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GIV1ESRE?S0N FGR CANCELING BONO Bill Approved Requiring Surety Companies to Divulge Information. By the terms of a bin reported favor? ably yesterday afternoon from the House Committee on Heads und Inter nal Navigation, surety companies which cancel the bonds of employes of com. mou >ar:ies must give Hie reason for such action. The light over the proposi? tion was oarnesl and extended, the cm Ire morning session of the commit? tee and most ol the afternoon being; taken up In discussion Of the bill. This measure, offered by l>r. C. W. j ? Irani, of Russell, was championed by j representatives of railway and express men. who earnestly contended for what they regarded ns n just bill. They saiel iluu It frequently happens that em? ployes are notified that their services are no longer required lor the reason that the surety company has concellod I he bond. Slacks of letters were pro? duced written by men who wanted to Know the reason for such cancellation, hut who could secmv no Information on the subject. It is fun her required that notice ol ten days must lie given by either the surety company or the employe If o bond Is to lie discontinued. This is in-1 tended to permit the man to defend Himself frm whatever accusations may have been brought against him. Representatives of bonding compan-i l-s said Hie bill would really Injure th'ej nie.T in that It would keep some of them from getting bonds. It was said that a surety concern should not be compelled to divulge Us confidential Information, thereby laying 'itself or lie informant open to cults for damages for libel. Rut tin committee thought, differently and reported the bllL ' I Banks Would Again Approve Amendment Started at Last Session. Hacked by officers of the Leupue of I Virginia Municipalities, B. A. Hanks,', id Norfolk, yesterday introduced in the House ot Delegates the surnc joint re-| solution proposing an amendment toi the Constitution regarding city gov-| irhmcnt by commission as was approv? ed by the last Legislature. Two years' ago it wn? Introduced by Edwin P. j Cox, of Hits city, and if it Is to bei adopted, it should come nguin bcforpl i his Legislature, which may submit iti to the people In the election of next I November. But Mr. Cox in view of the. experiment about to he made- In Kich-i nmnd In the Introduction of nn Admin-1 ist rat Ivo Board, has abandoned the proposition. The Hanks resolution rentes up t Ii 1 ;i' morning before the House Committee on Counties, Cities ..nd Towns. J. W'J Cruddock, of Lynchburg, and J. W. ser gcunt, dr., of Norfolk, will oppcar be? fore the committee In behalf of the urn- ndment. Daniel Colcnian, the other membi i from Norfolk, lias previously intro? duced by request a Joint resolution em. bodying i he Shaw ideaj of commission government. This would have' to eo l-.-iurc the- next Legislature, as It Is s new proposition, wheretts tlie Banks resolution could go to the voters thle year. The opposition to the formet amendment Is that its fcopc Is not wide enough, but it Is probable that the- delegation's which appear to-day will urge- its approval In tirdrr to get tills much accomplished. Petition? in itunkriiptry. [Special to The Times-?ltpateh.] Lynehbura*. Vs., February IV.?I. R. Ruck t r. .1 tobacconist of LyncilCmrir. ha>- tiled ? Statements From Prominent People Short Items of Interest to Readers in Richmond and Other Cities. One of the sensational statements re? cently made in connection with "Tont Vita." the tonic that has accomplished such remarkable rc.-til' - in Richmond, is that of a prominent merchant of this city, who said: "This 'Tona Yitu' is tIn: great - 1 est tonic I have ever taken. Its action j in my case was wonderful, for it not only I restored me u> perfect health after I hau been an invalid for almost ten years, but it did it in about ton days' lime. "I think 1 was the most down-hearted . man in Richmond before I began taking | this tonic. 