Newspaper Page Text
?ad pledge him our earnest support. "3. \ce (rivti tu awn. jtivuh 1L Martin, our unqualified ihdorsumeiii Js the Ucpuoitcuu member 01 the na? tional uomitutieu ut mis Stale, und jdeugo our oest efforts to have him columned In ins prtt>oiit position in the councils of the ltopubii'uih party of the iiJiiuu. "JOS. P. BRADY, 'UNO. L UltULULS. "lt. L. M A i i ALU Y, "Commit tee." Oelcauten .Vonilnuieu. "We, Hie uiiuei signed committee on ior ttie muss.meeting held ut Richmond, \'u.. on tuts 12th day of February, 1912, be? leave to report, uiul do hereby report and nominate Bj delegates and alternates to the Ro publlcati Oisiriot Convention to he held i ut Richmond, Vn., on the 12th day of] February, tats, and to the Republican! State Convention to be held at lion- ] noke. Va., on the r.'th day of March, 1912, the parties hereinutur set out.' tbe same delegates and alternates to j rcpresont the Uopub'.lcans of the city of Uiedinond at both district and Slat: Conventions: "DoLg.iies?Joseph P. Brady, Wal? ter W. .Morton, U. a. Hanson. Joseph V,'. Stewart. R. 1.. Man..Icy, Uscar /looker, Mclvln Ficgorth'eiirier, F. J Mitchell. .lohn Miaenneirrior, J- W. Huss, Or. U. a. I lord. V. Donati. Ber aaril Shaitghnessy, .Mark P.. Lloyd," s. ;? Clarke, James 1. Shcr|on, R. B. Frieman. 11. P. Waldrop. "Alternates?Edw. L. Levy. C. M. (Jppard, J. 11 l.ynetnani A. J. Wolver toh, H W. Waiden, II. Ii. Powers. Jo ??ph Smith. W; H. Noib, T. D. Prey, f.. R. Wooters, J. B, Stewart, A. Clarke. Finest Eubank, John L. Grubbs; James Duffy. It. a. Dyson, M. salomohsky, Li. C. Outlaw. "J. W. STEWART, "V. DONATI, "F J. MITCHELI* "Committee." Second St eel In? Called. When the i.ali had been almost cleared "f the supporters of Flogen holmer-Brudy-Uaason. Mr. Moore took charge und called a second meeting to order. Many of the other faction re? mained to sec what would happen. Mllhy of those present at the second meeting were local Federal oitlcehold <rs and about llfty negroes, many of whom are government employes. Mr. Cabell, who was present, was railed upon for an address, lie Char i.cterized the previous meeting as a, ikrco and a vaudeville show: merely an amusing incident, he said. He took occasion to say that he had never announced hlmseit as a candi? date lor election an national commit tcetnan from Virginia. The committee on nominations made Its report, and urged that Charles B. Cary be elected chairman of the city committee, which was <lont-, with the election of the commttteemah from t:uh or the wards. ?Infi Ainln Fplield. The following resolutions were adopted: ??We. the Republicans of Richmond! Va.. in mass-meeting assembled on the iSth day of February 1019, heartily Indorse President William Howard arisianSage Imitations of This Great Hair Invigorator are Abroad in The Land; Look for the Girl With ihe Auburn Hair on Every Carton and Bottle. PARISIAN SAGE?ash for it by name when you want the real hair grower. l)f?ipibcr rind dandruff cure. This is a picture of lie carton in which ich bottle of PAR S I A N S A G E is ickcd. The Riil in ,e picture lias Au iirii hair?bear that tct in mind. PARISIAN SAGE ill banish dandruff, op falling hair ami rliing scalps and pro-: .iotc a new growth of! .iir if the hair root is ot dead. It will put idiant beauty into till, faded, lifeless air. mid us n dainty tair dressing for wo? llen it cannot be natched. Get a 50-cent bottle if PARISIAN SAGE i'i-u;iy ii it doesn't Rive complete satis fact ion your money will be returned. Sold by Tragic Drug Co. and dealers everywhere. Ask Grocers, Dru^ists Dsiljn/K POMPEfAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Centime?Pure?Heilthlni Mr. Make?ght make iik beadiiiihrtcm in Itleli mond. GYMNASIUM SHOES?Ml Sizca, I\ \\ . DAII.VBV A CO, Southeast Corner Tblrd and llroad. We make a specialty of packing and shipping house? hold goods. Sutherland & Cherry, Inc. :tlO KnM llrniol * I