Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market Xsw VorU. February 14.?Few of the nntlvo stork* moveil elo.vcr uu -?v down as much a* a point to-day. Quotation^ were advanced, lu a lan? guid way at the opening, tell bay* agjln to an approximate level ??Ith yesterday's close, ami stayed there until shortly bifore the end of tho ?lay, when a bear drive weakened the litt. 1 hi f. w s-.u-ns of life in the mar? ket rccentlj seemed to have disap? peared. The tise in prices at sac beginning of tiio day was ascribed largely t? the littlueucc ? i buying for t.6udon account. Pressure against sonn of the le>s active Industrials, particularly the sch?re? of the independent ste< 1 coin iiuntes, led to report* of dividend r< - auctions. The itt<llti.?? ??! two points Jn Republic Steel, preferred, was ut trlbuted to a report of thi-- nature. Within the last month this stock has tallen more than trn points. Tille cop? per stocks wer,> again strong, and lbs aid to be doing a utov.cincrii u*ipareril mptlon ?'.' Shori sell ' which wi re shown rie. Heading. Fnlteil . which lost a Issues rose strongly, o an,i IjOrillard gain jn.l Lilggi It .V .Myers producers were fairly good busthctf the lute selling ? ly was due to rcstll most plainly In Eli States Steel and L pcvlnt or more. The tobacco American Toba ins nve points three. Prices of bonds w.?rc Hrsgulitr, with no decided movements aside from the local traction Issues, some of which were strong. Total sales, par value. S2.S0".0t'o. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales for the day, HO 1,200 shares, including Amal. Copper, 24,500; Sugar, 2..">00; American Tooaceo, 2,000; American Tobacco, preferred, "ion; A. C. I... BOO; C. &? 6? 9"0; U & X.. tiOO; N. & W., Suo; Heading, 40.500; South? ern rty.. 200. Southern Ry., preferred: 1.900: U. P.. 25,700: L". 8. Steel. 84,600. New York, February 14.-*-Mbney on call steady; 2 1-4?2 1-2 per rent", ruling rate, 2 1-4; closing bid, J 1-1: offered at 2 1-2. Time loans steady;, Sixty days. 2 3-<. and ninety days. li: Fix months. 3 1-4. Prime mercantile papier, 3 i-2'.? t. stealing exchange a lead y, with actual business in bank? ers' bills at $4.S4.-iO for sixty-day bills end at $I.S72.ri for demand. Commer? cial bills. SI.5.3 3-1. Par silver. 60. Mexican dollars. 17. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET, By Richard W. Maury. Fiork and Uor.d Broker. 1011 E. Main Street Richmond, Va., February It, l?::. S.M.F.S AT HOARD. Virslnla ."s. Old-.\t?0 at i,a<?. STATE SECURITIES'. Did. Asked SS* Virg tili ."?, Old, C and r... 1M2_ Ss'i Va Centuries, 2-3, C. and li . 190L. SS CITY SECURITIES. Hlcl.inoiid City If. lt.. l!?20-tfC9i.i. M!j Rich. City If. C, und lt.. 193S-13I3 9SUj RAILROAD BONUS. A. C. I. R R. Con; Tr. 4 p. c... W a. C. L. R. It. Convj Uebs. 4f. :?3?. id: I.', and O. Oen'l M., ?'-?. lt>H. ?1 tJc&.-ela. 5.iu. and Fiu . IMS. 10/ tltorgla und Alu. Con. 5s, IHu. lot Not. uad \V??t. By; ?*. 1X4. M Eesboard Alv Line Is. lMo. j; f-aboard Air bine Adj. .'?*. ti'tj... 7'J r?oui!i*rn Rai way it; of. l!d>? . KM to. It. Dev. bud G. M. If. IK*.... 73 Western N. C. l?t fi?. c. 19M.103 STREET RAILWAY BONUS. Jvir and Ports. True. Co. 6s, 1*3*.. 59 Va; It>. and Power Co. is. lMi.. W?; STREET UV. STOCKS. Per. V:i. Ry. and Power e'o. vom.100 4'cU RAILROAD STOCKS; Tar. Atlantic Coast Line com.PV> 13$ Chesapeake and ?Jlilo.10" 71 Norfolk und Western com.w lo?>j tfuuthern Railway nfd.i"i Southern Railway eom.100 "i RANK AND TRUST CO. STOCK. American National.100 19* lirosd Street.<W Batik of Commerce and Trust.:", lfcj First National.KO 333 Merchants National.100 '10 National Rank ..f Virginia.100 JW National stat- mid city Uank..iO);20.' I'lanter.- \. fsoiia:.KM Havings Uaim ut Richmond. .'i 7? Union Bank of Richmond. .v> 3i.i Virginia Trust Company.KO ;??> West Und. Ii 4M Richmond Hank and Trust Co.i 2J 27 INSUR A NC E COM PA NIE S. Va. Fire and Marine Ins. Ii 70 MISOEM.A.VEOl/3. Va.-Car. Ch?p>: pfd, s p. c.'.oo 119 Quotations for [Interest-paying bonds an ?t a price to which Interest must be added. Hi come bonds und certificate! of Indebted cess are Mat. BOND LIST. .1 4S Allis-Chalmer? I American Tebutci American Tobacco uld 5s. Atlantic coast Line ut 4?. A. C. I..-L. und N. col. *.r. 4s. A C- L eouv. 4s 'In BHtlmore).... Cheiapeake und Oh!., cimv. iK-.i. Llspett i. Myers . Llycctt ,v Msots 7?. Lorlllard Company is. J^irlilard Company 7t. Norfolk and Western conv. n. lo>!i Seaboard Air bine stamped If . S.*ls J-eahoarfl All bine adj. Its. TJ'.l Southern Rai:?ay is,. :?i, cuuthtrn Ra!lv a\ _?. loii* United States Steel is. 101-j Virginia-Brown Ur.i.