1 was so weak that every little bit of work seemed like a big iobj and I was u> nervous as I could lie. 11 a person came up to me unexpectedly 1 would jump in a frightened sort of way. 1 never got a sound night's sleep, but would toss and roll around in bed all nifihr. When I sat down to a meal 1 did it more as a habit, as nothing that I ate was enjoyed. Besides, the'very thought <>i rating often made me sick. 1 would often forget im? portant duties and seem to lack all en? ergy. I " Recently I talked with one of the spc-1 cialists at the drug stoic, and he told me that 1 had nervous debility, and advised file to try a tonic called 'Tona Vita 1 I did so. and can truthfully say it is the best thing that could have happened to me. My ambition has returned, and my desire to be active and hustling is noticed by my family. I now sleep all night lung! and get up in the morning feeling cheerful j and more like a man than 1 have for years. I now enjoy my meal- and seem to be able to digest them in a way that 1 have not for a long time. A gentleman j who is living in tho same house with us i saw how this medicine was helping mc | and began taking it. antl even though he i has taken but a few doses, he is in better health than f have ever seen him." The symptoms of nervous debility are i unmistakable to those who know how i prevalent this trouble is. A tired drag? ging feeling of the body, a sluggish mind and dull memory, depression of the spir? its, nervousness, stomach trouble, weak back, poor circulation, cold feet, head? aches and bowel trouble. These are sure indications of nervous debility and mod? ern city life produces it in untold thou? sands. "Tona Vita" will positively remove this condition. If it doesn't the trial costs nothing if purchased ill the Polk Miller Drug Company, S.54 iia-t Main I Street. From 9 ..\. M. lo S P. M. the ! spe cialists will be at this sloie to meet the j public. The sale of this new tonic is now the biggest thing of the kind ever scon in1 Richmond, and each succeeding day marks an increase ol interest. "Tona Vita" is proving a complete revelation to the thousands of half-sick, run-down, li-tltss men and women in the city who did not know exactly what was the mat- | tor with them; It would be worth any? body's time to visit the Polk Miller Driig ' Company, the exclusive agents tor Rich-;! mond, and inspect the large number ol testimonials from those who have been benefited by the new ionic and who have undoubted faith in it as a remedy of un? usual value. voluntary petition In bankruptcy Iri the Federal court her., In which the llabllltloi are pluccd nt SST7.:"i. with no assets. All but two c>: lh< scheduled arc Lynch burs firm? and business concerns. T. A. Hayslett, n railway conductor, llv ine at l.lck Run. Botciourt county, has hied n rimitar petition In the tame court, In which his debts are (scheduled at Jl'C.ta. wiihem a*>rIs. _,_ TunneM Wnrh Completed, bynchburo Vit., February 12.?The work of extending the .Southern Itniltray tunnel In lltytrmont et it* southern ?-r.u hm- been completed, and !t eonn wll| Ve possible for the city to Dearlnjr .street and Co. lumula Avenue, which have been closed at that place eine* the wor wa? started '>n the new line through the city five years "BETTER FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OIL, SALTS..OR PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AM? . ' ??? IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. in lfi<? Circfe. on everij? PacfiagG of the Genuine. ?-?-? AU. RELIAB1X DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR. ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA. HONS. YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE, BECAUSE fT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSIOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES. SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH AS YOUR XJFF. OR HEAL IH M AY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING IMSENNA Note Hie M Name of tho Gompam ill ill i s PRIMED STRAIGHT ACROSS,NEAR THE UOUOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.SEAR THL TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE GENUINI ONE SUE ONLY. I OR SALE BY ALL