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NEW TAXING PLAN PR0P0SED8YBYRD IVYouId Have Commissioners to yisit and Examine All Localities. WHITE FOR SEGREGATION ?D e b a t c Before Committee. Speaker Explains Merits of Proposition. Before tlie House Committee on fi? nance yesterday morning;, Speaker Byrd argued his new pioposlticu tor a tiifite Tux Commission. He ex? plained the provisions already out? lined In Ihn press. One now pouu brought out was that the Speaker does not think tho State Corporation Commission assesses rail road property ut n sufficiently high ilgiire. When the railroads were ro Sisting the reduction of their pas? senger rates, he said, they clnluicd that their lines were worth laO.tuO . a mile, und when appearing od the : fuh.icct uf being assessed) they said, they were worth oniy $10,000. While the railroads claim that their franchise tax should be considered In mitigation, the Speaker said he did not ok reo to j this proposition, as It Is a license tax j |tor dolnc, business, and should be paid us merchants and lawyers and physi? cians pay such tuxes. wnnf Segregation. Hugh A. White did not beliefs tho Isommisslon as proposed would reach lire Intangible personal property of the (State. lie Insisted Hut segregation wts the feasible plan, and that the'] counties which would bo hurt the .wont by It are those where the as- [ ?essments are now misersbly low. Furtbei. he said, the .State does not '*j?rn a Tax Commission to equalize, assessments, beeuuse there Is nothing to equalise save live stock and house held furniture until Hilt, when the new realty assessment Is made. lie thought the Byrd plan an Invitation l'to corporuHons to gut Into politics. Mr. YVh'te said no new facts are contatne-1 in th? Tax Commission re purl, and tnnt it does not furnish the Information on which tu base a calcu? lation as to tho effects of st'KrtKa aion. Ho thought the committee should report some plan by which to secure [th's Information) probably for the next 'Legislature. Uyrd's Analysis, speaker Ityid Inst night Issued the tfollow'ng authorised Interview on hie 'new tax plan. ?"The amended equalization bill, which sr*6 considered b> the Finance Com? mittee, this morning, while not. In my ?opinion, en Ideal Mil, Is perhaps the largest measure of reform In tax equal? isation possible nt this session. The bill utilizes existing machinery and I officials ns much as possible, so that, though there are three commissioners, only one additional salary Is to be paid. "The bill provlde? that the Governor shall appoint one commissioner. The other two arc the State Mineral As? sessor and a 3tate accountant, who will become a part of tho commission. The oh'.ef features of the bill cro these: **1, It creates n commission Of three ?numbers?a body of sufficient size to prevent the centralization of power In the hands of one man?and hoops this commission permanently employed In (the examination of values. "2 It provides that every- locality rbe given a hearing before Its valua? tion can be fixed by assessment, for the Icommissioners must so t.i every ooun [ty and city of tho State, and the whole [commission must .->M annual mve.tlngs jn each congressional district. "S. It will give the localities suffl ;r1i>nt information on which to fix Us I-ml.nations If It desires honestly to lasses* its property. It provides for the correction of And why not? Yet some people act as if a ihedicitie could take the place of a doctor I The best medicine in the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently. If we did not believe doctors endorsed . Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral for j coughs and colds, we would I not offer it to you. L?.ii!'u*2?; S A >? Ui A Fine Watches We make a specialty of Fine WaLchcV. a timepiece that yoii thin depend on. guaranteed to keep acctiruio iiiiie, ..hi U you will lie proud of. Let us -how von cur stock. "The Diamond Merchants.*' J. S. JAMES. Inc. Jewelers am! Opticians, Seventh and Main Stri KELTABLE ACCOUNTS SOLICJ I I D ^^^^^ Willi* SAME QUALITY ftUKtAJl EVERY DAY r?.-??