reel -BB-. _ "Berry's for Clothos" Colder Tuesday ? Weather Report. Here are two special over? coats for extreme weather? lor extremely qood and ex? tremely bad weather. The new Chesterfield?style and comfort. The new Ulsterette?comfort and style. These two overcoats are a necessity to most every man; The price was $25 for either kind. The price now, for either, is $17.73. Don't you want both? that Will thn Taft for rcnomlnntlon, each ami every delegate elected at thiu mini uu'olliig to the Republican district und Stute Conventions is hereby In slructcd anil pledged to vote for no delegate or alternate to the Republi? can National Convention who Is not In? structed and pledged to vote and work for the denomination 01 President Wil? liam Howard Taft. "Resolved, That the delegates and alternates voting as delegates and pledged to vote us a unit on all ques? tions as a majority of salel delegates and alternates voting as delegates shall decide." Before the meeting adjourned Mr. Brown made an explanation concern? ing the rental of the hall and declared that those who participated in the first meeting were guilty of a high? handed proceeding and had no right to I he present. He said they were guilty, of trespass and that it was the first t time In the history of Belvldere Hall 1 its name had been connected ii scandal. ? Talk* of I.rgnl Action. In an Interview later Mr. Brown said it van very probable that ho ' I Would take some legal action against wiio. he said, had turned u poli? tical trick. The presence of Sorgt ant Shoemaker, and Officer Leisn prevented any serious . outbreak on the part of either of the i warring politicians. Opinion was divided as to which of the two factions acted within Its rights. It was held by some that the | first meeting was Illegal, while others ma'ntntned that Chairman Moore nnd other members of his side were pros- j ? ut when Mr. Hanson requested him to call the meeting to order and did not do so. Therefore, they explained, [under the party plan. It was perfectly 'proper for a member of the committee to call the meeting to order nnd pi o iCticd with the usual business. Which s'do will be upheld by the State committee Is a question upon Which no one would express any opinion. 11 the first meeting nixl its actions, nr. sustained, then those who have I swayed Ilia party for the past few years will mccl political death, tem? porarily nt least, while If the second meetitm Is upheld Its promeiters will be no worse off than they were at first. Smite More Delegates. ? Delegates elected at the socon? meeting were ns follows: District convention ? It. K. Caboll, C. It. Moore. C. R. Cnry, Marcus McKay. Leslie It. Drew, A. C Rogers. .lohn lt. kidd, .1. .1. Redmond, 1>. W. Manuel. I,. .- V\. Stnton, Oscar It. Phillips. A. A. Page, .1. C. llrlslow, .1. W. Sargent, .lohn A. Murphy lldgnr Allan, Jr.; M. M. Williams and 11. B. Arnold. Alter? nates?B. A. Lelgers, F. J. Mitchell, Forecast i lor Vlrgliilu?Fair and I continued cunt Tuesday | Wedneauay I prouuui; mo-ei I icil j uiuueruic uonu . .?em V, lulls, ! J'ur :\or>li liirulluii?Fulr Tueaduyt I t\ eUucoUii \ raillI uiuderuie, vuriuuir Special Local Datu for Yesterday. 12 noun temperature . 111'. M. tcinput untre. ! Maximum u tiiporuiur M. .'.it :u a i ii in tempera tit: UP to S up to S M. Mean leniporiiturc . ii* Auriiiai tuinpci inure . Sil ? iJct.cieiicy in leiu]>, rat ni e . II i'cuii.nrv In temperature since .Man.i 1. Hill . tSS Accum, deili leiioy in temperature Since January 1, IUI 2 . 40S Oeiiuiellcy in rulliluii since Maren 1. It'll . 7.46 Accum, ueileluiicy In rainfall since January l. I!?l2 . 2.66 Loeui i.inser\ ui .on sj I'. M. Vesterduy. I Temporal urc . ... 34 I i tumidity . 78 t\ lud. direction .N. E. I \\ Hid, i elOclty . 11 ] W cuthc r .Clouuy CONDITIONS 1% nil' M. EuSierh 36 j Place. lAsheviilo .... I At la;.li, . i Atlantic City, i Boston . , 11II If a. [Caigary . ' i Ilia neston .. ; Chicago . I Denver . i Dtiluth . I anlvcston ... 