Newspaper Page Text
SECURITY MARKET WITHOUT FEATURE Weekly Hank Statement Sur? prising in Its Exhibit ot Heavy Decrease. DEATH OF EDWIN HAWLEY Markov Not Influenced by Pass ing of Great Railway Rcconstrttctor. (Special to Tin; Times-Dispatch.] New fork, February 8.?-Outside of movements in one or two stocks to? day, tho security market waa dull unil without feature. The market eloaed in the main at ."1111111 declines, und the dominant factor in lue trading was as much a? anything 0 mouerutc further decline 111 Lchlgh Valley stock. I'. seemed to be tin ease from tho oper? ations of many speculators' that a Speeles of ''switching" process iviis mo 1ns on between Lehtgh Vnllej stock and the Heading common h ha rob?tliut Is. that these traders were soiling their Lehtgh Valley stock; In which, presumably, they had a good profit, und buying Heading. From a strictly speculative ami Vtechnleul" point o,f \low, it Is admitted thai the market position of l.ehlgh Vnllc;. stock was somewhat weakened when there was lately deducted from Its price the mar? ket value of the new l.ohlgh Valley Coal Sale.* stock issued to the Lehlgh Valley Railroad Company stockhold,: ers. At this time doubtless the short interest In the. stock was small._ and the shares were left to sell solely on their value thai ot a 10 per cent, dividend paying; security. Profit taking In the btock, however, has naturnllj occurred under the circumstances, and tho ability of the Hehlgh Valley Itall road Company to rontlnue its present distribution has not been lessened In the slightest degree by the formation of the new coal sales company stock. Reasons of an Investment nature may. therefore, be expected soon to become effective In supporting the price of the Issue. The weekly hank statement w.^ rather surprising in Its exhibit of a doorcase of nearly JS,000,000 In the actual surplus reserve, brought about by an unexplained decrease In the amount of '?ash held. A round Increase In the cash Item wns looked lor nud was shown In tho average form of the statement. Uauk loans again In? creased heavily In both statements', owlr.K to tho operation the same ciiisoj that havii brought about an increase la loans throughout the pres? ent month. Reports of railway earn? ings us they wore submitted wore not at all bad. The Deinwnre und Hud? son's December sm.-s Increased f'.T. c75. nnd Iis net $175.000. Tho ?-l!ioas;o. Darlington and Qulncy's gross for Ihe same mouth decreased tSOS.OOO; but a 1 eduction in operating expenses made tho net decrease. Insignificant. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, which is now the centre of observa? tion, showed n decrease Iii gross of JloS.OOO, but an Increase in net of $45S'.000. The I'ugel Sound extension reported a grces Increase for Decem? ber of 11 tl.tioo. The lnst week of the lire I month of the new year was one of comparative stock exchange exclternent and con? firmation owing to the development of more or less general weakness in lit' s'ock market. which wa*, however^ cliloOy accentuated in two stocks, the t'nion Pacific mid United S'-.iics Steel common shares. The fall act ins to' have been largely the wor.{ of speou-j lutors for the decline, although there l>: no doubt that it was accompanied by 1. good deal of disgusted selling by other professional market operator.! who have been hoping for more of : rise in prices atHhe present time than actually occurred. The provoking causes of the market .veukness were.) its appeared, the rpcdulat vi' liso made' of the statement of th- chairman ofI tiie board of directors of the Chicago;] Milwaukee and St. Paul Ka'lwav that] this company had reduced the dlyl-: dend rate on the f-t. Paul common] Mt.rV: because of the poor outlook for business; pessimistic view that Mr ilie time t.el^g prevailed regarding the Putted Sta,tes,-.Sloer < 'or;.or it'^n"' quar. terly and end of the year stiitements end fears that Ilm lSryun element in! the House of Rcpresentat ivi s would be] successful in forcing a "'money trujjt*'i Investigation. All of ih<so matters when nnalysted were found not to be so ?. rrifylng n. they appeared ui first; and yet their Influence wns exerted at a lime when the market wns developing a' snggiiitr tendency from p-,ir<j dullness' and its own weight, liid they formed very satisfactory "bOsir" arguments. I fb nernl as recessions In prices were, it was noticeable that the market as , whole followed in a rather he.situ tine, vay the decline 111 steel and Union Pacific stocks, while a .? d liable ?b?rde! of firmness was found In the specific strength displayed by Reading stock; which at the close of the we^k rose to the highest quotation tor r in several months. . It may be question. 