Newspaper Page Text
tStef?rntg *S$?&> SBi^polrh Orentrr lUchinond'? firmier Nowapupcr GREATEST WANT AM) HB AI, IQS TATH MEDIUM IX VlllCIXIA, ANU ?NB Ol' TI1B I1EST IN AMB1UCA. Want Ad Kate3 Jn effect Juno 11, 1911. Dnlly, od? cent per vrord ?rlien pnld Im advance. Na Ad. lukeu fur Ich tbuu ten cent* One uud one-liul( eentn n word all clafcnllieailoa* except Munition Wanted fur Miuduy. Mltiiutlon Uuulcd, unc ceul a ?oril. Nu Ail. Sundu)' tuKcu fur lern? than in teva eeuta, Nu Ad?, fnketi for Uns tlina iv?eiity Hve reut? tvben phonvd in ur cliurtsed al (lie counter. Phone ordera not (guaranteed. ? CIunmIIcikIoii not uiiuruuleed after Ditto 1?, .11. I''or IjimliienM conlrnet?, ?eud for th?. Waal Ad. Mmi, phooe Monroe 1. JiUut ttUU J ?UII? c. J. GATES* CHOr KS.SI. 'NAl. NCP.SE. ' win uum xuiiiuiuiiiu to "?<> interest U he Win common,cillo Wim pnjol clan, a Ii. cue iimua.ijlaput.uii, LOST, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SHV uiun, on uiuad aUuul, small lioid watcii, attaUiiuu t>? ko.u pin; "Hurry to aiiiiu" tliittiaveo iiimuu. Return to lulty w. iiaii..mi Siruul, second Hour, anu receive roward. LOST, SATUttDAY A FTERNOON, AT tim Jeiluraon Au<luuiium or on Wcniiiainpioii car, un enameled bar plu. ?? iiKit-i pieaao return to ?3d _^urk Avenue anu receive reward. i Uiu.i i'..,ii.o or .-,'o<Jiv NUM. bered li> anu 16 :-l the lion Air Com? pany ot Virginia, Issued April 7. Iba?. In the name of E. ti. Taylor, bavinir been lost, notice ,s hereby given that application lias been manu lor lesuo ot u:\\ certificate*. CHARLES Ii. fAi'LOR, Adiii i ,t r.. r>. . u> mr. deceased. v/?.itj utUuiut?t st?au RAIlW'aV SlAIL CLKiUts^\VANTBD!1 |?U iiiontn. lilciliiiunli examinational ?ay i, prepuikuoa treu. .'ii.i.^K-i LL% l'l u it, Ucpl. ai?a M, Ito . ciiuster. |,N. y. W ANTEDJ ? \xiX"NrtT": :en~T? LEARN ! the auioiuooi.e business; pornoon* Seeuic-u competent gruu?utea. nit.H MONU AU'IU ?UilOOL, Iii* W. Uroa 1 job press k i: ic. dehs wanted; 1 steady work, tuuo pay. BOUTlicltN STAMP .'..Mi bTAT?U.\Elt 1 C'->. Ap _ply to Mr. O'Connor. 12M0 B. Main. Wanted, an intelligent boy. Address lt. p. c. p. o. Box j;a. Ulty. WAITED. A MAN of BUSINESS liX Purlence to u.-?sist in management nf eniai'llencd tailoring otlsiueSS. uuml Position tor ti,e riiiii' party. Address u lfe?. caru Tltnca-Dlopatch._ STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRIT erg wanted.?(stenographers and type* writing Is no longer u menial occu- . patio... Ever.'! buk.ucfs man ami cur- ! poratlon official requires a cunrtoeii- I tiai socretary. The positions pay high I salaries. Wo not only su nny-1 raphy and typewriting tr.oi vuhniy I and practically i>y man, nut wi uImoi quality you in hp. ed. accuracy and commercial :. k .. r.. tor the higher poyitioiiH. \v. rite at oncu tor trise Information. I. C. H, Box 1649 B, union. Pa._ WANTED, men to LEARN BARBER trade; only few wccKh required. | V, uf ? after first month. tsteady Position guaranteed. Write for cat-] aloguc- MOVER'S BARBER CuL leoe, 207 Bowery. New York City. _ | wanted; for u. s. army, .Mii^e-i bodied, unmarried men, between ab'e-a of IS and i'i. clifscns of Unlied Status^ of ii"nl character und temperate liao-1 lit. w;.o can speaK, leuu and write I the English language. For inhuma? tion apply to i.. ..i Utting OIHcur, sJO I-;. iir..ii l rftret. HI'Bhmond. Va._; E?iiUtUioii? Cuuntca, u^alc CTV?T '%viw.\ki;* man \vants to connect with responsible real es tHtc in in, specialising in country property; Hi, active, ambitious, good; record; salary nominal until ability: I? proven, c 128, care Tlmos-Dls-1 patch._j l'l'.-II I'>N \V A n T ri \ > M V a VOL'nu than 28 years year.* old as city .sale? man With some wholesale house; can tuinibii the very best references. Address F 252, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTED, ? POSITION AS ASSIST ant bookkeeper or shipping clerk. Hem of retertnces. F JSj. caru Times Dispatch._ REGISTERED " PHARMACIST WAN I B [i03ltlon; am married, have had lona experience In drui; tiiiiilnesa as man? ager; can furnish references an to sobriety and ability. Address A ID, rare Times-Dispatch. _| VVTNTED." A' ril'.wt-cl?sh' HUTLKlt; good reference required. Apply 232? Monument Avenue. WANTED] HV OlCItMAN, <!<>ul> kiu - '?atlon, position In whol. .sale Iiouhc or as collector, 1? 1'.3, care Times-' Dispatch._, j WANTED. I'OSITI?n" 11y REOiPTKH ed druggist of 12 years' experience, fully capable of managing business Heel of references. Address 'SALOI.," I>. o. Station No. lfl rtlchmond, Va t)clp LCldiUf?, Jcntalc \VANT LADV to DEMONSTRATE and take orders; salary or commission. Apply 9 to 12 Tuesday. 110 North Eighth Street, second door f ront. Wanted, at once, a good cook. Phone Madison 4U3-R. mrs. ju? lien B1NFORD, Slop 25, Weslhamp ton._ Ca"LL NURSES' BUREAU, MADISON SS5-l, for undergraduates and care taker*-. jfeiiuditoiT? c??nirD, j cnuilc Position 'wanted "by an V;xperV- ; enced halesiady In millinery or stilt1 department. Heal of references, Ad? dress C. Ii. D., P. o. Hox 314,*Cllflun] Pnrse. Va. COMPETENT \Vi li( iw DESIIMCS PO- ' sltion as managing housekeeper in apartment house, hotel or r<;ajdence. i Addtess d llli. cnre Tim.