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SKULL FRACTURED; CONOlflON GRAVE Guard Belcher, Attacked by Con? victs, Hovers Between Life and Death. ASSAILANTS AWAIT TRIAL Holling Willcox Will An? nounce His Candidacy for Ma vor. Tl mos - D i s pa tell B?r c au, Uoiltngbrobk Street, (Telephone tiM.i Petersburg, Va., February IS. i Thomas Belcher, <>i' Chesterfield' county, the guard at tin- convict camp, ?vho was desperately injured several V'ecks ago in aii ussauit made upon falm by three of the negro convicts I under hie ear.., !?> b in n critical con-i d'tlon at ih. ho.?, Hal In this City, with hiss life hnhg,ng in tho balance. Ills skull was tructtircd by a Mow with a pickaxe. The three negroes tscuptd, but two ot lb em were unot und cuptured hear Karmvillc, und one of them died ot h.s injuries. Tho other onc. Charles Junes., is awaiting trial' In Chestcrllcld. Tue third mun of the i gang is s:ill at largc. i lu- Mu? iiriillj. It Is understood that lt. Holling! Willcox lilt? practically determined to. offer lor in.- ollieu >u Mayor of the city, and he will announce his can? didacy ivithin Hie next clay or two. ; Mayor Cameron, who is til liny:'the uti explred term of the late Mayor WH-1 Ham M. Jones, will stand for renotnl- I nation. Mr. Willcox is president 'of | the lower branch of the Council, and j Is a prominent member of the Peters? burg bar. May Uc Contluiied. The case of Charles Hull Davis and' Carter R. Bishop, jointly Indicted op the charge of making an alleged*n report of the financial condition 01 the Appomattox Trust Company Bank, as has been stated, has been set for I trial on Wednesday, both the prosecu- I tlon and the defense announcing thu'rj rcbdtneas. The probability is, how-I ever, that the case will he continued | lor a few days, Wednesday is tue | (lay before the opening of the Kcb.-u- j my term of the court, and the trial s.f commenced on the last day of the i January term, might run into the now | torm. The case will be culled, how- I ever. j Selling to Minors. Edward Washington, a colored liar-I keeper on Old Street, was arrested tills morning on a warrant charging I.mi with selling liquor to a minor?I u colored youth seventeen years old. I l'h< . jsc will be heard in the Police j Court to-morrow. llrnth of Octograniiun. Littleton j- Duell, n well known i-id respected tlt.zen of the Bland lord I section of the city, died this morning. I aged eighty-three years, lie hud oecn i in declining health for some Mint, hut I was not confined to tits house tinlll the lust few days. Mr. Ducll win for 'i. great many years engaged In hier- j cnntilc business and was n man "f I I igh character, lie wo? a Confederate I soldier, serving in the Fifty-third v*ii itinia Hegment, Armlstead's Brigade I lie was a member of Washington I Street Methodist Episcopal Cnurcn, :ind it survived by one son, Leonard Duell, of this city, and oho brother, p. if. ' Duell, of Richmond; also by four grandsons?all of this city, netsili in IStlrlek. Mrs. Annie Leo Blnnd, wife of :.',.i sen Bland. aKed twenty-nlno yeitrs, died yesterday at her home on inc i.-uin road near Kttrlck." ' She fame *.u EttriCk from fjfewc, about a ye.:r iiso. Besides lier mother, she is mit ylved by her husband mid three small children. A ('IiUro of Peteraburg. Leslie Lewis, who attempted to kill himself at the fnlon Station in Wash ingtou Sunday .1 fte-rnoon, is a citizen of Petersburg, and was, horn and f.ared here. During the past few years he has been working In the silk mill at Willlanisport, I-u. He is inar 1 i.-d, and*, his w.ife, mother and u broth? er liw irr Petersburg, and a brother lives In Richmond. Lewis was iicra a few day-- ago. It is believed that at the time ho attempted suicide he was deranged. Two Klre llarniN. Th;re were two lire alarm* 6n Sun? day afternoon, one to Poouhontna, where the Uenshaw .store wus burning. Considerable damage was done. The other was Id the Clary Warehouse, on .?-??con.I Strict, which was practically destroyed by tire several days ago. I'lamcs had br.jk-11 out afresh in tho mass of nay in the building. No further damage wi- it one. Some joo ions of hay. the propoi ty of T. i\ lliath &. Co., was stored in this build, inir. all of whicli had Ijooii badij dam- 1 at'ed by lire and water. Dropprd Head sit 11 nine. Mrs. Bensly, im iiKod woman, wii* stricken ut her hone, on Commerce 1 Street, this morning, nnd expired al? most Immediately. She was w,il Anown in the western iiiirt of the city, ? rid Is survived bj her hii.-biiiid ami several children. iM-siernl New?, All trains coming from ihe South r*?terdn.v and were, covered ?i* 1th snow. The '-jty harbor is solidly fro/, n ovier again, and all criifi tlit-reln, largo ? lid small, nr. locked fast in IcJ. ?ieorge W, Williams, a ivtdl-known citizen of prince (ieorgc, son of w. it. Williams, w.-i.. operated on f..:- ipji. dlcills at the Poiersburg Hospital to? day. tho Pet-.-si.urg linterpris. is the name of a weekly paper Just issued, to t>e published in the, Interest of tv ?'mt-htai, moral and Industrial welfare of the colored race." It Is .1 neat pub? lication and well patronized; The body "f lle.iir) Lucas, form'-rlv r,f Printe Geortre ? nlnty; who died Suddenly in South Carolina oil Pridny. reached the city to-day, and was bi'irled In Blandfnrd C< met -ry. Collector '.r I'JiiMonii II CJuluoriio Williamson, of Mils .1: atte-iuied fie annual banquet of (hi '? m ;?- ..f i:c Tjublicai. Clubs in w .i, Satur? day night. The directors of the Pet rsutirg bfUehall club, afi-r several meetings, and consultations with .dt?ckli?lh have settled the stains of the ? 1 making applicotlon ff,r mem .. the new league. To!.- wus ? . venlnp. . in laid opr.N AN ?CCOr'MT WITH The Union Bank of Richmond HO'.' EAST MAIN eint VT I- 00 MAKES A BT ART ? PEii ri'.NT INTKRKliT HILL PICTURED ?S PHILANTHROPIST The Picturing Is Done by No Other Than Hill Himself. TELLS STORY TO COMMITTEE Pays Million? for Ore Lands and Turns Them Over to Stockholders. Washington. February 12.?James J. Il'll, chairman Of the board of the Great Northern Railroad, tobi the Stanley steel trust investigation com? ma i.-. lo-duy a story ot himself 'n the role ot philanthropist to the stock? holders of the: railway company. Mr. Ulli told how ho hau bought properties i"i more than $4,000,000, turned them over lor that amount to the Lake superior Company, Limited, as trustee tor tue ruinou? stoe Knotti? er.-, and .presented ino stockholders with pio i..ia certificates lor the in? creased value of tne property winch accumulated rapidly and amounted to millions. , , The railroad magnate was question? ed at length regarding i.hO lease of I thi Superior ore lands to the Untied] Slutos stiel Corporation for develop? ment, a base willen th< corporation recently decided to cancel on Janu? ary l. 191C. In this laud there are estimated to be about 500,000,000 tons, of ore which the Steel Corporation ! values at $1 n ton. -,I would not take Jl a ton for the ore," said Mr. Hill. The ore freight rate- from the Lake Superior region to the Pittsburgh ells-J trict. which the United States Steel Corporation recently reduced to .S" cents a ton, Mr. Hill declared to be | the cheapest in the country. And It will be still lower, said he. | The next rate will lie GO cel.ts. ?'Why did they cut the," he was asked. Steel People Scared. "Why, I think the Steel Corporation ! Just got scared to death." he. replied. "That's all there is to it." "Hut you get your royalty Just the same.'" ask-, d Representative Young. "And when the lehne runs out you've cot the ore'.'" | "Yes," Mr. Hill replied, "what dif? ference does It make. 1 II have the ore mid it doesn't go out of fashion, and , the tire risk Is quite low." | Representative Gardner asked the) witness wi.y he had turned over i he i properties t.- the Lake. Superior Coin- i pnny lor the bencht of stockholders. .Mr. Hill declared irsc trustee company reimbursed him for whit he hau paid, and the increased value was a gift to the Great Northern stockholders. "The trustee company paid 1110 what ' t-?vaid for the property, a little over ) 4.000,000, with ."? pur cent. Interest.-' said Mr. Hill. "These properties Im? mediately took on considerable value and could make motley for the stock? holders, There was nothing to con? ceal about it. Wherever 1 saw 1 could make money for the stockholders that, way 1 did lt." I "Did tue stockholders of the Great Northern Itailway pay anything to the Lake Superior Company?" usmj Mr. Gardner. "No, their interests were a gift to them." "\\ hy did tin- stockholders get thia gill'." usked Mr. than, of Texas. "1 got buch all 1 had paid, and the ' stockholders 6l the raitrouii got the benefit of the additional value." snui Mr. iilll. "Ii I could make money lor myself, I could make it tor the stock? holders. I was in a measure dealing with myself. 