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so resses VVc have something that's worth talking about, and that's because no Mattresses sold in Richmond, at this price, are anywhere near their equal. WE KNOW thev're better, because we had a hand in their making?WE KNOW WHAT'S INSIDE, and we know how they arc put together. We're will? ing to prove the superiority which we claim for them by allowing you to take one home and TRY IT OUT 1?R SIXTY NIGHTS?to be. retu m d .at our ex? pense if you are not entirely satisfied. This we could not afford to do unless WE KNEW that OURS were the BEST MATTRESSES MONEY COULD BUY; Made, as ate the more expensive ones, of thick layers of best quality elastic layer felt; covered with fancy art or plain ticking?with heavy roiled edges?in one or two pans, as desired, 58.00. OTHER MATTRESSES?we sell the best only at each price?S3.75, $5.00, St..00, $10.00 and $12.00. Third Floor. ELEVATOR FALL Hunter Woolridge Hurled Four Stories, but Physicians Say He Will Live. Hunter Woolridge, a carpenter, em? ployed !>y YV. L Kurland ft Co., almost lost his life yesterday afternoon when (he freight elevator at Miller & ithoads. in which he had just started down from the fourth floor, fell with a sudden crush to the basement. Ills nnkle was broken, there were bruise? over thi body, and severe wounds In th? head, but at the Memorial Hos? pital last night he had regained con? sciousness, and It was said that Iis v otlid recover. 11 ut when he \ picked up by .\. st. Boat it-right, an em ployc of the firm, and was hurriedly incved to tli> store hospital. Dr. I". S Split t I, the physician In charge, .=aw titbt he had to got Immediate 't en tlon in a hospital. 116 wa? removed In Hie nmbulance, still unconscious. Woolridge, who is a young mm, Utes with his sister. Mrs. H. C. Han? cock, at 1315 Decntur Street, South Richmond. He was at work in iha store yesterday, and had occasion to go from the fotirlh floor, so he used the freight elevator. A colored port?r I,.-lined Hamlin got Into the carriage with him. It started down, hut stopped ? titter moving one foot, and the negro hurriedly Jumped out. The next In- ] slant the ca'alc broke, and the cleya- , tor went down with a crash. The heavy cable fell on Woolridge. and as t oon'as he could bo rtached. It was 1; f ted from him. The elevator had lust been used a few minutes before to carry tip a load of freight Exactly Vow the c.'e)le happened to snap when t:-.<?? car was practically empty was not MAY BE STOLEN fiflirrr I inds Aiitomlblle and Runabout in j ?stable blare .lime. Detective-Sergeant Wiltshire yesterday took posseisleij 'of a, Jackson touring auto j j-.jbile and -a .'.'Fht 'runabout found In th* 61 u house at Fine .nil Ciraee Streets. $ r ilevir-i them to have be-?n stolen fron? Persons in iiennsylvanis. Some time" ago tiie local authorities were asked to lookout ;or no'.tn Pennsylvania automobile licenses ar.d t rtirabout. Tbc stuhle in which thev w< re found was rentr? l!,.'t June by a strange young n:nn. He returned once, and h:is not been seori since. The poiice were communicated with und Sergeant Wiltshire ??? detailed on the Captain McSlahon has noitfltd the Pennsylvania authorities, and It is believed that the owner* will 1" found. WOMAN USES KNIFE Charlie Grrrnlu\e slashed in llotli Arms bj Itosa Perkins. Charlie sGreenlove, colored, according to the woman's story, stood |n the mouth of ?n alley on Thlrtl"'.!! Sireet and Smote it'.si Perkins with n si ek us she passediby. Rose a pocket khlfii with her?the uses It for chiropody. she said?and she s.o. upon ?iresniove with the knti-.. When she brid finished hr had both nrmi cut from shoul? der to elbow, and Mood gushed in every di? rection. Both fjicenlov, und the ivoman were much frightened Th* police and the ambulance wen called f>r Hulchor re? sponded and tool: twenty-sir Milche? in thb man's wounds. Then the pollen toM; htrii ?r.'l rtoti to the li.-st Station, lie was balled, but she ?<?? locked up foi tili n-?iit. Stabbed In lh?- Ilreasl. Jasii: Montgomery, colored, Is hemp held In the Han'r'.co ;3ll while the ii-utliOrltleJj art w.-.ltir.s to see wbeth?r Dabnsy Hooker; r.*cro. dies at the colored City Herne. wh( re he if being treated for a deep cut In his left hi east Montgomer. us ,,r r'sud Sundaj nlpht l\v County Offlror fan! after Booker had received a stall from ?. knife :o the hands of tiir prisoner. LSookrii Is In a serious condition, how serious >.in r,ot be determined ist ni this time, ?n<! t.