-.--1 >i.s|,;itcli. ! CALL NURSES'"" BU HE AI". M A Di SON j SSJ-L, for undergraduates und care? takers._' WANTED. BY REFINED LADY~ POSI-j tlon as companion, practical nurse in* housekeeper; lour years in last p .- , sit ion. References. Address mis.s RON1M, The Querrant, Richmond, Va._^ _ i ~ $r>tot?00t0nai tjelp CJiinntc? j ? TEACHER WANTED at ONCe'In] a. private, family to teach three girls' English, Latin, algebra, music. French und vir.1 In desired, hut not essential. VA. TEACHERS' BUREAU, Hiclimond. ^^l^. .Mu'lb mi f,.',', s._j ?olifttot? a lib ?tilcomcu Wanted. "stock sa lesmI We require the services t>i three stuck salesmen with goo <1 roc three stock salesman with good rec? ords, to soil stock for going enter? prise, enlarging capital. Good com? missions. Address Q. ti. C, P. u. Hox 345, Greehsboro, N. c._ WANTED. WASHING, AT 100? WAL luce Street. Sntlsfnctlou guaranteed. Nic?;T."y Tvi7RT5?1TED~^R65JT 'Ytob^i. with board; southern exposure; three windows, slm-lc beds, electric lights, bath and telephone convenient 710 East Grace. _ ArNE MEDIUM-SIZE, HEATED room for gentleman, with hoard.. 11 1-3 South Th i rd._ NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, BLEC trlc llfltts; all conveniences. 122 S. Fifth._ ?14 eas't clay", well FURNIKHED, Comfortable rooms; central; trunsl snta also, loans. THE EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY. | lirlvalu Ulli Ol-*, Eighth und Brnutl 1 Streets, aeivunecs the most money ;,t I tho lowest rate or Interest in tun | city on watches, diamonds and Jew- j elry. Why he embarrassed by 011 ! taring; pawn shops when you have ! our services at your command7 PIANO MOVING.?WB CAN BUT y#ur piano where olhero would not attempt the work. Our moving, de- j parlmcnt lu llnally equipped to move < all kinds of furniture und piunoa. j CRAFTS, Moving Department, 121 East Broad Street. Madison G.'.O,. VISIT OCR NEW QUARTERS, WHERE have a more complete line than evoi i lor beautifying your homos, Includ? ing Moor wax. slag Maina, mures- i co. etc. COSBY'S PAINT STORE; .11! W. Broad, formerly is E. Broad. Monroe ?0i0. I'lANO TONE RESTORING_BY OUH unique method we can muke your old 1 pluno sound an good ?a ninny new Instrumenta, out repair department Is miuippcd to do oil kinds ot piuiio and player-piano work. a cheerfully given, without churge, i Come in and get our expert u.|. vice without onll|;all!.g yourself. i CRAFTS, 121 E. Broud Street; Uluta tnolid. Va. Mttdlson (60S. BACH R ACH. I PER CENT. TO PER CENT. PER MONTI. GUARANTEES T<, MAKE MORE I.IB? ER AB ADVANCES ON DIAMONDS. W ATCliES. J E .VEER Y, SILVER? WARE, ETC., Til AN ANY OTHER LOAN OFFICE, BATES. I PER CENT, TO :i PER CENT. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE, .S. BACHRACH, PKOPm 31 & E. BROAD ST. ESTABLISHED le?7. WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that JAHNKE BROS.. Jewelers, 912 East .Mam Street, buy, sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE LATEST STYLES. Mid gold und Kil? ver always taken In uxenange. iDllSltUDy wpp-Jtailiiiltij v\C\N'TEi7r"in:'isi'i'i;NT sales' m'Xn sger for ioa.oi.ij manufacturing cor? poration to o,> ii olllce in Ricnmond. \\ ill biltdw Ji?o to i.'oo mohtuiy; also authorised expense., ami extra cum- i mission. Must carry *i'jo to tl.VOO | cash stock, according to territory, contract, etc , to supply demand created by our advertising and agents appointed. SUPERINTEND-i ENT. Dept. Si M. 22s W, Huion Bt., i Cnlcago. ! FOR sale, DIRECT, no MIDDLEMAN, a lot, centrally located, on track, BOjuare feet; no better j location In Richmond; cheap to iiulcl; i purchaser, Address cheap, care Times-Dispatch, 813' ACRES.: COMPARATIVELY LEV- I el; 100 acres hard wood lliulier; t rootn house, good log barn, well wa? tered; good dark tobacco land; 2 1-2 miles from station; b'l it of loads; i - ? per acre. R. E BURROUGHS. Own or, Monuta. Va. V YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE RICHMOND branch of a Virginia manufacturing company, old. established business; must have J300 cash and good ref erehces. Tina is an exception op portnnliy. Address a 12, care Times Dispatch._j money* LOANED ON DIAMONDS AND j jewelry nt lowest rates of Interest No charges for storage. N. F. JA- I e-npu Sc SON; 21 f N Nlntii Street. IptlG?rtillO human hah: is d.-iiirr 'ANi)"sold I at HUGH SB'S.'20? North Third. the ladies-' tailoil" tiIi; j only one in town who makeH a sue clalty in altering all kinds of gar? ments to tho latest fashion. Every j garment that in altered in my estab? lishment Im done under my personal supervision. Prices very moderate and work satisfactory. The Raleigh Apartments, Harrison and Franklin.! Phone Madison 1.123. I J. ICATZ, LADIES TAILOR, HAS RE? MOVED FROM 200 NORTH FIFTH STREET TO :0!-. A FEW DOORS AHOVE THE GREATEST REDUC? TION WILL Bi; GIVEN ON ALL ORDERS FOR THIS WEEK. I READ THE SPIRELLA CORSET ADS In Vogue. Home Journal, Delineator, I Dress Magazine, Designer arid New ' Idea; then como to the i-hop. 20s N. Fifth, and be convinced that all tboyj I fay Is true. _ j j. BROWN. LADIES' TAILOR. L2I WEST GRACE STREET. NOTICE TO LADIES.?IF YOU ARE ! THINKING ok A .