- -tft. i? Vlrfflnla-Car. Chem. r.s. loot, Va. Ry. and Rower Co. is. f'7 M'abash 4s. .'-6 Wabash-PHtt, T-:m. l?t ts ctfi.. Pdt.umii :s, 1K1. IDHs I Ol rON MARRKI'S. New *i ork. February :?. -The i Vet in? extremely iiervous an 4'jrltir to-doy't ttadlni:. and a id. rrrords! foi th? muvcmei i wer, ?lurlriK tin ?arly aftern.?. thk sn t?ri:?r d? iinr u-S* followed break undei heavy realizing wli ?'e*k ?' a ' loiS >>; from li The s'r.utli appeared io tie selllil, here, und rsouinerti spot in?rkeit i\ .-.ported ?..r. unchanged t., Tnere wert rumort es's were reducing thousli supportin? Heir decllni s >vaii ? r lurlnf th< n?: Receipts at all t' ? b*.e- nt*;;.,. li< > leading hull ; llies on bulg). atl;? t on tile F ?79,;? lar th Ja:, j r. b\ M.-.-c OPEN AN ACCOUNT WlTR , The Union Bank of Richmond 1101 EAST MAIN S/IRr KT. 11.00 MAKES A START. 2 PER CENT. INTEREST Ohicial Ransre and Sale ol Stocks in New York !C0 Allls-Cholmors . Allls-Cnnluu rs. I'M. Vmalgnmnicd Copper >?? Aincr. Agri. Ohem:, com. I ICO Amer, B* t Sugar, com.. P?> American Can . i Am< rj>-.ii? C in. pf'l. Amir. ( iir mid Koumlry;, Amor. Our mid Kou'ri., pfd I 0 i American Cotton Oil. American Unseed Oil_ l<?l American Locomotive ... i KM Amer. l?oeomollve. pfd..; Amer. .Malt r1.)., pro. 11.200 American Smelting . I ?.'.?'???i A merlon n Suirar . ;." Amor. T.l. and Tel Co.*;. , l.tsVl American Tobacco, com. I.yot Amer. Tob.: pfd., old. Anaconda Copper . i.i"' AttfhltJ?ri . >-?i Atlantic Coast l.lnc. a. i'. t. Connecticut;. I 1." ? Baltimore: am! Ohio. 8*? Brooklyn Iti.piil Transit. 509 Central leather, cohi. i I.70J Canadian Pachte . !,&?) Chesapeake ami Ohio.... Chicago Grout Westert?; 1,3 ?' Chi., Mil and st Paul.;, tfi Crucible Si- ',1 Cor., coin. 10 Cruclbl .? 8te< i. pfd. WO Chicago ii<l Northwest. Colorado Pile! and Iron. Colorado at u Soulhein;. SOi) Consoll'la'.id tins, \ l1-.*,. D? Ih \vu i ?;? ami 11 iidMin ? ?. .'*' Den, iiiui Ulo Oran. KW I >cn. and lit.. Gran ;??> Distill* r ' See. Cor 7.70m Brie . 1>?> i-lri.;. 1st p(d. Ped. Mln. and Sm, SSO Geo. II. Helme Tob. Co. 309 jOeneral Blectric . 7,1500 <treat Northern, pfd. !".?(Ir'til Northern ore etf itv Central . <? intei boro-.Met. 3.20.1 inlorboro-Mef.. |)fd. Int. Met-. M ii in.-. com... By THOMAS I Open. High. Bow. ii9?i ii."'? .'0>:? it* i* j 13? 10-11 . II?, i on-., pfd. pfd.. ir.7 i""i, 1351, 7IV4 U9?i) ttoio 1051* 3Mi lid". v 11... H'i S)l.. in1. 31T4 ?8i * i? 157 130T4 :tfi 1$ utvj '??oHj HSVi, 1 !"?'??> ".'.*';, KM IVe.j lep , UM Mi-. IM ir,7 '??i '1 is lis'i HOr* SB i?o " 13?! 4 40 51 ll"ij .?..', 1W 117% UP. 1m. ? RANCH & CO.. Bankers and Brokers. Bid. Asked. Hales. St ick. Open. High. Low Bid. Ashed C on iip. ^ ihiernatlonal Paper _ 1014 ?"'? '"'j " V, v l'W Int. Paper, ptd. i5*? :'.', .Ve1, t'l frti r| ppt Kan. City Sou'.b.. com. ... ... Si 'M%i .?a;. Benign Valley . 1'"? l'A's 1*7?? Ii?!?? 157% 10) Liggett und Myers, com. I7V?.. lid I72??, 175 ISU hi; ia :aw Liggett and Myers; pfd. 10WJ 110 I".''-; it-". IW :?? ?.) Lortllard Coo coin. 170 17s 170 171 170 SIC, 1"' Lorlllard Co.. pfd. Iii '. ui'-.. 111?-i 1lllfi IHt, t%0 Loulsvllli und Nashville 153% 1. IJ.",? U:*\ i-.'-j hi Manhattan . ... ... ~ lAS"? l"-1. I.-... 16) Mtl.. Kon. and Texas? Vii'i, '.?;'? S?'t :. :?.:<*. Mo.. Kan. und TeX., pfd. ... .. ... UJ pi'i SOO Missouri Pacific. VV, D'i s??i :. -v, t? 100 National l^cad . f?H .: , M", M?4 7M? KONcw York Central. UOtJ 1 _- l!"'-.- ll"ls lv.u.. N. y.. ont. and Western ... ... ??'''??,-. Uns?" |.(?>J Norfolk and western... lOSjj l"J 1>': i";-'i Kl Northern rncirlc . I17U 117?; 117'i 117 pnclliC Mail . ;i2>4 3!?? ??i 3I? ::. . 1:100 I'ennsylvitnln . l22Ti I -: lt3?i i"-'J4 1'-!', iXO People's Has . I"-! H'i'i IW l"i't la?>,i l'lti>-iiurgb Coal, com. ... ... it VV> ITett'ed Sle.-l Car. ... ... l?tfi Pressed st ?i Car, pfd. ... ... 1 i1, ity. si.-ri spring, coin. .. ... iS'.i 49.O1W Heading . i:.7;, l.*',i i:?s?i l.V?, '.?.?Ii Ti.i Bepubllt Iron and Steel -'i'4 , II''; :,T. I,?.vi Hepulilic i. and S.. pfd.. 7"', .J 7'.'l>.. in IV) Itock Island . 23U ?.::? ? 7 1 ? 1 Upck Island, Pfd. " ... I--, 11 -1 .-lo?.--Sheffield . . t? R! S,SW Southern I'nelnc . IW 107?; p'T^i 112 ?00 Southern Bnltwiiy . ia H> '.'7% -? 1.970Southern Railway, pfd. 7'.:., 7.".'.i 7-:"', V< Standard Uli. . 7.'? ,:"".i Tennessee Copper. ... .. :'V!? 171 iMT-vas I'aclili' . "I?i '.'-'i i'i -?'?>-. 11 ss.iW irnion I'uvltlc . I'd ", p i !?'.;??.. 41'; as) United States Rubber... in ??? ?? : * ??' Culled Stat-s Steel. ,711:. ,1 -,'<?' .;..s 31*4 1,030 United States Steel, pfd 10714 10", 1"7:? IM ?'l'-j Vo.