Newspaper Page Text
WILSON VISUS RANDOLPH-MACQN New Jersey Governor Enthusias- j tically Received by College Students. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] ! Ashland. Va.. February 2.?Governor "Wooarow Wilson, ot New Jersey, spoke to un entnusiustlc audience this morn? ing et ?:30 o'clock la the chapel of Kundolph-jlu.on College, at AMilund. When it was learned that Governor "Wilson was to visit Uichmond, the Randolph-Macon Club ut the Woodro?v "Wilson League of College Men of America made plans to have him ? peak to the students here. Governor Wilson delivered a twenty- I minute address on tile "Potentialities | ol Our American Colleges." Ho was often interrupted by outbursts of all plaUSC, mixed with college yells that I ended with the chorus: "Wilson'. Prei- | idem! Wilson!" President i'ilackwcU. of Randolph Alacoii College, presided over the meet? ing. Introducing Governor Wilson os "our next President." After Govcl - nor Wilson's address. Dr. Btackwell referred to his having been at Wll non's Inauguration, nt Princeton; where ho shook hands with another college president in agreement that they would both be at Wilson's otticr Inaugura ti ii in Washington. Dr. Blackwell w.i, followed by Dr. Hatcher, vlcc-prcsldont of the tol? lere, who presented the Governor with :i fairy stone a.- a token of the ?lu? den! body's esteem. Di'i Hatchdr men? tioned tho fact jhnt Roosevelt had worn on.- of these stones all through In.- campaign for the presidency, and suggested that Til ft would give a mil? lion dollars for oho of them now. Tho Governor nnd his party woro met a the trulll by the entire student body and by nil the people of Ash? land. HLPOUTr.D AS DI'ILIMM; CALL AWAY I'llOM LYNCIini'HG [Special to'Die Times-Dispatch. 1 Lynchburg, Va-, February 2.? It Is reported to-day that P.ev. Joseph U Dunn, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal ? litircH, has decided to decline a call which he has had under consideration for sohle time, hut when he Was seen i his afternoon he asked to be excused from discussing the mutter. Mr. Dunn has never indicated p ub Ib-ly to what church tho coll was t". and it is not known among ins friends generally. Mr. Dunn came to Lytiuhburg about two years uiro from Suffolk, and he Is now regarded as one of the best and uio-t fearless ministers of the city. ASHLAND NEWS NOTES [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Ashland, Va.. February 2.?General John C. Underwood, of New York, was the guest on Thursday '?f Mrs. Hill t'j i tor. 12, L. Gravely, of Rocky .Mount. N <? . Is visiting friends at Randolph ?>lacon. Mis- Lucy Woolfolk, of Howling nreen. is the guest of Mrs. K. w. ?Woolfolk. Mrs. William Tyler and children have returned to Sllgo after u vis't to Mr? Hill Cartel. Sou t hull Farrar, if Amelia, wa? ller.- to-day visiting friends. Mrs. W. L Itagland and Mis- jm ?ii?.i Ragiaiivi. oi Richmond, are thr arui -t- <>r Mrs. 13. li. Ilarlaook. Professor nird, superintendent On Every Continent You will find one Player Piano 6upreme? Write us for free catalog. We are sole agents. Walter D. Moses & Co. 103 E. Broad St. Oldest Music House in Va. and N. C. public Instruction of Fredcrlcksbtirg. made the address before the teachers' meeting held here to-day by the teach? ers of Hanover county. Sirs. James Hoofnagle, who has been ?I Johnston-Willis Snnatorlum for .-?.in* time, lias- recovered sufficiently to return to her home here. The Woman's Club held Its usual meeting at Hanover club. "Alice Hcgan Itlcc and Her Works," was the sub? ject of a delightful paper read by .Mrs. T. N. Jones. Current events was discussed by Mrs. A. P. Oullbort. An Interesting lecture was given by Profess' r R. U. Sniithey on "Sir Isaac Newton" thU afternoon, before the members of the Junior Literary Club und th' ir tmesis. CHARGED WITH THROWING STONE TllttOl f.It CAR WINDOW [Kpeclo! to The Timos-Dlspatch.] Itarrisonburg, N'a . February 2.? Percy N. Ilerndon and Walter M. Cole, of Madison county, and James C. Armentrout, of llarrlsonburg, have been sent on t., the March grand Jury on the charge -.f throwing 8 .