LLAD1NG ?RUGGISrS. REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE., SYRUP Cjf FIGS AND 1IIXIR PF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT I AMILY LAXATIV^ BECAUSE n IS I HE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS LN A NATURAL STRI-NGTHINING WAY AND CLEAN5E.S THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPIEASANT AUER El FLI TS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING. AND THEREFORE DUES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLCASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. .WORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE IROM PERSONAL USE TO GET IT? BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE Investigate Our New Clock Regulating Plan It relieves you of worry and unnecessary expense, prolongs the life of your clocks und assure-, accurate time. Full particulars, cost, etc., phone Madison 1185, Smi TIME SPECIALISTS, & Webster, '(12 East Main Street. Progressive Senators Conic to Assistance of Money Trust Probe. LEA AND KENYON LEAD Their Action May Put New Feature to Fight tor Investigation. Washington, February 12,?t;-.c pro? posed congressional Investigation of the inonoy hum got an unlooke<] fur Impetus to-day in the Senate and hid .some developments In tho Mouse Sen? ator Kenyon, progressive Republican, and Senator Lea, progressive Demo? crat. Joined In framing a proposal for an Investigation by a committee of six members, to be drawn from both . houses. This Is expected lb be intro- . duced In the .Senate In the form of a joint resolution, which will require the concurrence of the House. With the House investigation well on its way to the Banking and Cur? rency Committee, as was directed iy ?be Democratic caucus, against the wishes of Chairman Henry, of the Mules Committee: William J. Bryan ?nd others, a Senate resolution of ln ?>ilry ?? put a n-w teat uro ?h tne Jght. Arthur E. Stlllwoll. builder nf the Kansas City. Mexico and Orient Rail? way, who hns said he learned of the. noney trust in ununcing his railroad, iad a conference with Attorne> -Cen? tral Wlckersham. Neither of tho men *ould discuss It. but It was known >bat Mr. Still will told tho Attorney ?leneral about th0 alleged mon-sy mo? nopoly. The House Rules Committee g >'. to? gether to-day to discuss a procedure for the Banklnr and Currency C->m mlttee. Chairman Pujo, of the latter, has submitted n resolution for nil In? vestigation, which makes, no mention of it money trust. Statement? 'jy sev? eral Democratic, members indicated that there wns not eomple-f harmony in the committee. Chairman Henry, of the HulCH Committee, win*' fought for a cpcclal Investigation, wanted to set eomo of his original resolution into tho Pujo resolution, hut did not suc reed. INSIDE HISTORY TOLD Washington, February 13.?The re? lation of \\ llllnm Nelson Cromwell to the proceedings through which tho (."nlted states paid JtJ.000,000 tor tne French rights to the Panama Canal route, were discussed before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs lu-duy by Henry N. Hall, of the New York World, who has been malting a study of incidents connected with the choice, of the Panama route over the Nlcara- j guan route. Mr. Hall charged that Mr. Cromwell hud Influenced Congress in 1899 to re? ject the Nicaragua!! route after It had been practically selected. Acting for Hie New Panama Canal Company, i which hud acquired the rights of the French builders, Mr Cromwell under? took, said Mr. IJnll, to Intluence the. new Walker commits ion, then appoint? ed, and commit it to a purchase of tho Panama property. ' "Mr. Cromwell persuaded Senator Hanna." said the witn sa. "to permit htm to amend the Republican national platform In 1000 In tili Interests ol ! the Pant-inn rout.