= i Sacrificing 300 pieces I- urni kufe, odds and ends. Sydnor & Hundley Sixth District Shaped Like Gotting Gun The pl?tol-oba pod streak In blnclt represents ihn Sixth (lonKrtwIoDnl District as It Trill appeal if (he rcdl'trlcting MM, now before the General A? scmbly. beeomrs a law. Bxcept at one point, It 1? ?ine county wide. Its total length belns estimated nl more than 200 mile*. One planes ot that part of the sc < ompanylngr map where the black 'a bleckest will show the exact forma? tion of the Sixth Congressional Dis? trict If tho bill now pending In tho General Assembly 1b enacted. Con? gressman Carter Glass, who ran against Mr. Swanson for the United States Senate last summer, represents the Sixth District, and If the reor rangoment Is made It Is pointed out by those opposing tho bill that It may throw the Sixth Into Republican con? trol. Four years ago Floyd county was added to the Sixth to save the Fifth from which Is was taknn. It Is now proposed to take Tazewell. Bland and Giles out of the Ninth and put them In tho Sixth. In an Inter? view yesterday Senator Feathcreton was quoted as saying thta this redlfi trlctlng plan would Imperil Demo? cratic chances In tho Sixth without materially Vtrcngthenlng Democratic chances In tho Ninth. While Sir. Gluas'o district Is to get tho threo Southwest counties. It la to lose Halifax, and will give the Sixth a ahooetrlng territory, one, county wide, except where Mont? gomery and Floyd come together, and rsaohlng over a distance of more than 200 miles from end to end. Close study of the map shows that it la almost exaotly in I bo shape of a revolver. Bedford, Campbell and Charlotto make the handle, the hum? mer swings back over Boinoko, Mont? gomery is the cylinder, Floyd tho trig? ger, while Giles, Bland and Tazewell malto tho barrel. Of course. It Isn't a handsome six-shooter, but somebody will Immediately suggest that if iho present bill Is passed the Sixth will be known as tho Pistol District of Vir? ginia, the aggregats assessments by the com? mission when any county Is paying too niuoh or too iltrle. Thii will equalize assessments, whllo protaotlng -every community !>y giving it a day !n court, should it desire to contest any ohango mads by the commission. "6. It will prevent tho assessment of exaggerate taxes on real and per? sonal property In excess of tho amount now levied, so that all tho Increases In VBluatlon must go to a roductlon or tho tax rate. "6. Tho bill providag that tho val? uation of the property of publlo ser vico corporations be equalized with that of private citizens, and that no Increase bo mado In tho taxes of In? dividuals or !n tho nssej-ameiit of their property without a ilko Increase in tho valuation or taxes of oorporatlons. After 1913 the railroads and lllco cor? porations will bo assessed by a now board, to consist of the Tax Commis? sion, except tha Mineral Assessor, tho Corporation Commission, the Governor and the Auditor of Publlo Accounts. "if this bill is passod, It cannot fall to reduce the taxes of every citizen who Is now paying moro than his part of the taxes. It will bring the thlrty cIk!H counties which ara now sn ex? pense to the State, to a fair valuation, and it will equalize assessments throughout the State. It will open tha way to segregation, which Is a de? sirable gool of tax reform. Segrega? tion, us has been demonstrated, is now an Impossibility without grave damage to many localities. It will practically bankrupt every olty In tho Stato, und will Involve a modification of every tax rate In the State, thus creating a condition of utter financial chaos." (Continued from tlrst png?.) methods of Institutions receiving Stale money. The 'Weaver resolution to this effect was approved yesterday by oolh houses. lit- expenditures arc to bo limited to actual expenses. The State Epiploptlc Colony, which ftas been the target for a good deal ?f criticism, got Its share again yes? terday lu th<- House, captain Wlsslor She Itepublicaii door lender, offered a ,'esolutle-n to hav,- a committee to as? certain why ii is that the per cap.tu i?st bl Inmates of the colony Is ?realer ii that at the hospitals foi tlie insu i.e. It w as adopted by th? ilouse, Which voted by one htujorltj .lot to send it to the Committee on ?Schools and Collgcs, but In the Senate it Was apparently buried in the- Coin-j nine- en Public Institutions and Kd- i JCatlou. Auotlii-i resolution of inquiry, this! iliu. no-- ill- affairs "f the Mount , i'erttoii Ladles' Association; to ascer? tain n;; connection, if any, with the jtcaiiiboiii and electric lines, was of i'ered in the House by Mr. Stitpliin, but Wehl I" the 1 'ommlttoc on Oen *rhl Laws. 1'hc lions., voted to bettln afternoon; sessions next Monday, the chair to be: rucintcd at _' o'clock each day to be resumed ; HOUSE Judge Muri In Williams, from the Committee Kules, tittered a rbsolti titu .il I'm hcglnilillti ot the Mouse ? - ;i..ii yesioreliiy; lltlii beginning next') Momliiy, the chair .-ball b<> vacated at .. .cii ?< tuiii du> io b, resumed at ??! , e.'el tick. in view oil these afiernoohl nv. olmmltlecH are requested to . 11cii;..- liielr hearing:;, following the! iriilloh -.f the limn for the Introiliic j ion -.1 bills, so us not to conIIlet wltn lb. ieSsions The resolution was Cap! iin .i II vVtssler offered a reso I hit (on fpi a committee oi Inquiry, com-, i.' of !?-?. mem be fa front the IlousV ' mid one fioin t|i{. Senate, to Investigate and report why it is that the average |iiir ctipltu i ,,i Inmates of the State j Ivplb- oic .'.,!-.,,.? is oiie-thliil greater [thill in t! ? ho piti Is for the insane. -Mr. .i t ii-u - .-id nol object to tho Inquiry, but laid Ii was not equitable compare I.oSi in an institution of lOu pa,lUnis w.lth one of l.'.'OO. Mr. Slrlittoii Said hi ivas autnorlzed to say that the management of ihe colony not only would not oppose tins Inquiry, but would court it. Not Objecting, Or. Ii ?. Stephenson said that this was u matter which the Committee <-:i I' Ina nee alreaoy bad In hand. Mr. Oliver moved to refer the resolu? tion to t'ne Committed on Asylums and l'rlsons, but this was lost by the- close vote of "l to The resolution was it'll' adoptees. Fi\lim lUe ItitleS. Mi Tlirockniortoii bite-rod .-. resolu? tion i > so amend rule Dil ot tho House thai vvhf-n a motion has been maeio mid defeated on three nbec-jsiive days to take tip a bill out e-f its order. S\w\ II has each lima'.received a majority but not trie- necessary two-thirds, it .shall thereafter be proper to take- lb,- mat? ter up on a majority Vote. This was if i. nded to force- tho prohibition en? abling act by adjusting the rules to suit the ease. It went io th<- Commit? tee on Hilles The Weave.- resofutlo-U providing fo,? an Inquiry, into tue Lindum? manage. ment of nil state. Institution? (not do pnrtments) by a commltloo of threo members, was reported from tho Fi? nance committee. Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch yesterday stated thnt this woull bo done. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. Sutphln offered a resolution pro? viding for tut Investigation of tho af? fairs of the Mount Vornan Ladlus' As? sociation?Its entrance tens to the tomb of Washington, Its surplus. Its officers and employes and their salaries, and what contraots It has with any electric railroad or steamboat company. Public Wants Inquiry. Speaking to his resolution, Mr. Sut? phln set forth some of the mntters al? ready presented to Hig Committee on Public Property, Ho was Informed, ho said, that an admission fee of 25 cents Is charged, and that there Is some con-j necllon with the company operating the only boat which Is allowed to land at Mount Vernon. A demand for an Investigation had como from all over "ho United .States. Tho management hud Haid when It had J60.000 surplus It would abandon the fee. but did not do so. Mr. Oliver moved to Tofer the resolu. tlon to the Committee on General Caws Although Mount Vernon was In his county, he had never heard of such u complaint, and the Legislature should look Into the affair heforo voting for euch a resolution; It was referred to the committee by a vote of 4L' to 24, A resolution was carried appropriat? ing ?l!46 to pay the expenses of the Joint committee which notified Sena-I tora Martin and Bwitnson of their elec? tion. The Speaher appointed Messrs. Mll stend, Land, Richardson, ft?, nnd Ourt: n committee to make arrangements forj the reception of Governor JudsOQ Har? mon, of Ohio. l'rnlilbllloii Once More. The calendar being reached, Mr. Jor? dan made his dally motion to take up tho prohibition enabling act out of its order. He said he did so In tho face of severe criticism, hut felt he was hacked by many people. Mr. Oliver regretted to again resist a motion made on three successive leg* Islatlvo dayc when the premier com? mittees of the House had reported the bill adversely. Now, he said, the advo? cates of the measure propose to amend the rules for the speclllc purpose of having the matter up. The Speaker put the motion to takej the bill up out of Its order, nnd, iiidu-' ing by the volume of sound, declared1 it lost. It evidently did not Ht that moment occur to Mr. Jordan thnt un? less he secured a roll call and a ma? jority for the ihlrd successive time, the rule prepared to handle this one case would not apply. Trent In* lllll The antltrcatlng bill was it rat onj the calendar. Captain John A. Curtis' moved that the bill be dismissed. lie! did not Chink Mr. Pltzhugh, the patron,] meant It seriously. Last summer, on I