-.e disposition of Montr-oraery's ease dr pends upon the outcome. Hustings Court < a?rs. John. Thompson; co bred, was acquitted yesterday in ih? Hit: ? nifi Court o; assault ar.d battery on Robert ? .Nannie Patterson, co. .-. is ??nt to the penitentiary for oh? j.ur !<.r stealing ?< from s Mrs. McConkel, . .:? i-o.iicS woman pinned Mrs. McConkel's dress up for her, and ?toie u poeketbook d ir.m: tht slow and pbliiiu; process. SAVIN l1 i This bank Is ? .p< for eioa.l d'r oiltl Is ?uisji sjiis^usjsjiiiinii i?iiil?amsMsfs?ssssr SOUTHERN LOSES fury Declares Railroad Must Pay $10,000 for Death of En jjincccr James 11. Rice. Da ma gen In the sum of $10,000 wro awarded yesterday i<> the admiulstra tils nf James 11. Kl...- against the Southern Hallway Company by a Jury in tin- Law anil Equity Court. Mo- I lion to set nable the verdict was con- i tinned for argument. The ease baa attracted widespread attention, and baa been warmly con? tented, the trial ha Vitt? lusted for several days. It ice was an engineer employed by tiio Southern Hallway in the operation of a switching engine in the Rich? mond yard?. Sonii- months' ago, when drawing n. atrtng of twenty cars across four? teenth street, near the northern end of Mnyo'ii Bridge, the engine became derailed .lurnil over, and lliee ro ce'yed severe 'njurles heing caught under the locomotive and scalded, bruised und maimed, his death result, ihg shortly after. Ills widow brought stilt agninst the railway company through Attorney Munsdpn Cary. alleging that Ih'd condi? tion of the track nl that point was notoriously defective; the rails] and crossings were antiquated, the' yards In bad repair, the ground wet asd soggy, the ties rotten, and the siding altogether unsafe and an im? proper place over which lo operate trains. Track lu Hud Itepnlr, The evidence went to show that the trnck was In bad repair, and that its defective condition was the direct cause of the derailment which occn- j sioned the death of the engineer. Tlie railway company was defended i in- lippu It tin ton, dr.. ami 15. Kan-! ilolph Williams. .fudge Wells, 61 Hustings Court, Hart -. Bill In the casi ; for Judge Crump, who hud been as? sociated with Mr. Cary in the prepura ! lion of the declaration previous lo ' b's elevation to the bench. Judge Criimp bus meanwhile been holding j court in South ltlehmond for Judge] Wells. The jury was out a little more than an hour, und those waiting in the courtroom could distinctly hear the ' deep tones of the members In argu I ment, and later the voice of the fore I Irian evidently reading the Instruction? j of .ludst. Wells. The Jury reported about' '< o'clock that it had agreed upon a verdict In the maximum sum : riilawcel by statute In Virginia, where; deatli results from injuries?110.000. | Because of the late hour. Judge; ! Wells continued the motion to ?et j aside the verdict as contrary to the ! law and evidence for further argu I lilellt. VERDICT FOR DEFENDANT .lury l mils for Harwood In Kjeclmenl sirJt of .Iiiincs II. Carter. In the suit of Jiinms Hi eTarter a ft* j net It ' Henry Horwood. which bus been on irktt several days past In the City Circuit Coiirti being an ejectment 'proceeding las? voiylng title lo certain property, a Jury verdict was rendered yesterday tot tlie de? fendant. Motion wus made by attorneys for Mr. Cutter to set snide the verdict as con? trary id the :a?v and evidence, and the mo : .,n Was overruled by Judse Scott, who en? tered judgment In with the ver? dict :? favor of Mr. I!ai\\oo<j. The plalnt'S excepted, anil cave win given to rile bills of e.xeephbn within thirty days with a view to nil appeal, Iliilldlng Permits, Building and repair permits were Issued yesterday us follows: I t ri.?!, Ilarmnn, to repair a brick dtve-llln? 'and office, 1(C? Bast Franklin street, to cost IM*. W. J. Glasgow, to repair a 'miik storage. 447 South Cherry Street, to eon *5M. Atlantic ''oust I.lnt Railroad Company, to repair a frame Mured t-.wer at south end of Jiinics nivci Bridge, to coal |.00 lt. E. 1.. Glasgow, to repair a bilck store, lilf. West Gary Street, to cost 1240. .1. A. Reynolds < Brother, to repair a frame dwelling, HW North Thirtieth Street, to cost YS*' 11. W. Rountree, to repair a brlrk store. '.'.?.--Si Wcm ?read Street, to cost ttW. Arrested In King William. I Information rob received at police head !