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NECKWEAR FOR WOMEN Unusual Values in New and Dainty Styles 25c ":: 25c Beautiful SOc I .ire Yokes, in many putty styles; sale New Jabots, worth 39c, in r.roat variety ol pretty styl talc price.' Lace Collars, in many new and dainty .styles; 39c Or value- (or. ?CDC Exquisite Ruffling NV-t and Lace, ill new styles, just teceived; prices, pci yard, 25c, 50c, ft C> 75c and . VOC Handsome Embroidered Collar!-. all new slylc?i and patterns; extra values. Plain All Linen Collars, fort women and children, OFfl here f"r . A, DC SI.50 Lace Yoke ami (Tuff Set, in many beautiful new AA styles; sale price. d>l?UU Silk Roses, in the wanted r*ft colors, best quality, 25cand OUC tourist Riiching, 6 yardg to a box, dainty and just the kind you're looking for; per box. 25c L BRO?D AND We Sell More Ladies' Ready-lo-Wcar Garments Than Any Other Richmond Store SALE OF BLACK GOODS ! 50-inch Imported Broadcloth, I sponged and slirunk, medium weight and an excellent ai Cfi finish; sale price, yard . ipleOU Just arrived several pieces ol 50 inch Broadcloth for spring suits; they ar>- beautiful blacks and ex? ceptional bargains at. fl?"J Or per yard. $1.00 and_ tJJA.Ai? We now have a beautiful line of Spring Novelties and Fancies, such as. herringbones, diagonals, shadow stripes, plaids, etc. Prices rang? ing from, per yard, 75c tJJ $4.00 52-inch Extra Quality Sealfittt our S5.00 per yard value; spc cLtl price this week, per yard. 30-inch Beautiful Quality Cara? cul, that sold for S I 00 per yard; special price this week, IPO AA per yard. We have just recently finished inventory, and can now olfer you some extra fine bargains in nearly all styles of remnants, and in both suit and :-kirt patterns. Don't miss this rare opportunity; come and look them ovvr. $1.00 Petticoats for 50c These are mailt! with deep aecordeon-plaited flounce and come In neat striped patterns. Black Sateen Petticoats. ~f{\ Made with deep Bounce and accordcon-plaitcd flounce. I ?/C Others made same as above, only heavier quality sateen, for r $1.00. f~-;- ? Long Crepe Kimonos, $1 These Beautiful Kimonos come In plain and figured patterns, with satin borders. A good $1.50 value. $1.98 and $1.48 Flannelette Kimonos, cut full (?? j qq Beautiful $5.00 Silk Kimonos, in rich Japa e>t\ qq ncse patterns, also some in the plain styles; sale, price ?PO??7? J LI Low Prices S25.00 KnncyGray and Tnn Tailored Suits. S.iO.OO last s< iison Suits, broken sizes. . . . Headquarters for Pen? nants of all Kinds I m Over If/1 rlc-ij;ns now on exhibition This i- by far the mo-t comprehensive snowing of emblematic Pennants and Banners ever seen in Richmond. Each one is a work of art and must be seen to be appreciated. They're high in quality but low in price. ?Special Orders Taken for institution* and orders of all kind;.. No matter what design desired you tan get it here. Pentium Department, First Floor. oc: :x5 $25.00 Fancy Mix? ture Nobby Siri)it Suits. .:. $35.00 and S50.00 Velvet. brown and hairline effect . SI 25 Three Pica Imported Cloth Suits ?De3 SI 5.0 $7.50 $10.00 Serge Dresses, in navy, and black, sale price. S I 5.0 0 Chiffon Dresses, in all shades $25 Velvet Dreyes, smart styles. S30 Crr-iM- Meteoi C1 7 CA Dresses, all shades. ?P I I ?D\J S40 Crepe Motor (Of- AA Dress, sale price_ ?D?DoUl/ All F?r Coats now offered at big reductions. Many Attractive Values Offered at the Linen Section We would remind you that our Linen Department, which was sadly depleted in the late holiday rush, has been re? stored in its usual proportions. Many new goods have been received, and are at your call for inspection. There are, however, many articles loft which, due to being mussed, are marked -at very low prices. Fine Stjuares and Doylies, in various sizes; Damasks which were left in remnants'. Napkins, Towels, in buck, damask and hath