-'tone through u Baltimore and Ohio car win? dow and striking Dr. John K. Womnck. a passenger, on the head, Inflicting a painful wound. This happened Tues? day night. Conductor Henry sa"\y three men In the dark. The matter was kept quiet, and later arrests wer. mad< . In the preliminary hearing the men made conflicting statements as to Where they were standing at the time th?- train passed. llruter'? It ?ort. New Orleans, La., 1 ..maty '.'.?8oc relary Hester's statemuni of tie world's visible supply of cotton issued to-day shows tb- totul visible to bo MU4.1I!. against 5.86L93S last week und ftat lust year. Of this the total of American cotton Is 1,965.411, against I.P0S.938 InSt week and 4,083,531 lust year, and of nil oth'-r kinds. in<ludlnc Egypt, Bra.:'). India, etc., 1,039,. against 943,000 last we.-k and I,ift2,000 last year. Of ihe world'j visible supply of cotton there Is now afloat arid held In Great Britain and Continental Europe 3,060, 000, against 2,947.000 lust yeur; In Egypt, 2SS.000, llgUiliRt 2S1.000 last yca'r; In Itidla . 165,000, against t'.'l. 00u last year, end In the United .-tute? 2,121.000. against 1,554.000 lust year. MANY MISTAKES FOUND IN BOOKS Evidence oi H. D. Kirk, Who Assisted in Examination of Records. PROGRESS IN HOOFF TRIAL Former Bookkeeper, Mrs. M. E. Angelo, Is Prominent Witness. [Special to The Timcs-Dlspatch.) ' Alexandria, Va.. February 2.?The priticipul icature of the trial of Lewis Hooff, former secretary and general manager of the defunct Mercantile Hallway Building and L<oau Associa? tion, was brought out this afternoon in Die testimony of II. D. Kirk, who was employed to assist in going over tlic buoKs after Its collapse, lie tes tned mat ne lound numerous errors in the books and also said there should have been $10,184.77 on hand when it closed, instead of an apparent overdraft of $1,400. The testimony of Receiver Douglas Stuart was that about $233 was the actual cash re? ceived by him when lie took charge. .V probo Into the books and records of 'the defunct Mercantile Railway Building and Loan Association, to shed additional light on various financial transactions of that concern, marked the opening of the second day of tne triol of Lewis Hooff. An important feature of -the open? ing of the case this morning was the announcement by Judge Barley thai he overruled the motion of the at? torneys for the defensu us to the In admiseibillty ot the notes and books of the association, evidence to which objections hud been raised. Immediately afterward the taking of testimony was begun. Mrs. M. E. Angelo, formerly employed as book? keeper for the concern, was the prin? cipal witness, riiie wan on tbc stand most of the tune during tiic morn? ing session. Mrs. Angelo Identified a paid-up stock certificate known as No. 101 She snld It was In rlooft's hand? writing, made payable to M. E. Angelo; afterward it was transferred to Har? vey Drowns. In Hooff's handwriting. She *ald the certificate wus it ..tied to her August 6. 1.08. The value of the Stock was !'.">0. for which she did not pay anything, she testified. According , to her testimony uolh'ng was paid I when It was transferred to Drowns, i Dividend checks on the stock were i turned back to the association, she j said. Mrs. Angelo then Identified a stub ot (dividend check No. 101. for 818.35, dated Januar-.- 1. 1309, and anot'ior stub ] for lie. under date of July 1, 100?. At irdlng to witness the association ; kept a daily record of savings ae? ? ounts. -Mrs. Angelo nest perused ccr i tin i.....'kh of the ussoclutlo.-i given I her by Commonwealth's Attorney Special Features of The Times-Dispatch "MAN PROPOSES" The Story of an ILx-Millionair?; Who Wanted to Die. /~\ By Rex Beach fA tale of to-day, thrilling, gripping, fascinating, it runs f"he en? tire gamut of human emotions and lead? you step by step to an un? expected conclusion, in the author's _uns brach_| inimitable and forceful style. "Lost Kingdoms" and "The Withered Hand'* The story of an actress's sacrifice, her humility and her triumph, "LOST KINGDOMS," by W. Carey Wonderly, appeals to the human interests as few stories have done. Be sure to read it next Sunday. 