<iunrtera yesterday that It. K. Llpjcimh. ? u.uiE.d with having passed * worthless ? fi< < k tor HO on M. Beide?, had been I isd In King William county, ft- r.-as bulled for hli appearance lr. ,1'::. Rlcllrmond P6IIC? I'.ourt on I'rbrunry 17. . . N Two Jvdgnients Entered. Judrment was entered yesterday In the City Circuit Court In th* rase o! the Rich? mond Transfer Company against I.. M Vaughan In the .?uni of }::?. Jiidgmont wns cnti red |n the snme court j In the eass ,.f the Pndcrtvood Typewriter I Company against I. .M. Vnugh'an, trading ,'uughan it Company, in tin sum of II IW.M, FIGHT LOOMING OP IN STATE POLITIC Strong Element for Instructing Virginia Delegates for Senator .Martin. BYRD'S ATTITUDE A FACTOR Interesting Development* Ex? pected After Legislature Adjourns. In moments that can be snatched, from the uctive scenes of legislative life, there arc caught expressions of opinion which foretell lively happen? ings in Virginia politics in the months to come. There is likely to be no lit? tle lighting over tho instructions or lack ihereof to be given to tho Vir? ginia delegation to the Nationiii Demo? cratic Convention; Those members of the Legislature who went to Washington last week to notify Senators Martin und Swanson of their election are enthusiastic over tho proposition to Instruct the Virginia delegation to support the senior Sen? ator as long us there I1- any chance of his nomination. They sny that not only would It bo a .personal tribute to Senator Martin, but that In a conven? tion where a two-thirds vote is re quired, complicated by the bitterness already aroused between the friends of more prominent candidates, there Is no saving that a dark horse cannot win. Hyrd'n Action CnnMUcrcd. On the other band, there is the fact of Speaker TJyrd's support of Cover nor Wo?drbw Wilson to be reckoned with. Mr. Ryrd Is active and virile, and is not afraid to antagonize any one if lie sen lit lo do so. While he has always been and is the personal friend and staunch supporter of Senator Mar. tin. he believes that the Virginia dele? gation should go to Baltimore pledged for the Xoiv Jersey man. lie believes that Governor Wilson will be the nominee, and thai a major? ity of the people of thli State will he for him. So believing, he does not think it wise Hint Virginia's vote should be given even to a favorite son. friends o;' Senator Marlin appear ! confident that If lie will say the word I he can g?t the delegation. He has not j said llie word and has- not so fur ori- i couraged others to say It for him. j Representative Cnrlln, It Is under? stood, Is especially active In his be- j Half, and believe*, there Is n possible long shot which might land tha prcsi deritla] nomination In the lap of the Virginia Senator. At all events he, wants to try It. Naturally, the stress of legislative j affairs, with the growing excitement over the possibilities of t'ne remainder of the session, which one can feel !n lh? very atmosphere of the r.ipltol. prevent the public Interest in th? mat? ter which will be more fully mani? fested after adjournment. There Is to be considered the effect on tin nation should Vlrelnla fall to Instinct for Governor Wilson, a native ,,f this State. There is further to he considered tho position of the friends of Governor Harmon, of whom there tiro not n few. both In and out of the Asssrhbly. Circuit Court of Appeals. The United Staic-e Circuit Court of Ap? peals reconvened yesterday morning ai 10:?0 o'clock with Circuit Jurists eioff and Prltch tu-.l und District Jurists Dayton and r.osc In attendance. Court announce.) and handed down Its opinion In the following esse: Xo. h?',>-American Agricultural Chemical Company et a!., appellants, vs. W. II. Urlnkiey. appellee; appeal from the District Court at Norfolk. Va.; In bankruptcy, opin? ion by Judse llose. Affirmed, with leasts. Court announced and handed down a modified opinion and mad* and entered its order denying tho petition for a rehearing In the follow Inf. caee: No. li. Jackson, appellant, vs. A. II White et at., appellees: appeal from the Circuit Court at Parkersburir. w. yn. Petition of appellee 'or a rehearing denied. Opinion by Judge Hose. l'avld Stern, Of I'.reensboro, N. I . and fci. s. Parker, Jr. of Graham, N. C were admitted to practice In this court. Trie following cose was argued: No. H*t?Chesterfield Manufacturing Com pany, plaintiff In error, vs. Leota Cotton Mills, defendant In error; In error to the <"!rriijl <""?