washcloths. Wc rail special attention to two items in damask which the economical buyer will appreciate?an all-linen extra heavy German Damask at 50c. worth 60c yard, and a Red and Whin- Damask, 25c, worth 33c; Hall Linen Colored Kitchen Crash, 5c yard, worth 7lie. 1-4 to 1 Our Price These Lace Curtains are the product of the best Lace Curtain Manufacturers of America and Europe Abso iutely the Best Lace Curtains for the least money; prices that will suit every purse. These Lace Curtains are limited; some lots have as many as four and five pairs of a pattern See these tc-marrcw b->- all means. 75c Whit'- Loom Lace P"f\ Curtains ... . 0?7C SI.00 White Loom Lace C urtains. t ?JC Si.50 White Loom Lace Curtains. $2.25 White Loom Lace Curtains. $3.00 White Loom Lace Curtains. $3.75 Whin- Loom Lace Curtains. S4.50 White Loom Lace Curtains. $4.7.5 White Loom Lace Curtains. $5.00 White Loom Larc Curtains. $7.00 White Loom L ice Curtains. $3o25 S3o50 $5.50 $3,75 SS.OO White Loom are Curtains. li High Crude and Beautiful Irish Point Lace Cur ?ins. Si.5(i White Irish Point C?*> Lace Curtains. ?jJ^je 6 ?5 S5.50 \\ hitc Irish Point Lace Curtains. $5.50 White Irish Point <?/fl ?j Lace Curtains. $5.25 Whit.- Irish Point Lace Curtains. < $7.00 White Irish Point Lace (. urtains. SS.OO White Irish Point Lace Curtains. $ 10 White Iii,Ii Point Lace Curtains. $12 White- Irish Point Lace Curtains ..... $5.50 $6.50 AT SALE PRICES 25c and 35c Curtain Scrim, sale price 16 2-3c One lot of Beautifully Stenciled Curtain Scrim, reversible, .56 inches wide; good as? sortment of desirable patterns to ?* s*2 select from; reduced to, per yard... 1 U3C Furniture Covering Now is the time to rc-cover old furniture. Buy Tapestry now and *avc at Ai A A our loss. St.50 Tapestry. ?pl.Ull Gobelin Tapestry, richly designed, heavy and full 50 inches wide; reduced to, per yard. $1.00 $1.75 Tapestry, $1.25 Heavy 50-inch Tapestry, verdure effect, goad reproduclif.n of old English fl> -e ?>r" Tupe-rtry; reduced to, per yard.. ?DleiwO $1.50 oc: ?S if" $2.50 Tapestry, $1.50 Gobelin Tapestry, splendid reproduction of Silk Gobelin Tapestry, cream ground, handsomely dc.-igncd, 50 inches wide; reduced to, per yard. 15c Silkoline, 8 l-2c Bcautilul Figured Silkoline, 36 inches wide; twenty pieces to choobc from; qI reduced to, per yard. OiC 17c Cretonne, 12 l-2c Large assortment of Pretty Figured nehes J2*? ~~3o wide: reduced to, per yard. CDC DO Coats Below Headquarters for Nemo Corsets You can always find your size and correct model in this Corset Department. Nenioa make stout women slender and retain the figure ol the medium and slender. The limb-shaping devices and ab? dominal support on these Corsets ire what every woman needs. Models for all figures can be had here'. $25 Caracul Coats black. $10 and $12.50 Cam rail Coats. $4.00 The?ebendi of temi-elasttc Laililcopi Wehbing outwear taoconet and producecxtTeme figure-reduction with perfect ease, standing or leated. No. 40o antl No. -1?S, the low and high Lust models, for the tall, stotll figure, with Lastikop's limb-shaping band.-., which reduce the limbs to the natural size and make your thinnest gown fit smooth as a glove when standing and when yon down the clastic hands expand and you have per? fect ease and comfort; price. No. 3LS and 320, the low and high bust models, for the short, stout figures, with the-abdominal support and fPO A A reducing device; price. ip*Jo\J\J No. 319 and No. 321, the high antl low bust models, for the tall, medium stout woman. This has clastic bands across the hips, which give the Corset an incurve towards the figure *o the ugly ridgcTof fat does not show below the Corset fl?0 AA in vour tight-fitting gowns; these- models for. *J)tJ?"U 7k 8k and Children's Knit Underwear Read about the following Special Bar? gains for this week: A lot of Ladies' Extra Size Vests and Pants, fleecr