Newspaper Page Text
Crenter lUcbmond'n Orenter Newapaper GltRATEST WANT AN!) I? 10 Ali US TATB JIKIHUJI IN VIRGINIA, AND UNR OP TilE HUNT IN AM Pill I CA. Want Ad Rates In effect Juno 11. 1911. Hall}-, one cent per word when paid In ndvuner. No Ad. taken tor le?? then ten team. One nnd one-bait ? centa n word oil t'iuixillciillonn except Situation Wanted for Sunday. Sltnnttuu V\ anted, one *H*at( n word. No Ad. >'iudny tuUeit lor lca? tiiim in(ven vent*. No All?, lukeu for lc?? than twenty flve venia ..hen phoned In or charged ?I the counter. Phone orut-rn _ot guaranteed. (-'lanMOentloii uot ?uurauteed altet ?130 I*. SI. For buMuec? rend net... eend for the V^niil Unit, illume Munrne 1 M,0Ui uuu j uuii? ?<5sf~Xx~oi?>'. f l ion ed^bR AOtf let; tmii Wltil . .... on.imul. He ward u returned to oiu .Nonni 'I wutuy-tuiru street; or pnuiic Aiudl- I f?n ^aj.-L.. _I LObT,5 ON ? ; FRANKLIN. STREET, BE .tWUOU riiii.ter uiiu J eil'et Sun, one long biaeK oar pin, .-?et WUU r.-uiudtoiies. 'itewaru it returned to owner, out VV. | !? run hi in. _ LOST, ?~\VHlTE anU black 8POT (pd fox terrier, snort tali; answers to the name ot Monroe; disappeared from ano v? eat (Jury. Liberal toward It rutui /mil._ CLiii lr OP STUCK. num bered 16 an;i 1C ot the lion Air Com? pany ot Virginia, issued April 7,1 lish, in the name u? E. B. Taylor, I having boon lost, notice la hereby Klvt-ti that application im? been mauo tor issue ot niw certificates. CtiAKLES K. i'Aii.Olt, Adm'r of hj. H. i aylor. .luceaaed. l/UP UllttlUtO, it^UlC w aki *l*"d. ^r(ju^r%7~siM\m VT~aSC? bodied, unmarried men, uetv. een ages of is and 85; citizens of United statu?; of _uod charucter and temperate hab H.i. who can nyeuK, read and write tho English language. For informa? tion. inuy*to Kecrultlns ?lftcel, j-.uat broad Street. Klchmund. Va. W A N 'J' ?b, iUUNu 41 e.N Id La'AHN tho automooiia business; poaittona secured competent graduates. K1CH Mo.NL? AUTO hCitUUL -oj Granam StreoL_ .WANTED, YOUNG MAN WITH CLKIt-1 ical ability. Apply Room 8UI, Aincrl can .National Han It iiiinding. Sv ANTED. OFFICE BO l; MUST BE of neat appeal ante and not alruld of work. Appiy In own hand writing. | blatlng salary expected, to Hex aJo. City._ VotilTlONS dr1vlno FORD DELIV- j ery wagons open to young whlta men. v. e will te^ch you tree how to1 operate and cuio for Ford motor cars. ford AUTO CO.. lt>l!9 Weal j Hi oad btiei-L >v anted, a _ :rst-cL?S8 CHef cook. CHESTERFIELD iiuTEL, Pe? tersburg, Vu. WANTED, A MAN WITH SMALL family to work on farm; a comfort' able six-room house with good lot around it ready for him. References re<|Ulred. Address Box 65, lt. F. D. No. 1. Palls P. O.. King William Co., Va._ WANTED. A MAN OH HOY T< ? '.VOIUC on (arm. Slate terms With lefer encc. it. F. D. No. 2, Dox Diu. Hump tun, Va. CT> TL a-rlKVICIi.? /.NY YOUNG MAN or woman who wants a position with I the United .States government,! li ulil write ua ul once. If you are ' over eighteen, and an American, we can (fUickly qualify you to pass tne; necessary examinations. During the past year we have placed over Too' : cn and women In desirable govern? ment position. Write at once for lr-" civil .service booklet and infor? mation. I. C. s.. Uox 1049 c, Scran-1 ton. Pa._I WANTED. BOOK.KEEPEH FOH HEAL' >..,t,'.l,j office. Stale age, salary ex pccled oh blurt, experience and ref? erence. Apply G 18, care Times-Dls patch._ AT ONCE, A COMPETENT MANAGER for a larKe manufacturing plunt. Wo: prefer a man who van luvest J?,000. i Tno stock will pay in dividunda about 15 per cent. Good salary and pleasant employment, if you are not ...p.tble of managing a business do? li,e; $;i.0U'J per month do not apply. Addrebs II &-. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. ' WA.sTED, EXPERIENCED YOUNG man In steward work. Apply 1527 E. Main Street. ?iuidtioii? C?unu?, u?ale jffo?l?B^^VINTlNfr KI R8T-(' L A 6 S work, inside or outside. Drop me a card. 3.h N. Ninth Street._ .WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED REU iatered pharmacist, with best of ref? erences; a position, .'.ddrcss l'HAli MACIST, caro Postmaster, Alexan? dria, Va._"_ iWANTED, ? "POSITION BY A YOUNG man with five years' experience in general alore; alao experience as bookkeeper. Uood hubita, and will give good references. Address J 91. care 'I imes-Dlspnt :h._ iD}?lp CCttUUE?, JrUllAU ,v7ante D^iou'sTT^HTTrr mTJstTlavb reference. Apply 212 e. Marshall._ RV anted. experienced young lady aienogi apnei ; must atute expe? rience and salary wanted. Addresa J 113. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WqzmB (Axaiuco X?EKt?PfKXV ZOxg'?eICS ir?TCER? wanted to sell our :.atenled light? ers. Urand-new invention, making matches absolutely 6uperiluous. No pluywork like all other liulitera on market. Gooj tor lifetime; ever ready. Everybody likes these li_IU era. therefore buy them. Big money In for canvassing hustlers, for deal? ers In cigara, urugu, groceries, lor bartenders and waiters in rebtauranta hotel clerks and traveling men, sell? ing same besides other gouds. You are doing well if you write to-day for samplea. sending In one dollar for our splendid kitchen lighter, or our ornamental nlckel-plaiod wall lighter, or our famous nickel plated tuble lighters. With ash pit, or our dandy nickel-plated pocket lighters, or $3.5u for all four light era together. We will mall