r. fishing trtp to ''ape Charles, the people of that town docked to the boat "llk? black ducks" to get a drink , when they found That liquor was, aboard. VI? hoped 'he House would not put the white men of to-day on the sarte level with "free, nfggers be? t?re the war." Mr. Fltzhugh sai<i he sympathized At Fountains & ESsewhen Ask for The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for AH AgsSi At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep il on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. f\ quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORLICK'S." Not in Aisy MiSk Ttru&$ t.otrl? Table d'liute liluarrw Saturday nnd Suhdnjr eveitlugs, C tu ii o'clock, 1 ' 31..Ill rnch. Richmond, Va. ! '! he. inofit magnificent hotel In the South. European plan. Rooms singio and eh suite, with and Without baths Spacious sample rooms. i RM?'. tl.RO per .lav nnd Howard The Valentine Museum ! HLKVKNTU AND CLAY ST11EUT& j Open ?lully from 10 A. M. to C : . ,M. 1 Admission, ?Dc, A'Tca p& Saturdays, I with Captain Curtis, but that this bin did not provont the latt". from taking ; a. drink. . I "Hut It prevents me from giving yni j a drink," interjected the Utchtnond I man. I "Yes, It prevents you from enticing ? me into bad habits," returned Mr. Fitzhugh, amid the ltushtcr of tho House. He eatrt It was a bill to protect young mon from being ruined by the social habit of troatlng. Tho Curtis motion was lost, and the bill put on Its passage and pa-ssd by a vos of 69 to 22. Roll Cnlt In Forced. ' Mr. Hovo horo moved to reconsider tho voe by which the ifo'lsi refused to take up the prohibition bill. Ho sadd ?ome members did not understand It. ? rha fact was that the parliamentary , rolnt bad occurred to the advocates ot I the measure. The motion to rocon ' ?kler was carried by SS o 83, and a .notion to take tne bit] up vrus lost by }Z o 43. Mr. Jordan thrrn forced a roll call exhorting members to sustain the cs.1V ?aylng here way a rcaf n for It. The roll call resulted: Ayes?Adams, Bali:. Dakor, ot , ChoserUeld; Bargamln, Bell, Borden I Bowman, Brewer, Brown, of Westmore? land; Buck. Chalkley, Coleman, of ?Spotsylvanla; liarman. byans, Fltz r.ugh, Fulton, Ivey, Jennings, Jordan. Kent, L.OVO, Hunsford, Martin, Masslc, I Mcetze, More, MoBcley, Mustard, Norrie. I'age, Rad ford. Row, Robertson, Hol ! *ton. How, Stepbenson, o Bath; Stepii enson, of James City; Stratton, T?te, Throckmorton Walton, W eaver, V\ lute, of Albemarlo; Willeroy, Williams, Wit? tier and tho Speaker?tJ. Noes?Banks. Browning, Burl. Chris- : tluu. Coleman, of Norfolk; Cox, Cream? or, Curtis. Daniel, OlMians, Grant, liar wood, Houston. Howerton, Kemper, Land, Mllstcad, Monoure, Ollvjr, Park? er, Pack, Peyton, Richardson, Rob? erts, of Mecklenburg; .-jutphln. Tabb, Templeton, Tiffany, Uta, Watts Webb. Whit*, of Rockbridge, ond Wise?33. i Pair?Mr. Smith with Mr. Montague, j Hills Are Agreed To. / ! i Because of the continued absence of I I Mr. Flanagan at thi bedside oi a mem? ber of hi.., family. Judge Martin Wil? liams called up Senate bill No. 5 out of its order, th^ constitutional read? ings wore dispensed with, and the bill passed. it the Council of the city of Radford to Issue bonds for school purposes. The following Mouse bills wi re read th'e third time, put on their Dual pas? sage, and passed: Changing the name of the town of Shohdun, Rockinghaih county, to Grot? toes. Changing th. time of holding eloc lions In tho toi\ :?. of Branchvllle, Southampton county. Amending tho charter of the city of Alexandria. Authorizing the county of Norfolk io borrow f?OO.OOO for road improve nieiits. Preventing the catching of fish by gill nets or s< Ihei in the waters of tho county of Ro 1. ridge. Repealing hu act ceding to the United states exclusive Jurisdiction ever lands owned by It In this State. Authorising and directing the work? ing of roads in Gochland county by tonvlcts at the State Farm. Fixing the strength of bridges In Franklin county. Amending the road law of Amtierst county. Paying to th' Richmond Press the balance du'e for printing the Index to enrolled bills Paying to "' < v mouth, Meister A Smethlc the balance for binding tho Index, Putting the sheriff of the city of' Richmond oh a salary basis In Heu of fees. Allowing the appointment of addi? tional game wardens In magisterial districts on application of live resi? dent freeholders. Prohibiting the ise of -gill nets or seines in ir nan River. -In Plttsylv nnnln county or I'ljinvllle. ( The House adjourned n.t 2:08. !1 S' NATE 1 Tin evrni ?