1 Hat tents .... j Havre . I Jacksonville.. ! Kansas City. I Louisville .. . Montgomery'.( 51 New Orleans, 52 New York.... 16 Norfolk . 32 i iklahoina ... 54 Pittsburgh . . 22 Raleigh _. r,s St. Louis .... 21 St. Paul ... 11 San Francisco 51 fs.i van nah .. . .'>2 Spokane . 40 Tampa . r,5 Washington.. 26 i hur, H. T. I* T. .UTA.VT CITI&S. Standard Time.) 3(1 26 W lutilpeg . . . WythevlVfe .. IS 58 56 ?2 30 IS 'einher. Clear Ciuur t.'U a r < Hear Clear Clear Clear Clear P. cloudy Clen r ? 'loudy Clear P. cloudy Clear Cleur Cloudy P, cloudy Cloudy Cloudy (Tear Cloudy P. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Snow Cloudy Clear M INIA TI 111'. ALMANAC. February 13. 1012. HKiH T1DF.. Sun rises.... 7:0:; Morning...., 1:29 Sun bets.5:46 Evening.... 1:31 John \V. Arnold, W. P. Arwood, Joseph Nneglc, C. H. Trlplett. C. A. Overton. H. \V. Burker, 13. R. Urlnk. M. 13. Mc< Luughlin, J. Ii. i'.ubunk. Ralph Olle lino. B. R. Kldrldge. C. K. Gary, Paul 13. Inge ond Warren .1. Tlmiuuns. State convention?C. it. Moore, Des lie H. Drew. O. it. Philllpa, John A. Murphy. R. 13. Cabell, C. B. Cary, A, A j Page, Lee W. Staion. J. C. Brielow, 11 1 W. Manuel, J. II. Caved". John li. Kldd, .1. J. Redmond, B. B. Arnold, M. M. Wil? liams. Kdgar Allan, Jr.. and Marcus McKay. Alternates?U. A. Ledgers, W. 13. LucLaughlih, John W. Arnold. M. 13. O'Bclrne, Joseph Naegle, W. p. Arwood, C. 11. Triplell, 11. W. Barker, IS. it. Brink, R. W. Gary, Paul 13. Inge. War? ren J. Timmons, O. it. Phillips, J. W. Sargent und B. R. ttldrldge. Which of the two sets of delegates will he recognized In the district ami Suite conventions is another matter ot doubtful opinion which led to tlio ex? pressed belief lhat some quick action will be necessary If this Is to be de elded before the di?ttict convention, which takes place next .Monday at noon at Leader Hull, South Richmond. At a meeting yesterday of the Re- j publicans oi* Chesterfield county, Presl. j dent Taft, National Conimltteeman | Alvali H. Martin and C. Bascom Slemp, chairman of the Stato committee, were each Indorsed. U. D Graves was elected county | chairman to succeed P. H. Arnold. j hero and the cost of production abroad ! than the wholesale system of Imposing high rales in order to secure protec? tion ut the expense ot everything else. "We huve an army ol mouilc troops not inn.* than one to i,. ol our popu? lation, mid now on I no claim ol economy our Democratic friends in Congress Propose lo reduce nun army by elimi? nating one-third of our cafatry. For Ihe suinc reason iney propose to de? part from Hie llme-houoruu practice of adding to our navy eacii yeai two battleships by culling them oil alto? gether tins year, in considering our many responsibilities in oiilercnt parts of the world, I think this is u great mistake. "li Is true wc were beaten in 1910, but that was by h defection of Republi? cans through what 1 think wus a misunderstanding, but uoi by u change from the Republican to ihe Democratic party. Their defection reduced the vote of the Republicans, but did not increase Hie vole oi me Democrats. Sherwood Peutiiuu still Rejected. Washington. February 12.?The Sher? wood so-called "dollar-a-day" pension Jill was rejected to-day by the Senate 1 'ommlttee on Pensions, and anoliier nuasure, which would Involve an au lual expenditure of (24,000,000, pro? posed as a substitute by Senator smoot, of Utah, was adopted. Senator* srown. Nebraska, and Curtis. Kansas, tnvv not<ce tnul In the Senate they vould press the Sherwood bill as a ? uosiiiute for the Smoot bill. Senator Smoot's estimate of $21, 100,000 as the cost of bis plan Is based jpon the Pension Bureau's computation >f age and length of service Of the reterans. The Sherwood bill, accord tig in the Pension Bureau, would have oat about $75,000,000 a year. The Smoot bill, adopted by a vote if 12 to 2. after