>urt at llreentboro, N. C. Csuft a:gucl bv David Ftern. of Greensboro. N. C.. for the plaintiff in erior and by We? P. nymim. of Greensboro. N. C. and K. B. Parker, Jr. ot Graham. N. C. for t!:o d. fondant in error, nnd submitted. e.'ourt adjourned until this morning nt 10:30 o'clock (?uses. In call to-day: No. MKS?Edward Hatch, Jr.. plaintiff in error, vs. Emerson Engine Company, defendant In error; In er? ror to the Circuit Court at Alexandria, Va. To 1": arK'ied by William McK. Woodhouie, of Norfolk. Va.. for the plaintiff In error :,'n.l liv C. E Nlcol. of Alexandria, Va.. for the defendant Iii error. No. IMS? ?oorge II. Holt &? Company, ap? pellant, vs. Norvell I.. Heniey. trustee, et al., nprji'tleea: appeal from the District Court at Norfolk, Va.; In bankruptcy. To bo argued ay S. O. Hiand. of Newport News. Va,, and lt. T. Armlstead, of Wtlllamaburg, Va. for the appellant, and by Norveli t,. Henley, of Wtlllamsburg, Vs.; O. D. Hatch? es.r. oi Newport News, Va., und Christian. Gordon & Christian, of Richmond, for the aptpellces. Aldermen .Meet To-Klghl. The Hoard of Aldermen will meet to r.lsrbt at s o'clock. Tree school hooks, fran? chise amendments, approving transfer of I tho Sever, l iner line to the Richmond, Cr-| banna and Peninsular Railway, increases salaries to city employes amounting to Vit.- \ IY0 year, and a large, r.umbcr of general or? dinances and resolutions will come over from the Common Council for currenec. Marriage License. A ihSrrlagi license was iisued yesterday In the Hustings Court to Hunter H. MC iGulrc a-nd Elizabeth Miles Zggletton. Health Hoard Meets. The Hoard of Health was In session for a short time last, transacting only routine I business. YATES MISSING SINCE JANUARY 3 Police in City and County Unable to Find Man Who Sud? denly Disappeared. c. w. YATI'S. i Although diligent search has hf.on 1 made by tho police, c.tnl whin many clues havp been followed. C. x. Yatcs, of 916 North Twenty-sixth Street, who disappeared from his home on January cannot bo locate ! There is no Inti? mation of foul play. The city and county pollc? mad' every efTort to I locate tho missing man. and, having failed, his family yesterday requested' The Times-Dispatch to help in the search. Vates Is .1 nrpenter. On the' morning of January 3 he left home in good health and spirit-', and did some work .irnund the First Market. At noon ho left. He did not roturo there In the afternoon: he -lid hot go home at night, and no word whatever has been received from him. Ills sou said yesterday that he could not understand why Votes had disappeared, and tils 1 continued absence has led to the fear that he might he 111 somewhere or that he met with nn accident, The dctictive department lias don>? all it eould to find Yntcs, hut It had practically nothing on which to work, His family Is naturally distressed. VIRGINIA MASONS HEREFORMEETING Grand Lodge Opens Its Annual Session at Masonic Temple To-Night. The real opening ot the grand com? munication of the Ori.iid Lodge of Vir? ginia came off lust night with the ar? rival of several hundred Masons, and a ritualistic ....-slon of the Grand Lodge Working Committee in the Masonic Temple. Although the Orand Lodge will not be officially called to order until .:30 o'clock to-night, fully hnlf of the 600 delegates expected reached; the city yesterday. Early last night 1 nil the hofls were filling up. and j since the interstate Builders' Exchange la also i:i s-tssinn In Richmond to-day. I accommodations will be scarce. The arum! Lodge Working Commit? tee, in session since last Friday, has completed all the preliminaries In- j cldental lo the grand communication and everything Is ready for the of? ficial opening to-day. If the tlrne-hon ored custom of selecting tho Grand Master of Masons Is followed, William ! L. Andrews, of UoanoKc, Deputy-Grand I Master, wll; be moved up and chosen Grand Master to succeed Wlllllam B. McChesney, of Stnunlon. The election of officers will be the final business of the Lodge Thursday afternoon. Grea't interest Is centring nround tho report of the Masonic Home Com- { tnlttcc. Tn its report, it Is expected tho committee will recommend drastic action In reference to financing the . Home. According tr the rules In vogue, of every i!olln.r appropriated by members tor the support ot the Grand Lodge ;r. cents Is given to fTte Home; In