you any of these samples at once with our lowest prices current lor agents and all good informations to do u groat lousiness. When you are making a trial after our directions and you aro not satisiied, *Vv are willing to refund your money paid for samples Take your chances and write at once to GROSSMANN BROS. CO.. Wil? mington, N. C. greatost firm for im? port ana export in patented novol ti"s In the South. Bunk reference: Southern National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. _ Boiicitoto ano ^au'uiiuii au^m^STlcT^ tlve opening for n well educated young salesman, who has made good In any line. This position combines the advantages of a good income | and a healthy outdoor life. Appli- ; cations from none but hlgh-claes, successful salesmen will be con? sidered. FORD AUTO CO., 162-fli West Broad Street._ "WANTED, BY LEADING man?fac turer of ladles' and children's wear, a hustling salesman to handle lcad er3 for large department stores and Jobbers. None but capablo nnd ex? perienced persons considered. Ad? dress J 91, care Times-Dispatch. l&ouiii? jroc l&mt P?3ftSAl\*f; ATTR ACT! V F. ROOMS*, 14 North Sixth, oast side of street. ROOMS? VVmCN VISITING" NO It FOLK 1 Htop at tho PALISADE, 111 College Place. Delightful, warm, first-class! in every particular. Transient or I by week or month. Splendid hoard ] across the street. JSot.cro w^ntTSi^^tTTk pTjulTc"~to~i?fow that JAHNKE BROS.. Jewolors. ?12 Kam Muln Street, buy. sell, jxciange and remount dtumonds In ibc latent styles. Old Kuiv. und silver always Imki n In exchange._ ELECTRIC GAKAUE, vine and main i Blrco'e.?We have opened an up-to date a*:d well-equipped electric s;ur ago for tho euro of utectrlc vohlclos and storage battjrles. RAUCH & LANG eli ctrics. '.VA varley clactrlcs. "hone for a dem- j onstrutlon. and lot Mr. smith talk w'th you. W. C. SM.TIl &. CO.. Vino and Main. 314 K. ' ftu Suc?t-_| PIANO MOVING.?we CAN PUT j your piano where others would not] attempt tho work. Our moving do-, partnient Is lltiully equipped to move! all kinds of furniture anil planoE. j CRAFTS. Moving Department. 121 I East Broad Street. Madison 650?. i MA 1 SON FRANCA ISE.' A ITl-i ~SO RTH ' Eigilltl Street, Kicninond. Va., Louis] Chevalier, Prop, (tale chef Palace* Hotel, San Francisco, und cnei' -Met-1 ropoiltun Ciub. \\ asnlngion, L). Of' catering und preparing ior prlvatl dinners a specialty; French labloi U hote dinner Uuliy, 5:30 to a p. M., Tic.; luncti dally, 11:30 A. M. to a P. M., 5t'e.; meats uiso served a la carte. For private dinners, etc., cooks win bo furnished at residences If desired. Elegant rooms, newly _furnlsiK'il. Phone Madison 103s. , BACHRACH'S. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PER , MONTH; BACHRACtl, ESTAUL16H ED lhS7. OFFERS SPECIAL IN? DUCEMENTS an 11 GUARANTEES LOW E.ST KATES OF INTEREST ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, . SILVER W ARE;-ETC. BEE US. RICHMOND LOAN OF- 1 FiCE, S. UACHitACH; PROPRIETOR. f>15 EAST BROAD STREET. THE SPIRELLA CORSET SHOP HAS \ been moved to N\ Filth Street, llrst Hoot. MRS. CORNELIA MOORE. Manager. Madison 71:52. PIANO TONE RESTORING-.?BY ,' OUR unique method we can make your old plane sound as good as inuny new Instruments. Our repair department Is equipped to do all kinds of and player-piano work. Estimates cheerfully given, without charge. Come In and get our expert ad? vice without obligating yourseir. CRAFTS. 121 E. Uroud Street. Rich? mond, Va. Madison 6606. Ixeal Cerate slot sale W'?'NTTJbT' FoiC?~ C A8I l"'CUST^MEIf, a brick Investment, from J?.uyQ to . 12,600.: N.. W; BOWE & SON. FOR SALE. FINE, PERMANENT IN vestment, nearly 10 per cent.; eight room brick dwelling;, two squares from Muln. near business section; new bath, range ailj latrobe: leased1 at ?300; reduced to {11,100. Can pay ?1,100 and let balance stand. In this case It will pay 16 pur cent, on 100, besides the Interest on the loun. ! A ana p. Cl 1AP1N -?r 11U ME. FLOYD AVENUE LOTS, BAST OF THE I Boulevard, ?15 per foot. N. BO WE & SON._ FOR SALE. BPLEND1D EIGHT-ROOM brick dwelling, l?oO block. Hanover, Avenue, meant heilt, double parlors, combination fixtures; terraced; greatly reduced; eaav terms. CHA PIN &r HUME._ PARK AVENUE, CORNER OF ADIJ1 son. and nf-ar the corner, about. 124 feet, deep lots, paved all around: de slrable lotd, flrtn ground, not ililed In, saving cost for building'. Those lota are offered at Very reasonable price considering location. G. A. HAWKINS, Real Estate, 100 N. Sev enth Street. _ CO I IN E R,' M A1N AN D BH BP PARD. 60s 135. very cheap. O. A. HAWKINS. _i'.'-al Ei't?te. !??> N Seventh Str. A BEAUTIFUL SUITE OF ROOMS FOR rent, with hoard, loo West Main Str.-et. next Je.'tcison Hotel._j A FARM:']FOR ? S ALE--7NINETY ACRES, J located threo miles north of Gooch land Courthouse, on the White Hall Road. Joining the county p?orhousje; I 30 acres of cleared land; CO acres I In wood, oak and pine. Flno waierlj no buildings. Schools convenient. Price, ?1,200. Apply J. C. HARRIS. 1017 St. Peter Street. Richmond City. Va._ MAIN STREET LOTS. EAST OF THE ] Roulevard. $35 per foot. N. W. BOWK & SON._ FOR SALE. 10-RQOM HOUSE AND 11 M acres land, orur.rollcy. two miles from city;' electric' lights and many out? buildings. Very ueap. Also snrno I very cheap farms, larger, near city. : - See our bargains now. CHAPLN &i HUME.