-. The words -an i isthmian canr-r were substituted for the words 'the Nicar.iguan canal.' hut only after Mr. Cromwell hod contri? buted JfiO.OoO to the Republican na? tional committee, of which rionator llanna was chairman. This 160,000 Mr. Cromwell later charged up to the New Pans '.a Canal Company as a I necessary expense.'' Mr. Hall said that a few months be? fore cenator lianna had publicly at ' tacked i he- reports of the New Panama Canal Company as attempting "to In ; terfero with legislation." Senator Hanna thereafter, said Hull, , tool: an active part In advocating the i Panama route in the senate. Sir. Cromwell, he declared, prepare i a com? plete draft of the report he wanted made to the Senate upon the Panama ' route and submitted It to senator Hanna, of the committee that passed I on the legislation. j "Mr. Cromwell's draft was con so I quently adopted and signed by the minority." said Hall and became fam 1 ous under the name of the "Hanna minority report." It wuk the text > book <ui the Panama Canal during the debates which followed in the Senate. Mr. Cromwell wrote Senutor Hanna's speeches In favor of the Panama routs, if not in their entirely, at least in great part.',' Many Verbal Clashes. ] Washington. February 12.?Former Postmaster-Oeneral Cortelyou's testi? mony before the House Committee on the Expenditures hi the i'ost-Ottlcc, which is Investigating his fraud orders against the B; U i.iwis Publishing Company, of St. Louis, developed many verbal clashes between Mr. Cortelyou and Ijdwlh C. Madden, :ormerly Third Assistant Postmaster-Oeneral, but how counsel for Low Is. Mr. Cortedyotl said In: had taken the case out of MiKlden'S hands be? cause there was a "lack o? frankness" on tho part of his assistant. Madden retorted that Mr. Cortelyou "had intended to be fair." and challenged ' the Post-Office Department to show thni Mr. Cortelyou's sctlon in the Lewis case bad been paralleled In nn? dther. DISCUS LOSS OF LIQUOR MONEY Members Note That Burden Would Be Put on Next State Administration. i Ono feature ,of the Jordan prohibi? tion 6nahlins act which has so far. it seems, escaped public notice was much dieoussed about the Capitol yes? terday. It Is that In tha event an ? election on the subjeot of prohibition I ts called and held, and the state i shr.uld vote against licensing the salo i of liquor, it would not go into effect until May 1. 1911. Rev. James Can I Mm. in his address before the House committee, called, attention to this Ifcaturu lntuxnuub ?/: U?o lots vi Wo.upr .U-, She may not like it and you won't like her after she is cooked. A Winter morning generally means a cold kitchen, a slow break? fast, children late to school. Kitchen worries and cooking prob? lems vanish from the home where is known. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. It contains all the rich body-building material in the whole wheat made digest? ible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. You can prepare a warm, nourishing meal in a few moments by heating the biscuit in oven to restore crispness and then pouring hot milk over it. Also wholesome and delicious with stewed or canned fruits. a the Whole Wheat Made only by THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY Niagara Feil*. N. Y. censes in this event would result ln| closing sonn- of the schools ;md hop- i pltals for the Insane. o> else In In - ' . rousing the statt; taxes something like SO per cent., attention -v0- called to the fact thut the L? g -Int.ire ot 1912 would ho putting into motion n propo? sition whose effects would no; be feit I during the- administration of Governor] Mann, hul whose deficit would be ."ad dled upon Governor Stuurt or Governor Tucker or Oovornor Ellyaon. This -Ituution has called forth a Ki,<,f] many' 'nqtiirles as to whys and wherefores This discussion als-, reminded some I ?it the members of the Stau- Senate who voted so sally und bllthelv on :h'- n'cht of the Democratic caucus jf January to for resolution direct ? fig the Committee on Finance to re- j port a. Kcner:il appropriation bill by. February 10, that they have not yot seen the aforesaid nioasuic, which It ?Uli !n the breast of a Joint subcom- I mtteo it.-- bearing upon an election which might result in tin- loss of ! 