addition, a special fee of %o. paid at Initiation, Is contributed. Tho expect? ed recommendation will ask that the whole dollar, instead o. the quarter, be contributed to the Home, and In return, sonic other disposition be made of the special $5 fee. it is be? lieved this system of appropriation will work more satisfactorily than tho present plan and the sentiment of the Grand Lodge -ccms favorable to Its adoption. Richmond Holds Low Record. Mortality statistics for the year 15'.0. is? sued by the Unlte.1 States Census Bureau yesterday, Rh?n Richmond to be the only city of as much .it 100,000 population In the United States which In the ypar 1510 had no death from scarl-.t fever. The mortaPty r-tatlstles were received by Chief Health Officer Levy yesterday, and some of the comparisons will be Incorporated In his annual report. The mortality tables show Richmond the lowest In scarlet fever death rnlc for 1005. ':.'re having been one death here from that tl lease in 1W5 and none In 1010. j/* . . : . ; ? , S The More System You put Into business trie more profit you will feet out of It, because business Is really just a procession oi receipts and ex- I peniiluires In the conduct of which profit is made. We want to offer you our systematic methods of keeping your personal checking account as well as your commercial records. The profit will be yours. It Is the pleasure of the American National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, TO GIVE YOU ^ SECURITY AND SERVICE J SAYSPLAN WOULD BANKRUPT CITY Segregation of Taxes, as Pro-1 posed, Would Cost Richmond j $1,000,000 Per Annum. CHAMBER EXPECTED TO ACT Legislative Committee Prefers j New Plan for Permanent Tax Commission. Estimates prepared by Special Ac? countant Oeo;-,:o S. Crensiiaw, bliowtng an annual loss exceeding ll.OOO.oeo to the city of Richmond should the white segregation of taxes hill now pending befovo' the General Assembly become a law, were, presented before the Cham br of Commerce committee on legisla? tion yesterday afternoon. A resolu? tion will he prepared and forwarded to a special meeting of the board of di? rectors of the chamber, to be called at once, favoring in lieu ol the drastic White bill, the creation of n tax com? mission along the lines proposed by Speaker Byrd. Mr. White himself ad? mitted that there were derious defects In Ills bill as now presented. The chamber committee on legisla? tion was addressed on the subject of taxation by Speaker R. E. Byrd. au? thor of the Tax Commission bill, now pending: George 8. Special Accountant of the city of Richmond; City Attorney 11. R. Pollard, and others Con* to Richmond. Mr. Crcnshaw presented the follow? ing compilation as his estimate or the loss to this city under the terms of the White segregation of taxes bill, under which It Is proposed to tak? from the cities the power of taxing: nil properties other than real estate and tangible personal property, and requit? ing tile city to lake caro of certain criminal expenses, ns follows; Loss from llecnac*.fir>t),7(17 Corporation luxes, real estate. 53,205 Corporation tax cm, personal.... 181,423 Intangible peraounl property... 402,828 Hani, tax . 140,000 Tntni .ssjur.Tia To ?lilch must be ndded for criminal expeUNCH . 41,024 (Jrnud ti^ ill .11,030,1110 In addition to this annual clia,"* of: more tliun one-third of the whole rover i Hue of the city, -Mr. Crcnshaw showed that there would be- an Increased charge to the taxpayers of this city, I after this elimination of the assessment on each eif the above tax Items, on the State tax rate of 35 cents of approxi? mately $330,000 on remaining real and personal property. Would Bankrupt City. All present were agreed that tho effect of the White bill would bu to bankrupt Richmond in an effort to: make It curry the whole load of tax- | ntlon of the State. The bill would take from the taxable resources of \ the city all lax on tangible personal property, 0 very valuable source of Income, to this city, since it Includes capita! In business, money In bank, stock and bunds, aggregating In tho present assessment for purposes of taxation io^.':> While the original plan presented by Speaker Byrd for a single lax com? missioner met with much objection froni this city, both on account of th-j ; dangers of onc-mn.n power, and be- I cause of the provision of assessing values according to recent sales, result- i ing in the assessment of city