Newspaper Page Text
?---- ??-cr????? Grenter Richmond'*! Grcnter Ncvmpaper GHUATBS'I' WANT AMI ItRAL BM TATK .11EDHM IN VlllulMA, AM) one 01- the best in ameiuca. Want Ad Kates In effect June 11, 1911. Dally, one ceut per word when pnld In advance. .Nu Ad. (alien for K'?* tUuu ten e'euto. One und one-hulf ceut> a word all. clifsllieiiiloui. except Situation Wanted j for Suiiduy. Sliuntlou v\ noted, one cent' a ?wird. No Ad. Sunday tuUcu fur lenaf tliiiu hiteen reut?. No AiU, liikeu fur lean (linn (tveuty Uve cent*) nhen phoned lu or cburued at I be counter. I'lioue lirdera not gruaranteed, Cliianillenilnn not Klinrtluleed after yi.-.o i*. m. For biixlncns contracts, und for the Want Ad. .Iliiu, phone .Houroe 1. icijyt aitu Jiuuiio certificates of arocR num. bered 16 ana 16 of the Don Air Cuin pany ut Virginia, Issued April 7. Ihn?. In ine name of hi. 11. layior, having be.;, luot, notice m hof?by given that application ban oien utttae lor loauu m ii . .-. cei'iltlcattMi. * CHARLES IS. I'A K _OR, '? _Adw'r ot i.. ... . ayiur. deceased. LOST, h.MA1.!. ivIUTK E RJ ini II UOO QIO, Sllglllly unaWul* lu Itaiil'j ; o: fiuoiC Howard, uu. UA?*, ? l.iijt Hi uad. i/il|i UlllllUU, U?uu wanted, youno i:en to l?a7inI trie uuiohiouiic business; pudiuuna , ?ucuruu cuiupuiuiii griiuuuiea. RICH-I AiO.\u AU'lu .-sCdOoi., iim W. Bioadj Street, i .Wa.vj.~ED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER I trau?.-, oniy few weeks r?Aj?ir<id. ! Uaijed alter Ursi mouth. Steady pooiiiun guaranteed. Write fur ui ttioKUe. MULCH'S Cub 1.i-.u1'., 2u, New iiiu Cll>. bicycle EUR.and li'jy. apply J15 North Filth Street. Wam KU. two BO~ys to help DE- ! llvei morning route. Apply at 12 o'clock Thursday to 622 e Broad. railway MAIE CEE It KS W AKTEDj i.'. month; Richmond examinations iluy <, pi epai anon free. l-'kank lls INSTITUTE, Dept. v96 M, Ko cheater, n. V. SJJow ca iTLi WHITE ks and win? (low trimmers wanted.?Every retail store In I lie country uses snow cards and window ti limners. Tnu dema.ld for men skilled in tnoHo profession* la enormous. We leach bom show care writing and window frlinm'tiz by mall. \s rile now. blatint; wnetn er Interested in both subjects, or wnich one. i. c. 8., 1613 W, a^raiiiun, l>a._1_ Wanted, a first-class, experi enced, settled butler at 3v) \V. Frank? lin Streut. BtBl of references re julr ed._ i WANTED. a c-ood BLACKSMITH! and wheelwright, l-'lne opening tor a! pood mecaumc. Apply to I', is. DEW- j iS. Margo, V a:_ V.'ANTED. FOB* U. 8. ARMY. ABLE- I bodit -i. u.-Imai i ied men, between ugea \ Of it and 35; citizens of United States. Of good cnaiaetur and temperate I.ab- I Its. w no ultll Speak, luau and Write the En?llati language. For Informa? tion apply to i.< i i mting Officer, fcJO | E. Broad Street, Rlcnrnond, Va. eutldiiotio vA.iaui?j, it?an: ROISTERED ASSISTANT I'll A KM A - | cist wants u puniuon nl <'nice. Ad iii ..da M 162. care Timea-Di.ipatch. Drip ?Untc?, J-cmalc e.\i? i;i:11:nc'eD ' on" m'e'vs ! Hi.ii id and se-.vInK wanted. ;Apply, 11 1 a. .\i to :. 1?. M . RICHMOND SHIRT! and PATTERN makers. ho North, Slghth sir.-ei. second lioorj_| COOK WANT ED,?~RE LI A BLR WOMAN1) to took and clean, Good wai;.: Ketoronco required. 1101; Hanover, Avenue._ iT? l ll i "(jFERATOKS kor REMINO- ] ton typewriter. I) Hi, care Tlines DUpateh._ \\ \.VI i.l'" 'YCTcnT, I .AD Y BOOK KEEP er In insurance oltlce. Must be ( pcrlenced and accurate. F 225, care Times-Dispatch._ "WANT E1 >7 "' E X P ER I EN C E D MI LLI - nery salesladies. Correspondence 6trlctly c?nfldeullal. Address B 60, care Times-Dispatch._ _I CALL NURSES': BUREAU, MADISON 1 bSi-L, tor undergraduates and care? takers. _I ?uuiuuin?, jTiinilc j W*XN"T I !'. Ii V a REFINT.r>' LADT, I>? 1 sllion ns hoiiaek .-per. mother's help-, er or companion for invalid Address MRS. M. T. NESBlTj Ahdersonvllle, I Va._ ; feiuidtion?, "^rofc??ional LADY VlTM HEVEN YEARS' llNI'lf rlerice In teaching desires a po.slii'iii as music teacher. Address M. B., care Postmastor, Bell's Valle)*, Va. pci??ndl?! IsadT^sTc a i'.'L 'on ' It s' for Instrix tlons and leasuns in cullln? patterns ftnd measurements. Scientific charts used. RICHMOND SHIRT ANd PAT- 1 TERN MAKERS, Uu North Eighth | Street, second li"r>r. tfUMAN hXir~iT?ijcTTt an1d~sold I at HUOHEB'S, 209 North Third. i. KATZ, LADIES TAJL/1R, HAS RE? MOVED FROM 200 NORTH FIFTH STREET TO 208, A FEW DOORS j ABOVE THE GREATEST REDUC? TION WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL I ORDERS FOR THIS WEEK. READ THE BPIRELLA CORSET ADS In Vogue, Homo Journal, Delineator, Dress Magazine, Designer and New Idea; then como to the shop. 20s N. Filth, and be convinced tuai all they ?ay is true. _ _ J. BROWN, LADIES' TAILOR) 621 WEST GRACE STREET. NOTICE TO LADIES.?IF YOU ARE THINKING OF A SPUING SUIT I' WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION ', TO MY LIKE OF SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS FOR 1912. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND 1 STAPLE MATERIALS.- A PERFECT-1 FITTING GARMENT ASSURED AT ALL TIMES. HIGflES'J GRADE WORKMANSHIP AND MODERATE PRICES. .1. WINTERS, 211:1 1-2 N. SIXTH STREET. MONROE 1931. LESSER. THE LADIES' TAILOR, THE, only one in town Who makes a sue-: clalty In lilterlnB (ill hinds of gar- ' mints' lb the laicst fashion. Evorj' garment that i* nitcred In my .-stab llshmeni Is doiie under my personal supervision. Prices very moderate' and work satlsfactor)', Tliu Ralulgli I apartments, Ha'rrlibn and Franklin. | F.. ne Mndl." "" Llooimi CClnntctJ -vt^a2."tY;d; h'ni: u n fu'r n i"s ii'K'6: room, preferred botweeh First ajid , Sixtli Street, lor. sleeping only; rent runs! not lie over $5. Address C 120, ca re Times- IBs patch-_ flat* $oi Kent P^^ent,' ' FROM" MARCIT~ir'eVJR | two, three or four months, or till' September 1 next,1 a hotiaokonptiig apartment' at Gronham Court, fur? nished; present dicunitnt niny be wlUlnK to lot unfurnished and lo ?urrend?r his refusal of leasn for another year. Apply to Manngor. BACHRACH. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 l'BR CENT. PER MONTH. GUARANTEES Tu MAKE MORE LIB? ERAL ADVANCES ON DI Ail on DU, WATCHES. JEW EERY, SILVER? WARE. ETC., THAN ANY OTHER LOAN office. RATES. 1 PER CENT. TO 3 PER CENT. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE. S. BACHRACH. PROP., 816 E. BROAD ST. ESTABLISHED lf>S7. LOANS. THE EQUITABLE LOAN HOC) ET V. private otllces, IC1 k hth nnil Broad Streets, advances the iri*>i money at the lowest rate ot Interest In the city on watches, diamonds and Jew? elry. Why liu embarrassed by en? tering pawn shops when you have our services ni your command7 remember, THE EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY ADVANCES MORE MONBj AT A LESS RATE ok INTEREST THAN ANY ONE ELSE IN TOWNS RELIEVES YOU OF THE BMBAR IlASSMrJNT OF DEALING u utl PAWNSJ.OPS, AND GIVES YOU THE Oli'OltA.mtv of REGAINING POSSESSION OF YOUR COLLAT? ERAL 1/, INSTALMENTS. PRIVATE OFFlCi/j. 8ECONU FLOOR, UHYAiN BUILDING. SPECIAL PRIVATE OF i FICES FOR LADIES' CONSULTA? TION. IVIBIT.OUR NEW QUARTERS, WHERE I have a more complete line than ever for beautifying your homes, lixTud I ing Moor wax, state stains, mures <o. etc. COSBY'S PAINT STORE, 311 W. Broad, formerly is E. Broad. 1 Monroe 3050._ ! PIANO MOVING.?WE CAN PUT yeur piano Where '.tliirK would not attempt the work. Our moving de? partment in finally equipped to move all kinds ot furniture und pianos. CRAFTS, Moving Department. 121 I***ibt Pro-. 1 Street "Ir.dlsoh U.'.O'i. ft T<: 11M ON 11 ~S III i IT " A N D PA TT 111 IN I makers, 110 North Eighth Streit, are making the neglected article. It's a stiirt sleeve, practical; you need tt. i I Representative call? on you In day or bo. PIANO TONE RESTORING.-BY OUR unique metnud we can make your old piano sound as good lib many new Instrumente, our repair department! i Is equipped to do all kinds ot piano and player-piano v. oil:. Estimates cheerfully given, without cliur-;.: Come In and get our expert .id vice without obligating yourself. ? CRAFTS. 121 b. Broad Street. Rich: I mono, Va. Madlsou 6006. ! WANTED. THE ITBLJU TO KNOW that JAHNKE pros. Jewelers, 01.' Last Main Street, b:.y. Sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN TUE LATEST' STYLES. Old i;otd and sli? ver alwayj tan- in exciutnge. J.\cal eoratc J-or. snic "as He l eg ant " Vi i i a i s i a hombT*' LARGE BRICK DWELLING, ONE OP the btst ipe--;i;,tiiri ot Georgian arch? itecture In this country; modern equipment; outbuildings complete; formal gardens; conservatory; 1,200 acres cleared land, fertile and highly cultivated; timber boundary; macad? amized road, hunting liistrlci. niojl Picturesque environment; glorious views; charming scenery; perfect so? cial and climatic conditions; cities accessible. Property ready for im? mediate occupancy by people of wealth and culture. Building.