'THE WITHERED HAND" is a story of mystery by Douglass Bronston. To tell you more about it would spoil a rare treat. It is one of the best stories among a collection of good stories in the all-fiction number of the magazine in next Sunday's Times-Dispatch. Tl-1 I 1 ?- 1 ' - I - ? ? .?? '?" The Times-Dispatch Makes a Dull Sunday Bright, a Bright Sunday Brighter I _^__l Will Make YOUR Teeth Bright-YOUR Breath Pure?YOUR Appetite Good? YOUR Digestion Strong I The refreshing juice of the crushed mint leaves is an endless pleasure for a little price. BUY IT BY THE BOX ? of any dealer. It costs less that way and you will have it when you want it. Look for the Spear The Flavor Lasts Brent, nnd testified from the books thai throe .?tock certificates were is? sued during the month rf Way, lPi". aggregating ?S0. She said tr.e entry j should appear In the cash book. V\ her given the book witness was unable to find a record of the -fame, adding fiey were not always entered In the month they were issued. ?Other Identifications of stubs and checkt and entries relating to the financial operations of the concern were testified to by witness from tho books of the association Testimony of Director Marbury. 1'. K. Marbury took the Etand and testified that he was one of t..c direc? tors of the association, having served probably a year. Ifooff, he said, made a monthly statement to tho directors. A record was supposed to be kept In tho min? utes, according to witness, who subse? quently Identified a minute book of tho association. On this book witness was unable to find the minutes of the month of May. 1910. Witness said Hooff was secretary and treasurer of the asso? ciation. i Mr. Marbury was subjected to a rigid cross-examination by Attorneys land Jeffries for the defense, and said that data was obtained by the directors, 1 the committee making out Its report j from Information obtained front the [secretary and treasurer of the con? cern, together with the bookkeeper. He ulsr. said he had suggested that an j Individual ledger be kept. J An unusually larso crowd of specta? tors again filled the courtroom this ' morning. A number of woman reln 'tiv-s of Hooff are also attending. ' But little evidence of Interest to the ; nubile was brought out. I Forconst: For Virginia?Fair Sotnr-! ' dayi Sunday unncttled with probably snow, moderately t-oldi moderate, va ' liable winds. For North Carolina?Fair Saturday, j probably bcromlng unncttled Sunday; ' moderate, variable winds. I Speelnl Local Dnt? for Vcstcrduy. I 12 noon temperature. .18 I 3 I?, M. temperature . 38: ' -Maximum temperature up to s p. m. as Minimum temperature up to 8 P. M. 3u Mean temperature . 31 .Normal temperature . 3S i Deficiency in temperature . 4 Deficiency in temperaturo since March 1 . 36S Accum, deficiency in temperature nine. January 1 . 283 1 Deficiency in rainfall since March I 1. l&ll . 6.21' Accum, deficiency in rainfall since I January 1, 1912 .89 I Locnl Observation 8 P. M. Yesterday. Temperature . 31 ! Humidity . 43 'Wind?direction .West ? Wind?velocity . 7 ; Weather .Clear CONDITIONS IN IM POUT ANT CITIES. | (At S P. M. Hastern Standard Time.) Place. Thor. H. T. L. T. Weather. | Ashcvllle _ 21 28 24 Clear I Atlanta . 32 38 28 Clear i Atlantic City. 30 3S 28 Clear i Boston . 32 36 20 Cloudy i Buffalo . 14 34 22 Know Calgary . 42 SO 31 Clear I 'lharloston .. 44 52 38 Clear Chicago . 4 Hi 4 Cloudy 1 Denver . 4? 50 10 Cloudy i /Tuluth .-12 -2 -is Clear ! naives ton ... 54 54 46 Ciear jHatteras .... 40 44 4? Clear I Jacksonville.. 50 56 46 Clear ? Kansas City.. 20 22 10 Snow i Louisville ... 16 20 16 Clear ' Montgomery.. 40 42 34 Clear ' .Vew Orleans. 50 52 42 Clear . New York ... 30 38 26 Cloudy ? Norfolk . 36 40 34 P. cloudv | , Oklahoma ... 40 52 26 Cloar Pittsburgh'.. 16 22 ? 1R r. cloudy Raleigh . 36 42 :t0 Clear Is! Louis .... 