property , up to Its full market value, while l country lands, which are seldom sold j would be assessed at much less thrun ' their real value, these objections have ! been to a large extent met by amend? ments which have been Incorporated Into the bill. The committee agreed to approve the plan for the establish- ? r.ient of a tax commission as more equitable arid fair than that of >fr- | White for tax segregation. In view of the enormous amount which this city has at stake. In either event, a special meeting of the board of dl- I rectors will be called In the next few i days to receive a-nd discuss the re? port and to take suitable action for the- protection of the Interests of the business men of this city. BUILDERS MEET Interstate Association Opens Its Convention In Richmond To-Day. Members of the Builders- Exchange* <>: J Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk and Rich- : rr.nnd will gather this morning In the Jef? ferson Morel for the opening of the nf:h annual convention of the Interstate Build? ers' and Trade Association of Maryland. District of Columbia und Virginia. Charlotte. | je. C.. and Columbia, S. C. will also be rep resented. This association Is particularly interesting, due to the fact that It is the only organization of builders la America which ln< udea eitle? of different H'ntrs James W Bird. preMdent of the Associa? tion of American Manufacturers, will make the principal address of the convention to? day during the course of a banquet In the dining-room of the Jefferson. At the ban? quet will bo present ull the delegates und the nierrioers of the local exchange. The officers of the association are: John R. Galloway, of Washington, president Perry W. Ruth, of Norfolk, first vice-presi? dent: William J. Oilman, of Richmond, sec? ond vice-president; William H. Morrow, of liiililinore. treasurer, and I. H. Seatos. of Baltimore, secretary. Iloys of Woodcraft Organlie. The Boys of Woodcraft, from ten to eigh? teen years of nsre. under tho direction of Commander Joseph \. Creery. have organ? ized ?Ith a full charter list and with the election of the following officers- Oenrge C Fleet, past commander: James. W. Gen? try, Jr., advanced lieutenant; Julian A. Ca - vedo. honker: Frank t.. Fcay. clerk: Bln w.iod K. Taylor, escort: I.onnle T. Rard [ wirk, watchman: Joseph N. Creery. cer.try. Its objects are for mutual help, encour? agement to observe the golden rule. Im? provement of Its members by d'sclpllnr nf 1 par'/nmentnry v>rnctlce, physical training. j lust ruction In deportment and useful knowl? edge. Independent of political or sectarian I bins, temperance, innocent social entertain? ment, etc. Mother Covered Ulm Vp.y It was state] yesterday that James Mc Ctllloeh, of 7(?7 South Belvldcre Street, who was found dean at ? o'olock Sunday morn ir.g, fell down the stnlrwny Inside his home and that his mother, not thlnk'n* that he was hurt, covered him tip with ly.anlteta. It was said that he often came In late, and being of a nervous temperament would sleep on tiie floor downstairs. It was not kniwn that he had been hurt until he was found dead from a fractured skull. Mr. Rynn Improving. John Ryan, of IMt West Cary Street, who has heen under treatment lit the Retreat for the Ftelt. is. Improving, and expects to he out liv the end of the we?lt. l.ato In January Mr. Ryan slipped on the tee-coated I street, the fall rend?rlnir him unconscious I for several days, lie has rallied, however, land Is now on the road to recovery. Doctors Meet To-Night. At the meeting tn-nlght of the Academy Of Medicine and Surgery pan"rs will bo read by pr, Douglas Vnnderhoof and Or. IS. Ouy Hopkins These papers will be dis? missed by r>r. Fred Budges and Dr. A. O. Brown, Jr. I the Reduced Prices ! ! Never affect the standard of our merchandise. Every garment sold during this reduction sale carries the frame guarantee as j though the first price was paid for it. ! Gais-Racly Company OPPOSE INCREASE Protest Against Further Raise in State License Taxes on Their Business. 1 There Is no disposition on the part Of liquor dealors to accept further In? crease In Meente charges to the Stato v.'itnout putting up u light. Vigorous protests were made yesterday In the meeting of the Committee on Finance. Of the llouso of Delegates against the amended Uyrd liquor bill Proposing heavy Increases in t'lese licenses. fc.'