1536,000 of license money?njmost equal in amount to Un other licenses to? gether?is also talked of. Here and There in the Legislature Although modified by a radicul amendment, the proposition to giv>! the Commlsslonei of insurance diree tlon over th. nrc InHuran^-- placed ??!: Slate property, tvns not reported yes? terday afternoon by the House Com? mittee on Public Property, instead, It was referred to a subcommittee. This bill, which has passed the Senate, was recommitted in thi House, on the argument that it put too much power in the hands of the commit sloner. Tin amendment permits the offlcors of State institutions to place the insuran-e with any agencies they may wish, ? long as they comply with schedules laid down by the com? missioner. A letter was read from tho North Carolina ( nmmlssioncr. saying that the State is saving per rent. *oy this course, over the old method til haphazard insurance, placed by locul Officials, and regarding which the state officials had no Information. Governor Mann has recommended such a hill. The Hons-; Committee on Finance was asked yesterday morning to ap? propriate DO for the eradication of ehestnut blight In this State. Later, on motion <>: Judge Williams in the lious<\ th<- bill, already reported from the Committee <.n Agriculture, was recommitted to iht Finance Committee. Commission.-v Kolner, of the De How a Simple Paste Will Remove Hairs (Mo!, and Toilettes.) Many beamy i-pccialists now employ ' n simple powder known as dclatone foi the removal -i superfluous hair.-, and whitening lib Persons wishing to remove fuzz or hail) growth; fr< in the .-kin tvilhoul em? ploying the painful and costly electric needle should bin an original package of : dclatone from iliu druggist. and wtth aj little mis enough water i" form -< thick; pa-ie. Spread IIiis on the skin'.- snrafee, land after two three minutes rub off land wash. You will lind the hairs are Igonc, while the kin is left \\liiic and 1 smooth W hile dclatone costs a dollar a package, it is really the cheapest and most satis? factory thing one can use, as it is un- j failing. ; ... - Southwest Virginia is a Great Field There are more prosperous towns, more prosperous people and a | 'greater percentage of white people 1 there than in any other part of the j State. If you wish to reach them use The Roanokc Times j iP Advertisingrate?on application g partment of Agriculture, said that the value of the chestnut timber in Vir? ginia :ias b'eeo estimated at $30,000,000, and that tho trees were scattered ovr. 11,500 square miles of territory. Many tanning plants are dependent, upon it. Dr. Mctcatf, of the Forestry Division of the National Department of Agri? culture; said In a few years the chest? nut timber of the Country woulU be destroyed unless something Is done to check the blight, which Is beginning to attack Virginia. Deputy State Forester Williams, of Pennsylvania, told of the big appropriations his State Is making, an?! Invltc'l repre? sentatives to attend th? conference to be held at Harrlsburg next week on 1 this subject. A bill offered in the. House yesterday 'jy Air. Cox would add clerks of coun? ties to county boards of health, I In order to make automobile owners , .inbie for damages, Mr. Willeroy in I troduced u bill In the House yester I lay to the effect that when the pro ! privtor permits his machine to be ] Irlven b; another, he makes that ? trier his agent, the principal being I responsible for acts committed by j ?egllgence of the operator. This does ' not. however, release the driven from -"tin: tin I i t sponslblllty. - Mr ChalklCy ,in"d Mr, Clarke. In .t : nil presented" In the ll-use yesterday would pay to convicts, upon their dir ? charge from road forces, 1-2 of 1 coat j :oi each hour they have worked. - ? Tor the. safety of both automobile owners and drivers o fhorses and otner ?lllmals, as well as for the public, Mr. dOUSloil has <r bill, introduced in tlie House, to require drivers ot vehicles propelled by animal power to" display : .ichls. at night. A uniform charge for printing court orders in newspapers 1? aimed at by Mr. Weavjr in a bill orfertu by him. He would prohibit the cnurgtng oi more than 00 cents an men, and would not permit nonces to be set in