-Cnr. Chemical . ... ... 11 12 100 Va.?Cat-; Chemical, pfd.. II? lit' ilf> ll!i I'O Va. T'y. and Power, com ... ... . . t') lr'n Va. Ity. an I Power, pfd. ... ... ... .-TU 130V4 1.200 Wabash . 7-% ;?'. 7', .', 3&\ !.'<>i Wabnsh. pM. l??i^ p.-, ;:? 11" |>X1 Western t'nion . ?i ? >:'. -;::? s;!? ,s Wcyinan-Bruton Co. ... " ... i;:, ??'r'i Total saU-s for day, 307.c/?i -tuir ?-. <:'\ Toll i gllies for week ttwo days)! T.V.o- .hares. November .1.?.::. 10.63 10.41 W.K December .10.? 10.6'S 10. G t??.i*.| spot cotton olofed steady, ^ points higher; middling uplands, 10.70; middling gulf, IO.M. Batet, 1 sbAin. Cotton, steadyS mlddilni!. ',0.70: gross re? ceipt?. 4,2?;: baler: sales 1* bale*; stork, 191. !>'.r b-cl<f; export to Great Britain. ;.1M) bales: Coastwise, ;,IJ4 bales. Total to-day tit alt ports?Net receipts, 41,141 bales: export to 'irc-at Britain. S.430 bales; to t,he. Continent, li.^I bales: to Jupan. 1,16* bnle?. stock. 1,175,11* bales. Consolidated at all ports?Net receipts. Ill,174 bale?: export to Great Britain. St. F.S bales; (o Frailer. -.9.753 bales; to the Conti? nent. 75.7<V', hales; to Japan. 11.114 bales; to Mexico. :? bales. I Total slnr? September ! at all ports?Net I receipts, Mai,H7a ba>s; export to Great Britain. 3.MS),<CI balers to France, ??.uns bale*: to the Continent, :'.r">7..v.i bales: to Japan, B77.9&S bales; to Mexico; 1.755 bales. New Orleans, February 14.?The price ?f | otton broke suddenly ,?1 ? bale Into to-day I In teh local exchange. This decided rem i came without warning, and apparently due to bear iaiding, realising of profits loncs and heavy "ffeiinss ot contracts froth Ihe interior. Cotton futures opened rty at a decline of IUI points. The tnnr Ikvl closed steady at a net decline of K-n;J| I point". After -llclit fluctuations the market;) wad duC4 nod featureless around '.he middle i o- the morning, in ihe afternoon session,! after remaining quiet, the market suddenly I weakened and broke St n bale. At : o'clock the prices were. Jltris points down trom th" I ld?lir.?t of tlie day. Spot cotton steady and | uneh.-iticc.l; middling, I0',ic. Sale* on ,lh spot ;.4<<? bales nnd ?*? to arrive. February I 10.39; March, ft.IS: May. I0.M; July, Ift.?f?; I Antu.-t. io,4S| September, l?.44j October, 10.31; | December, 10.40. LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Levy Commission Co., Com? mission Merchants, Richmond, Vs.) Richmond, V.l., February It. 10:.'. I ACTUAL WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS Of MARKET. LIVB POULTRT. I Turkey hens, lb. M Q 10 Turkey gobblers, lb. i:t I Chickens, choice, ell?n:?., Ib.... 13 :i u flit'kens, choice, nulluni, Ib.. i; ;r M Chickens, larse, lb. '.i 13 Hens. lb.... }i in Roosters, each. 3.". ti M Ocere. tat. large, inch. (.fi so Geese, small, each. . tV? 7* Ducks, large, young, lo. .1 IS Ducks, small, young, 11. r., |& DRESSED POULTRY AND HOGS. Head and Feet Oft.? Turkey hens. M>. 17 is Turkey gobblers, lb. 1", , p; I Fowl, lb. 13 14 Chickens, lb. II ,7 |S i Ducks, it>. 1* 5i. 17 Hots, th., aicording to size.! t> y> 7?j I Stags . S ti? j Roars . 3 <j fi Spa re ribs . 1> <3 10 EGGS?Crat.-d. In crates, nearby, Irerh. dog.. Iii criites. other sections, dor.. 31 ejf BUTTER. Family, choice, flesh, lb. (, M< rohant**? fair, II. fj ;3 Lli'K .stock. Veals, choice to fancy ib. (j, ;i^ I poor lo fair, lb. 6J4j u res, runnei s. Ib. t> y s'-j I I She. p. lb. 3 ';f (Uj ! Lambs, spring, lb. fc iu* ttle, fair to prime, lb. 4 y ?><,' Regs. If. * it I11DB8. Dry flint. Ib. y salt, lb. een salt, Ib.... Green. Ib. Crreen. damaged. 6 lit 9 a. is 105? 94 ; Beeswax . PEAK AND BEANS l'ea?. R. Eo No !. bus. t.SS *j I Beans, choice navy; Im?. 2 X> y: 3.M , I FRUITS. ETC Oranges, Fla., box . . iTS C ! aPPLESt? 1 No. t. hand picked, hbl. I.2S H 4/0 ; Medium, bbl. t*0 ? :.W ? abbage. per l?o lbs. Hi 8 j MARKET CONDI HONS. Ess??Market actlvi to-day; outlook low? er. Rite Poultry?liens' actives turkeys plen? tiful and dm., ducks very active. Dressed I Poultry?Fowl, chickens, ducks in good .le? mon.I; turkeys; slow sale. Other produce] steady. | 1 NBtV YORK rittlDUCJ: MARKET. j I y.-.rk. February 11.?Flour?Quiet, but ? I stead]'; Ry?- Flour -Quiet und steady. BUck-i 'wheat Flout I'.itu Oornmcnl?Hieiidy. Rye Dul red, ladvahrs Mi) Easy: export. I nominal, cat Finn: .rt biitls! and 51.'T. ' Ibern. Dliliith, ll.Jlli f|-ni ,t '. 'I Il> I : July, fl.' !'.- Corn - ?. 1, afloat. Futures Futures nominal. ? Mi a ?Sv* and Firm. I Mar- j - Basj . Cibbni relghls and P? Weak. (.'Heese?I unrluiri] a *.: May. r ?.t0 ti"' r..?i pi nutnihe in tes ? if. iirll ; by loe.i! I crude i-rlrne I < Hit \'.ii f.KAIN ?IAKKICT. leo. II .. FebniaVy 11.