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\Pure Silk Hose, 38c For women, deep lisle garter top, also lisle toe ami heel; 50c value; in black only. Social and ersonal Miss Rachel Urquhart gave a very pretty Utile lea yesterday attornoon for aomo of the younger eoolety girls at her home, 105 Hast Franklin Street., Guests wcro Invited at 6 o'cloik, ami the parlors were arronged ivlln bowls of spring Howers. In Die dining room the tea table was arranged with a big flit banket titled with vlo'.ots and Jon,lulls, and the candles were shaded In yellow and gold. Mrs. Warner Mc Cubs nnd Miss Carito Minor were at j the punch bowl. Mrs. Herbert K?nsten entertained at luncheon Thursday at her home on Monument Avenue. Sprlr g (lowers In a big silver bowl decorated the lunch? eon table. Among the mnny Informal functions that followed the "Society Vaudeville" performances wore several supper purtles given for the 'n.llr.n dancers. Miss Klnle I'arrlsh entertained them at her house on Thursday evening, and Miss Jellls .Scott was hostess In their 'nonor on Wednesday. This evening Miss Mary Scarborough Is giving a din? ner of twenty-two covers at the Coun? try Club In honor of those taking part j In the Indian danefc. Visiting Herr. Miss Uldinc VaJden. who Is visit n:r1 Mrs. W. M Parrish, .Jr., of L.'.'iJ .Stuart, Avenue, will leave on Friday, t'ebru ury 16. for Lexington, whera she wisl| attend the dances at the Virginia Mili? tary institute and Washington and 1-eo University. Miss Valucn will also \ visit tho Misses Taylor, at 171" Grove Avenue, before returning; to her homo In New Kent county. I'rrtly Xorfolk Ten. Mrs .loht. K itoper nnfl Wie Misses Itoper entertained Wednesday after- i norm at an exceedingly pretty tea given; from I to 7 at their residence in Nor? folk. The drawing room was decorated ln| nltik Klliarney roaer. palms and ferns, nnd In dining room jonquils were used 1 with green and sliver shaJ?<! candies. Mrs. Itoper, Misses Margaret and Vir? ginia Kotier, and Miss Adele Williams, of Richmond, received. Mrs. Mason 1'atrUk und Mrs. George Roper served punch, und Mrs. William Itoper poured tea. Among those who is-'litvl In tho | dining room were: Miss Miriam Wilk? inson. Miss Mae Perry. Mils Emily Allyn. Misses Elisabeth Roper and Leila Taylor. Silas Williams Is the g-iest of the The Flour That Gives Universal Satisfaction. Furniture, Carpets and Stoves Rothert St Co. 4th end Uroad Ask Grocers, Druggists Deilsrs/i)/ FOMPEIAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Genuine?Pure?Healthful We make a specialty of packing and shipping house? hold goods. Sutherland & Cherry, Inc. iilO lins? llrontl Street For Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves N. KLEIN ?t- SON. INC.. r-30 East Broad. 201 E. Broad Magnificent showings of Fine, Purs. Coats. Suits nnd Hats. Your attention is called to our very choice selection of Mahogany Furniture. WOMMNS OUTER GARMENTS ^gi^Maasajae?^ ^^^"^^^'^'^^^^ _JLuMr7,i..i .B asf^tM 311-EAST- BROAPiSTREEHg Speai<il Old. <Toda) iCds/! GrtaGt Minsen Hoper for several <3?ya lu Nor? folk. Vvr Mn, Lee. Miss Franklo McKlnney entertained recently ut her home, In FurmvQlc. pi honor of Mrs. I^oo. of this city. Miss McKlnney Bpont the month of Janu? ary with hor inotner In Richmond, ut? ter an extended stay In New York. Valentine Hol'. All the fashionable boys and girls in town are going to the big Valentine ball this alternoon ut tho Jefferson Hotel. Tiie uffuir is glvon by tho Mury Thomas Auxiliary to tho Vir-1 glnlu Home for Incurables, and will take place la the ball room of the! hotel. UccOrutiona will be In red and! white, and Marthu Wall and Hull1 Mason will lead the errand march of children, who havo been trained by Miss 1211a Blhford. All those who have fancy costumes have been requested lo wear tiiern, and ull sorts of novel features have bean arranged by Miss1 Kllu Buck und