-THING SUIT I . WISH TO CALL VOi:il ATTENTION ' 1 TO MY LINE Ol SPRING AND; SUMMER GOODS FOR 1912. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND STAPLE MATERIALS. A PERFECT FITTING GARMENT ASSURED AT ALL TIMES. HIGHES! GRADE WORKMAN-SHIP AND MODERATE PRICES. J. WINTERS. 203 1-2 N. SIXTH STREET. MONROE 1931. SlAl' son "FRANCAISE,' 11 -C I-'s^N OR T H Eil?lilli Street. Richmond, Vn., Louis Chevalier, Prop, (late chef Palace j Hotel. San Francisco, und chef Met? ropolitan Club, Washington, D. C), entering nnd preparing for private dinners a specialty; French table d'hote dinner dally. 5:30 to :l P. M., T.-.c. lunch daily, 11:30 A. M. to ?. . P. M., ??c.; meals also nerved n lu ; carte. For private dinners, etc., cooks will be furnished at residences | If desired. Elegant rooms, newly furnished. Phone M.idlson Blip*._i WHEN 'voll COMB To RICHMOND ?top where you con get a nice, clean, cornP-rtable bed for 60 cents; Ice wit- , ter. uath and plione tree. 1002 2ast i Clay_ _j FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR' permanent, transient und table boarders can be secured with MRS; HORACE wel.FORD JONES, at 200 b. Franklin Street. Gentlemen a spe? cialty._ I 1??8 w. grace: STREET?ROOMS, I with board. Reasonable rates. c?nnrr? look: look:"i.ook: we pay cash for old clothes, gents- furnlsliiims. boots, shoes, furniture, eta Phono Madison 5132. WANTED, oood HORSE OR COW manure in carload lots Quote price | f. o. b. C. O, track. Richmond. Ad-i ilreaa NORFOLK MANURE CO., 210 I MonllCfllo Arcade. Norfolk, Vn. WASHING NEATLY DONE and promptly returned; well water used. 2005 Newburn Street._ WANTED, TO BUY FOR CASH, household irooda In any quantity. Phone. Madison 38'.1. " p?ultiis Prre ?ni) fciiif fetocft | yahTat'a" la y i n/g~h e n ~rioq\h r es~i S I good, sound feed and plenty of it; I baby chick feed. Hatch them out In! live nnd grow quickly, use "W. j. T." "W. J. T." st? atcli and "W; J. tj" dry mash feeds will make them Say. W. I J. TODD'S'SONS,"426 N. Sixth. Slroet. ! TO MAKE THOSE baby CHICKS an Eaacx Model incubator If you wont to do It right. W. J, TODD'S SONS, I2C N. Sixth Street, for nil tlto needs of poultrymon. DA LY PUZZLES Seen at tho railroad utntion? ANSNEH :i> i I K.tli-..'. PUZZLE. Hitiudropn. "~ jrot &alt und foul Hided, single and dotinie surfucers; lath mills, cut-off saws acid resiiwa. I HLl'KORD Ac CO._ SOJA BEANS.?GOOD 8TOCK:. LIMIT- j cd quantity. Also Mack, clay and mixed peaa For sale by D. ETHER IDGE &? CO., 31-32 Commerce Street, Norfolk. Vn._ TWO S E COND -HAN D RlTS' A BOUTS, one lop buggy and several wagons, till In good repair nnd pain tod. Thedo are bargains, A. MEYER'S SONS, 731 _East Cary Street. WE HAVE a FINE ASSORTMENT OF new and second-hand w:.gons. one horse truck light furniture wagon. Rubber-tiro work, painting and re palrlng, RICHARDSON BROS., CIS Rior.fc Avi cue. Madison lib;. _ F1 ?OST PROOF CABBA G~E PLANTS delivered In Virginia and North Car-! ollna. 51 10 per thou*?"<d; aure ncad- ? era; bundled In If of 50 plants | ENTERPRISE PLANT CO.. Meggens, i H. C._j BACHRACH. 1 TER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. PER MONTH. ESTABLISHED 1SS7. OFFERS SPECl \L INDUCEMENTS AND GUARANTEES LOWEST KATES OF INTEREST ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER? WARE; ETC. 13E SURE AND SEE US. ' RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE, S. BACHRACH. PROP.. S>15 E. BROAD ST. FOR SALE, TWO HIGH-GRADE. RUB-I ber.-llrcd top buggies, JCo and {15;! one rubber-tired runabout, lt*>; bey- j cral wagons In good repair cheap. A. i MEYER S SONS. 731 E. Cary Street. FOR' SALE. BURROUGFT8 ADDING machine: good condition: cheap. E i"j;. cue Times-Dispatch. _' Fort SALE, STOCK ~OF"~5?ODS AND mercantile business at Hanover : Courthouse, Va., one-quarter mile ! from C. Sc O. Ry. Account of retire- I nieni front business will sell my 1 sftock of goods at Inventory and my . business at above place. Must be | disposed of by April 1. Reasonable lease at reasonable terms can be se- | cured on the storehouse. Address; THOS. P. BT EVENS. Hanover. Va. i EAT SMITHF1ELD SAUSAGE! EAT j Smlthfteld sausage! For sale at your' grocer's._;_ TYPE W.R I T E R 8 RENTED, ALL makes, three months. 15 and up- j wards: rent applied on purchase: all' .-?likes sold und repaired. AMERICAN > WRITING MACHINE CO., Co? East] Main. _ WANTED, YOU TO KNOW THAT TUB E fUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY. A l STRONG COLLATERAL BANK. WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR WATCHER, DIAMONDS. JEWELRY | AND SILVERWARE. THIS IJ THE ONLY COLLATERAL BANKING IN? STITUTION IN THE CITY OF RICH? MOND SECOND FLOOR. BRYAN I BUILDING, EIGHTH AND BROAD.; PHONE MONROE 3978. ONE RUBBER-TIRE TOP BUGGY, 145; I one phaeton, $35; on? runabout, fi5;' buggy, surreys and wagons. Sec us ' for bargains. THOS. H. DUKE Ji i CO., sr'-i Brook Avenue._I F?K S?17e7 TWO COLUMBIA DICTA-1 phono outllts. including electric I shaver; only been used one month, j For further particulars address Box , :'.lv, Petersburg, Va__ COSBY CLIMAX CLEANER FOR POL lshing furnlttire and doors. tho standard for IS years. makes old things look new. COSJtY'S new; PAINT STORE. 