-naplijl for ? higher llian ulieilens that withi toi e a t I iverjiooj nt the year ,,| tt,. let 1 to-day to the >c pncee were H'n cht. Corn innd" ?, ?? Sc.. uu 1 o ,tt ?< J licomo .-^ricil from ? OATS? May . 52* July . !?:? Kept. 4P MESS PORK?Per bbl. LAllU-IVr 100 Ibi. May .9..-0 0.27 D.20 0? July .9.1.7 a.U ?37 W Sept.r>.tV) 3..<T 9.50 ;?.; SHORT RIBS?Per 1?0 ibs. May . ?.77 s.s'J 3.77 July . 5.65 J.JO s.W 5.1 *cp(.?.oo ?.oo i.J6 i Cash srain cloied: Wheat?No. 3 red. Sl.OlU (ffl < \: No. 3 ltd. sSjlll.01: No. : hard. *: Ol .?1.0*: No. 3 h.ird, J9149fl.C?; No. I northern, ll.10Vl.13; No. :: northern. 'lOJ? I.II No. :t northern. 11.09 5 1.09: No. ? rprin;. ' *l??? I.*-*: No. 3 ?nrlng. 8J*T???i NO. 4 j Kl>ilnR. >>SJi.(;; velvet rhatT, W.i tl.O'j: du-I rum. toy 11.05. Corn?No. ::, 640<M<ie.: NO. 3i Whit*. 64', H SlUc. ; X,,. S yVnu; SP, T; CP... . ; I No. 4. ?I-V.i : N?. I w hite. ii Me.: N61 I yellow. 6i?;-ti?:c. Oat??No. 2. jic.: :.'o. 2 white, 53?i6r64e.; No. :i white. 5tg.S3r.; No. 4 white. ,s S fit'ite.; st.nn.lard. 53$??) :.3>-c. Baltimore, Md.; February lt.?Wheat ? Dull; spot, contract, t-o'ic. Chrn?Firm: spots, ci.ntr.iet. 70-4.-. Oats?Firm; No. 3 while, Wc. Rye?Quiet; No. 2 western, do-I mettle, 5K3J.O!. RICHMOND tiRAfN MARKET. Richmond. V.l., February II, |?tl WHOLESALti QUOTATIONS ON 'CHANOB VVHBAT-rCar lotr. No. ??? led. Western. j ;.o. So. .' r..<i. Virginia. u 1.05 Sa. J red. l.Ot :n t'lrcthta, fta<c lots). ? j boo COHN?Car lote. No. .' white. a & So. .. white. 74 -a. No. mixed. if 74 go. 3 mixed. 2 * Virginia (bag lots). 73 ? 7b Corn on the cob. 70 a, 73 OATS?Car lots. No. 2 mixed..'... fli 541? | No. 3 mixed. 'n No. 2 white. ?7ij:y &8 No. 3 white. MHO tVlntemeed ibag lot;). ?13 47 7? K VU?Car lot?. No. 2. ei. 1.03 No. 3. Q l_0l Virginia (bau !?'">. l-*> i-0l IVhent?Dull. Corn?In fair demand. Oats -Uul< t. RICHMOND MAY MARKET. Ulchinund, Vat, February 14, 1912. The quotations are as follows: No. 1 Timothy. 4f 124.00 No. 2 it No. 3 Timothy.22.0'? (j/ bight Clover, mixed. 24.50 (jf 25.00 No. 1 Clover, mixed. 23.60 & 24.0o No. 1 Clover. ?& 24.VU No. 2 Clover. 21.M sj No. V Clover, mixed. 2J.O) (i STRAW?Compressed . t) 13.50 Loose pressed, large bales.. 14.(4 BHUCKfi?Compressed . Is.M :>r Loose pressed, large bates... 17.09. n CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND live; BTOCK MARKET.'s :ii Fnlon Stork Yards.) Richmond, V'ni, February II. 1912. llepori ot the live stock inarset for the] week ending February is: Receipts?Cattle, 323 head; calves, 0! head; sheep, 41 head: hosts. 5,250 head. liest steers. ?UffTe.; medium to itood. Hi jj I Bei; common to fair. t'iJi.'.e.; best heifers; I i'i I?'.. lr.edlum to good. liiffSKc.; common to lair. ltf4V4c.; best cows, p.jjfic.: medium] to go,?d. 3%t0 4'ic.; common to tuir. 5141) i i'i':.: best oxen. 50M.4C.; fair to medium, I l.tH'j?'-. bulls, iiV'iUjO.; ca!v?, 70>7Vie.;l tair to medium, :.tf4'ie. Cows and calves, $2.i V'" .00 per head. Rest heavy hogs, 614I 0\e.; good. '.40 to l$V-pouhd hogs, 6<i tTtitt; i light hb?ii lind plus. 5'? ?'.? rt'ie.; sows and flags. .". 'i ????: best iheep, l',4?4Mjc,; c?niinoii to fair. ei4?SHe,; best lambs, 0!4t)7c.; com? mon i" fa'lri I'.jflSHe. Chicago. 111.. February 14.?Cattle?Receipts I 15.500 hcud. Market steady. !te.-v..?, $|.7?>.? S.?>f': Texas steer-. J I.*",! C.7.'.; Western ?teers, M.5??]7.00; stocken and feeders. |3.&04j 4.0S; I .-.??> and heifers, i: p.i>i'6.50; ralv?s. J-..75W J >.;(>. Hoki?Receipts. 3f'.'?0 bend. Mnrket 5i\ I lower. I^iaht. to...O6.I0: mixed. >"..x5';i 6-'?>; ! heavy. 6,v.>?*..'<> ?.:<?: rough, g.t.C, ?<.?*>; pl(|n, j H..-.JI ".'-?: bulk of sales. (6<j't. 16. Sheep?j Receipts 23,0(0 liciid. Market strong. Native^ IS.15VJ4.70; western js.iosi 4.7"; yearlings, {4.75ft 5.70: lambs, native, JI.25id6.60J wesi erii, 11.50 ,i C.65. New York. Ftthruore lt.?Rerve.f.-Fteers. 1 J4..V.-.i 7A'?; l'U'.'.>. ?".7515; cows. 12.25?5.0); exir* tut do. |1.55^|6.40. Ort-steil beef.i steede at S':!?.':?. t-'a'.Vef?Veals. ?7fl 10,74; ] culls. 136/4.50; barnyard calves. J3f74.00}| ^?Sterns. t3.50)f6.00: city dressed veai?. ii'.>-.? 1 16.*.; country fli'.-s-eil. l')i._.'a 121-C. S'r.eej. and l.ambs-.Hheep. ?5 ii..'.'>. wethers and mixed. |i ;:.?? 4.73: lambs. j5tV7,tO; cullr. Sifi : 7.V llogs-t.teaily lit I5.50H76.70; pigs, s'.'ci I?. I RICIIMMM) TOUACCd MARKET. ! Richmond. Vn.. February 14. '.ii!2. j Following an the quotations on thu Rich-j inond Tobacco ExchShkc; ' DROWN till 1PFINCJ?NEW. I.ugs- .?300 tg-4 iM .