1 top, whether from a discerning point of view the inosl Important ?'.cut (.;' the week w n't not after nil tlu rather numerous. . . ? donees brought to hear tliut while bus. in ueoreaacs In gross a:i<l net <? ;rulm;.-. On the. other hand, the K?stern road that is to say, specifically, York Central. New Haven, Chesapeake and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Reading, \| - Untie Coast Lane and. indeed; all tlu loads reports?exhibited ednsidorubii increases in trest and not a ft u in? creases in net. The death of Edwin llawley v.a;. mutter of little market influence, as it was wen understood that .Mr. Hn?v. ley as not a li.rge hoplei of stocks, and that du:Ins the latter part ol .ji;; Hie, at least, ho was. In considerable dtgrto only the representative au.l virtual employe, of other financial In? ir rests. With money here ,-,1 its current !b*.r level and the supply o; idip funds still increasing, om hankers M en. >?. - cllnr.d to welcome the gold exports, ?( the Week it* n source of nlir), al? though it is doubtful If any inrKe fur? ther cxpons are Imminent with ex? change still standing at a level which uocs not admit of these transactions on an ord nary basis. There was. no particular note during the week one wuy or the otlii r In the business world proper. At .least no discouraging news came from to. 1 und steel sections. In tan Iron -li trlota the .South piglroh wus reported as ?howlng a dc'.idcdly firmer der.ey. The boad und investment mar k- f? gathered' slr.engto during ih? Oiiiciai Kange and Sale ot Stocks in New York Sales. Slock. :A> Allls-Clmlnicrs . Allis-Chalmcrs. i>t>\. 3,500 Amalgamated Goppel' ... BOO Amur. Agrl. Clieih., com. Amor. Hi el Sugar, com.. 400 American Can . "'?' Amol Iran < 'a fi. pfd. ion Amoi. Chi and foundry. Amer. Cur anil I'oau.. pfd American Cot toil oil_ American Linseed *.?11.... 100 Aiuorlcai] Locomotive ... Am>r. Ijocotuotiv, pfd... l"> Amor. -Malt Co.. pfd. !."?? American Smelting . SOU American Sugar . tW Amer. Tel. a ml Tel. c. 10) American Tobacco. uotnJ Amer. Tdb.. pfd.. new.... l?? Anaeundu Coppci . (KM Atchlson . li" Atlantic <'oast Lino ? \. C. I* of Connecticut.. 7,io0 Unltimorc ami ohm. 100 BrookI> ii Itapid Transit. W Central Leather, rum.'5 Canadian Pacific . GOO Chesuptake anil Ohio.... Chicago Great Wertern. ?,iil0Ch|., Mil. and si. Paul... Crucible Steel Cor., com. Crucible steel, pfd. Chicago and Northwest. Colorado fuel ami Iron Colorado ami Southern! MM Consolidated < las . Delaware and Hudson... I 'en. and Rio Gran., eon,. I o n ami Itlo Gran., pfd. :'".> DlStlllei-S' See. Cor. iKXi Url j . 100 Brie, 1st pfd. I'ed. Mill, and Sin., pfd., Ceo. U. Helm,- Tob. CO... i; in *ra I Klectrlc . 1.100 Great North? Wu Great North? Illinois Cent 600 lnterboro-M< pfdi By Open. THOMAS BRANCH & CO.. Cankers and Brokers. High. Low. Did. Asked- Sales. Slack. Closing. Open. High. Low Bid. Asked. IIS?? I39Hi 2TSU, II sa, lajiyj I'M', P'I'h !>1 E0T1 ?.:7 m.. 10$ I'll 47M ii-' . I0t';i 3IVs International Paper . 7 Int. Paper, pfd. Cd Kan, Cltv South., com. ?1 :fv500 Lehlgli Valley . 168% 0514 101 Liggett ?V: .Myers t.'o. e'm 17514 11*" 200 Liggett & Myers Co. pfd Uv?i VI Lorlllard Tob. Co, com. ... 103 Lorlllard Tdb. Co.. pfd.. Hie, IIb ? 200 Louisville and Nashville l&OVii |y Manhattan . 11 Mo., Kan. and Texas. 331 Mo., Kan. and Tex., pfd. .a P4>" Missouri Pacific . |s * National Lead . i\l'<. ,.?< ;i roo Now Vork Central. llVfr UN', 210 N. V.. Oft. and Western WA ;oo Norfolk und Western.;. 107% 27? 7.123 Northern Pacific . 11010 jOlf, Paollle Mail . 33 ::r, i'enhsylVunia . l^'1? nip, m I* wjilo's Gus . i>'i' - i:-.a, Pittsburgh t'oai. com. 20.*. Pressed steel Car. 1".'; ICO Pi 'sscd Steel Car. pfd.. I'oi.j T.n Ry. Steel Spring, com. IHK .Ml. Iron and ICA's. 1TS1? 110?, Int. M< lMl Id pel.lie I. and S.. pfd.. 7'J1'. Rock Island . 23.S Rock Island, pfd. I9?i Sidss-Shcfflvld . Southern Paellle . ICT', Southern Railway . 20T4 Southern Railway, pfd. osi Standard oil . 'i' 'hiicssec Copper . Texas Pueilic . UlllOli Pacific . It?li IJliltcd States Itubber... I'< United States Steel. 00ft United St'te.s Steel, pfd 110% Va.-Car. Chemlcul . Vn.iCnr. ("hemlcal, pfd. \'a. ity; and Power, com ... Vi?. Ity. and Power, pfd. ... Williash . Wabash. pi'd. 17", Western Union . n^'m WcyinanBititon Tob. Co ... Total " lies for day, 18" oial vales for week tsix days) It,'.' r UStt llfr'i i?'V. IM)?/. 160% iM'i 3!)!s Hi'-.. I07"fc new 21 (61'4 I-'1, WM ii"'. ,500 she 3,0*0,!? week each day. On tlio Stock lCx changc bond aale? were $lO!i,CuO,006, the largest dealings seen n the cor? responding month sinco I JO?, nnd with thai single excoption since 1905. Jt Is said in banking circles that any w W large bond issue thn'j might now be brought out offering satisfactory sc-, citrlty ami netting to the investor a j 14-2 pel cent, return would be heavily I overall bsci ihed. t'oHNln oi' Wall Street. The proposition to investigate thc:i se-called mone> trust was the prin eipal topic of dlHCUfstou in Wall Street at the (lid as at the beginning of the week. It whs everywhere recognized that such an Investigation as is proposed In the Henry resolu- ! lion, that Is an Investigation appar- ! entl.v designed t? cast as much ills-,] credit a- possible upon the mosti prominent bunkers and limincial In? stitutions, would produce a great deal j ? >f irritation and might disturb I lie! delicate machinery of credit. While j the bear party gloats over Hie pros-i pects of such an Investiga tion, othe>* j speculators and all investor.-! fear the I market effect of It. and though the chances oi the adoption of Ho- resolu-j tion seemed Stnall at the Close of the i week, to-day as on other days of the week It served to dampen bullish en- 1 tilUSlnsi?. The fate (if the resolution 1 will be decided at tin Democratic caucus Wednesday evening. 1 Until that time, in the opinion of' n....:t brokers, then intij be expected | no upward movement except such h.1 rally a- might be brought about by short Covering. It was Increasingly evident Id-duy that Kdwih llawley's affairs had been well ordered before h's death. The st. rks of his railroads have since hel-I as wi;l\ us the others. There is now ho doubt Whatever that lie wns out lIn market loner before his doath, I iisi Indeed lilt associates believed at the tlhif'. Two year." ago. when all j the tlawley stocks wen active und j there wore lone accounts in them inl all tlio commission houses, the um"- 1 kct would certainly hove broken bad-! ly hid Mr. Hawlt-y died suddenly, frit I ! for many Weeks there hud been no uetivlty in any of the lluwtcy stocks, and most <.f thehi were down to very i low prices. Il v.a- said by an officer of one of the llawloy roads on tho day of his death, that the plans formulated lor those roads would be tarried out. The statement is borne out by to-day's news that Minneapolis and St. I.oofs Will soon lilt- a mortgage ot $2,000.000 upon its terminal properties in Minne? apolis. The securities based on the mortgage will probably be twenty-year i 1-2 pel emit. lirsl mortgage bo nils. " Ih hot proposed to dispose of more then J2."O,D00 or SSOOjOOO of thorn in the neat future, that amount being! sulllcili-ut -.. eoiiipleie tliu work planned 'I ? reniaindei will be disposed of as funds are roiiuirod to secure additional property for yards and rluiits of way.' Teehnballv the bonds will be Issued by the Minneapolis Railway Transfer^ !!? .Marshall l'u-ld .s \\ cOkly Review it it said that ioa/1 sales Were belter than In any previous week tor the! ye.-,,-. "Merchant-l 'We on* Joying modern U, but profitable busi? ness because of tlie excellent condition \0l their ?toelt:i Retailers from the I fur U-est are Iniyiiig larger stock than I last N ear for tlie rei son thai many .several months to take ehre of nil the jl^usiii^sk tlie.v might have bad." I Itank cleaving for the week wcie be? ll low toe figures for tin corresponding week last year, but the difference was ve/y ?rnall. The total was- ?.i,5 "O.OOO, I e'.uj i:ompar--d with ?;i,r?77,Oi'O,000. The ratio of decrease was .