* cost Sll?.'tOO In the past ten years. Price, 1160.000. PROPERTIES IN VIRGINIA AND O'fHER STATES. OUR LIST IS COMPOSED OF CHARM ing old Colonial homes; select prop? erties of positiv.: distinction and beauty; gentlemen's country seats, handsomely improved. choice sites uii thii moutnalh slopes, overlooking beautiful valleys; furnished and Un? furnished country homes In the hills and on the rivers; orchards arid or? chard land of genuine merit, splen? did bunting preserves; rich river plantations and large bodies of tim? ber, coal and farm lands. In Vir? ginia. Maryland and other States. H. W. HILLEARY &? CO.. H. 721) Southern Bids'., Washington. Ij^ ij. 2H~FEl-f?~rHONTA?".]?; ON TIIE~B< -v levard, n<?r Broad Street; best bar? gain now In sight; ?."S rer foot. Get t.tsy GIBBONEY-NUCKOLS CO.. _101 4 Main Street._ JUST A FEW LOTS LEFT WEST OP the Boulevard. See us early and make ' some money. GIBBONEY-NUCKOLS j CO.. 10H Main Street._( bargain" farm?so acre's, two story house, four rooms. painted; : good barn, woodshed and henhouse; 1 20 apple and pear trees. Price, $1. 25n. D. R. CORNELL COM PAN f, N. Tenth Strc-t, Richmond. Vo, PERSONS Q?VNINC1 LOT8 IN THE OLD Oxford Land Improvement and Man? ufacturing Co would do well to com? municate with E. H. CRENSHAW, Oxford. N. C. This land Is now worth $40 an acre. Some of It more. FOR SALE. '41 LOTS AT BUCKROE P.eucli for $1.450. Address J. D. B., Box 914. Norfolk. Va FOR SALE, at VIRGINIA BEACH, a bargain, a very desirable dwelling and store; can be mude a nice cottage; near Ocean, depot and post-office; all modern Improvements. OEO. M. MEREDITH. Owner. Virginia Reach, Va._ _I THE CHEAPEST I/O TS ON ALL! streets In city and suburbs. See us before buying. BLANTON & CO., Trnvelers' Building. Board C?tintr? A corpi.Y: wTtTi'out chTlTSrfTn dp: ! slt-e board about March 1. Address, with term-.. d 151, cure Times-DU-1 patch._; 1 \ctiI (Esftate cLiiintc? WANTED, ten aches LAND? VYITh"- : out buildings, near store and station. ' Price must, be low. Address D P16, j ? in .- Time.--1 dshatch,_ list i'ouR farms W ITH J. a. CON-1 NELLY A co. Write postal for nec-j esBiiry blanks. ftoom? j'oi Rrnl NISbT/y' El'llNISi I HD l{i KUI, ELECT trie lights; all conveniences. 122 S. I Fifth._1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; wITH I or without board. TIS E. Marshall, Street. _ FOR RENT. BACK ROOM; I IAS VND running water; furnished or unfur? nished; also good stable. Phono Mon roc 1621. _ _ I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 10!? j North Seventh Street. FURNISHED IIOUSi-.K EEPING R?1 >.\lS. Phone Monroe S?d. 7 North Sixth St reel._ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with board; southern exposure; thrco windows, single beds, electric lights, hath :in>! telephone convenient, no East Grace. _ ONE MEDIUM-SIZE, 11 FATED ROOM for gentleman, with board. 11 1-3 South Third. _ LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO TWO small rooms. 107 North Third. Coal ant (Moon ?rVerHa'i.?X?"of"w oak or slab wood; also dry klndllnn. Prompt service. Satisfaction guar? anteed. Midlothian wood co, Phone Madison 3 run. LONG's wood ls GOO|> itBOAIJKiVTt was Nplit In right season and of good, large Irooe, a sample load will pleneu you. His coal burns to ashes. lCaey to talto up. Phono Mad? ison 1080-1070. DALY PUZZLES What kind of c;iU AAiSwiSit ;o > ti'.hiiavs pc/./.i.e. J'-Ot ?>dlt v\'i;' lia v"j:*"a kink assortmkxt ok new a nil second-hand wagons, onc horse truck light furniture wagon. Rubber-tire work, painting and re? pairing RICHARDSON BROS., 61S Brook Avi run-. Madi.:on 1407. _ Two SECOND-HAND RUNABOUTS; one top buggy und several wagons, all in good repair ami painted. These are bargains. A MEYERS BONS, 731 _Hnsl_Cary Street._ SHOE ilEI'AJ 1 HNO. " I 76c. HALFSOLE MEN'S SilOKS, 60e.: ludliH; every pulr Hewer; beat leath? er; no nails, n< pegs. Royal rub bet heels. 25c; Tred-Air rubber heels, 40c, leather titeln rebuilt like new; 26c, DREW'S ELECTRIC EHuE : factory. 710 E. Main. Ph?ne .Mon? roe ZW,. BACH R ACH. 1 PER CENT. TO ; PER CENT. PEE MONTH. ESTABLISHED 15S7. OFFERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AND GUARANTEES LOW EST KATES OK INTEREST ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVER? WARE, ETC. BE slp.h an D SEE US. RICHMOND LOAN OFFICE. s. BACHRACH, PROP.. SI5 E. BROAD ST. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS delivered In Virginia and North Car? olina. (1,40 per thousand: aurt n-ad era; bunched In P of oy plants t.NTLhPHiaE PLANT CO.. Meggens, so.IA BEANS ? GOOD STOCK; LIMIT- i ed quantity* Also black, clay and mixed peaa. Kor sale by D. bther JDGE cc co.. 31-33 Commerce ftir-iel, , Noi toik. Va._ f?r SALE. TWO EOLE.MHl'a bl'TA phone ou'.ilis, inouding electric shaver; oniy been used one montn. Kor lurtner partlcu.ara address Box 310. PMcrsuui k. Va._I Por1s?T.iZ~T WO HIGH-GRADE. RUB- | ber-tired top buggies. 58o and fIS; one rubber-tired runabout, f45; i,ev eral wagons in good repair cheap. A. I MEYER S sons, 181 e. Cary -Street. ^ i GASOLENE ENGINE, 40-1l-p.; KERO-j ?ehe enKlhe*. air compressors, belt-1 Int. both new and useJ; stalling. hauKera and pulleys. 1. BLUFORD & ; CO._ T yp E W R I t E R S RENTED. ALL makes, three months. If. and up? wards; rent applied on jarcr.asc; .ill makes sold an<i repaired. AMERICAN W BITING MACHINE CO . COS East Main._ ONE rubber-TIRE TOP BEGGY, $15; one phaeton. 435; one runabout. $4",;: buggy, surreys and wagons. See us lor bargains. thos. H. DUKE & j CO., SOI Biook Avenue._ COSBY CLIMAX CLEANER FOR POL ishing furniture and floors, the stanuatd for IS years, makes old thine* look new. COSJ1YS new PAINT STORE. 311 W. Broad. Mon? roe 305,'>_ _ for SALE, LARGE ASSORTMENT of business wagons, top and open; overy wagon guaranteed. Lowest prices. A. _MEYER5 SONS__731 E. Cary Street., F<" i; 'SALE. STOCK OF GOODS AND mercantile business at Hanover Courthouse. Va.; one-quarter mile from C. & o. r>\ Account of retire- i men! from business will sell my; stock of goods at inventory and my business a*, above place. Must be disposed of by April 1. Reasonable lease at reasonable terms can be se- ' cured on the storehouse. Address THOS. P. STEVENS, llanovcir, Va. _ FOR SALE. ONE GROCERY WAGON. Apply 2S17 Clay Street._ Clarke's CUTL1!ry SALE BEGINS Pel ruary 14. Big bargains; pocket knives. 39c; razors. S5c; large va-: rletv. CLARKE HARDWARE. 1215' P.. Main Street._ old BRICK, CORNER tenth and Cary Streets, for sale cheap If moved at once._ A.__.'_CHEW N1NG co._j SM IT il FI E L D SAUSAGE, THE S??- ; sage with the flavor, at your grocer's. Boat?mg MAISON^FRANCAISE. 114 1-2 north Eighth Street. Richmond, Va.. Louis Chevalier, Prop, (late chef I'alnce Hotel. San Francisco, and chef Met? ropolitan Club. Washington, D. C), catering and preparing for private dinners a specialty; French labie d'hote dinner dally. 5:30 to 0 P. Mi, 76c; lunch daily. 11:50 A. M. to Si 1'. M.. r.oc; meals also served a la carle. For private dinners, etc., I cooks will be furnished at residences If desired. Elegant rooms, newly fur hi shed. Phono Madison 1038._ GOOD ROOM AND BOARD IN PRf- I vnte family: Northern style cooking. Rates reasonable. Apply 2202 Taylor Street._ T?L>3~ W\ GEAC E ST R E ET ?ROOMS, with board..leasonabio rates. whi n" YOU CUMe TO RICHMOND stop whore you can get a nice, clean, cornf-'Ttable bed for i,o cents; leu wa? ter, oath und phon-- free. 1003 East _ Clay._ FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR permanent. transient and table boarders can be secured with MRS. HORACE WELFORD JONES, al 200 E. Franklin Street. Gentlemen a apo o bitty._ GOOD ROOM" AND BOARD in PRI vate family; Northern style cooking. Rates reasonable. Apply 2202 Tay lor Street._ I loiiGinc-j? s^ppimunitiro MONEY LOAN I'D on DIAMONDS AND Jewelry at lowest rnt's oT Interest. ' No charges for storage. N. F. JA- ?? COBS & SON. 218 N Ninth Street. I FP.E E INFORMATION FOR BVBRY body desiring r, per nont, (not 3 per cent.) from bunk. Box 1071, City. YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE RICHMOND branch of a Virginia manufacturing company, old, established business; must have $5?o cash and good ref? erences. This Is an exception op? portunity. Address A 1", caro Tlmes Dlspatch. i VT\ xti-mSTrTSItikS't S A Eli 8 XfXN> i iiKtir for loadln-j mnnufuoturlnr; cor. porallon lo open olllco In Richmond. Will allow II&0 to $200 monthly, also authorised expenses anil extra com? mission, MtlSl curry $F,0fl {? jj.iioo cash stock, . Hccordlng to lerrjlni'v. contract, otn., to supply demand created by our advertising and ugontu appolntod, HE PER INTEND- I ENT, Dept. 87 M, 23? W, Huron St.. Chicago. ?lanrt? WANTED. OOOD HORSE UU COW manure In carload lots. Quote prlc? I f. o. b. C. & O. traek. Rlehmond. Ad t dreoK NORFOLK MANURE CO., 249 Montluvllo Arcade. Norfolk, Va wanted, good house Oft cow manure In carload lots Quote prlcu f. o. b. c. & o. tracks. B'climond. Address norfolk MANURE co. 1M0 Montloello