__ HIGHLAND PARK LOTS FROM FIRST | hands, cheaper than trioat. hut asl good as the best. N. W. BOWE & SON. _ ntal estate S-ot Lvcnt T\V?^FlN^n5FlnCE^ I water, electric light, heat and phone. | alt for ?lf> per month. 313 East j Grace._ l%tal estate ?Haiueb I^WiaH^TTSTfB^Crl^ having lots for sale on Murshall. Clav or Leigh Streets, between Rou? levard and Tilden Street. G 11. care Times-Dispatch. _ FARM WANTED, FROM 50 TO 100 j acres, within ten ml! j of Richmond. Address J 32, care Tltnes-Dlspatch. LIST YOUR FARMS WITH J. A. CON-1 NELLY & CO. Write postal for nec- | easary blanks. SOtttDfn? nTCeTO^urnIsh^ board. 15 South Fifth-_ DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 209 East Franklin._ 1003 WEST 'GRACE STREET?ROOMS with board; reasonable rates. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND I good board; phone and bath. 508 N. Fifth._ 410 WEST GRACE STREET. HOT WA ter heated rooms; modern conveni? ences; board._ ftooms CUanteo TW?" bGsINEI^^^VOMEN DESIRE bright, sunny, furnished room; pre? fer private family west of Richmond College. Will occupy February 15. Stale terms and conveniences. J 116. cure Times-Dispatch. Justness Opportunities fotT^saleT"~st^endTd m^rchan diso business in Sussex county; good stand, large trade. Nice manufactur? ing business, city, big profits; de? mand for output increasing. This Is a money-maker. R. 8. ELLYSON & < CO., Sales Agents and Collections, Basement American Bank._ MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS AND Jewelry at lowfest ratas of Interest No charges for storage. n. f. JA CORS &- PON, 21R n Ninth Street. i J?oultr-H, 43tt? on? Etoe ?tocfr 1 for?baw^^dMOTI^^ turkeys, from 1911 blue ribbon wln nors at. Madison Squars Garden, Boston. Baltimore. Washington. At? lanta and Nashville. Apply Box 76. Newsoms, Va. S?m?it?trntor'? j?eiiee TlTlS^ifDSt PANYT Yl A VING^QUALIFIED as administrator of Henry L. Heart well, dnceoRcd, all persons having claims against said estate are ro <iu*Htcd to present them, and th'ose indebted to the ostute will pleaso make payment. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Admlnliitrator of llonry L> HeartWOll. DA LY PUZZLES ER-B-R- ?WILL NOW? What klml of horBe? &KSWBH TU YH VI' ERDA.T'3 I?i;Z7.LB. Urouiid hos;. Stot ?ale STSt^SFTD^^NYj^T^ I eold und exchanged. L BLUFOftD & co.. 1538-42 East Gary Street. TWO second-HANL) RUNABOUTS, j one top huvgy und eev-ral wagons, all In good repair and palmed. Theaa are bargains. A. mevep'S SONS. 731 KuBt Cary Street._ EINE CARRIAGES b?s1ness BUG gleo. all kinds of wagons, carriage! und wagon repairs, automobile re? pairs, automobile painting. Good work. Reasonable prices. W. G smith Sc co.. 314 N. Fifth Street. FROST proof CABBAGE PLANTS I deliverer! In Virginia and North Car? olina, 11.40 per' thousand; sure ncad ers; bunched In IrLi of 60 planta ENTERPRISE PLANT co.. Meggens. b. c._ FOR SALE, TOP buggy. newly] pjlnted, rubber tires, $50; one rub? ber-tired runabout, newly painted, $45; several wasons in good condi? tion, cheap. A. MEYER'S BONS, 731 East Cary Street._ SOJA BEANS.?GOOD STOCK; LIMIT ed quantity. Also black, clay and mixed peas. For sale by D. ethek 1uge & co.. 31-33 Commerce Street, Norfolk, Va._ for sale cheap, one new keg ?tave mill, complete. In South Caro? lina. Address J 93. cure Tlmes-Dls putch._ SEE HERE! NELSON'S BRAND-NEW Encyclopaedia, half-Morocco, half price. CHARLES JACOBUS, General Delivery. _ PAIR WEL81I PONIES, EIGHT AND nine years, black ai.d bay; made-to ortler top buggy, surrey and harr.ess; always driven by lady as a team; have been pronounced by competent Judges "best pony team they ever aaw." Drive llko horses and can road eight miles per hour. Are city wise. J. McPHAIL, 122 South Fifth Street, Richmond, Vn. REMEMBER, THE HIGHEST COST OF A LOAN AT THE EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY IS 3 PER CENT. PER MONTH. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MONEY COME AND SUE THE MAN? AGER. SOG E. RROAD (SECOND FLOOR, BRYAN BUILDING i. DELICIOUS SMITHF1ELD SAUSAGE now on tale ut your grocer's FOR SALE. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF business wagons, top and open, for every purpose. Lowest prices. Eaav terms. A. MEYER'S SONS. "31 E. Cary Street. , isn-jonal? EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY PRI? VATE OFFICES, EIGHTH AND RROAD STREETS. iU.MAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOID at HUOHKS'S. 2US North Third. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PER MONTH. BACH RACK'S, i LARGEST, OLDEST AND STRONGEST COLLATERAL INSTITUTION SOUTH OF NEW j ORK, OFFERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AND LIBERAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. ETC. BE SURE AND SEE US. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE, 8. BAUHRACH. PRO? PRIETOR. 815 E. RROAD STREET. ESTABLISHED 1887. READ THE SPIRELLA CORSET ADS In Vogue, Home Journal. Dlllneator, Dress Magazine, Designer and New Idea; then come to the shop. 20S N. Fifth, and be convinced that all they suy is true. CCIQIUCD vv^rrEiJT^o^B^ hold goods In any guunti'./-. Pnono Mayisuii 3851._ LOOK! LOOK: LOOK! WE PAY CASH for old clothes, gents' furnishings, boots, shoes, furniture, eta Phone Madison 5132. BACHRACH. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PER MONTH. BACHRACH GUARANTEES TO MAKE MORE LIBERAL AD? VANCES ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. ETC., THAN ANY OTHER LOAN OFFICE. RATES. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE, S. BACHRACH. ESTABLISHED 1887. s15 E. BROAD STREET. Coal anD U.Io?d IF~I~"1iADv'aLl"'tHe testimonials of good housekeepers and the lew men of good Judgment that expreus themselves amout long's wood 11 would be Interesting and worth oven more than 10 cents. If you will or? der this week or next 1 will aend dry oak and pine and the best oak and _ino slabs over sold and coal tnat burns. LONG'S. 1506 West Broad ^TsceUiTiTcD?tj BACHRACH. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PER MONTH. LARGEST, STRONGEST. OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE COLLATERAL INSTITUTION SOUTH OF NEW YORK. LIBERAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. WATCHES, SILVERWARE. ETC. IF IN NEED OF MONET IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE US. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE. S. BACHRACH. PROPRIETOR. 815 E. BROAD. ESTABLISHED 183Y. SHOE REPAIRING, 75c. HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES, COe. ladles: every pair sewer; best leath? er; no nails, nr pegs. Royal rub? ber heels. 25c.; Tred-Alr rubber heels, 40a; leather heels rebuilt like new 26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. Main. Phone Mon _roo 2667. __^_ UPHOLSTERING. 7" FURNITURE REPAIRED AND POL lsaed, mattresses renovated, antiques bought and. sold. LEVY, the Uphol? sterer, i%6 West Broad, auction &aU0, j-tituiT D?p? Heal Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION S?HE OP Neat Frame Semi Detached 6-Room Dwelling, No.! 806 North 27th Street, Richmond, Va. At tho request of the Virginia Truft Company, and by virtue of a dcil of trust. 4ated Octobor 5. 1911. recorded In Richmond Chancery Court clerk's ofllce wa will seit by public auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY r,. 1912. j at 4 o'clock P. II., the abovo described real estate. Tho lot fronts 23 feet on the west lino of Twenty-seventh Street, and extends | back 12S feet to nn alloy pj feet wide. Tho dwelling contains six rooms. In good condition, and Will make a .viot home or a good Investment This prop? erty Is being F.old In settlement of an estate and division of proceeds. i TERMS: One-third cash; balance at j six, twelve and eighteen months; or all cash, at option of purchaser. VIRGINIA TRUST CO. 1 Trustee C. L. & H. L. DENOON. Auctioneers. By J. Thompson Brown ^ Co., 1113 East Main Street. TRUSTEE'S SALE \ OF TWO-STORY HIGHLAND SPRINGS DWELLING AND SEVEN LOTS. By virtue of a deed of trust to the [ undersigned, dated June 30, 1310, ' recorded In Iloni lco Circuit Court. D. I B. 1SD-A. page 37. to secur? tho pay I mcnt of oartaln noto. therein de? scribed, default having bcon made by |S. A. Sharp and "E. Schott, who ns I sumod the aamo. and beim? required so to do, I will sell at public auction, on the premlaoa, to the highest bidder, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7. at A P. M-. tract of land, with nil Improvements tliei-eon, fronting 100 feet on Vine Street and 350 feet on Beech Street, j being lots 2 to 14. block B, section.2, plan of Highland Springs; a nice, neat little hous; of five rooms, poultry runs, stables, etc., with large yard. TERMS: Caah as to expenses of sale I and to pay a noto of $6.75 and $225. I with protest feea and interest from December 30, .1911, all unpaid taxes, j and balance In* one year. LiEROY E. BROWN. Trustee. J, Thompson Browr. Ac Co.. Auctioneers. IXcal estate INCOME INVESTMENT Brick property, centrally located. Rental. $I,??0 per annum. Opportun? ity for enlargement and Increased rental. Bargain price. We can demon? strate tho truth of this proposition. O. A. HAWKINS, Real Estate. 100 North Seventh Street. MONEY! MONEY! To lend cn Richmond real estate. 11.000 (3,000 11.500 $4.000 12,000 $6.000 $2.600 $6.000 $10,000 CHAPIN ft HUME. I IF YOU DO NOT LISTEN Yours will bo the cost. The oppor? tunity offers now for making some money on lets surrounding, and In the neighborhood of Battlo Abbey site. This is our deliberate judgment. Con? fer with us to your profit. O A. HAWKINS. Roal Estate, 100 North Seventh Street. FOR SALE. GRA CE STREET. 800 block west; 12 rooms; deep lot Ono of the desirable offerings for a delightful homo. See us or let ua see you about this. O. A. HAWKINS. Real Estate, 100 North Seventh Street. THE AltfN'UAir^llSETING^ stockholders of tho Jefferson Realty Corporation will be held at the Jofferaon Hotel. Richmond, Va-. FEBRUARY 7, 1912. at 12 o'clock. O. F. WEISIGEK. _Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the R. U Barnes Safe and Lock Company, Inc., will be hold at the offices of the company, Nos. 9 11-13 South Eighth Street, In the city of Richmond, va.. on MONDAY, Feb? ruary 5, 1912, at 4 o'clock P. M. J. STUART HOPKINS. -? _Secretary. Richmond, Va., January 25, 1912. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE White Sulphur Springs. Incor rated.?The annual meeting of tho stockholders of the While 8ulphur Springs. Incorporated, for the pur? pose of electing directors, the ratifi? cation of all acts of the board of di? rectors and all committees thereof since the last annual meeting and for the transaction of such other business as may lawfully como bo fore the said meeting, will be held at the office of tho company, Room 1. Chesapeake and Oitlo General Otlice Building, Richmond, Va., on THURS? DAY, tho 8th day of February, 1912. at 11 A. M- Tho transfer books will close Monday, January 29. 