago. At u recent meeting jf tho Board of Aldermen the AehoviUo Cemetery Com? pany was refused permission to ex? tend Its borders within J00 Coot of Pearson's Drive. The cemetery is situated on the banltc jf the Fronch Uroad River, and at tho time that property was chosen for its location it was believed that the cemetery would remain out of the city for an ln 1 definite perlo<j of time. However, the section of the city In which the burial ' ground is Ifa^ntcd has been developed i Into one of tho prettiest residential ! section of Ashcvlllo, and In view of j tho fuct that freely 3lgned petitions wore presented to the board usklng . that the company not bo allowed to ox j tend Its limits, this action was tnltcn. Rov. E. T. Coyner, who, since tba establishment of the Eninnuol Luth? eran Church hero oight yaari ago. has occupied the pulpit of that church, I ona accepted a call to Conovor, where i .10 will be secretary to the board Ol :rustees of Conovor College, the Luth? eran school of this Stale. No successor las yet been ehoson to Rev. Mr. Coy? ner. An automobile party, composod of iV. O. Johnson. Janus Demon, Roy Young, Mrs. J J. Rich and Mrs. Estcll Moodey, hnd a narrow escape from drowning Wednesday night, when the jar which they wcro driving ulong Riverside Drive turned turtle, and was overturned In a branch which runs .o one side of tho road. The occupuntj of the car wero pinned In the water, And but lor the aid of persons who sritnesdod the accident and who pried ! the car troni over the oecupunta with timber It Is believed that they would nave been drowned, as they wero un nble to extricate themselves from the water. As it was no one wno hurt, j although the mnch'nc was badly dum i aged. It was tho property of Mr. John j con, who wits driving It. News has been received hero of a lire which burned a shuttle and box factory and threo dwelling houocs In Dillsboro, N. C. Wednesday night. Tho origin of tho tire Is unknown. The damage is estimated ot $20,000. j4*dn?rupi i?met?. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES FOR TUE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In the matter of WILLIAM WIRT HALEY. Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On this Sd day of January, A. D. 1912, on reading the petition for dis? charge of tit*.- bankrupt, it is Ordered by the court that a bearing bo had upon tho same on the STH DAY DA V OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1012. before said court, at Richmond, In said district, at 12 o'clock noon: and that notice thereof be published in The Times-Dl^patch, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other riersons In lutr-reat may appear at the said time and place, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granf>d. And It is further ordered by tho court, that the clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the HONORABLE EDMUND WADDILL. JK.. judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Richmond, In said district, on the ad day of Jan? uary, A. D. 1912. At teat: JOSEPH P. BRADY. Clerk. (Seal of tho Courtl JOHN B. GAYLE. ESVo Attorney for Bankrupt. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In the matter of \ No. 9-16. MILLICENT W. HAIGHT, > I" Bankrupt. > Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On Ibis Sd day of January, A. i>. 