the Sherwood bill had been voted down. 10 to 4. embodies I provisions to pension Civil War vet -runs sixty-two years old, who Served ilncty day:, or more, and any .Mexican War veteran- Who served sixty days Or more. The Mexican War veterans ?vould receive $30 it month. The Civil War veterans would bo put oh a graduated scale from $13 a month for rtlnety-day veterans, sixty two years old. lo Silo a month for vet? erans seventy-five years old. who served three years or more. FIGHTING IS SEVERE One General Killed. One "Wounded on Dominican Frontier. Cane Haltten, Haiti, February 12.? Severe fighting between ihe revolu? tionaries antl government trrxipt is re? ported on the Dominican frontier. Gen? erals Torrlbio and Miguel were sur ! prised diirinn the nlpht by goernment troops, and during the fighting thai j ensued the former was killed und the latter wounded. At dark, however, th revolutionaries attacked the govern In Effect Tiaily 'March 1 lo April 15 rthe rn Pacific Ry One-way ?econd-clsis, ?top overs enrout? at Sad wcyt of Jamestown or Calces, N. D. Good In Tcuriit Sleeping Cers upon payment of berth rate. From Chicago. "IB from St. als, Corrs ? lu'injly low fare* tor all points East and South. t h i p e r i e r i K:,l?bs City, St. Joseph, Ooiuha. TO MANY POINTS In Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia Electric-lighted, leather uphol? stered Tourist Sleeping Cars; Dig, Easy-ridisu: Coachet, and Dining Cora, twice daily ftom ChicnRO, St. Pi.el. Minneapolis (one train 9.30 o. tn. from Chicago via C. 3 tk O-. the other 10 p. m. vi? C. fa N.W., through Milwaukee), and daily from St. Louis. Kjiisos City, St. Joseph (via LturlitiKton Norlhern Pccif.clines i.tliteugb the Fertile Northwest to Spo? kane, Seattle, Tncoino, Puget Sound points, Pcrtland and Vancouver. Diitct connrc tions for new O.'esoti Trunk Line territory in Central Ore? gon and for Oiejjti Iilcctrle Lines territory in Willamette Valley and western Oregon. Ask for Colonist Folder Komeseekers' Fares Round ti/p?very iatv?infect? ive on numerous dales?details on request. P. W. Pummtll, IMst. Pass. Agt.. I. CheSthtlt St.. Phllarl..;-. : , pa. AAA nitint troops ngaln and remained in possession of the field. The schooner Irina, with Captain Sow In command, arrived here to-day Horn St Thomas, |>. \v. I., bringing two revolutionary generals and a num? ber of their friends. The party left for the Dominican frontier, but on hearing of Hi, lighting quickly return? ed to thla poit. FRENCH STATESMAN DEAD General Hippolyte i-nnclol?. Sena tor und Military Authority. Paris, February 12.?General Hip? polyte i.anglols, Senator from the De? partment of Meurthe-et-Moselle and member of the French Academy, died to-day. He was elected one of the forty ''Immortals'* February :?. 1911. in succession to Costnde Beaurcgard. Ho was an authority on military Btra'cgy and tactics, and his works on mod? ern warfare are widely known. He was born In 1839, and was a grand officer of the Legion of Honor. Protege of Late Edwin Hauoley I MI?* raitifron derlnres slie bun found n ?III in TTnvrloT", mnsrnlflcent home j nt Unliylnn, vvhlch make* lier thr hetreaa of Hint estate nnd also of Hie town house nnd valuable securities. Sbe hat, ???iini?-d rhnr?c n< Babylon, and tbe latn railroad k I nit's retainers there lia(^ nrvruted her uuthorltjr. WALTER A. POST - DIES SUDDENLY He Was Leading Citizen of New? port News and Head of Ship? building Company. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Newport Noun, Vu... Fuuruury l?.? Waiter A. lust, president ol tile New? port auks bikipbuiluiiig und Dry Liuoll Company uiiu ut tue Uiu uoiniiooii Litiili UulllpUliy, uied suuuciuy 111 me peuioom at nis Home in Norm Eiid ut 10 O'clock lu-uiglit Hum an attack of lieurt Irouhie, uiiu tu JJtigiU'g olseuse, .'i um willen lie n.oi been u aulieler lor die pant six months. Up tu trie min? ute he wus soused with tue attach, lie apparently wua in goou spirits, tie auU been about bis UUlles ai tue shipyard tu-tluy as usual unu entortuincd some uieuus at Iiis Hume lo-ni^nl up to U.<10 o'clock. 'Ine death of Mr 1'ost follows closc O upon that >f Edwin Hum ley, vice president of tue Bliipyurd, who died in New York, and occurred just one year nnd two days alter tile uealli ol L'al t In H. Orcutt, formerly president of the shipbuilding company. Tho end came as a shock to uns community, and Is generally regard-id as the sever? est blow Newport News ever lias had. Walter A. Post was born ut Kings? ton, N. V., January 7. 1>o7. Ho studied to bo a civil engineer, and tils 111 si Im? portant work in mat Hue wus per? formed here thirty years ago wllh I. j Eugene White, when the shipyard was first started. Mr. Post located In this I city when that work was completed, and was the first Mayoi ol Newport News when the- city was Incorporated fourteen years ago. In IsSS he was made superintendent of the shipyard, succeeding Summers N. Smith, subse? quently he was elected general man? ager of the Company, and Just a little less than a year ago he was mimed president of tho shipyard, succeeding Mr. Orcutt. Ho also succeeded Mr. Or ctttt as president of the old Ouminlon Land Company. He wa? president of tho First Notional Hink, und until very recently was president of the Citizens' Railway, Light and Power _ Company. He married Miss White, of New York City. In 1SS8. There were no chil? dren, and he is survived by only his Widow and one sister. Mrs. s. Godfrey Smith, of this city. Arrangements for the funeral have not bleu made, but burial probably will be inada In New York. NEGRO is IXIIICTE? FOR Hunui'.i: tir lewis fovtlkr [Special to The Tlreea-Dlipatch.l WijllSmsburg, V.l.. February i: ?Circuit Court, Jude? I>. O. Tyler presiding, roneen cd here this morning This lielnR n regular grand Jury term h large crowd was in nt tenilance. The Jury Indicted William Oransby, colored, (or the Knurder of Lewis Fowler, b'.fo colored, and returned two in? dictments against Qransby for fe)or.lou>:y ?hOofnc two other ncstror". The allesr..'l murder anil b*ioo;lni; v.?r committed near Tonr.o shortly after Christmas, and the kill- ! Ins of Fowler was the cnusc of ?Trent Cltemenl amnnt the neirroes Th" court appointed A. W, .P-nnln*? Jus? tice o* the peaee for Stonebouse district, nr.d W. II. I'orter Justice of the pence for j Poivhatani Hunter W. Wynne was appoint-I How Wrinkles Are Caused?and Removed (From American Home.) Why did no one think of this before?" writes a clear-thinking reader! 'Wrinklesj are. caused by the skin becoming loose. j Obviously the remedy is to tighten the skin. Equally it is Obvious that the only thing which will tighten the skin is a powerful astringent. "Now, it is well known that the only powerful astringent which is absolutely harmless and beneficial as well is pure powtlcrcd axrjlsite-, obtainable from any druggist! Dissolve one ounce in a half pint of witch hazel. Bathe the face in it daily and?behold! The result is almost magical. The skin becomes firm and smooth, the face feels smug, comfortable nnrl solid, instead of loose and flabby, i Simple, isn't it p As I asked?why did no one think of it before? One should he careful, however, to use no other astringents than pure saxo lite, as the former do no good and arc really injurious more often than not." j Specials in Groceries Good Salmon, large cans.12c Rest quality Small Canned To- i mutoes.9c , New Boneless Codfish, 7c lb.; or j 4 lbs. for.25c | Sweet Potatoes, ftood. peck.25c j Good Green or Mixed Tea, Ib.... .30c Best Granulated Sugar, lb.S^c 7 boxes Good Sardines for.25c Pocahontas Corn, 3 cans for.25c, Smitbficld Country Hams, lb.18c i Va. Pride Coflee, Ircsli roasted, ' per lb.25c ' 3 cans Square Brand Condensed Milk for . 25c $1 bottles Duffy's Malt Whiskey. :85c New Clipped Herrings, dozen .... 