1012. ut 3 P. M., and remain closed until 10 A. M. Friday, February 9, 1U12. A. TREVVETT. Assistant Secretary. Richmond, Va., January 13, 1912. THE ANNUAL MEET1NO OF THE stockholders of the Broad Street Bank, Richmond, Va., will be ' eld at their banking house TUESDAY. February 13, 1912, at 10 A M. ANDREW M. GLOVER. Cashier. VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY.? Annual meeting SATURDAY, Feb? ruary 3, 1912, at i P. M.. at the So? ciety's home, 707 . Eaat Franklin Street Prosldent's report and eleo ?Ion of officers. C F. Johnson Publishing Co January 18, 1912. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of tho stockholders- of the B. F. Johnson Publishing Company will be held at tho offices of tho company In tho city of Richmond. Va., WED? NESDAY. February 7, 1012, at 4 o'clock P. M. B. L. PELL, Seoretary. Cfturctj -fiotuts._; . Tfissu v^erT?n. '"' I Kin BT l'KESUYTERIAN CHURCH (Grace and Madison Streets).-Preaching at II A. It. and 8 P. M. by tbo pastor. Uav. K. T. Mcl'AOc.s', D. D. bunday School at 9:30 A. M. Hiblo ..;'n?..-? ?t 1?. Wednesday evrnlng service 8 I'. M. SECOND l'KESUYTERIAN CHUKCH ? Rev. RUSSELL. CECIL, D. D.. pastor. Ser? vice? on Sunday at 11 A. M. and S P. it. Sunday School at 0:1? A. M. Wednesday service .*> I'. M. GIL\CE STICKET PRiKSUYTURIAN | Church.?Services at 11 o'clock A. M.. preach? ing by Rev. S. L. MORRIS. D U>.. of At? lanta. Ga.. and at night by Dr. LILLY, tak In? for his subject. "The Fact of tho Love of God." CHURCH OF THE COVENANT-REV. J. | CALVIN s'lEWAKT. D. D. pastor. Preach-| Ins at ;i A. M. and 3 P. M. by the pastor. ; Midweek sarvlce Wednesday at s P. M. Sab hath School at ?:??) A. >!., und Men's Dib!e . Clas? meets at 10 A- M. WES T.MLN S T B B PRESBYTERIAN Churcn-lttv. JAMES V. PAIR. D. D.. p4i t?r. l're&chln;.- 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. by tho j pastor. Welcome. TII1IID PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | (Twenty-sixth and Broad Streets).?Rev. ; WALTER I- LI VOLE. D. D. will iveach Bunday morning at H o'clock and evening at i I o'clock. BAPTIST. I , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH?BROAD AND j Twelfth Streets).?The i. Rev. GEO. W. McDAN'IRL, D. D.. will preach at both services?II A. M. and S P. M. Organised Sunday School, Baraca and I'hllathea Classes I (A. W. Patterson, 3upt.), 9:30 A. >l. A wel-, come to all. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANKLIN , ] and Adams Streets)?Services 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Graded Sunday Schoo, at 9.30 A. M.I Organised clashes for men and women. The ' Rev. MILDRED A. .TENKENS will conduct \ both morning and night services. A wel ; come to all. GRACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (Grace and Fousheo Streets).?Preaching at morning and evening services by the Rev. JOHN II; EAGER, D. D.i of llattlmore. Md. \ ?Morning subject, "God's Supreme Message"!, evening subject, "Living Water." Sunday | School at 9:30 A. M. (Charles R. Winston, i .Supt.). Prayer-meeting Wednesday at k , I Pi M. The public, especially strangers, aro cordially Invited to worship with us. GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH | (Gro?"? Avenue and Harrison Street>.?Rev. W. C. JAMES. Th- D., pastor. Preacblng I by the pastor at 11 A. M., subject, "Some Objections to .State-wide"; i !'. M.. subject. I ??Spending Labor for Naught." Sunday I School at 9:16 A. M. (James U. Wood, Supt.). Wednesday evening proyer-Tueetlng ] at S o'clock. LEIGH S TRIE ET BAPTIST OHURCH (corner Twenty-fifth and Leigh Btreets).? I JOHN J. WICKER, paetor. 11 A. M., sor monet nnd reception of new members; 7:4>] P. M., "The Devil"?first of a series. Sun? day School 9:10 A. M. (C. O. Alley. Supt.). | All welcome. EPISCOPAL. MONUMENTAL CHURCH (ERECTED ISH on site of Theatre burned 1S11), Broad Street below Twelfth. Swvlcei at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Seats free. CHRISTIAN. SEVENTH STREIT OHRtSTtAN Church ?Preaching both morning and even? ing by the pastor. Rev. II. D. C. MACLACH LAN. Subject at 11 A. M.. "One of thu Lenso of These";, at 8 P. M? "Judas'a Point of View." Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. METHODIST. BROAD STREET METHODIST CHURCH. Preaching nt II A. M. and 9 P. M. by the pastor, nev. PHAXK L. WELLS. Morning subject. "How May "Wo Know that Jesus I* the Son of God 7" Evcnlnx subject, "Is It True that Every Man Has His Price?" LUTHERAN. THE FIRST ENC1LLSH EVANGELICAL Lutheran Churcn (corner Monument Avenue nnd Lombard)- Street).?Preaching by the pastor, the Itov. J. J. SCHEREIt, JR., 11 A. M. nnd 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Luther League 7 P. M., subject, "Our MIs xilpns In Japan." GERMAN E VANG EDI CA*L. ST. JOHN'S GERMAN EVANGELICAL Church (corner Eighth nnd Marshal*. Streets)?Rev. O. GUTHE. pastor. 11 A. M.. morning service In German, subject, "Ver zocRcrter Segen": 8 P. M.. evening scrvlo* In English; 9:30 A. St., graded Sunday School with German nnd English classes. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. REGULAR SERVICES OF FIRST Church 0f Christ. Scientist, will be held to? morrow- morning In church udltlcn (corner Park Avenue and Meadow Street) at II o'clock. 6ubject, "Lovb." Wednesday evening testimony and experience meeting at 8:30. The reading-rooms are located at 20714 North Sixth Street, and are cpen every week day from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. All aro cordially Invited. UNITARIAN. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH (FLOYD Avenue and Harrison Street)?Rev ALEX? ANDER T. BOWSER, minister. Subject for Sunday, February 4. second sermon In series on the distinctive principles of Unltarlan lsm?"The Brotherhood of Man." Services at 11 o'clock. All seats free. Stlanttx ?tti> &e?tort? Hotel and Sanatorium, With Ha eii-gunt comtorts, ts tonic and curative baths and aupurlor table and service. Is an tiioal pla-o for fall and winter. Always open. Alwava s.dy. Always busy. F. I~ Young, General Va?agsvr Atlantic City_ Sheetings [ ?l-fNUA^T^E^TD?^^ holders of tho Richmond Transfer Company will be held at their oiUce. S09 East Main Street, at 12 o'clock noon WEDNESDAY. February 14, 1912. W. T. DARDEN, . _Secretary. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, RICHMOND, VA. | January 24, 1912. I TO WHOM IT MAY CON- j CERN: j WHEREAS The Virginia Railway and Power Company, successor and assignee of the Richmond Passenger and Power Company, has made application itb the Council of the City of Richmond, requesting an amend? ment of the franchise granted to the Richmond Passenger and Power Company by the ordinance 'approved December 23, 1899, en- ; 'titled, "An Ordinance to authorize jthe construction and operation of a Street Railway within the Jlimits of the City of Richmond by ? the Richmond Passenger and 1 ! Power Company," that releases 'the said Virginia Railway and j Power Company, assignee of the Richmond Passenger and Power Company, from the performance pf certain duties required by the jsaid ordinance of December 23, 1899, and that authorizes an in? crease of charges to be made by said assignee for the use by the public of the benefits of said franchise; and? WHEREAS a joint resolution of the Council of the City of Richmond, approved January 24, 1912, has directed that ten (10) days' notice be given by the City Clerk of. said proposed amend incut; NOW, THEREFORE; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV? EN that the said application has been made and filed as required by law, and notice is further given that the said proposed amendment is in the words and figures following: A. AN ORDINANCE. To amend and re-ordain section 8 of an ordinance approved December 23, 1899, ontttled, "An ordinance to au? thorize the construction and opera? tion ot a street railway within tho limltB of the city of Richmond by the Richmond Passenger and Power Company," so as to permit the sale of tho Seven Pines linn ->n certain con? ditions affuctlng the rate of fare on ?nd the right to 'rantfer to and from tho aald Sovon Pines line. Be It ordained by the Council of the, city of Richmond? 1. That section b of an ordinance approved December 2?, 1X9S>. entitled, "An ordinance to authorize thu con? struction und operation of a streut railway within .the limits of tho city of Richmond by the tUchaiond Passe.. ger and Power Company," be amended und re-ordaiued so us to road as fol-, Iowa, to-wlt: 3. All the rights and privileges hereby gruntod to tho Richmond Pas? senger and Power Company, with the consent of tho City Council, may be exorcised by any successor, or suc? cessors, assignee, or assignees of said Richmond Passenger and Powor Com? pany, but auch successor, or successors, ussignoe or aaai_ns, shall be subject to. (all the obligations, stipulations, for-, felturea and penalties hire.ubeloro pre-: scribed as applicable to thu suld Rlch-j mend Passenger and Power Company;] provided, however, that consent Is hereby granted to the Virginia Railway and Powor Company, kjicccsboi' of the I Richmond Passenger and Powor Com-, puny, to sell, transfer and assign to j tho Richmond, Urbaniu at.d Peulnsu-I lor Rullway Company, that portion of tta strcot railway system known as 1 tho Seven Pines line, which extends ! from Twenty-ninth und "P" Streets In the city of Richmond, to Seven Pines, in the county ot Henrico, together with the right to operate and main-) tain the samo within the present, or. any futuro limits of the city of Rlch-| mctfid, subject, so far as it may lto within such limits, to ull general or-| dlnancos of the city now uxlsllng, or, hereafter adopted, relating to and reg-1 I Ulatlng street railways, and subject' | also to the terms and conditions of , thu said ordinance, approved Decem I bor 23, 1899, and tu the following I terms and conditions so tar as they: aro in conflict therewith, and ameu-j j datory thereof: S-a. When and aa soon aa the said Virginia Railway and Power Company and the said Richmond, Ut'uunna und I Peninsular Railway Conipuny shall j huve out6rud Into an Ugreement con I Bummatlng thu transfer of tho said ? Seven Pines line, und a copy thereof has been tiled with the clerk of tho; Council of thu city of Richmond, ana, the aald Vliglnla Railway und Powor; Company, aucccssor of the Richmond : Passenger und Power Company, und the i said Richmond, Urbunua and Ponliisular < Railway Company, snail each have ? tiled In