1012. on read In;: the petition for dis? charge >>f the bankrupt, it is Ordered by the court thai a hearing be had upon the same on the KT 11 DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1012, before said' court. at Richmond. In said district, at 12 o'clock noon; and that notice thereof be published In Tho Times-Dispatch,' a newspaper printed In said district, and that nil known creditors and other persons In Interest may appear ot the said time and place, ami show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of -tho said petltlonet should not be granted. And It Is further ordered by tho court, that the clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them, at their places of residence as stated. Witness tho HONORABLE EDMUND WADDILL, JR.. Judge of the said court, nnd the seal thereof, at Richmond, in eald district, on the 3d day of January. A. D. 1912. ? Attest. JOSEPH P. DRADY, Clerk. (Seal of the Court > GEORGE C. FITJ5H UG11, ESQ., .Attorney for Bankrupt. No. 10?L In Bankruptcy. struggle Whatever lte outome, thd peopln will have thereafter tholr "say" about It In tho ensuing general elec? tion. They rejected the proposed Con attention adoptd In 1873-'74. Ohio is the first State eaat of tho Mississippi to attempt the revision of it3 organlu law aluco dlroct legislation und direct control of public oftloliils by the electorate enmo Into vogue In sev? eral Far Westorn Stales, and llio out como In Ohio will be watched with keenest Intcrost by tho people of ovoiy other Stute. Analysis of the statements regarding tho mental attitude of the delegates elected discloses the fact thai all of thu progressives uro for tho Initiative und referendum, und many of them want provisions for tho recall of the Judiciary. Practically every lubor del? egate stands for the recall of all olll ccrs. Many of tiio farmer delegates, however, while favoring the InltlatlvO and referendum, refuso to lncludo the" recall of Judges In their program, nt the same tlmo supporting this idea for other officials. Interviews with representative del cgatCH throughout the State Justify the statement that sentiment Is more concorned with the proposed modlilca tion of representative government than with any other matter likely to come beforo tho convention. They prefor placing the liquor license question In a secondary position. The Initiative and referendum, they assert, is paramount to nil issues. When the 19? delegates to the con? vention are called to order In tho House of Representatives at the State Capitol hero. It will be tho most notably rep? resentative of all classes of the pooplo of thle State of any gathorlng In Ohio's nistory. Included In tho peraonnel ot the convention will bo one former Con? gressman, one former Licutennnt-Gov- i srnor, two membors of the present Leg- I Is hit urc, many former legislators, many former Judges, several ministers, a ?arge number of farmers and represent? atives from commercial and industrial walks of life. The Democrats have the majority, with 3lxty-flve delegates. The Republicans have forty-eight del? egates, the Independents throo and the Socialists throe. Under the law providing for tho con? vention, the oldest member present will preside for the purpose of temporary organization. This honor will fall to the lot of Judge Dwyer, of Dayton, who Is In his eighty-first year. ai_ 1?1._? __SltlanttcjCttJ?Jftesaortc_ GALEN HALL Hotel and Sanatorium. With its elegant comforts. Its tonlo und curative baths aud superior table l and sorvicc. Is an Ideal place for fall j and winter. Always open Alwav* ready. Always bu6y. I-'. I.. Young, General Vanuger Atlnntlc Cltv tjotrI-3 Table d'llote Dinner* Saturday and .Sunday evenlngn, (I to 0 o'clock, 91.r>0 each. Richmond, Va. The most magnificent hold In the South. European plan. Itooms single and en suite, with ami without baths. Spacious sample rooms. Rate. 81.50 per day an J upward. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. Leave Richmond - 4 .mi a.m. ? a.m. ?fi.6'?a.m. n 11 a.m. ?7.48 a.M. ?S.t.l a.m. fO.UOi.M. ?la.lll norm 19.00 p.m. t3.S0 p.m. ?.I6P.m. ?fi.lfil'.m. ?8.20 p.m. Byrd*. M.I in St. Mt. Byrd St.Stu flyrd St. stn Main St. St j Hyrd St. stn Main St. Sta. llyrdSL Ml nyr<l St. Sta Uyrd St. stn Klii? Station Main St. Sta Hi rit St. Kta Arrive Richmond *7.60 a.M. llyrdSt.Sta. 211.25 a.M. Klba Station. 