Arcade, Norfolk, Vi. WANTED. to buy FOB CASH, household goods In any quantity, i ?? Mudlson 3851. LoukiLook! look; we i"^""c?Tsh for old clothes, gents' furnishings, bootn, ahnen, furniture, etc. l-'hone Madison 5132. _ Heal ?0taTr yor Kent fob Rent' best "'i^cation' on Main Street, large desk room on ! ground door (st?re? ami IS by f>0 feel upper lloor. In answering state I what business. U lh, care Tillies Dispatch._ BUILDINO NEAR '. OUBTEENTH AND Main Streets, suitable for small shop nr storage purpose. KICHESON & CRUTCHFIELD, Eleventh and Hank. y?uh bent ACCOUNT PLACED with N. w. BOW E SON Insures l best results._ _ MARLINGTON, w. VA., MODERN brick hotel for rent; thorough ro pnlr: all conveniences: only tlrst clusu hotel In to\. i; town th<. county seat, (iood opening: not furnished. Apply JOHN ALEXANDER, Marling? lon. W. Va._ '. ponlrt", pets ano ?Li?c f?rock WM AT A LAYING 11 EN REQUIRES'iS good, sound feetl and plenty of it; baby chic); feed. Hatch them out In live find grow quickly, use "W. J. T." "W. j. T." scratch and "W. .1. 'b" dry mash feeds will make them lay. W. .'. TODD'S SONS. l'-f' N- Sixth Street. B?l-RBON RKD~TtrI"KEYS KOI; SALE MKS E. T. PIERCE, News Ferry. Halifax ^2^._VS:_ TO MAKE "THOSE BABY CHICKS an Essex Moti-1 incubator if you want to do It right. W. .1. TO DO'S SONS, 426 N. Sixth Street, for all tiie ileeils i,f poulti ymen._ ^'SiclWuiruue ~uPH ol'ste i: i NO FURNITURE REPAIRED AND pol |sh< .1. mattresses renovated, antltiues bought and uold. LEVY, the UpbOI I_stercr. 423 West Broad._ LOANS. the EQUITABLE LOAN SOCIETY, private offices, Eighth and Bread Streets, advances the most money ut lue lowest rate of Interest in the city i?n watches, diamonds and Jew? elry. Why be embarrassed by en? tering pawn shops when you have ! our services at yo..r command? j "bakery. DON'T FOP.OET DRINKARD ON BAR gain da-.-. Largest f-l you ever bought j at DRINK A K OS BAKERY. 423 1-3 Nortlt Sixth. I \VATi:il REi'Ali'.INO. YOU I'. WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN ed by WM. TOB I EN, JR.j Is h guar? antee that It done properly; 20 yearn' experience. Cleaning, II: main springs. $L_40i Hast B.'oad Street. j ALADDIN KEROSENE OIL DELIVERED ANY PA KT OF THE city or suburbs, five irallons for 60 cents; no odor, no smoke. HOWELL BROS., CO- East Broad. OFFICE '. The Virginia rire and Marine Insurance Company Richmond, Vu., Feb. 7, 1912. ANNUAL MELTING OF STOCKHOLD? ERS.?The regular annual meeting of Stockholders will be held at the company's ullice, No. lul? Ea-et Mum Street. Richmond, Va.. on TUESDAY. 20th instant, at 12 m. Transfer books will 'ru closed from February 14 to I'ebruarv 22, 1612. WILLIAM H. MCCARTHY. Secretary. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS COMPANY: i The annual meeting of the stock? holders of the Virginia Hot Springs Company, for the purpose of electing directors, and for the transaction 01 auch other business as may lawfully come before the said mooting, Includ? ing amending the by-laws of the company and approving ull of the; acts of the board <if directors and ull committees thereof of the said company in the bust year, will be I held at the office of the company. ! Moniestead Hotel, Hot Springs, Va., I on TUESDAV, lue 27th day of Feb? ruary. 1912, at 12 m. The transfer boohs will close Wednesday, Feh-, ruary 21, 1012, at 3 P. m? and remain closed until 10 A. M. Wednesday, : Maren 2s. 1912. A. TREWETT, I Secretary. the X~nn"tTal meeting- of 'in!:1 stockholders of the Gans-Rady Coin- : pany will be tield at the oltiee of tho ? company, lu?? E. Main Street, Rich- j mond, Va.. on wednesday; Foo-i ruary 21. at 12 o'clock noon. QEQ Wi iiAi'V, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of Hie E. b. Taylor Company will be held at the office of the company. No. 1011 East Main Street, Richmond, Vn? at :; o'clock P. m. TUESDAY. February 20. 1912. i W. e< HENDERSON, Secretary. A SPECIAL MEETING OF PELPCAN i i tliapter bi Knights of Rose Cto'.x. No. 2. will be held at the Masonic 1 Temple FRIDAY. February I i, 1J1!, j at S o'clock P. M. The degrees will be conferred. By order of the Wise Master. d. C. KENNEDY. 32. K. C. C. ii. CM AS. a. nesbit, 3Hd degree. Secretary. I} o tri ?$ THE JEFFERSON Richmond, Va. The most inugniilcont hotel in the South. European plan. Ronmi single and en eulle, with and without baths. Spacious rooms.*. 