-^iiort lent. 7.50 :j DAD LOiig leaf. S3.) ;t io.?o; Wrappers ?. 12.1.0 :j l;:.i?j' DRIUltT?. SiiOKKIiS-Coninion . 7.0) ft ?:?}? .Medium . S.?9 t| ll.O) Fine . 1j.<?? ,i 13.u0 j UUTTBRderComhion . 12.00 cp I2.60| Medium . 11.00 ;t 16.50 Fine . 17.00 15 1J.50 WRAPPERS-Common. s.o? \t- 10? ? HiM flood . 25.0 V 20.00 Fine .2.'.3'.'. ? 37.M ' Fancy . 40.(0 ?j I5.0J SUN-CURE U?NEW.*. common 10 good. 5.50 <f 7.00 Lues, good to prime. 7 50 it s.30 .short leaf. * 00 A 10.(0 MISCEI.LANEOCh MARKET.?. DRV OOODS MARKET. New York. February 14?The cotton nsT.trketj hold very firm. Wide ahcetlnits have been sdvsnred 1c ?; ? rd. .\b,.ut I.OW bales of three-yard sheet Int? have been sold 'er China shipment Worsted yarns -r\ A::n. Knit :..or!> are being ad vanccri for spot and f'j:ur<- shipment. The Jobbing trade Is active XAVAt STORES. WHmlargton. N. C-. February Its?Spirits Turpentine?Steady at li'-jc. ; receipts', casks. Rosin?Steady ut tASO receipts barrels. Tar--Flrm at $I.M; receipts W barrels. Crude Turpentine?Firm at i3.t04H.80. Savannah, da.. February II.?Turpcntloe Flrm at 4?">. U 47l.e.: fa>? ;.:.1 eisks. receipts ICI casks: shipments casks; stock "7,57t s?s1ks. rtosln?Firm; alct 5?? barrel?: re? ceipts 1.04S barrels; shipments Z.W, barrels; stork M.S61 barrels. Quote: 13. fuj.sO. Charleston. S. C. February t?.?Turpentine ?Firm at lOlje. Resin?Firm. Quote: A. D. C. !??. MARINE I XTVj LL1 GEN CE. PORT OF RICHMOND FLBP.UAIIV it. 19UV ARRI CEO. Steamer Brandon. Barney. Norfolk, mcr-i chandlsc and passengers, Old Dominion Lint. I Steamer Aurora. Furman, Petersburg and James River landing*, merchandise and pa^senser?, Furman Line. Tub Standard Oil Company. No. IS, Burk. Baltimore, barge of oil. Standard Oil Co. I SAII.EU. Steamer Brandon. Barney. Norfolk, mer ehandlse and passengers. Old Dominion Line; steamer Mob.lark. Graves, Norfolk nnd James; niter landings, merchandise and pas? sengers. Virgl.ilu Navigation Company. steamer Aurora, Furman, Petersburg and James River landings, merchandise a.nd passengers, Furtnnr. Line. Tug Standard On Company, No. 13. Lurk, Baltimore, oil barge. Standard Oil Co. j L GO TO KANSAS Accepts Invitation to Deliver i Series of Lectures at State University. lSpe< Inl t" The Times-Dispatch. I Chat'ottcsv,tie, Va., February it ?Dr. ] Charles Atptionsa smith, Lldgar Al an Pi professor ol lingiish st tin- University ot\ Vtiglnta, will i'aic Charlottesvlllo at ! cad ol this week to deliver a scries of iu turts before the. University of Kansas. II w.;i lecture on February If to 'J3,,. rjnd his subject* for theic days will be, te tpsclively, "The American Short Story, "American Humor;" ??Idealism in American] Literature.*' "Th'< Significance of the Uncle | R.-inus Stories" and "Edgar Allan Foe." the night of February ::i In. Smith ?villi address the teachers of Topcka, Kan. II.s] subject will be "American Literature In Foreign Lands." The occasion of Dr. Smith's tcrles of let turis it an annual lectureship slvrn to the University of Kansas. Those who have held | tint lectureship before arc George llerbi -t Palmer, ,,f Harvard; Pat,. Storey, of Chica? go; Jostall Riet and David Starr .Ionian. President A-.derman has designated Prof. John \\\ Mallei Iii represent the University of Virginia at t!.-; centennial Celebration of the Academy <j! Natural Science?, of Phil? adelphia, on March II. Th>> academy is one ot the most famous scientific bodies in the world. At the centennial next mouth the j leading universities, and learned societies America and Europe will be repr<-sented. ;s| in the ciue of tl;e. University ,,f Virginia,! by one of their most distinguished scholars, Thn commemoration day exercises of Johns Hopkins University will be iieid at Baltimore February tf?. At the same time alumni associations In nearly every ?tat? In the Union will meet and dine anu. at I usual, will exchange greetlncs by wlte with the aiina matei and ?vlth ?ach other. The: John? Hopkins Alimnl Association i?f Vir? ginia win hold its meeting and dinner at] tlii University of Vlrg.nlH. Arrangements! are being msdi by I'rot. Robert M. Ul.-d. | of ihe Unl\-ersity of Virginia, ami Prof. T. j a. Lew Is, of Richmond College. a tar^e I numbei ol .lohni Hopkins alumni are mem. i hers ot tin l.'niversRy of Virginia faculty. In addition '." them, many Itaehers, lawyers I and business men from various parts ??: ti e Stale wil bi present. Anion* them will le| Pro:. John II. Latape. of Washington and | Lee; Prof. T. .1 Stubb*. Jr. of Richmond, shd Pro: Mall ?-.inter, of Ashland. Va. i to city Council at ii special meeting has approved amendments to the charter, and' requeued ?.:?.