type larger than "brevier,' or eignt point, unless ordered by the party placing the advei tiseiuent. Oillccrs of the Virginia Volunteers j will be In tho city to-day to consult regarding the spessurd bill, which seeks to reduce by one-half the ap? propriation made uy tne state to the military lund. General C. C. Va?ghan, Jr.. of the First Brigade, arrived last night. Colonel It. 1". Lfcfidy, of the Second infantry, and others, will ar ! rive this morning. IThe Senate Commuter for Courts of Justice reported favorably at its meet? ing yesteictav iifternboh, Senator Tuv enner's lull giving juries discretion to ! punish murder in the llrst degree alth ? er with death or bj conllnoment In I the I en-lent iat y for life. I Senator Featlleirslon's bhtlplstol-tot inn bill was reported yesterday with i j substitute by tin- Senate Committee on I General Laws. The committee renil [ ered a favorable report also on Sena? tor llarman's bill providing for the ! regulation r.f chlrupractice. The sann- committee reported Sena? tor Oravatt's bill regulating Iii? purity of Ice i.i'1'iim. with an amendment pro? viding that dealers who sell condensed skimmod milk, or ice cream made from II. shall conspicuously labor these pro-| duets to net forth that fnet. , - i The House, bill providing lor the dis? posal of tho dead bodies of criminals and inmates of the State eleemosynary institution!:, which occasioned such a ; hard light In the Senate that It hod to I be recommitted for further amendment,, I was reported yesterday afternoon by ! the Senate Committee on Oeneial Laws. ? In Its emended form the bill Is opera? tive In counties In which cities are lo-i ' cated.. Exclusively rural counties are ; made nt'empt from Its application. The principal fight against the bill in the I Senate was directed a-.aatnst the pro? vision which made the dead inmates ; of county almshouses and State hos ? pltals available for the dissecting i rooms, and subject to tho order of the I State Anatomien! Board. I Former Senator J. T). Riam, or Hr.mfr.wick. ? -.v*s ,-, vulMr at tho Capitol yesterday. J Joseph M. Hurt, cashier of the Citizens' I Bank, ,,f iiinckat?ne, >m her, yesterday on j his wie ?i WllllnmsburR to litteud n meet lie,.- ..r :hf Imars of visitors of Wi.Kam und 'alar? College, ROANOKE MAY BE KEPT OUT OF THE CIRCUIT [ Special in The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.] Danville, Va., Fchruury lj.?A nv cl? ing H'a? held lei*night In the rooms of ih" Commercial Association, all or those present beinc actively connected with the Virginia I.-.-cigue Association, from which all newspaper men were | excluded. The- nvt-tinu nad as Its oh- j jcct the elimination of Itoanoke from i the elrcult. I Secretary Farrell was wired to-day| asking if It was the rulinft of the commission that u was compulsory upon the now organisation that Koa nokc be admitted, or It It was a mat? ter that was left to the new league to decide. Cpon the answer to this telegram depends the future of baso ball in the home of former President Williams. Considerable opposition to admitting Koanokc tuio arisen among those In power, owing to the tact that it means one of two things; cither an eight club circuit, or the dropping of Newport News. As viewed by those in a position to know, the flr;,t narne-t is out of the question, and Newport News Is a component part of the new organisation. Allhought it has- been announced that Abe Horowitz already haa completed arrangements whereby Juck Grim will have charge of the club In that city, as a matter of fact the Newport News franchise Is held by ! W. M. Snead of this city, to place v.'