Newspaper Page Text
Society In LENT is approaching there are not many weeks ol gaiety left to society before the season is done, and the shop of fun-, making will Do dosed temporarily.| The days of the past week wore well j filled, with functions of much Interest,I and fashionable society was much in) evidence at a number of affairs. The coming week will begin and end' wiiii a great many Interesting enter? tainment's, large and small. The chief society event of the week will be the big vaudeville given by the Girls" AliX- j Wary to the Helle Uryau Day Nursery.I It will be plven in tiie Academy of. Music on Tucsdaj and Wednesday: nights, and everybody will be there to se e me fun. Tiie most charming girls in town h ue been selected to sing and dunce and take part in clever little plays, mid she most fashionable young men in town are going to give a miti-j stiel show by way a curtain raiser, i All the boxes have been taken, and! several lalg.; parties will be given on! both night- of the performance. Thai, perhaps, is the affair of most interest this week. .Mrs William 11 edges Mann will be at home informally in the Executive Mansion on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John M Taylor and Miss Dcane tvill giv-' a large afternoon reception on Thursday, February IK, from ? to . o'clock. The reception will be given in their home, Sl'l! 1'urk Avenue Festivities of the week will be eon cludcd with the usual hop at the Coun? try Club and several small dinners given either at the clubhouse or at the Westmoreland or Commonwealth Clubs. InvilaliouM Recalled. Mrs. Sallle Carter Alien has recalled the i: citations issue,I to the marriage ol her (laughter, Mab,'. Turner, and Frank B. Luwton, on February 7. Invi? tations have been recalled owl g to n recent bereavement In the family, ami the ceremony will take pine,., very! quietly at the home of the bride. At the Woman's Club. A most nttractive musical program j ?will be rendered at the Woman's Club| to-morrow afternoon promptly at hnlt-i past I o'clock. Those taking part Inj the program will lie Mrs. Alexander B. Glilgoi), soprano; Miss Annie Louise Reinhardt, violinist, and Miss Myrtle I ted fc I'd, pianist, all of whom lire espe? cial favorites at the club. Miss Mar-j Inn Rylund will ho chairman of the day. 1 Oliver Wendell Holmes as a humorist , Will be discuss,,) by Miss A. '!'. l.'an'e! at the Literature Class on Wednesday j hit! moot:. Huguenot Society. Mademoiselle Merle d'Atlblgnc, ol | Paris, Franco, daughter of the well-1 known historian. Charles Merle d'AU-I blgnc, who wrote, among other things,I 'II'Aublg e's History ol the lieforuin-J flon." ?in soon visit Richmond in tho Interests of the Huguenot Society. She | will address the society and its friends in the auditorium ot tho Woman's Club| on Tuesdnj evening, February 13, tell-1 lug them ol the moral and material ? condition ol worklngineh in the ml iniri region* of Northern France. Inciden? tally, Mademoiselle Merle d'AuhlgnC I will address other organizations during i her visit t-i Richmond. Itoanoke Wcddl ig. Soclct) In Richmond is much inter-1 ested in the 'wedding of Miss Willie j Bdltllind I'cnn, daughter ot the late John Htlmund Form and Mrs. Pennj and | Julian Hamilton ltntherfoovd, which tnk.