Miss L.ucy Kord Wort-! ham, who aro on tho entertainment! committee. Others on the committees are Mos dames. Mason Miller, J. Jordan iA-ukoJ Hamberlln. Charles Wortham, Jr., Mil? ler, A. J. Battle und Miss .Mary ThomuH. There will be music and dancing and a largo numbor of children will bo present. In Washington. Mrs. W. R, Strees, of this city, who is visiting Mrs. Harry Klminell, in Washington, received with Mrs. Kttn melt al her home yesterday afternoon. Miss Luc lie Ttllyer Peiotise, of '.'ouo Weal Grace Street. left yesterday' morning for Washington, where she will attend the Virginia-Washington track meet Miss Pelouxe will be the guesl of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Pel ou/.e al the Columbia Apartments dur? ing hor aloy In Washington. Cuing South. Miss Edith l-.uxir.oro Crump will leave town In the early spring for the South, where aho will visit friends und relatives for the months of April arid May. Miss Crump will go to New Vork) in the hummer, where In AugUSj., she will enter the Belicvuo Hospital Traln-i Int School for Nurses, fclntertalued In Florida. The I'cnsacola Journal of recent date contains the following of (mer? est to Richmond society: "Mrs. C. S. Bonacker was hostess atj a decidedly pleasant meeting of th?| New City Club, a note of the approach? ing St. Valentine season being lntroduc-j ed very skilfully and prettily In the pdacc Cfivds. There wore live tables play? ing, und several visitors aiso enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Bonacker,'among whom was her guest. Miss Addle Car? ter Williams, of Richmond, a very capable musician, who added to the afternoon with several beautiful solos. Miss Wlllisms's voice, is being much admired In Pensacoia. and many will be Interested to learn that she will sing at the evening servico on Sunday at the Cudsden Street m. e. Church."I Interest las; llreital. An Interesting recital will be given this afternoon at the llcqu imbourgi School of Music, when Miss Mamie Keck, violinist, and Miss Ada Ash An- I derson. pianist, will be heard. The re? cital will be ffiven at the studio, 101S West drnce Street, at haif-after I. o'clock, and will bs a very pleasing at \ fair. II Ihr V. W. C. A. Tn-tnorrow afternoon at 5:30 thai Voting Women's Christian Association j win be nt homo to tho young women of Richmond at the Fern l.e?nf. 6n Grace and Fifth Streets. f?r. John II. Eager, < who was a resident of Italy for sir- ' teen y.-ars. will talk on that country,: and Mrs. Clarence Cadol will ?ing. Te i win be served. In nnd nm of Town, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jenkins. Vis? r.oui-e Jenkins er.d Alfred Jenkins left Wednesday for Florida, wi-.sre thcj> will np?nd several weeks, visiting IIa-I vana before their return. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Armstrong wiU ! attend the show of the Automobile Club! or Maryland, to be held In the Fifth i Regiment Armory. Baltimore. February 20-2?. Mlrs Porothy Sacks iiis returned to the city after visiting Miss Rosi Cohen, in Newport News, this week. Mrs. Charles Bryan, of Wllllamsburg, is visiting relatives in this city. Miss Zelle Gentry will leave next week to visit Miss Evelyn Sutherland in Newport Nsws. John S. Munce. of this city, is regis? tered at the Chalfohte Hotel, in Atlan? tic City. Mrs. Thomas P. Dietrich and Miss ('.race Dahforth are tho guests of Miss, Rhoda Dlctrlck at Powhatan Institut-.? [ Mr. and Mrs. uicimrd Brilton Law son, of l.oudoun county, are Visiting j their daughter, Mrs. Charles A. D;mp scy. iit 1610 Park Avonue. .1. r:. Gregory and G, W. Fretweli liave returned to Stauitton. after spend? ing a fsw dBjs In tills city. Mrs. Frank Eppes, who has been vis? iting friends in Richmond, has .-.turned to her home lit Farmvllle. Miss Mary Johnston has returner to Richmond after a short, stay in Lynch bttrg. Mis. Cunningham Hall ahs returned to Richmond, after visiting her sister, Mrs Claude A. flwanson, in Washington.! Mrs. W. W. Foster, who has been at the Memorial Hospital for scvjral weeks. Is now convalescing al her homo in Highland Paj'ls. Miss Cnrlyn Nuehman. of 1111 West Franklin, will in- nt home Informally Sunday evening in honor of her guest, .Miss Fannie R?scnbiicker. of Winston Salem. N. C Mrs. John Franklin Templetbn ami Miss Mary Osbornc Templeton, of Waynesboro, are at the Jefferson with Colonel Tempietbn, who is :i member or the House of Delegates. [Sp< . to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch. j Bristol, Va., Fobruary ?Judge Skeen, of the Circuit Court, embracing l.oe county; lins set February 20 as the date for hearing the cases of Hi per? sons Indicted for alleged participation in election frauds In that county. Senator John C. Xoel and Judge J. W. Orr have been relatnod io repre? sent most of those Indicted. It Is staled in this connection that if cer? tain pleas that are to be Hied In theso crises, havo any merits In law tho in? dictments may all fall. Orvllle Collins, one of the Indicted men, has confessed his guilt to Com? monwealth's Attorney SUaggs and has deposited $9,50 to pay Hie cost of the Indictment. Two other men talked of n similar course, but fearing per? petual dlsfranohisemcnt, have decided to stand trial. I Absolutely pure Makes delicious home baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum ? No Llmo Phosphates INSANE PATIENT KILLED BY TRAIN [Special to The Times-Dispatch. J Koauoke, Va.. February ?'.?.John Vlhernian, twenty-four years old, who yesterday escaped from Qiiard J. Web? ster, of the Southwestern .State Asylum ror the Insane, when he arrived here from .Stuart, ahd was recaptured and started again for th? asylum, made an? other and a successful dash for liberty last night, while biing conveyed from the station ul .Marlon to the institu? tion. This morning he was run down by Norfolk and Western pas&cngir train No. 23. near Marion, and killed^ Viherman was t'dd to pet off the track when the train approached, but failed1 to heed the warning*. Ystcrday he gave Ouard Wibster a two-mile run here, but was finally cap? tured, and left here yesterday nller noon for Marlon. Charged with Robbery. [Special to TheTlmcs-Dispatch.] Amtierst; Vs.. 'February ?Sheriff rt. H. Drummond lias returned from West Virginia, ibrtnglhg with him George Mays, the young white man, who wits arrested In that s;tate on the charge of breaking into and robbing the store of Ward Cash at LoweBVlllo B few days ago. Mays was lodged in the Amherst Jail, and will probably be tried next Monday before n magis? trate. AN ALMANAC AS LIFE SAVER; What She Read in a Little Book' Proved to Be Helpful and Showed a Kentucky Lady How to Regain Her Health. Coving ton, Ky.?"Everybody thought 1 had consumption," writes Mrs. Martha Owens of ttiis place. " Nobody believed I could ever get well. According to them, I should be in my grave now and not up writing letters.,] One day a Ladies' Birthday Almanac | fell into my hands. I read it and told my j husband that I would try Cardui, for I believed in what the book said that this medicine would do. I bought a bottle, took the medicine, and began to get belter right away. I could feel how it was doing me good. After I had taken five bottles the pain and hurting was all gone, and 1 felt so well and happy. During the lime I was sirk 1 couldn't do anyt hing, no sweeping, no housework of any kind, and sometimes my head would hurt from sun-up to sun down. . Now all this has changed, and I have to thank Cardui for it. Put my name in the papers, .so that everybody may know what Cardui has done for me and that others may try this iiiodicinc, which, I am sure, will help them, too." If you suffer as Mrs. Owens did, take lier advice. Try Cardui. It may be just what you need. N. I?.? Write to Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tonil;, tor Special Instructions and 64-jiagc book. 