Newspaper Page Text
(arenler Itlclimnnd'a Greater Nci-r-paper OKKATKST WANT AM) II RA I, KS* TA TU M lilM IM ifi VIHUIMA. AM? (INN OK THE 1H5ST IN AMERICA. Want Ad Rates In effect Juno II, 1M1. Dnllv, one cent per ?Tord when pnlrt In advance. No Ail. taken for Icn?. tliuu It'll t'CUlM. Ouc unit uue-hulf rentn u word nil clii??!ni'it||uuM ?colli Situation Wuuted for Build***. Situation IVaiiti .1, one if nl m -.wird. A<1. Sunday taken Cor le?? iniiii itfieeii reafo. No All?, taken lor Irnn tlinn twenty flve ccnlH libra phoned In or churned ?it the counter, i'ii,.in- ordern uol guaranteed. < liin-iiirniiipi> not guaruutued lifter IlitHI 1'. 31. I'"or IiuhIdcmn uoulrnctf-, ?.einl for the tt'iiiil Ail. "Hau, plume Aluuruc 1. Hom ana j uuuo i J^J.ST, $15 |N CURRENCY (?10 IN halves, iti in quariurs); uft on shelf in poel-ollicu uoout i o'clock Thurs? day itltcriiouu. r iudor will relievo young lauy 11 oin very emuarrkasing; position oy returning to Too 'imiuii DlspUicli. CI.jv . ? (? iCalES ?l* Ti Tv liZ num bered li and i6 of the Ron Air Com? pany of Virginia, issued April 7,: ins*. In the iiniiie of K. ii. Taylor, i having been lu*i, notice ih herutoy ' given tiiut ui>i>iK,itiun n.ia been made tor ic?ub 61 n.-v. cerliltcaies. CHARLES 13. rAi i.uu. i Adln r ol rl. ij ..i>io:. JecUtt'sed. tifip ctiiu. iv?ate CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED. VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA. OUR LINK IS ADAPTED To THIS TERHITORV, HENCE WE MAKE ANDSELL MORE 1 "OKULAR-PRICED CLOTH INO HERE THAN AN Y OTH? ER HOUSE. WE want KEPRE KBNTAT1VE WITH ESTABLISHED TRADE IN THIS STATE. Al'I'LY AT ONCE, with KUi.L DETAILS, EXPERIENCE; REFERENCE, IMC. IN FIRST LETTER. WE'LL RE? CIPROCATE IMMEDIATELY. MERK I MAC MANUFACTURING CO., S2?-R2S HROADWAY, NEW YORK. WANTED, THREE MISN?GOOD HOOK keeper for nlKnt clerk in hotel, a , omblnailon .stenographer mid book-, keeper und u good desk clerk; preier i'ruiHtlan men. Also three good Jan I- j tors. Answer quick In own bind-" witting, giving phono number, S.. cure Tltncs-Dlspatch. a i 2,000 RAJ LW A V M?JL CLERICS AVANT? . id, i'ju pormdiith, Itlciiiuund exami? nations May 4. Common education suii.eietii. pull" uniiovessar) Write for sample questions'. rRANKLLN institute, Dept. iVJ M, Kocnester, N. Y._ W'ANTED, f1rst-clas8j EXPERI onced butler, with rulorenci .. none oilier need apply. Call this uveniug alter U und /..iulii>'. Ulli VV. FraniC liri ?lreel. \\ ANTED. YOUNG' M liN TO I.kahn .ne uutomouliu buswii . puaiiions seiiured coluputont grau but es, It ICH ? tO.mj auto SOHOuL, >ia W. Broad Street._ \\~Anted, FOR L'. S. ARMY, ABLE bodied, unmarried men, between ages ol i? and ii; citlituna ui Uliilud SluieS, oi goou ciiurauiel umi temperate nau 11.-4. Woo cuii topeuH, ruku ana Wilts tiie English language. 1-or luforma tlon uppiy lo i.eei Utting uiliiur, ?JO E. Broad Street, Richmond, \ a. married man for farm on annrua. Appiy m VV. cruoo Street. Wa.sti.I', a good. HUSTLING, EN urgellc young uiug ciurk, lull reg? istered; good oppurlunity lor rigut party. Auuresii udx lt?2, ltiohmoiid, v a._? W.wv'j El.?.' HEN iu 'LEARN " HA it U Eli trade; on,> few wcvku reituiruU. Uiigea uiier ilmi mouth. biuady position gu.iiniiicc?. Write for cat? alogue. jiuLi'.K's BARUEK Cui. Lcue, 2'Ji tiuwury. Now lum cny. CIVIL SERVICE.?AN Y YOUNG -MAN or woman woo wants u puainui, w'itn Hie Lii.ited Stales government, i'llotlld Wille US ut OUCe. II Juli uro over eighteen, ana an American, we cup QUicrtiy uJunty you to pass um necuesury exainiuutions. ouimg mo Mist year We huac placed over Juu men and women in desirable ku.cii. inent position. Write ul on^e fur free civil service booiUei ana infor? mation. L C ?>.. Hoil lbtb C, Bcran lon, i'a. _ u'a.n'Ilii, a man oh uuv To work on larm. biulu terms with icf-sr ence. R. F. I). No. 2, liox tuJ, Uamp ton. Va._ RAILWAY .MAIL CLERKS WANTED; i'jQ month; Richmond eLaniinailoiis May 4; preparation fr?&. FRANK? LIN INCTICUTE, Dept. ?u M, Ro cheater, N. Y._ WANTED. COACHMAN. MUST BE COM petent in every way; good driver, euU; neat appearance und -mperluno od; must have beat reloreiico troin last employer. Address k Hid, euro Times-Dispatch._ ACTIVE CHURCH MEMBER AS As? sistant In children's home. Must bo good disciplinarian and possess executive ability. Address K IbU. care Tlines-Dlspatch, slailng relor once and terms per montn, e.<ccluslvu of board, lodging and washing, for self and - wife._ WANTED, SHOE REPAIRER. "MUST bo sober, steady and u hustler, und up to date on tinu plain work. Bin - Ulo man preferred, who can fur? nish own tools. Give references and slate wages expected. In Ural lelt?r. Address Lock Uox 16, White Sulphur Kprlngs. W. Va. WANT EOT 'P?SITI ?e^BT"REOISTE II - ed druggist of Vi years' experience, * fully cupable of niaiiaglug busuiuss liest of references. Address "SALOIV' P. O. Station No. 10. Rlelimond, Va,_ VTROINIA RECISTERED ASSISTANT druggist desires position uuywhere In Stute by 16th. Quick suleBinan; competent prescrlptlonlst. Any umount of reference. Address C 67, care Times-Dispatch._ L}tlp tiLtUiUCO, J;lllMlt w'-xn^'e t5Ta>TjOo'd c~6oic7 "w I TI fciTx" references. Splendid wages and room on lot. 2U'J East Grace._ " feTtTiaiion* i*5ahtcD, j'-cniale iio"siTioN'\v anted 'bV^an" experi enced saleslady In millinery or suit dopurtrnent. Uesl of referenuas. Ad? dress C. H. d., P. o. Box 314, Clifton Korge. Va._ EXPERIENCED LADY 8TENOGRA phor and booltkoepor wishes a posi? tion. Oood references. K 167, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. ?tiBNT's WaT5t"ed ^y^RAND Mc nally & Co.; new business reference work; 1010 census; over 150,000 c!t!ca and towns indexed; quick seller; big returns; permanent employment; ex? ceptional opportunity for advance? ment an general agent. Apply at onco for torrltory and terms. DEPT. ?. RAND, McNALLY & CO., U Eaot Twenty-second Streot, New York City. Protr??fona! t?clp CUnntcO j TEACHERS, EXCEPTIONAL OPEN-! Iiims tor 1012-13. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, lbl? U Street. Washington. ' V. ' C,_ TEACHERS POIt BEST SOUTHERN educational Institut Ion?, lull lernt. Oldest, largest, best agency service South; twentieth year; three avert* isles, one enrolment.. Satisfactory' service ' guaranteed. Enroll i.uw. SHERIDAN TI3AC11BR8' AGENCIES, Orenwood, s. c._ pj?n?^ rVf?VlR6.---\VI? cXn^pTjT your piano wliero otiicru would not utlcmui the Wollt. (jur mowug de purlmeut la ilii.;lly euuippeu tu move all kinds of furniture unu pianos. CRAFTS. Moving Department; 12 J East Uroud Street. Mu.dle.on cuo. PIANO TONE RES ioTuNo.?bT OUR unique method wo can make your old piano Hound im good us inuuy new Instruments. Our repair department i is equipped to du ull klndb ut piUUO und player-piano work. Bstimuleb 1 cheerfully given, without charge. Come In und s,-i our expert ad? vice without oullguii.-.g yourself. CRAFTS, l?l hl. Broad Street. Itlch mond, Va. M.iUlt'on ... 6, WANTED,-THE PUBLIC to KNOW that J All N K K BROS.. Jewelers; ?12 East Main Street, buy, ?eil, exchunge und REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN T11E DATES'! STYLES, old gold and Hll vor al w? iyb taken in exchange. IF IN NEED OF MONEY BORROW FROM THE EQUITABLE uja.N SO ClE.i. OUR BUSINESS IS CON? DUCTED ON A STRICTLY BASIS. Bit VAN BUILDING. EIGHTH a.\u UHOAD. BACH P. ACH. I 1 PER CENT. TO o 1 EH CENT. PEn MONTH; GUARANTEES '1 o MAKE MORE LIB? ERAL ADVANCES ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVER* WAHE, ETC., THAN ANY (/HI!, it EOA.N OFFICE HATES, 1 HE? CENT. TO .: PER CENT. RICHMOND DO AN OFFICE, 8, BACHRACii, PROP.. (Hi E. BP.OAD ST. ESTABLISH ED 1s87. i 1 CHURCH HILL PEOPLE SHOULD tote their bundles to our olflcu ut Twenty-tlrst and Marshall, Collars and (.nils, 1 l*2u-; Shifts, Sc.; spreads, loo. VIRGINIA LAUNDRY;_ ima ISDN FRANC A1SE, ill 1-2 NORTH Eighth .Street, Itlclimond, Va., Louis I Ctiuvaller, Prop, tiaie chel Palace Hotel, hurt Pranclsco. and chel Met? ropolltau Ciub, Washington, L?. C>, catering and preparing (or privat? dinner* a specialty; French table I d't.oie dlnnei duiiy, 6:30 to v p. M., 7<>c.. Itinuh daily. 11:30 a. m. to 3 P. m., 60c; muals also served a la carte. For pitvute dinner*. etc,' cooks win be furnished at residences If dealred. Elegant rooms, newly I furnished. Phone Madison lo3a. JoU?liltw? kJuUUlUlHlllt? I A^GOoh' ofPT:7^tcT' a" "hai ikma n and an Office man; who lias t ..uuy or ! t?.uuu each to buy out ah Interest in tbo best manufacturing business in Eictimond and the only one of its kind. Factory luiiy equipped wlin machinery, etc, to make (15,000 woi in of goods ut n pi out of 31 per cent, on tile selling price. Tula don't Include manager's, olllce or sales* man's salary, out al, other expenses. Party Withdrawing bus good excuse. S'j.ovO tu buy him out and balullce lor working capital. Can'sell near? ly our wnolo output In Ricutnond. HuMiness is ne<V and demand for Hoods Increasing every day. Norm? ern luctorles have made lurtuues In Ine last six or ?u\en years. Writer '< can snow faotory with machines at work, so you cun figure exactly what goods edit- Addresj 332, care Times* Dispatch._ MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS ?ND Jewelry at lowest rut's o: Interest, i No charges for storage, N K Ja? cobs & SON. -'IS N Ninth Street. EQUITABLE loan society, pp.i vate offices, EIGHTH AND BEUAD STREETS. 'ESTABLISHED LIVERY BUSINESS ! und outlli for sale Easy terms. Cen trally located. Reason lor selling, ! tailing health. Write P. O. Box 173. W ;nstori-S'nletn. N. C._ j poulttfi, Petes anb 2-iuc ferork ?"U R E HAL e PL"PS, REGISTERED stock; price reasonable, w ILLOUOH ? BY KENNELS, Little liny, box 118, Norfolk. sitai <?smit lur s>;iu.. PUBLIC sale.?i will OPFER FOR sale on Wednesday. February -s. 1313; one of tue bos', stock-raising lind general farms in King Wltlllim COtiniy; consisting of Ss'j acres, more or less, situated 1 1-2 miles o; King William Counnousd, Va-'J all teams, came, nneep, hogs and Implements. mrs. JAMES A-_LACY. 118*ACItE FARM, 11-2 miles FROM Jclei uvllla. Amelia county, Va.; on Southern Railway; I-room dwell? ing, good condition; 4-room tenant huiiec and three ourns and oilier buildings, 90 acres cleared, balance pine and oak; orchard of 400 trees, twelve years old, five passenger trulus to Richmond; fare, IS cents; atop on farm, making It very attrac? tive for city man'a country uslute. Mr. A. R. Morris lived on It, and will snow It uny day. A burgnin. Very easy terms. cila.p1n & HUME, Rich niond._ 44-ACRE farm; ElOHT MLDES from Richmond, on Midlothian. Hike; 1 1-3 miles from Hobious, oil Southern Hallway; dwelling, orchard, wood. Implements, live stock; only $3.5od. Mr. W. h. Pease, owner, will be glud to show you over lt. chap1n & hume, 13 North Eleventlt Street._ FOR 8ALB.?VERY HANDSOME HOME sacrltlced; West End; new, brick, modern; eight large rooms; double polished boors; hot wnler heal; beaulllul chundellura and mantles. Price less than to build. Terms. S., U ox 330._ mt acres in SPOTS ylv an iA COUN ty, with a lot of good buildings and a good productive farm, 'or $c,k50. Tho cheapest thing In Virginia. For full description address e. ooyin03, Pauldlng,_Ohio._ FOR "sale, on twenty-seventh Street, eight-room brick house; Very desirable location For particulars address K 181. ?are _Tlmes-Dlspatt:h. For; bald, lot on roseneath Road (between drove and Hanover Avenues). For particulars call Mad? ison 3486._ Ecal ?Gtatf iroc ilrnr fo'r" " rt en'i\ ""part' "noPt'8 tT~e.' ^iaTn, for ofilco or business. Apply within. 1^?DH^?_NiFaR rOUHTEENTH AND Main Streets, suitable for nmall shop or storage purpose. RICHUSON &. CRUTCH FIELD. Eleventh and Hank. FOR RENT, GROUND FLOOR STOR age space, 25x60 feet. 1110 E. Cary _StreeL_ LUal (COtate Cclaiut? 'vV'a^t^fC'fo" ^bu R OM^WTfEni one to three lota or six or eight room house; Highland Park pre? ferred. H 61, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. ! wanted, a few""chf.ap lots in j colored section, from owner direct; also what hnvo you, to exchange for small auto car, two-paaaonger? Ad? dress K IBS, onro Tlmcs-Dlspatch. list y??TTfICrms WITirXX'cON nelly*& co. Writo postal for nec? essary blanks. , DALY PUZZLES What kind of paper? ANSWER *Il> VKSTERPAV'S P L/.7.EE. Filbert. X-oc ?aU F1T')ST"~P^?f"T:?B^ pTTCnts dellvcrca in Virginia nuu Nonn Car? olina, II.4y per thousand; sure ncad era. buncneu in 1' w ol ?u plums Enterprise PLA.ST Ca, Meggens, b. c._ WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF new and sccond-humi svagous, oue liurse truck Itgnt furniture wagon. Ruubei-tii.j woik. pai?Ulig uim re? pairing. KICrlAKDsON bros., Ol? _Brook Avenue. .M^un.on U?1. EUE SA EE, Si-VEUAE .^HOUND-HAND buggies and wagons,' ready tor use. Bouie great bargains, one rubucr tired runabout. ... MEYER'S SONS, Tai East Cary Streou EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY. PBI V ATE OFFICES, EIGHTH A NI > HRoaD STHEE- ? FOR SALE, SLIGHTLY US EE FIRE pi oof sale, cheap for cash. Address _P. o. B. No. 133, City.__ SU Ja BEANS.?GOOD STUCK; L1MIT ed quantity. Also black, clay und mixed peas. For sale by D ETHEK IDGE CU., 31-^3 Coiimivrcc Street, Norfolk. Va._ MOUNTED BOILERS and ENGINES.' 6. 3. 2o and 25 horsepower; also others of vailuus styles und sixes; couuiiion guaranteed. I. BLUFORD & cu., E. Car) Street. FOR SALE. LAROE ASSORTMENT UP business wugons, lop und open; our j/rtccs an- me lowest. Easy terms. A. _M E^ EE'S SONS. 731 12._ Cary St. FOR SALE, STOCK OP GOODS AND mercantile business at Hanover Courthouse, Va., one-quartor mile from C. <i O. By. Account of retire? ment from business will sell my stock of goods ut Inventory .ind my business ul above place. Must be disposed uf by April l. Reasonable lease at reasonable terms can be se? cured on the storehouse. Address THUS. P. STEVENS. Hanover. Va._ DELICIOUS: SMITH PI ELD SAUSAGE now on saie ut your grocer's. BACH R ACH. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PEP. MONTH. ESTABLISHED lssT. OFFERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AND GUARANTEES LOWEST HATES OP INTEREST ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, ETC. BE SURE AN D SEE US. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE. S. BACHRACII, PROP., S15 B. BROAD st. two SECOND-hand runabouts, one top buggy and several wagons, all In good repair and painted. These are bargains. a. MEYER'S sons. 731 East Cary Street. J^odiDincj w AN-nrfT.^TRASs'l iCNT'^SD^fABIJj boarders ..; . Bast Franklin Street. MISS PALMORE._ 1??3 W. G RACE" ST HE ET?ROOMS. with board. Reasonable rates. _ BEAUTIFUL SUIT OF ROOMS FOR relil. with board. 100 West Main, next Jefferson Hotel. _ Rooms J'-oi Unit v lVTas an tT att'i :'a CTi v e" "rooms, 14_Nortn Sixth, easi_side of slreet. ROOMS. with board, 115 east Franklin. _ Coal nno CUooc 6rder~'you"r~voo"d to'-day! "Tt may snow to-morrow. Pine slab wood, 8-lnch and 10-lnch long. 32; nice dry pl.ha, J.l.iO; oak, $3.26, and fine kindling. $1-75 per half-cord. Phone Madison Belt. Midlothian ' wood co. long's wood is good because-it wan split In right season and of good, large trees. a sample load will please you. His coal burns to [ aBhes. Easy lo take up. I'hone Mad ; l?on 1069- 1070. t?d.UCD Y^u"xor^ARiriF.b"'c6UPL^nDE"slRES furnished or unfurnished apartments. Address K ltl.l. care Times-Dispatch. WANTED, TO BUY FOR, CASH, i household goods in any quantity, j Ptionu Madison 3i>M. WANTED. GOOD HORSE OR COW manure In carload lots. Quote price ! F. O. b. c. & O. tracks. Richmond. Address NORFOLK MANURE CO.. 1 240 Montlcollo Arcade, Norfolk. Va. BUSINESS MAN WANTS LOAN OF 1100 ? Immediately. Good security. Ad? dress K IBs; care Tlmea-Dlspatch._ LOO k f Too K :~ LOO k : WE PAY CASH for old clothes, gents' furnishings, j boots, shoes, furniture, etc. Phone ! Madison f>!32. pcijjonalo iYu^man 1 f?"i r' ~b ou ai it" niT" sold ;. at HUP 1 IFS'S. 200 North Third._ GINTEB PARK AND 3ARTON Helglits passengers are invited to wail in our otlice when transferring at First and Broad. VIRGINIA LAUN? DRY. ttOOlllQ CClulUiD WANT Er)?"T WO^olRr TII REB^ROOalS for light housekeeping, on Grace or Franklin Street, between Fifth and Harrison Streets. Young couple, no children. Address K 1G2. care Tlmos Dlspatch._ a^.?ccHancou? ~? pHolpti^rin oT FURNITURE REPAIRED and POL ls'.ied, mattresses renovated, antiques bought and sold.. LEVY, the Uphol? sterer, 425 West Broad. SHOE repairing. 76c. RALFSOLH MEN'S 8HOEB. 60c. ladles; every pair sower; bost leath? er; no nails, n< pegs. Royal rub? ber heels. 2;>c; Tred-Air rubber hoels, 40c.; leather heels rebuilt like no#, 25c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 710 E. Mailt. Phono Mon? roe 2667. SEWING MACHINES. THE AUTOMATIC DROPHUAD. HIT stralght, eontral-noedle, standard ma? chine, only $30. GARLAND H. | CLARK, Agent. Phono Monroe 2026 Intcrfcrcftce of Bystander-- Pre? vents Clash in Peters? burg Court. FROGRESS IN DAVIS TRIAL Regarded as Probable That Night Sessions boon Will Be Ordered. The Tlnios-Diapatch B ireau, ;. Bollingbrook -ireci (Photic 14SS), Petersburg, Va., February 9. The third witness was put on the stand In the Uavla irlal lo-ila.v. one of whom was in the chair nearly all of yesterday. Tho probability Is that tho court will begin holding nigrii sessions to save time. A personal in? cident between two of the attorneys occurred tils afternoon, which was fortunately without damage, and wms amicably settled. The court was opened, th? proceed? ings of the previous day's sessions were read, and the jury polled at 10 o'clock this morning. Tne Jury was sent oui during further argument on the motion made yesterday afternoon by the Commonwealth's attorney to Introduco at this point of the pro- ( ceedlhgs tliree alleged false reports of tue nnancial condition of the Ap pomattox Truat company, (made In 1909 to tne State Corporation Commis? sion by Carter It. Bishop, cashier ol the bank. Till object of the Introduc? tion of these report., ul th.x time, as stated by the Commonwealth's attor i hey, was to prove conspiracy and guilty knowledge and Intent on th? purl of the defendants. Davis and Bishop. Counsel for defendants ob? jected to the admission of the sta'.o Inenls as premature, tho defense not hating the opportunity to cross-ex? amine witness. This morning it was ugrcid to call Mr. Craves to the stand and proceed with hl3 examination. Craves In Itecullcd. John l, Graves, Individual "hook keeper, was recalled to the stand and further examined by the Common? wealth's attorn sy. Mr. Craves read from the ledger end stated that on February 5. l!?09, at the close of the ?utomou?cs lor s-ulc foif saTle '.vi a g'heat' SAciuiTcT:, because 1 am buying how model and I haven't storage room, one Used Ca? dillac, splendid tires. Car will give I tellable service lor long time. Sell i to immediate buyer about one-tenth original price, casn or lime, Must sell quick. Phone Madison 2Ci'9. ?i?numstmior's J^oticc I TlTlS OiMi'AXV, HAVING QUALIFIED as administrator of lienry l. Heart weil, deceased, all persons having I claims against said estate are re? quested to present Hit in. and those indebted to the estate will please I iu..Ke payment. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Administrator of Henry l. Heartwoll. ?^cciinjjo "~~OFFlCB The Virginia l ire and Marine insurance Company Richmond, Vu., Feb. 7, 1912. ANNUAL MEETING Ol'" ST?CKHOLD ; lilts.?lue regular uniiuui meeting oi btockholaers will be held at tue company's ulheo, No. ioi? Eust Main bliuol, Richmond, Va., on TUESDAY, i."oc11 instant, at 12 M. Transfer nooks will loe cto.-uu iiuiu February H to l euruury 22, rj 12. \\ i!.......:i a. McCarthy, Secretary. I ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holuera oi tne Ricmnonti Transfei Company will be held ut their Olttcu, buj East Main Street, at lit o'clock noon WEDNESDAY, February 11. 1912. \V. T. DAR DEN, Secretary. Richmond, Va-. January 13, 1912. THE ANNUAL MEETING of THE stockholders of tne Uroad Street Hank, Richmond, Vu.. will be eld at their banking house TUESDAY, February is. Wi2, at 10 a m. ANDREW M. GLOVER, _ Cttsnier. THE ANNUAL MEETINGOF THE stockholders of tno e. B. Taylor Company will bo held at the ollloe of the company, No. 1011 East Main Street, Richmond, Va., at 3 o'clock 1'. iL TUESDAY, February 20. 1:>12. W. e. HENDER80N, _Secretary. tTTe" a.vmJal- meeting of the stockholders of tho Oans-Rady Com? pany will bo held at the ottlcu of the company, 1006 e. Main Street. Rich? mond. Va., on wednesday, Feb? ruary 21, at 12 o'clock noon. _OEO w. rady. Secretary. ^Bankrupt N^T'fCE'""?F""' FI HST " 'MeeTINO^?F CREDITORS. In tho matter of i No. 1107. ROBERT JAS. SN BAD, V In Bankrupt i Bankruptcy. IN the DISTRICT COURT of THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ern DISTRICT of VIRGINIA: To the creditors of ROBERT JAS. SNEAD, of Richmond, In tho county of Henrico und district aforesaid? Bankrupt: Notice IS hereby given that on the 80th dny of January, a D. 1912, tho SHld ROBERT .1 AS. SNEAD was duly adjudicated bunkrupt, und that the tlrst meeting of his creditors will be held in my otllce, Rooms Nos. 8U2 und i>03. American National Rank Building, Richmond, Va., on the IttTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. A. D. 1912. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove tholr claims, appoint a trusieo, exam? ine the bankrupt, and transact such other business .is may properly come beforo suid meeting-. THOS. B. SNEAD, Referee In Bankruptcy. Febronry S. 1912. _ j notice of" k11:st meetino of CREDITORS. In the matter of ~) No. 1108. [GEORGE LEWIS t ._, OA IN ES. ( ln Bankrupt. ' Banltruptny. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the UNITED STATES FOR THIS east? ern DISTRICT of VIRGINIA: To the ci editors of GEORGE LEWIS OA INES, of Richmond, In the county of Henrico and ilintrlct aforosald? Bankrupt: Notlco Is heroby given that on the lat day of February, a D. 1<I12. tho said a FORCE LEWIS OAINES was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of his creditors will be held ln my office. RooniB Nos. 802 and POn, American National Bunk Building, Richmond, Va., .on the 19TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at whic.i tlmo tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex? amine the bankrupt, and trnhsnci such othor business r.n may properly como boforu uatd meeting. THOS. B. SNEAD, Referee In Bankruptcy. I February 9, 1912. and other ills, due to an inactive condi ition of the liver, Stomach and Bowels, may be obtained most pleasantry and most promptly by using Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is not n new and untried remedy, but is used by | niiUlons of well-informed famifia tltrough out the world Vi cleame and sweeten ? and strengthen the system whenever a W laxative remedy is needed, ? When buying note the full name of the Company?California Fig Syrup Co.,?printed on every package of the genuin o Rogular price 50* per bot one ebro oaiy. For sale by all l-niling druggiit-.. day. the account or Charles Hall Davis was overdrawn 19,561. and that ot Davis & Davis 124,356. Cotinscl (or dsfense ohjecied to this Una of tes? timony; objection overruled and ex* ceptlon noted. Witness Graves stated that the total overdrafts at the bank on February 6 wero 333,731. Thr> names of Ihe parties overdrawn woro given. Among the list wore a number ot the dlrec* i torn of the bank. At the close of buslnoss on April 2". 190!*, the totni overdrafts at the blink wtrs 370.126.S3. Among the over- i dr.twrr? wero Carter It. Bishop, Jil'JvT. Charit? 11. Divis, Ji7.;u,. Davis & Mavis, 339.323; Robert Cnlmnnls, 12,219: Charles lull Davis and other direc? tors, 11.062. The names of all over- , drawers wero given. At the close of business on Juno 23. 1909. the total overdraft- wore $79, 314. HO. The names of all the over drawers wore given. On March 1, 1900, C. R. Bishop's ac? count was overdrawn *9:ii; on March 2. it was overdrawn 31,207. The over? drafts gradually Increased each day. Counsel for defense objected to this line of evidence, was overruled and noted exceptions. Commonwealth's Attorney Mann stated that hlr, object in this line was to establish conspiracy to defraud the hank, to show Bishop's ?intent to defraud and to mow the gen | eral condition of the bank. Witness Craves Btatod that from March up to August 2. Carter it Bishop's account was generally over? drawn. On August. 2, ho hud *$14S to his credit. Witness stated almost every day he notified the cashier and some otto In ,Mr. Davls's ofllrc- of the overdrafts of j Charles Hall Davis. A list of over? drafts was furnished Ctmhler Bishop every day; did not know wdinl was done with the list. In 19nf>, witness was forbidden by the cashier to furnish outside the hnr.k n list of overdrafts to Marry So ward, vice-president of the hank. He did furnish a list of over? drafts In duly. 1909, and identified the sumo. Tb- totals were larjje. Witness Is Cr???-l"\ntiilne>d. Cross-questioned, wltners paid that Auction feiilcs, .future oajis ~""~C relishaw"SrRlrks?' ' ~ McVeigh St nilnn. Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION* SALE OF No. 417 W. Main St. By decree of the Chancery Court of the city of Richmond, entered In tho suit of Amanda 8. Alley vs. Joseph M. Putscy et als., on February 7. 1912, we will sell by public auction, on the premises, Thursday, Feb. 15, 1912 ut 4:30 o'clock P. M., tho following property, described In the decree as follows: "All tli:it cer? tain lot of land In the city of Rich? mond, with r. brick store and dwelling thereon, designated as No. U7 West Main .Street, iron ting nineteen feet six Inches on the south lino of Main Street, and extending hack between parallel lines to an nlley in the rear." TERMS: Cash, or one-third thereof in eush and the residua In two equal instalments, payable, respectively, at six and twelve months from the day of sale, tho credit Instalments to bo evidenced by notes of the purchaser; with 6 per cent, per annum Interest from tho day of sRle added, and tho title of the property retained as se? curity for the said notes until the wl-.ola of tho purchase money Is paid and a conveyance directed by the court. WALTER STDNOR, J BOGE RICKS, Special Commissioner.*. Tho bond required of tho commis? sioners In the above suit has been exe? cuted. CHAS, O. BAVILLE, Clerk. By N. W. Bowe & Son, Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE S SALI-; OF AN EXCELLENT FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ON FEND ALL AVENUE, BROOK PARK, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a certain ded of trust, dated .May 14th, 1909; and recorded in i the clerk's ollljo 01 Kcnrlco Circuit Court; in D. B. 1S..-A. page ;t3S, 1 win, at the request of the beneiiclary; tin re having been default in the pay? ment ot a portion ol the debt secured In suld tleed of trust, s.ell by public auction, on the premises, on Monday, February uth, 1912. at 1 o'clock P. M., the property above referred to, con? sisting of ? comparatively new two Btory frame dwelling, on .1 lot fronting 40 feet, and running back 136 feet to a public ?Hey in lh? rear. This prop? erty 'a 011 lno west side of Pent] Uli Avenue, beginning 40 lent south of Brook land Park Boulevard, and Is, therefore, very closo to tho cur line. This is a good house ami lot, and should attract the attention of home seekers and < tilers TERMS: Cns! STUART HOWE, Trustee. I *-?-!-'-==-=9 ftral estate J'rut- ?alc Timber Land for Sale 500 acros oak timber land, contain? ing a larpe amount of saw timber. crosstloB, piling nn<| hickory. Located near Columbia, Va. Will seil cheap to i quick buyer. Address II. P. BAKER, Columbia, Va. lAi-fii Cstatt b?/o Money to Lend ON CITY* PROPERTY. Borrower can pay it off or cur tall at any Interest period. MCVEIGH ft QI.l NN'. ' / hi- mny not liavo notified tho cashier of small overdraft*, nor could ho swcai' that he L-utlod the ult.-ttlort of the cashier to the Bpeelllc Item* charged In the Indictment; charms on the books of the hank may ho made for ninny causes, and many of these cause* were enumerated? u score or more of them without any money pnsslnn. Notes and drafts wore frequently charged to the Davis accounts. Witness read from the lodger the deposits to the account i'f Davis Sz Davis, from March 2 to October I. lf">'.?. showing a total of S218.158.2S de? posited during that t'.nv. (in Octobp'r 5, the UCCOUIlt of Davis ti Davis was balanced, und Charles II. Davis had ?S" to his credit. As fui -is he knew, neither of these accounts was after? wards overdrawn. There novi r was miy attempt made to .-re, ? ? ,i ilie boohs from the directori at lh< bank. They were always open to them and the of? ficers of ilie bank, lie hud frequently requested the directory to examine the books. Witness explained the mahnet' of settling with other banks, a num? ber ?f directors ?>r the batik overdrew' their accounts. Questioned by the Commonwealth"? attorney, witness said It.- .I'd not know of the drafts drawn on \ minis parties out of tho State and tredtted to the account of Davis Dnels Several deposit slips were Identified by witness, and offered In evidence. These repre-l set.tod deposits by drift* In various amounts. Witness, cotilo. not state whether the Petersburg banks In set? tling clearances required the Appomnt? tox nnnk during It-; troubles to settle Ii; deficiencies In cash. Witness said tho directors seldom oxnmlned the books. On March 11. ll>09, there was n draft deposited t-. tbo -re.lit or Davis ft Davis, and on March 16 there was .1 debil of 15.001.32; but witness could not explain any connection between the two, and could not state whether the |1.32 was the cost of a protest. Draft 1? Iteturucd. I The next witness was A. 1, Alken, j of New York City, chief clerk In tho Mechanic and Metal Bank, successor j 1 to the National Copper Dank, which ill I '.usltiess with tho banks In Pe? tersburg. Ths Mechanic and Metal j Dank received on July 22, through the , Appomnttox Trust Company, a draft for 1*5,000 f'ir collection, with waiver of protest. The draft was not paid, j the Appomnttox Company was to i notified. Tho draft was drawn by Charles Knll Davis on Arthur C. Hume, who refused to pay It, for tho reason ' "Hint the party drawing It had no I Claim." The court ruled out this lat 1 t-. :? clause, allowing only the utnte rnent to p-> to tho Jurv that the draft was returned unpaid. The witness was asked to stato tne condition of, lh> Appomattox hank In Its relations with the New York bank, which ques ! tlon was objected to by the defense. I Witness was on the stand when the court took a recess. Perwnnl Incident. ! It was just before adjournment for recess that an Incident occurred he j twecn two of the attorneys, which for ! a moment caused considerable excite? ment In the court room. Common? wealth's Attorney Mann, while speak? ing, made a remark which was re? sented by Colonel James Mann ns knowingly Intended to prejudlco tho j Jury against tho defendant. Common? wealth's Attorney lt. II. Mann Imme? diately pronounced that statement ns untrue, and as known to be untrue when tunic. Both of the attorneys are high s-plrllcd men, neither of whom j will stand any aspersion on their word or churacter. They were not far from rch other at the time of tho passage of tho words. They started for each other, ',tit were quickly seized by by stn ndera and prevented from coming together. As soon as order was re? stored the court took occasion to warn Ilia attorneys against such conduct, und stated that It must m>l be re? pented. TJoth lawyers apologized to the court, and, after mutual explana? tions, shook hands and closed the In? cident Afternoon Session. A. M. Alken, qucstlonod by defense, gave location and otllci-rs ol his bunk, the Mechanic and Metal Bank. J. O. Robins was not connected 'with the j bank, and didn't know of the prosocu I lions against III in, or of his Indebted? ness to olher banks, or that he was a inan of large financial interests, or whether he was a director in the ! Canadian Trust Company. Was not j familiar w ith Robin or his acts or In ; terosts. R. T. Wilson, clerk of the State Cor j poratlon Commission, was culled to Identify reports of the condition of the I Appomattcx Hank, made to the com : mission In 19 Ott nnd 1908, tho object j being to prove conspiracy and Intent i to defniud on the part of tho def in dantB, Davis and Bishop. Tha defense promptly objected to the Introduction of th?6u reports, us there had been no proof of conspiracy, or that an\ of the money mentioned In the Indict? ment had come Into tho hands of the I defendant. Tlie corpus delicti had not i been established. I This matter was argued yesterday afternoon, and was rearguod again Ulla afternoon, ln view of tho differ? ent aspect thrown on the case by to I day's testimony. On behalf of the I defense tin argument this afternoon I was made by Oeorgo S. Bernard; There I was no evidence of conspiracy, said ! Mr. Bernard. no evidence that Mr. : Davis ever got a dollar out of the bank Improperly, or that he was tho custodian "t tho funds of the bank, or j that the funds worn ln his possession. All that has beert proved In this ease I was that Mr. Davis was a depositor, I like others; drew out his tnonev prop? erty, like other depositors, and that the has paid back In full everything ho owed tho bank. No proof has been Shown to establish that Mr. Davis, by ! virtue of his Oftice ns president, ever cume into possession, of one dollar of the bank's funds. Mo did overoheck, ns ninny othsrs did. but that was not a criminal i.n'onse. Mr. Bernard argued to show that the allegations In tho Indictment .?.gainst Mr. Davis were not sustained by one particle of proof, and that the .reports to the Corporation Commission should bo ruled out as Irrelevant and ! Improper, The question Is regarded ns of suoh Importance as really ending the ease if derided In rnvdi ?( Mo defense, that Ft, T. Wilson was excused from testi? fying to-day. and the Commonwealth's attorney was allowed to Introduce Other witnessed to show that Mr. Davis, ns president of the bank, wits the custodian of Its funds. : Tho court adjourned over until to? morrow morning to hear further argu ! tnorit and evidence on this vital ques? tion, " ftallcoiiDs ~ "'^^KAIiOAIuVAlIt I.INC. southbound trains scheduled to leave Rich mr>nd daily: li:lo A. M.?Local to Norllna. 1:50 P. >I.?Sleepers rtnd coaches, Atlanta, Birmingham, .Savannah, Jacksonville. s:ta P. M ?Florida Limited (except Sunday), t;4t P. U.?Sleeper, Jacksonville coaches, Birming? ham. 11:33 P. M.?Bloopers, Jacksonville. Tampa, Birmingham, Memphis. Northbound train* scheduled to nrrlva in Richmond dally: 15:? A. M.. TlJS A. M? 0:2tf .\. M. (except M,,n d.iy), J:fti P, M.i 6:10 1'. M.. '.ocal. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. ONLY ALL RAIL LINK TO NORFOLK. Schedule In effect .Innuary 1st. 1911 Laav? Byrd Street Station, It! 'hinonj, FOR NORFOLK: 'i.Oo A. M? ?3:00^. M., M:I0P M FOR LYNCIIBURQ AND TUB VVEHTl HiU A. M. ?10:00 A. at,, ?3.00 P. M..?3:f0 P. M. Arrive Richmond from Norfolk: ?U:io a. m ?4:S? P. M., ?11:30 P. M. From tho West: ?t:40 A. m., a;!:00 P. m . Dl:? P. m . m;<?S p. il , ?9:00 P. M. I ?Daily. aDnlly ex. Sunday. bSunday only. ' Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars. W. B. IlEVtLL. C II. BOSLJ5Y. a. P. A. Roanok... P. P. a., Rlohmond. ] Batttoo'J? Ricto?u^FTCueTictslit & MeacCf? TO AHO FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND, LonTO jUobpwpd ?s.Sti i >; Bird ?l.Sta. ?."..13 A..M. Main St. Ms. ?<-. 6 i A.M. Bird St.Sta. ?T7 l ? A.M. Bird M. Sie. ?7.HA.JI. MslnSt.Ste. ?N.l i A.M. Ilyrd SU MI. A.M..Main Kt. Sts. ? uoon Byr* Su M?. 12.00 P.Jt.Bjr.t St. St?. ?t.t.Sll r.M. Ilyrd St. St*, et.In l\.M. Lina Station, ??.l.i P.M. Main S:. Sta. ?8.30 P.JL llyrl'.t. St?. Arrive Kl<:b,mon<l ?;...') A.31. r.yrdht.Ma. \\ A.II. Klb? Station,' A.n. Hjtd SLM4. ?I.Ii V.U. MslnKt.Bie. ?i.45 P.M. ByrdKl.Ktav, 18.50 F.?. 11 ?r J St. Sir. ?/;s8 l-.M. ByrdSl.St?. . ?S.10 P.M. Hain fiLSla? . 'J mv.'i.ii)iJM.Jii, . .j p.m. HalnKt.Bta. . tio.xd F.JI. Byr 4 St. Sta, . ?lt.HO l'.M. MsliiNl.Sttv. ? ?Ija.o dum ByHSt.Sia? ACCOMMODATION Ifi/IINS?WEEKDAYS. Leave Iljr" Si. KU. P. ?i Tor Frelerlekiberf, beirr l-.llil Sta. 8.20 A. 31..0.30 V. 11. for Ashlanl. \rrli? IIjr? St.Sia.S.i.', A.ll. from Frcderlehsli':?. Arrli" Klb? SP?. HJtO A..M..&-IO P.M.fnin A?hlan?. ?Daily. I Weekdays. i'Sundaya only, f* Daily except Monday. All trains to ur tram flyid Street Station, 'except tr.-.tna lesving 4.50 a. m., s.5? ?? m t?d nrri''i;>K 1 ;o nlehti ?top at Elba. Tim? ol arrivals and'departurea 00t |> uaraottcd. Read tbc ?tz antic Coast Line Kr !?'.:.<.'; 1 Vi; JANUAR, let. .?13. l'ltAi...- l.l.A>t ?lICl.JlU.Mj DA1L7. Kur Florida and buutii: *:ti A IL an* 7:33 l?. M . 'i'iuu P. AI., taw A. m. ur Noriotx: ?aai A. .?.;. i:m p. at., *:li 1 M. Kor N. at W. fty. West: A. Id., WlOtl A. il., 3:(a? I M., *:.? P. AI. Kor lvursourg: 1:00 A. il.. ?.Ii a_ Id., Itli A. M.. ?:i? A. Id.. 10:0? A_ lt.. j:0Q p. AK, ?Uu 1 AI., 4: ei l'. m., 1:13 1'. m? a.-u p. AI.. li:U r. m. Kor ciu.usDor0 -w 'l Foyettevlllo: 'till P. *4L Tratet arrive Iticomund dally: ?.4? A. M , 6;4o A. il.. ?:40 A. M., a7:00 A. M., A. il., "10.?, A. lt., 11.40 A. At.. ?!:<? P. 3d., "IM P. it., ti:(w P. AI., ?:? P. AI., ,,v, f. iL. p. AI., U;3d P. at. ?Except Sunuuy. "SunO-r only, aJSxaept Monday. Tim? of arrival anil departure, and cn. sections no* ?uaranteeft. C. S. CAM l'Ui.l.L. D. P. A_, S3* Main St. Lheaspeake & Ohio Railway ?'