-s place on Wednesday evening lit] 6 o'clock in St. John's Episcopal Church. I in Rounoke. Tiie church will bo hung with spring bl>saoma for the ceremony, j which will le performed by tile Rev. J. W. Cante> Johnson. In the presence' nf n large company of relatives and, friends. The bride's father was u .lis-i tlnguishcd Confederate ofllccr. and onol of tin best k"no?n lawyers In the State.' Mr. Ituthcrfoord is promliieli'ly relate.! in Richmond, and the wedding Is ohoi of the m,?st Important society eventj| of the late winter season. Mrs. S. D. Shnckolfovd will lie her sister's matron ol honor, and Thomas j l'.Ulhcrfoord, a brother of the groom, I will act as bet man. The bridesmaids| will bo Misses Isabel Rtltherfoord, j Nell a Punoy. Louise Hege and Marga? ret Wnlsii-uml Tin groomsmen will include Ch;i/Us Francis Cocke, Ben Hugri, F..;. If,* Parker, Loomls Kelly,; Abrain P. Staples, Jr.. und Whltwell W. Coxe. Gabriel Howe Penh, brother, of Mies Bonn, will give the l;rhie away. Miss ? l?rk Engaged. Announcement is made of t gagement of Miss Gertrude Unter Park, to Be w. now- of Wilmington, N. I ling to take place in the Clark, i Frankll C, the summer. Mis of Mrs. Est? meriy ol N, late Robert < Mr. Dew is John G. Dew, Children's \n The big Val the Mary Tho b en-j stelle, .In ml n rk. of Relfai S >n of Jtldg this city. fine Butt. e dnughti; i Clark, t or-; i.. and the st. Ireland.! in,I Mr*. I a Horn ai tern, iitiit of to |,e given by riry to the Vir- j lies, ,jn Satur- j 10, in the iiuel Pg itoi a \ lorn and will ? it",: flow will gUet Mason will lead with which the I MISS Ella Buck is tertnihmoht cotnni ?III be a lovely en detail Arrived in Mexico, ?i son lintel, ?ent. All ih Will be t fiiH? ! going, istiiiiiee Ml be i n 111 Little of tl. iin has Chaill? imond t cngtnec vi Me Of Inlere?! Here. A Baltimore exchai; BUO contains Hie folli here, whero the llaxs many relatives and f: ?Th IB dinir ?neil. ? eii bal. wann left n a* inlh Hl Farvr. cent is intcrest a great though their of th In) l ; society charming Virginia retained, n among i. all the ? ftil and The old be tful tbl; called exclusively com dancing set, sei again in contai Gordon family people in their notwithstanding um for now thn characteristics , particularly Gordon home on Franklin tween Charles and St Pat be the scene of many dell, tics.' as they were Irivarl in thoac days, and the- hospitality of these people ?was boundless In its warmth and grace. The same spirit prevailed at the Hnxnll 'Mi ner-dance. Dno reason why the Virginia woman is ever a model of attractiveness and aplomb w?i; illustrated at ?this dance, for with ?lue consider!-Mon to early hours tlu- children of the ,'amlly wer? In attendance, and the youngest lady of the house was rilllto the belle unit! her reign was Interrupted by the. sand man. Mies Haxall. who is oi.e of the -J\ SUCCOSSCS Of the KCUSOtl Olid who bus ? very attribute which goes lo makol the Virginia womun so successful, was. a charming hostess.-' Meeting ol Chapter. Leo Chapter, t'niie.i Daughters ol the Confederacy, will hold Its regu? lar monthly meeting on Tuesday morn? ing at u o'clock In Leu f'en-.p Hall. A full attendance is tlcsltod. Especial-' l.v Is H desired that all Who hold np idicatloit blanks will fill them .nil promptly and return then' at this meeting on Tuesday mottling. The chapter has hut rceeiitly been organiz? ed, and each member muoi rcmeinbi :? that every unit is responsible ft" the whole, and each person belonging to th.' chapter Is expected io achieve great things in accordance with I he distinguished name borne by the whole. Interesting Kntrrlnlnmrnt. The wedding of Tom Thumb and Mary June, assisted by forty children between the lines of three and tw-elvo years, will be given ut tin- Laurel street Methodist Church on Tuesday night at S o'clock. The af? fair has been repented at the request of :i large numher of people, and will i>e a very Interesting entertainment. t Art Club .Voten. Continuing ttu Illuminating lectures? given each week at the studio of the Art Club of lllchinond, Miss Mary riaugbmnn an Interesting dis? course last Tuesday afternoon on the subject of ??Athens In Its Ancient and .Modern An Aspects." From observa? tion and study. Miss riaughm?li proved a most enjoyable entertainer, and gave many points of value In the history of this wonderful art city, going bach t" tin- beginnings