OIIACKFUIi r.OWXS I.V SILK CACIIISMIHE, SATIV FEU THE ATfO VOILE. L'Art de la Mode. Hall of Fame Party A new entertainment f> r young girls in their 'tcQiiii v.iio tiro following tichtibi classes in literature uud hla lory If it ? Vlaii to tho Hall <>r rnnic." To got It up, the puior <>r some other room of umplc dimensions should j lie cleared of furniture, and on tho i wnlls arc tacked up numerous por-1 trait:: of celebrities ?f all UgCS. ctthoi | clippe d f i gin magu/.iues and ne ws-| papers or obtained through t>ic penny jn'ints, By tisih;; #rt carbourd in brown, green, or biuj t? ?. mounting the prints, e'yen the cheapfst of these can he given quite an urtlstlo effect; A few j goud engravings or photographs or i ra n ny paii' scpartoimd and Included in the gal-j lory, i-i be distributed at the con-' elusion Of the game for prizes. Name): which occur on any of the' portraits must I,.: clipped .iff or cover fed up. an.: ;,ii must he numbered inj sequence. New for the ?>ccratlons of the Hill j of K?me oth,sr than its exhibits, In the centre r.f the irullery have a j Pedestal in?dr .,? oil elargc grocery' l">x or two or more small onac. cover-1 fed witJi white muilln. On th s sho.'M ?lind a t-irl rep absenting a statue? the Goddess of nenown. . She wears a white gown of Grecian style floos, and lieittn noovo the wai.it linej made of white cheesecloth. Her arms are bare, ..ml lr. one a'.ii holds a ! laurel wreath. H?r hair la dros.;ed iti | Urocluii style with a filet. Have the portieres betwcei. the two rooms slightly drawn a:>idc. and posci beyond them have a ..other Htatur representing tho Flight of 'lime. Till? statue, too it of Grecian suggestion, und she Ii ins upon a scythe, the ether hand holding on hourglass. On the pedestal at,. her re??t is n basket coveted with an evergreen wreath or a receptacle woven from the evergreens themselves. This -a tilled j With little tablets, tht m.irgins ol \-litch show all the numrierij that ap-I pear ?>' the photo^rapns or pictures| in the en gallery. in ti'.e corridor or on the stairs an [ th< >? arrive guests are ngrcctcd by four | gl: Is dressed us the so-isons, wh# cc ? luct thent to tho hall ot Tame and I present thtm with the tablets and pencils. These, by the way. may be | Of bone and eras.hie. so that aller I game they may be cleansed and : tallied na noiouceks und souvenirs l!i, occasion. in the invitations guests are i, li sted to come \-r? promptly at the! hOur appointed. Thta la in order that] they inky all see the pretty atatues, before they descend from their pedes? tals, na the posts cannot, of course, !.-?.; Iii id long. I The game of guessing the celebri? ties lasts from an hour to an hour ami a half, after which all the Playern drop thctr notebooks back Into the evergreen basket, one or more of the, seasoiiu then com,, forward to conduct] them to ui>- supper room, j Th'- supper table ihlKht carry out. tiie Idea of the afternoon or evening very prettily. For instance, the dainty! holders for flowers or bonbons which] come ill tile shape of studies holding| urns, shells, etc., might in used decorations, and lite liivors might bo I little bronze or plaster bust!, of ecle-| brltlea. Where these lust arc Intro-1 liicod each girl should be given th? name of the celebrity A-hose effigy she is to lind at lior cover, and in order to Iind her scat she match".* the name Written on her card with the llttl? bronze or plaster figure on the table. Where the Utile busts r.re not usedl have at a simple process by which tho carpet or rug will once more look presentable and an good us new: