Newspaper Page Text
New York ; Stock Market JCcw yorlt. February 9.-?The stocks usui liy ,ii .-i?,ii.?u-.i iin' louuers 01 tnu inui tv> i um i euren tu inv UUCKginjunu tb*?Aj Most ?'( mein 'ourviy inuve.i. The mil siocK* uno !Si. Paul were tu? oniy prominent lesuva wmcij broke uw'uy ironi tue ue..u level Ol me. inar kct, 'i in.M' stittrvs were strong, hut chunges otherwise! were Insigniitcanl, except umoi.c iii< Inactive stocks. Traili.'iu* nt;.it, uiui uur*ng tho tiftsrtiuuii theie wa? uhiy the semblance of ii marge t. Asien- trout too is ?sue-s und f-t. Paul, tin strongest rail roii<| stocks were in the ?oiiihcrii group, s-outiicrin Railway preferred inhue u uei\auee of neuriy it point at tno opening, und jmpruved ? ii.y Slightly on in.- uniiouncohient ii.. rute htia been inoeusvd i?- ri i i?er sent, rate. Atlantic dust bine und Lvinsvlitc and Niisnville were strong. Thb tobacco stoctts again fluctuated wlelei: American Tooucco prelerreil fvil '?? points i.n.i Loriliard, .>. Im tel. graph su'ck* wore conspicuously strong. The nettvy decrease in tho sUpplv 0( SUrpiUS copper shocks 10? in ycMeruay'a monthly state? ment imparted a u^eielceily tinner tone to the copper markets both here am); abroad, bot the iibppor stocks niade I p.. response to tuis tciuuney, being] Inltneuccil hy prorlt-taking sales fol? lowing vcsteriiit.v'h auviincc. An improvement in roiiroad earnings was lnuicaieo by latest figures oi gross returns; The earnings lor tweniy-llvo railroads lor the first week of January showed ah Increase of l per cent., com? pared with a dee.ease ot I per cent, in the preceding week. Sterling < xehaiigc advanced to-day. and no more gold was onv.ue.ed for Tradlnu in the bond market wa* lighter. Total sales, par value. K.V. ,..,, United siat.s :tr'. registered. advanced 1-2 and the coupon r>->> en ' Total tales tor tile day. -Jtl.SsOO shiresj New Tork. February 3.?Money on call steady. 1-4bJi2 1-2 per cent.: rullnc rate. '.' 1-4: closing bid. 2 1-4: .'f.'.'r^.l at 2 3-b per cent. Time loans -.? lov sixty days, 2 3-4 per cent.;' ninety days. 2 3-4?3 per cent.; months, ?g3 1-4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 3 1-2 to 4 per cent, sc rllnp exchange firm, with actual business In tankers' bills at $4.S4oO i ?r sixty-day bills and at 54.S7C0 for demand.* Commercial bills. 54.SS 3-4. Bar ^Kcr. 60 Mexican do.lars ,47. , RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. By Richard W. Maury. Etocfc ar.d Sor.d Broker. IMS E. Main Street rtichmond. va., February Wl SALEE AT BOARD. Virginia Centuries--*.-**) at S?H. STATE SECURITIES. Bid. Asked. ifctnla "s. Old, C. ar.d R. 182.... S-SH ??? va, Centuries, :-J, C. and R . l?l.. S< S?-? CITY .-F>-t"KITlE?\ ?::? "-m.-ad Citv is. P. . :??-IWc... J? Rich City If, C. and Rii :?????. H RAILROAD BONDS. A. C. L. P. R Con. Tr. 4 p. c.... 95 .: ! O. licn'l M . ?>?.??. .?I i,;.:r;:v .?cu. and Fia.. 1H5. 197 Uiorjla and Ala. Cor. 5t.? 1.H?.107 N?..-. and West. Ry. 4?. iSH. ? tvaaoard A.r Lint tl. l?60. S? Southern Railway :?t 5s. \:-H. ioj ho. R. Dev. and O. M. 4s, IX?!. Tt Wettera N. C. lit ?>?. C-, 1>H. 1? STItEET RAILWAY BON De. \Ky ar.d Power Co. Is. 1M4.... W's STREET KY. STOCKS. Far. Va. Ry- and Power Co ptd ? lO> ST1 j i Vi Ry. and Power Co. cum....100 t5 4 RAILROAD STOCKS. Psur. Atlantic Cois: Line com.ICO IM Chesapeake a-_d Ohio.1? 71 .. .:?.; Weiter? com.1W 109 f-outhern Hallway p:d.!;?} 7.H Fouthtrn Itiulway> 2S BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS. American .'-'atlonal.1(4 ... a Broa'd Street. ti *0 .. Pn.-.k of Commerce a=d Truiu..lWUS yi.-si National.IWSSS Merciiaatl .^at;ona:.ICO ?&0 .:.... Bank ?I Virginia....UK) ilQ .. National state and City Bank..103h)l .\aiional.i?) .. ha\lu|* Bank a: Ricamond.~ 7i . Union Bank o: Rlchoosd.}0 11D Vlrtinla irust C?mpauy.ICe *i9 West End. Jfc 4i Rlcfamona i?u ar.d Trull Co. t: INSURANCE COMPANIES. Va, Firs and Marine las. ? TS MISCELLANEOUS. Va.-Car. Chetn. pfd. ? p. c.ICO ... E? Quota'.tont for inttrcit-paytus; bonds are' t: i price to Which ir.ttr.-v*: roust lit acd-.d. Income bonai ar.a ceruncatti o( ladeoted-1 BONO LIST It-Chalnjirj' is. l.lSSett %v Myers -t Lifceitt & Myers ". Loutiard Company LcriliarC Company Niu :?? it and nkit* t--.:.t,'...:<i Air Lint s Virginia-1<: V.rj.iila-ti. Va. Ry. es COTTON MARKET5. New Tork, February (?.?Even greater at tivlty and (xeiteintnt was developed In the cotton market to-day, and prices reacheo still bisher levels oh n continuation of ur f ..: covering and a broadening demand fvr. long account. The ckut was orf liojn ttie t.e*t umlcr reallxint; f.,r fiver ih<. trecl:.<jsd but eery steady a: a net advance d! trorri * >.i> pohiti. with tlie o:d crop again show >t.g niilive firmntsf. The market opened neady m an advance t! 3 points to a d>i nine of 3 points, and at ilrkt showed rather a reactionary tendency under rctiiUlng or lot-:,: telling for a turn, which It i the en coiirazeiiient of somewhat illiappotntfns Engllsli vaults. There, wasi no changi lit character c.f spot advices fron, (he sj?utli k..:. tufl iveek ar.d H'.I'j'.' lost < "'i^Ve' relpti at Ntiv Ot.eans :?'j73 bales ug'liiet las: : oar; at Oalvciton. 1'.'270 '...'< . ? ?' 10,501 last year, and at Ilourtori S**S'bales Sgalr.rt '.f;7 ..-:.-t year Cotton luturta elostil verv steady: ?'une July A-ig-l I>?cen'.ber . Spot cotton close middling uplands, open an account with The Union Bank of Richmond hoi nA9T main aniit vt. i1.00 makkh a start 1 per cent interest Uhicial Kanofe and Sale ot Stocks in New York ?aics. Steck. Allls-Chalmera . A.lts.Ch.ici*. pfd. ,000 Amalgamated Copper . . U3* .? .009 Am r. Agrt; Cliom.. com. :<y> Amor. Beel Sugar; com.. f?>% -"American i.'jii . Il"l MW American Cm. pfd. I?t? AO Amor. Cur ami foundry. f>i 200 Amor. Car atui Kouil . ?Iii 115% UH American Cotton Oil. WVi American Linseed tili. 300 American Locomotive ... ill A hier. Locomotive, pfd. 250 Amer. Mali Co.; pM. <?% Vincrlcan Smelting . ?i'j p" American Sugar . IPV% .??' AHier, Tel. an l Tel. Co... IM ,av> American Tobacco, com. 20! '?->? Amer. roh.. i?fd.. new... i"a't ?000 Anakonda Copper . ;< *'* MV AtcItlsOll . 1"IU ."k> Atlantic Coast Line. IftWj 11". A. C. L of Connecticut.. Baltimore and cn. 10-'% : 0 Brooklyn Ilapid Transit; 77? !.: 0 Central L?ather, com? Is &0 Canadian Pacttlo .?-'?>'.? i.Jvjo Chesapeake and nhio? >?? Chicago Great Western. ... r.TOOChl., .Mil. and St. Paul... 1*4% L.? Crucible Steel Cor., uom. I Hi Crucible Steel, pfd. f2% 313 Chicago and Northwest. 112 Colorado Piicl and iron. ... Colorado and Southern. ISO Consolidated (las .IS'S Delaware a: ?! Hudson. ru n. an.l Bio Gran., eoiii ... SM i>cn. and Bio Gran., pfd. v'a Distillers' See. Cor. 2Svj ;,8CO Erie . . 700 P. lie. 1st pfd. Ufii Ped. .Min. and Sm.. pfd. Ceo. Ii. Helme T6b. Co. ; o i ieneral Electric . 15*1*4 5.CCO Oreut Northern, pf>!. 13?% Great Northern Ore elfs ... Illinois Coutral . :???> Interboro-Mel. lOtl Intorboro-Met., pfd. M% int. Mer. Marine, com. By THOMAS BRANCH & C Open. High. Low. Uul. Asked- ! Closing. l?> j noi4 .'?>> 103=?i ;t>!Si 101% isr'i mM, i?Pi !!-._. 82?fc 112 41% '->:s so?; ?>:>T? ir,< 130% :il 40% ii-r-, 11" 200 h'-i's 85?, 104% 101!, H'j 1??'? ii% ?S% 60% i:-e, 128% "|734 t'..c._. ;??j iis ' i 10?, I".; lots it?i ii"?.: 103% ?->" i UMvj 2U! '-Hi ioj% i"-i, r.'?i v> ISS Ml 32S? ;.;i'i ,HS 71 Vi 17% p> 1"CS l?f|% II-, life 14IH 141% 4j II" HI -'1 42 ?1" ? toft US? 157 129N ;'??? 4-1 170 158 ISO ISS i;i.. ?.?.. Hankers and Brokers. ialcs. Si >ck. Open. International Paper . int. Paper, pfd. 'MO Kan. City South.', com.. 2i% 2,209 Lultlgh Vall*y . ItoVi Liggett ft My .'i s. coin. CO Liggett .Myers, ptd... P -j .':.'.?.<i Lorlllnrd Co., com.t l70Vi l.oilllard Co.. pfd. 5,400 Houisvillv and Nashville l?l? l??> Manhattan . l?T Mo.. Kail. Rlid Texan. Mo.. Kan. and Tex., pfd. ... 200 Missouri Pacific . KPi ?.'."'i National Head . 5Hi 1,200 New York Central. Ill's ?I'M N. Y.. out. niid Western :w : HO Norfolk and Western..; K4I 7,tOO Northern 1'aclllc . 110% :?"i Hnclltc Mail . UJVi 2.2?Q Pennsylvania . V-J-?, 3OT People's >his . i" :S Pittsburgh Coal, "om. Press id Steel Car. Pressed Steel Car, pf?l. i;i, Steel Spring, com-.. 4I.;>" Heading . h">7:. 1,100 ItepUbJic Iron and Steel 2l's 1,140 Itepublle I. and S.. pfd.'. 7r,'_. 200 Hock Island . 2.-'; 2" Hock Island, pfd. I!' Sloss-Shefficld . l.soo Southern Pa< Iflc . M?7ni I.AH Southern Hallway . SSVi C..'.'l" South.tu Railway, pf<l. 72% Standard Oil . l?o Tjn.iesseo Copper . ??>> Texhs Pnclllc . 33,100 Union Pacltlc . I0i> United states Rubber.;. M 45,2?? United States Stool. ?'?"i 7W United .Stales Steel, pfd 107?? 1W Vo.-Car. Chemical . f.p;. \'a.-Car. Chemical, pfd. 4c0 Va. By. and Power, com 4.S Va. Ity. and Power, pfd. ... Wab ieh . i.4;4i Wabash, pfd. H\ CJKu Weslarn union . Wi \\ eyman-Bruton Toll. Tolal sales for day. 24S.2( High. Low Bid. Asked. 1W4 i'j'i KvS \;P op* HOJi IVJ " IH'.Ci IC? I0S?, Total sales for week (tlvV dnyi ' ? '.KV shur< hulet. export Coastwise, 1,120 bales. | Total to-day at .ill ports ?Nu receipts 74.S? bait*: export to Urem Britain, lti,t>74 bales; to the Continent. 24,331 bales; to i Japun, r.'.?S bales; stock, 1.347,7:3 bnlsi. ? Consolidated at all ports?Net receipts, Ml,305 bales; export to Great Britain. M9,41M; to t rance. ?.111 baics; to tho Conti- . ct.:. liiSll baler; to Japan, 21,67 baies; to Mexico, 6 bales. ? Total since September 1 at all ports?Net ; receipt?. K15J.82? bales; export to Great Britain, 2,ai4,l? baics; to France. 576,40" bales; to the Continent. 3.0?S.S54 baies; to Jspan. 31CM7 bales; to Mexico, t.603 bales. I Nif Orleans, February 9.?Cotton futures opened steady at a decline of 5!a7 points on poor cables. The market closed steady at a net advance of jy.i points. Shorts were Inclined to be aggressive, and their offer.ngs were isrger than the market could absorb. oflcrcd little support. Toward the middle of the morning the market took on a much steadier tone. There was little for ea'.e around the ring. Official cablegrams from Manchester said that a larse business was beins done in cloths und that yarns were- very firm Shorts covered nnd com? mission houses received a good volume of buying orders. The decline was quickly made up. In the afternoon session the mar? ket at first held very steady at the advance, but afterward? fell off on profit-taking. Snot cotton firm. '?c. up: middling, lv 7-:*c.; sales :.s->j bales; t^ arrive iOO bale*. Februarj', lO.f-S; March. !?>.f; July. 10.72; August. 10.$?; September. 10.52; October. 10.42; December, 10.?;. LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. iFurr.lihed by Levy Commission Co.. Com miJlon Merebams, htcr.mor.d. Vtui Richmond, va., February 3. IMS, ACTUAL \\ nul.t-.-.ll.l. QLOlAllONa Of .MA KU ET. Livu POULTRY. Turkey hrns. lb. g 17 Turkey gOJbleM. '.b. _ ej IS Ch.cktns, cnoict, small, lb? " ^ :s Chickens, choice, ib.. g it Chickens, large, ;b. j ;j SKns. ID. Cj 12 Roosters, each. ti U Gv. ( , a*., large, each. ^ 30 Ucee?, small, ?ach. 60 .1 u small, young, ib. & u Ducks, small, young, lb. y u OREi?ilD frOULTRV AMD KOlis. Head and Feet off.) Turjiey hers lb..'.. 5 ?_-<> Turkey goo^itrs, .&.. j JJ Chickens, lb. 15 g 15 Hens, lo. 14 4, Duckt, ;d. 11 n is hogs, ca., a<cora;ng 10 s.ze.. i y 71, et??-s . I j Bu^rs . 33 e bpsreribt . * H 10 K-iOs?Crated. I:, cri'.ts, nearby, fretn. o>oz . j M ' la erat*?, otner sections, dss. ?} 3j I JJL'li Family, choice, it. s j u Merchants', l?w, ,0. 22 \j LI vs. cluv-b. Vci.i, c.-olee to :a:icy. it,. 13 ,i, Veaii. poor ;c :?...-. .0. ?Via < C?iv??, runners, ;o. ? ? t~% iat.p. ib. 3 V ?>? I Lamps, spring, 10. 6 sr ?^>| Catti?, ta.r 10 prune, io. ? y iv, [ Bogs. .0.?? ? tt ??i tlioisa. Li.-y flint! ib. O it ury siit- 10. U 1? ureer. u.i. I?. ti IM* oinr., .&. 3 ?jttia. damaged, ;o. .. t ti 7 lalic-w . O ? iiew*ax . ? * Oranges, IM . . 17t O I .ii-1-l.r.i *.?. J. hand! ked, ?ul. 1.3? C ??? M'.ulum, til. Z J> <t 2? I _?u?*i... per t-s. LM 0 MARKET CONDITIONS ' Live chlCke.U and i.-r.s active; alto drest- 1 .-a hens. Ltvt ar.u aressed turiteji r.ot as j active at they have been. NEW YOKE. I'kUBUCE MARULT. New York. February i.~I'.'jJT?t.rm.y bed with a inoociate )obbiiig tri?oe. Bye Fto?r, tiucKwneai t ???j.- ?i.u ?.orniiit?;--Firm. Rye? . Qun :. Bariex-mvix.:-. IVneat?Spot Heady; .no : red. !i. ??. eltvotor. expert bails, tt.c ll.*j?!i I o. b, alloai. Fututes fit. net Ld vance. May, ii.'???:?; July, ll.riti, Cor:.?spot rirtn; ixport. '.-:.?e. !. t, 0. arioat. I utures nominal. ij^tr-.r;-ot. quiet. Futurt? no:n tnsl. Bccf-Flrm. Pork?Steady. Cut Meats ?iaut. Lard-Et'.ao> I ?.;o>v-Cfjiet. pe troitutn??teaoy. ivooi?tiuie: lloiln?<Jul?t. Turiientlne?I?ull. Itice?Firrri. >S'-la?ie? Stia/iy. liiigar?Raw, cim-.?, retlritOi turn Coffee-?Futures cloftd Jteiioy a; i. ad >ancc o: i /.'? Spot, steady; No. 7 j Rio, H:ii . :w. 4 Sstoi. UVjc-; m id, dull; Cordova. s *Y i:?^c. Butter?Firm. Cheese ?S-.'oJ;- er.c. Unchanged Bgga?Firm. I'o tatoii!?I.ur> , Kutop. nr.. per lCi pvur.d?. Ii l'j PtanitiM.'ht'lisng? I. Frelght^-.-ittse) ; ..ot I tlnue-i strength of . rude oral t.ev/ buying for wettern u'.coutit, but prices <:at*d off In the OftcrllObti utidei ? '.!r.^ by ref.ii^rr and p.-of lt-tuklrir. Fiitiiret closed ';'<i7 point t lower. Tradln? *-as a'ct.v*. February, 5.43tfje, March, i*?;y vi. Apr;:. ?63 *..*.. Mas. < lilt.Ai.11 GRAIN MARKET, Chicago, III., February ?.-For a ?!.;!( ti d.ty the wheat mar;;?' showed decided tltength on lie. ount of reportk that despito official Snnoiiacemeot 'o Hie contrary I he Algentlne ttril.r hss no', been itttle'j. Proflt-takihg. however, gradual'iy ?ort off Hi? effect. Slid left prices In the end not over a shod': elthei ?ay fron? last algrht'c figures. Con, tit.i?ii..} . VifcHc. ' lov/erj ,,a?t unchanged t? Vj V down, and hoir '.ro dticte at Vit'-.: d'.clluc, The leaodln^ i-jtur.-.- ranged at follows: ??y .??? ? '<*'?! 1 *i?i :03% Joiy . s<*t ??'?'i ' :r, Sept. . M '?"'? M?i M?i COHN Sent. 6S<i sw, *Vi *S>i OATH? May . ray, ;.3T, tttt- f:vi July . 48 Vi ISH 4>ls ?*H Sept. 4J <:?? 41'i ?1!? MESH PORK?ror bbl. May .l?.83 18.35 14.25 July . W.42 Sept.16.SS 16.45 10.62 10.52 LAHD?Per 100 lb?. May .9.37 ?.37 9.S0 9.32 July .9.53 ft.52 9.45 9.41 Fept.9.07 9.67 9.GD 9.60 SHOUT RIDS?Per 103 lbs. May .g.SG f.K 8.10 ISO July .9.90 t.? J.S5 Sept. 9.00 9.00 3.97 S.97 ? 'afti grain doted: Wheat?No. 2 red, I1.02U, Q 1.034 No. 3 red. fl ?'. CC; No. 2 bard. R.03Q I. (0: No. 3 hard. 31'a 1.03; No. 1 northern, II. 12$ 1;15; No. 2 northern. $1.1031.14; No. 8 northern, ILOSOl.tS; No. 2 spring.; No. 3 spring. 99911.14: No. 4 sprlnir. W-ifl.Oj; velvet chart. 99{ffLI4; durum. 90091.4$. Corn ?No. Hl1? 't ?>y,c.; No. 3 white, tx-v,'i i No. 3 yellow. &30$M4c.: No. I, . ^ ..Je.; No. 4 white. ?I'-ysi'jC: No. 4 yellow. c.Zfj<.:>\>. oats?No. 2 w hite. ij'i?'-iV.i N'o. 3. ai*it) SJc.J No. 3 white. i3*?j ..i.V.: No. 4. 49?ic.: No. I white. 4S 7 .'?.'4c.: standard. U^tllfC. Raltlmore. Md., February 9.?Wheat?Dull; spot, contract. ft. Corn?Steady; spot, con? tract. 70c. oats?Steady; No. 3 white, 89c. Rye?Quiet: No. 2 western, domestic. *1 <JI l.ol. RICHMOND (.It.UN .MARKET. Richmond. Va.. Kebruary 9. 1912. WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS ON CHANGE. WHEAT?Car lou. No. 3 ted. Western. 3? 1.07 No. 2 red. Virginia. ,i. LOT, No. 3 red. 1.04 0 Virginia, bag iota). 90 g. 1.03 CORN?Car lots. No. 2 white. 75 J No. 3 white. 74 It , No. 2 mixed. fr 74 No. 3 mixed. Bttfl Virginia (bag lots.). 72 J 7."> Coin on the cob. 70 ji 73 OA PS?Car lots. No. I mixed. 9 K*i No. 2 m:Xed. No. 2 wh.te. 67'a^ (I No. 3 white. MHO Winterteed 'hag lots). ?5 3 70 RYE?Car lots. No. 2. H- 1.03 No. 3. a L0'. Virginia ibag lots?. L00 ^ 1.01 Wheat?Dull. Corn?In !alr demand. Oats -Oulet. RICHMOND HAY MARKET. Richmond, Va., February 9, 1912 The quo.........a as lunuwa; No. 1 Timothy. 6 ?,M .No. 2 Tlmotny. 34.00 e No. 3 Tiraotoy. jj Light CiCe.-. mixed.24.V0 if No. I ciover, mixed. 0 2100 No. 1 cover. 9 22.CO No. 2 cover. 2C.00 9 No. 2 ciover. mixte. S1.M it bTRAW?Compressed . it 13.00 i-oose picsseti, .arge bales.. it Uf.60 SHUCKS? Da.ed . '.'..00 Q> i-oose pressed. :a.-ge lti.00 a CATTLE MARKLTS. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK ...vRKET. (Sales at Cnlon Stoci; ii-cs.? Richmond. Va.. Fe>br-iB_-y 9, 1912. Report r.l in? .ike stove, tor the ??etk Kebruary i, 1913: Receipts?Cattle, Isl head, caiv?,s. H head; sheep. V. head; hogs, I,111 r.-ad. [ Best steers. t^07c; medium to good, 5Vi':* |te.; common to fair, 4VabCe.j best heifers, Ils06c.j rnedltihi to good. tVi t,5*4-.. common to :a:r. Itjllsc;: b?tt cows, i'-?l:.. mediu.n j to good. I!, ^ t',t.; common to fair. :\>i'i ?'?*> ; tittt oxen. ;.2j.',Ae.; tair to med.urn. (J?4>6c.; bulls, 2,,ti4:.jc.; calves, 7 S 7^y;.; tair to medium. i?'viC. Cows and cants. 12'. '> SO.OO per head. Het: heavy hogs. tUUt\C.; good i40 to H0-poUnd ftogs, (st06.CS; nui-.t hogs, and pigs, tft ?;'<' ?; sows and t:ags. i -i Sc.; best aneep. 3Vt4i?c.: common to fair. IHffSHc.: t^st iatnbi, i'-j^Tc.; common to I fair. IU4i*?c Chicago. Ill . February '3 ? Cattle?Receipts 9,609 head Market sl'j'.' ar.d w/: ,k Reeves. . tl.?-'**> l.?; Texas rteers. l4.CCt)a.U; western fleers. 14.90?7,10: iioekers and feeders. t3.-X OtlO; cows and heifers, _i':i<i.'A; calves. " ?t.J5 Hogs?Receipts ?..'.?/> head. Mar? '- Mi-h'.r Li?bt, Ii 1....?; mixed, fl'f ! 27. heav). %fHft.V1; rough. ICJlt li; plzs. !?<';''/?;'.?';; b-iilt pi s-ales, tt.UffH.30. Slieep-; Recelpti 1,009 head; market steady to strong Native, |t,fK4/4.0O; western, 19.4404.49; year lingf, 14.7495.90; lambs, native, U'^ntTS western, 'a'."'?>? New York. February 9.?Beeves?Receipt hood: msrkri .low; best steer* steady; others 100 inc. lower: bull? and thin cows steady; medium and good. lOHTtSe. off. Steers J4.50S7.75; etorkerr. f 1.35: bulls. 14 #6.25; rows, J2.50gi6.J5: estr.i heavy, $." fO. Calves? Becclpta 514 hood, ef.-.rkct steady. Veals. J7*f 10.50: culls, JS'gCie. barnyard calvts. J?tf S.76. Sheep and Lnmbr ?Rect Ipts ",303 head. Sheep steady; lambs 10/lie. lower. Sheep.; few head a: 14.50: culls. $2j:.T6; lambs, $637.00; cullf. 14 J 4.7?; yearlings. I?.60 4T6.7S. Hogs?Receipts 3.3S3 bead. Marke, steady at |&M4<.70; pigs. f5.95$r?.40. iuci1mond tobacco MARKET. Richmond. Va.. February 0. Uli. Following are the tjuotatlons on the Rich? mond Tobacco Exchange: UKOIV.N' SHIPPING?NEW. Lugs .1 5.00 H I 7 to Short leaf. rj ?.00 Long leaf. S.60 :i 1'.' 6o Wrappers . 13.00 13.00 BR1GHTS. smokers?Common . 7.w Medium . '?'?'?> b* 11-00 line . L2.eV i ir.00 CUTTERS? Common . I. e.' ':< 12,50 Medium . 11.00 Og Ii .50 Fine . 17.00 U IS.i'O VIIA PPBRS?Common . S.00 ?' 10.09 Medium . H.0Q m 20.66 Oood . 23.0 n lO.fO Pine . 5:.6? 'V 37.?6 Fancy . 40.1? ?< 4S.CH) su.N-':iui:n-.vK\v. Eugt, common ? ? good. 0 50 ijl 7.W Lugs, sood to tirlme. T.50 Q I '.i Sliort leaf. S.00 it 10.00 Long leaf. 10.O) 0 13.00 V rippers . 12.50 ''a 11.50 Prim Inka . l 50 Q 0.25 MISCELLANEOUS MARKE 1*. PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodger*. McCubc d- Co.1 Petersburg. Va . February 9.-?Peanuts.? steauy; small apsiiisa, Wc. per bushel; jumou gpantsh, :5c per bushel. Virginias.?Firm; fancy jumbo. <S4-,e. per pound; tsncy h&aapicked, J-?c. per pound; exiin prime. lac ptr pound, prime. 3}jc. per pound; machine picked, Stfi'^c. per pound; (helling stock, 2ViU3c, per pound. DRY GOODS MARKET. New York. February f.? Thei cotton goca* held strong with tho demand steady. Jobbers are doing u eeaeonabi j trade with retailers Inclined to pursue a Conservative course toward future orders The local Wool markets are strong. Y'arns arc advancing, NAVAL STORK?. Wilmington. N. C.j February Ce?Spirits Turpentine?Nothing doing, rc/celptb 5 caiks. Rosin?Steady at J5.30; receipts 41 barrcir Tar?Firm at 11.SO; rtcelptb 23 barrels. Crude lurptntln..?Firm at J3.50's 4.50, receipts !?> barrels. Savanna'.-. Ha., February Turpentine? Firm at rWViC; ealcs St-i casks: 17S cask;: i-l.-pments 651 casks; stock i'.'K caeks. Roiln?Firm; sales 1.027 barrels; r^ ce.pts 521 barrels; shipments 5,411 barrels; stock 5$,S>55 barrels. Quote: B, 15.55. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT Or RICHMOND, FEBRUARY ?, ?12. ARRIVED. r-teamer Berkeley, Shelly, Norfolk, mer? chandise and passengers, oil Dominion Line. Steamer Aurora, Furman, Petersburg and Jarne-s River landings, merchandise and passengers, Furman Line. SAILED. Steamer Berkeley, shelly, Norfolk, mer? chandise and passengers, Old Dominion Line. Steamer Mobjack, Grave*, Norfolk and James Rlvei landings, merchandise and pas? te wren. Virginia Navigation Company. Stl urncr Aurora, Furman, Petersburg and James P.:-- landings. merchandise and pas.-engers. 1'urmon Line. . j Will light for Better Service. [ Special to The TlnieK-lJlspatch.] Harrlsonhiirg, Va.. February 0.?The Harrlsonburg Town Council has jn^ ^'itn ?!<?; ihe town attorney to carry a complali t before the State Corporn tlon Commission and try to secure bet? ter service on the Baltimore arid Ohio Railroad for the stretch of road be? tween Lexington and Hurrlsonburg. Defective rails, poorly heated coaches, hrokondown engines an<l topsy-turvy i schedules are some of the complaints to ?'.;?: made. That this compact, conservative and strictly business Trust Company is serving a real need in the commu? nity. We solicit new accounts, large or small, but do not wish to disturb accounts that are now placed satisfactorily in other hanks. But every one occa? sionally has a new account to open, and every one should have a second hank account, and for these we would ask your consideration of this Company. We are glad always to show in full detail to our depositors our statements and to explain our bank? ing habits. 3 per cent, interest allowed on personal and sav? ings accounts, subject to check. Travelers Building, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Capital, One Million UNIVERSITY MEN ! WILL GO TO CHINA Prominent Alumni Soon Will I Leave for Far East?Lecture by Dr. Henderson. [Special toTUeTlmcs-nisputoh.] ! Churloitesvllte, Vu., Fcoruury 91? Throughout China Uie University of Virginia isi Well known because 01 tho lurgi nuiiilier ul men who linve gone out i" represent hoi. Uvory year ud ilMioiiul men go nut iu Hike tnotr pun in in. wiiiiit 01 tne giont empire. TiiIh year lite university will semi out two nien- Dr. i '. Owignt Sb-un to Nanking, awl Dr. Richard \. Taylor, Jr.. r> Vung Chow, i >r, Sloan Mill leach in too Union Meuieai College, ami he sent mi ?J'. i tin. Southern Presbyterian Hoard. Or. Richard V. Taylor, Jr.. mad uatcd in Dm coltcgittto del.'tment i?f in.- university und then took Iiis tiicdl oul degree in isho. llo has traveled i'or the Stuuont Volunteer Movement ' fcr fui'uiyu missions, anil hail two years' iruininu in tue post-graduate iiospitiil ui ,\nv York City. In thu competitive examinations last full lie I won tirsi place over n largo number of con teat ant a. Mini. n( tne univer? sity he an uctlve pari In ath? letics. Ilu uns with lhu scrubs on the football team, played basketball, and j was good in tin: gymnasium. He was lending man in tho I'lil Delta Tlicta ? fraternity, ami was one yeur the presl l di.'rit ot tli... chapter. Ii..- was uiso a I Lnmda Pi ur.d riu Rlio Sigma. His I scholarship was auch that bis name is l found on Hi,.- net of ein- honored Haven Society l?'or three via i s ho was presl , deiit of the University V. M.. ?.'. a. .einorlnl services will lie held at both nf tin- llaptlst Churches of this olty on Sun.lav In honor of the lain li. v. Henry Wise Trlbble, president of i Columbia Col logo, Lake Olty, Kin., who j illetl Monday morning in Rodman, Km., | ' from Injuries received in a collision near Hodman, a milling town a few ' miles from Puluiku, Saturday after- j noun. Dr. Trlbble was pastor of the First Church, this city, for live ycare. j and of the High Street Church, which I bo organized, for nine years. The me- I I mortal service at tho High Street j I Church win take place at 11 o'clock i Sunday n\ornine. and that nt the Flret | Church at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Among those who will participate In the latter service are Prs. Gcorgu L. 1'etrlo. Dr. Ollby C i^cllv and Dr. Henry \V. Battle, und Oeo' W. Olivier, Who was Mayor of the city during tho I time that Dr. Trlbble was a member of the city Council. Or. Archibald Henderson, profossor I of mathematics at the University "of North Carolina, and author of several text hooks on pure mathematics, lect-1 urcd to-night before the Civic Club of the University of Virginia, hie subject being "Tho Contributions of tJcor-te Bernard Shaw to Modern Socialism." To-morrow nicht be will address the BROTHER'S BLOOD FAILS TO SAVE LIFE [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] n.ianuke. Va., February !'.?Koinncy Vassar, who was shot by Sain Bcrger. [ k colored employe at tiie Pulaskl Iron Mines, near Buchanan, yestciday morn ing died here In the Jefferson Hospital yesterday evening from loes of bloou.' after his brother made a vain attempt to .save bis life by sacrificing his onw I blood The operuUon of transfusing I new blood ^to the impoverished veins I of the wounded man was successfully i performed, but the weakened condl i tlon of the patient made the brother's sncrltl.:e of no avail. T.-.e brother 1 = In ih; hospital, unconscious that hLs sacrifice was vain, as he Is v.ry weak and under the Inlluenco of anesthetic?. Petition for Curfew Law, [Special to Tlit Tlmcs-Dlapatch.] I llUrrisonburg, Va., February ;?.?A petition, signed by 300 etttzens of Bridgcwater, Rocklngham county, has ?been font to the Town Council, asking for tho adoption of a curfew law to keep the children and youngsters off the streets at night. Review of Trade. New York, February 0.?R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade to-mor? row will say: The volume of business continues large, although there is littie disposi? tion to operate In long rtipge anticipa? tion of future requirements. , The coldest winter :n many years, while creating n sustained demand for winter merchandise, serves generally to Interfere with the d'Hiributlon of goods, and this onuses sunie Interrup? tion to n liberal movement. Pig iron production Increased slightly during January, and the leading interest ts now operating about fi~> per cent, of its blast furnace capacity. Orders for rails aggregate a fair tonnage. Activity in the dry goods markets Is more apparent In the primary divi? sion, and retailers are beginning to operate freely in wholesale centres. Prices on domestic cottons arc harden? ing, with an advancing tendency In several directions. The cotton goods export trade conditions good, shipments for the past week aggregating 4,453 j hales, and for the yenr to date arc about 5.000 bales ahead of those last year. Business placed on evercoatlnsB has been large. Business In the New Kngland foot? wear market shows it slight expansion. ! owing to the receipt of outside con I tracts. Charter,, issued. ! Piedmont Manganese Corporation, Rich? mond. Gilbert W, Ireland, president; II. B. , Weaver, vice-president: A. C. Hume, store ' Tnlile d'iiotc IHi..irm Saturday j and Si/ndny evening*, 0 to U o'clock. ! . I .SO rnt'b. TURKISH AND ROMAN BATHS The most maunlllcent hotel in the I Mouth. European plan. Rooms single I end en unite, with and without baths. Spacious nample rooms. Rnt?*. tl.50 per dav anii upward The Valentine Museum KLKVJuNTH AND CLAY ?TKEKTS. Open lally from 10 A. M. to t V. M. ? Ad miss'on. "Be Free oc Saturdays. I The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 0 AM. TO 5 P. M. Admission, 26c. Freu on Saturdays ^(nantlaL JF.itanr.tal John L Williams, John Skelton Williams, E. L Beniiss, langbournc M. Williams ESTABLISHED 1874. John L. Williams & Sons, r9 And Dealers in High Class INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Corner 8th and Main Sts., Richmond, Va. Members Richmond and Baltimore Stock Exchanges. NEGOTIATE ENTIRE ISSUES OF BONDS for States, Cities, Counties and Railroad Corporations and large Industrial Enterprises. BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION Bonds. Stocks and other Public Securities in the principal markets in this country and abroad. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE on Foreign Countries. FURNISH LETTERS OF CREDIT for Travelers' use. available in United States, Europe and Central and South America. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Able and Willing to Meet all Legitimate Business Requirements Whether to extend your business, build a home or borrow money for other purposes, this Bank stands ready to help you. Your account, large or small, is desired. Your Business, Personal and Savings Accounts Solicited. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed. Bank of Commerce and Trusts OFFICERS. IOS. E. WILLARD, President. A. K. HOLLADAY, Vice-President. R. M. KENT. Jr., Vicc-Presidcnt. R. B. CAMPBELL. Cashier. Charles E. Wortham, Jr. Robert M. Pulllam. Wortham & Pulliam Insurance 425, 426, 427 American National Bank Building. Telephone Madison 5583. ?..lry and treasurer?all o! New York. Car! (a): Maximum, 1200.000: minimum, ::.'?5. Ob jeot: Mining business. I Virginia Steel Corporation. Norfolk John I Robinson, Sr. John Rob'.r.eon. Jr.. lt. u. i Delsenrolh, secretary and rreasurer?all of Norfolk. Capital: Maximum. fSO.OTV, mini? mum. 110,030. Object: Stee! and Iron busi? ness. ?LllUUIj itOIKtS. ' ^?R&BYTe1ua& " FIR ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? Grace und Mao.son streets!.?Preaching at 1! A. M. and i P. M. by the pas-.or. Rev. F. T. MeFAD.-.s', L). D. School at ?:3l A. M. Bible C.aefcs ut 10. Wedn*>day evening service S P. M. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.? Rev. RUSSELL. CECIL. D. D.. pastor. Ser vlces on Sunday at 11 A. M. und S P. M.. tunday School at 9:13 A. M. Wednesday Service S iJ. M. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN" CHURCH.? Rev. P.. B. EGGLESTON. pastor. Services Sunday morning and evening. Prayer-meet? ing t o'clock Wednesday evening. Hearty welcome i biU.Ct; STREET PI'JESBYTERlAN | I Church.?Services at 11 o'clock A. M. and ?. 'o'clock P. M., preaching by l>r. LILLY. 