<C per he- nominating k exchange to Bonjamin was. mi the vacancy gnatlon of i. pre -. ii, market letters: "llultish interests nave the benefit of an abundance oi money at low ratcri and such pro; pect:- for favorable de? velopment-- affecting Ir.d vldual prop? erties as to (-under Indiscriminate short iiales ha/ani.-u. to ?? degree.". ?We lind sentiment bearish through? out the street and favoi purchases on the declines." "in general, with '-ho exception of I specialtUis, we think the market will i sell lower and would only buy oh I sharp reactions for . turn " I "We look roi irregular llur.tuatlohs I wllh 's?mc low? !? prices before long In '?the active Stocks." "i'rlcCH have how hfct-n uriribjishcii on at least n fairly low binds, and it Is i'? DHonablC to expect that the next sub? stantial movement will lie to htghei llguresl" "We tfilnk Wc hsvt seen the io\y prices loi- u llinc. and look for a traders' market temporarily." Trader.- and brokers whose minds were nol obsessed by tho Henry reso? lution talked ..bout St. Paul earnings. The bulls wer.- flattered by the De? cember statement and saw only that nut earnings Increased $I5S,000. and that the gross earnings of Milwaukee, St. fain and fuget Sound Increased $1 l?.OOO. Speculators of opposite opin? ion noted that the net earnings of the subsidiary decreased by tnS.OOO, and thai the gross earning* <-f the domin? ant company decreased by }109;000. There must ha v.' been drastic retrench? ment, amounting almost toe skinning the road, they argued, to . i nvorl a de cl'ciisc of more than f 100.000 In gross to an Increase of nearly $500,000 in net. There Is | ? si other railroad for instance, I ?.?lease of $r.oo.< .??ml a decrease The question v. saving in ex pen ailvantago of who are purs ill also hnd be for tailed slateinen for December, statement that in operating, principally by in expenses for inept inllar cbhirjycrsy over statements. Hurling ton. o-day reported a <lc ?00 In I'i ember gross, of only -5'.'I..> In net. as whoth i or nbl the sos militated to the dis? til.' road. Statisticians ng this Hue of Inquiry " them to-day the de t of Neu Vork Central It way noted in this the decrease >>f S 110,000 W.IS prodtlCCd a redurticn of $332,000 maintenance of equip New York, l-'obruury 3.?Money -m call nominal. Time loans steady, six? ty days, u !--'?('_' 3-4 per cent., and nlnct> days. 2 3-lfl"; six months, 3? .t 1-1. Prime mercantile pr.per, 3 1-.' to I per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at M.Sir.n for sixty-day bills, and nt $4.S71G for demand. Commercial bills. I:: 3-1. Mar silver. ."$ 1-- Mexican dollars, 17. ltlt'lt.MONI) STOCK MARKT.!'. I?:, rtlcbnr.i W Msuiy Steck and Bond Broker, :l" K. Main Slree* Richmond; v.v. February ?. i*li. STATE SKCL ."UTirS 3ld. Allied. Virginia Jf. Old. C and ft., IMt.... Sil? .. Va. CeiiP.irlr!-. 2-3. C. aid ft IW1;. IS SJ'' RAILROAD ItOND.-' A. jC. U r. r. Con. Tr, t p. c.... 95 ' <? O. Oen'l XI.. 4'i* 1?!. 10' (leorjla, sou and Flaa I'M. 107 Ptorgla and Ala. Con. r.n. 191".. 107 S">r and Weal. Ry. Is. YfA. ?I Dcaboard Air Line <i, I'M. M Soiitliern Railway 1st Js. lf?M. 103 ?o. i(. D?v. .nd ?. Mi ta. 1SW.... 73 Wettern N. C. ltt 6s. C.. Kill.143 sTrkkt railway nu.vr.-.-'. V.i. Ry. and I'otver Co. is. 1*3.1.. fi BTRKET ISV. STOCKS Par. V.l. Ry and Power Co. pi'd....ljO .17 Va. Ry. and Power Co. com,...100 47 RAILROAD STOCKS. par. Atlantic Const t.Ine com.;(?> 13;. ClH'tapeake nnd Ohio.170 t'j\$ ... < Norfolk a:.d Western com.ItM 1 ?? " ... .Southern Railway pfd.10.) ti [Southern Railway mm.too | HANK AN"f> TRUST CO. STOCKS. | American National.left ... 307 1 Rank of Coiiuni i l'ir-i National, Mm-hants Nat National iimik ; National s'i? t< Planters Natlo Kavlngi Hunk of Richmond."Z 7j Union tiank of Richmond.SO 315 Virginia TrVist Co.!W ISO Ti Jsl Virginia ...:??> ski liy Rank., 104 ??0 Wcsl und. S3 4!'.; Richmond Hank und Trutt Co. V i::. tltlANCt' COMPANIES, v.i Flrc and Murin- Ins. "? i. b>ta.l? Intur?uc? ptd.ui.i-0 u Va. Stille Insurance mm.13 00 II) va.