111.1 . a.M. Byrd St.Sta. '1.12 P.M. Mali, St. Nla. ?2.45 I'.M. KyrdSt.Sla. t?.5? P.M. PyrdSt.Sta. ?i".:fi P.M. llyrdSt.Sta. ?8.10 P.M. Main St.Kta. ??J.IOP.M.llyrdKt.HI?. ?t).:!J P.M. Main St. Sta. HO.SO P.M. HyrdSt.Sta. ?11.110 P.M. MalnSl.Stn. ?1-J.,',(! ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-WEE K0A YS. Learo llrrd Bt. Sta. 1.00 I'. m. for l'rcdcrlck?.bursr. I.tarc Kiln Sta. 8.20 A. P. 1\. for .Unland Arrlre Byrd Kt.Sta.S.2.-. A.M.I'reai Kredf rtelndi'c. ArrDe Klba Sta. 0.30 A.M..SJ10 P.M. from Aalilaod. ?Daily. tWeekdayo. {Sundays only. 1 Daily ercept Mondsy. All tralaa to or from Byrd Street Station : (except trains leaving 4.50 a. ru., j.50 a. ui and ! arriving .2 ?0 Bight) atop at Klba. Time of arrivals and departures not guaranteed. Read th* aigoi. I Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:40 A.?bosal? Da ily?Neu Don N'uffa. &::<> A.?Local?Dally?Ch'vlllo. Ex. Sun. Thurpiont* t'j-.oo A.?Bspreaa?Dally?Norfolk, Old Point ?10:00 A.?Local?Dully?Lcloir. Lex. C. r,.ru?. ?1:00 P.?ExproB!>?f?Daliy-'.ti.-lV villa. tl:W P.?Expre.???Dallyr?Ui irfotk, }>|. News. P.?Local ? Dally? N. S'ewt. o.d 1'oIul. fi:!6 P.?Local?Dally?Gordonavllle. 6:15 1'.? Local?Ex. Sun.?I.rlibg, Natural lirldg-u, Clifton r'urm. ?6:3i p.?Llnuaiid?Dally?ClacJfa'tt ciii-go. ?H:0o P?Kxprosit? Dully?faclanat!, L'vllla. ?8le*par>. IParlor Cor?. T It A INS AKIllVr. IIU'IIMOND?Locil from [East! Sill A. M . 7:60 P. M. ThrouKh from En?l: 11:30 A. M.. i;:3o I*. M. Lo.:al from Wests tV:M A. M.. 9-.C3 A. M. and 7:1;, p: M. 'fhreush: 5:30 A. M.. 2:30 P. SI. and 3:30 P. M. Joni'-a River Line: "3:35 A. St., 5:4.1 p. M. ?? Daily extent Sunday. fturtfon fealetf, future SDa^0 TRUSTEE'S SALE OP 1TBAMQ DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT Us* ASHLAND. VA. By virtue of deed of trust trom Jo? sephine l Taylor and Henry S. Taylor, hor husband, to tho underslguVd, dated the 2d day of December. 1908, and ; recorded In Hanover Circuit Court >, clerk's office, default having bocn made In tho payment of a portion of the debt thereby secured, and bolng required so to do by tho holder of the notes there- , In secured, I will sell at public auction. In front of Stebblns's Store. In the town of Ashland, Va., at 1:15 o'clock P. M., ON SATURDAY. THE 13TH OK JAN? UARY. 1912. a lot off land, with a frame dwelling thereon, owned by said Josophlno I. Taylor, and recently occupied by her and family, situated In thn town of . Ashland, on tho southern side of Han- ... over Avenue, between James Street and Stony Run. anil being of trlangu- ' lar shape, and containing one aero. . and fronting 3 -12-100 chains on tho southern line of Hanover Avenue. TERMS OF SAT.E: Enough In cash to pay the expenses of sate: any un? paid past due taxes, and a ratable pro? portion of the taxes for the year 1912. nnd the sum of $l.i-00, with Interest . i thereon from December -. 19111 and tha residue In two equal Instalments at one (1) and two (2) years, evidenced by purchaser's notes, with Interest added, and secured by deed of trust on said property; or tho purchaser, at his option, may pay all the purchase money In cash. ,T. JORDAN LEAKB, ?T. A. MALLORY. Trustee. Crier. Ucal Gstnrc Siot Kent FOR RENT. Desirable Residence, 402 West Main Street i. Comfortable nine-room dwelling; modern and In perfect order. T. M. WORTIIAJI & CO.. 18 North Ninth Street. FOR RENT. Cary Streot Storehouse, 1410 East Cary Well equipped; two elevators ? hand and electric power); side shipping doors on wide alley; very light: four I floors. Possession now. T. M. WORTH AM i CO.. 18 North Ninth Street. Jrinancial Money Money to lend on Real Estate In sums to suit. CHAP1N & HUME. IftnUtoabs i'ltcuiu.. e .......iclt ur' i-iiil sou Hi. Trains Leave iticbniuiid. N. 23.?Koitus tag seliudiiie liguit-s publish ed ati inlormaiem uno nut j-uaranittod: Fur uiu> : ?;i0 A. M. Local 10:46 A. M. Kxptesa. P. M. Kxpieas, 'with electric llifhitid Sleeuinn Car tor At? lanta and Birmingham. U:M r. M. Express. Wock Days: 3:1.0 1?. M. Local. YUMK. RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.?Dully.?Connecting for JJal tliuurii Moa., \\ va. and !? riuay. C:0o A. M.? j_x. bun. an? -:18 Jf. M.?