of iirl there and gradually coming down through the ages to the modern city of to-day. showing that Athens lias maintained during a tumultuous past Us ancient traditions of ni t for art's sake, offering o/io of the most persistent examples of the effect "f the best In the artistic world known to history. So far from showing ti decadence In Its art tradi? tions, tin- lecturer demonstrated that Athens of to-.lay is- well nbreusi ol the rest of the world in its apprecia? tion and employment of art. civic ai ?I private, for here, as perhaps nowhere else In the world, can lie noted an ap? preciation of art us a part of the sonial life of th; community, a phase upon which gnat stress Is now being luld in America and on the continent. Miss Uangliman c.illi cl to her aid in demonstrating her points numerous Illustrations in photographs and pesi-, cunts, obtained during her residence In that art centre. The attendance 61 art lover:* lusj Tuesday was more numerous than at any recent after? noon, showing, in the minds of the am Club members, that the steady efforts of the .-lull are showing result?, slow; In .?.?iiiing, hut none the less persistent ! and lasting "Constant dropping will wear a stone" hire llnds Its ii|.pllfii-j tlon. fo-.- during a period of many years the Art Cub lilts labored in the single, direction of Instilling into the! minds of the art lovers of Itlclimb.Aj the truth that "Art Is long an.', time Is Meeting." so the necessity of leaking buy while the sun shines bus been I brought home to them In such a way) thai ut this late date the Influence of the Art Club has perinea led almost thej entire body politic of the city. .\<-xt Tuesday, at the usual hour, 1:301 o'clock. Mr. Tracy will begin a sei of two lectures on historical furniture, taking as exemplars the work of lien |>li white, C.'hcrulon, Adams and Chip? pendale, concluding by reference ti? the Ctcdrgtun class, which is held |.? be the natural development from the pre? ceding work of those musters. Mr. ? Tracy's connection with a prominent dealer in antique furniture gives him; especial facilities in his descriptive j lectures, and bespeaks for him it largo audience next Tuesday, C. V. IJIggS, a member of the board of directors o? the Art Club, with whom Mr. Tracy is connected, has consented lo give much assistance to the subject In the way o{ Illustration and sample. Ulchmond i.e. ing In a way the centre of the mark?.', for colonial furniture, these lectures by Mr. Tracy should be of much value to many limohR ihos< who possess spec? imens of old furniture, la llnnvlllc. Mrs. George Carrlngtoii Mo6clcy and i Miss Louis. Lewis left yesterday to j bo the guests of Mrs William N. BT0W0. In Danville, for some time. They wtil also visit Mrs. George V. Veliabl. , Ill Lynchburg, beton- returning to the; city. Miss Frances Cbcke, of the Uni? versity "f Virginia, will visit Mrs. \ ( li? able :it the saint: time. j Meeting" Thin Week. The Helping Clrclu of King's Daugh? ters'- will meet to-millTOW afternoon at, I o'clock In the home of Mrs. .1. W. j Brauer, Jr.. IIIS North Twenty-flrsjt| Btrcot. AH ineiiibc'ri nr.- urged to at teiid this meeting. St. John's circle of King's Daugh? ters will meet on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock ut tin residence of Mrs. Alice Moon- Phillips, 2209 KttBt Uroad Street. A full attendance is urged, as much important business win be discussed at thl- a.ting. The annual entertain irietil given by this circle will take place on February 20 at Liberty Mall, and will be II very Interesting Utile play, I "School Days." The members of the circle will be ib.- school girls, ami koine of tie- prominent men on Church j Hill will b.- the si hool a. There iCASCARETS WORK ; WHILE YOU SLEEP I Salts. Calomel and Cathartic Pills arc violent - -They act on bowels as pepper acts in nostrils. Take a Cascarct in-night and t'nor loughly clc.uir.-e youi I un, Stomach and 1 Bowels, it rid you will surely del great by i morning. %'c?n men ami women win. have headache, coded tongue, can't sleep, are' bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sirk. gas=y. disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out j Aie you keeping clean inside with ("as j carets?<>r merely forcing a passageway every few day* w ith salts, cathartic pill, lor castor oil? Thi-, i? important, i Casrarct > immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour.' .undigested and fermenting food ami foul! eases: take the: CXCI ?- bile from I hi liver and carry off the dciomposed waste ter and poison froi-.i the intestines and ? liowcls. I Remember, a*Cnscarcl to-night will [straighten you out by morning. A io cent box from your druggist means j c h ar head an<l cheerfulness lor mouths, ,j Don't forget the children. will bo it Brest many local bits, and it will be a very interesting affair The monthly meeting of the Coun? cil' of Jewish Women will bo held In the Sabbath school room of Temple Doth Ahnb?h on Tuesday nfterhSon til ;t:i."> o'clock-. /.angntll's "Melting Pot' will be Riven by the members of tho '?As You Lake it Club." und an Instru? mental selection by Miss Merle llcss ! burg. Members and their friends are cordially Invited to be present, The General Association for tho Preservation of Virginia Antiquities Will meet Tuesday morning, February ?J. In the rooms of the Virginia His? torical Society, at ti o'clock. All members are urged to attend. At Home This Al'ternoou. Mr. und Mis. i. Tlmlhlmer ami their daughter. Miss Ruth Thalhlmer. will bo at homo this afternoon and event- g Informally to their friends. They will sail shortly for an extended trip abroad, spending most of their time on the Continent. j Vnlentinc Ten. The Loving. Circle of King's Daugh? ters will give a valentine lea on Friday afternoon from I to ? o'clock. Tho tea will he given In the home of the. pres? ident of the circle. Mrs. William T. Pcmbcrton. on West Franklin street. All children arc Invited. Concerts Postponed. Mrs Anne Atklnson-Hui im i.-tot. ow-, llig to illness, has had to postpone her j concerts in North Carolina until somol time In April. She returned to Hieb-! mond last week after a ten days,' visit to New York City. After September Of j the i,iming fall Mis. Burmelstcr will leave Richmond to make her It lino in New York City, and will leave tili* week 10 spend two months in New York, where she 1? studying .:!. 11. Httss'a brilliant piano concerts with the composer. Mrs. Uurmcister will re? turn |o Richmond in the first week ot April to IUI several engagements in Virginia and North Carolina. linn,met Thursday Night. Unify I live. No. 17, Lady Maccabees, entertained 100 eif thoir friends at a banquet given in Fraternity Hall on Thursday night. The commander In? troduced Miss England, State com? mander, who gave a very interesting talk. This was followed by a musical program, after which the past Intly commander. Mrs. Kass. presented Miss England with a vary pretty pendant as a gift from the society, and also presented their commander, Mrs. Lu tlndn ON-111. with a bracelet. Election of Officers. The met ling for election of officers of the Richmond Chapter. United Daughters of the Confederacy, will be hdu at Lee Camp Hall on Wednesday morning a: li o'clock. Other business | of importance will be discussed ut this meeting, and all members are. j urged to be present. Visiting D.HIgll- J lers are always welcomed. Vesper Service. Th,' program nf I he vesper service j at the Fern Leaf at 6:30 o'clock this afternoon will consist ot violin mini- i ber.s by Miss Kuthcrltic Thurston, with , Miss Helen Bonrdsloy at the piano, an 1 | IVUdingS by Miss Ethel Mildred Crow \ j Tue fellglOus committee of the Young! Women': Christian Association In nuk? ing the weekly vesper service attrac- | live and Informal. During the lunch- ; '.?on after t!i ! program an opportunity1 is given for the guests to becomo no- j qualntcd. In nud Uul of Town. Miss Austin Bcrtranel has pone to i Prlib eton. N. .1. where she will bb: tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. John E. i De-ford fir several w:ck.?. , Miss Ad-lie Ervin, of this city. Is spending some tlino In Haiti more visit- | ing friend.-. Miss Elsie nail, of Indianapolls, i.-1 visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Manry, I oh Morris Street. Mrs. Lewis Kaufman is spending u ?few days In Norfolk as the guest of ! her purillts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellgminr. Miss Luelle Masaey, who has been visiting Ml.-.. M.nic Bonner In Phlln 'dolphin, la now the guest of rrlends in lliiltlmore. Miss Ella Buck has returned lo the city, after spending a tew davs m I Washington. j Captain .1. W. Foster, who has been I [visiting relative.., in Richmond, ijnu ie- : turned to his home In Usesblirg. ! Harry Frasicr, Jr.. will leave lown i I ?hortty to spend several w*eks at ! j Palm Beach, Fla. I Joseph E. Sorg und his daughters. Misses Halen ami Grace Sorg, are spending t,evernl days in New York. CONCORD I [Special lo The Times-Dispatch.] i Concord, N. c, February 3.?-Miss , Margaret Limtr, bi s returned from j Morgunion, where she hau been visit? ing Miss Annie McDowell. Miss Me. I Dowcil accompanied lior home and ; w 111 be her glleSt tor several w eeks. I Misses liessic Brown ami IsaueHo I Turpin, oi Ut-nlrevllle, int., er,- ihe , guests MISS Elizabeth (libson. j .Miss Mary Key. of Uroulisboro, aii-1 i M s.- Mat y Biirwet). ..f Chase City, Va., are thu guests (,f Miss Sim ley Mont? gomery. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sau ml era have returned from their bridal tour, em? bracing vlsils t-i New i oi ii, Boston, Washington ami Richmond. Miss -IJiirnlde Borknun tin:' returnee] 1 lo her home in Wiliuliigton, after visiting lu-r sister, .Mis. .1. a. Cannon, fur several weeks. Mm. j. w. Cannon, Jr.. is vis'tlng Mrs. J. U. Douglas In Winston-Saloin Mr. iimi Mrs. U. K. BlacK hiivc gone to New Vnrk f<?: a ten days' visit. Mrs. F. i '. " 'dell has returned to her home in Greensboro, aller v.siting ;;t lb- home W. R, Otlell for a fort? night. Alias Laura McGIH Cannon has gun. lo Durham to visit her sister, Mrs Julian S. Chit. Jr. Mis. Fnnhle Bynum ha. returned from a vis-t to relatives in Greensboro und Raleigh. .Mrs. j. i!. Boulwtirc has returned to her home In Lcnolr, after visiting Mrs. S. J. Lovo for a Wook, Mrs. W. C. Carpenter, who has been the guest of Mrs. .1. II. West for sev? eral days, lias returned to her home in Hickory. Mr-. William Webster, of High Point. I is Hie guest of her -laughter, .Mi s. \V. i J. WoddingtOli. ASHEVILLE I Special to Tim Tlnioa-Dlsr-atch.] Asheville, N. C. February 3.?A charming luncheon was given by Mrs, Itldgeley Pennlmnn Friday evening at her home, at "Jtavensci'oft." Those present were Bishop and Mrs. Horner Mr.-. F. Tale. Miss Lou|so Tat.-, Mrs. J. II. Williams, Miss Lillian Adams. Miss Murgarel Pcnnlmnii, Frank P. Ay:-r. of s.t. Louis, Kingsland Van Winkle. Mr. ami .Mrs. Roger Lainsoil, Jr. H. Harmon, who has been in Aslie ? villa for several weeks, entertained u number of his friends at a bowling party Thursday evening In the howl? ing rooms of the Manor Hotel. Mrs. T. R. Sounders entertained at lea on Thursday afternoon at her home ; on Statues Avenue. Miss Lillian Toother entortainod a number of friends nt cards on Satur? day afternon til her liome on Clayton Street. The house was decora tod for the occasion, anil refreshment a wore 1 served. Mr. and Mrs. L. JL. Jenkins spent a 5c Childrens itlbbed Hose? made for hard wear. broken sizes?Mack and Tan; spoclal, 10c. *^au^Trva/rviT .?Sc Ladles' Luce Llslo Host? in ail colors?while they last: special, 10c. We Ask Full Attention To-Day to Our When the Most Remarkable Values of the Season Will Be Reached Soon the doors of our New Building, now in the last stages of completion, will be thrown open. But before doing so we have determined that no old merchandise shall ever go into our new store. Therefore, to-morrow we begin the Absolute Clearance of Thousands of Dollars Worth of Clean, Up-to-Date Kaufmann Merchandise?more merchandise and from different stocks than any sale in the history of Richmond. And if we can only make you understand As Well As to Us, You Will Be Crowding in Here Like a Theatre Audience. Read Every Item Carefully?Note its Economy Savings?And Be Here Early When the Doors Open. Sale of Infants' and Children's Dresses SI.25 and SI. 50 Children's Tub Dresses of gingham and gala tea; assorted styles and colors; spe- C^^? 50c Children's Dresses of gingham rind peirale; sizes 2 to 0 years; OQ special. t>a/C SI.00 Infants' and Children's Lin? gerie Dresses, of nainsook and Persian lawn, tucked and hand embroi l- /fiQ ered yokes; special. a*/C SI.50. SI .75 and Si.98 Infants' and Children's Lingerie Dresses of lawn and nainsook, Mother Hubbard effect, lace and hand embroidered; spe- ^0^? Infants' and Children's Persian M?ll Dresses, Mother Hubbard and Eiii| ire effect, tucked ruffles, Val, and em? broidery trimmed, sohl up to C*'" *"? 85.98; special . ?P SI .On Mother Hubbard and Long Waistcd Infants' and Children's DresscS; lace and embroidery trimmed; special. z-nJ'C Sale of Undermuslins 50c Longcloth Corset Covers t C and Chemise; special. JlejC $1.00 Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers and Chemise, Petticoats of nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed; QO special. J?C Si.50 Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Petticoats, Combination Suits ami Prin? cess Slips, of nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed; special.. . ?*/C Si.75 and Si.98 Corset Covers and Drawers of fine nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed; spe 19c Children's Drawers. 2 to 12 years, of lonccloth, daintilv tucked: I A special'. lUC SI.and 75c Children'.- Underskirts, embroidery and tucked ruffle, OO 2 in 1-1 years; special. ?>t3C SI.5(1 and S2.?S Ladies' House DresM-s of percale, high and low neck, em? broidery trimmed; assorted col- ?*A ors; special . ?J?/C All Furs and Fur Coats Reduced to 33 1-3 Off Now is the time to buy Purs, when you can get them at such radical reductions. Furs that have the Kaufmann guarantee, and made of I In- finest selected skins. You owe it to your self to buy them and lay them aside lor future Um-, a.- the price of all skins have practically doubled, owing to the severe winter. Unusual Values in Neckfixings Odds and ends of Jabots, Dutch Collars, Stocks, Colored Silk and Lace bows; spe- p cial. DC I n .- Dutch Collars. Coat Sei-, | A Stoi ks and Lace Tabs; special. a UC Muslin Net Jabots, straight and side frilh Irish crochet Dutch collars and silk bows; special. large Muslin and Lace Sailor and Round ( oll.u - and Fishues, Collar and Cuff Sets CA and Jabots; special. *JUC 25c Jewelry Novelties Values Up to 50c, Special 10c Consisting of Imported Hat and Belt fin-. Gold Plaited Baby Pins, Enamel Brooches, Rhine-tone Baby. Pins, Imported 1 A Brooches and Fancy Head.-; special. ... 1 UC S3.00 Sterling Silver Earrings, with long rhincstone drop, many different de- Ql AO signs, for evening, wear. ?1)*???0 A choice collection of Sti rling Silver Picture Frames, in oval and round, pi tin and carved, some have heavy ball lo i 39c to. Sterling Silver Shoe Buckle-, in ova I, r .und and square effects, with beaded edge; some hand carved, others plain; tan In- worn as brooches, having pin fastener; small pair, 50c; medium and large size. 50c each, Or, per pair . " $2.98 $1.00 Remarkable Jewelry Offering Novelty Jewelry, sold up to $2.98; special, 49c. A choice collection i>f Bar Pins, in black and gold, Oriental and Armenian iff.. :, with plati? num finish, mounted with rhincstones; Carved Silv.-r .ml Imported Melt Pin-. isilver Shoe Buckles; Pearl Earrings with rhincstone drop.-. Imported La Vallicres, beautifully designed oh silver ami gold. Oriental effects; Fancy Back Comb-, and Hair Ornaments and Funcy ( and Crystal Headed Hat Pin-: th formerly sold up to f 1 r'.>; to-morrow Values up to 51.00; special, 21c. Another choice assortment of Jewelry Nov? elties, consisting of Crystal, and Colored Stone Hat Pins, I input ted La Vallicres, in gold and silver finish; Rhincstone Band-, Pearl liar rings, Enamel Bow Knots, in all color.-, with rhincstones; Importerl Brooches, Belt Buckles, Fancy fold Plaited Bar Pin-, Imported Belt Pius and Sterling Silver Finger King-; value-, up to SI.00; special. 49c 21c Sale of Suits, Coats and Skirts $10.00 Ladies' and Misses' Caracul Coals, 5 1 inches long, lull lined, warm and <!??" AO practical; special . . vo?Uu $12.^1 Serge Coats, lull length, semi-lilted, voice lined, blue and 0} H ?"A black; spn ia'l . O i .OXJ S25 r?j Suits, onc-bf-a-kind model*.; mate? rials of serges, cheviots, diagonals .ni l mix? tures; fini t workmanship, in black and cOiors; special . $15.00 ami $12 50 Tailored Suiu. all the wanted shade.-, sizes for ladies and misses, plain and fancy material-; QQ $5.00 and -S7.50 Walking Skirts of Panama Serge, voile and mixtures, odd sizes, CO CA but all sizes in combined lot; special, <|)m>oU The Last of all Trimmed Hats If Price Reduction is any Factor. $15.00 anil Sl.K.(X) Hats now.$5.00 $10.00 mid $12.00 Hats now. .$2.50 Untrimmed Shapes at Give-Away Prices ,S2.:s, SJ.'.'.S ami S.5."S Velvet and Fell Shapes and Hood.-, high and low crown, ^Q_ special. tvC .SI.''N Bcngaiinc and Velvet shapes, all colors; special. S5.9S ami .S6."S Velour Hoods; (PI QQ special. . tPl.cJO S7.50 Velvet ami Silk Heaver Sailors, in black and black and white; <PO AO special. ?D?rf??/? $1.48 Ladies' Waists, sold up to $2.98; some tailored of linen, madras and flannel; tucked and hand embroidered: others in lingerie, high and low neck; AQ special. ?wC S5.98 and S5.00 Chiffon. Crepe de Chine, Jap, Net and Taffeta Waists, strictly tailored; others fan- fl?0 QO cyi black and colors; special, ?Pm*?70 SI.25 ami SI.50 Paul Jones Middy Blouses of galatea, flannel col- Cfk lar, trimmed in braid; special. . Ui/C Ladies' and Children's Bath Robes and Dressing Sacques Flannelette and Crepe Kimonos, flow? ered design, shirred and Empire QQ effect; sold up to $1.98; special. Oi/C SI.25 and 98c Ladies' Short Flannel? ette and Crepe Dressing Sacques and Kinipnos, Oriental and scalloped bor? ders and solid and flowered dc- ACk signs; special. $2.50 Children's Blanket Bath Robes in blue, tan and old rose, square (AC and round neck; specia. */e3C $2.98 Ladies' Blanket Bath Kobe-, solid and flowered designs; cord it neck and waist; spe- ^ J 30 Ladies' Blinket Bath Robe-, pointed sailor collar, satin tri min cd, assorted color ; Sl.-IS anil S1.75 Children's Sweaters, plain and fancy weave', high and V m clt, -haul collars, o in I I years, all colors; QC s|?ecial. . o DC 98c Children's Wool Sweaters, plan OO weave, low and high nick; special. ... ?J?C Sale of Children's Coats Odds and ends of Children's Coat.-., all the favorite fabric-; and styles, sizes 2 to ,pUa,r.