. II. Gunst said that his llrm. o large wholcsalu ?lealer. could stand tho dotibled tax, from $1,250 to $2,600 a year, but that smaller concerns would be driven out of tho who.csaic busi? ness, tending to make a monopoly and to correspondingly decrease the State's revenue. He called attention to the fact that many people doing a retail business must take out wholesale licenses In addition to filling orders for larger quantities than five gallons, of which many tire received oestlned to "dry" States. In orders of 100 pints or half-plntb for sale. H. Clarke, representing tlio mall order houses, said that his greatest competition In liquor shipments comes from Chattanooga. Augusta and Savan? nah, ull In Stales where no liquor Is supposed to be sold, and where th* dealers pay no license at all. in Jacksonville, htc greatest competitor where license Is Issued, the total charge is only $1,000?Mate, county and city?whll ] in Itlchmond It ik $4.000 Including city, and will be I?, OC'n if the Increases arc made?$1,250 In wholesale and ?750 In rcta.ll and shippers' license. E. A Bttlmpf. for the strictly retail trade, briefly called attention to the fact that his class of deal, rs can sell only In their own communities, nnd asked the committee to co..aider this. George McDtilllo Make, representing the grocery liquor me: , called iitl<-n tlon 10 the enormous cost of license? $1,525 in ail?he now pays, and said half the dealers of hit. Class will be frozen out if tho bill becomes law. The committee reached no decision, but will probably take ti matter up. thlr. morning. C0ULB0URN CAPTAIN Company C. first Virginia, Also Elect- Frank Splatt Second -.euteuanl. Instilled w-ltb fervent enthusiasm over the prospect thai they may soon be called to arm?, members of Company C, First Bat? talion, of the First Virginia Regiment; last night 'held an election of offic r?, a-.d after Captain Charles M. Wallace, a former orfl cer of the battalion, hud declined election for business reasons, the men unanimously elected Charles B. Coulbourri captain of the command. Frank K, splatt was elected sec- , or.d lieutenant. '"nptain Coulbourn Is a soldier of cr.pirl encc. He Is n graduate of V. M, 1 and an cv-X.rofeisor of that latUtution. and is a nephew of Colonel Joseph Button. Commis? sioner of Insurance. 11?. ?va? formerly sec? ond lieutenant of Company F. o: the same battalion. Lieutenant Splatt Is also a eoidler of experience, having sc-tn service in tiie Spanish-American War with the First Ohio Regiment, and war later ...a. sergeant In I the Eighteenth Ptnr.svlvani?. SAY STOVES WERE STOLEN Three Dealers Charged With HcrcHtng Loot Taken by Eddie Harri?. Jottph Segal, Aaron Sohaplro and Julius Pcr.apiro were a'c^'teJ yesterday by Police ! men Dunn and Munoley on charges of re? ceiving property known to have been stolen. Segal .? charged with receiving four stolen grate?, va' cd at Jit, the property of John T. Cloddli.. Aaron Schaplro, with receiving a |U stove belonging to C. E Richards, and Julius Schupiro. with receiving a $15 stove j belonging to T. J. Todd The grotes and stove- arc alleged to have been stolen by Eddie Harris, colored, aga.nsi whom trla; Is now periling. The pollen re- j calved many complaints of atevci and gruies tiding stolen from vacant houses, and the arrest of Harri? foliowert. Hurt by Runaway Home. Whlto crossing the railroad tracks at Scv enttcr.lh ur.d Hospital Streets yesterday. Krank Nelson, an employe In the Cbeaa peaks and Oh.o Railway Shops, was knock? ed down by n runaway horte and painfully cut about the face and body. The horse shlc-d at something on the track and ran , Into Mr. Nelson. He was treat.d by Dr. Huscher, of the city ambulance. His In- t Juries arc not serious. Showed Ills -Honey. Robert Ford, colored, was (tabbed by an unknown negro last night at Seventeenth and Franklin Streets, the knife entering hie left chest within two and a half Inches of Ids hoart. lie was taken Into Scott's drug store and was treated there by Dr. Hulnher, of the city ambulance. Ford Is employed on the Bellwoort Farm, tn Chesterfield county. He said that he Hashed some money and that hit assail? ant attempted to take It from him. In Bankruptcy. A petition In voluntary bankruptcy was I filed yasterday in tho office of the- clerk of the United States District Courl by Joseph Longan, Jr. His liabilities amount to $17*.3l, j and assets, $72t, hold exempt. Charged With Theft. j Thomas Tlnsley. colored, was arrested