10c i $1 bottle Old Fulchcr Whiskey .. .75c j Extra quality Burly June Pens, cnn.l2c ' Extra line Sugar-Cured Hams. lb. 16c Gootl Carolina Rice, 5 lbs. for....25c M inner Brand Condensed Milk ..10c Finest Talcum Powder, can, 5c and.. .9c Corned I lams, lb.lie Large cans Pish Roc, can.';.. 12_?-/c Good Carolina Rice, whole grain, Ib.. .6c 1 8 large liars Circus Soap for.25c ! Large cans California Peaches, can... 15c 4 cans Chipped Beef .30c California t anned Asparagus, can, 14c, 19c and. .25c Libby's Mb. cms Corned Beef.15c Best Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon, per pound .16c Best Sour Krout, quart.8c California Sherry Wine, gallon... .SI.00 3 Chalmers Gelatine for.. .. t.25c California Lima Beans, lb.8c Quart Mason jars Queen Olives.40c 5-lb. pails Home-Made Preserves... .35c Good Carolina Rice, lb.5c l-lb. eans Good Luck Bakit g Powder, ,8c ' New Hominy and Grits, 2 lbs. for.5c New Seeded Raisins', lb. pkg.10c Ceresotu or Gold Medal Best Flour, 42c bag; per barrel .$6.60 7 lbs. Loose Lump Starch.25c Gold Medal Coffee, Java and Mocha mixture, l-lb. cans.30c Baker's Cocoa, can.10c Smoked California Hams, lb.ll.tjc Good Creamery Butter, per lb.34c Silver King Best Patent Family Flom\ 34c bag; or, per barrel. . . .$5.25 Absolutely Pure Leaf La d, lb.12c Good Lard, per lb.10c tea' There is one sure way of < Iways getting the very best tea for the price. Buy Ridgwnys. Ridg ways Tea goes farther than ordinary tea and has the most delicious flavor you ever tabled. Awarded Cold Medal London, 1911 Scaled in nir-li?lit, dust-proof, quarter, half and pound packages. $1.00, 75c and 50c per Pound. C. W. ANTRIM & SONS Wholesale Distributors. At All I'irst-Class Grocers. cd deputy commlwhntr of revenue; Georg*? C. Murston, overseer of poor, nnd U. B. Scott, county turvcyor. riie executive committee of the wniium and Mary Alumni Asioclatlon will meet to? morrow afternoon to (elect the uluinnl oru tor and to urrango for the nnnuu' smoker. Thf ideal mumberi of the committee an- II, L). Colv, 11. L. Bridges and Dr. J. S. Wll ron. , a Jefferson Hotel Arrivals, J. A. Plerpunl, Wuuniiitjtun, P. J. Cush cn, 8. K. Dennett, II. 11. Maclellati and wife. Arthur K. Well and wife. Henry Pranklin, Walttr Garthe, B, U. Jonen and wire, J. A. I.lnk und wir,-, e;. w. Lowun ?leln, (Jus Krug, w. C. VVellener and wife. I. II. States and ?If". J. II. .-iiiilth and wife, all of Baltimore; Thom.ta A. Dennett. Now Vork; Kaul Miller, Pocahonlas, Va.;N. Wright und wife. Ksst x county. Va.; \V. I". La Moul, Washington; F. A. Myers, llcitl more; Joseph IV. Wou.foii; anil wife, New Vork; Geuigc b. Martin. Norfolk; J. W. Jon. s. Norfolk; Mrs. A. O. Besla, Hrovl. deiioe. II. I.; l. Moliioft. New York; James II. Ilarkey. Oneada, N, V.; Mrs James A. Owens, Baltimore; Mr. ami Mrs. Bar) P. llawe-l, Provul.-nce. ft. I.; Ur. and Mrs. Hi A. Gale. Winchester, Mur ,; J W Crugar. Philadelphia, Pa.; M. <J. Ooldback, Norfolk; J. C. Hudson. IVorceiter, Mass., A. Christ?, Norfolk: J. A. Turpln, Norfolk; A. D. Con-I solo?. Norfolk; N. T. Henderson, New York; Mr. and Mrs. W T. Galla (er, Was Mnic ton; ' L. P. und C. E. West, Washington; Thomas Kasan, Waahtngton; Use Lash s.nd -wife, New Vorlt. Mrs. v. Bryant, New Vork; Mrs. Q t;. Roberta, Houston. T<-x.; William F, Itoh.-rio. Chicago; Henry Rose, I'M ??.?!?.? phla; C. I. Pettll and wife, Norfolk; George K. Adam.