.tu .v. ? ouiij ? ^iew uuri Nevva. 8:140 A. ? Local ? Dully?Cb'villa. Ex. Bun. Tnurf.ond ra.OO.A. ?l-xeitsa?Dally?Norfolk, Old Point 1,0:00 -V ?Lucu,.?u?uiy?/..hug. Llx. C. Kor?,,? "k.v/u P. ? cxyrettM#?uatiy~-.,,n..L'vllleL l.;v"j P. ? ii*.i>iee?? ? .'lorl'Jlk. N. .'Iowa ?.1? P. ? l.uoui ? LMUll ? N. New?, Uid Polat. ...o P.?Loo a.?Uauy?Qordnnavllle, b:Ui P.?Local?Kx. t>ua. ?Lcbb?, Matured liriuiia, ' 11.ion Forge. ?J:3S p.?,..!...?? u?L>ai.y-Ctuiidn'ta, Cbl'iro. ?R:tM P.^l^ipi ?1-Uaily?f'aciuuatL v ..i. v. v fParior Uar*. TKA1M? AHHI . c ItiCitAtOND?Local froro I Last: bill, A_ M , 7:60 P. U. Through from blast: 11:30 A. At.. ?:30 P. At. Local fron? West: 1:30 A. At., U:6d A. At. and 7:14 P. At. Tnrouxn: >>:M A. At.. 2:U P. Id. and 1:30 P. At. Jamea lllvur Linn: *'o:3i A. At.. a:4? P. M. ?? Laliy except Sunday. Ricbmoad & fetersbux? eitel, ic Railway Cars leave Alunubester, BsTooth sad Perry Streets, tot Petersburg: ??. \ ?> 10, 11. *.j A. At., 1, t 's, I I. "e HA. -6, 7, i. ?? 10 P. Id. R:vo 1'. xt., for c&ester, 11:00 midDlsbt for Petersburg. Cars nave Petersburg, foot of Byct-mors IStreet, lur 3duucbesler: 1?:I5. 6:?5, "1:16. ?7:?, ?:J8. ?:?. ?10:10.11-13 A. U., Ltttt, -I.e.. i.i^, lilt, 1:3*. till, ?7:3o, ?.. .. 3:33, *10:40, 11:40 P. At. ILaily except Sunday and Holidays. ?Carries basssgt and expraaa. '?Limited, excapl,.., and holidays. All cart (rum Peturanurg couceut wttb cars tor Klchiuond. SOUTHERN X*iA.IL,V/AV I cAKsvlKR OP :julul Trains Leave illcbaiond. N. B.?FoiiovviUK schedule llguros publUb. I cd as tiitormaiioii and not guaranteed: I Kor the South?Daily 1 s:iO A. At. Local. 1 10:40 A. At. Express. t:U0 P. 51 Exproxs, 1 With electric lighted Bleeping Car (ur At? lanta ai.d BlrialiiKliain. 11:4A P. At. Expreaa. j Week Days: 3:W p. Al. Local. YORK. RIVER UNS. j 4:30 P. M. ? Dally.? Connecting for Bai. tlinure Alon.. Wed. and Kriouy. 6:00 A. 51.? Ex. Sun. and P. At.?-Uon.. Wed. and Friday?Local. Truins Arrive Alcbmond. From the South: ?A. AI.. 8:40 A. A4 1:00 P. At., ?.(0 P. Al.. dally; |2:fJ Ex. Sun Krum West Point: ?:30 A. At dally. 11:16 A. U., Alou., We. und Frl., i:?> P. Al. Ex. auo 8. E. RUKU^SS. D. P. A.. W7 M. Alain Si 'Phouti Madlaoo ?7i ItlCltAlUMi AND CHxUtAPtCAKJC HAY RAILM A Y tOlil'A.N Y. Behedule or elertrlu .rslni to and from AshUnd, slopping . 1 Intcrinedlate utatlnne upon s;ki. Lv. Richmond (llroad and Lauiel Sis.): '6:0i. -T-.'-O. *:10b. 1:10. ??10:10, 111:10 A. M.i 1:10. 1:10, 1:10. itjrb. 1:10. ?:10, '7:lv, v.u.-, 10:10, U:l& P. At. Lv. Asblftufti ?6:W. 7b. s, ?b, 10. "U A Al., *13 Al., ??!, a, j I, 4, ?b. t. 7, ? 9b. 11 P. U ?Dolly except sunduy. ??Sunday only. bCarrlea b,it,-gage. i?>tcamtjoati.. ?oya! Mail Sicam Packet Co/s LUXURIOUS krs?Jaa>&tsa" ^fe m "ARCADIAN" Saithrtg Every Saturday at noon to BE^MUDA'45:?UII,U, First Cln Exclusive HedBtfiadi nod fstHen-ih nrrrort la svtry roooi anil many ntlier ?iiltndld ((aturtS contained lu nn other ttetmtblp. SANDERSON 4 SON, Cen. Apti., 13 Stilt St, tL W 8. II. BOWMAN, ?08 Rast Main St.. Richmond. Vs. ? ? ' 1 '??'?il sal " jrloimd Trip $30 Bp OL4J bO.BIMO.1 LUfR. ? Lv. nichmon? ,fool si Asb Bf, dally.7:98 P.M. ' Leave Newport .Newt.1:00 A. M. Arrive Norfolk.6:00 A ~ Cuiinaeis witn main line tteamnia isavlns ' Nortulk for .Now lurk dully excupi Sunday 7:iv P. M. Connections .i.^de by N. A W. Ity. i P. Al. and C. A o. Hy. at ? P. U. .Sigh: Lino sieainera (top Al Clarsmuat to land or receive passengers on sigual, aad I tvlll bo met by ilic conveyance. VIRin.MA NAVIOATION ("U.-Jainei River by ua>Ugiil foe N.irlolU ami Old Point. New* . port Sews and Sil James lllver landings. Steamer leavos At Wednesday and , Friday at 7S00 A. 51. Frnlxht received f?t all Jamci River landless. 'Phono .Madison i.'o. j Alain Tl.aet "dor. Hi E. Vain street, ' Mercbants anil Minars Tcaasprotatioa Cd Ncr...... to ttotilwn, .lUi.^, s.a? Prutidriiee, It. *. I Ptestners leave Norfolk fur Boston? Daily, I except Thursday: for Providence. Alon.. Wed. and Bab at * P. At. I'sas.-nKcrt and froigbl ? tak<u lor an ..vw England poln Tickets ; uu s^ie ai .? C. * O. Ity.. !.. ? W. Ry? l. tl. llownian. ."ai Bast Alma, aud iticbmoud irsnff*' <'?> -"j F.aat Vi<i* Why? "Ask Mr. Bowman" : BRCAPSB HE KNOWS. He saves you money and furnishes TUAVF7I. without TROITBI.K to al! parts of the WOULD. IRKK JNPHK.31AT10N BUKKATJ. irhonc Madison S1S4. j S. II. HOtVMAN, So. Tourist Aernt. Go To BY FASTEST STEAMER ? Record Trip tt hours u ralnnlsa) BY NEWEST STEAMER (Built 1393) IJr only Areatiier Kundin* Pnsseusers and ..".??"*"J>lrec"* o? ?b? ?otk la liaaillton ? llhOul T'riin.ler. S.S? BERMUDIAN SttLS CVCMV WttiNCItiif 11 A. f.7. Twin Screw, Wjns tont dUpUcerrert, Bilfe ac'rts.' Double Bottom, WUelsu Telrfrspli.. No tteerSfS. i ??dtesda Loa?. ?Ith Privat. Mata. OreAesCn. TUV ?Vl UsrmvBlsn aad Arcaflsa are laltrelussce' WEST INDIES New S.a."C?l??aMtallt 11 ?rchlnd.sndotherllaalrurl fortniititly ror St. Tt.oni.n. Sc. ('rote,St. KltU, A11U41/?, Oasdsloiine, Oominlcc. l/xitialnns, .St. Luc-s. Unlni does, and i>nra?rara. For Ulusirsted pamphlet and rickets ipolv to A, K. Snnincl II.' Iloivman. 70S C Mr ;u <?(., Itlchruoxd. Vtv, or any Ticket Awtsb