lined; the No-Button Vest kind among the lot; 2^C (.losing lot prire The 50c extra size Children's and Mis 3??c ne part wool .T": 25c and o. in flai i i 8 for. >' Union Suirs, soi ones among the lot; ages 2 to 1-1 years: white, and gray; the usual 50c ones; closing {ol price. Closing out odd lots of Pants, size* 4, and ribbed e'.'ods, part wool, red or white; in (pi AA stead of SI 00 and SI.25 for 75c; the $ 1.50 ones for t])le-UU Ladies' Fleece Lined Medium Weight Vests and Pants that sol.I for 25c; closing lot pi ire. Boys' Gray Part Wool Shirts and Drawcis that sold for 50c to JwJ:c: sizes 1 to 14 years; broken lots; 9C closing out price. tJaJC Children's 25c Fleece Lined Vests and Pants to lo years; closing out price. 19c 19c $1.50 Cmforts, $1.00 Extra Heavy Comforts, very' closely quilled, covered with durable tlark covering; for Monday's 0*1 AA selling. tMsUU $2.25 Blankets, $1.79 Heavy Wool Nap Blankets, full dou? ble-bed size, gray and white- fi?1! *7Q for Monday's selling. <D 1 ? 4 ?7 $1.25 Spreads, 85c White Crochet Spreads, weighty and full double-bed size, nicely QC_ hemmed; for M nday's selling... Ot)C 25c and 35c Matting, 15c Remnants of good and desirable Mat? ting, select patterns from 5 to IS yards; for Monday's selling, per 35c Oilcloth, 25c Heavy Floor Oil Cloth, good assort? ment to choose from; for Mon- 0[* day's selling, square yard. ?QC 1,000 yards Flannelettes, close, value 15c, for. New Dress Gingham now on 1 *> sale at 10c and. I?C One lot Mourning Flannelettes, i A 12,'j'c value; to close at. 1 UC See our new Percales, the best 1 Ol line ever shown at. Jia?2C One lot Percales, light and dark, 12>j'c value. One lot Figured and Solid OQl^ Eiderdown, 35c value; to close at _'C Fine line Shirting Madras, new OC _ style*, at 12jfc, 16 2-3e and_ ti.DC 80c Sheets, 65c? 90x90. This i* the well-known Ma'rblchearJ brand, and a good value (or 80c; sale price' UOC $1.00 Sheets, 79c.? These come l.irce size, 90x99, and arc made ol good *7Qr? lic.oy sheeting; special. I */C One ca-e <>f Mohawk Valley Sheet.-,, large 90x0,i si/e, and a good value "7r _ for 81.00; to sell Monday special. I OC 75c Sheets, 81x90, .'5c. These are tri ide of good cotton sheeting and are PC without a scam; to hi- sold for.. UiJC 12.';C. Pillow Cases for 10c.?12x36 inch size; a good strong cotton; sale price . I5c Pillow Cases, 12'..c; are 45x36 and l2xio, nice size; a good heavy 1 Ol case: special . I/LiC 22c Pillow Cases; sale price . 45t: Bolster Cases, sizes -12 and 45x72 inch, and made from one of the OC best brands of cotton; to sell at. iJOC .iSc. Bolster Cases; these aie lull large size and a good heavy cotton case; O C special Monday. *?t/C 10c 17c HARRISONBURG [ to The Tlmca-Dlapatch.J Harr.sonhtirg. Va., February :s.?Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd. of Charlottes Vlllc, epent several days with rela? tives at Ml. Solon. Mrs. Pierce, of Philadelphia, is visit? ing her daughter. Mrs. Arthur Cover. alles Graco Rhodes returned yester? day from a visit to hor sister, Mrs. LJ. U Moffitt. of Asheboro. N*. ?:. Benjamin H. Miner, of Franklin, \v. Va., was a visitor here this week, ac? companied by his son, Ralph, u student at Raridolph-Mncon Academy. Misses Clyde and Bessie Sobrell en? tertained a number of friends Wednes? day night at a Welch rabbit Party. Guests present were Missies Deinen Fletcher, and Shirley Manor, and Messrs. Toler and Bom ley, William Bird -nd Walsteln -?ncli. lira. B. D. Dovl.s bus returned from a visit to friends In Chnrlottesvllle. Mr--. Stnnsbury c. RoUr Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sargent, in New iork City. Mrs. C. E. NtcholHS is visiting relatives In Strasburg. Irving Bloom, of Baltimore, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ney. Mr. and Mrs. II. U Campbell left .Uarrlaonburg several days ago for Lexington, where they