811 W. Broad. Mon-| roo 3050._I Ural CQti.t: j*or Urnt !TtAW<INOTcTN*,"^''vv\ V~C MODE*RN brick hotel for rent; thorough re Pair; all conveniences; only first class hotel In town, town the counly seat Good opening: not furnished. Apply JOHN ALEXANDER, Marllng ton. W. Va._ FOR RENT. BEST LOCATION ON Mr.ln Street, large desk room on ground iloor (store) nnd 16 by 50 foot upper iloor. In answering stato what business. D 148, care Tlmes DI spa ich._ UNT.XllEF.D LEASE, NINE ROOMS. 1-'.' North Fifth. Great induce? ment for quick tenant._ FOR RENT, PART NO. {36 E. MAIN, for office or business. Apply within. Yl)ur 1: EN T " ACCOUNT PLACED With N. \V. BOWE ri SON Insures best results._ _ ! BUILDING NEAR FOURTEENTH AND Main Streets, suitable for small shop or storage purpose. RICHESON & orbtc il'lEl.D. Eleventh and Hank. ??ifl C?tdtr JFoi- "3d[r" b.\ Rt?n: hisights" residexce! s rooms, new, two blocks from car lino: 40-fOOt lot. Price, $3.500. ,T. A. CONNELLY & CO._ BARGAIN FARM?SO ACRES. TWO story house, four rooms, painted; good barn, woodshed and henliouse: 30 apple and pear trees. Price, $1. 250. D. 13. CORNELL COMPANY, 500 N. Tenth Street. Richmond, Va. for~si,-\le7'41 lots at buckrcTe Pea. li for 81,450. Address J. D. B..' Box 3! I. Norfolk. Va. FOR SALE. AT VIRGIN IA BEACH, A ! bargain, a very desirable dwelling and store; can be made a nlco cottage; near Ocean, depot and post-ofrlco; 111! I modern Improvements. GEO. M. MEREDITH, owner. Virginia Bench, Va. __ CORNER, WEST GRACE STREET; near Foushoo Street, large clwelllngj tiot 25x150 feet; very desirable; near business property. J. A. CONNELLY* & CO._ FA KM, 43 ACRES or LAND. GOOD burn and outbuildings, -S miles from Richmond. Address W. P. J., caro Postmaster, Mattoax, Aemlia Co., Va the CHEAPEST LOTS ON ALL streets In city and suburbs. Seo ua before buying. BLANTON & CO., Travelers' Building. _ _____ W"" CI .a V st 111". E'i'T ihuck DWELL Ing, eight rooms, la H obe h-ent, good condition. Price. 83.350. Will ex ehange equity of $1,700 for good lot on West Main Street. J. . a. CON NEI LY Sr co. LI nil ear ate CGiaiuro i?ist'Vo ciT f a r m s "w i'tiTX'aTcon^ NELLY & CO. Write uostal for noo essnry blanks. eUtuionAales, JEW JDar Tho Clusapouke and Ohio Railway Co. Sale of Refused and Un-j claimed Freight o\ Every Description. We will sell at public auction, to j tho highest bidder, unless otherwise i disposed of. at our freight warehouse, I corner Seventeenth and Murshall Streets, 'Richmond, Vii . on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1012, I commencing at 10 A. M., various lots of Dry ?.;.Its, Bugs, Drue;- ? gets, Furniture. Hardware, and ills-! colinneous Articles. Also, at 12 Noon. Three carloads Lumber and one cur-! load of Building Brick. Public are requested :?> attend. Elle-I vatod saats provided for Indie*, and ' special accommodation tylll no afforded , to out-of-town buyers for shipping ! goods. L. L KCITERKR. Genunii Claim Agent. Chesapeake and Ohio 'in?.viv Co I Krai Cotatf f-oi Eerit "for "rtr.NT' No. 102 East Franklin Street Three stories and basement; two ' baths. Elegant locution, and rent rea- | son able. EDAM & FUXSTBN. ! 1113 East Main .Street. I Coal auo cuooc ?iTder'a' load~?fm5?itT;ooD"iMN e, ' oak or slab wood, also dry kindling. Prompt service. Satisfaction guar? anteed. midlothian wood co I'bone Madison 8616, LONG'S WOOD IS oo >d because it was split In right season and of Kood. large trees. a sample load will please you. His coal burns to ashes. Easy to take up. Phone Mad Ison in?i0-l"70. ; ajI?ccllancoiiG 8HOE REPAIRING. 76c HALFSOLE MEM'S SHOES, 60r. ladies; every pair sewet; best leath? er; no nulie. n< pegs. Royal rub? ber heels. 2?c.; Tred-Air rubber heels. 40c; leather heult, rebuilt 11ice havr. 25c DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 716 E. Main. Phone Mon _roe J667._ UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRED AND POL Isaed, mattresses renovated, antiques bought and told. LEVY, tho Uphol? sterer, ^2? West Broad. LOANS. THE EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY, private offices. Elg.ilh and Bfpad Streets, advances the most money at the lowest rale of interest In the <?!>.;.? on watches, diamonds and Jew? elry. Why be embarrassed by en? tering pawn shops when you have our services at you: command? WATCH REPAIRING. YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN ed by WM. TOBIES. JR., is a guar? antee that It none properly; Ju years' experience. Cleaning, flj main springs. II. 108 East B o:i<l Street ALADDIN KER- ISENE OIL. delivered any part of the city or suburbs, ft.v k.iIIoiih for 60 cents; no odor; no ami ke. how ELL bros.. eQ2 East Proud. bakery! ' don't forget dr in k ard on bar galn day. Largest {I you ever bought at DRINKARD'S BAKERY, |23 1-3 . North Sixth. ?l?rrnng0 OFFICE The Virginia t ire and Marine I Insur?ince Company l Richmond, Vu., Fob. 7, 1912. annual MEETING OF STOCKHOLD? ers.?The regular annual meeting of Stockholders will be hold at the company's olttce, No, 1015 Eiuft Main siteet, Richmond, va.. on Tuesday. 2olh Instaut, -.t U m. Transfer books will i,e closed from February It to February 22. 1H2. william h. McCarthy. _Secretary. j the ANNUAL MEETING OF stockholders of the U. B.. Taylor Company will be Held at the office of the company. No. 1011 East Main Street, Richmond, Vu.. at 3 o'clock P; m. TUESDAY, February 20, 1312. w. E. HENDERSON, _ ._Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders ol the Rlchnion.l Transfet Company will be held at their office, 80S East Mailt Street, at 12 o'clock noon WEDNESDAY, February n, 1812. W. T. DAR DEN, _Sec r eta ry._ tTTe- ANNUAL mESTING ?F The stockholders of the Gans-Rndy Com pany will be held at the ofBce of tho company, 1005 E. Main Street. Rich- ? mond, Vn., on Wednesday, Feb? ruary 21, ai 12 o'clock noon. geo W. RA D Y. Secretary._ to the STi"'E HOLDERS OF the VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS COMPANY: The annual meeting of the stock? holders of the Virginia Hot Springs Company, for the purpose of electing directors. nrnl for the transaction ot such other business as may lawfully come before the said meeting, Includ? ing amending the by-laws of the compnny and approving all of the acts of the board of directors and nil committee" thereof of the said company !n the oust year, will be held at the office of the company, Momcslcad liotul. Hot Springs, Va., on TUESDAY, the 27th day of Feb? ruary. 1?12, nl 12 m. Tho transfer books will close Wednesday, Feb? ruary 21. 1012; at 3 P. M., and remain closed until 10 A. m. Wednesday, , March 2S. 1012. A. TREVVETT. _Secretary. ?T?iid TocljT.. of Virginia, A.. F. & a. M.. Gruml Secretary's Office, Richmond. Yn . February 10, 1012. I a Till' 134TH GRAND annual \/kr communication of the Most Wor 'v'S ahlpful Grand Lodge of Ancient, ! Free and Accepted Musons of the Stale of Virginia, ill bo held In ihr. Ma tonic TemPlo. corner Adams and Broad Streets, in the city of Richmond, on TUESDAY, February 13, 1912. at 7:3'.i o'clock P. m. By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Muster. GEO. W. OARTHKGTON, . _ Orund Secretary._ UNION COUNCIL, I tOYA L A RCA NI" m. will hold Its regular meeting TO? NIGHT ai S o'clock in Marshall Hull, ?upper will be served lit the close ..r' the me tiiiLi. F. P.. BUTLER, _Secretary. '[111-. ST A T E u17?^Tm1 N1CATION \fy of St. John's Lodge, No. 36, An clcnt, Free ami Accepted Masons, wll be held in Its lodge room nl the Masonic Temple THIS (Tuesday) EVE? NING, February 13. 1012, at f o'clock. Every member of the lodge Is re? quested to attend, und members of uls? ter lodges and transient brothern are fraternally invited to unite with us By ordiir of the Worshipful Master. OSCAR J. ADAMS. Secretary. Atlantic dtp IKesrvrtii G?LEN~ KALlT Hotel and Suuaturiuui, With its elegant comforts, ts tor.n and curative baths and supo.lor tnbls ami service. Is an Ideal ps.i-c for fall and winter. Always open. Alwavs ru'aUy. Always busy. 1 . I.. YoiinK, General Mncaser. Atlantic Cltv. HAY FIGHTING HARD FOR MILITARY BILL It Has Met With Stubborn Resistance Which, Is feu l e to C onti.iue W h: n Meature Reaches senate. t Special to Tho TlmCS-1 >li.p.i te I J Washington, February is,?The mili? tary appropriation bill, one of tno largpat tho House has to deal with, has been under discussion, with Rep? resentative Hay, ch in man 6t the .Mili? tary Allans Commit tos, In charge. While this bill has been under con? sideration; and until It is completed, Representative K. W. Saur other member of the Virgin tlon, will be In the chair. Mr. May has led a good light for the bill, which. If passed us It. came fiom the committee, will show a saving of about J3.000.0oy over the same bill last year. Niver was a similar meas? ure more stubbornly contested from so many quarters. The War Depart? ment opposes many of Its features, especially those referring to t!i; con? solidation of several important branches, and It Is almost certain that the lifcht. which began when the hill was reported to the House, will Con? tinus In the Senate and \vhnn tho con? ferees take hold of It to smooth out all remaining wrinkles. Mr IIa;. be? llevcs that If he can get the bill passed as It come from the committee he will show the country that; In spite of the reposition to It, he has pr'-parcfl one of the best military measures the country has >v'r ?Pen. Rood Work In Cbnlr. But the work of Mr. Saunders In the chair should not be lost sight of or minimized. He has had some knotty parliamentary prohlems to handle, und has taken care of them In excellent Btyte. The chief Interest In connection with tho military hill at th!<, time, how? ever, centres around the fate of the ?militia n-.v bill I) haa *QJJ? h""n ?auction ?nlctf, jftttiire enhjo Crenshaw & Ricks. McVeigh & Gllnn, Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION HALE No. 417 W.Main St. By virtue of a decree o? the Chan? cen." Court of the city of Richmond, entered In the suit of Amanda S. AI ley ve. Joseph M. Putze et als., on Feb? ruary 7. 1912, wo will sell by public auction on the premises, Thursday, Feb. 15, 1912: at 1:30 o'clock P. M., the following property, described In i the decree as follows: "All that cor- j tain lot of land In the city of Rich mond; with a brick store nnd dwelling thereon, designated as No. 417 West Main Street, fronting nineteen Jeet six Inches on the south line of Main Strsct. and cxtcndlri? buck between parallel lines to an alley In the rear," etc. TERMS: The entire purchase price to lie paid In cash, or one-third thereof In cash and the residue In two equal Instalments, payable, respectively, at :-ix and twelve months from th.- day of sale, the credit Instalments to be evidenced by notes of tho purchaser; with n per cent- per annum Interest from the day of sale added, and the title of the property retained ns se? curity for the said notes until the whole "f the purchase money Is paid and a conveyance dlrocted by the court WALTER SYDNOR. J. HOG E RICKS, Special Commissioners. Tho bond required of the commis? sioners In the above suit has been exe? cuted. CHAS. O. SAVILLE, Clerk. By Virginia Auction Company. Auctioneers, 016 E. Bread St. TRUSTEE AUCTION SALE. O. ?, Flanhart Printing Co., I 5 IN 1 2th. Street. We will 9eii for the undersigned ! trustee, j WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1912, commencing nt 10:S0 A M., I at 15 North Twelfth Street, oAe Cen I tury Press, one Pony Press, Polte? Press, Chandler * Price Prssa Connec Iilons. Paper "'utters, two-horse power ? Motors and Box, two three-horse I power Motor and Rox, une-half-hurse i power Motor and Box, Caps nnd Cases, Book. Job and Combination Cases. Wood and X.lru: Galleys, Polhemus 1 Cabinets, Hamilton Cabinets, three I Lead Cutters, three Imposing Stones. I Body Type, Job Type, Wood Type, Cuts : and Electrotypes, etc., etc.; one Iron ] Safe, one Remington Typewriter, Roll j Top D?sk, one Standing Desk. Cabl ' nets, etc. TERMS: Announced at sale. EMMET SBATON, Trustee. VIRGINIA AUCTION CO.. A net! oncers. Ural estate j-au l&rnt FOR RENT. OFFICES Northeast Corner Broad and 8 th Streets Heat, light, wuter and janitor ser? vice. POLLARD ?- BAG BY, 1102 Enst Main Street. recognized that tho passago of chls bill would hi: a treinendouu levor for the national guard. .Many stale troopa now rind it dullcult to inaintain them selves irttii the small antounta received jy su.te aid and tlio sums donated them by the Federal government. Strong appeals luve been made to tho Military Affair,, committee of hoth tho Iloits-J >.nd Senate to pass this bill, but t ere Is a feeling here that because there would necessarily be Home out? lay at the hands of the government? noout $0,000,000 n rear?the bill has but a slim chunce to bo passed at tms session or Congress. Even without the appropriation there la objection to i it on oilier grounds. Many persona j I take the position that with the us j slstance that the national guarcl now j 1 receives from llio government, tho | guurd should be satls?ed. and not ,?k J for further aid. Hut added to this Is ' the fact that the main purpose or the! bill Is to secuie financial help?ho*-- I ever veiled it may be, and thire ts I much opposition to donating money to I such a purpose. The Democrats?that 1 Is, many of them?do not hesitate to ] say that they will not support the . measure, because the party Is pledged to a policy of retrenchment and r? forfn. For those reasons the outlook Is not bright for its passage at this time. Lamb's nig mil. After the military bill Is out of tho way, then Captain Umb will come Into the limelight with his bl;r agri? cultural appropriation bill, and he will ' ask for something like $15.000,000 or $20.000,000 to advance the agricultural ] Interests of the country. Uo would eradicate, the boll weevil, the brown tall moth, tho chestnut tree blight and ! oijher parasites; teach tho people how to grovr better crops of tobacco, corn and cotton: g!v-; them a little govern? mental advice on draining the wot land and Irrigating the dry ones: Increase the efficiency of farm demonstration work and agricultural high school education, and a hundred kindred sub? ject's, nil dear to the hoart of the agri? culturist wherever found. It may be said for Captain Lamb j that the bill which wrs recently In- I troduced In tho House, and which ' w-Ul follow the 7ie'>ln of tho Hay bill ? was the work of many days nnd nights of labor. Up In the big House oltlce ; building?where most of the commit- I tee rooms aro located?Captain Uimn has his headquarters?No. -i't3?and | there from early morning until dark? ness cornea, Captain Lamb and his ] faithful as'lRtants, Secretnry Tyler and Captain Gibson, may be found applying themselves closely to their labors. And I quite proud of bis work. Is the Vir- | glnla Congressman. It's no small thing to be chairman of such a com? mittee ns thru on agriculture, planning and laying out work for the farthing Interests of the entire Un'ted States, and more than that, planning for them to get the money which will help them to make hlgc.