^ $2 9S and $3.50 Bearskin and Cashmere Coals; lull lined, fancy and plain- r^|Q Other* that sold at $5.00 arc {jj^ CjQ $7.50 and SS.?0 Children's Reefers, assorted colors, izes and itylcs; fabrics "I CO QO mixtures, serges and flannels; special t$)??iJO Sale of Popular Priced Corsets All the wanted makes in tin- lot ? Nemo, C. 15., American Lady, Warner and Success; assorted styles and sizes; sold up to $3.50; special. Special lot of odds and t in Is in Madame Irene Corsets; a number of popular styles to choose from; some sold up to $10.00; to closi out at. 95. SI.50 Fine Quality Heatherbloom Petticoats, embroidered', tucked and shirred flouncing, deep (hut CQ ruffle; special . v?*/C $5.00 and .S.5.0.S Mc?aline and Taffeta Pet? ticoats, section tucked and plaileil Q "I QQ flounce, all colors; special. tj> A ?Z> ? Bargains in Gloves A broken lol of sizes in Otir Long and Short Kid Gloves; regular $3.00. SI.50 and 7 A _ Sl.(K) values; to close tml at. ? a/C Ladies' and Children's Silk Chamois and Flo re Lined Cashmere Gloves, 25c. and "8 A 50c values; special. A fC Imported $1.00 and $1.50 Hand Bags, 49c Never have we offered such remarkable values in the latest Imported Bags, in suede, beautifully trimmed with (ringe and silk cord handle, flat effects in black velvet, corduroys, velours, nickel and gilt frames, also Cloth Bags to match duck long coats, all the A A wanted shades; while they last Monday, 1:1/1. few rlnys In Washington city during tli.- early part of the Week. MI?? Lucille Campbell loft Saturday for Vickshurg, Pa., where she wl! .i<> n her father, who is visiting in that cits They will spend .several weeks In lue North before returning to AstlO vllle. An enjoyable affair was the banquet THE LADIES' TAILOR, 606 L. Grace Street, VVishes t" inform Ins patrons anil ladies iu general that he is taking order's for Spring Suits at ".rcatly reduced prices. (given by the faculty and, students of the Normal and Industrial Institute, In honor of Mira White, a popular member of the faculty, who leaves Anhovllle within a few days for New York City, having resigned her posi? tion at the local School. Mrs. II. Hyde, of Montreal. Canada, was an Ashevllie visitor for a few days last week, having come lo this city to he with her father. Richard llnra'noiigh. who has boon a patient at the Mission Hospital for the past few weeks. ' The faculty and students ot" tho Itinghnm school have issued Invita? tions to }i d'anco which will ho given on the evening of February 22, Wash? ingtons Birthday. The ballroom will be decorated with red, while uui blu'j, I und tho a ft a fr promises to bean onjoy I able one. I Mr. ami Mrs. U B. Roper, o( Ben I ncttsvllle, s. C, siient several clay.s in the city last week as I be gtloal >?( their daughter. Miss Margaret Roper, who is a patient at the Riggs Sana? torium, in this city. Invitations have been Issued by Mi. ' and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin" Bernard , in ilu- marriage of their daughter, j Kmmu, to lernest linrkiu tCnmtner, I which will In- solemnized on February ,10 at the First Presbyterian Church. Mlsi Geraldliio Ln.msort, of New York City, .4 spending some time! in this city,, ns Uic guest of her brother, Hoger l.anu-on, ai "RaveYiscr?ft." On I Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. I.amson will entertain at tea in lu nor of their I visitor. PINEHURST [Special i? The Times-Dispatch. | Pihuhurst, N. C, February :;.?in? terest of a busy week hu.s centred |r, numcfoua Informal affairs, arranged by the younger set, among them a straw ride, saddle picnic and gup club m ppcr. The usual dances nt the Caro? lina have keen enjoyed by tho entire colony, eighty assembling for bridge und.-r the patronage of Mi s. John i',, Spring, of Boston, und Miss Lucy U Priest, of New Castle. Por the Immc illatc future tho ilrst of tho more formal cotillions Is planned: Out of doors iltn annual midwinter tennlH tqurnnmont bus divided attention with goir, (|iinll shooting, fox hunting a::d other recreations.