22 22 S P. cloudy ? St. Paul . ?>'< ? -II Clear I Han Francisco r?s tin 4$ P. cloudy j.Savannah ... I' ">2 :;s Clear Kpokauo . ?'"> :is 22 Clear iTnmpu . 83 tin ,'i2 Clear I Washington. ? 24 Se 31 Clear j iWlhnipoa ...-14 -8 -if. Clear mmymtt..... u a u ^ eiovul News of South Richmond South Richmond Bureau. i Trie Times-Dispatch, 1030 Hull Street, Phon? Mttdlton 173. With the idea of keeping politics out ot the election or member* tor the new Ad? ministrative Beard, the South Richmond and Cherterfletd BuHlnem Men's Association !a?i| night at a meeting In Lafayette Hall unani? mously passed Hie Nichols resolution and. taking the Initiative, appointed a committee of ttv??T. J. Nichols fchalrman), K. J. Holte. W. J. Rudd. W. H. Owens and T. B. IJunford?to confer with commlttece from the Chamber of Commerce, Business Men's i.'lub, United Commercial Travelers, Trave? lers' Protective Association, Retail Mer? chants Association, Central Trades and Labor Council and Richmond Advertisers' club, with the object of nominating tlve members to form the first board. Because of the small attendance no other business way transacted. The body adjourn? ed until the regular quarterly meotlns la March. Negro Youth Injured. Ten Krayser. colored, employed as a helper by John Lambeth, a woodchopper, received a terrible sash In his right leg yesterday when un axo In the bands of IiIj employer slipped from the handle. Lam? beth was engaged In idling a tre.? about three mile*- hclou the city, and had. It la said, warned the negro that the axe head teas loose. Krayser in attending to hlsj duties walked In front of the nxo just, as' the blade Mew off. Ills leg was struck Just below the knee, and nccordlng to I.ambcth the axe was embedded In the tlcsh. Frayser seeing the blond fainted and fell la the ground. Lambeth seeing his condition made an Improvised tourniquet and stopped the How of blood. Not having uny convey? ance to roach south Richmond he bundled the hoy Into a rnwbout and carried him across the river to Richmond, where his Injury was given medical attention. Frny ser was brought to hlx home, ho was reported as resting easy, lie fully acquits Lambeth 01 any blame, and said that the i Injury was purely accidental. Ol??* Set for Trial. Judge Bmest II. Wells, of the Hustings Court. Part t; yestorda> designated Tiles-1 day. February <>. as the dale for the hear? ing of the personal damage suit of J. T. Wur.1 against the Richmond structural Steel Company. Ward, who Is seeking $S,.>C0 dam? ages, was employed by the defendants as a structural Iron worker. While In the pur? suit of his employnioi.t he struck by an iron j-lrder. which had slipped from the grabhoaks while being raised in position. He sustained a fracture of the jaw and was rendered unconscious, lie was taken to Ihe hospital, where i portion of his Jaw? bone wat removed. '.in Thursday, February ?. Judge Welts will hear the case of J. 8. Wattcfleld against O. Hooker and R. Mahaley. Wakoneld ir julnj la sssumpslt. Threatens Life of firorer. On a warrant charging him with creating a disturbance In the store of Felix lyfic. col? ored, and with threatening to do the pro? prietor bodily harm. Burk, colored, twenty-two years old. was placed under ar? rest yesterday morning by Officer Dnnnl vant. Burk war. taken to the Third Police Station, where later he win balled in the sum of tlOO for appearance In Police Court. I Part I, this morning. A summons wan Issued yesterday to T. P. ! Rea to appear In Police Court. Part X to anawnr for a violation of the traffic ordl j r.ance. Road Fonda Increased. Because of the Increased aa?e?sment in the Midlothian district tho roads In that por? tion of the county will benefit to tho ??? tent of $*.to during the coming year. Walter Moore, member of the Chesterfield Board Supervisors from tho Midlothian district, yesterday called on County Engineer W. Wj LaPrade and held a. conference as to wher? Schooner Released From Ice. Cape Charles. Va., February 3.?The schooner BJac.fcfblrd, which haa boon