-. Old Point; Mr. ;,no Mr* O. li. Vernon London. Hn;.; n. P. TalitV New York; C. It. Wallace, Norfolk; K. U. Oa borns, New York. Health rierk Qiinllfles. lt. n I-alnier qusliued yeeterday before City Clerk August as cltrk of the Health I Department, Neuro Exposition Aided. Washington, February 12.?Abraham Lincoln's birthday was marked In tne Senate by a favorable report on a bill lo appropriate 150.000 for the aid of a negro exposition next January In cele? bration of the fiftieth anniversary of the emancipation proclamation. .Sen? ator Hoot reported the bill, with; n report rectiinineridlng lt? paaeagc. ? OBITUARY Jnmrs A IHann. [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Alexandria, Va.. February 12.?Jas. Allison, forty y. Old, died sudden ly of heart failure at midnight last' night if. Iiis home at Firm and Fairfax Str?dts, Besides his wife, two eons ! .survive hlrn. Ml as Nnnnlr 15. Colitis. (Special to The Times-Dispatch ) Lyn oh burg, Va.. February 12.?Miss] Nannie F.. Cobbs, of a well-known in d lord county family, died very slid- ; ocnly on Saturday night at her homo, lor death being due to a stroke of apoplexy. W. J. Voiitik, (Special to The TlmeH-Dlsp.nch. 1 Ralo'gh, Ni C, February 18.? w. J. Young, for thirty years Instructor and later superintendent of the State School for the Blind here, and from IS66 to isos superintendent of the F.dentnn Street Methodist Sunday school, died- to-day. aged eighty years, Ii- leaves two daughters?Mrs James E, Hrown and Mrs. Charles? V. AI- | bright. The funeral will be held Tuesdny afternoon. Mm. E'l llrnnsrnnic. [Special lb The Times-Dispatch..] I Gladesboro. Vu? February 12.?Mrn.1 1111 Brunsconie. wife of cx-DcpUtyl Sheriff 1311 Branacome. died n few daye! ago. She vug a daughter of Ur. Lyons,! of this county. Shu leaves a husband und several children. Mrs. Wolter Wtnler. [Special to The Times - Dispatch.] Gladsboro. Va., February 12.?Mrs. Walter Wlsler, who formerly resided near here, died at Ptilaskl, Her re? mains wete brought back to this coun? ty for burial. She leaves a husband and several small children. ? Mm. Abrubum llyltnn, [Special to The- Times-Dispatch.] Gladsboro, Va., February 12.?Mrs. Abraham Hylton, wife of ex-Sheriff I f y I ton. died lust week. She was the daughter of Mathew Martin, of Canada Mm. Prlncllla Sauudern. (Special to The Times ^ dspatch.] Fredericksbtirg. Vn., February 12.?' Mrs. Prlscllid Sounders died at her! home near Summit. In Spotsylvania1 county yesterday, aged seventy-two yenrs. She Is survived t>y three sons. Mrs. June I,. Strnughnn, I Spec In I I o The Times -1 ilspntch. ] Frcderlcksburg, Va., February 12.? Mrs. Juno L Slraughan, widow of Al? bert C. Siruughan, of Spotsylvania county, died Saturday night at her | home. If she had lived until her nextj birthday, she would have been 100 years old. She Is survived by two sons nnd a number of grandchildren. .Mian Hary Glien .lief rucken. [Special to The Tlmes-DIspaloh.] < Frcderlcksburg, Va., February 12.? Miss Mary Ellen McCrtlckon, daughter of the late Barney McCracken, and niece of Captain T. McCracken. died here Saturday night dt the homo of; her uncle, after a short Illness. She1 Is survived by one brother, T. E. Me-j C'racken, of Richmond, and one adopted' sinter. Mrs. .1. B. Norton, of Savannah,! C.a. The funeral took place to-day from St. MaTy'S Catholic Church, conducted by Father Joseph M. Perrlg, and Inter? ment was made in the family lot in the City Cemetery. I. M. na?*ell?. T. M. ntipsells, aged Hcventy-four,I died yesterday at his homo near Great! Wlcnmico Church, Northumberland county. 'He was injured In a runaway) accident two years ago, and has been i In 111 health slnco that time. Mr.! Bussells Its survived by his wife and five children. Mrs. Henry Harwood, of this city, In his youngest daughter. George n. Merrill). George B. Merrltt, father of Mra. A. I M Cover, of Glnter'Park, died at his residence In Kingston, N Y? on Febru-; ary R. Mrs. ChrlHllnii? Ilrnnbnek. f Soeclal to T ne Tlmes-r^inpatch. ] Winchester. Vn., February 12.?Mrs. Christiana Hoffman Brunbark, who was born ninety-six years 'ago In Page county, died tills morning at iier home near Winchester, after a brief illness. I Four sonn survive MOODY'S COWORKER DEAD Apoplexy Claims John M. llltcbcock la Ilia Seventieth Year. Chicago, February 12.?John M. Hitchcock, for muny yours u coworker with Dwlgiit L. Moody, tho evangc list, died of upopluxy here yesterday. Mr. 11 itciicucii, WHO