< Senator and Delegates from tili? distil.\ ;:, ihe Legislature to have them enacted Int? law. The effect of thec iitiiendihenls w| | he lo provide for font comm ssioheri . ?eted by the people, lo i laki over tin .ldmlnlstratlve functions now | enjoyed bj tl, Council and to leave that; body in nossestlon of the merely legislative | powers. Including1 the power to levy taxes. I impost* license'' and to make appropriations' .>; toe revenues as at present. Th.t Is the! lit a re et approach to what I? understood by commissioner government that Iho Council 1 ASHLAND NEWS NOTES I Special to The Tlmes-Plspntfh, 1 Ashland. Va., February II.?.Miss An? nie M ft con Potts Is Ihe truest ...f Miss Maty Garth, in CharlottCHVllle. Mlsx Marxaiet Let leaves Krlday for Ne?v York to 'i.-ll her sister. Mrs. Stew art Smith. Dr. It. i: LDackwcll has return d front Warren ton. Mi.-.- LlloUe Robinson, of Richmond, wus ill- guest on Monday ,.f Miss Mar tha Hutches The V?'s Club met yestordny af-j ternoon. ''William Dean llowells and i Ills Works v.-.iM the subject of mi In lerosllni; paper by Miss Anna Vodch. Airs. Ii. r; SI ml they lid the discussion on Current Kvehts." Elliott'.Ionian, of Florence.!?. C, was here to-day visiting his brother. Or .1 W. Jordan. Frank II. Cox spent the week-end in Lynchbur", with his sister. Mr*. DftVU Hell. A Si. Valentine ten ?vaa given this aft triiooil by the women of ihe Ashland Christian Chinch, which proved a irCnt sme,.-.-. both socially and financially. Mr. and Mrs Andrew I.. ISllOlt, at South Norwood. Ohio. J.,iive Issued In-' vllntlon* to Ui.- marriage .<( tin ir daughter, N.itny Tussowell. lo ticorgo I I'llhItIIn Vuughuil, <oi Wednesday, l-'oli riiary 18, at hit If-after ."? o'clock. In tl. .? Church uf the Uood Shepherd. Norwood, Oliip, Mr. Cuugliaii Is ilk si r. oi Mrs. I. r. Vaugliuit, "f "Passeduhai" near Ashland, and hi.- coining marriage Is ?f ?real interest hero. Miss Sara Curdwclt lias returncfl from .1 visit tt> iir- home uf hit" grand father. Judge w . II. Onrdwetl. llatt Pre.nietcr Who Was Asleep in Building Has Narrow Escape. I Special to rap Tlmei-Dhspatcb.l Ilarrisonburt;, Vs., February II.?Fire this morning ..i :i o'clock completely destroyed the s?t. James Hotel at IJroadwny, ttocklng ln.n county, Prof. Far: llydc, who recently iimigtu t;??- building, wati :,>;n i, on the third ll.-or. .ni.l had il.c > Ith :l|ll u*d fr< it ti. bulldlus dry fhird-stoiy wii Wan the only wo? difficult to a iyak< Til., ilrt started umong a lot ?'. shingles en ihe ground Hoot, where the: had been placed yeiterday afternoon ii I believed Uia; a llrchug I? busy. About six w<eki .-.go Prof. Hyde'" re?l deuce- ???.? destr and lo Clildreii mm UpOII ai'.fr. Mrr. Ilyii. return in a illy bad thnt he , ot the vlndow i-ted mi sll t. Ml Hyde.'I tlneburg, W vi, U of th..- ilrosdway building was incur iso heavily on books I'm!. Hyde i* ,,r| Hieb rkrliool. The I cd. but Mr. Hyde ? ..nil other ronien:.-. As a result cf a factional klek th- fiev em'.i Congressional District Committee ro aucnibled her? yesterday and changod the chit, ef tlo district convention from Feb? ruary 29 to March I.-. Ex-Postmaster Keet?; kicked "ii tho legality o! the other meeting, md the committee to make sure met ? sec? ond time. The Ackcr-Ke< selltei arc fighting .'or Roeicvelt, but Ihc orjanlzatlon I? strong for Ta.'t. Only 8 Hours to New York I II PAIltOlt CA It. llultlmorc iincl Ohio. Leave Richmond, Byrd .Street Sta? tion, dally at 12.01 for Baltlmor\ Philadelphia and New York. No of care. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. I.envo Richmond I Arrive Richmond '4..'.ii A.M. Bjr<l St.Ms.. ??..liA.Jl. Main M. Sta. ?i 5 I A.M. Uyrd St.Sta. ?TP A.M. Itjrd St. Sta. ??.4% A.M. Main St.Sta. ?S.4-1 A.M. Bjrd St. Ma. '0.30 A.M. Main St.Sta. ?l-J.oi nonn li.r.l St. Sta. (2.00 P.M. Hjrd St. Sin. T8.5U P.M. B;rd tit. Sta ?4.1 . I'.M. F.ltiO Station ?.'..15 P.M. MaluSt. Sta ?s.illP.M. HjfrdSI. Sta ?7.40 A.M. BjrlSt.SU. ill.*5 A.M. Klba Statloo. Ml.Hi A.M. Rjrd St.Ma. ?1.12 I'.h. SatnSt.Kta. ?2.45 I'.M. ItjrdSt.Sta. 16.?U P.M. Bird St.Sta. P.M. IljrdM.Ma. is.lOl'ja.Main St.Sta. "J.IO P.M. Iljrd St.Sta. ?0.32 P.M. Main St. St*. ?lO.iO I'.M. II, r4 St.SU. 'I1.8U I'.M. Mato St. Sta. 'lj.nilnlrbt II ,ri St.Sta. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS -WEEKDAYS, l.eare IDrd Si. Sta. 1.00 P. M. for Frodcrlessbnrr. [Lesse lil?a Sia. S.20 A. H.,0.30 P. M. for Aihlana. Vrrltelljrd St.Sia.s.J.i A.M.rrom Frr4?rle*.?b'g. .rrlic Klba StvO.30'10 P.M. from I. Id an 4. ?Daily. ;Wctkd?r?. ?Sundays oaly. ' Daily except Monday. All trains lo or (rom Ilyrd Street Station (except trains leaving 4.50 a. m., 5.50 a. m and arriving a 50 night) atop at Klba. Tim? of errlvali and departures not guaranteed. Road the signs. SO U THERN RAILWAY i'KKMIEK CARRIER OF TH? ? OUT It. Trains Leave Richmond. N. B?Following schedule figures publish? ed us Information and not guaranteed: For the SoUth?Daily: o:10 A. 3d Loca ;0:43 A. M. Express. ' Ue P. M. Express, with electric lighted Sleeping Car for At? lant:, ?i.-? Birmingham. 11:45 1'. M. Express Week Days: 3:'? P M. Local. YORK RIVER LINK. 4:79 P. 51. ? Dally.?Conducting for Bal? timore 31on., Wed. and Friday, 6:0o a. lt.? Ex. sun and i'.IO P. 31. ?51on.. Wed. and Friday?Local. Trainj Arrlva Richmond. From tho south. 4:50 A. 51.. 1:40 a. 51 J:? P. 51.. !:t? P. 51.. dally; 12:.-* Ex Sun Fro.ti West Point: 3:30 a. 51. daily. n;jo A 5!.. Man.. We and Frl.. 4;-5 I". M Ex. Suu. 6. 12. BURGESS, n. P. A., 907 E. Main 81 'Ph?n? Madison SIX Cheasapeke & Ohio Railway I:4tl a. ?Lt...11?Dally ?New uori News. {:2o A.?Loeal?Dally- Ch'vtlla. Ex. Sun Thurr-.ond IV 00 A.?Express?Dally? ..crfoik. Old r'nlnf iW:00A.?Local--Daily?Lch*'g. Lix. C. I-'otg,. *..'/j H.?ExpretsassDally? m.-L'vllla. tl:M I*.?Kxpre**?Dally? t'orfolk, N. Newa 5 .vi I'.?Local?Lsaily?N. .'ew?. Holot. i .'.i> P.?Local? Dally?Oordonavlllc. 5:15 P.?Local?Ex. Suo.?Lchbg, Natural! Uno^c. ..niton F-srge. I'..g- . .'.nuei'iL Chl'go, ?;;.*>! P.^Expr?**?Dally?'"ocinr.a-.;. L'vl.ia. ?gleepera. (Par.or Cars. I'KAlNh A It III. K HIOI-.3IOND?Local .'rom I F.ast: e.'..". A M. 7:50 F. M. Through from! Ea?t: '.1.33 A. 51.. 4:30 P. M. Local from j Well! V.3'J A. 51.. 0.53 A. M. and 7:12, P. M. Through: : V> A. 51., 2 35 V. 51. and 3:30 P. M. Jama* River Line: ??5-2i A. M . C.C F. M. ?? Hatli except Sunday At.antic Coast Line EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st. 1*12. TRAINS LEAVE KlCll.tfOND UAILV. For Fb.r'da and South i:15 A M. and 7:35 P. M.. ?lOtSO F. M.. 1:00 A. M. \ tor Noriolk: ?:00 A. -??.? F. ?4.. 4:10 1 P. 51. For N. * W. R>. West: 4:13 A 51.. 10:00 I A 3s., 2:00 i 51., ?:20 P 51. I For Petersburg: 1.00 A. AI.. 6:15 A M., 1:16 A. M.. ?:W A. 51.. 10:uJ A. 51., 1:00 P. 54., 410 P. 51.. 6.03 P. M.. 1:15 P. 51.. 0.2O p. ii.. 11:15 F. M. I For Ooldsboro and PSyatlevtlle: '1:10 P it. Trau. 1 arriv? I'.ichn.ond dally: 4:40 A. M , t:V. A. 31., 11.40 A. 51., oT .0j A. M., 't -.H A 51., ??10:)& A. 31.. 11:40 A. 51., ?2:03 P. 54.. ??1:10 p 31.. 6:? P 31.. 6:33 P. 51.. S.00 P. 11., ?:w P. 51.. il:3? p. M. ?Except Sunday. ??Sunday only. uExeept 31 und ay. Tim* of arrival and departura und cod ceclions no' :.uurantaet. C. .- l.'A3lPBe2LL, D. f. , 5? Matn St MMtl-oLK ? AMI IVBSl Krifi RAILWAV. O.M.Y ai.I. It A11. LINK ru NORFOLK. Schedule in . if..ct January 1st, 1?12. Leave Uyrd Street Station. Richmond, FOlt NoliFoLK '.? ??? \. 31., ??. ?> P. 51.. *l:10 P. 51. FOR LYNCHHURU AND THE WEST: '6:13 A. M ?IO;uO a. 31.. '3.10 P. 3l..*>:t0 P. 31. Arrlvi Klchmonil from Norfolk: ?11:40 A. Ma ?C.33 P. 31.. ?11:30 I'. 31. From tlie IV?si: ?6:10 A. 51.. u2:OJ 1'. 31.. b!:li, p. 5t.. '6:^5 P. 51.. ??!(0 P. 31. ?Daily, uDally ix. Sunday. bSunday only. Pullman Parlor and Sle.plng Cara. W. II. BEVILU C. H. DOS LET, 0 I' A.. Itoanoke.. D. P A,., Richmond. MtilMUMl AMI rill'.s.AI-KAItr UAV RAILWAY COM PA N V. Fehedule of electric .ralna 10 und from Ashland, stopping at Intermediate station* upon stgna.: Lv. Richmond (Hroad and Laiirnl Sis.): '0:03. ?7:10, k;IOb. 9:10. ??10:10, I!:lu A. .V.; 1:10. 2:10. 3:10. 4:>b. 6:10. ?::f. 1:10, 1:10b. 11:13 p. 31 Lv. Albtand! ?3:55. iu. 5. frb. 10. ??!! A M.. 'i'.' M., "I. 2. 1. 4. 5b. 4. 7. 8, Ib. II P. 14. ?Dally except Sunday ??Sunday on!;. bCarriea biiKgage MKABOARB AIR I.IM.. Southbound trains scheduled to leave rtich mosd dally: !<:lo A. M.?l<oeni to Norllnai. 1:1* P. M.?Sie? per* und conchei, Atlanta, lilrmlngham; Savannah, Jacksonville. 8:13 P. M.-Florida Limited (except Sunday). s?:|i p. 31.?Sleeper and concher. Jaeksonvllie. 11:13) P. M.-sleepers, and coaches, lilrmlngham, Memphis. Northbound trains scheduled . to arrive in Richmond dally. S;S2 A. 31.. 7:2? A. 3t.. !?:..; a. m. (except Monday); i:05 P. M., t.4i P, 34.. Local. Jrfnancfal financial Jchn L. Williams, John Skelton,Williams, E. L. Bemiss, Langbonrne HL Williams ESTABLISHED 1874. John 1. Williams & Sons, And Dealers in HIGH CLASiS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Corner Sth and Main !Sts., Richmond, Va Members Richmond anil Baltimore Stock Exchanges. NEGOTIATE ENTIRE ISSUES OF BONDS For Stales, Cities, Counties and Railroad Cor porations and large Industrial Enterprises. BUY AND SELL Olfc COMMISSION Bonds, Stocks and other .Public Securities in the. principal markets in this country ai\d abroad. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE oh Foreign Countries. FURNISH LETTER? OF CREDIT For Travelers' use, available in United Slates, Europe and Central and South America* CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 'Tlir Home fofcr "nvlnsi." Go Hand in Hand The man nho to-day U pointed <$it ?? havlnr; attained auccess la tbr one that early started to iitp, Interest at 3% Per Annum Allowed on Savings Accounts The Central National Bank MOT Cast Hr4ni1 Street. Able and Willing to Meet all Legitimate Business Requirements Whether to extend \our business, build a home or burrow money (or other purposes, this Bank stands ready tb help you. Your Business, Personal and Satin as Accounts Solicited. 3 Per Cent. Fntdrcst Allowed. Bank of Commerce and Trusts OFFICERS. JOS. E. \V ILLARD. President. A. R HOLLADAY, Vice-frcsident. K. M. KE>'T, Jr., Vicc-Prcsidcnt R. II. CAMPBELL, Cashier. F. F. V. Facts?Figures?Verified. CHARLES F. HUDNALL, AUDITING, ACCOUNTING, SYSTEMATIZING. 909 Travelers Bldg., Rlcbmoad, Va, Monroe 431. ? [ E. A. BARBE <, JR. Certified Pulille Aerountnut. E. A. BARBER & CO. ACCOUNTING. AUDITING, DIIGA NI7.I x r;. SYSTEM ATIZING. SIC Matoal liulldlun, Pbooe Und. B3SI. Illchmond. Va. L-vatlroiiuG Richmond & Petersburg ?ectric Railway Cara leave Manchester. Seventh and Parry Streeta. for Petersburg: ??. 7. 8. ?9 10. 11. *12 A. U.. 1. 2. 'S. 4. ?. ?Vi?. 7. 8. ?? 10 P. M. 11:00 P. A., tor Cbeater. UtOO mldolsbt fai Petersburg. Cara leave Petersburg, foot of Sycamort Etrtet, for Manchester: T5:16. 6:35. "7:14. 'T-.M. 8:84. S:Sl. ?lOtl?. ll'.li A. M.. 12:25. "1:1b, 2:34. ?:3i. M ... . 1:31. ?7.3i. 8:i?. 9:45. ?10:40. 11:40 P M. IDally aseept Sunday and holidays. ?Carries t .i,:k. and sxpraaa. ??Limited, except Sundejj and holldaya. All cara from Petersburg eonntct with < ,i. for Richmond. L.T. Rlcbmood (oat :! Ash St- dally.7:00 P.M. [ I Leave Newpun Newt.6:00 A. M. j Arrlv? Norfollc.?:00 A. Ja. ? Connects with main Una tteamers leaving ? Norfolk for New Yorlc dally except Sunday ! 1:00 P. M Conn..cilona alto made by N. at W. Ry. 2 P. M. i nj C. * O. Hy. at 4 P. U Night Line ateamrra atop at Claremoot to land or receive passengora on tlgaal, aud will ba met by did conveyance. ; VIRGINIA NAVIGATION CO.-James Hirer I by daylight for Norfolk and Old Point. Naw ' port Newa und oll James River landlnga. lenvei Slo Wednesday t d Friday at 7:00 A. SI. Fraleht received for all James Hirer landings. 'Phons Madlaon 17i Slnln Tt.-aet OfTire. 83: E. \?al^ ?-.traat. Why? "Ask Mr. Bowman" HF.CAUSE 11E KNOWS. He aavea yen money and furnishes TRAVEL without Tr'.Ol.'BI.E tr> all pnrts tht WORLD. ' I ICKE INFORMATION lU'REA V. I'hone Madison 5151. S. II. BOWMAN, So. Toorlkt Agent. Go To BY FASTEST STEAMER i Itecord Trip 99 houri 84 minutes) BY NEWEST STEAMER (Built 1904) Hy only .-irnmri I.nndlna I'n i - r n? r r ? anil S, S. BERMUDIAN Salts svgMT WtbNtsoav ti A. M. Twin Screw, Wflt tons displacement, Dtlge Reals. I Double Bottom. Wireless Telegraph. No steerage. SultaaSe I.uta, ssltb Private DaUi. Orehestra. Tlek. ?U by Uerraudian and Arcadian are Interrbauae sble. I WEST INDIES Neu ?. S. "O ulana" sails March Jnd, and other steamers formlphtly for St.Thomas. St. Croix.St. Kitts, Antlgiia, <;na>1aloiipp. Iinmlnlea, MarUnlque, St. Lucia, Darha does, and Iieinerare. For Illustrated pamphlet and tickets apply to A Y Onterbrldge A Co.. AKenta Quebec a. 8. Co., Ltd.. vt Broadway, Hair York; ' snnmel II. Bovrraan, 70s 15. Main Ml., lUebiuond, Va.. ur nur Ticket Aircut Richmond, Va., FoltiltH your business. Our capital, surrllus and profits Justify your acccktnt being placed with u<. Capital, $300,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $1,350,000.00 .mmmm.a.a '-""?"?lrt I ?TT?TTT I III I mill1 I n~?-~?? Good Methods, Large Assets, I Courteous Service \ And at Your Command Capital, - $1,000,000 I Surplus, $1,000,000 Deposits, $7,800,000 First National Bank, 1104 E. Main St. ?* Manchester National Bank There's not a busier plate in South Richmond than our bank offices. New accounts opened daily. National Bank oi Virginia Capital, ? a,200,000 Surplus, - $ 600,003 Accounts solicited Ninth and Main Streets Commonwealth Bank .Our Church Hill Branch, Twen? ty-fifth and Broad Streets, invites the accouuts of people living in the East End The Cpntederate Museum TWELFTH I AND CL-AY STREETS OPEfN 0 A. M. TO 5 P. IS. Admission, 26c. Freu on Saturdays,