-r and better yields, and though modest In speaking o. himself, Cnptaln Lamb never falls to male It plain that he Is entirely satisfied wlt'l j his present berth. He loves the work i assigned to him and never tile. Hut. what else? Before any more nor States can get Tlito tin Union or anything like that ' happens they must [ gel by another watchful, keen-eyed Virginia. Representative Flood, chair? man of the Committee on Territories. Just now this committee is putting Oe llmslilng touchs on rvrlaonn and n number of important hearings are being held. The other membera of the delega? tion ore wot In_ away nt one Illing I and another, and with the assistance ! of the two Senators, Mi.rtln and SWBh I son. are hopeful of showing a good ac? count on the right side of the ledger before the present session comes to u close. There Is notitlng of n meteoric crder likely to take place In the Vlr ! glla camp any time soon. bu. a con ! sldorabto amount of routine business I of no moan order and of local Inter? est In the O'd Dominion claims tho :it ' tcntlon of the various members from ; day to day. Representative' Lamb said this af ' tcrnoon that the agricultural appro ' prlutlon bill would bo tukon up In tho House probably Thursday. Ho held a conference to-day with Mr. Hay. chntr mnn of the Military Affairs Committee, and the latter believes that his bill I will bo out of tho way by Wednesday afternoon. Killed In Street Car Accident. (Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 Ilarrlsonburg. Vn.. February 12.?A telegram from Dayton, O., states that John W. Pickering, forty-two years old. son of Abrain Pickering, of Tenth Legion. Rocklnghnm county, was kliied in n street car accident. He lcuvus a brother. H. I.. Pickering, nnd n sister, Miss Lydia, both of Rocklnghnm. K an rod? 3 Atlantic Coast Line EFFECTIVE JANUAQY 1st. \'lU. ? TRAINS LEAVE RICH VO.S'D UAILT. For Flnedri and Snuili ^11 A M unit 7:55 I*. U ?10:30 P. M.. 1:00 A. M. tor Noriulk: Si:w A. M . i-vj P. it.. 4:19 I. M. For N. & W. Fly. Weit: *::c A, M., 10-.M A. *d., 3:00 r M? ?:20 P. Ji. For Petersburg: 1:00 A. M.. ?:I5 A, U? IllS A. Ml, ?:C0 A. U.. A. -I P. XI,, 4:10 P. M.. 1:05 P. M.. 7:35 P. SJ.. S:20 P M.. 11:11 r. M. For Oolilsboro and P?ysttevlllsi *4:l? P M Trains .iirivs I'tichinond dally: 1:40 A. M., 6:10 A. M.i ?:40 A. M., aT.OO A. M.. ?4:37 A. M., "10:16 A. M . 11:40 A. M.. ?2;u0 P. M.. ??1:40 P M.. *:0i P. M., 6:35 P. M., S:0v P, IS., v.uJ P, M . 11:30 V. 14. ? Except Sunday, ??bunday only. v :opt Monday. Tlinu of arrival and dauurturo ana n DtctlORS no" uuraatosst CJ. 8. CAMPDELL, ?. P. A., Si? Main >\ : - ? Auction! Auction! EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 10 A. M. Great Southern Horse and Mule Bazaar, t-Sinyth Bros.' Old Stand.> :S0fi to 1812 'BAST FRANKLIN STItBET. Wo can suit you In any flass of horses or mules. All stocks Kitar i anteed as represented or money refunded. W you have any horses or rnuUa to sell. boihI thorn to us. We I Rive careful attention to local consignments and settle on day of sale. > A. T. CANADA HORSE AND MI'I.E CO 1 1 TO ANO FROM WASHINGTON AHO BEYOND. lj.yik.Vf. Rich moiid ?4.60 v.m. lljrd ? ?i.ii a.m. iup, ?? .'i t V.m. Ujrd Vll.hU. 11 A.M. ttjm m. sia. ?7.4SA.31. Maln?t. Sla. *8.W A.>l. !t)r't st. Mr. 1U..10 A.M. Main Kl, Uta, Is.ul noon ISyr t Kl. Sla 1?.!KiP.M.I5rrd St. Slu KM P.M. ?jri M. :,la >4.l? Klba smiiun 1- Ii. Main St. Sia ?3.40P.M. Uir.iSt. st? Arrly? ltluhmond ?7 .AO A.M. BTrASl.Hta* IJI.S& A.M. Mb* station. tn.:r. A.n. ii) ii ?1.12 P.M. Mala suHta, ?e.i-. P.Mi li,t4st.Ht?. 16.?0 P.M. IljrrASt.Ht?. ? ? P.JI. HTi4.St.sta. . iS.lov.M. Main SU St?. ??.10 P.M. Iljrd St.Hte. ?Ii.::? P.M. MalnKt.Rta. . P.M.BvriSt.Sta, ?11.30 P.M. SitliiM.Sla. '??i.r.iiuUM H;r4St.Sta. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-WEEKDAYS. ;?'*?? P/f* sj. st.,. ; .oo p, a. for Frt-eVrleksbars. Icnre Mba st?, g ?Q k . *i..i;.:io P. M. for Asbland. irr te lljH St.Mut. 8.83 A.N. from Frcdt-rirk-b's. I rrIt.. M8cm ,t,?., :,.,?;? P.M. If?n, AMil.-.nj. ?Daily. t Weekdays. JSundaye caly. r Daily except Monday. All train* lo or Irani Hyid ?treet Station (exrept trcinri leavinp: 4.50 a. m., 5.50 a. ni and nrrivlac night/ atop at Klba. Time of nnivala and departures not guaranteed. ?Uad the i!;ai. Cheasapeke & Ohio Railway 7:4U A.?Loca.1-Ur.i:>? Ne?i ooti Newa. a:20 A.?Lu"'.l?Daily- Cb'vlll?. Ex. Sun. Thurn.or.* ID 00 A.?Expreas?Dally?Norfolk, Oid Point? ?lv.Oo a.?Loeal--i> uly ? Leb- g. Lax. C l-'oij?. ?i:do P.?BxpraaaMtDally? ^n.-L'vlile. ti:w P.?Express?Dally?Norfolk, N. New?. i:iM P.?Local?Dally?N. .s'awa. Oid Point. 6:l? P.?Local?Uaily?ao.-dnnselllo. ?:L6 P.?Local?Ex. Sun.?Lclibtf. Natural Ii;. !???. uilitou Forge. ??:53 P.?Lm..(t?d?Dally-Clucattl'tl, Chfiro. ?ll:0ii P.?Expfaaa??ally?CncluaatS, L'vllla. ?g.per?. tParlor Can. TRAINS ARR1V E Uli ii MUN D?Local from Enal: S::5 A M.. 7:60 p. M. Through from Eai-t: 1P.W A. IL. c-.W P. M. Local from Weal: b:J0 A. M., 9.63 A. 31. and 7:15 P. M. Through: S:M A. M.. 2:33 P. M. and 3:30 P. M. James Blvor Line: "S 3i A. M . 0:13 P. M. ?? Dally except Sunday SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER 1 Aill'.lER OF THB SOUTH. Trains Laave Richmond. N. B.?Following schedule figures puollsh ed a* Information and noi guaranteed: For the South?Dally: 6:10 A. M. Local. i0:\- A M Express. ?:00 P. M. Express, with eluctrlc .Ighted Sleeping for for At? lanta and Dlrmlnsham. 