1 bought the property to got control of in?: transportation ot tile Ol'e 111 the Haiti; Superior II gloii. Subsequent devt lopnieuis show - ed the property was wurtii vastly mote than ?4.000,000. "I bought the propel lies as an Indi vlduul," .Mr. Hin continued, "because as a railroad company I do hot think the Great Northern would have the legal right to own and operate ' "Uut you. as president, could own and operate mines ami distribute tue stock to th>- railroad stockholders'.'" a.-Ke.I Chairman Stanley. "Yes. or give it to tne poor." said Mr. Hill. Couvlct Liibor Lost. J. 1.'. Oakley, president of the Ala? bama Stale Convict Hoard, who testi? fied before the commit tee to-day. de elarcd that 350 State convicts usually hud been utilized each year by the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, a subsidiary of the steed Corporation, but this year in lliC absence of n contract, the convicts had been turned over to a .coal company. Otllccrs of the steel company protested against this, and George Gordon CrawfOirt, the presi? dent, said that eventually th?- company bad Intended to replace convict with free labor, but that such a change would take time, and it was necessary tu procure convicts for It'll, lie de? clared tin company slctild hav.. been given an opportunity to bid lor con? victs before they Were turned over to another concern, ridding thai the Ten? nessee Company had intended to bid higher rates than ever before. i>. A. Heed, attorn-. > for the steel Corporation, rend a telegram from President Crawford, of th- TeniiCHse Company, stating that :.t the explia lioil i?i Ifti'J the company proposed to get of all convict lubor. At Hie present time the company had only ISO ?ounty convict* employed ARREST OF BANK OFFICER Pending a Hearing .Inmrs I:. Green l.lii-s Hail of .SUM. Wilmington, l>i I.. February 11. - .lame, i.. Green tin edllcer of the Nut th American Hunk and Trust Coinpai.y. was a i're steel on a warrant *worn nut by Mahloh !'.. Foster, who Iii :i l .-. n ihaklrifi an Investigation <>t affairs of the ccmpnriy for some time. Mi. Green is ohri of. the arUve heads, here of the institution. The irrust w as made at th. hi id: at 12 a'clock. the cloning hour. Mr, K?ster ha-, been In cominuuicuiluii With Insurance Coin niissioucr Maun r> lative to its affairs lor soverol days Pending a hearing ball was fixed at $.'.-??. which WHS fur? nished. Persons outside the state are said to bti ehielly inter- sled in iho concern. ? ri diiers ?.. t Hlvldeud. ?.Norfolk, v.l.. Ft-l/i tiury 12.?A divi? dend of 'Id per cent, lo-doy was ordcr dered .paid t-> creditors in th.-. Ware Krumei Tobnce-n Company bankruptcy proceeding!: This was made possible ; the result pi ?'. compromise at ?>>??. en,, t,f the restraint damage action brought y the (Ynre-Krnmcr Company against the Amerlcfln To i..i..-o Company for over a minion dollars. This, together with a previ? ous dividend of I". per cent., makes a total .,f 7."- per c< i.t Then will be I another dividend later oil. COUNTRY'S BUSINESS HAS NOTHING TO FEAR Wilson Says Application of Progressive Prin? ciples tu Public Affairs Can Do No Harm. j Chicago, February 12.?Expressing I the opinion that tho country's business uas nothing to fear irom the applica? tion ot progressive policies in the ad nlnlstration of public au'utrs, Governor 'Votuirow \\ ilson. of New Jersey, open I "0 his campaign for the Democratic i ?residential nomination In an address I Oof ore the Iroquios Club to-day at tho Lincoln birthday luncheon, "1 sometimes think It a peculiar circumstance." ho said, "that Hie /resent Republican party should have ?pruhg from Abraham Lincoln. 