-Cnr. ctiem. pfd. 5 p c.HW 113 Quotations for Interest-paying bum BOND LIST Allis-Cnutmers 6?.>4 Atlantic Coast Lilie 1st if. Wi A. C. L.-l?. and X. col. tr 4t (btd). Pili A C. Ii. conv. 4s (In Baltimore!. KH"i Chcsiipcnk? und Ohio Cohv. i'C-s. Mi? Liggett A; Uycrs *s. ?IT? I.ISK?-'lt * .Uycrs 7?. IKttj Lorlllard Company S. 9J"i Lorlllard Coiupiiiiy Tr. 133 ?: Norfolk und Wostern conv, 4s fbldi. HT"? Seaboard Air Line stamped 4* (bid).... ???!!:1 Seaboard Air Mnc adl. Sa. >0>-ji Southern Railway 4k. 75*11 southern Kall way .">s. l?S'.i | United Stlltci Steel is. l?">i Vit'glnlu-Ilrown llros, ,t:? (bid). yirglnln-Cur. Client. Co. ss . KO'.i Vn l:v. and Power Co. . 9? Wabuah 4s. JA Wubash-Pltta. Term. l.t Is ct.'.?. 40 Panama ixii tbidj. iw?a COTTON IIA UK!. IS Neir York. February A-The cotton mar. ket wo. nervous and Irregular lo-day with realizing heavy for over the week-end, hut' tlir closing Uine was Una. and last prices | showed a net gain of from 5 i\ 0 points. Thai' opening ??' steady at an advance of etf?l ?oinis in response to higher Liverpool cable* I lluiii expected and a continued j.-nod spot : business hi the English market. There were { heavy Overnight buylnK orders liround tho ring, attracted, doubtless, by Uiu strength | ..? yesterday's market, but taese were read? ily executed at the opening advance, aa a :.?ult of active realizing, while during i!;. middle or teh morning prlcea sold off tn ? ?let decline of 3'f4 point? on the active monthi undci continued protlt-tokliig and I local selling for n turn. Private cable*.front I Liverpool, claiming tlint the advance prlcea was checking the demand for cotton | yarn's and a few advices from the s'n. indicating that Interior spot offerings w becoming h- i.TVler as u result of the higher | values, probably encouraged local selling, but In the late trading there was aggressiv?) support n* well a> more urgent demand 'rom old f-horts. and last prices were an j ;i 7 points up from the lowest. Advt indicated the -possibility of renewed Inhot ?roubles in Lancashire; owing to a deman fioiu operatives for Increased -vage?, and I the lab-ir disputes at Lawrence appear to| be dragging out rather Inyond exjectationa but n continued Improvement was report"1. In the demand for c-?tton good a In the do mestlc market. ,nd ?a".e- of print elotha at| Pall Rlvei tor the week were estimated -60.000. pieces, comparing with only 75. pieces for the >nm? week la It year. The | week-end figure* weie considered about aland-Off, for while spinners' taking were] heavy there ivaa a slight increase in th? world's visible of American for the weck | comparing with a decrease last year. Increasing receipt! of Indian cotton are] reported ?t Bombay, and totnl receipt! for j tl.e scuson there are only 15.0"o balei behind ;??. year, notwithstanding the estimated shortage of the crop. Receipts at all ports, to-day H,f!3 bale* ngitin?t 4? !4", :>!" r.-eek and !5.tI4 lnsl year. To-day's receipt? at N'ew Orleans 10,194 bales against 7.'.TO last year; at Houston, 13,34." bales agahiei f..''.'1 last year, and nt Oelvos ton. io.r.61 bales against 3,917 last year. Cotton future, eloaed firm: Open tllsb. Low. Close. January .W.27 . 10.55 February . ".in March.-. >.M 3K0 M* MS April . OKI ??*> :, M ?-K May . *.? ??? *????? June .KVOI 10.01 !>.?? 9.9S July.-,o.o4 10.03 10.00 io..r; Auiust .10.12 10.1" 10.0.'i 10.09 We Believe in the Doctrine That where a man has a financial interest in an In? stitution he should back it with his influence, and, as far as possible, with his patronage. Which leads us to say: We are proud of our 330 stockholders, who, by the way, are worth over FIFTY MILLION dollars. They are throwing business our way, and if the reader of this advertisement saw our last published statement he will understand why this Company has grown so hist. Co-operation is the secret of success in any busi? ness, and that is why we want every single one of our shareholders to turn some business this way. To those valued stockholders who have not yet opened un account we present our compliments in three words? Patronize Your Institution! .