31.50 per .lav ami upward The Valentine Museum LLLV5.NTH AND CLAY STREETS. Op*n tally frnin 10 A. M,.to I V, m. Adrnlaalon. "So. Free oa Saturdays^ Animal Meeting of Petersburg S. P. C. A. Will lie Held To-Night. PROTEST BY COLORED MEN Denounce Action of "Lily White" Republicans?Other News Notes. Tlmes-DIspatch Buroau. 5 Bolllngbrook Sircut. Phon? us?. Petersburg, February !4. The Petersburg Society for the Pre? vention of Cruelty to Anltnala )>na closed Its first year's work, ami to? morrow night will hold Us first an? nual metleng in the auditorium of the Duncan Drown School. Tue president of the socloty, .lames M. Qulcko, Jr.. will present his report, giving a re? view of the results accomplished, dur? ing the year. Other business will be transacted, after which addresses will be delivered. Among the speakers will be .Miss Mary Johnston, the au tnoretsa, the Rev. !?:. N. Callseh. 13. D., and A. u. Guigon, of Richmond, and probably one or more members of the society. The occasion will bo in the nature of n mass-meeting of all citi? zens Interested in the objects of the society. 1'rotrst by Colored Republicans. There was n conference of lending colored Republicans of the State In ibis city lust night. Representative men of the race were present from all Sections, and the attendance from the four Eastern congressional districts of the State was large. A. W. Harris pre ?ided, and It was noted that not a single officeholder was present. The object was to discuss and fomulnte a protest against the action of the "lily-white" organization In excluding colored Republicans for all part In the councils of the parly. Speeches of pro? test were made by u^nuinber of those present, and letters ami telegrams ap? proving the objects of the conference were read from it number ut prominent colored men who were unable to ut 1 tend. "Ily-Whltes" was roundly de I Yiounced as an Injustice to the colored ? Republicans. It was decided 10 send a ' delegation to Washington, composed principally of men from the First. See? on?!. Third an,l Fourth Congressional Districts, to lay their grievance and protest before President Taft. The delegation will go to Washington on ?at inlay; The protest. If necessary. , will be carried to the national con j vention. Officers Elected. Th? newly elected board of directors of the American Poanul Harvester i Company met at the company's office : In this rlt> last night and elected the 1 following officers: President and Gen ! cral Manager, H. L. Perclvall. of Pe? tersburg; VIco-Presldent. Dr. it. i.oe Sc ward, of Isle of Wlnht: Secretary and Treasurer. Benjamin Harrison, of Petersburg. Thrse officers and the following constitute the board of di? rectors: w. a. Gwaltncy, of Surry; W. A. Boyd. ot! Mecklenburg; T. E. Reale, of Southampton; P. I. Blrdsong, of Sussex. Arreal of Small Doys. Three small boys, none over nino or ten years old, were arrested this morn? ing on the charge of setting fir., to a Norfolk and Western box car loaded auction s&nir?. O.nts ?iap. "Cre'nsha^'^tTMcksT McVeigh & Gllnn Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALE OF No. 417 W. Main St. By virtue of a decree of the Chan? cery Court of the city of Richmond, entered In the suit of Amanda S. Al? ley vs. Joseph M. P?tze et als., on Feb? ruary 7, 1012, we will sell by public auction, on the premises; Thursday, Feb. 15, 1912 at 4:30 o'clock P. M , the following property; described in tile d;cree as follows: "All that cer laln lot of land In the city ol Rich? mond, with a brick store and dwelling thereon, designated as No. 117 West Main Street, fronting nineteen feet six Inches on the south line of Main Str:et, and extending back between parallel lines to an alley in the rear," etc. TERMS: The entire purchase price to be p:>ld In cash, or one-third thereof In cash and the residua In two equal instalments, payable, respectively, at six and twelve months from the'duy of sale, the credit Instalments to be evidenced by notes of tho purchaser, with ii per cent, per annum Interest from the day of sala added, o ml tho title of the property retained as m Clirlty for the said notes until the whole of the purchase money Is paid and a conveyance directed" by the court WALTER SVDNOR. J. H?GE RICKS, Special Commissioners. The bond required of the commis? sioners In the above suit has been exe? cuted. CHAS. 0. S.WILLE, _Clerk. The Valen?neAuctk)n Co. AucnoNzyis 618 KaOT BROAD ST. Auction Sale Postponed Due notice will be plven a-.rough tho dnlly papers of new date. THE VALENTINE AUCTION ' _Auctioneers. Atlantic ?iip Bcanrtb G?LEN HALL llulol und Mnnotoiluui, With II? elegant comforts, ts tonlo utvd curoilva luuha ami superior lalile anil service, Is an Ideal p!.;-e for fall ami winter. Ahvoyii open. Altvavs ruady. Alwaya busy, F. J? Young, Vncager Atlantle Cits. jOCC TEE SEMEDY 1*L?? ?SX FOR SOSES 5? ULCUS The combination 'of healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. i* composed, makes it an especially desirable and effective remedy in the treat ' incut of sores and ulcers of every kind. Kineo an impure condition of thai ; blood is responsible for the trouble, a medicine that can purity the blood ?B j the only hope of a successful cure; nnd it should be n medicine that not only cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood to> I its normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is iust such u remedy. It is*; I made entirely of healing, cleansing vcgeV.ihle properties, extracted from na I tare's roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. It has long beer? recognized as the greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities I necessary to remove every impurity in the blood. When S. S. S. has purified the circulation, und strengthened nnd enriched it, sores and ulcers heal read? ily and surely, becau e they are no longer fed and kept open by a continual discharge into tbem of irritating disease-laden matter from the bl?od. S. S. S.' brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich, nourishing blood and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Book on Sore3 and Ulcers and uny medical advice mailed free to all who write. ?> THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. with baled hay, which cur and con tcnta were badly damaged by fire lust r.iirht. The boys were seen playing about the cur Just before the fire, and It Is charred that Intentionally or acci? dentally thoy kindled the tire. General Intelligence, Miss Temple Pnttlllo, granddaughter Of Thomas II. Bosslcau, of this city,, will colcbrate her twelfth birthday an-| nlversary to-morrow. Her great- I grandfather, K?mer Mitchell, on hori father's side, was a soldier |n the War of im. anil her great-grand father on j her nJP.ther'p side. Captain Shadrack . Stell, commanded " company In that war. Sales of tobnrro to-day reached 50, '100. and prices ranged from ?6.7T> for lups, to J.10 for wrappers. Judge West, of Sussex, Is atlll hear- j Inc the Tartto case, and will probably i hn sti engaged for several days more. Argument Is being triad., on objections, to tlie roll of membership as reported ; by Commissioner J. B. Price. The. prince George Teachers- Asso- I elation will meet at Dlsptltantn on Krl- ' day and Saturday, nnd a pleasant pro? gram has been arranged for the occa? sion. T. S. Settle will give an Illus? trated lecture, and Miss Agnow will talk on domestic science. Delegates to the Fourth District teachers' meeting at Em ports will i>e elected. Two small (Ires occurred yesterday n t Wakeflold. Both w.-re extinguished before much da mace had been done. I* D Lewis, who attempted to com mit suicide in Washington several days' ago by hutting his against the wall at the Union Station, was com? mitted to the Wlllinmsburg Hospital early In'January by a commission held , In tills city. I>ast nlfrht nt the residence of the Ilev. I.. C. Moore, the Officiating minis? ter. M!:!.< Jehhle bay and Frederick Peterson wcro united In marriage. Petersburg Council Knights of Co- i lumbus, to-night ce!ebrute,i the llfth anniversary of the organization of the council. After business, a smoker was ' enjoyed. I 'Meeting; of Hospital Hoard. Tlie General Hospital Board met to? day at the Central State Hospital and transacted much business, besides mak? ing inspection Of the hospital. The special board was also in session to? day transatclng routine business. The hospital wns found in fine condition. ! The new bridge bunt across the Ap- I pomattox River from Mntoaca to ' ern ddlo Park will l?