1 sup? pose that Is one of tho mysteries of Providence. The richness of n democ? racy is that ll never has to predict *"ho Is to save It. We do not have to train men to Intorpret the United States. When an emergency arises there Is always some genius who ap? pears from the ranks of uhcatalogucd men n> bear the standard and show the way to victory. "As our economic affairs are now j organized, they caniiot go on. Th* ! division Is far more ditlicult to truct i to-day than It was In Lincoln's time. "No man Is a frie. d of this country j who predict dire results. '?'Every probh m we have to meet can I be rolved without injury to butlnosa or any other sound Interest. I "The Republican party Is sadly I broken, it has b>st Its way. It has ? been the business mail's party In so j many personally conducted campaigns that many believe nobody else knows [anything about prosperity, j "Amerlcaia a busKi.cs* country, and ? business must be taken care of. I be I llevo tnat tho Ills from which we sur? fer ean be cured without harming Is-ound business. I nave no feeling of piety about any political doctrine ex I cept the one that gives cquul rights ; to all. I "UufinesH und politics must be sep jaraled. Give politics n chance with lout the domination of special privilege and great wealth. The biggest enemy 1 business hns Is the man with a pro '? gram which goes further than ho can 1 see. , . "The standpatters have Imprisoned business behind .1 great dam. There I is no need of breaking down this dam i und causing a commercial Hood with i Its consequent damage. Engineers 1 huve appeared who have shown us how j we. may pierce the dam here anel there ! hud release the water without harming 1 anybody." THRONE OF CHINA IS TOPPLED OVER (Continued From First rage.) [ eluded, but they fear that the second may be more disastrous. The legation* i will ileal unofficially with Yuan Sbl 1 Kai's government until It Is recog. J inzed. It is expected that such recog- | union will be given immediately upon the tormatiun of a coalition Cabinet. As the throne's tinal edicts were sign.j ed by only one Cabinet minister be- j s des Vuan Shi Kui, live portfolios arc I now available, end of these It Is bo- ! lb ved three Will be rilled by Tang Shao-TI. the Imperial Premier's rcpre seittatiyo lit the peace negotiations at Shanghai; Wu Tins Fung. Minister ol Justice in the republican provisional Cabinet, and Chin Chin-Tno, republi? can Finance Minister, Provision f?r Dr. Sun has not yet been made. MIIUuun Are Starving. New fork, February 12. ? "Throe million portions in Central China are on the verge of starvation," reads a statement received to-day by the Chi- j hesti famine relief committee, of which Bishop David A, Oreer is chitlrinun. I "l?isl summer the worst Moods In forty 1 years destroyed the crops In ah area i Of 50,000 s'.uare miles. Many already ! have died of hunger and unless prompt I relief is given multitudes of men, wo? men and children must perish. No liarvest can he expected until Muy I Until then the famine will grow- daily! more acute. ?'Then; is a strong famine rcllel committee in Shanghai, composed ol both foreigners and Chinese of nil fa,tiis. Bishop Craves, of the Epis? copal Church, Is chairman; Dr. W? Ting Fang, former hi'n later to the United States. Vice-chairman; Uey. 15. C. Ijobenstin, of the Presbyterian i Church, secretary, and II. c. (lullnn.l, malinger of tlm Internationril Bank? ing Corporation, treasurer. This com. til't tee will employ as many as pos? sible of those able to labor In build? ing dikes and such other work as will help to prevent the recurrence of iloo.i nnd famine. This work Is in lino with the recommendation of C. J>. I Jameson, an engineer sent to China by tho American Bed Cross. All labor is to l.e paid for In grain, not in ; money. : "LEPER" EAR'LTl?cated Me Will tie Fenced In on Acre of Land hi Summit. TaCotna, Wash.. February l2l?Shunt . c,| iilioui from plac ? |o p.ace a- the re. i suit of tile long government investigh I lion to determine whether l.e was a I leper. John It. Early, formerly oi \\ashingion, D. C, has been located at j Summit, mar her.-, and will in- fenced ? in on an acre Of land. I The Pierce county commissioners lo 'day decided to take this step, follow? ing an Investigation by Ihe county physician. Tin land is the property which Early, before il was known thiit Ii.- was ths miin over whom Ho lopef controversy look place, agreed to buy on instalments. ills wife and three small children are willi him. chicago cars too cold Mrcet Itnlhrnj i'onipantea fined ft.500 for liisiillicli-nt lientliis;, Chicago, February P.'i?Street railway Com pun ics here to-day were nheti $l.f,"ti by Municipal .Indue Blake for InsulM cieiit beating of cars. Tin- Chicago Hallways Company was lined fSOo' nnd t lie Chicago City Bnilway Company fTOO. A motion to vacate the nidg m'oiit was made by attorneys ? j|?re settting the defendants, and arguments on this s i for February 17. Witnesses from the Health 'i.-p-irt ineitt tes'tllted that the temperature ill tue ehr a averaged bei ween ll itnd !?? , degrees. Ill \ crcoiiili?Harris. I John (t. Klvcrcomli und Miss ll.k liel Hanl.-., daughter of A. J. Harris, both of Culpoper county. were married Thursday at the residence In Hint county of Itev. f?. W. Colo, who performed Hut ceremony. They will reside in LnGrnngc. .Vewbcrii Hun Two Fires. (Special to The Tlmos-Dlshaieh; I Newborn, N. (',., February 12.?At an e-arly hour this morning, with the ground covered with snow and the temper:.lure only two degrees above zero. Newborn bad two tires. Tho wilier pressure was extremely low. ui is usual |n llils city during cold wea liier, and the Bremen were handicapped tn lighting the Harne?. Tliu loss is estimated at $"i,do<j. > Durlug the iir: t tire a range" alon occurred In the ltiteiien of the : realdencc of Thomas F. McCarthy, which is only about fifty yards from: tlu. lire. On account of the extreme ; weather the water leading to this' range had been i ut off. The water standing In the ui; of, pipes frc-se, ' and when the cook started to prepai d : breakfast, Instead ??! making a slow lire to thaw out the pipe sue made a roaring lire, whit h caused the explo? sion. REPUBLICANS Of LEE I.NUOUM; AIMllNI-ymATlOX (.Special to The 'I imes-DlBpatch.] Bristol, Va., Februarty 13.?The Re? publicans of Lee county. In masa-con vcnlion at Jonesvlllc to-day. for tho purpose of naming delegates to tho district convcntio:, to be held litre February 21, at which time delegates will be elected to I'te cmciigo conven? tion, indorsed Taft for rcn?minatl?n, declared fur Congressman slump lor re-election n.s State chairman and In? dorsed Alvah Mar:in lot membership on the National Republican Commute:. M. Q. Ely and L I'. Summers were Instructed to i. present the ris trlct in the Chlcauo convention. AD counties taking action thus far have indorsed Mr. Sum lib is for that honor, and he probably will b( one of the delegates without opposition. FINED FOR II W IM; TAINTED MEATS IM IHM It ITC UN I Special to The. Tlmes-Dlspatch.] I.ynchhurg. Va , '.". bi nary 12.?C. E BanWcnshlp, proprietor of a Malr I Street restaurant, was ilned to here to? day on the chatee oi' having tainted m.-ats In the kitchen. This wae fo/l lowed with a warning that the mini-] mum line- would not lie in future eases. The charge war made by Inspector Breaseul, of Bedford City, of the Slate I Health Department, who lu'i* been hcroj for several days Inspecting In contiec-j I tie.n with the local health depart me.Mt.' The Inspector pays e-onditiotis have Improved materially In baskshops, res. taurants and .-tores since the last in-, ; spectlon. will Hold Convention. I Specif. I to The Times-Dispatch. I Frcdcrlcksbnrg, Va.. February 12.? < The I; publicans of Spotsylvanln county will hold ti inass-meeting at SpoUylvn- j tii.i Courthoufu Thursday, February 22 at II o'clock, to elect delegates to th< Republican convention of the First Con? gressional District, which meets at Cape Charie- February' '.'7. and also le sleet delegates to the Republican State convention ,t Itoanoke, March 12. i The Republicans of King William I county, in a mnsa-mcotlng, elected I Morgan Treat. T I'. Whltt and Thomas I I'. Snead .is delegates to both the dls I irlct arid State conventions of that; party. I Miss Mary C. Rolladny, principal of j the riapldan High School, has tend Ted I her resignation ami has gone to It ich - ! lliohd to spend the winter. Mrs. Mil fired Nelson, of Rapid?n. Is supplying i '.he vacancy. \\ } mi?Kniidntl. i (Special to The Times-Dispatch,I Frcderleksbiirg, Va.. February 12.? ! Rossor S. Wyntl and Mis- An:::..- K Kan Jdall, iliinghter of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. I both of Middlesex county, wi re mar I rled a lew days ngo at th..