*> per cent, allowed on personal and inactive ac? counts, subject to check. RICHMOND, \A. I Capital, One Million CS. in and the South NOTE IT WELL THE Write for our bookie, "Banking by MaiLw 3 <fo ?Interest, Compounded Twice a Year?3% Capital._- -.-.$ 219,750.00 Surplus.-. 600,000.00 Assets, over.~ -..-.~ ~.- 2,000,000.00 J. B. BEASLEY, President. B. Alsop, J. B. Beasley, DIRECTORS. R. T. Arrington, Samuel W. Tornpkins, GEO. W. CALL, Cashier. (Shas. Davenport, T. W. Pemberton. September .JO.m 10!? lo.o? 10 \? .10?? 10.11 11. 16 November .t?'.2S m.?3 imu December .50.26 10.M 10.19 lo:? Spot cotton closed qulet: middling up?'i lands. 10.00; mlddCIng gu'.f. lO.K-. ^ Cotton, steady; middling. 10.09; giosi ?e-i cclpte, I.Tai bales; sales, too stock. ' 186.726 balea: export lo Conti. 1,92 bales. Tonil to-d?y nt n'.l ports?Kot receipt?. ' S1.02S bales; export to Great Britain, I6.6M bales: to the continent, 39.W ba:-,; stock, i 1.3.97,972 bates Consolidated at nil porn?Net receipt'. I ?"?i."> b?ie#; export to ?rant Britain, U.t I t<. tl.e r-onttnent. bales. Total since September 1 ;,t nil ports-Net1 receipts; K,$7?.?49 bales; export to fircat Britain, 2,730.731 bales: to Fronde. f-W.3l7| bales: to the Continent, !,$6S,4H bales; to | .l?pn?. 2JJ.370 bales; to Mexico, 1.877 bales. New OHc-atif, Kehruary *.?Cotton futures ot>.n<d steady, i point off to .1 point! up. Tlio market ? :of<l steady nt a not advance of points. Cable* on spota and (uttiraa wore extremely favorable, but offerings from bulls and bean alike- vrr<. heavy. Septem-, bor Sellin b??? stimulated by n good vrcatli or map an.l the bollet that a reaction wa'sl due. When the decline had reached 4 Til P'.Inta beais found It difficult to force pilrr,' lower. Senlplnc "horln covered fr. ely. and | trie market gradually worked upward. Spot I cotton llrm and unchanged! middling, 10.99.1 Bales on the spot 630 bn'.oe and S>> to ar-1 rive. February. 10. it; March. 19.13! May. 10.51; July, pi c*: August, 10.83; September, I 10.C5; October. 10.5t: December, 10,:J. nf.w voiik rttOIIDCK M.MtKr.T. New- York. February r.?Flour?Firmly held with demand clow. Spring patenti1. $S.S5fi 5.M; whiter straight*, $4.SOfH.40; winter,pat? en to, 11.8491.SO; spring clotri, $4.2804.4;. Ryi Flour?Steady at Jt.Tf, 3 6 78. Buek wheat | Flour?Steady, Corhtnaal?Firm. Barley Firm Rye?Steady, Wheat?Spot firm; No. te?? 81.04 elcAtor, export basts, und 11 '. 6, h, afloat; No. 1 northern, Du'.uth. %:.31 j f. o li, afloat. Option. ISc. lower to '4c t higher. May. tl.f.SH: July. J1.03H. t orn-I :-'pot firm; Standard white. c4'4c. In elevator;] No. 2. 60'ic. Futures nominal. Fork and Beef?Steady. Cut Meats?Quiet, Lard?Barely steady Tallow?Quiet, etro leum?Steady. Wool?Firm. Rorln ??.irt Tur penttne?Steady. Rice?Firm. Molasses? Steady. Sugar? Raw, steady; r? fined, quiet. Coffee?Futures barely steady ot r.rt decline .if ?". rr ir, points Spot, steady; Itto. No. 7, H'Je.; Santos, No. 4. IC'v.. mild, (pilnt; No. t: Cordova. 18'/i 917!/je. nominal. rotator? and Cabbagea?Steady and unchanged, Pea? nut* and Freights?Unchanged. Butter?Un Bettled. Cheese?Firm and unchanged, Eggs | --Steady. Cottonseed oll was ?i ?harto higher on the | "tronir crude situation, covering of short nnd 'oral bull support. 'Switching opera-1 tlons ronftn?d a lurge par; of the business. Closing ;>rlcea were generally IliZ polital net higher. February, f..46tf 5.f,3: March, ( ? fr5.8S; April. S.S49S.86; May. |8.fi20E.?3; June S.C49S.6S; prime crude, 4.8094.54; prime mini-1 iner yellow. 8.44Q5.60; prime winter yellow, | .". '"? .7 8.99; prime summer ? hlte, G.OOfT&.fO. t lift \r,o chain srAitKBT. Chicago. III., Februnry 3.?Pols" rath than action .ll.irlnirulsh.--ft lo-day is- market | for wheat. Nevertheless the prlee level was raised Just enough to surpass nny previous fiuures touched during the present bulge. Latest trading left quotations steady, same ?? last night to Me. up. Corn finished | HiJf'Jf, ndvnnce: oats unchanged to higher, and hog products varying from y ter.lay's close to an additional cost of lor. Tin leading futures ranged, as follows: Open. High. f.ow. Close. I WHEAT? May . l.oi im?;; l.oi'il July . OT?i 07', 97V Bepl. O'.'i f.Vj 5\>:s tsij COItN May . ??'; K!"', f.iv( July . ?S\S M CJIi SOpI. f's,i G5!? 6S' OATS ? May . m'i R2TU 82?', 53^ July . 