1 Morning subject, "Ideal* Which L?s'.," and ' at night, "Th% Power Which Satisfies." Mart and Ladles' Bible '.'lasses rnut'it 10 o'clock1 A. M. : CHURCH OF THE COVENANT?REV. J. I CALVIN STEWART. D. D? pastor. Preach-! Ing at 11 a. M. and i P. M. by the puMor. ] Midweek service Wednesday at S P. M. Sao - 1 I bieth School at 9:3-5 A. M.. and Men's Bible I : Class meets at 10 A. M. W K S T M 1 N S T E R PRESBYTERIAN Church-tftev. JAMBS Y. FAIR. D. D.. pas-1 'tor. Preaching 11 A. U. and i P. M. by the pastor. Welcome. , BAPTIST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH-BROAD AND ! Twelfth Streets).?The pastor. Rev. GEU. W. McDANlEL. D. 11.. will preach at II A. M.. and at 5 I'. 31., QYneral B.VLLINOTON BOOTH. Sunday School, Barac-i and Phila thea Classes (A. W. Patterson. Supt.), 9:30 A. M. A welcome to all. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH fFRANKLIN and Adams Streets)?Services 11 A. M. and S P. M. Graded Sunday School at 9.20 A. M. Orgunistcd classes for men and women. Rev. GEORGE GREEN, of ClPton Forge. Vu.. will preach at both services. A welcome to ail. GRACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 'iGracc and Foushee Streets).?Preaching at 11 A. M. by the Rev. J. T. WATTS; subject. I "Sunday-School progress"; at 8 P. 31. bv the Rev. JOHN II. EAGER, D. D., subject, "The Apostle Pa?l sifted." Sunday School at 0:30 I A. M. (Charles II. Winston, Supt.). Wed? nesday evening prayer-meeting at 8 o'clock. The pu.|llc, especially ttrahscMf, are cordi Ially Invited to worship with us. I GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH (Grovo Avenue and Harrison Street ;?Rev. ! W. C. JAMES, Tb. D., pastor. Preaching by I I the pastor at 11 A. 31, and S P. M. Sunday Schooi ut 9:1.", A. M. (James B. Wood, Supt.). Wednesday evening prayer-meeting i at S o'clock. LEIGH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH fcorncr Twenty-fifth uud Leigh Streets).? JOHN J. WICKER, pa=tor. 11 A. St., ??Birthright"; -7:15 P. M-, "The Devil"?sec? ond of a series. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. | (C. O. Alley. Supt.) All we.come. EPISCOPAL. i MONUMENTAL CHURCH (ERECTED IUI on slto of Theatre burned I8!l). Broad Street below Twelfth. Services at 11 A, M. und 4 P. St. Seats freo. CHRISTIAN. i SEVENTH S T It E I T CHRISTIAN Church.?Preaching nt 11 A. M. by Gen?ral BAEtilNOTON BOOTH; at S P. M.. the pas? tor. Rev. II. D. C. MACLACIILAN. will ; preach. Subject, "Christ und Culture." Sun? day School ut 3:30 A. M. LUTHERAN. THE FIRST ENT1L1SH EVANGELICAL Lutheran Churc.i (corner Monument Avenue and Lombardy Street)?Rev. J. J. SCHEUER. JR., pastor. Preaching by the pastor !! A. M.a subject. "Sower and Reaper," and 8 P. M. Sunday School 3:30 a. M. Luther League 7 P. 31., subject, "Whnt Would I Do If I Was Pastor of this Congregation''" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. REGULAR SERVICES OP FIRST Church 0f Christ,' Scientist, will be held to? morrow morning In church edifice (corner Park Avenue und Meadow Stroct) at u o'clock. Subject, "Spirit.". Wednesday evening testimony and experience meeting lit 8:30. The reading-rooms aro located at ftflifj Nortb Sixth Street, and are open overy week day from 10 A. M. to i p. M. All are cordially Invited. UNITARIAN. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH (FLOYD Avenue and Harrison Street) ?Rev. ALEX? ANDER T. BOWSER, minister. Subject for Sunday, February 11, third ecrmon in series on the distinctive principles of Unitarian'. Ism?"The Leadership of Jesus." Services at H o'clock. All scats free. Good Methods, Large Assets, Courteous Service And at Your Command Capital, - $1,000,000 Surplus, $1,000,000 Deposit?, $7,800,000 First National Bank, 1104 E. Main St. Richmond, Va., solicits your business. Our capital, surplus and profits justify your account being placed with us. Capital, $300,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $1,350,000.00 Manchester National Bank There's not a busier place in South Richmond than our bank offices. New accounts opened daily._ National Bank ol Virginia Capita!, - ? 1,200,000 Surr-Un - $ 600,003 Accounts solicited Ninth and Main Streets Commonwealth Bank Our Church Hill Branch, Twen? ty-fifth and Broad Streets, invites the accounts of people living in the East End. Atlantic Ctt.p i\esnrtu Hotel and Sanatorium, With Its elegant comforts, ts tonla and curative baths and superior tabie and sorvlco, is an Ideal place for fall and winter. Always open. Alwava leady. Always busy. F. Im Yonng, . . Qeneral if acaser AtlanUo cat*. ?,- "/