>( ti day in the Sonate i os the I. reduction by senators Walker. Mupp, Saunders and West jointly of a bill providing for the e;ii ing and hold 1 r.(i t an elect/ion '"ion the aUeslipn of prohibiting the ma i fact u re and t.u. of Intrrxicalii., liquors. The failure of tho .lords-, i enabling act tci ire Immediate con-, slderatlon io the House is beilbvcd to] b..- responsible foi tlie Introduction ofl its replica in the Senate. It was re- I ferrod lei the Committee on Privileges and Flections. Upon motion of senator Folktea. the) Senate gav e its attention yesterday ex-i cluslvcly to the ) :gc nunibcr of un - oi,tested bills which gorged thjo cal-| endar.;_TJin<ler motion fifteen llfouse | bills, on their second reading, were. In n.uick succession ordered to their'I engrossment, mid ilfty-nine Sr note ' bills advanced from ihei'r first to their second readings. ?At the Instance' ,.f Senator Hart.] Senate Joint resolution No. 4, on its! Iirs| lending, din. ting the Governor I io nppolnl throe delegates to attend Ho- convention called by the Governor of Pennsylvania, i,, prevent the spread of chestnut bark disease, was given l-medlal- consideration and pushed. Unrlj ? i lloii -iii the resolution, mid j ?anotor iiarj, yr*\* necn?sary bocauBe ell ?JDo you enjoy a weird story?one that carries you out in the cold of a winter night?in the pursuit of a strange phantom? Try The Hunting Call," By HUGH PEND^XTER SJAnd if you want to glimpse into a life story?see a little life shipwrecked, and be a mute witness of a tragedy of man and woman love, you must read those blood-warming "Leaves from a Nurse's Diary," By LEONIE WOODWARD When They Were Twenty-One ^On his twenty-first birthday he was setting type, now he is the greatest of living American novelists. Who he is and how he did it, is the subject of an interesting article. Hy Gage has made some funny cartoons to go with it. All in HT1 TT* FV jl 1 he 1 imes-Uispate Illustrated Magazine Next Sunday the fact that the convention will meet in Philadelphia February 20. Senator Bowers moved that his bill authorizing the county of Culpeper to hold tin election on the. question of | borrowing money for the Improvement | of roads In Catnlpn magisterial dis? trict, In that county, (be taken out of | its order and parsed. The constltu- i tl U socond nnd third readings were all pensed with nnd the Mil was passed. To Investigate Institutions. A joint resolution was reported from the House and adopted providing for the appointment of a Joint committee Composed of two members and one Henr-tor to "nveEttgate all Institutions now u:-klng for appropriations to find out If these institutions art economic? ally administered, and to report tholr finds to the next Oeneral Assembly. The commltf c Is to draw no pay lor its servlccK other than a oum sufficient for Its expenses. Another House resolution asked the concurrence of the .Senate In the ap? pointment of a Joint committee of thrne. two from the House ond one from the Senate, to examine into the Administration of the epileptic colony In Ainherst county, and report why that Institution costs one-third more to maintain than any of the other State hospitals. Senators Tavonner nnd Gravatt, speaking to the rcsolu Receipt for Cold And Catarrh Remedy (By request.1 A simple l>ui highly efficient remedy for Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, Tight Chests, etc., also for Catarrh, is ordinary Mento latcd Suet. Apply on hot cloth to chest or throat for colds and sore throat. For Croup patient should swallow a piere aliout the size of a buckshot, also apply on hoi cloth lochest and throat. A small j lut put well up in the nostrils will relieve catarrh almost instantly. ^vSS^'' ^^^^IIEADQUARTCRS MfV ^^Sr^ *or <'w*'-*'tu a fkwtr Stttfs W ^LlJj^/ bgeest waiity Afro amunon | 0g o?i* ca? mi, n?u suojk M POULTRY poops ans supp?f.s ^^p^j^ tton. stated that the administration of the epileptic colony v\ as at ?; fit - clent and economical an that or the other lnstltut'ona. and that the ap? parent higher coat of upkeep per capita was due to the fart that Jt nad fewer Inmates at present, inn prn portion to Its tlxed equJpmc-nt. than : the Institutions with which It was , compared. They saw no need for an | Investigating comm'tter, and looked 1 upon It as a expense. The i ^??nato voted to refer the resolution - Io the Committee on Public Institu? tions. Washington Junket Coat 9343. A Joint resolution wan reported from the House authorizing tue Issuing of warrants In favor of a local bank, amounting to $215. for advancing ih<> expenses of the Joint committees ap po'nted to Inform Senators Swanson wnd Martin of their elmctlon. The ex? pense Is equally dlvldexl between the (louse and the Sonate. Upon motion the resolution was unanimously adopt? ed. After advane'ng a. largo number of Senato and House bills the -Senate adjourned ot 2:15. House Hills Engrossed. The following Hi.use bills were ad? vanced from their second reading ant ordered engrossed. To amend the CJode of Virginia ir. relation to the approval of title t? real estate for public uaep. To require tho licensing and ade? quate inspection and supervision of persons and corporations conducting maternity hospitals and lying-in asylums. To extend the tlma for collecting | taxes accounted for by the city and county treasurer, and not returned tlelin quent. To amend the law regarding corpo? rations with referc-nce to the decrease ot outstanding capital stock. To protect fish In the waters of J.canoke city, Itoanolte and Mont? gomery counties. To amend the act prohibiting the killing of Ash In Clinch River, In the county of Russell, with dynamite or cller explosives and poisons. To give courts of equity Jurisdic I tie-n to remove clouds from title to real c-fctate where tho complainant j is not In possession, or where the complainant has the equitable right to the legal title. I To amend an act approved February I ?1, 1S08. providing for a road law for [Spotsylvanla county. To amend tho law providing foi I tho opening and working of roads, and I the erection and maintenance of bridges In the county of Culpeper. To authorize the town of ICustvllle, Northampton county, to Issue bonds und to borrow money for the purpose et paying the balance due for com- j plating the work oi macadr-mlzlng the read? or streets through that-town. j To amend tho charter of tho city i of Roanokc. To amend the act providing for the ! Issuing of county bortds for permanent j road or bridge Improvement In Iho ! n uglstcrlal districts of the counties l I ol the Stale. To authorize, the town of , Cape j t'nnrirs, Northampton county, lo Issue j bonds and borrow monoy thereon fo> j j-itc i>uu<ouu of er Oeling ami .operating [ h plum for the manufacture, dlsttl bitlon and sale <.f electricity. To authorise the town of Cap.' Charles, Northampton county, to bor iow money for the purpose of funding oi redcem'ng certain outstanding bonds, maturing May. 191?, and to ex t<nd and Improve the water or sewer systems of the said town. "mate "Ills Advanced. The following .Senate bills were ad? vanced from their ilrst to their second readings: To pcovlde how the present exifltln jr fence law^ In any county or magis? terial district, other than such as have no fence, law. may be chanired by thr board of supervisors of such county. Amending the aot providing tlx. mote of ascertainment of damages in f..vor of abutting owners, whore any city or town shall cause Injury to property by reason of the grading of any street belonging to such city or town, and to give any assessment so mode against the city or town the effect of a Judgment. To amend the Code in relation !.o special commissioners of sale. To provide how further proceedings are. to be had on a Judgment of a Jui tlo? of tho peace, or of the mayor of a corporation, from ^vhich nn appeal has been allowed when the appeal Is dis? missed. To amend and ro-cnact section !>19S of tho Code. To provide for the creation of j bureau of vital statistics. To amend the present law providing for aid to the citizens of Virginia who were disabled by wounds received dur fC-mtluui'd on seventh page.) Germs of Catarrh Easily Destroyed and Vile Disease Ended. Delays are dangerous. If you want tc get tid 'of catarrh you must kill the genus that cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, ointment, sprays and douches have all failed. HYOMEI (pronounce it Hijrh-o-me> l/ll I r r is breathed IVILL /^TiLJ! over the THE //SBk sore, germ in fest e d mem bra no not only de? stroying thr microbes but healing ant! soothing the sore oitarrhnl spots. Breathe HYOMEI for ratarrh, cough?, colds, croup and catarrhal deafness, and if you arc not satisfied with the benrln obtained vour rrionev will he. refunded. Rrenthc HYOMEI; it is made of pure:-: Eucalyptus and other healing antiseptics, and is very pleasant t? breathe. Com? plete outfit, including hard rubber pocket inhaler and bottle of HYOMEI-, SI.00. After you once own an inhaler you can buy a bottle of HYOMEI at Tragic Drug Co.'s and pharmacists everywhere foi only 5'j cents.