yesterday In a charge of stealing a quantity of meat from Scbwarsachlld .t Bulsoerger. Louis Amator wo? arrested on a Charte of ! stealing $15.10 from Surah Stewart. I Tetrazzini Will Arrive Here To Morrow for Concert on Thursday Night. Madame Tetrazzlnt, whose wonderful voice will be heard at Uio City Audi? torium on Thursday nU*lit, will arrive hero to-morrow night hum New York to rest up before giving her llrat con? cert in the South. Word came from her yesterday that she Is glad of this opportunity to sing In Richmond. She has never been South before, and. while thousands of Richmond poopio have been charmed by tlio "Tetrnrzlnl records," few have over sat In ft theatre while she wus pouring forth that melody which bus made her fam? ous the world over. She will be as? sisted In her concert by a flutist, u pianist and a baritone, and from thoj big demand for seats It Is almost cer? tain *bo ?.???III be greeted by a tremend? ous audience. \Vhl!.: tin- undertaking was dllUcult, Mrs Mary Pace Groncr has been high? ly complimented by musical people for I bringing Totrazztnl to Richmond. When the matter w?a llrat suggested, there I was little Itidlcritlon that the engage? ment could be made, for people thought It would take a barrel of money to fetch the Italian singer this for South. Perhaps it did cost 1? great deal, but Richmond has never failed to show iho proper spirit and the proper apprecia? tion when something unusual was e'f fcrcd. Men und women ivlth tickets have been eager to hear the "Telra/ zlnl records," and they have read of her, talked of her, thought of her, and now they aru to see her. "It Ik Indeed gratifying." said Mrs. Oroner last nit-ht. "to find that one'ti efforts In a big undertaking are to be rewarded It was no easy task to ar? range for Madame Tctrazzlni to Hing In Richmond, but r.he is, as you know, and our friends will not be disappoint? ed. Really, her volco Is marvelous, and she Is so charming that nothing more attractive will be offered here In month? and months. And 1 am sure that she. too, will bo charmed with her audience." POLICE COURT CASES Whltchnn?e Dlamlssed fur Assaulting 15. IV. Ssundera?Ijitter AIM liUeimrgrd. J. II, Waitchousc. charged with assault ir.r E. W. Kaundcrs. was dlimlts^i In Police Court yesterday rmrnlng. A'hltehouse al? lured that Founder* had paid undue atten? tion to hl? fifteen-year-old daughter, which cari.-'d the flsbt. Saunder? war. also dts mused. lien White, colored, was sent on 10 the grand Jury on u charge of assaulting Mary YJUk Johnson with a knife. The hearing of NflUon Hanks, colored. Charted with holding up and Wai? ter Johnson of two packages of cigarettes and j o.. ??*? continued to February It. Fred Rohlnson. colored, was sentenced ta four months In jail on a charge of steal ng thirteen plr.ts of whiskey from the Rich moral. FredeHckrturs e-nd Potomac R.-ll road. lie sjppealed. The hearing of ?eil!? Coles, eoiored. c!.arr;ej with selling Intoxicants without a license, was continued to February It. Annie Johnson, colored, srlll have secflu rlon for ninety dars for abstracting 11 from Nannie Qreerj. Frank F!?irts, colored, will be a partner In distress for the same length of time for taking unto himself JIM belonging to IT gersail's Moving and Storage Company. AUTO TRCCK8 ??N LONG Rl'N ORDERED BY t.OVEENMENT Engaged :n a test run of automobile trucks under the supervision of the United Ftat's government. Captain A. E. William', of the Cr.lted .States Infantry, and W. O. Sterling, of New York, arrived Richmond last night en route from Washington to At? lanta They were accompanied by a force of drivers and assistants. Tho tru-ks wero put up ai's garage over nlffht. ?wlille Captain Williams and Mr. Sterling siopped at the Jefferson. It Is Interesting to note thtt nil the car', which are being submitted to a thorough test hefore being put In the army service, ore shaft driven F.verytruck la heavily loaded, or.d will be required to show real qualities to last out the long run. Tho route from Wishinvton ro Richmond was by way of FrederlckabflVv.' "1-e party will leave for Emporia to-day. Mardi-Gras Celebration, Mobile, Pensacola, New Orleans LOW riATES. Tickets and Information. RICHMOND TRANSFER CO., t>00 Ena? Main Street. It has a Trade Mark, G. M. COo's "Pearl" Roofing Tin. Richmond, Va. Approximately 110,000 letters (first class) are sent by Richmond people daily. Richmond Advertisers' Club