- opened to-morrow f..r traffic, and tolls chargoil. The bridge |k n steel structure, costing up wnrds of JT.OOO. and will prove n great 1 convenience to the people In the Mn J tonen section of Chesterfield. HEAD OF Will T0SPEAKT0-N1GHI iMis. Stevens to Speak on "Pro j hibition in Maine" in Hall of House. ' Mr.? T.illlnn M. N. Stevens, of Port? land. Me , president Of tlie National \V. C. T. I"., will make n public address to-night Iti the hall of tili? House of Dclcgutcs upon the subject of "Prohibi? tion in Maine." ' Mrs. St event1, who will he accom? panied fo Richmond bj Miss Anna A. Gordon, of Eyariston, Iii., national vlce [ president, while hero will be the guest ; of the olllcors of the Virginia W. C. T. ! U.. and her islt, it Is expected, will attract n lnrtto number of temperance I workers from throughout the State. A feature of her slay will bo an all- ! day temperance method Institute to- j morrow in the Broad Street Methodist I ' Church. I It Will open with devotional exor? cises, conducted by Rev. Frank L Wells, while uddresscs of welcome to the visitors will be made by Rev. Russell Cecil. D. D.a Rev. W. J. Young. D. D. Rev. James W. Morris, D. !>., Rev. Ger? ald Culberson, Rov. George W. Mc Daniel and Rev. J. D. Mc Allster, on be? half of the Virginia Anllsaloon League; Mrs. Faith Thomas I'arrott, on behalf of the State Union, and William M. ( Bickers, on behalf of the honorary i members of the union. Among the speakers will be Mrs. Stevens, Miss Gordon, Mile. Merle j d'Auhlgne, founder of temperance j work in Franco; .Mrs. Bmma S. Sliei ton, of Washington, president of tlie District of Columbia W. C. 'P. U. To-morrow night Mrs. Stevens nnd ' Miss Gordon will be the guests of honor at a reception by Governor and ! Mrs. Mann at the Executive Mansion. Eludes Guards at Eastern State Hospital?Student Is Roughly Handled. Wllllniiisburg V.l., February 15.?Eu? gene PaoblOB, the Norfolk wife lliur ilordr, made his escape from the East? ern Slate Hospital yesterday morning between 2 o'clock and daylight, and has not yet been apprehended. . This Is P?obles's second escape f nt this Ins Hi lution slnc? Iiis Incarcc'VutTpn a couple of years ago. He was captured In the Soil 111 after .in absence of several Weeks und brought back, since which time he has been closely wntchjcl. lie eluded his keepers last nielli ?hell lockup time came, and it was a vbrj easy matter to get out after that. Taylor, another wif> murderer, who made Iiis escape a few woeki ago, is still at large. Neither is considered dangerous, but no effort will be spared tb get them Into custody again. Between 11 and 12 o'clock Monday night, Dr. W. iL Hunter, president of Wllllamsburg Female Institute, was aroused from his slumbers by loud crlc^i for help. Upon Investigating he fouiITt . a young William and Mury student, se~ curely bound hand and foot to a post in the Institute yard. Tlu boy was? badly chilled. He said some of his ca?? leite mates had tied him up and then loft hltn. Inquiry at the college sheds no light on the occurrence. Circuit Court, .fudge D. (J. Tyl.-r pre? siding, adjourned yesterday aftornooni until next Tuesday, on which date tho mac of the Commonwealth against: \\ Itltam crannby. charged with murder. Is set for trial. The case will consumed practically the cntlro week. All Rills rteiccn-d. fSpeclnl to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) T.izcwell. Vt>... February It.?Tha Hoard of Supervisors rejected all bids which .ad been made for bullding 113 miles of macadam road In the county, lload contractors wore here from all parts of the State. To Relieve a Cold On the Chest (By request.) A very simple luit effective treatment for colds?especially ttRlit chests and hoarse Hess, also cold in the head?is Mcnto latcd Suet applied externally. Rub in well over the lungs, cover with a warm cloth and let it remain overnight; also apply to the throat in same manner. Swallow a small piece of the Suet, or if it i;, a coltl in the head, put a small bit well up eat Ii nostril. As we adjust, Lhem are correct*, ncsu, comfortable and substantial. Lowest, charges in all cases. Prescription work our specialty, with complcUc manufactiuring plant on the premises. T,,BS,0ALES!{lOp}lca!C0, MAIN AND BROAD AND ?AND? EIGHTH THIRD Kodak Headquarters m?kes All metals look lii^e, new AT LEADING DEALERS ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE PaulN.Friedlaendc.r 9 PECK SUP, IIE.W YORK; MILLER'S Beauty Cream A REAL SKIN FOOD. Perfectly harmless. Will not rancid. Highly endorsed by medi? cal profession, A dainty prepara? tion for dainty people. T. A. MILLER CO., Druggists, 51? E. Uroad. Mad. ZIV9. Hourly Deliveries. Hopkins Furniture Co., 7 VV> st Broad St. Cash or Credit. .VMNANIl M SHOPS?All ?Uea. P. XV. DAU.M1Y ? CO., Xoiitlii-HMt Corner Third nnd Itroad. Truss Department !n rharRe of an expert male and Ieiu?l8 litter. Lowe? price. In city.