writing with the clerk of the! Council of the city of Richmond an: acceptance of the provision.! of this' ordinance, then tho uuid Virginia liotll-j way and Power Company shall there? upon bo forever rolljvcd and released,1 except as hereinafter provided, of and i from all the obligations, lorms, condl- I ! tlous and provisions of tho ordinance! j of the city of Richmond, approved' j December 23, 1899. granting a /run - . I chlse to the Richmond Piisbungor und! Power Company, so far as tho same' I applies to that portion of Iho said! j Seven Pines line lying beyond the ; present corporuto limits of tho city of Richmond. S-b. Tho consent hereby given to the aforesaid sale, transfer and assign-j ment is given on cundlttun that the! same shall be made subject to tho con? dition, that if the uuld Richmond, Ur-i bunna and Peninsular Railway Com-' pany shall fall to begin tho work ofj surveying tho proposed railroad from Richmond to Urbunua within ninety! days alter the approval of this ordi? nance, or If R shall fail lo begin the work of const ruction of the said rail-1 road within nine muiitha alter thej approval ot this ordinance, or fail to i continue the auid work lo and ucrossj the Pumunkcy River to the reasonable' satisfaction of th i City Engineer, or! if tho said Richmond, Hrbanna and Peninsular Railway Company shall fall! I to complete tho said railroad and have' I the same- In operation to und across, tho Chlckahominy Rivor, through thej county of Hanover, end to and acroas' the Pamunkey Rlvor, within two years' after the approval of this ordinance,! then and In cither event the Council of the city of Richmond shall have the! right to repeal this ordinance, and in the event of auch repeal the said sale,! transfer and assignment hereby condl-j tlonally consented to by tho Council, of tho city ot Richmond shull be void' and of no effect, and tho said Bich-! mond, Urbonna and Peninsular Railway Company shall thereupon surrender to) the Virginia Railway and Powor Com-; pany, its successors or assigns, and the 6ald Virginia Passenger and Powor Company, Its successors and assigns,I shall thereupon rcasnume and re? sume tho full and absoluta owner? ship, operation and control ot the said So 'tn Pines lino. sub? ject to all the terms and pro? visions of tho ordinance, approved De | cember 23, 1899, granting a franchise to tho Richmond Passenger and Power, j Company, and aubject, uspcc'ally, to the ! duties and obligations In relation to. I tho rate of fare upon, and to tho trans.; fer rights of pnsnengers to and from the said seven Pines lln-a. as tho samo exist at the time of such transfer, sale and assignment, all of which said terms, provisions, dut'os and obliga? tions shall thereupon bo of tho snmo force and effect and as binding upon the aald Virginia Railway and Power i Company, I to successors and assigns from and after the dato of any such repeal of this ordinance, as if this ordinance had novor been adopted: pro. vlded. however, that no provisions of this ordinance shall become effective unless and until the said Richmond, Urbannn and Peninsular Railway Com? pany shall, within thirty d-iy? after tho I approval hereof, file w'th the Auditor i of the city of Richmond, a bond pay-' able to the city of Richmond aa llqnl-: dated damages In a penalty of fifty' thouannd dollars ($50.000.00), with surety approved by the City Attornoy. to bo held by said Auditor and to be; conditioned as follows, to-wlt: (1) That the said Richmond, Urban na and Peninsular Railway Company shall, within nlnoty days after tho ap? proval of this ordinance, fi'o with the clerk of the Council the agreement between the said Richmond. Urbanna and Peninsular Railway Company anil the Virginia Railway and l ower Com? pany, and tho acceptance of tho pro? visions of this ordinance by both of said companies, as sot forth In sec? tion 8-n hereof; (2) That the sold Richmond, Urban? na and Peninsular Railway Company shall begin the work of surveying the 1 proposed railroad from Richmond to tu MlmiMKl'lff ' *-. Urbanna within nlnoty d.iy? aftor tha approval of thla ordinance, und'ahull bettln the work of construction ot tho aalj railroad within nine months after auch approval, and ?hall continue the aakl work of construction to thtt reasoiuiblo Batlsfnctlo.i of the City Ea gluecr, und shall complete the aald railroad and have the samo In opera? tion to and across tho Chlckahoininy1 River, thruugh the county of Hanovor, and to and across thd Pamuukey River, ' within two years after tho approval ot ' thla ordinance, and shall completo tho" said railroad and have the same in operation to tho town of Urbanaa, In Middlesex county, within flvo years ' after such approval; (8) That if tue said Klcumond, Ur banna and Peninsular Hallway Com? pany shall fall to carry out each und... every ono of the conditions and stlpu- 5 latlons abovo set forth, then and In such case, the auld bond shall bo for-.' felted und become Immediately and ab. nolutely payable without ctlsot to tho city of Richmond ns Utiuldated dam? ages. (4) That If tho said Richmond. Ur- i banna and Penl'isular Hallway Coia-' pany shall comply witn the aald con-,'; dltlons and stipulations as set forth tu sub-sections (1> and (2) above, thon the said bond shall be transferred and delivered to the said Richmond, Ur banna and Peninsular Railway