- Methodist a'. Salnda. \ n \pproachliie; Mnriirsrr. j Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Vann, of King [An.i Queen county, announce the ap? proaching marriage of their tlaugii r. Miss .lunette Temple Varn, to Henry UitrtTK Jones, the. ceremony t<? take placi Saturday, Fohruiiry IT. Trophy Rcenpf ureil. i liarrisonburg. Va.. February 12.?In the annual public debate Saturday night at Brldgewalor Collegej llridge I water, the Virginia Leo Society recap ' lured the trophy from th> Victor an So. tioty. The question was, "Resoiycel, ? That Virginia should adopt a land val j tuition lax and exempt personal prop ' eriy." Tin judges were l?. W. Carman. I of liarrisonburg, and 11. II. Dloaae and J. A. Alexander, both of Stnuntoh. Th ? debaters W< r< Stanley Hoover Und W. T Hilbert, for Virginia; I.e.- and Prico Howman .nil VVndc Huffman lor the Victorian. Pacts - - F iittrcs ? Verified. ' CHARLES F. HUDMLL, ALDI'l I.NG, ACCOUN i i.N(. SYSTEM A'l IZING. W) Travelers Bldfi., Richmond, Va. Mi>tiroc 431. Acts as Executor and Trustee. 1106 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS RICHMOND STOCK MAKRKr. By Rlcliard W. Maury. Slock and Bond Droker. lull 19. Main StreeL Richmond. V?., February 12, Uli. STATE SECURITIES. Old. Askod. Virginia. 3s. Old, C. and R., 1932.... SSfi, ... v? Centuries. ??*. C. and R.. 1091. SS SS\4 CITY SECURITIES. Richmond City 4s, R? 1?0-1JM.... ttVi ??? Rich. City 4s. C. and R, IMS-tttl.. 95V4 ... RAILROAD BONDS. A. C. I. R It. t:on. Tr. i p. c... '.?> A. C. L. R. R. CODY, Dobs. Is. 190?. 103 C. ?nu o. Oeh'l M.. *V4?, ifw. loi CJcurgln. SOU. and Fla . IW?. 101 Ucorgla nnd Ala. Con. ?.?. L'-lb. 10? .,. Nor. and Wei'.. Ry. 4?. MM. M ... Nor. and Weal. Ry. Poca. 4?. 1914.. ill Pot. t.'la?a A ?a. R. C. 19>i. I0T Pot. Class II ?s. It. C, IKi. It? Seaboard Air Line U, ltco. f7'4 ... Seaboard Adjustment ?s, 1W9. so Sou,Mira lUi.Wd) ivi oi. i>#a. lus ... So. It. Dev. and O. M. la. 1*5?.... 79 Westarn N. C. Ist da. c. 1914.107 STREET RAILWAY BONDb. Nor. and Ports. True. Co. *??. 193?. ... va. lly. and Power <"o. Sa, I93>.... w? ... STREET ry. STOCKS. i'ar. Va. Ry. and Power Co pfd....101 R*i ?14 la. Ry, and Power Co. com....100 uu 14 ha, Litti.\D STOCKS. Par. Iheahpentte and Ohio.100 ;i \"or!nik and Western coin.,0a U-?'w ... Southern Hallway pfd.100 721? >?? Southern Hallway com.ICO 2114 ??? '..v..?. .?.?D TRUST CO. bTOCKS. American National.100 I9i vn droao btreet. -u a Jink of Commerce and Truste..1W Iii .umninis National.too 740 .. Cattonnl Bank ol Virginia ...100 :;? National state and City Dan....160 202 ... v.uuiCla ..aliOilal.i... ... savings Rank ot Rleamond. ? ;i ... 'Jnion Lank o. Rlclimond.iO ML ... Virginia rrun Company.101 i?u l\ 1 ft End. x 4j\t 4L ItlciimollO Uank: in.l Trust Co. Insurance companies. Fa. Eire and Marine Ins. li 7* MISCELLANEOUS. \a.-Car. Chcni. pfd. I p. c.1(0 119 in.-dr. Chein. com.1W ii ... Quotations f.^r interest-paying bonds ars at a price to which Interest uiuat be added. Income bonds and Certificate! of Indebted? ness are Hal. ,. COTTON MARKETS. Ntrv "fork, February 1..?Holiday on New| Vork Cotton Exchange. Total to-da> hi ah ports?Net receipts. 99,079 baits; export to Ureat Britain. 12,113 baics; 10 France. S.294; to the Coat: ncnt. 11.:".' bales, stock, 1,061,2?} bales. Consolidated at all por-_i?Net receipt,?, K,2M; export to (iteal Britain, 21,931 bau.?; 10 France, .".L-Jt bales; to tnc Coiin 11. nt, 61,227 bales, to Ja-pon, 9,978; to JUeXieo, .''iO bales. Total ?ine? beptember 1 at ail ports?Net if* i?g?t*, ba'.ea; export t" Oreat Britain, bales; to France, Ssl.:>? hubs; t<> 11,1 Contliieut, J,W?.tol bales; to Japan; Ji'<,Ss? bulcs; to Mexlvo, t,7?. I.nci. letal to-ouy m all port*, enntolldnti-4 at ...i potts and total suite September i at 0I1 ports, includu Nt* York, Baltimore aud 1 uuudeipnui. _ j Now Orleans. February 12.?Cotton futuru opened steady .11 n dct'.tne ot 7<i 10 points on poor cables and a good weatnc.r map. Tue hiurket closed steuoy at u net decline in :'i'i 14 point*. In the cany trading trie ling very dull, the holiday In New V6rk Hinting to work iagainit I rein balance*. Business w*? chiefly ol ;.n na? tu.*,* Little tri?!, buying eamr. into the iiiarrte-. In the afternoon session the mar? ket was afagnant. spot cotton easy. IrUc. blfli middling, .e S?len :.o.. bJh.r und 4->j to orr.v... februaiy. Iv.eO; March. W.W; .Hay, i'l.M; Juiy. 10.?,; August I6.jf; beptom ber, 10.43; e>..tor..r, 1 ?. 