'Home Treatment for Women," .-cut in plain wrapper on request. Will Make His Headquarters IN RICHMOND Hopkins Furniture Co., 7 West Broad St. Cash or Credit. NEGRO RELEASED BY MAGISTRATE No Evidence to Connect Him With Deaths of Three Young Men. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Raleigh, N. C (February ?There I was a magistrate court hearing to-dtiy j for William Turner, the head waiter In the Wilson chophoubc, as to any relation he might Inno had with the triple tragedy In the Wilson Apart? ments on Monday, when the tiiree young men Crom Benson were found asphyxiated in the Wilson Apartments. I The outcome of the hearing was the I release Of the negro. The most not? able witness was Lewis, a I negro, at whose house l\ a.lam Turner 'rooms. He told Uev. Sylvester Belts I that some one, Iiis wife he thought, had seen Turner with a considerable roll of money Monday night, but he suggested that it might have been Sil bills, -ir stuffed with Confederate bills lor show. Tile fact is. there wus no evidence developed. The officer who arrested the waiter yesterday refused to swear out a warrant himself on the evidence that Rev. Sylvester Holls sub? mitted to him, and required the minis? ter to procure the warrant himself "on information and beli-f." There aie threats now of a suit for damages I against Mr. Betts, who Is a man of considerable means. The North Carolina Supreme Court announces forty-one successful appli? cants for licenses to practice law, oat of the cluss of nfty-one that Undertook iho examinations when the court con? vened for tho tail term Monday. The new lawyers ars as follows; Arthur A. Bunn. Vance county: Klery CJ. Brown, Columbus; Goodman 11. King, Union; Lawson It. fierce, Iredell; Paul W. Cray. Northampton; Waiter L Spen? cer. Hyde; Junlus J. Goodwin. William La Knight, Northampton; Wheeler Mar? tin, Jr.. Martin; Itaymond It. Moose, Ca-j lawba; Waller B. Buugujss, Ashe; Lindsay C. Warren. Beaufort; Clayton Moore. Martin; Bennett Nooe, Jr.. Chatham; Lennox P. MeLendon, Anson; Cyrus D. Uogue. Orango; Frcdsrkk M. Balz, Virginia; Thomas S. Long, Hyde; Kdwtn L Gavin. Sampson; Walter L Currle, Mooro; Cyrus Johnson. Wuyni; Franklin T. Dupree, Hurnelt; Jesse E. Carpenter. Randolph; .Milton B. Igna? tius, Now York State. George A. Mor? row, Iredell; George Vi Willis, Crav.-n; Lawrence McD. Scott, Beaufort. Robert Iii. Whliehurst, Craven; IjovI W. Fergu? son. Forsyth; Brooks Poi.ideN.ter, For-1 'syth; Georg? A. Spurrow, Jr.. Mechlin Iburg; Campbell B. Fetner. Mecklenburg; '.lames F. Head, New Hanover; Herbert IC. Allen, Buncombe; Ernest W. i.-ny. Ichowan; William T. Shore, Mecklen I burg; Robeft JL Gniltt, Cleveland; Wll I Hain C. Coughehotir, Rowan; l?mmelt IC. Willis. VVllkes; Edgar W. Phurr, , Mecklenburg; William O. Gaffney, j Mecklenburg. The Law nnd Order League Of ital I cigh was formed last night With Ur. I Charles Lee Smith us president; W. II. 'Williamson, vice-president; T. B. Kid rtdgc, secretary, and .lohn T. Pullen, treasurer. The membership fee is $1 I per year. Over 800 members were en? rolled. Something of a sensation was stirred by the reading by H. C. Bcckwlth. at? torney, who had iusl found It, of a section of Raleigh's charter granted by the 1007 Legislature; providing "search ami seizure" powers for the police. Tiie statement of the existence of the .section runic as a great sur? prise, and numbers of lawyers still predict that It will bo found that sub? sequent charters adopted by the Leg? islature for the city have abrogated it. The first of a chain of "Kltchln Chilis." which it Is expected will be organized in every .section of the State in connection with the candidacy of Governor Kit chin ror the United States Semit.', with Senator F. M. Simmons, i \-Governor Charles B. Ayeoek and t'iilcf Justice Walter Clark as his op? ponents in the race, was organized hera to-night, with C. J. Hunter as president. There were about lfifi present, nnd the secretary reported an enrolment of 400. The clttb heard sposches on the Impending campaign; and adopted n resolution asking Governor Kltchln to address the club some night next week at a public meeting. IJiiildlnir Permits. rtiilldlng nnd repair permits were Issued yesterday as follows; August pimonpetrl and A. T. Rheppard, to erect n two-atnry brick tenement, live stores, on the oast side of Hull Street between Six? teenth and Seventeenth Streets. South Rich? mond; to coat S'.O.OOP. ' Hamndeh-Bldney College, to repair thre? 'frame dwellings, 17?-1707-17? Ba.dwln Streft. [to cost ffW. . I T. K. O'Keefe. to repair four frame tltrp;! ?ins?, lW?-IOW!4-10M-ieM% Muchanan fitreet. to cos*. 1700. rtcot Printing Company (trie,), to repair a brick' printing office, 1A1-103 Governor Street, Ito cost IStO, recently dnmage.d by tire. lt. K. Ullman, to repair a framo dwelling. 1716 Venablc Btreot, to co*t $Co. SIR JOHxN MACDONELL NEW REMEMBRANCER Succeeds Sir James Mellor in Ancient Office?Lucra? tive- Berth. DV I.A MARQUISE IJE FONTENOY. KING (JEORGE'S now remembrancer. Sir Jolin MacDonell, c. B., who hutt Just euoccoded Sir Junior -Mullor In that ancient office. Is, it Is needless to stule, u Liberal and a Scotchman, for moat of the lucra? tive government berths In Ivngiund are snapped up by men hulling from the north of the Tweed. The emoluments of sir John MacDonuli ua remembrancer will amount to SJ.2.S00 u year. In addi? tion to which he receives supplement? ary stipends as senior master of the Supremo Court, as registrar of tho Court of Criminal Appeal) as iiiHHlcr of tho Crown Olllce, und us the King's coroner. Sir John, a mau Ol consider? ably ov2r sixty, is known in this coun? try, Lot only by his numerous works on various legal subjects, but also as one of the greatest authorities In the British Empire on the subject of In? ternational law, which has won for htm all sorts of honors from the govern? ments of Conttn'intal Europe. The olllce ot King's remembrancer la a very ancient one. In the tluys of the early Norman rulers, of the l'luntagunots, and of tho tudors, thj King's remem? brancer was a high olhclul of the royul court of thu exchequer, and he was expected to keep u record of thosu nobles whosj lines and dues had re? mained unpaid, to look utter the num? erous royalties of the crown, to ut tcild to the cavtles and estutes that hail be'-., for Iruason forfeit |il to the sovereign, and to supervise tho duo payment of the tlrst fruits. Many of these duties havt bjen taken over by the inland Revenue and Treasury Departments, und while most ol the members of his stuff, such us tho "Fllacar." the "Clerk of the Pipe/! the "SuMvoyor of ihr* Green Wax,*' the "Clerk of the Est coats." and tho "Clerk of the Nlchllls," and of the "First Fruits,'' have been legislated out of oflice, the King's remembrancer, him? self remains. Ills duties as remembrancer arc con Bnid to attendance in the court of the Luid C-htct Justice, at tho ceremony called the "Pricking of the Sheriffs, ' by the Chancellor of the Excnequor. on th j morrow of St. Martin's Day; attendance at the swearing In of tho lAjrd Mayor of I he (Uly ot London; and the acknowledgment of noinage for the hoidiin; of crnwa lands. He also supervise.-, th ? periodical testing of the various stundiU'ds of coinage, known as Hie Trial ol the Pyx. An important otttce which Sir John win henceforth till Is that of King's coroner It Is an olllce which dates from tii'- time wii :n the monarch's court sheltered any tiujnber of pictur? esque vagabonds, and strange deaths iv ere not uncommon. Tho corooirs Jury in such cases has always been impaneled either from members of the royal household or else from royal warrant holders, that Is to say. tho regularly appointed purv?yors of the court and household. The most recent occasion when tlie King's coroner war called upon to ar range for an Inquest was In 190s. when :i baconlc necessary to hull an inquest on the remains of a postilion of one of the heave steel-sheothed vans In which the superb gold and silver plate, valu? ed at some Slfi.OOO.OOP. l>elonging to the crown, and used at state banquets, is conveyed, when needed, to Lucking 50 dozen Men's 50c 4 in Hand Ties on sale to-day at 25c 20%, 30%, 40% DISCOUNT SALE AT an fiiMVa^ 1418-20 East N. W. Cor. Third and Broad. Big Winter Sale is iNow on in Full Force. J. B. Mosby & Co. Wain Experienced Salespeople in all departments. Apply by letter only; stating s-ulary expected and nivintr reference. B. Samuel's' STITCH DOWNS ON SALE AT ALBERT STEINS 5th and Broad CHICHESTER S HLLS ??_<Tr-v TIIK IM4HUND UBAND, /? j;?!"'.*1 Aik jour IMifiIii for'o d Ylr.nd, Pills In lied Aii.1 (laid niclilil;' '-?<??. Mulct 1.11h Uluo IUI.;on." r?Wo nu olhfir. H.ey t.t roar !li,iWl"r-_A,k"rf'",?'?'r'!)TEIta HIAMIIM) It RANI) IMI.I.s. fcr Si yur?knnwanUnt,S?(fi!.AI?iriRtlUhl? SOLO BY DRUfiGISTS EVP,RVWHERi ham Palace, from th?j immense vauit3 where It Is preserved at Windsor Cas? tle. Tho man's horse had slipped whllo ?nterlng tho gateway of Buckingham Palace, and buforo It had been possible to slop the van, tho wh.eels of tho latter had passed ovor him, killing him lnstajitly. Tin Jury, aa required by law. was composed of twelve men, all members of tho royal household, as USUUl, who returned a verdict of ac? cidental death. No ?xeeption was tak cn to this. But this method of composition of tho Jury was severely condemned on tho occasion of the murder In Saint James's Palaca, of Senlls, the confi? dential Swiss vnlct of that Duke of Cumberland who became' King of Han? over on tho accession of Tils niece, Que;n Vlctorlu, to the throne of Great Brltnln, In 1837. Und the murder been Investigated, by an ordinary. coroVer aud Jury, there Is no doubt that the Intense popular animosity against tIt3 D?ke of Cumberland would have led to a vordlet Imputing to him the crime oij tho plea of circumstantial evldenc;". But, fortunately for hltn. the matter was confided to tho King's coroner, and a Jury selected from mimbers of tho royal household, In accordance with his directions, rendered a verdict of murder against a party or parties un? known. Tha subdean of tho Chapel Royal, i Canon Edgar Shoppard. chaplain and I spiritual adviser to tho late Duke Of , Cambridge, Is the author of a work . entitled "Memorials of St. James's Pal lace," In which n chapter was da voted i to this mysterious tragedy, but was I persuaded by tho duke to excise It , from the volume. On two occasions i during the rslgn of Queen Victoria she ' was recommended by her ministers to \ abolish the ollice of Queen's coroner, i On each occasion she Is said to havj ' replied. "Certainly not. There have been occasions when It would have be->n very Inconvenient to have tho public coroner called In,'' presumably having In mind the case f>f her uncle Ernest, with whom she was at daggers drawn until his dying day. Archduke Francis Ferdlnnnd. s-jelng no prospect of ever being able to oc? cupy bis historic Villa d'Kste. at Tivoli, some twenty miles from Home, has Just presented it to the Austrian nation, to serve as a retreat for duly selected and nominated' Austrian artists, that Is to say. painters, sculptors, architects and musicians, who are In ne?d of rest and ' quiet, combined with artistic environ? ment, soothing to their nerve.?, and calculated to foster and promote their particular talsnta and attainments. It Is not to he used as a school f"r art ' Ists. such as the French have at the Villa Medici, in tits Eternal <'ity. Near? ly every great power has a school ol this kind; but It is to serve purely as a retreat. It was last occupied by the late Cardinal Prince Gustav ' Ilnhenloho, who rented it. tlrst of all, from the last sovereign Duke of Modonu, and, after his death, from his heir. Arch? duke Francis Ferdinand, to whom It wns bequcntlied, along with all the other Immensely vnlliabls property of tho house of Este, After the cardinals death, his heir and adopted son. a mal of the name "f Nnblll, endeavored rh vain tu obtain from An lid ilk i Francis Ferdinand the repayment of the money spent by the cardinal In absolutely necessary repairs nnd Improvements of the villa. Litigation ensujd, in (bo course of which an extremely Interesting letter of the late Crownprlnec Rudolf, ad? dressed to Cardinal Hobo loltC, and dated June 21. ISSI. was produced In court. It was in response to an ap? peal from the cardinal to the crown prince io use his Influence with his cousin. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, to gut him to attend to the matter. Tlu letter contains, among ether things, the following Sentence: "Whenever l have I had occasion to send on to Francis FTdinrmd letters from Prince William of Prussia (tho present Kaiser) I have In each Instance urged hltn to at length effect a settlement with you. Francis Ferdinand Is, however, still very young, and. having emancipated himself very early, he thinks as a lieutenant ot Dragoons only of amusing himself, and pays no attention to money matters. These hi leaves entirely to Count Sollerh, who possesses tri-? most un? bounded Influence over him. 1 do not know the count, and do not remember ever having seen him." The villa, with its magnificent park, was built In 1549, by Pirro Llgorlo, for Cardinal Illppollto d'Kste. Archbishop of Ferrara, has the finest example of Renaissance garden In Italy, is erected on a st?cp slope with many torracerj and embellished with numerous foun? tains, which once formed tho back? ground of a splendid collection of an? cient statuary formed by tho cardinal, but now dispersed. It has always been In tha possession of the historic house I of Este, of which Archduke Francis I Ferdinand Is the principal heir, and it is there that the Abbe Liszt composed some of his finest music, .is the guest 1 of his principal patron. Cardinal Prince Ijbheniohs, I (Copyright, 1911. by the. Brentwoud Company.) Urceu??rKnr. I (Special to The Times-Dlspnteh. | I Ashland, Va.. February ?A beauti? ful wedding took place yesterday I In the Presbyterian Church here, when Miss Elizabeth Sogar became the wife of Fielding Lewis Whilteilioru Green Tho bride !i the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.' John Sogar, of Lewlston, Va.. and has a number of relatives here. The bridegroom, whose homo is in Freder leksburg, Is the son of Mrs. Anna Page Ursen, The Rov. Mr. Barber, ui Fred crleksbutg, officiated. Miss Mary Wright, cousin of the bride, played lite wedding marches from Mendelssohn und "Lohengrin." The bride wore an exquisite gown of Ivory salin, with rose point und pearls, and her flowers were lilies of the valley and roses. Miss Sal Ho Montgomery; of Frederlcksburg, was tiio maid of hon? or, und was gowned in blue mossallne ? and carried sweet peas. John Green. I of Frederlcksburg, was best man. The ushers were William Goolrlcks, Gun yari Harrison, Frank Chlchester, of Frederlcksburg, and Leiten Wright; <>f Ashland. Miss Frances Lancaster sang "Drliik to Me Only With Thine Eyes," I "Annie Laurie" und "Believe Me. if All I Those Endearing Young Charms," be? fore tho arrival of the bridal party. A reception to the bridal parly and Immediate family was given at the Henry Clay Inn Immediately after thu wedding. Among tho out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Huff Green, Miss Mary Green, John Grootl, Misses Lena Harri soii and Page Waller, of Fredericks lung; Mr. and Mrs. John Sogar, MISS Cleora Sogar and Leltch Sejfar, of Lowiaton; Mrs. Allee Demar Rorax, of Annapolis. Md.; Albert Terrell, of New Can toil; Mr. and Mrs. Kniest Chowning and Mr. and Mrs. ErnsltiB Chandler, of Richmond. Mr. .and Mrs. Green loft for an ex? tended Northern trip, and will make their future home In Frederlcksburg. DR. tAT*NE GETS CALL 10 MONTANA Stale University. Wants Wash? ington and Lee Professor for Its President. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. J Lexington. Va., February 9.?The call of Dr. John h. Latane to the pres? idency of the University of Montana Was not an absolute surprise to the Students of Washington and Lie I'm versify. There had been a tumor In circulation for some time .that the po? sition would ho tendered him. 'and I when last week he made a trip to Watches Ours is primarily the "Watch House" ol Richmond. Wc show only those Watches that are dependable time-keepers. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Broad Sts. Washington It was felt that the object was to confer with tho Montana au? thorities. Such proved to bo tho case, and now the University of Montana uwalls his decision. Dr. butane took his >"h. D- at'Johns Hopkins in Isa?. and has been tho Pro? fessur ot history und International law ut Wusiilugiuli und L.b0 since 11102. lie is very popular among the students, who appreciate his uuliity us a teacnor' und respect hi in us u man. Therefore, tnu possibility of his leaving Ih viewed by all with regret. Of course, no detlnite decision has been reached by hint us yet. Montana presents u large Held tor service, ami tile university Itself Is a tlourishiut? institution, bavins about 280 student:-, and lust year un income of {174,000. Dr. Dulane Is a very progressive man and would lit in with thu Western spiidt und people. All these things aro being taken into consideration. On the oilier hand Dr. Lutunc Is vory fond of his work in history, nnd that would necessarily have to be relegated to the background on account of tho now du? ties that would devolve upon him. Then, too. having passed most of Itia life In the South, he would bo re? luctant to move himself und family into u place so far distant. These and many more elements muss come into his final determination, anil Hie outcome can hardly be predicted. Certain it is that the students and hit) many friends In town and Stale trust, that: he may see his way clear to re? main In the present Held of work. Damage Suit on Trial. Trial continued all day yesterday In tlnJ Law and Equity Court of the damage suit of Rice's administratrix agalnut the South? ern Hallway Company fur payment for In? juries received by Rico while a locomotive engineer, due. It Is alleged, to the defective condition of the track of tho company at Fourteenth Street near the northern end ot Mayo'a Bridge. Rice died as the result of the derailment and overturning of his loco? motive. The caao will probably go to tho jury to-day. Se. th* Original and Genuine Tho food-drink for All Agos. " or Infants, Invalids, and Growing children, ?'tire Nutrition, up building the whole body, nvigoratcs the nursin g mother and the aged. lieh milk, malted grain, in powder form. ^ quick lunch prepared in a minute, ake no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. Sot tri Msiy IWiBk Te'usi As we adjust, them are correct,, neat>, comfortable and substantial. Lowest, charges in all cases. Prescription work our specialty, with complet e manufacturing plant on the premises. ^^GALESKI0"1"^ MAIN AND BROAD AND ?AND? EIGHTH THIRD Kodak Headquarters, $3.50 and $4 HAVE YOU SEEN THE New Method Gas Ranges AT Pettit & Co.'s? s Now on. \'our chance to buy Trunk and Leather tiuo'.ls tit .1 big saving. UYMNASIUM SHOES?All Silr.m. P. W. DAHNEY A: CO., 5nultieiiNt Corner Third anil llroad. Antiseptic Month Wash. A delightful dentifrice and rr.outn wash. 25c per bottle. TEN AMERICAN av>?rXft3-lfc*N AKM(U? THE BEST 6Y EVLRT TEST _ MTTOfC GENTLY SWEEP? ^?&*THE SYSTEM AT j?rtliOOISTS?10c, -5v. 30?.