fast Iti the ice for over thrco weeks In Tangier Sound, and aboard which Captain Teter Bounds, of Salisbury, and hli. crew were held prlsonors for nearly two weeks, with very little food and fuel, was ? released from Ita dansrorous position and was towed by the tujr Ret-cue to Crisdold. Stephen Homey Acquitted. I [Special to Tho Times-Dlspa tch.J . i wythevllle, Vru. February J.?Wytno county Circuit Court. Judge Fulton Kctflcy sitting, bus been engaged all nf the week in the trial of Stephen Putney for the rnMiory of Charles Apploby about two years ago. The jurv ibis afternoon, after bolng <? -it 1 on hour, brought in II verdict of not guiltv by reason of the Insanity of the accused 01 the lime of the assault i mi *Qti*S3b the money could Tie uaaa to the best advan? tage Personal Mention. H. H. Jonkme left yesterday for a. ten daya' pleasure trip to Now York and other .Northern Dolnl&. ?M; - Samuel Blncklaton. ot Hot Springs, Ark., lu visiting hur huabund's parent*. Polk Miller la conrlncd to his home at lion .Mr by a slight Illness. The condltlou of Mies Helen Llveaay, of Ml Webt Twelfth Sticct, who recently un? derwent an operation foi xppemuicitts In the Memorial Hospital, la reported as being Improved. Mrs. Susie M. Sampson Is visiting- her daughter In Ilendurson. X. C Miss Kb :ion (Jury, who has been visiting her uncle. Wyndham Qary, In Henderson, N. 'J., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ullman he v.. loft far an extended trip to New York. Mre. W. A. N'cat, who recently underwent an operation ut thu Memorial Hospital, re? turned home yesterday. Mm. J. T. Ankers, of Washington, U. C. la visiting Mrs. A. N. I'ettlffreW, 1*3 West Twelfth Street. Snstalnn Stroke of Paralysis. [.Special to Tho Times-Dispatch. J Bedford City, Va., February 2<? Charles W. Tumbllnson, tho superin? tendent of the Elks' National Home here, sustained u stroke of paraysls at the home last nlgnt and to-day Is nu change in his condition, which is turious. He is unconscious, with Intervals of consciousness, suc? ceeded by long stupor. Yesterday he was on tho struct in lue best of health and spirits. The stroke came last night without warning, affecting \ one side of the body. Prominent oftiouls of the order have been notified of his illness. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN HOTEL No Cause I? Known for Marder and Suicide. Knoxvllle, Tonn., February 2.?Philip H. Vow, of Atlanta, shot and instant? ly killed C. C. Cadle lu the lobby of u local hotel this afternoon and im? mediately afterward committed sui? cide. Yow was a son of H. M. Yow. a prominent business mnn of Atlanta, Ob., und was formerly engaged in busi? ness in Ibis city. He cnine twre about i n week ago en route to San Francisco, i'adle was a detective. The cause for the shooting la not known. Yow entered the lobby with a re? volver |n Ids hand, and. walking to? ward Cadle, who was seated, flrod tho first shot, which struck Cadle in the loft shoulder and passed through the back of u chair, |n which unother hotel guest was sitting. Cadle started to run. and was shot aguin. the bullet striking htm at the base of the nock, and. ranging downward, passed tho , heart. Yow Immediate.y placed the weapon over hin heart and flrod two ahota, tho bullet In euch instuneo, according to physicians, passing through the heart and entirely through the body. He then sot down on a sofa ano shot, hlm solf through the temple. Cadlo was twenty-six years of ago, and married. Yow was twenty-one, and unmarried. Jefferson Hotel Arrivals. .Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crawford. Washing? ton; E. Hi Brown. Chicago; Mrs. N. Davit. Boston; Mrs. L. L? Lawrence. Pasadena. Ca!.; Mlis Maud Adame, New York; J. ft Williame. New York: W. L. Vllllns and wlf?, New York; J. A. Bowman. Kanus City; Miss M. Stevenson. Kansas City; M. C. Pllson. Washington; ? A. Gallasruir.Troy. N. Y-: J. A. Dillon. New York; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Blvey. Frankfort. Ky.; Mrs. Dur? and Mlsa Hlbbon. Frankfort. Ky.; T. J. Rourks. New York; Mr. and Mrr. J. O. Winslow. Klnstton. N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Collins. New York; Mr. ?nd Mrs. Kdwln Leffftr. Savannah, Ga.; C. M. lrolger. I Philadelphia; ?. B. McLean, Norfolk; C. If. , Hix. Norfolk; William W. Oust. Norfolk; L. D. Hardlq. Hartford,- Conn.; O. F. Aus? tin. Purkersburg, W. Va.; Mrs. W. J. Kar? ri!!. Clsrcmont. Va.; Ml?a Ssrtmyor, Clarej caont. Va.; LuaVtg Laskur New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White. Graham. N. C. TUE LAX-FON WAY. If you had a medicine that would tt.-rngthen the ilvor, the stomach, the kid? neys and the bownls, aiul at the samo time make you strong with a systemic tonic, don't you be.lovc you woubi f?6oa be well ? 'I''s "The Lox-Fos Way." We nak you to buy the tlr.--l battle on tho money-hack plan, and you will ask y>uir I druggist to sell you the second, it keeps >.iur wholo right. There Is nothing dso niiulu it.- I.fcx-Fos Bvmt'JM'JCr the auftm-l,.\)i t\^.~.^4y. OF COMPLICITY No Evidence Connecting Mrs. Raines With Murder of Miss Roanoke. Vu? February 2.?Mrs. May RAlneH, wife of Joshua Raines, was dismissed from custody to-day In Salem, and was acquitted of all com? plicity In the murder of Miss Eva M. Chambers on the morning of January In a brief statement Commonwealth'? Attorney R. YV. Klmo said that thoro was no evidence which would warrant a continuance of tho case against Mrs. Raines, and accordingly moved that she be discharged, which was done. Mrs. Raines left loft here to-night for Portsmouth, in company with her brother, YV, W. Martin. A limited number of shares of the Richmond Cotton Oil Refining Co., Inc. This stuck Is absolutely safo as an in? vestment. We will furnish all infor? mation to prospective purchasers, and tho business will stund the closest Investigation. In offering this stock, tho company wishes to secure addi? tional capital in order to Increase tho output by running the. plant day and night. The demand for our product at this tint* Is far grcator than our present output. RICHMOND COTTON* Oil, ItEFIN INIl Remarkable Christmas Present Among tha curious Christmas pres? ents of this year will be ons for a man of national reputation, which had bean all year In the making. Way last January the present was decided upon, and a friend of tho prom? inent gentleman requested the BurrolU Press Clipping Bureau, of New Vork. to watch every paper In America and to take up ovory Horn which appeared concerning tho man. The clipping bjraau people followed instructions, and now present the his? tory of one year In the life of this especial man. Tha history ends Just after eleotion, and the 20,Ci2 newspaper Item* found include everything from a threo-llna editorial mention to full-page Illus? trated atones. These have been mount? ed on 3,3uO great sheets of Irish linen paper and bound Into three massive volumes. At tha head of each Item Is tlte name and data of paper clipped front, this Information having 'ueen put in with a book typewriter, The words thu3 in sorted amount to 153,313, In actual time, a very strict record of which has been kept, the irork has required sixty-four working days .hroughout the year, and has kept lu employment during that time thirty poopla, es reader*, clippers, sorters, mounters and binders. Every news? paper of importance is represented. This is merely a- spammer of some ol tho unique orders which gat Into the Burrelle Bureau, for the extent tc which clippings ??* used by individuals and by bUJlr.oee concerns seems to b? I remarkable. Thera are many peopl* in private at well ss In public life who need press clippings and don't know it. It might be well for them to look up this man BurrMle, who is said to ba so well known that a latter simply addressed "Burrelle, New York." will reach bio* With no delay. W. Fred. Richardsons' Storage and Transfer Department, Main and Bolvldere St*. Hauling, I'.tcklng snd Storing High. Grado Household Goods. Phones: Madison Hi. day; Mooroe ??, DlAab. Chambers. CO., INC., 1014 East Main Street.