11:45 P. >l. Express. Week Days: 3:CO i> M. Locnl. YORK ltl\ Bit LINE. 1:30 P. M.?L>*lly.?Connecting for Bal? timore Mon.. Wad. and Friday. ?:0o a. M.? Ei. Sun. and iM3 P. M.?Mon., V.'od. and Friday?Local. Trains Arrive xUchmond. From the South: ?M A. 31. S:40 A. M. 3:00 P. M.. s:<* P. M.. dal'.y; 13:63 Ex. Bun; From West Point: 5:30 A. M. dally, 11:34 A. M.. Mon., We und Frl., 4:A P. M. Ex. Sun. S. E. UURUESS. D. P. A.. ?37 E. Main ^' 'Phon? M ?IIson 372. Richmond & Petersburg electric Kaiiway Cara laav* Manvoealer, Savaotll and Porry Eiruets. toe Hcterabur?: ?5. 7. s, ?? 10, 11. ?13 A. 14.. L 2, ?3. 4. *. "?M, *6, 7. ?. -v 10 l*. 14. 11:04 P. VI.. for Cheatar, 12:C0 inldnlcht far Pet?rabur(. Cara Ivavo Pete.-iburg. foot of Sycamora Street, tor Mttneheater: 1?:li. 6:3i. ??I:?, ?i-.:?, S-.J?, ?:3S. *10:33. HiM A. U., Utii, ?1:34, ?:3i, 3:?, miM, i:U, ?7:Jj. ?:3*. '.-.*3, *l0:tu. U:I0 P. 11. I Daily except Bunday and noilday?. ?Carriei ou^^.nj? a.-.d . ?.; r-.?? "Limited, axcapt Sundax und holldaya. Alt cara Iron. Peiuiauurg connect wltli cara 161 itichmond. R1UIAMUNU ami CllK:..M-iv,\KE wav It A U.u..? 1'U.lU'AMf. Schedule of electric .ninia 1? and from Aahiaiid, ?lopptag ot . .1:- atattoaa upon Burnal. Lv. Klcninond ?11 road and Laurel Bta.)S 'iM. flliO, 8:10b, 9:10, "lo:10, 11:10 A. 11.. 1:10, 3:10. 3:10, V.'Jib, 6:10. 6:20. JtlO, i.t'lb. 10:1*. ll;li P. M Lv. Ashiaud: ?'?> %-'?. ?e. k. tb, :o. "ii a M., 'U m , ??!, 3, 3. 4. 6b. ?. 7. i. Ob, 11 P. 11. ?l>uiiy except Sunday "Sunday onlj. bCarriea bawmige. ST; \iitiAKD ain LsN"iT Southbound trains ?cheduled to leave Itich? mond daily: ?:lo A, 31.?Local to 1:30 P. 31.?Sleapara ?nd coaches, Atlanta, Ulrminchani, savannah, Jackaonvlil?. sjis p. M.?Florida Limited (except Sunday); 3:42 Pi M.?Sleeper and coaehei, Jacksonville. ll:3o P. M.?Sleepers ami coaches. Birmingham, Meinphla. mnd trains achaduled to arrive In Itichmond dally: 3:32 A. St., 7:3< A. IL, ?::?! A. M. (except Monday), r,:o:, P. M.. 6:40 P. M., Local. .stiltiTTilTi ?.N1I Eltft kaiiai^vyI ONLY ALL RAIL LINE lo NORFOLK. Schedule tn eft^ct .liinuury l?t, 1&13. Loava 3yrd btii et Station, lll-hmond. FOR NOKFOLK: *?:W A. M., ?3:00 P. 3L, ?t:10 P M. Foil LVNCHBURCJ A NU THE WEST: ?6:13 A. -M. 'i0:0-3 A. M.. ?3.(0 P. M.',?8:S0 P. M. Arrive Klclllliohd from Norfolk! "tl:40 a. M., ?4:13 P. M.. 't 1:30 P. M From iho Wqat: 'Jjll A. 31., a; :ai P. M? bl:10 P. M , ?4:03 P. M . ?3:M 1?. M. ?Dally ?Uaily ex. Sunday bSunday only. Pullman Parlor and Sieeplny Cara. W. B BEVILL, C Hi UOPt-EY, D P A Rnmnltf. p p ?. . Richmond. feteainUoatB Sil? ?osiP.(l Tiip $30 up Hoya! Mail Steam Packet Co.'s LUXURIOUS iL0?:dc.Fina,s^ BtfJTstS ? "ARCADIAN" Sailing Every Saturday at nooa to BERMUD A-toft** Fir?t cxclux fieililu^ds ?nd rall-lenslti m'rrors In ovarr room .i t mnuj ottinr ?ulel.dld fcatui'as ceniftliie.1 lo no otlier stcsiu^blp. SANDERSON A SON, Gta. A?tx. 23 State St. U. V. S. Ii. UOWMAN, Fast Main St., Richmond, va. Mercbauts and Miners Transprolatiou Co X^ol'.o... b. UI.HUU, .ua??.. Ml? l'ruvi?cuee, K. a* Steamers loavo Norfolk lor Buston ? Dally, except 1'liuraday; for Providence, Mon., Wed. and Bat, ?1 6 P. 11. 1'aas. ngera and freigat t.suu lux ao >>cw ci..,..atia uuln Tlca.wta ?11 aalu ai .....a C. a O. Ity., 1?. <s W. Hy., ?. ki, ro* Eaal Aiuta, ana Itl.-bnuiad iraaafo' fo. ?Uasi liaia. Oi.ll bllnl.MU.<i 1.1M'. I.v. Richmond fooi .: aim su dai:y .1:00 P.M. Leave Newport News.3:00 A. 14. Arrive Norfolk.6:C0 A. al connects with main Uns steamers leaving Norfolk for .\e? 1 ork dali> except Sunday 7:tiw P. M. Connections aiads by N. ah W By. 3 i'. M. i.ud C. .? ?. Ity. at 4 P. M. NlBiit Line steamers *lo> at Claremoal to land or recvlvs passangara 011 signal, aud will bo inol by die eonveyance. VIRl.l.MA NAVIGATION CO.?Jamas Klvae by Oajligbl t.r Norfolk and Old Point. New? port News and all James River lac dings. Steamer leaves 31 Wodnenday tad Friday at 7:00 A. At. Fralitht racolved far ail James River landings, 'Phone Madison 17Si Mnln "towel UrTler. %V. it Wale -'trtat Why? "Ask Mr. Bowman" IILCAPSK II V. KNOWS. II- saves you money and furnishes TRAVEL without TROUIII.F. o> nil parts of the W1IKI.II. I I. I K INFORMATION UUKF.AU. Phone) Madison 5131. s. II. BOWMAN, So. Taurlkt Acent. Go To BY FASTEST STEAMER iHeaord Trip :* hour* s minutes) BY N3:Wi:ST ST KAM Eft (BulH 1004) Br onlr Steamee I.aniline l'n?nen?or? nnd iitizuuicr Olrectll 011 the Dock li< Hainlllan without Trausfer. S. &. BERMUDIAN Bails cyinr VVcoscsoav ti A M. Twin Srreer. Ions lievlarnnent, [Ulfa Kc:l?, Pouble Hortom, tVln:i?w Tdcirtapu. NosieerSf?. . eulies .In Lose, ajlth l>rlvete UeiX. Uieheslrn. Tlek* b) tteroiedlan sul AreeOten mta IntereluinNC* able. WEST INDIES Nr? a. a. "tlvleee"iu\lli llsrfb Ind. and other tteamrra f',rtn'.Kht;r tc r st.Uicmss St. CroU.Sl, Kilts, Atit'.ir.n i,;: i I'.. ? , pomtnlca, M?iUninue, St. Lucia, tUrbt d?s. an.l ln.nui/i. i For IliDStratett Onlerbil.lge M . Broadway, Hilf Ysrt; Snuiliel II. Iloninan, 70S 12, Alain .S?? Itlcbmoud. Vn.. or aa? Tlckt:t Aurut,