-Uon., Wed. and Friday?j-ocul. t1.11r.i Arrive Richmond. From the South: S:50 A. AL, ?:I0 A. M. 2:0-1 P. M., a:U> P. Mi, dally; ej:fj? tlx. Sun From West Point: 3:30 A. M. dally, ll:A> A. M.', Mou.. We. and Frl., ?:24 P, M. Ex. buu. S. K. UUKtiE?S, D. P. A.. S?7 IS. Main St. 'POone Madtsoa ?72. Richraoud & Petersburg dearie Kailway ?-am leave MuiiVriem-sr, deventh uns Furry Streets, ioi Pett-rauurg: ?C, J. S. "J 10, II, ?12 A. M . 1. 2. I. c ??6 Mi, 7, s. -? 10 P. iL ll:vw 1'. 'iL. ior Cheater, 12:00 midnight Cor Petersburg. Curt leave Petersburg, Cuut of sycamore Str'vut, ior Manchesters Ti:l6, 6:34. ??7:1*. 'RUi, 3:34, 3:38, ?10:33. ll-.3i A. M., UlSS, *1:33. 3:14, 1:14, ?RIS. 4:34, 6:34, ?i:3i. s:j4. ?.Ji. *10:4U, 11:10 P. M. TDnlly except Sunday und holidays; ?parties ? i ... I. and express. ?"Limited, except Sunday* and holidays. I All earn from iviv.uu-m connect with can I or ItK'tiiuutid. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. um.v all itAii.; to Norfolk. Schedule In effect January 1st, lots. Leave Uyrd Streot Station, HUlunon.l, FOR norfolk : -s:<\) A. m., ?3:00 P. m., ?4:10 p. M. FOlt LYNCHBUHC AND Tlltl WEST: ?0:15 A. m , "10:00 A. m , ?tlCO P. m.',,9:S0 p. m. Arrive Richmond trom Norfolk: ?11:40 A. M., ?0:34 P. XI., ?11:30 1\ 11. From the West: '6:10 A, M? ?'S:? 1*. 34., bl:40 P. M., P. ?e:? p. m. ?Dally. r.Da?y ex. Sunday, bsunday only. Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars. W. H. Bb'VlLL. C. H. boslbt. O. P. A.. Itounoke.. D. P. A? Richmond. SEABOARD AIll LINE, Southbound trains scheduled to leavo Richmond dally: ?;X0 A. M.?i^ocoi to Norllnn. 1:20 P. M.?Sleopors and coaches, Atlanta. Blrmlngnam, Savan? nah, Jacksonville. 6:13 P. if?Florida I ami tod lexeapt Sunday). y;43 P, M.? Sleeper. Jacksonville coaches, Birming? ham. 11:35 P. M.?sleepers. Jackson? ville, Tampa, Birmingham, Memphis. Northbound trains scheduled to arrive In Richmond daily: 5:32 A. M., 7:3S A. M 0;2i> A. M. (except Monday!, 5:03 P. M.i 6:40 P. M? Local._ HICIIMUND AND ClIKfcAPBABJS BAY RAILWAY CO.MPANY. Schedule of electric to and from Ashland. stopping ,.i InL : medialo stnilou* i upon signal: Lv. Itichntond (Ilrcad and Laurel Sis.): *e:C*. ?7:10. 8:10b. 0:10. ??10:10. uro A. M.. 1:10. 2:10. 1:10, 4.1Kb, 6:10, J:W, 7:10, .-..too. 10:10, 11:16 P. M- LV. AshlauS: 1 ?&:?; 7b. x Jb. 10, "11 A m.. *13 At., ??l. 0, 3. I, Sb. S. 7, S. 9b. 11 P. il. ?Daily uxcopl Sunday. "Sundajr only. I .am. k basease. _? _____ fistea nt boat)! "oi.U UO.>t7?.l?X LINE. L?. Itlchroond foot ot Asa St. dal:y.7;0O P.M. Leavo Newport News.6:00 A.M. Arrlvo Norfolk.1:10 A. M. Counecte with main line steamer* leaving Norfolk for Now tiirk daily except .-ubcj? 7:lV P. m. Conn.>ciions uiso atade by N, Ac W. My. 3 P. m. end C. * O. Ity. at ft P. M. Mgl.: Line steamers stop at Claienioat to land or receive passenger* on slguut, aud ?.-Iii bo aid by iliu eonveyanee. VIMtjINIA NAVIGATION CO.-Jumes River by.daylight for Norfolk an.I Olrl Point. New? port News and all James ltlver landings, i Steamer leavos Slo. Wednesday t it ' Friday at 7:00 A. m. Freight received fof 'all James ltlver lan4lugs. ' PhonoMaitisjn IT*. ' Main lk'Uct Office. 021 EC street WHITE STAR LINE NEW Vimw?l'LYMOt.TH?CIIEItnOUICG?SOUTHAMPTON. FAST MAIL KOITTK TO ENGLAND AND THE CONTINENT The, ?.< and l'lncat Steamer In ihe World. fer "OLYMPIC" Hfc Kreuch a In Cnrtr Itentnurnnt, Turklah nnd Klectrio 11? ti.s, ?vrjmulnat Pool. Four Elevator?, fij liinnntiun, Vcrnattn Cafe. I'Mlm Court, etc.' - Will l'rbm Xc? York Wednesday, January 24, February 21 nnd lleniilurly Thereafter. \V 11 IT 10 STAU I.INF.. ... - - ? 11HOAI?WAY, I?. V. Or Local Airent?.