will make their home. Miss M. y McAllister has returned from a visit to Blucfle.ld, W. Va. wlss Carrie Nicholas, of Port Re? public, is vlelUng her sister, Mrs,' M. H. Yanccy, In Charlottesvllie. Perry Kaiiftman. of Halifax county. Is visting relatives near Dale Kn 1 ci prise. i neodorc SHney, student at Ftoanoko College, was visiting Iiis father, Rev. George F.. Shuoy, tins week. BUENA VISTA (Special to ThbTimes?Dispatch.J Rjieitu Vista, Fehruary 3.?The yotii.g women of the city are pr? paring: tor n leap year dance to bo given at the Opern House on February 13. A large number of invliat ons have been sent out ami tltd dance will be one of the largest of the. season. Mrs. W. T. Pax ton Is chairman of the committee of arrangement.-". A very enjoyable entertainment was given lit the Southern Seminary Mon? day afternoon, at which time Mrs. L. M. KHIongh.'of New York, entertain? ed the Kappa Phis with a lun.hcon. Mrs. Ktllongh'H guests were Misses Lydia Klilnoiigh, Grace and Rnblnotte Lee. Louise and Lillian McGoff, Mar Jorlo Price, and Miss Denzcllo Hunt, of Richmond. One of the most delightful musical cntertninmenta of the season was given at tlio Southern Somlnary Tues? day evening, at wh ch time M,ss Clare McCarty of Now York, gave a most interesting plane recital. Her play j ing was excellent and her audlenco showed their appreciation by frcquont I and liberal applause. ARVONIA : [Special to The Times-Dispatch, j Arvonia, Va., February 3.?Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Root have returned home tatter spending sevural days with . friends and relatives in Norfolk and j Richmond. I Mis.-* Ethel Hughes, who is Attending j school at Fork Union Academy, Is on ; a visit to her parents here. A. D. Pitts htis returned to his home, here after an extensive trip through North Carolina. While in 'that Slate he visited a large number of tlic prin? cipal cults and towns. Miss Myrth Miller, who is attend? ing the Arvonia High .School, spent the week-end with tier mother at Gion niore. Buckingham county. Miss Maggie Ounavnnt, of.Enonvllle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Reuben Ayres at her homo here. On Friday evening n dance was given in the Masonic Hall by Walter Chambers and Ernest Ayres. Some of those present were M-Sses Maggie and Clarice Pierce. Eleanor and Ecttto Morgan, Maggie Dunnavnnt, or Enon? vllle: Price of nlllwyn; Mollid Butcher, of Now Canton: Oertu ie and Minnie Pierce, of Arvonia. and Arthur Glasgow, Harry Richardson. Ernest Ayres. D. W. Pierce; D. Llv'ngstone. Pierce. Will Edwards. W. G. Edwards. Sr.. Will Williams. Tom and Robert Jeffrey. Rev. Stanley White, of the Junior class of Union Theological Seminary, i preached morning and night last Bun day In the Arvonia Presbyterian Church. W. K. Burgess, of ScottevUle, visited friends here lIiis week. Hon. A. Terrell, member of the Legislature from Buckingham and Cumberland counties, spent the week entl at his home, "Bear Garden." near New Canton, this week, ri turning lo Itichmond Sunday afternoon. A. L. Pitts, Jr.. was a visitor in 1 Parnivlllo mis week, returning hero on Wednesday, David L.viiigstone Pierre spent sev? eral days in Richmond this week-. Mrs. A L. Pitts will leave herewith' ing a few weeks to visit her old home Iti Ma bieten. (5:>.. where her mother, a venerable ?Vornan-of more than n ho? ly years, still lives. She will spend . some time with relatives in Georgin. | BRISTOL [Special to The Times-Dispatch J Bristol. Vs.. February .'t.?Mrs. Tay. j lor Cownn was t.h ; hostess at a 0 o'clock dinner Tuesday In honor of1 Miss Annn White. of Rogcrsvllc, Tonn., who is the guest o( Mrs. Howard Cochrnne. The tables were decorated with pink carnations. Be? sides the truest of honor, those pres? ent were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coch? rnne, Mrs Carol Utter, Hiss How ley nnd Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Romlne cele? brated the sixteenth anniversary of their wedding Monday with a dlnnor. I Mrs. Bemlne wag formerly Miss West. 1 ii daughter t>f Hon. .lames A. Wist, who was for a number of yours State. Senator from the First Tennessee L>is- , ir'ct. Mr. and Mrs Vernon Trueman. of ! Roanoke. have come to Bristol to I make tlieir home, ami are residing on, V\ Indsor Avenue. Mr. Trllomuti Is In ' Hie express service. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bullnrd loft this wceh for Mncon, (In., Mr. Uuilard'a former home, where they >.iii reslue. Mrs. 1*. F. Ciirtln, of Butler! Tonn., after a visit lo her sister. Mrs. Cl n eue- DoggS here. Is now the o( her sister, Mr<. J. A. Vines, at Johnson C.ty. Tonn. I Mr. and Mrs. Anson King are spend-I ing a few days In Ho Eastern cities. Miss Maybelle Call well left this week for Southern Florida, to Join her parents, who uro spending the winter there. . ! ... Former Governor John I. cox, Of Tennetsce, w ho spent a month with .a hunting party in the < Scrglados of SOlltherh Florida, returned to ills home hi Bristol Thursday. Mr.>. 1.11 tin 11 Kent Is at home after a \i:-ii with friends at Jefferson City, Tenn. Mrs \V. I"). Stamper, of Washington, D. C. is the guest of her sister. Mra. William -Burrow. Mrs. J. T. Mclhtyre is visiting her sister. Mrs. Wright, at Mountain City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fuller aro ?t home after having spent a few weeks .visiting Florida cities. | I Missen Hess and Una Owen left this week (or Tampa, riu.. lo Join their father, who In spending the wh.ter there. BERRYVILLE [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] tier ry vi lie Va., Fob ruf. ry 3.?Mr. aiuI Mrs. \V. a. Maco nb are spending ?ome lime In Cicnrv/ater, Fla. Thomas Benll, of New York, is visit? ing his mother, Mrs. Mary Beall. Chat-let Moore, n student In a Lex 'hgton school, spent some time with f.-s i aronts In Berryvllie last week. Mit? [ Montgomery, 01 Wash? ington, is the guest of Mrs. I!. V. P'fer. Miss Emily Powers entertained .it bridge last week in honor of Miss v-Mu- Sc hi ? y. -of Frederick; Md. Mies Lena AshwooJ. ?vho t,.i^ been visiting Mrt. J. IS. O?don. hn:. return? ed to ? homo in ? Winchester. Miss Daisy Box we'll, who has boon vic-itiag Mis.- Lillian Moore fbr some time, has left for Charlestown, W. Va. ?> . Rev. Edward Wall, rector of the Rerryvllle Episcopal Church, with wife and daughter, Miss May, left recently for Richmond, on a visit. Mrs. S. L. Palmbntim in In Balti? more. Henry Myers loft Tuesday for a trip to Washington, Alexandria and Char lottcsvilio. I Mrs A. Mooro, Jr., Is visiting friends: In Charleetown, XV. Va. WYTHEVILLE [Special to The Ttmeg-Dlapatoh.j Wythovillc, Vj., February 3.?Mr. and Mrs. Charles lllcks entertained a large number of friends at cards on S?turda) evening In honor of Mrs. Cbai'ilss T?te, 01 Austiuvlllc, who is now .1 resident ?f Wytheville, Miss Curl..i) Hampton, ot Columbia', S. C.. is the guest of Mra. Jatnod S. Ward. Cuddi itobert Foil go, of ihe'V. M. I., returned Wcrtnosdhj to Lt-x.ngtoi,, af toi ? visit to h.s parents, .vir. und Mrs. R. U Poage. Mis.. \ irgh.ia' Gibbouey left Tuo-; day tor an uxtended \is,t to Miss Lind? say Wilson, in New Orleans. Mrs, Frank Gootlwln M spending the winter with her Bister, Miss .lane Rutherford, at the Guerrant in Rich? mond. MUi Mary Powell Is the guest of M!'. and Mrs. Ferdlnaml Powell at th:lr home in Johnson City. Miss Dorothy Gray, of Ablngdon, isj visiting .her aunt. Mra. Virginia p. Kent, tor a few weeks. Mra. W. n. Splllbr will leavo this Wiek to visit her son. B.>yd Splller. and other friends In Baltimore and Washington. Mra. Henry William-, of Martln? viiie, is the guest of Mrs. Putney, at "Ingteslde." Homcomb Reed, of Bynchburg, I- the week-end. guest of* Dr. and Mra. >i. I A. Thomas.