.ierever In his opinion It may : best for the welfare of the Icaguo. I While it is absolutely a fact that .Mr. Snead has no love for ftoanoke, I and will, if it Is possible, under the I ruling of the national commission, turn the franchise over to Newport I News, if It can bo done so as to s^rve best the Interests of nil concerned, at the same lime he will not pursue a 1 pol'cy that is at ail antagonistic to i the recent ruling. ! In reply to the telegram to Mr. Far- 1 ! reil an anaw-er by wire was received stating thut the matter had been con? sidered und ihat a letter fully cover? ing the situation had been mailed. ' Just what the answor may bo <an bo] only surmised, but the crux of the i whole matter Is that every effort will be made to keep Roanoke out nnd (et Newport News have a berth Whlld liiere aeoms to be i? difference of opinion as to Just what tho outcome will be, tin: chances uro that if Itonn alte hsa baseball, It will h- in it,. Appalachian league. CHARTERS ISSUED T?.e City Hardware Company 'Inc.;. Char City, Vs. J. 6. Mason, president; W. i'. Wood, etcretary tri'a?ur?-r; H. S. I.*.!>?? comb?ail o( Chdie City. Capital: Mail mum, minimum; I&.O00. Object: Hardwsri business Diamond Block Machtna Company iln'c .. Britto!, Va Dick Iijrior.. president; L. T. Lowe, vlce-prt>.-;,!. nt. Oeorse M. Warr-'.. secretary and tr*?*ur?r-rail o! Ilmtal. Va*. Capita); Maximum; (30,0001 m:?imcir? R.00" Object: Manufacture machlnor; ;or bulla Ing block*. Flood's Hotel flr.e.l. Norfolk. Va. 1. P. Flood, president: C A. Ur-joner, vlco-prci. dent; J T. Flood, secretary and treasure- ? all of Portsmouth, Va. Capital) Maximum, 110,009; mlr.tmiim, fS.C'O. Object: Operat.-a hotel. The Rounoke Cafe (Inc.'. Rosnokc, Va. K. j C. Woodward, president; John I).i:!r>. vic? ? pietldAnt and f-wtai y; K. R Woodwsra SJII if Roanoke. Va. Capital: Maximum. t'.O.^-J; minimum. 15.090. Object: Operate a CSfd and liquor huslnes?. The VlrSlolao Industrial Corporation. Ken hridse, Va. O T Kennedy, president: J. N. .T.',hn.-on, vlc?-pr*s|de.nt; J. T. MeKenna, secretary and tre* i urer? a'.i oi Kenbridr?. Va. Capital: Maximum, fSO.000! minimum. 1110,099. Object; 'Real estata burlnest. factory Hill Power Corporation. Franklin. Vn C C. Vauchan. president; C. C. Vaushan, Jr., secretary and treasurer; c. C. Viuphan. HI.. C, A- Vauffhsa, S. P. Vaushan?all nt Franklin, Vc f'in::i: Maximum, ts.OX'; minimum. $i.oy>. Object; Operate a power plant. Jordan <t- Jordan 'Inr Huyma rket, Va. C. E Jordan, president; R. n. Jordan, rlea pt-iildent; W. M. Jordan, Meretary ir.l tr- naUrer?all of Haymarket, Va. Capita'.: Maximum, m nlr.,um. (10,090. Orjje::. Mercantile baiir.eer. Splnlle Fru:i Company (Inc.). Roanek*. Va. C. S. Spind!?1, president; T. D. Hosier, vice-president; C. E. Ped:eo. seeretiry and treasurer? all of Roanokf. Va. Capital: Max? imum. 175,099; minimum, %?%<>:<> Object: Fruit business. Feliniur.v Term Opens To-Day. The February t*rm oi the Law and Befall Cour: -.Mil open t..:? morning at n o'oln,.... Tiio docket wlrl be railed and U larse num? ber of Important co??s sat for trial. No case of contagious blood poison is ever cured until the last particle* ?f the virus has been removed from the circulation. The least taint left ill the blood will sooner or later, cause a fresh outbreak of the trouble, with all Its hideous and destructive Rjmptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, copper eolored splotches, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc. No other medicine SO jjurcly cures contagious blood poison as S. S. S. It goes down into the Hood nud steadily nnd surely drives out every particle of the iufecliou. It .absolutely and perfectly purifies Uie blood, and leaves this vital fluid as fresh, rich and healthy as it was before the destructive virus offcontagious blood poison entered the circulation. S. S. S. quickly takes effect on the blood, end gradually the symptoms disappear, the health is improved, the skin cleared of all spots, sores and other blemishes, the hair stops coming out, the mouth nnd throat heal and when S. S. ?S. has cleansed the system of the. Eoisoti no.trace of the disease is left. S. S. >S. cures contagions blood poison ecause it is the greatest of all blocxl purifiers, tested ami proven for more; than fort}' years. Book on this disease with suggestions for home treatment, fciul ftny medical advice sent free to all who write. THF SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. eadquarters For And all grades of mill work. promptly Hilled All orders 1557 E. Main St.