was seventy year* oiu. uuu been one oi the leaders in the atouuy Ciiuroo tor more tu.m luny yea. a. anil wad a illruuior ol tuu ,\d,iuuai Urn isiiuii Association. He We wa.s tujidit? i Uouiilll, Onto. Ina true ted fur Tuft. Atlanta, ua., Feuruur) 12.?Repub? licans ui the Finn Congressional uie trici met Here 10-uo.y ana eleu lud J. J. Aiuitiu anil vviiuani F. Feun us deio kluit-d to lliu ItepUUllCUll .Stillonal Lull vuitliuu, to lie u?id at Cnicutso, 'tuey were limliULieU to vole lor rreslUultl 'lan lor tnu pi nomination, lue mate convention win bo neiei nure ou Wednesday. DEATHS MYERS?Died, Sunday night. Ii o'clock, at hin home, 12io Porter Street, tjoutn Hiuuiuuhd, CiiAo. it. AI i ti,its>, uged toi i> -sewn years, lie leaded a iwuuw uiiu six UUIidreil ? j1u..V, r rcu, Cuiiti, aiury, Cuurie> and liuuger; one Ulster, ?.ir6. Fred lluo lm>, ol tula uiiy, uiiu tiiree urotueia. ruiieiai Hum residence Tins ai-' Thli.Mjo;, al o u'eiucK. Intel ment In Kl\ el view. STACK?Died. Sunday, ?:45 A. iL, MltS; Cillll'.ni.Sc b'i'ACK, la Uiu clbiuiy sixeii ) ear ol Her ?ige. runeiul trorn Bennett's Mortuary Chapei lino ClUeaoay) ,u- ,iiit Noe_.\ at j o'cloca. r riundit and ac? quaintances cordially invited. Vy**iiiugi6n auu Cunucu paper* plea.iu copy. BLACKBURN?bled, at her husband's residence*. Uli Buchanan Street, Sun? day, February 11, Ijij. LUCY J., ne ioved wile ot j. Mi Biackuui-h. Sho leaved three eoin- iu iiiourn tholr loss?J. \V? A ?i. and C. A. Lionovun. anu one brotner, Ueorge U. Hm er do n. Funural (ruin Cnrlst Episcopal Churuii, Twehty-sccond and Vunuoic Streets, at z o'clock. Interment itiv orvlew Cemetery. EVANS?Died, at the residence ?>f her Hon, Mr. Ueorge A. Evans, Seven fines, Monday morning, February 12, 1ST2. ut 5 o'clock. MKS .S.U.I.Ii; A. Evans, uged alxty-savuh years. RemaTns at the residence ot her daughtur, Mrs. i: P. Nichols, 3.1 Foe Street, ilarlon Heights, from which the funeral will take place WED? NESDAY AFTERNOON at S o'clock. Philadelphia papers please copy, GEE?Died. 3:45 I?. m. February li. Jl'I-lA DAY'S. Infant daughter of Chas C. and Julia Wright Uee. Intermehl (private) Petersburg TO-DAV (Tuesduy) at 4 P. M ROACH ? bled, at the residence of Miss Rachel Fawcott, its Nicholson Streut, yesterday, MRS. u KT Tili ROACH. The funeral will take place THIS MORNING at 11 o'clock from tho. above residence Friends and ac? quaintances are Invited to attend. MASSIF.? Hied, at the residence of her neph. w. R, Masslo Nolling. 2120 Hah' over Avenue, at 12:15 I'. M. Sunday. February it. Hits, MIS.-- SUSAN QUARL.ES MASSIE. in tho sixty ninth year of her age. Funeral from the iiotiee TUESDAY MORNING, February in, at 11 o'clock. Interment private. K OSS LOW?Died, !n this city. Febru? ary 12, 1912. at L':2.r, A. M.. Mil, CON - HAD ICOSSLOW. His funeral will lake place from IUI I ups Undertaking Rooms THIS AFTERNOON al 3:30 o'clock. Friends nnd acquaintances invited to attend. Interment In Oak wood. HEALTH i^SUR?sMCE The man who Insures his lifo tfl wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both (or his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard? ing it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani? fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE -> And cavo your hoa!th? Seo ui In regard to your dental trouble*. Wo will give you honeil advice without chnrpe ?t THE SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS, Opposite the new Post-Offlco Building 1000 East Main. Tel. Madison 3206. Advertising Specialists Wo plan, ?Li* ...>.. inuatraia snuctlv? ae. ?criis'ns lie cry dopartmeni In charg* of an experience npueidllrt t'onlor with ua Avoid coaily mistakes. Costa you nothing'. FKRBMAN ADVERTISIVO ??BNCT, PMC., annual Building, Richmond. . .. Virginia, 'Phone Mn4!*e i 2411 W. Fred. Richardson, FUMCIIAL Ill It ICC TOR AUU RMBALHER, Main nnd Delvldere Streets. Phones. Madlaon 843, day; Monroe i642, rL;ht,