10, December, 1013. LOCAL M.Mtlilil QtOTATIONS. (Furnished by Levy Commission Co . Com? mission Merchants, Richmond, vs.) Richmond, v?., February ::, 191;. ACTUAL IIUObrAtl.K l|LO t'ATlONS Ol? >LVRKKT. LIVE Ki?LTKY. Turk'y lo. <.j 17 Tiirk'-y gobblers, ih. 1^ [ Ch.vkttnii, cliolee. small, lli.i*. ^ l? ! Chickens, choice, Ib.. n 14 Chicken*, large, lb. it 12 Ileus, 10. Sf i_' Roosters, each. 2> n, Ueexi at. large, each. ?1 y.. fioeae, small, each. to (, Duck:, small, young, ,r,. ^ II 1 Duck's, small; young, :b. ^ iz 1 DRESSED fOULTRY AND Hues. Head add Feel Off.. Turkey hens. Ib. ii :r? Turkey i'uU.ilers. lb. v j. CHickona. ib. n i I? i J Il.ns, lb. '.I 9. Ducks. 11. 17? 11 I Ch., u. coriling to * j 714 stags Hoars . 3 u t I Spurcriba . j u ;o . KiWn-'.'rj fad. j In crates, nearby. .'r-?sli, doz.. Q z't I In craict, other sections, do;. <j j> Ul.llL.ll. Family, ehoict. lb. 71 j a | Mercnanta*, tuir. ib . a <; LIVE STOCK. \.-.:s. choice to t.iiicy ib. a "Vg' \ ruls. poor to lair. .0. i% u 7 Calves, lunmrs. Ib. <i (14 Sheep, lb. 3 y <{4 Lambs, spring, it.. ? y ?>.a Cut lie. fair to prime, Ib. 4 ?f Hogs, lb. ? * . HIDES. l?ry flint. ,b. O II Dry aalt, ib. t> it ; tireah aalt, I'o. w b)Mi Urucn, it. ? urecti. damaged, Ib. i O Tallow . O Ueeawnt . a PEAS AND DEANS peai, B. 15., So. l. bus. 2 r.". 0 Deans, cliolco navy, bu?. Lit <-j, FRUITS. ETC. jrii Fia.. box . ? AllLHS No. 1, handpick?.!. M?l. 3 .1 Q 4.tO . .Medium, bu. Q 3.? ? Cabbage, per 10> lbs. I.7S V ill I rKH MARKET. Elgin, lllii February 12;? tliilt.-r?Vlrih at r':<.; cam'- llgurm |asl week; output, VA |,"un.l>. Tho Klgln Hoard ?( TnidO voted 10-dnv t" Increase II? territory to iu i.'.ude :-:x States? Indlaiiri, Michigan, Iowa, Mlnncsula. WTscoaain and Illinois. Tiie no tle.n was taken by a vote of incniy-alx favoring t tie propos.tloii againit nine. RfCIIMOM) tilt.MN HARK CT. Itlohmoml, Vn., February \:. IW2. WROLKKA l.E QUOTATIONS ON 'CHANG E v\ HEAT?Car 101/. No. red. Western. Sri :.<n No, a r.d, Virginia. ?t l.oi No. ; red. 1,04 tft, Virginia, bpg lots). ifi tj I.0S UOlt.V?Cur l?'t?. No. ? white. e"> fii No. S white. 'it s> No. i mixed. '.j. 7t No. i mixed. T"-'Vif? Virginia (bag lots?. ;-j ?i 7,> Corn on the cob. ",o if. 7? OATS?Car lot!-. No. : ndxed. <."r i0!4 No. 3 mixed. .-'.'.ill No. white. :'i\z'u- li SO. 3 While. :.d'i'(l Whiterseed vblis lots). '"> ?J 7.'. ft YE?Car lota. No. ;:. <j! L01 Virginia Ibag lots). I/O ., 1.01 Wheat ?Dull. Com ?In fair demand. Oatt ?cjutet. RH IIMOM) RAY MARKET. niehmond, Vn.. February 12, 1912. The quotations arc as fo^.<??^. No. i Tlmoihy. ij s-.v.oo No. 2 Timothy. 2I.M :t No. ? Timothy.22.0O ?1 Light Clover, mixed. 2I.."A ?1 No. 1 Clover, mixed. 23.50 (9 SI.00 No. 1 Cb.ver. <A 24.00 ?No. 2 clover. 21.00 f.| Kit. 1 Clover, mixed. 22.00 # ST HAW?Compressed . V 13.80 Loose pressed. ].vrrc bales.. *j ILM BRUCKS?Compressed . I'M fl1 Loose prersed. iarse bales... 17.00 11 CATTLE .MARKET. Chicago. U!.. February 12,?Cattle?Roec pis !KS*H licud. Market slow, generally 1UC. John L Williams, Jahn Skelton Williams, E. L Bcmiss, Langbonrne M. Williams ESTABLISHED 1874. John L. Williams & Sons, And Dealers in HIGH CLASS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Corner 8th and Main St*., Richmond. Va. Members Richmond and Baltimore Stock Exchanges. NEGOTIATE ENTIRE ISSUES OF BONDS For Stales, Cities, Counties and Railroad Corporations and large Industrial Enter prises. BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION Bonds, .Stocks and other Public Securities in the principal markets in this country and abroad. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE on Foreign Countries. FURNISH LETTERS OF CREDIT For Travelers use, available in United States, Europe and Central and South America. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 'Tbr Home for .Saving* Saving and Success Go Hand in Hand The man v?ho to-day In pointed out ns hs-tlng attained ?ucces? Is the one that early started to ?rw. Interest at 3% Per Annum Allowed on Savings Accounts The Central National Bank 107 Rost Hrond Street. Able and Willing to Meet all Legitimate Business Requirements Whether to extend your husinc??. liuil'J a home or borrow money i<>r other puuvjfci, this Hank stands ready to help you. Your Business, Personal and Savings Accounts Solicited. .1 Per Cent. Interest Allowed. Bank of Commerce and Trusts OFFICERS. \Oi>. F.. WILL ARD. President A R HOLLADAY, Vice-President. K. M. KENT, Jr.. Vice-president. R. B. CAMPBELL, Cashier. ?. A. BAR i. JR. Certified PuWItc Accountant. L A. B..RBER & CO. ACCOUNTING, AI.DITI.VO, ORGANIZING. SYSTEMATir.tNtSt -ir, Mutoal Bulldlua;. Waeac Had. zxii. Richmond. Taj '"Mr. Beev*t. tl.;?9t.