4*3. 4S?, 4S'.i 4S-1; Sept. 47!i S3-H 4*.?,t 42?! MBSq I'OltK?Pcr bid. Slay .W.S3 :?.27 1?..r, July .10.62 IS", !?.4f. 16.6.1 SHORT RIBS?Per 100 lbs May . 9M 9.40 S.H'i 9.40 July .?.b: J.r.5 9.?o 9.6i Sept.9.?J ?07 9.65 9.67 LA nn-Ver 500 lbs. May . S.S" J.S0 $.7;. S.W July . S.?3 S.^ !>.?0 8.82 Sept.S.97 $.91 $.92 *.9". Cash grain closed: Wheat?No. 2 red. 51.01141 SfllOiU; No. 3 red, SlffLGHi; No- 2 haid. Il.oz ff l.?S'f.; No- * hard. 99^S1.94; No. Ij northern. $1.12^,1.14; No. 2 northern. $1.10^ 1 1.12: No. 3 northern. $ 1.0c.T< 1.10: No. 2 tprlng. $1.0201.13; No. 3 fcprlnK, ;e*}f$i.(iS; No. .-priiiB, 90? $1.02; velvet chaff. f-JW #1.0*1: du-| rum. 90WI1.0S. Corn?No. .1, f>".''i ftj'jr.; No. white. ;,*iri&,c: No. :t yello?-. f.r.'^. -i) 61?, C No. 4. S*;ifl64o.; No. 4 white, Mlg0<ie.i No.' 4 yellow, C.P3 <i61*,c. Oats?No. 2. 82c.: No. 2 w hite. 83<}82VbC,: No. 61 t.ia;c.: No. 3 white. r.3-'i-r.:tc: No. 4 white, <S?i?lc: stand? ard. 6S4i<?te3c. Rye?No. 2, ODfiSlc. Barley, 7?iffi$l.e0. Clover. ?16U>22.50. Timothy, $12^f if..oe. Baltimore, Md.. February 3.?Wheat?Dull; epol. ennti\ic4>. Sl/MH. Corn?Kaslcr; spot, contract, Vie. Oats?Firm; No. 2 white, Wjijf ;.0r Rye?Firm; No. 2 western, domestic, mi 101._ richmond GRAIN MARKBT. 1 Richmond. Vn.. February :?i2. WIIOI.KSAbB QUOTATIONS ON 'CHANOIi. WHEAT? Car lots. No. 2 red. Western .$ 1.06 V No. 3 red, Virginia . ft 1.04 No. 3 red. & \M Virginia, bag lotn (for aced).. M 'tt 1.01 COHN?Car lots. No. 2 whit* . 1* ?* No. $ white. 74',i'(* No. 2 mixed . M No. 3 mixed . 721i? Virginia, bag lots . 72 ',v <u iCorn on cob .v.... 69 W OATS?Cur lots. " No. 2 mixed . ' If ?* No. 3 mlxod . f,f No. S whlt.i .?.. '<f '-'-i No. 3 white . K V Winter s.-ed. bag lota . 6? 'a H Rlt'B?Car lota. 1 Now is the Time to Save | ?2 One of the oldest and most successful mcr- ^5 chants of Richmond said yesterday that we were *? doing a great educational work in impressing upon Wy & young men and women the absolute necessity for fl^ QS) saving money in early life if independence was to Qt\ rtk be hoped for in old age. q? n& lie spoke about himself in a modest way, saying ^ he had early in life learned to be frugal. We thank the gentleman for his kind words ? about the COMMONWEALTH BANK. tfj & We have four banking offices located at con- & 3?) venicht places throughout the city. 3?) TS?, Our officers anil directors are men of the high 5^ est business and personal character and standing, ?C? ^ and we grant our depositors every privilege con- *2 ^ sistent with safe banking. xr? ?v Which explains why our deposits have increased xO & nearly ONE THOUSAND PER CENT. IN FIVE ? g YEARS. ft 3 Per Cent. Compound Interest on savings ac- G*) rt?, counts. May we have yours? 3*S 2 Commonwealth Bank s ?k 12 North Ninth Street. S Capital, Surplus and Profits, $350,000 ^ WILLIAM L. WALTERS, President. (fe 5? P. P. McCONNELL, Vice-President. ?6 S. E. WALTERS, Vice-President. H. G. PROCTOR, Cashier. S 52 BRANCHES: S ^ 102 East Broad Street, S ?W Twenty-fifth and Broad Streets, ^ ^ .-1914 Williamsburg Avenue. t2 Oats?Firm, but quiet RICHMOND HAY MAHKF.'f. Rl.-hmond. Vs., February 3. 1M2. The quotalTOns ard as follows: No. 1 Timothy. <3 36.60 No. 2 Timothy. 24.01 3 No. 3 Timothy. ? 00 g Liebt clover, mlxc?. 24? ft No. 1 clover, mixed. <ii UM No. l clover. IT S3.C0 No. 2 clover. 20.00 Q No. 2 clover, mixed. 21.50 ?7 STRAW?Compressed . it 13.00 Loose ptvssed, largo bales.. -j 13.10 SHUCKS?Baled . l?oo rr Loose pressod. large ba'ea.. 16.O0 It CATTLE MARKETS. Chicago, III.. February 3.?Cattle?Receipts 3.000 head. Market steady. Reeves, S4.S0-/ S.?0; Texas steers. ti.01tT5.St>; Woltern steers, $4.S0Q'?.1S; alorkcrs and feeders, $; cows and heifers, 12.2064.76; calves. Hogs ? Receipts 1.300 bead. Market weak. Light; t5.8506.2O; mixed. f6.96sJA.33i heavy, ttt}G.26; rough. S"i?jC.K>: pigs. H.IS"ri 5.60: bulk of mles. .$?'..!&?ST6.:?. Sheep?Receipts 2,000 head. .Mar? ket steady. Native. $3.1504.65; western, I3.?0 (j 4.70; yearlings, 64.70? 