Com? pany. 8-c. Tho Richmond. Urbanna and Pe? ninsular Railway Company in the ope? ration of tho Sevan Pine* line uhul) charge not mom than five cents for passage butwecn any two points on j said line from Twenty-ninth and P Streets. In tho city of Richmond, to Seven Pines, In tho cbuuty of Uonrlco, Virginia, but six (ti) tickets, each good for Buch passage, shall be. sold for not more than twenty-live cents, livery passenger cur oporated on said Hue nhall be In charge of u conductor, who shall constantly have In his possession an ample and adequate cupply of tick ? ots to be sold und delivered to all pas? sengers desiring the samo: and botwecu the hours of 5:30 A. M. and 7 A. M. of each day the said conductor ehall havu j a like supply of tickets, which shall bo Bold and delivered to all passengers desiring the same, ut the rate of two for flvo cents to be used on said line only between the hours of 5:30 A. M. and 7 A. M. from Monday to Saturday, Inclusive Tho suld company shall place on sale, at convenient potnts to . Its patrons, tickets to bo suld and du ltverud to pupils presenting a certifi? cate of enrolment lu some school in the city of Richmond, or along said Seven Pines line, at the rate of two for IIvo cents, to be used only between tho hours of 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. from Monday to Friday, inclusive, and to be good for such passuge aforesaid on ?ald Uno. The person tendering or de? livering such ticket shall be entitled to ride tho samo dlstanco as though auclr person had paid u cash fare of live cents; provided, however, that th* Richmond, Urbanna and Peninsular Railway Company shall be required to give transfer 3llps without extra chargo therefor to any and all pussengcrs boarding the curs *bf said company within the present corporate limits of the city of Richmond, or any oxtenslon thereof, who huve delivered or tcudorod tho Haid cash laro, or any of suld tickets, the said transfer slips to be good for pasuago on any connect? ing cars of the Virginia. Hallway and Power Compuny in tho city of Rich? mond, with all rights and privileges of original pussengcra upon said cars oporated under the aforesaid frunchlso of the Richmond Passenger and Power Company, and shall be uccepted there? for by said company. The Virginia Rullwuy and Power Company ahull give, and tho Richmond, Urtannn and I Peninsular Hallway Company shall re ? eclvo transfer Blips, without uxtra chargo therefor, good for passage to any point on the said Seven Pines line within the present corporate limits of the city of Richmond, or any extension thereof. The said Richmond, Urbanna and Pe? ninsular Hallway Company ahall estab? lish and rcgulurly maintain on said, Seven Plncu line a daily schedule of at leusl one car in each direction between Richmond and Seven Pines, aa follows, to-wit: Every thirty miuutes from 5:30 A. M. to 8:30 A M.. and every thirty minutes from 5 P. M. to S P. M., and every forty-rive minute* from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M., and every forty-live minutes from 8 P. M. to 11:45 P. M., and said company shall lenoer reason? able and udeijuato service. 8-d. Tho said Richmond. Urbanna and Peninsular Railway Company shall es? tablish and maintain Its prii-ctpal otlico In the city of Richmond, together with the udultlng and disbursing ofl.eers and the books and accounts of the said company. Nothing In .his ordinance shall bo construed to exempt the said Richmond, Urbanna and pennlusular Railway Company from liability to general taxation at the rait assessed on the property of other persona with? in the city, which liability for general taxation is heieby expr'asiy recog? nized, und shall contlnje during tha whole period for which tbl*. franchis9 may continue. The usaossment of the property of the said company for that purpose shall bo made upon the valua? tion of Its property located lr. the city of Richmond, as mudu for purposes ot State taxation, which valuation, how? ever, ehull. In any ca?e. include all of tho rolling stock of tho sa d company, whether assessed for State purposes or not, and the same shall likewlso bo liable to general taxation within the city. Said company shall aiso be liable to the payment of aeseat ments for strcot und other Improvements. 8-e. For any failure to comply with any provision or requirement of this ordinance, or of any crd.nance revok? ing this ordinance In accordance with the terms hereof, by either cf tho com? panies aforesaid, the atmpany so fall? ing shall be liable to a Ana of not less than ten nor moro than riity dollars re? coverable before the Pol lea Justice of thu city of Richmond, each day's fail? ure to ho a separate offence. 2. This ordinance shall bo in force from Us puasugc. And notice is hereby further given that the said application and proposed amendment may be considered at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Richmond, to be held in the Council Chamber, in the City Hall, in the City of Richmond, on Monday, the 5th day of February, 1012, at 8 o'clock P. M. of that day, and may be considered by the Board of Aldernien of the City of Richmond at a meeting to be held at some day subse? quent thereto, in the Council" Chamber, City Hall, in the City of Richmond. BEN T. AUGUST, City Clerk. Examined and approved: H. R. POLLARD, City Attorney,