<0: T-xas s:<<r?, i I ?':/."..:!; Western U'-rr. llAi c '?"): tto.-k ?f? und feedert, iC.i-j 'i ti >;. iTowj nd hollers, ij.iot?calve*. f.V?i? Hogs-Rtcelpu ?w.tO") h?ad. Market Co?, l?wer. Light, ;?:.'? i mixed. li.Wy r>.*->; heavy, v.'S. -t rough. I&.M?6..0: pu:.-. |t.30tfl,W; bulk Jf sale*, fi. 10 <T 6..'.,. Bhcep?Receipt* f.",.?! bead. Market weak to too. tower. Native, IX.l3frt.C0; western. (.1.409 l.?0; yearling*, |l.70<i&.b); lambf, native; t 1.55 y ?,|5; wnt. trh, (l.ioas.ti. Nevjr York, February If. ? Be*v(?-IUcelpt? 1.6J0 liead. Steers, ?I.Md/7.J0; bull?, )ttf(.U; town. > ?"??'?>. DrersOd Serf slott', j?ii;e. London cattle lower at HtfHHc. ilreteed a/clght, sinking the offal:'rpool cattle, il>4$i;e, in :icidltloi) to. offal. Calws ?Re Lolpu 1,1X1 head. Veal? Urin to :Sc. higher. I'tai., l..?lrt.7.j; culls, JiUKSO; barnyard calves, flu 1'A Dressed naives firm: city dretsed veal? llftltc.: country drocd, p'.'ir l2o. Sheep and Lambs?liecalpta 11,105 head, sheep tteady; lambs ,iirm to je. bisher. Sheep, $31? i.-'e; top?. (4.J0; cull*, tyy lanibr. S.VJ..?? .'. Jj; eullj. |l*fS W. t|..rr ,;. . ceiplH ft.vil heart: Marke: .?leady ai ??;."?. i (.CO; pic?, H i 0 40. RlMIMOND TOBACCO M.tRKKT. Richmond, Vo., February L', IMS. following ?'e tue quotation* on tin Rieh* r.i-.nd Tobacco Gsohsage: HiiuvV.N i'I'I.VO-.NEIV. L'lg* .i o.'/i g 5 7.S0 .-.Hurt leaf. ^.;0 >>J Long teat. 8.14 ;, 19.114 u rappera . 13.14 'j U.0>J UltlOIITS. SMOK KITS?Common . t.o) S.JO Medium . i.ifl u i;.t.) l-'ino . I7.W *i 13.00 cu'rrisits^comnion . u.on *i i-.'.iw .Medium . 11.00 fr| pj.30 Fine . *j VVHAl'l'tilts?Common .'.. s.w ?j to.iio Medium . ivo -,| a?.|i(i Goud . '.'.vo ;.| :w).t<j Vine . JJ.M 'ft MJt fancy . 10.01 >j u.vt SIJ.N-CURISO-.VEW Lugs, common 10 gowi. 9. ;.(>> Lugs, good to prime. 7.0') V S-jfl ^borl leaf. i.(f< -p Long leaf. 10.00 ? ILM Wrappers . 12.40 '< 17.54 Printings . ij 6.23 Mint EI.I.ANLUl H MARKiTTs. NAVAL STORES. WllmhlxtoD. N.| February 12.?Spirits Turpentine?Steady 111 <?>? Rorlh?Steady, ill 13.94. Tar? lrli in ai U.M. Crude Tvrpenllne ?Stead) ni (IMft I.S0, b'uv?nnaii. Ca.. Fcbruarj' 12.?Turpentine? l'lrni at Wie.; ealo* 411? eat-k?: r.oelpis .',7 ,..;k!-: alilpmenti i'Ocntkt; stock S1,UI caaka. Itorin?Plrni; ?nie? Til barrels; receipt? vsi barrel*; shipments *?'- barrel?; ?toek K.sjj barrels. Quote; It, W.55. MARINE INTEIXIOENt K. PORT OP RICHMOND, FEBRUARY IS, l?IS ARRIVED. .?Steamer Prandon. Hartley. Norfolk, iner , liondlie and paiaengera. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Berkeley, Shelly, Norfolk, mer ehandlco and passengers, C?bl Dominion Line. Sttouier. Aurora. Put man, I'cteriV.iirs and James Itlvor landlngi, morchandlfo and paaaerigers, furman l^lne. SAILED. Steamer Brandon. Rarney, Norfolk. m*r rliandlao and paist-nsers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Berkeley; Shelly, Norfolk, mer eliandlae ami passengers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Mobjaek. Grave;. Nnrfnlk and Mints River landings, merchandise and pas* ?r intcrf. Virginia Navigation Company. .Steamer Aurora. Vnrman. I'Otorfkurg and Jumea River t?ndln*-*, niorchahdlio and passengers, Furmsn Lbu. Good Methods, Large Assets, Courteous Service And at Your Command Capita), - $1,000,000 Surplus, $1,000,000 Deposits, $7,800,000 First National Bank, 1104 E. Main St. Richmond, Va., solicits your business. Our capital, surplus and profits justify your account btln? placed with us. Capital, $300,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $1,350,000.00 Manchester National Bank There's not ;i busier place in South Richmond than our bank offices. New accounts opened dailv. National Bank ol Virginia C.rita!, - ? 1,200,000 iurpluj. - 5 600,00) Accounts solicited Ninth and Main Streets Commonwealth Bank Our Churcli Hill Branch. Twen? ty-fifth and Broad Streets, invites the accounts of people living in the East End. The Confederate Museum ? TWULKTll AND ULAY STIUSKTS?. OPEN ? A. M. TO S P. M. Admission. 25c. ' Krcu oil ?-uurdayoi