5?; lambs, native, J4.40^6.70; western, t4.60tft.75. New York. February S.?Beeves?Receipts 1.71? head. Markot dull. Calves?Rocclpt a 4.',? head; no trading; market steady. Sheep and Lambs?Receipts 5,117 bead. Market weak and shade lower. Sheep. }3fi 4.2".; lambs. t5R7.20. Hogs?Receipts 1.374 head. Market nominally firm. RICHMOND TOBACCO MAItKKT. Richmond. Va.. February 3, JM2. Following are the quotations on the Rich? mond Tobacco Bachange: aROWN SHIPPING?NEW. Lugs .1 P ?1 ?$ 7 iO Short leaf. 7.50 ej ? fto I.ons leaf. 8.60 C? 10.0.} Wrappers . 12.00 <3 12 00 ?RIGHTS. SMOKERS?Common . 7.00 ? !.60 Medium . ?.60 CJ. 11 00 Fine . 1200 ff CUTTERS?Common . 12.00 Q 13.60 Medium . 14 00 q. 16.60 Ftno . 17.00 IS.?O Fine . H.OO ? 16.00 WRAPPERS?Common . 8.00 frf. 10.M Medium .18.00 & 20.00 C?ood .w.oo y, 30.00 Fine . 32.50 ? 37.50 F'oney . 10.00 4f 45.01 SUN-CURED?NEW. Lugs, common to good. (1.50 fit 7.09 lugs, good to prime. 7.50 Q, ft fa Short lenf. ?00 <S 10.NU Long leaf..' 10.00 at MM Wrappers . 12.50 (<) 17.50 I'riinlng-s . 1.50 <j 6,25 MISCELLANEOUS MARKET'S. PEANUT MARKET. 'Reported by Rortgers. McCabc &. Co.l Petersburg. Va., February 3.?Peanuts.? Spanish.?Markot steady; small Spanish. f<0c. per bushol; .iiimbo Spanish, s-'.o. ?er bushel. Virginian.?Firm ; fancy Jumbo, 4 Cf ?"?.'. per pound: fancy bandplcked, 3$;e. per pound; extra prime, 3*ic. per pound; prime, Uli?. per pound: machine picked, Htjl'ic. per pound: shelling stock, 2Vi1r3c. per pound. ORT OOOD.s MARKET; New York, February 3.?The eoliun gooils markets aro growing Ilrmcr. Fruit 0t th? loom 7?-b>ae!;.d shadings have been ad? vanced >?c. a yard, and 4-4 gooda have bten placed at value. Discount! are being short? ened on many other line* of cotton goods. Kali go'ids are in better call. Llnem rule !lrm. Burlay? are higher. NAVAL STORES. Wilmington, N. C, February 3? Spirits Turpentine?Steady nt 4?V4c.; receipts 38 cash... Rosin ?Steady at 55.SO; receipts S3 barrels Tar?Firm (it SI.HO, receipts 70 ba; reis. Crude Turpentine?Firm at ll.G0O4.S9: receipts 11 barrels. Savannah, (3a., February 3.?Turpentine? Firm 0t 4T?;c.; sales 4/7 casks; receipts :.1 casks; shipments is; casks; sto'.k 2S.3r<2 task.-. Rosin?Firm; stiles 1,683 barrels; receipts 1,660 barrels; shipment-" 331 barrc".?: atei : i0:>,281 bartol?. Quote: B and D. $?.50 ft 6,-sO. MARIN E I NTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, FEBRUARY 3. 1912. ARRIVED. Steamer Berkeley, Shelly, Norfolk, mer? chandise and passengers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Mobjack. Graves. Norfolk and James lUvor landings, merchandise nnd pas? sengers, Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Aurora. Furman. Petersburg and James River landing*, merchandise and pas? sengers, Furman l.lno. SAILED. Steamer Berkoley. Shelly, Norfolk, mer? chandise and passengers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Aurora, Furman, Petertburg and James River landings, nicrchandleo and pas? sengers. Furman Line. Weekly Bank Statement. Neyr Vork. February 3?The statement of clearing-bouse bunks for the week shows that the banks hold f4fi.015.W-0 reserve In ex? cess of legal requirements. This Is an in? crease of $317,050 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last weeTi. The statement iollows: Actual condition? Lnnns. 12,067,733.000; Increase, IN, 145,000. Specie, |S6?,?94,660; Increase, $.136.000. Legal tenders. $37,136.000; decrease. $3.01?.'-TO Net deposits, $1,906,423.000; incrc.OEO, $17,550, - oou. Circulation. $50,719,000; decrease, $177.000. Bunks cash reserve In vault, $4l4.C70,OOil Trust companies cash reserve in banks. $62.160,000. Aggregate cash reserve, $476.830.000. Excess lawful rcacrvi, $SO,775,K50; decrease, $7.!W7.200. Trust companies reserve with clearing? house members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve, $70.273,000. Summary of Stnte banks and trust compa? nies In Greater New Tnrk not reporting la the New Vork Clearing-House: Loans', $5S$.51S,1O0; decrease. $3.753.10?. Specie, 162,787,500; decrease. $ 1.237,000. Legal tonderr. $10,9!5,000; decrease. $13.70'. Totm- deposits, $701,211,200; Increase. $2,570,. 200. Stlanttc dtp Bc?fnrtK ^ALEiN HALL Uolel and Sanatorium, With Its elegant comforts, ts tonl,: arid curative baths nnd superior table and service. Is an Ideal plaie for fall und winter. Always open. Alwuv* ready. Always busy. F. I*. Young, General llacagar, Atlantic CltV.